
WEIRD Marvel SNAP interactions that can LOSE you games 

Hooglandia Marvel Snap
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7 сен 2024




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@hanzo623 Год назад
A funny interaction I've come across is Hulk Buster into Lockjaw. Lock jaw puts himself back into the deck 🤣
@areyanceJr Год назад
@stevenpeters9038 Год назад
That's insane, I need to test that. I feel like that's not useful at all but it sure is funny.
@dafuzz1500 Год назад
Quick someone get the Boromir meme! We can use this power!
@hanzo623 Год назад
@@stevenpeters9038 oh it's definitely not useful lmao just outright hilarious
@bagoftrix Год назад
Yeah it's not that obvious at first that Hulk Buster makes his target a new played card. He works on Angela as well for example.
@tessieract Год назад
The "cards that cost x" and "x-cost card" distinction is not one omst ppl would assume going into snap, but it honestly makes sense when you think about the wording.
@murlin1958 Год назад
Another Captain Marvel thing that makes sense if you're actually reading the text, but may not intuit initially, is that she can move to Rickety Bridge at the end of the game without causing any cards to be destroyed there. The check for the bridge happened at the end of turn 6/7, and does not happen again at the "end of game."
@Kevo_-qu2wo Год назад
Another thing worth mentioning is: Face-down cards cannot be destroyed by normal means: Gambit, Carnage, Venom, Destroyer, Deathlok and etc. won't kill your cards if they were face-down when theirs effects trigger, and face-down cards cannot be moved by normal means: Bifrost/Heindall won't move your face-down cards hidden behind Invisible-woman/Dark Dimension. However Face-down cards can be moved by effects like Juggernaut and Aero and can be destroyed if they were moved to Fisk Tower/Kingpin location.
@jiveysnivy2114 Год назад
Face down cards also get destroyed by murder world. That felt wrong to me
@achunkofbutter Год назад
Don’t forget rouge and mystique.
@Kevo_-qu2wo Год назад
@@jiveysnivy2114 Really!? I didn't know that!
@jiveysnivy2114 Год назад
Yep, I had murder world as first location, lemuria as last, so played brood into MW thinking it would be safe as face down, when the hammer hit, the graphic became visible and it got destroyed
@parzival_35f32 Год назад
Facedown cards also don’t turn into Hulks from gamma labs. Learned that the hard way when I played a Carnage there lmao.
@PorraFloripa Год назад
One interaction that suprised me with miniturized lab was with multiple Man, i placed there turn 2 and "locked him" there, then i moved with Dr strange, and the clone didnt returned to the lab, stuck outside of it
@freehugs8060 Год назад
I think it's worth noting that "at the end of the game" triggering in play order is the same as any other triggered abilities reacting to the same thing
@qarsiseer Год назад
Other weird ones I've found: Juggernaut + Aero doesn't work. Juggernaut will kick the cards played that turn out of the location, but Aero will not drag them back. While Juggernaut & Aero can move facedown cards played that turn, Heimdall can't move Invisible Woman or Dark Dimension facedown cards.
@Vivid_Dreamer Год назад
The jubilee interactions really are the strange ones here that feel hard-coded and super inconsistent (like you said). She doesn't work with an absorbing man/lockjaw she pulls, but she does get an extra trigger from an odin she pulls. It's like she's at a weird pseudo-placement of being at a location yet not played before it all resolves.
@brofst Год назад
she is "at the location", but she has not finished "being played". Best to think of "being played" as a duration/interval event, which starts when the card is laid face down, and finishes when the onreveal effects complete.
@GomerJ Год назад
@@brofst This explaination makes sense as Jubilee will also still interact with Zola, something I’ve been having fun with recently. Don’t try to get to infinite this way, it’s wildly inconsistent, but very fun. I once hit on Jubileee pulling Zola, the split Jube pulled Odin, then pulled Giganto and the 2nd split pulled Infinaut. This combo will never happen again.
@jacobballenger5181 Год назад
One disappointing interaction is that you cannot hide a Magik under Invisible Woman for a sneaky turn 7.
@johnnyw4life Год назад
I tried that once at the location with that effect, hoping to see how the interaction worked. It works just as it reads: at the end of the game the card is flipped and the location changes. Since the end of the game is the wrap up after all the turns occur it makes sense you do not get to play again. I did lose that game to test that by the way 😅
@junyao5081 Год назад
if you enchantress on turn 6 in the invisible woman path i think it can work, but thats a 3 card combo
@NimiKhan Год назад
@Machishiki only if you do it on opponent's IW. Otherwise, it's the same problem of IW activating after the end of the game
@peyches00majickmanshin2 Год назад
You can get a sneaky turn 7 if you use Hela and she revives Magik.
@p1NaCl Год назад
@@peyches00majickmanshin2 Or lockjaw on turn 6 and pull Magik
@YanhaoRenDMM Год назад
One difference between professor X and miniture lab is that the lab does not have the "can't be removed from this location" like prof X. So cards can still be pulled out of the lab by cards like polairs or Magneto before turn 6
@bamweasel Год назад
They can also be destroyed there by the likes of Killmonger or Destroyer, unlike Professor X
@Trinity0809 Год назад
huh, when you were at shuri and her lab, i was expecting you to talk about how they do *not* work the same. If you shuri a venom, you get 1*2 + anything he eats as his power, if you venom into shuri's lab, you get his total power after eating doubled. big difference
@HooglandiaSnap Год назад
Thats a good one to note for next time!
@johnnyw4life Год назад
Also how he, Carnage, the Goblins, and multiple plays on the same turn at Bar Sinister work
@FernandoGonzalez-hu3id Год назад
its a timing issue On reveal efects resolve in the order they are played, and location efects resolve last, so Shuri will resolve before venom, but the lab will resolve after.
@ReggaeTroner172 Год назад
@@Flackon Yeah, another interaction is if you Enchantress an Armor on Death's Domain Enchantress will die, because she resolves first then location triggers.
@c_nrad Год назад
I imagine this is one of those “videos you’re extremely proud of and know it won’t do as well as your lower effort stuff” I found it very helpful - especially stuff that I wasn’t sure worked the way I had noticed it working. Namely, swarm being brought back by Hela and Aero-ing cards into Death’s Domain killing Aero but allowing facedown cards to flip up and live. Wish I had know about that one earlier.
@kylefox65 Год назад
One very rare case is if you play Wong, Onslaught, and Odin all into Onslaught’s Citadel to trigger an On Reveal a ton of times, the Fast Forward mechanic they implemented will actually skip over a lot of the On Reveal triggers and leave you sad
@JoshuaSMurray Год назад
After playing a zola on bar sinister, I finally saw the FF mechanic. I thought it was pretty fun tbh.
@Olamidayo Год назад
I did that but with kamar tai to get a drac to 90 something with apocalypse
@DarksteelPenguin Год назад
Another thing to note about Hela: when her effect triggers, it takes all the cards in the discard pile and then brings them back one by one, but cards that are added to the discard pile during that effect (like if Hela resurrects Hellcow) will not come back. However, if you have Blade (or similar) and Hellrider in your discard pile, then play Hela, and Hela first resurrects Blade, Blade discards X from your hand, then Hela resurrects Hellrider, and Hellrider resurrects X.
@galaxyyus Год назад
Hellrider sounds like Ghostrider's lost twin brother.
@cbmu8873 Год назад
So I've come across this situation twice. I was winning one lane and oponnent was winning Bar with no name. Third lane was tied. Captain Marvel's tip says 'Tiebreakers are decided by total power' which I assumed would count my points in Bar with no name as my own. To my surprise it doesn't. Points on your own side in Bar with no Name are counted as oponnent's points to the count of total power
@Bouldest1 Год назад
For the hela one: I get that they want to keep the UI simple, but they absolutely need to have the ability to view your discard pile, your destroy pile, your opponent’s discard pile, and your opponent’s destroy pile. Similarly, it would be nice to have UI for the infinity gauntlet (honestly should exist just for cool factor, even aside from gameplay importance) Also it would be really nice to have a game log (maybe hidden in the press on the energy button).
@dariel299 Год назад
i agree if its ur own discard and destroy pile but definitely not your opponent, the surprise factor is lost and that is important as well cause knowing what ur opponent destroyed or discard and u can basically guess what deck they playing
@Bouldest1 Год назад
@@dariel299 … it’s all public information, just you miss it sometimes when you’re distracted
@ekko56 Год назад
In addition, sometimes the UI bugs out showing a blank card discarded. Does not help if I'm paying attention then.
@aliensliveinme Год назад
@@ekko56 yep, always tedious when yondu triggers and you have no idea what you've just lost.
@x9nn Год назад
@@dariel299 it shows you what your opponent discards already tho, there isn't a surprise factor
@roniusadethel9768 Год назад
I remember playing Captain Marvel into Bar Sinister and losing. Got VERY salty that they didn't move to the appropriate positions to win the game.
@darrenskeeter4246 Год назад
Found out the hard way that kingpin kills the cards before they reveal if moved from the same spot as invisible woman. So when I played armor and another card thinking that when my opponent Aeros my cards to kingpin, armor would reveal and prevent destruction, kingpin just killed the cards before they flipped. Big man doesnt mess around
@JoeDoliner Год назад
One Hela detail you missed is that she works similar to hellcow in that she only resurrects cards that were in your discard at the time she was played. Cards added to the discard by resurrected cards won't themselves be resurrected. Great video
@Gigatoreador Год назад
Why would she revive cards that aren’t destroyed when the cards checks your graveyard for targets?
@bosoxfan885 Год назад
Played Rogue on a Wong location today thinking it would steal two ongoing abilities from my opponent. Turns out once the first one is taken the text on the card is changed to the ongoing ability and loses the on reveal part so it only steals one ongoing ability, same as if it was played away from Wong
@loiseauxmort9568 Год назад
I was very excited to comment on this video because I've seen a lot of weird interactions but my mind is blanking right now! 😭 The one weird interaction I remember at the moment is that if you Cloak a location and then the locations get moved around (like the effect of Starlight Citadel or Quake would switch their place) the location you can move things to is is the location itself, not wherever Cloak is. If I remember more weird/fun interactions I'll edit this comment to mention them, this one of the aspect of the game I really love!
@johnnyw4life Год назад
Same thing with JJ and Rescue.
@thebuilder511 Год назад
Yeah starlight citadel has all kinds of weird stuff. It works the same way with quake, but how would you know that lol. Effects that say "this location really do mean "this location", even if that location moves. It's the moving around being so rare that makes it feel unintuitive.
@DarksteelPenguin Год назад
Another Mysterio interaction that lost me a recent game: if you play Mysterio at Shuri's lab, despite having a current displayed power of 0, it will have 8 power when he reveals himself.
@Kevo_-qu2wo Год назад
I lost a game once because i got my electro Enchanted by the opponent. I tried to use Odin on him after that so my sunspot could absorv more energy on the last turn thinking enchantress only disabled the ongoing part of him, but she actually disables all of the effects of a card as long as one of them is ongoing. That's the same reason why you can play Ebony Maw on turn 4, 5 or 6 after you used a Sauron.
@cjnchimaera Год назад
Absorbing Man also copies Electro's full text, including his Ongoing effect. I once tossed Electro into Lockjaw so I got the extra energy without the card limit. Then I played Absorbing Man for even more energy (I'm greedy, sue me), but he got the Ongoing effect as well as the extra energy. Definitely threw a wrench in my plan.
@Oh_Ma_Dier Год назад
Most heartbreaking thing I expiriensed was playing Hobgoblin on Vormir when I already played there and my opponent didnt. The locations doent check on which side it was played on. Instead it checks where it ended up after playing.
@GaymerMajor Год назад
also hobgoblin doesn't fly over if the location is locked down by prof x
@kinopio9415 Год назад
That seems like a bug. I think it is worth reporting it.
@calprinicus Год назад
- Green goblin on Kamar Taj - Iron-fist on shuri's lab, follow by another card on shuri's lab = card moves & doubles in power. Quite different than expected as noted with juggernaut & Aero where location effects do not trigger. - Attuma on Dark Dimension or invisible woman doesn't blow himself up because revealed at end of game
@bagoftrix Год назад
I think Absorbing man works like this: copies last 'on reveal', it's resolved, then the location triggers, absorbing man copies his own ability. Same for Wong. Absorbing Man resolves, then Wong is like 'do that again sorby!' So i think it's working as it should, and if not, making him trigger twice is too OP. He's in a very good spot right now imho. I thought he'd be insane, similar to how incredible Wong and Mystique are, but how he works now actually makes him fine as is.
@x9nn Год назад
Him triggering twice on a wong would be more op than just any other card triggering twice on wong? It's not like you can't get the same card to retrigger either, we have odin who can do that. I don't see why Absorbing Man doesn't get to trigger twice
@bagoftrix Год назад
@@x9nn he triggers twice. the second time he once again copies the last played on reveal ability.
@akshya672222 Год назад
Two more interaction I noticed: 1. Knull also works similarly to Taskmaster and Venom when calculating the total power of destroyed cards. 2. Absorbing man when copies the Electro on reveal ability it also copies its ongoing ability to allow you to only play one card per turn.
@adamg810 Год назад
lost to a T5 Ironman, followed by a T6 Arnim Zola, copying a Jubilee who pulled a Mystique who then got to copy Ironman's ongoing ability. Feels bad man
@coltsfan354 Год назад
One that I was hoping you'd cover was Hulk Buster. You only really see it nowadays when you're in Pool 1, but it's super unintuitive when it comes to cloning/moving. For example, playing it into Cloning Vats doesn't give you another Hulk Buster, just a copy of the card it fuses into. Same basic thing for Sinister London, where it'll fuse, then make a copy of the fused card in another location.
@sixpathsofpain6595 Год назад
Nah this interaction makes sense as location effects happen after and when it scans for HB it's now binded onto another card so that's the card that gets copied
@areyanceJr Год назад
@@sixpathsofpain6595 some guy commented on how it works into lockjaw ,throwing the fused lockjaw back into your deck so it doesnt make as much sense as u think
@sixpathsofpain6595 Год назад
@yance - عاصم that's it following its own logic, lockjaw and a played card have the same order of effects as a location. HB's on reveal happens before lockjaws effect, then lockjaw scans for the card which is now itself so he dunks himself
@corbinlenning3505 Год назад
@@areyanceJr makes perfect sense as on reveal effect needs to be resolved before the card is considered played. When Hulkbuster finish resolving it is now attached to another card. So what ever happens to hulkbuster now get applied to the card it is attached to.
@randx1075 Год назад
also, if you play HB on a card like Nightcrawler in Death's Domain...NC will die with HB
@carlmalheim7161 Год назад
Another example with Aero is her pulling Lockjaw and other cards with priority. The cards don’t shuffle when they reveal.
@aineeamo Год назад
Great video. I've been curious about some of these and thoroughly confused and annoyed by others. Much appreciated.
@EdDePew Год назад
Something worth noting with Wave, On Reveal says NEXT Turn however it actually changes the cost on the CURRENT turn and next turn, this matters for cards that target a specific cost card in a sense of "highest" and "lowest". For example, Colleen Wing on 3 would then target any card in your hand because Wave changes all of your costs to 4 immediately so you might discard a card you didn't intend to. Would affect Lady Sif too.
@kinopio9415 Год назад
I don't know if they have changed this, but when Klyntar was released, it used to merge the stats of the cards without considering their ongoing modifiers, so if you had a Devil Dinosaur in there, it would only count as 3 power. Another thing worth mentioning is that when Venom eats cards it does so one by one in the order they were played, so if you have an active Ant-Man that was played second, it will de-activate and count only as 1 power. Similarly, if your Nova gets eaten first, it will buff all other cards in the lane and add that power to Venom as well.
@resh6701 Год назад
That's gold, I wish I knew all of this as a beginner They definitely need to rewrite some descriptions Small add : Rogue behaves like Mystique, she loses her On Reveal status, you can't use Absorbing Man on her, I made the mistake twice yesterday
@dnmph Год назад
This is such a useful compellation of weird quirky rules mistakes. I'll definitely be looking back at this one when I run into a situation I cant remember the rules for.
@Thalion-sw5mw Год назад
Another Hela interaction: it Resurrects cards, that were not in the discard pool when hela was played - e.g. Sword Master only discarded card; Hela -> summons sword master -> discards Odin -> Odin gets played ->Triggers Sword Master ->Discards another card -> another card gets played.
@helboy1111 Год назад
One weird interaction I found is when you roque an opponents ongoing effect and it gets put back in the deck by lockjaw. It loses it’s ongoing effect and has the on reveal ability again when you later pull/draw it.
@aliensliveinme Год назад
Whereas in cloning vats it will maintain the ongoing effect it stole. I found that out the hard way when I tried to turn off another ongoing effect and instead she popped out with Antman's ability 😅
@konkoism Год назад
Nice! Love the educational content. One addition to the Mysterio interaction: Strangely enough if Mysterio is the only card played that turn, the illusion still gets played into Morag. I guess technically kinda correct but still weird and against the developer intent (You should not be able to deduce which illusion is the real one by the way locations let you add cards)
@paulcorcoran534 Год назад
Thanks as always Jeff. It would be great to see Second Dinner have a standardized way cards interact with a defined meaning or vocabulary reference in the app. What you covered makes sense but I can recall loosing some early pool 1 and 2 games before I learned how cards would do certain things. Then getting into pool 3 it adds a whole new layer initially or when you unlock new cards.
@ankleknuckle Год назад
one of my most wanted card effects is something that can change the cost of cards, not the cost to play but changing how it interacts w cards like killmonger, surfer, zabu, etc. fundamentally changing, say, a 2-cost to a 1-cost.
@doopness785 Год назад
I once lost a game because I played a green goblin on Vormir. I had played an Electro there on turn 3 and my opponent played no cards there. And for some reason Green Goblin died even tho it was the 2nd card I played there that game. Ended up losing the tiebreaker due to that and I was livid.
@thaschwartz Год назад
I beat a guy who did that to me with a hob goblin. I had no idea that worked either but I was laughing my ass off.
@carlmalheim7161 Год назад
You actually explained this to me in a previous comment reply. Zola works like Jubilee with Taskmaster. For instance, on 4 you play a Zeroed Typhoid Mary. On 5 you Taskmaster to copy the 10 power. On 6, you Zola the Taskmaster and end up with two 10 power Taskmasters. They don’t copy the Zola’s 0 power since he technically hasn’t been played until after his On Reveal triggers. Mary is still the last card played, so they just copy her power again. This can be confusing for people used to using Zola on Black Panther because his On Reveal triggers for each copy doubling him up.
@PHDnHorribleness Год назад
Also when it comes to "end of game" effects, I believe Invisible Woman is distinct in that her cards are always revealed before effects like Dracula even if she was played after it.
@brofst Год назад
Yes, there's a difference between "until end of game" and "at end of game".
@areyanceJr Год назад
had a funny interaction with a move deck I had an armor played down and the opponent had ironfist the last turn,when he played a vulture that got pushed into my armor lane it stopped it from dying to voldimir,which was where it was played that turn
@chrisnichols6662 Год назад
Oddly, I've found that cost is calculated differently by Plunder's Castle, where it's about current cost when it comes to Wave, because the cost has changed to 4, but has no issue with Electro, since that just gives more energy to play cards that are naturally a 6. Didn't see that location mentioned in the video in regards to Wave interactions.
@ValD_119 Год назад
Found one interesting interaction with pulled cards from Doctor Ock. Apparently when you dont have a priority and play a card in the same lane at the same time as Doc Ock pulled your card, the card you've played will reveal *last* and the cards that were added by Doc Ock will reveal first, treating them the same with enemy priority. Got myself cucked when i played shangchi but doc ock pulled my cosmo 😭😭
@kirwilleo8326 Год назад
More videos like this would be awesome. there's a few interactions i still cant explain, but i also don't remember what happened exactly, just remember the feeling of being annoyed and frustrated, was hoping this video had an example of one of the ones that I'm forgetting. maybe next time.
@dawidjagusiak Год назад
Another interesting one is Gambit who can still destroy cards even if your hand is empty which means that he has two separate on reveal effects: 1 - discard a card, 2 - destroy a card, so perhaps it should be changed to that (similarly to electros text) to avoid confusion.
@Gigatoreador Год назад
Or at least only do b (destroy) when a (discard) was possible
@PajaKulebrc Год назад
Another thing I noticed is that Klyntar cannot produce negative power symbiote. So if your opponent send Green Goblin to you, then Klyntar will make 0 power symbiote out of it, even though it should be -3.
@onewhoeatspie Год назад
klyntar is weird as hell, it also seemingly doesnt care about temporary modifiers. If you have 3 cards with no abilities being buffed by a patriot, when they merge they do not get the extra 6 power from the original cards. I would still love if they eventually introduce a card that can do something similar though. Like molecule man or someone.
@An.Unsought.Thought Год назад
Never did that because in my mind I wouldn't want Goblin to be turned into a Symbiote just in case the other player has a Killmonger for clean up as the Symbiote acts as a 1 cost card.
@OJC6 Год назад
Great and much needed video. I have been playing since release and I still find myself making "for science" plays because I'm unable to intuit the interaction. Here are some interactions I found noteworthy: Knull cares about the power of cards at the time they were destroyed and not their base power the way Shuri does. So Negative Zone and Nidavellir are important considerations. Wolverine for some reason does not get played out when destroyed by the opponent's Yondu or by Lamentis. Death and Knull, however, are affected by cards destroyed from you and your opponent's deck. An idea for another video you can make could be interactions that help you win games. For instance, Galactus destroys lands left to right and destroys cards left to right starting with the top left most card. Nova buffs cards in this order as well. This information is useful when deciding where to play Nova and Wolverine in a Galactus deck. A Nova in the first position of the left lane will buff the most cards on its way out the door which makes for a much larger Knull. Wolverine can pick up an extra buff after Galactus goes off if there is a non-Galactus lane to the right of it also making Knull bigger.
@Trontonian Год назад
Likely been mentioned, but with Shuri you need to play the next card at the *same location* she was played at - so if Shuri gets moved, play your follow-up to where she was originally played. If the *location* gets moved, play to that location, not to where Shuri was played.
@joshualee8448 Год назад
I learned every one of these lessons the hard way. I really hope this video helps many folks!
@thebuilder511 Год назад
I remember getting screwed over by Starlight Citadel and Klyntar. I put iron man on Klyntar on turn 4, because Starlight Citadel was further to the left so Klyntar was theoretically the only safe location for him. For some reason though, Klyntar went off first despite it and starlight Citadel theoretically happening at the same time. I still don't really get that one.
@V3nomEXza Год назад
This shouldn't have happened as location triggers should occur from left to right
@thebitterfig9903 Год назад
Yeah, I've gotten hosed by unexpected sequencing from locations from time to time.
@Cincinnatus22 Год назад
Whether intentional or a bug, Starlight Citadel always happens first. Every other location works left to right.
@Cincinnatus22 Год назад
This would have been my suggestion too. It’s very unintuitive that it works differently than every other location.
@PajaKulebrc Год назад
Ive noticed Starlight Citadel having priority over other "at end of turn 4" locations. No matter the left-to-right position, Citadel always seems to be triggering first.
@TheRealPunkachu Год назад
Everyone, including the game itself, says that the only tiebreaker is “total power”. But it’s not. It’s “strength of victory”. This means if you have more power in Bar With No Name, you need to count that power inverted to see who wins.
@joseph2000117 Год назад
Difference in power is easier to understand. My opponent and I tie one location, on point a I have 16 on point a he has 12. On point b I have 22 and he has 25. 16-12 is 4. 25-22 is 3. Therefore I tie 1 location, win the difference in another by a greater amount than my opponent so I win the match
@Trinity0809 Год назад
true, with no name existing, saying "total power" breaks the tie is simply wrong.
@SNWWRNNG Год назад
@@joseph2000117 Is it that much easier to understand? You explained the actual tiebreaker pretty briefly - if one location is tied, the winner is whoever wins their location by a greater amount. I think the main advantage of this method (besides it being correct in all cases) is that it's much easier to calculate. You don't have to do X+Y+Z for both players, just X-X and Y-Y at two locations.
@CidCidCid Год назад
@areyanceJr Год назад
there's another weird one with kamar Taj and scarlet witch,she does her on reveal twice even tho the location has already been changed ,which is sometimes fortunate ,others times not as much
@codenamedelta9991 Год назад
If you play scarlet witch to the location that prevents on reveal effects, she also won't activate Weird how the location effect applies first then her on reveal
@p1NaCl Год назад
Location takes priority until there is no conflict with the card's on reveal ability
@wiel-spin Год назад
The Vulture into Iron Fist into Hulk buster is also a nice trick.
@JustABrokenToy Год назад
I always hoped that Mystique worked with Kamar-Taj to get two instances of the last ongoing ability. Alas, it does not. The Hellcow interaction surprised me, I thought it could discard Apocalypse twice but this makes more sense, treating the effect as written ("discard 2 cards") versus 'discard 1 then discard 1 again.' Great video, very useful resource to have
@jameshanus3813 Год назад
@@Flackon it makes sense reading the card, but the animation of discarding one card, then another can make is less obvious
@joshbunch8793 Год назад
The Hell Cow on Apoc info was new to me. I had wondered why it didnt trigger Apoc, but now I know, thanks!
@MattMeerkat46 Год назад
Interesting interaction where Mysterio DOESN’T follow play rules: Despite the location Morag’s rules text of “You can't play your first card here each turn,” Mysterio will still play a clone into Morag even if it is your only card played that turn, even though it would be impossible for you to play the real Mysterio into it directly. Presumably it counts itself as 3 card plays and will bypass the play restriction. Your opponent will know 100% it is a clone as well.
@areyanceJr Год назад
all his cards are considered played so u indeed played 3 cards that turn ,this is why he gives bishop +3 triggers and Angela a trigger even if the real Mysterio isn't in her lane
@Zhon66 Год назад
Another weird Mysterio interaction: If you play only Mysterio on a turn, it *will* still play a clone to Morag, even though you can't play the real Mysterio there. My guess is that the real Mysterio is always considered your first play, so the illusion being played to Morag is "valid" as it happens afterwards, even if Morag is the first location and therefore the first Illusion to flip up.
@wiel-spin Год назад
Another weird interaction is cards under invisible woman and interaction with other cards on the last turn. I don’t understand how. My cards under invis only interact with each other. For example patriot on 3, mystique on 4, turn 6 they reveal after each other and copy happens. However ive seen other players somehow copy effects from cards under invis on turn 6.
@sagittariusa2145 Год назад
If mystique is the FIRST card under invis woman (or dark dimension), then she will copy the LAST card you played OUTSIDE of invis/dark. So if you play invis turn 2, mystique turn 3 under invis, and blue marvel turn 6, the mystique will copy blue marvel.
@igo298 Год назад
I haven’t tested this out entirely but there has been a few instances where absorbing man fails to copy cloak if I moved a card before playing absorbing man, but it works fine when I play absorbing man first and then move my cards. Not sure what the mechanism is.
@Wildhorn666 Год назад
I will add one I just encountered. Sakaar location on turn 1, pulling down Wave. Makes every cards in hand cost 4 right away for turn 1, but also make them cost 4 on turn 2.
@SacredTree754 Год назад
Also Taskmaster can get power of last card played even if that card already in grave. That was funny animation
@ElBenjoLibre Год назад
Dunno if it's been mentioned already, but regarding the cost reduction I tend to think of it as cards that's on the field always have their original cost. Cards on the hand is treated as the cost shown on the card. I think a Waved Armor does not trigger a "Play 2-cost card"-quest, but don't quote me on that.
@acej101_ Год назад
Speaking of Absorbing Man and Mystique, they get really fun with Rogue thrown in. Absorbing Man cannot copy the "Steal ongoing ability" if Rogue successfully stole one but can if Rogue had no target. And Mystique can copy the ongoing ability Rogue stole.
@kernel880 Год назад
One thing that makes me think absorbing man is not working as intended when played on wong or kamar-taj is that if Odin triggers absorbing man's effect while he affected by wong or kamar-taj, it will happen twice
@abderrahmanesator7649 Год назад
It triggers 4 times :p
@DeltaAssaultForce Год назад
Arnim Zola also has an interesting interaction with Taskmaster. If you Taskmaster on 5, then Arnim it on 6, it will keep the stats it had even though copies Arnim Zola makes trigger on reveals and you would think it would copy the 0 power. Though because of the way the Jubilee interaction works with Absorbing Man/Mystique, that might explain that interaction.
@johnnygelin8391 Год назад
Really nice information video! Although I believe you forgot to talk about Deadpool since he has some weird interactions (power altercation locations are what's coming up on my mind)
@mattlepinski Год назад
Wonderful educational video. (Also, I really don't like the inconsistency of post-parch Jubilee ... Thanks for calling attention to that)
@theomars1433 Год назад
Good video! And a few more: Taskmaster can copy a destroyed card's attack. Taskmaster copied by sinister london will copy the last card played before the original taskmaster. Throne room doesn't consider ongoing buff like blue marvel, but devil dinosaur's own ongoing effect is considered. I paid a few 8-cubes to know them...
@ModestMousekateer Год назад
I learned the absorbing man--Mystique (lack of) interaction the hard way today, after snapping lol
@Cassapphic Год назад
In the same vein as the shuri interactions that funnily happens IN THE SAME DECK, is how deadpool works with temporary power. Namely, he doesnt. So for example on turn 4 you play to an empty nidavelir a 1 power deadpool and venom, venom will eat the buffed deadpool and gain its at the time 6 power, but when deadpool returns to your hand it ignores the buff and doubles the rest of the power (1) to become just 2 power. (Also the discarded pool feels like a direct response to the criticism of how reviving destroyed cards works in hearthstone)
@marcotinacci5718 Год назад
Amazing guide to edge cases! Regarding the motivations behind Mystique and Absorbing Man, I might agree with your point on intuitiveness, but I agree with the uniform rule of every card owning at most 1 ability at the time. If they allow abilities to stack on a single card, they would have the potential of allocating an arbitrary amount of memory, and that would fall out of the domain of decidability they currently have. It's a reasonable assumption to avoid an infinite number of headache, essentially you don't want the game to be turnig-powerful.
@murlin1958 Год назад
Electro has more than one ability already, so that's not a rule.
@codenamedelta9991 Год назад
It's more of the case that Mystique's effects is replaced with the ongoing effect, so absorbing man treats her as an ongoing card and can't copy anything
@lloyddewolf2924 Год назад
This is really great! I did not know that "at the end of game" happens in the order they were played, though now I like that is intuitive. That Doctor Strange & Heimdall interactions are interesting. Starlight Citadel having priority over other "after turn 4" locations is another really weird interaction. As is Klyntar clearing ongoing effect power from cards during the merge.
@wslayerem6996 Год назад
i know these dont get the views, but i love them. keep them up
@spiggyjr5204 Год назад
Thx for the video. Pathetic that I went from thinking I was getting darkhawk today, to never knowing if it will be series 3
@zikochakala Год назад
if a card get liched or effect remouved by any mean and go back to the deck by lockjow and returns to the bord that card we get back its effect ... !!
@martincollins340 Год назад
Don’t comment much on these things but very appreciative of this content! Very good
@peter_801 Год назад
I had a funny game yesterday involving Onslaught Citadel. Opponent had hazmat and Luke Cage ongoing combo I was using Gambit and Super Skrull was involved. Super skrull absorbed Luke Cage Powers , so I was in an OK position, Until Gambit Sniped Luke Cage out of the Game. Apparently Super Skrull LOSES Luke Cage ability once it is gone.
@DonLapa Год назад
A very sneaky interaction is with Limbo and location changers like Storm, Scarlet Witch and Rhino. You place them on Limbo on turn 6 and the is over
@araisikewai Год назад
2 other things that should get mention regarding the last point for Base power doubling vs Ongoing buffs: 1. Klyntar will take into account only the base power when it merges the cards. If you have several 1-cost cards buffed by Ka-Zar for example, Klyntar will merge all the base card power and then add Ka-Zar bonus afterward, therefore it will lose the extra Ka-Zar bonus from more bodies. 2. On the other hand, Wakanda throne room has a very strange interaction. It takes into account Patriot buff to determine highest power to double, but it does not take into account Cerebro buff to double the card there, if they're higher.
@wadewilliams3046 Год назад
why is it that sometimes when hella brings back a discard card that pulls more things out of my hand, they end up getting brought back by her ability as well but other times they dont
@aleousmajor6825 Год назад
Thank you for making this video, this really cleared up a lot.
@jasimon951 Год назад
I had a bad loss the other day with Captain Marvel in a lane with a Dracula that was played after her. So frustrating.
@MadeAnkaAsril Год назад
Finally! Been waiting forever for someone to make a video like this, thank you!
@BeckyPunch Год назад
Today I learned that Mysterio still brings along his clones even when Sandman is active. Which I guess makes sense flavor-wise and "would spoil the surprise" otherwise, but I was so confused at first when my opponent played two face down cards while Sandman was out (the third location wasn't a place you could play him for some reason.)
@JoshDrost Год назад
The one that gets me is that Venom cares about temporary bonuses, but the symbiote from Klyntar does not. Like a symbiote eating a warpath only gets 5 bigger even if you have another path open. I think that is silly.
@jaykel3761 Год назад
I think this is intended, the symbiote no longer has an ongoing ability, therefore it loses the power, same thing if it ate a Lizard reduced to 2 power, it will become 5
@CSPRING101 Год назад
At The End of Game effects don’t work like that, as proven by my extensive attempts to try to get Ghost Rider to pull the card Drac discards by hiding him under Invisible Woman
@thomasdrouillard8434 Год назад
One interaction I found is if enchantress disabled an ongoing mystique can't copy it
@JoshuaSMurray Год назад
A note also is that Shuri's lab and Shuri herself interact differently with a card like Venom. Playing venom onto Shuri's lab doubles AFTER venom eats the other cards, usually resulting in a huge card, whereas, like you said, Shuri only doubles the base power (so venom would only get 1 extra power)
@carlegaier9087 Год назад
They made the Jublee changes before I understood that on-reveals happen before a card is played. At the time I thought they were making the interactions more intuitive, now I feel like they made them inconsistent.
@asecretboss Год назад
here's one weird interaction: Aero pulled my un-turned Lockjaw and Armor. Lockjaw didn't cycle Armor after the pull.
@555whatever666 Год назад
wow, this video couldn't be more timely. I was a victim of a head-scratching reaction to a Capt Marvel play that didn't turn out the way I expected just last night: At the end of my match, we had a tie in lane 1, opponent was leading mid 4-0, and I was losing lane 3. My Capt Marvel was in lane 3. I expected her to move to mid to win that lane 4-6 however, she moved to lane 1 to "win" that lane by breaking the tie but losing the match cause the opponent had won lane 2 and 3. Very bizarre that it took a tie breaker over actually winning a lane. Hopefully, this helps some folks!
@brofst Год назад
you would have still lost on breakers anyway so it was the same outcome
@thebridgeninja Год назад
The Cpt Marvil one always trips me up, and I dont like the absorbing man on reveal not doubling.
@NicolasCaja Год назад
I suffered one of these yesterday when I didnt realize how Cerebro interacts with -x locations
@bobbym1799 Год назад
Dude if you get an idea to do another video like this... definitely do it this was 1000% super helpful
@rogers7984 Год назад
Would love to see an explanation of how things like Mystique work with Invisible Woman or Dark Dimension.
@Mysticum81 Год назад
After the Mindscape location gives the players each other's cards, the fact that She-Hulk bases her cost on her original owner's turn 5 energy usage rather than her new controller's is both infuriating and counterintuitive - and nothing in her wording suggests she would behave this way. I hope they change either her wording or, preferably, her behavior.
@alexcontard5671 Год назад
A nice interaction I found is with invis woman or dark dimension is if you put Wong in the on t6 it still copies Wong even if you played other cards in between
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