
What do Jews think of Jesus? 

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Rabbi David Lister 3



26 сен 2024




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@itssslashhere5245 3 месяца назад
I like how He fulfilled all messianic prophecies brought down to them by prophets. Yet still they reject His divinity and position. Let's be honest here, you don't want a messiah you want a man who can give you the things you desire and that not what Jesus preached. He said he will give you everything you need if your pray, and he said to deny yourself and trust in Him and the Father while the Holy Sprit guides you. So if you deny him you deny the Father
@Lorenzo_1571 2 месяца назад
You are delusional he didnt fullfill prophecies. He didnt have family. After he world didnt recognize Gd, after he there wasnt worldwide peace. Read the tanakh then you will see how NT is full of lies
@asifdildar6226 Год назад
I respect his opinion but he emphasized on oral laws. Jesus also indicated that they focused more on their traditions and oral laws that made the God's law more complicated.
@mosesCordovero-uw5vw Год назад
as a Jew, I can tell you exactly what I think of JESUS. i think that he was nothing but a fake phony fraud, a charlatan, an egomanical nutcase, and that to worship him is to engage in idolatry
@David-g1p-v8k 4 месяца назад
A Christian does not worship Christ but recognises him as God's earthly incarnation.
@beyondfirstclass 8 месяцев назад
Sad truth will be that there won’t be many Jews or any Muslims in heaven. In fact only a small percentage will make it to heaven. It’s never too late to accept Jesus, Love Jesus and repent your sins.
@pradyumnkaushal5391 8 месяцев назад
You cannot force your jesus on non Christians
@Cowboy15149 3 месяца назад
😂😂😂What a joke.
@TrunksXV 10 лет назад
What are you expecting? Jesus to overthrow Rome and put the Jews on top? That just doesn't seem to be in God's character. God wanted to children of Israel to help him bring the other people of the world back into his fold since they wouldn't disperse during the time of The Tower of Babel.
@pradyumnkaushal5391 8 месяцев назад
Yes brother
@itssslashhere5245 3 месяца назад
yea, your right, I feel as though the jews want a genie not an actual messiah
@jessejflores1624 6 лет назад
They were waiting for a genie not a Messiah.
@garyweiss7111 3 года назад
We are waiting for any man to do the jobs of the Messiahs. No has yet.
@Jesus_Savess 2 года назад
@@garyweiss7111 that will be the anti Christ but the Jews will start to cry out to God when they see the anti Christ sit in the third temple in Jerusalem declaring himself as God.
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
@k s We aren't waiting for a man to be a G-d. No man will ever be a G-d and G-d never did or will come as a man. We are waiting for a man with biological parents to do the jobs of the messiah.
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
@@Jesus_Savess Do you really believe Jews will be fooled into believing a man is the messiah and that a man is a G-d. Please tell me you don't believe that.
@Jesus_Savess 2 года назад
@@garyweiss7111 you don’t believe it, but soon you will believe it when you see it. The Anti Christ is coming soon.
@petersanmiguel1468 Год назад
Isaiah 53 Jeremiah 31:31-34 Isaiah 49:5,6 Isaiah 42:6,7 Psalm 110:1 Daniel 7:13,14 Ezekiel 1:26-28
@garyweiss7111 Год назад
Not one of them can possible be your J. You just concentrate on the verses and ignore the chapters as well as believe the tampered with version of the bible. Pick one to discuss. I don't play the missionary game of having a millin verses shoved at me at once.
@Sonofiraq24 3 месяца назад
Isiah 9:6 Psalm 45 Psalm 2 Psalm 41 Psalm 69 Psalm 38 Psalm 22
@mattt21 Год назад
If Jesus wasn’t the Messiah, then what have the last 2,000 years been about? God just went quiet and left the Earth? Where is his promise to the Gentiles? The era of the Gentiles now is closing, and God will focus again on Israel, which he miraculously formed as a nation again. Where is the Temple today? It’s the body of believers in Christ.
@garyweiss7111 7 месяцев назад
G-d never left the earth. He's always with us. You have a few problems with your logic. First you think that we actually need a temple to clear our sins. G-d gave us many ways to clear sins without a temple. Even funnier you believe in a sacrifice that wasn't done on the temple and broke every single law of sacrifices being one. No where in the Torah does it say that J is the Messiah or the Messiah's body is the temple. That's an invention of the church.
@mattt21 7 месяцев назад
@@garyweiss7111 Nice Gary. You are Rabbinic Jew? What about Daniel 9, which states unequivocally that Messiah would come before the destruction of the 2nd Temple (happened in 70 AD, it actually is far more specific than that but I'll spare you the calculation), or Micah 5, which states that He'd be born in Bethlehem? Or Isaiah 53 or Psalm 22 which describe his suffering / passion in detail? Do you even believe in a Messiah? If so why don't you look at Messianic prophecy in the Tanakh? It must present a problem for you. Jews think G-D can't be born and somehow this is pagan when the complexity of the monotheistic G-D is displayed all throughout the Tanakh, including the *angel of the LORD*, who has the ability to do what G-D does. What about when the LORD appeared to Abraham as a man in Genesis 18 and ate with him? What about when Moses saw the *angel of the LORD* on Mount Sinai. Oh and here's a good one for you... Isaiah 9:6-7 (KJV) For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. 7 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this. A child is born called the mighty God and the everlasting Father???!!! Wow I wonder who that could be. You must think this is quite blasphemous but it's in the book of Isaiah the prophet, right? Which born child could possible be called all those things?? Proverbs 30:4 (KJV) Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and WHAT IS HIS SON's NAME, if thou canst tell? It's Yeshua.
@keithlemos5398 Год назад
Yeshua is the one and only messiah
@garyweiss7111 Год назад
If the Torah agreed, then so would I, but since it doesn't, I go by that.
@pradyumnkaushal5391 8 месяцев назад
​@@garyweiss7111sir these Christians believe that jesus is both Messiah, son of God and also God himself do they have brain
@noothername6199 3 года назад
FAITH is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1
@goldengun9970 2 года назад
We have faith but not in new testament. Kind of like a christian not having faith in the koran. Have chrustians yet realised us Jews are not christians
@samuelmithran5586 Год назад
@@goldengun9970 Some of you are One of us..
@andrewburton4584 Год назад
@@goldengun9970 Have Jews not yet realized that Jesus Christ is King, that he rose from the dead on the third day and is coming back again to rule for all eternity? The new testament is fact, as is the old testament, they both actually happened. All of it. Amen and God Bless you in Jesus' name. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-SSa8lnRF38w.html
@staypositive5718 Год назад
@@goldengun9970after all Jesus did on this earth you still deny him as the messiah, strange. When is yours supposed to be turning up then?
@goldengun9970 Год назад
@staypositive5718 he didn't fulfill even one messianic prophecy. We have no reason to think he was the messiah
@winterheart1984 Год назад
Jesus brought the God of Abraham to the gentile world
@davidhocutt3195 2 года назад
Time will tell....... he's coming. 💙
@Netanya-q4b 2 года назад
@Amesbmack1 2 года назад
@@Netanya-q4b The eye rolling will turn to mourning according to Zachariah 12. When the Lord returns to Zion Zachariah 12 9On that day I will set out to destroy all the nations that attack Jerusalem. Mourning for the One They Pierced 10“And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit a of grace and supplication. They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son. 11On that day the weeping in Jerusalem will be as great as the weeping of Hadad Rimmon in the plain of Megiddo. 12The land will mourn, each clan by itself, with their wives by themselves: the clan of the house of David and their wives, the clan of the house of Nathan and their wives, 13the clan of the house of Levi and their wives, the clan of Shimei and their wives, 14and all the rest of the clans and their wives.
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
@@Amesbmack1 So we meet again. Here you at lease pick one verse to discuss. Zachariah 12 is not about your J. 1. It doesn't say they have pierced. Proper translation is they have stabbed as in war. 2. The chapter is clearly about 2 people not one. It clearly says They will look upon ME the one they pierced then they will mourn for HIM. The one stabbed is not the one mourned for. So if J is one he can't be the other. 3. If you read on the chapter so clearly says that on the day of the stabbing there will be a great mourning with in the Jewish community for the guy stabbed. So great in every house. This so clearly never happened with J. Just the opposite. Your bible falsely claims that the Jews wanted and ordered him to die. If anything we were happy about it. No mourning. That chapter so clearly can't be your J. Nothing here about his second coming. Clearly on the same day as the stabbing or piecing as you believe 4. John 19:37 quotes that verse as already fulfilled. Clearly even the NT says this is not a future event. Your very own bible says this is a past event not a future one. I'm sorry but this verse clearly can't be your J. Even your own bible says it can't be.
@Amesbmack1 2 года назад
@@garyweiss7111 Yes Jesus was already pierced, the event already happened in history. He had to be pierced in order for a future prophecy to be fullfilled, where the nation that pierced him would look upon him and realize who their Lord actually was from the Torah. This prophecy of them looking upon him is not fullfilled until “the Lord returns to Zion” to fight against all the nations that rise against Israel. Zachariah 12 is not fullfilled until he returns. He has already been pierced, but Israel will not recognize who their Lord is until they recognize that he was the one they pierced 2000 years ago, and have hated so strongly. There was a reason the Temple fell and was abandoned by God, and said “these are not my people, this is not my loved one. And I will be found by those who did not ask for me.” But in the place where it was said “you are not my loved one”, 2000 years later they would again be called “my loved one.” The Tanak says in the last days just a remnant will return to God for help, and when they call to the Lord their God when all nations rise again them at the end of the age, the One their pierced will come, and when they recognize him, they will mourn. John 19:36 These things happened so that the scripture would be fulfilled: “Not one of his bones will be broken,” c 37and, as another scripture says, “They will look on the one they have pierced.” d The piercing (or stabbing) already happened historically: 31Now it was the day of Preparation, and the next day was to be a special Sabbath. Because the Jewish leaders did not want the bodies left on the crosses during the Sabbath, they asked Pilate to have the legs broken and the bodies taken down. 32The soldiers therefore came and broke the legs of the first man who had been crucified with Jesus, and then those of the other. 33But when they came to Jesus and found that he was already dead, they did not break his legs. 34Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water. Let’s go back to Zachariah 12 and see who was pierced/stabbed: It’s the Lord himself: 10“And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on me, the one they have pierced. Revelations, the last book of the New Testament which tells about the last 7 years of the end times that Daniel spoke about, (as well as all the other prophets)is when the Lord returns to the earth. Revelations speaks about Israel seeing the one they pierced as a future event at the end times, when the Lord returns, and seeing who the Lord actually is will cause great mourning. But as always, he will rescue them from the nations when they call out to him. This takes place on the Feast of Trumpets. Then he makes atonement for Israel’s sin against him, and there is 10 days of mourning for sin, and repentance up to the Day of Atonement, and then he fullfills the Feast of Tabernacles a couple days later, where the Lord Tabernacles with men, and restores Earth back to the perfection that it was in the Garden of Eden. Jerusalem is that garden and God will once again walk with man. The Lord himself is the Messiah. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, 6and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father-to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen. 7“Look, he is coming with the clouds,” b and “every eye will see him, even those who pierced him”; and all peoples on earth “will mourn because of him.” c So shall it be! Amen. 8“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” Micah 5 2But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are small among the clansa of Judah, out of you will come forth for Me One to be ruler over Israelb- One whose origins are of old, from the days of eternity. 3Therefore Israel will be abandoned until she who is in labor has given birth; then the rest of His brothers will return to the children of Israel. 4He will stand and shepherd His flock in the strength of the LORD, in the majestic name of the LORD His God. And they will dwell securely, for then His greatness will extend to the ends of the earth. ….. 12I will surely gather all of you, O Jacob; I will collect the remnant of Israel. I will bring them together like sheep in a pen, like a flock in the midst of its pasture- a noisy throng. 13One who breaks open the way will go up before them; they will break through the gate, and go out by it. Their King will pass through before them, the LORD as their leader. Why does it say the woman will return to the man? Virgin Israel is the Messianic Jews who have returned to the man, Jesus, their Lord. Jeremiah 31 32It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to them, ” declares the Lord. 21“Set up road signs; put up guideposts. Take note of the highway, the road that you take. Return, Virgin Israel, return to your towns. 22How long will you wander, unfaithful Daughter Israel? The Lord will create a new thing on earth- the woman will return to the man.”
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
​@@Amesbmack1 I mentioned to you that Zachariah 12 does not say pierced. There is nothing what so ever in that chapter about a man being pieced. Your logic is faulty. Zachariah 12 is known as the proof of the crucifixion. So how can it of happened with J and still be a future event from today? Nothing in the chapter shows or hints to a 2022 year difference between the so called piercing and the mourning. No upon his return he'll be mourned for. The chapter clearly happens all at once. I showed you how the mourning, of the Jews, for this man is very clearly the same day of the stabbing. That never happened with your J. I clearly showed you how the ME and HIM prove there are two people involved. The one mourned for is not the one that was stabbed or pierced as you want to believe. You can't say J is both. One or the other. So which one? I don't know why you bother quoting your NT. It's very false and against the Tanak to me. Why do you bother? You also quoted a few more verses. I did mention many times I don't do a million verses at once. Micah 5 and Jeremiah 31 is not your J. I already discussed and prove Jer 31 in another comment. We are on Zachariah 12 and I say I proved to you, beyond any reason of a doubt, it can't be your J. You seem to be totally ignoring that proof and just talk like it is. I'll like you see you directly answer me please.
@hashemisbeautiful6615 Год назад
For the Christians watching this, you most likely know that the Christian Scriptures make some axiomatic references to the Oral Law. If so, this indicates that some of the authors of the Christian Scriptures took its authenticity for granted when composing their writings. One example of this is Acts 1:12, which says, "Then the apostles returned to Jerusalem from the hill called the Mount of Olives, a Sabbath day’s walk from the city." A Sabbath day's walk is defined only in the Oral Torah as about one kilometer. In Matthew 26, Jesus seems to be observing a Passover Seder, which is described only in the Oral Torah. The Seder is absent from Exodus 12, which only says that they should slaughter a Passover lamb and eat matzah for seven days. Maybe the biggest one is Matthew 23:2, where Jesus tells his followers to do everything that the Pharisees tell them to because they sit in the seat of Moses. The Pharisees were telling them to keep the Oral Law. It's true that he considered them hypocrites, but not false teachers. Perhaps more fundamentally is that the vowels in the Tanakh are part of the Oral Tradition, and yet all Christians everywhere accept them. If you ever look at a Torah scroll you'll see that it contains no vowel markings.
@kaziknowik8901 5 лет назад
there u go your oral law established requirements for what Messiah will do rather than a Scripture, so u wanna overwrite conditions for Messiah with oral kaw rather than look in the old testament to find it pinpointing to Messiah, so u wanna inflict your conditions on God of Messiah Rather than God inflict his condition of his(God's) Messiah on you, and that is why Jesus is conflicting with your oral requirements rather than scriptures requirements for Messiah
@garyweiss7111 3 года назад
The Oral law tell you what the scripture says about the Messiah. The Oral law never overrides the scriptures. It only explains the Torah. The Torah not the Oral Torah but the Torah, is clear J failed at every job, qualification and prophecy of the messiah.
@noothername6199 3 года назад
@@garyweiss7111 Really? where does the Torah say Jesus Christ failed any of the prophecies ? Show me where it says this. This is who you are waiting for....Anti-Christ 9, Even Him , whose coming is after the work of Satan with all Power and Signs and Lying Wonders. 2 Thessalonians 2:9 4 , Who apposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he As God sitteth in the Temple of GOd, shewing himself that he is GOd.
@garyweiss7111 3 года назад
@@noothername6199 It doesn't say outright Jesus failed but the Torah gives us all the jobs and qualifications that the Messiah must be and what must happen when the Messiah comes. Here is a list of many of the things that must happen with the Messiah and the verses to prove it. Please tell me just one J fulfilled. No one to this day ever fulfilled them. So no one can be called the Messiah just yet. www.drazin.com/indexb70b.html?9._The_King_Messiah Would you like more proof?
@noothername6199 3 года назад
@@garyweiss7111 Wow, are you that blind ? He's already fulfilled most all , the rest are fulfilled when He returns. He giving the world a chance to repent before his return............ Dont bow your knee to the anti-Christ. God will punish you. anti christ makes the world take his mark in your hand or forehead its 666 to buy and sell . "Notice the computer chips out now can go in both" And He shall be for a Sanctuary ; but for a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offence to both the houses of Israel ,for a gin, and for a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Isa 8:14 And for a stone of stumbling , and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the Word, being disobedient , whereunto they were appointed. 1 Peter 2:8
@garyweiss7111 3 года назад
@@noothername6199 I can't believe I never replied to this. I'm sorry but your J didn't fulfil even 1 prophecy of the Messiah, 1 qualification of the Messiah or one job of the Messiah. Try and prove me wrong. All I ask is one verse or proof at a time. There is no such thing as an antichrist. Not in the Tanak. I don't go by the NT for the same reason you don't go by Rabbinical literature so please do not bother quoting it.
@myunicornlife4043 6 лет назад
its funny you can be a jew and accept new age ,budism ,athiesm ,but once you accept yeshua thats where the problem is yeshua is not a forenner he was born in a jewish town he was a rabbi why so much hatred against him ask yourselfes that question .
@garyweiss7111 3 года назад
Jews don't accept any other religion as the true religion. Accepting J is different. He's a G-d to people. Your other religions don't make there leaders to be G-d. Following a man as a G-d is idol worshipping.
@jacobmetts2668 3 года назад
@@garyweiss7111 question, who is the angel of the Lord in the tanak?
@garyweiss7111 3 года назад
@@jacobmetts2668 All angels were created to serve the true G-d. None are G-d themselves. The angel of the L-rd simply is an angel working for G-d. If you believe J is G-d himself then to say the angel of the L-rd is the L-rd himself should obviously not make sense to you. He's not J in anyway. That I can assure you.
@garyweiss7111 3 года назад
I should add a few things. Jews don't hate J anymore than you hate Mohamed, Joseph, Allah or any other prophet or G-d of any other religion. We, like you, just don't accept him since we say our bible doesn't have him or hint to him. It's really that simple. Most Jews don't hate J we simply don't accept him. If that is a crime then you are just as guilty for denying all other G-ds and prophets. Last J being Jewish (I don't believe he was a Rabbi) doesn't make what he teaches a Jewish thing. No more than Joseph being a devote J and NT believer makes Mormon teachings Christian. What J is and stands for goes against the Tanak. Very simple.
@jacobmetts2668 3 года назад
@@garyweiss7111 Angels are never to be worshipped, but yet the angel of the Lord is worshipped on several occasions? obviously he is more than a mere angel, he is the creator himself, if he accepts worship! Jesus claims to be that messenger in exodus that spoke to Moses from the burning bush! I AM that I AM!
@jimferrari3964 Год назад
The Lord Jesus is coming on the clouds of heaven in the glory of the Father with all the Holy angels. . Daniel 7:13, I was watching in the night visions, And behold, One like the Son of Man , Coming with the clouds of heaven!
@andrewburton4584 Год назад
Amen, Jesus is King!!
@danirenan9534 3 месяца назад
Most Jews really don't think of Jesus at all.
@thanzi4148 Год назад
This is quite literally the same argument that the Jews we're saying in the Gospel books and Acts...unfortunately But don't worry soon you will see Jesus Christ the Son of God come with the glory of the Father and you also will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord
@rickardnolan3019 3 года назад
Jesus said they held to the traditions of men and laid aside the commandments of God. He said they were concerned with washing physically but Jesus is the only way to God so He can make you clean inside. God can’t lie. Just trust that God is God and like the prophets speak to Him and ask Him if Jesus is really His son? God loves you all but you reject Him. You can build another temple and carry out all of your ceremonies but it won’t get you closer to God. God told king David He never asked for a house. It was a man’s idea but that man loved God so He allowed it. God wants men for His temple. Men let all kinds of things rule in their hearts and reject God because they think money, sex, cars, laws, a temple and so on will get them closer to God but God said once and for all time that His Son, the Messiah Jesus Christ is the only way into His presence. In the Old Testament if someone wanted to come into God’s presence they went to the prophets and heard from God and now the way is through His son Jesus Christ revealed in His children, the Christians. It’s hard when you believe you know the way to God and don’t want to let go but you have to choose to humble yourself before Him. A Christian would be a liar for trying to agree with you and even take part in harming you because God wants you to know He loves you but you have to accept His way. God has never been afraid of men asking Him questions. Just speak and ask Him. You remember how God heard the Hebrews in their tents? You remember how He heard Moses when he asked questions while they were traveling? Remember how He talked to Moses about His plan with Pharaoh? Remember how He heard the cries of His people in Egypt? God hears people and if they call out He will answer. This isn’t a competition to prove who’s God is real. God is real and you either know the way into His presence or you don’t and if you don’t you better be honest and look for the truth. He never let that temple fall for nothing. It was because He rejected it to dwell with men everywhere. All you have to do is call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and you’ll be saved. He loves you.
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
Jews are the only people that truly follow Torah. If you accept J and the NT then you are going against Torah. He's not in or hinted to in the Tanak. What the Tanak truly teaches shows J can't be what is claimed of him. So you go by the truly man made bible the NT and I'll go by G-ds true word or the Tanak.
@quiricomazarin476 2 года назад
@@garyweiss7111 Your right Gary 100 % ....thing is your not a J....you are a so-called J thinking he is one. As God the Son ( Emmanual ) told your satanic forefathers that a true Son of Abraham & owner of Israel follows love in his heart for fellow mankind which is the new perfected J-law I.e : Catholiscism. So you keep on following your rabbinical talMudic satanic post A.D pagan religion that supersedes your ( masoretic wrong bible ) . I'll follow the real Bible ( septuagint + N.T ) & God's word through his Godly Oral tradition & the word of God speaking through the temple ( catholic church which offers true sacrifice ). So I'll keep the Triune word of God ...like the O.T says Malachi 1:11 .... We have the Pure sacrifice of the spotless lamb of God.... You can keep your Weiss...I mean white selpelchure man made heretical false no sacrifice to be found post Christ's death religion; I'll stick with true Jdaism ( Catholiscism ). Good luck with your false Simon bar kockba messiahs....as that always ends in failure.
@LitoLochoss Год назад
@@garyweiss7111 Nt was written by God Isiah 9:6 Isiah 53 not Israel Israel is refers s woman by God not him Palms 22 If you truly follow it trow out your tradition of men
@garyweiss7111 Год назад
@@LitoLochoss If your NT was written by G-d and not by men then it wouldn't go directly against the Tanak like it does over and over and over. Not one verse you mentioned points to J or can even possibly be him. Pick one to discuss and I'll show you clearly how it can't be J at all. I follow the Torah and I don't need any Rabbi or Rabbinical teaching to prove to you J and the NT are 100% false and against the Torah. All I need is the Tanak, what you call the Old Testament, to prove this. That all by itself proves J can't be the Messiah. Pick your verse for me to prove can't be your J.
@theholygospels3409 Год назад
@@garyweiss7111 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-4Hdl0qj3U78.html
@cheryldeboissiere1851 3 месяца назад
Get captions, my fan is too loud for me to hear what you are saying...
@wendyleeconnelly2939 3 месяца назад
Can you adjust your fan?
@noothername6199 3 года назад
Old Testament prophecies concealed. In the New Testament REVEALED. Jeremiah 31:31
@garyweiss7111 3 года назад
So why didn't Jer 31:34 come about yet? And no longer shall one teach his neighbor or [shall] one [teach] his brother, saying, "Know the Lord," for they shall all know Me from their smallest to their greatest,
@noothername6199 3 года назад
@@garyweiss7111 The Lord will come back when hes ready. The anti-christ has to come first ,according to scripture. Then the Lord returns ,kills him and fights the enemies that surround Israel on the day of the Lord.... The blood will go all the way up to the horses bridle . The moon turns to blood and stars from the sky. Joel 2:31 , 3:15 and he gathers his people back. And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord will set his hand again the SECOND TIME to recover the remnant of his people , which shall be left, from Assyia, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hammath, and from the Islands of the sea. Isaiah 11:11
@garyweiss7111 3 года назад
@@noothername6199 At least you're trying to quote the Tanak. I'll give you that. There is no hint to a second coming of the Messiah in the Tanak. He comes once and only once. There is no verse 31 in Joel 2 nor verse 15 in chapter 3 As for Chapter 11 in Isaiah when did the following come true with J? 3. And he shall be animated by the fear of the Lord, and neither with the sight of his eyes shall he judge, nor with the hearing of his ears shall he chastise. As for the above. Why would J fear himself if he is G-d? 4. And he shall judge the poor justly, and he shall chastise with equity the humble of the earth, and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth and with the breath of his lips he shall put the wicked to death. 5. And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faith the girdle of his loins. 6. And a wolf shall live with a lamb, and a leopard shall lie with a kid; and a calf and a lion cub and a fatling [shall lie] together, and a small child shall lead them. 7. And a cow and a bear shall graze together, their children shall lie; and a lion, like cattle, shall eat straw. 8. And an infant shall play over the hole of an old snake and over the eyeball of an adder, a weaned child shall stretch forth his hand The whole chapter didn't come true with J. So how can you say it's him?
@noothername6199 3 года назад
@@garyweiss7111 The Great day of the Lord is the second coming ,its Joel 2:10,11 in the Tanakh and 3:4 Where does the Tanakh say the Messiah can come only once ?? WHERE? thats your personal opinion, not scripture. .....the LORD will set his hand again the SECOND TIME.....ISA 11:11 take a hint. The rest of the scriptures you wrote all happen AFTER the second Coming when God gives him the Kingdom He will set up his kingdom Old Testament Second Coming Scriptures: Look for them in the Tanakh= Daniel 2:44-45 Dan 7:9-14 Dan 12:1-3 Zechariah 12:10 Zech 14:1-15 New Testament= Matthew 13:41 Matt 24:15-31 Matt 26:64 Mark 13:14-27 Mark 14:62,23 Luke 21:25-28 Acts 19:11 Acts 3:19-21 1 Thessalonians 3:13 Jude 14:15 Revelation 1:7 Rev 19:11, 20:6 Rev 22:7,12,20
@garyweiss7111 3 года назад
@@noothername6199 It's not opinion he comes only once. You would think that the writers of the Tanak aren't stupid but holy men. So if they knew there was a second coming they would tell us. Outright tell us or use words like he comes and x and y happens then upon his return a and b happens. So were in Joel does it hint that this is a second time? May it's a 5th 7th or that. Were does it hint this is the second time? By the way did you notice in Joel 2 verse 12 And even now, says the Lord, return to Me with all your heart, and with fasting and with weeping and with lamentation. This whole chapter doesn't say accept my Messiahs for life. Believe in him. It says repent. That is all that is needed not accepting a man dying for us. This clearly can't be your J. If it was his coming wouldn't it warn us to accept his dying for us. Were is that warning. Chapter 3 also gives no hint to J and what he stands for in anyway. Isaiah 11:3 clearly says this man will have fear of G-d. J is G-d to you. Does G-d need to fear himself? Is he afraid to look at himself in the mirror? I say there is nothing in any chapter of Joel or Isaiah that you gave that hints to this being J. Nothing. I can claim it's my grandson, any leader of any religion. Nothing. As a matter of fact the opposite is true like I told you in Joel. G-d says repent and that will help you not accept the Messiah dying for you. Repentance isn't enough to you and this chapter makes no mention of accepting a man dying for you. So until you J actually fulfils this (he won't it's not him) you can't say it's just him. As for your other verses of proof. I will ignore your NT ones. They are as valid of G-d word to me as the Talmud and our Rabbis are to you. As valid as the book of Mormon is to you. Your Tanak quotes can't possibly be your J. Pick one to discuss and I'll so clearly show you how you simply fail to really read those chapters. I don't debate a million verses at once. Choose one please.
@joymahiko Год назад
All the apostles were Jews. So were the first churches which were in Jerusalem. True spirit born Christians are the biggest supporters of Jews and Israel!
@garyweiss7111 Год назад
Their support is greatly appreciated just as long as they don't feel it gives them the right to preach and try to convert Jews.
@jayx61 2 года назад
You assessed the situation accurately that it is traditions that keep you from not following Jesus as the Messiah. No one can know that Jesus is the Messiah except by revolution. The New Testament Matthew 16: 13-18 "13 ¶ When Jesus came into the coasts of Cæsarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? 14 And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. 15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? 16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. 17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. 18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Spiritual truth is known by personal revolution. That's how Abraham, Moses and all the prophets knew God. And that's how we to can only know God.
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
Problem is that J and your NT is not in the Tanak. Not in it or hinted in it. As a matter of fact the Tanak is against J. Your J glasses are on so tight that you fail to see the obvious.
@jayx61 2 года назад
@@garyweiss7111 Without antagonism or contentious motives, my intent is to highlight that no one can know God unless He reveals Himself to them through personal revelation. Intellectual theorising, affirmations of ancient scripture, following traditions, wearing religious robes, participation in ceremonies, rituals, chants and prayers etc is not what spirituality is. That is all just smoke and mirrors. Knowing God is attained by personal reverlation from Him. True spirituallity consists of a two way conversation, as in God hears and answers prayers. To denigh that God has the power to communicate to His children is simply a form of priestcraft. Men manipulating men to hear and follow them, rather than have seek God personally and follow them follow His personal direction to them. The standard for what is spiritual truth should only be, 'knowledge that has been revealed to oneself personaly from God'. Anything less than this is just speculation, and the teachings of men. Faith in God should never be blind. Faith in God should lead to the fruit of knowledge personally received from God by revelation. True spirituality is a two-way communication thing. We must place our trust in God, not in the traditions of men, no matter how spiritual they profess to be.
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
@@jayx61 If you actually read the Torah then you would know that the true way to know G-d is by doing his commandments. That is how he reveals himself. That is how you bring his holiness to you and the world. No one has a better relationship with G-d than the Jews. They are not traditions of men they are the will of G-d. The Tanak so clearly states the faithful Jews will be proven right in the times of the Messiah. Zachariah 8:23, Isaiah 2:3 and Jeremiah 16:19. So you go by the church and I'll go by the people G-d says that I should.
@jayx61 2 года назад
Of course anyone with a brain can workout that it was an oversight by me to not see in my initial comment that the auto type had changed the word *revelation to revolution, which frustrates me as one who like to be very precise in what I communicate. PS. also 'to' as I've written it should have been spelt with double 'o' as in too.
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
@@jayx61 That doesn't change anything I said.
@RaffiSosikian Год назад
I have a question for the learned Rabbis, is the Holy Spirit that is mentioned in the Torah (Genesis 1:2) and in other books of the Tanakh (Isaiah 63:10-11, and Psalm 51:11) is that Holy Spirit God or is that Holy Spirit a separate God? Of course we know for repentance we must seek the presence of God (2 Chronicles 7:14), but God says He must hear our repentance from Heaven. How can we seek the presence of God on earth, when God is in Heaven? Thank you.
@garyweiss7111 Год назад
It's G-d himself it's not a separate being or another part of G-d.
@RaffiSosikian Год назад
@@garyweiss7111 so then the footsteps that Adam and Eve heard in the garden, and hid from God bc of their disobeying, is the same God as the Holy Spirit that has no physical form that was hovering over the waters. So based on the Torah that means God has visible form, and concurrently, God is a Spirit. Amazing! But there's more, what about in the Nevi'im (1 Samuel) when God called Samuel, who heard Him, but did not see Him, nor feel Him, as Samuel thought it was Eli calling him. So all Samuel had was audible Words from God! Is that the same God? In other words, God in physical form that we know has feet per Genesis, God the Spirit which we also see in Genesis hovering over waters, and the audible Words heard but not seen nor felt, all 3 are the same God?
@garyweiss7111 Год назад
@RaffiSosikian Do me a favor and pick one verse at a time so I can prove to you that G-d never came down in human form. I don't deal with a million verses shoved at me at once.
@RaffiSosikian Год назад
@@garyweiss7111 I appreciate your help. Thanks in advance! God in human form - Adam and Eve hear the footsteps of God walking in the garden: Gen 3:8 "Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden." God as Spirit: Gen1:2 "Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters." God as Word that is not seen nor felt: 1 Sam 3:4-8 "Then the Lord called Samuel. Samuel answered, 'Here I am.' And he ran to Eli and said, 'Here I am; you called me.' But Eli said, 'I did not call; go back and lie down.' So he went and lay down. Again the Lord called, 'Samuel!' And Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, 'Here I am; you called me.' 'My son,' Eli said, 'I did not call; go back and lie down.' Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord: The word of the Lord had not yet been revealed to him. A third time the Lord called, 'Samuel!' And Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, 'Here I am; you called me.' Then Eli realized that the Lord was calling the boy."
@garyweiss7111 Год назад
@RaffiSosikian I have been debating J believers for years. Enough time to know the missionary game of having a million verses thrown at me at once. Pick your verse, and I'll gladly prove its not G-din physicalform, then we can go on to the next one.
@robertthiele8160 2 года назад
Please allow me to suggest that you check out Discovering the Jewish Jesus with Rabbi Schneider.
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
How will it change the Jewish opinion that J is a false Messiah, false prophet and a false G-d? That is the Jewish opinion. Schneider is a Messianic Jew. His opinion is not the Jewish opinion and never was. Messianic Judaism speaks for Christianity not Judaism. They live like Christians, teach and believe like Christians. I suggest you read up on the real and true Jewish opinion of J.
@ronymanuel507 3 года назад
¿Quién ha subido al cielo y ha descendido? ¿Quién ha atrapado al viento en la taza de su mano? ¿Quién ha envuelto las aguas en su manto? ¿Quién tiene dominio de los confines del mundo? ¿Cuál es Su Nombre y cuál es El Nombre de su hijo? ¡Seguramente tú sabes! Proverbios 30:4
@DeMarioEsposito Год назад
Sound quality is terrible. Please re- record
@joeallan007 9 лет назад
you are just making the statement that Jesus didnt do according to Torah...give us the proof
@epfizerdoolittleajl2165 8 лет назад
Give us proof? Why dont you stop being lazy and read the parts of the torah that describe jesus? (And no im not a jew)
@garyweiss7111 3 года назад
He saying he is G-ds son, a kosher sacrifice, saying or even hinted he fulfilled any laws of sacrifices, saying he fulfilled even one qualification, even one prophecy or even one job of the Messiahs all goes against the Torah. I can go on and on.
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
@@epfizerdoolittleajl2165 There's not one ink mark in the Tanak that describes J.
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
@k s Why are you assuming we must have a temple to achieve forgiveness of sin? If that was true then your J would be an illegal sacrifice. He actually is. He fulfilled 0 laws of sacrifices being one. We don't need the temple for forgiveness. Blood sacrifices were always very limited in the sins they could atone for in the first place. Only unintentional sins between between and G-d.
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
@k s First I answered everything you said but since you don't like the answer you just dismiss it. Second when I get home after work I'll prove all I said WITH VERSES NOT RABBIS. I'll prove the better and more preferable ways to clear sin. Anything I said you want Torah proof just ask. Last I find it so hilarious how you fail to see how your very own claim rules J out as a valid sacrifice. Here you say only on temple grounds can a sacrifice be brought. Only on temple grounds can it work. No temple sacrifices just can't work. This is your claim. Yet you claim J is a valid sacrifice. He was never sacrificed on temple grounds (one on tons of TORAH laws of sacrifices he broke being one). Never on temple grounds. Yet that doesn't matter. Absolute law for us but not needed for you. In short the only way to clear our sins, since we can't legally bring them on temple grounds, is to accept a sacrifice off temple grounds. Or we must break the law to be saved from it. How you can't see this hypocritical claim is beyond me. I'll prove anything I say but don't play the missionary game of shoving a million proofs at me at once. One subject at a time.
@Executionmarkets 3 года назад
Read Isaiah 53 the book they wanted to remove from the torah
@garyweiss7111 3 года назад
Jews never wanted to remove that chapter which is in the Prophets not the Torah. There is nothing what so ever forbidden about that chapter. No decree was ever made not to read it. You can find tons and tons of books and teachings on that chapter. It's not and never was a forbidden chapter. That is a lie you believe.
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
@k s Nothing you said hints to J. I don't do a million subjects at once pick one. Shall I prove J has no legal right to be king?
@paullkaplan4140 2 года назад
Read isaiah 43 before 53 it says israel is his servant. Read the rest of the verses ita talks about the servants children. Jesus didn't have any children. Don't just pick out a verse because it sounds like it might be about Jesus read the whole chapter.
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
@@paullkaplan4140 100% correct.
@scouttalent7456 2 года назад
Lol I know israel is the servant but carefully read through Isaiah 53 in content and you will see it’s. It not israel. If Isaiah 53 was about israel, why do I find Jewish women so hot and I want to wife them all? What about the hot women that want Jewish men for husband. Sounds like Jewish people are desired and that’s fact. Therefore Isaiah 53 is talking about one individual who won’t be desired.
@timdodddodd4074 Год назад
According to Jesus your Messiah will be the true Antichrist you're looking for power Jesus came the first time to heal send but believe me when Jesus comes back the second time blood will run as high as the bridles bit in a horse's mouth all knees will bow to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
@garyweiss7111 Год назад
J isn't in the Tanak. The Tanak is against him and teaches he's false. I go by that.
@timdodddodd4074 Год назад
@@garyweiss7111 well you believe what you want to believe but we will see him coming in the sky the dead in Christ will rise and those that are alive will rise to meet him in the sky
@garyweiss7111 Год назад
@Tim dodd Dodd I believe what Tanak actually teaches, which is J is a false messiah, false G-d and believing in him is against G-ds will and idolatry. You'll not see J come back You'll see that the faithful Orthodox Jews will be proven right in the messianic times, and the world will go to them for spiritual guidance. Zachariah 8:23, Isaiah 2:3 and Jeremiah 16:19. This what you will see.
@timdodddodd4074 Год назад
@@garyweiss7111 the tanakh hasn't had a prophet in almost three thousand years and your heart is so bad you can't even say my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ name he was and always will be the Messiah the tanakh and the priest of Israel crucified Jesus because he came to clean house in the end the Bible says that there will only be 144,000 Jewish people saved if I was you I would take a look at the New testamentJesus will show you the way praise his holy name he came as the lamb and he died for our sins that we could be with him
@garyweiss7111 Год назад
@@timdodddodd4074 That's not sad it's sad that you believe your tampered with version of the Tanak instead of the original Hebrew or a good translation which both would prove that J isn't in one single ink mark of the Tanak. They would also prove that the Tanak is against J and the NT and prove they both are false. The saddest thing is that the Tanak tells us the faithful Jews, who never accepted J and the NT, will be proven right in the Messianic times but you refuse to believe that. Check it out for yourself. Zechariah 8:3, Isaiah 2:3 and Jeremiah 16:19. It's sad how you ignore the real true teachings of the Torah to keep your J and NT.
@sippinh2o 4 года назад
In the new testaments, remember that the muggles (joke) were turning the temples into a local butcher market, and also unjustly treating neighbors/nonJews who were less fortunate than they were. The muggles back then got mad when people wanted to grab apples from a tree on a Sunday, saying that’s too much work! The same muggles who complained that all they were eating was Mana, some type of carbohydrate bread falling from the sky, when they were going round and round in the dessert for decades for their disobedience after escaping from Egypt. Also, According to the old testament, The Jews were getting slapped so hard in the face every 50 years or a century bc God was angry with you, and this went on for few millenias, I think any half witted analysts can see that there had to be a change. The saying “Mankind is dumb, and are like an herd of lambs” fits very nicely.
@mariechristian5413 4 месяца назад
I beg to differ because, after having a near death experience, I discovered that Jesus-Yeshua is indeed God! 100%!!!! To teach otherwise is to damn ones own soul for which God Himself became a man . . . to fulfill the letter of the law in which not one human being besides Jesus could fulfill & to become a sacrifice for our sins . . . for without the shedding of blood, there can be no remission of sins! Jesus is the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world! It is so real! The Jewish Messiah has already come and the only Messiah who will come after will be the antichrist to set up his Mark of the Beast system! He will be the Abomination of Desolation and will declare Peace! But God says, there will be no peace! But if we want to go to heaven . . . we must believe in Jesus and put our trust in Him for our Salvation & Redemption! He is the last lamb that gave Himself for the sins of the world! All who believe it are Saved! For I'm not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God unto Salvation; to the Jew First and Also to the Gentile! I believe this is Israel's time!!!! This is a time of Repentance and returning to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel) Don't miss your day of visitation! With much love!! BTW, when a Jew comes to Jesus, he becomes a completed Jew! He has found his messiah, and he is complete in Him! There is only one way to God & it is through Jesus Christ . . . the only begotten Son of God!!! It is In Him that we live and move and have our being!!! Trust in Yeshua for there is no other way whereby we must be Saved but by the name of Jesus!!!! Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life & no man can come to God except through Him! I believe that! I learned that through a Near Death Experience!
@mybestfriendjesus8326 Год назад
46:1 There I beheld the Ancient of days, whose head was like white wool, and with him another, whose countenance resembled that of man. His countenance was full of grace, like [that of] one of the holy angels. Then I inquired of one of the angels, who went with me, and who showed me every secret thing, concerning this Son of man; who he was; whence he was and why he accompanied the Ancient of days. 46:2 He answered and said to me, This is the Son of man, to whom righteousness belongs; with whom righteousness has dwelt; and who will reveal all the treasures of that which is concealed: for the Lord of spirits has chosen him; and his portion has surpassed all before the Lord of spirits in everlasting uprightness. - 1 Enoch Chapter 46: 1-2)
@garyweiss7111 Год назад
Enoch is not a kosher book and not part of the Tanak.
@chuckspanda 11 месяцев назад
@@garyweiss7111 it doesn't matter it's God's word all scripture is inspired by God. And the book of Enoch was in all scripture even the council of Trent 1492 accepted it as scripture .I don't care what man's law is I care about God's law is
@garyweiss7111 11 месяцев назад
@chuckspanda Because the council of Trent accepted it as valid doesn't make it valid. If they accepted the book of Mormon or the Koran, would you accept it too? They are no authority to listen to. They accept the NT, which is totally against Torah. I only accept Torah.
@taezazwoldu5302 Год назад
Once all ways of truth is revealed by Jesus there isn't need of conflicting with each other by tribe, religion etc
@douglaslett7504 2 года назад
This fellow seems to have a reasonable view of Judaism and Christianity !
@ChrisMusante Год назад
God is 'not' composite - yet the Torah says like ONE of us. 'Something' else was there as per this verse. I will not claim trinity - but GOD 'created' man, and LORD GOD 'formed' man, and Isaiah 45:7 contrasts creating and forming in a VERY OBVIOUS way.
@igalyahav4674 Год назад
I don't care so much about the value of believing in Jesus, but the fruits that believing in him brought to humanity. Electricity, computers, technology, art, motor traffic and much more. There are Jews who express themselves evilly towards him, when they do not understand that they are flying by virtue of him. Keli Batis was developed by his believers. There are Jewish women who are hostile to him, but they do not understand that they gave birth thanks to him. The State of Israel is making great progress in solving fertility problems, but it took the basis from his teachings. These are unworthy effects of ungratefulness
@chinabohay6142 Год назад
Don't worship an human being, don't worship jesus because he was an human being like us.....if you want to worship a man or a woman, you had better worshiping your parents
@rhodiusscrolls3080 Год назад
Bernis and Benjamin Did You Know Jesus Was Jewish?
@user-464 Год назад
Please note; Not all Jews agree with their unbelief in Yeshua. There are MANY Jews who do believe in Him as their Messiah. Some believe... and some don’t.
@andrewstaples7544 3 месяца назад
It's like 50 / 50
@mishelkanab8680 Год назад
Proverbs 30:4
@martinmaidenbaum5159 2 года назад
We don't about Jesus at all. For us he is a non entity.
@mattt21 Год назад
Yet He is the basis of all the Tanakh, which us Christians plainly see. You know the original apostles were Jews? They were just men who correctly interpreted Yeshua as the Messiah. Saul, who wrote most the New Testament, knew the Hebrew Scriptures far better than anyone you know. He was a student under a leading esteemed rabbi all his life, then he was converted and became an apostle of Christ. Christians all over the World stand on the foundation of Yeshua, a Jew, and his Jewish apostles. Just as Isaiah explained that God would “lift up his hand to the Gentiles, and set up his standard to the people” (Isaiah 49). Why do Jews see no room for Gentiles when it’s clearly stated in their Scripture. Do you just want to pretend it’s not there? “I will give you as a light to the Gentiles, that you may be my salvation unto the ends of the Earth”. And Yeshua means Yehova Shua, Yehova Saves. If Jesus wasn’t the Messiah, then what have the last 2,000 years been about. God just went quiet and left the Earth? Where is his promise to the Gentiles? The era of the Gentiles now is closing, and God will focus again on Israel, which he miraculously formed as a nation again. Where is the Temple today? It’s the body of believers in Christ.
@nasseralzeer9935 8 месяцев назад
"God" Guide us to the straight path , The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor "Muslims", not of those who have earned [Your] anger "Jews" or of those who are astray "Christians"
@thanzi4148 Год назад
This is quite literally the same words that the Jews we're saying in the Gospel books and Acts...unfortunately But don't worry soon you will see Jesus Christ the Son of God come with the glory of the Father and you also will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord
@theresafenyvesi9765 Год назад
God know all they thinking about his Son you can be sure is written in books in heaven . Amen Amen
@goldengun9970 Год назад
Sure us. Exodus 4:22 israel the firstborn son. Hosea 11.1 israel the son
@ariefsheik1716 2 года назад
Answer this Jesus came only to the lost tribe,children of Israel.
@noothername6199 2 года назад
Yes, in the beginning. But the Jews (his people) rejected him , They rejected their own Messiah . Sent him to the cross to die and that opened the door for the rest of the world to receive Salvation. Now , he's the worlds Messiah. But in the beginning he only came for the Jews, his people. John 1:11 He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. 12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God to those who believe in His Name 13 who were born, not of blood, nor the will of the flesh, nor the will of man, but of God.
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
@@noothername6199 We rejected J for the same reason you reject all other prophets and people of other religions. He simple did 0 jobs, fulfilled 0 prophecies and 0 qualifications of the Messiah. You can't call someone the Messiah who did nothing the Messiah is supposed to do.
@noothername6199 2 года назад
@@garyweiss7111 Lol 😂 your words have 0 qualifications
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
@@noothername6199 I'll gladly give you a list of the qualification of the Messiah he failed to fulfill and I'll also be more than happy to give you a huge list of verses all which directly contradict all J supposedly stands for.
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
@@noothername6199 I just think you are afraid to admit that I am more than qualified and can prove my point with the bible itself. It will make you have to you admit that your J and the NT aren't in or hinted to in the NT. Not only that that the bible even teaches against them. So unless you actually try to answer me and prove my points wrong we can agree to disagree and when the Messiah finally comes and the faithful Jews (not Christians, Muslims, Mormons or any other religion) will be proven right as the bible itself says will happen (Zachariah 8:23, Isaiah 2:3 and Jeremiah 16:19) we can talk then. Till then many blessings to you.
@TomB1236 Год назад
Yeshua is the Jewish MESSIAH promised to us, Look to the written Torah, is all in there
@TikyeWilliams Месяц назад
Audhu billahi minash shaitain rajim ☪️
@tarugardiner4287 2 года назад
I would be just grateful that the true Christians that follow Jesus's teachings have helped reinstate Israel,protected and respected Israel . We are all one in my eyes , we all answer to the one creator . Thank you for your teaching and explanation .
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
Jews would be grateful for the support. Just as long as no Christians every try to convert Jews. That is wrong. Just like you would never want people to convert J believers to other religions we feel the same. We always welcome the support of Israel and Jews but we never want missionaries.
@jewishmgtowinthejungle1259 2 года назад
@@garyweiss7111 They believe Jesus won't come back until all the Jews have been exterminated either through conversion (evangelical method) or death (Hitler's method). This is the real reason Christians are in Israel.
@Legendkiller99 2 года назад
There is no creator , religions are human made and full of myths, fairy tales and legends
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
@@Legendkiller99 I agree there will be no return of the Messiah. He comes only once. I say there is a creator but if you don't accept the Torah then how can one argue with you?
@Legendkiller99 2 года назад
@@garyweiss7111 the Torah is man made the same as all the religions , there is some true things in the Torah and there is some legends and fairy tales.
@anton1949 2 года назад
Well, they think He's a fraud.
@joejeffery5454 Год назад
So do they think he’s just a prophet like the Muslims or they just agree to some of his teachings? Man’s was kind of vague
@rhodiusscrolls3080 Год назад
What did Jesus think of Jews?
@MrPaulselvan 2 года назад
Jesus is going to come, the days are very near. The second comming of Messiah. How this jew claims he is not Messiah.
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
We say he's not the Messiah because he did nothing the Messiah was supposed to do. He fulfilled 0 prophecies and 0 qualifications of the Messiah. You can't call someone the Messiah who did nothing the Messiah is supposed to do. There is no such thing as the second coming of the Messiah. No support of it in Jewish teachings of the bible itself.
@MrPaulselvan 2 года назад
@@garyweiss7111 Tell Me what he did not do? He did miracles and miracles that no prophets ever performed before him. He raised from dead Lazarus, the brother of madheln Maria. He arose from dead on the third day. No prophets died and arose from dead same like Jesus. Now it's time for you to understand. When you pray call him. The father of Abraham, Issac and yaqoob. Ask him show me the right path. Then you will receive a miracle.
@pardes7342 2 года назад
@@MrPaulselvan Miracles are not proof that he is the Messiah. He is not a descendant of King David to start with. He was not a talmid chacham/Torah scholar who can solve all arguments of our Torah world. He was actually a heretic and came out with a contrary commandment" drink my blood and eat my flesh in remembrance of me" This is heresy. He definitely is NOT the Messiah and he also violated: honor your father and mother which in HEBREW includes older brother and rabbis or sages. He badmouthed the Pharisees in Mathew....which is why he is now wallowing in the pool of feces in the 7th hell and won't be able to come for the second time.
@MrPaulselvan 2 года назад
@@pardes7342 you doesn't have enough knowledge. Honor your father and mother according to the law. But if your father and mother will not take care of you in any circumstances then who can take care of you?. Only God can take care of you. Because we people are sheep's and God is only the shepherd man who is taking care peoples. So according to the pharasies they are sheep clothed wolfs. They don't have mercy. Even when they ordered to kill a prostitute women they came to jesus. Jesus replied if whomever among you have not sinned can throw the first stone on her. But everyone astonished by hos words. Jesus said do not judge. The same judgment will come to you when you die. So love each other how do you love yourself. In Paradise no one is enemy and the sinners will not enter in to the kingdom of heaven. Now its time for you to repent. Surrender your self to our lord Jesus. You will have riches in heaven.
@pardes7342 2 года назад
S. Paul My response to you from your comment below: PaRDeS פרדס you doesn't have enough knowledge. Honor your father and mother according to the law. But if your father and mother will not take care of you in any circumstances then who can take care of you?. Only God can take care of you. Because we people are sheep's and God is only the shepherd man who is taking care peoples. So according to the pharasies they are sheep clothed wolfs. They don't have mercy. Even when they ordered to kill a prostitute women they came to jesus. Jesus replied if whomever among you have not sinned can throw the first stone on her. But everyone astonished by hos words. Jesus said do not judge. The same judgment will come to you when you die. So love each other how do you love yourself. In Paradise no one is enemy and the sinners will not enter in to the kingdom of heaven. Now its time for you to repent. Surrender your self to our lord Jesus. You will have riches in heaven.
@petersanmiguel1468 Год назад
God forbid you take Psalm 110:1 literally and see Messiah Jesus and come to know the God of your fathers.
@taezazwoldu5302 Год назад
Israel is even so lucky country, that God as man or human revealed this way to be the center of finishing coflicts, Guidance's and put an end to Doubts, It becomes a bench mark or platform of Gods work. This worlds demons aren't easy unless we are guided by Jesus spiritual Guidance's, Demons are of many types....that course diseases, conflicts, fear, doubts etc and the worse missing your eternity.
@christopherdavidhughes8934 2 года назад
Watch a Rabbi called Tovia Singer. He is highly knowledgeable. I believe we are all in a battle for our survival
@sigmanocopyrightmusic8737 Год назад
@ChristopherDavidHughes watch dr Michael brown of whom tovia is scared of
@LitoLochoss Год назад
The professional lair
@hashemisbeautiful6615 Год назад
@@sigmanocopyrightmusic8737 At the end of the day, Dr. Brown is no different than any other Jew who ended up becoming Christian due to growing up with no spiritual connection to his religion, or much of a Jewish education. If you listen to his testimony it's virtually identical to other Jews who've had the same experience as him. It's quite sad really because Judaism has convincing answers for just about any theological issue you can think of, including the problem of sin. I'm nowhere near as knowledgeable as Rabbi Tovia Singer, and even _I've_ noticed some of the errors and fallacies that Dr. Brown has made. It's been a while since I've watched his videos, but I remember noticing them as I watched.
@craigertlmaier9113 Год назад
It seems believing in Jesus post 135 ce and latest 333 ce constitutes a violation of Jewish Law. Rabban Gamaliel said in Acts chapter 5 33-39 that if the Jesus movement known as Netzarim in Hebrew came to nothing then it was not from the Lord. They officially ended in 135 and disappeared from history in 333 ce. Everyone at the Sanhedrin agreed so it carries judicial weight. Rabban Gamaliel predicted Yeshua would become like the other false leaders mentioned in that passage.
@sulongenjop7436 Год назад
The jews especially the Judaism followers were caught by surprise to see Jesus lived among them was a human like them....not a genie!!!😂
@lesliewilson1570 3 года назад
Jew's are denying themselves a chance to have a personal relationship with God, it is the most beautiful experience, all because of some self-centred, egotistical rabbis two thousand years ago .
@garyweiss7111 3 года назад
Are you kidding me. We have a great relationship with G-d. Full of love for him and spirituality. I know I do.
@garyweiss7111 3 года назад
@Tovia's Kryptonite This is metaphorical. You do realize that Jews drink the same water and eat the same fish. Would we give each other our sins? Just like something in the death of the sea we can't really get to so our sins are cast off (only if done with repentance) to the point we can't get them. It does not mean our sins are all over the water for others to eat. When J says we must eat his flesh and drink his blood (John 6:53) does he mean literally? Most Jews don't even use bread we just have to be near water.
@garyweiss7111 3 года назад
@Tovia's Kryptonite I don't see the reply I sent. I have to give another one. You do realize that there is no sin with this chicken. It doesn't clear sin. Just like J chicken's are not kosher sacrifices. Are you aware of what the Kaporot is? Do you just believe anti Jewish sites? It's done with money for most people.
@garyweiss7111 3 года назад
@Tovia's Kryptonite I bet you didn't read the my Jewish learning good enough did you. I've been an Orthodox Jew for more than 35 years. I know what I'm talking about. A chicken is not and never was a kosher sacrifice. It clears no sins. Read more on the custom. What it does is simple. The chicken goes to it's death instead of the person if he deserves the death penalty. It takes the death penalty. Now if this is evil in your eyes then I guess J is very evil for taking the death penalty. It clears no sins. If it did then why would we need to ask for forgiveness on Yom Kippur for our sins?
@garyweiss7111 3 года назад
@Tovia's Kryptonite Then ask them if what I say is true. Are you practicing Judaism?
@sultanahbaby1076 3 года назад
Judaism and Christianity both sides go extremely against each other about who Jesus is , he was not God or son of God in Christian theological, nor was false messiah ; indeed , Islam is precisely giving Jesus his right position to be the true messiah and one of the greatest messengers of God almighty as Muslims believe. If you don't know, now you know Go check it out and read the final testament the quran by yourselves
@jjh7066 3 года назад
Islam is false. Jesus accepted worship and claimed divinity quoting the old testament "Son of Man". But of course, what can you expect from a pedophile muhammad? Repent
@wael4070 3 года назад
@@jjh7066 xiatinity is false, worship a man that came out of a woman womb, eats and poops... Muslims accept Issa as a prophet from God and the messiah
@fireandworms 2 года назад
Surah 5:32 > Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and spread mischief in the land is death, crucifixion, cutting off their hands and feet on opposite sides, or exile from the land. This ˹penalty˺ is a disgrace for them in this world, and they will suffer a tremendous punishment in the Hereafter.
@MrPaulselvan 2 года назад
@@fireandworms There is no God beside Jesus he is alpha and omega.
@Legendkiller99 2 года назад
@@MrPaulselvan hahahahahahahaha Jesus is a false Messiah and Christianity is a lie and fraud
@OnlineGamer62 6 лет назад
How do I keep my kippah from falling off I just got a hair cut
@waynepayne9875 3 года назад
@Dakini31 4 месяца назад
@Sonofiraq24 3 месяца назад
@johnwaters1949 Год назад
I don't mean to be rude but, this seems rather stiff necked. God was dealing with Job trying to make him more pliable. David, who stepped out to be rid of Goliath clearly was in contact with God and not the imagination of the Torah. David knew where he stood with God. Later he said that there was no excuse for anyone not to have gone out there and kill Goliath first. The other's were out of touch with God, and God couldn't use them. Noah was available for God to use. The rest died. Abraham was available for God to use. Some of the dependence of Abraham proved they wouldn't be available. Some of them knew the Torah very well. OT and NT, where is your heart with God? It clearly isn't about believing in what other people believe. It's often the opposite. Again and again, who do you believe? God? Who will ask you to do things that seem wrong. Or, people?
@halitk66 2 года назад
what u think about the Final Prophet of the Muslims Muhammed Sallahu aleyhi wa salam..?
@goldengun9970 2 года назад
We don't think he was a prophet or had a true revelation. We also are not Muslims. Muslims are Muslims. Not Jews
@Legendkiller99 2 года назад
He is a lier and terrorist , the Middle East is destroyed because of him
@Legendkiller99 2 года назад
@@goldengun9970 Revelations are a lie all religions are human made and there is no god or demons or angels
@RandFarhan-zm6br Год назад
Now I do Not understand any word
@lajosjuhasz4523 4 месяца назад
@ColHogan-bu2xq Год назад
If the hololo doesn't match with Jesus' sayings, then the hololo is false. Not the other way round.
@scouttalent7456 2 года назад
Yeshua fulfilled half of the messiahs role he will do the remainder when he returns.
@goldengun9970 2 года назад
No jesus fulfilled not one thing the tanach says he would do. Not one. And then christianity brought us the literal opposite of the messianic age. Jesus was no messiah
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
He not only fulfilled 0 jobs, 0 qualifications and 0 prophecies of the messiah but the messiah is only supposed to come once. No hint of any second coming of the messiah in the Tanak.
@scouttalent7456 2 года назад
@@garyweiss7111 He fulfilled daniel 9, he fulfilled micah 5:2 , he fulfilled zechariah 9:9, he fulfilled ISAIAH 61:1, ISAIAH 35: 5 , ISAIAH 53, PSALM 22. Futhermore, there is NOWHERE in the tanak that says the messiah has to do this the first time he comes. There is no scripture that states that.
@scouttalent7456 2 года назад
@@goldengun9970 He fulfilled daniel 9, he fulfilled micah 5:2 , he fulfilled zechariah 9:9, he fulfilled ISAIAH 61:1, ISAIAH 35: 5 , ISAIAH 53, PSALM 22. And that is just a few of several.
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
@Scout Talent He fulfilled 0 and I mean 0 prophecies of the Messiah. All your proofs your church published bibles either misquoted, mistranslated, totally ignored the rest of the chapter or is so clearly about someone else. Most of your proofs aren't even about the Messiah at all. I can give you a good site that debunks 365 of your proofs one by one but every time I post it it's erased. Meanwhile I don't play the missionary game of having a million verses at once shoved at me. So pick one of your proofs for me to clearly show you how it simply can't be your J. There is no proof of a second coming of the Messiah in the Tanak. He clearly only comes once.
@jenniferrodrigues1587 3 года назад
He destroys all your enemies who are come to touch your inheritance
@RandFarhan-zm6br Год назад
I am trying to understand
@RandFarhan-zm6br Год назад
well said
@afadafad2136 2 года назад
jews rejected the messiah
@pardes7342 2 года назад
Because he did not fit the bill of a Messiah. Plain and simple.
@NotLikeWhatYouThink 2 года назад
@@pardes7342 what's messiah criteria?
@pardes7342 2 года назад
@@NotLikeWhatYouThink The Messiah has a biological father and mother. He is married and has children. He is of a high level TORAH Scholar and is able to articulate and settle different arguments between the different factions of Judaism. He has proof to present about his genealogy that he is a descendant of King David and King Solomon. His passions,leadership and power are just exactly like that of King David and Moses combined. He will clean up Israel of idolatry and false religions and many more. That is in a nut shell.
@Legendkiller99 2 года назад
Because he is a false Messiah and Christianity is a lie and fraud
@adammooney2415 2 года назад
@@pardes7342 isn't the messiah supposed to be a kingly ruler as well ?In the vision of the king of Babylon daniel interpreted his dream he saw a statue with a gold head that represents his kingdom than silver arms the Persians the Greeks where the waist of bronze and Rome where the legs of iron and the clay and iron toes is where we are today.daniel says he saw a rock hit the toes and consume the whole earth its talking about an eternal kingdom there wouldn't the messiah rule that kingdom?
@dljona7068 Год назад
What oral law???
@AnthonyThomas-v4x 4 месяца назад
Prove it
@samiqala6543 4 месяца назад
Jesus pbuh did not said that he is the son of god And yes he is the messiah
@andrewstaples7544 3 месяца назад
Yes he did John 5 : 23
@samiqala6543 3 месяца назад
@andrewstaples7544 no he did not quran 5:116
@andrewstaples7544 3 месяца назад
@samiqala6543 that's the Quran that Uthman burnt
@samiqala6543 3 месяца назад
@andrewstaples7544 no that is the quran that was sind to the prophet mohammed pbuh from the God swt through the angel Gabriel pbuh where there is no crazy story like those in genesis.
@russellnewton6660 3 года назад
About the same as they do Palestinians, not much.
@amjadsalim687 Год назад
@bbasaid6904 Год назад
Pervers waiting for À Saint ! What à paradox!
@croceamato9611 Год назад
Read Zechariah 12: 10 Praise GOD
@garyweiss7111 Год назад
Sorry to break it to you but Zachariah 12 is not J. Here are some of many reasons. 1. It doesn't say they have pierced. Proper translation is they have stabbed. 2. The chapter is clearly about 2 people not one. It clearly says They will look upon ME the one they pierced then they will mourn for HIM. The one stabbed is not the one mourned for. So if J is one he can't be the other. 3. If you read on the chapter so clearly says that on the day of the stabbing there will be a great mourning with in the Jewish community for the guy stabbed. So great in every house. This so clearly never happened with J. Just the opposite. Your bible falsely claims that the Jews wanted and ordered him to die. If anything we were happy about it. No mourning. That chapter so clearly can't be your J. 4. John 19:37 quotes that verse as already fulfilled. Clearly even the NT says this is not a future event.
@rimaali5844 Год назад
Very thin
@rimaali5844 Год назад
@AnthonyThomas-v4x 4 месяца назад
@RandFarhan-zm6br Год назад
@taezazwoldu5302 Год назад
It is time to orient ourlife to Jesus principle of life, Because, when Jesus die in flesh he said it is over, so that is the end of principalities, laws etc, There is nothing to go ahead than to believe, so even though Jews have made the legacy or roles of keeping to write and bring the history units order, that is great & the Greeks also Romans. But there isn't time now to wait into Jews or Moslems order, The others also who put idol gods in Hinduism or Budihism have to to leave all these ways or Being paganism or Atheism etc All things are comprehended in Jesus that is the new Testament, Still they are great people but once the fact of God is determined there isn't use of identifying another truth.The old testament is a tool to the basic new testament. Rather the holy spirit has done a lot in the old testament but revealed at last in jesus as manhood. What is required now or important is to make sure are you condemned or salvated in the later eternal life.
@jflsdknf 11 месяцев назад
Such a lost people
@chadwaldron3568 3 года назад
Not much.
@RandFarhan-zm6br Год назад
God Save you
@tonydanza6406 2 года назад
The Messiah came 2,000 years ago he was arrested by Caiaphas the High priest his mission was to die on the cross and shed his blood for the forgiveness of Sin God sent his son Jesus to this Earth to take on human form and become man Jesus never sinned he obeyed his father until death and death on a cross he paid the price for us and God exalted his son Jesus to the highest place and honor that in the name of Jesus all knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord .............. that the Jews don't believe that Jesus is the Messiah ? this does not change anything then they will die in their Sins and one day when we all stand before the throne of God on judgement day they will see Jesus sitting on his throne next to the Father and Jesus will stand up from his throne and show them his hands & feet and say to them One day I left my throne and came down to this Earth and became man and died for you on a cross to save you from Hell but your arrogance and selfpride of being a Jew kept you in a nutshell I had my arms opened for you I called you many times but you did not believe them I wanted to save you but you did not want me .......... and now it's too late for you and Jesus will say to the angel to look for your name in the " Book of Life " and the Bible says in Revelation 20:15 15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. 1 John 5:11-12 11 And this is that testimony: That God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son Jesus Christ 12 Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Romans 6:23 For the wages of Sin is Death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord & Savior
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
The Messiah never came yet. The job of the Messiah is not to die for us. No man can die for another mans sins. Psalm 49:7, Duet 24:16, Ezekiel 18:20, Jeremiah 31:30. That is not a job of the Messiah. The Messiah is not supposed to die in the first place. You do realize that one does not have to be sinless all his life to go to heaven. No all merciful all loving would demand such a thing. There's no love and mercy in that. We don't believe he's the Messiah for the same reason you would not accept any other person on earth that ever lived who claimed to be the Messiah. He simply failed at every job, qualification and prophecy of the Messiah. You can't call someone the Messiah who did nothing the Messiah is supposed to do. If that was the case everyone on earth is the Messiah.
@ja-qk4vd Год назад
kinda ridiculous tbh
@mr.workhard4837 8 лет назад
White European jews? smh so false
@Civilwarpiper 2 года назад
They hate Jesus…Jews hate Isaiah 53, foretells of Jesus. Psalm 22 foretells of Jesus. Oral law = man’s laws. The Bible = God’s law.
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
We don't hate J we simply don't accept him. If not accepting J means we hate him then you hate Mohamed, Joseph, Buddha and the like. Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22 doesn't foretell J at all. If you read the proper Hebrew or a proper translation and not the grossly tampered with version the church publishes then you'll see your J not only disappear form those chapters but from the entire Torah.
@Armuandist Год назад
@@garyweiss7111 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-LW3zi3mA0VE.html
@garyweiss7111 Год назад
@@Armuandist For some reason I didn't get a notification of this reply. Tell me every religion an cult on earth, without exception, can give you tons and tons of testimonies on how they found there guy and how he showed them the truth. How they were healed by him. So tell me why do you think I should accept your testimonies and that of J believers over them? I can give you so many testimonies of Jews that will tell you how G-d showed them the church has been lying to them and how they came to know that J and the NT were false. Why don't you accept them and run to them and reject your J? Bottom line is that you can't go by testimonies. You must go by what the Tanak says. If it agrees with any testimony then you can take it seriously. If not then you can't. I'm sorry to tell you the Tanak, OT to you, tells us and teaches us that J is a false Messiah, false king and can't be what is claimed of him. Teaches us he fulfilled 0 jobs, 0 prophecies and 0 qualifications of the Messiah. The Tanak has the final word so I go by that. I have to reject J since it does. Simple as that.
@elliotstamler1244 Год назад
@Civilwarpiper. You are 2 things: a nut and a bigot.
@chriscarson8218 Год назад
As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so the son of man must be lifted up John 3:14
@goldengun9970 Год назад
The book of John is no authority
@RandFarhan-zm6br Год назад
Very Handsome
@bunonomfobo 2 года назад
I Respect what he is saying
@markh6069 Год назад
Who cares?
@marinvucic8499 2 года назад
First the Messiah is a secret hidden from eternity and it is revealed in the full sense by the Messiah himself. And the Messiah first comes as the incarnate Servant of Yahweh as the sacrifice of reconciliation. !!! Figuratively all the events in the Old Testament are first and foremost, so Israel in Egypt uses the blood of the lamb to mark the gates and protect them from the oppressors.Jesus as the sacrificial lamb in the nature of his mission during his earthly life as the man is in the property servant of Yahweh who had to make a sacrifice of atonement and this pictorially means the opening of the Red Sea and the Exodus from Egypt which is a picture of the slavery of sin.So Jesus as the Lamb destroys the first death state of decay and opens the way across the desert Palestine is just a picture in the sense of that meaning and it is an open path for all and not just for the Jews! Jesus is the Son of God who took the human body to make it immortal -The Temple as l the Jewish heart that God has chosen to dwell in. THE SECOND COMING of the Messiah is the coming of the Messiah as Judge in the Last Judgment after which he has to establish his heavenly kingdom !! Why did the Son of God take the human body ?? So that he can deliver a fallen man who, by his disobedience, has offended the greatest dignity of God himself, and who therefore seeks the greatest satisfaction that man himself and even a sinless angel can never give as a price !! For an angel, though sinless, is not equal to God! even the created sons of God mentioned in the bible are still created while the One Son is equal to God of the same divine nature and by nature the definition of God is given but God as One by nature is in himself the Community as the image of the FAMILY and that image as three because the third child emerges from the male-female relationship and it is the image of Eternal love and thus God is a being of communication within himself but which in creation opens and outside and creates and perceives its image down also Three as one Family is the image of an isosceles triangle which tends upwards to its image of the Triune God and so the two triangles merge into the six-pointed star of David as a sign of the Covenant and this is also the meaning of marriage as a picture of the covenant of Love. In the book of Genesis, God has a picture not in an earthly way but meaningfully and pictorially as a male-female relationship, that is, two in Love which is not infertile but the fullness that gives the Three in invisible intimacy and the dignity of the invisible Spirit relationship. That is why in Isaiah 6 God's name is constantly sanctified in the heavenly liturgy three times, because it testifies to the highest truth = the Triune God! image Eternal love that is by nature One God and within itself there will be communication which and when it creates says - And God said .. does not say that in a plural. : And the gods said, but God also said: Let us make (plural) man in our image and the image is One -singula and within ourselves the state of two in an unbreakable bond (alliance) of love which has its invisible intimacy of Spirit: God is here One as Name a not a surname because it is always the same. Thus we have the relationship of the Father and the Son in the Spirit. The Father is always the same and always the Father and has never been someone else, and we know that there is no Father without the Son and this is not a chronological fact because the Father otherwise becomes the Father at the moment of conceiving his Son, otherwise there is no Father before that. So they are the same in nature, but also contemporary and different !! The Father appears in creation as the Creator Father of his "created sons" but has an Only Begotten Son who was not created but has always been: sons "among whom is YAHUVEH himself as a part of Jacob because in him we have to incarnate. Otherwise, the combination of the Most High and Yahweh, as in the case of Abraham, the Supreme Yahweh, appears so that the sharers of the name YHVH are both Father and Son, and it signifies the divine essence of equals! Kršačni is therefore baptized in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Spirit of Anna in the surname:
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
Nothing you said above is true and the Tanak (OT to you) doesn't support any of it. Your J and NT is not in or hinted to in one ink mark of it.
@marinvucic8499 2 года назад
@@garyweiss7111 Tanak is the initial premise, but not an answer in itself, but as a foundation for the further development of inspired revelation, and Revelation is not a letter because the Name of God is ineffable, i.e. human concepts are insufficient. Further, the Prophets refer to the Tanak and develop inspired thought and point to real signs and because of this they are in conflict with traditionalists and literal interpretations or on the other hand in conflict with esoteric leaven that wants to be presented as a late inheritance before the era of Abraham. Abraham came from Ur of the Chaldees and was influenced by pagan thoughts and distorted primitive monotheism, but he was Circumcised, that is, he stripped off the old pagan man in order to clothe the new man according to the light of the Revelation! And the Revelation is like the God of Obajava = the god of the fathers and that according to the key of three as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, which is also derived from the number of the three Noakid witnesses: Shem, Ham and Japhet, and that is also the old Hebrew way of proving the highest truth, which is the Trinity as Elohim One in unity which is One as God by nature and three-person within him as a being of communication. That's why he speaks in the plural within himself: Let's make man like ourselves! So it is clear: God said, and the gods did not say, and he speaks as one in the plural! And behind every Revelation stands the Word Yahweh, not plural words! Why ? Because when God speaks from outside himself to man, then he is exclusively One and has One Word, because there are no two tiny revelations and besides him there is no other god as such, and thus he is the only one and the only mediator, because he had to incarnate in Israel, i.e. he took a human body to make of it his stbarna temple. Thus, God decided to dwell in the human heart in a special way. That is why God is a Name and not a surname and as such is always the same and never changes, and that Name is constantly sanctified in the heavenly liturgy (Isaiah 6) because the One God is Triune! So, as the God of Abraham, he becomes the God of the chosen and the circumcised, which separates him from the pagan way of thinking from esotericism and cabal and those deviations and distortions, which God ensures the authentic Obaava that he especially preserves through the prophets who clash with the serving priests and their literalism. That's how Jacob fights with God, i.e., his double as a test set by God, and when Jacob overcomes the double and counterfeit and circumcises the counterfeit God from the authentic God, he wins and gets the status of the new Name of Israel, which means Warrior of God. It is not easy to defeat the Golden Calf of the false god who is obsessed with proselytizing the earthly paradise. Such a worshiper of the golden calf is in the middle of an oasis in the desert where it is like in God's Paradise and there he has everything: the shade under which he lies and enjoys and just opens his mouth and the dates fall by themselves! and he also has a golden Calf, a stubborn pubescent who doesn't want to grow up at all, and why grow up? Isn't it better to stay forever young so there is good veal meat and gold from gilding and why smoke Heaven on earth? and the so-called The promised land far away across the impassable desert, who knows if it is there?? Thus, Jesus = the Messiah destroyed death with his death, the figurative state of slavery to sin as an image of Egypt, Jesus destroyed Death, figuratively parted the Red Sea, an image of blood, and opened the passage of Pesach over the desert as dust, an image of the transitory towards the Fullness of the Promise for which Palestine is only an image in meaning and Preparation ! When Jesus died on the cross, the temple curtain split in two, which shows that the way into the Holy of Holies was opened and an earthquake occurred, and many righteous people who died rose from the grave and appeared in Jerusalem to testify to this. Everything started in the Jerusalem of Earth and everything has to end there, because in the end, two witnesses are to be crucified there to testify to the truth about the disputed Sign = the Crucified Messiah by their crucifixion. why do jews want to go to palestine? Simple! it is their fate that eventually leads them to conversion. The eyes of conversion must be opened to them, and we know that every murderer must return to the place of the crime because he must face the victim in order to convert. All this is already written in the prophets. For the Jews, the time of their punishment of rebuke (that is, the state of prison, which means separation from the light of the fullness of Revelation) is coming to an end, and the time of the LAST Exodus of the glorious Remnant among the nations at the end is coming, and for the Christians, the time of their conversion is coming to an end. And so while some come out and others, those who have fallen among the Christians fall into the trap of self-destruction: And as if the flood waters of the judgment match the persecutors of the Jews of that Remnant that comes out. The Jews are not the main culprits for killing their Messiah because they did it out of ignorance: In addition, Jesus was crucified as a Lamb for the sins of the world starting from Adam and that had to happen: And the first word from the cross is a prayer first of all for the Jews and that crowd under the cross that demands his blood on them and their children: Father forgive the name because they do not know what they are doing! While Christians, as bearers of the Full Revelation, crucify Christ again with full responsibility for their sins.
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
@@marinvucic8499 Please don't write a whole novel next time.. I'll put this simple. The Tanak (OT to you) is the word of G-d. It has the final word. It doesn't support or hint to J, the trinity or the NT at all. Not one is mark of it. As a matter of fact what it truly teaches tells us it's totally impossible for J to be what is claimed of him. He's an illegal sacrifice , illegal messiah,alse prophet and false everything. Nothing you said has any support in the Tanak. I don't discuss a million subjects at once. Pick one subject you mentioned above for me to show you how it is not supported in the Tanak. I'll gladly show you that J is against the Tanak and against G-ds will.
@marinvucic8499 2 года назад
@@garyweiss7111 I had to summarize the whole context so that you get the gist of it !! but you obviously don't understand. The letter is limited and in itself is not an interpretation of the essence of the content. Taking the truth literally indicates limited access. God's Word is Revelation in a way adapted to man, but I repeat in an adapted way and not literally. So we also have two accounts of creation, but they are not contradictory, but deal with each of them in its own aspect, and each aspect gives its meaning and what it wants to convey! The first deals more with Elohim to emphasize the distinction between the Creator and the created order, and to point out the order and meaning of it, and the second report deals with the relationship of the god YHVH with man in a natural relationship and communication and in this sense because in the plan of salvation the incarnation had to happen. And taking literally the seventh day of creation or the Sabbath or circumcision is literalism without meaning Or if Adam was told, for example, on the day you eat from the tree you will die :: and he died when he was 930 years old !! So, there is symbolism there, for example in the number of 365 years after which Enoch was taken to heaven, the symbolism of the male Lamb is hidden from the year (a solar year contains 365 days), etc. etc. so that I don't bore you with long novels. Greetings dear sir.
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
@@marinvucic8499 You really are completely ignorant of the Torah and the proper way to learn it. With your way every single religion and person on earth can read into the Bible the symbolism to match there guy. Trust me. Listen closely. Much of the Tanak is to be taken literally. When G-d blessed the 7th day as Shabbat that is to be taken literally. The 7th day of the week is the Shabbat. Not the 1st day as Christians celebrate. When G-d said no man can die for another man's sins that is to be taken literally. J can't either. When he says he and he alone rules the universe and never will have any partners that to is to be taken literally. No trinity. When G-d tells us the jobs and qualifications of the messiah (all of which J failed at) they are to be taken literally. Otherwise I can show you how the Bible hints that I am the messiah. Sometimes things are literal but you just don't see it. On the day you eat of the tree you shall surely die. That's a very literal statement. You just don't understand why so let me explain. Before they ate from the tree no one would die. Man was immortal. Death was not on earth. However G-d said on the day you eat of the tree you shall surely die. Or when you eat of the tree then death will enter the world and you will surely die one day. You will no longer be immortal. I will say this again. Your J is not in one ink mark of the Tanak. Neither is the trinity, the idea of the messiah being G-d sent to die for us. All you said IS NOT SUPPORTED by the Tanak. I'll say this again too. I will not play the missionary game and deal with a million verses and subjects at once. Pick one of your so called proofs of J and I'll gladly tear it apart. You really are ignorant of the Tanak and only see what you want to see and fail to see what's actually in it. No more Steven King novels. One subject and short and simple please.
@briarpatchson3039 2 года назад
Yeshua is the Greatest Jew ever lived!!! But, I want to know Law (Torah) did He break? Since, He said he has studied!
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
He broke tons. He broke every Torah law of sacrifices being one. He has no Torah right to be the king or the Messiah so claiming he is breaking the law. He went against Torah by claiming you can only get to G-d through him. He allowed his disciples to pick grain on Shabbat. I can go on and on. He broke many Torah laws. One big problem with Christians teachings is that they teach one must live a perfect sin free life to have a place in heaven. Nothing is further from the truth. An all loving all merciful being would never demand perfection.
@pardes7342 2 года назад
Let me add more: he never got married (first commandment) and was always around women. He broke the law of yihud/impropeity and immodesty. Why was he hanging naked if he was the son of Gd? Jewish lifestyle is to be descent always and he was not. He did not honor his father and mother which includes older brother or rabbis/sages.
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
@@pardes7342 Good ones.
@phillyguy2157 Год назад
Jews seem to only hate on Jesus. Seems he's the one they single out.
@RandFarhan-zm6br 11 месяцев назад
May be you are poor
@shwetadaniel4000 2 года назад
Please reading levictius and only the book of hebrews from new teatament
@goldengun9970 Год назад
We have read hebrews and are disgusted by it
@pradyumnkaushal5391 8 месяцев назад
​@@goldengun9970hi sir was jesus a jew
@goldengun9970 8 месяцев назад
@@pradyumnkaushal5391 was shabbatei tzvi a jew?
@pradyumnkaushal5391 8 месяцев назад
​@@goldengun9970who is he
@goldengun9970 8 месяцев назад
@@pradyumnkaushal5391 he was a jew who many believed to be the messiah who was not the messiah but just a false prophet
@gdiaz9689 7 лет назад
This is tough, fine, Jews don't accept the new testament. Jesus is all over the old testament. Book of Job, book of Isaiah, book of Daniel. Jesus is the Lord of all creation and Jesus told the Jews of the new testament. Mat 23-34 I will send prophets and wise people and experts in the Law of Moses to you. But you will kill them or nail them to a cross or beat them in your meeting places or chase them from town to town. 35 That’s why you will be held guilty for the murder of every good person, beginning with the good man Abel. This also includes Barachiah’s son Zechariah,[d] the man you murdered between the temple and the altar. 36 I can promise that you people living today will be punished for all these things!(Jesus Loves Jerusalem) 37 Jerusalem, Jerusalem! Your people have killed the prophets and have stoned the messengers who were sent to you. I have often wanted to gather your people, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings. But you wouldn’t let me. 38 And now your temple will be deserted. 39 You won’t see me again until you say,“Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.”
@ja-qk4vd Год назад
Jesus some kind of reform Jew of his day, then that sect got internationalised, absorbed so much Hellenism it left Judaism, ie divinising Jesus, making a cult around that, making it exclusive, (jews had evolved beyond that), and even threatening those that disagree with hell, not a v nice construct in many ways, even Satanic in a way. Bit like Islam where according to tradition Jews helped the prophet in Medina , but then he turned on them when they wanted to keep their own faith. That's how it looks to me anyway.
@marinvucic8499 2 года назад
ANSWER TO GARY WEISS TANAK and REVELATION --------- If we take the TANK question literally: how many stone slabs and stones did Moses have to drag down from Mount Horeb?? And does TANAK explain everything?? Tanak is the initial premise, but not an answer in itself, but as a foundation for the further development of inspired revelation, and Revelation is not a letter because the Name of God is ineffable, i.e. human concepts are insufficient. Further, the Prophets refer to the Tanak and develop inspired thought and point to real signs and because of this they are in conflict with traditionalists and literal interpretations or on the other hand in conflict with esoteric leaven that wants to be presented as a late inheritance before the era of Abraham. Abraham came from Ur of the Chaldees and was influenced by pagan thoughts and distorted primitive monotheism, but he was Circumcised, that is, he stripped off the old pagan man in order to clothe the new man according to the light of the Revelation! And the Revelation is like the God of Obajava = the god of the fathers and that according to the key of three as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, which is also derived from the number of the three Noakid witnesses: Shem, Ham and Japhet, and that is also the old Hebrew way of proving the highest truth, which is the Trinity as Elohim One in unity which is One as God by nature and three-person within him as a being of communication. That's why he speaks in the plural within himself: Let's make man like ourselves! So it is clear: God said, and the gods did not say, and he speaks as one in the plural! And behind every Revelation stands the Word Yahweh, not plural words! Why ? Because when God speaks from outside himself to man, then he is exclusively One and has One Word, because there are no two tiny revelations and besides him there is no other god as such, and thus he is the only one and the only mediator, because he had to incarnate in Israel, i.e. he took a human body to make of it his stbarna temple. Thus, God decided to dwell in the human heart in a special way. That is why God is a Name and not a surname and as such is always the same and never changes, and that Name is constantly sanctified in the heavenly liturgy (Isaiah 6) because the One God is Triune! So, as the God of Abraham, he becomes the God of the chosen and the circumcised, which separates him from the pagan way of thinking from esotericism and cabal and those deviations and distortions, which God ensures the authentic Obaava that he especially preserves through the prophets who clash with the serving priests and their literalism. That's how Jacob fights with God, i.e., his double as a test set by God, and when Jacob overcomes the double and counterfeit and circumcises the counterfeit God from the authentic God, he wins and gets the status of the new Name of Israel, which means Warrior of God. It is not easy to defeat the Golden Calf of the false god who is obsessed with proselytizing the earthly paradise. Such a worshiper of the golden calf is in the middle of an oasis in the desert where it is like in God's Paradise and there he has everything: the shade under which he lies and enjoys and just opens his mouth and the dates fall by themselves! and he also has a golden Calf, a stubborn pubescent who doesn't want to grow up at all, and why grow up? Isn't it better to stay forever young so there is good veal meat and gold from gilding and why smoke Heaven on earth? and the so-called The promised land far away across the impassable desert, who knows if it is there?? Thus, Jesus = the Messiah destroyed death with his death, the figurative state of slavery to sin as an image of Egypt, Jesus destroyed Death, figuratively parted the Red Sea, an image of blood, and opened the passage of Pesach over the desert as dust, an image of the transitory towards the Fullness of the Promise for which Palestine is only an image in meaning and Preparation ! When Jesus died on the cross, the temple curtain split in two, which shows that the way into the Holy of Holies was opened and an earthquake occurred, and many righteous people who died rose from the grave and appeared in Jerusalem to testify to this. Everything started in the Jerusalem of Earth and everything has to end there, because in the end, two witnesses are to be crucified there to testify to the truth about the disputed Sign = the Crucified Messiah by their crucifixion. why do jews want to go to palestine? Simple! it is their fate that eventually leads them to conversion. The eyes of conversion must be opened to them, and we know that every murderer must return to the place of the crime because he must face the victim in order to convert. All this is already written in the prophets. For the Jews, the time of their punishment of rebuke (that is, the state of prison, which means separation from the light of the fullness of Revelation) is coming to an end, and the time of the LAST Exodus of the glorious Remnant among the nations at the end is coming, and for the Christians, the time of their conversion is coming to an end. And so while some come out and others, those who have fallen among the Christians fall into the trap of self-destruction: And as if the flood waters of the judgment match the persecutors of the Jews of that Remnant that comes out. The Jews are not the main culprits for killing their Messiah because they did it out of ignorance: In addition, Jesus was crucified as a Lamb for the sins of the world starting from Adam and that had to happen: And the first word from the cross is a prayer first of all for the Jews and that crowd under the cross that demands his blood on them and their children: Father forgive the name because they do not know what they are doing! While Christians, as bearers of the Full Revelation, crucify Christ again with full responsibility for their sins.
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
It's a good thing I happened to check. Listen again since it seems like I have to repeat myself again. There is hidden meaning but again you must take the bible literally as well. I gave you examples in my other comment but there are more. You want to say there is three all the time which hints to the trinity. Hogwash. There are 4 (matriarchs) 12 tribes and so on. Maybe those numbers refer to 4 G-d or 12. Your logic can be used by any one to say there are any amount of G-ds. G-d so clearly tells us he is a true one with no partners and no other G-ds ever. I can give you over 20 verses that say this but two come to mind. Isaiah 44:6. Thus says the L-rd. I am the first, I am the last and besides me THERE IS NO OTHER G-D. Deut 6:4 Here O Israel the L-rd our G-d the L-rd is ONE (not three). So I ask you. How can you tell me there is a trinity hinted in the Tanak when G-d himself so clearly OUTRIGHT TELLS US that he is a one unit with no partners of any kind ever? Let me give you more examples. The bible tells us the Messiah will have natural parents, never says or hints the Messiah will be a virgin birth. So how can you tell me the Messiah is born of a virgin? G-d tells us that tribal rights are only passed from biological father to biological son. So how can you tell me that a man without a biological father is from the tribe of Judah and can be king? The bible tells us outright no man can die for another man's sins Psalm 49:7, Duet 24:16, Ezekiel 18:20, Jeremiah 31:30. So how can you tell me a man died for our sins? The Torah tells us G-d hates human sacrifices Deut. 12:31; 18:9-12; 2 Kings 16:3; 2 Chronicles 28:3; Psalms 106:37-38; Jeremiah 7:31. So how can you tell me that G-d would let a human sacrifice through? G-d so clearly gives us the laws behind all sacrifices and J fulfilled not even one of those laws being a sacrifice. So how can you tell me G-d would let a sacrifice that broke every rule of sacrifices be a kosher one? I can go on and on and on. Believe me. I'll say it again. Your J is not in one single ink mark of the Tanak or Old testament to you. The NT is not hinted to or blessed in the Tanak at all. I think the problem is that you do ignore the simple and plain meaning. You have to since if you actually paid attention to it you would see J failed at all jobs, prophecies and qualifications of the Messiah then you would be forced to reject him. I'll leave you with this since it's clear it will be a waste of time to debate you. You make it clear you will ignore the plain meaning and do what every religion does. Read into the bible what is not there to put your guy in it. What I will leave you is that the Tanak so clearly says that the faithful Jews will be proven right and the world will go to them for spiritual guidance in Messianic times. Zechariah 8:23, Jeremiah 16:19 Isaiah 2:3. They will not go to the Christians, Mormons, Muslims but to the Jews. The ones that always reject J and the NT. They will be proven right. So you go by the church and your own logic. I'll go by the people G-d himself says will be proven right. Have a good day. Let us agree to disagree.
@marinvucic8499 2 года назад
@@garyweiss7111 But God created man in his own image - male and female, and that is the image of love! here is a singular picture in two of a male-female relationship of love, which has a third, and that is the Family!! God speaks as a plural or when he says in the psalm _ And the Lord said to my Lord .... God j One by divine nature as nature One but has three persons in Himself. Because of one God, there are no other gods, because God is One or as One, there is no unity ECHAD: God is therefore Unique and there is no one like him, although the sons of God are also mentioned, but to them God is like a Father, the Creator of his created sons, and that is the difference. The Son is not a partner but Equal to the Father and not in a chronological sense but always the same state of equals in the unity of the different and equal as always as a god who is thrice holy! further, the war between the serpent's race and the woman's race points to the secret because the Woman's race is deliberately emphasized and not the race of genealogy according to the earthly line of the father, because the MESSIAH had to incarnate, i.e. take a human body as a real Temple. That's why when God expels man from paradise and says . So that he would not NOW take from the tree of life and eat and live forever. And there the war is predicted until the victory of the one who had to come - the Messiah. It is already clear at the beginning that people will again eat the tree of life and live forever! and this was made possible by the Messiah with his sacrifice on the cross, i.e. he opened the Pesach door to the Promises. And as for the virgin, there is a place in Scripture, for example, as a young man marries a virgin, so will your builder marry you!! And God, as the Creator and Builder, therefore chose Israel and determined the first-born, and instead of them he separated the tribe of Levi, and from him also came Mary, who has general kinship ties with the tribe of Judah: the Messiah does not have an earthly father, but a heavenly one, but he took his body from humans. and so he has two natures, the divinity from eternity and the human nature that he took at the time he came. That is why God does not choose the natural firstborn Ishmael, but from the legitimate wife SARAH, so that Isaac fulfills all the conditions as the typical Messiah as a forerunner in the meaning: That is. Isaac is at the same time the legitimate only son, but also the legitimate Firstborn of a legitimate woman and thus the legitimate heir (alludes to the woman's inheritance of an immortal inheritance in heaven in the fullness of the promise) And this also fits the sacrifice of the lamb that was used again by Moses when he marked the gates of the Israelites in Egypt. Atonement for sins is the meaning of Redemption and the Sacrifice by which we are redeemed. Everyone is born in the inherited consequence of sin (original sin) for which he is not personally responsible, but he cannot save himself without the price of a ransom that only the sinless Messiah can give as a perfect sacrifice. Namely, someone, for example, is born into a poor family and inherits it, even though he is not to blame for that condition. With his disobedience, primitive man insulted God as an immeasurable greatness that seeks immeasurable satisfaction that man can never give, but God is at the same time immeasurably just and immeasurably merciful, so instead of man he offered a sacrifice that can be made by a son equal to the Father for man. That is why Isaiah describes the sacrifice of the Messiah: for our sins they pierced him ... for the sins of his people they pierced him to death! His wounds healed us and his bruises healed!! Do you either not read the Bible or avoid it? didn't the prophets in the Bible carry the sins of Israel, for example, not on the right hip for Judah, on the left hip for Israel, etc.?? ..Greetings once again! and there is no need to be offended!
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
@@marinvucic8499 You simply don't get any point I say or it flies over your head. G-d outright says over and over and over and over. I am the L-rd your G-d. I am I alone. I have no equal partners of any kind. No one is equal to him. No man not the Messiah no one. G-d so clearly says this over and over so no matter what you say or what craziness you find no one is equal to G-d. Partners yes. Father and Mother are partners in the creation of a baby and so on. If you insist someone is equal to him then you are calling G-d a liar. If you bother to read the bible like you claim I didn't you would know the Messiah's job is not to die for our sins and you would know that J failed at every single job and qualification of the Messiah. You can't call a man the Messiah if he did absolutely nothing the Messiah is supposed to do. If that is the case then everyone on earth can make the claim they are the Messiah. Not one inch of the Tanak talks about a virgin birth. You believe another mistranslation of Isaiah 7 and again if you bother to read the chapter you will see it is impossible to be J. No such thing as original sin. Everyone is born with a clear slate and believe it or not sin is very easy to clear without the Messiah or any other man. I already proved to you that no man can die for another mans sins. One subject you ignored yet again. J was not sinless. He actually broke the law many times. Also human sacrifices are illegal against the Torah. How can you say J is one? Not to mention there isn't one law of sacrifices that J kept being one. If you realize it or not you are saying a totally illegal sacrifice that followed 0 laws of sacrifices is our sacrifice. Or to be saved from the law you have to break it by accepting a completely un-kosher sacrifice. FYI. No where in the Tanak does it say the Messiah is pierced. You have Zachariah 12 and that part of Isaiah 53 grossly mistranslated. If you bother to read the whole chapter of both verses you will see J is so obviously ruled out as the subject of that psalm. Neither is about the Messiah to begin with. Psalm 110 does not say the L-rd said to my L-rd. Another gross mistranslation your bibles have to put J were he is not. Proper translation is actually the L-rd say (about or concerning) my (human) master. No 2 L-rds in that psalm. If you bother to read the whole psalm it can't be your J. I told you before. I will not deal with a zillion subjects at once. Pick one of your verses to go into detail with. I will show you how your bibles lied to you and how you believe that lie and how the real original Tanak in it's original Hebrew teaches the opposite of what you believe. I'm not offended. I'm frustrated at your constant novels and a million proofs at once. Also at the fact that you seem to totally ignore my points against you. Either agree to disagree or one subject at a time. I repeat one subject at a time. I don't play the missionary game and I never will.
@marinvucic8499 2 года назад
@@garyweiss7111 Very simple ! I am Elohim, which means One in unity (ECHAD), that's why he speaks within himself as a being of communication in the plural. And God (not gods) said (Elochim = One in unity): Let us make (plural) man in his own image, and the image is singular but as two male and female images of the family. of course it is figuratively said, but it reveals to us what God reveals about himself. God is not a number and no number can fully express him. And here, One means in the context of meaning, not literalness. Greetings! According to the prophets, the Messiah first comes as a servant of YHVH and at the end descends and comes again as the Last Judge and the institution of the resurrected new world, but you see messianism in your own way with literally earthly images. It is only a thin initial foundation that has the germ of those meanings that will be further developed from a prophetic perspective and everything leads to the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, when He came, He clearly announced everything and illuminated the real meaning of the Old Testament, so someone from the first grade of school cannot interpret to someone who imparts knowledge to, for example, someone from the eighth grade. The terms partner and similar are human terms in the symbolic sense of meaning and not literal God is a Spirit and because of the incarnation takes a human body and uses human language (anthropomorphism) so in the Bible, for example, it says that God has a right hand and various other images, but that does not mean literally so. So to claim that God is One as a number shows shallow thinking without offense. A lot could be said about translations, but Christian translations are adapted from the perspective of the Revelation of Jesus as the Messiah, who reveals the full meaning with full authority, and the translations are adapted to it so that it does not change the meaning of the meaning. Adam warmed up and fell and was punished as a result of the state of decay (the first death, not yet the death of eternal rejection). Every justice requires "satisfaction", that's why there is repentance and sacrifices in the sense of that connection that reconcile God and man, otherwise God would not be just and the greatest satisfaction is sought, and that is the perfect sacrifice that can only reconcile the inexorable (figuratively) law of Karma i.e. what man by himself can never give! not even a sinless angel, because even though he is sinless, an angel is only a creature. As a man, Jesus is similar in everything except sin, and these are not human flaws and limitations: apart from that, Jesus as the Messiah presents himself as the Son of Man who is the Lord of the Sabbath and who is above the law and who alone can fulfill the law. Well, it's not Saturday for Saturday's sake, but for man's sake, for example.
@garyweiss7111 2 года назад
@@marinvucic8499 Hashem says over and over. He and he alone rules the universe. Yet you continue to insist he has partners. Is G-d a liar? The term Echad with G-d means a single unit. No plurality. The same for Elohim with G-d also means a single unit G-d. Despite its plural form. I believed I proved that. You're ignoring the plane meaning of the Torah. Let me add another fact. The Messiah comes only once. No such thing as a second coming of the messiah. I'm sorry but you really need to learn how to study the Torah properly.
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