
What is Faith? | All About Faith 01 | Calvary of Tampa Rewind with Pastor Jesse Martinez 

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22 окт 2024




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@againstthegrainmichelelee9781 5 месяцев назад
So happy to hear this sermon..great to be fed real meat!!! So many churches do not feed the flock...wish you were in kissimmee...stay Blessed Brother!!!!❤
@thomasbarnes4136 Год назад
Thank you 🙏 John 3:16
@gregorylatta8159 Год назад
Excellent sermon!!!
@classact9557 2 месяца назад
I much prefer the Bible’s definition of faith which is found in Hebrews 11:1. “Faith is the substance of things hoped for. The evidence of things not seen.” But Pastor Jesse’s works too.
@Missmewithdat Год назад
Wonderful teaching thank you again pastor Jesse
@josephinemorgan6582 Год назад
Clear teaching Pastor Jesse,,Thankyou Praise Jesus. John3;16.
@debtyler2814 Год назад
Dear Pastor Jesse, Thank you. John and Deb
@TommyB4Jesus Год назад
2 Corinthians 11:3-4 3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. When religion complicates the simple gospel of 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 it is always a sign that they have been beguiled by the serpent just as Eve. No matter what that religion may be, it makes no difference. I'm glad you guys teach the simple gospel there and it's left to the individual to place their faith in the finished work of Jesus blood atonement for our sins Death | Burial | Resurrection 3rd day as full payment for our sin debt. Scripture feels so strong about this simple Gospel that in Galatians 1:8-9 Paul says it twice... 8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. 9 As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
@KeithGreenshields Год назад
Sermon starts 30:00
@gregorylatta8159 Год назад
Exactly 💯 if salvation automatically makes one sinless in the flesh why bother teaching the Christian life 🙄
@kaioken654 Год назад
Is there a difference between the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God?
@BibleLine Год назад
Solid question. I personally believe in most cases (if not all) that there is a difference. “Kingdom of heaven” seems to be predominantly used in Matthew, and it seems to only be referencing the literal 1,000 year reign of Christ on earth. - Hence the specific tailoring of the book about Christ as King. “Kingdom of God” seems to generally refer to saved individuals as a whole. People may disagree, but I would strongly suggest the context be carefully examined when determining what it is referring to. Thank you - Trent
@NikoFinn Год назад
Romans 10 also says, obeying the Gospel means believing the Gospel. Romans 1 talks of obedience of faith, NOT of works. The world is in their sins, and unfortunately many churches preach legalism in lordship salvation or other Galatian error. Thus we can also know that obedience is not ALWAYS about work. What pleases God? Faith! And more specifically faith in Christ Jesus for everlasting life, salvation and God does as He has said in His Word. I have also noticed that the only sure way of knowing if someone is truly a christian is to ask them if they from their hearts believe Jesus is the Christ who died for their sins, was buried and rose again bodily for their justification. And therefore they have eternal life only because of Jesus. If they say yes even though they live in sin we must say they are saved and born again but just have some discipleship issues in some area. And hey, none of us "graduates" into perfection in discipleship on this side of heaven. Flesh will always be with us and that is why Jesus is our life and righteousness and all in all, NOT Jesus PLUS our works. My sister just was saved in Christ Jesus! Praise God!!!! But I noticed she was already being bamboozled by some legalists, thinking her works can help her get to heaven. I just had to tell her, grace means unmerited. So she got what she did not earn, so no works, only faith in Jesus, and therefore praises to God, not her. Of course it is bad when people sin but I am much more angry when pharisees in churches ADD works to the Gospel and HINDER people from being saved and they also worsen christians' lives in that now christians must sanctify their own selves APART FROM Jesus Christ. Jesus is everything, we need more faith that people can clearly see Jesus in us. Flesh never overcomes flesh
@into-christ 8 месяцев назад
Where does the Bible say "Obey=Believe"?
@into-christ 8 месяцев назад
NikoFinn, can a person go to heaven if he is not abiding in Christ?
@KeithGreenshields Год назад
All due respect how can you say there is a rapture (at 31:00) when Jesus said Matthew 24:29-31 we would be caught up in the clouds after the great tribulation, at the sound of trumpet and gathered by the angels to Jesus in the air. This fits what Paul says about being caught up in the air with a trumpet sound etc. Also nowhere does it say we get caught up into the air and go home but rather it says we will be with the Lord forever yet to rule on earth 1000 years first after he separates us from those on earth who are in unbelief. When the sorting is done we come down to the Mt. of Olives not Heaven but earth. Even John 6:40 supports this.
@BibleLine Год назад
I’m unsure why you’re talking about this because this sermon has nothing to do with that topic. - Trent
@KeithGreenshields Год назад
@@BibleLine Thank you for your reply respectfully; you had mentioned this early in the sermon (31:00) about the time is close and the rapture is near. The fact is that my favorite preachers you and Yankee preach this and I would appreciate clarity because now I strongly believe there is no rapture. Please make it clear or do a sermon on this debunking Matthew 24:29-31 this is important because many hinge on the idea; including Yankee that there is a rapture when as I read there is beyond doubt, there is most diffidently no rapture and the church has definitely got it wrong. Would you not want to reconsider this and look into this and prove this as a heresy or maybe see it from my point of view? Please get rid of your early teachings and go about this study with an open mind, the Holy Spirit does led us into all truth and He has led me (an idiot) to know that there is no rapture. Do not get hinged upon the fact that I confess not being that smart but understand that God can use anybody, including a donkey like me. please seriously look into this because I strongly believe this rapture is not the truth. Do not gloss over this and think you know for certain; you all do teach the way of salvation but seriously do not interpret prophesy correctly from what I have read ( an idiot). Please, I hope that you prove me wrong. Do not get up in yourself and say that you know the truth, we all are dim witted and will always be learning. Do not let pride, schooling, mentorship be your guide but let the word of God speak. Respectfully I pray to you in Jesus name 🙏🙏
@KeithGreenshields Год назад
@@BibleLine So you are stumped and obviously offended to my question proves my point. There is NO RAPTURE. So please stop misleading the people that there is a rapture and stick to what you all do well and preach salvation.
@BibleLine Год назад
I am not stumped by your questioning, nor am I offended. You aren’t the only comments I respond to, nor am I at work today. I’ll give a short reply on my phone. 😄 The reason I personally believe in a pre trib rapture is: 1) Paul, Peter, James and John were looking forward to (a) coming of Christ, and they were not looking forward to any tribulation. This language is never in the gospels because they could be considered OT. - more on this in next point 2) The tribulation itself is actually the tail end of a 490 year period as prophesied in Jeremiah and specifically defined in Daniel (ch. 9). 7 years are left. It is specifically for the Jews, and it will mainly partake in Israel. This is a national judgment. Other nations will be involved, but the church will be raptured out according to 1 Thess. 4:13-18. 3) The church is not ever condemned to the tribulation period as the Jews are nationally. The church is to receive the “blessed hope.” The church is also looking forward to a peaceful coming, and not his reign on earth (2 Thess. 2:1-2). 4) Rapture = Christ in clouds. 1 Thess 4 Second coming in Power = Christ plants on earth. Matt 24, Rev 19, etc… Lastly, I’ll say you should sloooowwww your role about being so inflammatory over rapture or no rapture. The gospel is more important. If God is going to have me go through the tribulation; so be it, but I will not be a fool and attempt to stock up weapons and food in hopes to battle a Satan controlled antichrist. Why didn’t I respond right away? Time and importance. Gospel is a super issue. Rapture and prophecy is a secondary issue. We still fellowship with people who reject a pre-trib rapture… Thanks, - Trent
@KeithGreenshields Год назад
@@BibleLine Seriously that is your proof? You have no proof because it is not as you think. 1) You had nothing to say here. 2) This is not correct in your thinking because the scripture you quote fits with Matthew 24:29-31 and dovetails to 1 Thess 4:13-18 3)The church is not condemned Yes! that also means the Jews (during the time of the Jews last 7 years). 2 Thess 2:1-2 is the coming of the Lord which is exactly what Matt 24:29-31 speaks about (read all of Mat 24 in context). Where did you get authority to add words about not him reigning? those are your words. 4) Rapture Christ in the clouds; 1 Thess 1:4? you mean 1 Thess 4-13-18 Christ in the clouds? yes and it is the same description as Matt 24:29-31 "after the great tribulation". Rev 19 etc? what? Lastly, you are still not sure "if God wants you to go through the tribulation" you should not lean on your teachers so much because you are just a carbon copy of Arnold; not being who you are meant to be. The Holy Spirit is your teacher and not men. So stop preaching rapture ideas taught to you by men, if you are not sure, stay away from it because it does not help anyone unless you can prove it beyond doubt. Do your own research dude! Yes we should fellowship and share the truth of the gospel but also correct those who give false doctrine. The fake news you all preach about a rapture gives false hope.
@danielfraser643 8 месяцев назад
I observe that you are closer than most Jesse. However, over an hours discourse could have been shaved off by simply reading Galatians 2:20. The complete surrender of every, conceivably implied, human right both biological and psychological is the definition of Faith that the Bible states as being required. Without that, a person has not been 'crucified'. Without being 'crucified' a person has NO Faith. It would be shocking except that the Lord Jesus told all of us via Matthew 7:13-14 that "...ONLY A FEW FIND IT." FAITH is what He is referring to. We all know in our own hearts our own condition, and terrifyingly, that is why each and every one of us will find ourselves "...without excuse." 🙏
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