
What did Jesus mean when He said, “Take up your cross and follow Me”? 

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What did Jesus mean when He said, “Take up your cross and follow Me”? What does it mean to take up your cross?



25 июн 2018




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@isabellwangari6728 2 года назад
From now on I will be willing to carry my cross daily.
@keephiscommandmentsandlive9860 2 года назад
Isabell Wangari can you tell me how you plan on doing that?
@isabellwangari6728 2 года назад
@@keephiscommandmentsandlive9860 I will be denying anything that pleases me and anything that takes up the time I need for being with God.Thanks for asking.
@NOTOFWORKS289 2 месяца назад
This is a false teaching. Jesus was talking to his disciples during his earthly ministry.
@MeiGunner Год назад
3:00 I SAid " yes " To everyone of these ! 1- Friends ( check ) ( i Dont have any ) 2- Family ( Check) ( they think little of Me anyways ) 3-Reputation (Check) ( i don't care What people think about me , to be honest) 4- Job ( check) ( I don't have a carrier ) 5- Life ( Check) ( I;ve been Suicidal all my life , so yes ... and the only reason , why i have not taken my life , is cuz its a sin , And i Chose Heaven, not hell , i choose, Good, not Evil ! i Choose Life not Death! )
@erikchomko Год назад
The core challenge is to remove the things that are blocking us from God's love. For most people those are attachements and desires in the material world. In your case, it sounds like serious mental health issues and lack of basic self-care is blocking you from receiving God's love. If you want to align yourself with Christ, earnestly seek healing. Sending love!
@AgustusMaximus Год назад
@@erikchomko Why would mental health issues block us from receiving God’s love? Mental illness and trauma is very common amongst believers, since we live in a fallen world full of evil. A lot of people have been traumatized by demonized people and God loves and cares for them. He is close to the broken-hearted and the crushed in spirit. Let’s carry each other’s burdens and pray for one another. Lots of love to all my brothers and sisters in Christ ❤️
@TheSalmuse7 Год назад
well said TheWoundedServant 🥰🙏
@susantogalactic 9 месяцев назад
I'm sorry that I didn't look clearly at the things that you're currently experiencing but I pray that God may surround you with peace, joy and with His love. Don't worry and trust God. God loves you and will protect you and comfort you🙏 In Jesus Name, Amen.
@virgiljohnson4056 Год назад
Just found this channel and I love it!! It's helped me so much understand His word.
@BeIBe42780 Год назад
He truly meant Pick your cross and Follow me to death If you want life..
@zanycarnivore3036 Год назад
To lose one life for the lord is a privilege
@Blue_ocean66 9 месяцев назад
The devil will punish you with hardships for attempting to live holy, in a world full of powerful demons. You must endure the pain and keep the faith. Do this and God will save you!
@Alexedits0913 Год назад
I will follow Jesus even if that means to lose everithing if I've sacrificed my life and go to hell then I atleast followed Jesus If I go to heaven I will be happy and try to talk to him personally He will be my best friend And God aswell And the mother of us all too as my mother Bassicaly I will meet my family My true family
@gleam7138 5 месяцев назад
@stewartdaggett-yz9jt 5 месяцев назад
This channel is awesome...explains everything so clearly
@thighdude7 2 года назад
In many churches today - there are false converts, because people accept that Christ died for them, and they acknowledge this reality, but walk away continuing to embrace their own identity, and sin. They don't feel the need to repent and be grafted into Christ, because this notion of dying to your sinful self, to live a new life in Christ is not discussed or emphasized. It is a rock of offense they stumble at. Yes Jesus died for us, but Jesus also emphasizes our need to pick up our cross and follow him. Being born again will change you. If you live a life indistinguishable from pagans and atheists, "practicing" sins, and have only the label of christian, are you really the salt and light that Jesus describes his disciples as being in the world?
@teira1992 2 года назад
Lol no works can save U ... People forget that n keep trying to save them selfs lol
@cherylboyd7081 2 года назад
@@teira1992 are you saying that we shouldn't deny ourselves like the bible says? Salvation is by grace but we are saved to do good works and obey the commandments in the bible. If you think you don't have to do anything after you repent from your sin, be baptised in water and filled with the holy spirit you are wrong. God has called us to labour in his vineyard and he is wanting a return on his investment. Look up the parable of the talents. Don't believe false teaching that is about nowadays that says you don't have to do anything. Those who endure to the end will be saved. Read your bible and see what it says for yourself. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling the bible says.
@noneofyourbusiness9635 2 года назад
@@cherylboyd7081 how do you work for eternal life?
@arcguardian 2 года назад
Not all bad converts are false converts. Paul wrote to believers whom had evil practices, he didn't deny their salvation, he merely taught they should live and walk in The Spirit. In fact he said they once WERE wicked but were no longer that and should live accordingly. Big difference. Bad habits/sin can't separate believers from God. We may be disciplined, but won't be condemned.
@keephiscommandmentsandlive9860 2 года назад
@@arcguardian sin absolutely separates us from YAH
@danielrosas5685 Год назад
@frvillegas9312 Год назад
Born once You will die twice Born twice You will die once Jesus said, marvel not I say to you, you must be born again (john 3:5-6
@pastorernestalbuquerque4770 2 месяца назад
Call to discipleship comes after recieving of the free gift of salvation that's by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. We are saved by obeying God's command of John 3:16 to believe in the Son of God for eternal life. Discipleship is a high cost issue, Salvation is a free without cost, because Christ Jesus fully paid it all in the atonement of the cross. God bless.
@paulstrydom4689 9 месяцев назад
Yes I am willing
@m_kjr8617 2 года назад
I’ve read the entire bible (NIV) version, and had what I would call a spiritual experience, especially when reading the book of revelations, I read the book of revelations in one sitting no breaks! And went to bed shortly after. I had a vision of a cross with circles, and it seemed like I was coming up out of it, I was looking downwards at it!, and as I looked up from the cross I seen what looked like 4 shadowy figures, like a silhouette 👤 and I got excited and I was tossed back into my body and woke up instantly!. What I believe is that to take up your cross means, that you literally need to live as he did all aspects! Truly live as he did!
Has anyone told you how to live as He did?
@valdez380 Год назад
Basically, you have to live a Christ centered life. So, for you, Jesus is more important than yourself, family, friends, career, everything. If you're not making Jesus your everything or first in your life then he would tell you that you can't be his disciple until you do.
@ChrissyGotTheCoils Год назад
We just discussed this in Bible study tonight. I wish I could've shared this video then!
@jefferyjones970 Год назад
Cross =pain and pleasure Pain separate from the world, your feelings, and human pleasures. World = deny family/friends/material things/fame/intimate self. Pleasure = Spirited devoted/obedience/sacrificed life/sanctification/prayer/repentance.
@anonymous_man7 Год назад
Dying to the sinful, natural desires of the flesh is mandatory for any devotee of Christ. For we read in the Apostles doctrine that the natural man is at enmity with the Spirit. Also that a friend of the world is an enemy of God.
@sinijekthomson1571 2 года назад
@stewartdaggett-yz9jt 5 месяцев назад
Jesus is lord and saviour...greater is he who is in me, than he who is in the world xxx
@chrisgreco4249 Год назад
I feel it is vital to pay attention to each word Christ uses, for no one in all of human history uses words with such economy and power as Chris does. No one. In this quote He says "Take up YOUR cross....." Notice He did not say "....my cross...." If Christ intended that all Christians should die by torture of crucifixion He would have said so. Imo, each of us are born with unique gifts from the Creator that if given support and guidance as children will enable us to make unique contributions to our fellow man and to live lives fulfilling our gifts from God. When every child born, regardless of race and economic status, is given equal opportunity to discover, develop, and put to use their gifts we, the human race, will realize the Kingdom of Heaven. For that transformation to be realized each of us must confront and overcome the things standing in our way that stop us from knowing ourselves as God created us. Thus, each of us will be transformed, undergoing a "death" and a rebirth. Imo, Christ's example teaches us to be brave, to know that if we are willing to step out of the comfortable but compromised aspects of our lives and lack of self-knowledge to learn to know ourselves as the Creator makes us we will be transformed by God into individuals living whole lives based on God's creation, rather than the compromised, fragmented existence imposed on us by a world that still has yet to realize the Kingdom of Heaven. The cup of the new Covenant opened the door. Each of us must walk through it in our own ways using our faith in God to guide us.
@richmondneequaye3092 2 года назад
Nice 👍👍
@strattgatt5303 3 месяца назад
I guess it didn't mean he died in my place, since the cross is where we will die.
@joelogan217 2 года назад
I enjoy listening to take up your cross and fellow me and I'm fellow christ and I'm going to start to read the bible ok and I would like to know where I can get more information on this ok thankyou ok and God bless you all very much ok
@RubberTag 2 месяца назад
I have a very hard time to understand these things about dying to yourself. For me I interpret it as I am not allowed to do anything fun, anything I desire myself, not think about anything at all than the Lord. It feels like God wants us to be like monks and only pray all the time and only eat and drink a little, so no desires awakens
@CRHersh23 Год назад
Follow him where? To Calvary. Why? So we can die. How do we die? By being baptized into his death-burial-resurrection through faith. That’s how to get saved.
@callmerini Год назад
And being born again!
@kevindavis4709 6 месяцев назад
I always thought it meant go build a cross carry it around.
@chen-chen Год назад
Jesus is the God’s chosen servant, we should be God’s chosen servant as well and lead justice(truth) to victory with Him. For more details, please watch the sermon of the Light of Wisdom Church, welcome everyone to study and discuss together. Video “God’s Chosen Servant|In his name the nations will put their hope|Salvation” If you think it makes sense, we must not only believe it ourselves, but also spread it to more people. Evangelism is not only the job of pastors, but also the responsibility of every believer. This is also the aspect that the Lord values most when ascending to the kingdom of heaven.
@keebelersplace2936 Год назад
If Salvation is a "Gift" The Cross to the unbeliever means death of one's own efforts, self righteousness and religion, even the acceptance of their own community to trust and follow Him. To the Believer it is apart of their discipleship but not Salvation as it is a Gift that is received...lest any should boast...
@DamirVidovic-pf2pk 4 месяца назад
Jesus said we must be BORN AGAIN. A person who is born again has made Jesus their Lord and Obeys Him.
@pastorernestalbuquerque4770 2 месяца назад
@@DamirVidovic-pf2pk Jesus was always and will always be Lord God of all. We don't make him we believe in him as the Lord of all. The thief on the cross believed on him as Lord to be saved. God bless.
@elisabethtrotter4564 Год назад
Jesus Christ went to the cross and now lives to set sinful you free from death and hell. Repent and turn your heart to Him before it’s too late. If He calls your heart, say yes!
@magdalenemisapa4043 Год назад
So what are some examples of things I have to deny myself
@michaelsherron7815 Год назад
It's not as much of a daily things to do and not do checklist, but more of a mindset, a lifestyle, based on your values. A scripture answer to your question is the following: "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5, 6 KJV When we are willing to deny ourselves and seeking Jesus daily guidance, we receive revelation about areas in our lives that are not so obvious that we need to deny. This is a daily progressive work. Remember, we are creatures of habit, therefore the "daily denial". I hoped that this helped a little.
@mattmoore4044 Год назад
Deny sin. Deny allowing lust, greed, doubt and fear to control you Deny pride and self salvation. We in no way can earn our way to heaven through good deeds. It is a gift from God to those that believe him, place their faith in Jesus and repent of sin. Everything we have that is good is from God, wether we're saved or not. Both physical, mental, and spiritual Therefore we shouldn't have pride in ourselves or objects but give Jesus all the glory and credit. Deny the comforts of what the world has to offer. Laziness, overabundance, objects, these things pass away, but God is from everlasting to everlasting. Like wise so is our soul. I pray our heavenly father makes all things clear to you.
@pastorernestalbuquerque4770 2 месяца назад
@@mattmoore4044 Amen, Salvation is not a reward you earn, it's a free gift that you recieve by believing. By grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. God bless.
@kerrytaggart8206 Год назад
Disagree with your analysis but that is yours so it is true to you. Read what God says about afflictions and the purpose for it.
@UN1VERS3S 2 года назад
Stop with the man made rules. (No R rated movies, no anime, no pizza, no vacations). Rules are made to condemn(hence why we have the old testament law). A person condemned needs a savior. Jesus came to save not to condemn. As He said he had come to give us life and have it to the full. As Paul said He called us to be free! However we're not to use our freedom to gratify our sinful flesh. And we're not to exercise our freedom if it cause others to stumble and yes we're free to do everything but not everything is beneficial. Eternal life starts now not after we die(physically) How to be free? Follow Jesus! Trust in His process! Deny your sinful selves then take up your cross. And when His perfect timing comes crucify it and you will no longer walk in the sinful flesh but in the Spirit(9 Biblical fruits of the spirit)! Read the Bible by yourself! Stop thinking that your religion; Catholic, Protestant,Evangelic, Mormon, etc. is the narrow way. No! How many of their members know why Jesus came for? Jesus is the narrow way! He's the way, the truth and the life! God bless us all!❤️🕊️
@michaelsherron7815 Год назад
@DamirVidovic-pf2pk 4 месяца назад
Jesus said we must be BORN AGAIN. We must submit to Him and His teachings.
@tonyb1051 16 часов назад
He is saying that people need to die to their sins. This is only through the blood of Jesus Christ any works based philosophy from this passage is evil
@irenedelrosso Год назад
Every one has been taught the wrong thing
@UN1VERS3S 2 года назад
I don't agree with this translation. I do believe it's unbiblical. Would Jesus want to give up our hopes and dreams when He said He came to give us life and have it to the full. And it's the devil who steal, kill and destroy. Would He steal a child's Hope? No! He's came to give that. Paul was full of hope. Would He destroy someone's dreams? No! He came to help us achieve our dreams.(The genuine dreams, God set for us which is pleasing and perfect) Abraham and Sarah wanted a child and God helped them. However, I believe what He really means is to put Him at the center of everything, obey Him and don't follow your sinful flesh. It's about actively/daily choosing to do the right thing. Lesson learned. Read the Bible yourself with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. God bless us all! ❤️🕊️
@michaelsherron7815 Год назад
It depends what OUR hopes and dreams are. It doesn't have to be anything sinister, it could be something as innocent as wanting to be a professional athlete but that's not God's plan and purpose for your life, but the plan is to open a Community based Sports Complex instead. Whatever it is, it ALWAYS is based on ministry how you and me, we're being the light of the world and salt of the earth. Proverbs 3:5, 6
@realliving7340 Год назад
@@michaelsherron7815 BEAUTIFUL 🥰
@kevindavis4709 Год назад
Depends on what kind of hopes you’re talking about are they good hopes and dreams or are they bad hopes and dreams. There’s allot I can say it’ll be a long comment
@rg1360 Год назад
I think you've misinterpreted. Your cross symbolises your suffering. Taking your suffering and following Jesus will kill your ego / false self since suffering makes you meek / humble. Yes the cross represents death but its referring to death of the ego which is killed by your suffering. You will then reach salvation / enlightenment. Being a special me me martyr willing to physically die for "Jesus" is not the answer.
@beware_ofdogg 11 месяцев назад
People in the psychedelic communities would call this ego death. Very beautiful
@keephiscommandmentsandlive9860 2 года назад
This is a false translation. He had not yet been killed so why would He tell them to take up you "cross"! The true word is staff. Take up your staff and come follow Me.
@arcguardian 2 года назад
He didn't need to be killed for the cross to* have* meaning. It was already a symbol of death in that time and region.
@keephiscommandmentsandlive9860 2 года назад
@@arcguardian so He was telling them to take up a symbol of death and come follow me? No. He said I come to bring you life, not death. It is already backed up by scholars that the true word is staff. He said take up your staff because He was always walking to spread the word, and recruiting disciples. So he was saying get your walking stick/staff and come go with me. Same thing was going on here in Mark 6:7-8 KJV "And he called unto him the twelve, and began to send them forth by two and two, and gave them power over unclean spirits, and commanded them that they should take nothing for their journey, save a staff only, no scrip, no bread, no money in their purse".... Their staff was a very important part of their lives as you can see from the old to the new testament... Gen 38:13 "And he said, What pledge shall I give thee? And she said, Thy signet, and thy bracelets, and thy staff that is in thine hand. And he gave it her, and came in unto her, and she conceived by him". Exo 12:11 "And thus shall ye eat it; with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and ye shall eat it in haste: it is the LORD'S passover" Even King David had his staff when he slew the giant....1Sa 17:40 "And he took his staff in his hand, and chose him five smooth stones out of the brook, and put them in a shepherd's bag which he had, even in a scrip; and his sling was in his hand: and he drew near to the Philistine" 2Ki 4:29 - Then he said to Gehazi, Gird up thy loins, and take my staff in thine hand, and go thy way: if thou meet any man, salute him not; and if any salute thee, answer him not again: and lay my staff upon the face of the child. Even up to their death they had their staff with them....Heb 11:21 "By faith Jacob, when he was a dying, blessed both the sons of Joseph; and worshipped, leaning upon the top of his staff"
@thighdude7 2 года назад
Interesting take but other verses: Luke 9:23-24 suggest cross not staff....
@keephiscommandmentsandlive9860 2 года назад
@@thighdude7 you do realize that Luke and Mark are telling the same exact story of Yahusha (Jesus) but from their own view. This is why they are called the gospel according to Matthew, the gospel according to Mark, Luke and John. It's from their point of view, this is why they slightly differ from one another in some verses. See Mark gives the same account also....Mark 8:34 kjv "And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me" Now Matthew 16:24 kjv "Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me" Luke 9:23 kjv "And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me" Now Matthew, Mark and Luke each say the same thing in the very next verse..."For whosoever will save his life shall lose it, but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it" This is why in the book of John, Yahusha said this to the many disciples that picked up their staffs and followed Him... John 6:66-67 kjv "From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him. Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away?"
@thighdude7 2 года назад
@@keephiscommandmentsandlive9860 we must deny ourselves to follow Jesus. That does not always lead to physical death / martyrdom but it does lead to spiritually being born again through the Holy Spirit
@DesGardius-me7gf Год назад
It’s so empowering to be able to say “fuck you” to Christian Doctrine. I say fuck this manipulative “deny yourself” bullshit.
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