
What Are Linux Users Putting In Their Config Files? 

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14 окт 2024




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@natemaia9237 4 года назад
You can alias monospace to whatever font family you want, we use it to avoid having to changes fonts all over the place, you just change your fontconfig alias.
@JuhaJutila 4 года назад
I can't remember another video where I have gotten so many tips for my PC. TNX
@an93lofdeath 4 года назад
Nerd tree is handy for developers that need it to manage a project, not just for aesthetics, when they are not using an IDE or emacs.
@lawrencedoliveiro9104 4 года назад
9:25 No, that’s not actually a literal “$”, it’s actually “\$”. According to the bash docs, “\$” is expanded to a “$” for a non-root user, or “#” for a root user.
@ivanf.8489 4 года назад
Wow, I didn't know that. Such a cool feature. I'm gonna use that. Thanks.
@okdoomer620 4 года назад
But then it's exactly what he said or not... It's just a literal dollar sign, regardless of the user
@copper4eva 4 года назад
This is actually a pretty good reddit post for new Linux users.
@ekksoku 4 года назад
I concur, I'm like 8 months into using linux, and I hadn't thought about doing some of the things mentioned in this. Such as bash aliases.
@Gruuvin1 3 года назад
I've customized my OSes since DOS and windows, and I'm old now. Here's what I've learned about that: try to NOT overly customize things, especially commands that are already provided. This follows a rule of diminishing returns. The more you do things like create bash aliases for commands like "ls -al" then the poorer you are at operating stock Linux. This goes for passwords too. If you don't use cheaters then your memory will be sharper and you won't need cheaters.
@CreachterZ 16 дней назад
I’m going to add to this. I’m old, too. I work primarily on Unix and some Linux. Learn the basics. In an enterprise setting they will not let you install any crazy apps. Learn how to use the basics! And if you watch a cool video on RU-vid when you first start learning and they say, “Don’t keep typing ps -aux | grep whatever, make an alias or function named pg!” So you never learn the right way and you’ll be at a total loss on someone else’s server. Once you’ve been there for a while, feel free to start setting up some aliases for you. BUT only things available in the base OS. It drives me crazy to see these RU-vidrs saying that if you just install package x that your life will be so simple. HINT: If you ever get a job at a real company that allows you to install whatever packages you want; RUN!
@GabeGinorio 4 года назад
All modern projects using javascript use NPM to pull in packages from npmjs. This allows adding and updating Javascript packages with a single command. NPM creates a package.json file to describe the project and the Javascript files used. NPM can also "build" node and other Javascript based projects for use in production. This includes processing import and require statements and creating minimized output. NVM allows switching between different versions of NPM so one can work on both modern and legacy projects.
@lawrencedoliveiro9104 4 года назад
24:28 Interesting. That works because all these different players understand a common protocol called MPRIS, implemented over D-Bus.
@ClaudioRoncaglio 4 года назад
Gruvbox have the most complete syntax highlight. The other laks all in some aspects. Try too look the code and you will understand what I mean. Great video😉
@seanld444 2 года назад
I've tried Gruvbox, and I thought I was in the minority in thinking it looked like a really trashy default theme. Glad DT agrees. Dracula honestly is the most sleek (while not too over-the-top) theme for literally anything. Not just code. My whole WM and all my common apps are styled in Dracula. One Dark is also pretty good.
@sn3k 4 года назад
Just an explanation for all the people with 15px gaps - they're probably rocking a 4k monitor, so 15px gaps would be like 7.5px gap on a 1080p monitor, which is quite reasonable
@MyAmazingUsername 2 года назад
That is a really good point. I felt a bit called out because I use 8px gaps. But your comment reminded me that I use a 4K monitor so it makes sense that I have to use large gaps.
@helidrones 4 года назад
I watched your video on the small screen of my tablet. I had to grab my glasses to read „dracula“ and „solarized“ while „gruvbox“ was instantly readable.
@zhejabello658 4 года назад
I don't have my dotfiles posted, but I fall in to many of these :D. When I started using bspwm about 2 years ago it wasn't nearly as popular as it is now. Really cool to see it grow!
@fennecbesixdouze1794 2 года назад
@22:20 Icons communicate information, which makes it absolutely a productivity tool, not just aesthetics.
@vitiok78 4 года назад
I've set EDITOR to vim and now I don't know how to quit...
@DistroTube 4 года назад
You have three options to exit Vim: (1) Unplug the computer. (2) Turn off the main breaker to your house. (3) Buy that new computer you've been wanting.
@vitiok78 4 года назад
@@DistroTube BTW I use Hannah Montana Linux
@justsomeguy8385 4 года назад
@technocraticarchification7973 4 года назад
This is how to quit vim. :!ps ax | grep vim | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -n1 kill -9
@wilfridtaylor 4 года назад
You can also spray your keyboard with catnip and leave your window open. Cat will find the right key combo eventually.
@alexandersnider734 4 года назад
Shout out to thinking GruvBox is hideous. I have no idea how that scheme took off, but if people dig it more power to them. Same with Solarized, just not for me. Ocean Dark, Nord, Oceanic Next are definitely my sweet spot. The brown in GruvBox... hoo nelly, heavens no.
@Microphunktv-jb3kj 4 года назад
Ayu only 9... feelsbad. Literally using Ayu Mirage. Literally inspires me even more to make an Ayu Mirage linux rice desktop : ) i tried Nord, the colors are too dim for my eyes, and i generally don't like blue... my fav color is orange, anything with muted orange is good for me, anyone know any good themes with orange in it? The Best theme is your own theme! : )
@Demodude123 4 года назад
Think those aliases that were first mentioned are installed by default with Ubuntu (at least) for bash. Here's what was in mine on a fresh install: alias alert='notify-send --urgency=low -i "$([ $? = 0 ] && echo terminal || echo error)" "$(history|tail -n1|sed -e '\''s/^\s*[0-9]\+\s*//;s/[;&|]\s*alert$//'\'')"' alias egrep='egrep --color=auto' alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto' alias grep='grep --color=auto' alias l='ls -CF' alias la='ls -A' alias ll='ls -alF' alias ls='ls --color=auto'
@dafoex 3 года назад
A lot of people seem to think it's ugly, akin to Comic Sans even, but I like Monofur as my terminal font
@robsku1 2 года назад
Openbox is one of three *very* similar WM's (OpenBox, BlackBox and FluxBox) that AFAIK were all originally written to be standalone WM's, and are still mostly used that way. I've also seen some sminimalized distros offer something like openbox + something, not any DE that exists separate from that distro but it combines applications into their own special WM. Interestingly blackbox even had a windows port - and I don't know how much you have to change in even the simplest X WM to make it a working Windows explorer.exe replacement - but bb4win did make the windows desktop work like you were in blackbox - only the right-click menu was automatically created based on Start-menu of windows. I don't know if the version I used would run under anything above Windows XP and I don't know if it's been updated. I used it back in late naughts at school when we had to use windows (we had our own removable hard disks and could do as we pleased with our windows (and linux - it's just that we mostly used windows) setup, and I made mine close as possible to Linux - and back then I was still using Fluxbox so the look was very similar. But .xinitrc is a problem for counting any WM users - in most distros today when you install a WM from the distributions repositories you will automatically get a login manager configuration installed, even if you don't use one. I have more than one WM/DE installed on some machines, and using a login manager makes it very easy to switch between them. It wasn't hard before, but I don't see reason to not just boot straight into GUI environment, as I will be using it mostly in X anyway - if something goes wonky and I can't get X to work correctly, I know how to boot into console, but that's the only reason I have to not boot into GDM, LightDM or other login manager. That alert alias made me chuckle - I've become very accustomed to seeing it on my Mint installs. Setting the value of TERM seems funny to me. That's supposed to be set by the terminal, not the shell. Instead I have conditional black of alias commands to add coloring for ls, grep, gccc etc. if the value of TERM matches awith set of patterns (like xterm*|rxvt*|screen). Most terminal emulators seem to default to setting TERM to xterm-256color, because it's relatively compatible and apparently it isn't considered a rquirement to do anything more than that - even if your terminal supports escape codes that xterm hasn't even heard of, like konsole's truecolor foreground and background color codes. I actually have TERM=xterm256color in konsole's configuration - don't remember what it defaulted to, maybe I just wanted to make sure it works. But you don't want to set TERM in .bashrc if you ever use a terminal that's not compatible with xterm - like linux console. Instead it's correctly used in .bashrc to decide stuff. What really cought my attention was the listing of other commands in .xinitrc file was "done &" - I mean, done is a reserved sword in bash, you could only run a cexacutable named 'done' by pointing to it's path. Relative or absolute. done is used for loop constructs, and I wonder how much there's need for that iinside .xinitrc anyway, but the real mystery is that it's followed by & - if I'm correct that would run the loop in a subshell on the background while the rest of the script continued. Really weird, and I didn't see you comment that at all :) About the autocd - long long ago I considered it, but it's not something I find useful.... back when I switched to Linux from DOS/Win95, I was already a power user of CLI and used 4DOS shell replacement for DOS to extend it's capabilities (some have argued beyond even bash, but while I still have lave for it I say hogwash), I was however used to weird way DOS handled built-in shell commands, like CD - you could just type cd.. without a space in between, and when I was starting with linux I did briefly consider aliasing cd.. to 'cd ..'. That's one thing that used to become a hard to unlearn habit for DOS users ;) Great video, if only for nerd value :D
@Reliktish 4 года назад
From la to the grep aliases, they are provided in Ubuntu out of the box, they were useful enough to me that i noted them down and gave them to my acquaintancees Took them with me in arch
@lawrencedoliveiro9104 4 года назад
28:43 But interesting that you have some people launching KDE Plasma this way, but none doing so with GNOME.
@lawrencedoliveiro9104 3 года назад
And who like to complain when the new version changes some behaviour they were used to.
@gogma9967 4 года назад
Hi, I use 'desert' color scheme which is a bit dimmed and ambient. Try 'map ; :' it opens another world in vim. But the mistaken version 'map : ;' in vimrc will cause you lot of trouble :).
@matthewrease2376 2 года назад
Hell no, I love tabs. They can be whatever size you want. I hate when people use spaces instead, but I can live with it. What I can't live is my tabs being converted to spaces :)
@paulbarnett1461 4 года назад
interesting point about export PATH - you dont need it you often see: PATH=$PATH:/another/directory export PATH BUT export does not export a value of a variable - it marks the variable as having the export attribute, ond once it has it, it keeps it. And PATH had the exported attribute even before you change it. so you don't need to export PATH (set PATH's export attribute) again, even if you change PATH's value.
@lagwulf1637 4 года назад
In Z Shell you can define global aliases - so i put this in my .zshrc: alias -g nu='2>/dev/null' (german for dev/zero). Find it very helpful, because sometimes have to redirect stderr, so I don't see any error messages - especially when using find an searching in the root filesystem.
@joschafinger126 4 года назад
I've got a little script to cd up X directories, one to find orphans, another to remove them, and one for sudo pacman -Syu . Aliases are neat indeed.
@joschafinger126 4 года назад
alias mv='mv -i' and alias rm='rm -i' are definitely going to be up next :-)
@webcaptcha 4 года назад
Hey DT, I saw you are using bare repo to manage dotfiles in home directory. What about general configs file, for example in /etc directory. What approach you are using?
@lawrencedoliveiro9104 4 года назад
28:24 Interesting to see Emacs used as a window manager, but none of the Vims?
@DistroTube 4 года назад
Because Emacs is an environment that you can live in. Vim is just a text editor.
@illiadenysenko7776 4 года назад
Zoomer starter pack: fish, alacritty and neovim :D
@RaveenKumar 4 года назад
Whats special about fish and alacritty?
@illiadenysenko7776 4 года назад
@@RaveenKumar new, fast and cool
@nishitdua 4 года назад
@@illiadenysenko7776 what's bad about new, fast, or cool
@antoineleduc7611 4 года назад
@@nishitdua he never said anything was bad
@dacid44 3 года назад
Personally, I use zsh (powerlevel10k), Konsole, and nano. I know, I'm boring, but I'm still transitioning from windows and Konsole and nano are more similar to me coming from Windows Terminal and classic gui text editors.
@Puzzlers100 2 года назад
I think rofi makes some sense, since a lot of people probably came to bspwm from r/unixporn, where rofi is commonly used for the extra bling
@samyt681 2 года назад
Vim is alien technology for me, learning Linux do be hard
@awabqureshi814 4 года назад
Very useful! Thanks!
@ablanchi 4 года назад
the monospace font thing isnt that weird. if you use a paid font, you dont want to give it away in your dot files, and you also dont want programs to get hung up looking for a font that isnt there.
@dingodingeroo6156 4 года назад
Says spaces over tabs then insults gruvbox - I'm sad.
@Gabifuertes 4 года назад
He's right though!
@hugorc343 4 года назад
Can you do a video on BSD?
@lawrencedoliveiro9104 4 года назад
You want bash aliases? I’ll give you some of mine: export PAGER='less -iX -x4' alias more="$PAGER" because less is way more capable than more. Also a handy one for opening any file in the Emacs instance I always have running, just by typing “e «file»”: alias e='emacsclient -n' And something to ensure my custom ~/.XCompose is recognized by the major GUI toolkits: export GTK_IM_MODULE=xim export QT_IM_MODULE=xim What, you don’t know about the Compose key? wiki.wlug.org.nz/ComposeKey
@danielkrajnik3817 3 года назад
admittedly your desktop does look pretty slick
@thisconnectd 4 года назад
that exec emacs in xinit. I love emacs but wow
@OG900Aero 4 года назад
Openbix alone is very very good choice. I dont want DE, because so bloat. Tilling WM is not good on 15" notebook. Openbox without login manager is so minimalustic, good configuration, and easy use. I love it! Arch+Openbox+polybar+rofi
@deric916 4 года назад
DT: I'm not a programmer Also DT: here's a bash script off the top of my head
@orion55 4 года назад
I'm in that 2 pixel border, no gap gang, koolin
@ganainm01 4 года назад
So you're using vi mode for normal mode command line editing, however, use Emacs bindings ("C-p" and "C-n") for history navigation? Why not the proper vi commands "j" and "k"?
@007arek 4 года назад
("C-p" and "C-n") are also the proper vim commands.
@eddyecho 4 года назад
Why do so many people use the expandtab setting in vim? Tabs are tabs and spaces are spaces. Why do we need to mix the two?
@timmymorris91 4 года назад
Awesome video! 👏
@LloydLynx 4 года назад
Anyone else remember not knowing how to get out of ps2 as a noob?
@liftlinux9421 3 года назад
Oh yes lol
@rohanofelvenpower5566 2 года назад
F man! I edited my bashrc and lost my ls colours. Like the blue hightlithing of folders. Adding the alias ls="ls --color=auto" in my bash_aliases fixed it :D even the ll / l / la aliases for ls now have colour. epic ;)
@rmmichael95 3 года назад
Most people are probably just setting a font for their system monospace (like hack) and just setting monospace everywhere else so it is easy to change.
@killum109 4 года назад
I think if you are posting to github then you would have a higher than average level of technical skill. That would effect the results of this, like having vim. I would suspect nano would be more popular for average users, does Ubuntu have nano as default?
@lawrencedoliveiro9104 4 года назад
Looking at some of the GitHub users who fork my repositories, I might dispute your inference.
@dingodingeroo6156 4 года назад
I suspect people will have a .vimrc even if they don't use vim. They may just use it for quick edits, or have tried it in the past and still have the file around.
@migue7490 4 года назад
I'm a gruvbox guy lol. I don't remember which plugin complained about my color scheme and what feature didn't work due to that. Its GitHub page said that gruvbox worked just fine. I think it was coc.
@lawrencedoliveiro9104 4 года назад
11:34 You didn’t mention PS0. Yes, that exists as well.
@room641A 4 года назад
what is that one?
@diegonayalazo 2 года назад
Thanks DT!
@Arkayaplays 4 года назад
3rd i installing archstrike as i am watching this video its been 20 days we are in full lockdown
@bahathir_ 4 года назад
My main export varible is.. export PS1='$ ' so, my terminal is not bloated with texts and keep my terminal tidy .. :) Thank you and keep safe.
@bahathir_ 4 года назад
@@ApexJanitor Yes, I tried with ' ' PS1='' but, sometimes I want to know if commands are ended and ready for next commands , or want to differentiate commands and it's result.. Thank you.
@reddynishanth3936 4 года назад
When ever you open new terminal screen, I see some nice colored art, how can we do that?
@slalomsk8er397 4 года назад
motd = message of the day
@abdullahbinjahed6900 3 года назад
@@slalomsk8er397 didn't knew the full form of that
@ironmanlifts 4 года назад
People don't like tabs in vim ? IMO it's easier to work with tabs cause you can see indention easily when white space characters are shown (I have show white space enabled by default). Spaces I have to count each individual one ....For example: I know that function has 4 tabs because of the > > > > VS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
@eddyecho 4 года назад
Also you can easily adjust the size of tabs. Not so with spaces. (Yea you can covert leading whitespace into tabs but what if the guy who wrote the code you are viewing is not consistent with his alignment?) Also not mention the fact that using a leading tab instead of leading space characters can significantly reduce file sizes.
@actuallyganta6044 4 года назад
The problem with tabs as opposed to just spaces I think is relevant for programming as it can cause some issues with conpatibility and such. At least that's what I was taught when I got into coding not that long ago.
@Arkayaplays 4 года назад
Is mplayer works in tty or anyway to watch video in tty?
@gimcrack555 4 года назад
Google it. There are a few ways of doing it. I guess this is one way..askubuntu.com/a/67824 There is also $DISPLAY=:0
@alexandersnider734 4 года назад
Also can we talk real quick about the people launch emacs as their initrc? Like, I know the joke is emacs is an OS, but I think that's taking it a little too far. Jokes aside, I assume just to get the daemon running?
@vadrone 4 года назад
It's not a joke.
@youp1tralala 4 года назад
Emacs is also a Window Manager
@Aemilindore 4 года назад
man your channel is awesome. I now have two channels to go through. Lukes and yours. Wonderful content you both put out; making the world a better place from disgusting companies such as microsoft google and apple.
@Jay-yr7ir 3 года назад
Who's Luke
@Aemilindore 3 года назад
@@Jay-yr7ir a christian.
@Jay-yr7ir 3 года назад
@@Aemilindore lololol nice but i was actually wondering lolol saw a couple other references
@nonenothingnull 3 года назад
20:59 high contrast
@matthewrease2376 2 года назад
I'm surprised I didn't see 2/2 for window gap/border width
@kalkulusrampage 2 года назад
what is the difference between exporting and just writing the variable (export EDITOR=vim vs EDITOR=vim)
@daveshouldaine2520 3 года назад
is "~/../../usr/bin" absolute or relative path?
@ruz966 3 года назад
I am confused between .xprofile and .xinitrc where can I get info on various dotefiles
@zeocamo 4 года назад
NVM why ... n is so much better and you can install it with npm and it just works on both mac and linux
@ccolon4819 Год назад
12 pixel gaps are not big at all on small hidpi screens like laptops. i have 26 pixel gaps on 15 inch 1440p display and it's fine
@gery49 4 года назад
I have a lot of lag with GPU accelerated terminals like alacritty and kitty. I'm guessing it's a compositor/gpu setting that messes it up, but I have no idea how to debug something like this. Sticking with urxvt for now...
@seanld444 2 года назад
I definitely get that. Alacritty does definitely have a sort of noticeable input lag to it on my work PC with AwesomeWM, with Picom, on a 75 Hz monitor. My home PC is the exact same Linux setup but with 144 Hz monitors, and it's nearly non-existent due to the higher refresh rates.
@patrikosgnach 4 года назад
A pity that FVWM is not in the list
@nathanmiddleton1478 2 года назад
Most of those things just look like defaults in various distros.
@lawrencedoliveiro9104 4 года назад
24:08 I run Firefox, but I don’t feel the need for a hotkey for it. I just start it once after booting/logging in, and then leave it running all the time.
@Tn5421Me 3 года назад
ls --color=auto and grep --color=auto are DE defaults I think
@matthewrease2376 2 года назад
ViM makes backup files? You aren't talking about swap files are you?
@hamzabarbara6427 4 года назад
man awesome wm is one of the most frustrating wm to use i used i3 dwm bspwm and i was capable of configuring them but once i touched awesome i was lost completly
@jeetadityachatterjee6995 4 года назад
If you know lua you can do anything in awesome. But if you don't know lua it's frankly annoying and not really easy to configure. For the most part I just copied and pasted to get something useable. I'm now using herbstluftwm and I am very happy.
@shuwan4games 4 года назад
@@jeetadityachatterjee6995 yea same I used awesome copycats as a base and just edited that I currently use exwm
@mbvalency 4 года назад
Sorry, but those 'ls' aliases are already shipped with many distributions. No wonder, they are that popular.
@thomasq5186 4 года назад
Aren't you uploading your videos to LBRY anymore?
@DistroTube 4 года назад
I don't upload them. LBRY syncs them from RU-vid. And for the last couple of weeks, they are not doing a very good job. The video I made yesterday still hasn't posted there.
@thomasq5186 4 года назад
@@DistroTube Didn't know it was automatic... That's why it takes so long to get there. It usually takes a maximum of 12 hours to be uploaded there but now they really messed up. It's really a shame that they are not yet a viable youtube alternative (imo).
@gogogogogogogogogogog9 4 года назад
we want a video on sowm
@jena_thornwyrd 4 года назад
Man, that's tragic, I watched this vid, and now I want to clean my PATH using Luke's technics and investigate on how and which suckless tiling WM to use…
thanks Chad
@migue7490 4 года назад
Xmonad not popular at all and it's great.
@Tn5421Me 3 года назад
I use Ubuntu Mono 14px for my terminal.
@alt2458 2 года назад
Aren't you using 12px gaps this days in your videos?
@lawrencedoliveiro9104 4 года назад
19:26 “Sometimes”?
@androkon6920 4 года назад
I use monospace cuz I uninstalled all monospace fonts, except the one I use
Год назад
12 pixel in a 4k 55 inch screen with high ppi is not gigantic at all.
@TurquoiseIcy 2 года назад
alias suicide='sudo rm -rf /--no-preserve-root'
@淚 4 года назад
@DistroTube 4 года назад
@bwillan 4 года назад
For the youngin' among the crowd the PATH environment variable goes back to the old MS-DOS and PC-DOS days.
@racingmars 4 года назад
For the youngin' among the crowd, the idea of an interactive shell with a search path for executables goes back to Multics, and was then introduced in Unix v3... both WELL before MS-DOS/PC-DOS. My old Unix source code archives are incomplete, but sometime after v4 (1973) and before v7 (Jan 1979), the actual environment variables named 'PATH' was added to dynamically control the search path. Looking at old MS/PC-DOS source code, it looks like PATH was not there until v2.0 (March 1983). So I think it's more fair to say for the youngin' among the crowd, the PATH environment variables goes back to the old Unix days :-)
@bwillan 4 года назад
@@racingmars I stand corrected. I've been using computers for 40 some years. It isn't often I run across someone who has been using computer longer than I have.
@racingmars 4 года назад
@@bwillan I've only got a bit over 30 years at the keyboard from when I got my first computer, but operating systems history is a particular topic of interest for me, so these little bits of historical research are what I like to do when opportunities arise :-)
@iLLt0m 4 года назад
use zsh
@tylerdean980 2 года назад
I am not installing other fonts
@JamieAlban 4 года назад
my bspwm gap is 20px LOL
@faerryn8708 4 года назад
@faerryn8708 4 года назад
@Oswee 4 года назад
I don't understand why do people uses gaps. You come into tiling WMs to get efficiency and maximum screen estate... and then you set a gaps... wtf? Like... for what? For that fancy BG image which actually distracts you? I don't blame anybody. I just do not understand the actual reasoning behind that. About the Gruvbox... i tried many schemes in period of several years... i get tired of them pretty quickly until i discovered Gruvbox. I just deleted every single other scheme. It is not aggressive and yet quite attractive. If you will take a look at coolors.co/palettes/trending you will see that top palette is quite close to Gruvbox... there is some biology related to this scheme. IMO. And when you re coding all the time 12/24... you are not looking for "nice looking" scheme. You are looking for "comfy" scheme.
@nycex267 4 года назад
Good video but tabs are superior.
@Gabifuertes 4 года назад
They are not!
@nycex267 4 года назад
@@Gabifuertes And why exactly is that?
@Gabifuertes 4 года назад
@@nycex267 I was joking, but tabs tend to be messier in my experience. Some people try to align things like tables and mix spaces and tabs, which completely breaks if you change tab size. The added benefit of allowing to adjust tab size isn't appealing enough for the higher risk, especially since you can adjust them anyway using a linter. tldr; use whatever you want, then adhere to the repo standard using a linter.
@nycex267 4 года назад
@@Gabifuertes Well you can't blame tabs for people mixing tabs and spaces; also of course, I wouldn't use tabs for alignment, just for indentation.
@joetheman74 4 года назад
Your out of touch. Solarized is one of the most hated on color schemes. I could care less but this is something I've read in many forums and heard on many RU-vid videos.
@xthebumpx 4 года назад
I use Gnome. What's a dotfile and why would I want it?
@evr-grn 4 года назад
pixel gap elitism is in
@usrname1105 4 года назад
@DistroTube 4 года назад
@cumar8585 3 года назад
Yes i find it fascinating thank you.
@killistan 3 года назад
Interesting. People set expandtab and then install a plugin to replace what something like `set listchars=tab:▸\ ,trail:·,nbsp:_' would do for them if they just used tabs.
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