
We're Moving House Sooner Than Expected 

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2 окт 2024




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@mayahreads3034 Год назад
We recently bought a house in the “uncertain economy” and my big thoughts on it are essentially that when it comes down to it, money isn’t real (yes we need money and I have to be able to afford things), but the actual home that I live in is this real tangible thing that I get to enjoy every single day of my life. So as long as we can afford to live comfortably on a day to day basis who cares about the economy 🤷‍♀️ After moving from a small condo to a house, it is absolutely worth the money and I love having more space, our own space, a yard, and knowing that this will be our home hopefully forever.
@raenewnham7490 Год назад
This was my thinking when my husband and I bought a house this year (in US). As long as the house is affordable for us, whatever is happening in the market doesn't really matter.
@poppyjones5859 Год назад
I’m looking to buy but I have been worried by the news. Thank you for commenting this, very comforting 😊
@Jess-jl2tx Год назад
this is such a great perspective! thanks for sharing it
@sarahs9802 Год назад
This is such a refreshing perspective, I agree!
@meryl5496 Год назад
@@raenewnham7490 agreed! The rental market/situation is tight where I live and it was the right choice for us to buy even though things are a bit weird here
@ben_9134 Год назад
My parents bought their house in the middle of the 1989 recession, when unemployment was reaching all-time highs, inflation was spiraling out of control and house prices where plummeting. Everyone around them said it was a stupid idea to upsize in those conditions... Well, three decades later and that 'stupid idea' they bought for £60K is now worth £500K and is currently home to all three generations of my family.
@carinam.9447 Год назад
I'm a 27 year old single university student in Germany with less than 5k on my bank accounts but I love your mortgage talk 😂 it's really interesting, even though it's a different country and I'm no way near being able to afford to buy a house.
@lezliesmith3354 Год назад
My top tip for moving with a baby - if you can get help, and have one person just on baby duty, do it. My MIL was on baby duty for us, and it was so nice to not worry about him being in the way, or having to make space for his car seat. My son had just turned one. We also had most of his things in open boxes till day of. So we could still access his things, but it was contained and good to go day of. Those were the first things moved, and I stayed behind to unpack his room right away while everyone else went to get the next load of things. He also had spent overnights at my in-laws before, so the first night in our new home he stayed there so we could get more things sorted without him underfoot. One more tip - set up the room he'll be sleeping in the same as it's current set up. If I remember correctly, you co-sleep, so I'd just set up the furniture as if it was the same room. Helps with night wakes if the room looks familiar, and you can slowly move things to their ideal position once baby is used to the new home. Not ideal, as closets may be made inaccessible, or window placement isn't ideal, etc. But - makes the first week so so much easier.
@rachelam18 Год назад
I work for a bank so this is definitely not a boring video for me 😂 I think it’s important for people to hear other people talk about this stuff because it can be so intimidating and daunting. Especially to people who are self employed, some think it’s really difficult to get a mortgage but it’s not always the case. I’d always recommend talking to a mortgage advisor, even if you’re on a fixed rate cause sometimes the fees are not so bad or there’s a way around things to be in a good position to move house 😊 I also actually had a really good experience with my solicitor, they were really informative and processed things pretty quick 😊
@yuvalngg Год назад
Hi Hannah, my family is atheist/culturally Jewish. When my mom got a mezuzah cover as a housewarming gift, she hung it up without anything inside! Just the cover! So that's an option, and a funny expression of atheist/cultural Judaism.
@hamba1998 Год назад
I remember content about you moving into your current flat was some of the first content I watched of yours - it feels like coming full circle! Fingers crossed this move goes smoothly from here!
@toin9898 Год назад
My top tip for moving: hire movers. We moved one neighbourhood over from a second story flat with the most steep stairs in existence to a house and those men were absolute machines and were able to move all our furniture and appliances in under three hours. We brought over the pets and they handled the rest. Best $600 I have ever spent.
@MadiPollard-Shore Год назад
So happy that it all is going smoothly, especially given the timings!
@CazAvery Год назад
We're completing on Friday (screams in excitement and terror). We only visited one house, we put an offer in, it was accepted. We went from 'we'll look at some' to 'this is going to be our house' concerningly fast, so I guess we're quite decisive too! (August to December). We can't sell our current place though as it has unsafe cladding (boo, the whole situation makes me very angry). Damn I should have asked on the discord before picking our solicitor because I've hated ours! We're hosting new year... it'll be An Experience 😂 We were very very clear about how many rooms it needed, how the space should be organised etc. So I feel you so much on having that criteria. (The housing market crash has been coming for like 2 years now so I also just decided not to listen to those things, we needed the move to have a baby). (I still haven't decided on the Mezuzah. I THINK we might have it on one of the rooms in the house but not on the front door - compromise! But also we haven't decided anything and also thinking about Jews Don't Count (excited for that video!) and your equal unsurity was very helpful thank you. My partner is probably similar to Dan in opinion.)
@RainingOMemories Год назад
All the Jewish households I've been to had a mezuzah inside, right by the front door - so people outside couldn't know they were Jewish.
@valenstrange Год назад
I feel like Dan should be a bit more open about you wanting to incorporate your cultural background into your family life, be that putting up a mezuzah or celebrating Jewish holidays (which you mentioned before he was also wary of because he's anti-religion, even though he seems fine with celebrating Christian holidays in a secular way)
@corma13 Год назад
I agree! It makes me sad to think that he wouldn't want Hannah to share those cultural traditions with him and their son just because he's anti religion. Most Jews I know express their religion in a cultural way, so there's nothing for him to be worried about, and if he can celebrate Christmas, an extremely religious holiday, in a secular way, he should be able to do the same for Jewish holidays.
@mrmr3015 Год назад
As a Jew with a British atheist partner I have no understanding for Dan’s position whatsoever. In my household we celebrate every holiday and everyone has the same right to traditions. So this week we are doing secret Santa and Chanukah. There is no issue. I intend to raise my child (if I have one) in that same way. They will know who they are and enjoy all the traditions. I think Dan’s opinion is frankly uninformed, and a bit disrespectful.
@DieAlteistwiederda Год назад
I'm an atheist as well but I also never ever was a person that wasn't open to celebrate other people's cultures. If I had a religious partner as long as they didn't try to force me to convert or anything I would be more than happy to incorporate their traditions into our life much like my own. I'm personally also not a fan of Christmas but I'm also not keeping anyone from going all out as long as they respect how I view this. I'll celebrate with them in my own more subdued way.
@denasmolins5938 Год назад
I am new to my thr channel and didn’t know you were jewish! We have mixed religions in our family and both traditions are observed unless one spouse doesn’t care at all about his former religious upbringing traditions
@zoebicknell2200 Год назад
I’m watching this sat on the sofa in my first home. I moved in yesterday and am still ferrying things to this house from my old rented one. This was the perfect first RU-vid video to watch in this house. I also had a conversation with a mortgage advisor that ended in me going to look for houses and I very quickly ended up buying this property. I locked in a mortgage rate right before they skyrocketed and I’m in the same camp as you of ‘move now and sit tight in a new place during the housing crash’. Having fixed my rate for two years I feel secure enough that I am able to fix up this house and stay long enough to ride the housing market and in a few years when I am ready to move on as I’ll be in a different stage of life, I know I will be glad of the equity. I completely get what you mean about the mezuzah in terms of religious childhood things that mean something but also realising it is your home and you decide what to do with it.
@anonymous9243 Год назад
Wow you got a house with a garden in London that is impressive! My mind hurts trying to think of the cost 🤕
@marynlyn Год назад
Update! Update!
@Mehlsuppe Год назад
They aren't moving anymore. She shared a post on instagram where the spare room was turned into Rowan's bedroom. She also answered in the comments there that they no longer plan to move.
@Laraaxmovies Год назад
Ah ive been eagerly awaiting the moving vlog for months!!! Well as long as they are happy and the situation works for them 😄
@Mehlsuppe Год назад
@@Laraaxmovies Same! But maybe some day.
@MileyCrazyLoud Год назад
I'm so excited for you! This is awesome news. I remember when you were talking about buying the flat and now a house! How lovely is to see you achieve all this things.
@deatheducationdaily5830 Год назад
My partner and I completed the week after the economy crashed. The run-up to completing was the worst of our lives without a doubt. We had to wait to find out if the bank was withdrawing our offer. Luckily, we ended up completing 2 days before our original fixed offer ran out. It was such a relief because we could not afford the massive interest hike. What we could originally afford when we started looking pre pandemic is not what we ended up with due to the market going mad. The house we ended up buying had nothing we wanted but we fell in love with it.
@susiesilvers4299 Год назад
Mazel tov on your new house Hannah! My two cents worth….we are facing a time now of some of the ugliest antisemitism in 70 years. While that is scary for a young family like yours, it’s important not to hide. You have nothing to be ashamed of for being Jewish and London is relatively safe for Jews. Don’t let misinformed haters put you in the shadows. Even if you are not religious, having a mezuzah on your door is a reminder every day of you history and culture and the people to whom you belong. Rowan deserves to grow up with the pride of his heritage, not shame. I hope a family member gives you a fun and colorful mezuzah that you live so much that you just feel compelled to hang it.
@xoclarinet22xo Год назад
I'm Jewish and my partner isn't and when we moved into our London flat I put up a mezuzah and it's been great for us. I'm from the US and grew up Reform (I think the equivalent in the UK is Progressive? Not sure - but we're definitely more culturally Jewish than religious) and I never had one growing up. I got one first at uni and then when I moved into my first flat with a friend (who was also not Jewish) and I've had one ever since. I guess being from the US I'm less concerned with sharing my Judaism and it's something I've openly shared with people since moving to London, but whenever I see someone else's house with one it makes me so happy. Obviously this is something for you and your family to consider but it's become a staple in my household and is something that my non-Jewish flatmate and now partner never had an issue with and have come to see as part of their household as well.
@anasazi798 Год назад
you can also put a mezuzah on an inside doorway - though not traditionally on bathrooms 😅
@SadbhW Год назад
My husband is also an Atheist and was very anti-religion when we met. I was never going to tolerate it; the irony of so many Atheists seeking to avoid religious bigots is that they become bigots themselves. I was working in Interfaith Relations when we met so I brought him along to a lot of the projects I was working on and he got over the nonsense. He's still Atheist, and my cultural, not religious, identity is still steeped in Irish Catholicism and Irish Paganism, but now he plays Samhain games with me and he bought me a nativity set when we first moved in together around Christmas. Dan needs to embrace all of you.
@chepan83 Год назад
This is so exciting! Congratulations! Also, definitely down for "adult" conversations like this going forward so no worries. I'm 28 and this is all stuff I'm thinking about/working towards, etc.
@meganvanmilo Год назад
Exciting!!! What are you most excited for in the new house? (Also, why doesn't Dan want a mezuzah?) I moved house just about a year ago and I'm still not even halfway done decorating, lol. Time, energy & money are sparse
@meteorrejector Год назад
i have the same question about dan!
@chloeryan868 Год назад
Most likely because he isn't jewish
@NZ73200 Год назад
Just thinking have u got a hotel near where u can all stay for few days n family members has R there. So u move on Fri n u all stay there from the mon when u got main rooms set up. I would recommending a packing n unpacking services (if u only go for one packing service coz there know how to pack n can be pretty quick) so there pack everything n u put sticky note on what there r unpacking etc so u can at least can kitchen living room n main bedroom set up only idea n maybe ur assistant can help with vlog even if it’s main things like handing keys in n getting new keys. I love scrapbook but I think u need to do a book of pictures n memories of what has happened in the flat especially for ur son xx
@yosoysoya7944 Год назад
I just realized that you could've (should've? would've?) called it Hannahkah instead of Vlognukah...
@MsGloomyLamp Год назад
Good luck on your move, hope it goes smoothly! By the way, our upsizing process was also super fast, and I know a lot of people who also bought the second/third house they looked at.
@honorcollins6962 Год назад
I’m so happy for you! My partner and I weren’t so lucky; we were trying to buy our first place together, a small 2 bed flat, and we got our mortgage application in just before the interest rates skyrocketed but then Liz Truss ruined it for us and our mortgage was one of the thousands that got rejected
@lilyirvine5004 Год назад
I’m a full time conveyancer so happy to answer anyone’s questions or queries! I know it can be super stressful and overwhelming, even without the changes in the current market! 🧡
@carolineappleton3177 Год назад
Your description of the solicitors made me think of the Dominos order wheel 🤣
@morehannah Год назад
@Magpiecheek Год назад
Congratulations on this big moment! If I were in your position, I would start packing right away to prevent the stress once you have your move-in date.
@Eleeyore Год назад
I just moved into an apartment on my own for the first time (renting). It’s a very stressful time money wise for so many people, myself included. And yet it’s the first time in my life I can afforded my own apartment after years of flatshares. I’m so so lucky and privileged to have parents who can still financially support me until I finish my studies in summer. But there’s also so much that went into getting where I am now. I’ve never been more stable mental health wise than I am now. Managing a full time bachelor’s degree in social work and a part time job as a social pedagogue. Being so busy and still living in a pandemic is isolating but now I get to have my own space that I can invite my friends and partners to and have my home be a home to my people too. It’s exciting, taking your own life and goals and needs and wishes seriously and taking risks in caring about and putting so much work into something. Congrats on the house, Hannah! Fingers crossed that it all goes over smoothly ❤
@thetameroffantasy Год назад
We also just bought a house, with help of my parents and it's wild, how quickly it can go. We should get the keys abotu two months after the wieving o.O Also it's the first and only one we went to look at, becouse we're really picky :D But we don't have kids and might never have, because nature, so I was wondering why haven't you bought bigger flat when you knew, you want kids? We're buying big enough to acommodate potential kids in the future.
@rebeccagleeson8404 Год назад
Thank you for doing the explaining mortgages thing at the start! My brother bought a house last year and he was terrible at explaining it 😂 Not looking forward to buying a house in the next 5-10 years
@sophiebuchel Год назад
Not sure why, but just so you know the audio on your videos is usually a lot lower in volume than other videos on YT, and also sounds a bit stuffy or muffled - but that may be because you're a little congested 😅
@holly6688 Год назад
Sounded fine to me?
@powderandpaint14 Год назад
I did have to turn the volume right up too.
@powderandpaint14 Год назад
Aren't three bedroom houses costing £500,000 and above in London now! I'm sure some of them go for up to a million depending on where exactly they are!
@emmynoether9540 Год назад
I'm German, a lot of people here rent a flat their while life and I saw myself going that route because I don't like the feeling of being strung down by a place, if I want to move. Also house maintenance can get very expensive. Also I enjoy the community and energy savings of living in a block home, I don't have to use the heater that much. Anyway, I recently talked to someone from Dublin and he explained that renting a place for more than a year is considered weird in Ireland. How is the culture of renting Vs buying in the UK? Growing up, I thought that owning a place is something only middle-to-upper-class-people can afford, but my horizon is broadened that it's very different in different areas and countries.
@rexfoxoloughlin6033 Год назад
Mainly because rents in Ireland are absolutely insane money, and a mortgage is much much cheaper. Also, landlords are horrible and won't let you paint walls/have kids/have pets/sometimes even put paintings/pictures up (because it would "damage the walls"), and so a house you own is just much better with a lot more freedom. Landlords also often let the place "furnished" but it's just full of the crap furniture they chucked out of their own house, and you have no choice but to try to decorate around the most disgusting black leather sofa you've ever seen.
@emmynoether9540 Год назад
@@rexfoxoloughlin6033 that's true, I heard all that over time from friends living there for two-three years. Makes a lot of sense to buy.
@alice8106 Год назад
I wouldn't say that's true that people don't rent longer than 1 year. I'm in my late twenties and have been renting (housharing) for the past 4 years and that's very much the norm. Rent in Ireland has always been expensive but recently it has gone off the scale, but so have house prices to buy as there is a lack of supply for both. So people are stuck between a rock and a hard place. But renting a place for more than one year is definitely very common and not weird at all. The only thing is that people don't tend to rent for life in Ireland, it's far more common and seen as the norm to buy eventually
@nakymatonlapsiN Год назад
why woud Dan be against a mezuzah? fingers crossed the buying and moving process goes smoothly!
@kellyfisher4251 Год назад
Hi, yay love moving/Reno videos, more please.(floor plans are my crack lol 🥰) questions: could you give us the floor plans or a rough walkthrough and a bit more info on the other two properties you saw (and the notions, and notes and thoughts you had on them) curious to know if time had gone by and you hadn’t found anything else you remotely liked would you have revisited the other two options and tried to make it work I.e extensions/remodelling, doing up certain rooms as needed, lodger friend, extra mortgage from family, what would have been your plan b in that scenario? Don’t know if this is the right place to ask the Q’s if not could some friendly person point Hannah in it’s direction please. To any one reading I hope you are doing good and having a nice week, stay safe, happy and healthy and have lots of fun and a life full of love. (And let’s all please try to be kind to one another). Lots of love. Kelly
@aeolia80 Год назад
in France here, so our mortgage rate is fixed for 20 years, lol, though we can break it at any time. But we got in right before things started going south, and we got maybe the best interest rate we could possibly get, I mean minus building co-op fees and utilities and stuff, our mortgage is around what we were paying for a small 1 bedroom, and we have a 2 bedroom now with a humongous living room, I feel like if we don't have any kids we'll be staying here until we die, lol, because it's so far met all of our needs. Now I just gotta make it so that everything is up to date and more comfortable that a basic white rental box, lol
@JudyCZ Год назад
I was going to ask if you'd consider sharing the location of your current flat because I'm just super curious but when you mentioned you're staying there, I understood. 😁 I'm a bit envious but so happy for you. And looking forward to more videos about settling in! 💛
@awkwardatlas5623 Год назад
Interesting. The sellers of our flat used the Partnership, and my god, we couldn't have had a more different experience than you. Not that our solicitors covered themselves in glory, but the Partnership were something else. Just goes to show how different peoples' experiences can be (mind you, this was three years ago now).
@jdsummers1333 Год назад
I’ve watched so many videos and read so many articles about mortgages and I still don’t know a thing. It just doesn’t click for me. I definitely wouldn’t be accepted anytime soon due to my credit score - but I don’t want to rent forever 😅
@leonied.9973 Год назад
Would love a moving series/house series,!!!
@sallys.2707 Год назад
I love (no) the fact that if you can't pay your mortgage you pay fees BUT if you can pay your mortgage in advance you pay fees. 🙃 We really need to dismantle banks and the finance system
@anabluu Год назад
If you are upsizing, it does not make any difference whether the market crashes or not. You need to sell your flat anyway and put the money towards the new place, the only thing that will matter is the price difference between the old and the new! Congratulations are in order, very excited for the moving vlog xxx
@Coastpsych_fi99 Год назад
I love this content and it makes me more excited than dating 😂😂
@laralikesmascara Год назад
ooooh so excited for the video with David Baddiel!! I read his book on your recommendation (I'm Jewish too) and found it super interesting.
@aoc349 Год назад
I just upsized myself in preparation for having a family. It was a journey full of ups and downs. The one piece of advice I will give is pay people to move your belongings. It was 400 euro for two guys to deconstruct all of our furniture and do all of the lifting etc, we had packed away our actual things but they did all of the rest and it was the best money I've ever spent. My back and my sanity thanked me for it!
@shelleylevin6915 Год назад
My spouse and I bought our first home in 2021. It's in a co-op in the US, which is like a condo...which is I guess like a flat in the UK? Anyway, after over a year in our home I finally put up a mezuzah, and I'm so glad I did! My spouse isn't Jewish like me, but he was totally supportive. It reminds me of home growing up, and especially my dad and my grandmother, who have passed away. It's also not the only mezuzah in our building, which is a lovely feeling of community. Really looking forward to your chat with David Baddiel--I'm reading his book Jews Don't Count now, which I first heard about on your channel! I'd love to hear an update about the mezuzah decision when you move :)
@katewild3667 Год назад
Hannah this is so helpful! I could of done with this video 2 months ago when I was remortgaging! It’s so hard to get a clear break down of how it works and I hope this video helps other people going through this stress ❤️
@aksez2u Год назад
Having built and bought and sold several houses in my lifetime, and lived through the ups and downs of all kinds of housing markets, I think your ideas are spot on. Your concerns should be: Can I afford this mortgage? Is my income stable?, things along those lines. This house is not meant to be a financial investment, it is meant to be your home. Yes, it's nice if you can make money in the long run, but who knows what is going to happen in 10+ years time. The market could go through a few ups and downs during that time. Best wishes on the process! Looking forward to any moving and new home content you decide to produce!
@Em-eo4qf Год назад
Hey Hannah, love your videos! Not sure if anyone else has noticed this, but the audio on your videos seems to be quite a lot quieter than anyone else I watch. Not a problem, just an observation!
@GloriaTulwan Год назад
Why wouldn't Dan want the mezuza ? You already seemed to say he thought it would be "weird" to do jewish holidays with your son. Doesn't that seem intriguing ? What if you were from another culture/background, would anyone accept the fact that he's so disturbed by it ?
@jacqueline8559 Год назад
It's his right, and just between you two, However, a big subject like Faith would, I thought , have been discussed prior to marriage ( sorry, i dont actually know if youre married or not) or definitely having children. As a Born Again Christian I always knew I could never marry anybody who didn't share my beliefs. Its in the Bible that, like the oxen in the field we are to be "evenly yolked". Meaning we are to evenly share all aspects of life, each putting Jesus, The Word of God and prayer first, and sharing all decisions based on this Faith. Happily my husband and I met, and fell in love instantly at 19. We've been together and happily still in love 37 years, married for 33. We are Blessed to know God indeed brought us together. If we hadn't met, I wouldn't have married an unbeliever, because I cannot envision relying on God to guide my steps through this life whilst sharing it with someone who just doesn't live that way. It just wouldn't work for either of us. I hope you and Dan come to a peaceful solution, whatever you both choose ,regarding all aspects of your Jewish upbringing and Culture.( and it is only you two who can decide how you approach your lives together) It doesn't appear that you have a strong Faith yourself, again that's absolutely your choice., but its something that will keep arising unless you make clear both of your needs and expectations. Otherwise you won't be equipt when / if family try to influence you. Both enjoy a long, happy, Blessed life together ♥ God Bless you both and your future children 🙏
@robertmenzies6939 Год назад
Hey Hannah sure your well aware of this but one thing that really can bite you financially was all of the post moving costs. Solicitor fees, estate agents fees, house moving fees etc etc we were so lucky we got advise to add this into our mortgage amount else would have never have afforded it. Really not an insignificant amount. Good luck with the move always going to be a very stressful time but sure the new family home will be well worth it all 😁
@sonja7950 Год назад
I consider myself fluent in English despite it not being my first language but there were... SO many words I have genuinely never heard before in this video haha! So interesting to hear your process so far and wishing you the best of luck with the new house
@laurenschenck5355 Год назад
So happy moving is going smoothly and can’t wait to see your new home Hannah! 💚🎅🏻🎄🎅🏻💚❤️❤️💚🎅🏻🎄🎅🏻💚❤️💚🎄🎅🏻🎅🏻💚💚💚🎅🏻🎄🎅🏻💚💚🎄🎄🎅🏻💚💚❤️💚🎄🎅🏻❤️💚🎅🏻
@elizabluerose Год назад
the idea of a varying rate mortgage gives me hives. Best of luck with the move!
@dorindaness Год назад
Congrats! I am first-time buyer at a similar stage in the process to you. The uncertainty of timing is absolutely killing me! Your solicitor sounds fabulous, mine disappears every two weeks! Thought this topic was so boring before but now I'm in it I'm obsessed!
@LemonSte Год назад
Several family members are in this process at the moment so I am like weirdly educated on a thing I am years away from ever being able to afford 😭 my partner is an ECT science teacher and I am a freelance artist, so you can imagine that doesn't exactly produce a crazy combined income, even taking into account we both still live with our parents. One day maybe
@zoe_nerea Год назад
it's interesting to see the differences and similarities between your and Lucy Moon's processes of buying a new property around the same time. I think it's a good insight into the london market at the moment imo.
@nelly5376 Год назад
We moved right at the beginning of the pandemic. It was our 1st home, so it was relatively easy. I think, we put in an offer, and it got accepted within 7 days of the property going on the market. I was sceptical until the moment we picked up our keys that everything would go smoothly, but it did! I was particularly scared because we had put in a notice on the flat we were renting and we don't have any family in the UK, so we would have been stranded if anything had happened lol
@ThePragmatist839 Год назад
This is super interesting to me, so don’t worry. :) we are on the same timeline as you but with a 2 year lag :) our mortgage for our 2BR flat will expire in 2025, and we’re gonna try for a baby soon. 😅 so if everything works we will be in the same position in exactly two years! We also bought with HTB, partially inspired by you. Feels like we’re growing up together 😭
@niamhkelly6859 Год назад
We bought a house in the same layout as my childhood home, definitely helped me feel more at home immediately in it
@ralz97 Год назад
Hannah, if you and Dan, in the near or far future, need good architects, hit up Jeff Kahane Associates, especially if you are situated in North London. I am not only saying it because I work there, but the director is the most kind and knowledge architect I have met. As for contractors, MH Costa are the best. They are like the solicitors you linked, in terms of organisation and precision, but builders (they have instagram, pinterest and a website).
@morehannah Год назад
omg thanks for these recommendations!
@HeyBrosephify Год назад
Thank you so much for talking about this!! I'm not going to be in a position to buy any time soon but it's so valuable to normalise talking about personal finances, and for me to have resources like this to get some awareness into my head at a time when I don't neeeeeed to know it. I don't have parents or any grown up to ask, so I so appreciate you being open about your experiences - thank you!!!!
@maxturner3459 Год назад
In this economy??? 😂 congrats and I hope everything goes well, I’m so pleased for you all!
@LauraCuba Год назад
My only advice is... FIND INFO ABOUT THE NEIGHBOURS, specially if the houses are old and you share the entire wall.
@MillieVonMint Год назад
Watching this video is like living a nearly parallel stage of life, but in a different country. We also have a baby (just turned 8 months old), and have just listed our house for sale and are house-hunting with intentions to upsize (baby stuff takes up SO MUCH space!). I am definitely nervous and worried doing this process in these uncertain times, and also struggling to manage being a mother to my baby while packing/cleaning/etc. There is just SO much to be done and only so many hours in the day. 😮‍💨
@natalieunis5122 Год назад
My husband and I (Canadian) bought a house last summer in the craziest market Canada has ever seen (at least in our area). Houses were moving so fast, and for more than double their listing price before even being listed online. We viewed our house on a Thursday. We offered Friday morning, all offers were reviewed at a set time on Monday and we officially bought a house on Wednesday after a VERY rushed home inspection. I appreciate the stress you’re going though. Congrats on the almost new house :)
@catclark1866 Год назад
This will be my exact situation next year! Currently pregnant and due in April 23 and want to move end of next year even though we are in a fixed term mortgage until 24. Feel like this video was made for me haha! But seriously I think it is great to see videos on mortgages and finances because you only really learn about it when you are experiencing it and also it changes all the time.
@evanwalter9 Год назад
Don't mention the Liz Truss/ Kwasi Kwarteng "kamikazé" "disaster" budget! Although I live in France and originally from London, I followed the news very closely when the $£€& show happened with that disastrous budget between Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng and I have to say, I was embarrassed, shocked, beside myself, outraged and offended by the disastrous budget! It was such an embarrassment, I don't even want to think about it anymore and I can only imagine the eye watering shocking reaction of all of you back in the UK when that budget was announced! I was shocked and couldn't believe the $£&€ show myself, despite living in France! I'm glad that disaster got stopped in its tracks very quickly although I feel so sorry for all of you that were offended by the budget
@evanwalter9 Год назад
@freedakaye6720 Год назад
Terraced = townhome, for the Americans
@sarahalewijnse1177 Год назад
Congratulations! We just moved from a flat to a house and it's amazing! Storage space is such a luxury. Also, I'm very jealous of your solicitors!
@harrietthomas-bush7274 Год назад
I'm so happy to hear you like your solicitors! I work as a trainee property solicitor and we so often just get people complaining despite us obviously doing everything we can!
@leenanorms Год назад
Can't wait to visit!
@morehannah Год назад
I still need to visit you!! 😂😂
@TheGinger336 Год назад
I’d love to hear more about moving out of the studio!
@BethMaryHal Год назад
I bought my first house in Fall 2020 when things felt very uncertain but interest prices were super low. I'd been tentatively looking, but since I wasn't spending money all spring and summer, my down payment built up much faster than anticipated. The actual process of looking at this house went insanely fast, but it was the first place that fully completely felt like mine and like it was a space designed for my needs.
@Anna0x Год назад
Love this kind of video Hannah, always really useful and interesting to understand how other people approach house / mortgage / moving issues!! ❤
@athenaamethyst8385 Год назад
We just moved right before Christmas with a 2 year old and a 4.5 year old from a rental house to a house we just bought. We had previously sold our other house the year before when the market was really high here in the US. So, we moved with an almost 1 year old and 3 year old then with a 2 year old and a 4.5 year old....it's a LOT. It's stressful. I feel for you. But, it's also SO worth it to end up in the house/place you want. :) This house is our forever home and the kids (and our dog) have more space and love it!
@francescalangford7995 Год назад
Hard relate on the nervous energy. I also bought a house whilst Liz Truss was bombing the economy, and also will have an 8/9mo baby when we move (also a 3yo). We'll be moving in February. I'm a big ball of stress. Please give me alllll the house moving content for me to watch so I feel less alone in it lmao
@homestarrunner21 Год назад
My husband and I had a similar experience this summer, it all happened pretty quickly and we’ve been so happy to be in a home, we’ve chosen to be childfree but it was time for more space for us to be able to comfortable cook together, work from home and to add a couple of new pets to our little family :) I’m happy to hear that things are coming together so nicely for you all!! Will definitely be on the lookout for an announcement that you’ve got the keys! Congratulations!!!🎉
@Cristina-oc9uu Год назад
Unrelated, but I would love a video about your current favourite feminist/LGTBQ+/sex-and-relationship shows! Thanks for this video, Hannah, it's always nice to hear a relatable woman openly talking about their own finances! :) xx
@lauranica Год назад
Congratulations! And I hope the process will be as smooth a s possible. Let me know if you need an architect (I'm a fully qualified one) for renovations or extensions or just design ideas. :-)
@lowbrass.spirit206 Год назад
When Hannah says 3 months might be a bit fast.... From the time my place was listed to when my offer was accepted was just 72 hours. I moved in a month later....
@chihuahua0965 Год назад
In the UK do they not have 15 or 30 year fixed? (like the whole thing is fixed) That's all I'm used to here in the US, though I asked my husband and I guess we also have ones that do part fixed and part variable.
@doireannnichaoimh5057 Год назад
We moved from a 25msq cabin to a 3 bed house over the last weekend of October. We have a baby also and my biggest recommendation is if you can at all, get someone to mind the baby OUTSIDE the flat, ideal for full days, while you’re packing and cleaning! Babies are very distracting 🫣
@auditoryeden Год назад
We moved house in September. Did one day of viewings, fell in love with the third house, put an offer in the next day and we're accepted. We were only under contract for something like 45 days, had all our inspections and etc, got the keys August 30 and had to be out of our apartment September 30. It was insane and the housing market honestly was not favorable, but talking to our realtor we decided now was the time. The housing shortage in the US is going to take decades to resolve, so honestly even if inflation chills the fuck out buying a house isn't going to get any easier for a long, long time.
@bryonyw4739 Год назад
We are moving and offered on our house 8th September, then had to sell our house quickly too after, as we'd tried doing it twice before selling our house first and the market has been crazy. So yh we've experienced the whole Liz Truss stress situation 🤦‍♀️
@TeegsKJ Год назад
Myself, my partner and my bump are looking to move out of my in laws house outside of London. We feel if we don’t get on the market now, as first home buyers, we will miss our opportunity. Will it happen before baby comes? Most definitely not, but it’s been fun looking!
@sarah291096 Год назад
literally the opposite to you... moving out of my rented flat back to my parents so that i can afford things again! and hopefully be able to start saving to buy in the next couple?few? years
@davidgoldstein729 Год назад
Re whether or not to place a Mezuzah... I expect most of your new neighbors won't know what it means unless they're Jewish themselves. You would know much better than any of us what Dan's position is likely to be, but... it might be fair to say that the decision to place one is on the same scale as the decision to get Christmas trees or put a wreath on the door. Yes it's full-time rather than seasonal, but it's also quite a bit _smaller_, and most people won't notice it if they're not looking for it. The main reason I don't have one myself is that I rent and installing one properly has the potential for it to become a point of conflict with my landlord.
@annabanana12110 Год назад
I feit the same as you, we also went from 'having a look' to 'oh shit we bought a house'. We went looking on a saturday at the beginning of october, put in an offre on monday and moved in on the 2nd of december!
@Juliax13x Год назад
Just from the perspective of living and working in London, I would be interested in hearing what level of closeness to central London you have managed to buy. Obviously, not asking for the details of where you're living but just a gauge of distance from the centre. Would love to buy in London but obviously its hugely expensive and everyone says its impossible on a normal salary!
@eleanorbrown8146 Год назад
Hannah, I’m in near enough the same position as you (moving from a new build flat to a 3 bed Victorian terrace, with a mortgage offer that went through JUST before the mini budget fiasco, and will be moving with our newborn in Jan 😅)! We have similar concerns about the housing market, but our thoughts are that a lot can happen during 10 years. Sure, we could be paying top, top value for it rn, but even if the value drops tomorrow, it won’t matter so long as we can afford repayments. Living with enough space and making a family home with our son is really important to us. That’s our priority. I’m mainly feeling super grateful that everything went through before it all went to shit with Liz Truss’ stint as PM! So many friends now can’t afford to move. Good luck with the rest of the process!
@Chloee508 Год назад
We are in a similar position, our house is sold,offer accepted on our next, waiting currently for the people selling to find their next. We are forced to move by bad neighbours but also thought it we can afford it now then let's do it. If the market changes all houses change in the same way so might as well be happy when it if they do right
@claudiajade624 Год назад
So I know Nothing but it seems to be that if interest rates are just going to go up and up (which is seemingly like the case), and if the market is abit scared so perhaps prices are at least stable or if anything going down, plus as u said the factors with your income etc, then it is probs the best time as it's going to be do make the jump 👍🏻 Best of luck! I am living overseas at the moment so not in a position to buy a place but so keen... currently living in a 1 bdrm apartment with a bubba and just making it work 😋
@dariadavay Год назад
Wow this is lovely story about your moving process that suddenly just changed to triggering an identity crisis. Liked and subscribed!
@bodhgaia Год назад
Happy Hanukkah! Good luck on the house move. So stressful but hopefully it will all be worth it. Also moving house hopefully, it has ben super stressful.
@dees3179 Год назад
I know what you mean about not listening to what else is going on, recently had to make an expensive decision about my mortgage and still regretting it. But I’m a few weeks it might seem like it was a good idea. Previous house I would have paid off the mortgage by now. Instead I owe more on this than I ever owed on the other. Gulp. Didn’t actually have a choice as it was the only way I could see to get a mortgage that goes past then end of my current job - we got our funding cut. So I solved my crisis by spending all my money. Makes no logical sense.
@evenolan7333 Год назад
I moved 5 times before my daughter turned one... get movers/man with a van. Just get all the stuff from one place to the other as quickly ask possible. Then worry about making it liveable 😊
@chloehudnott5613 Год назад
The way you were describing your solicitors, I was thinking oh that sounds like what mine were like. Looked at the link, it was them 😅
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