

woe lad
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Please do not send christofer drew or the mother of his child any hate!
I made this video because I haven't seen many other people talking about this on youtube!
If you actually liked this video and want me to make another one where I actually go into what I know about the situation and what I THINK is going on, let me know below!!
This video is not me trying to slander this man. I will always love a part of him and will always respect the love that he taught me, even if underneath his facade it was not completely genuine.
Please donate to my college fundraiser!



13 сен 2024




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@vsvpkvg3 2 года назад
Thank you for doing the research. In my opinion he did too many psychedelics and broke through into limbo. He heavily abused extremely psychoactive drugs for years and is probably just pursuing the life he sacrificed his normal teen years for
@durpledorekapre3991 2 года назад
What do you mean by breaking through to limbo?
@vsvpkvg3 2 года назад
@@durpledorekapre3991 like a dissociative disorder maybe, where you’re moving in and out of reality
@psychwardsandSCENE 2 года назад
this is genuinely one of the dumbest things i've ever read
@jessicaschoonmaker2073 2 года назад
@javiermedina4112 Год назад
@@durpledorekapre3991 Saying like he’s going crazy bc of drugs
@m-tetsuo Год назад
It's crazy to me that MCR and Paramore are selling out stadiums these days, and this guy was like the emo Justin Bieber and everyone forgot
@m-tetsuo Год назад
dumb video about nothing by the way
@mushitay2024 6 месяцев назад
That's because he was never really the emo Justin Bieber, Gerard Way was. Editing to say I also don't know why he was ever considered emo lol. He did a little metal music but most of the music he did was traditional/folk lol.
@garrettwheatley6724 Год назад
No offense but this video doesn’t say much or anything except rambling and general opinionated speculation. It seems that you’re just freaked out about the dissonance between the image of him you had in your head and what you think he should be like compared to what you believe he’s become. Calling him a bum over and over cause he had face tats and lives a lifestyle that goes against what you think he should be doing is a little closed minded. Fame, addiction, and life in general are very complicated and nuanced things
@Subuccubus 8 месяцев назад
Super insufferable, I know.
@andrewprice3796 8 месяцев назад
Agreed, also, why are you letting this affect you so deeply? I love Tom Petty's music, always agreed with his songs messages, yet he beat his wife. We all need to concern ourselves more with our own lives rather than getting bent over someone we barely know. End of the day, Chris has put a lot of positivity into this ugly world, and as other commenters have said, the dude did all of the psychedelics available in the early 2000's so he gets all the slack
@ShewolfWardn 2 года назад
I got told his brother died, so he might be going through alot right now. Might just be a bad period of his life. I hope he finds his way back to his family. His heart is good.
@woelad1422 2 года назад
Yeah I think so. I'm not sure exactly when it happened maybe a year ago or two now, but i heard it was really unjustified and stuff.
@naocreio1 2 года назад
he also had a baby and moved to brazil afaik
@madzpanda Год назад
His brother did die. It's sad. There was actually police footage of it. At one point one of the cops were more concerned they accidently tazed themselves then that they killed a dude.
@JanellChristeen 2 года назад
I’m so disappointed in many of the singers from that era tbh
@meeeeeeeeeeeep Год назад
I appreciate this video more than you know! I'm 30 so he was a HUGE deal when I was in like 6th-8th grade haha. Sadly, often times the ppl who push themes of love, harmony, etc, are often the biggest abusers/narcissists/etc. Also, his management just pushed that for his image. The endless drugs and psychedelics he did didn't help. It also didn't help that he was touring with other bands, mainly men, who pushed that onto him. However I'm not justifying anything he did! He should have made better choices and now it's just at a point of no return for him. However you can still look back on that nostalgia and be happy about it :) Now you just don't have to idolize this man. That doesn't chang who you are or the lessons of love and empathy that YOU picked up over the years ❤
@Blake-ub4ts 10 месяцев назад
I’m 30 and started 6th grade in 2005. He wasn’t even releasing music in 2005.
@javyv6313 8 месяцев назад
wdym people who push harmony and love are narcissists? Im curious :)
@SocialExperiment232 5 месяцев назад
I agree completely. I went on a bit of a trip and looking back at the past he just wasn’t as great a person as I thought he was. There was always a huge ego and a sense of superior understanding in him. Even reading his old MySpace blogs the kid was just kinda self absorbed from the start. Fame made that even worse. The drugs were the overkill. He fully diluted himself in himself and you can see that reflected to the extreme in how he treated his gf.
@mirandaellis2040 2 года назад
He inspired me so much growing up he was like everything I aspired to be I loved him so much and I’ve worried about how he’s been for a while now I’m 24 and ten years ago he seemed to be a completely different person… idk what happened but it’s kinda sad
@woelad1422 Год назад
I totally feel this. i just try to remind myself that at the end of the day, who i saw in him and looked up to, still exists, if not in him, then in me.
@stephanier5220 Год назад
he was the same 10 yearsnago
@dankpotato2964 Год назад
If you watch documentaries he was actually very miserable ten years ago. he hated touring, he disliked his fans and felt like a sellout for warner bros. Today he's more himself than he's ever been, but christofer was a stage name anyways. His real name is Christopher ingle, and he's not afraid to hide who he is anymore. Hasn't been scared of anything since he dissed warner bros and made loveway tbh. What lives in your heart is a image, created by the corporations to sell out to fangirl children that Chris always hated. I feel like alot of people fell in love with that image, but the questions you asked yourself when you understood the truth of who he was, you can see hes admitted to the stuff you're going through now, songs like what is love made us think about what it's like to understand our idols aren't perfect, and despite knowing he wasnt a perfect happy person, he did his best to uplift others and bring positivity into people's lives. And that's rad in my opinion.
@peanutbutterisfu Год назад
His brother was killed by police a few years ago I think 2019 Im sure that really messed him up mentally.
@Blake-ub4ts 10 месяцев назад
I’m sure you’re the same person now that you were when you were 14, right? The dude making this video and all the people in this comment section are a bunch of judgmental children who clearly never grew up
@CHR1SUND4Y Год назад
I'm really glad you put this out and it's good to know there are fans like you to keep memories alive
@Kittendoe 2 года назад
I’ve listened to NSN since 09/10 so since I was 10-11. Christopher drew has always been such a huge inspiration to me. So seeing him now makes my heart hurt so much.
@theharvestmoon27 2 года назад
He's in a deep depression phase, he abused drugs a lot, he's in limbo, every year he announces a new album/band/project, sometimes he drop the project on souncloud/spotify/etc, but then he gave up or deletes, he made peace with Ana, she says it. These days he says he's clean and sober, but his stoned face him says otherwise. He needs friends to support he's, and he's need a psiquiatry, I think he suffers from bipolar and identity crisis.
@woelad1422 2 года назад
Yeah. Sadly I agree. I hope he heals and grows and betters himself. He's recently been on his new instagram a lot now, i wonder if it'll be short lived or not.
@Potatodrumcrow Год назад
Sounds kinda like borderline personality disorder
@oc1137 Год назад
13 year old on the internet: hm yes, appears to be a classic case of bipolar disorder and identity crisis Retards: hmm yes, yes, quite.
@amandabacil9406 Год назад
what happened to ana and their son? I can't find anything about this anywhere, pls 🙏🏽
@theharvestmoon27 Год назад
@@amandabacil9406 They are fine and settled, they are preserving their son's image in secret so he can grow up healthy away from every hater and toxic person
@leahsummer6826 2 года назад
Thank you for letting everyone know he needs some help. Where are his fans when he needs them the most… he’s out there with no one and probably having some mental trouble and drug issues. My mother is same way and it only will get worse. I’ve seen it. Everyone cares so much for him but sit and judges him because they aren’t going through what he is. I don’t care I hope someone near him sees him and offers him a hand because I would. In this world we all should be asking if each other are okay and helping one another. The nicest people always get stabbed in the back and turn into someone they never thought they would be. Life’s impossible without love. But I will always admire him because he took me out of some of the darkest days of my life with his music & honestly wish we could all do the same for him
@laurenfaye82 2 года назад
it’s a shame because i watched an interview with NSN and Bryan Stars (#1) and loved him. He seemed so carefree and, yes, had love to give. Second interview I knew his point of view but also was put off by his change. Sad to see this
@hang-solo 2 года назад
Yeah me to bro I was so thrown off by the second interview at least to me it seemed like a different person
@ryanmiller8405 Год назад
Dated his little sister and stayed at his place from time to time. Fame and drugs can be a bitch. And loosing his brother was horrible man. RIP David Ingle
@pinkmary2249 11 месяцев назад
What does his family thinks about all this?
@NathanRyan... 10 месяцев назад
thanks for making this video
@luporains8075 2 года назад
its just weird man, i wish them all the best but also he's...just...
@ben_jamin4529 2 года назад
To put it bluntly, I’ve been around enough crackheads to know what I’m seeing. He really believes in his own grandeur and that type of personality is ripe for addiction. Hopefully he can touch grass and realize he needs to get help. But it really seems like he’s going through a drug induced psychosis.
@Eric-vq7jr 2 года назад
@mariahmueller579 Год назад
​@@Eric-vq7jr Yeah he definitely looks like he's on meth now.
@peanutbutterisfu Год назад
People make the mistake of thinking famous people are these god like creatures that are smarter, stronger and perfect then they are. It doesn’t matter what you do in the entertainment industry actor, radio host, musician or whatever when ur a professional it’s all about keeping ur public image as good as possible you want everyone to think ur perfect, you never want to have any negative things come out that can ruin ur career. When musicians sign major label record deal for instance it’s not just about the music they want to make sure the band has as good of a public image as possible this means the labels want control of their social media so a band member doesn’t get drunk one night and post something messed up or anything happens and they post something to make them look bad, they will scrub the band’s social media and likely want the members to delete their personal accounts and make new ones so a crazy fan doesn’t go back 15 years ago and find a messed up post, they are told things to not say in interviews, told how to act at events, how to dress, if a band member gets into legal trouble the label will do anything they can to make it go away or be as quiet as possible which sometimes is paying a person off so they sign a non disclosure agreement so they can’t talk about it and they do all of this because they put a ton of money behind bands so they don’t want something to come out and end the band or make them less popular because they loose money. Now not every band is like this or forced to be like this but the really famous people this is a regular thing. Also you gotta remember when a band is at a venue or a signing event or meet n greet they are getting paid really most any time you see them they are technically working unless they are at Walmart or eating at a restaurant so even if they are a mean person they know they gotta put on an act. Just think about working some job say ur working at Walmart and a customer is rude to you but u gotta be nice to them or u can get fired well it’s the same concept but a band or musician can do literally one thing and end their career so making everyone think ur this perfect person is in ur best interest it’s what u gotta do. Musicians are just people too they just have a cooler job. There are many times where people have told a musician how a song helped them through something tough and have this perception about the meaning of the song and the musician tells them the song doesn’t have a meaning they wrote the music and just made words fit or they talk about how much they hate the song and it changes the way the fan looks at the band. Sometimes it’s better to not meet ur favorite artist and not know much about them and for what it’s worth it’s really not a fan’s business to speculate what’s going on in a musician or any famous person life because that’s how rumors get started.
@natural_lucidity9781 2 года назад
I find it rather naïve to look up to someone like some perfect god and be disapointed when you find out hes just like anyone else. He just a human he is flawed just like all of us. I wouldnt say he is a bad person he is human. Ive had a psychedelic bender too and was filled with love but eventually it can lead to some dark places its just 2 sides of the same coin. I never idolized people like you and some kids do and I'm thankful. I cant imagine being hurt by someones own actions that have nothing to do with me. I cant believe you called him a bum. I just found this band and I dig him for who he is. Dont have expectations of people and you'll be a lot happier. Flaws in someone who seems flawless can make you connect with them on a deeper level it makes you realize they arent superman and that they are in fact a person with their own problems. You liked the idea of him not his entire being. Destroy ur ego and you might be able to make sense of it
@jeffbrownstain 2 года назад
LSD will save the world, fųck this guy
@ilianavanessa8136 2 года назад
The last time I saw him was at the last NSN concert in Mexico, I didn't realized it but my friend told me that he was so high and he seemed to be like that most of the time and when I saw his posts in his ig i barely recognized him... I really hope he gets better.
@eskenny5541 2 года назад
what is his @?
@CorrinTaylor 7 месяцев назад
I hope you know he is sober now and doing amazing! He's back to spreading love!
@Geovvne Год назад
That's crazy af what happened with him. He had so much damn talent, a "big" international hype for a long time. Here in my country (brazil) he had a legion of fans. I hope he find peace and happiness, we know that we never gonna see him doing music again, or being like the old chris. this old chris that we used to know died a looong time ago. Your songs and your messages will never be forgotten tho. ❤
@johnlemon435 Год назад
Here in the Philippines too he is so famous back then.
@amandabacil9406 Год назад
Vc sabe oq aconteceu com a ana ?? E cm o filho deles?? N consigo achar sobre isso em lugar nenhum
@cammycubtv1992 2 года назад
Thank you dude. I haven't listened to his music in a while....I looked him up and it said "former artist" and lowkey freaked out! Him and I are same age and this is just sad :( but thank you!
@wishingwell_333 Год назад
thanks for your honesty. it's hard to let go of someone who means so much to you when you thought you could trust them
@fightforlight9153 2 года назад
No one is all good and no one is all bad. We are multifaced, multidimensional beings! Don't idolize ANYONE EVER. At the end of the day these people are just that, people.
@halfofakitty 2 года назад
🤔 along with the drugs I think it has to to do with his heavily Christian upbringing. When his music started to change and he started EatMeWhileImHot he realized he was unintentionally lying and just following a script. He started to do what he genuinely wanted and stopped wording things like "every girl is beautiful". That was the start but not necessarily a downfall, it just takes time to find yourself in the mirror if you've never used one your entire life/for 18 years. Chris doesn't wanna be a parent. Tho I'm not saying he looks healthy. I can relate. Basically my upbringing with ADHD did the same to me. I was a fan too, clearly, but I guess I'm ok with him being different because I've learned to not use pedestals. I put my parents off of those long ago. No one's perfect. No one fully knows what they're doing. Everyone's winging it. People are people.
@woelad1422 2 года назад
He will always hold a special place in my heart always, though the things i hear about him make me question all the trust and belief in him i had. we are all imperfect. That's a good point abt the pedestals.
@uwu-nr9mh 2 года назад
I love chris, and he still has a fan base. I hope he can turn things around
@ravenlauer6201 Год назад
Actually screamed because of your ash poster !! 💙
@woelad1422 Год назад
a queeen.
@djgslick5838 Год назад
He dropped the album and then took it back down the album is no where to be found am I the only one that thinks that’s weird
@woelad1422 Год назад
its very weird. he took down the album with raindropbluez in it, it was so sad, its still up because people downloaded it but, so weird he took it down...
@azim.9681 2 года назад
omg...i love him but he's really gone downhill :/ analicia deserves so much better
@chazzhughes7750 Год назад
Honestly man I feel you he's my Idol to I talk about how I want to look like him every day and I even bought all the hats he wears I even have the warewolf hat he wears in the coffee and cigarettes music video but honestly never gonna forget back in August had a bad day at work and saw a live video of him and felt at ease.
@woelad1422 Год назад
been there too man. i actually had bought a few hats he had too. he can still definitely be an inspiration, he had great style, and taste in my opinion and the love and peace that he pushed were all positives. also used to want to look him him too haha.
@alisonjenkins1078 4 месяца назад
@SimplyOneSound 2 года назад
The Chirs you love is kinda been gone since like 2011. His vibe and music was very much a product of his idols. I can relate. He was nice when I meet him in like 2013. There is good and bad in everyone. Some are worse than others but nevertheless there is good and bad in everyone. Most people just don't know any better. Chris with Michael Jackson made me go from hating music to loving it; and I started creating music and did a show and still do music and plan too in a big way. Not the type of music scene kids are into; I grew out of that but he inspired many I'm sure and you can take his good side and give it life through you. It's sad how bad habits and ways of thinking can destroy a person potential but we can learn from this and be better.
@OneFlewCuckoo 10 месяцев назад
Man, I just want a follow up record to indigo or time travel or some shit. Lowkey fuck with the beatnik aesthetic
@andywray2170 Год назад
He looks so much worse now. It's heartbreaking
@fgdfgdfgdfg4tgrdfg 11 месяцев назад
As a french canadian YOUR HAT TOOOO DAMN AMAZING.
@dankpotato2964 Год назад
If you watch documentaries he was actually very miserable ten years ago. he hated touring, he disliked his fans and felt like a sellout for warner bros. Today he's more himself than he's ever been, but christofer was a stage name anyways. His real name is Christopher ingle, and he's not afraid to hide who he is anymore. Hasn't been scared of anything since he dissed warner bros and made loveway tbh. What lives in your heart is a image, created by the corporations to sell out to fangirl children that Chris always hated. I feel like alot of people fell in love with that image, and some fell in love with his words. Talking about missing home and being a easily irritable and depressed dude but keeping it real, it gave alot of kids growing up a positive idol with a positive outlook on negative situations, real recognizes real and people use music as a form of therapy. the questions you asked yourself when you understood the truth of who he was, you can see hes admitted to the stuff you're going through now, songs like what is love made us think about what it's like to understand our idols aren't perfect, and despite knowing he wasnt a perfect happy person, he did his best to uplift others and bring positivity into people's lives. And that's rad in my opinion. If he could hear you call him a bum and talk about his personal relationships as disrespectfully as you have, he'd laugh. He never actually appoligized to brian stars, if anything brian stars appoligized to him in the third interview and admitted to editing the footage to make him look bad. I promise you Chris did not regret losing those fans or making bryan stars cry, because they never cared half as much about him as a person then he does for them and that's obvious. Im seeing myself how attached you were to a image that was clearly all a lie, and if you ever listened to any lyrics of his and really listened, you'd be at least humbled enough not to disrespect a father, his current and past relationships, and his own quest in fatherhood. But the way you were calling him a bum its very easy to tell you're still very attached to that image of a character who was never even real. Personally bro, 2012 is over. Its time to grow up, express who you want to be instead of letting corporations control your style, and realize people change and can be painted out to be one thing to some but be something completely different to others. Im happy Chris is even alive and I feel blessed to see him live his best life free from warner bros and corporate greed 💕
@woelad1422 Год назад
i mean, i see what you're saying but the man really is not doing okay. he recently came back online and he looks like he's struggling with his addiction more than ever. he claims he is sober, and if he is, its a recent development. i was a long-term fan and listened to all of his music, way after the stuff aimed at just fangirls (aka his earlier music like me n my uke ect.). you can definitely follow his journey through his music, his most up-beat persona being around the Sunflower album, and it diving much deeper into his addiction around Time Travel. i definitely am aware that his persona is not who he is at all. he is a very wounded soul, as many of us are, and the fact that he continues at his attempt to spread love and positivity is respectable. however that is not the point of this video, i am talking about the allegations against him made by his baby-momma, as well as other word of mouth i've heard after the many years of being a fan of his. his legend will always live on, and though a facade from a struggling man with his own demons, he will always mean something to me, but how he is living his life right now, is not his best. addiction is a serious struggle and domestic abuse is a serious allegation that goes way beyond the limits of what corporate greed can do to someone's creative liberties as an artist. also the full interview of chris and brian stars is out and un-editied, bryan did his usual routine of asking silly questions, which Chris did not meet with respect because as he mentioned what happened prior to the video ruining his mood. ect.
@dankpotato2964 Год назад
@@woelad1422 I understand your points in the video, but I understand his situation better. You said in the video people don't just lie about those things or make them up for no reason. But they do, and will. Your view on him as a person is based off of others words and your own biased assumptions. Not only does that show how weak minded and gullable you are, it shows how quick you are with your defamation of strangers and your poor judgement is a huge red flag on the type of person you are. this is what I've assumed based on your own actions and words. God forbid you ever make mistakes in life and experience the feeling of "cancel culture" but if you do, I hope you're more understanding and considerate towards others cause I can promise you, your little drama gossip show leaves the world worse off. Have a nice life.
@woelad1422 Год назад
@@dankpotato2964 it's interesting that you try to tell me that i am judgmental, essentially, through judging me. they say to never meet your idols, i have met chris a few times years back and he seemed like a good guy. he was a role model to me, and the image of him i had made in my mind will probably always be a role model for me. good people can do terrible things. i have had friends in his fan circle talk about personal experiences they've had with him, or other fans have had and it's not all sun shine and rainbows and because this is all public and i'm not trying to outrightly slander this man, but rather share the information i have on him, i find it important that gullible fans like you, know that there is more than meets the eye. there has been a lot of accusations against him. when it comes to people in power positions - like he is with his infamy - there comes great responsibility, responsibility that many people who are deeply hurt use to hurt others, intentionally, or simply as a side effect of their hurt. throw a sh!t ton of drugs into the mix, addiction and a hard life, and fame? that's not a good recipe, as we can see with so many other older musicians being brought to justice for what they did with fans. believe what you wish to, and i will as well. the truth is not always pretty, especially when it's someone you looked up to.
@dankpotato2964 Год назад
@@woelad1422 "im being a dramatic child so the fact you're judging me about being a judgemental prick is ironic" that's your stupid ass mindset. Toxic douchebag.
@randomcharlie3365 2 года назад
This breaks my heart💔 Chris was always my idol growing up, he was with me in my toughest time through his music. He was my childhood and hearing this breaks my heart. I hope he sees soon that he's worth more and he can be a better person for himself and his family. Can't help but feel a bit bad for him but I know I shouldn't because he did it to himself
@gorrionyruisenor 2 года назад
Hi friend, I think that well, he probably was trying to believe this love thing because he also needed love in a moment and wasn't able to get it in the way it was needed, but when this metaphoric idea touches reality it can't be materialized bc reality is so much complex than that. As he was a support for you, you as a fan was a suppor of him and you still are. But as life goes on and time passes, probably Chris experimented an adulthood that wasn't what he expected and he probably dinyed many times the shadow of himself for embarresment and being not what he wanted/needed (please god, save his soul). In my teen years I had done trip drugs for my own and did things that I don't do anymore, so i can improve my health. But many of my friends at that time had this deep hole in their chest that even today they made this total chaos of their lives, sometimes is for family history or some like that and everyone of them need to found their own healing, their belief system and the reason on why they live. About you question on what to believe, just get to met people who you can see and touch in the reality, the first thing we can trust is the physical and through experience and feeling our feels (lol) we lear about people as we learn about ourselves. We can't control changes, but we can control our reaction about them. (I'm south american so i don't have so much great english.) Love and blessings.
@gorrionyruisenor 2 года назад
Also, when people is in rehab for hard dr*gs they sometimes can use cannabis for medican use, so they can deal with abstinence (sindrome de abstinencia), that's why he's high in his pics maybe and in the nice way, he also dsn't seem as skinny as some years ago and that's also a good sign. I think he's going to be okay in some years, he's smart.
@aerin25 Год назад
Allegedly he is sober now. I hope he is speaking the truth and I hope he starts posting more.
@sagew1312 Год назад
Yeah, I've been following his new Twitter he made and he is truly unhinged. When his ex was going through her abuse I reached out and she (surprisingly) responded and answered a lot of my questions
@pinkmary2249 11 месяцев назад
What did she say?
@jkevin92 2 года назад
Always love him 🧡
@alanayoga6461 2 года назад
Does anyone know what the allegations against him were? I’m so shocked to hear this and super sad. He was a huge role model for me as well and when I heard he had a wife and baby I was proud of him. Sad to see he is going downhill
@alyciaford3638 2 года назад
It’s a lot to take in. Major trigger warning. But I suggest looking on Reddit.
@ToTheWolvesTony 2 года назад
@@alyciaford3638 foreal you couldn't just give a shortened explanation instead of sending us to another website?
@alyciaford3638 2 года назад
@@ToTheWolvesTony there’s no short story for years of his life. Also anything I say will be so brutal, it’s against community guidelines. So yeah. Look it up loser 🫡
@Aj-me8mo 2 года назад
She made everything up. Chris would never do that
@ToTheWolvesTony 2 года назад
@@Aj-me8mo hate to say it but that is wishful and naive thinking.
@CarCrashRhetoric Год назад
He’s in trouble he’s an addict
@woelad1422 Год назад
so far the best comment.
@SnowHXC 2 года назад
been following chris since 09/10 & i think ur kinda late on some stuff mainly he hasnt been the same for yrs now. Hes also been dealing with a lot of trauma & life bs which only gets worse usually the older you get. Also a lot of us use to abuse mdma & pyschedelics at that time but we were younger & now a lot of it is catching up physically & mentally
@tyler_ Год назад
“Down to earth hippie” I never listened to much NSN, but I was aware of them and I’ve seen plenty of interviews. He always sounded about as full of shit as you could. His youth helped a little bit with the whole “free spirit” act, but it always came off to me as incredibly pretentious. Honestly, I couldn’t believe that someone could come off as more of a douche bag than Bryan Stars, but Chris nailed it that day. However, the guy is an entertainer by profession, so you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do in order to grow your brand, he just didn’t sound genuine compared to some of the legendary road warriors who came before him. The life of a touring musician is a grueling one and a large percentage of them come out very unhealthy on the other end. Christopher Drew’s visible junkie progression started over a decade ago. I could see that he was trending in that unfortunate direction every time a new picture would pop up of him somewhere on the internet, so it shouldn’t come as any surprise. Hope the guy eventually gets things figured out, but he’s probably got some serious demons. You don’t run away from home at an early age to live an alternative lifestyle like he did for no reason.
@Whereyoubelongg Год назад
I think he was that man at heart and still is, but people evolve. Negatively or positively. He's just another traumatized soul.
@godborne Год назад
I feel like a lot of this video is kind of shallow - the whole rambling "I won't talk about such-and-such" has always been a red flag to me, just don't talk about such and such and stop talkin about how you're not going to talk about such-and-such. The other thing is how we comments on how Christopher Drew looks. I understand speaking about his behavior, but if we are going to let people be open and do all sorts of things, whether it be identify as whatever they please, dye their hair whatever color they want, explore whatever hairstyle they want, wear whatever clothes they want, even though it goes against old social norms, then it's kind of crappy to call him a bum. He's getting older, let him look as he wants and be comfortable with himself for once instead of trying to prop up an image. As far as his behavior, he is honestly one of the more moderate people when it comes to behavior as a celebrity and his public relations. I met him only once at a concert and he struck me as relatively a pathetic but I mean he had to meet like a hundred other people, a lot of the fandom is a little crazy just like every fandom, and eventually you have to develop defense mechanisms. Early in his career he was more naive and thereby more kind, later in his career he didn't really strike me as particularly rude, I mean sometimes he was a bit of a douche, but you sort of have to be standoffish to try to ward off fans that are bothering you. People need a personal life and fans are happy to deprive them of it. Overall I'm still listening to the video, I just thought some of that was kind of sus.
@makoshark5563 2 года назад
Look I myself am just a young kid that recently really got into his music and dam, he’s been a big inspiration for me but dam to see this, kinda hurt
@badbeachindustry1615 Год назад
Spiritual lesson for y'all. Even the most softest, gentle and loving people have a dark side. Life isn't peaches and cream 24/7 and people who are like that are children, animals and posers......sorry dude .......
@questionmark3666 Год назад
The ready set even looks better and is same age to
@MixdotTv 2 года назад
Thanks dude for uploading this, chris is my first mussician idol and hope he wikl get better, ammin
@cashtwonine Год назад
social media has fr ruined us all lol
@mimirainy6553 2 года назад
I grew up with him and i remember how the first interview that he did with Bryan Star kind of changed my perception of life. It has been so sad for me to see how much he has changed although i know that he is his own person and lives his life how he wishes to. Since im from Belgium, im just so sad i never got to see the old chris in concert at least once in my life 😭 But well it is what it is !✌🏽
@summercherilyn3880 2 года назад
I’m also so sad I never got to see the old Chris in concert at least once in my life as well 😭😭
@bowserjr.7220 7 месяцев назад
i'm sorry you learned that about him sweetie..but thats part of getting older thats why they say "never meet your heroes"
@konopnyjezus432 Год назад
I had the same relationship with chris, also helped me recently when I was in prison
@garrettbyers3729 10 месяцев назад
Good video, sad he changed. love all of his music though. I can understand that people change though, he may just be going through some shit, and come back happier than ever. I feel old compared to the other commenters though, i found nsn on myspace when he released his first ep, he's just a couple of years older than me.❤
@urmom-jn7ls 2 года назад
it’s so weird how our reactions were so similar, i’ve been listening to NSN practically my whole life and I too have basically idolized Chris for being this person who seemed to have so much love. When I found out about what happened, I was so torn. I didn’t want to believe it, because there’s no way a guy like him could do those types of things. i still listen to NSN and they’re still a really big part of my life but now there’s a little part of me that’s like :/ No matter his actions the messages in his music still stands, we should all just love and be happy \(*^▽^*)/💗
@dlrsnate5100 Год назад
Was he born in Oceanside , CA before moving to Joplin?
@ProjectPeeace 9 месяцев назад
Don’t be a Bryan Stars my guy… Just love your light and life He wanted to make that change don’t misconstrue things you may care but that’s not how you handle it
@dragoner243 2 года назад
Good video lad, i feel sad for Chris :( Best vibes
@hellojane6795 2 года назад
I followed his baby mama for a long time, and when she came out with all the allegations I was so saddened/torn by it all:( I hope he gets help I edited my comment cause I had named her and realized it wasn't appropriate.
@jeffbrownstain 2 года назад
Objective truth and factual evidence is not 'inappropriate'. Being a bıtch and burying the truth is.
@sleepylittlefairy 2 года назад
I just did some diving and found their Twitter and she shared one of his posts in February of this year. Not sure when the breakup was but maybe they’re back together??
@woelad1422 2 года назад
Yeah im not super sure. Her IG was down for a bit but now its back up. Other than those few photos of them together, it kinds of seems like they're going their separate ways. i mean i get it, they will always be tied together through their child, so im sure there will always be love between them no matter how rough it gets. I just hope they're okay eitherway.
@andygomez1189 11 месяцев назад
Just goes to show that dudes like him are all sweet talk, always a monster hidden underneath.
@HappyHouseMedia 6 месяцев назад
Did you really hide the name of the girl, but name dropped the name of the baby?
@annamcdonald9418 Год назад
"I'm not going to talk about this..." (proceeds to make an entire video discussing nothing but that thing)
@crystalperidox6130 2 года назад
this the dood from nsn no fuckin way!
@fuckyouyeahyou1 2 года назад
Subscribed cuz I grew up on bruh music 💪🏽❤️
@TheBergMan Год назад
Used to love his music! Maybe... 14 years ago! Just happened upon his old music yesterday and had a crazy nostalgia trip! 😂 then I started to wonder what Chris had been up to lately. Seems like the fame corrupted him, as it usually does. Separate the artist from the art! We all poop 💩 his work is still great
@guitarest452452 2 года назад
Life in the middle of nowhere in MO and hella drugs will do that too ya
@t0kerc177 Год назад
"I dont know whats going on" also 'im concerned for there son, and im concerned for his wife" how can you be concerned for them if you didnt know what was going on with him.
@user-hh6ne3rg2c Год назад
You can definitely be concerned about someone and not fully know what they’re going through. To be concerned, you have a sense of care about something or someone. Just like if you had a friend and they were going through something and said person also has boundaries in which they don’t tell others everything they’re going through, you could be concerned for them because you care. Since when do you have to know everything about a person and their life or since when did people HAVE to tell you everything going on for you to sense something and be concerned for them?
@ben_jamin4529 2 года назад
You’re a kind soul but I think if the music made you strive to be positive then that’s all that matters.
@bowserjr.7220 7 месяцев назад
I was disappointed too
@zachberry4742 2 года назад
Never meet your heroes man.
@maenadgreen1266 2 года назад
Thanks for the video! I found it while I was looking for an Unwinding bass cover lol Sad to see he's one of the bad guys now (or has always been) I was also a huge fan, I even cut my hair like him and got spiderbites when I was like 13 lol Anyway, I'm not surprised. People think weed and psychedelics are cool and not bad drugs but they are. He does look like a bum, and not in a cool way like in the old days. I hope his ex gf is ok and I hope he gets some help. Have a great day!
@jeffbrownstain 2 года назад
Based take. He was an asshole long before psychedelics ever came into play.
@aketzalisalgado9618 2 года назад
You deserve much better too💕💕
@EllaRoseTreasures 2 года назад
Thank you for this video, I feel bad for him I met him serval times he was a nice guy.
@woelad1422 Год назад
@SFV_Aurora 7 месяцев назад
He was a good looking bum before 👀 that’s sad though he does look like he’s going downhill. So sad I didn’t get to see him live back in the day.
@tyfhernandez9818 Год назад
@4funzeiro138 2 года назад
@bangkokinc.4233 Год назад
It wild bro.
@daniellecontreras7915 Год назад
He currently lives in my town along with his ex and his son 😊
@dlrsnate5100 Год назад
Is it true he was born in Oceanside,ca before moving to Joplin?
@rawrmosh2196 2 года назад
I’m surprised that you didn’t mention the time about him calling this guy a joke ten years ago
@DenpaKei 7 месяцев назад
Eh, he got older. We all get older.
@loonylightsgood 2 года назад
I follow his sound cloud it’s not bad but it is...different. It’s introspective sounds and reverb. It was called Dryymy. Now it’s Kymica Records. He posted 4 months ago. I don’t know the dude I’m pretty oblivious to who he is too..
@pitifulgirl Год назад
strange of you to talk about his looks like that???? he’s an addict and we’ve all known that for years now. good lord.
@treweis1141 Год назад
For not from
@MiniMarilynMonroe 2 года назад
Who's Christopher Drew?
@nikkonikko8684 Год назад
Imagine just finding out about nsn.. thats crazy
@Pefuneki 2 года назад
It's not him omg
@Shadowx011 Год назад
He still looks very cute to me. …just a quick clean shave would help but I like him with the beard. There is a very cute picture of him on Instagram with him holding his newborn. I have always been in love with his cute feet and his soothing voice. Why do I have to be gay…why am I so alone…because this is who I am. I will not judge him if he is indeed still using drugs because I still indulge every once in a while because of my loneliness that is so painful. 😔
@josephwatkins527 Год назад
New album soon
@mikeyconcon69 2 года назад
Great video keep going man
@chadyoder9095 Год назад
Never meet your idols, guy.
@jasminealexiagomez5939 8 месяцев назад
Sounds like their was more to the story and people like you call it your possession
@AlfredoVelazco-zc6si 4 месяца назад
No Cristopher free noth happend now
@peanutbutterisfu Год назад
Sweet bunk bed!
@danacastellano5838 2 года назад
He was almost 30 and she was 17 !! He was never the same since he sold his soul to the devil!!
@ben_jamin4529 2 года назад
Yikessss that’s even worse!
@jeremyisbored1922 2 года назад
People change
@anissacandy4033 2 года назад
I thank you for doing the research? He’s doing just fine Have you guys even hear his most recent music? Queen Cana??!! It’s amazing and he’s still amazeballs??
@woelad1422 Год назад
doing just fine, um ok. yes i know he still makes some music (publishes it at least)
@kidmurphy13 2 года назад
I just messaged him on Facebook and he read my message. You should interview him bro
@johnlemon435 2 года назад
What chris facebook?
@johnlemon435 2 года назад
They back together and chris saying on twitter he is 4 weeks clean and sober .
@johnlemon435 2 года назад
@Alicja Aga they following each other on twitter
@johnlemon435 2 года назад
@Alicja Aga chris still support his child they love both
@johnlemon435 2 года назад
@Alicja Aga they have update picture on twitter chris and his wife and kid. @Raindvghter. I Think they okay now
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