
Welcome sign to Kiryas Joel asks for modesty 

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Kiryas Joel, NY - A large new sign greets visitors as they cross over Route 17 on Forest Avenue and enter a world where the skirts and shirt sleeves are always long, regardless of the season.
"Welcome to Kiryas Joel," it reads. "In keeping with our traditions and religious customs, we kindly ask that you dress and behave in a modest way while visiting our community."
The main congregation in this community of 22,000 Satmar Hasidim recently posted identical notices near two village entrances to ask outsiders to respect their ways while visiting, which includes "covered necklines," "appropriate language" and "gender separation in all public areas."
The wording is polite, and there is no threat of enforcement.
But even so, passers-by who have spotted the sign near County Route 105 and Bakertown Road in Monroe have taken umbrage at what they see as an expectation to conform to one group's religious beliefs and dress codes in a public place.
"I know it's a request, and it certainly was a polite request," said James Murphy of Highland Mills. "But it puts me in an uncomfortable position. Why should it bother you what I'm wearing?"
David Ekstein, president of Congregation Yetev Lev, says the signs were meant to guide outsiders so they don't offend village residents, especially during the summer. No single incident or spate of visitors with objectionable clothing triggered them, he said.
"If our standards of modesty are not what is practiced in the surrounding communities, then it is even more incumbent to provide this polite reminder," he said.
Modest dress is strictly observed in Hasidic communities. In New York City, where cultures mix more freely than in self-contained Kiryas Joel, some Hasidic men avoid temptation by removing their glasses while in public or turning away from women.



1 сен 2010




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@oliviaLOVEShenry 10 лет назад
I'd like to put a sign up reminding the people of Kiryas Joel to stop having so many kids and to stop living off welfare!
@ChildlessCatLady 6 лет назад
They also need to stop the abuse of children as well...they have a big problem that they cover up.
@Plumbthiswar 5 лет назад
They definitely have many flaws but dictating how many children a couple wants is truly absurd.
@mrmrso228 10 лет назад
Values? That's a joke.
@eduardobibm 11 лет назад
I have no problem with cultural diversity, in fact I celebrate it. My problem is I have never had China Town, Little Italy or the Amish attempt to steal the water right from under my feet via the infamous pipeline and viciously attempt to annex our town into theirs so they can continue their endless march torwards turning rural Orange county into a new Williamsburg Brooklyn. I moved away from NYC to enjoy rural life. Now you folks are taking that from us by literally stealing our land and resources. If you kept to yourselves like I keep to myself you would not experience any hostility. The hostility you are experiencing is a people attempting to defend their homes, their resources and their way of life. Just leave us alone already.
@eduardobibm 10 лет назад
Because I don't want people to steal the water from under my feet? Eff you
@SuperFringy 8 лет назад
The have a lot of money and are buying up land and houses to take over small towns (Bloomingburg - next they want South Blooming Grove and Woodbury). They want to turn it all into a disgusting, built up area. I can only hope that people wake up and join the fight against them. You can not even rent a place in their village but they shout "discrimination" if you do not let them take over. I have no problem discriminating against people who want to destroy the area. Enough is enough with this evil cult and the corrupt politicians!
@strnglhld 2 года назад
Amish are completely self-sustaining. They don’t take welfare or Medicaid, or social security, unlike Kiryas Joel residents. They may be insular but they don’t try to get these things they are also kinder to outsiders in general
@Shelver92 10 лет назад
My friends and I just drove through there blasting Def Leopard and we were topless. We ate burritos, got out of the car and ripped hearty farts. Talk about a community that claims poverty yet they always have ample cash in hand. Tax cheats and self righteous is what they are!
@mrmrso228 10 лет назад
And a good majority of them are on welfare. They don't have a state recognized wedding, only religious and therefore the women are seen as "single mothers". Of 12 kids. Meanwhile their husband is a slum landlord and part owner of hundreds of buildings in some NYC ghetto.
@ladydontekno 7 лет назад
Libten Ambutkin is there a reason why they don't apply for marriage certificates? Or is the ability to collect benefits the "reason"?
@jmaggielynch1983 7 лет назад
Call me next time and I'll join. I wanna party with you, cowboy! :-)
@jmaggielynch1983 7 лет назад
And don't forget...working in the diamond district of NYC as well.
@lulolancy 6 лет назад
ladydontekno, In all Hasidic communities marriages are arranged through a matchmaker. The women are expected to marry by the age of 18. A woman in her twenties is considered old. The value of a woman in these communities is giving birth. The men have the power to divorce his wife--but the wife has none. If she wants to divorce her husband she must first get the approval from the top rabbi of the community. A divorce is called a "Get" in these communities. A married woman who asks for a "get" from her husband is extremely difficult to attain. And most importantly they don't marry because they’re in love--that's not allowed. They arrange marriages for the simple act of procreating. Lust between husband and wife is forbidden.
@fuzzywzhe 13 лет назад
The entire town is a town of grifters. Over 50% of the population is on foodstamps, and you pay for it.
@Elechkite 12 лет назад
Anyone can critisize them but it is the safest community in New York. in any case they are entiled to their freedom of religion. Why is it that people always rush to defame religious life when they know that it is a sane and healthy way to rise children? Bravo for them!
@SatchmoSings 13 лет назад
It is my belief that there should be another sign in Kiryas Joel, telling the residents that their village is part of a larger Republic and that they should respect the traditions of same.
@matisyahup613 10 лет назад
Im a religious jew. But this is too much. What if a chasid walked into new york city and he saw a gentile woman wearing pants! there is no need to block out the world, use the wisdom of torah and face it, change it for the better. But I still respect them, the lead a holy way of life
@SuperFringy 8 лет назад
They do not lead a holy way of life. They cheat, lie and scam. Not holy at all...they are evil.
@matisyahup613 8 лет назад
That is a judgmental generalization. There are many great rabbis and holy men there, and some not so much just like any other society. The difference between their world and mine is that my spiritual growth is at my own pace and I synch with the modern world. Theirs is at a very high level from birth and they have no other options. So if someone is not cut out to be a tzaddik ( righteous person) they are stuck and that's probably where problems start.
@SuperFringy 8 лет назад
I haven't heard of any of their leaders speaking out against the fraud, scams and corruption that have gone on for years.
@matisyahup613 8 лет назад
Like I said, there are problems there just like in any society. Hasidic groups run similar to mafia in a way..... All big decisions are made only by the rebbe and his close knit circle. I know that Satmar has a lot of division over its current rebbe's ( there are 2, only 1 of them lives in kj) So the only thing that surfaces is the negative. I work there as a waiter and have been praying in a shul there for over 7 years now, and I know there are a lot of tzaddikim there.
@bobbydimarzio 14 лет назад
Can I move to Israel and put up signs saying "don't dress in black hats and coats" in my community?? Why not? If I'm offended by the dress code there, why can't I do that?
@flute4hire 11 лет назад
I love the Satmar sect & I love to attend Satmar shuls, its like going back in time to East Europe. Theres a very deep spiritual feeling in Satmar shuls during davening. However the Haradi dont make other Jews feel welcome. I was in London down from Manchester and passed a Satmar shule in time for Shacrit. I had jeans & trainers on but was in a white shirt, normal kippah & titzit but was looked on like an alien.
@pennypay1 7 лет назад
I would absolutely honor the request for modest clothing. I always wear long skirts, and I would carefully select my shirt for the visit. I would refrain from foul language, too. I respect those values. But I was married in church, before God, and nobody in the free world gets to tell me I cannot walk beside my husband in the street. This is where I draw the line when it comes to gender separation.
@FanFilms101 7 лет назад
No one said you had to live in this town. Ideally, people of different faiths will grow into having separate communities. Feel free to build a christian community somewhere.
@robertfishman3742 6 лет назад
If people want to dress modestly, that is their right, but forcing it on others is unacceptable.
@scratchingny6066 6 лет назад
pennypay1 if you bow to one request you must to all. No picking and choosing. Its wrong. We have modesty laws in this country. Remember the ass showing pants
@guidofawkes757 11 лет назад
Couples do NOT get married under NY State law, only religious law, which creates unwed mothers who then get state assistance (welfare) for each kid. It's the poorest community in the USA. .???
@robertfishman3742 6 лет назад
Guido Fawkes In other words, one giant welfare scam, on the backs of the taxpayers.
@robertfishman3742 6 лет назад
This is legally unenforceable- I dare them to try to force anyone to abide by these “rules.” If it makes them feel any better, I don’t think that anyone in their right mind would want to spend time in such a place.
@drunktrump5209 Год назад
why are you jumping from "respect our community" to "it's not illegal, f you"?
@SoleilsMusic 11 лет назад
Other areas don't have dress codes...
@eduardobibm 11 лет назад
Why not raise your children to be self sufficient contributing members of society? If you did, you would watch what you perceive as antisemitism disappear. No one cares what religion to choose to follow. But we do care when we have to pay to support it.
@RabbiKolakowski 12 лет назад
@catothewiser This is a very strongly Anti-Zionist community in this video. I know because I work there and identify with them ideologically and spiritually. It is really a wonderful place that fights against the racism of Zionism with all of their resources.
@lipateller 4 года назад
can you please specify how zionism is racist, or how its related to your dayly busyness?
@RabbiKolakowski 4 года назад
@@lipateller I posted a video on my channel answering
@lipateller 4 года назад
@@RabbiKolakowski it was not helpful.
@Elechkite 11 лет назад
I live in a Hasidic community, when you said "hate outsiders" be fair because "outsiders" could mean a person trying to change their values. The same reason that you dislike them for not being like you is the same reason they may dislike you for trying to make them like you. About Food stamps well It seems that you counted all the Hasidic people and came to that conclusion or simply repeating the old stereotype. They do not marry gentiles and wear glasses because unlike many, they study alot!
@Elechkite 11 лет назад
yes they do, most stores and rest areas have a sign that reads the following "please wear shoes and shirts". when you stop for gas look it up it is on the entrance door..
@anpoensc 6 лет назад
This is America!!!
@drunktrump5209 Год назад
yep, freedom for them to live their lifestyle without gov interference
@bobbydimarzio 13 лет назад
While people were worrying about sharia law halacha came instead (Jewish law). No religion in this nation has the right to tell Americans to "maintain gender separation". Keep that crap in Saudi Arabia where it belongs.
@datguy729 9 лет назад
You wanna see Devolution? Go into Kiryas Joel
@bobbydimarzio 14 лет назад
@andyandymax I'm saying they have no right to tell AMERICANS to assimiliate to their middle eastern ways. Don't like it? You have a whole country you can go to based on your middle eastern ways.
@aryairan7226 11 лет назад
why do american taxpayers pay this money??? fight for your rights
@Cirithungul 11 лет назад
Stop talking about the right of one small group and start looking at the rights of others! You have a duty to make sure everyone has rights and that no one has right above others! They can live their lives as far as it doesn't force others to live their way or get out. Sorry, but here in America I have a right to NOT dress like a mindless religious zealot and they have the right TO dress that way. I don't force them to not dress in black with a wig and they cannot force me to dress their way
@Cirithungul 11 лет назад
also it is not "their town" It is public space and public roads.
@kelath5555 13 лет назад
Kiryas Joel sounds like Curious George's orthodox cousin.
@guidofawkes757 11 лет назад
The irony is that here you have a group of people who often do not follow any laws that are created by the town or state that they live in. The buildings the make are rally up to Monroe's codes and are often fire hazards. The operate schools in residential neighborhoods along with commercial business's. Monroe does little if anything to enforce the laws because of their fear of losing the bloc vote.
@RabbiKolakowski 12 лет назад
@breeeegs do you know the Chesed L'Avraham says when Moshiach comes only 7,000 Jews will be in Eretz Yisrael. If we believe Moshiach is coming soon, Eretz Yisrael does not sound so safe to me based on that, unless you think you are going to be one of those elect 7,000?
@snap8626 4 года назад
I'll abide by NYS laws.
@Cirithungul 11 лет назад
You specifically said "It is the safest community in New York" there is no way to prove this because it is a closed and segregated community that will not allow outside people and just like catholic priests, cover up any bad press and try to handle everything "In house". Hassidics are nice people to Hassidics. If you don't follow what they believe they try to force you too and in their towns people have had rocks thrown at them, and been harassed to leave. Fact. there are videos.
@heidiherget7071 5 лет назад
Not legally enforceable. These nut bars actually detained a group of hikers a few years ago for wearing “inappropriate” clothing.
@Cirithungul 11 лет назад
My freedom is also guaranteed so they should accept those who don't want to dress like that.
@Janba32 14 лет назад
I wonder what the response would be if Muslims established a town and required all visitors to dress as they do. This village receives federal funds for their schools, all of which are religious. What would most Americans say if Islamic or Christian schools also received funeral funds. No religious schools should get government money. But somehow if it is religious Jews there is a double standard. Check out the Forward for this story.
@TFYFWYA 12 лет назад
You won't see me defending the continued existence of any of those countries on the basis that "a book says so." It is an invalid argument and any valid argument to the same end would need to invoke other, real life reasons.
@Janba32 12 лет назад
@breeeegs I do not believe that ANY religious schools of ANY denomination should receive federal funds. If parents want to send their kids to a religious school let them pay for it. Secular private schools do not get federal funds. Neither should religious schools. As far as the outmoded rules of Kiryas Joel, I would like to remind you that you live in the US, not Israel or some country that requires "modest" dress, gender separation. You would do well in an Islamic country with the same rules.
@trifulquita15 12 лет назад
latinos can enter that restricted modest area? que te pasa por que estas prohibiendo la entrada???????????
@matisyahup613 12 лет назад
I agree with the value of being modest, but does it have to be enforced to this degree? If a man wants to look at a woman for sexual enjoyment, he is going to do it regardless of what she is wearing, and so too a woman looking at a man. These rules just seem like a way to show that the community wants to cut itself off from the rest of the world.
@guidofawkes757 11 лет назад
Cirithungul, you are not dealing with a rational person when you keep asking Toiras Chesed a simple question yet he refused to answer. Having lived in the area and have to share public space with their community for 20 years, they shun. While everyone has a right to dress as they wish within the law, they try to dictate to other communities. The corruption of politicians in favour of the Hasidic is disgusting.
@Janba32 12 лет назад
@breeeegs If you people take even one cent of US tax dollars to maintain your "way of life" this offends me. Do not ask for any tax dolllars for roads, for schools, for the electircial grid, for fire and police protection. Pay your own way in everything if you can.
@ZVEZDAjeZAKON 13 лет назад
i suppose theyre happer than us, theyre surrounded with children, help each other, have enough belongings to survive without hunger and respect each other.
@strnglhld 2 года назад
Yes they are mostly on welfare congrats you are paying for them.
@ForShari 13 лет назад
A Welcome Sign should NOT come with restrictions.
@Cirithungul 11 лет назад
They should also be sensitive...but they dont need to be do they? And actually I go through Kiryas often because they are PUBLIC ROADS and not a private neighborhood...if they want special rules that go against everything that is American a freedom then they need to make a private town with NO TAX MONEY. otherwise, guess what? I have a say in what they can and can't do. they are not more important than their neighbors...it is time they see that and you too.
@MakeTheVid61 13 лет назад
this is ORHODOX judaism. it snt bad to wanna b modest, but i mean extremism is TOO much
@flute4hire 11 лет назад
I dress Jewish or at least to an orthodox standard, I work & provide other jews with work & bring money into the comunity.
@ChildlessCatLady 6 лет назад
People need to dress for the weather and not risk health issues over these rules.
@Cirithungul 11 лет назад
This is vile. How would they like a sign in my neighborhood saying no black suits and no gender separation in our town? Bet they lawyer up.
@eduardobibm 11 лет назад
How dare they have the audacity to impose their beliefs on other? The streets of Kiryas Joel do not belong to them anymore than the streets of my town belong to me. They belong to the people, all the people. If someone wearing shorts offends you, it's is you that has the problem. Avert you eyes if you must but do dare to impose your crazy ideas on me. I think I'll take a stroll in KJ today, hand and hand with my wife.
@nathangannon5933 2 года назад
Spoken like a true bitter asshole.
@carlosquirogag6633 5 лет назад
@pauline608 11 лет назад
Is it the U.S.A ?
@Elechkite 11 лет назад
I give them the credit for trying to be good~ please do not fight comun sense , this people if they stick to their principles and believes can not be match by anyone in society. the few that you mention are NOT LOYAL to their believes an as such are a bad example for the greater community. I like to think deeply into matters and will not disqualify people without all the facts before me.
@Elechkite 11 лет назад
rationality has many levels! If I'm trying to keep my family away from the problems of society...your kids are going down the drain! every day a more violent video game, more violence in movies. your kids use more the word "f" than the word "G-d"...do not try to convince me of your society and what it has to offer...so yes we want our kids to be protected from you! we see your way of life much the same like a murderer shooting at random, it that case.. would you protect your kids? rationality?
@tedstout7439 5 лет назад
Toiras Chesed Omayn!
@SatchmoSings 12 лет назад
@breeeegs Yes, I can see from the overall sloppiness and disheveled appearance of Kiryas Joel that violating building codes and having endless garbage lying around is clearly the hallmark of a people who spend every second devoted to God.
@Mazuahaa 8 лет назад
it seems like a great place for a family, i would love to visit and enjoy a place to raise in modesty.
@guidofawkes757 11 лет назад
So laws, schmals... The majority of them work the system and find loopholes to get something for nothing. It's truly a disgrace in my opinion. Instead of a Modesty Law maybe they should enact an Honesty Law! G-d forbid they follow the law.
@Elechkite 11 лет назад
if you go thru kiryas yoel Please look at all the impressive buildings that are a pleasure to look at! new housing developements huge edifications etc etc etc . all that brings money to the area! please tell the truth!
@pauline608 11 лет назад
What are you on about pal ? read comments before you insult people .I said "is this the U.S.A ." no mention about Native Americans .get it right please .
@monseyhunt 13 лет назад
they hate everyone who is not their kind. Saying they are not very nice is an under statement.
@Elechkite 11 лет назад
It is not a mater of race it is mater of choices and priorities. So your description is incorrect! I'm sure you want to live with people that are safe to your neighborhood. In America real estate value is based in the difference of bad areas as compared to good areas. I do not want a neighbor that has loud music on our day of rest the sabbath, I do not want to live next to a woman that her dressing invite temptation. so in a sense.. Yes i'm biased as to where I live and who I talk to...you too!
@SatchmoSings 12 лет назад
@breeeegs Yeah, Torah-values are just so cool; I guess you're angry that US secular law prohibits you from owning a slave or two.
@Rickyrab 12 лет назад
Little outfits on the hillside, Little costumes made of ticky tacky,1 Little outfits on the hillside, Little costumes all the same. There's a black one and a black one And a black one and a black one, And they're all made out of ticky tacky And they all look just the same. -With apologies to Malvina Reynolds and the Schroder Music Company
@SatchmoSings 12 лет назад
@breeeegs Yeah, Torah says a bat is a bird; Torah is perfect!
@Cirithungul 11 лет назад
Are you in the same conversion as me? You have not once answered YES or NO. Do the people of KJ Shun people? Yes or no...
@SatchmoSings 13 лет назад
@fuzzywzhe You made a superb point; if the residents of Kiryas Joel lived as the Amish do, I could agree with joebaum613 but since they make it a point to get every bit of government largesse that they can, I say to hell with what that sign has to say. @joebaum613
@Elechkite 11 лет назад
learn to deal with real life! Hasidim also get stares from people. It is just because when you go to a place they are not used to see certain people it is natural to look! so please be fair!
@challahbackgirl 13 лет назад
I'm a Jew who abides by the modesty/dress standards [Tznius] and Kiryas Joel has a right... it can be offending to the men to see a scantily clad women or the women to see a scantily clad man.
@SatchmoSings 13 лет назад
@challahbackgirl Kiryas Joel is in a Republic, The United States of America; the courts have ruled, over-and-over, that is is Republicanist Standards that are to prevail in The United States of America, not ones that you just happen to "like."
@reubenbroc5100 11 лет назад
That's probably what 'Native Americans' think about you love
@bobbydimarzio 14 лет назад
@familykazor Yes, they are minimuslims when they are telling women to cover up and be modest like muslims do. No difference. Now if these were muslims "asking" people to cover up would you be so nice about it? No, of course not. And if the Amish did this, I'd protest that, too. But they aren't. Kiryas Joel is.
@Elechkite 11 лет назад
Please give me all the reports and statistics so I can analize them. I can tell you that the non Jews attacked by the Hasidim will report the "crimes" off course I need a list of all the crimes not just a single case . I'm waiting for your reply.
@RichManSCTV0 5 лет назад
This is not legal
@tshavyt 14 лет назад
lordy lordy lordy
@cupcakequeen0617 3 года назад
I’m sorry but I will wear what I want when I want.
@tambocha 13 лет назад
They can request "modesty" all they want, but they can't enforce it. There's simply no way you can require people in a particular city to dress a certain way if they don't want to, unless that group owns the land, effectively making the entire village private property, somewhat akin to the compound where Warren Jeffs moved his FLDS flock in Texas when they left northern Arizona. If a non-member of their religion wants to dress the way they ask, fine, but otherwise, they gotta live with it.
@SatchmoSings 12 лет назад
@catothewiser Those subs are not toys; while they're not atomic powered, they are the most technically advanced diesel-electric submarines on earth, after all they're German-designed and built and we all know how much you respect Germany this way.
@SatchmoSings 12 лет назад
@breeeegs One of the best things that preserves The State Of Israel are at least 125 nukes, many of them on submarines, always moving around; this is something much of the world truly understands.
@Elechkite 11 лет назад
I was reffering about sencitivty,respect for others that are different than you. It is smart to bow for a Japanese and to understand your place when other would be offended by your lack of consideration. In any case you are plening to be in Kiryas Yoel? they are asking you to have in mind their religious values. It is a great deal of common sense to have awareness. stop being selfish and learn to be in a diverse world. They moved to kiryas Yoel because they did not want to be on your way
@SatchmoSings 12 лет назад
@breeeegs The rules of Torah are totally outmoded; the efficacy of Republicanism has been proven because, after all, where else could a community like Kiryas Joel exist in the first place!!!
@Elechkite 11 лет назад
it least they get married! how many of your people acctually get married and how many get divorced? hasidim live resposable lives and raise kids that will not shoot people at a high school! I'm disgusted by your hypocrisy.... your society is sick! 65 million are depressed...kids are unhappy because of lack of values and moral guidance fix your problems of society!
@Elechkite 11 лет назад
the problem is that some people cant stand religious people. they want to intrude in their lives. while giving the impression of being open minded. People don not expect main stream people to be closed minded...but that is just the way it is." the open minded has a problem with the closed minded"...crazy world
@yakovisaacs6441 6 лет назад
SUPERFICIAL When people focus excessively on the externals like dress, speech, language, food, gender segregation and the like, then the human spirit slowly recedes and with this arises a decline in the inner spiritual quest based on burning aspiration, truth and sincerity. This spiritual subsidence usually happens when religious leaders devoid of spiritual achievements and ignorant of the essentials required for true spiritual growth and character development replace or smother the true meaning of religion which is to connect with the Source/G-d in consciousness and in place insist on a sterile orthodoxy with dozens or hundreds of superficial rules and regulations that cause a disconnect with the soul. Has it correctly been said that priestcraft and tyranny go hand in hand?
@drunktrump5209 Год назад
perhaps the community focuses on spiritual matters at least as much. why the criticism? sounds like a "you" issue
@BrooklynNotQueens 13 лет назад
@fuzzywzhe it would make a great tourist destination with say a bus tour from NYC.
@fuzzywzhe 13 лет назад
@BrooklynNotQueens "nah they really ain't Jews. the hasidic religion broke off from judaism less than 300 yrs ago." Protestantism is less than 500 years old - is that non Christian then? "hasids believe in a form of witchcraft called "chassidut" and believe their guru rebbes have magical powers." I can't find any reference to witchcraft anywhere in the definition of chassidut on the Internet, but I realy don't care anyhow. They are Jewish.
@WitOn4Wheelz 3 месяца назад
Ask the women behind closed doors were the men can't see what they really feel Mike I second class citizens there!
@Janba32 12 лет назад
@breeeegs So do you believe in the part of Torah that says "Thank G-d I was not born a woman. Thank G-d I was not born a gentile>" That is why Torah and the Bible are meaningless to me as is ALL relgion based on some sky spook and a Torah and Bible written not by some mysterious G-d but by rabbis and priests who needed to control their people and to have some explanation for how the world began. Relgion has been one of the curses visited on the world. You won't like this posting. I don't care.
@Sgtpun 11 лет назад
@Janba32 12 лет назад
@breeeegs I put a hyphen because that is what my grandfather did. My parents did not and I only put it there because I was writing to you. Otherwise I never use a hyphen. Furthermore I am not a believer in any god. It never made any sense to my parents nor to me nor to my children. BTW, childbirth was a wonderful experience giving me two terrific children. I stopped at 2. More is far too many in this over populated world where already there is not enough food or water for all.
@SatchmoSings 12 лет назад
@breeeegs 01.The creation of the modern-day State Of Israel was not done as according to G-d's laws and words; modern-day Zionism was created by secular Jews in light of The Dreyfus Affair and as an extension of early Socialist movements; very religious Jewry largely rejected this but many did sign on after Israel became a reality. Even today, the Satmar do reject the the State of Israel for these reasons; at least they are intellectually honest this way, unlike yourself.
@eduardobibm 11 лет назад
Than why is it that it's my Jewish friends that been the source of most of my information?
@Elechkite 11 лет назад
No one ask you to live in Kiryas Yoel! it is our businesses what we want to wear in the summer, but we will not go to a place and impose our dress code on other communities, the problem is that people like you want to impose and disrespect our communities because of your selfish lack of consideration. I think the G-d loves modest people that have consideration for those that are different since Hasidim are not asking you to be like them but rather consider them who is on the other side of G-d?
@robertfishman3742 6 лет назад
Toiras Chesed Where is your evidence that God favors people like you?
@SatchmoSings 13 лет назад
@mrdysgo Thank you for your plain-spoken Republicanism; spoken like a true American and as someone that believes in FREEDOM!!! @joebaum613
@BUSean 13 лет назад
My skyperson >>> Your skyperson
@Elechkite 11 лет назад
stop talking about your freedom and talk about the freedom of others! not evetrything is about your rights it can be about your duties! you have a duty to respect the way others want to live their lives.
@SatchmoSings 12 лет назад
@breeeegs 01) It's nice to see you're a proud, religious Jew; this of course, is where, in your own mind (such as it is)you believe you have the right to make endless strawmen out of the points that others raise. Fortunately, if such matters ever came to ahead in a secular court, the basic idiocies of your strawman, non-sequiturious points would endlessly be struck down, irrespective of how many times you claimed them legitimate under The Pentateuch.
@Whiteplane 14 лет назад
democracy in action
@joer736 7 лет назад
Respect it.... I understand why people are so confused with Modesty.
@BrooklynNotQueens 13 лет назад
@fuzzywzhe well if this were school and you given this question to answer in a 3 page pape you would understand. "in hasidism what is the mechanism that is believed to link masturbastion and the increase of evil in the world."
@Elechkite 11 лет назад
I think I did responded many times to the question. Maybe it is not the answer you want to hear. but im sorry....Im only interested in the truth not in answering what you want to hear.
@eliezerw732 3 года назад
A bold request? This is how it should be.
@iindiar 3 года назад
It is sad that so much nature is disappearing
@iLikeTigerz101 6 лет назад
It’s beautiful!!!!!!!!!!