
What is the probability of a functional protein existing by chance? 

Test of Believers
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The more I think about evolution, the more I realise how improbable it is. Science is telling us that evolution is virtually impossible. We were designed by an intelligent creator.
Dr Stephen C. Meyer is director of the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture and a founder both of the intelligent design movement. Dr. Meyer is a Cambridge University-trained philosopher of science, the author of peer-reviewed publications in technical, scientific, philosophical and other books and journals. His signal contribution to ID theory is given most fully in Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design, published by HarperOne in June 2009. Meyer earned his Ph.D. in the History and Philosophy of Science from Cambridge University for a dissertation on the history of origin of life biology and the methodology of the historical sciences. For more information visit Dr. Meyer's website at: www.stephencmey...



6 окт 2024




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@iankelly6632 2 года назад
This is real science. All evolutionist should watch this and do the math.
@iankelly6632 2 года назад
@@drsatan9617 time doesn’t create life
@owenduck 2 года назад
evolutionists operate of faith purely. but deny they do categorically.
@owenduck 2 года назад
@@drsatan9617 hahaha being called a liar by the father of lies. That's rich! Thank you for the laugh.
@owenduck 2 года назад
@@drsatan9617 you had me at satan calling me a liar man. 😅 I can't take it seriously 🤣
@iankelly6632 2 года назад
@@shananabark variables are not part of the assembly process and can be altered changed, cancelled but we still have the finished article. Hence variables are not necessary
@user-k229 5 лет назад
Bow your heads down to your Creator in sheer humility!
@VoluntaryistSkeptic 3 года назад
First show him to me. But even if you did, I still wouldn't bow. Anyone worthy of worship wouldn't need it and definitely wouldn't want it.
@TahaEltahawy 3 года назад
Why you don't touch electric wires and you don't see electricity
@georgedoyle7971 2 года назад
@@VoluntaryistSkeptic ““Worship” “Show him to me” Sorry but this is a straw man argument and the (Catergory Error Fallacy). Not to mention the (Crackers in the Pantry Fallacy). The only form of worship required is to treat our fellow humans with unconditional positive regard. According to the brilliant philosopher Emanuel Kants categorical imperative you should “do unto others as you would have them do to you.” That is treat people always as ends in themselves never as mere means. This expression of worship and universal love is the only way of truly being free, that is to carry out the teaching to love one’s neighbour is the only form of worship required. The negative, grovelling straw man version of “worship” that militant atheists like to pretend and prevaricate about is nothing more than a cynical and rhetorical attack on the low hanging fruit of the philosophy of religion. To treat a person as a valuable end in their own right means that they deserve fair treatment, justice and human rights such as freedom of expression and the right to life. This is the only form of real and free worship to be wrestled with. Accordingly for Kant the categorical imperative is the voice of our free and rational selves and what we all truly believe when we are thinking with logic, rationality and common sense. Kant believed that governments should promote and protect this form of liberty. However, Kant stressed that this should not only be thought in libertarian terms as the ability to do whatever you want. We are truly only free when we act in accordance only with our best natures not our individual best interests. We are slaves when we act under the rules of our own passions or those of others. According to Kant a free will and a will under moral laws and duties are one and the same. This form of worship leads to real freedom from our pride, ego, narcissism and tendencies to turn to addictions to fill the gaping hole in our lives. This type of freedom isn’t an absence of authority, government and a free society isn’t one that allows a person to do what ever takes their fancy. It’s one that enables everyone to live by the categorical imperative.
@georgedoyle7971 2 года назад
“Show him to me” The demand for “physical” “proof” for the belief in the fundamental nature of mind and consciousness/monotheism is viewed as a classical category error by scholars as theists don’t believe that “God” is just another “physical” being that exists in the universe but is (being) and (existence) itself including mind and consciousness itself. This assumption that this is a materialistic question or a question that can even be grasped in its totality using the “natural sciences” or formal proof is what’s commonly known as the (crackers in the pantry fallacy). Because it assumes that the belief in the fundamental nature of mind and consciousness/monotheism, the necessity of an absolute ontological ground of reality is a materialistic factual question, and should be answered in the same way as any other factual questions regarding “physical” reality. The assumption that all existence claims are questions about the “physical” world, matters of materialistic fact, the assumption that all of these are answered in exactly the same way is not only over simplified and misleading it is completely mistaken and is a question begging fallacy and special pleading fallacy of the highest degree. The existence, factuality or reality of different kinds of things is not established or disconfirmed in the same way in every case. For example in order to “prove” (Is there a box of crackers in the pantry) we all obviously know how to answer that question. Just look in the pantry!. But that is completely different from the way we go about answering questions determining the reality of for example atoms, quarks or probability waves discovered in quantum mechanics that are invisible, unmeasurable, bi locational/non local, superpositional and timeless. Not to mention the difficulties in measuring the qualitative experience of mind and consciousness, galaxies outside our visual field, gravitational attraction, the laws of physics, radio activity, concepts related to reality and existence such as time, being, identity, ontology, teleology, the abstract world of mathematics and numbers, historical past events, categories, future, contingencies, laws of thought, individual identity over time, causation, memories or even love, altruism, beauty or bravery. It is very rational to believe that all these things are real and yet one does not simply (walk into the pantry and look inside for evidence of these metaphysical realities) There are numerous questions related to existence but they are not at all answered in the same way in each case.
@georgedoyle7971 2 года назад
The (Encyclopaedia of philosophy) suggests that this presumption of atheism does not hold water as it does not accurately represent the reality of the situation with regards to who has a burden of proof. Because the fact is that despite the constant attempts to pigeon hole, stereotype and straw man the belief in the fundamental nature of mind and consciousness/monotheism the debate between atheism and theism is not just simply an argument about whether “one more thing” exists in the universe. Because this is a straw man argument and is what’s known in analytical philosophy as a logical fallacy! Furthermore, as I pointed out already this is also what’s known in analytical philosophy and modal logic as the classical (Catergory Error Fallacy). It’s a logical fallacy, a red herring, an irrelevancy fallacy, a non sequitur constantly committed by internet atheists due to hubris, philosophical illiteracy and the fact that the internet is saturated with militant atheist propaganda and fake news. Because the fact is that an absolute, ontological, metaphysical ground of reality and existence/God is not to be understood as just another entity in the universe at all because any such entity would by definition not be “God”. The debate is rather a debate about the character of the universe. Theists don’t believe that the concept of “God” is referring to just another “being” that exists in the universe but they believe that “God” is (being) and is (existence) itself. So sceptics are going to have a very difficult time hand waving (being) and (existence) away without literally undermining “themselves” including all knowledge and even science itself. Equally, the theistic belief in the fundamental nature of mind and consciousness/monotheism/deism/panentheism is not referring to just another “physical” mind or rather large brain or just another metaphysical, irreducible consciousness that exists in the “physical” universe. It is referring to the belief that “God” is (mind) and is (consciousness) itself! God is (reality) and is the (universe) and is (existence) itself and is transcendent. “That of which nothing greater can be conceived.” (Anselmo d’Aosta). So the belief in “God” as such is just a (lack of belief) in a strictly reductive materialism, atheism or philosophical naturalism as the ground of reality. It’s just a (lack of belief) in the unproven assumption that the basic entities in the natural world can be reduced to meaninglessness but still contain “meaning” and have the character of existing “on their own.” It’s just a (lack of belief) in the assumption that the sum of the parts is greater than the whole!! The theist believes that every object in the natural world exists because the absolute ontological ground of truth and morality exists. Every finite thing has the character of being dependent on the whole. The atheist denies this and affirms that the basic entities in the natural world have the character of existing “on their own”, albeit popping into existence accidentally from “nothing” and then ironically reduced to their component parts as if this solves the problem and is a no nonsense “rational” conclusion. Because whilst asserting the baseless notion that there is no burden of proof they are oblivious to the irony that in order to assert that a strictly reductive materialism, atheism or philosophical naturalism is true you have to assert that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. But this reduces your argument including your “self” to circularity and reductio ad absurdum. So this is just hubris and is incoherent as it is an unproven assumption that requires evidence as it is clearly not an honest, coherent and parsimonious way to think about reality and existence because it does not even address the real question! The fundamental question is, does a strictly reductive materialism, atheism or philosophical naturalism have the greatest explanatory power. Or does it lead to absurdity, that is circularity and self contradiction because it is clearly not obvious that atheism is safer than the belief in the fundamental nature of mind and consciousness/monotheism. Because the debate is clearly not about the existence of “one object”, but about the character of the universe as a whole. Both parties are making claims about the character of literally everything in the natural world and literally everything in the universe and in existence. Not to mention the possibility of realities outside the natural world. The claim to a universal negative is a question begging fallacy and special pleading fallacy of the highest degree. So (Fallacies of False Equivalence) and (Appeal to Ridicule Fallacies) are just a way of avoiding the deeper issues and burying your head in the sand. This point is particularly conspicuous in the compelling moral arguments for theism, since one of the questions raised by such arguments is the inadequacy of a naturalistic worldview in providing proof, a justification and a ground for metaphysical presuppositions such as values, morals and ethics, including realities such as epistemology, teleology and ontology. Not to mention metaphysical presuppositions such as the prescriptive laws of logic, the pillars on which all science stands, that is empiricism and conscious agents. Evidentialists may properly ask about the arguments and evidence for theism, but it also seems proper and rational to ask about the arguments and evidence for atheism and it’s ability to prove, justify and ground all knowledge, metaphysics and science itself but more importantly morals, ethics, duties and human rights. Especially if the atheist is committed to a rival (metaphysic) such as naturalism or eliminative materialism. The fact is that you can not prove, justify or ground metaphysical presuppositions such as morals, ethics, absolute truth, prescriptive laws of logic, identity over time, the one and the many, the myth of the given, empiricism and conscious agents in a strictly reductive materialism, atheism or philosophical naturalism that clearly excludes metaphysical realities!! So it is rational and proper for those who believe in the fundamental nature of mind and consciousness/monotheism to ask for evidence of a world view that clearly undermines the pillars on which all knowledge and even science itself stands. More importantly it is proper and rational to ask for evidence of an ideology that reduces, morals, ethics, including human rights and duties to total absurdity and nothing more than the meaningless chatter of accidental, blind, mindless, random atoms and brain chemicals creating the illusion of stable patterns and regularities.
@dengelbrecht6428 Год назад
Some thing that is too overlooked is that on early earth heavy metalls that are now largely removed from the upper layers of the earth by geology and gradually sedimentation where on the surface and in the water. The effect of heavy metalls on proteins is devastating, they deform them completely.
@KingAntDaProphet Год назад
Damn you blew a hole in the evolution theory
@lynncomstock1255 6 лет назад
Also, a single protein is not life. Many more are needed and these items are fragile in the "soup" in which they may or may not form. If the necessary components to make something that can reproduce (i.e. a living proto cell) don't merge quickly, they will be destroyed by heat, cold, radiation or even by another random protein that happens to be an enzyme. Add that into the odds.
@Liamitis123 6 лет назад
Add to that the increasing complexity of information that is layered multidimensionally when moving up from cellular to tissue to organ to system to species. This would take a miracle on par with God creating in 6 literal days to compare to in terms of being supernatural, because naturally the odds are plainly zero.
@KenJackson_US 5 лет назад
Exactly, @@Liamitis123. As shockingly improbable as it would be for any protein to evolve, it would violate natural selection to keep it around until the other components of its system could evolve.
@michaelsorensen7567 5 лет назад
@@smb123211 we hypothesize that based off assumptions that could well be wrong. Just saying, but we used to "know" spontaneous generation was how mice, rats, flies, and frogs were generated. It was debunked by Pasteur.
@michaelsorensen7567 5 лет назад
@@smb123211 it "seems" as though we understand how carbon decay works, and based off that assumption (and the assumption that the old matter we've identified as originating on earth actually did) it "seems" we've dated earth at 4.6 billion years old. If it turns out carbon decay is logarithmic rather than linear than those assumptions and "seems" all fall apart, don't they?
@michaelsorensen7567 5 лет назад
@@smb123211 assuming the scientific assumptions about the rate of isotope decay are accurate. Which was my main point. I may have been off on the technicalities, but if that rate of decay deviates from what we think it is then all our timelines are off. Considering that we've been observing isotope decay for less than a tenth of a percent of the timelines we're extrapolating it to, minute errors (10^-6 or smaller) could create large inaccuracies over the millennia. And that's assuming linear decay when it may not be. Again we've been observing for such short periods of time that it may be logarithmic or exponential and we're just observing the more linear segment of what could in fact be curves. An example would be plastic particles in the ocean, where they find fairly consistently evading particle size up to a point where particles seem to just vanish as the organisms that degrade the particles find optional conditions and relative size ratios. You're still assuming that the scientific models are accurate. I'm pointing out scientific models are regularly inaccurate, and asking you to question this one too.
@keithcleghorn5102 5 лет назад
I have several friends who will not be sleeping very well after they see this video. I just love math. I am also sending them a bible and doing a lot of prayers.
@P272-e9k 5 лет назад
Evolution is unbelievable, literally, mathematically.
@GORF_EMPIRE 5 лет назад
On a major changes/common ancestry one to all angle...... Literally and mathematically impossible ... agreed.
@newworldgrover8588 5 лет назад
@Van Smack it's possible that x number times x number times x number to the x power = 3x number to x power. However without more factual information it's just another possibility with insufficient data.
@BitchChill 5 лет назад
Too bad, it's true
@BitchChill 5 лет назад
@@tagalogkurt I agree that evolution is a fact
@MarcosSilveira-vx6nn 8 дней назад
​@@newworldgrover8588 time doesn't matter for abiogenesis! Even a long time, the odds keep same! Need to bilions of years to 1 protein be formed. According Borel's Law, events over 1 in 10⁵⁰ simply doesn't occur
@Brahbrahbrah 5 лет назад
So you’re telling me there’s a chance?! -Lloyd Christmas
@Ahmadbaig007 5 лет назад
Just to make a single protein.
@kedduff1814 5 лет назад
cool so i still gotta chance to score.. Dumb & deumber
@Prakriti2041 5 лет назад
it sounds like its so unlikely and takes so much time, it can't have happened yet.
@AffordBindEquipment 5 лет назад
yep, but there isn't enough time in the universe to make it happen
@retard6477 5 лет назад
Brah Nice reference.
@HYPERBOWLER 5 лет назад
Crazy how we even have numbers to explain the chance in the first place.
@Be_Nice1200 5 лет назад
This is like placing a bomb next to a pile of plank wood and a bucket of nails, and expecting the explosion to result in a dog house 💣×🌳 = 🏠
@TheRealZodWorld 7 месяцев назад
if you make infiiti times you got many forms and maybe one time you got a dog house. also it can be programmed
@sanjosemike3137 5 лет назад
I used to be an atheist. When I graduated from medical school, many years ago, we did not understand protein formation and folding. Some people argue and ask: “Why is God hidden?” God has never been more obvious than he is now. Virtually all of the science points to a conscious Universe. I admit it was a difficult road for me. But atheism is just not tenable. Not even close. Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)
@1977Jackofalltrades 5 лет назад
San Jose Mike very well said, Doc!
@caroleevandyk5544 5 лет назад
Good point Mike. I'm a nurse and when l studied fetal embryology, the blinding complexity even of what we know about it lead me to consider that l did not have enough faith to believe it happened by chance. I was an evolutionist and atheist at this point too. Then l looked at probabilities and the chances of these processes occurring without design and that convinced me that chance did not produce this world. God is hidden because He wants it that way for now. He is granting faith to a chosen few only and those will become co-labourers with Christ to bring in the rest of humanity. He is not desperately trying to get everyone to believe in Him now. His plans for humanity according to properly translated scripture is that all will eventually be reconciled to Him after we all have learned the lesson of what life looks like when we try to run it on our own. He is bringing humanity to the end of itself and when we are about to destroy ourselves He will intervene and fix us. That is God's plan but most are not aware of it. Scripture says that God "locks up all in blindness and stubbornness that He might have mercy on all." So right now God looks hidden to the majority of humanity. But not always......
@sanjosemike3137 5 лет назад
@@caroleevandyk5544 Thanks for writing. I have a med school classmate who is a Christian. (He is also a lawyer). During the times we knew each other and worked together, he always thought of me as the "atheist" I professed to be. I intend to "come out" to him and tell him now that the science has "dragged" me into God. I have to admit that I am surprised by all of this. I have never seen more rock solid proof of God than in the science I see all around me. I too was wondering HOW embryology worked and how targeted tissue got the place "where it belonged." My professor never told us HOW that happened. He didn't know, actually. In fact, he didn't have the faintest idea. Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)
@sanjosemike3137 5 лет назад
@@kkdesignservices183 I get your point. The "problem" with your post is that virtually EVERY scientific discipline points to a conscious universe, from cosmology, to physics, biology and of course biochemistry. It's not just ONE issue or one branch of science. It's everything. Everywhere. Like you, I would not just take "one" factor to derive this proof. I have to admit that this was difficult for me. I was an atheist for over 50 years. But the science is utterly clear. Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)
@stephenrimes7305 5 лет назад
The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth HIS handiwork!
@eclipsesolar8345 5 лет назад
Von Braun wanted that in is grave. And he was an amazing scientist. That should tell us somethimg.
@bassage13 5 лет назад
@@eclipsesolar8345 He was also a Nazi.
@stephenmerritt5750 6 лет назад
But, that's just the physical aspects of life. Even if life could start by sheer chance, that would only explain the physical aspects. How would that produce a living human being? How do you get from a living and replicating concoction of chemical elements to a living being that writes and enjoys music, or enjoys nature, or loves to create art, or sits and contemplates the most profound questions in life? If you think that the probability that proteins can be created by chance over time, what would be the probability to for chance to also produce a living being that is actually conscience, has a personality, has a sense of humor, or any other aspect of human life?
@ExploringCabinsandMines 6 лет назад
PLUS on a planet the perfect distance from the sun with ozone protection and complimenting plant life.
@ExploringCabinsandMines 6 лет назад
@@JScott-ut8ko so how does a breed produce another breed that cannot breed with the first breed? What would it breed with ! Lol
@mikedargen5348 6 лет назад
Also our sun has a corona without it we wouldn't exist.
@ben-si3dk 6 лет назад
J. Scott the fossil record argument on behalf of evolution is an incredibly weak argument. In fact it’s not the best argument for either side of the debate.
@focusedmessagemarketing958 6 лет назад
Stephen Merritt A problem for me and should be for evolutionists is, how do two, male and female, reproductive systems emerge simultaneously? The information for all of these systems, heart, lungs, digestive, reproductive, boggles the mind as to their complexity and function. But we hear all the time the just so stories of “we think it happened this way”. If biologists knew how living cells came to be, this info would be out there for all to see. Evolutionists like to use time as the great lynchpin of existence. Time adds no information to create these systems.
@YouKnowMeDuh 6 лет назад
Regardless of your religion/faith, the random chance of life forming is looking very, very, miniscule. Even if you have an unlimited time period, to go from proteins to the life we have today? And not just any life, but life with extreme order and interdependence of biomes all the way down to the organs in our body. Out of all the answers one may pose, chance is not one.
@swamivardana9911 6 лет назад
Evolution vs creation of life: How life really began ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-XJsGWCbFvo8.html
@jackyjack9660 4 года назад
Its the only answer because then why or how can you justify the rolling of dice which can give you a six or other numbers,how can you justify the coin fliped gave you heads or tails. Did God controlled it once you assume yourself puppet of God you loose your identity.
@alexdrake8079 2 года назад
@@pooshpoosh9232 See if you actually do the probability of the math and science behind how life actually came to exist it's nearly impossible for life to even happen without God
@hdrabba Год назад
@@pooshpoosh9232 It’s easier for random letters to be scrambled into an entire Shakespearean play in full iambic pentameter. It’s not just the proteins, it’s the perfect functionality of all animals and the synchronous manner in which they operate in an ecosystem. Then the perfect harmony in galactic systems.
@tteabag91 Год назад
@@alexdrake8079 How is it possible with God? He just speaks magic words and proteins pop out of thin air? Let's get into the nitty gritty of those mechanics shall we?
@silvershelbygt500 6 лет назад
The correct answer 1 chance. That chance is called YHWH.
@thetruebeliever3056 6 лет назад
U call him God or yhwh or Allah but He's one and he can't become a human he does Godly things no one can see him
@michaelmiky11 5 лет назад
@@salpertia He is against homosexuality, but not against homosexuals. Those religious people who hate homosexuals take the Lord's name in vain. If as a homosexual, you follow all the commandments, you'll enter the kingdom of heaven before any of those hypocrites will.
@somaliunityreacts6452 5 лет назад
MosheMYY M If YHWH is the Creator and all knowing, all powerful and sustainer it would be illogical for him to become a creation. A creation is limited while Creator is all powerful all knowing. So if he become human he wouldnt be all knowing and all powerful. Are you trying to tell me the Creator became a creation?
@JustinLodes 5 лет назад
Lawrence Grott I agree. Jehovah God is the creator of all life
@thetruebeliever3056 5 лет назад
@@moshemyym4627 what do u mean if God becomes a human then he's not God he's human and we know human can't run this universe the whole universe will collapse if c+o2 - C02 now we can't say it's c and o2 it lost its properties and now it has the properties of co2 God created this universe the time space and matter he does godly things he doesn't come in time he's out of time read it twice and think about it thrice
@cozerian Год назад
evolutionists be like yo, the chance of 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of a protein coming by chance is still valid, you know also this could happen multiple times and link to make a functional cell is still valid, even if it's 1 in 10^3400000
@mouhaahaahaa 9 месяцев назад
creationist be like yo, the chance of 0% of a magical fairytale having magical events again and again and without a single evidence for it is still valid even if it's literally impossible and literally can't happen
@steven4428 Месяц назад
​@mouhaahaahaa atheists be like using the word "magic" to describe things they don't understand and go on pretending that there is no evidence of God.
@orthodoxwitness2374 10 месяцев назад
Atheists watching this video: "...So you're saying there's a chance."
@pythondrink 9 месяцев назад
Ofc there's a chance. Creationistards can't seem to understand. There position is selfdefeating.
@PInk77W1 5 лет назад
I love how science proves God
@PInk77W1 5 лет назад
Atilla the Big Bang theory was discovered by a Catholic priest. Einstein mocked him, then about 10yrs later Einstein apologized to him. LoL Go figure
@rizwanrafeek3811 5 лет назад
@@PInk77W1 As a muslim, I cannot accept a notion, that God who created this infinite universe, requires blood and man slaughter for mercy and salvation killing Jesus for mercy and salvation. It does not add up to the majesty of the Creator of this infinite universe.
@PInk77W1 5 лет назад
Rizwan Rafeek it is not required. It is Love
@PInk77W1 5 лет назад
Van Smack how did science prove Dr MLK jr was stupid ?
@rizwanrafeek3811 5 лет назад
@@PInk77W1 _"it is not required. It is Love "_ If killing was necessary, then there is no room for love or forgiveness before the God. God says, "I Lord, I never change" Malachi 3:6. I will give you an analogy and it goes like this... Lets say that you borrowed $500 from me and haven't paid back for years. I come along to your door and tell you, that Mr. Him Bike, it has been many years now, you haven't paid me back the money you owe me, but I will forgive your $500 dollars owing but your 4th generation have to pay me back the $500 dollars. Am I really forgiving your $500 owing? Absolutely not. In the same context, if Jesus must be killed for mercy and salvation, then God becomes an unforgiving entity, there is no room for mercy and forgiveness before the God. Therefore your notion of love is in contradiction and do not make any sense. I will give an analogy and it goes like this. There was a king in the land and this king had number of servants in service to him and this king known to be a respected ruler on the land. All king's servants stolen things from king's palace, in spite of king being honest and fair, after many years of servants were stealing things from palace, the king came to know about servants were stealing and on one day king gathered all servants and told them, I know all my servants were stealing things from my palace but don't worry I will punish my son, behead him for your actions and you all my servants will have your jobs secured, you all get a raise in salary and a bonus. Killing king's son make any sense to anyone? Should God demanded killing Jesus for mercy and salvation, then God has to honor evil killing Jesus, God has to endorse the evil killing Jesus, God has to frame the evil killing Jesus, God has to accept the evil killing Jesus, God has to participate in the evil killing Jesus and you know none of which is inline with God's majestic nature, because God says, "God tempt no one to commit evil". James 1:13. If you got a thinking mind, think hard my brother.
@sammyspaniel6054 5 лет назад
I am so thankful that I looked at other options. I learned His name is Jesus. He wrote a book......well, he had a staff for it but He oversaw it's contents carefully. He even wrote an outline of earth's history in advance in Daniel and Revelation. It's an amazing feeling to know the future and watch it unfold before my very eyes.
@sammyspaniel6054 3 года назад
@@cnault3244 The Bible was written by 40 different authors on three different continents over a period of 1500 years. As a serious student I am astounded every day by how deep the layers go. Revelation addresses the very issue that you raise. God is in control and used the antichrist/beast to actually help preserve the Bible throughout the dark ages. You can raise doubts all day long about who took part in preserving or choosing which writings to leave in or out. What you really need to do is TEST the Bible to see if it holds true. I have done this and the Bible has surpassed my expectations on every level. It's a personal experience thing. Here's what is prophesied to happen next in the prophecies. The United States will legislate mandatory Sunday observance laws. We've known about this since the 1840s. These prophecies are 100% accurate.
@sammyspaniel6054 3 года назад
@@cnault3244 You have put so much work into trying to debunk the Scriptures that I'm afraid you would just be a person convinced against their will. Every verse you sited must be understood in context. Obviously God does not want Christians to go around literally moving mountains. The earth would be a huge mess for no reason other than a cool trick. God is letting us know IN A POETIC WAY that He will go to great lengths to fulfill His end of the bargain in the plan of salvation. I've seen this first hand in my life. As for the "United States" in prophecy it is found in Revelation. The very first verse of Revelation states that these prophecies were "signified" to John by the angel. In other words symbols are used for various world empires, nations, kingdoms etc. God had to do it this way to protect the Bible from those who would destroy it if their plans were put in plain language. If you read a blueprint for a nuclear reactor you would be absolutely mystified but that does not mean they don't make sense to those who have put in the time and had the training. These prophecies actually begin in Daniel. The Bible gives the interpretation for these symbols leaving no wiggle room as to their meaning. These prophecies are a perfect outline of world history that impacted God's people from 600 BC down to our time and beyond. The nation/empires mentioned in succession are Babylon, Medo/Persia, Greece, Rome, the Papacy, United States and European nations. If you want proof then watch ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-0sRVBRrn3A0.html
@mydogniko 3 года назад
@@cnault3244 6 months later and still no answers to your questions. I love when logic defeats superstition.
@peytonwalcott6755 2 года назад
The idea that a Christian god created all of this is highly improbable. It is more likely either that there is no god or a god that no one understands yet
@TestofBelievers 2 года назад
The idea we know anything is highly improbable because we haven't left planet earth.
@therealarien 5 лет назад
Unfortunately, once a paradigm is well established and built upon, it's very difficult to convince people otherwise. Even if it's based on a theory, decades old. We need room for innovation and questioning. If we're not allowed to ask questions it's not science. The circular reasoning has to end
@sanjosemike3137 5 лет назад
@@RolandMaurer Ever since Dawkins had his stroke, he has become less public, probably in order to recover. However, I believe there are other reasons as well. The questions Dawkins gets at his Q and A (after his lectures) have become impossible for him to answer. The worse question is protein synthesis and models of folding, as related to "first life." But there are others as well. European scientists are not as frightened of God as are Americans. The Materialist dogma is being fractured in virtually every scientific module and model. Ultimately it is easy for atheists to attack the Bible. But they are having a hell of a time attacking science. Ultimately, I dislike Dawkins intensely. He is an arrogant man and I detest that. I did like Chris Hitchens though, and Chris never called himself a scientist and openly stated that "Fine tuning is the best argument for God." Chris is gone now and I miss him. He met his God and was undoubtedly surprised. Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)
@sanjosemike3137 5 лет назад
Roland Maurer Your faith in science is remarkable. It’s called the “just wait” hypothesis. As the new biological science comes out and the complexity of cellular chemistry becomes more disclosed, “just waiting” has only damaged atheism even more. Instead of science establishing atheism, the mathematics of cell function has only served to further disprove atheism. Frankly it was much easier for scientists who just thought cellular life was just “undifferentiated” protoplasm, like cloudy jello. Crick himself was astonished by the information carrying capacity of DNA and it bothered him enough to suggest “alien panspermia.” But of course we have never found aliens yet. Ok, just wait...and wait...and wait...and wait... Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)
@sanjosemike3137 5 лет назад
Roland Maurer Outdated Crick? Even Dawkins state that “first life may have been seeded by advanced aliens.” I’m sure Dawkins regrets that comment. As you know, Dawkins had a stroke. It would be very unkind for me to wish him luck in his oblivion. So I won’t. I am very familiar with the arguments for atheism, as I was one for almost 50 years. I was delusional then. However I am not a Christian, although I do admire them. I am however a “believer” in a conscious Universe, even if I don’t completely understand what that is. I am old. Perhaps I will, soon. Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)
@sanjosemike3137 5 лет назад
@@RolandMaurerI think you get particularly irritated by "Creationists." I am not a creationist. Intelligent design is NOT creationism. I am not a Christian. I was a surgeon when I worked. Biology has changed enormously since I (had) to memorize parts of the Kreb's Cycle. I am not certain what the form of God is. I'm not sure it makes any difference, even if I was. I don't know and am not particularly interested in any Bibles. I have been a scientist (and musician) all of my life. I have to wonder...and always did in fact....HOW did Johann Sebastian Bach come UP with the miracles of music he wrote. I have played Bach since I was 8 years old and can still play the Italian Concerto. (not as well as I used to). Then, there is the co-existing problem of evil, pain and suffering. God certainly is strange. I have come to the conclusion that conscious life is NOT supposed to be easy to understand. Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)
@davidbecraft5184 5 лет назад
@@RolandMaurer since evolution is everywhere then please give examples. THERE IS NO SCIENTIFIC PROOF THAT ANY SPECIES HAS EVER EVOLVED INTO A DIFFERENT SPECIES., PERIOD! For you to say that proof of evolution is everywhere then provide just one single transitional fossil. There should literally be 100's of millions of transitional fossils if evolution was a reality.
@JesusIsUnstoppable 5 лет назад
*Score Board:* *Theists: 1* *Atheists: 1/10^164*
@thetruthchannel349 5 лет назад
what fairy guy is in the sky? I dont know even know who youre talking about? Fairy guy in the sky? What in the hell are you even talking about Gutter Spout?
@thetruthchannel349 5 лет назад
what are you rambling on about son? Possibility is the determination of what could happen. Probability is the determination of what will happen. Once possibility determines something cannot happen then the issue of probability is solved. Case closed. What I find interesting is that no one ever deals with the demographics of 'atheism' and evolution. How many areas of science have shills and evangelists whos target audience consists of children and the most uneducated sectors of society>? Richard Dawkins target audience is NOT the educated. It is NOT other academics. It is NOT the upper tier of society. It is children and low IQ/under-educated members of society. Can anyone say 'OBVIOUS' ?
@GORF_EMPIRE 5 лет назад
@@thetruthchannel349 The amazing thing about Atheists is when you ask them for science, they run to making fun of some fairy guy in the sky. I guess you have to change the subject when you keep losing the game of truth. Evolutionary major changes and common ancestry to all is a joke. The other sad thing I find is you don't even need to go to theism to show how bankrupt it is. Simply showing actual probability, using real science and math is damning enough. Steve does that well and injects a theistic point of view at the same time. What does the atheist concentrate on when trying to dispute the actual probability and math? The go to theism, but they fail at disputing it solely on it's scientific merits. Atheism and Theism are maters of what one believes.
@GORF_EMPIRE 5 лет назад
@methecsgod And in science, once you get past 10^50, you're chasing rabbits down a hole.
@thetruthchannel349 5 лет назад
No, Buckwheat there isnt. The purpose of stating that there is a POSSIBILITY of ZERO is not to say there IS a possibility. There is a GREATER mathematical possibility that a pink elephant will far from the sky and land on a Steinway Grand Piano as it is being delivered to Carnegie Hall than there is that a Protein will appear. You clearly have ZERO understanding of SCIENCE or COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS. Its also clear that you do NOT posses a fundamental understanding of how LOGIC functions. Observe your own mentally handicapped statement: "Like the spontaneous appearance of proteins? Yeah bucko, there's still a possibility there." -- There is ZERO possibility that a protein could spontaneously appear. Not only that but there is a ZERO possibility that LIFE can arise spontaneously. Abiogenesis is probably the MOST CONSISTENTLY and PERSISTENTLY disproven concept in the history of Biology. I personally participated in an experiment to test the concept of spontaneous generation. Even if your intellectual prowess and education serve no purpose your attitude however, does! You prove that the motive for clinging to the ridiculous notion of evolution is purely antiGod bias.
@melucs1 5 лет назад
I haven't read all the comments on here or watched the rest of this lecture, but I assume everyone here knows if a single functional protein did come into existence then you are still not even remotely close to "life". Right? What good is a single hormone, an insulin molecule, a polymerase, helicase, etc. floating around out there in the ocean? Or am I wrong?
@philipbuckley759 5 лет назад
you are not wrong...
@icedice6393 5 лет назад
That's what I'm wondering. Is there a theory on how the proteins arranged themselves into a cell?
@davemwangi05 4 года назад
@@icedice6393 following
@dknight25 6 лет назад
It takes more faith to believe in Abiogenesis than to believe in God.
@thorshammer7883 6 лет назад
dknight Agreed.
@thorshammer7883 5 лет назад
Jeffrey B What?
@neilschroeder7854 5 лет назад
dknight . Thats because you are too stupid to understand science, math etc.
@radamh 5 лет назад
@@MC-wh3xm, this is a great question.
@1974jrod 5 лет назад
M C If you can begin to tell me the number of assumptions needed to believe pasteurized rocks are responsible for producing complex living systems, I'd love to hear! Man creates computer . Man himself, infinitely more complex than the computer, but no design needed!!???? Bawhahahaha!!!!!
@86lanzo 5 лет назад
"God doesn't play dice" Albert Einstein
@TroyDawes43 5 лет назад
who was it that told Albert Einstein to stop telling God what to do when he said God doesn't roll the dice?
@86lanzo 5 лет назад
@@fatmaramadan6928 you completely miss the point..God as a concept..is all knowing so playing dice is pointless
@Gaxi2 2 года назад
@@fatmaramadan6928 That cannot be proved or disproved. Atleast scientifically
@TestofBelievers 2 года назад
Can anyone disprove it? Doesn't Israel exist?
@TestofBelievers 2 года назад
Let's be more sophisticated than "grow up". You can do better. The nation of Israel was dispersed by God thousands of years ago. And Scriptures correctly predicted that it would one day exist again. No other nation on earth has experienced anything close to that. Be kind to your fellow humans. Do not succumb to your animal instincts.
@nebulous6660 5 лет назад
“So you’re telling me there’s a chance” - Natural Selection
@thesuperbouda 5 лет назад
the word select mean that nature has to have a mind and conscious to be able to choose from and thats makes it intellegant and power to do it so thats mean that nature mean god
@desaad1725 3 года назад
@@thesuperbouda right. Natural Selection is a God of Atheists. Its like if every religious group had a name for God. The God of Atheists would be natural selection
@ikkejick 3 года назад
First explain the appearance of space, time and matter before we get to 'chance'.
@thegreatbehoover788 3 года назад
@@desaad1725 That is why I've coined the phrase Natural Selection Fairy!
@ngshiehea 3 года назад
Yes, technical. Unfortunately, the entire universe has never had enough time to make it happen - to strike even one cell by possibility.
@MyLittlePonyFan24 7 месяцев назад
Don’t forget that making a single-celled organism isn’t enough. You need a single-celled organism that can reproduce AND does so before it is destroyed.
@ryanvandermerwe5587 4 года назад
"In the beginning, God... "
@needforspeedgaming7148 3 года назад
@@cnault3244 no one knows, but there is certainly one.
@TestofBelievers 3 года назад
John 10:10-11 NET The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come so that they may have life, and may have it abundantly. [11] "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
@TestofBelievers 3 года назад
Proverbs 1:22-33 NET "How long will you simpletons love naiveté? How long will mockers delight in mockery and fools hate knowledge? [23] If only you will respond to my rebuke, then I will pour out my thoughts to you and I will make my words known to you. [24] However, because I called but you refused to listen, because I stretched out my hand but no one paid attention, [25] because you neglected all my advice, and did not comply with my rebuke, [26] so I myself will laugh when disaster strikes you, I will mock when what you dread comes, [27] when what you dread comes like a whirlwind, and disaster strikes you like a devastating storm, when distressing trouble comes on you. [28] Then they will call to me, but I will not answer; they will diligently seek me, but they will not find me. [29] Because they hated moral knowledge, and did not choose to fear the LORD, [30] they did not comply with my advice, they spurned all my rebuke. [31] Therefore they will eat from the fruit of their way, and they will be stuffed full of their own counsel. [32] For the waywardness of the simpletons will kill them, and the careless ease of fools will destroy them. [33] But the one who listens to me will live in security, and will be at ease from the dread of harm.
@TestofBelievers 3 года назад
Will your God resurrect you when you're dead?
@TestofBelievers 3 года назад
So the world around us is random chance? And there's no such thing as love? It's chemical reactions? And you're just an animal?
@wade5941 6 лет назад
I can not say whether Evolution is definitely a fact or no. I just don't know. I can not say that Intelligent Design is true or not. I don't know. But as I read, study, and crank out numbers on my trusty HP Scientific calculator I find myself not ready to dismiss those who make the case ID. The odds against life starting on it own appears to be so astronomical as to be 0. But, we don't know all we need to know to make ANY declarations of fact. I am not a religious or spiritual person and am Agnostic. Both sides should be able to pursue their reasoning without being shut out. Science is not reserved for ONLY those that adhere to the "theory" of Evolution. Seems to me that there is plenty of science on the side of both arguments. Keep an open mind.
@wade5941 6 лет назад
Still amazed at how many just absolutely shut their minds down to the possibility of ANY concept that does not fit their own. They simply will not allow for any other explanation. They have reached their destination and will travel no further. There is so much we do not know.
@KenJackson_US 6 лет назад
For most of my life, I believed that evolution seemed improbable, but *it must be true* because so many people believe it. But then I took a closer look and realized it can't possibly explain what we see. This protein issue is the biggest problem. A mutation can slightly tweak an existing protein. But there's no way to develop a totally new protein by the rules that evolutionists believe in.
@shaunbarnett2972 6 лет назад
Evolution is definitely a fact, there is no longer any question about it. Every single branch of science has accumulated huge amounts of evidence now and it is obvious what has happened. From archaeology to comparative anatomy to geographical distribution of species, to genetics and molecular biology, all lines of science support each other tremendously. I want to clarify something for you based on your statement: "The odds against life starting on it own appears to be so astronomical as to be 0". You are lacking a key element of understanding and awareness here. So let me try to expand your mind a little on this one. Yes the probability of life arising anywhere is very small. Very specific conditions need to be met and it is perhaps a chance of one in many quadrillions that any biological processes or molecules will arise by chance. That is correct. However, the earth is not the only planet to consider. We now have some idea of the size of the universe which you may be aware of and the actual size of the universe may be much larger than the observable universe we can currently see. So we're talking about trillions upon trillions of galaxies each containing many billions of stars and planets. In fact, it may turn out that the universe is virtually infinite in size, if not actually infinite. This would mean an infinite number of planets. So, let's say you have one quadrillion planets that can support life and the probability of life arising spontaneously is one quadrillionth. On average, you would expect life to arise once. In an infinite universe, you would expect life to arise an infinite number of times even with this incredibly small probability. You cannot begin to really get your head around this until you've spent some time looking at the size of the universe and the number of galaxies in the known universe (which is astronomical), remembering that we can see may be just a small fraction of what is actually out there. So, my point is, don't let your thinking be biased by an inappropriate understanding of the maths involved. In an infinite universe, the appearance of life is a certainty. And even in the observable universe, the chance of the appearance of life is very very high.
@jonasa.3040 6 лет назад
Surrender to God. Cause what do you have to lose but gain eternal life.
@BalsamorhizaSagittat 6 лет назад
The numbers tell me that random generation of life or species is basically impossible. From a statistical perspective it is beyond improbable. As for being scientific I have issues with the lack of experimentation showing the method of evolution beyond adaptation. That is changing a lifeform from one species to another. Or taking a species and developing a new one. So I find evolution to only qualify as a hypothesis. On the other hand if we conclude there was a designer then we immediately are faced with something outside the physical universe. A designer almost by definition is outside the design. Thus not limited or discoverable by physical means. Science makes observations, records those observations, makes a guess (hypothesis, conduct experimentations and collects data in the process of testing the hypothesis. So what sort of experiment can we conduct where in we can test for a non-physical designer? My conclusion is science cannot answer the question since it is bound by the physical universe. However, we as humans will fight and die over non-physical concepts. Most of our wars were fought form something other than something physical. So we firmly believe in the non-physical and here we have to accept something non-physical is the possible cause of the physical. BUT from a scientific position I have to conclude we don't know.
@DonswatchingtheTube 5 лет назад
The odds must be even worse considering you only have the life (usefulness) of the protein and not the entirety of time to make these positive changes.
@ruslanbatko4892 5 лет назад
If we don’t know the answer to a problem it does not mean there is no answer. Its always easier to attribute something we can’t answer to a mysterious occurrence. If there is a probability there is a chance given that time is infinite
@dalethorn2 5 лет назад
Time isn't infinite, and it's running out for our civilization.
@ruslanbatko4892 5 лет назад
dalethorn2 just because the time is running out for our civilization does not mean that time is ending
@joshuahankey 5 лет назад
Well we are moving toward the death of the universe as eventually it will reach equilibrium. Our universe is finite. Once equilibrium is reached nothing, by definition, can happen.
@stevesorenson892 5 лет назад
Ruslan Batko - 1. Time isn’t infinite. 2. “Design” isn’t a god of the gaps argument. 3. Infinite time doesn’t increase the chances of life forming from non life - the probability is actually either the same or worse with infinite time.
@themonkey5918 5 лет назад
@@ruslanbatko4892yeah bur we already went over the fact that it is not infinite. So it had a beginning. Cam we please address this before jumping too far ahead
@maskofscience 2 года назад
The mathematical impossibility of evolution extends far beyond abiogenesis. No proposed macro evolutionary pathway falls with the reach of chance. Molecular convergence , in particular is impossible.
@avatacron60 5 лет назад
Amazing lecture!
@jonasa.3040 6 лет назад
Id say God created the protein.
@thorshammer7883 6 лет назад
Jonas V. Correct. I suggest you to watch some videos from a group called "Gensis Apologetics" their very well informed and logical. They have a channel on RU-vid.
@bryanbursiek1593 6 лет назад
@@duckmonster921 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-QJVK7QMHwb0.html
@thorshammer7883 5 лет назад
Duck monster God doesn't have a origin it's simple. Omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence is beyond comprehension.
@thorshammer7883 5 лет назад
Andrew Oliver What?
@jonasa.3040 5 лет назад
@Juno Donat Ive heard that story before. That Jesus is just a mix of other greek gods. Im not saying there is no answer or i dont know it. But you dont even bother to look for an answer. Is it because you want a justification to sin? I know when i first heard the gospel i tried to debunk it cause of my lust. If evolution is true you cant know Truth and if you do it doesint matter cause you will rot in the ground no matter what. Why cant you accept Jesus cause what do you have to lose but gain eternal life?
@nanomonkey3143 5 лет назад
I only wish to add the obvious statement -- that time is not the friend of abiogenesis plausibility. All reactions will proceed toward equilibrium, not away. That means that polypeptides will undergo hydrolysis faster than they will assemble together. Abiogenesis is LESS likely in 1 million years than it is in 10 thousand years.
@Tall-Cool-Drink 5 лет назад
@Justin D Technically, there's always a chance, but..............
@dougoverhoff7568 5 лет назад
@Justin D No, there's actually No chance. Because the components break down quickly regardless of the time span allotted. And then, all one would have assembled at this point is a concoction of chemicals. It would still need for life, somehow, to be instilled. Get over that hurdle!
@dougoverhoff7568 5 лет назад
@Question Question How we are here then, is because of an all powerful intelligence, what is commonly referred to as "God". Why is that so hard to accept, or to understand?
@M1GarandPing 4 года назад
@@dougoverhoff7568 and that all powerful veing doesnt beget. He remains unseen and none can see him in this life
@chrisfoxworth2494 4 года назад
If protein is that complicated , imagine how much the blu-print for its arrangement must be. D.N.A is not just a blob of goo to imagine that it come some how bring life from an amoeba to man no F#$^%ing way
@Jason-sc6tg 6 лет назад
They’re just accounting for a single planet, I wonder how the numbers would pan out if we do this on every theorized habitable planet in the universe
@Tall-Cool-Drink 5 лет назад
Wouldn't it be the same odds on each "habitable" planet?
@kebab3703 5 лет назад
@@Tall-Cool-Drink And if anything this world would have the highest chance, as for some reason we have every single thing needed for life in this planet, what would be the probability of those requirements being met in other planets
@rildain76 4 года назад
@Jason37 the odds would be exactly the same if the parameters were exactly the same... 20 possible amino acids x 150 length chain x peptide bond required x left handed amino acid required. If the biology were somehow different, that would change the parameters and the odds.
@misterperez459 5 лет назад
Scientists just don't want to admit there's a smarter being than humans.
@Fester-mr8kr 5 лет назад
Personally, I can't support evolution or even find it tangible anymore. For one, the components of evolution, time plus matter plus chance..you need all three. You need enough time for things to evolve, you need the matter and raw materials, and you need chance, as in there are pre-existing conditions that would make life at least feasible, even if it's improbable. But time is not a constant. Time like everything else came into existence. And you can't have an endless regress of events. Matter is the same way. It came from somewhere. To say it was always there is ridiculous. But whatever. We can hem and haw all we like, but for me evolution falls apart for reasons that are more...human. If all I am is the result of time plus matter plus chance, the product of forces that neither know nor care, then why should I believe what they tell me? Worse, evolution is supposed to be about one thing-survival. It has no other purpose. Creatures change in order to cope with threats and their environments into creatures more adapted to meet those threats and challenges. That's evolution in a nutshell. Yeah, so here we have, supposedly, the most evolved creature of all. Man. And this enlightened, all knowing creature does more to extinguish itself than every other species put together. The 20th century has been more bloody and more people have died than in all the other centuries put together. The further we go and claim to know, the more dangerous the world gets. Something is wrong and out of place. So bash me if you like. All I know is if evolution is true, it doesn't matter what you believe or what you think. We're all on death row already and always have been. But if Jesus was right when he asks, who do you say I am, then what?
@Fester-mr8kr 5 лет назад
@@tagalogkurt Aww..now I see. The same process responsible for us both neglected to include me in on the whole deal..but not you. I didn't know natural selection could be so partisan. Enlighten me.
@jlouis4407 Год назад
Evolution makes time into a magical quality. Things don’t all of a sudden happen because you have billions of years.
@ferventheat 6 лет назад
Even if the amino acids by chance had right sequence, it doesn't stop there. It would need a whole array of other proteins to ensure it was folded into correct shape. Then it would need other proteins to be transported to right location within a cell, and sometimes other proteins to modify it post sequence..
@ferventheat 6 лет назад
@James Bond "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." Conan Doyle "God does not play dice" Einstein "God always takes the simplest way" Einstein "When the solution is simple, God is answering" Einstein "That deep emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God. " Einstein "We should take care not to make the intellect our God" Einstein "A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool." William Shakespeare The maths here demonstrate it is impossible by the laws of chance. So what else could give a protein function, shape, sequence? Intelligence seems to be the simplest explanation. Life by chance is impossible otherwise man could explain it, but no theory does or can be tested. Face the facts and accept the human mind isn't able to explain everything or solve everything or know everything. God isn't a magic man in the sky but a creative, wise person who inhabits eternity who wants you to know him and receive him in the person of Jesus Christ. God bless.
@ferventheat 6 лет назад
@James Bond why cant science prove abiogenesis? If you have an alternative to the two options, please prove that theory. Aliens did it? Platinum/catalytic matrix did it ? Panspermia did it? "In some circumstances it can be safely assumed that if a certain event had occurred, evidence of it could be discovered by qualified investigators. In such circumstances it is perfectly reasonable to take the absence of proof of its occurrence as positive proof of its non-occurrence." - Copi, Introduction to Logic We have no evidence that abiogenesis did occur. I can reasonably conclude it didn't occur and cannot, just based on logic. There is nothing inherent within atoms and molecules that programs,directs them to produce life. Nothing innate within atoms that would enable them to form complex,chiral compounds capable of the function of self replicating or any other function. Unless you have evidence to the contrary? So the alternatives are: random chance and God. But I guess many sit on the fence and just say silly things like this so they can avoid the reality of living in a universe where abiogenesis didn't occur. And I have enough proof that God does exist to my satisfaction. I found the truth, so I don't need to look to speculative theories anymore. How proteins are made (FACT): anything else isn't science at all but just speculation of futile and imaginative minds: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-kmrUzDYAmEI.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-X_tYrnv_o6A.html
@GodismyJudge47 5 лет назад
If there was a better way than Evolution for explaining away the existence of God, they would quickly abandon Evolution and cling to that instead. Evolution is the shield people use to keep from facing the real reality of what they KNOW in their hearts to be true!
@ourbulwarkisjesuschrist9435 5 лет назад
Exactly. It reminds me of Frank Turek who tends to say that people are on a happiness quest, not a truth quest. Turek claims that he often asks atheists if they would become a Christian if they found out that Christianity is true, and many of those atheists say that they still wouldn't become Christians even if they knew it was true, so those particular atheists are on a happiness quest instead of a truth quest. Also, isn't it odd that the general atheist's main objection to God is based on moral grounds despite the fact that morality does not affect the truth (their moral objection is also based on misunderstandings, but that is another subject altogether)? The fact that the #1 objection raised by atheists focuses of morality instead of the law of noncontradiction means that most atheists are, in fact, on a happiness quest in which they actively seek reasons not to believe in God. I recently watched a very eye-opening video by Frank Turek on this issue: he asked the audience to think of one atheist friend who they would like to become a Christian, and then he asked them if they believed that their friend is actually and genuinely looking for the truth about God, or whether that friend isnt as zealous as they would like to claim to be. Nobody in the audience raised their hand, and Turek said that this is pretty much the reaction he gets from every audience that is asked this question.
@ourbulwarkisjesuschrist9435 5 лет назад
​@@fatmaramadan6928 ​ atheism requires the absence of an objective moral framework, so it doesn't allow for you call anything "good" or "evil." Everything is simply supposed to be neutral to you. Watch the following video if you desire to understand: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-wQ-aqnDHqqA.html I expect the above to fall on deaf ears, however, because this realization undermines what, in my previous comment, I called the #1 objection that atheists raise, and most atheists don't want to abandon their primary objection. You should (re)read the second paragraph of the comment you replied to because it addresses the objection you've raised in your response.
@ourbulwarkisjesuschrist9435 5 лет назад
@@fatmaramadan6928 there's overwhelming evidence that our universe has a creator. Also, it's not just the religious who question the shape of the earth, and there are atheists who oppose evolution theory. Relatively recently, a well-respected atheist philosopher (Thomas Nagel) published a book pointing out that evolution can't true be true. He was treated with disrespect because nobody is allowed to question evolution, and the fact that there's so much stigma around evolution is a pretty strong indicator that evolution is upheld as valid emotionally, not intellectually. nationalpost.com/holy-post/what-has-gotten-into-thomas-nagel-leading-atheist-branded-a-heretic-for-daring-to-question-darwinism And a world-renowned natural scientist of the 19th century, William Thomson, proved that evolution could not have reached its present state before our sun would have burned out, and yet our sun hasn't burned out, so evolution must be false. Evolutionists have assumed that Thomson made a mistake in his calculations somewhere, but that mistake hasn't been found because he really made no mistake. The assumption that Thomson was wrong is based on the assumption that the fossil record still confirms evolution, but a recent addition to the theory of evolution, which is called "punctuated equilibruim," actually serves to explain away the problem that gradualism is nonexistent in the fossil record, which effectively undercuts evolution to its very core. Charles Darwin himself noted that evolution theory couldn't be true if there was no gradualism, and now the modern theory of evolution itself testifies of the fact that there's no gradualism. Then there's geology, which is a field of study that was created by a lawyer, not a scientist, who hated the Bible and specifically sought to subvert belief in the Bible. You can read his books to figure out how much he was driven by ideology instead of evidence. The geological column is also perfectly explained as a result of the global flood. Just look up "hydrologic sorting" here on youtube. You say that theists cannot bring evidence, but everything you believe isn't based on evidence: you just think your beliefs are based on evidence but all of it is mere conjecture. I really advise you to watch the video I recommended before. I'm not telling you that morals only come from the Bible, but I'm telling you that moral judgment are only valid if there's an objective standard of morality. I'm telling you that your moral judgments are utterly useless if you don't believe in a Creator Who has defined morality. Words like "immoral" make no sense if you're an atheist. That's why you need to watch the video. Also, the Bible explains perfectly why the world is in its current state, and it also explains what God has done and what He is going to do. Also notice a contradiction in your comment--I urge you to watch the following short video to spot the contradiction in your argumentation: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-GxSZXBrxOEY.html
@ourbulwarkisjesuschrist9435 5 лет назад
​@@fatmaramadan6928 *> "So no evidence presented just claims .........like this."* The cosmological argument. The teleologiucal argument. The ontological argument. And where is your evidence of the contrary anyway? Positive and negative claims both carry the burden of proof. *> "evolution which by the way is not an atheist concept but a scientific field of study"* Evolution sustains atheism. Have you never wondered why virtually every atheist can be assumed to be an evolutionist? There's a reason why Richard Dawkins suggested that Charles Darwin made it possible to be an atheist on an intellectual level, as opposed to being willfully atheistic with no prospec of justification. *> "wacky creation fairytale."* Your opposition to creation is emotional. Creation is a perfectly reasonable explanation. By the way, what you currently believe was a wacky creation fairytale before: the big bang is a 3000 year old Hindu fairytale, and evolution theory has long been an ancient myth as well. *> "The overwhelming majority that object are religious ,hardly any that are not theists ..... this should indicate something."* True, and that's because the religious have an a priori reason to object: they have an alternative explanation for the existence of reality. The irreligious do not have an alternative to natural philosophy, so they simply accept natural philosophy without properly questioning it. I know you want to say that the religious question natural philosophy because of their religion, but I can just as easily say that the "irreligious" do not question natural philosophy despite its problems because of their lack of religion. *> "And that statement is utterly useless until you can prove ..."* And that's why I'm now telling you for the third time to watch the video that I recommended. That video explains why you're mistaken in your assessment. I'm NOT saying that my morals ARE objective, but I'm saying that YOUR morals ARE NOT objective--that's what the video teaches you. The video teaches you about the implications of your atheism. You misunderstand the argument and you're unwilling to learn because you desire to sustain your atheism. You can accuse me of doing the same but that still won't change the fact that you're ignoring the video for bad reasons, and that you're in fact, doing what I'm accusing you of. *> "They make less sense if you are a theist that believes ..."* Again, you need to watch that video so you can understand why this isn't the argument. The real argument is that you cannot make objective moral claims REGARDLESS of whether or not I can or cannot make them too. Stop trying to shift the problem onto me because that's not the issue here, and that's why you need to learn about the implications of your own atheism. Even if you can argue that my morals aren't objective, then that still doesn't change the fact that your morals aren't objective. Please watch the video and really take to hear what is being said. *> "destroy instead of fix?"* Be aware of the implications of what you're suggesting here: why should people not be allowed to have the freedom to do evil? If removing evil people is not considered a fix, then the only remaining fix is to forcibly change their attitude from evil to good, but that would violate God's desire for people to choose to be with Him. What is love if love is all that you know? If you know both love and hate and instead choose to love, then your love is genuine, whereas forced love makes love a meaningless word. I suspect that this will fall on deaf ears, though, but at least I explained it instead of skipping this question of yours.
@ourbulwarkisjesuschrist9435 5 лет назад
​@@fatmaramadan6928 You're an elitist with an excessive need to ridicule, your reasoning is practically nonexistent, and you continuously avoid having to understand what is being said. What's the point in even talking to me? Why can't you just pretend that I'm stupid and move on? If you're going to avoid and dismiss everything I say, then what reason is there for me to talk to you, especially when you're arguably doing no more than continuously re-assert that I'm supposedly gullible and stupid compared to you.
@lanceroark6386 3 года назад
Which is why evolution is far more of a religion than biblical creation.
@EVILVIKTOR 5 лет назад
God doesn't play dice.
@BitchChill 5 лет назад
Cause he doesn't exist
@annenewlands4420 4 года назад
Creation - Gods work.
@njgrplr2007 5 лет назад
Albert Einstein said his own belief in God was based on the observation of the laws of Physics. He reasoned that somebody or something must have created them.
@ITPalGame 5 лет назад
If we need ozone to protect life from cosmic radiation, and O2 to produce ozone, but oxygen breaks down these chemicals of life, how did life appear with, and, or without oxygen?
@Tall-Cool-Drink 5 лет назад
@@ThomasKundera "At some point......" Please explain how.
@siapola8811 4 года назад
Just a single protein is not life. Dont forget u also need a chain of DNA
@tonygoodkind7858 3 года назад
Imagine someone watched this video and said to themselves, _"AHA! I knew life couldn't form randomly! This proves leprechauns did it!"_ Assuming you know this person doesn't have evidence showing leprechauns did it, _is their conclusion logical?_ Also, do you have evidence that a god caused functional proteins or life?
@donkloos9078 4 года назад
It would be interesting and more complete to also consider the 'statistical mechanics' and comment on them. There is a large number of possible variations that can happen, as noted, but also a large number of events occuring to form -and unform -something meaningful over time. For example, trillions of times per second these molecules bump into each other and interact -or not - to possibly combine or then disconnect. They are governed by the thermodynamics and kinetics of the system. It is complicated, but to scientifically show intelligent design, or creation to scientists, a better model is needed. This is a good start and I heard similar way back in college getting my chemistry degree. I recall (Nobel?) scientists used statistical mechanics program to conclude the probability of creating just one protein in a cell wall was about 1 in 10^44 power, which is considered mathematically impossible.
@mspire1965 5 лет назад
insane odds against the chance development of the simplest functional protein
@thetruthchannel349 5 лет назад
Play the lottery for enough centuries and you will win? Theres actually a law that states the opposite. In fact, the MORE time that passes the chances get LOWER and LOWER and LOWER til an infinite is reached where it becomes no longer possible.
@thetruthchannel349 5 лет назад
@thetruthchannel349 5 лет назад
@thetruthchannel349 5 лет назад
You are desperately in denial of reality and YES, YOU ARE QUITE DEAD. Your denial is a symptom.
@5tonyvvvv 5 лет назад
Even if the materialist lottery won and you got one functional protein it means absolutely nothing!!!! you need a million other parts to have a functional cell.
@malongsserve4735 5 лет назад
The Discovery Institute got disproved at the Dover Trial
@sliglusamelius8578 3 месяца назад
lol. That's wrong. A trial with a judge, trained in law, doesn't disprove anything stated here..
@7shocker 5 лет назад
Evolutionary biologists are not required to complete any courses in math for the overwhelming majority of universities 😂🤣😄
@7shocker 5 лет назад
@@myopenmind527 Biology is one thing. Evolution is a religion 👍
@7shocker 5 лет назад
@Richard Smout but with our powers combined... Point is, the evolutionist relies heavily on 'chance' and thus a vast timeline which has already been scrutinized. Fossilized trees in the vertical position that span multiple layers of rock should have caused a revision of the timelines they propose. Human artifiacts have been found in layers of coal which should be impossible. Soft tissue from dinosaur remains is a third. We are to believe that soft tissue survived 65 million years without being eroded or fossilized? Absurd. Even if we *give* the evolutionists the timelines they claim, it's still impossible.
@timothymillar2595 5 лет назад
Evolutionist: "So here's a theory". Mathematician: "So here's the stats!". Evolutionist: "Fascinating. So, anyway, let me tell you about this theory..."
@TestofBelievers 4 года назад
No need to call people dummy if you had an actual point to make.
@jamesmullen6423 5 лет назад
The first life forms were unlikely to be proteins. Much more likely is an RNA self replicator. But in any case, the whole investigation into probability is misplaced. First of all, why assume that molecules combine randomly? Functional proteins are more stable than non functional peptide chains. So over time you would get a gradual increase in peptide stability. Long story short, you can’t just multiply probabilities like in high school and produce a reasonable number. I’m not saying we can fully explain the emergence of life yet, but this analysis is very poor.
@trapidtrap2612 3 месяца назад
The point is that you have to calculate by chance (ie randomly) since this in and of itself is the odds of the first functional protein forming. Not more of them forming. Just one. And this is only for one type of protein. Not others. So the numbers and analysis are still completely valid. Unless I've misunderstood your comment. In which case. Please point it out... Also how's life been these last 5 years?
@edwill1595 5 лет назад
People can argue this subject all they want... at the end of the day nobody truly knows...
@stevesorenson892 5 лет назад
Ed will - actually you can know... all it takes is simple deductive reasoning. Since nature can’t be the cause of itself, something supernatural must have been the cause. That’s the only other option.
@haydenbrown821 5 лет назад
@@maynardkford4906 Well he's right. I mean DNA cannot be added to offspring no matter how many millions of years are provided. DNA can only be lost. Evolution is scientifically impossible. Plus, it's not even science. Science is anything testable or observable. You cannot observe evolution (except micro, or changing within the kinds).
@haydenbrown821 5 лет назад
@@maynardkford4906 Dogs produce dogs. Dogs can vary in sizes, but you can never get a dog as big as a house or as small as a flea because they have limits. Animals cannot produce anything other than their kind. Now you can argue that with millions of years it may be possible, but that's not science. That's a fairytale
@haydenbrown821 5 лет назад
Maynardk Ford I never said a dog will produce a non dog. i said they have limits. and no amount of time will erase those limits. yes they are eukaryotes, but so are certain types of plants. plants and dogs are not in any way related. you keep trying to insult me when I am just using logic.
@stevesorenson892 5 лет назад
Maynardk Ford - how is what I said a false dichotomy? Please explain.
@bn8706 5 лет назад
It's probability only if something expected it. Since nothing expected it and life evolved around the random combination; it's not probability. The spectrum between critical thinking and indoctrination is getting wider everyday.
@devb9912 5 лет назад
SO few people get this point.
@holdfast7182 5 лет назад
You're both missing the point - the rest aren't functional. Using your logic, with this many combinations there should be tens of thousands - millions - of distinctly solitary types of life. There should be right handed ones and right-left ones, too. Instead, we share 50% of our DNA with a banana. Over 1% of the human genome comes from viruses. Every life form discovered on Earth comes from one core arrangement. If what you say is true, then where are the rest of these life forms?
@devb9912 5 лет назад
​@@holdfast7182 you're missing the point - the claim was about probability, yet probability doesn't play into it at all. If I roll a pair of dice 10,000 times and write down the results, the probability of my getting that exact sequence at the end is astronomically low... yet that is what I rolled. The only way it means anything is if I predicted/expected to get that exact sequence. Nothing you wrote addresses this.
@holdfast7182 5 лет назад
@@devb9912 , no, I know the argument well and I understand what you're saying. It's the same argument such as "What are the chances life would have occurred on Earth?" And the answer is, of course, "This is exactly the type of planet where life would have emerged." You're saying that this is just what the universe happened to roll, and thus therefore life emerged out of this, because this is how life emerges. But this isn't picking the number after the roll. We're at one step above that. This is knowing the number before you roll the dice, and then rolling that number. The only other option is that there are multiple avenues for life to have occurred, and as I stated, where are these other avenues? Why do we have only one apparent avenue?
@devb9912 5 лет назад
​@@holdfast7182 I have no idea what you are trying to say with this: "This is knowing the number before you roll the dice, and then rolling that number," other than suggesting that life was the intended result. If I am wrong please explain. *Why do we have only one apparent avenue?* It might be that only one ended up being viable; or, early life started in multiple places and, being simplistic, interbred; or, early life started in multiple areas and one specific population killed all the others. These are three options I just came up with off the top of my head and I am most certainly NOT an evolutionary biologist. Saying that there are only two options is false (even if we only think of two). And suggesting that if we can't think of any others then whatever we do think of must be correct is also false. The argument from probability is a form of Begging the Question, it assumes intent as a premise.
@youflatscreentube 5 лет назад
He even left out the issues of proximity and purpose. Not only are there staggeringly low chances of the formation of a single protein, but parts (amino acids) had to be whole and in existence prior to this chance to occur. And, now it just so happens to serve a purpose or function. Oh, and this "first" protein was capable of replication, too. I want this protein to buy all of my Lotto tickets!
@DaveOzoalor 5 лет назад
This justifies the theory of parallel universes. This happens to be the universe where this statistical impossibility is possible.
@jubalsson7663 5 лет назад
Dave Partner no it justifies there being a creator
@jimberence 9 месяцев назад
There were several idealogy in this world, 1)Believe in God (The Creator) 2)Dont believe the Creator (Atheism, no God,no creator) The 1st one also had many beliefs such as Judaism,Christianity,Islam,Hinduism etc. There were also some who belief in God and believe that all human will enter paradise no matter what belief we are, and so on, But for me, I believe in the Creator (God) & i am a Muslim (Islam). I believe that nowadays, only Islam is accepted by God as His way. The first human believes in Allah (Adam) till the last prophet (Muhammad). Prophet Muhammad is the last prophet & the Quran is the last guidances from God. God know best 😊
@whoami8434 5 лет назад
Instead of probability, try looking at existence itself. Probability is the God of Atheism.
@whoami8434 5 лет назад
It’s far too much to put into a single comment, so if you’re really curious as to what I mean, I’m going to suggest two books. David Bentley Hart: the experience of God Martin Heidegger: introduction to metaphysics So long as it’s a question of probability, I would remain an atheist. These books showed me that the question of Being (and so of God) isn’t a question of probability, but possibility. How could anything exist at all, and exist as it does? The only answer that would give us a world in the end is to posit exactly what Aquinas would call God.
@somdragon2503 2 года назад
No ,natural selection and coincidence is gods of atheism
@AlexPBenton 5 лет назад
It’s not by chance, it’s according to the laws of physics.
@aidanloewen2712 5 лет назад
Yeah.. what scientist worth their salt would actually believe a protein just randomly assembled itself.. one thing builds upon another, reducing the random chance involved. Rules are followed, and yes a lot of time is required. It is even possible our origins exceed the life time of Earth itself. Strange how he didn't even suggest this.
@stevesorenson892 5 лет назад
Alex Benton - then you still have the problem of who set up the laws of physics? Besides, laws don’t do anything. There’s still has to be a mechanism in place for things to follow the laws of physics.
@AlexPBenton 5 лет назад
Lloyd Chin We only CALL them rules/laws, they aren’t literally laws. Also, that is an incredibly loaded question, like saying “who forged the Bible?” It’s implying that it was done by someone. But to fully answer your question, it is often hypothesized (especially by me) that we actually live in a multiverse, in which multiple universes are born and die with what you might call a random set of laws of physics. We happen to live in one of these infinite universes because it happens to be able to sustain life, so any probability of life existing is 1/1. Infinity over infinity is one.
@AlexPBenton 5 лет назад
Steve Sorenson I answered your question above-^
@AlexPBenton 5 лет назад
Lloyd Chin Uh, the laws of physics are not “assumptions” they are facts. We have proven time and time again that the laws of physics are reliable. Chemical reactions ALWAYS happen exactly the same way. And besides, even if the odds were one in infinity, we have demonstrated that we can replicate the processes mentioned in this video. Of course, we don’t have billions of years to watch a cell evolve into a sentient being, but we have other examples we can study to prove that it is possible.
@martyisabeliever 6 лет назад
10 x52 power is considered mathematically impossible.
@stephenrimes7305 5 лет назад
Man is created in the image of God. He is personal, relational, spiritual, emotional, and eternal.
@juweiria8241 3 года назад
Who said that?? Their nothing like God. He's beyond our comprehension of our little minds 🙃
@joshuahankey 5 лет назад
Oh and don’t forget about the very specific conditions the protein must be formed in! If it’s too cold it won’t form and if it’s too hot it will denature. And if it’s it’s not quickly incorporated into a functioning cell it will break down and lose its function. Even if a single cell formed what’s the chance it lives long enough to go about evolution and not become extinct. Extinction happens all the time, why not in the fragilest time when only a few cells have been formed? The formation of the first protein is barely scratching the surface of thousands of events that must happen to form a single cell.
@georgeroberts442 8 месяцев назад
Isn’t it amazing how the truth of hard facts and absolute mathematics can fall on deaf ears? The irony is, those deaf ears are on the heads of people who consider themselves to be “rational,” while at the same time thinking that Creationists are crackpots. Thank God that Dr. Myer and others are out there trying to educate people.
@72kalvin 5 лет назад
I know what Richard Dawkins would say. He’d say “The chances that it did happen is 100% as observed by our present world. You say we don’t understand math? I say you don’t understand the very real world you now live in. Because it’s 100% it did indeed happen.” None of this would matter to someone like him.
@anubis8680 5 лет назад
Lloyd Chin one man’s God is another man’s Aliens. For a fellow who lives crunching numbers, look at all the cultures around the world that discuss “alien” like encounters millenniums back. All documented in scrolls, wood cuts, historical events, and religious texts. It’s highly likely there’s a grand designer, but I doubt it’s who we think it is. Read A.C. Grayling the God Argument, and Fingerprint of the Gods.
@anubis8680 5 лет назад
@@TestofBelievers *Thumbs Up* Different strokes for different folks, what really matters is how we conduct ourselves while we are here. Just be fair loving and compassionate, and the world can be a great place. JC is a great model for that.
@ryujenshogun 4 года назад
well the point is in finding the truth and math does point out that evolution according to richard dawkins is not just very unlikely but impossible which should tell us that another probable explanation for the origin of life like intelligent design would be much more probable
@scottgoodman8993 5 лет назад
This leaves magic or "the engineers" or the Gods. You pick.
@philipbuckley759 5 лет назад
it leaves something....what that is....or who that is....is something that one has to try to search out....
@fahadhusain1985 4 года назад
@@philipbuckley759 People like you pick for magic😂😂😂
@edwinkharismaprawira7607 5 лет назад
It is not impossible, but it is virtually a extraordinary slim for a chance of it to occur, but given enough time, everything can occurs by chance in the universe. Like how the universe can cool down from extraordinary hot, and how the gas in the universe can gather around and finally form a planet, as well as how life can start to occur with a long period of time of process as we called it evolution. It does not start an instant, it just needs time. And we are the result of it.
@markcredit6086 Год назад
short bus rider im guessing
@ASRMN27 Год назад
There has not been anywhere near enough time to account for this happening since the big bang.
@plumbingnetwork5067 Месяц назад
ok...rewatch the video
@Dominic-Atkinson Год назад
It's funny how people think this insanely small chance is possible practically and not only that but to form an entire cell. Cells are more complicated than rockets, which just shows that God's design is better than any man's design.
@rizdekd3912 Год назад
But people don't think proteins formed randomly. They likely evolved from earlier shorter molecules that could replicate and mutate and pass on their mutations. It's either that or God created some pretty faulty designs what with all the diseases, aberrant mutations, deformity and calamity. If the world is natural, it's wondrous. IF it was created it designed horribly.
@codybattle1044 5 лет назад
for the people that say that this isn't enough proof for God, what about this: Christians believe that God never had a beginning and will never end because we believe he is eternal, all-powerful, non-physical etc. But if evolution is correct, how could the non-sentient become sentient? How did the first living thing get created? Scientists can't tell you how because they try in a lab or they observe certain cells or make predictions about something happening during the big bang but nothing gives an answer. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@specialtymachining 5 лет назад
It would take a miracle!
@Tall-Cool-Drink 5 лет назад
It was.
@craigferguson4991 6 лет назад
surely random, natural processes are more likely to create life than the alternative: A wizard in the sky performing magic to create life.
@kirby771 5 лет назад
So you are really telling me that if i want a car, its better to wait for it to form itself randomly in front of my eyes than to have an engineer to make it for me?! That is atheistic evolution's delusion. Also God isn't a wizard who performs magic, its higher intelligence, and of course, he is the best engineer, look at life.
@ikkejick 3 года назад
If there is no god, please give me your version of the out of nowhere appearance of space, time and matter before we get to the easy stuff like 'chance'.
@fittutube 5 лет назад
What if these proteins dont have to react by "chance", if they are naturally drawn to eachother. And perhaps a very simple replicating lifeform doesn't need 20 proteins but instead less.
@briangeiger9307 5 лет назад
He is only talking about creating a single protein, not 20 proteins. A single protein already takes more chance than the entire universe can give. He is also using the shortest protein at 150 amino acid long. Protein in and of itself is not a life form. Protein cannot replicate without enzymes inside a cell. That is another issue. Under specific condition with specific proteins that are short, 20 length, can self replicate. That is neither here nor there.
@fittutube 5 лет назад
@@briangeiger9307 the uploader isn't a scientific. This is a religious channel. So I can't trust this info isn't biased.
@briangeiger9307 5 лет назад
@@fittutube I have no doubt this guy is biased. 99% of info on the internet are biased one way or another. Try Israel vs Palestinian or climate change for biased views. Not a single person can keep their head on straight. You have to take his information and compare with others. His math is good. Optical isomers is correct. That is why I like to find opposing view to poke holes at his logic. Opposing side would have to explain how these molecules find their home.
@Cloud-wl8lp 4 года назад
Brian Geiger well, fair point, but if you cant believe something from bias only you cant believe anything because as you said everything is biased in one way or another.
@mulvey0731 3 года назад
Naturally drawn? That implies information? Where did that come from?
@kpballa1009 2 года назад
"So there is a chance....." - Evolutionist
@SoapinTrucker 5 лет назад
Great comments here, but let me throw in, I saw a video about EARTH that suggests almost any "design change" to Earth would wipe out "MAN"! For example, the Earth is tilted, to allow seasonal change. If the Earth didn't rotate, one side would bake out. If there were no moon, tidal changes would let the oceans stagnate. So on, and so on,..... the point? Earth was DESIGNED to sustain HUMAN LIFE! Mind blowing!!!!! :O
@13ciaran13000 5 лет назад
This is actually a pretty good argument. Unfortunately it’s also one that’s pretty inaccessible to argument by lay people. I’d love to see a qualified person make a response to this.
@iamBlackGambit Год назад
...and what would they say to that huh??
@13ciaran13000 Год назад
I have no clue what point me from 4 years ago was trying to make here...
@markcredit6086 Год назад
@@13ciaran13000 This is great Thanks
@ZebecZT Год назад
@@13ciaran13000you had a good point
@BasedAFPatriot Год назад
​@@13ciaran13000 Let me try to help. It looks to me like you were saying his argument is valad, but extremely difficult to articulate and explain to someone with only words. May I ask if you're a Christian?
@warp65 5 лет назад
So, Big numbers, vast timeframes, So incomprehensible, Therefore, God. There , feel much better now we understand how everything works.
@warp65 5 лет назад
@@TestofBelievers Well , we are here, definitely not design.
@warp65 5 лет назад
@@TestofBelievers No, opinion suggests lack of knowledge. Any geologist can point to fossil cyanobacteria , quite an important little fella since we couldn't breath our planets gaseous atmosphere to start with. Designed, suggests a closed mind. I don't understand all this desperate posting pushing the magic realm when reality is far more interesting.
@roberthawkes2023 5 лет назад
Fatma Ramadan I’m sorry where is this evidence that proves we have evolved for one kind into another as it is put by all Darwin believers. Where is the evidence for man slowing changing from something else into a human being. It does not exist. The reason is because we came to be as we are right now. Human beings created by the hands of God. The universe, the world , the people, the animals are so complex that even the smallest change would mean life could not exist. The margins for error in how life came to be are so small that it points directly to a creator and the signs of random chance.
@warp65 5 лет назад
@@roberthawkes2023 Hi Robert , the evidence is so overwhelming, the physical fossil evidence of change is complete and incontrovertible. To say there is no evidence in this day and age boggles the mind.
@roberthawkes2023 5 лет назад
vnewarp9 - please if you can, tell where there is visible evidence of evolution. As Darwin puts it , as in staring of as one species and turning into something completely different. I can see that there is change is certain aspects of life and in the animal kingdom but all creatures may adapt to there change in environment but still remain the same creature. Real evolution does not exist anywhere in this fossilised world. There have been a few that have tried to say that the fossils they have found show the inbetween stage of monkey changing to man but they have been well and truly proven to be fake. Science has never even came close to proving evolution. If u take the time to watch or listen to the people who drive the evolution theory they will start by saying it’s my belief or in my opinion because that can’t give a guarantee to something they can’t actually prove. Yet it is the very thing they teach to small children and to university students as FACT. When there is nothing to prove this as FACT. God bless
@mptyyegdlc 6 лет назад
The problem with this guy is that he assumes atheist scientists state that "the origin of life begun with a full-functional protein". It is true that no scientist would consider such a small probability for it to happen by chance seriously. It is also true that science has not figured out the actual set of conditions that gave origin to life on Earth, but they agree that a protein is way too complex to sporadically emerge from inanimated matter. Whatever structure that gave origin to what we call life must have been much simpler, with some remarkable properties indeed, but still way simpler than a protein Something like a molecule that can replicate itself (making exact copies or negative ones) in combination with the capability to mutate (allow small errors or inaccuracies within the replication process). This is just one possible non-creationist model for the origin of life, there exist others. The main point is: the fact that you don't know how something works and you can't figure out any possible explanation for it, does not mean there must be a god that made it possible. It just mean YOU DON'T KNOW. And it is OK not knowing something, just keep on researching.
@donaldmacdonald9940 5 лет назад
GENESIS....chp 2 vrs 7......
@proofmarygold922 5 лет назад
The protein is the smallest simple cell with life. Nothing smaller that is alive exsists. So yes, God is behind it all.
@brianwatson85 5 лет назад
So what's the problem with this guy ;) ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-E4uRWk06Wo0.html Nothing. There is a Creator plain and simple and that is where all life comes from. Gods word says creation screams of a Creator, and it certainly does. Gods word says on judgement day you will be left without excuse. You certainly will.
@shawnclark732 5 лет назад
When you combine the odds against life arising with the other “evidence” you start to see the big picture. God is not the answer. Consciousness is. The universe is conscious.
@debragodfrey4554 5 лет назад
Shawn Clark, Realtor. So what is consciousness and who created it? Your answer is going to sound a lot like God. Omniscient relational being.
@locker1325 11 дней назад
Excellent talk. The professor really put the numbers in perspective.
@ZZUtopia 3 года назад
Dude's over here talking about math and there's a bunch of people in the comments talking about fantasy lol
@MoshehYinon26 4 года назад
Looking at the student's faces and emotionless reactions to the probability numbers is really scared.
@joshzwies3601 6 лет назад
There is much more to life than chemicals alone. The real question is what is the origin of information, a working information system is more important than the device used to express the information itself. A typewriter is useless without a written language to type.
@joshzwies3601 6 лет назад
@@69ElChistoso OK here's a better one. Without programmed instincts from a programmer the first organism would just sit there and do nothing like a blank computer waiting for a program. The chemicals that make a computer even though they may be in the correct shape to function, without a program it's useless.
@joshzwies3601 5 лет назад
@@69ElChistoso Logically any knowledge, instinct or otherwise requires a programmer, a computer isn't conscious yet it does what it does by instinct created by the programmer. The programmer of life must have a consciousness superior than the created, otherwise He wouldn't be God. Christianity/Judaism is unique, there is no other religion like it, no other religion claims to be truth, and the Bible hasn't been proved false, ever. Entropy is why nature can't exist by itself, to keep an engine running it requires constant ordered input, without God nature has no input. Putting energy as the sole source of the universe is in opposition to thermodynamics, without directed, ordered, intelligent input you get nothing. Nothing + Nothing = Nothing, that's all the atheists have as evidence for our existence. In the beginning was information, i.e God.
@joshzwies3601 5 лет назад
@@davidm9618 Right, the RNA and DNA molecules aren't themselves programs just like the letters in this sentence aren't words in and of themselves. However the way in which the molecules are ordered give them meaningful information in which a program is stored, which requires a programmer and a meaningful language in which to program. For a language to have meaning it requires the intent to convey information, intent requires a conscious mind i.e. the programmer. Just random keyboard smashing uhvefjiaso bfjklvb eilgbdfkglbaefvkl aebil i.e. evolution, will never convey meaningful information.
@jimih7811 5 лет назад
Yes it is useless without the written language and especially without the WRITER Himself .........
@jimih7811 5 лет назад
very good points@@joshzwies3601
@unfortunateson7464 3 года назад
10^164 Nuff said
@HeyDude93gt 5 лет назад
It seems to boil down to, for the majority of people, Believe whichever of these two explanations makes you feel comfortable
@philipbuckley759 5 лет назад
you probably have the best answer....to all of this...
@Raiseflag_Surrender 6 лет назад
This argument doesn't disprove evolution of species, it disproves the idea of universal transformation of matter, i.e. the transformation of dead matter into live matter. Personally I think that evolution of species is very probable. What is highly improbable is these - 1) The material universe emerging from nothingness; 2) The emerging of live matter from dead matter, 3) The emerging of human reason from animal world. So the Universe, the Life and the Human couldn't have possibly emerged into being without the rational Designer. Everything else could come as a result of natural processes (the foundations of which is the will of the Designer also).
@giantz7778 5 лет назад
So the question is this: does it take more faith to believe in a 10^164th chance or in a higher power that can create perfectly... well it's probably easier to believe in the 10^164th chance because that way you are not held to a divine moral standard.
@giantz7778 5 лет назад
@@blindwatchmaker2345 well, you just proved my point... Did you even read the comment?
@evongreiff1 5 лет назад
The probability of the human body having “evolved” by chance surpasses the logic of an explosion in a print shop resulting in the creation of a dictionary !!!
@rikardotsamsiyu 5 лет назад
Therefore, what?
@kylemjohnson 5 лет назад
I got lost when he said amino acid.
@geo1134 2 года назад
He completely fails to address the second part of the equation. The number of random amino acid interactions at a point in time on Earth multiplied by time
@plumbingnetwork5067 Месяц назад
He adresses it indirectly when he gives the number of events in the universe since the big bang: 10 to the 139...So it includes every amino acid interactions and it is not enough to form a single simple functional protein...whcih is itself far from being sufficient to have life...
@sanekabc 5 лет назад
A living intelliegence exists but it is non-denominational and works using laws of math and physics and chance too. That is the most rational answer. We know nothing else about it.
@felipeblin8616 5 лет назад
So much to discover yet!! How amazing times for young scientists. Keep searching and science will flourish 🙏🏻🔬
@philroe2363 2 года назад
It is SO improbable that it couldn't have happened. There isn't enough time in the alleged lifespan of the universe for all the known proteins to form via random mutation . . .
@69eddieD 2 года назад
Good thing proteins don't form by "random mutation." Get a clue.
@philroe2363 2 года назад
@@69eddieD I have lots of clues, but it appears you need a few: “Biologists usually agree that all genetic mutations occur by “chance” or at “random” with respect to adaptation. The claim dates back to Darwin's conception of “spontaneous,” “accidental” or “chance” variation (Darwin 1859, 1868; Darwin and Seward 1903).” ~ Evolutionary Chance Mutation, a defense of the modern synthesis, University of Michigan Biology Department
@philroe2363 2 года назад
@@69eddieD actually you are correct though... proteins don’t “form” at all. They are created... by our all powerful Creator who has the KNOWLEDGE to create them. It is His DESIGN that we see in the complexity of proteins.
@shaunbarnett2972 6 лет назад
The observable universe contains many trillions of galaxies, each one containing many billions of stars and probably millions of planets. And that is just what we can see with current technology/telescopes. In all likelihood, the universe is much much bigger again. In fact, it seems logical that the universe has no 'edge' or end, which means the universe is most likely infinite. This would suggest that the number of galaxies and therefore stars/solar systems etc is also infinite. If this is the case, then no matter how small the probability of complex proteins or RNA arising by chance, it is absolutely guaranteed to occur at some point in time. The reason is, with an infinite number of solar systems, sooner or later, absolutely everything that can possibly occur will at some point, occur. Do people understand this? A probability of one in a quadrillion is - in a set of infinite possibilities - basically a probability of one. It will definitely occur. In fact, it will occur many times over. If the universe is infinite then this actually means that the number of times life will have arisen is also infinite. Even further, the number of earth-equivalents would also be infinite. Seems ridiculous I know but that's because our minds are not equipped to deal with infinity. Infinity means 'no finish'. No end. And on this particular issue, what it means is that there is no end to the number of occurrences of life in the universe.
@IsaacNussbaum 6 лет назад
A magnificent collection of hypotheses, Barnes. Now go test them and when you are done with that, report your findings to us, O.K.?
@RussianBotLvl 6 лет назад
There aren’t trillions of galaxies get your fact straight.
@christophersmith8014 6 лет назад
But then you would still have to consider the age of our own star and the fact that life exists on this planet now. To say that life may occur by chance in an infinite universe doesn't explain how life exists here specifically, regardless of what may be somewhere else. We know that life exists here and that our planet has a limited amount of available resources for the synthesis of life. A calculation that bares in mind the specifics of our own unique situation in the universe is exceedingly, astronomically more improbable than what is being demonstrated in the video. The universe is only mentioned to try to draw a reference for the scale of the improbability, since even the number of atoms of the earth is far, far less than the number being discussed. Again, it doesn't matter that it seems possible for it to occur somewhere in the unobservable, only that it has occurred here. And here we can take measurements, hypothesize, test, and draw conclusions.
@garrysarre8744 6 лет назад
S. Yes, if the universe IS infinite, and there is additionally an infinite universes, then it's conceivable that there would be infinite chances for life to arise, somewhere once in a trillion trillion trillion trillion universes. We must then be very very very alone in this one. The other side of the coin and probably more probable, if the infinite universes case is true, is that there is also an infinite number of chances for a god to arise and make more of us:)
@johnjay6370 6 лет назад
If the universe is infinite, anything that can happen will happen. I know it sounds crazy. Also I think we are missing a few pieces of the story on how life began. To say god willed life is not a answer to the question on how life began. If God willed it, a good honest scientists will say "What is the physics behind how God's will made it happen" ... that is what a true scientist wants to know if there is a God great, but that still does not answer the question on how life began...at least for a scientist and if God made us in his image God knows we crave knowledge....and he made us that way...
@iamBlackGambit Год назад
forget the combinations..scientists still don't how HOW the proteins came to be in the first place lol
@Legodude552 5 лет назад
Evolution has little to nothing to do with Abiogenesis
@zyp85 6 лет назад
If life was created by an intelligent designer or god, who or what created god himself? Did god spontaneously create himself? If so, out of what? If abiogenesis or the spontaneously conversion of non-living matter to the most primitive form of life seems improbable, then how probable is the spontaneous creation of a highly complex intelligent being out of, I don't know, nothing? If you ask me, I'd stick with abiogenesis. It seems improbable right now because we don't understand the theory well enough and something is still missing. Just gotta keep looking.
@jimi02468 6 лет назад
How would God be created if he is not made of anything at all? Christians believe God has no substance, not even time or space (except when he became Jesus I guess). You could say God is made out of pure nothingness.
@zyp85 6 лет назад
Hundreds of years ago people didn't know what caused lightning strikes. Some people thought it was God's wrath. How could you possibly understand how lightning strikes work if God was responsible? At the same time, some other folks, the more curious ones, said hey before concluding it's God and it's unknowable, why don't we do some science experiments and try to figure out how it works? Fast forward to today, thanks to those curious folks, we now understand perfectly how lightning strikes work. A lightning strike is nothing more than a simple electrical discharge between the clouds and the ground. Morale of the story? Never underestimate human potential and what we as a species can achieve. What if 100 years later, we discover a way create the simplest form of life out of non-living matter in a lab, would you still say life was created by God? To me, attributing it to God is just giving up on trying to really understand something. If you keep telling yourself: forget it, life was created by God, I will never understand how that process works, you will never make any progress. Not saying science today is 100% correct, most theories have holes in them. But they are away trying to improve, unlike religion. The thing that bothers me about religion is that they tell you to stop trying, it's God. What the hell do you know? If you don't try, (which you first have to assume it's NOT God), the day the mystery gets solved will NEVER come.
@davidszabo1618 6 лет назад
@@zyp85 Who does the scientist in the lab running the experiments represent?
@tylerbrown3135 6 лет назад
@@TestofBelievers Using our supposed lack of understanding of such a being is simply a weak rebuttal.
@jakewoolard9373 5 лет назад
Current physical law explicitly predicts singularities. We know for a fact that they break down and dont work anymore at very small scales, or if there is too much mass in one place, or if we turn the clock back on the universe far enough. So it's not necessary for a God to be beholden to any of those laws, they aren't even applicable to the inside of black holes. It also doesn't make sense to claim a god would also need to be created, that's just an appeal to infinite regression. It doesn't logically follow that god needs to be created, and if it is distinct from our physical laws, it may very well be eternal.
@MrConsto 5 лет назад
One protein is not a living cell. A cell is comprised of irreducibly complex number of proteins. Furthermore a cell does nothing without genetic coding to tell it what to do. The chances of a genetic blue print popping up into existence that matches each protein and then has instructions and guidelines for their functions is another key component And the most important component is life. Inorganic to organic does not occur in a test tube. Reconstructing a cell from *scratch* without using already living components will not lead to a living cell. Even if you take a number of living cells and lysis them open and using existing organelles reassemble one cell it will not be viable. There is no chance this doctrine of evilution is true.
@cjtrouble 6 лет назад
Professor, I have a question for you: Do you think it's possible, or even an observable phenomenon that function based amino acids take precedence and "fight" their way into existence over non functional proteins? Is this only possible from DANA sequence? You've fascinated me. I am 27 years old and an aircraft mechanic and you've awoken my mind and painfully remind me how valuable education is. I do hope you respond.
@JiminyClarkson Год назад
How would a functional protein be able to fight it's way into existence? You have to remember that protein require other components to carry out its function, otherwise it's not doing anything. Also it has to have a way of replicating itself because left alone to the elements, it will inevitably break apart. Add all that to the probabilities required for life.
@Goujiki 10 месяцев назад
​@@JiminyClarksondon't forget the sugar molecule has to form in the exact same location and time for a fuel source btw
@salvadoroliveira6632 7 месяцев назад
Besides all explained in this video, there are layers of information intertwined in parts of mitochondrial DNA, so that when transcribed into mRNA, by means of up to twenty ribosomal slippages, twenty different functional polypeptides can be produced, depending on at which triplet of nitrogenous bases the ribosome attaches to begin translating. Glory be to the Creator!
@vaxrvaxr 5 лет назад
The probability of something that already happened is moot. Of all improbable things, some are bound to happen.
@MarkNOTW 5 лет назад
vaxrvaxr Its not moot. What this shows is that the probability of life forming by chance is impossible
@vaxrvaxr 5 лет назад
@@MarkNOTW Is it impossible or improbable now?
@vaxrvaxr 5 лет назад
And how does it compare to rhe probability that God did it? Questions over questions.
@vaxrvaxr 5 лет назад
The thing is we are here and we consist of these proteins. Yes, we don't know how that came to be, we can only speculate. Nobody can credibly claim otherwise. So far so good. Then a guy with an agenda pulls some stage mathematics and calculates some probability based in random assumptions. And a bunch of people incapable of critical thinking or even following the argument conclude: God did it. All those acrobatics just to make fools of yourselves.
@vaxrvaxr 5 лет назад
Let's put this in concrete terms. Now that we have the protein, how did we get from the protein to you? What is the probability that you personally got born on the exact day you did and are using RU-vid now wearing exactly what you were etc.pp. Is that the consequence of past events, one of an infinite amount of very unlikely things that did actually happen, or did God do that too?
@asktheetruscans9857 5 лет назад
There are a lot of very intelligent comments here, but I have a question: Wouldn't it be better to compare or even divide that immense probability of chance by an immense amount of space (oceans) and time (nanosecond trials)? How much area does a 150 branch amino acid take up? How many could fit into the volume of all the oceans and how much building block material is there? How much material before oversaturation and precipitation occurs (amount of materials in solution). To be fair though, how come life hasn't reinvented itself over and over again...maybe with right handed aminos this time so they could fold the other way? There would be no competition from the rest of life, which only uses left handed aminos. So there's plenty of primordial soup, even now, with vastly more time having supposedly passed since life formed here than existed before life. I am a wholehearted Christian, which is why I want the whole Truth. That requires all the facts available though, and something that doesn't defy logic. Yes, I said that.
@maskofscience 2 года назад
Even if you had oceans full of amino acids doing trial and error chains for billions of years on billions of planets…the odds remain hopeless.
@holytrashify 2 года назад
They have done this exact calculation...they know the exact amount of time it takes for a nucleotide to attempt to make a bond, they know the time since the big bang, and they have an estimate of the number off atoms in the universe...still doesn't even come close.
@dengelbrecht6428 Год назад
This calculation has been made: oceans consiting only of amino acids see here: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-cQoQgTqj3pU.html As you see the odds are not very promising.
@prschuster 11 месяцев назад
"Wouldn't it be better to compare or even divide that immense probability of chance by an immense amount of space (oceans) and time (nanosecond trials)? " Yes, that is one consideration. Another more important point is that no one, except for ID theorists, says that a contemporary protein has ever self assembled in the first place. Things only evolve in tandem with everything else in its environment. Everything exists in relation to everything else over billions of years. There is no way to calculate everything that could go into this scenario.
@ungmd21 2 года назад
Just to be accurate, this is not about evolution, but Abiogenesis (The development of life from inorganic materials) James Tour (molecular biochemist ) is an excellent source of information. I am a physician and know that there are 10^21 power of chemical reactions occurring in the human body every SECOND and they are all inter-related. Not likely this happened by chance. The universe is thought to be about 14 billion years old. That is not enough time for chance to allow it to happen
@ricardoescobar655 5 лет назад
My brain is bleeding and I got a fever by watching this vid.. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@thegreatbehoover788 3 года назад
The naturalists always count on people being too LAZY to do the math...which DESTROYS their BELIEF SYSTEM due to the impossibility of what they propose! Everyone should take the time to understand and do the math So that they won't be fooled by them.
@NovaVonMeadows 4 месяца назад
This entire lesson/lecture was incredible to watch. Ten years ago it baffled my atheist girlfriend. Now she firmly believes intelligent design is the only possibility.
@lohkie2__3 6 лет назад
We don't know. it's that simple but evolution is way more logical than a sky ape
@davidbecraft5184 5 лет назад
Evolution isn't logical at all! Forget the math because it will only confuse you. Ask yourself if man evolved from apes (primates) then how is it that prehistoric man was here before apes? Why has no transitional fossils ever been found on the entire planet? We have fossils of every animal and plant life that has ever existed on this planet yet no transitional fossils. Dinosaurs were here before apes so were cavemen. So tell me how we evolved from apes when we were here before apes. There is a laundry list of falicies attached to evolution. The nebulous theory is another mathematical impossibility. Math is never ever wrong
@wgb8210 5 лет назад
@@davidbecraft5184 Your analysis is crazy.
@davidbecraft5184 5 лет назад
@@wgb8210 please explain and be specific
@davidbecraft5184 5 лет назад
@@wgb8210 it's not an analysis, its FACTUAL so please fact check me
@wgb8210 5 лет назад
@@davidbecraft5184 No transitional fossils? Is this what you believe? If you do, then this belief is both empirically and logically absurd?
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