
What Dispensationalists Get Wrong About Ezekiel | Theocast U 

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@anthonysais2580 Год назад
I am thankful I found your videos, they are so helpful and edifying. I am Reformed, in a dispensational church which I disagree with. This is informative and equips me to refute this gross error. Your approach is so humble and Christ-like. May our sovereign Lord bless your ministry!
@lukehenderson7111 Год назад
Thank you so much for this episode. Thank you for the WAY you covered it. Esch. Is such a difficult subject to learn about bc nobody hears the other sides. It was very well presented in a Christ like manner. Thank you. Please do more on this subject.
@savedwretch8711 Год назад
Brother John I really appreciate how you share what the Holy Spirit has taught you with gentleness and self-control and with Agape love , you truly give a correct example of a true brother, I love you man.
@andrekershaw6244 Год назад
Thank you! In God’s providence, I read this very passage in my Bible plan today, and remembered how unsure I have been about this text in the past. I’ve even been troubled that this could be a text used by contemporary Jews to say that the Christian faith can’t fulfil Old Testament eschatological expectations. I’ve been greatly helped and blessed by this video! Blessings from South Africa :)
@savedwretch8711 Год назад
I have been following these brothers for a few years and they are spot-on I love them
@davidcooper1201 3 месяца назад
It doesn't matter what a contemporary Jew may say. What matters is what God is doing and will do in the hearts of His Chosen People, Israel, to bring them to faith in Jesus Christ, the Lord.
@friendJosephRBiden Год назад
This is helpful, Jon. Thank you.
@KeepMeLord05 2 месяца назад
I'm holding tight to the simplicity of Christ Jesus, way too much misunderstanding among the brethren. Jesus help us we need your wisdom NOT our own.
@strykerdawn1 Год назад
Thank you for this!
@markvanlaren6467 Год назад
Love it! Especially in light of all that is happening in the world. Thanks!
@ricoyochanan 10 месяцев назад
The Pastor is dismissing the Millennial Temple because of statements in Hebrews. The problem, is Hebrews is referring to the Tabernacle and Solomon's Temple. Ezekiel's Temple is significantly and vastly different from Israel's earlier Temples. There is no curtain separating the Holy of Holies from the Holy place. Also, there is no Ark of the Covenant with the mercy seat above it. Jeremiah prophesied about this, that during the millennial reign of Christ, the ark of the covenant of the Lord will not come to mind, be remembered, nor will they miss it, nor will it be made again. Rather, Jerusalem will be called "The Throne of the Lord", and all nations will be gathered to it, Jer 3:15-18. In addition, there is no table of show bread, no lampstand. This is a very different setup, so Hebrews isn't even referring to this Temple. Read about the construction and the exquisit detail given for the dimensions and parts. Exo 25:8 And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them. Exo 25:9 According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it. Ezekile's Temple construction is described in the same level of detail, so if the Tabernacle was literal, there is no reason to doubt the reality of the Millennial Temple. There will be animal sacrifice there. This statement is applied to the Tabernacle: Lev 17:11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul. We seem to be able to accept these sacrifices, in light of Hebrews as pointing to Jesus. Maybe the sacrifices of the Millennial Temple point back to Jesus as a teaching device for the nations. I don't claim to know. There will be people born in the Millennium who never heard of Jesus, and they will have to be taught about Him. Isa 66:19 The Tabernacle was for teaching; Gal 3:24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. Does not the Hebrew word for law also mean teaching? So maybe the Millennial Temple will be for teaching, but according to the differences in Ezekiel's Temple. The only way around this is to make it all a metaphor and allegory, which opens up a Pandora's box of spiritualized, conflicting interpretations. The Reformed churches, following the Catholic and Orthodox doctrine, spiritualized away the literal return of the Jews to their ancient homeland; but let's face it, they got it wrong as there are three times more Jews living in Israel now, than at the time of Jesus. Reformed eschatology is making the same mistake again. If the plain sense makes sense; seek no other sense.
@johananswedlund7149 27 дней назад
Couldn't have said it better. The prophecies for Christ coming were fulfilled literal. Doesn't that tell you that prophecy is literal?
@ThomasThiemeJr Месяц назад
Thank you for the charitable critique. I am accustomed to much worse from the reformed camp. Edit: Can you please explain why one must take all of it literally if they take some of it literally? It seems fallacious to think that chapters 36 - 48 cannot be parsed in any way. If this is your claim then you should probably provide some support for such an assertion.
@andrewmattiewalter Год назад
Love it! I would love video like this that looks at the latter chapters of Isaiah like chapters 65 and so on.
@tomace5008 6 месяцев назад
Thank you. Very edifying. Grace and peace to you!
@willsmall682 Год назад
Great job! So clear
@patriciastotler8911 11 месяцев назад
So helpful. Thank you.
@WW3_Soon Месяц назад
Believers who put down dispensationalism aren’t able to explain why the Apostle John repeated the 1,000 years five times if it will not be a literal 1,000 years.
@bobwood5146 26 дней назад
That's easy they just pass it off as more of the problems that "D" has with literal interpretation. They read the many many many times that "Israel" has been given and ETERNAL AND EVERLASTING KINGDOM and simply say that it doesn't actually mean what it says. They have decided that they are the absolute authority on what is literal and what is not. It is quite amazing as you start to really inspect their arguments.
@WW3_Soon 24 дня назад
@@bobwood5146 Many “Christians” spiritualize certain passages of Scriptures.
@garymc201 Год назад
Thanks brother.
@haivanthang Год назад
I am so glad too that Covanant theologians preach the gospel but I have big problem whenever they talk about interpretation of the Bible regarding Eschathology.
@davidcooper1201 3 месяца назад
All faithful Christians preach the gospel, whether covenant or dispensational. Both preach the good news of God's salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and He alone. The biggest problem is that covenant theologians just don't understand, because they refuse literal interpretations with respect to the Chosen People of God, Israel, as to how God is working to finalize the work of redemption among the peoples of the world, both Jew and Gentile. REMEMBER, the gospel was first preached to the Jew....then to the Gentile. Prayerfully read Romans 11 and you will discover the nonsense in which covenant theologians disengage the promises of God to His People, Israel.
@Haliwax88 2 месяца назад
@@davidcooper1201 Who are the Jews today? Those who live in Israel? Those with 100% Jewish genetics? Those with 50% Jewish genetics? Those who can trace their lineage back 3 generations? Converts? Who are they?
@debblouin 11 месяцев назад
The third temple: isn’t that the Body of Christ?
@mikeheath8318 10 месяцев назад
@weecher8956 6 месяцев назад
We are the temple.
@tinaward1023 5 месяцев назад
@davidcooper1201 3 месяца назад
There are plans already in the making for the Third Temple to be built. This absolutely confuses covenant theologians. Why? Ask God and seek His Word because in His wisdom it is a part of His work in bringing the Chosen People of God to faith in the Messiah, Jesus Christ, the Lord. Yes, the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, but in dealing with God's plan with Israel, He will allow a Third Temple to be built for His own purposes and plan in bringing the Nation Israel as a whole to faith in Jesus Christ. It will be done just as Ezekiel says it will and no theologian can spiritualize it away. To say that the third temple is the Body of Christ is an absurd spiritualization of the text.
@tabletalk33 Месяц назад
If it's not, then I am wondering what its significance is?
@kickpublishing 11 месяцев назад
From my experience dispensationalists know they’re wrong but they don’t care, they love their conclusions too much - whether that be fanatical Zionism or “No trib for me, I’m outta here” thief in the night theology, they prefer their own gospel. And there’s the rub - it is another gospel.
@tomtemple69 11 месяцев назад
its an easy way out, itching ears we will all face persecution and tribulation and suffering
@mikeheath8318 10 месяцев назад
This is an interesting thought. I have suspected this but never met any ex-dispensationalists who admitted to it, at least not until they started questioning and found their way out. It is not easy to test the theory either - we can't exactly ask those who are still stuck in it. I have always been curious about the attitude too, in preaching, discussions and especially books. The theological gymnastics in some of these dispensationalist books are maddening, and it calls into question whether the authors are Christians at all.
@ricoyochanan 10 месяцев назад
Perhaps there are pages missing from your Bible: Rev 3:10 Because you have kept my word about patient endurance, I will keep you FROM the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell on the earth. 1Th 1:10 and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come. Luk_21:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to ESCAPE ALL these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
@johntrevett2944 10 месяцев назад
I find it interesting how many people claim to call something "a false gospel" when it has nothing to do with the gospel. It shows me they don't even know what the gospel is. 1 Cor 15:3-4 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures
@kcstewart671 9 месяцев назад
So you don't agree with brother who made this video when he warns against unnecessary name-calling and attacks, huh?... Okay.
@Brian-tk5vt 8 месяцев назад
I appreciate the charity in this talk. So often it's very mean spirited and full of strawman arguments when discussing this. I would recommend comparing the details of the ark, the tabernacle, the temple of solomon, and the millenial temple in Ezekiel. They all sound exactly the same. There are hundreds of details. It's quite over the top. It is weird to have such detail and yet say it's all symbolic. Specific measurements, geographical markers, etc. It reads like blueprints. In normal human language, blueprints aren't symbolic or figurative. Yes, it's not all literal in Ezekiel but that's how it is with all human language. There can be a mixture of both. Why interpret some things as literal? Measurements and blueprints, tons and tons and tons of details are good reasons to do so.
@DISP-CEPTED Месяц назад
Excellent. I appreciate your kind words to our futurists brother and sisters; HOWEVER, do we give them such an easy pass on taking the bulk of the prophetic text and applying it to the Jesus they have coming back to establish a 1000-year reign? I mean, they take most of it and completely skip over the Messiah that died on the cross. These are strong words, but with the exception of them believing Christ did die on the cross, they have the same view of the text the Pharisees did.
@ProtosWealthConcepts 2 месяца назад
Brother in Christ, your statement that the sacrifices once provided temporary atonement for ceremonial cleansing of the worshipper is INCORRECT. This premise messes so many folks up. The sacrifices NEVER cleansed a person, but only the sancta from the defilement of sin. Sacrifices continue in Millennium when the temple returns. The new covenant has been inaugurated but not consummated till we enter the eternal state as Jeremiah said we will know Him and need not be taught. Feel free to review and critique my book The Deuteros Man where I explain all this in detail. Happy to send you a copy. Shalom
@iansmith9474 Месяц назад
There are two distinct concepts of sin that need to be addressed. The first is the notion of sin as a moral wrongdoing, which exists independently of the Torah and the nation of Israel. This means that a person, whether inside or outside of Israel, can commit acts that their conscience recognizes as morally wrong. The second concept of sin is legal in nature, specifically within the context of the Torah. For an Israelite, breaking the laws set forth in the Torah constitutes a legal sin, which is a violation of the legal system and thus a crime. The sacrificial system outlined in the Torah is designed to atone for these legal transgressions. By offering sacrifices, the legal penalty for breaking the Torah is considered to be removed. However, this sacrificial system only addresses sin from a legal perspective. It does not address the deeper issue of sin as it affects the individual's spirit or conscience. While the sacrificial rituals remove the legal record of transgression, they do not transform the individual's inner nature or resolve the spiritual ramifications of sin. This distinction helps to reconcile the Old Testament texts that affirm the efficacy of sacrifices in atoning for sin with passages such as Hebrews 10:4 and 10:11, which state, "For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins... And every priest stands ministering daily and offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins." These passages highlight that while sacrifices address legal infractions, they do not remedy the spiritual consequences of sin. Only the blood of the sacrifice of Jesus can do this. If the theocratic nation of Israel were restored, with the Torah as its constitution, sacrifices would be reinstated as they were in ancient times. These sacrifices would atone for unintentional legal transgressions by Israelite citizens. However, it's important to note that this would not address the spiritual consequences of sin-only the sacrifice of Jesus does that. Instead, the sacrifices would serve to clear the legal record when an Israelite unintentionally violates the law. Today, if we are caught committing a minor traffic violation (for example, going 5mph over, etc.) we may have to pay a monetary fine - despite the fact that Jesus died for our sins. Similarly, during the Millennial reign, an Israelite who unintentionally violates the law will need to offer the Torah’s equivalent of a modern fine, which is a sacrifice, for their unintentional legal transgression. This exchange: offering a sacrifice to atone for a legal violation, will be as routine as paying a fine for running a red light is for us today. The earthly consequences for breaking the laws of the governing authority are entirely separate from the eternal consequences of sin, which Jesus has already atoned for.
@BushwoodBabes 4 месяца назад
But what do the Jewish people think about Ezekiel? I know as Christians know we don’t need a temple to sacrifice for our sins, but the Jewish people still do so it seems like they would still be wanting to build a temple and why haven’t they?
@dougbell9543 4 месяца назад
I’m convinced that dispensationalists are incapable of understanding the sacred allegorical picture language of the scriptures. ✔️
@JohnMac3837 3 месяца назад
How so?
@davidcooper1201 3 месяца назад
You are absolutely wrong, but we know the difference in wrongly spiritualizing a text and understanding literal meaning. When you insult others as to their systematic theology you better realize that you may be the one that is lacking in understanding. We do know and accept when a text is allegorical but there must be a clear indication from the context itself and the whole of Scripture when this is appropriate.
@dougbell9543 3 месяца назад
@@davidcooper1201 In spite of your typical dispensational response, I stand firmly behind my assessment of this novel Judeo-centric movement. ✔️
@tabletalk33 Месяц назад
So am I. I keep thinking about how the Jewish authorities misunderstood Jesus' teachings again and again and again. These people seem to be moving BACKWARDS in their spiritual development, NOT FORWARDS. Matthew 22:29: "But Jesus answered and said to them, “You are mistaken, not understanding the Scriptures nor the power of God." "Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. 44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. 45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not." John 8:31-59
@ksr622002 3 месяца назад
when you got to the part about the water flowing from the Temple I am thinking about the passage that says, "He who believes in me out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water".... This is such a beautiful spiritual text. He is the water flowing from that temple, in fact He is the Temple. So amazing.
@davidcooper1201 3 месяца назад
Ah, no. The text will be fulfilled before one's very eyes and even like reformed theologians have argued that there will be no third temple, before our very eyes, Israel is working to make that a reality. The literal interpretation is always to be preferred unless there is a very clear indication that the text should be taken in an allegorical understanding.
@onesimuskipruto5814 9 месяцев назад
Very true sir.... The words are not to be taken literally... But the question you have not answered is?... Who is the audience? It still remains Jewish.
@markdiblasi3061 Месяц назад
You don’t put new wine into old wine skins…he that has drank the old wine thinks the old is better. People like the old covenant because it is carnal, physical kingdom on earth. Luke 5.
@wiebek5 10 месяцев назад
There are both literal and figurative meanings to each passage.
@tabletalk33 Месяц назад
Yes, that fact is reflected in Christ's parables, and in the fact that many among the masses were not yet capable of understanding the deeper shades of meaning in Christ's teachings. I would wager that even today, many interpreters of the Bible, regardless of how well educated they are, STILL do not really understand their scriptures very well. Even Christ's own disciples struggled greatly with them. Through the centuries, there have been countless arguments and counterarguments over Bible interpretation, allegorical vs. literal interpretations, etc., and what areas should have the greatest emphasis. These arguments that we hear nowadays show me that many of these issues are STILL unresolved.
@jrconway3 11 месяцев назад
"I will not make the accusation that dispensationalists believe that people were saved by the Old Testament Law, they were always saved by faith." Thank you. I appreciate this. As a former dispensationalist myself (mostly because that's only everything I ever knew) I had never, EVER heard this idea that there'd be temple sacrifices in the millennium, the Jews were saved by the Old Testament Law, etc. I never heard any of this and it pisses me off when people who reject that view simply assume that everyone who believes in dispensationalism also believes everything Darby taught as well, even though if you ask them they probably don't even know who Darby is. I certainly didn't until I started coming out of dispensationalism. The NT is clear that Abraham and David, among others, were all saved because of their faith, not because of what they did.
@onetakendotnet 11 месяцев назад
It is also funny they think dispensationalists take every verse and word literally. Nevertheless, Israel is a nation again. Maranatha!
@webstercat 8 месяцев назад
I was dispensationalist by default. At 74 I was made aware of preterism. I now reject dispensationalism
@Haliwax88 2 месяца назад
@@onetakendotnet Filled with people of European lineage
@onetakendotnet 2 месяца назад
@@Haliwax88 are you saying there is not a single person with Jewish heritage or practicing Jews in Israel?
@Haliwax88 2 месяца назад
@@onetakendotnet It's filled with practicing Jews and Jews of mixed European lineage. Not the same as the Judahites from the time of Christ and previous.
@sirius238 5 дней назад
Thanks for this video. However, If we take the temple to be a symbol pointing to something bigger than itself ie Jesus, I think you haven't really explained what the sacrifices stand for. If they are symbolic then so are the priests who are suppose to sacrifice on the altar and make atonement. But what is this pointing us to? I could understand one priest...who points us to Jesus as the once and for all sacrefice but what do multiple priests and ongoing sacrefices point us to? I am not a dispensationalist but find this one hard to understand.
@as-you-were8017 11 месяцев назад
All of this and not taking into consideration Jews don't believe Jesus is the Messiah
@DanSme1 7 месяцев назад
Fifty-five years plus walking with the Risen Christ. I was saved 10/9/1969 BY SOVEREIGN GRACE. What ALL Reformed believers get WRONG is 1) philosophical ontology, 2) which leads to assuming covenant structure is eternal and thus following the Puritans placing today’s believers under Israel’s New Covenant and LAW.
@criscris3898 3 месяца назад
Scripture upon scripture the word of God will reveal itself, the old hidden in the new, the new hidden in the old.
@deborahgessner 2 дня назад
7 words: The. Bible. Is. All. About. Jesus. Christ.
@philiptweet5970 11 месяцев назад
Isiah 66: 3 He that killeth an ox is as if he slew a man; he that sacrificeth a lamb, as if he cut off a dog's neck; he that offereth an oblation, as if he offered swine's blood; he that burneth incense, as if he blessed an idol. Yea, they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delighteth in their abominations.
@Terrylb285 9 месяцев назад
We are the welcoming committee of Jesus return,not the planning committee.
@wolfwatchers 10 месяцев назад
I don't see the issue , my first thought is who cares what Ezekial says its not directly to the body, its prophecy not mystery so who cares!! it seems to be speaking of the atonement of Christ for all, how does this fit in to dispensationalism lets address blinded UNTIL the fullness of the gentiles come in , and all Israel shall be saved in Romans , something a dispensationalist would say is to the body, to me the only thing that matters is when did the body start? how do we get into it ? what books are directly speaking to us! just because some dispensationalists take it literal and are incorrect , that doesn't mean its a belief of dispensationalism. I might just be lazy or what not but it seems to me a dispensationalist would just write it off as not directly to the body like I'm doing! not literalize it!
@BornTwyce4 Год назад
Is it wrong or a sin to offer animal sacrifices according to the Law as a Christian? If so, then why did Paul as a Christian offer sacrifices regarding the vow he made until the days of purification (acts 21:23-26)? Because it's only wrong if you're offering sacrifices in order to be JUSTIFIED by the Law. The animal sacrifices during the Millennial Kingdom is in regards to purification from fleshly defilement in the presence of the King - not for sin.
@divinenatureonline Год назад
Can u find that distinction in the Levitical law? It would be interesting if there is. Paul clearly stated in 1 Corinthians 9, that he "became all things to all men" for the sake of the gospel but not that he was ok with eating foods sacrificed to idols with regard to the Gentiles or be as those of "the mutilation" with regard to the Jews, and yet he was a Jew in right standing with the law of Moses. 🙏
@tomtemple69 11 месяцев назад
in the millenial kingdom, will we still have the sin nature and defiled bodies of sin? and Paul did not offer sacrifices... read the verses you just quoted in context Paul never said HE did the purifying 24 take these men and purify yourself along with them and pay their expenses, so that they may shave their heads. Thus all will know that there is nothing in what they have been told about you, but that you yourself also live in observance of the law. 25 But as for the Gentiles who have believed, we have sent a letter with our judgment that they should abstain from what has been sacrificed to idols, and from blood, and from what has been strangled, and from sexual immorality.” 26 Then Paul took the men, and the next day he purified himself along with them and went into the temple, giving notice when the days of purification would be fulfilled and the offering presented for each one of them.
@tomtemple69 11 месяцев назад
are you a jew or gentile?
@ricoyochanan 10 месяцев назад
This Pastor says there is nothing in Ezekiel 40-48 that says this sacrificial system is a memorial. But there is nothing in Ezekiel that says because we don't understand it, we get to allegorize it and treat it as whatever one imagines. Hebrews is talking about a different Temple system than Ezekiel. How would you allegorize the detailed dimensions? This temple has significant differences than the Tabernacle or Solomon's Temple. I don't know how this temple is going to work, but there is no reason to doubt its reality. We see through a glass darkly. And remember this, the churches got it wrong for 18 centuries, allegorizing the return of the Jews to their ancient homeland. The in the 1880's, due to church and government persecution, the Jews began migrating to their homeland and Israel was born as a nation on May 14, 1948. So the reformed churches don't have a good record of believing in literal fulfillment. And what's more there is a movement to rebuild in Israel the temple again, something else predicted in Scripture. Daniel, Matthew, Paul and John mention a future temple. I'm believing what it says. My faith is in God, who will reveal what it means in His own time, Deu 29:29.
@THEOCAST 10 месяцев назад
I guess Jesus meant a literal temple and not his body as well.
@ricoyochanan 10 месяцев назад
It depends on the context. When Jesus described the future destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, was he referring to his body? Obviously not.
@mowman7777 9 месяцев назад
@@THEOCAST And we are also temples but there were two literal temples. I’m really trying to align with your teaching but I’m having a hard time explaining away Ezekiel prophesying a third temple.
@contemplate-Matt.G 5 месяцев назад
I'm not a dispy myself but you glossed right over the two sticks. What do you say they represent?
@princesslillifee7622 8 месяцев назад
My questions are: If the new covenant was alreadyin place and active with the day of resurrection, why did all apostles continue to follow the law till late acts? Why did Jesus not tell THEM to stop this traditons? What does"after those days" means regarding the time of the new covenant ?When the 7-year tribulation is equal to the baptism with fire, what is its purpose If not making Israel ready for the new covenant? If there are no animal or other sacrifices necessary after the resurrection, what is meant in Revelation when those temple practices "ceased"? If Paul was preaching the Same Gospel as the 12 why call so many him a false apostle and he should not even be in the Bible? And why the distinction, that the 12 went on to go to the circumcision if this distinction is done away in the Body of Christ? I find clear answers in mid-acts-dispensationalism but not really some in covenant or other approaches 🤷
@princesslillifee7622 8 месяцев назад
PS for me it is really humbling to acknowledge that only a small part of the holy Word is really about and to me. Why is it so absurd, to believe that Gods plan for Heaven AND Earth ist so great that it can incorporate different Bodys of truth and Bodys of people. Nothing of this diminishes Jesus' importance or glory, it magnifies it by far for me. This brilliance, this different forms of offering and dispensing His Grace, perfectly arranged around Our Lord and Saviour.
@SpotterVideo 8 месяцев назад
Eze 37:26 Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them: and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore. Heb 13:20 Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant,
@chapmaned24 10 месяцев назад
How do you explain the following regarding the "land promise" (Inheritance)? Galatians 3:18 For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of promise: but God gave it to Abraham by promise. The promise to Abraham was not conditioned on the behavior of the children of Israel. The Law of Moses has no bearing on the promise. But...once under the law of Moses, Deuteronomy 30:1-7, they get kicked out from time to time, but, God brings them back to the Promised Land. Both the Old Covenant, which begins in Exodus 20, and the New covenant, which begins at the death of Jesus, has no bearing on the land promise. The Old Covenant and the New Covenant ARE IRRELEVANT. All because the promise was given some 400 years before the law, aka old covenant. See also Deuteronomy 30:1-7 then Ezekiel 36. This is much as we know what GRACE is all about. Do you get to go to heaven based on your behavior? Or Grace, lest you should boast? You can't void a contract that is given WITHOUT CONDITIONS, like the one that ABRAHAM was given. Galatians 3:18. Now...rapture. Do you know what the 6th Seal is? The 6th Seal is mentioned in Revelation chapter 6. That 6th Seal is mentioned in many places of the Bible. Some people like to SPIRITUALIZE it away, calling it a metaphore. It's not. In the famous end times gospels, Jesus mentions the 6th Seal. Then THE RAPTURE. There are a total of 7 Seals in Revelation. But Jesus does NOT mention any event of the 7th Seal. But he does mention the 6th Seal. So does Peter in Acts 2. But why? Here we have unbelieving Jews making fun of believing Jews for speaking in tongues. So Peter mentions the 6th Seal, as mentioned by Joel. WHY? Because Peter is indicating that this speaking in tongues thing is gonna happen AGAIN with the 144000, as mentioned in Revelation chapter 7. So, between the end of the 6th Seal, and the opening of the 7th Seal in Revelation chapter 8, there is a BREAK in Revelation chapter 7. Peter is taking about those in Revelation chapter 7. Jesus, also is talking about those in Revelation chapter 7. The last half of the chapter. Peter's 144000 is the first half. Sixth Seal: Matthew 24:29 Rapture: Matthew 24:30-31 Mark 13 Sixth Seal: Mark 13:24-25 Rapture: Mark 13:26-27 Luke 21 Sixth Seal: Luke 21:25-26 Rapture: Luke 21:27 Now, Armegeddon is Chapter 16. But...the 144000 get raptured out in chapter 14...two chapters before Armegeddon. (NOTE THE SIMILAR LANGUAGE IN CHAPTER 7, that they are at the THRONE of God). Chapter 7 is rapture of church, chapter 14 is rapture of 144000 PLUS NEW CONVERTS. In Revelation 19, we need to see WHO is the ARMY of God. Now, we can go to Zechariah 14 for the TOUCH DOWN of Jesus...and...THE SAINTS that come back with Jesus. And isn't it interesting to note that FIGHTING is going on? ARMY? NOTE: I don't have to use 2 Timothy, or any Thessalonians references, or even utter the word Daniel, etc. And for those who say that the book of Revelation is ALL OVER THE PLACE...chapter 6, we have 1,2,3,4,5, 6. Chapter 7 is the mandatory 15 minute break under UNION RULES. Then it's back to work in chapter 8 with the 7th Seal. And within the 7th Seal, there are THREE, count 'em, three "woes". Revelation 9:12 One woe is past; and, behold, there come two woes more hereafter. Revelation 11:14 The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly. Whoa to the woe's. Now, for those who wish to spiritualize the 6th Seal...they are going to be in a rude awakening. There are numerous places in the bible that state that God spreads out the heavens. Science agrees that the universe is expanding, even as we speak. That isn't spiritualized. So why would the 6th Seal be spiritualized? Roll back like a scroll? Elements melt? Spiritualize that? Lastly, the promise to Abraham was TWOFOLD, not ONEFOLD. CARNAL 1. Promised Land = Small Piece of Real Estate in the Middle East 2. Promised Seed = Isaac Spiritual 1. Promised Land = Eternal Life 2. Promised Seed = Jesus Same promise, and the promise cannot be annulled or voided in either, all because it was before the law, and UNCONDITIONAL. The law of Moses has NO BEARING on either. Jews get land, Christians get Eternal life... And if you study the Bible long enough, you will see that the small piece of real estate in the Middle East is a CARNAL DEPICTION of Heaven. Just like... The Pharaoh = Satan Moses = Jesus (the redeemer) Egypt = BONDAGE to Sin Wandering the desert = Christian walk Crossing the Jordan = Christian natural death Small piece of Real Estate in the Middle East = Heaven So, the family line of Jews: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Israel) Christian Family Line: Abraham, Jesus...YOU Same PROMISE going both/different directions. Now, regarding the Jews...DEUTERONOMY 29:4, JOHN 9:39-41, AND THEN ROMANS 11. Jews are blind, not by any fault of their own. This is NOT "JUDICIAL" blindness. The story of Joseph and his brothers...that is prophesy of the relationship between Jesus and the Jews. The Jews HAD TO kill Jesus. If they didn't, you would not be saved by the blood of Christ. So thank the Jews for killing Jesus. God is telling a story THROUGH the Jews. But one day, Jesus will take the blinders off of the Jews, and all BLIND JEWS will be saved. When a blind Jew dies, he sees Jesus, as well...and forgives them, all because they were blind. Jews can't come to Jesus until Jesus wants them to come to Jesus. Jesus is the ones who saves Jews, and he will, even after they die without Jesus.
@robertemmerick1900 3 месяца назад
Both Dispensationalism and Covenant theology are in fact valid! It's foolish to argue over such theology. Remember Folks Jesus never concerned himself with having proper theology! Jesus spoke Truth and the Prophets spoke Truth. Jesus Instructed the people in Truth in relation to what is past,present and future. Always remember context, context context. The whole Bible Clearly is written at a 3rd grade level for All nations, All peoples to Understand Righteousness and Truth , God's Love and Justice . The Best way to interpret scripture is watch ⌚️ and see what the Lord will do. Be a good watchman.
@burlgiles4918 3 месяца назад
@mresab1997 Год назад
This is why Covenant Theology is over-simplistic to the point of serious error: Ezekiel 18 explains that Salvation is by faith but (in that dispensation) there is no "new birth" and no one is "eternally secure.” Their faith worked, not to earn salvation but as the "seal" of their salvation. This is explained in Hebrews 11 and James 2 (Letters written to Hebrews and "the twelve tribes scattered" during the Transition that is described in Acts). No one in the Dispensation of Law was "sealed unto the day of Redemption.” Instead, they went to Paradise (Abraham's Bosom) when they died and waited. For what? For the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ and the power of His resurrection. And having been saved from Hell by faith with obedience, they were THEN rewarded with Heaven. They were saved from Hell by believing God (Not believing on Jesus) with faith that was demonstrated by the works of the Law. The works of the Law never saved any man, but faith that saved (in the Dispensation of Law) was demonstrated by the Law and with that understanding, the Law is established (see all of Romans 3 and don’t allow preachers to cherry pick it). Abraham was saved from Hell by faith that worked. Abraham believed God and took Isaac up to Moriah to be sacrificed. If he had not, you would not have heard of Abraham. Abraham enters Heaven by the blood of Jesus Christ. But he was saved from Hell and went to Paradise because he believed God and DID what his belief required him to do. Those four chapters (Ezekiel 18, Romans 3, Hebrews 11 and James 2) are the Biblical basis for salvation under Law (which includes the upcoming 70th week of Daniel). No one enters Heaven apart from the blood of Jesus. But salvation in other Dispensations is not the same as our own.
@tomtemple69 11 месяцев назад
But salvation in other Dispensations is not the same as our own. wait WHAT???? there is salvation but that doesn't get you into heaven?????
@mresab1997 11 месяцев назад
@@tomtemple69non sequitur… what’s with the selective memory?
@michaelgrijak8623 10 месяцев назад
@ianhicks6754 Год назад
Several problems with this video. 1.) It assumes that the dispensational approach to the temple is limited to one singular view (dispensationalism isn't monolithic). 2.) It places the burden on the dispensationalist (and on no one else to explain 9 chapters of hyper-specific details. 3.) It calls into question sacrificial worship which is required when the Shekinah glory dwells again amongst a holy people. 4.) It assumes that the only explanation for temple sacrifices is that they are memorial. This ignores numerous scholarly works that respond to this including the works of Hullinger, Whitcomb, Milgrom, Hartley, Wenham, and other scholars who have explained this in a far more sufficient manner. 5.) No sacrifice but Christ's alone is efficacious (cf. Heb 10:4). The OT sacrifices were for cleansing and purification outwardly, they never effectually removed sin. 6.) In jumping to the NT, there is what we call a NT priority presup read backwards into Ezekiel, divorcing any real explanation from the text. 7.) The attempt to connect Hebrews (speaking of OC temple worship, not NC temple worship) is egregious. Nowhere does the author ever make such a connection to Ezekiel. sakeofthetruth.wordpress.com/2020/10/26/the-millennial-temple-an-exegetical-analysis-of-ezekiel-40-48/
@morghe321 Год назад
Thank you for posting. I'm looking into your page.
@tomtemple69 11 месяцев назад
what is "outward" cleansing and purification?
@5crownsoutreach 11 месяцев назад
Treating each other with grace means more than being a nice guy about it, Jesus came with grace and truth; that means holding due diligence. The poster on this vid is simply not paying his due diligence with dispensationalism's positions regarding the literal reading of sacrifices in Ezekiel's millennial Temple. The crux of the issue behind taking Ezekiel literally stands a literal millennium on earth and its mixed population. Firstly, there are non-resurrected mortals who have been chosen out of the sheep and goat judgments. Secondly, it will be ruled by the resurrected saints that have come down with Jesus out of heaven named in Rev 19:4-9, who were the previously raptured saints from Rev 4. Additionally, there is the resurrected believing dead mentioned in Daniel 12. The millennium returns to a directly theocratic context where God has inhabited the earth directly, both in the form of the resurrected, post-ascended Jesus sitting on this "glorious throne" (Matt 19:28), and the Shekinah glory on the eastern gate (Ez 43:2), foreshadowed by Matt 17. A theocratic context with earthly mortal beings demands animal sacrifices for fellowship offerings (as the Markan passage), ritual cleansing (the atonement language), and theocratic forgiveness (see Whitcomb). Christ's perfect work can only be received by faith unto eternal salvation. Totally different. See Fruchtenbaum's Israelology, a text from the 1990's, who treats this issue in great detail; the most important conclusion is that these are NOT Mosaic sacrifices, this is the return of the Order of Melchizedek (a weakness in all theological systems I have sought to strengthen in my own publications). Also, see the late John Whitcomb's Pre-Trib Study Group video post (and his articles in the Journal of Dispensational Theology) on how the animal sacrifices NEVER touch the ability to "make us perfect", i.e. eternal salvation, but they do engage fellowship between mortal man and God, as Jesus gave commands to sacrifice and eat the Passover lamb together (Mk 14:12). We can only act gracefully in our conversation if we truthfully understand our positions on the issue.
@kylesybesma7864 7 месяцев назад
Normal use of analogy. It's ok to realize one verse is a spiritual analogy and the next could be a literal analogy. We do that all the time in our language today. If it looks like an analogy it's probably a analogy, if it doesn't seem like an analogy it's not.
@RPSanAnto Год назад
Good video.
@mikelmacrichard4772 11 месяцев назад
I like this you're hitting the nails on the head. However as a Messianic Jew minister I noticed you are still stuck in the Gentile Judeo-Christian echo booth. The Messiah Yoshuah Himself never just spoke in one terms, every word from Him reflected Physical, Mental and Spiritual meaning. Ezekiel was no different. He was also looking at it from a Hebrew/Israeli/Jewish point of view to a Hebrew/Israeli/Jewish people, not gentiles with no clue of the beliefs. And yes many of us are as diverse in sects as Judeo-Christians have.
@christalone71 8 месяцев назад
Hello brother. Can you answer a couple of quick question for me? Do Messianic Jews believe they should observe the Torah as part of their Christian practice? Also, why do many not refer to themselves as simply Christian rather than Messianic Jew. Thanks for your time on this.
@BushwoodBabes 10 месяцев назад
What do you make of the stories on the Internet saying that all the materials for the temple are in storage and that they’re very close to rebuilding it?
@JasinBoggs 10 месяцев назад
In A.D. 363, the Roman emperor Julian gave the Jews the full financial support of the Roman Empire to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. They spent two years gathering all of the required materials. However, the very day that they broke ground, there was a series of supernatural events that occurred. A whirlwind scattered all of the materials, the ground opened up and swallowed the workers alive, etc. I don’t believe that God will ever allow another temple, made with human hands, to be built in Jerusalem again. Look up Julian “The Apostate” and the third temple. It’s a very interesting story, and possibly the fate of anyone that tries to rebuild a 3rd temple.
@mikeheath8318 10 месяцев назад
You can hear about this at the temple institute in the old city in Jerusalem, and you can see some of the things already made. There is a simulation of the new temple plan with its conference rooms etc, and a new huge curtain in front of the holy of holies. They are happy to explain how many parts are ready for the new temple, but I don't think everything is ready yet. The rebuilding of the temple doesn't necessarily confirm that it is a fulfilment of any prophecy any more than fake UFO photo proves that aliens exist.
@joeyrose1245 9 месяцев назад
I’d say what’s stopping them?
@webstercat 8 месяцев назад
Stories are not facts…
@christalone71 8 месяцев назад
Doesn't it have to be built on the temple mount where that Dome of the Rock /Al-Aqsa mosque is sitting? Of course it will be blasphemous if they actually built a third temple. But how close can it be with the mosque still sitting there?
@tunglam8210 6 месяцев назад
To summarise Dispensationalism; Jesus is not enough, I want more religion.
@teuilasamia1107 Год назад
If the Millenium is a literal time in the future, How would those who are born in the Millennium age be saved? Would one still be born unto sin or would sin still be present in that time? Since the devil is locked up n would have no influence. Would there be a need of salvation in that time? I dont know if im asking the wrong question.🥴
@howlingwaters2741 Год назад
Aww, confusing isn't it? There indeed will be people born during the millennial reign. They will have free will. Some will not choose to worship Christ even with Him right there. They will live long as in early OT times. Idols and false gods will emerge. Those who reject Christ will endure the same fate as non-believers do now. Should they be living on Judgment Day, they'll be thrown into the pit with the Devil. Please see : Jack Hibbs, Barry Stagner, Amir Tsarfati, Skip Heitzig, Gary Hamrick, Robert Breaker and Dr. Gene Kim, UC Berkeley. Best to you, dear❤
@nelsonfrioni9923 Год назад
The purpose for binding Satan for a literal 1,000 years during the Millennial Kingdom is to demonstrate that even under a perfect environment where God is physically present among his people reigning with an iron scepter from his throne in Jerusalem, there are those who will be born during the Millennium who will not have a right heart for Jesus. They will resent his majestic rule, his righteousness, and his justice. They will go along outwardly with the rituals, with the societal norms during this era but inwardly they will detest the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. The Millennial Kingdom will finally reveal that the root of the problem is the human heart, not Satan himself. All wickedness originates within the human heart, even when Satan is locked up away for 1,000 years not being able to influence or tempt human behavior in engaging in sin as he did in previous times throughout human history. God will allow Satan to be released from his abysmal prison to rally the discontented, rebellious people (final Gog and Magog War) one last futile time to fight against the "Prince of Peace" and Jesus will ultimately destroy them all. Satan will finally be cast into the Lake of Fire and the White Throne Judgement will then take place, relegating all unbelievers the same fate as Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet.
@georgianadarcy9072 11 месяцев назад
@@nelsonfrioni9923 How can you say the millennial kingdom will be on earth? Is death compatible with Jesus' reign? Will Jesus reign over cemeteries since you believe that people will live 120 years during that kingdom and they die? What peace kingdom is that in which people will live to be good or bad without being influenced by satan ? If you say that man has inherent sin/evil in his nature you accuse God for not making the human beings perfect. When Adam and Eve fell they were deceived by the devil who told them that they would not die if they ate from the tree.
@tomtemple69 11 месяцев назад
@@nelsonfrioni9923 so Christ will be ON EARTH FOR EVERYONE TO SEE and Satan will be let out after 1000 years to deceive the nations????? how does that make any sense? Jesus's second coming will be to judge the living and the dead i hope you don't actually believe that
@johananswedlund7149 27 дней назад
I challange reformed theologian along with any other replacement teachers to explan the logic behind sifting out all the blessings for israel given them by God in the law and prophets, spiritualizing them and giving them to the church while conveniently giving the curses to the Jews.
@robmarshall956 Год назад
You would also have to believe that physical death will continue to exist beyond the time of Christ’s second coming as spoken to in rev20:7-10, that the natural creation will continue beyond the time of Christ’s second coming, you would have to believe that the redemption of the natural creation and its being set free from corruption doesn’t occur until 1000 years subsequent to Christ’s return ? Also that unbelieving men and women still have the opportunity for saving faith and that unbelievers will not be finally resurrected until a 1000 years later and finally judged and cast into eternal punishment till 1000 years subsequent to Christ’s return ?. The problem with all this is death is defeated and swallowed up in victory at the parousia, natural creation is set free, new heavens and new earth are introduced, final judgment occurs this makes the premillennialism position an impossibility let alone what rev 20 has to say🤷‍♂️
@ChristCenteredEschatology 10 месяцев назад
Isaiah 65:15-20: "You shall leave your name as a curse to My chosen; For the Lord God will slay you, And call His servants by another name; 16 So that he who blesses himself in the earth Shall bless himself in the God of truth; And he who swears in the earth Shall swear by the God of truth; Because the former troubles are forgotten, And because they are hidden from My eyes. 17 “For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; And the former shall not be remembered or come to mind. 18 But be glad and rejoice forever in what I create; For behold, I create Jerusalem as a rejoicing, And her people a joy. 19 I will rejoice in Jerusalem, And joy in My people; The voice of weeping shall no longer be heard in her, Nor the voice of crying. 20 “No more shall an infant from there live but a few days, Nor an old man who has not fulfilled his days; For the child shall die one hundred years old," Revelation 22:2 "2 In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations." Revelation 22:14 "Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. 15 But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie."
@johntrevett2944 10 месяцев назад
Rlawless, great scripture. For those that reject pre-mill, they can never answer when that time of Isaiah is where babies don't die in infancy and men fill out there days. Pre-mill is clearly what the Bible teaches along with Jesus dying for the sins of the world. I find 5 pt calvinism, a-mil, preterism, post-mil and Covenant theology absolutely unbiblical and I'm not even a dispensationalist or pre-trib guy.
@ChristCenteredEschatology 10 месяцев назад
@@johntrevett2944 that scripture proves there is death and sin in the new heavens and earth. You need to spend some time studying the Hebraic use of language before you try and understand the Hebraic scriptures. Pre-mill and dispensationalism are a direct attack on God and his character.
@johntrevett2944 10 месяцев назад
@@ChristCenteredEschatology There is no death when were glorified. That makes no sense.
@johntrevett2944 10 месяцев назад
@@ChristCenteredEschatology You are incorrect. In the new heavens and new earth, Scripture says, there are seven things notable for their absence-seven things that are “no more”: • no more sea (Revelation 21:1) • no more death (Revelation 21:4) • no more mourning (Revelation 21:4) • no more weeping (Revelation 21:4) • no more pain (Revelation 21:4) • no more curse (Revelation 22:3) • no more night (Revelation 22:5)
@donnamoll3159 2 месяца назад
You read it literal UNTIL its obvious its not literal. The bible has history, fact, spiritual meaning so you use the brain God gave us, the language its written in structure and holy spirit to understand.
@ksr622002 3 месяца назад
the mosaic covenant was a shadow of Jesus. The Law was a schoolmaster to drive us to Christ.
@bop-ya-good 11 месяцев назад
What dispensation do we live in?
@philiptweet5970 11 месяцев назад
The new covenant age, ie the church that lasts forever, Galatians 3:21 . The Lord supper shows he died for us and gave us the everlasting covenant in His blood Hebrews 13:20. Luke 22:20. He died for the church ie his people of all races. Ephesians 5:25
@Fozzedout 4 месяца назад
I do take the whole thing as literal, and when Christ returns, we will be in a new dispensation, where Christ is with us. I can see why you may take it as spiritual, but as with prophecy, we won’t know what is literal or meaning something else until it has passed, so I’m sticking with literal. Sacrifices have never saved - it has and always will be the faith believing that by doing them, they would be cleansed and forgiven, and I see no issue with that being brought in and imposed on an unbelieving world that Christ just conquered. Oh, and what Jesus said about destroying the temple and raising it in 3 days: a very literal thing, just not what they were understanding. May the Lord bless you richly brother
@carboncopies706 Месяц назад
Can u just get to the thump nail.
@mresab1997 Год назад
16:35 and what does the ordinance of the Lord’s Table have to do with the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ ruling in the earth from a temple in Jerusalem? If you don’t bring offering you will suffer drought, among other things. The OT sacrifices provided a *covering* for sin, but they did not *remit* sin. The new Vatican versions butcher and conflate the words “covenant” and “testament.” The translators of the King James Bible had better sense than to just translate words - - they actually studied, and knew the scripture. If they had followed a slavish, mechanical reaction-type of translation, then they might have translated the Greek word (diatheke) as "covenant," but thankfully, they did not. Instead, they used the word "testament", which is the only place in the N.T. where they did so. Why did they do it? Why did they not do as nearly every other group of English translators would do? Because they actually studied and knew that the New Covenant in Hebrews 8:8-ff and Jer. 31:31-ff is TO BE given to the house of Judah and the house of Israel....NOT the church. #Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life." 2 Corinthians 3:6 KJV
@tomtemple69 11 месяцев назад
ah, you're a KJV Onlyist, that's why you have these wacky interpretations lol
@mresab1997 11 месяцев назад
@@tomtemple69that’s an asinine comment. Not to mention that’s a fictitious term-not that you’d know that. Talk about “wacky”
@tomtemple69 11 месяцев назад
The translators of the King James Bible had better sense than to just translate words - - they actually studied, and knew the scripture. If they had followed a slavish, mechanical reaction-type of translation, then they might have translated the Greek word (diatheke) as "covenant," but thankfully, they did not. Instead, they used the word "testament", which is the only place in the N.T. where they did so. Why did they do it? Why did they not do as nearly every other group of English translators would do? Because they actually studied and knew that the New Covenant in Hebrews 8:8-ff and Jer. 31:31-ff is TO BE given to the house of Judah and the house of Israel....NOT the church. that is objectively false, you are trying to create a separation between the church and Israel where there is none diathke means covenant which is the same thing as testament the old testament is the old covenant Read Romans 9 sometime there is only one church and it started in the Old Testament, it is made up of true believers... there is only one people of God: those who believe in God only a remnant of Israel was actually Israel the rest of Israel was hardened so that ALL the nations would be blessed by abrahams offspring: Jesus there is only ONE way to salvation, not 2
@mresab1997 11 месяцев назад
@@tomtemple69 😂😂😂😂😂
@mresab1997 11 месяцев назад
@@tomtemple69 since you don’t understand one of the most fundamental rules of biblical translation, that is translation in accordance to the context in which the words appear since words have a semantic range. Since you don’t know the very basics of grammar, contextualization, and translation, I am most definitely not going to argue with you about the meaning of explicit passages that come two chapters after Romans 9, you fool.
@biblehistoryscience3530 3 месяца назад
Watch Israel win the current war and start building the tribulation temple.
@davidcooper1201 3 месяца назад
I will stick to my own systematic understanding of Scripture and leave you to be the one that makes God out to be liar. As we press on toward the end of history it is very clear that you covenant theologians are grasping at straws in trying to make sense of all that God is doing with His Chosen People Israel that will be grafted back into the root of the vine of Abraham and the nation as a whole will come to faith in their Messiah Jesus Christ (Romans 11). As prophetic scripture is literally being fulfilled before our very eyes it seems that covenant theologians are in a quandary as to "what is God doing?" Is he literally fulfilling His Promises to Israel? Indeed, He is......the temple will be rebuilt for the third time as it is a part of how God is working out His plan of redemption to Jew and Gentile. Through this period of time God is bringing His people to faith in Jesus Christ their Messiah and fulfilling His promises to Israel, the Chosen People of God even if you don't like God keeping His Word.
@silveriorebelo2920 10 месяцев назад
@jayrubin6765 Год назад
Strawman argument - heart of stone - disappointed
@samcummings261 Год назад
Can you explain?
@UnderTheFloor79 Год назад
Yes, you are being condescending.
@savedwretch8711 Год назад
No I do not believe he is being condescending 😊
@robmarshall956 Год назад
Can you put a time stamp to where he is condescending ?
@UnderTheFloor79 Год назад
@@robmarshall956 18:54
@robmarshall956 Год назад
@@UnderTheFloor79 mmm I’m pretty skilled at being condescending and I don’t find that condescending at all I have to say, he’s making a point in truth, you would have to say his objective is not to ridicule or belittle anyone, I don’t find it snide or offensive, I think people can find it hard to convey there belief without appearing this or that in some sense as people are bound to take offence if you don’t agree with them, it’s a pretty hard rope to walk. My father is very good at illustrating opposing views and bringing the other person along without raising to many hackles but he’s had a lifetime of experience due to his profession and he’s also got a huge brain so can convey a wealth of info and not need to rush to a pointy end so as to seem to be obtuse or condescending. I don’t get the sense that this was a deliberate attempt to be condescending here, I think we all have biases which will show whichever way we lean, I’ve found that with edwards, martyn Lloyd Jones, Ryle, Sproul, Begg, spurgeon, well almost anyone I’ve read.
@andrewmjohnson Год назад
@@UnderTheFloor79 is pointing out the holes in ones theology considered condescending?
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