
What Is Epilepsy and Why Do Epileptic Seizures Happen? 

The Doctors
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@itstheallierose 4 года назад
I had Complex Partial Seizures as a child through the age of 16 and I haven't had one since. I'm so grateful. I am now a Junior in College.
@bobwalsh1983 3 года назад
I’m 22 & Just Started Having Tonic Clonic Seizures Most Times I Stare Off Into Space Start Shaking Bite My Tongue & Wake Up In The Hospital Going On A Year Now Been Taking VIMPAT .. Not Working I Can’t Go A Month Without Having A Seizure I WAS BEYOND STRESSED OUT I’m Not No More I NEED HELP
@sheenaklaiber2538 3 года назад
I had my last seizure when i was 8 and i was diagnosed at 4 i am know almost 6 years free at 13😁
@paris6378 2 года назад
I was like that and now I am 58 years old and mines came back. Talk to your doctor.
@tiffanyrussell5040 4 года назад
People need to talk more about the side affects and long term affects of having seizures & being on the medication itself. For ex: issues w/ sort term memory loss is common for those with Temporal lobe Epilepsy. Have seizures also causes brain damage.. another topic you'll notice rarely gets talked about.
@tracybrown4941 4 года назад
Well said. This part of epilepsy seems to be a taboo subject. Hardly anyone ever talks about it and it is a very real problem for the greater majority of us.
@jafarmohamad9753 4 года назад
Thank you
@tiffanyrussell5040 3 года назад
@@graftoaj I have issues with comprehension, concentration and memory for sure, which unfortunately is most evident in the workplace. The resulting discrimination (and being outcast) is a whole other topic that doesn't get talked about, and many get fired due to thier side effects. For the awkwardness, I've always had to work on being more socially "normal". As a child, my Neuro always used to ask if I had any friends or engaged in social activities, the answer being pretty much no. It's interesting to think he had medical reasons for asking that..
@paris6378 2 года назад
@@graftoaj i am in the same boat.
@gracealexandre3381 Год назад
I have had epilepsy for fifty-three years. I have had many countless seizures in my life. A few years back, I remember being told by someone in Epilepsy Mississauga, An epilepsy chapter in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, how the brain loses oxygen during a seizure. The brain needs a lot of oxygen for the person to maneuver, work properly, to remember issues correctly. The more oxygen a brain loses, the more dependent that person becomes in remembering a task given to them ten minutes ago. There were many jobs I thought of as a kid, but as the years rolled on, the seizures became more frequent. As I look back, I realize I began to have many problems in school because I couldn't remember the lessons, even after studying all week. When doing a task considered simple by everyone, I need the steps written down, as I only remember for a short term. I thought it was just me. Many times when I was young, I would admire the careers of a teacher and police. I would think how great it would be to be in either of those two professions. In my mid teens, I began to realize the side effects of the seizures and medications had really slowed me down, physically and mentally. Instead of having a job when I earn good wages, I am a page in a library where I put the books back in their proper location. I shouldn't complain though. I have seen people with epilepsy not even able to put 2 and 2 together because all the constant seizures they had in their life and their medications have really screwed up their brains. I consider myself lucky in that issue. When people hear epilepsy, all they think about is seizures. They never think about the side effects of the seizures and medications.
@original_rumpleforskinn7574 3 года назад
I listen to my Bible to help me with mental health.
@carao3147 4 года назад
My seizures are because of scar tissue from having a brain tumor removed. I haven’t had one in almost 4 years but it’s a struggle sometimes to remember to take my medication but I am doing well
@wasode20 4 года назад
Youre an inspiration .
@deborahkelly1489 4 года назад
Good for you. I am sorry you had a brain tumor. My husband died early in our marriage of brain cancer so I raised two young children. I am glad it's been 4 years seizure free for you . I pray it well remain as such. Just try not to forget to take your medication.
@dofiacameron8730 3 года назад
It can come back
@carao3147 3 года назад
Going on 6 years seizure free in November
@paris6378 3 года назад
I am glad you doing better. I have partial focal seizures. I am now on two seizures med and something for anxiety 🙃 and sleepiness.
@sheismyheroiamherkeeper 4 года назад
We need more research on what can contribute to the onset and starting point of a person having seizures. Wheres the loads of research on chemicals and things like that in correlation to Epilepsy diagnosis? Where is then, the accountability of negligent companies using harmful chemicals that contribute to people getting diagnosed with Epilepsy and having seizures. There is way too much unknown about all of the variable in regards to Epilepsy. How much can we understand if the research isn't being done on obvious triggers and possible causes of Epilepsy? Asking for my 6 yr old who has had a very rough past 4 years.😥😭
@sbaby-np5hy 2 года назад
My mom had seizures all my life and she was having undiagnosed seizures while she was pregnant with me so I was told when I was diagnosed with my seizure disorder at 17 that they believed I developed my epilepsy in utero because the left side of my brain which controls the right side of your body has a benign cyst that makes it so the neurons do not connect they misfire and sometimes it results in seizures and sometimes it doesn't I take medicine I also just recently within the last year or so had a VNS implant put into my body but I still struggle with seizures and epilepsy everyday. I really do believe that more people need to understand epilepsy because it's more frequent of a condition then people know .
@moretiera5543 4 года назад
People who have epilepsy should tell there friends just in case so that the friend could watch out for it and try to help the person with epilepsy
@Addy2023X 3 года назад
All my mates know when my own epilepsy when I go into a fit
@gayathrisudhir7619 3 года назад
But in some countries, many people are often uncomfortable to share the fact that they have a particular illness because many (even peers and close friends) will make them feel uncomfortable (ex: talking about their illnesses as a joke during silly chit chats) rather than making them feel supportive and caring! I actually witnessed it!
@paris6378 2 года назад
Agree. I tell my friends.
@gracealexandre3381 2 года назад
@@gayathrisudhir7619 Some countries are downright mean to people with epilepsy. Some people where my parents come from (Portugal) still believe people with epilepsy are pocessed by the devil.
@jonroberts6518 3 года назад
What of people that are now 39/40 having seizures with not ever having history of epilepsy.. Like myself. I in the last year and a month suffered 6 total seizures. 4 grand mal and 2 complex impaired
@Ively-Creations 3 года назад
I started suffering seizures suddenly starting last year too. No family history and doctors cannot figure out why but then a family member who is a first responder says her hospital is now getting a huge influx of former covid patients from last year who are now suddenly coming back bc they have seizures. I wonder if I had covid but was asymptomatic and this is the side effect. I pray you will never have another seizure again.
@rebeccamichael626 4 года назад
I had a brain tumor removed when I was 8, another when I was 9, I had radiation therapy at 10 (which kept me mentally at the age of 10), and got Epilepsy when I was 14, and never learned how to drive. So basically I'm 24, but have the mind of a 15- year old. 💜🎗️
@CanadianBallistics 2 года назад
Wow You have been through a lot I Hope you're safe.
@rebeccamichael626 2 года назад
@@CanadianBallistics - I see it as something else you have to learn to live with, and can only manage it.
@gracealexandre3381 2 года назад
Well, try being fifty-nine with the mind of a fifteen year old. That's the effect I have after having seizures on and off since I was seven and also the effects of medication. When people hear epilepsy, all they think about is seizures. They never realize how the seizures and medications really 'screw' up the person's brain.
@GM-yq5wk 2 года назад
You are RIGHT not enough on Epilepsy
@newyears93 3 года назад
I was 9 months old when I got diagnosed with epilepsy
@matthewrendle9321 3 года назад
Just brings tears to my eyes I'm really glad people understand this yes the epilepsy foundation needs more funding the government should provide more funding say if you need a dog you pay up to 100.00 Thousand dollars it's not fair if you are blind you don't have to pay nothing now one knows that it is like it's very scary i find it hard to watch a video on this condition
@Addy2023X 3 года назад
I have epilepsy have had it since age of six years old and now in my 30's there been times in my teens I was bad with it had uncontroable fits caused myself be In hospital I lost count and threw out my twenties. Hell I nearly lost my own life to epilepsy. Bloody hell it's a pain in arse
@DragonLandlord 3 года назад
I was diagnosed in '97, first year of college, all because I had a major seizure in my sleep because I was stuck with the couch over Christmas break. As we learned more about how my minor ones were I realized I was having them in high school as well. There's at least three times where I sat down ready for class and the next I know the end bell's ringing, I'd been writing notes the whole time but I didn't remember doing it. The professor caught me when it happened once, apparently I didn't answer when he asked me a question. He asked after class, I told him I have epilepsy, he just said okay and for the rest of that month he made sure I was aware of what I was doing before class. My meds prevent the major seizures, the drop down full-body twitching you see on tv, but I still have minor ones that can be triggered visually. So no driving, no video games and, thanks to where I live, only a part-time job.
@probablyabouttoargue3264 2 года назад
20 years old and just went through one of the most terrifying things I never expected.
@chilipepper71 2 года назад
I've been there. 26 now was diagnosed when was about 20.
@ItsUzele 2 года назад
@@chilipepper71 Was diagnosed when I was 18 years old, they still don’t know why I get them 😓
@tinytiers330 2 года назад
This happened to my son. First seizure when he was 20 years old. He’s 22 now.
@Donnydarko9912 2 года назад
I’m feeling so depressed right now about being epileptic
@monasaid7546 4 года назад
Thanks.this topic is very helpful for me.
@laurenmontgomery421 3 года назад
My sibling’s epilepsy was caused by birth defects for brain tissue Mine was medicine issues in a hospital. And now they freaking suck :D
@Jose467h12 3 года назад
Tbh alot of people don't take epilepsy as seriously as other diseases it's kinda sad tho that there's value in some diseases than other but oh well not much I can do about it..
@mickiemomof5 2 года назад
My son is 8 diagnosed 3 years ago his epilepsy effects his speech and learning. He was also diagnosed with dyslexia and has vision problems. No vision issues before having seizures. At risk of loosing his eye and must do patch therapy to save it. He inherited it from his father (who has no other issues and only has had a seizure once out of our 11 years together). I did everything and I mean everything perfect in my pregnancy with him, I even breastfed him. Never saw any issues coming.
@nianbeast 2 года назад
My son had head down every half an hour for 2 to 5 second. Is it seizure. He has taken sabril vigabatrin medicine. Is it safe
@CanadianBallistics 2 года назад
So, Your son Does his head goes up and down in fast movements Because I think he has epilepsy (A- Tonic) .
@profmj7630 2 года назад
Sending prayers...your story is almost identical to my journey with my son... epilepsy has taken his speech, short memory is bad and possibly dyslexia ( spells words from right to left) and his vision is bad as well (poor depth perception, vision fatigue). His father also suffered from epilepsy from birth.
@jessisantiago6113 2 года назад
I recently had a grand mal seizure on Tuesday. Haven’t had an issue with this in a few years and it scared me considering i was home alone with my 5yr old daughter. Still not sure where the episode came from the only thing I can chalk up to was stress… :/ the only reminder I have is my bit up mouth currently :/ uugh
@asamanyworlds3772 3 года назад
My son and hubby had this
@alexsc9020 4 года назад
My sister died from epilepsy. She was only 19.
@wasode20 4 года назад
Im.sorry you lost your sister .❤
@alexsc9020 4 года назад
Thank you!❤
@tracybrown4941 4 года назад
So very sorry for your loss.
@vanity68 4 года назад
I’m so so sorry for your terrible loss. My dog is epileptic. I know how bad it is for an animal. I can’t imagine how a human can deal with it. So sorry again.
@dofiacameron8730 3 года назад
Awwww your gonna make my cry yes you can die from epilepsy a celebrity died from epilepsy
@darlinghxbro 4 года назад
my uncle has seizures alot ngl it's scary
@Heavenologist007 3 года назад
we still need our doctors
@andreatamati9813 2 года назад
I was born with it.
@unknownf76 4 года назад
Please i need some advice. In 2017, i got my first seizure. In 2019,i got second one And just recently last week,i got s tbird one. I dont take any epilepsy medecines and i get it only when i have extremely long and heavy periods and its towards the end of the period. P.s last time,i have fever during my period and this time i had food poisoning. And sugar was high as well. Is it epilepsy?what should i do?should i go to a neurologist? I also have pcos
@HairGlitter 4 года назад
Cbd oil. And keto diet with quality fats
@probablyabouttoargue3264 2 года назад
Go to a neurologist and don’t listen to the dipsh!t above me If I followed a keto diet I’d die. Im suppose to be gaining weight. As much as I can. You might be the same. See a neurologist
@chanabayla1823 2 года назад
I'm with the epilepsy foundation and an epileptic. Sounds like cataenimial epilepsy but see your dr
@paikeahigurashi7575 Год назад
I was undiagnosed and medically ignored for the first 18 years of my life. I have large gaps in my resume and have let my loved ones down on more than one occasion when they really needed me. I’m still very confused half the time and it leaves me in an immobile state for most or sometimes all of the day, which makes getting up and being productive feel impossible. Rest is a myth. Even if I’ve been out of work for more than a couple of years, I can’t rest and feel recharged. I’m on meds and it’s been keeping my seizures away which is good but I’ve never felt more tired
@kgrimes842 3 года назад
FMLA. Without it i would have been fired a ling time ago but still it doesn't take away the feeling that people don't believe you or that people at work feel like you use it as an excuse. Several months ago i had a severe increase of seizures. Multiple in one day. Went from 1 or 2 a year to 4 or 5 a month and now my job doesn't understand how they "suddenly got this bad" if only they cared enough to do their own research 😞 prayers for everyone who also suffers from epilepsy and the loved ones who see them and have to provide care after them.
@sbaby-np5hy 2 года назад
I understand about your epilepsy changing because when I was 17 I was diagnosed with simple partial seizures and I just had the type of seizures where you would stare off into space and you'd see the person that was talking to you you'd see their mouths moving but you wouldn't hear them and I'm now in my thirties and I still sometimes have simple partial but along with it I've started having complex partial as well don't know why but I have. Still on the same medication that they put me on at 17 trileptal and keppra but higher milligrams. Now with the complex partial sometimes people around me whether it's friends or my husband have to tell me you know you just had a seizure and they have to tell me what I did and I'm like I did that so no driving for me I voluntarily gave up my license to my state out of fear. I didn't drive for the longest time after being diagnosed and then I went the allotted 6 months that you need to go in my state to get your license and I had a seizure behind the wheel and had it taken from me and then I went the allotted 6 months again got it back and then they started happening again so I just went here you go I don't want it.
@trainingforlife7420 2 года назад
@@sbaby-np5hy Are you driving now?
@sbaby-np5hy 2 года назад
@@trainingforlife7420 no
@sbaby-np5hy 2 года назад
@@trainingforlife7420 to be honest I don't think I'll ever drive again
@gracealexandre3381 2 года назад
@@sbaby-np5hy I have had epilepsy since I was two. Thanks to certain doctors and their technology, I haven't had a seizure since February 8, 1991. My doctor said years back, I can drive, but I really don't want to because my last EEG test showed that I'm still having tiny auras related to epilepsy. I'm still taking medication, so I still have epilepsy. I still would rather not drive. I don't want to ever find out that I had a seizure behind the wheel and someone died because of ME. Public transit or getting a ride will do just fine for me.
@erikselgado3754 3 года назад
I was diagnosed with epilepsy when I was 18 now I'm 25 n it's been a struggle for me many of times mainly at night time,..i wish they have a cure for it because it affect my life in many ways especially with jobs a can't work how I want to,.i was suppose to be in the force but with this epilepsy I couldn't have an i ready wanted to,..im on treatment but it still affect me at some point,..
@godsdaughter3738 Год назад
I had them since I was 4 years old
@alpi5723 2 года назад
I had an attack only once, in my full consciousness, and I didn't need a doctor to give me a diagnosis.Epilepsy is an attack of the energy entity, the spirit, on the energy entity of man. For the most part, the person who is attacked experiences a total blockage of consciousness due to a burst of high energy, and after the attack he does not remember anything except how the epileptic seizure is coming. That feeling of coming is the feeling of approaching the attacking entity.Each attack costs the attacker his energy. And for those very rare who experienced the attack in full consciousness they know very well what attacked them. They know very well that they cannot trust a man in this matter. Medicine in no way helps the injured party because the origin of the treatment comes indirectly from the attacker. You take medicine or go for brain surgery, you will not be attacked. Their goal is to incapacitate the human spirit through the body with the help of another human being because on a spiritual level they cannot accomplish this.After the so-called death of the body the only value is energy and the struggle for energy continues in this simulation. More energy, more awareness or processing capabilities.The attack ended when I decided to act against the attacker.
@kivm9314 2 года назад
@karlapalacio516 2 года назад
I was diagnosed with epilepsy in 2009 was college
@JA-ef4ww 4 года назад
I’ve been having nocturnal seizures. Four now. Three in one weekend. Was diagnosed as epileptic with no known cause. It’s so frustrating bc t job is being a driver and have no idea what to do lol. I don’t wish this is on anyone
@ceoofgambling233 3 года назад
I feel your pain, I have the same problem
@paris6378 2 года назад
This is very serious. By you just driving you could kill innocent people. Tell your boss and he can place you somewhere else.
@paris6378 2 года назад
@@ceoofgambling233 tell your boss because not tell is the worse thing if you have a seizure on the job and knows what to do. Think about that ?
@ceoofgambling233 2 года назад
@@paris6378 not true
@Non-religiou 3 года назад
I heard seizures are also psychological as well, like if people have them later in life not due to head injury, brain tumor, nerve damage or any of the sort is because they didn't take good care of themselves emotionally or mentally,, very much a panic or anxiety attack.
@sarahhernandez9966 3 года назад
I was diagnosed with epilepsy age 4 my first epilepsy seizure was at a mall me and my family were getting out of the car I was still asleep when we got into the mall at my mom sat me down on a bench , i was unresponsive and this woman was passing by and told my mom to call an ambulance we arrived at the hospital and I was diagnosed with epilepsy I have had epilepsy for 10 years now, i have had about 5 or 6 seizure
@sophiaandrews5849 Год назад
Good morning im going to comment because for me its personal I was diagnosed in 2005 I had no idea what a seizure was or epilepsy. So that is how long i have been on this medication im one of the people that they don't know why I started having them. It changed my whole life i never know when ill get one I had so many different medication because after a while they don't work so many EEG.MRI but I try to live my life as normal as I can everyone dealing with this you are not alone hang in there please be respectful in the comments Because if you never had a siezure trust me when I tell you don't want one my hope is for a cure or they will stop treating the symptoms and and find the reason everyone be well
@CrystalNibarger 2 года назад
I actually have had epilepsy since I was about 13 or 14... I'll be 40 this May.
@dofiacameron8730 3 года назад
When he says it can cause seziures but it is all about the seziures
@ingerlisehollekve2046 3 года назад
I had it for 9 horrible years before i got diagnosed
@gracealexandre3381 2 года назад
Imagine cracking your head and not feeling a single itch. Imagine not feeling the stitches being put in. Imagine putting a hot iron on your leg and not feeling a thing; then when you come to, you just walk away, not even knowing what happened; not even knowing you have a third degree burn on your leg. My body is tattooed with scars from second, third degree burns, skin grafts, and stitches I needed due to injuries because of a fall or second / third degree burn I received during a seizure. It is like the part of your brain that feels pain is turned off during a seizure.
@astromania5253 Год назад
Yeah I get psychosis after sometimes lasts 5 hrs.
@seanb97 3 года назад
What was the procedure she had done?
@rhyblank 4 года назад
My neurologist and I are still trying to figure out if I have epilepsy or not. I do have 2 types of seizures but we do not know why. I started having them about 2 months before I had my daughter and she is 16 months old. I did have preeclampsia with my first and that could have had something to do with it. My mom has chiari malformation and im going to talk to my Dr at my next appointment. I just had a 72 hour EEG done and are awaiting results from that. It sucks not knowing what is causing this especially when it interferes with everyday life. Everyday is a struggle. Meds do a good job but don't keep them away completely and trying to do any type of work like sweeping or cleaning up toys makes me dizzy and makes me have a small seizure. So ready to figure this out.
@richardjanasen4238 3 года назад
Get an EEG scan done
@lurenacornella6588 2 года назад
Tell me why people have them
@jenniferrichardson7547 4 года назад
While this is all true, I have epilepsy and Im am completely consious the entire time
@dantilman2500 4 года назад
me too
@richardjanasen4238 3 года назад
Mine get so bad i usually end up in the hospital
@gracealexandre3381 2 года назад
@@richardjanasen4238 That was the scariest thing to occur when my seizures weren't in control -- waking up in a hospital, and not knowing how the h*ll I got there. Thanks to certain Doctors and their technology, I haven't had a seizure since February 8, 1991.
@brooklyn8005 4 года назад
Thank you for bringing awareness of epilepsy to the public. U have intractable epilepsy and have an appointment with a neurosurgeon in 2.5 weeks. Have to stay neutral if not positive.
@nianbeast 2 года назад
My son had head down every half an hour for 2 to 5 second. Is it seizure. He has taken sabril vigabatrin medicine. Is it safe
@radhikab83 4 года назад
One of my family members has this since the age of 15 it started with uncontrollable shiverings. And first attack happened just after first MC. She remembered her past birth for first 3 years of her life. She remembered each and every part of her past life house, room designs her favorite hobbies even her surname. After a lot of research we found the family she was talking about we took her to her past life family.Her family told us that in her last birth at the old age she wanted to stay at her ancestors property which is extremely close to our property but due to her other family members business the whole family moved to another city. And she was extremely unhappy with the situation.After coming back home till now not a single memory of her past birth! ! We were lucky that the Neurologist we approched at first was very aged and had seen similar patients with past life memories who often suffers after puberty. But she often gets epilepsy attack if she is stressed or when her weight gains which is quite common in epilepsy patients the epilepsy dosage do not work properly. Now after 25 years she knows symptoms and asks to stay with her if she feels like attck might happen. She uses a spray if she feels like. But after using it several times she feels like if a attack is about to happen let it happen she feels relieved after the attack. But if she stops it with the spray she still gets mild but several attacks. And it stresses her more. But after spray she can not tell when it's gonna happen. Without spray she knows.Strange but true!
@fayjohnson1238 4 года назад
@duncanramsay9262 2 года назад
I have severe seizures caused by an extrodenary rare malfunction of a malformation. So a malformation of a avm on the right side of my sight center. These are gran mal seizures that last on average 10 minutes, have lasted for up to an hour. Or the years. I was 16 when they began, and just turned 29. I am now color blind, have chronic pain, seizures as I mentioned before I believe it's called a arterial cerebral malformation. I'm in a very bad place ATM.
@astromania5253 Год назад
Hey 👋 I hope your doing ok, keep fighting ❤
@huzaifamuhammad8346 3 года назад
There is a Dr that you can get in touch with, His (Dr Oselumen Ose) on RU-vid. Am excited his meds for epilepsy/seizures works perfectly for me.
@HairGlitter 4 года назад
And they dont tell what the treatment was for the girl
@dawnkeatley884 2 года назад
I have myoclonic seizures and absence seizures and tourettes
@dawnkeatley884 2 года назад
My nurelogists found white spots I have memory problems
@iniobong5571 2 года назад
Let me take out a moment in my busy life to send a thank you note to a very amazing doctor who is full of love and commitment,Dr ogie is truly a blessing to the world thanks for curing my epilepsy.
@shaheenr24 Год назад
Hi ini obong.. can I talk to you pls ,. To know more about Dr. Ogie
@Heavenologist007 3 года назад
we need more trees you have a platform it helps oxygen collection of germs floating can be used for instead if plastic, bamboo to toothbrushes and makeup brushes trees for roots to get earth to renew and locust and honey for that day john the Baptist ate it lol
@billiecados8291 4 года назад
Wow I also get seizures
@ItsUzele 2 года назад
Help me, doctors still don’t know what the cause for my seizures are
@chanabayla1823 2 года назад
Up to 30-70% of cases are unknown. This is why there's testing
@cenekargeorge105 3 года назад
I have got it for once
@tfd681 3 года назад
i am
@Heavenologist007 3 года назад
honey 100 but milk but Not in cooler lol in box on shelf so yummy cheap pls milk co don't raise the price now but last minths on a shelf im lactose not really its the probiotics and really go to dark soy like peas are the best veg.
@Heavenologist007 3 года назад
facial hair laser on their to and ears with water from pool personnel ear sucker all cheap including massage chairs that fold advertising on here or your website acupuncture to and fat belt to heat it up to loose but vinegar and honey perfect and wine is good 👍
@andreatamati9813 2 года назад
What's that got to do with Ep5
@Heavenologist007 3 года назад
@iniobong5571 2 года назад
Let me take out a moment in my busy life to send a thank you note to a very amazing doctor who is full of love and commitment,Dr ogie is truly a blessing to the world thanks for curing my epilepsy.
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