
What God Gives and Never Gives - Rick Renner 

Renner Ministries
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16 сен 2024




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@olgachka01 2 года назад
Rick, your service to God and the people has had such a big impact on my life! You are nothing but a blessing. Thank you!
@globacon1667 4 года назад
I have listened to this teaching 2 times in a row...and wrote 4 pages of notes so I won’t forget! Thank you-again Rick Renner! 👍 Blessings to you and the family!
@The_Villi 4 года назад
AMAZING!!! Thank you Pastor Rick Renner.
@jannamartinez9453 4 года назад
@elishaschwartz1697 4 года назад
Hallelujah! What a revelation :)
@stevevaillancourt1383 4 года назад
@pr.ruirebelo1287 3 года назад
What a bright and clear teaching about the abundance of blessings GOD is continually GIVING to us ! ( Rui - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil )
@viridianacastro3444 2 года назад
Thank you pastor Rick and all that make it possible for us to reinforce in the Word of God; Glory to Jesus Christ Name, hallelujah!
@040jb7 2 года назад
@janiceadcock9075 Год назад
Awesome word love it
@richardwylie7333 4 года назад
So refreshing listening to Rick. I always learn so much. May the Lord bless, keep and prosper you and your family.
@seriouslynow22 3 года назад
I was just thinking the same thing. What a wonderful end to Thanksgiving Day!
@kathiezermani8024 2 года назад
Excellent teaching
@daughterofTheLion 4 года назад
I have been meaning to listen to this and hadn't yet but my dear sister sent it to me today via text...RIGHT ON TIME! Shouting GLORY and posted it to Facebook and shared with several friends.
@RennerMinistries 4 года назад
Wow, thank you! We are so glad this teaching encouraged you. Thank you for sharing it!
@AlexaHopeRose 4 года назад
@darmat6288 4 года назад
Thankful for this scriptural explanation and "documentation" that the Father is always good and always does good and always gives the good.
@julieng5450 4 года назад
That is just so powerful and impactful in reinforcing the right way of thinking about our good and faithful God! Thank you so much Ps Rick for all your wonderful teachings which has blessed me so very much! God bless you with more and deeper revelations.
@virginiadarrigan8181 4 года назад
So enlightening. Thank you for this teaching.
@dianatee4684 4 года назад
@tylerhendrich5196 4 года назад
I love this teaching! Last week I actually looked up a similar older teaching of this by you. This is such an important teaching for these times. Thank you so much for your awesome anointed teachings. God bless you.
@lonwhite845 3 года назад
@pastornelprentiss2569 4 года назад
I love it. Wow, I am going back and listen to this again. Love it to the enth degree. Thank you so much.
@jannamartinez9453 4 года назад
@RennerMinistries 4 года назад
Yes, learning is a blast! Thank you for sharing this.
@theseafox864 2 года назад
Needed this❤️💯
@pollyisgood6133 4 года назад
This is off the subject, but I just want to send my heartfelt thanks to Pastor Rick Renner for the blesseth article you wrote titled, "How the Devil Turned A Friend Into A Betrayer." I'm rereading your article at this moment, & taking notes. It's a real blessing to me today as I am under satanic attack, and have determined not to let the devil sow discord in my heart because of the lying accusations that he is trying to conjuring up in my mind about a forgiven love ones. Your article is giving me the ammunition I need to win this fight. I thank God for your life. God bless you, and your family. And thank you again for your dedication to the body of Christ Jesus, our Glorious Lord. The Lord is using you're life to help people you don't even know. Great piece of work on Biblical warfare.
@RennerMinistries 4 года назад
Wow, thank you! So glad that teaching is blessing you.
So enjoyed this one, often wondered if catastrophic events or cancer/diseases were a testing time from God- WOW, now I know NO NO NO. The Devil has such a grip on the world and folks have no idea. Love your translations from the Greek and Hebrew, a new edition of the Bible with these explanations would make it so amazing to read- just bought the amplified Bible and it makes for so much easier understanding. My favourite talk of yours is the Christmas message. God has blessed you so much, always feel happier after I have watched you. from England UK
@janejames9173 4 года назад
@estanleyuy4210 4 года назад
Hi Pastor Rick Renner. I'm so blessed with all of your teaching. I'm learning a lot. Though the Bible did not mention the wife of Apostle Paul, what happened to her?
@christopherlowe5382 4 года назад
@kathyaguilar4877 4 года назад
Hello 👋
@searchthescriptures2214 4 года назад
James 1:12 Blessed is the man that *ENDURETH (g5278)* temptation: Strong's g5278 - Lexical: ὑπομένω - Transliteration: hupomenó - Part of Speech: Verb - Phonetic Spelling: hoop-om-en'-o - Definition: (a) to remain behind, (b) *to stand ground,* show endurance, (c) to endure, *bear up against* , persevere. - Origin: From hupo and meno; *to stay under* (behind), i.e. Remain; figuratively, to undergo, i.e. *Bear (trials)* , have fortitude, persevere. - Usage: abide, endure, (take) patient(-ly), suffer, tarry behind. - Translated as (count): having endured (5), endures (2), you shall endure (2), being patient (1), endured (1), I endure (1), remained (1), remained behind (1), we endure (1), you endure (1), you endured (1). THE WORD *RESIST* IS NOT THERE. THE COUNSEL OF GOD HERE IS NOT RESISTANCE TO TEMPTATION BUT SUFFER OR BEAR UP OR PERSEVERE. James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. *Resist(g436)* the devil, and he will flee from you. Strong's g436 - Lexical: ἀνθίστημι - Transliteration: anthistémi - Part of Speech: Verb - Phonetic Spelling: anth-is'-tay-mee - Definition: to set against; to withstand, resist, oppose. - Origin: From anti and histemi; to stand against, i.e. Oppose. - Usage: resist, withstand. - Translated as (count): opposed (2), to resist (2), to withstand (2), he has opposed (1), I opposed (1), is resisting (1), oppose (1), Resist (1), resisting (1), resists (1), you should resist (1).
@karintolbert7452 4 года назад
Stradeus? How is that spelled? Where do I find that he is the brother of Timothy? Please?
@lowerymom 4 года назад
I am confused by this teaching. God allowed the devil to test Job. And this...Isaiah 45:7 King James Version (KJV) 7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things. I’m having trouble reconciling this teaching with scripture.
@searchthescriptures2214 4 года назад
*WHO TEMPTED peirazo ABRAHAM?* Hebrews 11:17 By faith Abraham, when he was *tried,(g3985)* offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son same greek word g3985 used in both Hebrews 11:17 and James 1:13
@searchthescriptures2214 4 года назад
*JESUS TEMPTED peirazo PHILIP* JOHN 6:6 And this he said to prove *(g3985 peirazo)* him: THERE ARE BOTH POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE MEANING FOR THIS SAME GREEK WORD. IT NEEDS TO BE UNDERSTOOD ACCPRDING TO THE CONTEXT. James 1:12 is positive James 1:13,14 is negative Matthew 4:1 is negative _James 1:13 Let no man say when he is *tempted (g3985 peirazo)* , I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: 14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. 15 Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death._ The meaning of this word peirazo should be understood according to the context. The context of the 13th verse is connected with the 14th and 15th verse which talks about enticement to sin through lust. God never tempteth anyone .... meaning .. enticeth anyone to sin.. God never enticeth any one to commit sin but it's man's lust that enticeth man to fall into sin. Verses 14 is the continuation of verses 13 in the same context. in verse 12 the word temptation is the same word PEIRASMOS (g3986 noun) used in a positive manner. Blessed is the man that endures ( not resists) PEIRASMOS. *POSITIVE* 1 corinthians 10:13 There hath no temptation (PEIRASMOS g3986) taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be *tempted(g3985 peirazo)* above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. Hebrews 2:18: "being *tempted,(g3985)* he is able to succor them that are *tempted(g3985)* Hebrews 11:17 By faith Abraham, when he was *tried,(g3985)* offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son *WHO TEMPTED ABRAHAM?* 2 corinthians 13:5 *Examine( g3985 peirazo)* yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? Revelation 2:2 2 I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast *tried (g3985 peirazo)* them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars: Crushed and destroyed ? dear preacher can you tell me from where you got that information. *NEGATIVE* Matthew 4:1: "into the wilderness to be *tempted (g3985)* of the devil." Almost all the places where the Pharisees and others tempted Jesus to find fault with him , the same greek word peirazo g3985 is used. Strong's g3985 - Lexical: πειράζω - Transliteration: peirazó - Part of Speech: Verb - Phonetic Spelling: pi-rad'-zo - Definition: to try, tempt, test. - Origin: From peira; to test (objectively), i.e. Endeavor, scrutinize, entice, discipline. - Usage: assay, examine, go about, prove, tempt(-er), try. - Translated as (count): testing (7), being tempted (4), tempting (3), do you test (2), having been tempted (2), to be tempted (2), are you testing (1), attempted (1), be tempted (1), being tested (1), examine (1), had tempted (1), he attempted (1), I am being tempted (1), is tempted (1), might tempt (1), tempts (1), tested (1), they attempted (1), they were tried (1), to test (1), to try (1), tried (1), you have tested (1), you might be tested (1).
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