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What Happens When you do not Follow a Madhhab - Shaykh Hamza Yusuf 

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We are looking at expanding the channel - Support us now / islamreward We are looking at expanding the channel - Support us now / islamreward We are looking at expanding the channel - Support us now / islamreward Shaykh speaks about the dangers of people who reject following the classical madhabs.



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@nass5964 Год назад
All 4 madhabs are valid we don’t need anymore division
@hasanaliqadri1508 2 месяца назад
​@Aqeelmahmood-rl6elit's not about who came first or last it's about true 4 mazhab.
@abdulrouf6725 4 года назад
Pls Trust him. he is in right path.. I know many scholars from my place who has same thoughts died by saying LailahaillAllah..
@tazboy1934 4 года назад
@Isroil Mukhitdinov but we shud seek ....we cant remain like that...we have been given chance wen we are alive
@syedasimahmad 4 года назад
Subhan Allah
@tuliskuasal9848 3 года назад
I agreed with you👍
@tayyibmohammad2513 Год назад
He was but not anymore
@pathofseekingknowledge9813 Год назад
@@tayyibmohammad2513 y ??
@afg786malang8 8 лет назад
Thank you shaykh you are the best hope more people open their eyes and listen to your speeches.
@suf6716 5 лет назад
the man is a genius!he can always convince me with his logic
@mrtaz4340 5 лет назад
Imam Al Ghazali was all about logic & destroying blind belief & Shaykh Hamza Yusuf is hugely inspired by him.
@tazboy1934 4 года назад
@@mrtaz4340 does salafi school use logic?
@jna21 3 года назад
@@tazboy1934 yes
@043ash 3 года назад
@@jna21 yeah..but it's mostly theoretical ...sounds good on paper ..but the practice doesn't match the seeming logic...ie goes against ijma...(for 1200 years the 4 madhabs were accepted by unanimously according to ijma)..
@muaathasali4509 3 года назад
@@tazboy1934 they tend to be more literalist in understanding Quran and hadith. They say reason and logic shouldn't be used. This is pretty problematic because just being literalist creates many contradictions in Islam when one doesn't properly understand the context and use proper logic to understand it.
@naseeb.shalimar 3 года назад
Real genuine scholor.. He always convinces me with the logic and reality of things
@Kinderlieder-Kindergeschichte 8 месяцев назад
fraud and liar.
@ethmslm1438 2 года назад
Real sunni scholar. Barakallahu fikum
@AbuMoosaa 5 лет назад
Scholars are to be followed, but not blindly. We follow the trustworthy Scholars that provide daleel
@alhassangangu4357 5 лет назад
The 4 schools of thought all had their daleels
@medico3326 4 года назад
May I know who are you to judge a scholar on his Daleel ? Do you understand the narrations of Hadith and why is he giving his daleel . Hadith is not just read and understood , scholars spend their lives on it . If you are mujtahid I accept your statement , but if not then you have no business asking for daleel from an authentic scholar . Our job is to trust them and follow the Deen
@alhassangangu4357 4 года назад
Khan brother Khan I absolutely agree with you. It is arrogance on these people to question the daleels of these 4 great scholars. We don't know how many authentic Hadith are lost before even Bukhara was born? We don't know. Some of these Mujtahids like Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Malik studied with the leading tabi'un. I prefer the mistakes of Abu Hanifa, Malik, Shafi'i and Ahmad may Allah have mercy on them to the scholars of today.
@noushadm4854 4 года назад
@@medico3326 perfect answer
@tazboy1934 4 года назад
@@alhassangangu4357 there are many deviant scholars today
@yosuf815 5 лет назад
Ibn Al-Qayyim may Allaah have mercy upon him mentioned that it was not the practice of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, to make the graves raised or build [over] them with bricks, in a plastered or domed manner. All of this is a detestable Bid‘ah (religious innovation), contradictory to his guidance. Ibn Al-Qayyim may Allaah have mercy upon him further quotes the Hadeeth that relates that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, dispatched ‘Ali may Allaah be pleased with him to Yemen, ordering him to destroy every statue and level every elevated burial place. [Muslim] He went on to clarify that the Sunnah, thus, was to flatten *all* high graves, with a warning against plastering it with lime, it being built on or inscribed. Indeed, the graves of the Companions were neither too protruding nor flat, like the burial places of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, as well as Abu Bakr and ‘Umar may Allaah be pleased with them. All of their graves are slightly above ground level, covered with gravel and not plastered with mud. The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, used to mark the grave that he wished to identify with only a rock. He also strongly banned praying at graves and lighting lamps on them, to the extent that he cursed those who did so. So it seems the order to flatten the grave is general and not specific like the speaker said
@tazboy1934 4 года назад
I dont know ...we are not scholars who have spent years of studying hadith....u cant just listen to one scholar
@hasanaliqadri1508 2 месяца назад
What a hypocritic wahabi zombie group you are. You talk about heights of graves what about concrete structures being made is it allowed ?
@retnopro8017 4 года назад
The full lecture please?
@zakukamil9161 Год назад
I'm Hanafi deobandi ahlesunnat Wal jammat.
@PakyDonny 4 месяца назад
astaghfirullahso ur not sunni be barelvi
@muhammadhabubacker8890 2 месяца назад
Deobandi is father of wahabi
@hasanalmamun7842 7 месяцев назад
People of my country (Bangladesh) worship grave. Not all of them but many do. The followers of those grave usually don't pray salah, take shower, fast. There are some " Peer" as well. Peer means a very pious person. Follower of these peer prostrate before them. Women, girls go to them for Dua except hijab. Some of them promise their followers to take them to Jannah.
@thomaswolf607 Год назад
Genuine question: he asks in the video who can make ijtihad. He says: „…Some guy with a 4 year degree from Al-Azhar?“ Is he alluding with this that a degree from Azhar is not a hard achievement? I genuinely want to know what the perception of Azhar is by the scholars.
@uzair851 Год назад
Its a long read i know. Ijtihad requires mastery of many sciences most of which i dont even know of but i will list some. Hadith (a great portion), Quran (entire), Usool ul fiqh, Usool ul hadith, Usool ul tafsir, Sarf nahw, arabic fasih, mantiq, and many more. I personally have seen that most poeple even with 8 years dars e nizami dont know these sciences in a depth sufficient to extract legal rulings from the quran and sunnah. So they are incapbable of doing ijtihad. And sheikh asrar rashid said something very intelligent. Any usool a person in the 21st century can come up with will have been present in the 4 schools cuz this field has been exhausted. So there is no point in developing an entire new madhab. And since even a person with dars e nizami cant do ijtihad so how can any tom dick and harry go read one hadith and think they know more than the 4 imams.
@mop6279 Год назад
He probably mentioned Al Azhar as it is one the most well known Islamic educational institution. Otherwise, he could have meant any scholar with a Darul Uloom Ijaza.
@emilyhill4488 Год назад
Why is it so hard to believe you can follow the quran and sunnah by the means of more than 1 madhab and learn the authentic sunnah from more than 1 madhab scholar so theres no need for a particular madhab, this is dividing the ummah.
@user-mm3yk3uq4g Год назад
Cuz people can cherry pick from madhahib what they like. It is not dividing the Ummah, it is giving stability amd order. Division is that everybody thinks he or she can take interpret the Qur'an and Sunnah. I do not have to explain to anybody that a german jurist knows german law better than somevody who does not even know german. But when it comes to Islamic Law, everybody is an expert.
@seyyednaqvi5163 5 лет назад
You can't make it up as you go along . That is true. But there is a history to the Madhaahibs. There are four main schools of Sunni thought, & none of them existed or were around in The Time of The Prophet. However. When The Prophet Mohammad ص said "I am the city of Knowledge and Aliع is it's gate. Whoever wishes to come to the City must go to via the gate", then that in itself provided evidence of the fact that Imam Ali غ indeed represented The First Established School of thought within Islam.
@tazboy1934 4 года назад
Imam abu hanifa learned from imam jaffar as saddeq
@alisaood9445 3 года назад
Imam Malik and Imam abu Hanifa learned from Jaffar as Sadeq, the Shia are on falsehood not Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama3
@seyyednaqvi5163 3 года назад
@@alisaood9445 The Shi'a are on Imam Ali @'s school of thought. Not Mu'awiah or any other school of thought that tries to set itself up against or aside from The Ahlulbayt @. 'I am The City of Knowledge and Ali is it's Gate. To get to The City you must enter via The Gate' - Holy Prophet Follow the teacher my brother. Not the student.
@naathnaath6377 2 года назад
Naqvi.. You just proved it.. There were no SHIAS at the time of our PROPHET. Where's this hadeeth from?
@irfankurrimbux5445 Год назад
@@alisaood9445 ( إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ أُولَئِكَ هُمْ خَيْرُ الْبَرِيَّةِ ) يقول تعالى ذكره: إن الذين آمنوا بالله ورسوله محمد, وعبدوا الله مخلصين له الدين حنفاء, وأقاموا الصلاة, وآتوا الزكاة, وأطاعوا الله فيما أمر ونهى ( أُولَئِكَ هُمْ خَيْرُ الْبَرِيَّةِ ) يقول: من فعل ذلك من الناس فهم خير البرية. وقد: حدثنا ابن حميد, قال: ثنا عيسى بن فرقد, عن أبي الجارود, عن محمد بن عليّ( أُولَئِكَ هُمْ خَيْرُ الْبَرِيَّةِ ) فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: " أنْتَ يا عَلي وَشِيعَتُكَ" التفسير الطبري - يا علي انت و شيعتك ... عن ابن حجر : أحمد بن حجر الهيثمي ، المتوفى سنة : 974 هجرية ، عن ابن عباس قال : لما أنزل الله تعالى : ﴿ إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ أُوْلَئِكَ هُمْ خَيْرُ الْبَرِيَّةِ ﴾ 1 ، قال رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) لعلي ( عليه السلام ) : " هم أنت و شيعتك يوم القيامة راضين مرضيين ، و يأتي عدوّك غِضابا مقمحين الصواعق المحرقة : باب 11 ، الفصل الأول ، الآية : 11 ، طبعة : القاهرة .
@hayaakallaah7783 7 лет назад
Did not the four IMAMS say do not blindly follow me
@MrKebasi 7 лет назад
sal;afiwahabi/wolves in sheep clothing
@hayaakallaah7783 7 лет назад
MrKebasi address the first comment first then move onto wahabism. Cheap comment. Zero substance.
@samir2319 6 лет назад
The imams adressed that to their mujtahidīn students not juhala like us. Secondly the opinions of the schools are evaluated by thousands of scholars and not merely following the imam blindly
@ahlulhadith6367 6 лет назад
Samir Asalamu alaikum You think that the imans want people to blind follow them? They don't. If the sahaba (ra) got things wrong on certain issues then what about the great imams? The sahaba are much more knowledgeable than the four imams. They taught the four imams. But no one is perfect. The imans said if my opinion contradicts the Quran and sunnah then leave it. And they said their mathab is the hadith
@mehmedi9406 6 лет назад
Ahlul Hadith Leave Imam's opinion➡ It's said to the students who have have reached the level of Ijitihad, and not to layman like us. What will happen to the Ummah if everyone started interpreting Qur'an and Hadith on their own.
@irfankurrimbux5445 5 месяцев назад
The Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه و اله و سلم recommended to follow his Ehlul Bait عليهم الصلاةو السلام and any other path is perdition !
@lufiasila 3 года назад
Just shows that there are priests in Islam
@fs.s8929 3 года назад
Scholars , Christians confess to priests big difference
@stradegy3338 2 года назад
Or there are "scholars" amongst Jews, Christians and Islam. Try and be just with your wording mate.
@khateebabdulrahmaan2213 Год назад
My brother you haven't meet me. I am a muqallid of Al Axam Abu Hanifa Madhhabs. That is my authority and basis when I speak. So, itijihad on Quran is Haram. Rejecting a Madhhabs is criminal. To be a followers of Bi'dah is a cre against the Shariah of Allah's last prophet and messenger Muhammad Sallawhu alayhe wa Sallam. These types of Muslims are enemies against Al Islam. That makes them my enemy. Jihad is hard towards them It isn't Batil to hate liars. Nor is it Sahih to support them.
@Notebook360 5 лет назад
Prophet Jesus, Peace be Upon Him, will return. Which Madhab will he follow? He will follow the Quran and Sunnah.
@zoo05zoo 4 года назад
He's a prophet. What about the other billions of Muslims?
@tazboy1934 4 года назад
He is a prophet and maybe guided by ALLah through the holy spirit ...
@shaqirisquarepants8940 3 года назад
What a silly statement. He is a prophet not a normal Muslim.🙄
@friend1704 3 года назад
@@tazboy1934 holy spirit? this aint christianity bro
@nawalibrahim3680 3 года назад
I think he means when he comes back at the end of times. He won't be back as a prophet but as a follower of Muhammad SAW
@MrKebasi 6 лет назад
don't bluff the salafiwahabi believe in the three in one god or tauhid three
@sahir313 5 лет назад
We have Quran from Allah and sunna from rasool sallalah. It's complete. Nothing more needed.
@tazboy1934 4 года назад
Oh then why Allah sent Nabi saw if quran and hadith were enough???use ur mind akhi...the prophet saw knows the quran better than anyone of us ...the scholars are like the bees that have the knowledge to extract from flower and produce honey....same goes for scholar ...they have the ability to extract knowledge
@tazboy1934 4 года назад
@Isroil Mukhitdinov plus did u not understood wat he said?u cant throw away the 1400 year of scholarly knowledge and say i will interpret quran on my own that is wat lead to extremism and terrorism ...and thats a trick of shaitan...we are advise by the prophet himself to follow the rightly guided one
@tazboy1934 3 года назад
@Isroil Mukhitdinov i stand by my point...normal general muslims are to follow a madhab..
@redatmosphere3781 3 года назад
@Isroil Mukhitdinov the mazhab are from the Al-Quran and the sunnah do you think you know prophet Muhammad SAW better than them?
@thetruthwithproof8802 2 года назад
@henryseva1 22 дня назад
The worst example.
@diaralcasanibrahim6582 5 лет назад
I do not follow any madhab. I follow Quran Alone.
@abdulhakeembinmoosa 4 года назад
You follow only Quran?? From where you got salah is 5 times per day??
@tazboy1934 4 года назад
Plus how do u follow quran?do u know arabic and have proper knowledge to interpret quran according to sunnah??u have to spent years and years to study and understand quran...u cant learn by yourself ...thats why Allah sent the Prophet saw to teach the sahaba the knowledge and wisdom of the quran ,and that knowledge and wisdom the sahaba taught their students and their students taught their students and so on and so forth till today....that is the sanad...the chain...thats how u verify authenticity of a teacher also...he shud be able to name all the sanad of teachers till rasulAllah saw before taking knowledge from him ...oh plus the prophet himself was taught by Allah ...Allah sent jibril a.s(the holy spirit) to reveal and teach him quran if i am not wrong
@JaleelBeig 3 года назад
Point out which verse in the Qur'an has "La Ilaha IlAllah Muhammadur RasulAllah" united & complete lol
@dannyk118 5 лет назад
This guy duz my head in ppl like nim carry on about following a mathhab, so how come u don't follow that imams aqeedah instead u follow ashari or maturidi in aqeedah and ur mathhab in fiqh thats hypocritical
@kmusic-yp7qe 4 года назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-UTO-lnCMWLY.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-nmVDsk7YBS8.html Esselamu Alejkum brother Please watch this 2 Videos (and watch the other videos about Aqida if needed) and then give me your opinion. :)
@bernardmcavoy1864 3 года назад
Please repeat this in English.
@steamstrategy7670 Год назад
@@bernardmcavoy1864 He is saying that Hamza Yusuf is a Hypocrite, as he followed the ashari creed, and the 4 imams did not.
@amersekic8535 Год назад
@@steamstrategy7670 imam ash'ari, imam maturidi, imam tahawy all share one and the same aqeedah. Along with imam Malik, imam Abu Hanifah, Imam Shafi'i and imam Ibn Hanbal. Salafis/wahhabis are making things up to say they did not which is obsolete lie.
@najmamunye6749 5 лет назад
Our good brother here is asking what will happen if you do not follow a Mazhaab, and we need to ask him and his like: what will happen to all the messengers and the prophets since the beginning of time, they never followed those invented Mazhhabs? What will happen to Muhammad saaw who never heard of those so-called Mazhhabs, are we suppose to cry for his fate, is he going to Hell because some lead us astray about something called Mazhhabs, what will happen to the Sahabah Kiraam, are they all in Hell because they did not follow any of those Mazhhabs, where this Ummah is going with its evil nonsense? Can this brother tell us what Mazhabb Muhammad saaw was one, those Mazhhabs came a very long time after he left, will he go to Hell because he did not follow any of those so-called Mazhhabs? I ask Allah to save us from this brother and those like him, they already did a huge damage to Islam and what Allah sent.
@Kamchow08 5 лет назад
Madhab follows rasool saw very closely
@JoesTowingBaltimore 5 лет назад
you are a very confused individual. very confused. and you lack the most basic knowledge.
@medico3326 4 года назад
May Allah make you understand brother . Don’t discredit the imams of the 4 Mazhabs, they have benefited the ummah by spending their lives in compiling for us . Otherwise every one of us will be so confused
@tazboy1934 4 года назад
Seek knowledge from a well learn sheickh of fiqh who have an ijaza and get off the internet...ur have been misled by neo salafi though ....u will become dump if u apply some of their logic as we are just laymen and dont have the knowledge and wisdom and can easily be misled...stick to mainstream ahlus sunnah wal jamah
@greveeen 3 года назад
Astaghfirullah, how can you even write such a question about rasool saws?
@abu.hanifah1442 Год назад
This man ends up having views that contradict all madhhabs now...
@uzair851 Год назад
sadly true. May Allah guide him. His old speeches are really nice. Now his speeches are about pleasing the western mindset.
@saajiddaya2152 Год назад
@@uzair851 heres the thing. The older you get, the wiser you become. You learn that instead of roaring like a lion in your younger years (which he still does sometimes), it's better and more effective to speak gently. As the saying goes "attract flies with honey (sweet speech) not vinegar (loud speech). He still talks what he talks, just knows the time and place. So I dont understand where you say "oh, in his younger years he was better now hes sold out". Like huhhh???
@uzair851 Год назад
@@saajiddaya2152 His old speeches werent harsh. He was quite wise even when he was young. But sadly now he says certain things that contradict islamic belief or maybe in the grey area just to please the western people and make islam more palatable to them. Allah knows best
@yamiyami2 Год назад
Which one e.g.?
@hasanaliqadri1508 2 месяца назад
​@@uzair851he has converted so many non Muslims to Islam you can't even dream of doing that. He does that with knowledge of Islam and sweetness.
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