
What I want in Monster Hunter 6 

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@HaruVibes_ Год назад
Nothing quite like the hype journey to a new MH generation.
@thedazzlingape2006 Год назад
after risebreak, my hype for MH is dead. until further notice im considering their next game the first in a line of "stream lined" "market easy" "consumer friendly" games that have made so many special series into something mundane and forgetable. ever since world...I feel like the love for money has trumped the love for the game. money and popularity do have a way of ruining everythig with time, dont they. except keanu reeves. maybe if they put keanu reeves in mh6 I'd be hyped again.
@WeeWeeJumbo Год назад
@@thedazzlingape2006never gets invited to parties 😢
@hunchbackhobbyist387 Год назад
I feel like they should definitely bring back the tracking system, i didn't like how rise just showed you the exact location of the monster. I also think they should remove wyvern riding, as it undermines the strength and threat of the monsters, and bring back a newer version of the old mounting mechanic. If they do those to things i feel like the immersion of role playing a hunter will be so much better
@ryean8212 Год назад
Yeah, the moment I had the option to turn off Wyvern Riding, I did
@kyril98741 Год назад
tracking only fun a couple of times and was a nuisance after a while. I prefer they tweak the rise mechanic by having the quest start with a question mark for all the monsters in the map and only turn the icon once you encounter the monster.
@IceZone27 Год назад
As long as they let you join in multiplayer hunts without having to wait for someone to watch the cut scene. Playing with my brother was so hard cause I had to navigate him through the entire map just so we could go on a single hunt.
@Black0ut6961 Год назад
I don't miss the tracking from world and the being able to ride and fight using the monster was part of what made rise fun and a huge improvement over world so I have to disagree.
@IceZone27 Год назад
@@Black0ut6961 let me still skip cutscenes!!!!
@perhaps4887 Год назад
Having a well designed large desert map where you'd have access to sand boat has been a long time dream. Imagine a 16 person hunt against a Jhen Moran (kinda like Safijiva) where a combination of large and small sand boat are used. Not only that, small sand boats could just be a means of getting around the map, with the threat of large monsters knocking you off.
@Z3Milesky Год назад
Random mountain dragon encounters?? 😲👀🤨
@AlexandredaRochaCelestino Год назад
World still is the paradigm for Monster Hunter.
@mohamowail1220 Год назад
Lol I still remember when I first saw the “I’m not playing monster hunter rise” video
@HeyJayOfficial Год назад
hopefully I don't need to make a "Why I'm not playing MH6" video lol
@Z3Milesky Год назад
the village part is quite interesting...
@MurdokEXTRA Год назад
Combine the scoutfiles and the paintballs! Limit the scoutflies so they can only narrow the area where the monster could be to like 3 zones and have the player paintball the monster to get the full effect!
@joatencuevas8412 Год назад
I wish to see Akantor and the other big big boys again. Maybe some crosovers like in the old games would be cool.
@KillerChairYT Год назад
Touching on a few things you mentioned. I really like the idea of removing palamutes as ridable companions, but making them the tracking option. This could even be similar to the scoutflies from world, where the palamute finds the tracks, you confirm them, and then find the monster. For the machinery idea, this made me think of supply drops from GU, but instead you could drop a ballista/cannon or other such thing. (maybe even a healing station or whatever) I would not like any sort of vehicle really, but stationary things with a bit of risk/reward to them could be great. Good video, it tickled my imagination again for what's to come in the next game.
@iJakku Год назад
Bring back every craftable weopons. I miss my ravager variant great sword.
@rileymoore7025 Год назад
Ah yes, Mechs. Introducing the 15th Monster Hunter weapon: The Elder Dragon Fortress (EDF for short)
@ladiesman2138 Год назад
I hated that they slowed down our animations in rise compared to world where we could move out of some light animations and combo more stuff. Hopefully Capcom learns a little of everything from games like wildhearts and stuff into Monster hunter 6. They've built a gigantic world and I'd love that they'd connect old and new games so we can reuse assets.
@pigsmacker213 Год назад
I completely agree with you on them nerfing the use of palemutes. To be honest, it should have only been possible to ride into a hunt, but once the hunt is properly started, you can't ride on the palemutes anymore until like a monster zone transition. As well as for the tracking point, I miss the feeling of being able to go into a hunt and actually having to explore the map to find a monster. It made it feel like I was more connected to the world I was in and ut made me remember locations better, as well as the monsters that frequent certain zones more for future hunts. Because I could immerse myself in the role of my hunter in a way that felt natural. Also, the point about the timer as well is something that I didn't really think too much about until someone brought it up. I 100% agree. I want the timer mechanic to stay in Monster Hunter. But it obviously needs some tweaking and rebalancing to feel like a more prevalent aspect of a hunt that feels natural and progressive with our hunter's progress/our own skill level increasing in the game. It's not even a hard fix, in all honesty. Really, all they have to do is lower the timer amount after every increase in your hunter rank status, by that I mean. You start the game with the 50 minutes we're used to currently in Low Rank because this is the period new hunters are still learning the game and its various mechanics. But then once you reach High Rank, you're more adept at the game mechanics, so in High Rank, that timer amount gets dropped down to 30 minutes, and finally, once you hit Master Rank. That timer amount drops down yet again to 20 minutes. While as for Elder Dragons, since they're supposed to be the highest echelon of challenge for our Hunter, their timers are actually different than normal specifically for them. In Low Rank for whatever Elder happens to be made into a Low Rank Elder, their hunt timer would be 30 minutes to reflect the challenge you're facing which at that point should be them and it'd be a nice way to show the transition from Low Rank hunting and High Rank. But then, moving into High Rank, the Elder hunt timers drop once again to 20 minutes, usually. not counting special hunts where they're supposed to be even tougher than they normally already are, their timers get dropped to 15 minutes. While in Master Rank the base "regular" elders start with a 15 minute timer; which again in special hunts meant to be even tougher that timer length drops down to the absolute lowest it can being 10 minutes. I know this sounds like It would make the game a lot harder, but that's the point of a timer mechanic in the first place. It's meant to make a scenario feel like a race to be as fast as possible or else. It should be more strict. Otherwise, there's no reason to have it. Yes, it'll be more frustrating, but it'll make hunts more memorable in the long term. Like we all remember some of the most satisfying moments in the beta of World/Rise, right? Does anyone remember how good it felt to beat the beta Nergigante hunt? Or Magnamalo? It was tough as fuck sure but it made the race against the clock feel way more impactful because of how strict it was. But that's how it should be, the timer is a test of skill for the player. Its constant reminder should be there to push you to do better. Not for it to just kinda exist but offer like basically nothing in the way of challenge.
@FaythRender Год назад
The machine idea works cause as hunters we've been stuck in the stone age for a long time. We have to progress, we can't be cavemen forever.
@MrMisterMisterMr Год назад
A couple of small things I want in Gen 6: -Bring back Rainbow Pigment. The fact that Rise/Sunbreak doesn't have it is an absolute sin. -More aggressive invaders. We need more surprise Bazelgeuse divebombs and Rajang appearances. -Bring back the little poses hunters make when they carve rare materials off a monster. -Rein in the crazy counterattacks and bring the focus back to dodging and intelligent sheathing. -Bring back Tri's bowgun customization system. -Gen 3 Rathalos/Rathian armor designs. I have no clue why they went back to the ugly ass gen 1 armors for them in gen 5.
@kbutta01 10 месяцев назад
I’d like one continuous open world about the size of LOZ: tears of the kingdom. Towns could be hubs to meet new players but when you leave town it’s like normal you alone or you and your crew. You can have mounts for faster traversal and of course fast travel. Of course there needs to be limits on mounts in battle etc.
@tielmaster7879 Год назад
A pause button in single player! I've had so many grinds ruined in world by a doorbell, phone call or just life in general.
@MH3Raiser Год назад
I think there's 2 types of hunters: Hunters who care more about how the action in combat feels as an action game and Hunters who care more about how the game delivers on the 'World' of Monster Hunter as an adventure game. Some people fight underwater and hate how it slows you down and makes combat cumbersome, but some love that being underwater makes you literally out of your depth, putting yourself on the monster's preferred terrain. And nobody is just one either, we just have different priorities in what we want from a new title. I'm definitely in the latter camp, what about you guys?
@manuelmontoya8839 Год назад
Lore wise you can't really just go anywhere you want, there's dedicated locations for hunting so unless it's the new world isn't ideal to do open world without some consequences like a bounty hunter guild to find poachers and the such.
@R0_n_1n Год назад
Not really keen on the idea of making another open world MH game, but a village building aspect would be nice. Another idea would be being able to visit all existing villages in the Old World, and being able to do quests from that location.
@carlostejeda4341 Год назад
That game already exists, mh generations & gen u, they have shown us that they are willing to do it, but only as an anniversary title.
@turbonigel713 Год назад
Bro you gotta try playing armored core , both the old ones and the new one comimg out in 26 days, just like you did with the monster hunter series. I mean at least in the meantime while the wait for monster hunter 6 ends.
@HeyJayOfficial Год назад
I need to check that series out
@dralakba-dusk31 Год назад
I miss paintballs ;_;
@meglo03 Год назад
If I had one request for MH6. It would be to bring back dung bombs. Yes, I know they are in Rise but have never felt the need to use one when two monsters would encounter each other, immediately making one or the other wyvern-rideable, then just runs away. It's a big piece of tension in a hunt that made invasions that much more meaningful. Other than that, let the devs do whatever they want. I'll likely play it one way or another.
@Joeynator3000 Год назад
I love Rise/SB because it fixed tons of issues I had with World/IB...Wyvern Riding I also enjoyed, but...I don't know why after that point the monsters are basically scared of each other and run away instantly. Even Elder Dragons and Furious Rajang run away, wtf? lol
@Gradashy 11 месяцев назад
Rebuild a Village, it is the plot and what you do in Monster Hunter Dos (MH2G) for the PS2.
@dynogamer1377 Год назад
Tbh the first and last points just make me think of Wild Hearts
@mangafan88 Год назад
I want the paintball mechanic back, but making the paintballs infinite.
@Seltika2007 Год назад
Open world I feel like would or rather could be awesome! And machines would work well for traveling in that, so that could work. Also I really want a new aerial weapon and a new black dragon. But I believe in Capcom because they have done so well on World and Rise. Whatever MH6 will be, it WILL be amazing.
@soulezwan266 Год назад
The only thing i disagree is the open world... Everything else seems good enough. For me i actually looking something on the combination of stuff like battle the monster anywhere yes even in water like tri, all the area like generation and style/switch skill, no fancy skil just the minimal stuff like how you have different combo route and go hunt with different style like generation. Make exploring the map open like rise and full of life like world. If i can get this in one package dam that be a good mh game. There a lot more i can nitpick but this is the base i m looking for.
@theweeb6343 Год назад
The riding and controlling of monsters was already so far away from monster hunter that it didnt even feel like monster hunter and machines would make that even worse. Almost sounds like you want wildhearts 2 with a base building mechanic rather then a monster hunter game
@theweeb6343 Год назад
Don't get me wrong I think the base building thing would be super cool and would maybe make you hunt monsters you typically wouldn't other then to progress in the story, but I just don't want machines and stuff to take away from the man vs monster of monster hunter which I already think rise did, but idk I'd still play and live the game regardless cause it's monster hunter 🤷
@Zihark94 Год назад
All I want for MH6 are new monsters. They've opened the frontier floodgates by adding Espinas. I want to fight the quicksilver elder dragon and the black dragons.
@nargo9734 Год назад
Shantien or Disufiroa would be epic!
@tristanwilliams4180 Год назад
i want Nerg, Fatalis, Safi'jiva, Odogaron and Lunastra
@chrissteer4920 10 месяцев назад
Open world would just lead to very less detailed world or make it look like a terrarium and if you want machines then wild hearts would be the game to play 🤷🏻‍♂️
@osirisavra1301 Год назад
I would appreciate if we could fight higher level monsters without the need of clearing low level trash as early as we want, that's what is amazing in souls games.
@JDKaraffa Год назад
i could not care about any monster like lagi returning, the only thing i care about is that fatalis either doesnt return, or returns nothing like his world form
@senseispyro8742 Год назад
You know what it angers me so much that nobody mentions what I’m about to say. I have a whole wish list of things I would like, this thing included. But if I talk about anything, but this, nobody will acknowledge it. JUMPING! Why, on gods given earth dose NOBODY talk about monster hunter NEEDING a JUMP button!? Breath of the wild, JUMP BUTTON Elden Ring, JUMP BUTTON Monster Hunter, WIREBUGS?! Don’t get me wrong I love the Wirebugs but that is NO substitute for a jump action. Seriously there is even a skill called JUMP MASTER! And it doesn’t do crap. I think, jumping was going to be added, but thanks to the Scam Demic. They were forced to not include it. Which I think is horse crap, because you simply implement the jump button to your left stick & the aerial attacks are the same as ledge jumps with some balancing of course. Hell, the lance can jump if you get running momentum. You cannot possibly tell me that I am the only one who thinks like this.
@joelhatterini6392 Год назад
This isn't a wishlist from me and moreso a prediction: 1 - trailer at TGS announcing a release some time next year, probably winter, because next year is the 20th anniversary of the series and it'd be insane not to put it out next year 2 - it'll be open world, because all games become open world with enough time
@ryean8212 Год назад
Please, God, no more open world
@joelhatterini6392 Год назад
​@@ryean8212Listen I don't necessarily want it either but the march of progress ALWAYS leads to open world.
@ZeltThePotatoBoi Год назад
​@@joelhatterini6392no it doesn't
@lancetaztic5874 Год назад
I may be in the minority but my absolute number 1 hope for MH6 is that they don't go open world. I can only see it negatively affecting the overall balance of the game that is just perfect to me as is. The flow of tracking and fighting a monster in World felt just right to me but the flow was delicate. Adding in longer portions of doing busy work/walking from one end of a map to another would upset the balance in my eyes. I know it's a selfish want because it's a lot of fans' dream structure for the series but please, please, please don't go open world Capcom
@faereman Год назад
Even though I liked Rise/Sunbreak a lot more than World/Iceborne, since it fixed a lot of the issues I had with that game, I still feel like generation 5 as a whole was a bit of a letdown. They just added more unnecessary stuff that I can count, while removing or changing a lot of monster mechanics and even roars from the old games (they did the raths and rajang so dirty). I'm not asking for anything revolutionary honestly, keep it simple, make the game a bit harder from the start instead of just post game, don't bring back all of the flagships for the nth time, and maybe nerf the hunter a tad because I feel like he's stronger than most monsters at this point lol.
@flisboac Год назад
What was the problem with roars?
@faereman Год назад
@@flisboac Some of them sound completely different in gen 5.
@flisboac Год назад
@@faereman I remember playing Stories 2 and being surprised by some roars. So, I get what you mean, it was kinda weird to hear Zinogre and Rathalos in that game, coming from World/Iceborne. I also met some "new" (read: old) monsters, that I wish were brought to World or Iceborne too.
@somethingbig3797 10 месяцев назад
I'd be happy with MHW but with much better multiplayer interface and cross platform so that I don't have to jump through 10 hoops just to play with friends.
@serenity3157 Год назад
I dont really like the fast phase of rise, players are still over power even how they make the monster fast and counter wirebug. Maybe a world combat with rise change skill is good imo. Trash wire bugs and clutch claw and ya, dog is also over power.
@arnold2614 Год назад
Agree with most of your takes, but please no open world for MH. Every open world games released are always feels empty, it's better for them to just focus on improving what they have.
@willSolos Год назад
Equal dragon weapon
@djdedan Год назад
Honestly no to all these ideas except cross play. Open world is probably the worse idea. What I hope to see is evolution. Monsters should evolve based on how players play them. There should be a way to progress thru timeline of course so players who start out late don’t fight evolved beasties but yeah, monsters evolve into forms that are not predetermined. But yeah, no to open world. I rather not waste time searching for things to do just to have a large world.
@thedazzlingape2006 Год назад
I hope they bring back *absolutely nothing from risebreak* it's been a mess of all sorts... the visuals, audio, the monsters dumb over explosiveness, the visuals!!! I wish we could just forget it ever happened. lets just go back to the old stuff but make it look like world(but again, without the visual eyef8kery).
@Amatsu_storm_approach Год назад
This comment has been especially brainless coming from a fiver and nostalgfan
@thedazzlingape2006 Год назад
@@Amatsu_storm_approachI dont know those phrases so im guessing you were too young to have ever played the real monster hunter games. kid, not everything big and bright and colorfully flashy is "better" us old people like things that are simpler and have more depth and substance.
@Amatsu_storm_approach Год назад
@@thedazzlingape2006 If you consider mh tri a new title,then yeah,am new,you should know more than anyone that mh combat has evolved in In certain aspects, so far, Rise has the best-done controls in the franchise and one of the best combat, in addition to improving the battles that were garbage of yesteryear, if you consider that it will take drinking a potion or having clumsy controls was something positive for the franchise then what a shame, boy
@bommisenbromark3708 Год назад
So, Here's what they should do. Make a game identical to BASE World, add more monsters, no silly iceborne slinger moves. And boom, best MH game in history.
@Frost0ne_ Год назад
Yes remove palamute riding. It's also not fair in multiplayer if you want to play Palico and everyone has a palamute you're always gonna be late whatsoever. They gotta find other balanced ways of making us travel the map.
@Rusty_Spy Год назад
I've never had a problem keeping up with Palamutes. You just gotta get good at wirebug travel.
@mangalink25 Год назад
@devcrom3 Год назад
Nuh uh!
@ryean8212 Год назад
The whole endemic life mechanic from World, completely optional, really cool to just look at, but you can collect them and find rare versions of them and add them to your room, feed them play with them, I always found that in World extremely intuitive and immersive, just a good experience IMHO.
@Eugene_IO Год назад
Combat wise, I'm not liking the hectic, faster paced combat in RiseBreak. I personally like the slower, heavier, more deliberate combat in World. I feel that the mobility, utility and power provided by the wirebugs and palamutes resulted in an arms race vs. the monsters that also made them faster, stronger. I feel needs to tone down a bit.
@nyuszicsib Год назад
Wirebugs were a fine, new feature in Rise, but honestly I don't want it back in 6. I like the free roam of World better too.
@NekomiyaTH 11 месяцев назад
They can let people use as style base on origin what people chose in character creation OG Old world(no fancy kit but all raw dmg x2) New world(Clutch claw) Rise(wire bug) If dev can make it happen xD
@peterduprey7286 8 месяцев назад
They’ll probably do that. Rise was designed to be fast because it was a portable game. You could play it on a commute to work or school. Also I personally like wirebugs a lot (especially the mobility they offer) but yeah you’re high if you think they’re coming back.
@peterduprey7286 8 месяцев назад
They’ll probably do that. Rise was designed to be fast because it was a portable game. You could play it on a commute to work or school. Also I personally like wirebugs a lot (especially the mobility they offer) but yeah you’re high if you think they’re coming back.
@Irsacfac Год назад
The first thing that came to my mind when you mentioned the last point was: "Yes let's follows the steps of the ancient civilization its not like something bad could happen"
@srlopez875 Год назад
Fatalis: Bonjour
@elk3407 Год назад
If Monster Hunter goes open world, I'm out. Its the instanced structure that lets me play MH for hundreds of hours without burning out. With that removed, I don't think Id be able to enjoy my favorite game series anymore
@xGravityONEx Год назад
I feel that open world would not really improve nor deminish the game mechanics as they are in world/iceborne. As long as the maps are as complicated as in world open world doesnt really open up enough new things to validate the risk and time of implementation. I do like the idea of improving your village with certain monster parts and getting a visual change depending on the part
@Rockalanche Год назад
I totally agree with your first point on the village building. We are going out and hunting these monsters that are supposedly a major threat to the village, yet we don't really see much in the way of expansion. I think a cool idea would be to have a big event were an elder dragon destroys the village and you need to hunt monsters to help rebuild.
@kslayer55 Год назад
Man as a long time fan it's so awesome seeing you go from disliking the games a good amount to being a huge fan. 😊
@HeyJayOfficial Год назад
thanks to all of you for showing me the way!
@Joeynator3000 Год назад
I just want freakin' Prowler Mode back....let me play the entire game as a cat, dammit. >:c
@Atomic_Chef Год назад
I want a huge open world map like Windwaker with a customizable ship that takes you from island to island. You get underwater combat with the support of your ship between islands and there can be different monsters on different islands and different biomes that require you to upgrade you ship to deal with ice floes or lava. I just think it would give you a reason to continue to hunt similar monsters to upgrade your boat and establish little bases on each island that could be turned into a trade network. I would play that game forever lol
@HeyJayOfficial Год назад
Love this idea
@VadeInSpiritu Год назад
That is a pretty cool idea. Maybe not all islands, like if some continents were bigger with multiple biomes and also some islands mixed in. If there’s a bunch of islands though, it would make it easy for them to keep adding more content like how in iceborne you literally go to a new ice island. They could do ocean battles like Jen Moran too which would be badass. Like Tri / Tri U island life moga village vibes plus going out on your own boat then getting attacked by a sea monster!
@Atomic_Chef Год назад
@@VadeInSpiritu exactly! I think there would be so much organic gameplay that could come out of it! Maybe even having the ability to expand your fleet to deal with more difficult threats? I could see them adding a new companion that’s like a seal or something to help you move underwater quickly 😂 I just think they could make an amazing world worth exploring and an open world like that would feel so alive
@srlopez875 Год назад
Hey Jay: I personally don't like the way Rise handles introducing monsters without having your hunter in them having a face to face interaction with the monster. Me staring awkwardly at Certain very loved somewhat "modern" Monster Hunter game: "sigh" Boy, do I have something you miiiiiight don't want to see. In regards of your idea of the new gimmick I personally think it kinda misses one of the points of Monster Hunter that is that the people seek to be in communion with nature, the idea of using what is in essence heavy artillery on a more daily basis or leaving defenses in the middle of the locales, which is literally interfering with the Monsters life's, it kinda goes against it, last time it happened, Fatalis decided to say "Bonjour". If the devs do go that way and manage to make sense and most importantly, fun. Then sure it can be interesting but I feel that like you pictured, it simply doesn't sound fun. It sounds kinda similar to the Rampage and I feel than none of us want to see that as the MH6 core mechanic. HOWEVER I'm quite on board of having palamutes or something similar as the new scout flies, It can be interesting
@flisboac Год назад
The "palamutes as scoutflies" is actually a good idea! Extending it a little bit, maybe they could re-introduce MHW's Grimalkyne Unity mechanic, so that they could give some "tips" to your Palico or Palamute as to where the monster may be, or outright say where it is if you're friends enough with them, OR if you trained them (the Grimalkynes) to track a specific monster.
@ryanjohnson1124 Год назад
I have actually thought a bit about how timers and quests could work in an open world mh game. One way that I personally think works well is by being able to accept multiple quests at one time and then when you accept one, it just makes that target monster always spawn in a given area. As far as the timer goes, once you actually start combat with a monster whether it be a target one or not, you would have 50 min unless otherwise specified to hunt it before it de-spawns and you fail the quest.
@julianlegionare2467 Год назад
If gen 6 MH would see underwater combat returning, then I would hope they bring in something that could sorta innovate on the return of Underwater combat like being able to take on new kinds of quests called Voyage quests that sees you riding your own ship that you can customize/upgrade with monster materials just like crafting/upgrading gear. Then you can ride your ship to hunt sea monsters like Somnacanth, Royal Ludroth, lagiacrus, and even Ceadeus. And maybe even open skies to hunt monsters like Paolumu, Legiana, Bazelguese, and of course Amatsu (exploring open skies could be a expansion thing) maybe there could be some depth to voyage hunts where you have to use a couple of different ship weapons for various parts of a monster or even for different kinds of monsters you hunt each with their ways they can be beat with different gear like cannonballs for braking armor, binders for stopping monsters from doing very dangerous attacks, and ballista ammo possibly working as the sort of weapon that can exploit a monster’s Elemental weakness with Elemental ammo, it would be definitely awsome if such a mechanic was added On a side note I hope it brings in a few frontier monsters which would be cool. If my MH6 idea had a name, it would be called Monster Hunter Voyage, then the Master rank expansion could be called Monster Hunter Voyage Skyward. But Nontheless even if my idea doesn’t come true and come to life. I’ll be looking forward to what MH6 has cooked anyways (And cheers to those in the comments section who had a idea similar like mine)
@simonrockstream Год назад
Jay my dude. Palamutes are absolutely not going to return lol.
@HeyJayOfficial Год назад
I'm ok with this lol
@blackmamba2081 Год назад
I really hope they don't .
@magnus9446 Год назад
I'm not so sure, the Palamutes are too popular at this point that dropping them will just piss off a lot of fans, and even Capcom have been wanting to implement dog companions for some time now, for example they were almost introduced in Generations as a new weapon type. Granted Capcom have introduced features fans love and then dropped them next game like the Prowler mode, but I dunno I have a feeling the dogs will be different. Only the first reveal of MH6 will tell.
@flisboac Год назад
That's great, actually!
@heyimurchin6575 Год назад
A survival monster hunter where you gather resources and money to rebuild a village destroyed by a monster. Sounds neat. Can also lead to interesting storylines where you need to accept quest to increase your reputation so you can expand the village and maybe you get to increase your relationship with NPC and ask them to join you :) I'm only a Fiver but one thing I wish they keep is the option to select weapon moveset. I dont want to see switching scrolls but the ability to select your weapon moveset that matches your build and playstyle is what I love about Rise.
@CakeofPokke Год назад
Really well thoughtout & put together video, Jay❤! Some interesting wishes in your list. I like your thinking 🤓! Just discovered you & I'm already digging your content 😊👍
@HeyJayOfficial Год назад
Awesome! Thank you!
@lewa3910 Год назад
Also if they do truly make it openworld, I can see it taking much longer if they're gonna do it right, like how Tears of the Kingdom took 6 years alone despite using alot of assets from Breath of the Wild. MH6 would be building a whole world from the ground up unless it decided to literally just be World's map but made actually open world, which I wouldn't mind cuz I'd seriously love the Coral Highlands and Rotten Vale remade into a fully openworld game, but yeah, no idea how they're gonna go
@seanboglio3605 Год назад
@Soulmizu_thefrontierhunter Год назад
well, your first point is kinda the focus around mh2dos offline, you help build a new village (jumbo) and it has you hunt specififc monsters to build the village. with the monsters with the most build up in the "story" being lunastra and kushala. i agree with wanting the idea of building a village back. but i think having so that it requires more time and effort liek you mentioned with the 20 diablos for the horns.
Building a village in MH reminds me of dundorma in mh4u
@adamjsher04 Год назад
I could not DISAGREE more with the Palamute opinion. This is for a few reasons: A. Making the Palamutes work like the Raider Ride in World would suck since the Raider Ride feature, at least in my opinion, became ultimately pointless after a while. Once you have your camps and know where Monsters are, whats the point? Just go to the nearest camp and run! Plus often times running would just be faster given that since the mounts would stop, look around, sniff, than go, and by the time their done looking you'd be half way there or even at the monster depending on the camp and area. I much prefer riding the Palamutes when and wherever, be it to get to the monster or simply zoom around the map and collect materials. B. I think utilising the Palamute ride in fights is very rewarding, but doesn't come without downsides, at LEAST in Multiplayer, which IS what Monster Hunter is all about. If you bring a Palamute, sure, you'll be quicker and healing/ sharpening becomes safer, but you LOSE the utility of the Palicos, which is a LOT. The various gadgets Palicos bring that the mutes don't I think more equalizes the utility of one or the other. C. Like half of the Palamutes utility bar riding for the purpose of heals/shapening gets lost in arena fights, and leaves them with the scrolls during fights IF you bring those on your palamutes kit. Assuming MH6 will be like World/borne, I am a fan of the idea of allowing the palamutes to track monsters though! Plenty disagree with this take I'm about to give but I personally like not knowing where a monster is located as soon as you set foot in an area. I liked tracking them, learning their habits and essentially building up the general knowledge of a monsters usual territory in a given map.
@leonidasvonsparta Год назад
Dodogama Village is ready for you
"building a village" luckily for u thats the main focus of mh4u's village high rank in dundorna
@HeyJayOfficial Год назад
story-wise it is but you don't really get to feel it as a player
@Walt_Chocolate Год назад
Hey look Ma, I'm on TV! 1:00 right there in the corner😲
@JustUsCrazyBoyz Год назад
Mh World is a none seamless open world game. But a seamless one would be very much appreciated. Also I would like to have a darker and more mature story for MH6. The amatsu sequence is a good example of how a touching story can benefit the series.
@DaKirbZ Год назад
Monster Hunter 6: 4 Ultimate remake
@HareHeadGFX Год назад
I want it to be as far from world or rise as possible, I started with world but the old games appeal to me so much more than anything from 5th gen.
@razorlime3695 Год назад
I want hunting styles back
@mh-united Год назад
It’s funny you mention village building, with Dos having a ton of the things you described. Adding shops, expanding facilities, upgrading your room, etc.
@NekoBatyx Год назад
For open-world hunting, the Toukiden series had an interesting solution to timers. Toukiden 2's map is one big open-world with 6 distinct biomes (forest, snow, desert, volcano, floating isles, swamp) and each biome is a pretty huge area in itself. The whole world is covered in miasma that doesn't deplete health, but will corrupt the player if they stay out in it for too long, which serves as a ticking clock. Of course, there are safe areas dotted around the world that will reset the corruption so players can then continue exploring as they wish. Also some areas have stronger miasma which will corrupt the player even faster and stronger monsters tend to be in these stronger miasma, so that means you will have even less time to hunt them. The open-world progress is also gated behind some areas having too much miasma so you will have to find and purify all of the safe areas before being allowed to continue.
@rumotu Год назад
So wild hearts. Building machines and open world
@HeyJayOfficial Год назад
The machines in Wild Hearts are a bit too integrated for the MH world. I’m thinking something simpler
@KenBladehart Год назад
10:04 you mean Wild Hearts, the most obnoxious game design in the genre? Aside from the first point, every other ideas are going to be not fun. Theres a different between a good idea and unnecessary chores This is why you should play other games in the genre. Other games have already explored bunch of ideas, and the evidence of MH Rise, they prolly still going to execute those ideas better than Capcom can think of
@somedude2468 Год назад
I don’t like that modern mh games are fast paced and hunt focused. I want the preparation to play a major part of the hunt. Making consumable items scarce and actually valuable and important for specific situations, rewarding players greatly by bringing the item. That way also adds value in gathering during the hunt and combining to make items.
@voxelheart Год назад
Everything you said about open world and rebuilding a village is *exactly* what direction I want to see the MH series go, and what I wish Wild Hearts was. Being able to use knowledge of ecology of the world to lure out an elder dragon sounds amazing to me as well.
@lubbo5261 Год назад
My hopes for MH6: Palamutes Switch skills Underwater combat Hunting styles Old Skill system Follower Quests Prowler Mode.
@savexel7336 Год назад
Being able to do stuff on the palamute just allows the hunt to be faster. Im not sharpening in the middle of a fight and that just takes away the limited time in your life that you have to using one thing at a time. I get you want it but its not something worth bringing back to me personally
@BalasielVOD Год назад
I would love of they would slow down the combat again. Rise was fun, but I liked the combat flow in World better, Rise was too fast for my liking.
@JeromeDoyle Год назад
I just want a well developed story worth mentioning. I think that would be a game changer for a franchise.
@hottacos2975 Год назад
Make it so that armor spheres have highr spawn rates in mining spots, i miss having a good reason to just go on a expedition to get spme armor spheres. At least up to a certain level, maybe higher level spheres are quest only
@Juvenwastaken Год назад
Hot take. bring back cold drink, hot drink, limited whestones. I find immersion when the hunt starts in the preparation phase
@dragonslayer3552 Год назад
You lost me at the open world part... No dude just no please open world mh would be the worst thing we can possibly get in mh6
@fly8414 Год назад
i never wanna see underwater fights again. however one thing i would love to see is a futuristic monster hunter
@nargo9734 Год назад
Have a lot of the same thoughts like Jay especially about the Palamutes and gathering quests. Im not to keen on the Open world idea even though i can see the points but i think how world and rise implement it, a huge seamless map, is the best way to go. Other than that i really hope we are going to a more slower, methodical combat and that we get to see a story like in 4u where would visit diffrent villages in search of the main monster or whatever. Also underwater combat would be really nice to have.
@dralakba-dusk31 Год назад
well in Mh Online you could ride a boat and fight Pleasioth xD
@alenezi989a3 Год назад
I hope they add a new weapons, adding the Tonfas and Magnets would be cool.
@CrossfitWarrior Год назад
They should take some clues from wild hearts
@adgkadgk Год назад
Wild Hearts also has a hunt timer
@ZeltThePotatoBoi Год назад
MHRise 2 ((((((:
@goldriguez7077 Год назад
I just want accel axe...
@V.KaiserX Год назад
This is the safest list I watched 😂 but it’s pretty good though. The last 2 games was was open world so I know the next one mh game is gonna stay open world since all of the feedback was good about it so Ima be really surprised if they bring back loading screens. Really all he wants is another world and that’s not too bad 👍 but it’s nothing really new/risky as he just wants another World part 2 and we all know MH games don’t go like that, I thought he was gonna at least spout out a new gimmick that we all would say “whooaaa now that’s a cool idea” but as a game developer, I was kinda thinking he was gonna say some “ahead” stuff since the video name was what he wanted in the new MH but it was kinda actually “What I want to see back” lol I thought he was gonna dive into something new 😂 I’m just excited to see more at the Tokyo Game show
@HeyJayOfficial Год назад
I like to stay grounded in some reality, based on the other comments though my list wasn't as safe as you might suggest :)
@extrajimified4557 Год назад
#6 is basically like what they did with TOTK's Ultra Hand
@VadeInSpiritu Год назад
I miss needing to gather meat, plants, berries for ammo, and ores. In old games there was always a point you’d get to the end game volcano area then need to go mine tons and tons of ore there. You’d sneak around the dark landscape with bright hot lava then suddenly get surprised by a large monster you were unprepared for. It’s also relaxing after some focused hunts just going out to do some gathering and enjoy the nature. Open world is ideal for me. Like the guiding lands but none of the region leveling stuff. Just like a big open world with full size biomes. You can wander from the wilderness into new hub villages or camps. Out in the wild is just free hunting like expeditions, then you have to find the hub towns to unlock bounty boards for each area. New paths to advanced ecosystems open up as you progress. The coral highlands and rotten vale were such awesome new biome ideas too. Usually we have forest, desert, volcano, ice area, etc., but not underwater coral area above land and rotten dead decay area. I want to see a couple new biomes that are something I’ve never even thought of yet. If there is open world, intermediate biomes could be awesome too like a sparse grassland between a desert area and forest area. Then there could be maybe more isolated areas like islands where you could see the truly unique biomes. Abandoned or destroyed forts could offer unique areas to discover too with tools like ballista and old dragonators. Then maybe inside the forts you could find unique mining nodes for like the ancient / rusted weapons or unique resources, but spending too much time in these areas draws out elder dragons or big threats.
@Zyckro Год назад
I know open world games have become quite saturated again in the past few years, but that's just where I see Monster Hunter going. I hope for a seamless connection between being out in the field and in the village. Maybe you run along the shimmering blades of grass where giants stood. Maybe you hook yourself onto a wingdrake and look down at the beautiful land below. It's a long road back to the village, and your target is nowhere in sight as the sun sets. Perhaps it's time to set up camp. However it would be done, I want this series to focus back on what drew me and so many others in. Believable yet fantastical; living, and breathing ecosystems.
@ratkon Год назад
All i want is for invader monsters to become a threat again.
@flisboac Год назад
Hope this trend comes back.
@Reymax164 Год назад
10:36 Well… I could see this happening after the events of a certain Monster Hunter… like… the guild started researching and engineering it after they hunted that monster.
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