
WHAT IS A TRUE CHRISTIAN | Are you saved or self deceived? 

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@sofie3912 4 года назад
May God send the Holy spirit for whoever is reading this
@kenmwangi1310 4 года назад
@mktx. 4 года назад
@irenenjoki6943 4 года назад
@gelilaeyasu3441 4 года назад
@tinsaetesfaye3716 4 года назад
@aristotle5698 4 года назад
God never turned his back on me, but I have sinned many times. That shows how loving he is.
@Mr.Looooong 4 года назад
If you want to stop say this salvation prayer with your heart. Go to your bedroom and close the door. Get on your knees, clasp your hands together, bow your head and close your eyes. Pray this prayer with your heart and believe it. Say out loud in a inside voice, "Lord Jesus, for too long I’ve kept you out of my life. I know that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. No longer will I close the door when I hear you knocking. By faith I gratefully receive your gift of salvation. I am ready to trust you as my Lord and Savior. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for coming to earth. I believe you are the Son of God who died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead on the third day. Thank you for bearing my sins and giving me the gift of eternal life. I believe your words are true. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus, and be my Savior. I repent from all if my sins in Jesus Christ name I pray, Amen.
@mrhappy6604 4 года назад
You're not alone bud. I have my moments too. We have to take it one day at a time
@imblessed1769 4 года назад
He will not turn away from you.. your sin can make u feel like he's not there with you... Sin kills.. try to stay away from sins.. I Know it hard... Sin only feel good while u doing it... After that it gonna hurt u...
@Mr.Looooong 4 года назад
Pray for forgiveness and make repentance. Jesus loves you and never will stop loving you.
@bravejonah 4 года назад
@@Mr.Looooong That's good but there's different way of praying
@sambormann2369 4 года назад
God never calls you a Christian, He calls you a son or daughter
@elisabethdakak878 4 года назад
And Jesus explains in the Bible that it is not easy to become a disciple Luke 14:26-33 King James Version 26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. 27 And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple. 28 For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? 29 Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him, 30 Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish. 31 Or what king, going to make war against another king, sitteth not down first, and consulteth whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with twenty thousand? 32 Or else, while the other is yet a great way off, he sendeth an ambassage, and desireth conditions of peace. 33 So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple
@kanyaganca4138 3 года назад
@jahiemaustin6864 3 года назад
He call you my friend
@LoveBird-o8m 3 года назад
True! But do you know the meaning. The meaning by it self is the follower of christ. That's why you see his name in it Christ + ians= the followers
@LoveBird-o8m 3 года назад
@@elisabethdakak878 very true!!! It takes years for those 12 men to become his disciples. But one thing make is very easy. When we love him with our whole soul, heart, and mind. The love we have for him will spread to those around us
@plushnf5381 3 года назад
I am 14, and this is my story. A few months in this pandemic, I was lukewarm, I didn’t really care about reading the Word and I wasn’t enthusiastic about going to church. But last month while I was scrolling on RU-vid I stumbled across a worship album and I decided to listen to it. While listening I felt convicted and I decided to ask God to help me stay with Him. I decided to read my Bible, and I felt a change. I felt excited to go to church and I am trying to feed God’s word in to my life.
@crystalo9489 3 года назад
We have similar stories
@crystalo9489 3 года назад
I’m 15 God changed me during quarantine
@danielrblend Год назад
When you turn from the flesh, you begin to walk in the Spirit!
@babydxll.x Год назад
Ily sm my dear brother/ sister god is good good is great jesus died for our sins we must love him!
@SachaBrixhe Год назад
You don't get excited about going to church, you get excited to do God's Will, to be pleasing to Jesus. You get excited about hearing His Voice and listening to Him, you get excited about knowing His Voice more than knowing the bible. Are you really excited with the right thing? Are you right with God?
@janiemartinez147 4 года назад
Jesus is lord and he died for me thank you jesus 🙏🙏🙏😭😭😭
@Niwar 4 года назад
hey stop jesus is not died he will kill dajal in the last of world
@tobiowns6119 4 года назад
@ltrdm 4 года назад
Ralozo e You’re not funny my guy, if you have nothing to do here you can somewhere else and stop disrespecting my superior🙂
@Trooper-2006 4 года назад
God sacrificed his only son, more then I could ever do.
@Trooper-2006 4 года назад
@@lennytittel2685 yes he did
@ru_hxxpy 4 года назад
I will confess I’m a lukewarm Christian I only call upon him when I’m scared or something doesn’t go right, I’m not proud and I want to go further than that. I want to have a realization and give my life to him. It takes time I’m willing to do so! Okay I want to thank everyone who gave me advice, encouraging words, and has concerns. I pray everyone stays healthy ☺️ it’s been a little difficult but everyone stay safe. Also anyone sharing their own stories. 🙏🏽
@Tharealsasha 4 года назад
A Y start praying to him about everything! Have a conversation with Jim & spend time reading his word 💘
@matthewmckoy955 4 года назад
Idara Ebong I just did may 18th. I was barely Christian and now I feel peace with The Lord. BEST DECISION OF MY LIFE❤️
@-hosanna8703 4 года назад
I struggle with that too. God has been disciplining me over that this past week- please seek Him and be in His word. Prayer and fasting is so useful in growing closer to Him. Times are getting so short, it's really important to start getting serious about our relationship with Jesus.
@denniekorpi5264 4 года назад
@@-hosanna8703 I pray for you now to turn to God through Jesus as the Holy Spirit compels you - - truly turn from your sin and self, embrace His mercy and forgiveness. Ask Him to renew your heart and as David prayed, "make me keep your commandments." May a new desire for God be burned into you. In Jesus name, Amen!
@esmeraldasanchez6553 4 года назад
I too am lukewarm. I turned my sight away from Him and started drowning. Over the past few months the Spirit has been talking to me. I want that relationship with Jesus. I miss it.
@AshleyWilliams-be3nt 4 года назад
Over quarantine I’ve become a true Christian. The rest of my family calls themselves Christians but goes on with their day sinning with no remorse. It makes me sad to see them continuously hurting God. Idk what to do besides pray to God that he will change them. I would appreciate it if someone else could pray for them too❤️
@ronshook5194 4 года назад
@jesusistheonlyway1972 4 года назад
Same 💔 I go through the same struggle & it breaks my heart but I’ll pray for you ❤️❤️✝️🙏🏾
@thegollyer903 4 года назад
Ashley Williams same I try to remind them how they r supposed to act but sometimes it's hard bc I'm kind of shy but I'm trying to work on that
@mobilelegendsnewbienewbie1378 4 года назад
Pray for my family too they won't listen to the Word of God. They think it's fake and my dad won't go to church ive never seen him pray
@djlyfe557 4 года назад
Fast and pray sister. 😔🙏 Much love to you. Put on that armor. We are at war. Shalom.
@andyortiz6028 7 месяцев назад
@Angel-ec6ow Месяц назад
@@andyortiz6028 Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, read his word and pray to him in a private place where you can commune with him alone. If you have social media accounts spread the word and or correct anyone’s incorrect teachings. Some people don’t seem to understand the connection between God the Father, God The Son and God the Holy Spirit, so they make the wrong assumptions. When I see someone making the wrong assumption, I correct them, if they take the correction, good if they don’t, then I simply say, God be with you or God Bless because we all have free will and in the end it’s up to them if they really want to understand or not.
@mr.potato9k 4 года назад
I recently got into a terrible car accident couple hours ago and I’m glad to have another chance in life to become a better Christian
@esthermiller2713 4 года назад
Mr.Potato 9k , I think maybe you’re not quite understanding. Once a person has acknowledged that Christ paid the price for all their sins, they are saved (making them a Christian). I know what you mean though. It’s a constant learning process to continually know God better.....until we step out of this mortal body & into Jesus’ arms. But to say you can become a “better Christian” is like saying a woman who is three months pregnant is more pregnant that she was at two months. When you’re pregnant,......you’re pregnant. Likewise, when you’re a believer, you’re a believer. A person either IS,.......or they’re NOT. Because we still have that sinful nature, we will continue to sin.....but now that the Holy Spirit is residing in us, our conscience kicks is. When we sin, we’re to tell God we’re sorry. God will forgive us. We’ve admitted that Jesus took our place on that cross. But we are given the desire to turn away from our former sinful lifestyle. Constant “talking” with God in our mind, throughout each day, & worshipping with other believers, attending Bible studies, reading in God’s Living Word His instructions for living a godly life of faith & trust through Jesus, imitating Jesus as He demonstrated while He walked on this earth,.......will help us get to know God. God sees the heart. He’s the only One who can see if we’re sincere. He tells us that if anyone treats us unfairly, & is mean to us, we are to respond with love & kindness, going out of our way to be nice to them. Think about how Jesus was treated. His response, as He was dying on that cross, was to ask God to forgive them......because they didn’t know what they were doing. Forgiveness is extremely important. Make sure the worship services you attend are evangelical. That’s important. If you’re not familiar with what that word means, I encourage you to Google it. I will pray that God keeps His hand of healing on you as you recover from the accident. The fact that you survived tells you that God has perfect plans for your life. ❤️ 🇨🇦
@FlawedmanServingajustGod 4 года назад
Thank God praise God 🙌 preach the gospel in season and out of season.
@adelaidequeenpink8677 4 года назад
@FlawedmanServingajustGod 4 года назад
It's called Sanctification it's the stepping out of lukewarmness or being Christ like! Jesus said I will spew you out of my mouth if you were neither hot or cold but do we have to sin just because we are in the flesh? Jesus said go and sin no more so it's possible or are we going to question Jesus command to her? Nothing's impossible for God😁 yet I understand where your coming from but I could never deny the power of God or not trust His word! I can be wrong but I say that because who can explain the Luke warmness Jesus is talking about? So I would suggest putting on the whole armor of God because it would be terrible to come before God and get denied access because you were neither hot or cold so I understand where both of you are coming from but what she's talking about most likely is Sanctification and being filled with the Holy Spirit there is a difference
@FlawedmanServingajustGod 4 года назад
Hopefully not to purposely sin the law is a mirror to show we are in need of a savior and that savior is Jesus Christ as we seek God more and hunger and thirst for Him the more we let go and seek the more we will receive of God spilling over out of our hearts and then mouths we point to Jesus Christ He is the perfect one our goal is and should be to do the will of God let God Holy Spirit use us for the benefit of the Kingdom of God we can't uphold the law in entirety yet with God all things are possible yet it would not be us but God unless we boast God gets all the glory as He should we need Him and we point to Him our righteousness is filthy rags just like the scriptures say.
@venus5274 4 года назад
I used to be a lukewarm christian until a couple of weeks ago! I'm glad I turned to a full-time christian, spending time with God and diving into his word!
@diana-vr8cg 4 года назад
Pls share I’m struggling with this also
@dummyaccount9629 4 года назад
@@diana-vr8cg Agreed! Venuss, do tell us pleasee
@nightsky2674 4 года назад
I was a lukeworm Christian too! Calling God's name while enjoying the life in sin. I regret every bit of it
@venus5274 4 года назад
Sorry for the late reply i'm only seeing this now. So Up until 3 months ago, I was a lukewarm christian, I got irked when my parents took us to church, I would never listen to the preaching, I would always go to church just to go because i thought that was enough. Outside of church, I would never sit down and read the bible to spend time with God, I wasn't feeding my spirit and I was unaware of it. I would swear, use the Lords name in vain lust after men and do things I shouldn't be doing which i'm not proud of. I was spiritually breaking down, and I didn't even know. I was always arguing with my parents, I enjoyed kicking up a fuss and I enjoyed gossiping. I desired the world and lived for what the world had to offer me, until lockdown began. I believe it was the 15th of May when I was scrolling on my phone, wasting away when I saw a video on youtube, it was about two christian visiting the sigh of Sodom and Gomorra (the story which j had no clue about because i knew nothing about the bible) after seeing that video i was really intrigued and I sped downstairs and opened the family bible. I read the story in the bible and while i was reading it and highlighting it i felt something soft in my spirit, a sort of feeing that was indescribable and that i'll never forget. It felt like my spirit was being caressed, wiped clean. The feeling was weird to me and it only happened when I was reading the word, I had yet to find out what it was. So after reading the story I was really interested and went back upstairs when I saw another video about how Jesus was coming soon, I clicked on it watched it and weeped. At that point I had realised that I was on the path to hell, I cried and decided to repent the following day of all my sins. I cut off things that would lead me to sin or draw me away from God like tv shows, secular music and much more that I can't seem to remember right now. I surrendered what I could to Christ and let him lead me, I was driven to read the word and spend more time with God, I've built a relationship with him and I praise him for choosing me, for using quarantine to scoop me out of my lifestyle. I was looking for the approval of the world, when i should've been looking for God's approval. If you need help with how to surrender i'm always here in the chat! God bless all of you :)
@nightsky2674 4 года назад
@@venus5274 I think God used quarantine for me too:) I thought believing in Him is enough and just stay in the life of sin as much as I wish but I'm glad I came back to Him
@ec169 4 года назад
I remember when I first started my relationship with Jesus, I was so afraid to talk about the gospel, but now, I am unashamed!! ❤️ JESUS IS KING
@kimamielemadridejos6536 3 года назад
Me too back then I am sharing God's word on social media
@MrJuulia01 3 года назад
I also share on IG stories and sometimes on games, so i can find young children for them to know the love of God, but face to face sharing gospel has work to do.
@user-wl5gz9vi7x 3 года назад
@@MrJuulia01 I share it on TikTok I'm bad at speaking in public about the gospel
@JLOCC23424 2 года назад
@tjmiller5417 2 года назад
Praise God 🙌🏽
@bunakspuruntong6086 Год назад
I have been a Christian, a believer, used to be part of the Worship team in our local church. But I am guilty, I never have shared the Gift of God. But now HE found me again, and I am not ashamed to share the love of Our God. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.
@sparrowwren8673 10 месяцев назад
@zcheskahernandez6502 4 года назад
Amen!! because of this Covid 19 pandemic.. I want to be inlove with God more and more.. I have no money to buy foods but God never let me hungry.. I ate more than 3 times a day.. to God be the glory!!
@mrgee9508 4 года назад
Do not go in to Jw website. Jw is a cult.
@mrgee9508 4 года назад
John Colage the reason I say is a cult because any religion that changes what the scriptures say is a cult. The Jehovah witnesses have been changing scripture and created there on bible.
@richardwhite6062 4 года назад
This corona pandemic is fearmongering from the devil. It is not a true plague. Let go of the terror he places in front of you. I beg you to prat to jesus and see the truth through the veil
@Lea-bt9ym 4 года назад
zcheska hernandez in jesus name, Amen!!! God bless you even more.❤️
@bazzadebear8012 4 года назад
The Roman Catholic church changed the bible. They cut large amounts out and changed meanings. We HAVE TO go back to the original scrolls of the bible. Do your research. Become a scholar of the word. Man's religions are corrupt. But in all things pray to the great creator of our universe. Listen when he speaks.
@charmaineewen6244 4 года назад
This man is a child of GOD. He gets to the point and you can understand him clearly. He is full of the holy Spirit. Many of us need to be saved today come back to jesus Ezekiel 36 26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. John 3:3 Jesus replied, "Truly, truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."
@goa7516 4 года назад
Praise the Lord Jesus Christ 🙏 . Thanks ! Brother .
@brittneybutler2491 4 года назад
Hallejuah, Glory Be To God!💖💖💯 💯
@josephinezoe5744 4 года назад
So truth
@chumchanosofia787 4 года назад
@Shannon71172 4 года назад
@modguy9894 4 года назад
I am not worthy. I feel bad for doing things that my Father in Heaven doesn't like. edit: 14-06-21 really appreciate the good words and concerns. Now I know that God sees no soul differently but loves and treats them all equally, even if we're sinners. I'm only 24 and I do not know much about God's words(Bible) but this is the stage where I want God's word to set into my mind, not illicit contents and I'm having trouble finding my way back to him. I pray that God may help me out of this misery but not expecting God to come like superman. I know there are people out there like me as well. Praying that we may have patience on his work don't give up on him and always be reminded of him putting God first above all.
@achildofthetrueking15 4 года назад
Just repent and keep in relationship with God
@Lily-do8sl 4 года назад
heres the thing. NO ONE is worthy. no one is worthy of heaven. no one is worthy of God's love. BUT JESUS is. That is why we need him in our lives. God bless u.
@milasunited8173 3 года назад
You are worthy thats why he came to resque you never talk like this again.
@Derp947 3 года назад
Mod Guy same I'm not worthy to go
@footballpassionate2878 3 года назад
@Christ-Ovin Jaboin how?
@KazehareRaiden 2 года назад
Everyone reading this and everyone watching this video may you be blessed by god! In the name a Jesus's Christ, Amen!
@elizabethanthony3916 Год назад
@thatboi.william Год назад
Same to you!
@sparrowwren8673 Год назад
Thank you and you be blessed as well.
@Lily-do8sl 4 года назад
repentance IS NOT "I'm sorry Lord forgive me" repentance is CHANGE/TURNING OF ONE'S actions for GOD.
@Lily-do8sl 2 года назад
@BradynLee09 well, repenting is showing God you know your ways are wrong and then putting in effort to change ur ways. repentance is not “i’m sorry” and then continuing to do the sin. it’s like a cycle where u think ur innocent and clean after saying sorry and then continuing on with sinning, so then you would be using that “sorry” as an excuse to just do it again. hopefully that makes sense
@izzymansour7053 2 года назад
repent means “a change of mind” but it’ll result in a change of actions like u said
Amen !!
@leonardoc0rtez289 Год назад
True But remember nobody Can be perfect. No human. We all are sinners. Saved tru grace
@schalkbezuidenhout21 Год назад
Zebber bro
@katiedrake76 4 года назад
"If you're a real Christian, you had an encounter with the true, living God. There's no way that you could ever stay the same." I've been struggling with doubting my salvation lately, and when I heard you say that, it touched my heart because I realized that's exactly what happened to me when I gave my life to Jesus. Thank you for that and for this video. God bless 🙏
@wdbible129 4 года назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Nflz0pqERsI.html Maybe my video can help you with your doubt. It is on Sin, Salvation, and Eternal Salvation
@Soulaliss 4 года назад
🤦‍♂️ read the bible!! Here is the patience of the saints those that keep the commandments of God and has the spirit of prophecy. He who finds his life will lose it but he who loses his life for My sake will find it.
@Kenzie9211 4 года назад
That's exactly what happened to me too! I will admit that I've been a lukewarm Christian. But God lifted a giant weight off my shoulder and is helping me change and i feel so close to him. And because of that spiritual experience and feeling, I've begun devoting more time and more determination into being better for our heavenly father
@georgekhoory1521 3 года назад
What does he mean by encounter with the Living God?
@djofoxx 3 года назад
If you've been hit by a logging truck going 100 mph, and it runs you over, are you changed? In the same way how can people say theyre saved but not be changed; does not God have more power than a truck? Or if your hiking up a mountain and someone comes along and takes a 100 pound sack off your back, and you reach the top of the mountain and someone asks where your sack went and you say "i dont know". In the same way if your truly saved you will be changed, everyone in the world could say you still have that sack on your back but you know for sure someone took it off; you are assured of your salvation, without doubt. The evidence of your salvation is that your sanctified and walk in newness of life. The Christian walk isn't 'doing the holy things you hate' and 'not doing the sin you love', thats just a goat trying to be a sheep, but instead you are a sheep hating the flesh and sin of the world and bringing forth fruit as evidence of your repentance. We are still human and have a corrupted fleshly nature, yet we are continually growing more sanctified, sinning less as we grow closer to God
@SoyMayritta 4 года назад
My heart is on FIRE for GOD❤️🔥
@tonstertoaster618 3 года назад
@kassidyperkins5004 3 года назад
@TrevorianTheTemplar 3 года назад
@erickcaballero2790 3 года назад
Don’t tell me love show me you love me
@nataliedelarosa3826 3 года назад
@wallacerodriguez7397 2 года назад
No better way than to tell the truth about what really being a Christian is.
@lashundasmith3445 Год назад
This is exactly correct🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
@sparrowwren8673 Год назад
I agree.
God is leading me he lead me to this video
@richfrance8558 4 года назад
God bless you!
@johniwellington5293 4 года назад
💯💯💯 me too
@V4mpkayra 4 года назад
Me too😊
@alyciaruth3761 4 года назад
Me too!!!!
@chitownagnostic7150 4 года назад
How do you know that? Why wasn't it Scooby Doo?
@elishaswain1612 4 года назад
This made me break down and cry and seek GOD
@bibleunknowledge8997 4 года назад
Elisha Swain do you want to know how to seek God, Truth Channel, The Old Path
@mimi-xw5se 4 года назад
@@thevulture5750 amen trust the Lord
@felinelover9486 4 года назад
Me too
@declanboiii7053 4 года назад
This comment when I saw it I can agree and say that this video helped me and made me cry as well
@pacumachaibeae.2494 4 года назад
Repent. Repent. Repent. And believe in Jesus! Our saviour who loves everyone💕🥺 Thank you Lord for everything.
@Patrick-hb7bk 4 года назад
Repent from what ????
@dinerdashing 4 года назад
You are correct, Chai! Salvation _begins_ with repentance. Repentance is all over the New Testament. Jesus spoke about repentance and so did Paul. Good job, Chai. Now be sure to share that important piece of information with others. Below is a really good website based on the 10 Commandments that you can share with your friends and family. God bless you, Chai. Be well and stay safe. 😊 A Truth Test: www.goodpersontest.com
@wemuk5170 4 года назад
Patrick 777 777 Repent from sin. Sin is not treating God as GOD. It is treating myself as the source & god of my own life. Repent from self-rule, from self-sufficiency [I do not need to rely on or submit to God] and from self-focus [It’s all about me]. If you want to know more, search & listen to Rico Tice very frank & short clips, Christianity Explored you-tube series ... & then you are free to consider & decide for yourself (armed with what you know ‘Christianity’ is basically about) whether you want to be a follower of Jesus or not? Can’t be half-hearted as Jesus’ call is VERY demanding as He knows WHO He is & WHAT He (very lovingly) sacrificed for us, sinners.
@Patrick-hb7bk 4 года назад
@@wemuk5170 Just like I thought , heretic lordship damnationist , that is simply not the gospel.
@Patrick-hb7bk 4 года назад
@sidgdansk You need to get scripture in it's right context , head scratching .
@armaniherrera6584 2 года назад
Just remember that this is not to shame you if your not being a true Christian it’s just correcting us. We were all deceived at one point of our lives. You just need to be willing to be corrected that’s one of the things Christians do everyday, correcting themselves everyday and pushing forward that’s the key. 🙏❤️💯
@Gcloudy2004 Год назад
Thank you for saying that ,may God bless your heart and soul 🛐✝️
@schalkbezuidenhout21 Год назад
Zebber bro...
@elizabethanthony3916 Год назад
Something my mentor used to say often was to stay "teachable" , I have kept this in mind and tried to do so ever since. 😊
@lashundasmith3445 Год назад
Because we all fall short and God is so good that he accepts us back every time. We should go hard for God each and everyday. The more you grow in Christ the more you want to follow his will. Oh I'm so thankful today🙌🏾🙌🏾
@johngoh767 4 года назад
Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. [Mt 16:24]
@Shad_c.19 4 года назад
@ethan9399 4 года назад
Amen! 🙏
@livingwater7580 4 года назад
You're right Jesus said it to his disciples Not lost people, what Jesus told lost people was to believe in him.
@robertwasinger9182 4 года назад
He doesn't say if you want to be Christian. Christian is water down slang word
@ashtheinfection6749 3 года назад
Amen 🙏
@DLMChristianLifestyle 5 лет назад
Hi Everyone!! Please share this with your family and friends ahead of time, because it is one of the most important things they should hear in the world we live in today.
@jesussaves4634 5 лет назад
Thank you. God bless 🙏
@chief1redwolf909 4 года назад
DLM Christian Lifestyle the new nature is a hearts desire, not an emotion. Emotions is not the same as faith. Faith is the heart believing the promises of God, faith is action !!! And thank you, i subscribed to this channel !!! 🙂
@tailorednest4829 4 года назад
I feel bad for what happened to your brothers and your father :( Hope they're in HEAVEN
@hydehirto1434 4 года назад
DLM Christian Lifestyle thank u
@kimarleyporter8022 4 года назад
Thanks yuh🙏
@bkkfishingtourBKKGUY 4 года назад
I have so much peace in my life now after I've returned back to Jesus Christ- Amen
@gleanerman2195 4 года назад
You will have a thousand times more if you quit fooling yourself, that crap is man made bullshit.
@hampien7458 4 года назад
@@gleanerman2195 What do you mean
@stevie6072 4 года назад
Me too🥰
@bkkfishingtourBKKGUY 4 года назад
@@stevie6072 Amen
@gleanerman2195 4 года назад
Look around you at the destruction, famine natural disasters and then tell me god is real, if he is he sure as hell don't give a shit abought "his children". The most evil parent on earth love their children more than he does. God didn't make man, man made god, simple.
@vinnguyen3698 3 года назад
“You might have turned your back on God, but God didn’t turn his back on you.” The quote that defines Christianity in my opinion.
@jeanduranko4157 3 года назад
I needed your words. Thank you.
@angelawrence4449 4 года назад
Repent ye And believe the gospel. Don't be found lukewarm. God bless!
@brittneybutler2491 4 года назад
@gr_2n 4 года назад
Thank you Jesus for dying for my sins and for taking a terrible punishment for me 🙏
@amyyyelizabethh9354 3 года назад
Abstrakt2156 Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!
@MrJuulia01 3 года назад
🗣️This. ❤️✝️❤️
@user-wl5gz9vi7x 3 года назад
@jonathancervantes4554 2 года назад
@dereklepiesza5022 4 года назад
I never really knew how transformative reading His Word was until I started to ACTIVELY read the Bible. I admit, I used to go to church on Sunday then do sinful things (lukewarm Christian or self-deceived); I didn't really listen to Gospel/Worship songs outside of church services. But during this pandemic, I started to pray daily (I used to only pray during Sunday service), started reading His Word (Never did before) and then before I realized it, I didn't do those sinful things I once did. I have no interest in those things anymore; The relationships with my parents, sisters, and my girlfriend were filled with much more love and respect; I had become more willing to be of help; All because I truly let God into my life and let the Holy Spirit take residence in me. I had experienced spiritual growth. I do struggle because we are not perfect like God, but the things that didn't bother me now bother me. I feel that conviction, and then I repent. Read His Word, keep his Commandments, and experience the Holy Spirit for yourself.
@occhiatariservata2320 4 года назад
Satan has only 2 hands.. (right hand) temptation.. (left hand) attacks.. Temptation come.. (turn off your mind) an empty mind is much more than to stop thinking.. now.. You can watch your heart (If there is any wall) heart it's much easier to understand.. it knows only two things, open or close.. white or black, truth or lie.. good or evil (it doesn't know else) So when you are here in this place.. satan attacks you!! (doesn't send temptation anymore) He want you to leave the place.. he want you to stop seeing your heart.. he want to close that door.. he want to make you start thinking.. NEVER THINK.. seeing is more effective way!! You can't think the word of God...but you can see how it affects your heart!! you can see if it is right or wrong (it's like a mirror) "forgiveness it's like a tap of water, NEVER, deny it" If you are a Christian forgiveness it's not an option!! (our example is jesus.. his example to forgive) -How many times should I forgive?? ... Satan is the cause.. he doesn't understand forgiveness!! He expects damnation, fights.. divorce.. end of relationship. if you are Christian you are humble.. humility lead to forgiveness.. forgiveness lead to riconciliation.. "eye for eye, Teath for Teath " (you think it's balanced) instead you lose both.. Satan come with 7 spirits and attack the weaker.. and it start again.. you become and loose everything else.. (he want to destroy, everything) Empty your mind.. now watch what your heart is saying.."now you can hear it" Open your hand.. you become better if you forgive!! (No one is sending you to war or being tortured😒) ❤️just forgive.. open your heart if you can't you are not saved😑😑 Everyone can forgive!! Everyone can do better.. "like every one else you want to win.. but never accept defeat, to learn to die it's the way to liberate from it" Bruce lee.. "be like water my friend... water can flow, drop or crush.. be water!" The water it's spirit.. which water give you life (strength) "put jesus spirit in your heart) Satan has only 2 hands.. temptation (stop thinking) Now watch your heart.. (Now if you open your heart.. JESUS IS on you..) HE WILL ATTACK YOU!! -Why this happened to me?? (our challenges are not like others) Our is to improve.. others to be destroyed!! A Christian can be sick.. but his sickness it's not becouse healthy problem.. A Christian can be poor, but it's not becouse job issues.. it is because of Christ!! A Christian can clean the floor in a rich house.. but god is saying you will leave inside the holy city (new Jerusalem) our challenges are not like others.. (becouse aour life it's not.. our enemy satan! ! THE DEVIL ) A Christian can work as a dish washer.. kitchen porter... -But why.. I deserve other.. promotion!! God is saying.. you are washing away their sins with your white hands.. you will be served among Kings one day.. trust and obey with joy.. (you are my son) A person can grab a bank.. and successed.. (God is laughing, he wants to see what will you do with all that money) If the man does more.. he will bless him 10 times more.. but if he eats and drinks, forgetting everything.. "truly I say to you.. it's better for him to loose everything.. instead of staying away, truly I say to you.. he wont get out of there, till he has paid the last coins!! there will be shame and tears outside..) Our challenges not like others!! look at jesus in cross among two other thieves.. our cross is to help others... instead of thieves, is being destroyed by their sins.. our challenges is to improve your position.. gift of spirit (relation with God) Your kingdom.. if you win.. "for those who win.. I will give them thrones and a crown, as I won the World!!" Just name those attacks.. illness.. not sleeping well.. THE MORE THE ATTACK, THE MORE YOUR DETERMINATION IN GOD ❤️ "Believe" others are to be destroyed.. it may take some years... but definitely!! ours Can't kill you.. he couldn't stop his resurrection.. if he can he would have already killed all of us. "Don't be afraid of those who kills the flesh" ❤️🙏 the way of jesus it's tough!! But you can do it.. your devotion plus God's ability, will take you there.. (fear nothing) our death it's not like others.. our is a way to redemption in Jesus.. others is a consequence of their lives, they died in sin.. our reward it's not like others.. Others are in hell.. We.. WE ARE.. oh my god... 🙏🙏 PRAAAAISEEE THE LOOOORD!! 😥Suffer with joy... devil is attacking every real Christian.. every day.. (Temptation.. love Jesus.. turn off your mind and you will block satan hand.. now you are walking by faith in your heart) Open that door and see what the heart saying... he knows only 2 things Between you and god (preyer) must not be any walls (any bad feeling, anger.. envy..) When there are no walls (God hears your preyer) When you read your Bible.. no walls in heart (then you understand) It make take times.. but never doubt God ability... Continue.. genuinely continue... (remember who you were.. look it now) You were only a small warm in mother's womb... ❤️You will fly amen.. 🙏 believe (i know what I'm talking... tough really tough!!)
@lorenslorens1707 4 года назад
Me too, i was once lukewarm too, but then in the middle of quarantine, i got sick and all the common symptoms are there, so i prayed and i gave my life to god, the next thing i know i was reading the bible(never did before too) and i've became uncomfortable hearing and seing sins, it's kinda funny how on a matter of weeks i became someone new
@marcuseldridge8675 4 года назад
I had a girlfriend but she was in a dark place even though I still loved her and that was sad to me. So she broke up with me.
@alltheglorytogod9928 3 года назад
@@lorenslorens1707 I had the same situation too,but I became too a real christian when my friend told about our savior.I loved him and now I am worthshiping him everyday!!God bless you all!!
@Ww-el3io 3 года назад
@@lorenslorens1707 Please use the LORD'S name with respect ^God^ I'm happy for your change 😊 😁
@ksangma9046 3 года назад
I'm proud to say that Jesus is my saviour ❤️🙏 I'm northeast India Christian,amen
@lcs-to1te 4 года назад
Daniel, A couple of weeks ago I happen to find your channel and I have watching it ever since. I knew that there was something different about you and I knew that you were a believer before you said it. Your channel is wholesome not like other channels where the goal is to seduce women. I have been a believer for the last 36 years I have had my ups and downs, but God has never left me. I lost a 14-year-old daughter but thankfully she loved the Lord. I was an actor who was on the rise and I quit because I was being convicted by the Holy Spirit. I was being offered parts that I could not do because of my faith. Your channel is a real blessing. In Christ, Lawrence Cameron Steele
@DLMChristianLifestyle 4 года назад
Thank you Lawrence for sharing your story. This new channel is far more important than the Model Lifestyle one. The other channel was actually intended to be a "practice run" for this channel and also to reach a different audience which will eventually discover that I am a christian and then hopefully be curious enough to come and check out this new channnel. That is all in God's hands. I have lost a lot in my life, but through it all I could see how God was and is shaping me to get in line with His purpose for my life. He taught me that real peace is only found in Him. I have come to a point in my life that all I desire is to know Him fuller and to please Him. I am sorry about the loss of your daughter...Few people understand that kind of pain. I lost 2 brothers and my parents 2 children...but through it all we have grown closer to God and each other. Keep running the race and living for Christ 🙂
@jeremiahsargent1794 4 года назад
This comment deserves more than a thumbs up 😀👍👍👍👍
@ulysseskipte7944 4 года назад
Thank you for sharing!I believe in God!
@seanrathmakedisciples1508 4 года назад
lcs3928 amen
@IsaacHernandez-rz7lj 4 года назад
@@DLMChristianLifestyle hello brother Daniel, do you know who came first the Angels or Jesus Christ?
@sugaluv1809 4 года назад
“You wouldn’t be repenting if you didn’t have the Holy Spirit” -unknown
@adrictrlx 4 года назад
@deannpeterkin2537 4 года назад
@guitar4you124 4 года назад
@kamryng509 4 года назад
TypicalGage it means the person who said it is unknown, meaning no one knows who he/she is
@sowingtruth715 4 года назад
Repenting alone doesn’t mean you have the Holy Spirit it just means you have a conscience that God gave you. Repenting is the first step to receive the Holy Spirit though, read Acts 2:38
@vforhim4544 4 года назад
i was a lukewarm Christian, the Lord is so good and He loves us so much!
@Andrew-uk5qd 4 года назад
God bless you and protect you till the end of the journey of life
@Jillian1stJohn3-9-10 3 года назад
4 years ago I was planning to kill myself on my 50th birthday, but then I learned it only takes 1 DAY to LISTEN TO N.T. Bible. In 1 day The Truth completely set me Free. I had been a homeless, suicidal, drug addicted, murdering, gay, prostitutes, with multiple personalities because I was kidnapped for sex trafficking as a runway teenager and my family never report me missing. I was a hypocrite in the Church for 48 years and "Willfully" sinning almost every single day, so I never experienced any lasting freedom through the Church, 12 steps, counselors, etc. Trying to depend on 5-15 feel-good verses every Sunday was never going to redeem my soul. 1ST JOHN 3:9-10 instantly put the Fear of the Lord in me, and I surrenders my entire will. 9 No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God. 10 This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are!!! Now for the last 4 years I've been Completely Set Free of ALL anger, alcohol, depression, drugs, fear, insecurities, jealousy, loneliness, multiple personalities, porn, rejection, sexual thoughts, stress, unforgiveness, victim mentality, worry, etc... The Love, Joy and Peace that I get from reading my Bible everyday and knowing who Christ made me to be in Him, has made me the happiest person on the planet. I have NO desire for the things of the world anymore. I removed every uncleanly thing from before my eyes because Jesus said if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out. I can't even watch TV because my spirit is so sensitive to the vulgar commercials. I can't think of a single sin that is worth going to Hell forever. I now know that it's impossible to sin.. unless we've thought about it for at least 2 seconds, and then we decide if we want to worship God through total obedience or worship Satan with our flesh. If I don't Want to live solely for Jesus now, then God will not Make me live with him forever. I have a list of 182 other verses just like 1st John 3:9-10 from the NT where God warms us to live a sinless life. My phone # is in my YT Bio if you'd like me to text you that list.
@jacksun6361 2 года назад
Amen God has saved me multiple times what a merciful God we serve Amen Thank u jesus🙏🙏🙏🙌🏽
@youbloodybloodworktimejasper 3 года назад
I was born again. What a beautiful gift. I am so afraid to lose my salvation I habitually turn from sin. The fear of the lord is upon me!
@tonyzone753 4 года назад
I’m crying right now. Through Jesus you saved me. I love you
@Harmonicaman1000 4 года назад
When I think of Christ...it’s A desire to be a Christian who desires to be like Christ. After all Christ died for us. Thank you Father. Amen 🙏
@lornaclare1109 4 года назад
I Am Sorry For All My Sins. I Will Try To Never Leave Your Side Again. Amen
@danielm.5859 3 года назад
You can’t do it on your own... but set your eyes on His love for you and firmly hold onto it, because it will hold on to you.
@danielm.5859 3 года назад
And he will be firm through the fiercest drought and storm
@layyzu 2 года назад
@30reesespieces 3 года назад
I have 4 children. My youngest are 14 year old twin boys recently made a decision for Christ. I do know how easy things can change at this age but Daniel I can say that your videos ARE impacting them. I have now also began sitting with them and do a small devotional each night to help nurture this. I love that you teach with conviction the true word of God. May God continue to bless you and your family.
@indayvi1362 4 года назад
@scienceandbible4298 4 года назад
No one can enter the kingdom of God." ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-evG8ZLYUHpc.html
@tonybirks4956 4 года назад
I agree with your comment.
@adjoa-anima 4 года назад
Every real Christian have a particular moment in their life where they truly repented and encountered God after which their life has never been the same due to the presence of the holy spirit. Being in church and knowledge about the faith is not enough if you don't know God for yourself you deceiving yourself
@disney_princess-e6p 4 года назад
We became a Christian not because we want to be saved, but because we are grateful to him who saved us.
@jesusneedsyou3507 2 года назад
If God is everything you have.. You have everything you need
@benjamincounter1828 4 года назад
I can say on this day July 14 I want to follow god and I accept him as my savior, I am tired of living a sinful life
@osopostyyt8078 4 года назад
I’m struggling with alcoholism and I understand I need to do this myself but please pray for my strength to get through this and follow Gods will.
@ievka.4163 3 года назад
How are you doing 🤔
@priscillarodriguez4189 3 года назад
You can do all things through CHRIST who strengthens you !I had the same issue with alcohol.I prayed for God to unbind me from this and I believe the lord delivered me from this!I just had to give him my all and accept his will ❤️I still sometimes find myself thinking about it but I pray for strength and I take one day sometimes one min at a time.God def keeps me in his hands .this Man is correct when saying staying in the scripture is so Important.I pray you will trimph through this in the name of Yeshua 🤍surrender to him,he loves us and wants to use us as testimonies for his glorious grace and also wants to use us to help others who are struggling with the same:)God bless!
@debbicannizzaro8615 3 года назад
@@priscillarodriguez4189 AMEN
@MrJuulia01 3 года назад
I will pray for youu.
@osopostyyt8078 3 года назад
Just wanted to update everyone and thank you all for the prayers also! I do not drink anymore and have got out of the environment that had me so tempted into drinking my life away. Thank you all so much I am doing much much better now.
@santinapierre7873 4 года назад
I was lukewarm Christian since lockdown I have become stronger Christian reading the bible again 🙏 jesus died for our sins
@alohakingkamon 3 года назад
Amen! Thank you so much! May God bless everyone who is watching this video.
@sparrowwren8673 Год назад
Thank you and God bless you too! Jesus is telling us he is about to return. All the signs are here. God bless!!
@kimberlyjanice8267 4 года назад
I thank the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for changing my life ❤️❤️. I am not perfect but every day i fight to preserve purity , love, integrity., and most importantly.. my relationship with God❤️❤️
@seanmccombie6379 4 года назад
God bless you Sister
@herminiosoriano2036 4 года назад
I thank God for your boldness in preaching the word of God and I am behind you in prayer brother for your ministry of preaching and teaching as well.God contenue to use you.
@briannaboyd662 4 года назад
Kimberly Janice God bless you!
@kimberlyjanice8267 4 года назад
Brianna Boyd amen!! You too sister!❤️
@raymondellis1454 4 года назад
Kimberly, see my post about how we can be deceived into putting the Holy Spirit first and the goal of our actions last -- whereas the goal should always be the Holy Spirit.
@yubutaabu 4 года назад
God my prayer tonight i need the fruits of the holy spirit.
@whooshftw1238 4 года назад
Me too, brother
@piggletheguineapig9636 4 года назад
@gordonwaldner9792 4 года назад
The Bible says "The Fruit of the Spirit" All those things are one unified thing. You ra blessed with one fruit.
@sunshinegirl1967 4 года назад
Abide in HIM! "Abide in Me and I in you, as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in Me." John 15: 4
@raymondellis1454 4 года назад
See my post about how Christians can be deceived into abusing the Holy Spirit.
@wtg_tvgambro1179 4 года назад
Jesus is the lord and he died for me thank you ❤❤🙏
@amyyyelizabethh9354 3 года назад
WTG_tv gambro11 All The Glory Goes To The Lord! Amen!
@oliviagrace6914 3 года назад
*Lord *He
@Wyngs714 3 года назад
I became a Christian 30 years ago. But I was blinded and bound by my own desire, my own will. Eventually, God allowed me to have my way. The hell that followed can scarcely be put into words and there was no escape. I fell away, no one who knew me then would have any idea that I was ever a Christian. I remember the words that the man who prayed for me used when I got saved. He said, "No matter what happens in the future, let him always remember and know that this moment is real". And I always did. God brought me back to Him. It wasnt pain free, for 15 years I suffered and to some degree still do. I had to face what I had done. BUT, He brought me back. Such is the depth of Hid grace and mercy.
@VengefulPolititron 3 года назад
wow! I'm glad He did. please tell me... did you lose the Holy Spirit, and peace during that time? I recently sinned willingly, and ignore the holy spirit. since I left him.. he left me.. and now I'm terrified and have no peace. I can't barely sleep, and barely eat at all. I willfully sinned for years, but especially this last year, when I became very evil in my beliefs and actions. did you receive the Holy Spirit back? did you ever lose him?
@Wyngs714 3 года назад
@@VengefulPolititron Yes I lost the peace. Im not sure how to answer about the Holy Spirit. I dont think you can ever lose Him. But, you can lose your awareness of Him. Honestly, I dont know. But I can tell from your words that you are being convicted by Him, or you wouldnt be writing what you did. I advise you to heed His bidding because eventually God will let you have your way. Then you will wish that He didnt.
@VengefulPolititron 3 года назад
@@Wyngs714 that already happened... I got my way, and I wish I didn't. I'm trying to find hope that he could return to me
@imee9396 4 года назад
Thank you for this video. I grew up in a Christian family. My family always go to church, read the bible everyday, say prayers everyday, and attend bible study during Sundays. But ever since I left home for College, I've always been away from Church. I even forget to say my prayers every day or even ask for confession. I wasn't the same person when I left home. I've made many sinful sins for years. But I can say God never left me. He is always there for me. Protecting me. But I keep on turning away. Then one day, I was invited by a friend to attend a gathering. Never known it was a bible meeting, but I was already there so I just attended. That was the first time in 10 years, and then I realized how blessed I am. I cried for the first time. I can feel it. God is there. God is with me. God never left me. God loves me.
@ruthwilson5515 4 года назад
Amen!!!! Jesus is my everything & I don’t deserve him so I’m grateful for salvation by grace! I love you Lord 😭😭🙏🏻🙏🏻
@slayermusic9467 4 года назад
God is very loving, he gives us chances to repent, Thanks for the video I needed to know I am a true Christian! I will try to be a good person and turn away from sin I pray everyday and night I love God
@ananana666 4 года назад
Very true, but don't forget to walk with Christ and not apart from Christ, remember that only through HIM can you be good, and that if you have a pure heart you will start to see God in yourself.
@rhyceboisson1494 3 года назад
Thank you so much Daniel😌 You've honestly helped me on my path to Christianity and I will forever be grateful.
@sparrowwren8673 Год назад
Right on ❣
@orenarmstrong2573 4 года назад
I can't express how thankful I am to have herd this today. Thank you brother I needed this. God bless ❤️🙏➕
@Erick_osvl 4 года назад
Forgive me Lord for I have sinned. I keep sinning and I dont know how to stop please send prayers my fellow Christians i need them🙏🤲✝️
@As-cc9ug 3 года назад
Let him love you through every step he us a friend father and uour creator. He knows uour humanness but pray for more if the holy spirit ..more faith ..and read the gospel thus is what helped me . I remember having visions of me stopping my feet in frustration 😫 at myself and telling Jesus. I CANT STOL SINNING .he just opened his arms , with such love and he said im so happy uou told me ..i was like?? Huh? Really?? Yes because it shows the deepening of our connection and our personal relationship and love and intimacy deepening because of me constantly going to HIIM with my imperfections im still working kn it and he loves me every step of the way. Deepen uour personal relationship with him!
@gorachand1235 3 года назад
May Sri Krishna forgive your Sins
@khemmytaye1206 3 года назад
I pray that the Lord gives you the power not to sin anymore and the holy spirit to always convict you when you sin
@Erick_osvl 3 года назад
@@khemmytaye1206 thanks brother i appreciate it God bless you and your whole family🙏🤲✝️
@Erick_osvl 3 года назад
@@As-cc9ug thanks i will do God bless🙏🤲✝️
@eshelarnold5835 4 года назад
Your words pierced my heart deeply. The part where God said he will vomit you out. I realize I am a lukewarm Christian. I will work on changing this as of today.
@vickibaker8372 4 года назад
Please watch the videos from sister sharon. And jasmine jasmine and Roxanne Morgan... most.important to read and study scripture daily
@drpepper1053 3 года назад
@haopuhaokip362 3 года назад
I came to know that I am Christian who worship God only in my own way. I would like to say thanks to this channel for this particular sermon. I am really thankful because I realised that I need to worship him with all my heart and with according to the Bible and according to his wishes 🙏. Lastly, sometimes I doubt myself , Is it am I really saved??? Now the questions to this is answer through this sermon by observing myself. Backslide is my main problem that I sin again even after I surrender to follow God. Now my decision is to behave in a Godly way. I am really thankful again and again.. God bless 🙏. Love from India🇮🇳🇮🇳
@Harry_Kuntz. 2 года назад
God Bless 🙏🙏
@danielrblend Год назад
It's important for us to stay in fellowship with other believers, to maintain out relationship with Christ, pray, read, go to church. Trying to live the Christian life for many years after being saved yielded no fruit, but once I get back into it, it all changed. We have to realize that God will finish the work He started in you, and the Holy Spirit will not remain silent for too long.
@chrisdufour6701 Год назад
Dear friend, you are still, as you said, trying to live godly. In other words, you are still attempting to do it yourself when you should surrender to the Holy Spirit who will lead you into holy living. You don't have to try, just surrender your will to the Spirit of God.
@barbi3910 4 года назад
At the end of this video, I felt something come over me and just began crying. That's when I realized God has been telling me something for the past few days.
@Jace46 3 года назад
I wish I felt something like that
@benlee5039 4 года назад
Amen! Before covid, i was a lukewarm. I cursed at school religiously, i didnt read the bible, and i didnt want to go to church. But after covid, my mom told me that this is a sign from God, and thats when i woke up. Im reading the bible everyday and praying everyday. I ask myself if im really a Christian everyday and try to live according. Praise the Lord!!!
@nobody-zf8dq 4 года назад
I don't know who this guy thinks he is but this was a very encouraging message. Thanks dude.
@DLMChristianLifestyle 4 года назад
Thank you 🙂
@radimmoon9974 4 года назад
@@DLMChristianLifestyle I think he just know he is son of God.
@childofgod1226 4 года назад
He knows his identity in God and walks in the authority given by our Father. This is available to all who discover God is their Creator. John 3:16. It is inspiring to see a handsome young man boldly preaching the truth of God. Amen.
@raymondellis1454 4 года назад
Not by might nor by power but by My spirit says the Lord, Zechariah 4:6. See my post about how we abuse the Holy Spirit by putting it first and the goal of our actions last.
@okezieben722 4 года назад
May the good Lord continue to protect and bless you brother.
@AGR091 3 года назад
Even you don’t know. Only God knows your heart. Have faith, and He will show you. One way or another.
@WalkingbytheSpiritAlways 4 года назад
Excellent! Thank you Lord for showing me this man's video today to put on my playlist True Born Again Christianity. I got born again at age 45 after being a fake Christian surrounded by fake Christians in church all my life. Once I received the Holy Spirit, I lost my parents, my husband divorced me and the church asked me to leave when I asked to be baptized. I read the Bible every day to spend time with the Father for now almost 15 years, and you spoke the accurate Scriptures very well. Well done! Jesus is coming soon for His faithful followers, the Bride of Christ.
@Azriela. 4 года назад
If it's in z bible, we want it. I believe and confess that Jesus Christ became human for our salvation, was crucified and resurrected and He is z way to eternity, amen
@wilmacromwell7351 Год назад
Indeed we will know the TRUTH and the TRUTH will make us TRUE in Jesus Name amen 🙏
@estelleschneider9033 Год назад
You have misquoted God's Word.. in the scripture.. Holy Spirit showed me one day a great insight in the Scripture Let us take a real look at this Scripture Jesus said, : John 8:32 King James Version 32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Many do not really know the truth Jesus said, You will know the Truth It is knowing the Truth which sets us Free The truth can only set us Free by knowing The Truth..knowing Him..His Word.. Yahshua sets us Free..He is the Word Incarnate SEE King James Version 32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. GOD BLESS ALL ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@hailierenee9146 4 года назад
I surrendered my heart to jesus, he made me see life so much differently now ❤❤☺️
@garymenard694 4 года назад
A true Christian is the person who embodies the Christ-like personality of " Love and Wisdom" toward all of God's creations. There is no compromising this belief.
@marcuseldridge8675 4 года назад
Amen my friend Amen😊😊💗💗💗💗
@suelincoln2693 4 года назад
I was praying to God when listening to you and you said my name Susan and suddenly I felt a sense of freedom. God bless.
@caribaez5711 3 года назад
God bless this guy so much. He so angelic and may He blesses his heart so much!! His preaching is so beautiful.
God bless all of you and your familes! In Jesus's name, Amen! ✝️🙏🏻❤️
God bless you too brother! Господ Исус Христос да благослови България!
@joshuateo7558 4 года назад
Because of this quarantine ive become a christian because God loves me God love us...
@lionelpostwartrains 4 года назад
I want that real encounter with GOD!
@isaactutu4403 4 года назад
Pray for it with all your heart, i prefer a very private place and time.. So that your focus is 100% on him.. Remember prayer doesn't have to be like super professional and perfect words or anything like that.. Speak to him like a normal serious conversation ya know, like a close friend, who you begged for something.. Remember to listen close too with your real ears and your heart and thoughts, Ya know sometimes we have thoughts that came from nowhere.. It could be him😉
@thepianogirl3181 4 года назад
Accept Him as your Lord and savior. That He died for your sins. As soon as you wake up do ur quiet time with God. Matthew 6:33 every day you read the bible and pray. And you will feel that God will change you. I did that 1 year ago. And until now im doing it, i seek Him first above all and i will have a joy in your heart and peace of mind. God bless
@unrival1225 4 года назад
continue to pray for it, the LORD is listening to your prayer
@adriennesmith2133 4 года назад
You can have it!!
@laneyl2784 4 года назад
Me too! If we pray for it, it will happen eventually!
@fadhilitondo9282 Год назад
This is grace for us true believers, who truly know God 😊
@radosvetauzunova6480 4 года назад
Is it just me or he’s words are very calming ❤️❤️❤️
@Andrew-uk5qd 4 года назад
I hope you were actually listening to what he said and not just his voice 😂 But I also think so, well maybe because he knows exactly what he is saying and confident of it, picks good vocabularies and can control his voice tone in a good confident way.
@SingletonOhh 4 года назад
I have a feeling god put this in my recommendation because he wants me to go to Heaven I admit there’s times where I didn’t believe but I now believe Jesus died for me. I beg he forgives me of all my sins even the time I talked bad about him & accepts me into his life, from today forward I’m try not to commit any sins! Please forgive me, Amen.
@theynot4u 4 года назад
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 NIV 1john.bible/1-John-1-9 ❤️ Praise God for your salvation! May God bless you and guide you.
@kimwestwood8840 4 года назад
xSingleton Acts 16 30 And he brought them out and said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” 31 So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.”
@GrahameGould 4 года назад
When God saves you, He forgives your sin and there is no more condemnation. Romans 5.1, 8.1 When you sin after you are saved, it can't condemn you, but it can ruin your fellowship. A good illustration of this that before we are saved, we are not in the family. After we become a Christian, we are in the family forever, but we will not have a good relationship with our Father. That's where I John 1.9 comes in. In fact, read the whole book. Have you read the Gospel of John? That's different to I John (which is also called the first Epistle of John).
@chantalr.s.a.2535 4 года назад
You will never be without sin. That is why you need Jesus. You must turn away from sin, but knowing that you will always still have sin. Believing that you can stop sinning will lead to disappointment and possibly falling away from Jesus. So you make a choice to turn from sin, and ask God to help but know you will always be a sinner but by the grace of God you are forgiven through the ultimate sacrifice made by the Lord Jesus Christ.
@laneyl2784 4 года назад
That’s great! If you sin, he will forgive you if you ask him! God bless!
@darylryan7460 3 года назад
I always called myself Christian but when I started checking your videos today I realised I am not really ready for judgement day, thank you and God bless you for helping me open my heart to Jesus Christ, God bless your heart and soul🙏🙏
@angelypache7760 2 года назад
@ronflores3706 4 года назад
I’ve been listening to you for about 5 days now. And I know God sent me to your channel so I can be reminded of how a true Christian supposed to be and so far it’s really working for me. I thank God for you! I also quit Facebook about a week ago because as a follower of Christ I didn’t want my mind to be corrupted by this cruel and crazy world. I am learning a lot and hope to stay on the right path and truly and fully surrender my life to Him! Peace and thank you again brother in Christ 🙏🏽. I am a 52- year old Filipino.
@eugenieholmes5769 4 года назад
Amen bro. I've been doing the same things, especially pulling away from social media
@sunshine2038 3 года назад
Hi i am also a Filipino. Please pray for me and my family.
@mysticqueen3551 4 года назад
When you talked about the verse about confessing with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, I felt this compulsion over me to say it several times and after several times, I felt my eyes water. I believe in His Grace and what He did to save me from Hell. I'm not certain if this makes me saved, but I feel that it's a step in the right direction.
@savannahburns691 4 года назад
Just put your faith in Him as your Savior and only means of salvation. Ask Him to come it o your heart. After you're saved, start reading your Bible and praying daily😊
@johnpatrickhalladay1002 4 года назад
Every second count repent and accept jesus before it's too late!!!!
@Jewelliet 3 года назад
He's amazing! He came up with an acronym for the word bible = "basic instruction before leaving earth". It's brilliant!
@oldsareg78r 4 года назад
I remember when I was saved when I was 18 and it was like having a anvil lifted off my chest and I cried. It was such an exalting feeling.
@donnaalfonso6706 4 года назад
I love Jesus Christ with my hold heart, Jesus please save me from the lawless ones
@mainaccount9498 4 года назад
Your videos helped me, I now believe with my whole heart!! Thank you 😭😭
@kaylahuckenpoehler1234 3 года назад
I'm really sorry that you lost your dad to cancer and also lost your brothers that's so much to handle alone yet you stand so strong and in faith you have found peace it's amazing how God and Jesus can give us peace in our lives when they know we've been through so much and deserve peace, God bless everyone and whatever we all are going through let God forgive us for our sins and let us not worry and let God guide us and bring us mercy. ❤️
@poorinspirit1982 3 года назад
"IF YE CONTINUE IN MY WORD, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." -Christ Jesus, John 8:31-32
@missblue4778 4 года назад
During quarantine I told myself I wanted to better my life. I gave myself to Jesus and asked for forgiveness for all my sins. Things have been getting better and my eyes have been opening slowly everyday. I needed this tonight. I was asking if I needed to restart my life and I got my answer 🙏🏻 praise Jesus our Lord and Savior ❤️
@ms.beltran8895 4 года назад
I joined a church that actually had me believing that second coming of Christ had already come and that we also have a heavenly mother. Both are from Korea . Jesus Christ opened up my heart and got me out . Thank you in the name of Jesus Christ amen 🙏
@nickderekyelli 4 года назад
please read the Bible - especially the New Testament (for starters). It'll tell ya everything you need to know …
@gregorjerman973 4 года назад
I think you are a Moonies? If not another Cult Church get out while you can.
@chockitkat3776 Год назад
Thank you Daniel. I've been saved when I was younger but I've been a Sunday Christian and I needed a lot of people and videos to convict me but thank you for showing me that it's okay to be fire for God because it's not okay to be lukewarm and that I shouldn't be the one sitting at the throne of my heart but God. Thank you for all your messages! I must confess it's convicted me more than church leaders but at the end of the day GOD is in charge of our lives, not pastors not preachers not elders nor anyone else. Thank you for showing me that GOD is who I need and not all these things I think I crave for
@robw4775 5 лет назад
I am not sure when I heard it first but I love the statement that “I live in this world but I am not of it”. To me this means living in the world but having my eyes on God who is the only way , truth, and life. Good channel, I like it better than your other one which is great in its own way as well.
@DLMChristianLifestyle 5 лет назад
Thank you Rob. Yes it changes how we live in this world, if we know that we live in it, but are not of it
@jesussknight4918 4 года назад
@@DLMChristianLifestyle Mr. Maritz, I have a question. What can I do to have a relationship with God? And how will I know if I am in a relationship with him?
@luizdanielloureiro 4 года назад
@@jesussknight4918 Hello, Maybe you will allow me to answer your question, I was an atheist, metalhead and a hater of God. To have a relationship with God you need to seek for Him with all your heart. "You will seek me and you will find me when you seek me with all of your heart" Jeremiah 29:13. Like Daniel said, we need to come to the end of ourselves. Ask God to reveal your sinful nature and your need for forgiveness. Read the Gospel of John and pray to God that you want to know His son Jesus Christ, and believe that Jesus WANTS to have a relationship with you. Once you receive the Holy Spirit your life will never be the same, and you will know you have a relationship with Him because "The Spirit of God testifies with your Spirit that you are a child of God. " Dont fall for human knowledge and formulas that will indicate to you if you are or not, "Seek and you will find, knock and will be open to you" Jesus loves you and wants to be with you, just surrender everything with Him in all honesty and humility of your heart. I pray you will find His everlasting peace. Once everything in your life day and night is about Jesus, even with our constant failures, you will know that He KNOWS YOU, because this is a gift, no man can achieve that on his own. God bless!
@@jesussknight4918 If you KNOW JESUS, thus mean that the HOLY SPIRIT is within you... 1 Cor, 12:3 Therefore I want you to understand that no one speaking in the Spirit of God ever says “Jesus is accursed!” and no one can say “Jesus is the Lord" except by the Holy Spirit.
@emmanphilip9684 4 года назад
This is my first time and I really felt blessed... can you please talk about Christian in love relationship.
@elvishouck 4 года назад
I am a humble servant of the Lord who Sins everyday. I ask Forgiveness to God & Jesus every time I know I Sin & when I'm just Praying & talking to my Father. I am far from perfect but I am a Proud Christian.
@Carolann6081 4 года назад
Outstanding presentation of what it takes to be a real “Christian”, true follower of Jesus. Thank you. Will definitely share.
@amyyyelizabethh9354 3 года назад
Carolann6081 A M E N
@sparrowwren8673 Год назад
You preach so well that I can understand things in the Bible as they relate to my life and you make it so REAL . Thank you for all your work! Maranatha!!
@savannah0113 4 года назад
Believe the Gospel... For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. Romans 1:16 KJV
@eltonron1558 4 года назад
The gospel of Christ, is to repent, and believe the kingdom of God is coming. Matthew 24:14. The gospel ABOUT Christ is the gospel of salvation.
@savannah0113 4 года назад
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV
@savannah0113 4 года назад
I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ. But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. Galatians 1:6‭-‬12 KJV
@savannah0113 4 года назад
You are talking about 2 different Gospels the Gospel given to the the chosen people of God under the law and the Gospel given to Paul by revelation.
@eltonron1558 4 года назад
@@savannah0113 The gospel according to Paul, is the gospel of your salvation. So is the gospel according to Matthew Mark Luke John The gospel according to Jesus is the gospel of the kingdom Matt.24:14.
@salonaterra8631 5 лет назад
Thank you Daniel! Thank you Lord!
@DLMChristianLifestyle 5 лет назад
God is good and this is all His doing . Thank you for the support
@pjbottoms839 4 года назад
I have trouble with Sevier suicidal thoughts. I had these for years. I can remember my first when maybe I was six or seven. I acted out on one around same period. No one cared, my mom just laughed it off and never took it seriously. I even tried to kill my self in my sleep. Now I know not to kill my self as I know better now as taking one's life including yours is a sin and I do believe you'll pay for that in hell. One thing I hate is being scared of hell, that's the only thing that really prevents me. And my mom saying that all the time, which annoys me. I still have Sevier suicidal thoughts, some that will feel like all sense of not killing my self will go. I just want the thoughts to end. How do I stop them? I've prayed but that has not worked. Maybe others can pray for me? I have a very abusive child hood. God bless
@rockabillly88 4 года назад
Stay strong. I really hope you can have peace
@adelineboswell6791 4 года назад
I have also struggled with some suicidal thoughts, anxiety, depression, and other diagnoses. I'm still fighting them every day, and some days are better or worse than others. I would highly recommend to look for a friend or a mentor at a local church or online who can point you to scripture and encourage you. Also, getting a counsellor can be very helpful. A good therapist will listen to your concerns and help you find "tools" to fight back against things like suicidal thoughts, rumination, feelings of hopelessness, etc. Some of these things you can also find on your own online. Some methods that I use to snap out of bad thoughts that keep turning over in my mind is to step back and identify what the thoughts are saying and then evaluate if they're actually true, helpful, or exaggerated and based on how I'm feeling. I do "mindfulness" meditations using the Headspace app Basics which are free to help my thoughts slow down and calm my body down. When things get really bad, I try to have a friend come get me out of the house and distract me for an hour, that way my emotions will be less overwhelming. From the Christian perspective, it is good to memorize Biblical truths from scripture to combat the lies we sometimes believe. God says that we are made in His image, that we are beloved by Him, that God cares about us so much to even keep track of how many hairs are on each of our heads, that He formed us in our mother's wombs and knew us before we were even born, that He knows our innermost thoughts, and that He established our worth to be so great that He went out of His way and traded His own Son's life away to get us back. God is the perfect Father. He will never leave us nor forsake us. He has promised us that we will face many trials in this life and be hit with many hard situations. We are promised that we will suffer, and we are also promised that God will stay with us and help us endure everything. Also, know that this life does not end when our bodies die. After we die, we will be raised up again like Jesus was raised and we will live with God and all other believers for eternity in a restored world without sin or suffering. Everything that sucks about this life now will be made up for in the next. Stay strong. Call out to God when you are happy and when you are desperate and in anguish. He hears you, and He hates to see us suffer. Our tears will be traded for joy. Our ashes will be traded for beauty. Jesus lives! If you need a friend, text me at 770-807-4197
@mark5694 4 года назад
Jesus said to Peter " I will be praying for you. Shortly after Peter denied Jesus not once but Three times and ran to the foothills and wept bitterly. He must have felt suicidal having denied his friend Jesus. But then he remembered the promise that Jesus had made him. I AM Praying for You. And that is the same promise for you. x
@ailemcanapi3986 4 года назад
God loves you.. Just believe in Him and to yourself that you can handle and overcome these circumstances you are facing right now. Don't give up.. keep fighting, in God 's time everything will be ok and new.. God bless you!
@kilargo4588 4 года назад
Please don't ever think about killing yourself, try to talk to somebody, I'll even talk to you if you're ok with it. God put you here for a reason and he's got big plans for you :)
@shawnkim8542 2 года назад
All glory to Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord
@krizziaacodile2598 4 года назад
This video deserves a millions of viewers. This is an eye-opener.
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