
What are the proofs for the resurrection of Jesus? 

Southern Seminary
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"What historical proof or evidence is there that Jesus really rose from the dead?"
Dr. Theodore Cabal answers in Honest Answers | Episode 15
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11 апр 2017




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@ewankerr3011 5 лет назад
Let's be honest, even if they had video evidence back then, some would still say it had been faked. I think the only thing you can "prove" is that the first disciples, or certainly some of them, really believed that they had encountered the risen Christ. This changed everything for them.
@ewankerr3011 5 лет назад
Just sticking to my view.. This, I think, is what you can "prove."
@notgonnatellya7057 4 года назад
Dd S believe in Him or not, challenging him will make him known. Pharaoh didn’t believe in him either, many do not and did not. Take him on yourself and ask him to prove himself to you, you might be surprised!
@ewankerr3011 4 года назад
Many people claim a personal encounter / experience that convinces them that they have religious truth. However, others from different religions or denominations may have similar experiences. So what does a personal encounter/ experience prove? I was looking at it from the point of view of historical evidence/proof and suggesting that there is only so much you can "prove."
@greglisk9408 3 года назад
Exactly, just as millions of Muslims "Believe" that Muhamad split the moon in two and rode to heaven on a winged horse. Millions of people today believe that they have been abducted by aliens. What people believe, is not evidence.
@afd4017 2 года назад
You can’t even prove that these disciples existed😂
@jacquelinestreeton3090 2 месяца назад
I’ve just started doing the Alpha course as a fledgling Christian and the more I look into the historical evidence of Jesus, the more I am convinced this is true
@edwardanthony7283 3 года назад
No one could have survived what they put Jesus through..
@apfhfamily18 3 года назад
Thats exactly how I knew he was Black
@greglisk9408 3 года назад
You are talking about a story. No one could have survived what they put Harry Potter through either. Doesn't mean he is walking around London.
@greglisk9408 3 года назад
@Scott Thomas I'm sorry, but you are simply wrong about that. You are no different than Muslims claiming that Mohamad and the Quran radically changed the world. There is not a single contemporary account of anything Jesus ever said or did. Your "Historical reports" are anonymous reports of decades old stories, passed around by Christians for the purpose of recruiting more followers. Christianity was just one of hundreds of new sects Judaism of the time. Just as Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses are two of the hundreds of new sects Christianity of today. If you are so far gone in your brainwashing that you actually believe in Demons, I am very sorry for you and especially concerned for any children that you may have influence over. I can only hope that another generation or two of education will stamp out such remnants of stone age ignorance. I also hope that you never become convinced to burn anyone as a witch.
@greglisk9408 3 года назад
@Scott Thomas Pride? Really? Coming from someone who claims to have a personal relationship with the creator of the Universe, that is quite rich? Name a single first century scholar who spoke to an eye witness to the resurrection. (Which, even if you could still wouldn't prove it happened). I used to be like you. Then I read the bible, cover to cover. I studied it's history. I was shocked at it's ridiculous claims, disgusted by it's immorality. I could not believe that a God could be as stupid, narcissistic, cruel and deranged as the God character described in the bible. That is what lead me out of the brainwashing. Even the anonymously written "Gospels" do not claim to be Eye witness accounts. Mark was written first and Mathew, Luke and John are later embellished copies. Even the two oldest manuscripts of Mark (from the 300s) conclude with verse 8, which ends with the women fleeing from the empty tomb, and saying "nothing to anyone. Everything after that was added later to make the story more impressive. Did you study your history enough to learn that it was the Apostate Church of Christendom that banned the common people from owning and reading the bible because it was afraid that if her subjects owned and read Bibles, that they might question some of the Church’s actions and teachings? The idea that we have an "Eternal Soul" is one of the most dead concepts in all religion. Everything we know about the brain, memories and mind demonstrates that everything that makes you you, is a product of your physical brain and can be completely altered by brain trauma. There is no reason to believe that your memories or personality can exist without a functioning brain. Religion, like all other superstition has been a poison on society for millennia and can't die soon enough.
@greglisk9408 3 года назад
@Scott Thomas Once again, I see no answer here or evidence that you thought for a moment about what I said. Yes the bible has been manipulated , altered, embellished, and interpreted so that there are thousands of denominations of Christianity who disagree on every single point of doctrine such as whether Jesus was divine, what is required for salvation, whether it's ok to stone people to death for working on the sabbath etc, etc, etc. Why do you still think it is the inerrant word of a God? Rather than just one more, made up religion like thousands of others.
@anupcheriyachan7745 6 лет назад
Jesus Resruction gives us so much hope.
@anupcheriyachan7745 4 года назад
@HuckFinn What all stupid things are you saying? Which has no relation at all. You really donot know what is truth? or are you using drugs?
@anupcheriyachan7745 4 года назад
@HuckFinn When did i say Bible is stupid? So when i didnot say anything wrong about bible, how did you assume that i believe bible is wrong? Your words jumple here and there. There are many mising things in your words. That's why i asked Do you use drugs?
@anupcheriyachan7745 4 года назад
@HuckFinn If you are saying against Jesus ressurction. Let me point out two people James and paul. James who was the brother of Jesus was a skeptic of Jesus. He later on was the head of the chruch of Jerusalem and suffered a horrible death. So What changed him from a criticizer like you to admire and a martyr. He says he saw the ressurcted Jesus and that changed him. Do you have some other reason that changed him? Then Pau, who was saul and hurt christians. The suddenly he changed and suffered a lot. He even wrote 14 books which are in bible. He also say he saw ressurcted christ and took a u turn. So if you have any reasons please say?
@anupcheriyachan7745 4 года назад
@HuckFinn You said " I 'm glad that you understand the how stupid the bible is' What did you mean by that?. I didnot say that. I donot know from where you get that. And you didnot answer. I asked you critical Questions but skipped them because you have no answer. Then you start saying some rubbish things which i donot understand. Please if you are true say with quotes. You are saying like Abc xyz jhi kml pou qwertyuio he. It seems like that. Because you are not saying 1. About what you are saying? 2. What is your satement? 3. Qutations for the same?. So basically what do you say? i tried to understand you but you are far beyond understanding.
@anupcheriyachan7745 4 года назад
@HuckFinn When i read Jesus is king post only i understood a small part of your conversation. If you could read John 1:11- 14 you may understand. 11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God- 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. 14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. Basically, The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. So it was not sexual intercourse as you think. I think that is the problem.
@r_d_7908 4 года назад
John 20, 29: You believe because you can see me. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.
@lutkedog1 3 года назад
@greglisk9408 3 года назад
Gullible are those that have not seen and yet believe. People like you are buying 20 million dollar private jets for televangelists and prosperity gospel scammers.
@craigward8886 2 года назад
@@greglisk9408 believe as you will but I have NEVER donated to a prosperity preacher
@greglisk9408 2 года назад
@@craigward8886 Actually you have. By helping perpetuate the irrational beliefs and gullible mind set that they prey on. By supporting an attitude that values faith over reason, ignorance over education, Myth over science, Old books and Imaginary beings over thier own family. People like you helped create the dark ages, the inquisition, witch burnings, flat earthers and anti-vaxers. You can do better.
@kenhoyer8601 2 года назад
It’s a mistake to believe in what can’t be proven. We have a rational mind God given.
@hilariousmpungu5289 4 года назад
Christians are indeed the salt of the world. Can't even imagine a world devoid of Jesus Christ. It shows in all topics of discussion regarding our faiths, the calmness and peaceful nature showed in the responses Christians make. A world without Jesus Christ is an insane world. Thank You Jesus for saving me
@mochatech121 4 года назад
You do realize that Jesus is only a storybook character?
@Cloud-wl8lp 4 года назад
Mocha Tech well, actually, the fact that Jesus was a real person is pretty much one of the most solid historical facts. whether he truly was divine and died and resurrected is another story.
@mochatech121 4 года назад
@@Cloud-wl8lp Sorry, but if you are referring to the Bible storybook Jesus, he is just a storybook character. There is no historical evidence whatsoever for the mythological Jesus. Now if you are referring to the Jewish militant leaders with the title of Jesus, or with the title of Christ, then yes there is historical evidence of the militant Jewish leaders. The first thing you need to do in order to assert that the Bible storybook character ever existed, is to prove that there was a god creature who in reality existed. Give me proof that a god creature ever existed.
@logans.butler285 3 года назад
@greglisk9408 3 года назад
Yes in the sense that if you salt the earth, nothing can grow. A world in which educated, 21st century people still allow bronze age myths of gods and demons to run thier lives is insanity.
@RolandANambo 4 года назад
Great Roman Historian Tacitus and many many other Historians admitted Jesus was put to death by Pontius Pilate. Crucified and Killed. Put on the Tomb. That tomb is empty. He was seen walking, eating, talking to his disciples. Before his crucifixion, his disciples were terrified for their lives and fleed. Not too long after, they were willing to give their lives for this Jesus guy. What sparked such a great boldness and fearlessness? The undisputable, undeniable truth that Jesus really rose; Jesus really is who He said he was. Jesus rose, if he rose he still lives, if he lives you can know him today. Do you want to know him? Humbly ask him and acknowledge all your flaws and Failing. He is great in mercy and Grace.
@julietmoraa5106 4 года назад
👏🏿👏🏿Perfectly put ❤️
@greglisk9408 3 года назад
I'm sorry but these statements are just not true. I recommend Dr. Richard Carrier's books "Proving History" and "On the Historicity of Jesus" which lay out an extremely compelling case that The Gospels were entirely fabricated as a Euhemorization of a Jesus that was already being worshipped by Christian sects that existed in 20-30 ad whose doctrine stated that Jesus never actually walked the Earth.
@craigward8886 2 года назад
Amen Roland. Well said.
@HongLee225 2 месяца назад
Israelites saw the Red Sea split in two and God in a blazing fire. Yet, some of them worshipped a golden calf just few days after. People will disbelieve no matter what
@elisharp5767 3 месяца назад
Hello, I am a proud Christian here. A refutation of the resurrection I have seen from some agnostics and atheists is that Jesus was likely never even put in a tomb because the Roman’s normally just left the crucified dead on their crosses. I would love to see this channel address this refutation to strengthen all of our apologetics. Thanks!
@rrvaughn820 3 месяца назад
Good question. Firstly, yes, the Romans carried out the crucifixion, and sometimes they left crucifixion victims dead on the cross as a warning to others. But we have good reason to think that's not the case with Jesus. The Romans were occupying Jerusalem which was a Jewish city and culture. Despite the Romans' total military dominance in this time of history, they actually did strive for peace with who they were currently ruling over (so much that it was given a name, "Pax Romana"). The day after Jesus was crucified it was the Passover, and the Jews did NOT want dead bodies hanging around during that annual holiday celebration. It's entirely historical and accurate to think that the Romans (Pilate in particular) were willing to let them take down the body of Jesus and bury it. They WANTED peace. Pilate in particular wanted peace, as his reputation was in a little hot water at the time. So it is entirely reasonable to think Jesus's body was taken down and buried. And in fact, that's exactly what happened, as Joseph of Arimathea asked for, recorded in Mark 15:42-47. Secondly...people forget that the books of the Bible themselves ARE historical books with mounds of evidence for their accurate copying through history. Some skeptics and nonbelievers will state there's no historical claims for the stories of the 4 gospels, as though the 4 gospel are themselves not historical records! But they ARE. It's not dishonest to treat the books of Matthew Mark Luke and John as accurate historical evidence. Much of human history is told, taught, and trusted on far LESS evidence than these 4 books have.
@elisharp5767 3 месяца назад
@@rrvaughn820 interesting what you say about Pax Romana and the political pressures on Pilate specifically. That would definitely make a lot of sense, although I’m sure atheist scholars would clap back and say the sources even for the motives of Pilate come from the Bible and can’t be trusted because they’re not “historical.” This is a great explanation, though. Thank you for the detailed response!
@rrvaughn820 3 месяца назад
@@elisharp5767 You're probably right about that! Unfortunately true. Sometimes it appears they specifically have a desire NOT to believe, regardless of the evidence. Check out the Mike Winger video "skeptics respond to the evidence for the resurrection" it's pretty wild what some prominent atheists have said. Almost verbatim, some will say "it doesn't matter what the evidence or eyewitnesses say, miracles could never happen, and I'll believe literally any other explanation." Sad to hear. They need their heart softened by the Lord!
@Thaijler 2 месяца назад
If you read the Bible you would know Romans didn't bury Jesus. He was buried by Joseph of Arimathea who was a Pharisee, but secret follower of Jesus. He asked Pilate for permission to take the body.
@laurinamyotte1680 6 лет назад
Blessed is he who believes without seeing!
@markanthonylee8239 6 лет назад
Laurin Amyotte Muslims say the same thing about Allah. What proof do you have that anyone should believe without seeing. Why can't your god just make himself known to the whole world? Then we would all believe. I would think an omnipotent, omniscient being could prove himself to the entire world. Instead he plays a game of hide and seek. It's a bunch of bullcrap, and how date I be threatened with hell for not believing. Fuck your god.
@playboibunny6762 6 лет назад
Mark Anthony Lee To ensure that people with clean hearts will love him unconditionally. Why would the LORD want people to be with him, if they dont really love him.
@crazyprayingmantis5596 6 лет назад
Gullible is he who believes without proof
@playboibunny6762 6 лет назад
Crazy prayingmantis Dont you think it takes more faith to be an atheist than to believe a religion. The universe couldnt have out of absolutely nothing.
@crazyprayingmantis5596 6 лет назад
Yrn Cartier You're making the very common mistake of thinking that Atheism makes claims about the beginning of the universe, they don't. Therefore it requires no faith. Theists often say it takes more faith to believe everything came from nothing yet they believe that God itself is timeless spaceless and matter less which would imply something matter less somehow created matter. Atheism is the lack of belief in a God or Gods. It makes no claims Theism makes claims e.g A God exists Atheism simply asks the Theist to provide evidence for their claim, so far no evidence has been presented, so Atheism doesn't accept their claim. Atheism also doesn't claim that there is no God (another common misconception) We just reject the claim that there is a God. Two completely different things. To put it simply, in regards to the question, why is there something rather than nothing? (notice I didn't say "Who" or "What" created the universe because in asking who or what you're implying that it had to be some sort of agent but how do you know it had to be) Atheists generally answer the question by saying "I don't know" It's a perfectly honest answer and they usually are puzzled when they hear anyone claim that they do know. Atheists generally think that Theists claim to know something they can't possibly know. We understand that Theists "believe" but just because you believe it doesn't make it so. I hope that helps.
@robertsonandrea6903 3 года назад
To those who are interested in or have doubts about the resurrection of Jesus, I recommend Andrew Loke’s Investigating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ: A New Transdisciplinary Approach for further study. Maybe this book can help you.
@greglisk9408 3 года назад
I recommend Dr. Richard Carrier's books "Proving History" and "On the Historicity of Jesus" which lay out an extremely compelling case that The Gospels were entirely fabricated as a Euhemorization of a Jesus that was already being worshipped by Christian sects that existed in 20-30 ad whose doctrine stated that Jesus never actually walked the Earth.
@JakeLeidahl 3 месяца назад
As Jesus said they wont believe even if some one rises from the dead
@rksdmf 9 месяцев назад
I’m nearly 42 years old, and the resurrection and its evidence is turning me into a true believer. I have been of catholic faith my entire life, but I have come far from the church, and find no solace in the Catholic Church, I may be a Christian.
@cygnusustus 8 месяцев назад
Awesome! Uhm...... what evidence?
@kenhoyer8601 2 месяца назад
No solace in the Catholic Church? You mean you don't want to get up early on Sunday and sit in a half empty church of old people? And listen to the same boring ritual over and over again? Or sit and wonder they don't take take that poor bloody man down from that cross? It's SO fulfilling .
@Kebabrulle4869 4 года назад
Too much hate in this comment section, can’t there be a sensible and respectful discussion for once?
@joseph8619 3 года назад
@@lutkedog1 Actually, it's not that hard once you have your frontal lobe well developed
@lutkedog1 3 года назад
@@joseph8619 And you are a christian? if that is the case it is hard to have a respectful discussion with anyone who believes in fairy tales i once believed in The Great Pumpkin but he never came same as Jesus
@kenhoyer8601 2 года назад
I don’t know about hate, just disagreement. Many of what was once thought of truth is just superstition. They used to think thunder was the gods anger etc. if something is proven false, it’s false. You can read that Lazarus was brought back to life after 3 days but unless I see it 1st hand I’m not believing. God created us with a brain , I think we should use it.
@cnault3244 11 месяцев назад
No proofs for the resurrection are presented in this video.
@Episcopalianacolyte Год назад
I wish that people would not post controversial comments to get arguments started. Just ignore the narcissists. I think you made very good and thoughtful points. Your teaching is sound. Thank you.
@gabrielchattaway1663 Год назад
Debates are necessary and helpful
@Episcopalianacolyte Год назад
@@gabrielchattaway1663 they are when all parties are interested in learning. The internet is crawling with trolls who only want to win augments. They make things ugly. Many are narcissists who will say it's black when you say it's white. You don't know who you are debating with. From personal experience, no thank you. Most end up pitching insults at you. It's not worth it.
@gabrielchattaway1663 Год назад
@@Episcopalianacolyte You're right. I do think debates are useful when it's not blatant dick-comparison, but you can't really find that on RU-vid or social media anymore. Unless Ad Hominem is specifically what you're after lol
@kenhoyer8601 2 месяца назад
your right, but trying to have a reasonable discussion with a Christian sometimes is like debating Maga people.
@Episcopalianacolyte 2 месяца назад
@@kenhoyer8601 many commenters are not even Christians. Debating is good but on social media, it easily becomes bullying. Christians are not disciples of the orange monkey with the golden hair either.
@DesireeOkethaClay 2 года назад
We all have the right to believe what we believe. It will not add any more days to your life trying to control someone else's narrative. For me God is real, and that should not bother anyone.
@dragonwing2220 2 года назад
Citing the Bible is not "proof" of the resurrection of Jesus. It is not evidence of the resurrection of Jesus. No one knows where he was buried? It wasn't important? I doubt that. People have always made monuments to things - if folks had actually cared about Jesus they would not have forgotten the location of the tomb - just as you don't forget where your parents are buried or where the relics of the Saints are. Those types of things have always been important.
@calebe4266 Год назад
Try to do that when your entire country will kill you for it
@selwin26 3 месяца назад
@Timtalks_ 25 дней назад
The Bible can rightfully use itself as proof...because the Bible isn't just merely 1 book, it's a compilation of 66 books (various authors) telling the same story even though many have not met each other...so, it can be said that the Bible has separate sources, citing the same thing...in court, it requires 1 eye witness, in the case of Jesus & fallibility of the Word, it's hundreds / thousands (of witnesses)
@care4animals114 Год назад
Thank you all who share your faith. Especially scholars and sceptics who seek truth , find it and then courageously speak it out
@jameshammond3853 Год назад
@Care4Animals AMEN HALLELUJAH 🩵💙🤎
@sarahekstrand1053 2 года назад
By HIS grace and Mercy alone was I resurrected when I litteraly died in the arms of My X-husband in April! I had comitted EVERY SINGLE SIN OF DEATH THERE IS and still did he save me! I was not even a true believer - but now I am a TRUE KNOWER! The spirit flew out of My mouth like a Dove and I saw My dead vessel from above in the arms of My X-husband. He kissed my vessels forhead and the Dove returned again in to My mouth like a Dove and I lived again. After this I am not the same and all my vessels evildoings were revealed to me and I so truly REPENT . I found myself ALL THROUGH THE BOOK OF LIFE, THE HOLY BIBLE, and realised after beeing showed that everything was happening Because I had forsaken Our Father - the Creator of ALL THINGS! Please, we need to spread THE word - that our Lord and savior Jesus Christ is comming sooner than we can imagine, and go through our lives and repent! The kingdom of heaven is at hand! Love and Peace be to us all! Amen
@ismaelmelville47 2 года назад
By the power of Grey Skull!
@beecee2205 2 года назад
blessed are the cheesemakers
@parkestanley2436 2 года назад
The effect of the brain releasing DMT
@lehceinvilla4592 5 лет назад
Everybody seems to be highly knowledgeable in different holy scriptures and I’m not. I’m Filipina and born Roman Catholic. I believe that God is love. I believe that God did the most remarkable thing and that was to reached out and to save the mortals from sin. I believe that salvation is a gift from God so no one could boast for it. Yes I believe that Jesus is God because there’s no impossible with God. I believe that there’s no perfect religion and no religion can save us instead it results to segregation and now the world is still in total chaos.
@micahbell5871 4 года назад
But you believe in works
@omnipotentlenny 3 года назад
Look, can someone just prove he had powers. Because I read comics and Superman can do everything Jesus can. Jesus was a kryptonian
@aleksandarstavric2226 2 года назад
you need a proof ?? During Friday everyone abandoned Him but after Sunday - those who abandoned Him were ready to give (and many gave ) their lives for him - because they saw resurrection .
@2l84me8 2 года назад
That’s not proof, that’s a claim. That’s like saying Bigfoot is real because my plumber and his friend saw him.
@aleksandarstavric2226 2 года назад
@@2l84me8 your plumber and your friend would never die for Bigfoot knowing that he will resurrect them - because he can not resurrect them. People wound never go in to a certain death just like that - unless they know that there is another - eternal life. They saw the evidence of that eternal indestructible life . That life and triumph upon death was demonstrated by Christ's resurrection .
@2l84me8 2 года назад
@@aleksandarstavric2226 You don’t have any evidence of anything you claimed about jesus, so how do you know Bigfoot didn’t give my plumber eternal life and salvation?
@aleksandarstavric2226 2 года назад
@@2l84me8 I just did :D and I enjoy in this
@2l84me8 2 года назад
@@aleksandarstavric2226 No you didn’t, but keep pretending if that gets you through the day.
@c.muanpuii4769 3 года назад
Thanks Jesus for loving us. Jesus died for us so that we may live.Lord I love you because You first love us
@apfhfamily18 3 года назад
Jesus died for His people...He came back for the world
@greglisk9408 3 года назад
The story of Jesus is ridiculous. God came down to Earth to sacrifice himself, to himself, to appease himself for the imperfections of people that he made imperfect. How do you not see that you are in a cult of human sacrifice and blood magic.
@aidanrealtube8652 3 года назад
@@greglisk9408 it not a cult
@tatogl2616 3 года назад
@@greglisk9408 "we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity; neither confounding the Persons, nor dividing the Essence" Well done sir, you have just disproven the heresy of modalism, the Father and the Son are different divine persons.
@greglisk9408 3 года назад
@@tatogl2616 You have just proven that you can string a bunch of meaningless phrases together and that you do not understand what "proven" means. The whole concept of "the Trinity" proves that your belief system is a bunch of nonsense. The Trinity was invented in a desperate attempt to explain your contradictory, irrational beliefs. A nonsensical mystery explains nothing.
@Tracks777 7 лет назад
Awesome! Please keep going, one day you make it big
@SouthernSeminary 7 лет назад
+MisterBassBoost Thanks for your encouragement!
@theepicenter4106 3 года назад
@@SouthernSeminary haha.. 😅
@1AngelRay 3 месяца назад
Josephus a Jewish historian wrote about Jesus called the Christ who was put to death by Pontus Pilate a and was said to have been raised from the dead and had appeared to his followers…It’s very simple, if Christ was not raised…show us the body
@amo1704 3 месяца назад
Flavius Josephus, a first-century Jewish historian, wrote about Jesus Christ in a couple of passages of his work "Antiquities of the Jews," which provides an important non-Christian perspective on Jesus' life. The most significant passage, known as the Testimonium Flavianum, appears in Book 18, Chapter 3. This passage, though subject to scholarly debate regarding its authenticity and suspected Christian interpolation, mentions Jesus in a manner that affirms His existence and describes Him as a wise man and a doer of wonderful works. It also makes a reference to Jesus' crucifixion at the hands of Pontius Pilate and suggests that Jesus appeared to His followers alive again on the third day, which aligns with the Christian belief in the resurrection. Here is a part of the passage as it commonly appears, noting the interpolation debate: "About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he was one who performed surprising deeds and was a teacher of such people as accept the truth gladly. He won over many Jews and many of the Greeks. He was the Christ. And when, upon the accusation of the principal men among us, Pilate had condemned him to a cross, those who had first come to love him did not cease. He appeared to them spending a third day restored to life, for the prophets of God had foretold these things and a thousand other marvels about him. And the tribe of the Christians, so called after him, has still to this day not disappeared." The authenticity of this passage has been a topic of intense scholarly debate. Some argue that portions of the text were added by later Christian copyists, while others suggest that Josephus did make some reference to Jesus but not as extensively as the passage suggests. Despite the controversies, Josephus' mention of Jesus is one of the earliest references to Him outside the New Testament, contributing valuable historical context. The passage from Josephus's works that speaks about Jesus in a manner that seems to align with Christian beliefs has raised questions among scholars. Josephus, being a Jew, would not likely have referred to Jesus as the Christ (the Messiah) or suggested that Jesus rose from the dead, as these are central tenets of Christianity and not accepted in Judaism, which does not recognize Jesus as the Messiah. The scholarly consensus is that the original text of Josephus did mention Jesus, given that Josephus's goal was to write a comprehensive history of the Jewish people and Jesus was a significant figure in the context of first-century Palestine. However, it is widely believed that the text we have today has undergone Christian interpolation, where later Christian scribes who copied the manuscript added phrases and sentences to make Josephus's account of Jesus conform more closely to Christian beliefs. This view is supported by the fact that the earliest extant copies of Josephus's works come from Christian sources, and there is evidence that Christian copyists were not averse to making such modifications to texts to support Christian doctrine. The exact original wording by Josephus is unknown, and what he precisely said about Jesus is a matter of historical reconstruction. The general consensus is that Josephus did mention Jesus in a neutral or slightly positive light, acknowledging his wisdom and possibly his execution, but without affirming the miraculous events or divine status attributed to him by Christians.
@adarsh9928 3 года назад
Hello, my name is Adarshdeep Singh. I belong to a Sikh family. Before I knew Jesus, my behaviour was very bad. I kept fighting with everybody. But Jesus taught me to love and forgive others and he changed my life. I lived like an animal but Jesus made me human. He turned my heart of stone into the heart of flesh. I am very thankful for all that Jesus has done for me.
@greglisk9408 3 года назад
No! You changed your life. Your belief in an imaginary friend may have been part of it, but please demonstrate that Jesus did so much as lift a feather.
@lilobee1652 3 года назад
@@greglisk9408 Agreed. People should learn to live a free life and not worry about praying and worshipping every moment possible. The only thing that can guarantee you acceptance after death is staying true to yourself and making good decisions. Jesus has absolutely nothing to do with that; his existence simply encourages it.
@greglisk9408 3 года назад
@@lilobee1652 The problem here is that there is no reason to believe that anything that could be described as "You" continues after your death. And everything we know about what makes you "You" Ends with your death. There is also no reason to believe that there is anything or anyone to "Accept" you even if you did. There is no reason to believe that Jesus (Assuming he existed at all) was anything more than an itinerant, apocalyptic street preacher who had some good ideas, some bad ideas and some delusions who dies 2000 years ago leaving behind, a bunch of followers who created a mythology around him. Those mythologies are so well crafted that people are still perpetuating them today. There is a very good reason that followers are urged to take the claims on faith and rebuked if they dare question, further reinforced by the threat of eternal torture if you do. Because any close examination of the facts, history and claims of the Christianity demonstrate it to be no more true than any of the 10,000 other god myths created by humans since the beginning of civilization.
@DisticTV 3 года назад
@@greglisk9408 this is all I have to say to you 1: How can you create atoms out of nothing? Its not possible so if they could then that breaks all science laws and the whole understanding of the univers 2: the odds that the universe was created is 1 to the power of 10 to the power of 123, or practically 0 3: No one can disprove the existence of God, so everything you said was an opinion 4: God exists outside the universe, or in another dimension where sounds/smell/taste/sight do not need atoms and other particles to work, because atoms were created as like a code for the univers, like 1&0 for computers. 5: scientists are turning more and more into the idea that God exists, which breaks your whole argument apart 6: what was before the universe? How was it so perfectly created yet we still cant replicate it eh? So maybe do some research before being an idiot in a comment section
@greglisk9408 3 года назад
@@DisticTV OK! Buckle up buttercup. The Professor of Astronomy that you just called an idiot, is about to take you to school. Everything you just said demonstrates a profound lack of understanding of Science, Reason, Logic, math and Epistemology (How we determine what is true) as well as grammar while we are at it. Science does not make pronouncements of TRUTH. That would be foolish. What science does is present a model of the universe that shows the best current understanding of reality which explains everything we observe. that model continues to get better and better the more we learn. And guess what? Every single time we find out the real explanation for things we didn't understand, (Lightning, Earthquakes, Hurricanes, volcanoes, disease, floods etc.) it turns out to be natural. Never has the answer been "A God". Now, lets go through your arguments (if we can be generous enough to call these rambling statements arguments) one by one. 1: How can you create atoms out of nothing? Its not possible so if they could then that breaks all science laws and the whole understanding of the univers. This is very typical of theists like yourself. You claim that something is impossible, and in the same breath, you claim that your magic invisible friend did it. No scientifically literate person is claiming that you can create atoms out of nothing. The question that you are referring to is "Why is there something rather than nothing?" or "What is the origin of the Big Bang?" We do not know. It may not even be possible to investigate. But your claim that a Magical, intelligent spirit that exists outside space and time created it, (with no evidence that spirits exist, No explanation of how intelligence can exist without a brain, that anything can exist outside space and time, or where such a being could have come from) is no more valid than my claim that I built a time machine, went back 13 billion years and created the universe myself, while refusing to show you my time machine or explain the mechanism I used to create the universe. 2: the odds that the universe was created is 1 to the power of 10 to the power of 123, or practically 0 Your poor grammar here has resulted in you refuting your own argument. I agree that there is no reason to believe that the universe was created. We have one universe to examine. Now please explain how you have calculated the odds of a unique event happening, then go collect your Nobel prize. 3: No one can disprove the existence of God, so everything you said was an opinion. Once again you have demonstrated your ignorance of reason and epistemology. We do not go through life believing everything we hear until it has been disproved. If you are doing this, you must be a Jew, a Christian, a Mormon, a Jehovah's witness, a scientologist, a Muslim, a Hindu, a Buddhist, etc.... You would have to believe in Bigfoot, alien abduction, healing crystals, chakra's, astrology, etc. etc. The only way to rationally go through life is to withhold belief in anything until there is sufficient evidence to demonstrate that it is true or likely true. No one has ever done this for a single one of the 10,000 gods that people have believed in. 4: God exists outside the universe, or in another dimension where sounds/smell/taste/sight do not need atoms and other particles to work, because atoms were created as like a code for the univers, like 1&0 for computers. Please demonstrate that anything can exist outside the universe, that there is another dimension and how you know what exists and what is possible in this other dimension. Then collect your second Nobel Prize. (This would be amazing for someone who does not understand binary code or how computers work.) 5: scientists are turning more and more into the idea that God exists, which breaks your whole argument apart. I'm sorry, but this is an outright lie. The more educated someone is, the less likely they are to believe in Gods, spooks and spirits. Though it is true that many scientists are religious, they are religious for the same bad, irrational reasons as all the other theists. If they attempt to include supernatural claims in thier application of science, they would be laughed out of the laboratory. 6: what was before the universe? How was it so perfectly created yet we still cant replicate it eh? So maybe do some research before being an idiot in a comment section Not only do we not know what existed before the universe, there my be no way to find out. Since time may have actually begun at the big bang, "what existed before time" may not even be a coherent question. How have you determined that the universe is "Perfect"? almost the entire universe is a lethal radiation filled vacuum which seems to exist for the purpose of creating black holes. The percentage of the universe that can support life is less than 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001%, and that place is fraught with deadly natural disasters, diseases, poison creatures, cancer, birth defects, and people who are willing to kill or disown thier own children because of anonymous bronze age book of myths. I can think of hundreds of ways it could have been better. So before you attempt to give advice to strangers, I suggest you go get an education and come back with a coherent argument instead of just putting your ignorance on display for the world to see.
@vijju105 5 лет назад
Dear wide and narrow road pilgrims do not collide, for the truth is only revealed to the elected, remember every knee shall bow and every tongue confess when the time is right.
@secondchancehomestead 5 лет назад
The disciples continue to worship on the Sabbath. There were occasions where they spoke and worshipped on the first day of the week as Sabbath turned in to Sunday because of the length of their services. In the year 321 Constantine with pressure from the Catholic Church changed the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday. This was to appease the pagans and the compromise was put in place. The fourth Commandment says remember the Sabbath and the apostles were commandment keepers including the fourth Commandment
@JuanCarlos-go6dj Месяц назад
I might have missed it because I didn’t hear this guy give any evidence at all, just validate the premise and give broad over reaching opinions on why the critics are wrong
@jamesyoung1022 2 года назад
Credible historians require multiple, consistent, independent, unrevised, corroborating, contemporarily written accounts, written by known persons, known to be eyewitnesses, and known NOT to have been biased toward the subject being reported. Why do the New Testament gospels fail to meet the criteria required by credible historians? 1. The gospels were not written contemporary to the events. The first gospel of Mark did not appear until forty years after the events they claim to record. The other gospels did not appear until years many later and are known to be revised copies of the gospel of Mark. 2. There are no multiple sources for the gospels. All gospels are known to originate from a single source, the gospel of Mark. 3. The identity of the author of the gospel of Mark is not known. 4. The authors of the gospels were not participants in nor witnesses to the events, as they were highly literate Greek Christians, far more literate than any of the Aramaic peasant participants portrayed in the events. 5. It is known that the stories of Jesus, were passed down by Christians for decades before anything was written, using oral tradition. They were under constant revision in service to a self-serving religious proselytizing agenda. 6. When oral tradition finally found its way into manuscript form, it continued to exhibit revisions in service to a self-serving religious proselytizing agenda. 7. All gospel manuscripts are known to be copies of copies, inconsistent with each other, heavily revised and contain numerous relevant contradictions. 8. Historians try to determine what most probably happened. Miracles and other supernatural events are not “probable” events. They are, by their very nature, “improbable.” Therefore, without substantial evidence, historians cannot regard improbable accounts to be probable.
@yohami 2 года назад
Good stuff.
@Foxygrandpa2131 2 года назад
So you want a historical account, written by a third party who witnessed the resurrected Jesus, and chose not to believe? That’s irrational.
@jamesyoung1022 2 года назад
@@Foxygrandpa2131 So you want to put words in my mouth and then attack those words, calling them irrational? Why should I trust you to be an honest interlocutor?
@MrJhamil2450 2 года назад
@@jamesyoung1022 I wish more people would investigate a religion before they blindly follow it. I agree with everything you wrote. And I had to look up interlocutor and now know how to say it and it's meaning thanks to you. 👍 I'm curious as to what you think about Hinduism. I grew up christian but the older I became the more I searched for truth and just felt I wasn't getting the answers there. I don't know if I'll ever truly know or if anyone does but I feel there must be some sort of higher intelligence at work for mathematics and everything in the universe to work as it does. I have the same question everyone has of what happens once I die and was I somewhere else before I came to be here, and what is the true purpose of all of this, if there is a purpose at all.
@jamesyoung1022 2 года назад
@@MrJhamil2450 You have asked me to address a lot of questions here. I'll give it shot but you'll have to be patient for the answer. Thanks.
@besttunesbyventure3481 2 года назад
Proofs of Jesus Resurrection: Precautions of the romans: -Guarded the tomb, seal the tomb, and severe security of the tomb with roman soldiers and surely roman soldiers will be put to death if they fail to secure the tomb. (so romans soldiers life is on stake if somehow they fail to keep the tomb safe) -Coward apostles turned into fearless preachers and ready to die for Christ. Not just apostles but all Christians from all ages ready to be beaten, burned, beheaded, sawed, stoned, crucified. in fact Converted Christians is a living proof Just like Lord is Living we Live because of Him and forever. why would people risk their lives for a lie have you ever risked your life for your friend who you know is innocent ? No! - He appeared to more than 500 (1 Corinthians 15:6) and not appeared to His disciples for one day or two but for 40 days!!so saying Jesus Christ dint rose from death is saying that these people were hallucinating or crazy is extremely unlikely forget about those people but people of this century ready to die for Him so are we all crazy or hallucinating ? - Secular history confirms it (read the books) Josephus - Jewish antiquities (non Christian historian) Thomas Arnold - history of Rome (non Christian) Recent research: Frank Morrison "who moved the stone" Lee stroebel"The case for Christ" Josh macdowell "Evidence that demands a verdict" (all professed atheists sought out to disprove the reality of resurrection thus proving that Christianity is nothing more than that a false religion based on the myth but eventually end up that is undeniable truth and converted) - Missing body never found by Romans!! all romans needed to do is to jus show the body and proved Christianity is a lie but they failed!! - Last but not least proof of Jesus resurrection is the Church of Christ- A living proof that Christ is Living Son of GOD Still not believe? perhaps you can find His body ? or maybe prove Christianity wrong ? lol
@rosellefuentes7481 Год назад
Wow this is very informative 😮
@raccoon6072 Год назад
@@rosellefuentes7481 yes, and you can all look it up in.... (tataaa)... the Bible!
@moonshoes11 Год назад
Those aren’t “proofs”, those are claims. You need evidence to prove your claim.
@moonshoes11 Год назад
For example, you claim he appeared to more than 500… That is complete hearsay. You can’t name the 500. You can’t interview the 500. You don’t know where the 500 lived. All you have is hearsay, from anonymous authors, and you accept it as fact.
@besttunesbyventure3481 Год назад
@@moonshoes11 dont be a joker, go read some books educate yourself come out of illiteracy and know first how the world works to preserve testified investigations. You don't even know how to use the term "Heresy"
@unclemony5939 3 года назад
1 Corinthians 15:14 if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is useless and our faith is useless.
@rollingknuckleball 3 года назад
Well done, you've come to a grand conclusion.
@farmercraig6080 4 года назад
Part 1 Let’s us make the case around 4 people key to the rise of Christianity, Peter son of Jonah, John son of Zebedee, James son of Joseph (Jesus’ brother) and Paul (Saul) of Tarsus. That these four men were real historical figures, that they believed Jesus was their risen Lord and that they died as a result of their faith or died not recanting their testimony. All being eyewitnesses to seeing Jesus perform miracles* and seeing him after he rose from the dead. (*Except Paul seeing Christ’s miracles). As these four men are accounted of outside of the New Testament, Peter is mentioned by Clement of Rome (35-100 AD) who also knew Paul, and is also mentioned by Ignatius of Antioch. James is known outside the New Testament by his death, recorded by Josephus (37-100 A.D) John had two disciples, Polycarp (69-155 AD) and Ignatius of Antioch (35-107 AD). Polycarp (69-155 AD) was a disciple of John, and had a student named Irenaeus who recorded much of his work. As a student of Polycarp who wrote of his discourses with the apostle John, there was no doubt for Irenaeus who authored the Fourth Gospel. He wrote, “John, the disciple of the Lord, who leaned back on his breast, published the Gospel while he was resident at Ephesus in Asia.” It’s very safe to say these were real historical figures. These three men (Clement of Rome, Polycarp and Ignatius) also had quoted from 25 out of the 27 books of the New Testament by 95-110 A.D, proving that the New Testament books were written within the first century, and within the life time of eyewitnesses to Jesus. These four men (Peter, Paul, James and John) wrote letters that appear in the New Testament, Paul’s many letters, Peter writing 1&2 Peter, James writing his letter and John writing 1,2,3 John, Revelation and of course, John was the author of his Gospel. The Gospel of Mark is Peter’s narrative of his time with Jesus, written down by John Mark. Mark is mentioned as a companion of Paul during his travels. Papias of Hierapolis (A.D. 60-130) writes, “…... Mark having become the interpreter of Peter, wrote down accurately whatsoever he remembered. It was not, however, in exact order that he related the sayings or deeds of Christ. For he neither heard the Lord nor accompanied Him. But afterwards, as I said, he accompanied Peter, who accommodated his instructions to the necessities [of his hearers], but with no intention of giving a regular narrative of the Lord’s sayings….” Irenaeus (A.D. 130-200) writes, “After their departure, Mark, the disciple and interpreter of Peter, did also hand down to us in writing what had been preached by Peter.” Clement of Alexandria (ca.150- ca.215 A.D), wrote that those who heard Peter’s teaching “were not satisfied with merely a single hearing or with the unwritten teaching of the divine Gospel, but with all sorts of entreaties they besought Mark, who was a follower of Peter and whose Gospel is extant, to leave behind with them in writing a record of the teaching passed on to them orally” Some quotes from these men assuring their witness. All these men say they believe, in Jesus as their Lord. Peter son of Jonah “We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, be we were eyewitnesses of his majesty” 2 Peter 1:16. He goes on to say that He, James* and John, witnessed the transfiguration of Jesus. (Matthew 17:1) * The James mentioned here was John’s brother. Paul of Tarsus “Paul, an apostle - sent not from men nor by man, but by Jesus Christ and God the father, who raised him from the dead…” Galatians 1:1 James son of Joseph “… As believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ…” James 2:1 John son of Zebedee “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our own eyes, which we have looked at and our own hands have touched - this we proclaim…. We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ.” 1 John 1:1,3 Paul accounted Jesus on the Road to Damascus (Acts 9:3-8, Acts 22:6-11) now what gives this event credibility is that the men traveling with him heard the voice to, though didn’t understand it (Jesus was most likely talking in Aramaic), and they saw the light but didn’t see anyone, and then they lead him by the hand into Damascus, this verifies he went from seeing to blindness. Also Paul was taken to Judas’ house, another witness. This was also witnessed by a well known Jew living in Damascus, Ananias. So Paul’s account with Jesus wasn’t a single man’s testimony, he had eyewitnesses to verify his account. In Paul’s letter to the Galatians he talks of meeting with Peter, James and John and saying they had nothing to add to his Gospel message. Nothing had changed of preaching Christ risen. They were all on the same page, same mind. Paul states in 1Cor 15:3-8 that Peter, John (he being one of the twelve disciples) James and himself, witnessed the risen Jesus “ that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures….and that he appeared to Cephas (Peter), and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles, and last of all he appeared to me also, as to one abnormally born”. Here we have four eyewitnesses to Jesus risen. Four men the early church and non-believers could ask about for their testimony.
@farmercraig6080 4 года назад
Part 2 These men are also recorded of suffering persecution and deaths. They all went to the end of their lives believing that they had witnessed Jesus’ miracles, his majesty and him risen from the dead. Firstly Peter, who is written of by Clement of Rome: “By reason of jealousy and envy the greatest and most righteous pillars of the Church were persecuted and contended even unto death. Let us set before our eyes the good Apostles. There was Peter who by reason of unrighteous jealousy endured not one not one but many labors, and thus having borne his testimony went to his appointed place of glory” And that Peter and Paul both suffered martyrdom at the same time is stated by Dionysius, bishop of Corinth, in his epistle to the Romans, in the following words: “You have thus by such an admonition bound together the planting of Peter and of Paul at Rome and Corinth. For both of them planted and likewise taught us in our Corinth. And they taught together in like manner in Italy, and suffered martyrdom at the same time”. Paul, written of by Polycarp, Ignatius, Dionysius, Tertullian (see John) and Clement of Rome: Ignatius of Antioch “Paul, a real saint and martyr, who deserves to be congratulated” Clement of Rome: “By reason of jealousy and strife Paul by his example pointed out the prize of patient endurance. After that he had been seven times in bonds, had been driven into exile, had been stoned, had preached in the East and in the West, he won the noble renown which was the reward of his faith… and when he had borne his testimony before the rulers, so he departed from the world and went unto the holy place, having been found a notable pattern of patient endurance”. Polycarp - “For neither am I, nor is any other like unto me, able to follow the wisdom of the blessed and glorious Paul, who when he came among you taught face to face with the men of that day the word which concerneth truth carefully and surely; who also, when he was absent, wrote a letter unto you, into the which if ye look diligently, ye shall be able to be builded up unto the faith given to you” Though not talking directly about Paul’s death, he does hold him in high esteem and the fact that Paul was living out his beliefs. The term “glorious” is usually a term of the righteous dead. Paul’s stone coffin was unearthed in Rome’s Basilica of St. Paul’s Outside-the-Walls, buried beneath the church’s alter, under a marble tombstone bearing the Latin words “Paulo Apostolo Mart.,” meaning “Apostle Paul, Martyr.” James, Brother of Jesus, written of by Josephus in his death by the Jewish Sanhedrin: “Festus now dead, and with Albinus was but upon the road; so he [Ananus the high priest] assembled the Sanhedrin of the judges, and brought before them the brother of Jesus, who was called Christ, whose name was James, and some others [or some of his companions], and when he had formed an accusation against them as breakers of the law, he delivered them to be stoned” The Jews had lost their authority for capital punishment, denied that right by the Romans. Josephus revealed how the new high priest of the Jews (Ananus the younger) took advantage of a gap in the Roman rule to kill James. It was 62 A.D, and the Roman governor Festus died suddenly in office. Three months elapsed before his successor, Albinus, could get to Judea, allowing ample time for Ananus to do his dirty work. Now to be stoned by the Jewish authority’s James must have thought to have been breaking a law that required this action. The only law, which going by James upright character that he could have really been thought guilty of, is the law of blasphemy. Most likely calling Jesus the son of God. The equal of God. Which in the Jewish culture calling a man the equal of God was blasphemy. This was also the charge the Jews accused Jesus of, the high priest Caiaphas saying at his trial “He has spoken blasphemy”, the teachers of law and elders answered. “He is worthy of death” Clement of Rome and Hegesippus in the fifth book of his Memoirs also verify that James was killed by the Jewish leaders. And lastly John, is the only one of the company generally thought to have died a natural death from old age, although he did have his trials with persecution. Tertullian: “Since, moreover, you are close upon Italy, you have Rome, from which there comes even into our own hands the very authority (of the apostles themselves). How happy is its church, on which apostles poured forth all their doctrine along with their blood; where Peter endures a passion like his Lord’s; where Paul wins his crown in a death like *John [the Baptist]’s; where the Apostle John was first plunged, unhurt, into boiling oil, and thence remitted to his island-exile” *John the Baptist was beheaded by King Herod, Paul being a Roman citizen was probably executed the same way. By order of the Roman Emperor, Domitian, John was exiled to slave labour in the mines on the island of Patmos, a small, rocky island belonging to the group called "Sporades," in that part of the Aegean known as the Icarian Sea. On account of its rocky, barren, and desolate nature the Roman government used the island as a place of banishment for criminals. The prisoners were compelled to work the mines of the island. Domitian ordered his exile because he saw John as a threat to his rule. However, his popularity and influence in the Christian community continued through correspondence with all the churches. When he was released from exile, he returned to Ephesus. John founded and built churches all through Asia until he was old, and died the sixty-eighth year after our Lord's passion, peacefully in Ephesus. No other religion has this many eyewitnesses to its main claim, usually it’s the case of one man’s testimony, or a vision a man has, such as Muhammad, Joseph Smith and the list goes on. The events of Jesus’ lifetime were on public display, his healings, miracles, teachings and his greatest hour, the Resurrection. Four sober eyewitnesses, who refuse to recant their testimony even under the threat of death, would convict anyone of anything in a court of law. Such eyewitness testimony yields a verdict that is certain beyond a reasonable doubt. Unless you were there yourself, you can’t be any more certain than those historical events actually occurred. The New Testament books have been proven time and time again to be correct about events, locations and people. The New Testament includes over thirty public figures which are confirmed in secular sources or archaeology. Luke the author of his Gospel, interviewed eyewitnesses, but he is merely confirming the story of Jesus that Theophilus* already knows. (Luke 1:4). That does not leave room to fabricate his story about Jesus. The book of Acts contains 84 identified facts alone in its last 16 chapters, even the Gospel of John that confines events to the Holy land contains at least 59 historically confirmed/historically probable details. One of the interesting facts of history, is that among those 30 public figures, there was no rebuttals to the claims made by the New Testament writers, nothing from them or their families or employees etc. * The Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts is addressed to the ‘Most excellent Theophilus’
@farmercraig6080 4 года назад
Jackson Turriff well feel to copy it from here if you like.. or I send a copy via messenger or email if you like to
@farmercraig6080 4 года назад
Jackson Turriff .. yeah no worries You can delete that last message of yours with your email in it now
@farmercraig6080 4 года назад
@Christian Slayer Thanks for the comment.
@nyobunknown6983 3 года назад
Prove to me that Peter son of Jonah, John son of Zebedee, James son of Joseph (Jesus’ brother) and Paul (Saul) of Tarsus even existed.
@markk34 7 месяцев назад
I’m far more interested now in how triggering the topic is to atheist types, more than the actual topic itself. The very question “did Jesus exist” seems to induce a giddy heat in them. If I honestly believed these stories were just that and anyone who believed them were stupid etc, then would I bother to leave a comment or search for the topic in the first place? It goes to show, humans are built to believe in *something* (the atheist types’ involuntary giddy frustration proves this) . That *something* being a higher overall metaphysical “explanation” for existence. It seems part of, perhaps consequence of, consciousness means the requirement of a system of belief, ie a need for meaning to make sense of existence, in whatever form it comes in.
@mattr.1887 6 месяцев назад
Christianity does a lot of good in the world. No need for it to be founded on half-truths and unproven claims.
@dotenks 6 месяцев назад
You probably haven’t met very many atheists.
@MrMrchuckw 4 года назад
The early church did NOT start worshipping on Sunday right after the resurrection. Re-read the book of Acts with this in mind. The change to Sunday instead of the seventh day Sabbath took place years later... The Catholic Church claim credit for this as the mark of their ecclesiastical authority.
@TheRadioDemon13 4 года назад
That was amazing! Amen!
@sumartoi 4 года назад
Thank you 😇😇
@cnault3244 Год назад
"What are the proofs for the resurrection of Jesus?" There is no proof for the resurrection of Jesus. There is only claims.
@TruthSaying Год назад
Where is he then?
@cnault3244 Год назад
@@TruthSaying Where is who?
@HuxtableK Год назад
@@TruthSaying Where is who? Jesus? Dead. Gone. If he ever existed at all.
@Vinylfiend60 4 месяца назад
The majority of the apostles were martyred. Think about it. Would you die for something you knew was a lie? I wouldn't. I believe that Jesus message would have died with him if he hadn't risen from the dead and appeared to the apostles. What possible motivation would they have for sacrificing their lives to preach Christ's gospel? They would have returned back to their previous lives as anyone would have after witnessing this event. You have to remember that all of them were marked for death if they openly confessed their faith. They just witnessed their leader brutally beaten and murdered. If it was me, I'd be terrified that I was next. So, ask yourself where did their courage come from? How did twelve followers become bold leaders? What was their motivation? Why didn't it end 2000 years ago?
@ifilmalways7122 3 месяца назад
There is no other explanation.. Jesus is GOD and is Risen!
@heyitslupe7528 3 месяца назад
People die defending all kinds of faiths, including judaism and Islam. Does your argument still appky to those?
@Vinylfiend60 3 месяца назад
People do defend their religions and do die defending them. The difference here is there was no reason for the apostles of Jesus to continue to spread a message from a dead messiah unless something happen that was miraculous that empowered them to do this. They had scattered after he was murdered. They feared they would be next. Peter denied Jesus three times. The apostle Paul before his conversion hated Christians and hunted them down and had them killed. What accounts for his change of heart?@@heyitslupe7528
@Thaijler 2 месяца назад
​@@heyitslupe7528there's a difference between dying for your religion and dying for eyewitness testimony. Christianity wasn't a religion until after Christ.
@Vinylfiend60 2 месяца назад
@@heyitslupe7528 Christianity is set apart from all the other faiths. Because it’s the only faith that teaches that God came down to earth to deal with man’s enslavement to sin. All the others teach that mankind must work out its salvation through good works and religious living. The apostles didn’t die for a religion. They died for their belief in the living God that they literally witnessed risen from the dead. There’s a big difference between dying because of words in a holy book and dying for God who you saw perform miracles before you and did miracles through you.
@longblondsam4648 3 года назад
Jesus was on the cross thinking I’m gonna die for all the Christians, atheists, sinners, and even the people that hate me. Three days later he jumped outta that grave and will forever be alive!!!
@greglisk9408 3 года назад
Prove it!
@longblondsam4648 3 года назад
@@greglisk9408 this world exists....it had to have been God
@greglisk9408 3 года назад
@@longblondsam4648 WOW!, WOW! Please free your mind.
@longblondsam4648 3 года назад
@@greglisk9408 are you able to disprove Jesus’ existence???
@greglisk9408 3 года назад
@@longblondsam4648 That is not how reason works. Do you believe in all 10,000 gods proposed by humans and every religion's claims until you disprove them one by one? Do you believe in alien abduction, the Lock Ness monster, ghosts, fairies, healing crystals until you disprove them? I would it be reasonable for me to assert that you must believe that I rose from the dead until you can disprove I didn't? No! The default position for any claim is to withhold belief until sufficient evidence has been presented to warrant belief. The resurrection and indeed every supernatural claim of every religion, spiritual woo and pseudo science have all failed to meet that burden of proof. If you lower your standard of evidence to the level required to accept the resurrection, and apply that standard to all claims, you would have to believe in alien abductions which are far better supported that the resurrection. You would have to accept multiple religions and simultaneously accept many contradictory claims.
@amhenotepakkardius5504 2 года назад
Brutally tortured, nailed to a cross, heart thrust open to drain the last drop of blood from it, buried in a stone cave, sealed with a huge stone door, soldiers on guard, with the seal of Caesar on it, disciples in hiding (only a few women had the courage and loyalty to follow him to the grave) a member of the prosecuting authority undertakes the duty of a hasty burial, the first report to the outer world comes from the soldiers at the tomb, forty days later the very men who fled in fear appear in town joyfully and defiantly proclaiming: "He is risen" travel all over the world and lay down their lives in bloody violence to defend the most scandalous truth of history, followed up by millions through the centuries. "Thou hast conquered pale Galilean, the world has grown grey with thy breath" ( the god hating Swinburne wrote ) His chariot of fire rides the tide of history, undefeated. "Oh death where is thy sting?" cries Paul . CHRIST IS RISEN !
@bradsipila7478 2 года назад
@greglisk9408 2 года назад
Cool Story Bro! Now prove it's more than just a cool story.
@bradsipila7478 2 года назад
@@greglisk9408 if Christianity is true would you become a Christian?
@greglisk9408 2 года назад
@@bradsipila7478 First I would have to ask "Which Christianity" There are currently somewhere between 10,000 and 30,000 different versions of Christianity around the world who all have different opinions of who God is, who Jesus was, what they want from you, what is required for salvation, what happens to non-believers when they die, etc. etc. But if the bible accurately represents the character of God, I would absolutely not worship such an immoral monster.
@bradsipila7478 2 года назад
@@greglisk9408 The Christianity where Jesus paid your fine on the cross so you are free from hell. The problem of God of the bible, from my point of view, is God is Good. The 10 commandments are an eastern way of getting to the Truth. They speak around the truth so you get to the moral character of God. Why is it a sin to lie? God is true. Why is it a sin to steal? God is not a thief? Why is it a sin to commit adultery? God is faithful. The problem of evil is great and hard and makes atheists of mankind. I get it. You have solved the intellectual problem but I notice what you don’t get rid of. All the pain and suffering in the world. Like in arithmetic when we get to a problem we cannot get to the bottom of perhaps it is time to change the question. Granted this is the world we live with a mixed picture of good and evil, is there any evidence that God has done anything about it? If Jesus is who he claims to be what is God doing on a cross? It comes to my mind that God isn’t far from our pain and suffering but has come and shows us the way out of it. Through His Son. Only through the cross can God be both Just and Justifier of those who have broken His moral law. God Bless You Greg. I hope you can change your mind on the triune God of scriptures. Take care.
@suttonsplash14 4 года назад
Wow this is awesome! Interesting!
@dmarckos 3 месяца назад
John 20:24-29 Is a physical exam byJudas to proof resurrection only days after the fact.
@Christian_counsel 7 месяцев назад
Let me ask you guys this. What would you consider as proof that would make you believe? Even if they had Video you’d say it was faked. Let’s be real. Now if you and 12 of your friends wanted to lie about this type of thing. Even If you all even got only arrested for it . At least 8 of you would say you made it all up. Let alone all 12 keeping your lie up. And not only to DIE for this “lie” but be tortured in brutal ways for it. And not ONE say they were making it up??!! If that isn’t enough “proof for you” not only did they just need to say they made it up and would have lived. But most of them DENIED Jesus before the resurrection and then changed their mind after they saw him. So you know they saw something they were willing to not only change their story but die for it. Honestly. Honestly if you’re actually looking for as close to proof as you can get for what sources of proof they had at that time. You can’t get anymore proof than that. So either you just refuse to accept it or you’re scared of what that means if you do
@michaelsbeverly 7 месяцев назад
Your delusion is so deep that you cannot see why your argument is fallacious. There weren't 12 people "lying" about the resurrection, there was only Mark making up stories 40 years later. Paul's letter are not eyewitness accounts of a bodily Jesus going around, Paul believed in a vision that blinded him. He never once discussed Jesus' earthly ministry (feeding 5000, healing dead people, etc). So, this fantasy that 12 people died for their faith is ahistorical, it never happened. It's possible that Paul and Peter were martyred, but so what? People get martyred all the time for things they think and believe are true (but are not). We have no history on whether the "apostles" were martyred, just some legends. And, again, Muslims die for Allah, so people dying for Jesus isn't special. This kind of faith happens all the time for all kinds of gods and prophets. You write "honestly" as if atheists and skeptics are stupid and just "can't see" all the evidence. But you're wrong, most of us ex-Christian atheists know the Bible better than you , know history better than you, and have studied BOTH sides (a thing you obviously haven't done). Why? Are you scared of what that mans if you do? Are you scared to study the evidence that overwhelmingly shows Christianity is made up? Can you STEELMAN the other side or do you just parrot the apologists like a robot slave? Can you think for yourself or are you too scared? _What would you consider as proof that would make you believe?_ The same quality of evidence that "makes" me believe in things like the heliocentric solar system, gravity, and geometry. I believe in chemistry and electricity and physics because they can be seen, observed, tested, and theories about them can be falsified. Why is it that there is no Jehovah's Witness school of gravity and quantum mechanics? Why is there not a Calvinist version of evolution (theistic or otherwise) that contrasts with Hindu evolution? Or any number of sciences, like there's no Catholic algebra that's different from Methodist algebra and there's not a different history of George Washington for Mormons, Muslims, and Baptists. Why? Why does the majority of the world (about 70% in fact) dismiss the resurrection story of Jesus? Is 70% of the world blind and stupid? Or perhaps you're ignoring the OVERWHELMING evidence that Jesus' resurrection story was created by some oral and maybe written tradition some time in the 30s CE and Mark eventually wrote a story about it? We know Matthew and Luke copied and pasted much of Mark into their versions of events, but the way you KNOW it's not historical is where they make changes to the text and story, like Mark's resurrection story has 3 women showing up (that parallels Homer's version of the 3 women who went to get the body of Hector, down to undeniably obvious details) whereas in Matthew and Luke you have COMPLETELY different accounts of the "empty tomb" fiction. Do you really believe the entire sky went dark, massive earthquakes happened, the temple curtain split in half, and dead bodies rose from graves and walked the streets and NOBODY in history noticed this? Come on, you might as well believe in the stories Joseph Smith tells about Jesus 'coming to 'murica to preach to the natives. When you get to John's fictional "empty tomb" story, it's a completely different tale. The obviousness that iit's fiction is right there for you to read, but you refuse for some reason, are you afraid of the truth? John describes a different story, which one of the 4 tales is true and once you pick one, and realize the other 3 MUST be fictional accounts, how can you stand on the one you picked as being the "true" account as being the historical one? Really, it's silly. And obviously fiction, which is why the vast majority of humans who ever lived and lived today reject it. If you wanted truth, you'd do the same.
@wesleycolemanmusic 7 месяцев назад
@@michaelsbeverly Historical Accuracy of Resurrection Narratives: While skepticism is reasonable, numerous scholars, both religious and non-religious, acknowledge the historical impact of Jesus. Additionally, the criterion of embarrassment-a principle in historical analysis-suggests that the inclusion of embarrassing details (like Jesus' crucifixion) in the Gospels adds credibility to their historical authenticity. Paul's Letters as Eyewitness Accounts: Paul's letters, particularly Galatians and 1 Corinthians, provide insights into the early Christian beliefs and practices. The use of creeds in these letters indicates that Paul was passing on traditions that predate his own writings, possibly stemming from eyewitnesses who had seen the resurrected Jesus. Martyrdom as Not Unique to Christianity: While martyrdom itself is not unique, the apostles' claim of having witnessed the resurrected Jesus is distinctive. The specificity of their testimony adds credibility to their sincerity, especially considering their willingness to endure persecution and death. Challenge to Apologists' Arguments: Apologists present a range of arguments rooted in historical evidence, philosophical reasoning, and theological considerations. Engaging with these arguments requires a comprehensive examination rather than a dismissal based on perceived arrogance or lack of understanding. Demand for Empirical Evidence: Historical events, especially ancient ones, are often assessed using a combination of historical methods, including textual analysis, contextual understanding, and the principle of multiple attestation. Demanding empirical evidence in the scientific sense might overlook the nature of historical inquiry. Questioning the Global Acceptance of Resurrection: The rejection of the resurrection by a majority doesn't necessarily invalidate its historicity. Historical truths aren't determined by popular opinion. Cultural, religious, and social factors can heavily influence belief systems without directly addressing historical evidence. Critique of Gospel Discrepancies: Gospel discrepancies, such as variations in details, are common in historical accounts and don't necessarily invalidate the core events. Each Gospel writer had unique purposes and audiences, explaining differences in emphasis and specific details while maintaining the central narrative of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. Alleged Fictional Elements in Resurrection Stories: Extraordinary events, like the supernatural occurrences during the crucifixion, are not automatically dismissed as fiction. The absence of external documentation for specific details doesn't negate the broader historical context. Such events could have been deemed significant by those involved, even if not widely recorded. Conclusion on the Majority's Rejection of the Resurrection: The rejection by a majority doesn't automatically indicate a lack of historical basis. It may result from various factors, including cultural biases, differing religious beliefs, or insufficient exposure to the historical evidence. The truth of historical events is not determined by popular vote.
@michaelsbeverly 7 месяцев назад
@@wesleycolemanmusic If you're correct, you worship a God that WANTED most people to be deceived by lies, either false gods, religions, or atheism. What kind of god is that? I say an evil one. You've got the list down that comes from apologists, dude, I was a Christian for nearly 40 years, I know this stuff as well (if not better) than you. I was reading Evidence that Demands a Verdict back in the 1980s....I wrote my high school biology evolution report in the early 1980s using Duane Gish and Jack Chick as reference....haha, I was totally a born again saved Christian who "KNEW" evolution was a lie from the pit of hell and Catholics and Jews were blind and kind of dumb for not believing the "OBVIOUS" facts of Jesus as presented in the Bible. A Mormon would argue that the majority rejecting Joseph Smith doesn't mean he was wrong. A Muslim would say that Jesus was a prophet, but no more (monotheism is true, the Trinity is a lie from Satan). Etc. So, the real question here is: Can you steelman atheism? Can you steelman the mythicist position? Can you steelman why the stories in the Gospels are not true, but in reality, just narratives built on OT scriptures, Greek and other legends, and the works of Homer and other Greek writers? If you cannot steelman them, you're not in the same category as me, as I could Poe a Christian all day long. I know what you know, heck, I could pray convincingly in tongues if I wanted to and preach a message and nobody would know I was an atheist. Can you present the alternative arguments? Have you read Price, Ehrman, and/or others that explain how we know it's not true?
@mattr.1887 6 месяцев назад
God could just appear. Just like he supposedly did with Paul.
@wesleycolemanmusic 6 месяцев назад
@@mattr.1887 Two questions. If God appeared to you, would you believe? If you say you would, did you have the free choice to believe?
@butchfrenchgeekcrowder66 4 года назад
I just wanted to say that this video has proven and to be a great testimony and testing bed for both believers and nonbelievers. It is wonderful that people from all walks of society can debate and tell their side of the story.
@lutkedog1 3 года назад
One side is in delusion
@butchfrenchgeekcrowder66 3 года назад
@@lutkedog1 Not sure what you mean by Delusion. But, I would ask that you research the information before you judge others.
@lutkedog1 3 года назад
@@butchfrenchgeekcrowder66 Delusion A belief or altered reality that is persistently held despite evidence or agreement to the contrary, generally in reference to a mental disorder.
@butchfrenchgeekcrowder66 3 года назад
@@lutkedog1 On the contrary, there is proof. So I must only assume that the mental disorder is from your belief. Check your historical records before you judge.
@lutkedog1 3 года назад
@@butchfrenchgeekcrowder66 I have no belief but if i did i would have proof and not something that is in a single book I used to come here to learn but there is a disease to believe something with no merit so the mental Disorder is yours and the tell tale sign is you say there is proof and that is where you end your sentence:)
@kurtwagner7610 6 лет назад
@Gladster23 2 года назад
I don't agree that the early believers after Christs resurrection "worshiped" the Creator on Sunday (the first day of the week). Jesus has never changed the Sabbath to a Sunday.
@cameron4339 2 года назад
The Apostles always gathered on Sunday.
@ShadowBanEnjoyer-ob7kf Год назад
Some individuals here seem to think that getting stoned for the sake of it is a reasonable thing to do. Nonsense. At the end of the day, no amount of evidence can convince somebody that doesn't want to be accountable for his or her own actions.
@cnault3244 11 месяцев назад
At the end of the day, if no evidence is presented no one will be convinced to believe. You cannot be convinced by evidence that is not presented. What is your evidence for the resurrection of Christ?
@notgonnatellya7057 4 года назад
The only proof I need for Jesus is to see all the lunatics hating him! How can you detest somebody who never existed? Your hatred proves his existence more than anything else ever could!
@Serenghettiii 4 года назад
I tell you This they don't hate nor blaspheme ANY OTHER GOD. Jesus Christ is a curse word they have a church of satan. There is no church against Islam people don’t say oh Ala they say Oh JESUS CHRIST and blaspheme HIM. Its so obviously
@15akink 4 года назад
If that is your foundtion about trusting the one who is hated the most, then we moslems believe in Jesus and his miracles, we believe him as our mighty prophet. Yet, the most hated and badli acused religion in the world is Islam. So you should believe more in islam than what your churches are saying.
@kianaprovost182 4 года назад
@@15akink People dislike Islam because Islam treats woman horribly.
@15akink 4 года назад
@@kianaprovost182 islam tells to love your mother 3times more than your father. Heaven is on your mother's foot. Islam (and also Jesus PBUH) want to cover womens body to protect them from disrespect and other bad things. If this is called a horrible act, why most moslem women in many countries are proud to wear hijab without being forced? (I aint talking about muslim countries like Saudi) Islam improved the status of women. The Quran and Hadith contain loads of references acknowledging women’s rights and encourages being kind to women. Prophet Muhammad said many times in the Hadith: “Treat women nicely.” (Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim). He said: “Women are twin halves of men.” (Jami’ al-Tirmidhi). He emphasised treating women without harshness and violence. Women have been described as fragile as glass and need to be treated gently. Shaykh Mohammed Aslam, a Muslim scholar, described the importance of women in the life of the Prophet. He said, “The Prophet was born in the lap of a woman. He was delicately wrapped up and nursed by a woman. The first person to see his beautiful and illuminated smile was a woman. When his mother died in Abwa, he tearfully returned to Makkah with a woman. “When he returned from Hira, the first person who covered him was a woman and the first person he spoke to was a woman. A woman was the first to believe in him. A woman was the first to pray with him. A woman was the first to die for him. “When he delivered his khutbah (sermon), a woman was the first to build a minbar (pulpit) for him. When he left this world, he left resting his head on a woman. “His lineage continued through a woman; and his final words were, ‘I give you counsel that you be good to your women’.” One of Islam's rules of war is not to kill any women. Quran has a special Surah titled ,Women, In the Koran there are four so called neutral verses where women are considered equal to men (at least not demeaning towards women); to which apologists for Islam refer us repeatedly. Here are those: 3: 195 “Their Lord responded to the: “I never fail to reward any worker among you for any work you do, be you male or female, you are equal to one another¦.” 4: 124 “As for those who lead a righteous life, male or female. While believing, they enter paradise; without the slightest injustice” 16: 97 “Anyone who works righteousness, male or female, while believing, we will surely grant them a happy life in this world, and we will surely pay them their full recompense for their righteous works.” 40: 40 “Whoever commits a sin is required for just that, and whoever works righteousness - male or female - while believing, these will enter paradise wherein they receive provision without any limits.” In opposition to above four so-called neutral verses, there are hundreds of versed that deliberately defame and dehumanize women: An-Nisa 4: 34 “As to those women On whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (next) refuse to share beds, (and Last) beat them (lightly); but if they return to obedience, seek not against them means (of annoyance): For God is Most High, Great (above you all)” Al - Baqara 2: 223 “Your women are a tilt for you (to cultivate) so go to your tilt as ye will, and send (good deeds) before you for your souls, and fear Allah, and know that ye will (one day) meet Him. Give glad tidings to believers, (o Mohammad)” Al - Baqara 2: 222 “They questioned thee (O Mohammad) concerning menstruation, Say it is an illness, so let women alone at such times and go not unto them till they are cleansed.” Al - Baqara 2: 228 “Men, your wives are your tillage. Go into your tillage any way you want.” “Women have such honourable rights as obligations, but men have a (single) degree above them.” “Men are managers of the affairs of women because Allah has preferred men over women and women were expended of their rights.” 4:6 ¦ “And if ye are sick on a journey, or one of you cometh from the closet, or ye have contact with a woman & ye find not water, then go to clean high ground & rub your faces & your hands with some of it¦” 33: 32-33 “O ye wives of the prophet! Ye are not like any other women. If ye keep your duty (to Allah), then be not soft of speech lest he in whose heart is a disease aspire to you, but utter customary speech And stay in your houses. Bedizen not yourselves with the bedizenment of the time of ignorance. Be regular in prayer, & pay the poor due, 7 obey Allah & His messenger I agree still many peoples treat women horribly, and they're all bad people, if they're moslem, they're all bad moslems
@anonymousjohnson976 4 года назад
NT: Wrong. We do not hate god or Jesus, we just question their existence until evidence is provided.
@jbd82 2 года назад
The discussion about the historical evidence for resurrection is far more nuanced than what you can present in 5 minutes - and far more nuanced that some of the people commenting here below wish to be. It is not that simple. it's not true that the oldest record is written decades and is found in the gospels.The earliest is in 1 Cor 15, which, most scholars (irrespective of their persuasion) agree originated from within a couple of years after the alleged event. Not only that , but there are plenty of other creeds to be found in the NT that started circulating within a few years after the event, some of which are quite blatant about calling Jesus more than a human being. In the gospel of Mark like elsewhere, Jesus mentions that he will be buried and then raised again after 3 days. The women come to the tomb and find it empty and find someone who testifies : Jesus is alive, go to Galilee to meet him. So claiming that there is no resurrection in Mark is just wrong. Ok, it is more mysterious than in the later gospels, but given the above creeds , and the testimony of the lives of the apostles (some of them lost their lives - they would never have done it knowing that it is just false) and Jesus' sayings in Mark, it is far more likely that either Mark ends abruptly or as some scholars suggest, finishes with a certain literaly style. It is also not true that the Bible is a 'magical' book. It is not a book but a collection of books. There are different genres, some more historical some less, but each of them can be assessed historically. There is a lot more that can be said positively about the evidence that something remarkable has indeed happened. To me, the arguments made by NT Wright are compelling. Isn't it telling that no other counter arguments are taken seriously today, other than the hallucination theory. The sceptical historians need to resort to the hallucination theory! You cannot just dismiss the whole thing saying ' there is no evidence . period' You cannot also dismiss the bible sources as being late and unreliable. If you do that, you ditch everything we know about antiquity as the NT has the oldest and the most numerous manuscripts. You cannot point at the differences between the manuscripts as only 0.4 percent is affecting any meaning of the text.
@greglisk9408 2 года назад
It is not nuanced. It is a story. Period. All you have is a story. A story can never be sufficient to believe in magic. A god would know that. So if your god does exist, he is an idiot.
@Coops777 3 года назад
@housetv7346 5 лет назад
Without hope man will not reframe from evil doing With hope man is fearful of doing evil He that control religion controls the mind One fact I know is the Bible has be rewritten for different languages which means there is a possibility things have been left out reworded or miss interpret Is up to each individual to seek the truth until they find it
@lamite39 4 месяца назад
except that first christians did not workship on sunday...it only happen 300 years later
@somethingrandomyt8367 3 месяца назад
Wrong the earliest account is in the early secound century maybe earlier
@icemediapro 6 месяцев назад
The issue I have with this video is you are using the Bible as proof of the Bible. That’s not how proof works
@fatstrategist 6 месяцев назад
Well, why discount the earliest written sources about Jesus and the Resurrection? It doesn’t make sense to throw them out as evidence.
@icemediapro 6 месяцев назад
@@fatstrategist unverified
@fatstrategist 6 месяцев назад
@@icemediapro So, what would make a source verified vs unverified?
@icemediapro 5 месяцев назад
@@fatstrategist stories are not evidence
@fatstrategist 5 месяцев назад
@@icemediapro That doesn’t answer the question. The Gospels are eyewitness accounts. What would make an account verified vs unverified?
@Rafael-Bravo 3 месяца назад
There's no amount of proof enough for the skeptic... but you have to love the skeptic, pray for them... pray God to show mercy on them and help them open their eyes... please watch out for your darkening heart when wishing them bad or judging them... because Jesus commanded you to be pure of heart and if you judge you will be judge the same way... if you forgive you will be forgiven... first fix yourself brother (this doesn't mean I don't do this, I'm judging you right now when I have to fix my own heart first... I sin every day)... and remember to love God first above all else, talk to him
@rictrexell2118 6 лет назад
Most of what he said is covered in Josh McDonell's book, titled, "Evidence That Demands A Verdict'. If Jesus had not risen from the dead, the hundreds if not thousands of people alive at that time would have put an end to the reports of his life and the miracles he did. Imagine someone today like a rock star or actor that had people follow him every where he went. Now imagine some of those followers saying he was killed and rose from the dead. The other 1000 followers would say, we never saw that. So rising from the dead would be hard to hide.
@frankwhelan1715 6 лет назад
Ric T, Except most people then were illiterate and there was no mass media like today,(or at all) with everybody with their personal cameras and stuff,that's why that sort of thing would probably never get off the ground , major investigation, (IF the claim was taken seriously) ,also in those ancient times, unlike today, almost everything was though to have a supernatural cause so people were much more prone to believe those kind of tales without much scepticism (and that's just a fact of the times,not a judgement of the people) Besides I think you have it the wrong way round, lots of people who COULD write unlike the followers of J C, (and probably Jesus himself as he didn't write anything either) would have wrote and commented on the amazing things this guy was doing and I mean literate people who lived AT the time,not some who may have mentiond him years afterwards,
@sxmarx Год назад
Man say “rationally” then proceeds to say he came back to life 🤣🤣
@carlnikolov Год назад
Well have fun in hell I guess
@ELMQ Год назад
Exactly my thought XD No matter what you're trying to proof, rationally a man cannot rise from the dead after he bled out and lied in a tomb for 3 days. If Jesus was God, okay, I invite him to tell me. But all of this is a matter of private belief not a rational debate. Unfortunately Christians love to preach that people are going to hell, if they don't trust their account or the account of other "Christians". It's a human made religion about fear, exclusion and despair. Just listen to his last words. The resurrection gives him hope but at the same time he rejects hope for those who cannot believe in it. There is no love in that message.
@BDB2004 Год назад
It’s more rational than the atheist stuff you spew
@trivetteamy 2 года назад
Jesus loves you “
@SuperScratch1 2 года назад
So nice you have an Imaginary Friend !!
@alexbind8347 Год назад
@@SuperScratch1 ok troll
@alax1756 4 года назад
am witnesss of Jehovah we believe heavily in after life without illness
@beowulf.reborn 2 года назад
The first Believers did *_not_* start worshipping on the first day of the week instead of the seventh, there is not a single verse in all of Scripture that teaches that. Rather, what we see, is that the Early Church met together *_every_* day of the week to worship. Not only that, but the Bible *_explicitly_* tells us that the *_many tens of thousands_* of first-century Jewish believers all continued to observe the Torah (including the Shabbat), and this number included the likes of both James *_and Paul_* . As we move forward through the centuries, we see the first day of the week become more and more prominent, but even as it does the Sabbath maintains an extremely high position even within Gentile Christianity. Even as late as the 11th century the Sabbath was held in high regard, as a day of rest and of worship, especially amongst the Chruch of the East.
@gerryquinn5578 2 года назад
: Where does it say that "many tens of thousands" of first century Jewish believers all continued to observe the Torah?
@beowulf.reborn 2 года назад
​@@gerryquinn5578 Acts 21:20 "And those having heard began glorifying God, and they said to him, "You see, brother, how many myriads there are among the Jews having believed, and are all zealous ones for the Law." ~ Berean Literal Bible The word Myriads here is literally the Greek for ten thousand and can be used to denote a number so great it is beyond counting. Unfortunately, many translations render it as "Many Thousands," which, whilst technically correct (as ten, or twenty thousand plus is still technically "many thousands"), it can be confusing as some could be led to think it is a number less than ten thousand (or indeed less than twenty or thirty thousand, as the Scriptures do not say "a myriad" but "many myriads"). Nevertheless, many translations are much clearer, in translating it as "many tens of thousands": "And when they had heard, they praised God and said to him: “You see our brother, how many tens of thousands are in Judea who have believed, and they are all zealous of The Law.”" ~ Aramaic Bible In Plain English "Everyone who heard this praised God and said to Paul: My friend, you can see how many tens of thousands of our people have become followers! And all of them are eager to obey the Law of Moses." ~ Contemporary English Version. "When they heard about it, they praised God and told him, "You see, brother, how many tens of thousands of believers there are among the Jews, and all of them are zealous for the Law." ~ International Standard Bible "And they, when they had heard his statement, gave the glory to God. Then they said, "You see, brother, how many tens of thousands of Jews there are among those who have accepted the faith, and they are all zealous upholders of the Law." ~ Weymouth New Testament "And they having heard, honoured the Lord, and said to him, Thou seest, brother, how many ten thousands of Jews there are having believed: and all are zealous of the law:" ~ Smith's Literal Translation.
@gerryquinn5578 2 года назад
@@beowulf.reborn : I'm afraid people used symbolic language back in Bible times as they do today. When it comes to numbers, we often talk in exaggerated terms to describe a crowd. It was no different in the past. We know that following Pentecost 3000 or so became believers. However, to take myriads literally in this passage ignores all historical and archaeological evidence. The population of Jerusalem was limited to between 40-150,000. I think you will be hard pressed to find any scholar who believes that there were literally many tens of thousands of Jewish Christians when Paul went to Jerusalem.
@beowulf.reborn 2 года назад
​@@gerryquinn5578 In Acts 2, on the Church's very first Pentecost, 3000-odd souls were added to the Church. Just a few verses later, we are then told that the Lord added to the Church, daily. In the next two chapters, Peter and John go preaching in the Temple, and FIVE THOUSAND MEN believe. That's 8000 (plus however many women and children believed after the preaching in the Temple, and however many People the LORD added in the days between), this is in the very first days of the Church, probably 20 to 30 years before James says that there are many tens of thousands of Jews who believe. After this, the Preaching of the Gospel goes forth with even greater boldness, not just with Peter but with all of them. In the next chapter, we read, "And more than ever believers were added to the Lord, multitudes of both men and women,." This takes us easily over ten thousand believers (and likely over 20,000) ... and again, this is in the earliest days of the Church. Then in Chapter 6:7, we are told, "the word of God continued to increase, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests became obedient to the faith." So tell me, at what point do we stop caring what men think and say, and start believing the Word of God? Again in 9:31, the Church is further multiplied. This is all prior to Peter taking the Gospel to the Gentiles. After that, we see still more Jewish people come to the faith through the preaching of the Apostles. And as for Jerusalem only having a population of 40-150,000, that alone would be enough for there to be 20,000+ Jewish Believers in Jerusalem 30-odd years after Pentecost.
@gerryquinn5578 2 года назад
@@beowulf.reborn : Firstly, let ma say that I am impressed by the fact that you view scripture as the authority on which we base our arguments. I agree that Acts states that three thousand were added at that time. Does the account in Acts 4 :4 clearly mean that an additional 5000 became believers or is this now giving a running total ? There is no doubt that the early movement grew , but we must be careful not to read into the verse what we think it means. Phrases such as multitudes must be taken with great care. The account in Acts 6 begins by teling us of a dispute that arose and is looking back at the already growing Christian movement.. The problem was resolved and the expansion continued. No specific numbers are mentioned. Again, in Acts 9:31, a general phrase is used with no specifics given. Thus, I think it is fair to conclude from the text that the early Christian movement saw dramatic increases at the start , with several thousands joining. I have no issue with that. However, what I do take issue with is the taking literally of the phrase myriads and the suggestion that the number of believers was already in the region of the entire population of Jerusalem.
@jamessheffield4173 4 года назад
Who Moved the Stone? by Frank Morison, Lee Strobel (Foreword by) I owe Morison a great debt of gratitude. Who Moved the Stone? was an important early link in a long chain of evidence that God used to bring me into his kingdom. Morison’s stirring intellectual exploration of the historical record proved to be an excellent starting point for my spiritual investigation." --From the foreword by Lee Strobel www.goodreads.com/book/show/299961.Who_Moved_the_Stone_
@doctorwebman 4 года назад
I am not even convinced the story is true to begin with, so I don't feel the need to explain how the stone was moved. Maybe it never existed to begin with.
@jamessheffield4173 4 года назад
@@doctorwebman Then why didn't the Roman Empire produce a tome refuting it? The "Nazareth Inscription" is an inscription in stone containing the text of a Roman decree pronouncing the death penalty on anyone who would disturb a tomb, remove a body from a tomb, or move a sealing stone from a sepulcher. The vast majority of scholars date the inscription in the first half of the first century AD, and many believe there is a connection between the Roman edict recorded thereon and the early Christian testimony of the empty tomb carm.org/what-is-the-nazareth-inscription
@doctorwebman 4 года назад
@@jamessheffield4173 I don't think there were no Romans who went to refute the claim that a man rose from the dead. In fact, I bet many Romans had arguments against it. Now, let's say that you are right, and Romans never presented any arguments to refute the resurrection. Well, my inability to explain a thing is not evidence that your explanation is right, as that would be a logical fallacy known as an argument from ignorance. My ignorance about a thing is not evidence that you know the correct explanation for it. Like I said earlier, I am not convinced there was tomb, or that the gospels are true when they claim miracles and a resurrection happened. There is only hearsay, and the story has miracles in it, which means that empirical evidence for those miracles are required, and Christians have no such evidence, and instead have nothing but circular reasoning to offer: "The Bible says so, and some ancient people said so outside the Bible, therefore it must be true." An empty tomb doesn't prove anything. Jesus's body was not destroyed, such as by burning it up, which means he might not have rose from the dead, and was just a shape-shifting alien who could appear to be human, could cause people to hallucinate, and could appear to be dead just long enough for the stone to be rolled in front of the tomb. Nobody has a clue what happened in the tomb. It could also be that Jesus was just an alien who was replaced after he died with another alien that could also shape-shift to look like a human that was indistinguishable from Jesus, who never actually rose from the dead, and was only replaced with a look-alike impostor. This explanation is no more absurd than that a magical ghost who created the universe, kills kids, and tortures souls is responsible for the resurrection.
@jamessheffield4173 4 года назад
@@doctorwebman The Romans used torture and murder against the Christians for 300 years when obviously a credible tome refuting it would be simpler. When the influence of Christianity was increasing rapidly in the Empire, one of the last pagan emperors, Maximin II, two years before the Edict of Milan, attempted to bring Christianity into disrepute by publishing what he alleged to be the true 'Acts of Pilate', representing the origins of Christianity in an unsavoury guise. These 'Acts', which were full of outrageous assertions about Jesus, had to be read and memorized by schoolchildren. They were manifestly forged, Blessing.
@doctorwebman 4 года назад
@@jamessheffield4173 Actually, explanations for the empty tomb would not have any effect on those who were convinced on faith. It doesn't work today, and it would not have worked back then. It is utterly irrelevant whether or not the Romans had some alternative explanation for an empty tomb. You haven't shown the tomb existed, or that there was ever a stone rolled in front of it.
@kenhoyer8601 2 месяца назад
You can have faith in a flying spaghetti monster but you’ll have a hard time convincing me there is one.
@cameroncampbell7706 2 месяца назад
believing in a flying spaghetti monster is better than atheism, atheism breeds ugly people, art, and morals and it's end goal is Nihilism
@ploppysonofploppy6066 2 месяца назад
​@@cameroncampbell7706Atheism does no such thing I'm afraid. And a lot of evil has been done in the name of gods, no one can demonstrate even exists.
@randomusername2761 2 месяца назад
@@ploppysonofploppy6066 Why do assume that evil has been done in the name of gods? Surely religion is just a cover-up (all decent Muslims would condemn the acts of Al Qaeda and the like) and just because evil, in some cases, can be a result of a religion (though with a correct interpretation of any of the religions I am aware of, no), that doesn't mean we should single out religion in this. Humans try to kill each other over absolutely everything, and no-one is saying we should try to eradicate all political ideologies except one particular one, so that there is no disagreement and therefore no war. Additionally, there is another side to this argument. Atheism, in some cases, will cause people to believe in Nietzsche ideology (his way of thinking is thought to have greatly influenced Nazism in the 1920s-40s--evidence would suggest Hitler became an atheist as an adult, and so did many other Nazis and Nazi supporters). A belief in the doctrine of eternal recurrence is all very well and good until you realise that some people have psychopathic tendencies and that everyone would willingly commit evils of some kind under this doctrine. Also, just because we have no outright proof of God/gods doesn't automatically mean religious people are wasting their time. A correct interpretation of the cosmological argument--that is, the universe is contingent (didn't have to exist), because the big bang relies on laws of physics being set out correctly, and therefore, there has to be a necessity existing outside of the universe (which we call God)--is really quite difficult to argue against. This very video, though its evidence here is not the best (I'd recommend reading/watching Lee Strobel), sets out to demonstrate that the resurrection was not at all a historically unsupported claim (by the standards of extraordinary miraculous claims, it's got by far the best evidence). If the resurrection really did happen, I will give you the compliment of assuming you would recognise this as a proof of God. You are entitled to freedom of religion or of no religion, but don't jump to the conclusion that religion somehow needs to be eradicated from society, just because it can be used as an excuse for evil (if there were no religion, people would find other ways of excusing their violence and bigotry).
@thetruthisthis2533 2 года назад
To say it didn't go against what the 1611 KJV with the Apocrypha has written that Jesus was resurrected.
@mcspinixvids3875 Год назад
While not presented as proof, some people might incorrectly view 3:11 - 3:42 as proof, considering the nature and title of the video.
@waynebosman337 Год назад
So no actual proof.
@matthewwoodard3117 Месяц назад
Make two lists. First list evidence you need to believe that a person died three days ago, started decomposing, then somehow stopped decomposing and reversed the damage and came back to life. Second list the evidence there is for Jesus’ resurrection. Anonymous second hand accounts written decades after in a different language than Jesus spoke. Now compare your two lists. If they don’t match up then you should re-examine why you believe things because you are making exceptions for religion. I have never met a person whose lists matched.
@Spamyamam Месяц назад
The problem is that non believers think God is human. He’s not. Therefore they think the same about Jesus. His body was. That’s it. Your worldly little brain could never understand it.
@matthewwoodard3117 29 дней назад
@@Spamyamam what evidence do u have that shows this is true? If god and Jesus are real I would like to know and I would change my beliefs.
@afuroLEGEND383 19 дней назад
@@matthewwoodard3117 nigga jesus aint human , Jesus is God
@jpesicka999 10 дней назад
@@afuroLEGEND383the son of God, not the original creator of the universe. The resurrection would prove him to be one with God, the creator and all would seek God through him. I have struggled with this concept due to it’s polytheistic idealism. It’s the only one of the 3 Abrahamic Monotheistic religions in which he is God, another is said to be his very religion and the other says Jesus is a very important prophet. I believe in God and I do want to know more about Christ and see for myself. I study all religions, and historical texts. Even Hinduism and it’s connection to the Cosmos, India is so old and keeps getting older.
@dominicknatale5866 Год назад
I wonder when he resurrected, did any of the romans who took part in beating him realize "holy shit we messed up, please forgive me" and how many of them were made more angry
@Bazdavies1 5 лет назад
Matthew 27:51-53. Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many. Seems like many were resurrected-so what's the big deal about Jesus?
@LivingForYahuah 5 лет назад
Baz Davies this is talking about the end times, so obviously if the people are to be judged and given their reward or punishment, they have to be brought back.
@palladin1337 2 года назад
"What historical proof or evidence is there that Jesus really rose from the dead?" Absolutely none, because your Bible isn't a history book and therefore cannot be referenced like one. And since the only 'evidence' in favor of this story comes exclusively from your Bible, it doesn't leave you with any real ground to stand on.
@andyalcaraz9552 4 месяца назад
New Testament scholars who are not even Christian confirm. People actually had to write out manuscripts by hand that went into the Bible…not an email or dumb social media post. People died for this truth for what they lived and saw.
@kevinbakster5141 11 месяцев назад
To those who question, it is normal to doubt (stating the obvious) but quite frankly, understanding is very different from believing. This is what Christians have in common. If we want proof of Jesus's resurrection, we must first find a way to know and investigate how this is true or not, and by all means, Christianity is an evidence-based, more so than you think, but the problem is that, as a Christian, it is understandable, acceptable, and true, that Christianity is not a religion but a relationship-based faith. The problem with presenting the evidence is that not all will accept it or understand it, or understand it but don't believe it, and that what makes it clear that those who oppose on the existence of Christ, his death and resurrection, and basically his very existence before is what separates us from those you is with Him, and those who are opposed to Him. If you were to know the truth, first consider valid ways to discover the truth about Jesus's resurrection. Now, as per ways to know, let's say there are many ways to do so, but I'll state just two: first is Observational Science, and second is Historical Science. Now those who question the resurrection of Jesus, please feel free to do so by using such ways to know, and then be the one to tell which is real and which is not real. And always considered these words: Christianity is NOT a religion, it is a faith based on relationship. Both science and the bible speaks of things that although different, or may have similarities, consider the main thing that matters, which is will it satisfy your cravings of the truth, and if so, believe what you want to believe, because in the end, both science and the bible contribute to everyone, and it is accessible, and therefor, these two open an opportunity, whether you choose to do good or bad with it, believe in it or not, it's clearly up to you. What most get wrong about Christianity is the part where acceptance happens in the end (the acceptance of Christ in life), but Christianity is acceptance in the beginning, that's why it's a relationship-based, and then comes after anything. Religion tends to be based on the principles of merit, in which case acceptance happens in the end (by John Lenox). Please be considerate in concluding, because it's not rational or even simply kind to expect the same level of answer you are to get in your own level of knowledge-based question, and missing out the part where Christianity isn't about saving, but about being saved.
@cnault3244 11 месяцев назад
"Christianity is an evidence-based, more so than you think" Present the evidence for Christ's resurrection.
@cygnusustus 11 месяцев назад
"Christianity is an evidence-based" I notice you didn't present any evidence. Christianity seems to be lie-based.
@JM-ot8ux 9 месяцев назад
what a load of garbage
@johnbarr7421 8 месяцев назад
According to Luke and Acts Jesus then ascended to heaven, so he was resurrected in a spiritual body (1 Cor 15: 44 and 50). So why did his dead, material body not remain in the grave?
@glennwilkins5481 3 года назад
People you have to have faith. May peace be with you.
@nan_euro Год назад
The proof is that His disciples weren't lying that they saw Him. People will lie if it's lead them to advantages, his disciple chose to suffer from the people who don't believe them even they died horribly.. I don't think someone will lie so they get to suffer even dying.. The only logic reasons for this is that the resurrection were real.. And they have faith in it.. That's why they could do such things.. Preaching the gospel even when their life threatened.
@danielleterry9967 Год назад
If someone didn't accept any new testament writings where is the proof of Jesus resurrection outside of scripture?
@victuss1413 Год назад
Roman accounts of the tomb guards.
@2PRO_4U_2NO Год назад
Notice how he only addresses the preposterous swoon theory but not the mass grave/potters field grave theory
@VielofDarkness 4 года назад
good grief this didn't provide any answers to that question... it's just a testimony.
@farmercraig6080 4 года назад
Well its all based on what's written in history.
@sickboy666fu 4 года назад
@@farmercraig6080 its based on what's written in The Bible. So what
@farmercraig6080 4 года назад
Nuns Of Your Business well the New Testament which this is based on is confirmed as actual history, nothing has been proven to be a fabrication so far.
@sickboy666fu 4 года назад
@@farmercraig6080 Nothing has been proven to be true either
@farmercraig6080 4 года назад
Nuns Of Your Business yeah mate tons of stuff has, though confirmation of early written secular history, modern archaeology etc
@Historicalpresentation 2 года назад
The evidences that the Bible tells the truth is that the Bible tells the truth. Come on people
@joshuawaddell6640 2 года назад
Many, many other sources and texts OUTSIDE of the Bible claim the existence, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Would YOU gladly die for something you didn't believe in like the disciples and apostles did?
@parkestanley2436 2 года назад
@@joshuawaddell6640 Name ONE outside the Bible source that confirms the resurrection of Christ. Josephus briefly mentions Christ in 93AD as did Tacitus in 117AD, but they were simply referencing the existence of the Christ cult and were NOT eye witnesses. It's time to OUTGROW the childish fairytale of religion, I finally did, and you can, too
@ibperson7765 2 года назад
@@parkestanley2436 1. Flavian 2. Tacitus (What if the people who assembled the bible had included those two, would they suddenly also not count because they were in the Bible?)
@gerryquinn5578 2 года назад
: But Christianity spread all over the empire before a single NT document was written.
@edgarmatzinger9742 2 года назад
@@gerryquinn5578 _"But Christianity spread all over the empire before..."_ Yes, and? Doesn't mean a thing.
@atabac 23 дня назад
question is, why he showed only to select few? why did he not show himself to the the public
@surrealpsalms 11 дней назад
He showed Himself to over 500 people in the span of 40 days. “Select few” my ass.
@atabac 11 дней назад
@@surrealpsalms that is few compared to a million witness when moses went to mt sinai.
@surrealpsalms 5 дней назад
@@atabac Here we go, should’ve known you would move the goal post.
@Nardfrmda201 День назад
@@atabac I’m sorry 500 people is a lot of people. What do you mean by select few? I don’t understand what is 500 people very small to millions OK as if 500 people isn’t a lot of people regardless on how you look at 500 people a lot of people.
@debunkingthefundamentalist Год назад
The problem, as I am always stating to my own subs, is the apologists largely give an opinion based on the Gospels which we have no idea who wrote them. And they were written well after Yeshua's death. That negates all the Lee Strobel interviewees, the Craigs, the McDowells and everyone else who keeps debating proof that isn't there. You can't use the bible to prove the bible. That basic premise is a fallacy that any grad student would know but these doctrorates in the apologist world simply ignore. You take away this fallacy and the apologist has nothing to stand on. Cheers, DCF
@wsmc14 2 года назад
What boggles my mind is that if some guy that proclaimed to be the messiah was killed and then raised from the dead, there would be numerous accounts of that from various sources, not just the Bible. Can’t say the resurrection is factual when you only have the Bible to support it
@ibperson7765 2 года назад
Good thing we *don’t* have only the Bible to support it then huh? People almost never wrote stuff down. That’s why for the ancient world there’s often only one source, sometimes hundreds of years later. Had to have a scroll and know how to write. There weren’t newspapers, etc. There is only one good source about Alexander the Great for example. It swept the ancient world because of the number of eyewitnesses. Furthermore, there are non-biblical historians who contemporaneously report the claims. Unsurprisingly, everyone who actually saw the risen Christ became a believer. He appeared on multiple occasions with multiple people. And there are *many* other related evidences. Just one example, Flagon the ancient journalist in Nicea (500 miles from Jerusalem) reported “During the 202nd Olympiad on the fourth month and fourth day, the sky was darkened early in the day to the point that stars were visible, and an earthquake that day destroyed the following buildings: ” 202nd olympiad fourth month is April 33AD. So Mark and Matthew were reporting honestly. And the rock strata show a quake that year. What do YOU think would make scared disciples change from on the run to utterly fearless, and make disbeliever James, and Christian-hater Saul, fearless and glad to die for the immortal Kingdom. And , as mentioned, completely sweep the world, and flip the calendar, and inspire hands-down the most profound book ever to come from man, supposedly the brain-child of twelve young fishermen(?) I could go on. But unless you’ve heard the research, shouldnt conclude things and report memes (only the bible reports the life and witness claims of resurrection etc). They are simply not true. And many historians have documented.
@gerryquinn5578 2 года назад
: Perhaps if you were an historian, you would understand that all documents are biased. Just because ancient Greek and Roman historians sometimes mention the Gods etc does not mean that we cannot get a picture of what happened from these biased accounts. Furthermore, the resurrection of Christ was at the hearty of Christian preaching long before any NT document was written. Christianity had spread all over the empire before pen was put to paper. The Mathew account includes the story of the accusation that the disciples stole the body. Empty tomb? Finally, the most important figure in Palestine at the time was the Jewish High Priest and we have NO contemprary accounts. Does this mean he did not exist ?
@jbd82 2 года назад
the bible is a collection of sources up until the 4th century. people who didn't come to christianity didn't want to hear about it because it was a scandalous thing to believe in someone who was crucified.
@gerryquinn5578 2 года назад
@@jbd82 : Not only had Christians to contend with the scandal of a crufified messiah, but had to admit that the first witnesses to his supposed resurrection were women.
@wsmc14 2 года назад
@Pastor Craig Josephus mentions very little and most scholars believe the expanded quote on Jesus is not authentic. Come on, I expect more from a pastor.
@paulkachari85 3 года назад
Hallelujah 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
@htoosaw9012 3 года назад
Jesus Christ already suffer pls don't put ur profile like that.
@paulkachari85 3 года назад
@@htoosaw9012 People Do Not Understand, That's Why They Should See That Lord Jesus Was True And He Died For Our Sin!! Mind Ur Own Business!!
@paulkachari85 3 года назад
@@htoosaw9012 People Do Not Understand, That's Why They Should See That Lord Jesus Was True And He Died For Our Sin!! Mind Ur Own Business!!
@paulkachari85 3 года назад
@@htoosaw9012 People Do Not Understand, That's Why They Should See That Lord Jesus Was True And He Died For Our Sin!! Mind Ur Own Business!!
@paulkachari85 3 года назад
@@htoosaw9012 People Do Not Understand, That's Why They Should See That Lord Jesus Was True And He Died For Our Sin!! Mind Ur Own Business!!
@richardlynch6927 3 года назад
It was foretold that Jesus would born as it was with Mary Magdeline , they joined together in the school of the Essenes in Egypt , where they learned all the teachings that allowed them both to teach those who also were interested . These teachings came in conflict with the all male church of the Romans and the Israelites . They could not allow these teachings to take control as it would mean losing powers of control of 5he masses . This is the reason why Jesus was Crucified.
@cherkas009 7 месяцев назад
How come hardly anybody talks about the Ascension as if that's not a bigger miracle
@craftchadambuka5653 4 года назад
He does nt know about Mark 16vs9
@butchfrenchgeekcrowder66 3 года назад
I cannot believe how everyone has commented on this video. This has generated many pros and cons on this subject, and that is a good thing. We should never stop asking questions and seeking out the truth.
@TruthSaying 16 дней назад
Amen dear sir!
@ZRWF 5 лет назад
Actually Constantine moved the sabbath to Sunday
@AloysiusEmanuel-.- 5 лет назад
I once thought - "The Bible is fiction, the Church is faction," but I admit there are beautiful passages in the Scriptures, though some of them make me reflect. An example is in Genesis, where God created the light before the sun and other stars; in Leviticus, the bat is seen as a bird. Such writings are understandable if we take into account the time in which they were made. There are also controversies about the New Testament, since Paul of Tarsus is considered someone who has distorted the words of Christ (there are sources for research). Jesus, in the famous dialogue with the "good thief" said - today you will be with me in Paradise, died, was buried and resurrected on the third day. When Mary Magdalene came to Him, Jesus said - do not touch me, woman, because I have not yet ascended to the Father. If so, why did He promise the thief to be with Him in Paradise three days before? Why did He let Thomas touch him? I believe that Jesus ascended to Heaven in his glorious body, not physically, since it makes no sense to have a human body in Paradise, which also refutes the belief in the rapture. God is omnipresent, and so He would be in Hell, since He is everywhere, even among the supposed angels who would conspire against their Creator, who is also All-Knowing, knows the future (or destiny) of everything. All this leads to the conclusion that there are no demons or Hell, nor Final Judgment, God created nothing to be imperfect. I believe in the spiritual resurrection, that is, there are dimensions or plans where the spirits go, to repair their faults and improve themselves, helping one another, even in touch with the physical world, as well as the saints, who are spirits of people who have lived physically. In the spheres of darkness are the lower spirits, but these will also have opportunities to climb the steps until they are purified to God, tasks that will depend on them (free will continues on these planes and ends only in the last stage). I already believed in reincarnation, but I felt that this hypothesis is the most plausible. As for the resurrection of the flesh, I have rejected this belief, I am Catholic and someone may call me a heretic or arrogant, but I feel that I am on the right path! Amen!
@PedroAntonioLea-PlazaPuig 5 лет назад
Don't call yourself Catholic then...
@dirtyharry1003 3 года назад
Where were god and jesus in the last 2000 years?
@a.r.4093 3 года назад
All around us. You just have to WANT to find them.
@dirtyharry1003 3 года назад
With the help of meditation or sth.?
@a.r.4093 3 года назад
@@dirtyharry1003 Reading the Bible is a good start! I know there's a lot of it, but everything you need to know about God and Jesus Christ is in there.
@delorean1278 3 года назад
You have to reach your own conclusion that God is there for us always.
@fostexfan160 3 года назад
@Promeldi Tsangala What about the suffering, tortured, neglected loyal believers? The evil hypocrisy and silly stories are beyond belief
@anonymousjohnson976 4 года назад
My question is: If Jesus had died any other way than crucifixion (like, stabbing, stoning, etc.), would Christianity have flourished?
@farmercraig6080 4 года назад
No that wouldn't have fulfilled prophecy.
@anonymousjohnson976 4 года назад
Farmer Craig: I was not asking about prophecy. I was asking could Christianity have flourished if Jesus had been executed any other way? Yes or No? Also, it has been proven that Josephus' paragraph about Jesus was an interpolation. The bible is a piece of literature. The two creation accounts are contradictory. They come from two different segments of the Jewish population of about 2000 years ago. Each is a completely different story. The scribes/priests included both legends in Genesis in order not to offend either group.
@anonymousjohnson976 4 года назад
Farmer Craig: If god can do anything, he could have just forgiven us without all the bloodshed, or even thought of any other way besides using blood. Are you saying god was so into prophecy that he had to have his son tortured, bloodied, and crucified? The bible does say that god "finds the aroma of blood pleasing." The bible is anonymous and historically inaccurate, scientifically inaccurate. It is written like a fiction story, it contradicts known science, knowledge, and history. There is no extra-biblical evidence to support it. All sources contradict it. The temple records have no record or trial of Jesus. In fact, the Romans have no record of any trial or execution. Why? Pilate was not even in Judea in those years, and he ruled from Caesarea. They did not execute people on Passover, and the Egyptians never heard of the Jews, no exodus, and the tale of the flood violates known geology. The Israelis, who otherwise would love having a historical claim to the land, cannot find evidence of any Moses, exodus, or millions of people wandering the Sinai for 40 years. That would have left a mark and it was written 50 years after the supposed event, which is suspicious, just the amount of time needed to makes sure anyone who would contradict the narrative was dead. Think, Farmer Craig, for Pete's sake. We evolved from a common ancestor of the apes 2 million years ago. Two people could never have bred and produced a viable species, the genetics of interbreeding prevent it. This is how the bible was written - the bible writers (scribes) presented imaginary information as if it isn't made up and as if it is real religious doctrine. The bible writers (scribes) go on as if they do have the answer. The bible writers (scribes) write paper after paper. They are peer reviewed and passed and go into the bible. The bible writers (scribes) pass one imaginary paper in hopes that their imaginary paper will be passed. One paper piles on top of another until there is an immense pile of papers. The bible, even though it is imagination, is then quoted as if it is real evidence. Understand now, Farmer Craig? We can see this on a global scale when we look at the overall format of the bible. That format is literary anthology, a collection of varied literary genres written by multiple authors over the span of many centuries. In its detail, too, the bible is a literary book. Most of it is embodied in the genres of narratives, poetry, letters, and visionary writings. Keep it real, Farmer Craig,. Peace to you.
@farmercraig6080 4 года назад
anonymous johnson Some interesting topics you’ve covered there... haha actually you’ve covered everything I believe... it what you say right? Well thankfully no. I’ll answer more when I get on my computer later... keep it real, yep I intend to.
@farmercraig6080 4 года назад
@@anonymousjohnson976 I was not asking about prophecy. “I was asking could Christianity have flourished if Jesus had been executed any other way? Yes or No?” Well I guess if it was God’s plan, then yes I would have. “Also, it has been proven that Josephus' paragraph about Jesus was an interpolation” Yes I agree with you, the quote with appears in Josephus manuscripts isn’t what I believe a non believing Jew would say about Jesus. But knowing that we have found a quote of Josephus with the interpolations left out. You can clearly see what he originally wrote.. Quote with interpolations : “About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he was one who performed surprising deeds and was a teacher of such people as accept the truth gladly. He won over many Jews and many of the Greeks. He was the Christ. And when, upon the accusation of the principal men among us, Pilate had condemned him to a cross, those who had first come to love him did not cease. He appeared to them spending a third day restored to life, for the prophets of God had foretold these things and a thousand other marvels about him. And the tribe of the Christians, so called after him, has still to this day not disappeared” Quote found that clearly doesn’t have the interpolations in it: “At this time (the time of Pilate) there was a wise man who was called Jesus. His conduct was good and (he) was known to be virtuous. And many people from among the Jews and the other nations became his disciples. Pilate condemned him to be crucified and to die. But those who had become his disciples did not abandon his discipleship. They reported that he had appeared to them three days after his crucifixion, and that he was alive; accordingly, he was perhaps the Messiah, concerning whom the prophets have recounted wonders” “The bible is a piece of literature. The two creation accounts are contradictory. They come from two different segments of the Jewish population of about 2000 years ago. Each is a completely different story” Ok so your talking about Genesis chapter 1 and 2. Lol so what information are you basing that on? Onto the so called contradiction, At first glance this seems to be a contradiction because Genesis 1 has the animals and trees created prior to the creation of man; however, both issues can be resolved by an understanding of the original language and the translation process.2 The Hebrew word for formed in both passages is yatsar. The New King James Version translates the verb in its perfect form. However, this Hebrew word may also be translated in its pluperfect form. In this case, it would read that God “had formed” these creatures, as some other translations have it (e.g. ESV, NIV, etc.) For example, Genesis 2:19 in the NIV states: Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them. This rendering eliminates any problem with the chronology because it refers to what God had already done earlier in Creation Week. This would mean that the plants (Genesis 2:9) and the animals (Genesis 2:19) had already been formed by God earlier in Creation Week. William Tyndale was the first to translate an English Bible directly from the original languages, and He also translated the verb in its pluperfect form. "And after that the LORD God had made of the earth all manner beasts of the field, and all manner fowls of the air, he brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them. And as Adam called all manner living beasts: even so are their names". (Tyndale, Genesis 2:19) Hope that helps clear that up. “If god can do anything, he could have just forgiven us without all the bloodshed, or even thought of any other way besides using blood. Are you saying god was so into prophecy that he had to have his son tortured, bloodied, and crucified?” God is God, and if he knows how everything will play out and how to reach us. He is doing what is best. What are we to really question him, what do we really know. Most if not all problems of this world are man made. “The bible is anonymous and historically inaccurate, scientifically inaccurate. It is written like a fiction story, it contradicts known science, knowledge, and history. There is no extra-biblical evidence to support it. All sources contradict it” *Are you sure you want to stick with this statement, feel free to withdrawn it, and I wont mention any more about it…. But if you do want to continue with that topic, well lets just say, there is an embarrassment of riches on this topic flavouring the Bible. “The temple records have no record or trial of Jesus. In fact, the Romans have no record of any trial or execution. Why? Pilate was not even in Judea in those years, and he ruled from Caesarea. They did not execute people on Passover” *Again see my answer above. “the Egyptians never heard of the Jews, no exodus, and the tale of the flood violates known geology. The Israelis, who otherwise would love having a historical claim to the land, cannot find evidence of any Moses, exodus, or millions of people wandering the Sinai for 40 years. That would have left a mark and it was written 50 years after the supposed event, which is suspicious, just the amount of time needed to makes sure anyone who would contradict the narrative was dead”. *Again see above quote “We evolved from a common ancestor of the apes 2 million years ago. Two people could never have bred and produced a viable species, the genetics of interbreeding prevent it.” I don’t really want to get into an evolution debate, I’m more into history. “This is how the bible was written - the bible writers (scribes) presented imaginary information as if it isn't made up and as if it is real religious doctrine. The bible writers (scribes) go on as if they do have the answer. The bible writers (scribes) write paper after paper. They are peer reviewed and passed and go into the bible. The bible writers (scribes) pass one imaginary paper in hopes that their imaginary paper will be passed. One paper piles on top of another until there is an immense pile of papers. The bible, even though it is imagination, is then quoted as if it is real evidence. Understand now, Farmer Craig? We can see this on a global scale when we look at the overall format of the bible. That format is literary anthology, a collection of varied literary genres written by multiple authors over the span of many centuries. In its detail, too, the bible is a literary book. Most of it is embodied in the genres of narratives, poetry, letters, and visionary writings. Keep it real, Farmer Craig,. Peace to you.” Ah yeah…Nah. I don’t think so.
@RyanC232 3 месяца назад
Where is the list of biblical scholars that believe that Jesus was raised?
@charleschi843 3 месяца назад
A short list of those who do not believe would be easier to send.
@cnault3244 Год назад
"What are the proofs for the resurrection of Jesus?" If you are going to prove the new testament story of Christ's resurrection is true, you can't use the new testament as the proof.
@alexcameron2880 Год назад
Yes, we can. The gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were all eyewitness accounts. Why would anyone die for what they know to be a lie? What would they have gained preaching what they KNOW they saw.
@cnault3244 Год назад
@@alexcameron2880 "The gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were all eyewitness accounts." 1) all the accounts differ. If they are actual eyewitness accounts, the text shows that they are unreliable witnesses. If you take the gospel accounts of the tomb (Mark, Luke, John, and Matthew) you will read the following: - the number of people to first visit the tomb was two, three, at least five, or only one - they arrived close to dawn, after sunrise, at dawn, or when it was still dark - the tomb was sealed when they arrived, the tomb was open when they arrived, an angel arrived during an earthquake and removed the stone - there was no one else there when they arrived or there was a young man sitting outside the tomb or two men suddenly appear in the tomb or two angels are in the tomb - Jesus' first appearance after the resurrection was near the tomb or was in the vicinity of Emmaus (seven miles from Jerusalem) or was right at the tomb. These discrepancies show the so-called "eyewitness accounts" are not reliable. Then there is the fact that biblical scholars will tell you we do not know who actually wrote these gospels. This means we have accounts by unknown writers transcribing what they have been told happened. Then there is the fact that these accounts are what you have been asked to prove with evidence. You cannot take the texts you have been asked to prove and use them as the proof they are true. "Why would anyone die for what they know to be a lie?" So you are arguing that Islam must be true because Muslim suicide bombers will die for Islam. "What would they have gained preaching what they KNOW they saw." They may know what they saw, but the fact they may have seen something isn't evidence for what they claim to have seen. What would they gain? Well, they could work as carpenters of farmers or fishermen or stonecutters or herders or they could make a living telling stories.
@dannyyo7948 Год назад
who are these mathew mark and luke? we dont even know who these people were. there is no sacrifice if one can still live. even who jesus was, was he lord? was he god? was he king? . come on get the story right. plus jesus didnt wanted to die in the first place.
@drizzdrazz 7 месяцев назад
NONE of these are proof.....
@jkallend Год назад
If it's true or not what a amazing story it is
@10044thousand 4 года назад
They did not worship on the first day, here we go..
@cnault3244 Год назад
I'll save some other people time, Here are what he is calling proofs: 1) Jesus was really dead. ( his argument is Jesus wasn't just unconscious, so it must mean he was resurrected) 2) The tomb was empty. ( he says we don't know where his tomb is, so how this claim is supposed to be proof, I have no idea) 3) his disciples believed they were seeing Jesus after his resurrection ( in other words, the new testament says they saw him) This video is a joke.
@kevinperlow4595 Год назад
There's far too much in life that cannot merely be explained by science, and I'm a fairly logical, and skeptical person when it comes to anything otherworldly. However, I truly believe that there is plausible evidence showing Jesus did indeed resurrect.
@jacobterrell69 Год назад
what evidence?
@samrichards8251 11 месяцев назад
Let’s be real there is absolutely no real evidence other than what some people said. I have no idea how anyone in the modern world could believe anything written by Iron Age peasants that didn’t even know the earth orbits the Sun. So much irrational superstition. There are many mysteries in the universe that’s for sure but the say Jesus created everything seems like the most ridiculous and unlikely reason.
@cnault3244 11 месяцев назад
The fact something can't be explained by science doesn't mean a miracle must have happened. And there is no need for science to even try to find an explanation for an event that hasn't been proven to have occurred. "I truly believe that there is plausible evidence showing Jesus did indeed resurrect." Present it.
@jerrylanglois7892 9 месяцев назад
Right, what evidence ? Like all other believers, he simply believes what he wants to with no regard for evidence ( or the lack thereof ) facts, logic or even truth. @@jacobterrell69
@adenosine2electricboogaloo647 4 месяца назад
Go on...
@ElijahWSahr Год назад
Lost my mother in 2019. It's been tough since that time. And until my mother resurrects, I don't believe any tale of a dead person coming back from the dead.
@gabrielchattaway1663 Год назад
Sorry for your loss. But that's not the best point to base your entire worldview on, especially in the light of this evidence and the mountains of facts you'll find that point to the Bible's authenticity. And the fact is, if you're wrong, and there is a resurrection, it will be too late. Carpe Diem
@bengagliardo Год назад
she will resurrected on the last day if she was truly saved as in born again .. but you wont be with her if she was your in the wrong kingdom ... unsaved or unrepentant . lost in sin.. thats why jesus came to save the lost .. what do yp\ou have against not being cast into hell becouse of jesus loved us egnough to die for us
@toma1557 6 месяцев назад
Faith is powerful. The bible is a book about faith. The lady who had leprosy had such a great faith. She knew if she just touched Jesus's robe she would be healed. That what God is looking for, we are judged by our faith. When are trust and hope is in God we are made whole again. Human beings are incredibly flawed. The bible asks us to take a look at ourselves and be honest. That is what repentance is all about. It is so easy in the world to put pleasure before principle.
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