
What are schools really teaching? | Erika Sanzi | Just Asking Questions, Ep. 41 

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@virghof5836 7 дней назад
Chipping away, absolutely! This is one of the reasons children are depressed and anxious!!! Confusion!!!
@philwohlrab7588 7 дней назад
It's really a philosophical war rooted in postmodernism where there is an admission that the American meta narrative created by the enlightenment inspired founders was really just white supremacy writ large. Foucault instructed the two theories mentioned plus post colonialism. The basic assumption is that truth can't exist outside power. So these battles in schools really is an attempt to deconstruct existing paradigms and reconstruct one based on identity, and one that pushes selective subjectivity. Which Foucault himself, ironically would have opposed. It's almost like they've used his writing as a manual for retribution.
@tina-mariecrocker5687 3 дня назад
Well said ❤
@kaymichelle7327 3 дня назад
@justinhale5693 7 дней назад
Once we trusted the government with our children the game was lost.
@notachair4757 7 дней назад
Who would you have people trust? Corporations? or would you rather force it upon parents?
@justinhale5693 7 дней назад
@@notachair4757 *force* ?!?
@usefulidiot00 7 дней назад
@@notachair4757 Gee I wonder what people did for literally thousands of years before public schools existed.
@notachair4757 7 дней назад
@usefulidiot00 The rich sent their kids to private schools and the poor were illiterate?
@iand654456 7 дней назад
I received a good education from a school on a military base
@gabeo9474 6 дней назад
The important thing to understand is that social justice activism is only supposed to be temporary. The purpose is to correct a perceived injustice, so, assuming that the activism is effective, it's only a matter of time before the injustice will be corrected, thus eliminating the need for further activism. The thing is, we have many people who (seemingly unwisely) stake their entire livelihood on the expectation that the need for activism will never end. This turns the activism industry into a sort of pressure cooker where established activists need to find ways to justify their continued existence. And this is the driving force behind it all.
@helenromanelli2544 4 дня назад
Very well said ..
@petepower4217 3 дня назад
Yes, well said indeed. The tiers of education in our country are mostly populated with folks of a liberal mindset. I think they believe that "raising" a liberal is the most important thing they can accomplish, generally speaking. Children don't have the life experience from which to draw upon so, in a way, they are empty vessels...to be filled. Rather than waiting for the child to develop any elements of wisdom over time, the liberal educator will "get their licks in" to "write" upon the child's "clay tablet of a mind" to "fix" certain ideologies into the developing child's mind. What you end up with is rather like an UN-guided missile of a social activist by the time they are done with them. The result is a virtue signaler w/out life experience. Indoctrination is a handy tool for those wishing to manipulate others. It is a very tempting thing to do to another in that it validates what you believe/wish is true. Then, all you have to do is "lock arms", whether you be right or wrong, and be, I hate to say it, effective in shaping culture. This approach is as old as any gathering of humans beyond a very minimal number (very small "tribe"). I grew up with a lot of folks saying, like it was a generational theme, "I want to change the world". They would say this even though they had/have an incomplete picture of how humans work/live together. Not the fairy tale picture but the very real historical record of how folks actually behave. Here is a simple example: it didn't take too long for folks to figure out, way back when, that selfish people that would do harm to others needed to be sequestered from society, for the general good of society. Now, there are folks that are standing that argument, which has stood the test of time, on its head. Yes, the bad person will suffer for their actions but the rest of folks (hopefully larger in number) can go about life without having to constantly look over their shoulder. How did we get here? By providing excuses, ad nauseum. Folks who want to "change the world" need to start by standing in front of the mirror and telling themselves that they need to bridle themselves before they set out to bridle others. WIthout some sense of humility, it is very difficult to become wise. And no, there is no requirement that one desire to become wise but a general cacophony will follow that choice. Wash, rinse, repeat.
@Mirroj 2 дня назад
How insightful
@ErikGriffith1 2 дня назад
Great insight
@AndyJarman День назад
It's gnosticism. In Plato's book "The Republic" Socrates proposes society be ruled by enlightened "Philosopher Kings" who would dispense justice and manage wisely. A problem Marx and Engels identified though is that reasoning and values as a whole are corrupted by a desire to fit in. We are suffering a delusion they referred to as "False Consciousness'" - this justified eradicating everyone who disagrees with The Party after the Bolsheviks took power in the 1920s. Now, fast forward to the 1960s and the Marxists in California could see the Americans in baby boom America would never be awoken from their False Consciousness. Californian Marxist philosopher Herbert Marcuse recommended that to bring about the great awakening, the energy of the spoilt children of the post war years, and the vengeful resentment of the "ghetto" classes should be used to raise a consciousness critical of the affluent comfortable lifestyle the workers of America were enjoying. The 1968 student rebellions commenced. The great awakening from False Consciousness had started. The children of America's immigrant and black classes became Woke. Falling asleep again, being seduced by materialism is some thing that .ust always be guarded against. This sacred mission has been given to all those who want to see justice is maintained, a Social Justice, a Critical Social Justice. So teachers, politicians, HR departments and judges are our new saviours, they are avowed defenders of Critical Social Justice, the never ending perpetual fight against being happy and satisfied. It's an eternal crusade, dismantling society.
@abramgaller2037 4 дня назад
Children need books that have good grammar, good poetics, and good moral principles.
@groworforage342 4 дня назад
many people also don't know many schools are NOT teaching novels or original documents anymore. I'm talking about kids getting to 7th grade without EVER reading a whole novel. They're only doing excerpts. it's not just about abandoning basics but also scope and depth from a cultural perspective. Is it all replaced w/ superficial content for woke checkboxes?
@user-sx9hq7qwert День назад
Y is reading a novel important? More to e point, y is reading fiction important at all? "Culture" is a lie, told by very unhealthy people. Y repeat it? "Come out of her, my people." Let Babylon rot with all its evil intact: don't take any of it home; don't copy evil practices.
@gabeo9474 6 дней назад
The inappropriate books serve two purposes. The first, and most obvious, purpose is to further expand the ideology. The main purpose, however, is to antagonize their opponents and elicit a reaction that can be leveraged to reinforce the victim narrative and prove the continued existence of discrimination.
@rebekahmontesdeoca565 6 дней назад
That's very insightful. This hasn't been considered enough.
@tristanm4332 5 дней назад
Just like the most inappropriate book for school age children... The bible. And yes there are sexual verses in the bible. Ezekiel 23:20 New International Version: "There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses".
@kenjmyer 3 дня назад
This is a fundamental aspect of Hegelian center - margin rhetoric. Though found predominantly in the Frankfort school in the last century it now makes up the pop go to for gender studies, racial identity, sexual orientation, you have to radicalize with rhetoric and the elementary school has been the easiest target in early social formation since the late 80s.
@tommyprado9142 2 дня назад
@tylersingleton9284 День назад
"They cry out as they stike you"
@northshorelight35 6 дней назад
They do indoctrinate. Specifically from ELA and social studies teachers. I was a teacher and saw this.
@heartpath1 5 дней назад
The bottom line is I’m against the worldview that European culture is bad, America is systemically racist, that black and brown people are more compassionate and enlightened, that sexual preference should be a protected identity and taught in school, and that gender is a fluid mindset. I think most of society agrees with me. The small groups of politically supported activists must be fought with everything we have or our society will crumble. Do I sound dramatic? Definitely, but that doesn’t mean it’s not happening. It’s time to push back against DEI and wokeism.
@tina-mariecrocker5687 3 дня назад
@chesscomsupport8689 2 дня назад
Honestly, I'm at the point where I'm starting to think European culture is bad, because it led to the progressivism we see today. As much as the progressives see themselves as opposed to the Western tradition, it makes more sense from a broader point of view to see them as a logical extension of it - that is, the tradition that produced the Enlightenment, the American Revolution, etc. is naturally going to produce further agitation going forward. Most Islamic societies today, just to use an example, are not witnessing the same phenomenon, and there are reasons for that difference.
@heartpath1 2 дня назад
@@chesscomsupport8689 Cultures produce many ideas and modes of thought. Conservatism is as European as Liberalism. The left promotes the idea that European culture is entirely devoid of any positive aspects and is only exploitative, corrupt, violent, racist, and oppressive. The fact is western countries are the least racist in human history. The British Empire funded an anti slavery naval fleet to patrol the seas in order to eradicate the slave trade. America fought a bloody civil war in an effort to abolish slavery. The fact is Europeans have made so many contributions that the world enjoys today that it’s flat out absurd to suggest otherwise. Of course, like any culture there are both positive and negatives but let’s stop the crusade to make white people the villains in the human story.
@chesscomsupport8689 2 дня назад
@@heartpath1 And some of those things you list are exactly the problem. The anti-racist crusaders of today, who are a characteristically Western phenomenon, are a logical extension of the British anti-slavery naval fleet of yore. If Western culture actually were more like what the left claims it is, then it would not have produced the modern-day left to begin with. But because, as you correctly state, it is not that, we are seeing the fruits the Western tradition has borne.
@chesscomsupport8689 2 дня назад
@@heartpath1 And some of those things you list are exactly the problem. The anti-racist crusaders of today, who are a characteristically Western phenomenon, are a logical extension of the British anti-slavery naval fleet of yore. If Western culture actually were more like what the left claims it is, then it would not have produced the modern-day left to begin with. But because, as you correctly state, it is not that, we are seeing the fruits the Western tradition has borne.
@josephrohland5604 7 дней назад
H O M E S C H O O L.
@victoriafuller4148 4 дня назад
Unless becoming a brain surgeon…ha
@Ms.A422 9 часов назад
Interesting that a lot of public schools are dumbed down. I’ve grown up in public school and it did very little to promote my talents. There were good teachers but on a whole many bad apples that could care less about their job. On the flip side if you have a parent who is well educated and has the means to provide socialization and push their children to be the best, why not more power to them? In that sense it’s a superior choice to public school.
@hw_plainview1179 6 дней назад
3 years ago I attended my daughter's middle school graduation in Nassau County, south shore, middle class community. The principle gave a speech telling the students that if they can be one thing they should be kind. "People will always remember those who are kind" she said. I told my daughter afterwards that I thought it was a stupid speech. You cannot please everyone all the time, and you cannot go around worrying about being nice all the time.
@victoriafuller4148 4 дня назад
Yes. Hate speech is so much more effective….ha
@TheNancypoo 3 дня назад
Sounds like the type of nothing rhetoric that rolls out of Harris’s mouth 🙄 What a stupid message to be sending kids just starting their journey.
@thefallenslavesusall1857 День назад
be nice...until it's not time to be nice....#roadhouse
@Ms.A422 8 часов назад
I’m in Nassau have you considered homeschooling? The school system is getting crazy.
@christopherleslie 7 дней назад
Where in the curriculum are they addressing the portions of this country that are not as developed as where these kids live? The average American has no clue what people in rural Appalachia or rural Montana reservations living conditions are like.
@rachelm6941 7 дней назад
The elites largely just imagine what these peoples' lives are like and don't bother to fact check. Their realities are so outside of the scheme of the elites who have the free time and resources to push for curriculum changes...they don't even know what they don't know. They're dismissive of others who they perceive to have this flaw that is just epidemic in the elite circles. Most of them have never had a social relationship with someone who was "working poor" and take for granted that the other people have the resources they take for granted because they've literally never met a person who could even explain to them what life is like in an underfunded school (hint, its not the poor quality of the track!), waiting for payday to buy necessities, getting medical services at a clinic, etc.
@Clothmom1 6 дней назад
Oh gosh! This is very true!
@dustinmarquand5301 6 дней назад
That's a very odd comment. "Not as developed"? Most rural kids I know are more mentally diverse in all subjects, but little of it comes from public education...
@Mirroj 2 дня назад
@@christopherleslie read the Foxfire series. You talk about resourcefulness as if it is a lack of intelligence.
@maxpower1337 5 дней назад
Reading writing and arithmetic, kids don't need to talk about sex in freaking school who wanted this?
@KonekoPurrrfection 4 дня назад
PDFiles wanting a larger pool of broken and confused kids to choose from.
@KonekoPurrrfection 4 дня назад
Anyone who supports and pushes this is absolutely a PDF
@Mirroj 2 дня назад
Groomers and pedophiles in the school system administration wanted this.
@IAmInterested-cc4hr 7 дней назад
If we dont want governors or national level representatives weighing in on books then we need to close the Federal Department of Education and go back to local tax dollars stay in local school districts, source of funding brings power maybe you dont get some magic grant if you dont have Gender Queer on your reading list because the DOE thinks you should.
@Dan16673 7 дней назад
@troll_kin9456 6 дней назад
It would also help if the head of the federal department that creates the library book lists was not a self-described Marxist who bragged about being an infiltrator.
@rebekahmontesdeoca565 6 дней назад
Teachers who think they can possibly care more about my child than I do really piss me off. They assume that the child will be in danger from their parents if they know about a transition but actually their parents are the ones who are most invested in their child and therefore the one most likely to care about them. There are a few really bad parents but there are also dangerous teachers and I think parents are the safest bet due to their huge investment and biological urge to love.
@KonekoPurrrfection 4 дня назад
They actually don't think they care more about the children then the parents... Its because they're PDFiles or narcissists
@AA-sf7wc День назад
Government above parents is a push towards socialism.
@user-sx9hq7qwert День назад
A few bad parents? Umm. There are more than a few, n a "biological urge to love" is not a given. At all. Bad teachers, bad parents: they r both bad people.
@info3496 6 дней назад
Schools have been indoctrination centers for decades. That is why I chose to homeschool my kids 28 years ago. So glad I did.
@Republitarian-g4h 2 дня назад
Reduce the requirements of what is considered an education. Most people learn by doing things. Kids do NOT need to be learning in a school type setting, whether it be in public, private, home school for 6 hours a day 13 years or 17 to 18 years. Most people learn by DOING things. Kids need to start working earlier coupled with school and sports. . .
@jimbaxter8488 7 дней назад
@authenticallysuperficial9874 7 дней назад
Abolish state schooling NOW
@mht5875 6 дней назад
And abolish the Department of Education too
@michah321 4 дня назад
So what are you doing with 100 million kids?
@wildcatblue13 4 дня назад
@@michah321parents can teach them , that’s how it was done for decades
@michah321 4 дня назад
@@authenticallysuperficial9874 would that abolish most of property taxes?
@michah321 4 дня назад
@@wildcatblue13 yeah in the 1700s and 1800s🙄 when there was basic reading and addition and subtraction. 🙄
@anerrantknight8077 7 дней назад
I have had this conversation with my very left leaning friend. He thinks keeping books like Gender Queer keeps personal stories out of elementary schools for kids to relate. Strangely enough, he disagreed when I asked him if pornstar Jenna Jameson's autobiography, Playboy and Playgirl should also be permitted in elementary schools. Unfortunately, he failed to see his hypocrisy.
@scsmith4604 7 дней назад
The left never sees their hypocrisy.
@TheTapeandscissors 6 дней назад
Why did he disagree with that? Is this shit that didn't happen? Can very easily see a book like that in a high school library for sure.
@anerrantknight8077 6 дней назад
@@TheTapeandscissors because of the nudity of the magazines & the inappropriateness of Jameson’s life story. Again, he missed the hypocrisy of what he was saying. Which is no surprise, since he thinks “my body, my choice” doesn’t apply to vaccine mandates, but does abortions.
@anerrantknight8077 6 дней назад
@@TheTapeandscissors He thought nudity in the magazines & Jameson’s explicit experiences were not appropriate for elementary age students. I don’t think he actually knows what Gender Queer is about. And he didn’t believe me when I outlined what that book actually was. He also didn’t see the hypocrisy of not acknowledging “my body, my choice” during a certain mandate a couple years ago.
@tina-mariecrocker5687 3 дня назад
They have no clue how hypocritical they are
@jeffreydamonte67 6 дней назад
Montessori schools are often a good place to look for elementary age education without the political indoctrination.
@ChrisOlin 5 дней назад
James Lindsay was right.
@ellenbunker-lopez4007 День назад
Thank you for this! i live in NYC and my kids are in public school, 3rd-7th grade. I have already notice some of this just from a parental observers distance but had no idea that it is not expected policy. Makes me very upset. I send my children to school for academic learning, not indoctrination.
@t3tsuyaguy1 7 дней назад
I have a filtration system in my home, but it isn't because the water coming through my tap is undrinkable. Instead, I simply know that there are imperfections in any system, so there is a chance, however small, that my water could contain something unhealthy, lead for example. The cost of the filtration system is low enough, that it is worth it to me to have that additional layer of safety.
@sabinesfamily 6 дней назад
For kindergarten and early elementary school, the most appropriate social studies have to do with the child's immediate community. Africa? Other than a cursory understanding of the globe and far away places, the focus should be what is closest to the child geographically. That's aside from trying to introduce kids to certain political ideologies.
@mademsoisellerhapsody 4 дня назад
Language development is the primary area of learning from birth to about age 8. That’s why other countries teach foreign language from kindergarten forward. The U.S. stubbornly puts off foreign language courses until AFTER the students window for language learning closes.
@sabinesfamily 4 дня назад
@@mademsoisellerhapsody I agree that children can easily become bilingual but that isn't readily applicable to them cognitively understanding geographic locations that are irrelevant in their own lives.
@CarobMarcelle 4 дня назад
In regards to your comment about race, if the only people are socialist (they are) and not people like Booker T Washington, Woodson even learning about Clarance Thomas. Then we are not all represented. It’s ONLY progressive socialism they ignore other viewpoints!
@kittenzrulz2314 3 дня назад
I find it interesting that only one type of indoctrination in education is discussed. In my school they declared that disagreeing with their religious ideology is not allowed, furthermore questioning their conservative agenda was strictly prohibited.
@RubenCota-w2s 2 дня назад
Was it a private school? Private schools have that right. It's wrong on both sides if it was a public school.
@kittenzrulz2314 2 дня назад
@@RubenCota-w2s You do know private schools receive most of their money from the government? Effectively speaking taxdollars was spent so I could be indoctrinated, the school literally had a political ideology (right-wing) that students were not allowed to disagree with.
@Republitarian-g4h 2 дня назад
@@kittenzrulz2314 . . good. Better if they just eliminated public funding of education all together. It is doing a lot of damage.
@glennmitchell9107 7 дней назад
Is it pandering to favor Black history, Black studies, Black literature, etc., perhaps beyond their due? What is the relative importance of Blackness to a particular community's reality? Black topics should be more relevant to communities in the deep South than to communities in the northern plains or the American Southwest. One size does not fit all.
@Traderbear 7 дней назад
Liz is in angry mom mode, and Zach is far too gentlemanly haha Great talk everyone
@RubenCota-w2s 2 дня назад
Yes. They both come across as leftist Democrats.
@mariekatherine5238 3 дня назад
My grandchildren and grand nieces and nephews will never darken the door of a U.S. public school. They are either homeschooled or attend private traditional or religious schools.
@MitchellCantrell-h4q 7 дней назад
I feel sorry for the kids. You have people who shouldn't get together, having kids when they shouldn't be having kids for a dozen reasons and then throwing the poor things into a system that is ran by groomers all while our pathetic society is attacking them from every direction with liberal patheticness. No chance
@victoriafuller4148 4 дня назад
Ya…. That job belongs to churches …..ha
@northshorelight35 6 дней назад
There are some features that are just more attractive. You can’t change someone’s taste.
@CrudelyMade 7 дней назад
how long before kindergarten kids who like cats are told that maybe they're a furry. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@eattheinvaders.3037 4 дня назад
Too late. It's already happening.
@TheNancypoo 3 дня назад
@@eattheinvaders.3037exactly, Hello Kitty is now being sold as a girl who has always been a girl. No, it was a cat and everyone knew it. This world sucks!!
@lisathomas7932 2 дня назад
We need to just continue to build our own schools for pure academics and if you can , homeschool. Beautiful innocent children are not worth the risk of this disgrace.
@karmabint 6 дней назад
how to shut down a joy of learning
@mademsoisellerhapsody 4 дня назад
What IS developmentally appropriate for school age children is LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT. WHY don’t US public schools teach foreign languages starting in Kindergarten when the window for language development is wide open? Asking for a Gen Alpha.
@Morbieus 3 дня назад
Our kids can't even read... this is much more important than trying to make them multilingual
@mademsoisellerhapsody 3 дня назад
@@Morbieus 🛫
@kenjmyer 3 дня назад
Both kids went to Spanish immersion school K through eighth, but these schools only exist in more populated areas
@chrislloyd8820 6 дней назад
It's always nice when Liz lets the other people talk.
@peterhudson7819 2 дня назад
You are right. This is robbing kids of their childhood. Young kids should be being encouraged to play and interact in playful ways. To stress little kids out with social issues and political agendas instead of sticking to educating for the real world is abuse. Personal values and tolerance and behaviour are things that should be being instilled in the home. Furthermore to downplay the importance of language, and math is insanity. And what they are doing with history and not at history in the context of the time period is criminal. Why cant they see that pounding these things into a kids head at such an early age is in fact hateful is alienating kids based upon how they are born is abusive. I am not even going to get into the sexualizing of kids because it makes me sick to think that this is purposefully being done in schools. This is all so backwards and it baffles me to think that this anyone could support any of this, and I do not believe that this is a natural progression and not an indoctrination and part of a larger agenda which aims to cause harm.
@cesarcesar5129 4 дня назад
They’re fighting fascism. It’s in their literature.
@kathyhagan8444 2 дня назад
What an excellent discussion
@CarobMarcelle 4 дня назад
Look up Emily Drabinski president of the American library association. You will get your answers.
@JohnSmith-ux3tt 2 дня назад
Not reading Not writing Not math.
@christophermyslicki3526 2 дня назад
Great talk
@ShumaniTatankaOwachi 2 дня назад
The women of Reason are great, Amber Duke and Liz Wolfe in particular.
@BruceWing 5 дней назад
Fabulous and frightening discussion.
@Network83-pf8bm 2 дня назад
Teaching is HARD. Much easier to just pontificate about one's personal life experiences and opinions. Ever since Carter empowered the NEA it's been all down hill.
@sabinesfamily 6 дней назад
Has Zach read The Bluest Eye? He may need to revisit it.
@rachelm6941 7 дней назад
Re: The Bluest Eye- I'm not sure why the host is speaking about a book he's never read. Here's the scoop. (SPOILERS AHEAD) 1) I'm a big fan of Toni Morrison and think everyone should read her work at some point in their lives 2) The Bluest Eye is not for young children. Here's why. The protagonist is a young girl whose father r@pes her. She becomes pregnant, and eventually loses her mind. The darkness of the abuse this child faces both at home and in the wider society is so awful, most tweens and many teens probably won't even process it. I read it the first time as a teen, I missed much of the meaning of the book. Secondly, and this is obvious, r@pe/ince$t are not an age appropriate topic for tweens. My personal opinion is that this book should be available in high schools, and only assigned as an optional read on a list for kids in grades 9 & above because of the scene where this poor child is being r@ped by her father. Shocking children with no sexual experience by stories that make adults feel sick is common sense, not part of educating them on matters of racism, history, or healthy sexuality.
@darbyheavey406 7 дней назад
Morrison is hugely overrated but your point is very well made.
@LebanonBologna40 7 дней назад
I read it in college and agree it should be reserved for older teens in an advanced class setting.
@-astrangerontheinternet6687 6 дней назад
That was read by my class in the 4th grade. The rap.e scene was read out loud by the class. It disturbed me greatly.
@northshorelight35 6 дней назад
I read this book in 8th grade. I don’t remember what it was about, but based on your post now I know why. lol Yeah, I definitely would have missed all that. Not for junior high. Maybe not until 12th grade.
@mht5875 6 дней назад
Toni Morrison? Absolutely none of her books are appropriate for children.
@petepower4217 3 дня назад
"Why are you burdening these children with these topics?" The simplest answer is to indoctrinate them at an early age. Decide if you are OK with this or not. Hiding beneath the skirts of "teaching" is a flimsy excuse. Indoctrination is not an element on the path to transcendence.
@tylersingleton9284 День назад
I don't care what the "technical" definition of "pornography" is. Illustrations and written descriptions are absolutely part of porn. Your grandma's favorite vanilla smut book is still porn. Anything with it that is given to children should be considered distribution to minors and be legally prosecuted.
@cassiecoleman3584 6 дней назад
Great content
@ShumaniTatankaOwachi 2 дня назад
Levar Burton, a black man, was the host of Reading Rainbow for years, BYW.
@danieldow9385 День назад
My child is in the second grade and is only now starting to grasp the idea of living in a town that is in a county that is in a state that is in a country that is on Earth. Water in Africa? 😂
@Republitarian-g4h 2 дня назад
Repeal Compulsory Education
@MattGPT-eh4cp 3 дня назад
Schools and Teachers focus on these issues as a way to distract from their failures teaching traditional subjects like math and reading.
@sethhill5689 2 дня назад
We are more worried about teaching SJW than teaching people to do math, read, etc. We have far too many people graduating that can't read or do math at grade level.
@tinootnoot2725 День назад
it's age inappropriate due to parent egos because they think their children are above average intelligence, narcissism strikes again. worked with children for 15 years and parents are VERY competitive
@eattheinvaders.3037 4 дня назад
Im so tired of hearing the phrase European Beauty Standards. There is no such thing. Every continent has a myriad of varying cultural standards- including societal beauty standards. Then there are universal standards that transcend nearly society. The majority of what is referred to as "European beauty standards" are in fact universal standards. For example height and athletic build for men, hip to waist to shoulder ration for women. Facial symmetry for both. Another universal standard is rarity- least common hair color is red, least common eye color is green. Final note: the vast number of non-white cultures around the globe that value pale skin as a beauty standard for women.
@simshengvue5799 4 дня назад
Can we stop saying public school and start saying government school
@MockBrainworthy 3 дня назад
If they aren't certified in it, they shouldn't be teaching it. If they are teaching uncertified then that is cause for discharge.
@sherbear8286 6 дней назад
Thank God I do not have school age children. Home school may be the only safe choice.
@georger6624 День назад
And then you wonder why normal teachers are quitting
@robertsmall1657 2 часа назад
“Teachers should be aware that European beauty standards are considered ideal in America such as light/pale skin” I didn’t realize that tanning beds and spray tans made you more attractive by making your skin lighter and more pale. 🙄 Most women want darker skin. These schools are just lying.
@troll_kin9456 6 дней назад
I drink filtered water. But I drink it because it tastes better - not because I'll get giardia from the tap water. It's a luxury product.
@user-sx9hq7qwert День назад
Luxury product for u, maybe. Lots of people don't HAVE that luxury. Try not to hurt yourself thinking too hard on that...
@troll_kin9456 День назад
@@user-sx9hq7qwert Yes....that was the point of my comment to distinguish between people who filter their water for a slightly better taste vs. people who filter their water so it's safe to drink... The factoid brought up in the show is very misleading because it tries to imply that the US has similar water quality to the Sudan by saying "look at all these people in the US who filter their water!" as if my "water quality issues" are in any way comparable to those of the Sudanese.
@user-sx9hq7qwert 23 часа назад
@@troll_kin9456 Flint, Michigan? Comparable means nothing; clean water does, n clean water is NOT a luxury. Most people don't have it. Learning how to make it is NOT a waste.
@troll_kin9456 13 часов назад
​@@user-sx9hq7qwert What are you even talking about? Did you watch the episode for the context? The hosts asked how many people in the US really have to filter their water, so I chimed in with my own experience.
@dawnmitchell11 2 дня назад
I would argue that pervasive is almost worse than universal regarding indoctrination topics. It's harder to detect as a parent. Ever since 2020, it seems like schools are continuing to try to limit parent involvement in schools. I live in a fairly conservative suburb outside a blue city. So I know it is invading the district, it's just hard to tell to what degree.
@marywiggins7411 День назад
Okay. The word 'colonizer' is thrown around way too much. And 2nd graders don't need to know the ABC's of the black panther party. Maybe in 6th grade. Teach basics, solid basics.
@RobertApfel-zr1cc 4 дня назад
The inmates are running the asylum. It’s utter madness and it’s moral rot at the core. Teachers should just stick to teaching the basics: reading, writing and math. And enforcing discipline in the classroom. We are failing our children, full stop.
@KonekoPurrrfection 4 дня назад
You mean patents... Inmates are from prison
@groworforage342 4 дня назад
kids in 2nd grade cannot process the context of history it's ridiculous to teach it at best, at worst it amounts to indoctrination. Teach geography. Teach about their local and regional areas . Teach about natural resources and concrete things that will lay the future foundation for them to digest history in a meaningful way.
@mademsoisellerhapsody 4 дня назад
Teach languages. The window for learning foreign languages closes after second grade. It’s why so many Americans cannot roll their “r”s.
@psikeyhackr6914 6 дней назад
My mother sent me to a Catholic grammar school. Wasn't that indoctrination?
@jerrywojtowicz7065 6 дней назад
She chose it, and paid for it. There’s a difference between that and not choosing it yet paying for it.
@troll_kin9456 6 дней назад
I do think people sometimes tangle themselves in a knot to come up with an ideologically agnostic explanation for why x is bad, but not y. I realize it's not a persuasive answer for someone who believes in x, but sometimes the answer is simply that the ideology is false. It's good to teach kids true values. It's bad to teach them false woke values. If you teach kids 2+2 = 5, the main problem isn't with the teaching methodology, or the tone of voice, or age appropriateness, or the social context. Those things may also be done badly. But the main problem is that you're teaching falsehoods.
@tonyc223 4 дня назад
Your upset because they taught you morals?
@psikeyhackr6914 4 дня назад
@@tonyc223 I started reading Science Fiction in 4th grade. In 8th grade a nun said to me "You will get into a good high school but you won't do well." She was mad because I refused to be a patrol boy. In 7th grade I decided to go to college for engineering. The silly nuns NEVER taught science. I don't know where you get your delusions about Catholic schools. Oh, I decided that I was an agnostic in 7th grade too.
@Mirroj 2 дня назад
You didn't pay attention, did you?
@groworforage342 4 дня назад
the water filter thing would be appropriate MAYBE at age 5, more like 7-8. It's easy to think well it might be overshooting it developmentally but it's not harmful- but it is harmful because of what the kids miss out on in the tradeoff in doing these inappropriate lessons. PreK should be PLAY BASED. Let the kids play w/ a bin of water and rocks and CONVERSE together with LESS direction from a teacher and they will gain FAR more. Do "circle time" for 15 min 2x a day to reinforce shapes, counting, colors, letter sounds etc. they will retain more. Sticking kids in overly structured environments will in the long term illicit defiance, anxiety and depression when they are expected to perform/learn from/enjoy activities that are beyond their developmental ability-there are studies to back this up. Look at the Tennessee prek study or quebec universal prek studies. When the teacher has to over-control a bunch of 3-4 year olds to get through this activity what are we teaching the kids about teachers, about school, how do they internalize this mismatch between what the school wants them to be and care about vs what is normal and good for a child this age. The road to hell is paved w/ good intentions by self righteous do gooders.
@fredwelf8650 5 дней назад
Teavhing very young children about clean air, clean water, pollution and filtration is so basic, that your objection is naive and disingenuous. You think 8 years olds are stupid. By 8, all children have their adult teeth. Baby teeth are lost between 4-6 years. The age inappropriate argument is a complete failure to understand human development.
@KonekoPurrrfection 4 дня назад
We should be teaching kids how to be healthy so talking about clean water is important. Learning about disentary (sp*?) the dangers of chemicals in our water supply, chemicals in the air, parasites.... Ect ect.... All very important imo
@D0B3RW0M4N 3 дня назад
I would go into deep debt in order to homeschool my (hypothetical) children
@LogicSpeaks 6 дней назад
These talks are enlightening however they seem to never really do anything beyond just mentioning something happening often anecdotally. Is it possible to have a discussion more aimed at specific things that any parent can do depending on region? I feel like these conversations always sound more like when friends and family members who agree with each other just bitching to each other. This is the millionth podcast that I heard that talks about how messed up our school system is from left to right. Gotcha. Now what? Elect trump? Elect Kamala? Seriously - I basically got nothing from this talk.
@dorianissock732 4 дня назад
The initiative wasn't promoting teaching preK children about European beautty standards. The guidance is NOT to reinforce any soecific beauty standard..
@mademsoisellerhapsody 4 дня назад
The timing is poor. Language development is the focus of human beings from birth through age 8.
@kevinpankanin6222 3 дня назад
State sponsored normalization of sin and debauchery. Weimar Republic 2.0
@tinootnoot2725 День назад
children dont lose teeth until age 6 on average. pre schoolers are still learning language, this is hilarious
@ShumaniTatankaOwachi 2 дня назад
Spoiler alert about Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy
@georger6624 День назад
What’s happening on campus? Do you have normal normal people on campus and you have abnormal people on campus you figure it out
@mistertommy День назад
Anyone remember Mao’s regime and kids? We have that here now.
@MrNoobed 6 дней назад
Grindr preroll ad lol.
@mattbuchanan325 2 дня назад
Thanks for nothing Paulo Freire.
@photonsword 4 дня назад
Homeschool your kids.
@TheLegionsofScipioAmericanus 3 дня назад
The people teaching this to children are evil. No getting around it anymore.
@Leonard-ef8nd 4 дня назад
When did all this garbage start? What year
@Ms.A422 8 часов назад
2020 the year of tyranny
@kathyhagan8444 2 дня назад
Water lessons in elementary school? Our parents taught us “eat your dinner there are starving children” - parents should be teaching “don’t waste water - there are children who don’t have running water” - there lesson is done
@user-sx9hq7qwert День назад
Learning to build a water filtration system is useless? Practicing fine motor skills n manipulating objects is useless? Learning that not all water is safe is useless? Not to assume, but saying "don't waste water" tells us something, n it isn't a good look for u. Guilt is a stupid tool.
@KeithOtisEdwards 3 дня назад
Much talking, but insufficient specific examples that _X_ doctrine is being taught in _W, Y, Z_ school systems. The result is an another mass hysteria similar to the one which ignited when my high-school class was assigned to read _The Communist Manifesto_ by Chico Marx. I've asked various local health professionals how many youths they see have asked about getting gender-reassignment treatment, and thus far the answer has been _zero._ From what I can see, the more serious danger to our schools today is teaching Christian Nationalism, and the fiction that the founding fathers were all God-fearing fundamentalists who expected The Rapture was imminent. I'm disappointed that the former Libertarian Party has gone MAGA.
@jenniferterry6775 2 дня назад
Where do you live that you think Christian Nationalism is being taught in schools??? I am in a fairly rural & overall conservative county, yet there are pride flags in every classroom, SEL posters on the walls,and teachers advertising on Facebook for their "free clothes for 'queer' kids to change into" ! As to the rest, you have to inquire of your particular school what they are using in curriculum, and you need to ask about the surveys and actually look at the textbooks, as most of this is not explicit, but woven surreptitiously into the lessons. Example: math word problems that bring up the topic of 'privilege'.
@Vates104 7 дней назад
LGB people do not choose our orientation. In fact, many of us struggle against it.
@KonekoPurrrfection 4 дня назад
You weren't born like that tho, more likely you were SA at a very young age and may or may not remember it.
@Mirroj 2 дня назад
Because you have been defiled outside of your control.
@indiego8253 2 дня назад
I don't struggle with it. Not ashamed of it for starters.
@Ms.A422 8 часов назад
We do choose it or atleast I did at one point but God is greater and I chose Gods way over what my body think it wanted.
@TimedNonTides 7 дней назад
"I do not step shyly back from your (govt-run youtube) property, but look upon it always as my property", mostly by Max Stirner Tbc, I see an Individualist as someone who sees people for who they are specifically, as in white man, american citizen etc... as oppose to seeing them as nondescript individuals among a collective as some libertarians seem to.. I agree with Dave Smith's position against Israel but against his position property cannot be owned in common. I believe the United State's of America is owned in common by its citizens & that our cultural narrative is as Ayn Rand puts it, "America’s founding ideal was the principle of individual rights. Nothing more-and nothing less. The rest-everything that America achieved, everything she became, everything 'noble and just,' and heroic, and great, and unprecedented in human history-was the logical consequence of fidelity to that one principle." More specifically, this land was won in the name of Individual freedom/choice/rights, & we will fight to the death before we lose it, our common property owned in the name of Individual freedom. I'm working hard articulating this because i won't be forced into a mask, into taking the TrumpJab, or into staying out of public, nor will I be denied public or even private services because I won't. That means either enough Americans stand up with me & I live or they don't & i die trying. It's an easier decision for cowards, & if we lose that's what will be left. All the best Americans will be dead. Better stand now while you have others to stand with you. The problem is libertarians like many others aren't willing to fight the govt, thus we are left with either running & hiding or supporting the better of two evils. This isn't compatible with the American narrative. Is social media public like the postoffice? Did Zuckerberg apologize for screwing Americans out of their free speech on the public forum Facebook? Does this mean Zuckerberg is going to reinstate Facebook profile, pages, groups, threads people built over years of work, without demanding we provide govt ID or any other obstacles to free speech? Tell him to reinstate them all. To begin with, this space was given special legal status as a public forum, public being a place where Americans have won their freedom of speech. This freedom includes making threats, legally, as a matter of speech. For instance, Blacks ought to get Whites or vice versa, as long as it isn't more immediate & specific, & as long as it's public, public being owned in common by we the people, & attacking/taking Americans' free speech is basically an assault or more broadly an act of war against our way of life. Of course, we need to speak out against that, but even if it weren't public though, govt is still pressuring media outlets over content. More specifically, govt is *force so it ought not be able to propagandize a *free people. It is force for one, because it's funded by force (by taxes). Likewise, anyone funded by force, actions can be seen as using force ie ought not be propagandizing Americans either. This includes heavily subsidized or other govt favored billionare investors.. There are two things we need to confront if we're to survive this: 1st, To the extent funds obtained from activities (from criminal thieving to govt taxing to fed reserve printing ) other than the free market, that funding is defined as force, it's effect on the market, on people, is force; meaning, such censorship, propaganda, boycotts, advertisers, donors, etc. are forcing their own "will" on others, i.e., criminally taking both free choice & "freewill". (Great lesson in capitalism) ru-vid.com/group/PLB0A97C06867AF0D6&si=71ww87SU5dpCr27m 2nd, "Agent of the State", legal term, refers to those supposed private entities who are supported by the govt (force) in carrying out said "State's" agenda ie govt run RU-vid publishers tailoring their govt approved messages, censoring their comment sections, what's the difference between them & the establishment media, misleading & selling us out for their govt pay. We should all agree, there is reason for serious concern; we need our ability to speak truthfully defended. At this point, I only want one thing from government agents, officials, servants etc... & that is to see them on trial for the Covid Agenda. For real, I feel like people have forgotten what our government just did & in some cases they're still doing to us: Trump did use public health, like Nazis did, to force medical experiments on us. Governor Abbott locked Texans down for his Covid Agenda & his supporters attack an anti-genocide protester, protesting another Covid Agenda state, Israel. We live in upside down world. In a right side up world, they'd have handled Abbott like that. Really is pathetic The Amer govt forced medical experiments on people, locked down the country, churches closed, families threatened, wealth stolen & the Israeli state doing the same but worse, & now w/ Amer support genociding Palestinians, stripping & carting off the innocent, & our government outlaws speech against this. Nazis were also all about public health & genocide. Make America CHINA w/ Trump Again, on the ISRAEL 1st Ticket. If you support someone who locked down this country, then it's like you locked it down, & I don't like being locked down. Biden is bad but not as bad as ignoring this fascist takeover ie lesser of two evils doesn't matter now. It may eventually work out, but at what cost, & that's just it, the cost is too high as I see it & once the surveilance state is up, it's said to be virtually impossible to bring down. The Govt forced Covid Agenda was so harmful that civil liability couldn't possibly bring justice to victims. Criminal charges, convictions, and punishments are necessary. Perhaps if those w/ means had to suffer during it half as much as the poor, we wouldn't be so passively & patently un-American about such outrages. A big part of the problem is how these fascist Agendas seem to leave police blameless. After all, it was pushed through fear mongering, through censorship, through incentives or deprivation, to name a few, & we don't see police enforcing that. Policemen nor even govt really were seen refusing service to the unvaccinated like hospitals did, didn't guard food from the unmasked, didn't demand no jab-no job. They, police, didn't, but they sure protected the ones that did. In the end, influencers need to influence, resist the pull to become "manufactured consent". It wasn't as necessary that Thomas Paine grabbed a British soldier as it was needed that he justified even promoted it. The rich didn't suffer Trump's covid agenda like the rest of us ie no jab no job, guarding food from the unmasked, denying services including healthcare to the unjabbed, and even going so far as closing public itself. They forced a mask on my loved ones. All this talk about why is annoying. I want one thing for them, justice. Strange more don't say that as well. For instance, if I put a dress on your son or a burka on your woman, you shouldn't be okay with that . More to it, immigrants are better than Trump supporters.They're the ones responsible for the covid agenda; not immigrants. My fellow Americans didn't defend me & mine from fascists denying public & all manner of services, so open the borders & the prisons. I'll take my chances in dangerous freedom. Maybe then I can protect myself from the police you wouldn't protect us from, when they're overran. 17 million they say government & its supporters killed w/ that TrumpJab. Of course, that doesn't include the deaths of despair, impoverishing of a nation, & much more. Rebellion ain't easy!
@LibertyOrDeath7230 7 дней назад
No one is reading that.
@TimedNonTides 7 дней назад
@@LibertyOrDeath7230 Simply stated, these false ideas, Objectivism, Libertarianism & Anarchism, do not enough teach people to claim the space/land/terrotory, that it's worth dying better yet killing for, that the space is not under any circumstances for sell nor to be sold or even lost, & that those who betray that, that idea/position, such as Israel, as Yaron Brook representing the Ayn Rand Institute, & Objectivists, Libertarians, & Anarchists more broadly have, ought be held accountable which includes yourself. Simply stated, stop supporting these fascist who are selling out our country & are unwilling to fight for it.
@Bloodstryke 7 дней назад
Yeah you pretty much guaranteed that no one will read your comment by typing a long essay where no one knows who you are or if you know what you're talking about.
@TimedNonTides 7 дней назад
@@Bloodstryke Simply stated, these false ideas, Objectivism, Libertarianism & Anarchism, do not enough teach people to claim the space/land/terrotory, that it's worth dying better yet killing for, that the space is not under any circumstances for sell nor to be sold or even lost, & that those who betray that, that idea/position, such as Israel, as Yaron Brook representing the Ayn Rand Institute, & Objectivists, Libertarians, & Anarchists more broadly have, ought be held accountable which includes yourself. Simply stated, stop supporting these fascist who are selling out our country & are unwilling to fight for it.
@cachos-story-lab 6 дней назад
While I agree that basically nullifying what precarious defense the Pharma funded NDA may have provided after all the effects "discovered later" that were in the slides of the jab (bought by Canada before the ... Event) was just about as bad as not sacking Faucci. And that the colussion between media, scientific journals, big corporations, the border, and even California's harbor (specifically its cranes that were non operational for no reason) as well as funding the lockdowns instituted by Newsom, Cuomo and Abott among others were terrible (as was giving Black Rock a huge help in buying real estate by negating landowners a chance at getting payments from their tenants)... I hate to say the Kamala/Biden side was the one that took that and doubled down on the crackdown. They were the ones whose "patience was wearing thin" and who considered half the country terrorists. Ill agree its sad to count the amazing number of people I personally knew who were irreparably harmed or died because of the shot. And darn I also wish there was a better option between the parties... But more to the point this 23rd of September the US may cede its authority to the WHO and the current administration supports that. It makes whatever Trump did peanuts. It means that the Constitution is now superceded by the rule of the UN who can consider free speech a cyber pandemic and with a snap of their fingers create a martial law scenario that make lockdown look like escapism. This is beyond critical and if you can read on it and try and get a hold of your representative. Because if this pases whatever you think of in the election cycle will mean nothing as the rules are now set by Klauss/Harari or some other unknown or committee of unknowns that are neither elected nor accountable in any way shape or form
@crustis5958 6 дней назад
Its okay to be rightwing and white.
@robertsmall1657 Час назад
Black communities being riddled with crime is somehow a result of over-policing? This is the most hilarious liberal argument ever. 1. Police aren’t staffed highly in areas unless there is a reason to put them there. 2. Citizens in the US have an insane amount of rights that prevent unlawful arrests. If the police are arresting you, there is a 99% chance you gave them a good reason to do it. 3. A jury has to convict you also with the oversight of a judge to go to jail. The only way this “over-policing” argument is remotely valid, is if 80% of black men in jail are innocent. And I think it’s reasonable to say at least 90% of people in jail are guilty. That number is impossible to prove however. But the reality is that the culture of inner-city black communities breeds higher crime rates for many reasons. Pretending the police are arresting too many people is ridiculous.
@blessed_wife.mom.boss_ Час назад
Another issue is that these types of books being on the "required reading list".
@Sar_G403 13 часов назад
RU-vid hit me with 15+ commercials during this vid……
@lampaso6967 8 часов назад
Describing the facts about African countries depends on the purpose, attitude, motivation, and tone of the speaker.
@lisamessinger9413 5 часов назад
On the suicide plan question being asked of 11 yr olds. It's more sad to think that students as young as 11 have made a plan, which has actually happened.
@presidentrogue5668 7 часов назад
Stop allowing schools to be a government monopoly. Attach money to the kids and allow parents to CHOOSE. Competition means schools will serve parents and kids instead of unions, and it also drives innovation for success.
@aimeehammon4821 10 часов назад
I’m just here wondering why these people think their kids are idiots. What a way to insult your kids. I’m sad you aren’t able to handle basic social concepts. However, please don’t pass that quality onto your kid.
@bernardfurst9133 17 часов назад
I don't know how people can successfully argue that these topics are a good thing to be taught this way and at these ages
@johncoktosten9208 День назад
The age inappropriateness compared to the information given is the number one characteristic of indoctrination. They are trying to get ideas in your kids head before you can give them any other ideas.
@robertgirau7339 День назад
More reason to home school your kids.
@marco_nt 7 часов назад
Great talk
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