
What determines the sex of a baby? There Is No Clash 

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In this episode, we discuss the research that led to the 1905 discovery that sex inheritance is caused by the male sperm, and illustrate how the Qur'an reveals this with amazing accuracy in a book revealed 1400 years ago.
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@mohamedalibenothmen7622 6 лет назад
Did you notice that the number of the verse is 46, which is the number of chromosomes in the human.
@autumnicleaf 4 года назад
Yes. 46th verse of Chapter 53.
@hamidashaker4016 4 года назад
@noislamonazisdotcom9888 4 года назад
LOL, There are 33 deceit verses in the trilogy (Quran, Hadith, sira) of Islam. My preference is reading your devil doctrine myself to find out the truth. The verse reads like this>Quran 53:45-46 And that He created pairs, the male and the female from a drop (of seed) when it is poured forth. Muhammad was only aware of what was physically perceivable to any person at that time. Not able to perceive the existence of an egg in the woman he states the obvious, that male and female were created from a drop of fluid poured into the female. If there was mention of X and Y chromosomes and the fertilisation of an egg by a particular type of sperm then one could give credit where credit was due. Furthermore, we know from writings of the ancient Egyptians, thousands of years before Muhammad, that they were also aware that sex was determined by the male sperm (Pyramid Text 1248-49).
@ibrahimmotala1069 4 года назад
@noislamonazisdotcom9888 4 года назад
@@ibrahimmotala1069 Well read is a great example of being grown up. This is actually islamic doctrine and here is why we have 1420years of violence form islam. ISIS IS ACTUALLY TRUE ISLAM JIHAD IN SHARIA LAW> "Whoever cheerfully accepts Allah, Islam and Muhammad is entitled to enter Paradise. But there is another act which elevates the position of a man in Paradise to a grade one hundred times higher, Jihad in the way of Allah! Jihad in the way of Allah!" SM 20:4645. The very next saying confirms what this jihad in the name of Allah is, "In case you are killed in the way of Allah and you always fought facing the enemy, never turning your back upon him your sins will be blotted out." SM 20:4646. WHAT IS THE OBJECTIVE OF JIHAD> Quran 13:41 See they not that We gradually reduce the land in their control from its outlying borders? Where Allah commands, there is none to put back His Command Quran 21:44 See they not that We gradually reduce the land in their control from its outlying borders? Is it then they who will win? Quran 33:27 And He made you heirs of their lands, their houses, and their goods, and to a land which you have not yet trodden, and Allah has power over all things. Quran 24:55 Allah has promised to those of you who believe that He will most certainly make you rulers in the earth, and that He will most certainly establish for them their religion which He has chosen for them. NOTE: There are 33 deception verses in the three main books of islam and so allowing islamic preachers to inform you and so followers of Islam will only result in you receiving the wrong information.
@sanodecardiac7962 5 лет назад
Yea it is true i m doctor and muslim too...what she told is absolutely true according to science and quran.thanks for such a good video..
@101Loverpeace 6 лет назад
The Qur'an encourages people to ask questions, to pounder, to seek knowledge, etc. unlike other scriptures that you belief what ever it says weather it makes senses to you or not. The Qur'an is for everyone to read and you may questions, if you are sincere and truly seeking knowledge, otherwise go and drown in your ignorance.
@lecramred4453 6 лет назад
Halim sadi Hmm, interesting. So I just learned by reading the quran that I can beat my wife, have sex with my married slaves, that non-muslims are the worst creatures and muslims the best people (despite their terror), that allah is a deceiver, the earth is flat, the sun sets in a muddy pool of water, the sun orbits around the earth and that muslims have to fight non-muslims until they pay the jizya. Thanks for the tips!
@jeleelabas9594 6 лет назад
This is not true. If you begin to ask critical questions from your Imam, he would suspect you as having left Islam and may begin to persecute you. The Quran gives a warning on critical questions about the religion, "O ye who believe : Ask not questions about things, which if made plain to you, may cause you trouble." (Sura 5:101). What is the meaning of that? When you observe absurdity or scientific nonsense, don't ask questions about it. If you have questions on Muhammad's moral behaviour and certain actions, Allah won't like you.
@myluckytofu 5 лет назад
Very true. Islamic Golden Age gave birth to the European Enlightenment after all.
@javeriatanveer7470 5 лет назад
@@jeleelabas9594 Sura 5 - Ayat 101 يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ لَا تَسْــَٔلُواْ عَنْ أَشْيَآءَ إِن تُبْدَ لَكُمْ تَسُؤْكُمْ وَإِن تَسْــَٔلُواْ عَنْهَا حِينَ يُنَزَّلُ ٱلْقُرْءَانُ تُبْدَ لَكُمْ عَفَا ٱللَّهُ عَنْهَا‌ۗ وَٱللَّهُ غَفُورٌ حَلِيمٌ Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo la tasaloo AAan ashyaa in tubda lakum tasukum wain tasaloo AAanha heena yunazzalu alquranu tubda lakum AAafa Allahu AAanha wa(A)llahu ghafoorun haleem(un) O you who have believed, do not ask about things which, if they are shown to you, will distress you. But if you ask about them while the Qur'an is being revealed, they will be shown to you. Allah has pardoned that which is past; and Allah is Forgiving and Forbearing. Quote the complete ayah, that these things will be revealed to you once the Qur'an is being revealed you completely
@mylord9340 4 года назад
Wow. More lies. How much money is this non-Muslim lady being paid to read these lies? This series should be called "ThereisNoTruth". This is what Muhammad said about what determines the sex of a baby. In Sahih Muslim Book 3 hadith #614.........."He (the Jew) said: I have come to ask you about a thing which no one amongst the people on the earth knows except an apostle or one or two men besides him. He (the Holy Prophet) said: Would it benefit you if I tell you that? He (the Jew) said: I would lend ears to that. He then said: I have come to ask you about the child. He (the Holy Prophet) said: The reproductive substance of man is white and that of woman yellow, and when they have sexual intercourse and the male's substance prevails upon the female's substance, it is the male child that is created by Allah's Decree, and when the substance of the female prevails upon the substance contributed by the male, a female child is formed by the Decree of Allah......" Of course Muhammad was wrong about this. It is the genetic material of the male sperm that determines both sexes of the baby and it has nothing to do with the "substance of the female prevailing over the substance of the male". According to this hadith, the female determines the sex for girls. WRONG. Muhammad also said in Sahih Bukhari: Book 1 Volume 6 Hadith #315...Narrated Anas bin Malik: The Prophet said, "At every womb Allah appoints an angel who says, 'O Lord! A drop of fluid, O Lord! A clot. O Lord! A little lump of flesh." Then if Allah wishes its creation, the angel asks, Will it be a male or female, a wretched or a blessed, and how much will his provision be? And what will his age be?' So all that is written while the child is still in the mother's womb." In this hadith Muhammad says it is Allah who determines the sex of the baby after 120 days. The number of days 120 comes from another hadith. This is of course wrong again. The sex of the baby is determined on day 1 of fertilization. The meaning of what is stated in the Quran 53:45-46 is being CLEVERLY DISTORTED. In Muhammad's time it was believed that the male semen contained the embryo. The woman's contribution to the embryo was nutritional and supportive. Aristotle 1000 years before Muhammad believed that the embryo formed from the mingling of male semen and the female's menstrual blood. But it was the semen that contained the embryo, boy or girl. Galen writing 400 years before Muhammad believed that women also made a kind of semen and that the embryo was formed by the mingling of the male and female semen. But again Galen believed that it was the male semen that contained the embryo. The female semen only played a nutritional role and formed the placenta. So since the time of Aristotle, 1000 years before Muhammad, and the time of Galen, 400 years before Muhammad, it was believed that the male semen contained both the male and the female embryo. So what Muhammad said in 53:45-46 is just restating what was believed by the scientists of his time that both male and female come from the male's NUTFAH. Note it was also believed that if the male's semen ended up on the right side of the uterus of the female it would be a boy and if the semen ended up on the left side of the uterus, the baby would be a girl. But again, it was believed for 1000 years before Muhammad that it was the male's semen that contained both the male and female embryo. So Quran 53:45-46 does not say what this woman is repeating. It is simply saying what Aristotle and Galen taught for a thousand years before Muhammad. According to the Quran and the Hadith, Muhammad said that it is the male's NUTFAH that gets deposited in the female which forms the embryo. Then after 120 days it is Allah who determines the sex of the baby. This contradicts however what Muhammad said to the Jew in Sahih Muslim because in that hadith, Muhammad said when the male's substance prevails upon the female's substance, it will be a male by decree of Allah, but if substance of the female prevails upon the substance of the male, then the baby will be a girl by the decree of Allah. Both of these hadith reject the lie being told in this video and both hadith are also scientifically incorrect.
@foz7836 6 лет назад
May Allah Azza Wajal guide her to Islam.
@zaainak4630 6 лет назад
Fo z Ameem rasbil alameen
@ms-zx6zd 6 лет назад
Exactly!!! This is the only comment I saw in all these videos which make sense. I don't understand how almost all brothers and sisters who commented in this channel took as a fact that she is a Muslimah. If you go to her website you will see that she didn't submit to Allah as a Muslimah yet. It's a pity that Muslims are being deceived so they started to take knowledge of their religion from non-Muslims. If she is showing all these proofs in her videos which show the truth then she has to submit to it and this proofs that she doesn't believe. The believer sees the truth and submits to it! They say "We listen and we obey! Brothers You are being deceived. Please start to take knowledge from the authentic Scholars of people of Sunnah!
@karamokodrammeh2098 6 лет назад
@adeelnoor2692 6 лет назад
She is a representer of this show,also she is more guided then most of muslims here.
@Its_Me_Soumia. 6 лет назад
Amiiin yarab
@sumaiyaislam4154 4 года назад
This series has just blown my mind. Quran has shaken me up. SubhanAllah.
@FEDisGangster 5 лет назад
Qur'an is the biggest miracle of ALLAH forever and his words forever. There's nothing like Qur'an
@kitotaabdillahi4609 6 лет назад
Maa sha Allah! May Allah (Tabaarak Wata'alah) grant you Janah!
@nadeem6836 6 лет назад
Abdillahi Kitota what is name of this lady news anchor?
@hzelg5684 6 лет назад
Muhammad Nadeem Clare Forestier
@hzelg5684 6 лет назад
Muhammad Nadeem you like the sister too huh 😎 ? May Allah bless her and her family !
@nadeem6836 6 лет назад
@ibrahimdauda1358 6 лет назад
H Z plz can you tell me which religion she follows?
@imran71897 5 лет назад
great lady 👍with great investigative information. splendid work, carry on and love u always
@ahmadthePathan Год назад
سورت النجم. ۴۵ - ۴۶ Sura Alnajam, 45- 46
@omarsalah2125 3 года назад
يقول الله تعالي : "وَأَنَّهُ خَلَقَ الزَّوْجَيْنِ الذَّكَرَ وَالْأُنثَىٰ (45) مِن نُّطْفَةٍ إِذَا تُمْنَىٰ (46)" (سورة النجم) و يقول ايضا العظيم سبحانه "أيحسب الإنسان أن يترك سدى ألم يك نطفة من مني يمنى ثم كان علقة فخلق فسوى فجعل منه الزوجين الذكر والأنثى أليس ذلك بقادر على أن يحيي الموتى" [ سورة القيامة : 36 - 40 ]
@maxd3028 5 лет назад
Keep on guys 🌷💓🌸 you are just awesome 🙌
@jiduishaqsoofi3830 5 лет назад
We created man from sounding clay From mud moulded into shap; And the jinn race, we had Created before, from the fire of a Scorching wind Behold! Thy lord said To the ANGELS "l am about to creat man from soundings clay from mud Moulded into shape; When i have fashioned him (in du proportion) and breathed into him of My spirit, Fall ye down in obeisance unto him, So the ANGELS prostrated themselves, All of them together Not so iblis he refused to be among Those who prostrated themselves (Allah ) said; o iblis what is your reason for not being among those Who prostrated themselves ?" (Iblis) said iam not one to prostrate Myself to man whom thou didist create from sounding clay from mud Moulded into shape," (Allah)said : " then get thee out from here; for thou art rejected, accursed "And the curse shall be on thee till The day of judgment,"
@danielyardley9036 4 года назад
So should we call you mud men 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍👍🤣👍
@lifearoundus5107 6 лет назад
Please list a video on the formation of embryo and its phases of transformation. There are verses in Quran which describes this whole which is proved by the modern day embryologist like Keith Moore
@fawadshah3211 6 лет назад
U have a vast knowledge sister
@hzelg5684 6 лет назад
Glenys Wiseman 😁 hey question, why are you watching her videos over and over again and even taking time to comment your preschool bullshit , you are not changing anyone's opinions on the Truth. Don't you see that this lady has done research on other sources apart from just the Holy Quran ?! No of course you don't because that's what happens when someone is blinded with hate for the Truth . SMH
@meshkatahmad2529 6 лет назад
Glenys Wiseman No it was not known then.
@MarouaneChriss 6 лет назад
Actually she is not a 'sista'. She is a freelance pro journalist presenting the material given to her by scientists.
@jiduishaqsoofi3830 5 лет назад
Those who believe (in the Qur'an) Those who follow the Jewish (scriptures) and sabians and the lastday and work righteousness On them shall. Be no fear nor shall they grieve
@hishamsalem3924 6 лет назад
Come Clair be Brave fair no one say it
@samarhafeez 5 лет назад
124000 prophets have passed , God must have revealed this information to one of the unknown Egyptian prophets ,hence recorded on tablet, Quran is a complete book compiled in perfection no doubt in that,but God shared various unseen Info's to different prophets which passed in early ages too
@bbccnn8836 5 лет назад
Hello are you really making sense or just exaggerating.... You are not reading the haddis or quran properly. Christian prince is explaining this clearly in his video.... Just watch it on youtube and you will for sure know you were wrong....
@YouTubeUniversity-ko8ug Год назад
Sahih Muslim, from the hadith of Thawban, in which the Messenger of Allah, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: The man’s water is white and the woman’s water is yellow. So if the man's semen higher the woman's semen, It will be male, by Allah's permission, and if the woman's semen is higher than the man's semen, then it will be a female, by Allah's permission.
@byteme9718 Год назад
Muslim science being science fiction/comedy.
@namra7957 Год назад
stop quoting weak Hadiths.Quran is divine and ultimate authority,any hadith with contradicts quran is fabricated.
@darrellsturrock5795 6 лет назад
With regards to the Egyptians, that took some leaps of logic that even the greatest gymnast would appreciate, to get her argument to where she needed it. If I followed it correctly for some reason the fact that modern humans couldn't understand what the Egyptians wrote means that it wasn't understood back in its time. Huh? Why no quote from the Koran?
@EgyVul 6 лет назад
I think what she means that quran is not a copy paste from others
@محمود-ش8ك5د 6 лет назад
she quoted 53 {(45)And that He creates the two mates - the male and female (46) From a sperm-drop when it is emitted }
@WaqarRasoolk 6 лет назад
The time of Egyptians was around 3000 BC, and Time of the revelation of the Quran was around 600 AD, there is an approximate 3500 year gap in between. - Read history, The anicient Pharaohs of Egypt and their hieroglyphs were long gone by that time. No one spoke and understood their language.
@zelenplav1701 6 лет назад
Darrell Sturrock. The Holy Koran came much later.
@DodyShawky 6 лет назад
Darrell Sturrock She's just preemptively countering any argument that the prophet might've read about it or knew about it through heirogliphs which weren't being used in used in Egypt at that time since only the demotic and Coptic form of writing were the only ones that survived.
@hamidhairan6507 4 года назад
May Allah tabaraka wa ta'ala guide you to the truth religion (Islam) INSCHALLAH
@sunilojha 5 лет назад
Look how some muslim taking lead from quraan carrying out terrorists activities. you want to convert all world to islam. "Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Messenger have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection." Quran 9:29 Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
@Abdullah-pq3ee 3 года назад
Why still she didn’t became a muslim?😖❤️
@whateverbabe 2 года назад
Cause shes atheist, she aint dumb to convert to a cult
@bobsandvegane3185 6 лет назад
The female Zakir Naik
@rossini55 6 лет назад
Not necessarily a compliment Lol
@moskva212 5 лет назад
She wants to be rich :-))
@swairakhalid62 5 лет назад
Why you people cannot digest the truth and reality? No doubt, truth is always bitter for some people.. may GOD show you the righteous path
@raminmangal2349 Год назад
@irfanullah5594 4 года назад
Are you a muslim?
@tzlotus8171 6 лет назад
Kindly donot relate science with the Quran . Quran words are enough for us to beleive and obey. Donot relate your science with this book. science is far away from truth. Allah knows best what each ayah means.
@DodyShawky 6 лет назад
Tz LoTuS Science isn't "far away from truth", science is a reflection of our observations in God's creations, God himself orders us to find him with our minds and to see his proofs inside us and in the universe around us and God himself kept on blessing us with cutting edge arguments to show (and counter) the misguidance of those who deny and disbelieve. Your belief implies that the one created this universe with all of its rules is the very same - one & only - who has brought us the religion, Consequently any contradiction indicates your misunderstanding of either of, or both of Science & Religion. Actually the title of this channel is the core of its content which is what I'm trying to explain, "There's No Clash". You might not need constant reassurance (May God Strengthen your belief) but some need, some believed due to such things, and there's no harm in it, actually prophets like Harun & Yehia argued for the existence of God and his power).
@tzlotus8171 6 лет назад
Mahmoud Mostafa keeping in mind current time situation, Honestly dont you think even after giving all those proofs from quran to science that the hearts of people start to become hard? Doubts start to cover them up.. Islam is not about "because this is how universe works so islam is truth". no, quran says "so whosoever wills let him beleive and whosoever wills let him disbeleive" recitation of quran and its way of teaching is enough to convince a person who ,already beleives in one god and his perfection, to beleive in the message of islam. beliving in god existance is not a part of this body or brain rather its the part of heart or soul. people these days give explaination to everything, rather this is a wrong ideology of teaching they should just think ponder gain knowledgeand improve themselves and do good righteous deeds. what do you think of those who give all the proofs of science from quran but in the end they themselves dont even beleive as in this video? Rather guidance is from God he guides whom he wills he misguides whom he wills. But we still ask Allah to guide her to Islam. There are also people who reverted from islam may it be that their attachments of the deen depended upon these types of proofs which is today known as "science" I am saying this because even i too at start was searching videos about quran and science for days and days and my condition at that time was a condition of much unrest, nothing convinced me from science with 100 percent that i should beleive that quran is a book of god there was always a room for unrest and doubts. Everything is very calm after I left this methodology of relating science to quran. and i beleive that Quran is word from creator Allah who is perfect in his attributes because there is no second quran and there never will be. we should not doubt our creator, he has set out for us a path that is straight and clear for us to follow.I ask Allah to guide us all by his grace and mercy. And in the end, Allah knows best. I dont reply much but i thought i should today meby my comment be helpful, this is my own methodology if you want, you can reject it but i have compiled it up from various youtube videos and understandings and adopted because I find it best suited to me and i would also prefer it to others because i would want same thing for others that i want for myself. happy eid mubarak to you all.
@TheHaroon619 6 лет назад
Science and Islam work hand in hand. So just because you cant understand doesnt mean science doesnt work with Islam otherwise we would all be here would a system. Everything has a system and we are part of that system. Even miracles happen because of quantum physics. As muslim our faith is strong but people need some guidance when we study western books that indeed Allah is the creator and the best of them all.
@alexreid-wh9gq 6 лет назад
To 1 & ALL! The Hadith has statements about fluids from both man & woman were believed to form embryo. Koran also says embryo formed from mingling of male & female fluids. (NO sperm or ovum mentioned). this was mentioned in the Talmud & Greek texts. Nestorians, based in Syria, possessed & studied works of GALEN, influential 2nd. Century Greek Physician. 3words used in K & Hadith re. semen. NUTFAH. K.16:4; 18:37; 22:5; 23:13-14; 75:37; & others. Nutfah = a small quantity of liquid. Lane's Lexicon of classical Arabic = sperma of a man & of a woman.Vol8 p3034. sperma = late Latin for seed, semen. Maa = Water. AT times used 4 semen male or female. K.32:8; 77:20 &86:6. Maniyy = male or female semen. Used in hadith &K.75:37. Aisha ritually cleaning semen off M.'s clothes! (what was going on?). ...created man from drop of mingled sperm. K.76:2. We have created man from Nutfah Amshaj means mixed. Fluid of man & fluid of woman when they meet & mix. Tafsir Ibn Kathir on 76:2. So no case forfor saying sperm/ovum. Also mixed fluid term used in al-Tabari's Tafsirpn 76:2. Galen main work about embryology called "On Semen". Hi work studied throughout mid.East. Said embryo formed out of male semen mixed with female semen. Believed woman's blood drawn in via uterus to form fetus. pp85-9 "On Semen", translated by Philip de Lacy,1992.Hippocrates, (500BC), had a 2 semen theory as well. Same book, p65. Used in Koran 80:18-9.. in the 17th.Century first reference to sperm. Islamic apologists try to wangle this into hadith - not from all sperm a fetus is created. Sahih Muslim, book of Marriage Chptr on al-'Azl #1483. The word for "sperm" in Arabic is actually maa, (maa = water).www.hadith.al-islam.com see #4424. A Jew actually met M. & asked him about Sex reproduction etc.. Asked 'where do babies come from?' M. replied , 2From a man's nutfah & a woman's nutfah." [Musnad Ahmad, vol. 1 p465.Islamists have tried to get sperm & ovum into the Koran. But nutfah is not a single item. Yusuf Ali's Koran has man being made out of clay,(15:26,28,33; 17:61`;32:7;), earth, (11:61), nothing,(19;67, 52:35); mire,(38:71); from the dead,(30:19); single person, (39:6). 16:4 drop of fluid,(Pickthall translation). & a lot more. to determine sex of child ....if man's fluid prevails child is a boy. If woman's fluid prevails, it's a girl. Sahih MuslimCXXV. Entitled The characteristic of male reproductive substance & female reproductive substance & that offspring is produced by the contribution of BOTH. (my emphasis). There is a book by a Professor Keith L. Moore, University of Toronto, Canada, textbook , The Developing Human, 1992, has been subjected to Islamic revisionism. NO Islamic copies of his book with these revisions in are NOT to be found in the British Library or the US Library of Congress. They're trying to link everything to the Koran All of this sponsored by the Saudis. Moore directs readers to an essay by Basim Musallam, which points out how similar Koranic embryology is to Galen's work & never questioned by Islamic scholars. There are loads of articles debunking Islam's attempt to say everything is iin the Koran. M. a scientist, yet he bathed in raw sewage. He thought the mountains held up the sky. He thought comets were missiles. I'm afraid the Muslim mind does not have the mental capacity to handle the truth, sticking to Ancient myths & lies. Waiting on word from synagogues. Apparently some of these statements are in the Babylonian Talmud. Go to:- sceptical-science.com or skeptic-mind.blogspot. Here on ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-uNLx_AK40FE.html.....haven't seen my self. That's enough. All of these There is no clash clips are simple revisionist propaganda. Einstein's Theory of Relativity in a mish mash of a 7th/Century book....I ask you!
@SMILE-kh4ct 5 лет назад
ALLAH(GOD) said in Quran : “We will show them Our Signs in the universe, and in their own selves, until it becomes manifest to them that this (the Quran) is the truth” [Fussilat 41:53].
@noislamonazisdotcom9888 4 года назад
Please give text book and verse number to clarify. Islam is deceit.
@nayeribrahim2889 3 года назад
@@noislamonazisdotcom9888 dude he literally said it. Surah Fussilat verse 53
@syedumararfeen8146 3 года назад
@@noislamonazisdotcom9888 Butt hurt read his comment again.
@Glajdar 6 лет назад
The Quran is from Allah, the Creator of mankind and all living things.
@hegagi839 5 лет назад
Saladdin,The woman in the video said,” The holy quran is the only ancient book that states specifically that the sex determination is caused by the sperm.” She was lying. When you look at the Quran, it only says baby is created from sperm, but it does not say that it determines the sex of the baby. Refer to S80:19 “From a sperm-drop He created him and destined for him;” Also refer to S18:37, S22:5, S36:77,S53:46,S56:58,S80:19, S75:37, S76:2,S23:13,S16:4, S35:11,S23;14,S57:38,S40:67, How about the “truth” written in the hadith Sahih bukari Vol 4 Hadith 3329 Narrated Anas Adullah bin Salam asked Muhammad, “Why does a child resemble its father and why does it resemble its maternal uncle (mother’s brother)?” Allah's Messenger said, "Jibril (Gabriel) has just now told me of their answers." Must be the same angel who gave Muhammad the revelation in the cave. Allah's Messenger said, "As for the resemblance of the child to its parents: If a man has sexual intercourse with his wife and gets discharge first, the child will resemble the father, and if the woman gets discharge first, the child will resemble her." That’s was what Muhammad said and not what the woman in the video said Narrated by AbudDarda Allah’s messenger said Allah created Adam when he created him and he struck his right shoulder and there emitted from it white offspring as if they were white ants. He struck his left shoulder and there emitted from it the black offspring as if they were charcoal. So that’s how the colour of the baby is determined. On that, Abdullah bin Salam said, "I testify that you are the Messenger of Allah." You see clearly that muslims are very susceptible and quick to accept to another muslims’ rhetoric. Wow, for that answer, Abdullah (like many muslims) right away claimed Muhammad was the messenger of Allah. Whoever discharge first will resemble which parent? Ahem!
@hegagi839 5 лет назад
Saladin, if Quran is from Allah, it should be 100% accurate, right? Let's see. S86:5-7 A man is created from a gushing fluid (Semen), proceeding from between the backbone and the ribs. Is semen produced between the backbone or loin and the ribs? S16:66 "In the cattle, there is a lesson for you. We give you to drink of that which is in their bellies, from between excretions and blood, pure milk;" Milk comes from Bellies? Bellies are not Udder and not between excretions and blood! How is the gender or sex of a baby is determined? Sahih bukari Vol 4 Book55 Hadith 546 Abdullah bin Salam asked, "Why does a child resemble its father and why does it resemble its maternal uncle (mother’s brother)? " Muhammad's Answer: If a man has sexual intercourse with his wife and gets a discharge first, the child will resemble the father and if the woman gets discharge first, the child will resemble her. On that Abdullah bin Salam said, “ I testify that you are the messenger of Allah”. Muslims always say true without checking because they believe he was the messenger of Allah.
@asibrahman4421 5 лет назад
@@hegagi839 ,give the arabic translation.Where it was told milk come from belly rather told milk come from blood.Quran isc100% scientific
@sunilojha 5 лет назад
@@asibrahman4421 you are fearful. what is the punishment of apostasy. you cannot accept quraan has errors. You are not concerned about quraan you are concerned about yourself. if you want to find truth read quraan as if you are not Muslim and you are in search of truth. you are not interested in hoors paradise and such lures. you are just in search of truth and also read other religion. without prejudice.
@aashiqurrahman8452 5 лет назад
@@hegagi839 u r a pig
@mziqbal2003 6 лет назад
Thank you for sharing valuable information Clare. May God bless you and people around you. ☺👍
@thetruebeliever3056 6 лет назад
+srnp0007 she is not wrong she right more than 100 scientists has been reverted to Islam on the same topic of embryology
@thetruebeliever3056 6 лет назад
+srnp0007 bro ur knowledge is soo weak u r abserting u can't bear the truth
@Mohib786 6 лет назад
"Read with Understanding then Ponder upon it, when you get it then accept it, if you are confuse then go to the people of Knowledge and discuss yours confusion. Through this way, you will gain Knowledge and your brain will become two sided Blade of Sword, whenever Evil thought will collide with it, it will cut into two pieces"
@peace4world84 6 лет назад
I'm proud of my religion islam and my prophet Mohammed peace be upon him I❤💙💖💕💓💜💛💚💗💘💝💞💟 islam. .quran a map for life and islam the way of life. .thanks you allah for making me muslim and you chose my religion islam. . No matter how long i praise you ya allaaaaaaaaah not enough!!!
@khuramkhuram9651 5 лет назад
@semprefoiallah 3 года назад
@HeyMurshid 6 лет назад
I recommend everyone to share this channel with their friends & family. *NoClash* team deserves a big credit.
@MegaHeadach 6 лет назад
These 7 dislikes do not believe in their gender if they were from XX or YX, or maybe something else...
@lets_wrapitup 3 года назад
@seek mogol what blabbering are you on about.
@mememomo101 3 года назад
@seek mogol lact of education. Haha
@mememomo101 3 года назад
@seek mogol miaahahahaha. Do u know jesus illiterate? He dont read nor he write any book? And the bible wrote by paul. And jesus only speak Aramaic? Bahaha. And u reading Bible? From who? Paul? Bahaha. And did u know jesus is a jew and have 2 brother? I bet u dont know. Because ur mind is too small for this. . Even jesus and hes brother dont know how to srite own name. Bahaha. Do u know there no school back then 14k years back then? Oh i forgot. Your logic is today logic. U soo delusional. Dont talk with me. Go to school. Study, travel meet people. Read read study. Do u even read bible or quote the bible? Read about the stoning part too. And read 72 version or the new bible update. I hear today the bible update again. The autor is the church. Not paul this time. Bahah
@mememomo101 3 года назад
@seek mogol jesus is illiterate. And u just mock Prophet Muhammad. Vahahahaaha. And jesus is jews hes religion is jew. And paul invented Christianity. Even jesus brothers dont worship jesus. Bc they poo and eat together. They even joke together. Bahaha. And u know what. Jesus worship jew god. And his brother worship jew god. And you whorship him. The syrian galalian jew man. Bahahahshs. U soo lost in your delusions. Im done. This is hilarious
@mememomo101 3 года назад
@seek mogol so jew god have son and daughter?? And jesus as a jew whorship jew god and christian whorship jesus who whorship jew god that have 3 son and daughter? Oh wow. And god got hungry and hang on cross and die. Got torture by roman. And bleed. Wow that sound like some good fairy tale. . This is like movie game of thrones. Good one. I agree with you. God is drad killed by weak human. So bye bye
@zohaibhassan2561 6 лет назад
Some people are born to not believe no matter what... So don't care about them
@bulwaddashafik1371 5 лет назад
this is a really hurtful statement. wish good for others for Allah was indeed merciful to you so he gave you Islam. spread Islam and remember Allah controls hearts, you cant determine who will be Muslim or not but you can always care about people as nabi nuh or noah cared about his son when Allah unleashed water. always pray for people just like how the prophet Muhammad pbuh prayed for umaru R.A. Ask allah for forgiveness for your statement its really hurting. remember islam is spread through good character so avoid hurtful statements.
@Reversisms 5 лет назад
Saying born to not believe is insulting Allah (swt), if you are a muslim you will see why, may Allah (swt) give you peace, mercy and guidance
@danielyardley9036 4 года назад
You lot make me laugh with your fairytales 🤣🤣🤣
@commentstealer4460 4 года назад
@@danielyardley9036 they are not fairytails . Do you think our existence is a coincidence ? Or an accident? Big bang can't cause all of this . I mean come on look at how the moon and the sun and the earth are holding each other . That alone is enough to proove Allah's existance
@farehanoor6671 6 лет назад
سبحان الله الله اکبر والحمد لله We hpoe the men not bleams there wifes
@hillalchaouadi9735 5 лет назад
Allah has Said in the holy coran we were show them our signes in the horizons and in they'r selves antil that they know that he (the coran) is the truth
@rosariomartinez7393 5 лет назад
Thank you so much for the video and God bless you❤️
@maydanalhaq9494 6 лет назад
this video is shameful pandering that condescends on Islam. Here is the ancient word, which really need not be dragged out by science, for confirmation or negation, for it was simply a product of its time. "According to Muhammad, reproduction begins when the thick, white discharge of a man mixes together with the thin, yellow discharge of a woman. Interestingly, Muhammad claims to have received knowledge of this from the angel Gabriel, who told him that the child’s appearance is determined by which parent has the first discharge: Allah’s Apostle said: “Gabriel has just now told me of their answers” [to the questions he had been asked]. . . . As for the resemblance of the child to its parents: If a man has sexual intercourse with his wife and gets discharge first, the child will resemble the father, and if the woman gets discharge first, the child will resemble her.” Anyone who has taken high school biology knows that this is completely wrong. "
@Sajjidur 4 года назад
And that He creates the two mates - the male and female [53:45] From a sperm-drop when it is emitted [53:46] A Quran Verse mentioned in this video 🔥💯🔥
@healghana 6 лет назад
This is fantastic. This is exactly what earlier Muslim scholars were doing before culture and dogmatism took over this religion. A lot of our schloars have stopped researching and fighting over who rules who and how long is one's hijab or pants...Thanks for doing a wonderful work!!!
@JibreelProductions Год назад
Indeed, but all matters, if it's only rules, then where is the food for the imaan? And if there is only imaan but not clarification on rulings, how do you live life? Both matter, I'm a revert, spending a LOT researching this stuff, for the good imaan, but i realized I also have to listen to sunnah about how to have my character best, rulings and whatnot, to live better and be closer to the Lord of all worlds... Subhanallah. Isn't it amazing? That we have the clear Quran and Allah SWT guided us to the right path? La ilaha illa Allah
@zeeshanb88 6 лет назад
Allaho akbar this show is the greatest of all series. im really ashamed of myself for not really knowing my Quran. but the more i learn about this book the more i get amazed by its resourcefulness.
@mazariqbal9514 4 года назад
Adam and Eve weren't born, as everyone already knows, yet they still managed to have children of their own, all praise be to Allah swt who determines the gender of human beings, he has full control and everything is in balance, Allah huack barr...
@haram3ms 5 лет назад
More and more people are converting to Islam Alhamdulila after watching your video
@hegagi839 5 лет назад
Sure? Don't be delusional. Sahih bukari Vol 4 Hadith 3329 Narrated Anas Adullah bin Salam asked Muhammad, “Why does a child resemble its father and why does it resemble its maternal uncle (mother’s brother)?” Allah's Messenger said, "Jibril (Gabriel) has just now told me of their answers." Must be the same angel who gave Muhammad the revelation in the cave. Allah's Messenger said, "As for the resemblance of the child to its parents: If a man has sexual intercourse with his wife and gets discharge first, the child will resemble the father, and if the woman gets discharge first, the child will resemble her." That’s was what Muhammad said and not what Claire in the video said. The Quran only says where the semen come from (which in any case is scientifically wrong) and not the gender of the baby.
@aashiqurrahman8452 5 лет назад
@@hegagi839 u r such an illiterate
@sddevrj 5 лет назад
@@aashiqurrahman8452 That is the problem with you fascist islamists. You cannot accept a counter argument. Anybody who has some logical interpretation is put down.
@sddevrj 5 лет назад
Is that your aim? The Vedas are more scientific elaborate and complete as compared to Quran. Vedas are the breath of God. Quran is but a small aspect of Vedas. But hindus dont have such fascist mindset like islamists. Quran like Vedas is Great. But something obnoxious about islamists
@SkNiazi786 4 года назад
@@sddevrj tell her to read vedas and prove it scientifically
@thamilzhvaitthiyarmndharma2373 2 года назад
No clear proof. Just beating about the bush.
What a great and wonderful work thanks to everyone in the team
@DodyShawky 6 лет назад
Ancient Egyptians didn't "die out", Heirogliphs were only used in Royal Scriptures, while in every day life it was the demotic then the Coptic evolved from it, Heirogliphs stopped being used for several reasons and extinction isn't remotely probable.
@jmohammed4936 6 лет назад
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ، جزاكم الله خير. تطوركم في اختيار الكلمات ملحوظ وتشكرون عليه، على سبيل المثال كلمه آلله، ، لكن ياريت تستمرون في وضع الايات مكتوبه باللغه العربيه. تحياتي
@raashi3707 6 лет назад
I’m proud to be muslim
@ayeshakunni4366 6 лет назад
Subhanallha thanks for sharing this video.
@SamiUllah-ty1zz 6 лет назад
Excellent content and Excellent presentation. Excellent team work behind the scene.
@niniv2706 2 года назад
6:22 - Enrico Fermi was an atheist ... Like most top level scientists .
@786BROWSE 6 лет назад
May Allah grant you paradise.
@rpdsouza1957 4 года назад
Excellent medical knowledge in quran, sperm comes from backbone and ribs , women also produce sperms not eggs, if man climaxes first child will be male and if woman climaxes first child will be female , sperm resides in women for forty days.
@petestreet7535 5 лет назад
Obviously paid big money to promote this stuff. How come she's not converted? Reminds me of that Bucaille guy who never converted either. Lady_put your money where your mouth is.
@fenfinolhu 6 лет назад
Wow, I can see some comments who can’t really believe whats presented and start commenting like a baby born yesterday
@mvasim007 6 лет назад
Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi’ (Allah is free from imperfection and His is the praise)
@Dawahdude0 6 лет назад
Amazing MashaAllah This is Scientific Tafsir of the Qur'an
@MrRecordStraight 6 лет назад
Similar to Bible verses, she should always give the verse in the Holy Quran so anyone can cross reference her claims.
@freevideo877 6 лет назад
Jazakallah, May ALLAH keep you with a lot of happiness here & hereafter too.
@imadeddineibrahimbekkouch11 6 лет назад
I really love this show, this is a huge need in our time
@ceti_9998 2 месяца назад
Im shocked by the accuarcy of the Quran and also shocked by this woman. May Allah SWT bless this woman and make her a queen in the judgement day❤❤❤
@glenmills3526 5 лет назад
It is very strange that when I quote chapter and verse I do not get any response!!!!!!!!
@GiNyYu222 5 лет назад
It is in the quran
@iloveindia2444 6 лет назад
@shahjan6030 3 года назад
Quran 25:6 Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “This ˹Quran˺ has been revealed by the One Who knows the secrets of the heavens and the earth. Surely He is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”1
@jiduishaqsoofi3830 5 лет назад
(Iblis )said o my Lord! Give me than Respite till the day the (dead)are raised." (Allah) said; "respite is granted thee - "Till the day of the time appointed. " (Iblis)said ; o my Lord! Because thou hast put me in the wrong, i will make (wrong)fair - seeming to them on the earth, And i will put them all in the wrong,- (Allah) said:this is for me a straight path, "For over my servants no authority Shalt thou have, except such as put themselves in the wrong and follow thee." And verily hell is the promised abode From them all To it are seven gates; For each of those gates is a (special)class (of sinners)assigned
@belkacemaissaoui4627 2 года назад
@fastfurious188 5 лет назад
Why you lie......??? in qur'an it doesn't say that sex is only determined by sperm......! if you don't know......?? let me teach you "is in it says in qur'an ........ that if woman will come 1st baby will be girl and if man will come 1st then baby will be a boy ", go back to Quran and read it again ok....... and stop Deceiving innocent and ignorant people The Quran you are talking about says, " that Allah is the best of deceivers", and you are trying too
@byteme9718 4 года назад
This is just an outrageous lie, Quran 53.45 and 46 say nothing of the sort. This is how ridiculous Islam gets, This is from Sahih Muslim 315 “The water of the man is white and the water of the woman is yellow. If they meet and the maniy of the man prevails over the maniy of the woman, it will be a male, by Allah's leave. If the maniy of the woman prevails over the maniy of the man, it will be a female, by Allah’s leave.”
@mdjowel3753 2 года назад
Dear journalist Mam when you recite Quran verses then you should cover your head! Our Quran not book of science, it's book of signs! It guardians for humanity.
@hishamsalem3924 6 лет назад
It’s time for you to state Islam and sunnah is the true faith and you should become a Muslim and say ASHADO AN LA ILLAHA ILLA AL LAH WA AN MOHAMAD RASOOL ALLAH
@farooqpehlwanyt5859 3 года назад
ALLAH hu Akbar
@dr.mobarakali255 6 лет назад
God bless you. Islam is the only right way of life as ordained by the Almighty Creator - Allah swt. Blessed is Allah the Best of Creators.
@Jabir12hassan 5 лет назад
Everything in quran and sunnah we believe and those of you who thinks islam is becoming popular know that allah has promised that he revieled the Quran to prophet Mohammed and he will take care so as Muslims we are not afraid of manipulation. Islam will nock every door
@haram3ms 5 лет назад
Also prophet Muhammad PBUH never went to Egypt during his entire ministry on earth..
@duibheasaoreilly167 2 года назад
Whatever the Messenger of Allah's fancy decided at the time! And the younger the baby the better. Allahu akbar!
@rhashmi1 5 лет назад
All of your videos are amazing and making my belief on Allah stronger and stronger. May Allah give you rewards for that.
@MuhammadAsif-blue 6 лет назад
sister would u like to tell me that do u first read Quran and then compare it with science or u first read science and then u try to find relevant verses in Quran???? u r working for Islam. u r doing the work that prophets did. if u turn one non muslim to muslim then this is the biggest virtue in the world. carry on our prayers r with u.
@nauman.ashraf. 6 лет назад
Could you please explain why there is a third gender?
@jayc4163 6 лет назад
May Allah guide us in right and honest path ameen
@fastfurious188 5 лет назад
So you are talking about child's sex without any proof
@daljirkadahsoon6216 6 лет назад
Very informative, thank you
@AliRazaTajamal 5 лет назад
I pray that Allah guides her to the righteous path.
@rossini55 6 лет назад
A challenge to There Is No Clash (or anyone for that matter). Please find some scientific information in the quran that is currently unknown.
@rossini55 4 года назад
Looks like no one wants to take up my challenge. Fear of losing??
@rafikhan4235 4 года назад
Over holly book is not about relligion it is all about love you dont wana love stayawu for holly love
@hakkhani 6 лет назад
Where the atheists at?????
@ahmedhope9001 5 лет назад
my Allah(S.W) Guide all of us into the right bath
@akmalkhan9200 4 года назад
Thanks for telling truth.
@warakanda7356 5 лет назад
Masya-allah. Alhamdulillah. May Almighty Allah swt bless all the ummah. Amiin.
@sonofadam7633 4 года назад
Plz can I ask you Why can't you wear hijab
@inscription2 5 лет назад
A tip to understand the determination of the gender: My Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: (it's the last part of full commentary) . . . He (the Jew) said: I have come to ask you about a thing which no one amongst the people on the earth knows except an apostle or one or two men besides him. He (the Holy Prophet) said: Would it benefit you if I tell you that? He (the Jew) said: I would lend ears to that. He then said: I have come to ask you about the child. He (the Holy Prophet) said: The reproductive substance of man is white and that of woman (i. e. ovum central portion) yellow, and when they have sexual intercourse and the male's substance (chromosomes and genes) prevails upon the female's substance (chromosomes and genes), it is the male child that is created by Allah's Decree, and when the substance of the female prevails upon the substance contributed by the male, a female child is formed by the Decree of Allah. The Jew said: What you have said is true; verily you are an Apostle. He then returned and went away. The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: He asked me about such and such things of which I have had no knowledge till Allah gave me that. راوی: حسن بن علی حلوانی , ابوتوبہ , ربیع بن نافع , معاویہ , ابن سلام , زید ۔ ۔ ۔ قَالَ وَجِئْتُ أَسْأَلُکَ عَنْ شَيْئٍ لَا يَعْلَمُهُ أَحَدٌ مِنْ أَهْلِ الْأَرْضِ إِلَّا نَبِيٌّ أَوْ رَجُلٌ أَوْ رَجُلَانِ قَالَ يَنْفَعُکَ إِنْ حَدَّثْتُکَ قَالَ أَسْمَعُ بِأُذُنَيَّ قَالَ جِئْتُ أَسْأَلُکَ عَنْ الْوَلَدِ قَالَ مَائُ الرَّجُلِ أَبْيَضُ وَمَائُ الْمَرْأَةِ أَصْفَرُ فَإِذَا اجْتَمَعَا فَعَلَا مَنِيُّ الرَّجُلِ مَنِيَّ الْمَرْأَةِ أَذْکَرَا بِإِذْنِ اللَّهِ وَإِذَا عَلَا مَنِيُّ الْمَرْأَةِ مَنِيَّ الرَّجُلِ آنَثَا بِإِذْنِ اللَّهِ قَالَ الْيَهُودِيُّ لَقَدْ صَدَقْتَ وَإِنَّکَ لَنَبِيٌّ ثُمَّ انْصَرَفَ فَذَهَبَ فَقَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّی اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ لَقَدْ سَأَلَنِي هَذَا عَنْ الَّذِي سَأَلَنِي عَنْهُ وَمَا لِي عِلْمٌ بِشَيْئٍ مِنْهُ حَتَّی أَتَانِيَ اللَّهُ بِهِ صحیح مسلم ۔ جلد اول ۔ حدیث 715
@theonemanarmy820 6 лет назад
Soon they'll all know the real source of mankind. Thanks.
@glenmills3526 5 лет назад
Well, well, a whole week on and not a single comment!!!!
@karamokodrammeh2098 6 лет назад
@sacdiyahassan1159 3 года назад
Dear allah made us and whole universe and everything in it that is why Quran is the true word of Allah subxanallaah wa tacaalaa Alxamdulillaah making me Muslim
@byteme9718 Год назад
Prove any of the stupid comments you made.
@melanphilia 6 лет назад
How did i even got here :D
@marcosantos3381 5 лет назад
Show this to non binary and trans people!
@philipsayegh5737 5 лет назад
The Quran said the sperm determines the sex? Where is the paragraph that says that? It didn't say sperm in the Arabic language. So misleading. I love your cherry picking but what's the benefit of mentioning something 1400 years ago without explaining it. Like how did the people benefit from that info. 1400 years ago until modern medicine came about? I recommend that we just drop the study of the human genome and take some of your lessons, it's more beneficial. 😙🤣🤣 oh don't forget to wear your hijab and not put make up in the next video, it's HARAM....😩
@inscription2 5 лет назад
I am giving you a tip to understand the determination of the gender: My Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: The reproductive substance of man is white and that of woman (i. e. ovum central portion) yellow, and when they have sexual intercourse and the male's substance (chromosomes and genes) prevails upon the female's substance (chromosomes and genes), it is the male child that is created by Allah's Decree, and when the substance of the female prevails upon the substance contributed by the male, a female child is formed by the Decree of Allah. Man has XY chromosomes Wommen has XX chromosomes
@dqschannel 4 года назад
@@inscription2 your stupid prophet said no such thing. Cite your source.
@zettyrozila7771 6 лет назад
Science is the study of sunatullah...the characteristic and behaviour of all things (living and non-living) that being created by Allah , The Most merciful and The Creator of all things in whatever universe you can name on. Holy Quran is a reminder but also contains prove of all knowledge including science so to warn whoever is alive and justify the word against the disbelievers as stated in surah Yasiin verse 70 (36:70). So do not degrade Holy Quran by saying that no scientific knowledges in it
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