
We Need To Talk About Kalvin Garrah 

Daimian Adrien
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TW: R-Slur, T-Slur, F-Slur, Mild ableism and transphobic, mention of suicide baiting
If there are any mistakes in this video in terms of editing then I am sorry, as this is such a long video and my editing program crashed twice. It also took a hour and a half to export, and another hour and a half to upload.
Hey its Damion here with a bit of info.
Sorry for any visual glitches. I threw myself into the deep end of the pool with animations and hour and a half exporting + uploading times. I'm also new to this editing software. I hope to improve both the quality (as I wasnt sure if I'd break my pc by exporting it in the highest setting.) in the future.
For ppl like Rin or Lars, I'm not saying they for sure have gd as they've said stuff that would contrict that. The situation could've been sorted out privately and not blasted for hundreds and thousands of uninvolved people.
I seemed to have either forgotten or misplaced some screenshots in this video. Here is a doc to show that I do have them, and I will update it if there is more to add - docs.google.co...
Its 2am where I live now so I gotta sleep. Bye~
Stay Safe. Be responsible. Drink water, love yourself. Take Care.
Its okay to not agree with me. Don't leave hate.
Unless you think I'm horrible for this soooooo do what you want I guess



16 сен 2024




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@matthewpancini7300 5 лет назад
To everyone coming to the comments, don’t hate on Damion for his opinion. Kalvin is always talking about how he won’t be silenced by the sjws, so don’t silence people who disagree with him, that’s hypocritical. People are allowed to have opinions that differ from the norm.
@paulatreides9810 5 лет назад
Matthew Pancini no one is silencing him by commenting.
@matthewpancini7300 5 лет назад
Paul Atreides Damion literally mentioned Brennon, I don’t like Brennon, but they were completely silenced to the point where they can’t talk about anything lgbt with getting shit on.
@lettucehouse300 5 лет назад
i don't think the fans not doing the same thing as the creator is hypocritical
@Yusufal-stalin 5 лет назад
Matthew Pancini they were silenced idiot, they decided to stop
@bigpeepeeenergy4997 4 года назад
People can have opinions but its different when its policital so shut
@averyt23 4 года назад
Btw Kalvin’s fans literally told that I deserved death when I was already suicidal so yeah. Also his fans posted a picture of me in a bikini on Twitter. Mind you, I was a minor in that photo, and I still am a minor. They then proceeded to make fun of me and my body and purposely triggered my dysphoria. I’m now afraid to swim in public without wearing a swim shirt and pants in fear that that’ll happen again.
@Chief-Solarize 4 года назад
Don't let that fear change the actions you take. Please confront that right now. Fear is normal, everyone feels it. It's what we do even though we are afraid that allows us to grow. That feat will not go away. Confront it. You get to decide how you react to it. Be your biggest hero.
@InktoEcho 4 года назад
People can’t control their fans🤦‍♀️
@broleavemealone3194 4 года назад
Attention seeker
@InktoEcho 4 года назад
ung joj wtf is wrong with you. Fuck off
@dotsvg8482 4 года назад
@@broleavemealone3194 shut the fuck up. you don't know shit about what OP might be going through.
@missraven3644 4 года назад
It is very disturbing when people (much more so after the Gypsy Rose series) think that just because you can walk you don’t need your wheelchair. My son learned to walk when he was 6 years old because of his CP but he still needs his wheelchair longer distances even after he learned to walk. As a comparison take a look at parents taking their 1,5 year old to the playground, probably they are taking the stroller there but once at the playground the child will run around and play - no one says those parents are faking that their kids haven’t learned to walk yet. But when we have to take the wheelchair that same distance because he seriously can not walk that far even if he can walk short distances, suddenly we are faking? 🤦🏻‍♀️ Seriously people need to think one second before talking.
@mangolence8218 5 лет назад
Thanks for making this video! I loved Kalvin’s informational videos but his “transtrender reactions” made me very concerned for the direction the trans community is going. Even though many he might consider to be “transtrenders” might not be trans, they may be dealing with other trauma or other mental health issues which they confuse for gender dysphoria. In which case, putting them on blast and calling them out will just worsen their mental health..
@urabouttoloseurjob842 4 года назад
@Maia Gostomski but some people aren't faking, they're just confused and they get harassed for that when they don't know better because they don't know who they are yet. Kalvin is one of the people who does that shit and harasses confused people. Sure, what some "trenders" do is by no means okay. But Kalvin is just too harsh, because he assumes he knows what's going on in other people's minds and lives.
@sidmohandas5163 4 года назад
You fucking don’t have to have dysphoria to be trans. Just like there isn’t one way of being a woman, there isn’t a single way of being trans. All bullying arise when you try to essentialise a category. Educate y o u r s e l v e s
@jonson4479 5 лет назад
i was a fan of kalvin but now im realizing its um rlly harmful + gross?? he makes fun of ppl and gets real mad over nothing most of the time
@princessashes8070 4 года назад
Hes kinda old for that bs
@Wonderfullcrazy 4 года назад
@@princessashes8070 he needs to grow up
@Angel-ni2yn 4 года назад
Yeah, i feel like most ppl in our age group has had a Kalvin phase at some point, oof, crinngeeee lol
@Cottontailart 5 лет назад
Hope u don't get bullied, ur being really nice and actually wanting him to notice the issues
@ollierachnid1663 5 лет назад
Hey I watched this whole video and I want to say that it's very good, comprehensive and well articulated - not to mention very well handled. I do agree with the notion that Garrah (and his rabid fans) is childish and genuinely a bully at points. You were very calm and respectful and I hope more people choose to watch the whole thing . Well done man
@fungifollower3862 5 лет назад
Kalvin's channel has made it really hard to be a gender nonconforming trans person in general. Trans people can't present any way outside the way men and women are "supposed" to present. Nonbinary people have to be Binary lite and have the exact same experience as binary trans people or else they're really just cis. Being trans doesn't have to look a certain way. I follow many of the people Kalvin has harassed and they're mostly just gnc trans people, but by preforming femininity they must be subjected to ridicule. He fails to understand that he is exerting society's bias against femininity onto other people and by extension marginalising trans people who don't have a traditional story. Trans people who don't look the way we expect trans people to look. People like manlybunny. People like Lars. People like the guy formerly known yoshiisdad and his brother. Maybe someone you know. Maybe even whoever is reading this. It is so extremely harmful that he has taught his thousands of loyal fans what kind of people to pick out and harass. A whole army of bullies who will further marginalise people.
@amandarios448 5 лет назад
Can't agree more. & I find nothing as distasteful as brigading small little channels & people just trying to live their life. Many are not able to afford surgeries & etc or don't even want to be binary
@cadaverous6 4 года назад
He’d call me a trender because I like girly things as a trans guy XD
@amandarios448 4 года назад
@@cadaverous6 I have no health to be able to go through any surgeries but all my life I've lived just as a man, whenever I was young & not sick, i was in the navy, martial arts championships & i helped building my own home, & i don't mean i put wall paper there. I laid floors, mixed the concrete, laid bricks and tiles... Etc. I've conquered all those male dominated spaces in an unaltered female body. When i grew up and where i grew up there was zero awareness about being trans so I just was very GNC and I had big time dysphoria too. But now I'm too old to transition & my health would not allow me anyway. So according to this one very hateful person I deserve to be called a trender. Like WTF how about just letting people live their lives. If this guy came around to my squad with this talk he'd get a new face with no teeth. He's only saying this because online everybody is oh so mighty, and I hate to say that, but that's not a man's behavior, "he" is just a spoiled stupid brat
@cadaverous6 4 года назад
Amanda Rios I agree completely. Thank you for your service! 😁
@goodgriefcharliebeef 4 года назад
precisely. What's the point of being "out of the box" if people are just going to force you into another box.
@lyssp5733 5 лет назад
the only thing i agree with kalvin with is how intricate the labels within the lgbt community are becoming. I have no idea what trans individuals go through (me being a cis lesbian) but overall i think the way he carries himself and he treats others is obnoxious and rude. He seems very entitled and he (from the videos i watched) needs to work on being less aggressive and carrying his opinions out in a more civilized less “obnoxious teenage boy” way
@ohwowlovely8733 4 года назад
Yes, I am very surprised how so many can watch his edge-lord videos and come out thinking "LoGIc ANd fAcTs" when the arguments he uses are the typical pseudo-scientific biases others come up with without thinking. He has an air of superiority that many times escalates to condescension, which shows his ignorance on the groups he talks about and his lack of self-awareness. And he also seems quite dishonest in his intentions and goes against the values he claims to be defending.
@finntracy3235 4 года назад
as a trans person you should know that more Complex words and labels are more helpful than you think. When i first realized i wasnt cis, trying on "weird" or uncommon gender labels helped me come to terms with being nonbinary. Sometimes people make words to describe their feelings when the words that already exist arent fitting, and thats not hurting anyone. Some 15 year old identifying as demisexual isnt harmful and we should be encouraging people to find new ways to describe their experiences
@missioncontrol4662 4 года назад
@Finn Sanderfer Also, some sexualities, such as demisexual or asexual , are just feelings that people experience at some point in their life. So, I personally don’t really understand it.
@finntracy3235 4 года назад
@@missioncontrol4662 No irl person is advocating you learn every new sexuality you come into contact with, but theres no harm in some 15 using new words to describe the way they're feeling, even if it seems niche and pointless. Sometimes giving yourself a label, even if only 3 people ever use it, can help with claiming agency over your feelings and how you describe them. All anyones asking is for respect. Also, theres no set label that everyone uses. Some people use LGBT, some people use LGBTQ, LGBTQ+, LGBTQIA, LGBTQIAP, QUILTBAG, no ones making you add new letters to the acronym, they're just asking you recognize their identities.
@finntracy3235 4 года назад
@@missioncontrol4662 That doesnt mean those sexualities arent legitimate and valid, your understanding doesnt make something true or not. You dont have to understand, but being respectful and tolerant is important.
@nataliadjuraas 5 лет назад
im a fan of kalvin but i do agree with some of what you said, i respect you for speaking out knowing the backlash you would get
@jadedjay3362 4 года назад
@flopilla2012 4 года назад
@korviday 5 лет назад
just wanted to say that the fact that you spoke out about this encouraged me to speak out on my channel. Thank you
@quirkyblackenby 4 года назад
An extra thing. Nonbinary people’s dysphoria is often different than binary trans people’s. Just because you as a trans guy can’t understand someone’s dysphoria doesn’t mean that they don’t have dysphoria. You can have body dysmorphia and gender dysphoria. Nonbinary people don’t always have a complete incongruence between their gender and sex because being nonbinary is very complicated. Nonbinary doesn’t mean not a boy and not a girl. It’s far more complicated than that. Also genderfluid is 100% nonbinary.
@Draftspike 4 года назад
By definition you cannot have gender dysphoria and be non binary at the same time
@aya-is 4 года назад
@@Draftspike I'm confused, please explain
@smeekyevie4348 5 лет назад
he can't reclaim the r slur, it's for autistic and developmentally disabled people. ADhD and PTSD aren't developmental disabilities. honestly I don't think anyone should reclaim the r slur because most of the people who are called it can't defend themselves, and it can only ever be used as an insult. it doesn't empower anyone... The T Slur is mostly directed at trans women so while he has been CALLED the T slur before that doesnt mean he has the right to use it. Some straight people get called the F slur but that doesn't mean they get to use it. he also said the D slur which can ONLY be used by lesbians no exceptions.
@realemmcee 6 месяцев назад
r-slur was actually targeted towards intellectually disabled folks (not autistic folks), and folks with ID don't support the slur being "reclaimed" especially in the context people use it in.
@thebigcheese7670 4 года назад
He literally told a child to stop acting childish
@sairsvibe2475 5 лет назад
Ayyy we stand for a trans person with autism I love the representation here my guy
@missioncontrol4662 4 года назад
What does this have to do with the video lol
@OneFlewOverThePhoenixNest 5 лет назад
Thank you for making this video. I was going to come out of my 7 year hiatus to do it myself. I found his channel, and am completely appalled by his behavior. The misinformation he spreads, the bullying, calling out, and invalidating he does to his fellow trans brothers, his tendency to use problematic slurs and wrong terminology, and his calling gender dysphoria a mental illness (which ties into the misinformation he spreads, but yeah). There are just so many things he does that are just NOT okay. And this kid has over 300 thousand subscribers and they all take his word as gospel, so his presence has become extremely problematic. He's creating a hostile environment in the community, spreading misinformation to impressionable young trans & questioning kids, and with as big of a following he has, he has become a huge influencer as well. He claims not to bully, and he may not directly be urging his followers to bully the people he makes videos about, but if you have that much of a following, and your followers are hanging on your every word (which seems to be the case.. he can do no wrong in their eyes), those followers are going to attack the subjects of your videos on your behalf. He's unwittingly created an army of people who will vehemently defend him and tear down anyone he has a poor opinion of. I spoke to one of the unfortunate people he chose to make a "transtrender" video about, and the poor guy is hanging by a thread. "Hanging by a thread" were his words, not mine, but I believe he may be suicidal as a result of Kalvin's video about him. He was relentlessly bullied by Kalvin's followers after Kalvin made that video, and has never bounced back from it. Kalvin Garrah bullies people and gets other people to do the same, whether intentional or not.. and he spreads so much misinformation, it's crazy. And this is coming from a guy who has been a member of the FTM RU-vid community since the very beginning. I was one of the first trans guys on RU-vid more than 10 years ago (when there were maybe about 50 of us, and we ALL knew each other), and was a co-founder of the very first all-FTM collab channel. I've been post-transition for a long time. I'm not necessarily what one would classify as an SJW or a "trender" or someone who thinks Kalvin's "opinions" stink just because I'm too left of center for my own good, or something like that. I do have my views, but they tend to be more based on respect, acceptance, and validation than anything else. I'm just a trans man who's been around a long time, and is completely devastated to see how we've gone from being a solid community, to a toxic and hostile environment where we pick on and bully each other for not being "trans enough". I honestly thought we got over that a long time ago. But he's completely renewing that culture, and it's thriving, and it's disgusting. As a community, we can do better than this. Again, thank you so much for making this video, and I apologize for my lengthiness. I apparently can't sum things up in a few short words. Especially not when something guts me so much.
@adammiller2795 5 лет назад
Your comment is so insightful and spot on I’ve been part of the trans community for a while now and I’ve definantly seen a shift , at least in the last 3-5 years It’s really made me take a step back from the community as so I don’t get caught up in this bullying /identity politics. Being trans especially online used to be such a safe space now it seems to be a hot pot for toxic behaviour Your right we can be better but how do we go about that ?
@amandarios448 5 лет назад
@@adammiller2795 Same & I'm not part of trans community because of how toxic & gate keeping it has become
@madelinejones8128 4 года назад
in my opinion he has no right to tell people what they can and can’t be, i never liked him because he, in my eyes, acts like a gatekeeper and is one of the most toxic trans creators i’ve ever seen.
@MusicLoverC3P0 4 года назад
Jesus, where was this passage in the Bible lol? This ones’s a vibe.
@cowboy87smith3 5 лет назад
I completely agree with you thank you for sharing this with your followers and keep post great content.
@froopluit6831 5 лет назад
To be honest, I only every watched Kalvin's more informative videos. I was confused as to what a transtrender was, clicked on one of those videos, and soon left. I understand he's "trying to critique," but there is a difference between bullying and criticism.
@Leo_Elisabeth_Alexander 5 лет назад
Thank you for making this video. I recently saw some stuff about Kalvin Garrah and Rin on Instagram, but I didn’t really understand what was happening. This video helped me to understand what has been happening. Thank you ❤️
@stephantyrone8678 5 лет назад
Also, i realised like 6 months ago or so that i probably had a disorder, when my therapist and i (and my aunt) looked into it, it turned out that i have BID (body integrity disorder). I don't think it's a recognized disorder (at least not in switzerland, where i live) but i looked into it. And turns out, it's what people calls "transabled" and treat it like we're crazy and want oppression points. As someone with bid and talked with other people with bid, it's far away from what media portrays it to be. BID is actually some sort of extreme body dysmorphia (more likely caused by traumas from childhood) that cause the person to think the only way of being cured is by removing the limb they feel dysmorphic about. No people with bid i talked with "wants to be disabled", they just want one of their limb gone as a symbolism for their trauma to be gone or because they feel so dysmorphic about that part of their body that it feels like this part doesn't belong here, isn't theirs. People who have bid often have depression, anxiety or even paranoia caused by bid. This is some serious stuff, but we often get called "transabled" and "crazy" and get mocked. Maybe transabled people exist, like people with no disorders who wants to become disabled??? But ive seen the term transabled thrown at people with bid more than people who are actually transabled. I don't even know if transabled people actually exist. But yeah.
@user-sf9gs2pg1b 5 лет назад
It’s actually interesting because I’ve heard of that disorder as well! I was trying to find something to compare being transgender to, being transgender myself, in order to find a way to cure being transgender (I don’t want to have to transition, but I’m most likely going to if I can’t find any other way). It’s incredibly interesting, and I can somewhat relate to it, but people seem to dislike people with that disorder because they can park in disabled spots, get rid of perfectly working limbs, and get benefits that disabled people have (such as insurance, or anything anyone has to publicly pay taxes for when it comes to the disabled). Also, fellow disabled people tend to dislike these disabled people getting in the hospital first. Interestingly enough, the cures were quite similar to cures for being transgender: antidepressants, therapy, or getting rid of the undesired limb. So, that was slightly disappointing for me (just imagine if there were a cure, being transgender and transabled seem to be linked and a cure for one of them could mean a cure for the other). Also, although they do not want to be disabled, that’s just an added side effect to getting rid of a limb. Missing a limb makes you disabled. It is from trauma sometimes, which is a bit different from transgender. And people call themselves “transabled,” I get what you mean. The difference between wanting a limb gone vs wanting to be disabled. Think of it like imagining the limb is gone so well that you believe, physically, it’s not there. For some people, it’s therapeutic and a great alternative to not having to amputate any limbs. One self-proclaimed transabled person uses a wheel chair as to not feel like they have legs. By not using them, they are not consistently reminded that they are there and they find relief. But yeah, I can definitely see where you’re coming from and I understand you.
@stephantyrone8678 5 лет назад
@@user-sf9gs2pg1b yeah i totally agree with what you are saying! I just think it's a shame that a lot of people are hateful towards people with biid without realising that it's a disorder that can be severe creating depression and even paranoia (my mom knew a guy with biid and he ended up think his hand would kill him while he was sleeping). I wish people would be less hateful. Im also trans so i understand the "wanting to cure being trans", the first year of realising i was trans i tried to cure it but i found out that uts not possible. I wish i was a cis girl but that's just not working sadly. I came to accept it now and i started transitionning (im 5 months on t today!) And im a lot happier!! I hope you'll find a way to be happy.
@amandarios448 5 лет назад
@@user-sf9gs2pg1b i used to identify as trans i was the most masculine woman ever even as a small kid. But with treatment & time, I realized this is not what i wanted for real or needed & much of it was trauma driven. I didn't want to be a man, i just hated being female & to be expected to act in a certain way. I have always had stereotypically male interests, vocation, hobbies, i had high Testosterone most of my life, naturally my brain had formed more or less as a male brain & still does. I'm out there as a masculine (non feminine) woman. The thing is I have since ever done things as if i were a man, i did martial arts, enrolled in the navy, took to fixing things, still love to study theoretic physics, love working with computers & statistics. I got where i got in life & professionally with an intact female body. I'm from before the time SRS was a thing, so I just tried to live life true to myself & really having a female body bas little impact on it. Once people get to know me they stop expecting feminity out of me. One thing i cannot afford is to become reproductively sterile, to damage my sex organs to make it impossible for me to be a parent, to make sex life near impossible too. Transitioning to me surgically seems to me more life a form of mutilation. If you really think about it it is. And then you gotta ask yourself. If nobodg expected you to be feminine o conform to gender roles & if you don't believe in gender roles what is the point of surgery to just pass? Not face judgment about being different or GNC I suggest to anybody who want to transition to watch some detransitioned people on youtube & to get therapy. I fully believe traumas & social pressure can play a huge role into making you think "you're in the wrong body". That's actually very sexist & eforcing of cis normative ideology. As if you cant be or act in a certain way if you are female or male... It doesn't make sense. If X activity or interest does not require a sex organ involved, it is nit gendered. Pregnancy is gendered/sexual function Driving a truck or being a weight lifter is not
@wormziewormz.. 4 года назад
I remember I watched his channel back in like 4-5th grade. I knew very little about the lgbtq+ community at the time of watching him. I noticed he was hostile and just rude so I stopped watching him since. I am non-binary but haven’t been diagnosed with gender dysphoria because I don’t have the resources to get a diagnosis or anything. Because I don’t have a diagnosis I feel as though I can’t say I am non-binary..
@nono-gw7qm 4 года назад
Wait omg now I remember you. You were the guy who made an unboxing video of stim toys and happy stimed the entire time. Loved that video.
@eleanornolastname316 4 года назад
You make very good points. Thank you for making this video. I agree with some things Kalvin says, but you bring up extremely important points and I am thankful for that.
@helloiamtiredallthetime.631 4 года назад
I used to be a fan of Kalvin, but I started actually finding information for myself. I then started to realize that he got super aggressive, and I don’t agree with some of his opinions. He literally said that actual transgender people, “have to have dysphoria to be trans.” I didn’t know any better, as I am not transgender, I am a lesbian. I never attacked anyone because I am a respectful person that doesn’t really like to be mean. I then saw a video of someone was crying because someone told them that gender fluid people didn’t exist. I immediately thought of Kalvin Garrah. This just absolutely appalled me. I know that he never said this, but the other hateful things that he had said came to mind. Kalvin needs to realize that what he is saying hurts people. It’s not just him, but many other people, INCLUDING people in the LGBTQ+ community. The fact that people who have suffered to be who they are can attack others is disgusting to me. New subscriber!
@cadaverous6 4 года назад
God I can’t stand him. He thinks that being trans has to be as cookie cutter as physically possible, otherwise you’re a “trender”. Why would you discriminate against people struggling with gender, when you yourself are going through the same thing? I’m ashamed to be in the same community as him, honestly. Edit: Do you see how even though I do not like him whatsoever, I still use his pronouns? Hmm...maybe he could learn from that.
@spinel6786 5 лет назад
dont feel like you need to silence yourself, its worse to keep it in then having to deal with the backlash of people im proud of you for speaking your mind !
@aclown6755 3 года назад
Kalvin blurred the line between “people faking being trans on purpose for attention” and “people exploring their gender identity”
@fizzy_gutz 5 лет назад
This video was very well done. Thank you so much for giving us your insight.
@deidaraobito 4 года назад
He also recently used ‘undiagnosed multiple personality disorder’ as a ‘reason for nonbianary or transtrender people’ but for one thats totally offensive and ignorant and transphobic, multiple personality disorder is not a thing, and if hes saying any transgender person has DID then hes invalidating even bianary transgender people. But you’re very mature and thank you for making this!!!
@arcijrluvzu6407 4 года назад
It is possible for some people who have DID to have gender dysphoria due to one of their alters. For example: DissociaDID. Their system has both men and women alters. One of their alters, Kyle, experiences gender dysphoria due to the fact that he is a male alter in a female body. I can’t really talk too much about DID because I don’t have it, but DID is a thing and some people who have it do experience gender dysphoria.
@graysonrogers-barnes6302 4 года назад
This is a good video. I used to watch him but I stopped when he talked about a "trender" and intentionally misconstrued their words, and honestly I related to what they were saying a lot too. So yeah.
@ryandunne5571 4 года назад
thank you for the trigger warnings! you’re awesome
@daimianadrien2643 5 лет назад
Hey its Damion here with a bit of info. Sorry for any visual glitches. I threw myself into the deep end of the pool with animations and hour and a half exporting + uploading times. I'm also new to this editing software. I hope to improve both the quality (as I wasnt sure if I'd break my pc by exporting it in the highest setting.) in the future. For ppl like Rin or Lars, I'm not saying they for sure have gd as they've said stuff that would contrict that. The situations could've been sorted out privately and not blasted for hundreds and thousands of uninvolved people. I seemed to have either forgotten or misplaced some screenshots in this video. Here is a doc to show that I do have them, and I will update it if there is more to add - docs.google.com/document/d/1WrZRBhZMAoI225pg5EpwfBxDMaWblvW4XWQzqqMT7js/edit?usp=sharing Its 2am where I live now so I gotta sleep. Bye~
@Scilla_Sage 5 лет назад
honestly i’ve only watched 8 minutes of the video so far but I have to compliment you on how respectful and kind you’re being. it’s obvious you’re angry and passionate about this, but the fact that you’re calmly stating your opinion and not telling him to go fuck himself is something that distinguishes this from other Kalvin Garrah hate videos. so even tho i support Kalvin Garrah 100%, and will probably disagree and maybe start to agree with some more points you made, I still love this video. and kinda off topic, but your eyes are beautiful, and u honestly pass as cis very well :)
@ThisGirlReviews 4 года назад
I agree with you completely. Kalvin used to criticize people ideas and sometimes their looks. Which I do think is negative but he didn't used to use so many slurs or misgender people because he didn't agree with them.
@confused_sky_shark_5291 4 года назад
I was a fan of Kalvin. I did it know the timeline of his videos. I also watched Brennan’s full video after seeing kalvin’s. And I released that Brennan is actually really cool and released that kalvin basically calls everyone who is trans and does not look like him or what he thinks a trans person ( me , I only pass if I don’t talk ) looks like a trender .
@tootalo 5 лет назад
I have seen multiple complaints about kalvin made by the trans comunity! He is so very toxic and an over all bully who makes fun of others to alleviate his own dysphoria or pain.
@scooby9069 5 лет назад
this is a great video but the background music is just *chefs kiss*
@iiireeeneee 5 лет назад
Thank you for making this video. Very well explained.
@stitch2769 4 года назад
Kalvin made a video about how asexuality isn't lgbt and I unsubbed from then on. I can't stand it when his videos show up in my recommended.
@JhozetteAnn 4 года назад
I'm a member of lgbt and I dont believe asexual should be a part of it, I understand why people think it is because asexuals are not 'straight' but me personally I dont think it's a valid enough reason.
@daimianadrien2643 4 года назад
As a member of lgbt and the asexual community, if you aren't ace you don't get to decide if ace people are lgbt or not. It's not your place. Espcially since they have always been welcome in the community
@JhozetteAnn 4 года назад
@@daimianadrien2643 I never said I decided anything. I stated my opinion which is my right to do so. I'll take note of your comment, but I still stand by my previous statement. Regardless, it doesnt matter because there are bigger concerns within the community than whether asexuals should be apart of it or not.
@jvckvss527 5 лет назад
This was really brave! I agree with you on a lot of things and ik Kalvin can be harsh but he makes a lot of arguments that are almost essential for our community. No hate towards you my dude. 🤟
@nicoblu 4 года назад
*gasp* I watch your tik toks
@SlitherScale 5 лет назад
Wow this video is actually relevant again... 2 months later.
@SlitherScale 5 лет назад
I thought this video was about the current situation with his newest video
@daimianadrien2643 5 лет назад
@@SlitherScale I ain't saying Kalvin isn't good at changing buuuut that's exactly what I'm saying. It was only a matter of time
@monstredraws 5 лет назад
this is a rlly good collection of all the little things that have slowly driven me 2 stop supporting kalvin, nd it helped me process it a bit better!! u summed it all up rlly well
@Ari-fy7tf 5 лет назад
This was a concise and good outlined video and even though I like Kalvin I can acknowledge his faults
@bittiesparklz 5 лет назад
Flaming Yeemo concise? It’s an hour long.
@Therealfrostflower 5 лет назад
I haven't watched this yet but I'm just gonna say something before I do because I'm very interested. I was a fan of Kalvin and others like him but I eventually realized it was making me feel more hate towards others and the LGBT community. As someone who is nonbinary with dysphoria and pansexual, it made me more hesitant to be proud.
@taylormunoz3448 4 года назад
I love hearing other peoples opinions but kalvin hasnt said anything agienst non-bionary people like him i beleive in 2 genders and the absence of gender (non-bionary)
@Therealfrostflower 4 года назад
@@taylormunoz3448 he hasn't but he has brought up a lot of transtrenders with obscure genders that make us look like a joke
@JhozetteAnn 4 года назад
I think people just hate on kalvin because is he not pc
@JhozetteAnn 3 года назад
@Michael Jackson Disney Barbie lalaloopsy Michael Jackson doll channel arent we all.
@JhozetteAnn 3 года назад
@Michael Jackson Disney Barbie lalaloopsy Michael Jackson doll channel i dont even remember what is said in this video but of course its not okay to purposely cause others pain. But with that said I think its naive to simply deny the fact that certain people lean towards certain communities because its more known or "trending". I think people are so desperate to belong and not feel lonely, which in my opinion explains all the 50+ genders.
@Kimmy_autistic28 5 лет назад
I love how well you explain things in your videos
@hesaidyikes4996 3 года назад
Thank you for talking about Rin. I feel like nobody acknowledges that situation, and I know why. I know Kalvin does it to more people than you can acknowledge. We can have varying opinions but I love Rin with my heart and soul. Personally, I believe people can grow and change and the rape apologist situation happened YEARS ago and was when Rin was dating that specific rapist and was also abused. Rin has apologized publicly and privately and no longer holds those points of views. The situation you talked about wasn't exactly the first situation where Kalvin had completely invalidated Rin's entire identity completely unprovoked, which I personally believe is reason enough to not treat Kavin kindly. I don't support Rin unconditionally, I don't support anyone unconditionally but I truly believe Rin didn't deserve the countless posts (stories and comments) made about them and Rin didn't deserve Kalvin digging up dirt into their past to use against them. Rin eventually was also deplatformed and had to move back to Texas while they were actively pursuing a career as a makeup artist. They effectively lost their career, not completely because of Kalvin, but he was a huge part of it and the massive amounts of hate they were getting. Kalvin also JUSTIFIED THE DEATH THREATS RIN WAS GETTING AND THEN PROCEEDED TO THREATEN RIN. Like what??? Anyways, yes there are many more situations besides Rin that are equally fucked up, but I'm glad to see you at least acknowledge it.
@kress3072 4 года назад
His fans are so obnoxious it’s hard to respect him
@charli6765 5 лет назад
@yungfagxo 5 лет назад
after watching his newest video, i think he just skirts away from the problem. he needs to realize that what he says has a MASSIVE impact on people, and he should just stop with the reacting videos.
@alexn8035 5 лет назад
I'm still watching this video but I decided to comment off of what I have seen. I totally agree he has definitely changed and not for the good, but I will say with just these few months of what's going on with him it seems like he is trying to change back into a better person. I wouldn't say he's made a lot of progress in becoming a better person yet but baby steps are still steps (not a justification). I don't agree with how he's been in the recent years, but I will say I've seen a small good change yes a very small change but it gives hope that he'll continue to change for the better.
@kickme5592 4 года назад
I used to watch him a long time ago. I think he has made it even harder to accept myself and made my internalized transphobia worse.
@janeyjpg911 5 лет назад
I love your opinion
@watchingthebees 5 лет назад
You really should have more subscribers
@ianjacobs9557 4 года назад
I'm a big fan of Kalvin, watching this video has open my mind. Thank you. I'm the 452th like :))
@chaotic.content 4 года назад
I know I'm 4 months too late but I appreciate you making this video! thank you for so eloquently putting into words how shitty and dangerous this fool is
@kurtco4171 4 года назад
I used to be a fan of his because my friend, who is trans, introduced me to him to kind of educate me on the trans community. But he seemed to have a lot of opinions on anyone that was not trans in the way that he is (ftm passing). I don't think you should hate on someone and call them a transgender just because they do not pass or are not on T. Of course there are people out there that don't do the stuff that 'typical' trans people do like use testosterone, dress up as 'according to' gender they identify as, etc. I have agreed with some things being outrageous like autismgender not being a real thing etc. But I don't see how someone not wanting to do T, or a FTM wanting to wear dressed, or someone not doing the surgery, would affect his life as a trans person.
@zyxxyz4623 5 лет назад
100% agree
@springheeledjax 5 лет назад
I like this video. I watch Kalvin. But I love to hear other people's opinions and I agree with you on a lot of points!
@jadedjay3362 4 года назад
I love kalvin, love you for being kind, dont love sjws, but i dont love hate! Thank u for being respectful, im a Kalvin Garrah fan all the way. But hey, idk thanks lmao
@raxid5950 4 года назад
I've never watched Kalvin before, his videos overwhelm me for some reason, but it's really cool that you like him and respect other people's opinions!!!
@abbysherling5472 5 лет назад
@Proto-Martyr 5 лет назад
I actually don't mind Kalvin Garrah at all. I think he's a very smart person and while blunt, he knows what he's talking about.
@OneFlewOverThePhoenixNest 5 лет назад
And therein lies the problem. People actually think he knows what he's talking about.
@Proto-Martyr 5 лет назад
@@OneFlewOverThePhoenixNest Because he is. Nothing he says is factually wrong (well, apart from saying "tranny" a lot. I don't agree with that).
@donnyhogan714 5 лет назад
@@Proto-Martyr you cant tell whether someone is a trender just by looking at them. Garrah is wrong, and people like you make transmeds look bad.
@Proto-Martyr 5 лет назад
@@donnyhogan714 you can tell. For example, that person he showed in one of his videos that dressed exclusively like a female, didn't want to transition or make themselves look the slightest like a male. But still they "identified" like a male. Isn't that a transtrender? Or that person that refered to themselves as being autism gender. Isn't that a transtrender?
@donnyhogan714 5 лет назад
@@Proto-Martyr did these people tell you that they identified as these genders for clout or are you making assumptions about someone who could be confused? No I dont think autigender is real, but I'm not an edgy 12 year old so I dont care about someone else's identity. Also, Kalvin makes cis people think its okay to misgender a trans guy if he's, say, closeted to his parents- or is out and is being forced to present female by abusive family. Unless you have an intimate understanding of someones situation you cant call them a trender. My aunt took my binder and forbid me from wearing pants after I came out. Does that make me a trender since I was presenting female? How about the times I purposely triggered my own dysphoria as a form of self harm? Does that make me a trender? it is impossible for me to pass, so ive stopped trying. Am I a trender now? My dysphoria drives me want to commit suicide on a daily basis. Does that suddenly clear me off the hook for being a trender? Or does that just make me even more of a ladybrained attention whore in your eyes?
@tiredrat1318 4 года назад
why don't people talk about him more? like he is pretty hateful all the time
@realemmcee 2 года назад
Lars has literally said multiple times that autigender is just an identity label some autistic people use where their experience as being autistic is intertwined with their gender identity. Kalvin's video made them look like they were "identifying as autistic". also no one can reclaim the r-slur because the people actually targeted by the slur were intellectually disabled people.
@that1altenby960 4 года назад
hey damion, i wanted to ask : what do you think about blaire white ? do think she's just as bad as kalvin ( if not worse )?
@daimianadrien2643 4 года назад
I feel like Blair White may be worse because she's older, done some questionably racist things, actively said things that hurt the trans communty as a whole and the such.
@criticalhorns9530 4 года назад
I'm a big fan of Kalvin but this video is also very...true 😅😅😅
@thuglifeyoloswag 4 года назад
that kg needs to be cancelled
@kayleyvlogs2739 5 лет назад
i found Kelvin Garrah on musically awhile ago and then i started watching his videos for a min i thought i was FTM but lately I've been felling more body dysphoric as a autistic myself i can say gender can be hard to understand but "autisgender" is not a thing what so ever we just have a harder time understanding gender identity since its a form of communicate i hate my breast and having my periods but i'm okay with the other female structures i have i used to agree with Kelvin Garrah but lately how he acts and treats people is not okay
@huntermarkey1568 5 лет назад
I would've watched all of this, but its an hour long. I am a fan of Kalvin and I like how respectful you are and I do agree with you, but this does not change how I feel about him.
@lotsofteabutnonetodrink5843 5 лет назад
Hunter Markey How do you feel about him?
@jamesmarcos8698 5 лет назад
Thank u for this video
@princessashes8070 4 года назад
You are extremely mature
@ThisGirlReviews 4 года назад
I found brenne he makes marvel videos now. Such a glow up.
@BL-yt9fp 3 года назад
This vid needs more views
@kara4971 3 года назад
I do hope you're doing well man
@bruhmoment6838 4 года назад
I’m personally a fan of kalvin but I appreciate the honesty about ur opinions and not caring about hate , honestly the fans are crazy but I don’t think that’s on kalvin fully, but also his use of the r slur is something I don’t like and I hope he can clear up his beliefs because of his impact on the community Anyways great video I appreciate your side of the story dude !!
@Isabelle-z4ch 4 года назад
You seem nice. My name is Isabelle ( like animal Crossing ) I'm questioning :) I hope you have a great day. 🌻🤗
@secretchannel1695 3 года назад
Altho i hard disagree that u need dysphoria to be trans (for many reasons), this was a great video to watch on the damages imposed by Garrah's abhorrent behaviour and fans bc it helped in my own research so thank u for speaking up.
@kai-of2wx 4 года назад
16:40, wait what did he post??
@deadinside5398 4 года назад
He attacked me in a comment when I said he was annoying to some degree. Making a rude Comment on my grammar.
@saayoll 5 лет назад
I understand getting a gender dysphoria diagnosis can be difficult especially due to financial concerns and family concerns but likewise I feel it's useless to have a self-dx if you have no means of seeking treatment or even worse don't intend on seeking treatment. Psychiatrists don't go through education for 6 years just to be demeaned by 15 year olds that think they know everything; I think they have sufficient self-awareness to understand "something is going on" but further professional help is needed to identify any type of mental health issues and further to properly address and treat them. Solid video tho and enjoyed hearing your stances even if I disagree on some points. Hope you continue I just wanted to respectfully leave my two cents.
@saayoll 5 лет назад
should be noted I don't particularly like kalvin and find a lot of his videos inflammatory and rude as well; i find the way in which he expresses opinions aggressive. Tho I also am not opposed to the usage of slurs though (I'm completely comfortable with being called what is considered slurs though I understand others don't). I also don't believe kalvin-- like any youtuber on the entire platform-- is responsible for hate people receive; strangers on the internet are not his responsibility as they are not for anyone else on the platform. I respect your opinion but quite disagree on numerous points.
@finntracy3235 4 года назад
a one semester lecture hall does not outweigh lived experiences, and lots of mentally ill people as well as disabled people have LOTS of trouble getting a diagnosis because stigma against mentally ill and disabled people is RAMPANT in the medical community. Those people who self DX have already considered that it may be something else, or thats its just a phase, but they know themselves and their own lived experiences than anyone else.
@natgeowolf 5 лет назад
I strugged for ages trying to get a diagnosis for gender dysphoria because of my autism
@fieldysgrl98 4 года назад
Kalvin blurs out the names now and tells people dont go and harass the person. I like Kalvin but he can be a little much sometimes.
@lotsofteabutnonetodrink5843 5 лет назад
54:25 because views = money tbh
@Cottontailart 5 лет назад
I think with kalvin he showed amazing detail in transitioning but he's gotten sick of the "trans trenders" and he puts a hell of a lot of clickbait titles to his videos to get money really, even if it means mocking those who he knows will get bullied, I do watch them to be curious cos I want to know why they aren't trans and what they say, but I don't go hating on them, I've only gone on one profile and that's because I was so goddamn confused at this person and even there reply made no sense. sadly stans and trolls are nasty and I do agree he shouldn't give their names etc, there has been some like the older lady (sorry if she's f to m) who was very concerning with me with her interest in very underaged people because im a victim of a paedophile. I do understand there are those who are after attention and make up words to be accepted or to get the drama because it would make them more popular, but not all are like that as u said, yes kalvin should try to speak before he posts a video in PMs helping the person to the correct feeling they have before its too late. To me kalvin is very set in his mind, he gets millions of people watching his videos and in his mind he's perceived that these people should see his videos to understand if they don't feel like what he's described as his experience then they aren't trans to him, either that or he gets so many videos constantly showing people who claim to be trans when they aren't and he's just had enough, I don't agree with him saying retard etc, I don't like that at all. As for him understanding autism to talk about it, u have to remember not many people know about all the different spectrums and feelings etc its a lot to know about and really takes a lot of time to understand, something I feel he doesn't understand, esp with the guy in the wheelchair, I am disabled and suffer chronic pain, his pain is most definitely horrible and traumatising but being disabled is no way the same and for that he should apologise to that person privately, I think he should have had a talk to him because I as a bisexual female who isn't trans I looked for the correct words to tell transphobic idiots how people feel and he should have been spoken to and said wait u can't think this person is stupid just talk to them, find out what it's like for being not only trans but disabled. As for him just posting a video, u have to remember anyone with ADHD just does it like an action or a thought without thinking like the comment about faking being disabled, if someone had sat down and looked at his videos first and educated him on that I think he wouldn't have as many comments that offend people but until someone says something to him he won't see he's done something wrong because he doesn't think of the bad things that happens after he posts (unless he purposefully says go for them) that's something I've learnt from knowing people with ADHD and how their mind is constantly bobbing around thinking of diff things
@gloomyambivert 5 лет назад
Tbh you do make some valid points. I like Kalvin but I can agree he has flaws. I get that he's blunt and harsh but I feel like he's really quick to judge other trans people. He jumps to conclusions and assumes that someone is a trender without knowing them (one time he called a trans person who was actually dysphoric a trender). Dw I do believe that trenders do exist but not everyone is a trender. I hope he understands that.
@vitriolette6620 4 года назад
While I disagree with you, and I support Kalvin, you seem to really care for other people and I love how compassionate you are towards these folks.
@sniperfaggot3213 4 года назад
In almost all of his videos kalvin says not to harass or send hate to the people in his videos. What his fans do are not his fault. I do agree with some of your other points I just feel like he’s not responsible for his followers actions especially when he tells them not to hate on someone.
@leooliver7293 4 года назад
To an extent, yes he cannot control them, but he has encouraged his fans to quote "interact" with people before, and usually makes so attempt to censor names. Not to mention the videos are pointless and hateful in the first place.
@sniperfaggot3213 4 года назад
Leon Ollie there not pointless. He’s helping young trans people or people that are confused. He has an intelligent opinion about real world things. His videos really helped me. He shares his opinions on Trans people from a scientific perspective that helps a lot. I understand that he can be a bit harsh but at the end of the day, in my opinion, he’s not responsible for his fans when most of the time he makes an effort to tell them not to hate. I understand where your coming from but I disagree.
@pornohcreep 4 года назад
I realize that, but he has a huge, very impressionable fan base. He's extremely harsh with his words and instead of doing that, he should take a more gentle approach. Yes, the people he talks about will obviously get hate, its always going to happen. But if he can direct his fanbase in a better light, then the person won't get as much hate.
@sniperfaggot3213 4 года назад
Strong depressio I understand not liking him because he’s a bit harsh but some people act like they have never see a commentary youtuber . Daz black reacts to people turning into wolves and no one cares. Kalvin would do the same and people call it bullying. I understand where your coming from though. Happy pride.
@pornohcreep 4 года назад
@@sniperfaggot3213what? I didn't even mention any other commentary you tubers, and a BIT harsh? He throws around the word trender towards whoever doesn't fit his definition of being trans, not to mention, he's called people the r slur.
@zinniekay3958 5 лет назад
Kalvin expanded the topics that his channel covers. Before, he made mostly educational videos but now he makes those plus more personal videos and videos for entertainment purposes. He makes videos that are fun to create. The screenshot of his recent page that you showed where you called him “angrier”.... 3/15 was educational, 2/15 defending himself/reacting to hate videos made on him, 2/15 personal/unrelated to trans, 2/15 exposing onision, 3/15 related to SJWs/transtrenders, 3/15 random
@lotsofteabutnonetodrink5843 5 лет назад
ᎪᎷᏴᎬᎡ KᏞᎬᏆN Don't forget the videos that were deleted from that time frame because they were quickly reported as abusive content lol I can recall at least 4 that I watched and 1 that I had added to my watch later.
@paulatreides9810 5 лет назад
Brennan is definitely confused and rynn is definitely a trender
@ryanroberts2598 5 лет назад
Paul Atreides agreed
@carrie637 4 года назад
I forget who Rynn is, but as for Brennan, I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and say they may have poorly explained it.
@Isabelle-z4ch 4 года назад
@reisuke_6030 5 лет назад
Man this shit is all the telephone game. Throughout the video you barely show any evidence and leave a lot of shit out. Despite this video being a whole ass fucking hour lmao. You claim Kalvin misunderstands people and takes things out of context when you yourself take things he says out of context. My advice? Provide more full receipts please rather than showing half ass receipts or making personally observed claims with no proof. I understand some of your points though; no one is perfect. I'm sure overtime Kalvin will learn to become more self reserved, but as for now I understand his anger towards other people who are making the trans community look absolutely ridiculous. They have caused serious issues within society, and just because they have deeper issues within themselves that are not resolved does not mean they can speak on behalf of a community they are, in reality, not apart of. Transsexualism is not about wanting to be special, it is not a personality trait. It is a medical condition; a mental illness that must be treated through transition. Seeing people claim to be transgender when they make no attempt to transition is an insult to people who are actually born with this condition. Just as it is offensive to pretend to have cancer, schizophrenia, etc.. Any dabilitating illness simply for pity or oppression points!! I understand that in the midst of this, he may be hurting people. But damn, the truth hurts. Some people need to hear it. It's currently 6:23AM and I'm going to move on to something else now, but am open to discussion. Thanks for reading my opinion, as it was interesting to observe yours as well.
@thehootinator7158 4 года назад
Is Storm Ryan also bad?
@daimianadrien2643 4 года назад
Yeah, they're as bad as each other
@thehootinator7158 4 года назад
@@daimianadrien2643 Aw. I thought Storm Ryan seemed alright from what I saw. That's a shame.
@taylormunoz3448 4 года назад
Storm ryan is not bad neither is kalvin
@lovetheLord2005 4 года назад
Neither of them are bad, they just have different opinions like bruhs
@thehootinator7158 4 года назад
@@lovetheLord2005 I heard that Kalvin uses slurs or something. It's not because they think you need dysphoria to be trans
@Angelina-yd4hm 5 лет назад
Everyone has their own opinion
@JhozetteAnn 4 года назад
I think kalvin is fine. I discovered him a few months back (cant remember how) but instantly liked him. I think people are very very sensitive these days and get hurt over facts. I also think it's so important to have gate keepers of certain communities. I agree with alot of your points but overall I stand with kalvin 100%. Like i said i think people are extremely sensitive.
@JhozetteAnn 4 года назад
I also want to add that I am a cisgender person so I know my place within the community and I am also proud to be a member of the LGBT but I do feel that the trans community literally allows anyone to claim being trans when it's such a serious thing, that can be damaging.
@finntracy3235 4 года назад
a lot of the shit he says about dysphoria can be debunked by a quick look at the APA or the world professional association for transgender health, the two places that provide diagnostic guidelines for clinics that diagnose dysphoria. Kalvin's favorite phrase, "you need dysphoria to be trans?" tell that to the people that actually diagnose it. for example: Here’s the American Psychological Association staring that “Not all transgender people suffer from gender dysphoria and that distinction is important to keep in mind.” ( www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/gender-dysphoria/expert-q-and-a ) Here’s the Canadian pediatric society stating that “Some transgender children experience no distress about their bodies, but others may be very uncomfortable with their assigned sex, especially at the start of puberty when their body starts to change.” ( www.caringforkids.cps.ca/handouts/gender-identity ) Here’s the world medical association stating that “The WMA asserts that gender incongruence is not in itself a mental disorder; however it can lead to discomfort or distress, which is referred to as gender dysphoria (DSM-5)” ( www.wma.net/policies-post/wma-statement-on-transgender-people/ ) Here’s the World Professional Association for Transgender Health stating that “the criteria currently listed for [Gender Dysphoria] are descriptive of many people who experience dissonance between their sex as assigned at birth and their gender identity… The DSM-5 descriptive criteria for gender dysphoria were developed to aid in diagnosis and treatment to alleviate the clinically significant distress and impairment that is frequently, THOUGH NOT UNIVERSALLY, associated with transsexual and transgender conditions” ( www.wpath.org/newsroom/medical-necessity-statement ) People dont get upset over "facts," they get upset over blatant misinformation, respectability politics, and constant body. shaming and bullying.
@icecreamholographic4829 4 года назад
Oof sorry I’m on Kalvin Garrah’s side. Actually not sorry
@ladyopalite6537 5 лет назад
I’ll never understand why y’all don’t like scientific facts.
@daimianadrien2643 5 лет назад
I'll just pretend that you didn't say that to a biology and chemistry student
@ladyopalite6537 5 лет назад
Trailerparkk ; always a student of something when you want to be more right about it.
@daimianadrien2643 5 лет назад
I mean, I'm not quite sure how you want me to respond. Espcially since this video wasn't about Garrah's opinions on "scientific facts"
@averyt23 4 года назад
Lady Opalite where are your facts tho? Y’all have any sources? And by sources I mean like actual medical sources, not a tumblr post, or a KG video.
@ladyopalite6537 4 года назад
Eli Tischer me or the other person? I was referring to the fact there is actual scientific evidence that highlights dysphoria as an illness. Our brains have genders, and that plays a key role in being transgender. It’s just not as common as people/hypochondriacs believe today. There are people that condition themselves into the thought process, but that does not automatically give them the chemical imbalance in actual trans peoples. You can literally ask any specialist with YEARS of experience, or even google it and find it on health sites. Just like anxiety, depression, DID, etc; there are always signals in the brain that light or dull for certain imbalances. Our personalities can even be dictated by the certain balances in our brain, and those can be adjusted with certain willpower’s or where we have lived, and etc. that’s why a lot of new age trans people really believe they’re trans; bc they are pathological liars due to maybe wanting to feel different or escape trauma, so they alter their brain to believe what wasn’t there to begin with.
@tobythetoaster1234 4 года назад
Sorry but if you wanna hurt yourself because someone said something to you on the internet, then you shouldn't be on the internet at all, stop being sensitive.
@human78631 3 года назад
Sure, cyberbullying on a massive scale = "someone said something to you". Sure, when you're part of a marginalized community and possibly already deal with being invalidated and hurt irl, an internet mob doing the same thing in what you hoped to be a safe community online, some of them threatening you and wishing death upon you, it's no big deal... Maybe you should buy yourself an ability to feel empathy, or not be on the internet.
@dannydamon2618 5 лет назад
jesus fucking christ
@dannydamon2618 5 лет назад
there’s nothing fucking wrong with kalvin. y’all do realize this is the internet correct? he can have his own opinions without y’all being so fucking sensitive and acting like he’s murdering people. he believes the FACTS. y’all just want to be nice and that’s cool, i won’t ever call anyone i think is a trender any other pronouns than what they want but neither will he. he’s just vocal about his shit and y’all don’t like that. quit being so damn sensitive and realize people have different opinions than you, if you know what you are 100% this shit shouldn’t bother you. also kalvin isn’t against non binary people and he’s said that
@dannydamon2618 5 лет назад
you can be against something and still respect them, he’s just vocal y’all don’t know him in person. if you don’t like what he says don’t fucking watch him
@dannydamon2618 5 лет назад
he can say what he wants it’s his channel
@totoducks7896 4 года назад
um no he’s not transphobic sorry
@finntracy3235 4 года назад
he thinks trans men cant be feminine bro, you can be trans and transphobic
@JaylynnDredd 4 года назад
I’m sorry you support gatekeepers.
@pornohcreep 4 года назад
He may not be complete transphobic, but he definently has some transphobia. Gender has been created by humans, sex has not. Therefore, when he tries to 'debunk' neopronouns, he's proving himself wrong. Neopronouns have been around a long time, so the 'crazy' neopronouns that people are starting to get more known have been around. NOT TO MENTION, she/her pronouns uses to be neopronouns.
@wenchekk8171 4 года назад
I am a fan of kalvin garrah
@ashsmith7905 4 года назад
Good for you
@wenchekk8171 4 года назад
Ash Smith yeah
@kukuriku7412 8 месяцев назад
You are love rocking??
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