
Man Says He Knew Jesus in a Past Life. Is he Crazy? 

Shaman Oaks
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27 сен 2024




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@ShamanOaks 2 года назад
0:00 - Intro 0:29 - How Did You Discover This? 16:32 - What Did Jesus Look Like? 18:04 - Was Jesus Married? 18:29 - Did Jesus Tell Jokes? 19:59 - How was Jesus crucified? 22:07 - How Did Jesus Heal? 24:43 - What is Channeling 32:06 - Point of Jesus’s Life? 41:29 - God is Love 49:19 - How to Contact You?
@robertforsythe3280 Год назад
I have learned something from this interview. I now know a answer to a question.
@yulaeconomopoulos8564 Год назад
I believe him as well. It’s very clear that this was a real experience and that he’s being sincere. My only issue is how expensive his readings are. If he’s trying to help people, it would be great to make them accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial status.
@halfgub 3 месяца назад
The point of jesus life is to show humans how to live. To love one another in the similar way that he showed love to his disciples - a fair amount of rebuking.
@kavannahlight5378 2 года назад
John Davis has an amazing testimony and it appears he wants to share the love. I admit, I felt a very positive and embracing energy from him myself. Thank you both for this lovely and illuminating conversation ❤️
@joat_dad4090 Год назад
What's amazing is how he described Jesus's personality and his relationship with him. I can see why John was called his "beloved"..faithful to his friend even to the end.
@angelinahunter182 Год назад
This was great. I was raised Catholic with such cruelty that I could never make the connection with Jesus -- I figured as a child that if these were his followers maybe he wasn't such a nice guy and I would do better relating to God the Father. I am once again exploring who Jesus was/is and podcasts like this are helpful.
@trickrunner4842 Год назад
jesus buddha etc are all the same, people like us who realize our divinity
@letmegirl 2 года назад
In my mind, I have met my Friend. I was crying at his feet and he chuckled and asked if I would like to come up and put my head on his shoulders....I cried/laughed and then came up and it felt so...."warm and accepted". Thanks for sharing!
@Kayenne54 2 года назад
It's that sense of humour that is one's undoing. He gave me His hands to hold, near the end of my experience, and I've never felt safer in my life. As I was coming back into my body, I could still feel His hands holding mine, so I lay perfectly still for as long as possible to prolong that sensation. But I (accidentally) made Him laugh twice in my "encounter" and I was so surprised. He full on belly laughed and somehow it was more humbling, because I always thought of Him as a Man of Sorrow. This recounting in the video above is the first time I've heard someone mention Jesus' humour.
@letmegirl 2 года назад
@@Kayenne54 yes, the laughter and warmth!!!! ahhhhhh gives me chills reading about your experience! Love it!
@nancylafferty8362 2 года назад
I believe him. It’s in his eyes when he talks about Jesus. This is a very important, interesting and profound video. Many many life lessons here for those of us who are trying finding their way in this life experience. Thank you for being brave enough to share this even though you are not convinced his story is not true. I believe.
@charlotte5671 2 года назад
When he was speaking I can feel my heart expanding. Very very nice energy in this interview. I'm interested in learning more & more about him & his experiences. Thank you 💞
@Dennis213100 2 года назад
You look sweet
@ShamanOaks 2 года назад
Glad you enjoyed it!
@alliswell794 Год назад
They say when we reincarnate the personality remains, it doesn’t change. John Davis is charismatic, genuine and easy going, I believe that’s the reason he was known by John The Beloved. ❤
@specialk5469 2 года назад
I appreciate you keeping an open mind. It's discouraging and disheartening when people are close-minded. They are stuck in their beliefs. They know the truth. Everyone else is wrong and everything else is evil. I found this fascinating!
@ShamanOaks 2 года назад
Glad you enjoyed it!
@JayQuellin1 Год назад
There’s nothing more annoying than the closed-minded, omniscient religious zealots.
@ronjuarez331 Год назад
I loved this! His story resonated with me especially as he described the oneness and white light within Jesus. Also his humor while dropping a truth. It almost brought me to tears.
@Realworlddummy Год назад
Channeling is witchcraft, don't be deceived. Leviticus 19:31 NIV. "Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them."
@dogegamer3288 Год назад
While I highly doubt this story, I don't doubt this; John 3:16-18 "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life."-Jesus
@Realworlddummy Год назад
Channeling is witchcraft, don't be deceived. Leviticus 19:31 NIV. "Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them." Always look at Bible for discernment, your right to doubt this.
@tanishajohnson1917 8 месяцев назад
Our Savior is a black man who is God in flesh, that's Facts 💯
@HT-sh1yj Год назад
This is amazing. I had long ago rejected Christianity and decided Jesus was just an itinerate preacher. But lately I’ve been thinking a lot about Jesus, and a week ago I started a Course in Miracles. Then today I listened to this video and things just came together for me. There are no coincidences. When you are ready to learn and grow, the path forward appears.
@annahunter2192 Год назад
One of my favorite books in the world is called 'A Course in Miracles made easy' by Alan Cohen. Really does lay it all out in such simple terms 💗
@gribwitch Год назад
@@annahunter2192 There's nothing simple about the Ascension process. It's complicated and demanding. I just read a spiritual article that said in all there are 352 levels you have to overcome in order to merge with God at the end. 352 ! How daunting is that ? No wonder few see it out to the finish.
@annahunter2192 Год назад
@@gribwitch Yeah, I'm probably pushing level 30 something to be fair 😃 I've only just started looking at my motivations for doing good things and I'm 50 this year haha. I try not to take myself too seriously. Whoevers looking after me keeps saying that, on repeat. Can't get away from it! I finally admitted it to my hubby the other day and 10 minutes later a kid on the TV said it to another kid. Hubby just said 'Yes.. I heard it...' Today it was in a YT video that was 9 mins.
@gribwitch Год назад
@@annahunter2192 Level 30 ? So you're not even 10% of the way there ! Mind you, we do get thousands of years to get to that pinnacle of achievement. But still....
@annahunter2192 Год назад
@@gribwitch I really don't have any idea what level I'm at. I just heard of the levels first time when you mentioned it. Probably further than 10% on reflection. Best xxx
@randydraughn4362 Год назад
He lost me at Mary Magdalen was our Savour's wife! It rings of Dan Brown and the effort to detach the holiness from our Lord!
@dewick134 Год назад
He never mentioned that Yeshuah is the only begotten son of Yah. Never mentioned His holiness, and that He and Yah are One. He is the ONLY way to the Father through repentance and accepting His blood sacrifice. . I will never believe otherwise. People are too proud to think they need a Savior and they want to bring Yeshuah down to their level. Very sad.
@elisabethcrokaerts1980 Год назад
He lost me from the beginning.
@soldelvalle9799 4 месяца назад
These are end times and Satan and his demons are working hard to deceive many, many people. We must be in prayer constantly and reading our Bibles to realize which spirit is speaking. I already saw part of three videos from this page and all these people are all being fooled by the devil and his demons. No real Christian will be going to a psychic or anything of that kind. You either believe what the Word of God says or not.
@MrBlakeleyden 10 месяцев назад
I like a lot of what he had to say. John's books in the Bible talk often about how God is love, and if you do not know love, you do not know God. A few things that are hard for me to reconcile with things that Jesus ALSO said in the Bible, are thing things like, "Before Abraham was, I AM." This is a defining moment that really ticks off the Pharisees for him claiming a blasphemous claim as to be, on some level, the same name they give God - "I Am". He also says, "Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and one's foes will be members of one's own household." Then, "If you love your father or mother more than you love me, you are not worthy of being mine; or if you love your son or daughter more than me, you are not worthy of being mine. If you refuse to take up your cross and follow me, you are not worthy of being mine. If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it." These are more so referring to saying that if any relative or anything in your life gets in the way of us following as a disciple of him, then we must choose him over them/those things. He also says, "Those who love me will obey my commandments." Then He also says things like "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and No man gets to the father, Except through me." Yet John is saying that there are Many ways to get to the father, or the source, or God that are not through Jesus. In particular is the resurrection of Jesus, which is a major part of His story and the reason that his disciples boldly preached about his life even unto their deaths, whereas they were fearing for their lives in a locked room shortly after his death. That's when he "magically" appeared inside that locked room and ate with them, and showed Thomas his scars in his resurrected body. The apostle John is also believed to have written the book of Revelation, which talks quite a bit about the judgements of god that will occur. Whereas living by the law of love is a HUGE part of what being a disciple of Jesus is all about, (which Jesus did instruct his disciples to go and make disciples out of all the nations and to teach them what he has taught them, after he had Resurrected from the dead and been seen by over 500 witnesses over the course of some period of time, thus proving his divinity and not merely just a prophet or something similar, and is now finally ascending up to heaven for good again until he returns again), to take out the parts that talk about the fact that god will judge people who have not learned to live by this law of love/ to love Jesus and the Father by obeying his commandments, is a bit misleading, in my opinion. There is some great stuff to think through there. I enjoyed the conversation either way. Much love to all of you. God bless
@GraphicdesignforFree 2 года назад
It always hurts me when religious people claim that 'only' Jesus can bring you to heaven/God (''No one comes to the Father _except_ through me''). It is clear now (and was for me), that Jesus showed he is 'a' way to God. This is so misunderstood, and misused by the (protestant) church (when I was there, I couldn't stay because topics like these). They say: we are saved (by believing in Jesus), and _other_ religions will not go to heaven (reason: 'wrong' messiah!). John Davis clearly understands this misconception, and seems to have recollections of knowing Jesus. So Jesus is ''a'' way, not ''the'' way. This divisions makes people / religions fight, estranges people from each other, and does the _opposite_ of what Jesus meant.
@goat515 Год назад
@chrisanthemum7 Год назад
As a Christian I'm going to ask an honest question. Do people who need to lower jesus's authority and basically call him a liar, really have in mind the desire to open up heaven to as many people as possible? Or is it really rooted in the desire to elevate the will and ego of humans above what some "sky daddy" said to do?
@GraphicdesignforFree Год назад
@@chrisanthemum7 Nobody calls Jesus a liar. And the Bible is full of contradictions (because it was written by different writers). Also taking old stories literal (like a boat full of animals, living in a whale for three days, etc) is dangerous. Jesus is ''a'' way to God, and other religions provide other ways. You have to see this broader.
Feeling absolutely the same way ✨❤️👍🤓
@claudiaschneider5744 3 дня назад
That´s why there is no need for any religion or belief systems in the afterlife or heaven - god does not want them at all - religions are like crutches to most of the people
@deer105 Год назад
So often past life regressions teach us to realize the significance of our lives despite how insignificant they seem. If someone so significant can be reincarnated into such a humble life, what does that tell us about how significant we really are?
@maryjodeblasis4484 Год назад
@primordia8133 2 года назад
For me the John the Apostle bit doesn't really matter, maybe real maybe not. What resonates with me is the message. Everyone's journey is different with personal lessons and like John said, there's many ways to get there. Love is indeed the key. Also agree that Zealotry means you miss the bigger picture, there's lessons to be found in all faiths.
@ShamanOaks 2 года назад
@johnofnew 2 года назад
Completely agree
@ALL-IS-ONE... 2 года назад
This guy was great! I could have listened to him for hours. Great guy and info. 🙌
@joat_dad4090 Год назад
Amazing the detail John gave about the crucifix Jesus was nailed to. The cross was an instrument of torture so it makes sense that his ankles was nailed to the side, so all the weight would rest upon them. Also, the top of the cross is short at the top so that the victim couldn't lean back to rest his head nor too short so the victim could rest his head on the stump of the pole. I have no doubt that he was John the Beloved.
@Astral.Artistry 2 года назад
I needed this. So many synchronicitys this week about the exact same message.
@julieowens6581 2 года назад
Beautiful messages of love... thank you 💛
@Eyes3rd Год назад
So much of what John spoke of totally resonated with me. I am a psychic empath and a student of not just spirituality, ect but EVERYTHING. I always need to understand all. Thanks for this video. It has proven to me that I AM on my path and to trust the process and that all's well. ❤
@zeus7914 2 года назад
thanks alan. very interesting video. 3 years ago i would have dismissed it, but since my own experience, i have really opened up to these phenomena.
@nadia11119 2 года назад
This was fascinating. Interesting to hear about how Jesus looks. I know when I’ve listened to Delores Canon and she’s regressed people back to when they knew Jesus they’ve also said he had red hair and blue eyes. Thank you 🙏 Really enjoyed.
@sandramelia3765 Год назад
I love that Jesus has humor. That’s a type of love between people.
@Realworlddummy Год назад
Channeling is witchcraft, don't be deceived. Leviticus 19:31 NIV. "Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them."
@Tigerangel888 3 месяца назад
Love love love and yes I believe. I was led to you as I was wishing to go home and my mission needs all my attention. You give me the glimpse that keeps me going forward!!!❤❤❤❤
@chasetuttle2780 Год назад
Hey, I was just wondering why you took off your DMT trip series?
@EstellaBustos Год назад
Very uplifting message so that is what matter to me - Thank you both
@ShamanOaks Год назад
Glad you liked it!
@VenicePsychic Год назад
This was such an amazing interview. Thank you. ❤️
@ShamanOaks Год назад
Sorry, I missed this! Thank you!! 😊
@TheJimWeathers Год назад
He speaks with such passion and comes from such an ordinary man. Thanks for this interview, I feel like my heart and soul expanded exponentially. I also feel like his description of Jesus is spot on. He suddenly became very human to me, as I always knew he was. When Jesus spoke of having a faith that could move mountains, he was speaking of the power and potential each of us have within ourselves. We are all wrapped in love, because God is in each and every one of us.
@sharonmedeiros9819 Год назад
$50 off??? You make money doing this??? You are making money from having walked on this earth with Jesus??? And that is your idea of living a highly spiritual life??? And people swallow that???
@trevorkaser Год назад
The enslaved will follow that
@DivinityIsPurity 2 года назад
Great guy. Reminds me of how I used to be like him (atheist), untill I had an experience that brought me closer to inner divinity.
@gribwitch Год назад
He sounded plausible up until he said they dropped the cross into the hole. When he said Jesus gave him that look of bemused surprise is where I thought : "Hmmm, no, anyone in that much sudden pain wouldn't attempt to make light of it." That's the point at which I turned the video off.
@trevorkaser Год назад
And at the end he wanted people that go to his video and message him he would charge people $50 for a private reading
@elisabethcrokaerts1980 Год назад
It's utter BS. But he seems to believe his own lies, must be comforting.
@hwilcox Год назад
I've waited a long time to hear this 🤩♥️🙏
@DonnaHolt-ge6om Год назад
Love John Davis past experience with Yeshua as one of his Disciples. Love and Gratitude.
@diddybootz Год назад
“Well that hurt” lol. I love that Yeshuwa had a sense of humor. History depicted him as such a stoic.
@tanishajohnson1917 8 месяцев назад
@janyager2854 11 месяцев назад
About 20 years ago, I experienced a past life regression with my soul-mate friend, Carlene. We were shepherds in the fields when the Birth of the Savior was announced by the Angels. We went to the place where the infant was, and we were in awe and ecstasy. I knew within my heart that this Child would be very important some day. In that life I didn't live to see Him grow up as I died young, in my early 20s. I was 16 when we witnessed the Miracle of His Birth.
@mermaiddiyartist8119 2 года назад
Very true about fear. Especially with animals. I love 💕 thank you for the reminders and tips with how to help with fears. Very helpful
@jalontf2 Год назад
I appreciate the testimony here, but scripture hinges on the Church being His bride. If they mentioned Peter's wife in there, they surely would have mentioned if Jesus had one. He was single like Paul adjured us to be.
@mitsuomits9077 Год назад
What I think is that he Is not inventing, he really believes what he is saying. Also, I felt no ego coming from him... and he talks about love in a beautiful way. So, he might be telling the truth.
@elisabethcrokaerts1980 Год назад
Don't agree. I think he believes and enjoys his lies. It makes him feel special. This story is about him, in nde's it's all about the other. Utter nonsense.
@trevorkaser Год назад
​@@elisabethcrokaerts1980 he's doing all of this for profit $50 a piece he mentions it at the end of the video I wouldn't trust him either because of atheist that found God would never try to make a profit like that
@bananapancakes311 Год назад
I want to believe him but I just don’t 😭 I was super new age and into channeling etc until I found God again. There is no way in my experience that Jesus would channel through a psychic (of all people who are so open its hard to maintain boundaries to what is benevolent vs what is not), as it is demonic in nature unfortunately. I’m not saying this as hate, I’m saying this as someone who knows. Channeling is how demons mock God 💔. If I’m wrong, may God humble me!!
@JTWilde 2 года назад
Love you vids bud! Keep it up
@ShamanOaks 2 года назад
Appreciate it!
@johnathandavis5657 2 года назад
Hello, long time subscriber of both shaman oaks and johnofnew. Consider visiting his channel, I have personally found his message to ring true to me and help me along my own spiritual journey. Thanks to Shaman Oaks for interviewing him. Very loving and respectful communities on both of these channels.
@ScenariosOfDrea Год назад
My mother said to me "Why would God kill his own son?" and I remember thinking she's right she said "Jesus was an extraordinary man but just that" and hearing this hearing that Jesus himself was a prophet as I always thought which made more sense it's beautiful your story about God the creator the creator of the universe I think it's beautiful.
@gabbymedley2375 4 месяца назад
I have been watching these nde videos. I feel like I was ment to find your channel. Especially this video. This is where I really felt connected to and in the same way was raised Catholic with my doubts in certain beliefs. I really resonated with this video. And I feel like he made points I already knew about life that some people my age don’t even think about. Amazing. ❤ I have even thought about doing a life regression but have not done so…
@marcusdeangelis4143 Год назад
A very enlightening conversation. Thank you immensely 👍
@jonzarah Год назад
I believe he knew Jesus. He was there other ppl were there - he knew him. ❤
@therealmishkin Год назад
@ShamanOaks thanks for posting this! If you ever get overwhelmed, by ACIM read Disappearance of Universe by Gary Renard, it’s by the guy who used to be St Thomas and he describes what ACIM is all about and talks about Yeshua a lot. It’s so interesting that the apostles are incarnating as our contemporaries and they get to remember who they are. This truly must be a special time to be on Earth.
@vitroz 2 года назад
Mr Oaks is a hustler
@Triggerhippie70 3 месяца назад
As someone who loves this channel but is also skeptical with certain things, such as him being John the Great, I do question it as there is no other form of reference. I'm still intrigued though.
@marisameans9859 2 года назад
Thank you. I have felt so many of the things you touch on and now I know. Thank you.
@sapiophile545 10 месяцев назад
*Amen* was in reference to *Amun-Ra* , is an Egyptian God, of the Sun and Air. So, I'm a bit confused, as to that aspect, in his interview.
@rebeccalesher2656 Год назад
@ThePsychicwendy 2 года назад
This is the key/reason for awareness. Cheers!
@ruthpearl5399 2 года назад
Not sure what to make of this other than it was a very good talk to listen to.
@ShamanOaks 2 года назад
Glad you enjoyed it! It's ok not to know what to make of it. I'm right there with you :)
@cdunne1620 2 года назад
..”I think therefore I am”, doesn’t that imply if I do not think then “I am not”. Thinking is of the brain which is physical so the “I” that thinks is of the physical brain. This is the message of Jiddhu Krishnamurti the Indian teacher who died in 1988. Eckhart Tolle talks about this as well. Presumably regression is beyond the brain so not involving the “I” of the brain so this guy’s message about “I think therefore I am” is confusing. The body has its own “I” called the ego which dies with the body, that which survives is a second “I” which is deeper presumably. If the deeper “I” assumes incorrectly that it is the bodily “I” then does the bodily “I” appear through its incessant ‘thinking’ to think it’s reality into existence via the power of the deeper “I” behind it, could be!
@aouzounian 6 месяцев назад
Beautiful message! The way he articulates the Savior is beautiful. I do believe John had these experiences, but I do not believe he IS John the Beloved. In our religion, we believe John the Beloved is still here on earth as a translated being. He asked Jesus if he could stay here and continue being a disciple and help others. I don't believe in reincarnation, but I do believe we all walked with the Savior in our pre-earth life, and we all experienced watching his life unfold as He lived on the earth. Therefore, when we die, those memories will come back, and we will remember all that He did, all that He said, and all that we know of Him. Again, many beautiful messages in this interview, we can all learn from this!
@robinblueqube 11 месяцев назад
thnak you
@ernest_stokes 3 месяца назад
Fear is faith in the negative!
@dreamcrone Год назад
I use the grocery store as a practice of my love/faith
@jasperlevien5968 Год назад
Ive been out of work for a month and im doing my best to stay out of fear and believe and have faith and ask God but inside im still so scared that im going to lose my apartment. I wonder if confessing my fear will help me overcome it. Ive always believed but its been hard latelt I dont know why.
@Onetty1949 Год назад
I related to much of John's testimony of spiritual growth and the enlightenment he has attained. The wisdom he had to share spoke to me in many ways. BUT, I feel a true 'apostle' would not talk about the fee he charges for that wisdom or help. I realize we all need to make a living but our sustenance should not be based on the sharing of God's love or the gifts that He has graced us with. Jesus walked in faith and I do not believe he charged for his help or admission to His sermons. I am sorry if this comment is offensive to some but I had a sour feeling after the ending bit about his fees.
@littlewarrior62 Год назад
His description of Yeshua is correct. ❣️
@ryandugal 6 месяцев назад
How could learning have anything to do with it if your memory is wiped every cycle? And if you are an enteral soul, what could you possibly gain from one more life on earth?
@sandramcgleish2645 Год назад
How Amazing! I Love this video!! Thank you for sharing such a loving experience!
@Meowloudandproud 2 года назад
I read the thumbnail as 19 Psychos
@goat515 Год назад
So is Jesus coming back or not? That would’ve been a good question
@erinlong9541 2 года назад
Great testimony....love it
@Radification Год назад
I've been following you a long time bro sending you positive vibes!
@zowiewowie4458 8 месяцев назад
I had a nde last year I was shot up into another dimension which I could only describe as paradise… weird thing was no one spoke to me and I saw nobody but I didn’t care I was completely happy
I was an atheist bfre my nde, i had an asthma attack in jail late at nite and was brushed off as fakeing.sooo i did die ..
@MB-lo6ww Год назад
Best interview ever🙏🏽
@plants_and_wellness1574 Год назад
Why was Jesus killed in the first place? Why was he crucified?
@archimedes2261 9 месяцев назад
Ishki in Arabic means my obsession 😆
@co-creatv6540 Год назад
Great interview!
@scifiaudious2 2 года назад
most of what hes saying is pretty good, the healing part was pretty interesting
@ShamanOaks 2 года назад
Yeah made sense to me
@Hermetic7 2 года назад
This was such an EXCELLENT interview! I don’t know what reincarnation really is in terms of how it works…but in some way, it works. If you look at the 70 years of work done by UVA, there is some way in which it works. If you look at Dolores Cannon’s work it would appear that any of us could bring back any information that is recorded within the Universe. It would also appear that we lived different lives throughout the history of this planet. Who knows. But, if we can get past all of that to the really important part, the message, then truthfully it really doesn’t matter. Is the message one of love…and does it really resonate with you? If so, I think that is all that is important.
@johnofnew 2 года назад
I don't know what reincarnation is either. I've read the theories, but I don'y think it really matters who anyone was, only who they are now in their only conscious moment.
@vermontmike9800 2 года назад
I am the reincarnated next door neighbor of Jesus. He was constantly playing loud music and not mowing the lawn. The Nazareth HOA wasn’t happy. I was always calling IX-I-I for help with the matter.
@ShamanOaks 2 года назад
IX-I-I … haha clever!!
@KC-ni5gw Год назад
So funny
@elisabethcrokaerts1980 Год назад
Exactly. I was Jesus his sister in one of my lives. Don't you wanna know what he told me? Only 10 dollars per answer! 🤣🤣🤣 Maybe we are less naive here in Europe.
@richardfeatherly2038 Год назад
Everyone isJesus in a different incarnation, everyone is John in a different incarnation. "whatever you do to the least of these you do to me".
@kalliyoga Год назад
Yeshua also gave the WAy of Mastery - the next stepping stone after ACIM. Now there is Choose ONly Love with Sebastian Blaksley as the "scribe of Heaven." We are living in a time of loving miracles to reveal our Supreme Self to ourselves... Thank you for this. John thank you. Namste, E
@jondavis1234 Год назад
Do not believe the lies of this man or any other false teachings from false teachers who deny Jesus is the Son of God, and who deny that salvation through faith in Jesus is the only way to Heaven. 1 John 4:1-3 (AMP): "Beloved, do not believe every spirit [speaking through a self-proclaimed prophet]; instead test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets and teachers have gone out into the world. By this you know and recognize the Spirit of God: every spirit that acknowledges and and confesses [the fact] that Jesus Christ has [actually] come in the flesh [as a man] is from God [God is its source]; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus [acknowledging that He has come in the flesh, but would deny any of the Son's true nature] is not of God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming, and is now in the world."
@robertforsythe3280 Год назад
He is John, My question to him is, What was it like to care for Mary, the mother of Yeshua?
@PamHowell-zw6oi 10 месяцев назад
Familiar spirits are very real and can deceive the elect so easily. 😢
@fripperiffic Год назад
While I don't know either what I think about the authenticity of his claims, hearing him speak on other matters really makes me have to ponder this hard. He is certainly espousing a lot of what I have been ingesting lately, and in keeping with content on this channel, and a few other high quality NDE channels. I agree with him on many things, and value this insight, regardless. The Yeshua Ben Joseph channelings are well worth a listen too
@vermontmike9800 2 года назад
The fact he’s pronouncing Yeshua with the J sound kills this story. In Aramaic, the last “ah” sound isn’t even pronounced. It’s supposed to be pronounced Yeshu, not Jeh-shu-ah.
@Edited356 2 года назад
There must have been a reaso n why they made the letter 'j' in about 500 AD. Was his name pronounced a certain way or the way John pronounces it. In Alba Weinmans regression of Yeshua he pronounces the name the same as John here. What was the actual way people pronounced this name in the common usage would be the question.
@vermontmike9800 2 года назад
@@Edited356 that’s exactly where I got my info. Search RU-vid for the Aramaic language specialists, they go over this topic.
@HankBaxter Год назад
This guy is the real deal. He gets it. I so wish devout Christians would see how the Church manipulated His divine lessons for us to keep us trapped in humanness and spiritual enslavement via its curation of his teachings.
@timonalexandr151 Год назад
You are delusional if you think that.
@Birdpoo777 2 года назад
Yes, thank you
@stevenleslie8557 Год назад
Of course you did. We all did. As spirit children we knew him in a pre-mortal life before we came here to get a body.
@michaelliles69 Год назад
I find his story compelling, but I do not believe him for one second that he met Jesus. The minute he said he learned all of this through hypnotism and regression therapy, I knew his story, while real for him, is fantasy; it’s folly, a creation in his mind given credence by those who specialize in the science of hypnotism and regression therapy, which is nothing more than controlling the mind of another person. Never mind the preposterous idea that Jesus was married, which is nowhere in Scripture or his description of Jesus…how many of those are out there today? Oh, channeling and automatic writing can certainly put you in touch with the spirit world, but you don’t know what spirit you are dealing with; is it an angelic precognitive message or the demonic telling you what you want to hear; you just don’t know! I’m sorry; with all due respect to this guy, he has a great story and some great advice, but his story about meeting Jesus…I don’t buy it, not for a second.
@sdrake1271 10 месяцев назад
Interesting, I Am/was Stephen, and before that I was Solomon, all backed up by code and numbers in The Word of God(the only book we knee would always exist in all time. I'm not sure if I'm the only one that shares this consciousness, or if others bearing the names do as well, but I do know all will be revealed as Truths light shines brighter each day. God Bless ברך בשם אלהים ויהוה אלהים
@swoondrones 7 месяцев назад
I agree with everything he says. Love the declaration vs affirmation difference. Love the meditaiton experience, too. :) Very cool. But I do not know how to love all the time. I have had a hard life to get to a place of peace, and my position gets worse. I gave love with the work I do, but it alienated me instead. God is love, but love is God, too, no? Evangelists have really messed this up. Humanity connects with so much fear. It makes me very sad. Love in the present moment, yes, but it gets hard when the world around me is so violent.
@yourfriendRobert Год назад
All is One
@FloridaRocks 2 года назад
Fascinating! Thank you so much!! 😊
@ShamanOaks 2 года назад
Glad you enjoyed it!
@KathyBlixrud 2 года назад
Thank you.
@denisewilliamson1234 2 года назад
We are creating a negativity around us we are creating our world? I can't reconcile myself to that. I had an abusive mother a stepfather who molested me another stepfather who beat us I've lost two brothers and a sister three friends then my husband and then my youngest daughter. Now my oldest daughter and my sister who I think is bipolar joined forces and tried to have me put away in a memory home because I said I was going to change my will and include my daughter's two sons, when she wanted all the money for herself. My sister was in on it because I believe she has some kind of personality disorder. All my life growing up I was not allowed to have a birthday I was not allowed to blow out the candles and if I tried my sister would grab her hair and scream it's not her birthday she can't blow out the candles. I was born the day after my sister's first birthday so we celebrated it on Monday and it always had to be my sisters birthday. My siblings were not allowed to put my name in the Happy Birthday song because, again, it was not my birthday. My birthday was every morning my mom got my siblings up on my birthday and said remember to wish Denise a happy birthday. This was my birthday. How did I create this?
@denisewilliamson1234 2 года назад
Not monday same day
@alliphil1 2 года назад
Sometimes the challenges we’re having in this lifetime has more to do with the path our souls chose long before we arrived here. Know that you are immensely loved. These 3 videos about choosing our lifetimes may help: Part1: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Cs37__fjtww.html Part2: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-xJEwyDKyc_c.html Part3; ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-t43i4hyN3ME.html
@leschatsmusicale 2 года назад
Right. This is typical new age bs.
@denisewilliamson1234 2 года назад
@@leschatsmusicale thank you
@sandra.helianthus 2 года назад
No one says life wouldn't suck... Life can be really shitty. I am sorry for all the struggle you have to go through. But I think, what this "creating the world around us" means are the tiny bits of selfempowerment we can create. It is hard to describe, but I feel less harmed when I make it to look at the teeny-weeny positive bits of a siutuation, as small as they may be. But they make me survive and they make me move on and by this they grant me some selfempowerment. I wish you all the power you need. 🌻
@lovelovelove5744 Год назад
Love it.
@intenseaction Год назад
I really don’t know what to believe anymore
@trevorkaser Год назад
Not him shaman oaks kinda exposed the guy rewatch the part on how to contact him $50 per reading
@neight123 Год назад
There are so many stories and wild tales and many of these people sound normal and believable. What I can say listening to so many NDE and NDE tangential testimonies is this: People say and believe in just about anything. Without hard evidence, there’s just no way to know what is true and what is not true.
@trevorkaser Год назад
@@neight123 still the guy was trying to profit off this I just don't respect people like this
@elisabethcrokaerts1980 Год назад
He lies.
@elisabethcrokaerts1980 Год назад
The interviewer seems to genuinely try to distinguish real from fake. Listen, if the story is one that makes the teller feel special and you see how they are enjoying the attention then you know you are talking to their ego and that they are lying or delusional (believing their own nonsense). When you have doubts then you already know it's not true, that's your intuition that's speaking but ofcourse you need a little more. This story sounds like a load of BS to me. It's about him, there is no wisdom, no dept, just a small child enjoying the attention he never had.
@sandralowery4618 Год назад
This is very interesting I believe in passed life’s I believe that have mer Jesus before and that met daughter before this life too.
@ferboots Год назад
he is telling the truth, just like omraam mikhaël aïvanhov
@randysmith6493 2 года назад
If those psychics were all unrelated and independent events of him being recognized as John the Beloved , then yeah I believe him. I have experiences that many would maybe not believe either, therefore what could I believe about my own experiences. We are watched, we are heard, we are not alone, and we are loved even if no one we recognize here loves us from our perspective. He also brings up an interesting point though. The Akashic Records, does our conscious ever look into an experience that may not have been lived by our souls but was lived by our souls through the records as we lived them in that vibration experience . An interesting idea. I don’t think I was anybody 😁, but it’s about what we live in the now.
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