
What is the Judgment of the Sheep & Goats? (Matthew  

C4C Apologetics
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What is the Judgment of the Sheep & Goats; also referred to as the Judgment of the Nations. Is this a judgment unto salvation or hell based upon one's works? Does this teach a work-based salvation? Is this a judgment against specific nations or countries? When does this judgment occur? And does its timing shed light onto proper interpretation of this judgment? All this, and more will be explained in my personal study of this passage.
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6 окт 2024




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@kariukigicheru1913 7 месяцев назад
I think this scripture just confirmed to us that Christianity is not a religion but rather a lifestyle
@jkreimborg 7 дней назад
It’s is a verb , not a noun
@johnneufeld6019 Год назад
Sheep and goats judgment takes place at the end of the great tribulation to see who enters the 1000yr reign the church is judged at the judgment seat of christ to get a reward 1 corinthians 3
@alangordon6061 9 месяцев назад
Thanks for replying. I´m becoming more aware how the church knows so little about how all things all pan out at the end. Next topic in our home group is the sheep and goats judgement. Gotta get it right!
@seanmick3093 10 дней назад
I trusted in the Lord of Jesus Christ as my personal savior into my heart through faith alone, and not of works, by accepting his free gift of salvation, by his grace on February 16, 1996, each day, I confess sins for process of sanctification, to receive Jesus Christ as your personal savior, please refer to Matthew 10:28, John 3:16-18:36, 5:24, 6:37:47, 10:27-29, 14:6, Acts 2:38, 16:30-31, Luke 15:10, Romans 1:16, 3:23, 4:5, 6:23, 10:9-10:13, Ephesians 2:8-10, and Titus 3:5. God bless the world, and thank you for sharing.
@seanmick3093 10 дней назад
I will see you in heaven.
@natc5833 Год назад
Thank you so much. This chapter had me messed up, so now I understand. I am grateful! Bless you!
@Isaac-et9wd 9 месяцев назад
While I don't think this understanding of this parable is harmful or heretical, I don't think it's the best explanation for this parable. The key to understanding this parable is the difference between how sheep are judged vs how goats are judged. Goats being judged: "Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye DID IT NOT TO THE LEAST OF THESE, ye did it not to me." Sheep being judged: "Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye DID IT UNTO THE LEAST OF THESE of these, ye did it not to me." Jesus judging the sheep based on how they do "IT" to one VS Jesus judging the goats on how they did it NOT to all of the "brethren". Jesus is juxtaposing the judgement under the law VS the judgment under grace(full mercy) Goats are judged under an impossible standard, as they have to do "IT" to ALL brothers, meaning if there are 5000 brothers, they have to do all 6 things to all of them(they have to keep the whole law). Meanwhile sheep are judged in how they do "IT" even to just one of the least of these, sheep are given full grace, full mercy. Also, there is good reason to believe that the "brotheren" mentioned in the parable is actually a reference to the law, and not Jewish people, as the only time Jesus uses the term "least of these" is in reference to the law in Matthew. Matthew 5:19 (KJV): "Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven." Paul describing those who are judged under the law as cursed, similar to how Jesus calls the goats "cursed": "For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them." This parable is actually a massive proof-text for faith alone theology, it's a shame that it's mostly twisted and abused by works salvationists to extract the opposite message...
@C4CApologetics 9 месяцев назад
You could be right...thanks for a respectful disagreement. I can handle those 😊
@glueckseligehoffnung3058 8 месяцев назад
Very good thoughts. Thank you 🙌
@deeveevideos Год назад
1 Timothy 4:10 - The New International Version (NIV) 10 That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe. 1 Cor 15:22 for even as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all shall be made alive
@pixieburton3131 Год назад
I agree one hundred percent with your point of view on the works. Very well said!! The believers, whatever nation, who come out of the Tribulation will go into the Millennium. The unbelievers, whatever nation, will await the Great White Throne Judgment before going to Hell. So ah ha, I have to get my understanding straight on whether they go to the opposite side of Abraham’s bosom to wait with the rest, or what. It seems I am coming up short, somewhere. Thank you for making me think!!!
@lelivredesrevelations 5 месяцев назад
We know the elect don't go to the judgment of the world. We are not the sheep. It's not about us. The sheep dont know Jesus. They served Jesus through us. It seems so obvious to me but I don't know why anyone hasn't understood this. It made the question of predestination very clear to me. We are not predestined to be saved but to know Christ and to become the priests for the coming kingdom. By our free will we persevere or we fall away from the faith. And all the un-elect will be judged as it is written in this passage. By their free will some have done good others bad. We must be the salt for for the earth, learning them to be good. Salt is just one small part of the meal. We are a few of all the nations to who Jesus has revealed himself. To the others he has chosen to remain hidden (romans 11.32)
@profvonshredder2563 9 месяцев назад
It does seem like some “thought” they were not followers of Jesus…and that explains why they asked “when Lord?”. That is when Jesus points to their compassionate deeds as the evidence that they were loving Jesus unaware
@karriemsharief 4 месяца назад
I ton of guess work here.
@BernieWooster 5 месяцев назад
thank you for shedding light on this topic. What i'm garnering from your explanation: Believers were compelled to do "good things" for the Jewish people because that's what a believer would do. It's not that they did good works to become a believer. Sheep inherit the Kingdom... inheritance reveals their entrance. Goats are cast out... because they are unbelievers, they will take certain actions which, in this case, was to treat the Jewish people with disregard.
@m.a.anicama-johnson8983 2 месяца назад
@AT-victory 3 месяца назад
Thank you for this insight which I agree with. I have seen and heard SO many different views as you point out. If you would, please expound a bit more, on who are in attendance there and being judged. I believe only those that have made it physically through the tribulation are being judged. The remnant of Israel are there but not being judged. The Saints from all history will be there observing as they have returned with Christ ? your opinion?
@C4CApologetics 3 месяца назад
I agree with that.. the judging are those physically alive who survived the Tribulation Period while those who are already dead will be raised to judgment, as per Revelation 20.
@tonyman8941 Год назад
@kariukigicheru1913 7 месяцев назад
I disagree with the sentiment that brother in that passage refers to Jewish, that's not true
@mondzina 11 месяцев назад
Brilliant very well explained, well done mate.
@dsp62122 3 месяца назад
As a follow-on to a previous post, if I may... Who are the sheep and goats? It is so simple, even painfully obvious... From the Lord Jesus's eternal point of view looking down upon mankind, each one of us corresponds to being both a sheep and a goat. The Lord Jesus sees each of us as one body and two persons. One person is the goat who is the object of our Lord's wrath destined for everlasting destruction. The other person is the sheep who is the object of our Lord's mercy destined for glory. That is what Paul meant in Romans 9:22-24... "What if God, although choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath-prepared for destruction? What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory- even us, whom he also called, not only from the Jews but also from the Gentiles?" How then are we ultimately separated one person from the other, as it were? Paul's explains that, too, through his revelation of the Lord Jesus's eternal Gospel in ‭1 Corinthians 15:51-57... "Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed- in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.” “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." That is the eternal Gospel that awaits mankind... Or more accurately, that is the Lord's eternal Gospel that awaits His future eternal sons and daughters. So, take heart, the Lord's eternal Gospel was predestined by our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus before the creation of Creation.
@David-hd2vh 7 месяцев назад
I'm very much once saved always saved, but didn't Jesus say whoever does the will of his father, those are his brothers, sisters, and mother?
@JezzaODoyleRules 6 месяцев назад
Many occult believe in Jesus, but may not serve him or be on his side, what makes us, Jesus-loving Christians any different apart from the Love? For if we love him..... fill in the blanks while separating the wheat from the chaff? Please
@williamlinam4721 Год назад
I love this put these in mailbox for me
@C4CApologetics Год назад
Put what in the mailbox? 🤷‍♂️
@pixieburton3131 Год назад
If you are subscribed to his channel you will receive all of his posts in your notifications box. He can’t do that for you. If you don’t know how to subscribe, let us know and we can help you.
@Jonasskogstroll 3 месяца назад
Goatlike Personality
@excellentreport8751 Год назад
I enjoyed your teaching, so at what point does the rapture takes place?
@C4CApologetics Год назад
It is my belief that while the rapture may occur at any moment, it will occur prior to this judgment in Matthew 25, and prior to the revealing of the Antichrist and the signs in Revelation. I am a pretrib believer, regardless of how popular the prewrath view is becoming.
@alangordon6061 9 месяцев назад
Great teaching thank you. What happens then to the goats at that time. Does Jesus put them to death , and then raise them up again to appear at the Great White Throne judgement?
@C4CApologetics 9 месяцев назад
Great question! I see two possibilities. #1, they are cast immediately into the Lake of Fire. #2, since hell is not yet to be cast into the Lake of Fire at that point, the goats would be cast into hell while waiting for ultimate demise IAW Revelation 20:14-15.
@faith4grace589 Год назад
Assuming believers do the right thing. But do believers always do what is right or true or just or do they mess up. Well it seems like they better make the right choice or go to hell.
@dsp62122 3 месяца назад
I commend you for your thoughtful exegesis... So, I want to be clear just what it is you are saying... Does your belief in Jesus come from within you as you seem to imply...? Perhaps you might say you choose to believe, or maybe you'd put it differently. In any event, does a man conjure belief from within himself? Or, do you believe that a man believes because the Lord Jesus sovereignly changed his heart and mind to believe and live by faith? The latter case involves a man in no way whatsoever. Zero. It doesn't even require cooperation from a man, as it were. The latter is the sovereign act of the Lord Jesus by His sovereign, unconditional grace. As for me, my witness testimony to you and your followers is that my Lord, God, and Savior Jesus sovereignly changed my heart and mind to believe in Him and live by grace through Him. I had zero to do with any of it... Zero. So then my unequivocal testimony is my Lord, God, and Savior Jesus saved me. Period. So, then, your entire explanation as to whom the sheep and goats are implodes from my point of view. Well, unless, somehow, a man is indeed able to conjure belief and faithful from within Himself. But, I am certain no man can. Therefore, I am certain of my unequivocal testimony. Can you clarify your testimony? I want to be sure I understand.
@C4CApologetics 3 месяца назад
My book LOTUS will answer thay question and more. Put it succinctly, man has a volitional choice in the matter as if God predestined all, then it makes God the cause of people going to hell, created as reprobate. Again, if you want me to fully draw that out, check out my book, LOTUS.
@dsp62122 3 месяца назад
@@C4CApologetics You did not understand my post. 1 Corinthians 15:51-57 excludes no one.
@dsp62122 3 месяца назад
@@C4CApologetics Btw, I explained who the sheep and goats are in a top-level post in your video's comment section. I hope the Lord Jesus provides you with the eyes that can see, ears that can hear, and a mind to understand these things.
@glenpersinger3390 7 месяцев назад
Do you wonder what Jesus meant when he said ( the first shall be last and the last shall be first) ?? The first resurrection is the last Trump. And the last Trump is the first resurrection!! That includes all believers in Christ!😅😊😊😊
@BAM-jc7uy Год назад
question:??? what do you say about when the Lord sits on His throne at the end of Trib...He calls ALL nations who survived the Trib....and those people are classified ONLY into 2 groups...the goats and sheep.....the ones named sheep did NOT even know the Lord or Gospel, because they did not realize or know the assistance given and particularly named by the Lord to His brethren, the persecuted Jews during Trib, during Trib (the true believers/saved would not have been here at this time of Trib... because of being caught up.) These (sheep) people from all nations were declared by the Lord and called "Righteous" and they did NOT know the Lord or His gospel. ....because they ask in puzzlement "When did we......? as doing it unto the Lord Himself" All born again saved believers always know when we do "good" etc to others as unto the Lord. In this future event, the Lord tells us about in Matt 25 is only about a one time, end-of-the Trib event ....when the Lord calls ALL survivors (Gentiles) of Trib to the throne for judgment? So, another thought about that word "R" possibly there might be more to what the Lord said in LK 5..."He did NOT come to call the righteous...(self-righteious and righteous are NOT the same or interchangeable)......then there are those righteous who He went to speak/see/do in Paradise after His death....there maybe another classification that we do not really understand for a soveriegnity of His, that may be a mystery to us. Be well in the Lord and in your diligent studies of His Word "like a workman....."
@C4CApologetics Год назад
Very well could be 🤷‍♂️ Guess we'll find out when faith becomes sight 😁
@BAM-jc7uy Год назад
@@C4CApologetics we are so close imminently to knowing all the whys, mysteries, possibilities and total understanding ...decades ago i would wonder if there would be bibe classes with the LORD or instant knowledge/revelation ..LOL
@deeveevideos Год назад
You say the fire prepared for the devil in his angels but then in Revelation it says hell is casting to the lake of fire. So are we casting hell into hell? What is the lake of fire?
@C4CApologetics Год назад
Hell is a temporary holding location for unbelivers, similar to the opposite of Abraham's Bosom or Paradise, and now heaven. Temporary in the fact, as you say, hell is cast into the lake of fire in the end. And heaven in the fact that in the eternal order, we will dwell on earth, not reside in heaven.
@deeveevideos Год назад
@@C4CApologetics do you believe all will be restored, Just how everything was all corrupted?
@C4CApologetics Год назад
All what will be restores? If meaning will the earth return to a preFall state, then I would have to say yes.
@deeveevideos Год назад
@@C4CApologetics I mean everything. like apokatastasis. what the early church fathers taught. like Origen and Gregory of Nyssa.
@C4CApologetics Год назад
Could you elaborate on that? If referring to universal salvation, then no. Unbelievers will not receive a second chance at eternal life after death.
@Prr-u9o 3 месяца назад
Again its about works making free graceca farse .
@patrickphilip777 Год назад
Yudonia is definitely a goat nation
@Nomad58 4 месяца назад
Mathew 25 is very self explanatory. This guy is lying. It is clear these people are convinced ttey are saved when they are not.
@warriophecy8499 4 месяца назад
@Nomad58 Yes, the goats are the same as the 5 foolish virgins, having lost their oil--Holy Spirit. Yet, they still proclaim Christ. This is how subtle Satan is, knowing that if someone tells a lie against the Lord on at least three occasions, the person walks away from Christ, forsakes Him. For two can only walk with Christ if one's doctrine mirrors His doctrine (Amos 3:3). This is what happened to Peter when he denied the Lord 3 times. He lied about knowing the Lord 3 times. This is the meaning of the Parable of the Leaven (Matt 13:33, Luke 13:21) when she hides three measures until it was all leavened. One relies/leans on one's own understanding (Proverbs 3:5), going his/her own way, trusting her who lies in everyone's bosom. (Micah 7:5) No matter how seemingly small the lie is, a lie is a lie. And a liar cannot enter heaven. (1 Timothy 1:10, Pro 30:5-6) Therefore, one must guard the door to one's mouth. (Micah 7:5) Because, a person is either justified or condemned by the words one says (Matthew 12:37). So, let's say you espouse the heretical lie that Christ does not know the day/hour of the pretrib rapture, erroneously citing Matthew 24:36 and Mark 13:32, misinterpreting and misapplying these verses, literally applying them to Christ. We know this is a lie, as Christ knows all things (John 16:30, 21:17) If one was to die in this wickedness, iniquity, lawlessness and transgression, one would go to hell, as one would have secretly walked away from Him. This is why the five foolish virgins still proclaim Him as Lord even though they do not belong to Him, as they are not aware of their fallen state, that they had forsaken Christ. As we've all gone astray, all need to say the prayer in Rev 3:18 and 3:20. Ask the Lord to anoint your eyes with eye salve such that you see Him again. Then, be zealous and repent of any lies/heresies (2 Peter 2:1) that you've said against the Lord. Then, say a new salvation statement to the Lord. I am a watchman on the wall for my Lord Jesus Christ.
@Nomad58 4 месяца назад
@@warriophecy8499 oh you don’t like to actually quote what Jesus said. I will stick to Gods word over yours. Who are you exactly?
@warriophecy8499 4 месяца назад
@@Nomad58 so what did I say that is not correct. Believe I correctly gave you what the Bible says. Who I am is not important, nut the message is. I declare the Truth. You can take it or leave it. I have done my job. You said they were lying without any biblical support. I was supporting your conclusion, while providing biblical support. Just say thank you and move along. I am a watchman on the wall for my Lord Jesus Christ.
@Nomad58 4 месяца назад
@@warriophecy8499 Jesus clearly says that he does NOT know the exact time. He said it because it’s true. You don’t like that because it interferes with your false belief system. But I will take his word over your opinion or mine for that matter
@warriophecy8499 4 месяца назад
@@Nomad58 Ahh, there it is. But Christ will say to you, you overlook John 16:30 and 21:17. So, now you appear on the surface to have contradictory statements, regarding what Christ does, does not know. Then, you ask the Lord about it and wait on Him to answer, while researching. But do not throw away John 16:30 and 21:17, as it's all from Christ. So, good luck with your research while waiting on Him to enlighten you. Diligently seek Him and He will reward you. I am a watchman on the wall for my Lord Jesus Christ.
@freakylocz14 8 месяцев назад
Great analysis, but I believe BOTH the sheep and the goats are unbelievers while Jesus' "brethren" are Christian believers, and perhaps specifically disciples and evangelists. While Jesus was still speaking to the people, behold, His mother and His brethren stood outside, asking to speak to Him. Someone told Him, "Your mother and Your brethren are standing outside, asking to speak with You." But Jesus replied to the man who told him, "Who is My mother, and who are My brethren?" And stretching out His hand toward His disciples, He said, "Here are My mother and My brethren! For whoever does The Will of My Father is My brethren." (Matthew 12:46-50) Jesus said, "This is The Will of My Father: That every one who sees the Son and believes on Him has eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day." (John 6:40) Jesus said, "He who receives you receives Me, and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me. He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward; and he who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward. And whoever gives to one of the least of these My brethren even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple: Truly I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward." (Matthew 10:40-42)
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