
Weight that Hinders - A. W. Tozer Sermon / Hebrews 12 

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Weight that Hinders - A. W. Tozer Sermon / Hebrews 12
A.W. Tozer sermon playlist: • A. W. Tozer Sermons
Aiden Wilson Tozer was born April 21, 1897, on a small farm among the spiny ridges of Western Pennsylvania.
Tozer's forte was his prayer life which often found him walking the aisles of a sanctuary or lying face down on the floor. He noted, "As a man prays, so is he." To him the worship of God was paramount in his life and ministry. "His preaching as well as his writings were but extensions of his prayer life," comments Tozer biographer James L. Snyder. An earlier biographer noted, "He spent more time on his knees than at his desk."
Tozer's love for words also pervaded his family life. He quizzed his children on what they read and made up bedtime stories for them. "The thing I remember most about my father," reflects his daughter Rebecca, "was those marvelous stories he would tell."
Son Wendell, one of six boys born before the arrival of Rebecca, remembers that, "We all would rather be treated to the lilac switch by our mother than to have a talking-to by our dad."
Tozer's final years of ministry were spent at Avenue Road Church in Toronto, Canada. On May 12, 1963, his earthly pursuit of God ended when he died of a heart attack at age 66. In a small cemetery in Akron, Ohio, his tombstone bears this simple epitaph: "A Man of God."
Some wonder why Tozer's writings are as fresh today as when he was alive. It is because, as one friend commented, "He left the superficial, the obvious and the trivial for others to toss around. . . . [His] books reach deep into the heart."
His humor, written and spoken, has been compared to that of Will Rogers--honest and homespun. Congregations could one moment be swept by gales of laughter and the next sit in a holy hush.
For almost 50 years, Tozer walked with God. Even though he is gone, he continues to speak, ministering to those who are eager to experience God. As someone put it, "This man makes you want to know and feel God."
Hebrews 12
King James Version (KJV)
1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
3 For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.
4 Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.
Please watch: "A Call to Separation - A. W. Pink Christian Audio Books / Don't be Unequally Yoked / Be Ye Separate"
• A Call to Separation -...



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@ChristisLord 7 лет назад
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@mvt28 4 года назад
Time is too short, Judgement is too certain, Eternity is too long, God is too wonderful, Christ is too beautiful, and Heaven is too glorious, For us to allow anything in our lives, To hold us back from winning the race of life.
@tammyatkins6101 6 лет назад
Blessed to have these teaching pastors today dont explain scripture nor preach against sin as they should how desperately we need that in theses times
@silverlily2389 5 лет назад
I love how he tackled the seemingly mundane affairs and habits of a Christian which turn out to be really impediments which will stunt our growth in Christ.
@tullythebully5539 6 лет назад
I'm grateful for this recording. Look, God uses him though for years he's been with our Lord. What an amazing God. How incredible it is to know he's still being used to reach my ears after he recorded this many years ago. I am hungry and I thirst for righteousness. Bless me Lord, and fill me. And thank you for the faithfulness of your servant, A. W. Tozer
@caryanders5984 3 года назад
Thank you for sharing this rich, blessed word from the Lord. These are serious times: times of repentance and obedience and fervency in our faith and hearts towards Christ! Yes, let us run this race to WIN!!! God Blessings to you and all my brothers and sisters in Christ. ✝️❤️✝️
@marianneg.6599 2 года назад
Thanks to JD Faragh I started readingTozer and found out how accurately he was on the current apostacy in the church and in the christian homes. Satan did a good job to bring in amusement, entertainment etc. Hardly anybody knows Gods Word or has a personal relationship with Him. Sad to note we live in the days of Laodicea. Thank you for this blessed message. Greetings from Holland.
@melissahyatt7395 5 лет назад
“And all the people shall say, amen.”
@dianallamas8817 6 лет назад
First time I've ever heard this preacher teach. And i'm telling you, it was not just by chance! This preaching covers my current study on Hebrews 12. Praise Jesus!
@phyllisclark2318 5 лет назад
This was a sobering message which causes one to do a checkup on their walk in Christ Jesus, in 2019 it's time to wake up out of sleep and run the Race that is set before us, for those that are in Christ Jesus help Us LORD!! Thank you for this message
@MrFoifou 10 лет назад
Thank you for making this preaching available!
@ChristisLord 10 лет назад
Hope you were greatly blessed in its hearing, Rick...God bless.
@nderitupius 5 лет назад
Can I say how much I would like to be like this man spiritually?! Well I desire to be more like CHRIST but one of the many few men who have been fundamental in this walk is this man. His most profound preaching to my life - Everything by Prayer. GOD bless yu Mr. Rich. GOD bless you bro.
@bendito5410 11 лет назад
Tozer is a great teacher of the truth. I learned about him because of you stackny. Thank you for your hard work and time. Its well appreciated.
@frankmeiser8287 2 года назад
Thank you for the sermon, I believe in his standard to live by.
@stephenkang2176 5 лет назад
Have read his books and he surely points us to 'the knowledge of the holy' I thirst for more....
@xbhdvvd2550 6 лет назад
God,is good,just came accross this foundational teaching today,thxs for loading it
@jamestaylor909 4 года назад
I Truely enjoyed this sermon. Thank You for the treasure. Sounds like my parents advice when I was running long distance. You must know how to pace yourself then give it all you got near the finish line.... God is so good.
@janicekusnierz5649 7 лет назад
So very blessed to be able to hear these teachings~~~thank you!
@tammymillerphillips 8 лет назад
Love his teachings!
@tbrown317 5 лет назад
Thank you. This sermon has truly helped me. Thank You Lord! Blessings....
@rickhorejsi5227 2 года назад
Aw tozer. His teachings are reaching me to strengthen me helping me enhance the lives of those around me. Leaning from the HOLY SPIRIT guiding me enabling me to live a life of freedom from my self desires and self will. The Great Lord JESUS CHRIST HIS GIFT OF HOLINESS. it means everything to me. He's in my life and I couldn't be more grateful. Am blessed and humbled to be of service to others. Yes Thank you JESUS CHRIST
@rockbottomfoundationinc.5316 3 года назад
Yes! And AMEN. Thank you for making his Preaching available.
@andrewkwakye3238 5 лет назад
Powerful 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
@Notsureanymore441 2 года назад
Thank you sir for putting this up
@alfredudoha 8 лет назад
thank you
@ChristisLord 8 лет назад
You are quite welcome, Alfred.
@formea62 10 лет назад
Mr. Tozer enables women like me who are desperately pursuing a dynamic relationship with Christ. I had only been reading his books-a pleasure to hear him preach. thank you!
@jmcljazz6733 Год назад
Like wise we're really enjoying him too. I never new he was recorded.
@ChristisLord 11 лет назад
You are most welcome. I am so very glad that you found it a blessing. May our Lord bless you as well :-)
@pearlsinlife332 9 лет назад
A. W. Tozer Sermon
@jermainejones1560 7 лет назад
This is right on time
@ChristisLord 11 лет назад
May you find it a great blessing, sister :-)
@timothyweakly2496 4 года назад
@ChristisLord 11 лет назад
Oh, you are quite welcome, Heather...and thank you for your comment. Peace to you in Christ Jesus.
@southernsavedbygrace 11 лет назад
@songwritertv1 6 лет назад
you ever heard any preacher today preach on this topic?
@christopherblankley7846 5 лет назад
Still loving your channel brother :)
@ChristisLord 5 лет назад
That is quite encouraging to hear, Christopher. May it continue to be a great blessing to your soul, brother.
@kcj6561 8 лет назад
i really want to understand english sermon...but my english is bad...:(
@JesusIsUnstoppable 8 лет назад
Can you read English?
@ChristisLord 10 лет назад
Hebrews 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, 2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
@DavidWilliams-lp5fo 5 лет назад
@wendykheswa3081 3 года назад
Wooow!! Makes me wonder if there's any church left on earth that has the Holy Spirit... is there any Christian on earth who still has the Holy Ghost... Lord help me to lay off anything that will hinder me from allowing your Holy Spirit to manifest itself in my life!! I know you are coming soon. Please help me to prepare my heart to meet you in peace!! Especially whilst mercy lingers on!! Thank you for sharing these thought provoking and heart searching sermons. I'm really blessed!!
@TheDolife 11 лет назад
i needed that i was trapped in sins only jesus can help
@junerussell4027 9 лет назад
Tis old yet ever new. Thank you.
@timothyweakly2496 5 лет назад
@ChristisLord 11 лет назад
Oh, you are most welcome...but I am already blessed in having the opportunity and privilege to share these wonderful sermons with brethren like you :-) May our Lord continue to bless you as you abide in His love.
@livetwice7702 3 года назад
Every single sermon I have listened to so far from A W Tozer has pierced me to the heart , wonderful
@ChristisLord 11 лет назад
I am truly very glad that you have learned of A.W. Tozer and that you have been blessed of God through his preaching. Thank you for your warm and encouraging sentiments...may the peace of our Lord be with you.
@ChristisLord 11 лет назад
Hebrews 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, 2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
@CaroleMcDonnell 11 лет назад
Thanks so much for uploading this. Off to listen.
@heathersaunders8580 11 лет назад
That was great thanks for uploading :)
@lilwinged5291 5 лет назад
Wow this is incredible..😃...thank you Jesus for this mans faith he had .
@harryhopkins5455 2 года назад
Oh boy an unspiritual friendship I know it's true must be let go of its just awful to want to love Jesus get closer to God and to be surrounded by others who cannot hear God see God or want to
@oliviarawlings8398 3 года назад
Now that's a preaching....makes one want to run the race. Wonderful.
@joshuaben8373 5 лет назад
@gsmith5140 3 года назад
@floriflower6243 5 лет назад
And the Holy Spirit still talks thur his people over the centturies His teachngs goes on and on. Thank you Jesus for sending the Holy Spirit to us so we can survive in this world and ourt children move in the knowledge of the Lord. Praise God!
@ChristisLord 11 лет назад
Oh yes, that is brother Tozer speaking.
@teeteesmansion8568 5 лет назад
Yes!!!! Great teaching!
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