
What is Shirk? 'Wahhabism' vs Traditional Sunni Islam 

Karima Foundation
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25 окт 2024




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@KarimaFoundation Месяц назад
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@BeObjectiveBeHumble Год назад
As someone who was with the Madkhali Salafis for 25 years and studying with some of their scholars and reading their books, I can say I started my careful research after I saw them splitting up themselves more and more which is the opposite of the meaning of the term Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah, so I knew there must be some types of serious Bid’ah amongst them. After lots of reading and researching day and night for months, I say, the modern day salafis are the only people who every masjid of the Ahle Hadeeth up and down the UK, they have split their communities up, even between families. Then they test you if you love their own specific scholars otherwise you are definitely from the people of Bid’ah and warned from and not allowed into their Masjids. I’m now sure they have major errors in each category of Tawheed and don’t even understand the Usool of the 4 Fiqh Madhabs and their development. They don’t understand the level a scholar must reach before they have the possible ability to do some serious ijtihaad in past issues to go against their Fiqh Madhab. They have thrown out the baby with the bath water concerning Tazkiyyatu Nafs which was a science itself known as Sufism and it’s actually the Pillar of Ih’saan. They believe they are the saved sect so don’t touch even 5% upon the issues of Ih’saan as simply they think they are more than likely saved. They prefer the Hadeeth judgements of shaikh al-Albaani instead of much higher past Muhaditheen like ibn Hajr and so many others. They make sadly a persons brain as thick and dumb and weak in Ilm. I’ve wasted 25 years with them and now have to re-learn all over. Years ago when the modern day Salafis started attacking others the Muslims weren’t prepared and expecting such crazy attacks. Now though in the past 10 years it’s turning around with lovely dedicated people like you and translation of classical books and the infighting of the salafis due to their false principles built upon Bid’ah. So Alhmdl in the beginning and the end. May Allah bless you all.
@revivalist355 Год назад
Am happy for you brother. Praise to ALLAH. Unfortunately though , thanks to saudi oil funding, this ideology is being relentlessly propagated around the world and we clearly need to do much more ourselves
@esadcan7290 11 месяцев назад
@AHWAProductions 8 месяцев назад
1. Using the UK groups as a litmus for salafiyyah is unfair, especially as he's talking about a specific strand which he called madkhalis 2. Similar divisions happen in all sects, every single one -sometimes even more fiercely in Pakistan I know deobandi groups who revile one another 3. Splitting of communities caused by modern pseudo-salafis (I prefer calling them this over madkhalis) in the UK is true and is an issue 4. 90% of salafis u meet are unfortunately under this new wave 5. Allegations of fiqhi ignorance is simply untrue, average salafi laymen have more knowledge than average barelvi/ deobandi/regular Sunni 6. Further to the point before, look at all of the masjid you know - which ones are running fiqh & Aqeedah classes and which ones might have only 1 a week if that? The tendency is always with the salafis to have regular and often daily classes, salafis revived learning knowledge amongst laymen in the UK, this is indisputable 7. Tazkiyya nafs is termed as zuhd in salafi academia and our scholars have written and emphasise on it immensely 8. We don't believe we are the saved sect, we believe we know the path to it and we aim for it which is through Qur'an sunnah upon salaf 9. Ijtihad claim is false, we are not deniers of ijtihad we uphold the status of it vehemently 10. Many salafis don't take albani as a strong muhadith and disregard his work
@ahmedahmud5281 5 месяцев назад
I swear by Allah everything you said i can confirm. I was selefi 10 years and now have to relearn all over again... They narrow your mind and dont even let you look at other opinions by warning you from subhah... They dont even agree on what bidah is and are not united on their opinions either...
@jakk-on8ns 5 месяцев назад
Alhamdulillah bro I hear ya!
@BeObjectiveBeHumble Год назад
I’m reading the book on Tawassul by Shaikh Abdul-Fattah Al-Yaafi’ee and and other books of his. I’m in shock at the large amount of proofs and statements of the classical scholars on this issue from their books. It’s like he’s specially identified the first reason for the major divisions these times between the Muslims which is stopping them from progressing as individuals and as communities then as nations to unity and strength and advancements. So many research’s he’s made plus replied to many of the refutations upon him. We live in blessed times. I lost out 25 years of learning everything wrong but it’s never too late to learn the Haqq and so far I’ve found Allah SWT has made it easy for me without usually putting too much effort in. The Haqq is very blessed and may seem complicated but it’s actually very straightforward and easy to grasp. Makes so much sense and raises the Eemaan. The heads and admins of the Salafis especially the Madkhali types won’t look for the haqq or accept it or go near it to research carefully as they have TOO MUCH TO LOSE. They know they will lose a large following and friends and status and their positions. We need to make a lot of Duaa for them as our brothers and sisters. I hope to study and rebuild myself then show them the way in a strategic way best as possible. I owe it to them as I put many of them upon their misguided way or strengthened and encouraged them further on. Jzkl for your lovely discussion.
@MAli-rl6mr Год назад
Loved this discussion. Big up the brother in the middle for being a voice for us layman at the back 😁
@KarimaFoundation Год назад
Glad you enjoyed it. Duahs
@KarimaFoundation Месяц назад
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@sucatoe Год назад
Does anyone know where I can find more of Br Zeeshan’s work, Mashallah he is very knowledgeable on these issues and he has seen the logic on both sides pretty well.
@muhammetyusufyagiz1073 11 месяцев назад
seems like he has a good grasp of every subject he speaks of, may Allah reward him
@KarimaFoundation Месяц назад
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@KarimaFoundation Год назад
1:19 Mawlana Zeeshan Chaudhri teaches at the Whitethread institute 1:44 Mawlana Shams Tameez of High Wycombe and studying with mashaykh in Turkey 2:34 Shirk critical issue as some passing judgment on large swathes of Muslim community as mushrikun 6:55 May Allah swt protect us from erring in tawhid, our objective in life 8:11 Concentrating specifically on incident at grave of Prophet Muhammad (saw) 9:02 This incident relates to aqeedah, is theological rather than a topic of fiqh 12:03 Claiming that believers who have the shahadah on their tongues have the wrong belief is not a minor claim 14:30 Historical literacy - allow Islam to speak for itself 17:33 Can’t identify shirk if you do not know what tawhid is 18:55 Example of water - does it quench our thirst? Actually, it is an act of God 19:52 We believe Allah swt is the active agent in every sense (everything else contingent) 21:31 People fall into bidaa’ (innovation) and haram due to not understanding tawhid 22:15 Allah’s existence does not depend upon anything else 23:25 Mission is to protect the omnipotence of God 23:35 Shayra Maturdia have world views of causality and contingency 24:15 Those with no background in traditional studies are stating that all the great awliya of the Ottomans, subcontinent are all mushrik 25:30 Believing that messenger is benefiting (me) independent of Allah, there’s a problem with one’s aqeedah (creed) 26:00 Allah’s will made the Prophet the Wasila 27:42 If God can create a Prophet to intercede for you does not contradict anything in your mind, then turn to the Shariah to see permissibility 32:03 Wrong Belief: Action itself can be shirk regardless of the belief associated to it 33:08 Quran states that prostration was done to Yusuf (as) 33:53 Sajdah is the most explicit form of devotion 35:13 Probe why one is doing sajdah and have distinctions, without this, you will go into extreme fallacies 36:49 Caution 1: not going to call this shirk until I know exactly what it is 37:00 Caution 2: not going to do an act bc of caution 39:24 If someone says “Amin” after Fatiha you can’t ask them not to just cause your madhab does not allow it 44:50 Others also have confirmation of existence of Barzakh 45:22 Qudrat is entirely Allah’s swt 46:56 *Differentiation between asking someone for dua and making dua to someone* 48:45 If asking Rasul to intercede for you is shirk then it should always be regarded as shirk (past, present & future) 49:50 Hanbali did not jump aboard but never took it to the domain of shirk 52:09 Ibn Jawzi, Ibn Thahabi are either apologists for shirk or maybe did not agree but not shirk 55:11 In order to evict Muslims from Islam, some are willing to confirm tawhid of Abh Jahl 58:28 Shirk: Belief that others have a portion of ability to influence Allah 1:01:40 If you attribute independent power to anyone but Allah then you are a mushrik 1:02:06 Denounce like Yasir Qadhi, that it did not intrinsically appear but from Allah 1:06:00 Islam that was brought to the UK had a cultural tint within it 1:09:22 Salafism seems to be easy and straightforward until you look at it properly 1:12:41 If you have pride in tradition as it is then you won’t throw the baby out with the bath water 1:14:55 Ask the salafis, “what is ibaadah?” 1:16:15 Ibaadah cannot just mean utmost reverence, it needs a qualifier 1:16:55 Crux of shirk is when something goes from being an act to being a belief 1:23:35 Debated discrepancy within Salafi school of thought: Actions have the power to negate one’s Iman 1:30:15 Salafi school of thought: shirk is based not on principles but subjectivity 1:34:40 Stated I turn “through you” to Allah (swt) 1:36:28 Legislated (مشروع) if you have a need you can turn to Allah swt through the Prophet (saw) and can even directly address the Prophet (saw) 1:37:04 Word “shifaa” means be my intercession to Allah swt 1:38:44 Sufficient reports that anbiya are alive in their graves and hear you 1:46:40 With proper understanding of tawhid, one will not struggle with the concept of shirk 1:51:50 If you go to grave of those who knew you in dunya, Allah swt returns their souls so they return your salam
This was really good, more relaxed chats like this on other issues we face would be good إِنْ شَاءَ ٱللّٰهُ
@KarimaFoundation Месяц назад
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@ahluttawheed 10 месяцев назад
"The places of worship are ˹only˺ for Allah, so do not invoke anyone besides Him." 72:18
@W67w Год назад
I watched the debate and I thought ARH won be default as Asrar Rashid did not convince me that istighaatha is permissible.
@KarimaFoundation Месяц назад
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@tc6133 Год назад
Mashallah great show. Maulana Zeeshan is a beautiful person inside and out. Great stuff from all 3 brothers.
@KarimaFoundation Месяц назад
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@alib7489 Год назад
Alhamdulilah, great discussion. Please fix the audio for future discussions - Jazakallah Khair.
@KarimaFoundation Месяц назад
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@fahlito Год назад
Excellent broadcast!
@KarimaFoundation Месяц назад
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@n.a.1397 Год назад
Nowadays they call themselves "Hanbali".
@MAli-rl6mr Год назад
A follow up discussion on Tawassul beyond the Rawdah and istigartha with extension to saints would be insightful.
@evanfreshman2450 Год назад
By their logic, praying towards the Kaaba or circumambulating the Kaaba should be shirk even though it was explicitly sanctioned by Allah (swt) in the Quran and Sunnah. You are by faith believing that God is the ultimate power in the world, but by your actions you are worshipping his creation. Asking Muhammad (saw) for intercession is just as established in the Quran and Sunnah. The intercession of prophets is an established part of the religion. The debate is about whether deceased non prophets can be asked for intercession.
@AbuFadl 8 месяцев назад
but... no body seeks help from the ka'baa and/or does waseelah of kabaa. all would agree that is a direction of prayer. I dont think scholars on any side made this argument.
@spreaderofalhaqq 6 месяцев назад
thats not the point he was making lemme explain the point he was making we only seek help from Allah yes? however we do seek help from things Allah gave around us for example medicene we believe Allah provided us the medicene and gave it the ability to benifet us would that be asking other then Allah? no because you believe Allah is the provider of all things and provided you with that medicene and gave it the ability to benifet. we only do worship to Allah yes? we do sajdah tword the kabbah, is that shirk? the answer is no because its a direction of prayer @@AbuFadl
@KarimaFoundation Месяц назад
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@AU-ic7ur Год назад
Amazing video brothers. Very beneficial and informative.
@KarimaFoundation Месяц назад
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@jakk-on8ns 4 месяца назад
Masha'Allah excellent discussion...❤
@Faamy Год назад
@KarimaFoundation Год назад
Allah bless you and accept, Ameen
@MrRiz157 Год назад
This is wonderful, finally our scholars are trying to correct the narrative and combat the fitna.
@KarimaFoundation Месяц назад
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@MirOmran Год назад
Need part 2
@hakman327 Год назад
MashaAllah great talk may Allah swt reward you with jennat firdaws for your efforts. I got a question, if somebody says this is shirk wouldn't it be considered as istihlal?
@KarimaFoundation Месяц назад
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@sabr219 4 месяца назад
Did companions of the Prophet Sallahu Alayhi Wa Salaam seek aid from the Prophet Sallahu Alayhi Wa Salaam. Is their any Ayat in the Qur’an or a ahadeeth that tell us to do this?
@MM-mc8hs Год назад
Invoking to other than Allah عز و جل is MAJOR SHIRK, and the punishment is eternal hellfire It is your choice
@waressz Год назад
Simple question: did the scholars who did tawasul and istighata commit major shirk? If yes, I think you need to cancel some sahaba and major classical scholars. Its your choice.
@LeafSouls 10 месяцев назад
The individuals that ask any dead person for help, do not have the intention to worship them rather they believe god has given them the power and the authority to be capable of responding, this is why they invoke them, it has nothing to do with shirk, it would have if they believed that only the dead the can grant them their wishes and god can't, which they don't. As for the usual response of "Making dua is worship" No, where did you get that from? Making a calling to someone is simply asking them for help, it is only a worship if it was directed towards god and that is because the individual who does glorifies god by picking him over more than 7 billion people whom he can see, talk and interact with, hence due to that whether you had the intention or not, you are glorifying god. The correct opinion on the matter is clearly based around their intentions, even if you went and studied anything other than religion, you would still be worshiping god if you had the intention that it was for him, but if you pray but for the sake of not glorifying god alone, but praying to impress someone else, then the act doesn't matter, you are not worship ling god, period.
@Abul_kutub 6 месяцев назад
ماشاء اللہ
@KarimaFoundation Месяц назад
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@KarimaFoundation Год назад
Sullam al Wasool - Tawheed & Aqeedah - ru-vid.com/group/PLeCp9pA-cLK2UYoT_7nbdpLe95JTGJczZ
@choma9007 Год назад
Can you please get the book of ibne Abdul wahab (kitab e tawhid ) and go through the pages and give the proper understanding of the proof of quran and hadith he gives to justify the 98% of muslim ummah to be kafirs
@syedazahra9700 5 месяцев назад
Are you suggesting that prostrating to non-Allah is permissible 33:48? If not why not clarify here?
@umeryousuf7341 5 месяцев назад
There are two categories of prostration. One as an act of reverance and one as an act of worship. Angels prostrating to Adam AS, Prophet Yusuf's family prostrating to him, Prophet sallalahu alayhi wassalam saying he would have asked the wife to prostrate to his husband if it was permissible etc. are also examples of sajdah out of reverance, but Allah made it impermissible in the shariah of Sayyidina Muhammad sallalahu alayhi wassalam.
@sajids2 Год назад
Most engaging
@KarimaFoundation Месяц назад
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@TheSlaveOfAllah1992 Год назад
Are these brothers sufis? There is no such thing as "wahabi" , what i noticed those who use this word are either kuffar or Ahlu bid'ah. This Deen has been preserved. Read the books of the salaf-as-salih. Which is the 3 best generations which the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him praised.
@kalm4766 Год назад
A wahabi is someone who follows the misguided teachings of Ibn Wahab, just to clarify
@Pauly_walnuts Год назад
Wahhabis are the followers of Muhammad ibn abdul wahhab(miaw). Theres a video on youtube of one of the biggest modern day wahhabis ibn baz validating the name. So what exactly are you talking about. It was also the name given to the followers of miaw by his own brother sulayman ibn abdul wahhab, who wrote books refuting his brother and his brothers followers. One of the books being "As-Sawa'iq al ilahiyya fil raddi ala wahhabiyyah(The divine Bolts in refuting the wahhabis). Do you guys understand how stupid you sound to other people? Are you ashamed to be associated with the deviant wahhabi movement? Come up with better lies, the old ones dont work anymore. The time has come for the wahhabis to be exposed.
@waressz Год назад
Even your shaykh bin baz said that a wahabi is a follower of muhammad ibn abdulwahab. Look it up
@Polster-lx5ph 7 месяцев назад
Sufis going around calling themselves "traditional Muslims". Irony is dead
@n.a.1397 6 месяцев назад
@@Polster-lx5ph That's because Sunni Muslims trace their isnad in fiqh, iman and ihsan back to the real Salaf. The saud-family and their minions came to power in recent times.
@hmul3399 Год назад
Ustadh Zeeshan's fairness to the opposing side stood out. Maybe it would have been better for him to have tackled this topic alone.
@ahmadjuwayni6256 Год назад
Definitely, it would have been better.. esp towards the end.... claims about graves and speaking to graves was left too unclear and hadith not addresses...
@kalm4766 Год назад
The main point was to establish that it's not shirk, as this would mean doing this act would take a person out of the fold of Islam, including the billions of Muslims past and present who participated in this, which they argued it definetly isn't shirk, regarding Fiqh matters is not as high on the priority list
@Brian-sb1of Год назад
As-Salamu Alaikum ikhwan
@Brian-sb1of Год назад
This was a great!!! 💯💯💯
@franka4799 Год назад
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