
What is the Dreamtime? (And who invented it really?) 

Absurd & Fantastical
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This is "mythoughts" on how anthropologists come in with prejudiced ideas, and end up putting these ideas in the heads of their subjects, and how this type of thought process is hurting mythology/folklore, etc.
It's a bit of a ramble, but it's the first of hopefully more, so let's see how it goes :)



8 сен 2024




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@Kalashboy420 5 лет назад
To be honest, too much of our history was ruined by european settlers. its cool that people take notice of the dreamtime!
@Kalashboy420 4 года назад
@epic donny yeah I know, I am aboriginal. I never said we should not preserve it, I said most of the history has already been destroyed and lost when the European settlers came over.
@slideshowrob9666 4 года назад
@@Kalashboy420 it's such a shame, I'm sure the idea of Christian missions were well intended at the time, but a horrible thing in hindsight resulting in a pretty broad loss of aboriginal knowledge, particularly in the areas around the capital cities. There's still alot of cultures around Australia though where the knowledge is still preserved but with the (completely justified) reluctance to share the knowledge with outsiders the chance to recorded and preserve the knowledge is slipping away. I really hope we get to learn it, record it and integrate it into modern Australian culture through teaching it in schools.
@bbdo5626 3 года назад
@@Kalashboy420 Could you indicate in your view the origins of didgeridoo and what is your take on its function.. in Siberia drums are a way to provoque the "dream-transe", is this is the same ? I think the diphonic singing in Siberia Tuva for instance and the sound of didgeridoo are so much alike in spirit... thank you
@Kalashboy420 3 года назад
@@bbdo5626 it varies from tribe to tribe but it was used to call forth the spirits in ceremonies. as for the origins who knows, probably tens of thousands of years old, the shit aint easy to play either haha. In aboriginal culture women are forbidden to play it aswell as it would anger the spirits, mens business as we call it.
@bbdo5626 3 года назад
@@Kalashboy420 fantastic.. yes.. not easy to play reduces the number of elected.. probably… thank you for your answer! In Siberia some instruments are also only for women and men do not touch them and vice versa… I do not know about amazonian indians.. will check
@tecumsehcristero 3 года назад
6:47"Learn from it before you change it, understand it before you damn it" That is such wisdom and I love those words. It hits very close to home for me and are words I have been trying to live by but shamefully sometimes fail to do so. Thank you very much for these words they are a great charity. Ever since I can remember I was always interested in religion. After leaving Islam , I practiced Buddhism in my late teens the Charismatic Anglican for 2 years (but was always uncomfortable with it) then Laveyan Satanism and even obscenely got on the disgusting AntiTheism bandwagon but now for the last 14 years I have been a practicing Antiochian Syriac Orthodox Christian. Living in the USA people people either think we're Muslim or Jewish until they find out we're Christians and then they picture Evangelical Christian and to be honest we're closer in practice to Shia Muslims or Orthodox Jews than modern American "Christianity". We, Eastern Orthodox Christians, dont base are Church on what the bible says no matter which cannon or translation do not proselytize and believe it is unchangeable, have a lot more books of the old and sometimes the new testament, don't have the Rapture, hold very tightly to traditions and rituals, won't read the apocalypse of John, we don't use the term "saved" and it's not clear to us what protestants mean when they say it, have practiced the same liturgy for over 1,500 years, are heavily antiCremation, and It can be said that we "Eastern Orthodox" don't have heaven or hell because our view of the afterlife is so drastically different. This basically the opposite of western protestant christianity. Many Proselytizing Atheists and critics of Christianity criticize beliefs we ourselves view as heretical and decided what we're like, what we believe and how we practice before they even begin speaking to me.
@AbsurdandFantastical 3 года назад
Wow! Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed the vid! It's always a treat to get these long comments :D Thank you for the information, the different beliefs in Christianity alone is quite staggering. To an extent it saddens me that Christians are so disunited and so determined to attack one another for small parts of their beliefs. I mean, at the end of the day, if you just hold true to the 10 Commandments and believe in God, you're good :)
@tecumsehcristero 3 года назад
@@AbsurdandFantastical us in the Eastern Orthodox Church are saddened that western Christianity has abandoned its rich culture, heritage and traditions as well as western Christianity taking hardline stances on things that have nothing to do with christianity like "creationism" and this term "saved" yet they reject Theoria and hesycasm which are forms of prayer. The first being like Zen or Vapassana and the latter being like mantras both of which the church has practiced since the 2nd century. Plus the protestants practice Proselytizing which we forbid. Don't get me wrong I love my western brothers I just think they are lost and acting out very badly but not damned. I would love to speak to you about religion NOT TO CONVERT YOU but just to learn from each other. I could help you with videos on the Copts, Syriac, Antiochian, Melkites, Maronites and Assyrian Church of the East all of which are ancient middle east forms of christianity
@vogelvogeltje Год назад
😂😂😂 so you’re saying you don’t find people being homosexual as abhorrent? Because that is a very good criticism of any Christian religion. I’m not atheist, but I don’t believe in any religion. I don’t proselytize, but I do see the damage blind faith has done on all civilization.
@sukhino4475 7 месяцев назад
Blind faith,in whichever religion is visionless,because what you see is what it is,what you do not see is what is not...
@tecumsehcristero 7 месяцев назад
@@AbsurdandFantastical Ameen. We try to hold to the 2 great commandments that Christ taught us. 1- to love god 2- to love your fellow human beings
@hermescarraro3393 4 года назад
It's pretty much like "hinduism". Hinduism is just a loose term that the people outside of the Indian subcontinent invented to unify and comprehend the beliefs of the hindus... But in reality, India is composed of an endless amount of myths and beliefs that sometimes are completely contraddictory when compared to one another. There is no canon, there is no principal sacred scripture, there is not one way of worship and there is not one codified order of the cosmos. There are many. But they are all linked by some sacred principle that is just undeniable, like the idea of Moksha and of Dharma. But the hindus see no problem in that, well, they USED to see no problem in that... Unfortunately the definitions and ways of thinking of those who conquered them are now becoming one with the minds of the hindus. Many of them are not even aware of what they have and what they used to be. Wich is painfull... The indian beliefs are more than a religion. They are a way of life. Myths and reality are one and the same in the hindu cosmos. How can you understand world and life, if you do not understand the divine? They are one and the same...
@AbsurdandFantastical 4 года назад
This is very interesting! And I would LOVE to do a video on this. Do you have any books/sites you can recommend that delves into the subject?
@hermescarraro3393 4 года назад
@@AbsurdandFantastical Sure! Dharma speaks, a youtube channel centered around the hindu beliefs, talked extensively about this and more. I'd also racomand the works of the indian writer Devdut Pattanaik. He wrote a lot about the meaning behind myths, the gods, and all things about the hindu cosmology and cosmogony. The indian channel Epified made many videos about Devdut's work, especialy about his book "7 secrets of the goddess", in wich he explains the history and menaning of the principal hindu female deities. These of course are just some basic tips. I hope that this will be of help thought... 💁
@hermescarraro3393 4 года назад
@@AbsurdandFantastical I am sure that you will manage to find more. This video is the proof of that. 💁
@hermescarraro3393 4 года назад
@@AbsurdandFantastical Oh. I just remembered that people like Sadguru also talked about these concepts. Like the time he explained why "hinduism" is not a religion.
@nyzhal 4 года назад
As an Indian i agree with this. And im really sad that people here dont realise what all of this really means. There is much more than that
@SHLVideos 6 лет назад
Some very powerful statements, but I find myself agreeing with the suggested narrative. Thank you so much for sharing this.
@AbsurdandFantastical 6 лет назад
Thanks Savage :D I found very interesting in how the aboriginal culture changed the more we tended to put our own spins on it. It would have been interesting to have experienced these people before the 1800's. Thanks for the comment ^_^
@JM-jd7yp Год назад
I think this issue is our issue. Western academia always wants to teach and teaching leads to gross over simplification. Whatever dreamtime really means; and it may have hundreds of meanings, we need to deeply understand it to cross the cultural divide. Simplification is not our friend.
@jaylowe1975 4 года назад
Aboriginal Dreamtime is a place that you travel to with permission of you’re spirit entering into a hypnotist dream upon when time has no meaning and reconnections can be temporary achieved.
@jgill6690 3 года назад
Like Nirvana kinda?
@jaylowe1975 3 года назад
@@jgill6690 just like that you are cold on return.
@henryndandalika5469 Год назад
Not like Nirvana. Like "Dreamtime". Dreamtime is best grasped without explaining it outside itself. Dreamtime is Dreamtime Nirvana is Nirvana And Elysium is Elysium. Ice cream is certainly not like sugar. Neither is chocolate like ice cream 🍦.
@rohitkanchi 6 лет назад
Very nicely articulated. Your perspective on how the word "dreamtime" came to be associated with the aboriginal mythos of creation was refreshing. There are a lot like me who still juggle with the connotations that come along with the literal meaning of 'dream', which is what makes dreamtime hard to figure. But the way you approached the topic makes it far more palpable. Kudos! Subscribed and will explore some more of this space!
@jan-erikella7772 5 лет назад
Oral traditions are ALWAYS in flux. The idea that the "truth" of these myths lies in some fixed story-snapshot taken at its earliest telling misses the point completely. There is *some* constancy, but like languages, these traditions cannot help but change over time, ever so slightly. Also, from what I've read, these traditions are perfectly comfortable with the concept of paradox. Things don't need to add up to form a single, coherent, logical picture: they're not supposed to.
@beaucameron8025 3 года назад
All songlines are connected like a massive tapestry across the whole country which means all tribes and clans dreaming is connected
@AZTLANSOLDIER13 4 года назад
The Tao that can be spoken if is not Tao. There is no truth and there is no consensus. Direct experience is all we can hope for. An ancient Christian would never recognize the modern Church. We must tread lightly when seeking to "understand" spirituality especially when the tradition belongs to another people. Brave video, thank you
@AbsurdandFantastical 4 года назад
Very true, each experience offers us a new insight into our world. The way we go or walk will depend on the experience. However we cannot deny the experiences that came before us. Most of us walk on roads already well paved and cared for. Making it easier for most, and some of those roads leads to truth and others to lies. The only way to true enrich our path, is to walk a way others have walked before, otherwise we can only stumble on a road we have never travelled. Taking the analogy further, we can certainty say that walking a road less travelled will lead to the experiences others have never before had. But without knowledge of how to traverse a less travelled road, we might even get lost. So we use the tools of the people before, to ensure that should we travel that way, we can lead the new generation to the experience, rather than to death.
@creativebuzzevents 11 месяцев назад
What is Dreamtime? oh look here is a video that will answer my question... still waiting !
@drowningcrown2293 5 лет назад
Thanks I enjoyed the note you ended on.
@tylerbrandon460 5 лет назад
I have never heard of this dreamtime. But I think I have been to or thru it. I did DMT about 10 years ago, really pure high quality stuff. I left my body, I could see myself laying there and thought I was dead. I traveled time. There were what looked like colorful spiralling double helix tubes all interconnected going in every direction thru time and space. Went to a place that was infinite and white. Then I saw different colors that looked liquid but were perfectly round being combined by the Creator who was the infinite white. It was my soul being created and I was so scared that I wasn't going to be messed up I thought please don't spill me. And then a tiny slit of light appeared and I was forced into it and saw the silhouettes of strange figures in white coats before the light was overwhelming and I could no longer see. It was my birth. I also lived and died thousands of lives. Once I was in a bad car wreck. There were ambulances and police all around and my family crying and saying I can't believe he's gone. I sat up but my body didn't it was just my soul. I was going to them screaming and saying I'm not dead I'm right here but they couldn't hear or see me. I traveled to a time far ago when the mother earth was still a pure virgin with life still meant to be how it was like a "garden of Eden". There was a small Native American ( now I'm thinking an Aboriginal) young boy sitting beside a river, it looked like he was playing some type of flute. I finally thought I have to figure out how I get here. I relived my entire normal until I got to the point I did the DMT. Realized I was not dead and was so relieved. I wondered thru the spiralling colors again until I felt something solid I traveled along it feeling with my hands and felt a switch and flipped it. It was the light switch to room and that kinda snapped be back, I hadn't realized I was back in my body or even standing or moving. I went back into the other room where my friends were waiting. Exhausted and out of breath I said that I just went on a journey. They asked how long I was gone and I said it felt at least 1 million years( it really did). They said it was really about 15 minutes.
@atlascove1810 5 месяцев назад
There are no atheists on DMT.
@mosesgarcia4031 4 года назад
The game sly 3 brought me here
@caelinnis 4 года назад
me too!
@ml-ec5dw 3 года назад
Myth is a way to communicate an ineffable truth. To consider it to be subject to rational organisation or critical analysis to be tidied up so that it suits a rational mind is to misunderstand the fundamental nature if that which it is. Myth and myths are not fixed entities but like a lava in the lamp they change, flowing from one culture to another, through one aeon into another.
@xxnightmaregachaxx8925 3 года назад
Thank you for this it has helped me with my History task for school i will definitly reccomend your channel to lots of other people around me!
@AbsurdandFantastical 3 года назад
That is awesome! And thank you SO much! ♥ (sorry for only getting back now, I thought I'd replied to everyone XD)
@xxnightmaregachaxx8925 3 года назад
@@AbsurdandFantastical its ok! :D
@Special-Delivery57 2 года назад
The ultimate meaning of “THE DREAMTIME” is the ability to daydream where you slip into a lucid dreaming state while simultaneously remaining awake. Once you are able to do this…you can then do all things. Then you will transcend all limitations. I’ve practiced and gotten just enough results to know that I’m heading in the right direction. Of course it’s up to you to decide if what I saying is meaningful to you or not. It matters not to me how anyone responds. My only concern is my own growth and journey. Something else that is wrong here. The laws of the universe taught by the Yuin Tribe ARE to be found around the world. The differences are purely the stories and songs.
@Rakanarshi2 2 года назад
Been hearing people say it's different for everyone. Think I had something similar to what you described though....also got a sense of the desire to be free and personal....with joy in heart.
@Special-Delivery57 2 года назад
@@Rakanarshi2 those are the first signs. Remaining awake in the dream will bring the most euphoric sensations related to freedom,joy ,and love. In that state one knows that this world we are in…is in a fallen state. Those who transcend through the Dreamtime will discover “THE WAY”.🙏🏻🕯
@Special-Delivery57 2 года назад
@@Rakanarshi2 this movie is similar to our situation in this world: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-jwPWD4dkneM.html
@Rakanarshi2 2 года назад
@@Special-Delivery57 Wow, thanks for that, I got to admit it's all new to me. But will follow joy.
@Yoginette 6 лет назад
Wonderful! So glad I found your channel! could you write the reference of the book written by the pastor (i couldn't find it) and also maybe other sources you like on the aborigenes? Thanks!!
@AbsurdandFantastical 6 лет назад
Thanks Yoginette :D! I found most of my information from a paper written in 1996 by Colin Dean. It is a very interesting read, and shows the slow change from the 1800's to present day beliefs of the dream time. If you would like other sources, I think the Golden Bough from J.G Frazer might also be a good start. Here is the paper! gamahucherpress.yellowgum.com/books/religion/DREAMTIME1.pdf
@DreamWolf 7 лет назад
Very interesting ^^ looking forward to more :D
@AbsurdandFantastical 7 лет назад
Thanks Dreamwolf! First time I tried something so 'rambly' Hope I'll get better with time ^_^
@DreamWolf 7 лет назад
Mythoscope I didnt think it was rambly at all! If you want to keep peoples attention, maybe try changing the background a bit more. Other then that I thought it was great
@AbsurdandFantastical 7 лет назад
Thanks DreamwWolf! :D I'll definitely try that with the next video ^_^
@seanjohnson4039 2 года назад
"... that time allows in all his tuneful turnings / So few and such morning songs before the children / Green and golden follow him out of grace". - D. T.
@hollowedentity7097 3 года назад
I think I’ve connected their a few times. More than dreams could be. Impossible in the daily life.
@hollowedentity7097 3 года назад
And for fun facts not drug induced. Times of great trial will connect you to the universe.
@sodaverde 3 года назад
Can you recommend some bibliography?
@sukhino4475 7 месяцев назад
The message is firm,crisp
@MegaMissfitz 4 года назад
Sweet dreams sarks & just for the record I never exaggerate when it comes to matters of the fringe 😤😘😤
@suzesiviter6083 4 года назад
Interesting, it would be interesting to find; if any, simularities between the myths of these people no matter how small, since they are arguably the oldest oral records we have. Two things which might look completely different to one person studying these tribes myths might have connection to one who understand ancient symbols across myths, for instance you could argue Pandoras Box myth in greece is connected architypically with the fruit of the tree of knowledge.
@AbsurdandFantastical 4 года назад
Very true, a lot of myths and mythologies correspond with one another, comparative mythology is a fascination subject and Joseph Campbell wrote his well-known book A hero with a thousand faces, specifically about the idea that many myths around the word are almost exactly the same. He called the it the mono-myth a singular idea which stretched across continents. You should read it, if you're interested, it's a stunning book.
@suzesiviter6083 4 года назад
@@AbsurdandFantastical Thanks I will look for it, I recommend Jonathan Blacks "Secret History of the World", which IMO isn't totally accurate but nether the less a very interesting read, he also ties together a lot of the myths into a plausible account of creation. What is interesting is that the salamander/snake as per the garden of Eden corresponds to the element fire, now one aboriginal story talks of the people climbing out of the ground and becoming separated from animals once they learnt how to make fire. Fire also corresponds with copulating which follows the "Book of Enoch" interpretation of the fallen angels making it with earth women before they were killed in the great flood as punishment. Maybe Jonathan Black is right in that the early people did not use their 5 sensors like we do now, but interpreted life in an hazy subconscious like dream state.
@billyshane3804 10 месяцев назад
Dreamtime come after we go Likkalan an bong big bag of yarndi eh !!!
@thefriendlyaspie7984 2 года назад
i think certain things you cannot just learn them by just reading about them . some points to see are. 1. A lot of things are better understood when experienced than when read about it, 2. you cannot transmit an experience, just in the same way when you go on holidays you cannot transmit feelings and a lot of the things you lived , smells , flavours, textures, and such are more transmitted via experience. 3. when you read something, there is a disconect, were its what you interpret from the text, what the author interpret from learning from the tribes, and for sure there will be lots of things missing. 4. objectivity is almost impossible, one always has some bias towards forming certain opinions of other opinions, even though one would like to believe objectivity is possible , human we make mistakes.
@Noisyminer-pg4pm 3 года назад
Feeling natures offerings with life - feeling the returning surrounding energies - present unconditionally divine birthright learning teaching sharing together with nature spirit energy ♾
@alunus7069 Год назад
The Aboriginal stories are understood perfectly by them. That's what's important. And remember because you don't understand doesn't mean there is something wrong with their perspective.
@andrewhardy6182 3 года назад
Fascinating. Can you please spell the name pastor "trulo" who spent decades with the aborigines? I'd like to see if there is more written about him. And a bit of an aside, but is the Ralph McTell song "very roughly" about the same thing?
@AbsurdandFantastical 3 года назад
Hi! Here is a link to his wiki page, it's not a bad place to start. Sorry for my poor pronunciation, I am a little better with my newer videos :D en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Strehlow Also, on the side note, I don't that song, can you tell me a bit more about it?
@andrewhardy6182 3 года назад
@@AbsurdandFantastical Thank you! en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_McTell open.spotify.com/track/4PJWjzhPd2ZwfVqsteV8lg?si=1Dd7P-97T6-ml_1GmWtzzA&dl_branch=1
@debbysani4838 Год назад
We need to use the dreamtime in the future to change the past... easy peasy... my husband says so and he is in the dreamtime
@ramyaraja8241 3 года назад
Can anyone kindly suggest me good movies on Australian Aboriginals ? I need to know more true facts on Abrigines.
@henryndandalika5469 Год назад
Explaining Dreamtime is the same as listening hard - to hear the sound of silence.
@patrickhughes8040 3 года назад
Great essay
@AbsurdandFantastical 3 года назад
Thank you! ♥
@arebeats5371 4 года назад
The dream argument
@fairgrowfreestyles Год назад
Always was, always will be [-O-]
@3shh 2 года назад
Hello! Could you look into the topic of reality shifting? It has gotten quite popular among gen-z in the past three years so I was curious to know about your thoughts on it :)
@urbnctrl 3 года назад
As in the origins of our Melanesian narrative. Different tribes tell different perspectives of the same story, not different definitions. Modern and especially Western logic falls extremely short in attempting to analyze and really understand the messages and lessons given through these stories, many of which originate from times before the flood. One must also understand that the hunter will not ever truly understand the story of the deer, he only knows what he can use from it.
@sonminorimitsuu2838 3 года назад
Great share
@SamA-nj7yr 3 года назад
I don’t think stories are so much changed as they are perceived, altering the narrative to suit the present is just improving relevancy.
@henryndandalika5469 Год назад
The effort to explain what has not been understood is an essential malady of most humans. ...to find the truth beyond words is a consistent failure in all researchers. Long before time and words were formed, there was what was; it can not be understood, explained or rationalized - it can only be lived/experienced.
@BEDLAMITE-5280ft. 2 года назад
Dreamtime was invented?
@jacobsurrett5928 4 года назад
Quite put.
@jfkfitirjdjjsisieirirjfjdj5967 2 года назад
be careful my culture is not a joke
@larryparis925 3 года назад
Oh come on.Sure, we can all be skeptical of creation stories, wherever they occur, and we should be. But to inappropriately intrude the word "god" (2:52) as the accurate conceptual term is silly. Nor does it represent Aboriginal belief. Don't bullshit people because of your desire for a universal, monotheistic, "god". And your disingenous claim that different tribes have a different word for this concept - WELL OF COURSE THEY DO! THEY SPEAK DIFFERENT LANGUAGES!! So, what I would like to know is: what is your agenda? Are you a christian attempting to discount a non-christian religion? Are you a New Ageist? Everyone should be skeptical of the claims of those religions as well. They are religions, using faith, not rational inquiry. So, again, what is your agenda?
@AbsurdandFantastical 3 года назад
Just trying to show how anthropologists can easily push ideas onto cultures when they're not careful. Today the Dreamtime is a universal term (or at least considered a universal term), but back then amongst those tribes, it certainly wasn't. Also, you misunderstand the term god. The term 'god' in a more general sense simply means; "a superhuman being or spirit worshipped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity." All cultures have gods - Hinduism, Shinto, Greek, etc, the point the reverent and I was making is the term was turned into something it wasn't. You have to remember that this reverent had lived with these people for I believe over a decade, so he did have a strong understanding of the language to be able to interpret it well. However, we can certainly make the argument that he had only interacted with certain tribes, which could have used this specific term for that specific concept; god. If we consider other tribes, there may have been tribes during that time who used the term for 'dreaming' but the point is that it wasn't universal, that there was some confusion and debate over the term - and despite that, today many people seem to think it is a general overall belief in the aboriginal cultures. So the point of this video is simply this; religions can change and evolve, but in the case of the Aboriginal beliefs, it may have been pushed into a deliberate direction.
@aaronfranklin6863 3 года назад
we have a much more in depth story about creation but you have to be circumcised to learn the story properly,we tell the story loosely to the uncircumcised
@Zane-It 3 года назад
I had no idea that the dreamtime was a modern construct. trying to homogenize multipole ethnic groups under a single banner never truly works. The Balkans are a prime example of that.
@pickupmidland3523 2 года назад
We were kings
@ariloulchillhop 7 месяцев назад
Are u South African? I'm from Cape Town.
@kerouacist Год назад
White people like me also have our own dreamtime except we named them fairytales.
@MrShairocks100 2 года назад
Is all ok.
@AZTLANSOLDIER13 4 года назад
Invented it?
@AbsurdandFantastical 4 года назад
Mmm, maybe 'created' would have worked better? ^_^
@jamesstuart537 2 года назад
Iv only come to this because of my dreams I didn't know about this this isn't a myth I can't tell what's real or not it's a problem
@elohim660 4 года назад
@AbsurdandFantastical 4 года назад
What happens? O_O
@matthewmann8969 2 года назад
Aboriginals did yeah
@icu64 3 года назад
Richard Broome, Aboriginal Australians. Enjoy
@jj11039 6 лет назад
I could tell you about the Dreamtime... but secret.
@AbsurdandFantastical 6 лет назад
Will you tell it to me in secret? Or is it a secret? O_O
@chewybong1013 6 лет назад
@THABLK1 3 года назад
the dream time is real as it goes back to gnosis alcheringa is us in god asleep the biame is his name now look up the world biome and look at it in a universal sence as the whole universe as a whole being like the logos and our stories are not corrupted the are the same the explain the lore and perspectives and knowledge to survive they are analogies only a few a more like folk law to stop children from wondering off from the tribe and bunjil is the wedge tail eagle the creator who came down to earth and taught us the law and how to make weapons the rainbow serpent created the rivers and when he died he became the great barrier reef look at it from space its rainbow looks like a snake and the islands are like bones the Pleiades are the seven sisters and earth is the 8th sister goolagaia there are still kadarchis and wirrimooms that have connection to the dream time the dream time hasn't finished its more this world on the astral and etheral aspects of reality (eagle)bunjil /enlil/zeus rainbow serpent( numbakulla)/ enki /quetzalcoatl/ (crow)wah/hades/nergal
@raccoonmaster3681 3 года назад
What tribe are you from?
@THABLK1 3 года назад
@@raccoonmaster3681 gunditjmara kirrae woorung ang yort yorta
@beybslifeintheus494 3 года назад
hi my friend
@davideldridge8886 3 года назад
DMT.. smoking ceremonies
@wildnisfarm2754 2 года назад
I wish aboriginal people would tell about their culture, I don't like western narratives of their narratives...
@makubegysman6160 3 года назад
look up the khoisan youre south african
@AbsurdandFantastical 3 года назад
I know about the Khoi-San! In Mosselbay they have a museum dedicated to Diaz, a life-size model of his ship, and a HUGE section on the Khoi-San, their traditions and what happened to them. :)
@makubegysman6160 3 года назад
@@AbsurdandFantastical nevermind I'm unsubscribing 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
@AbsurdandFantastical 3 года назад
@@makubegysman6160 You're more than welcome to! :) I hope you find a channel better suited to you!
@bumblebee8289 2 года назад
Spoken like a true aboriginal
@GentlemanLife-Beyotch Год назад
Certainly worse concepts out there!
@rollmeister 2 года назад
Snakes carving rivers and what not. Nonsense.
@lemonlimelukey Год назад
@alunus7069 Год назад
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