
What is the Seventh-day Adventist Church? 

Ready to Harvest
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@mattisfichte1621 2 года назад
As a member of the SDA church, I find this video accurate. Many other videos of evangelicals about the SDA church portray it as one homogenous group with crazy theology. But actually our church as well as our leadership is pretty divided resulting in our official positions being rather broad and ambiguous on many topics. This video does not give a superficial look at the official position, but gives also some insight in the actual doctrinal situation of our church.
@SalzderErde 2 года назад
@Joel Villarreal As I already stated, our official beliefs are foggy on many topics. Do we believe in a material Godhead or immaterial Godhead? Conservative Leaders believe Father, Son and Holy Spirit to be bodily beings, liberal theologians say they are immaterial hypostases. Are we pro-life or pro-choice? Our guidelines say we are pro-life, but abortions have been happening in our hospitals. Is our view on justification in line with Luther or not? Liberals say yes, conservatives say no. Are we pro women's ordination or not? General Conference said no, but our German Conferences ordained them anyway. LGT: yes or no? There are LGT sermons by Ted Wilson, but they majority of theologians (even conservatives I'd say) reject it. Are some of Ellen White's statements debatable? Liberals theologians say yes, conservative theologians say no. These are no minor theological questions, these are big ones - and our leadership is divided over them. The conservatives need the liberals to avoid being called a cult, the liberals need the conservatives for the growth of the church. That's what holds the church together. From my point of view, this situation is special and worth pointing out.
@SalzderErde 2 года назад
​@Joel Villarreal Look, I've never pledged that vow. I don't let any man or institution dictate me what I must believe. I'm a member of the SDA church, but I disagree with some of our official positions. I did not become a member because of the the official positions of the church, but because of my loving congregation where I live. They knew about my believes and accepted me nevertheless. You are right in that we have official positions that are unorthodox. You can criticise them. But don't claim that every member must be in agreement with all of them. You can be part of a body (church, institution, organisation, party...) without agreeing with everything it officially stands for. The practise in the SDA church is not the same as among JWs or some communist parties. Having that said, I do accept your enragement over my adherence to that Ellen White quote, for I do believe it carries divine authority. Nevertheless, I don't think that Ellen White's position should be part of the fundemantals for they should be solely biblical. She wasn't mentioned in the old fundamentals of the church at her time.
@SalzderErde 2 года назад
@Joel Villarreal That's a very communist understanding of affiliation you have. Concerning EGW: She's not claiming be perfect, she's claiming inspiration for her writings. I can understand your sceptisism. There are 2 things to do to check her claim: 1. Search in the bible if it promises the gift of prophesy for future events. 2. If 1. is correct, study her writings and check them with the bible.
@SalzderErde 2 года назад
​@Joel Villarreal Biblical texts also borrow from other sources that sometimes are even non-canonical (Letter of Jude - Book of Enoch). If the used texts are true, why shouldn't they be used? The practise is not new, for instance: Luke and Matthew borrowed heavily from Mark. The deciding factor is not if her borrowing was in line with the standards of her time, but if it was in line with the standards of other inspired writings. Can you show me a quotation of her where she denied using somebody else's work? You gave a statement of a third person stating that she "appears to have denied her borrowing", that's rather vague. That the statement has an Adventist background does not automatically give it credibility, for we have many leaders in our church who have an interest in marginalising her writings.
@SalzderErde 2 года назад
​@Joel Villarreal You shared 2 quotes of her. In none of them she denied using other sources. 3SM 49.7: She is referring to how inspiration works. God does not dictate every word (that's how Muslims believe Mohammed received the Quran). The inspired person is impressed by the spirit, yet has to find the right words to express the received light. She does not deny here to have ever used already existing texts. That would have been very weird - her writings are full of bible quotes without reference and quotation marks. 3SM 52.2: "Heretical" is referring to doctrinal statements. Concerning her historical statements her son wrote: "We will make a great mistake if we lay aside historical research and endeavor to settle historical questions by the use of Mother's books as an authority when she herself does not wish them to be used in any such way" (W. C. White to S. N. Haskell, October 31, 1912). Small historical inaccuracies are no dealbreakers for inspired writings. There are some diverging historical statements in the Bible also: 2 Kings 25:8 - Jeremiah 52:12.
@adamandsethdylantoo 7 месяцев назад
Went to an Adventist school from 8th-12th grade. Great people, even though as a neo-charismatic (Vineyard), my family and I disagreed on several points, soul sleep and annihilationism being the main ones. Still, everyone there loved Jesus and were doing their best to teach, so I give the Adventists major props
@schatztruhederbibel5523 Месяц назад
So now, because you are another now and you know that they are teaching the truth why are you not joining them and follow the right teaching of the bible?
@TestifyApologetics 2 года назад
Thanks for all your hard work on this!!! This will be an extremely valuable resource on RU-vid for years to come.
@t.n.2342 2 года назад
Awesome 2 see u here💯thanks 4 the Christmas series u did by the way
@TestifyApologetics 2 года назад
@@t.n.2342 if it's good it's grace! Glad it was helpful to you
@porfiriojohn5276 Год назад
3 - 30 - 23 Three days from now will be SUNDAY PHYSICAL RESURRECTION WORSHIP day ! "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! "" John 11 : 25 ANSWER 1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
@porfiriojohn5276 Год назад
3 - 30 - 23 Three days from now will be SUNDAY PHYSICAL RESURRECTION WORSHIP day ! "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! "" John 11 : 25 ANSWER 1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
@jeangreen432 Год назад
WARNING: Ellen White teaches Jesus and Satan are brothers, that is not Scriptural, but blasphemous, satan was created, Jesus was begotten by the Father by the power of the Holy Spirit as HIs Son, God in the flesh, to redeem the world from sin. Read Walter Rey's "The White Lie' , she stole word for word paragraphs from other writers claiming it as her own misleading the people to think she was greatly inspired...she was, but not by God. Satan always weaves lies within the truth. Satan fooled Eve by saying 'Did God really say...?' Never follow a man or woman, always seek the Truth from God's very Word and test everything against the Scriptures to see if it is true or not. Most SDAs hold EW as high as the Holy Scriptures, this was warned against in 1 Cor 3. She was a false prophet, her prophecies failed. She always had excuses, but God 'always' warns His people before He punishes...Ellen gave no warnings that His people were in error...the day she prophesied Jesus would come failed to produce so she blamed and shamed her followers for not being good enough rather than lose face for being a false prophet. Stay away from SDA, I made the mistake for a year until I did further study. Read about the 'investigative Judgment' , a heretical teaching. Jesus died on the cross for our sins, then went to the right hand of the Father. You will be lured in by Ellen White's teachings that follow Scripture, but unless you compare Scriptures to her full teachings, you will get caught up in heresy, unscriptural teachings, she adds to the Scriptures which is warned against. The necessity of 'other books to be included alongside the Bible' is a common theme with cults, false teachers. Please do not be fooled. Stay away from 'all' isms and just read God's Word prayerfully and enjoy the blessed journey; use a lexicon; bible study tool for word and phrase searches; read history books for historical and cultural purposes, not commentaries unless they are strictly telling you where to go in the Bible to find further teachings on a subject...which many of them fail to share all of them but only those that support their bias. This is why we have so many isms, so many denominations as we aren't keeping our eyes on our Savior's teachings. Find a teacher who sticks to the Scriptures and not a founder. The reason we have so many isms is due to men follow other men's doctrines contrary to the full teaching of the Scriptures. The Bible has all that you need, no other books by men or women are necessary. Paul taught to be good Bereans, to search the Scriptures to know if what is being taught is of God. Steer clear of teachings that contradict God's Word...such as much of Ellen White's teachings. She adds to His Scriptures, there is no Investigative Judgment that she teaches, Jesus did it all on the cross. Don't be misled away from the True God in Heaven Who created you and all of creation. Read the Bible daily, book by book, verse by verse, study to show yourself approved and share the gospel with those that are lost. Read prayerfully daily to know in whom you believe. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, died for our sins though He was perfect, rose again on the third day in fulfilment of the Scriptures and desires that all follow Him as their Savior and Lord until the very end, doing the will of the Father in Heaven...those the love Him will follow His commandments, true love will have works supporting their belief. God is gracious and just, Jesus is coming again to punish those rejecting Him and living in opposition to His teachings. Ellen White goes way off the Scriptures, she is 'not' a prophetess, she adds to Scripture and that is heresy. Steve Gregg is one of a few teachers that I know who teach strictly from the Bible. Some of the worst teachers are those that went to seminary created by a founder of an ism (Catholicism; Calvinism; Arminianism; Ellen White; the list is long...they get parts right and parts wrong by not including 'all' of the teachings on a subject, choosing just those that support their ideology. The Scriptures were meant to be a life time of learning to mold and shape the person into the image of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit and our faithfulness to Jesus Christ as we are tested in this life. God is gracious to forgive a truly repentant heart
@AdventistHomemaker Год назад
Proud SDA here. Thank you for all the informational videos. God bless
@porfiriojohn5276 Год назад
3 - 29 - 23 Three days ago SUNDAY PHYSICAL RESURRECTION WORSHIP day was GREAT ! "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! "" John 11 : 25
@porfiriojohn5276 7 месяцев назад
2 - 23 - 24 #1 How about being PROUD to be a Christian FIRST because the Bible comes FIRST ?
@Lynn-r8h 2 месяца назад
@@porfiriojohn5276there is nothing in scripture that says one become a Christian to be saved!
@Lynn-r8h 2 месяца назад
@@porfiriojohn5276there is no prohibition from worshipping any day of the week. That doesn’t negate God’s commandments.
@porfiriojohn5276 2 месяца назад
@@Lynn-r8h 7 - 18 - 24 The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing ADIALEIPTOS in GREEK does NOT exclude SUNDAY'S, praying and worshipping are interchangeable 1st Thessalonians 5 : 16 - 18 Are you going to suggest that ALL Seventh day Adventists should NOT WORSHIP on SUNDAY'S or SEVEN days out of the WEEK ? SIMPLE Yes.....or.....no On the Sabbath "" My Father WORKETH hitherto and I WORK......"" John 5 : 16 On the Sabbath "" For this reason the ( Sabbath keepers ) tried all the more to take his life, because he NOT ONLY BROKE the Sabbath but he also called God his own Father, making himself EQUAL with GOD" John 5 : 18 So in other words merely going to an SDA church on Saturday's and telling like minded people "" Happy Sabbath ! "" by default means you are NOW all of a sudden NOW part of the ONLY ONE TRUE REMNANT religion denomination church which KEEPS and OBEYS ALL the LAW of ALL the Commandments of God What about the other NINE Commandments ? Have you ever sinned just ONCE knowingly or unknowingly ? SIMPLE Yes....or.....no BIBLICAL GOSPEL 1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ✝️ ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY ! BIBLICAL GOSPEL 2 Timothy 1 : 8 - 9 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ✝️ ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
@helmanofernandes2143 18 дней назад
Wow very good job. As an SDA I really wish your video got more attention that those of the critics that put everything out of context. May God bless you and your ministry.
@dewilew2137 Год назад
I was raised SDA, became an atheist in my teens, and am now looking to convert to Catholicism in adulthood. This video reminded me why I ultimately turned away from Christianity altogether in the first place. It’s hard to undo all of the teachings you’re taught to believe in from an early age. It still feels strange. I’m grateful to be able to gain a new perspective on Christianity years later, one that makes much more sense to me.
@danhickey1227 Год назад
God bless you! I love reading stuff like this.
@joez3706 Год назад
Catholicism? 😲
@davidwooten6091 5 месяцев назад
Wow!! I am SO impressed by your research on this video and the accuracy of your research. This video must have taken you a lot of time. I am an SDA Bible teacher and I will send this video to my mail list of SDA friends. We can all learn more about our own denomination from your well-research, unbiased video. I have watched many of your videos, and the quality of your work is consistently accurate and amazing. Thank you for your ministry.
@ReadyToHarvest 5 месяцев назад
David, thanks a lot! This video did take a long time to make. I think you will enjoy a video coming out in a few months that also took forever to make, comparing SDA with several other sabbath-keeping groups. I'm glad to have you as a viewer.
@davidwooten6091 5 месяцев назад
@@ReadyToHarvest I've already enjoyed your comparison of our church to the Baptist church and sent that out to my mail list as well. I look forward to your upcoming video comparing sabbath-keeping churches. Thank you.
@BarbSDA_2193 Месяц назад
Thank you so much for this. Often, people attack or mock our beliefs without fully understanding them. They frequently label us a cult. You presented this information in a fair and detailed way. I truly appreciate it! This is why I am SDA Praise God!!! 🙌🏾 PS: I'd like to know your personal thoughts/beliefs about our religion. Where do you agree or disagree? Care to share?
@christinashaw1859 22 дня назад
The local SDA members around here are really nice. :) I met them at a Sunday farmer’s market they have, and today I went to a SDA church service. I was really relieved that, as a Catholic, I share fundamental Christian beliefs with them, like Christ atoning for our sins through His death. Of course, as a Catholic, I don’t agree with some of the beliefs about the Catholic Church. I think some of it isn’t historically correct. It seems like the SDA theology is anti-Catholic, but SDA members never treat me in an ill way for my faith. I appreciate that, and I pray so much for the unity of all Christians. 😊
@thewatchmanevangelisticmin2250 Месяц назад
Wonderful assessment. Greatly appreciated.
@barwin3227 7 месяцев назад
Thank you very much. I will be looking for more of your work.
@mikepoulin3020 2 года назад
Colossians 2:16 Therefore do not let anyone condemn you in matters of food and drink or of observing festivals, new moons, or sabbaths....
@prjnc 2 года назад
Colossians 2:17 - These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.
@prjnc 2 года назад
shadows/ordinances that pointed to Christ. Learn to discern/interpret the scriptures.
@Meop79 Год назад
This is true. However, it does not say what you are implying it does. It says do not let anyone judge you on HOW you worship on the Sabbath. It does NOT say do not let anyone judge you on not worshipping on the Sabbath, discarding the Ten Commandments, or picking some other day as an alternative.
@Meop79 Год назад
@@davidswiger3324 so no Christian is to keep the Ten Commandments? Did you just hear yourself? You just said Christians can lie, steal, be oathbreakers, sexually promiscuous, etc etc and still be Christians. You are a heretic. Luke 16:17 - And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail. Romans 7:12 - Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good. 1 Timothy 1:8-10 - But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully; Romans 3:31 Do we then overthrow the law by this faith? By no means! On the contrary, we uphold the law.
@Meop79 Год назад
@@davidswiger3324 no, I'm not. There is one Ten Commandments, ten laws that show God's character. You do not get to pick and choose. God made the law, not you.
@megameow321 2 года назад
Their theology on keeping the law is a distinction w/o a difference. They say: You aren’t saved by keeping the law, but keeping the law is necessary for salvation. Which means that in practice you must keep the law to be saved, whether it merits it or not. So in practice/de facto it is salvation thru works.
@americanswan 2 года назад
What is Jesus talking about? John 14:15 John 14:23 Why does a Christian obey? Because the Christian is forced, manipulated into obedience? Or is obedience the result of research, reason, and genuine love for the law of God spoke of in Psalms? It's a tragedy when individuals have obedience forced on them. Love is not felt. They flee from such systems. Just as James speaks of, faith without works is dead. It's not faith. Would a murderer claim salvation and murder again? Would a liar claim salvation and continue to lie? Would a drunk claim he has been cured by the grace of Jesus and continue to drink? The problem Christ came to solve was sin in man. If you're sick and the doctor's medicine doesn't work...then what? Vast majority won't understand this. It doesn't fit their view of atonement due to their level of moral decision making.
@americanswan 2 года назад
@Joel Villarreal Grasping at straws now I see, because you don't have the maturity to understand and I'm sorry but I cannot understand it for you. Go back to school.
@americanswan 2 года назад
@Joel Villarreal I am glad your trying to make some sort of reasoned argument. It's sad you fail miserably. Some people just never learned to think properly. Try thinking about your thinking while you're thinking to make your thinking better.
@americanswan 2 года назад
@Joel Villarreal Beautiful quote from Great Controversy p. 640. Too bad Joel don't understand it. I'll be praying for Joel. He was hurt and is obsessed with EGW material he doesn't understand. God is love. Go figure out what that means.
@americanswan 2 года назад
@Joel Villarreal Still waiting for you to read the Bible references.
@Saratogan 2 года назад
"Ellen G. White" Hummm... Paul: "...but I do not allow a woman to teach nor to exercise authority over man, but to be in quietness...". Not very quiet was she? Same sort of thing happened with Mary Baker Eddy.
@americanswan 2 года назад
So when Mary and Martha want to give a talk about their relationship with Jesus you wouldn't attend because they are women and cannot "teach". Got it.
@Saratogan 2 года назад
@@americanswan, I understand the human response to Paul's directive. Do you understand what he was driving at?
@americanswan 2 года назад
@@Saratogan So, you wouldn't listen to Mary and Martha. Got it.
@americanswan 2 года назад
@@Saratogan Isaiah's wife was a prophet. You wouldn't listen to hear either. Okay.
@americanswan 2 года назад
@@Saratogan Deborah (Judges 4:4) you'd also ignore. Got it.
@93556108 3 месяца назад
By the way your church place a lot of attention on the Sabbath, dietar laws etc. Are Chistians living under the Law of Moses? Thank you.
@edwinrivera5377 2 года назад
God help them Great video God bless you !
@geraldreineke1348 24 дня назад
ACTS 20 v 7 the believers gathered for breaking of bread and worship NOT ON SATURERDAY the 7 th day look at Romans 14 v 5 , Paul had no quarrel with sabbath worshipers or worshipers on any other day, Paul said let every man be persuaded in his own mind. Christ is our sabbath rest, we keep His laws because He dwells IN us read 1 John for a good understanding of this
@chrisgoredema6729 6 месяцев назад
Great video
@markdiblasi3061 8 месяцев назад
God numbered the days He didn’t name the days. Could be any day of the week. I’m an eight day Adventist, eternal rest.
@MariaMaderaVelez-r4f 10 месяцев назад
Are we close to JESUS second coming?
@ultraman6950 2 года назад
I like how you only focus on giving objective facts.
@porfiriojohn5276 Год назад
7 - 21 - 23 #1 The FACT is that NOT ONCE on ANY of these Threads/ Comments has ANY Seventh day Adventist even bother to mention ANYTHING about SPREADING/ PREACHING the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( NOT ONE ) ( NOT ONCE ) Why not ? The FACT that Adventists are too busy bestowing accolades to the Investigative Judgment ? The FACT that Adventists are too busy WORKING their technology ALL day on Saturday's ? #2 Isn't Adventism SUPPOSED to be the FACT of being the ONLY ONE TRUE REMNANT religion denomination church which is SUPPOSED to SPREAD/ PREACH the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel Jesus Christ ? What are they waiting for ? ANSWER 1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ✝️ ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
@eduardogonzalez4243 2 года назад
Thank you. As an SDA member myself, I can truly say you did a fantastic job of laying out all the important details without putting your opinion in there, which is something I’ve not seen anyone do before. Even your nonverbal communication and tone you were neutral and I appreciated it. You presented many things that showed the nuance of the beliefs and I would share this with anyone who asked what we believe.
@ReadyToHarvest 2 года назад
Thanks Eduardo! I'm glad to get that confirmation. It took me a long time to prepare for this video and so it's good to know from SDA members that it's accurate.
@eduardogonzalez4243 2 года назад
@@ReadyToHarvest absolutely I can tell you put a lot of thought and research into this. Wow. Much appreciated.
@dman7668 Год назад
That's what makes his channel so great. He just presents what that particular faith teaches and does not distort it in favor of his own personal views. He just gives you facts and let's people decide for themselves what to believe. He is fair and that is refreshing.
@Nikitaxo24 Год назад
Great video
@Bunfire123 Год назад
@@dman7668 absolutely, a real talent!
@eliastandel Год назад
This 1h video was clearer and more helpful explaining doctrine than all the bible studies and seminars I attended while growing up in SDA. Thanks so much for all of your videos!
@ReadyToHarvest Год назад
Glad to hear it was useful to you!
@americanswan Год назад
Sadly, youth don't know the doctrines. I don't think you're alone. I know Cornerstone Connection lessons covers most of this stuff.
@porfiriojohn5276 Год назад
3 - 29 - 23 Three days ago SUNDAY PHYSICAL RESURRECTION WORSHIP day was GREAT ! "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! "" John 11 : 25 ANSWER 1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
@dewilew2137 Год назад
@@porfiriojohn5276 mind your business. 🙃
@porfiriojohn5276 Год назад
@@dewilew2137 4 - 24 - 23 Yesterday SUNDAY PHYSICAL RESURRECTION WORSHIP day was GREAT ! "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! "" John 11 : 25 Your one line Neanderthal comments are obvious you lack knowledge and ability to cement critical thinking skills ANSWER 2 Timothy 1 : 8 - 9 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ✝️ ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
@mrfelix2510 Год назад
As a member of the SDA church, I was skeptical about listening to this especially after hearing so many that are far from accurate but I must say that I was pleasantly surprised by the accuracy of this one. Good job.
@mrfelix2510 Год назад
@@emmanuelgoldstein8534 maybe you heard something I didn't. Not everything he says concerning the SDA church is accurate but for the most part, I feel he did a good job.
@porfiriojohn5276 Год назад
3 - 28 - 23 Two days ago SUNDAY PHYSICAL RESURRECTION WORSHIP day was GREAT ! "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! "" John 11 : 25 Adventism is Mormonism ANSWER 1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
@Replyingtoclowns Год назад
SDA 🤢🤮 worst of the worst
@fredrickearl6687 Год назад
@@emmanuelgoldstein8534You studied the 1611 King James Bible from Genesis to Revelation,--as well as read the book 'Steps to Christ' and all four volumes of "The Spirit of Prophecy" and have a problem with the plan of redemption?
@Thecouchpatatoshow Год назад
Run 🏃‍♀️
@reuelmelville5232 2 года назад
I think a whole bunch of us have been waiting for this video in excited anticipation. It has not disappointed. Thank you.
@porfiriojohn5276 Год назад
4 - 24- 23 Yesterday SUNDAY PHYSICAL RESURRECTION WORSHIP day was GREAT ! "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! "" John 11 : 25 #1 Our audience have been waiting with anticipation of WHEN a Seventh day Adventist is EVER going to mention ANYTHING about SPREADING/ PREACHING the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ on ANY of these Threads / Comments #2 NOT ONE Seventh day Adventist on ANY of these Threads/ Comments has even bothered ONCE to mention ANYTHING about SPREADING or PREACHING the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( NOT ONE ) ( NOT ONCE ) Why not ? Too busy bestowing accolades to the Investigative Judgment ? #3 Isn't Adventistm SUPPOSED to be the ONLY ONE TRUE REMNANT religion denomination which is SUPPOSED to SPREAD/ PREACH the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ? What are they waiting for ? #4 Does one NEED TO be OBEDIENT to the LAW in order to receive GRACE ? SIMPLE Yes......or......no #5 Are your sins blotted out? SIMPLE Yes......or......no #6 Did Jesus FINISH his atonement on the CROSS ✝️ Calvery FINISHED PAID in FULL sins BLOTTED OUT FINAL payment paid in FULL NOTHING ADDED NO SECOND phase of atonement NECESSARY ? SIMPLE Yes......or......no #7 Who chose Judas to be an Apostle/ Disciple unto Christ? Chapter and verse please ANSWER 1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ✝️ ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
@garysouthwell5762 11 месяцев назад
Wonderful and comprehensive overview of the Seventh-day Adventist church system today! As far as I can see, all its teachings are directly attributed to Bible basis and do not revolve around a One person Bias as many detractors try to imply.
@LornaParsons-xz3jg Месяц назад
@sergieyes Год назад
The Seventh Day Adventists support a very advanced health system with clinics, as well as manufacturing very healthy foods, etc. I was treated in one such clinic, and it was extremely auspicious. I want to publicly thank the SDA for their healing activities.
@porfiriojohn5276 Год назад
4 - 25 - 23 Two days ago SUNDAY PHYSICAL RESURRECTION WORSHIP day was GREAT ! "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! "" John 11 : 25 ANSWER 1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ✝️ ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
@kirjian 2 года назад
Amazing work. An hour filled with content. Can't imagine how long it took to put this mammoth of a project together.
@americanswan 2 года назад
He said in another comment about 3 weeks.
@benjones5799 Год назад
wow. you put a lot of work into that. I am an SDA member and didn't find any issues with what you said, which is impressive. You were also very gracious and just presented the facts. Thank you for your efforts.
@porfiriojohn5276 Год назад
4 - 24 - 23 Yesterday SUNDAY PHYSICAL RESURRECTION WORSHIP day was GREAT ! "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! "" John 11 : 25 ANSWER 1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ✝️ ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
@RuleroftheWorld Год назад
I'm adventist and I'm learning new things.
@robertchilders8698 Год назад
Good for you!!
@porfiriojohn5276 Год назад
4 - 26 - 23 Three days ago SUNDAY PHYSICAL RESURRECTION WORSHIP day was GREAT ! "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! "" John 11 : 25 ANSWER 1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ✝️ ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
@thekingdombiblestudy Год назад
Being SDA i’m always worried about videos like this. But wow, this was very informative and well done. Thank you for showcasing our faith with respect.
@porfiriojohn5276 Год назад
5 - 24 - 23 #1 So being an SDA you are not worried about Ellen G White putting ALL Seventh day Adventists on MASONIC Probation Eternal life of the Investigative Judgment ? ( 1T 199 year of 1859 ) #2 Being an SDA you are not worried that NOT ONCE have YOU or ANY other Seventh day Adventist on ANY of these Threads/ Comments has even bothered ONCE to mention ANYTHING about SPREADING or PREACHING the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ? ( NOT ONE ) ( NOT ONCE ) Why not ? Too busy bestowing accolades to the Investigative Judgment ? #3 Isn't Adventistm SUPPOSED to be the ONLY ONE TRUE REMNANT religion denomination church which is SUPPOSED to SPREAD/ PREACH the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ? What are you waiting for ? ANSWER 1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ✝️ ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
@yardgunner4033 Год назад
“Showcasing our faith” 🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️ what about what the Bible says tho ? Sigh the poison in the SDA church is so contagious, these explanations are non biblical, the church was built on a lie, where in the Bible did God mention that he needed help afterwards to bring truth to truth ? Think for yourself my friend, test the spirit and these writings EGW has. She is a false prophet
@trueadventistaudiobooks Месяц назад
Totally agreed.
@dawnmichelle4403 2 года назад
Wow, this is a biggie! Thank you for all the work you put into this video. Even though it's long, it's very thorough and quite enlightening. I live in a community with a large SDA population, so this is very relevant to me.❤️
@alternateangel 2 года назад
first read that as: large SDA problem hahah
@dawnmichelle4403 2 года назад
@@alternateangel 😄
@edwinrivera5377 2 года назад
@@dawnmichelle4403 are you a Christian?
@dawnmichelle4403 2 года назад
@@edwinrivera5377 yes, I am! 😊
@edwinrivera5377 2 года назад
@@dawnmichelle4403 where in the Bible does it say that Jesus is Michael the archangel? Where in the Bible does it say that Sunday worship is the mark of the beast? Where does it say in the Bible that Satan will bear our sins? And and what is this investigative judgment? 2 peter 1: 20 Knowing this first that no prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation
@laurengarcia1023 2 года назад
I have been waiting for this video thank you so much for your thoroughness and unbiased approach. I have family members who fell away from the faith overall because of bad experiences with the SDA and others who are strong Christians, so I knew they had some different beliefs, but this helped me make sense of many things.
@Jfernandez02 2 года назад
@Joel Villarreal nah
@laurengarcia1023 2 года назад
@Joel Villarreal I was the one who called it bad experiences, but to be honest, they did have doctrinal issues. When they found out about the plagery and racism in Ellen White's writings, it caused them to discount the Bible too, unfortunately. Also the church they attended was very strict on so many rules, not going to the movie theater, no makeup, jewelery, no caffeine, including chocolate etc. and instead of holding these as personal convictions were requirements and could face church discipline. My grandma would hide the coffee maker when other church members came over, and it seemed really weird. But other family members do seem like strong Christians and happy in their denomination. I have never been SDA but am a commited Christian, so I was always confused at these discrepancies without my own personal experience.
@BavarianRage Год назад
@@laurengarcia1023 Curious about racism. Ellen supported emancipation of the slaves and supported social justice of the time. Special efforts were taken to provide equal opportunity in sharing the gospel. As to plagiarism, I heard it explained that different standards applied in the the 1800s when borrowing from other source material; it would be unfair to judge works written in that period using current rules of citation. That said, I’m no literary historian. Sounds like the Adventist families you encountered were definitely on the “strict” side. A lot has changed in the last 50 yrs. More emphasis in having a relationship with Jesus and in response to this relationship and spending time with our Creator, we follow His teachings and become like Him. Where and how we interpret and draw lines on beliefs may differ, but I think all sincere Christians, Adventists included, desire to adhere to God’s teachings. To those outside the denomination, it often looks like legalism-but ideally adherence in certain areas mentioned is a natural response in the context of a loving relationship to please God.
@anthonygamblin5023 2 года назад
Can you do a video over the Seventh Day Baptists? I know they aren’t a large , or particularly well known, Baptist group, but I think it would make for an interesting video.
@narrowistheway77 2 года назад
Interestingly it was Seventh Day Baptist members of the Millerite movement that brought the Sabbath notion into the SDA Church. Ellen White was a false prophetess though. It’s sad to know this cult got so big while the Seventh Day Baptists stayed so small
@mmtoss6530 2 года назад
@@narrowistheway77 the seventh day Baptists are orthodox (from what I herd, many don’t teach that keeping the sabbath is necessary for salvation and don’t consider other Christian churches as apostate for observing the Lord’s Day), and are believers in Jesus. The SDA church, although I won’t necessarily call it a cult (expect for the conservative side), is an anti-Christ, anti-Gospel movement and evangelicals must address them.
@kleineente6475 Год назад
@@narrowistheway77 you have no respect. How could you say a church is a cult? When did Ellen White declare herself as a prophetess?
@kleineente6475 Год назад
@@mmtoss6530 how could you say SDA is anti-Christ and anti-Gospel? From what source are those based on?
@terrygreenman1540 Год назад
@@kleineente6475 For starters The Bible is a great source! It exposes the heresies of the SDA organization. What heresies one may ask? My short list: HERESY: That Jesus Christ did not REPLACE the Law of Moses with the Law of Himself on the cross. HERESY: That the Sabbath is NOT merely a shadow pointing to Christ, as the shadow of a palm tree at sunrise in the desert points straight to the palm tree. HERESY: That Jesus Christ did NOT sit down at the right hand of our Father in heaven above and thus complete the Investigative Judgment one thousand eight hundred years BEFORE October 22, 1844. HERESY: That Ellen G. White is the Holy Spirit of Prophecy. HERESY: That Jesus Christ is not 100% God, but something less, such as our "elder brother with sinful flesh" or Michael the archangel or "our example" rather than our savior.
@davidwilson5048 Год назад
This is a very good overview of Seventh-day Adventism, Joshua. I appreciate the unbiased way in which you approach your presentations. As an outsider looking in you definitely have done a lot of homework, to dig into the details of our faith, as well as divisions within the SDA denomination(like over LGT, original sin, and women’s ordination), and more nuanced matters of church governance and policy. With some more deep study/reading into original material in its full context, as well as further direct dialogue with Adventists, you may become the leading “evangelical” expert on us, SDAs. It is not infrequent that we, as SDAs, feel misrepresented and maligned in the way outsiders, cult watchers, and disgruntled ex-Adventists describe us. I think most of us, within the church could agree that your presentation here is not only well documented, but presented in a fair and unbiased manner. Thank you for seeking to represent us fairly and honestly, as a true Christian should. I am praying that you will persevere in maintaining a respectful, humble, and truthful spirit as you go forward in your life, ministry, and study.
@ReadyToHarvest Год назад
Thank you, David. What you have described is my goal for all my videos.
@DavidLTJ Год назад
As a Catholic, I found. a deeper respect for the SDA congregation. Thanks, Jeremy. May God continues to bless your work!
@porfiriojohn5276 Год назад
4 - 1 - 23 Tomorrow will be SUNDAY PHYSICAL RESURRECTION WORSHIP day ! "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! "" John 11 : 25 #1 What EXACTLY do you find from Adventism teaching that you bestow accolades of DEEP RESPECT ? #2 Maybe it because Adventism MIMICS Catholicism ANSWER 1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
@Legend_1754 Год назад
Considering how they are very anti catholic, I'm quite surprised !
Год назад
Used to say that Catholics make the best Adventists.
@porfiriojohn5276 Год назад
@ 5 - 23 - 23 #1 Thats because Adventistm is Catholicism #2 RCC : Mary the Mother of God SDA : Ellen G White the Prophetess of God #3 RCC : Has their seat in ROME SDA : Has their seat in MARYLAND #4 RCC : Claims to be the ONLY ONE TRUE religion denomination church SAME AS....... SDA : Claims to be the ONLY ONE TRUE religion denomination church ANSWER 1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ✝️ ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
@danhickey1227 Год назад
@ Protestans end up making the best Catholics.
@americanswan 2 года назад
I believe I told you before you uploaded this that I appreciate what you were doing and wanted to thank you somehow. I have some nuanced views that differ from this video and I've come to learn even more after the video was posted, BUT for the middle of the road Adventist I think you did great.
@ReadyToHarvest 2 года назад
Thank you!
@MrsHen2pen 2 года назад
I have never seen such an accurate and fair minded video essay on the Seventh-day Adventist Church. I keep thinking, does this man have a personal affiliation with the SDA church? If not, remarkably well researched. I’m going to see what else you research…if this piece is any indication, you certainly “do your homework!”
@ReadyToHarvest 2 года назад
Thanks Frances! No, I am not affiliated with the SDA church in any way. I do my best to accurately portray people in every video I make. I'm glad you found the channel!
@maxwellogolla8090 Год назад
I also thought the same. Because he has given some distinctive truths that non-adventists may not easily understand. Great work
@essafats5728 Год назад
@@ReadyToHarvest but isn't ur wife a big believer of the seventh day Adventist? I thought I read it somewhere in the comments section of one of your other videos.
@ReadyToHarvest Год назад
@@essafats5728 No.
@essafats5728 Год назад
@@ReadyToHarvest thank u and God bless for your honesty, plz forgive me for my false thoughts.
@pugetsound1272 2 года назад
Wow, thanks Jeremy! Massive respect to you and gratitude for the many hours of thorough research you have done on this topic. Also, I'm grateful for the unbiased and neutral viewpoint you have maintained throughout the presentation. :)
@wendyleeconnelly2939 2 года назад
I think his name is Joshua
@AdventistHomemaker Год назад
@@wendyleeconnelly2939 it is.
@reuelmelville5232 2 года назад
Your videos are all so professionally done and so without self-reference that I'm not even sure of your name. Thank you. I would love to see you explain how you are able to give such a fair view to each denomination while remaining completely faithful to your own particular denomination. Maybe a video on what it is that you find most riveting about your own specific denominational loyalty?
@ReadyToHarvest 2 года назад
Hello Reuel, I'm Joshua. I may make a video like that someday. It is easier to present things neutrally and have them be viewed neutrally the less I focus on my own beliefs. I am glad to hear you've found the videos to be helpful.
@CalexanderJ 2 года назад
@@ReadyToHarvest I’m so curious given all of your research what your personal beliefs are. My guess is that most Christians don’t do a lot of research into the varying interpretations of scripture before settling on their beliefs
@JaysenStOnge 2 года назад
@@CalexanderJ he is an independent Baptist, which is why many of his videos were independent Baptist beliefs vs other denominations.
@reuelmelville5232 2 года назад
@@ReadyToHarvest Thank you Joshua! I absolutely love your videos and appreciate all the work you put in. I am a convert to Judaism from the LDS church if you can believe it - so I have enormous interest in the various denominations. I wish you were in South Africa, I can't think of anyone I'd rather have a cup of coffee and chat with. Thanks again and wishing you all good things for 2022.
@ReadyToHarvest 2 года назад
@@reuelmelville5232 That is an interesting journey. I would like to visit South Africa one day. Future goal, I guess. I've enjoyed learning about viewers around the globe.
@claudiushedrington752 2 года назад
You've done a great and valuable service to all of us who take the Holy Scripture Seriously ; although quite lengthy yet very thorough and well researched , I tip my hat to you and everybody else who has had a part in putting this together. Keep up the great work indeed . I look forward to your next videos. To God be the Glory ! 😎
@porfiriojohn5276 Год назад
4 - 25 - 23 Two days ago SUNDAY PHYSICAL RESURRECTION WORSHIP day was GREAT ! "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! "" John 11 : 25 ANSWER 1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ✝️ ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
@CalexanderJ 2 года назад
As someone who has attended Adventist churches my entire life this was a very solid presentation. I even learned a few things. It would have been nice in a couple areas, namely going out to eat on sabbath, jewelry, sports in school if there was polling information to contrast with the official church position. I think there’s a number of areas where the average sda church goer may not fully align with what the church manual says. But this was a very thorough and fair presentation.
@hamiltonmasseyii4747 2 года назад
@ginajourney 2 года назад
Return has been happened and I will only share with the world is the times of tribulation for the next 1,000 yrs
@richardgray8593 2 года назад
I saw an SDA pastor and his family at a restaurant on a Sabbath early afternoon. I was shocked.
@Nepthu 2 года назад
@@richardgray8593 You mean pastors aren't perfect? For shame!
@richardgray8593 2 года назад
@@Nepthu Ordinary SDA members don't go to restaurants on the Sabbath, so that's too much to ask of a pastor? "Practice what you preach" is not a thing anymore?
@brandonmyles5747 2 года назад
I have been SDA all my life
@brettweier9504 2 года назад
@Joel Villarreal she's actually considered deuterocanonical at best. She herself always pointed to the Bible as being above her own writings. I'm sure there's Adventists who give her a higher status but she's never been equivalent to the Bible in Adventist doctrine. Rather, her works point people to the Bible.
@brettweier9504 2 года назад
@Joel Villarreal brother I admire your determination to get rid of and denounce false prophets. It's one I share. But it's my sincere belief, and the belief of my church, that Ellen White was not a false prophet. There's almost this unspoken taboo against prophets in the modern world, when at no point did God say Prophets would cease to be after Jesus. In fact, Revelation emphasises the fact that there will be prophets in the last days. However, despite our differences of opinion on this matter, you've been unable to show me that Ellen White is considered equal to the Bible. In fact, the very fundamental belief you just quoted, number 18, specifies "They also make clear that the Bible is the standard by which all teaching and experience must be tested." Ellen White's writings point to the Bible. Throughout her life she commended it above her own works. I think you'd be hard pressed to find an Adventist teaching that her works are equal to or greater than the Bible - this has never been a teaching of the church. The church believes that she is evidence of the spirit of prophecy among us in the last days. Prophecy is important and will play a role in the last days... but salvation remains through grace alone. Ellen White is not the path to Salvation. That path can be found through Christ alone. Thus, she is of secondary importance. Her role is that of any prophet - a messenger, designed to point people back to the Bible.
@brettweier9504 2 года назад
@Joel Villarreal So far, Ellen White, absolutely. But your argument seems to be that this means we're placing her ABOVE scripture, which I'm pointing out that we do not, and never have. Revelation 12:17 says "And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ." Revelation 19:10 points out that the "testimony of Jesus" is the Spirit of Prophecy. So yeah, we believe that it's clear the Spirit of Prophecy will play a highly important role in the end times, and that there will be prophets in the last days. An example of one such prophet was Ellen G. White, who was, as fundamental belief 18 indicates, tested against the Bible to see if she was authentic. So I do not deny this. A part of being a Seventh Day Adventist is accepting that the gift of Prophecy will play a role in the last days, and has already done so in the ministry of Ellen White. But I'm still unsure what makes you think this puts her above the Bible? It absolutely doesn't. Prophecy has an important role yet to play as "the testimony of Jesus Christ" but such testimony exists solely to point people back to Jesus, not away. Adventist Sabbath School lessons study the Bible, not Ellen White. Adventist sermons must point to the Bible, not just Ellen White. She is not used in isolation from the Bible, and her works very much play an important role, but one that is undoubtedly secondary to the gospel message. The Bible, by Ellen White's own wishes, was to be the only basis by which the church was to be run. Even in her lifetime, she didn't have unilateral power in the church. Theological matters were decided by Bible Scholars, and Ellen White's own claims were then studied to see if they could be found in the Bible. I'm not denying that Ellen White is an important part of Seventh Day Adventism. I'm simply pointing out that it's erroneous to say Adventists place her works above or equal to the Bible. The Bible is the centre of Seventh Day Adventist theology, it always has been, and it hopefully always will be.
@jonasaras 2 года назад
@@brettweier9504 EGW's writings are a "continuing source of authority...." which makes her the Pope-ette of the SDA church. Her confused, self-contradictory ramblings are the sole foundation of the defective doctrines of Adventism. Adventist leadership has known her writings to be historically and doctrinally unreliable since the 1919 Bible Conference, but they hid the notes of those meetings.
@brettweier9504 2 года назад
@Joel Villarreal Mate sorry for the delay but you've got to understand that I have a life outside youtube comments :P A part of membership in our church is accepting the spirit of prophecy, for sure. It's not a part of salvation though. Salvation is by grace alone. In terms of the Bible though, I can see you think you've got a real "GOTCHA" with this... but I'm not convinced you do. Listening to the prophets of God is important, but so is testing them for the truth - our guide by which to test them is the Bible. Even by your own logic that we must listen to Ellen White, we'd need to listen to her when she says, multiple times, that the Bible is far more important than her own writings. Ellen White described her own writings: "The Lord desires you to study your Bibles. He has not given any additional light to take the place of His Word. This light is to bring confused minds to His Word, which, if eaten and digested, is as the lifeblood of the soul. Then good works will be seen as light shining in darkness." (Ellen White to Sanderson, Brother and Sister, Letter 130, 1901 (Silver Spring, MD: Ellen G. White Estate, September 27, 1901). Her works are intended to point people back to the Bible. In terms of her works establishing doctrines outside of or in addition to the Bible, she says: "Lay Sister White to one side. Do not quote my words again as long as you live until you can obey the Bible. When you make the Bible your food, your meat and your drink, when you make its principles the elements of your character, you will know better how to receive counsel from God. I exalt the precious Word before you today. Do not repeat what I have said, saying, “Sister White said this,” and “Sister White said that.” Find out what the Lord God of Israel says, and then do what He commands. Christ said, “I must work the works of Him that sent Me." (Ellen White, Talk/“I would prefer not to speak today …,” Manuscript 43, 1901 (Silver Spring, MD: Ellen G. White Estate, April 01, 1901), par. 26) "...do not make prominent, and quote, that which Sister White has written, as authority to sustain your positions. To do this will not increase faith in the testimonies. Bring your evidences, clear and plain, from the Word of God. A “Thus saith the Lord” is the strongest testimony you can possibly present to the people. Let none be educated to look to Sister White, but to the mighty God." (Ellen White to Colcord, Brother and Sister, Letter 11, 1984 (Silver Spring, MD: Ellen G. White Estate, January 16, 1894), par. 4.) So by your own logic, if the church is obligated to listen to Ellen White, we need to listen when she says that the Bible is the greatest authority - that we should focus on it first and foremost, even to the exclusion of her works if necessary. Again, as I've said multiple times, the writings or person of Ellen G. White are not considered equal to scripture. She was an inspired woman who helped point the church back to God. She was not, and never claimed to be, a replacement to, or extra book for, the Bible.
@Hannodb1961 2 года назад
Somehow, people keep missing the verse where Jesus said no one knows the date, except the Father.
@americanswan 2 года назад
Very true. Agree. I think what confused people was all the signs the Bible speaks of as signals of the end. We likely will see the end coming by those signs.
@drusauza8291 2 года назад
No one knows the date of what?
@Hannodb1961 2 года назад
@@drusauza8291 The second coming, Judgement day and coming of the Kingdom of God.
@drusauza8291 2 года назад
@@Hannodb1961 Thanks for responding. You mention the second coming, judgement day, and the coming of the kingdom of God. Do all three of those things happen at the same time and what date has been set declaring the day and hour?
@Hannodb1961 2 года назад
@@drusauza8291 Considering that Jesus says that all people will simultaneously see Him return on the clouds, it is not clear to me that time and space as we know it will continue to exist when the second coming happens. I don't believe the final judgement will happen in time and space, as that would take millennia, and require a huge area, as everyone will be judged in public. So to ask whether it all going to happen "at the same time" is a bit superfluous. But yes, it will happen in that order: The second coming, the rising of the dead, the final judgement, then eternity on the new Earth or hell.
@genesteward3528 Год назад
Thank you for your dedication to fact finding and presenting in such an objective and honest way…. May your efforts be a Blessing to God, and those who seek an earthly fellowship that aligns with the Spirits conviction within us to seek God and not forsaken fellowship with others who are on the same journey.
@ReadyToHarvest Год назад
Thank you so much, Gene!
@jeangreen432 Год назад
WARNING: Ellen White teaches Jesus and Satan are brothers, that is not Scriptural, but blasphemous, satan was created, Jesus was begotten by the Father by the power of the Holy Spirit as HIs Son, God in the flesh, to redeem the world from sin. Read Walter Rey's "The White Lie' , she stole word for word paragraphs from other writers claiming it as her own misleading the people to think she was greatly inspired...she was, but not by God. Satan always weaves lies within the truth. Satan fooled Eve by saying 'Did God really say...?' Never follow a man or woman, always seek the Truth from God's very Word and test everything against the Scriptures to see if it is true or not. Most SDAs hold EW as high as the Holy Scriptures, this was warned against in 1 Cor 3. She was a false prophet, her prophecies failed. She always had excuses, but God 'always' warns His people before He punishes...Ellen gave no warnings that His people were in error...the day she prophesied Jesus would come failed to produce so she blamed and shamed her followers for not being good enough rather than lose face for being a false prophet. Stay away from SDA, I made the mistake for a year until I did further study. Read about the 'investigative Judgment' , a heretical teaching. Jesus died on the cross for our sins, then went to the right hand of the Father. You will be lured in by Ellen White's teachings that follow Scripture, but unless you compare Scriptures to her full teachings, you will get caught up in heresy, unscriptural teachings, she adds to the Scriptures which is warned against. The necessity of 'other books to be included alongside the Bible' is a common theme with cults, false teachers. Please do not be fooled. Stay away from 'all' isms and just read God's Word prayerfully and enjoy the blessed journey; use a lexicon; bible study tool for word and phrase searches; read history books for historical and cultural purposes, not commentaries unless they are strictly telling you where to go in the Bible to find further teachings on a subject...which many of them fail to share all of them but only those that support their bias. This is why we have so many isms, so many denominations as we aren't keeping our eyes on our Savior's teachings. Find a teacher who sticks to the Scriptures and not a founder. The reason we have so many isms is due to men follow other men's doctrines contrary to the full teaching of the Scriptures. The Bible has all that you need, no other books by men or women are necessary. Paul taught to be good Bereans, to search the Scriptures to know if what is being taught is of God. Steer clear of teachings that contradict God's Word...such as much of Ellen White's teachings. She adds to His Scriptures, there is no Investigative Judgment that she teaches, Jesus did it all on the cross. Don't be misled away from the True God in Heaven Who created you and all of creation. Read the Bible daily, book by book, verse by verse, study to show yourself approved and share the gospel with those that are lost. Read prayerfully daily to know in whom you believe. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, died for our sins though He was perfect, rose again on the third day in fulfilment of the Scriptures and desires that all follow Him as their Savior and Lord until the very end, doing the will of the Father in Heaven...those the love Him will follow His commandments, true love will have works supporting their belief. God is gracious and just, Jesus is coming again to punish those rejecting Him and living in opposition to His teachings. Ellen White goes way off the Scriptures, she is 'not' a prophetess, she adds to Scripture and that is heresy. Steve Gregg is one of a few teachers that I know who teach strictly from the Bible. Some of the worst teachers are those that went to seminary created by a founder of an ism (Catholicism; Calvinism; Arminianism; Ellen White; the list is long...they get parts right and parts wrong by not including 'all' of the teachings on a subject, choosing just those that support their ideology. The Scriptures were meant to be a life time of learning to mold and shape the person into the image of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit and our faithfulness to Jesus Christ as we are tested in this life. God is gracious to forgive a truly repentant heart
@brianholland997 Год назад
I would like to add a comment about the Millerites and "the Great Disappointment". Seventh-day Adventists tend to view the situation about the Great Disappointment as being parallel to disappointment of the Disciples after the crucifixion: 1) Both groups had a false expectation as to what was going to happen in common with their culture at the time. 2) Both groups had some things that they were correct in, and some that were wrong. 3) Both groups were greatly disappointed. 4) Both groups gained a new understanding afterwards that explained why they were disappointed. 5) Both groups were maligned afterwards because of the history of their false expection. 6) Both groups grew, despite opposition, to world-wide proportions.
@porfiriojohn5276 10 месяцев назад
11 - 29 - 23 #1 I like your sense of English and thought process whatever faith you hold to doesn't take away from your talents #2 What changed the Holy Apostles and their Theology was the PHYSICAL RESURRECTION of Jesus Christ which just happens to be on a SUNDAY AFTER the Saturday Sabbath #3 The PHYSICAL RESURRECTION of Jesus Christ on ANY SUNDAY completes the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ 1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ✝️ ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY ! #4 The Gospel is the BEST #1 topic in ALL of the Holy Bible of God's Word of Holy writ Without the PHYSICAL RESURRECTION of Jesus Christ on a beautiful SUNDAY then there is NO GOSPEL and NO CHRISTIANITY ( That's a 100% Biblical FACT ) #5 The main focus in Holy writ is the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ PARTICULARLY the PHYSICAL RESURRECTION of Jesus Christ on a beautiful SUNDAY and we see the Holy Trinity ( GODHEAD ) of raising John 2 : 19 - 21 Jesus raised HIMSELF Romans 8 : 11 The Holy Spirit raised Jesus Galatians 1 : 1 The Father raised Jesus #6 Jesus Christ The Holy Apostles The Holy Apostle Paul ALL went to the Synagogues on the Sabbath to SPREAD/ PREACH the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ What's the excuse for Seventh day Adventists ? #6 NOT ONCE has ANY Seventh day Adventist on ANY of these Threads/ Comments has even bothered ONCE to mention ANYTHING about SPREADING or PREACHING the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( NOT ONE ) ( NOT ONCE ) Why not ? Too busy bestowing accolades to the Investigative Judgment ? Too busy WORKING their technology ALL day on Saturday's ? Too busy about them THINKING that going to an SDA church on Saturday's and telling like minded people "" Happy Sabbath "" and merely by default means one is KEEPING and OBEYING the WHOLE LAW of the Commandments of God WITHOUT SIN or being SINLESS? What about the other NINE Commandments ? Have Adventists ever sinned ? Will they not pass away one day because the wages of SIN is DEATH ..........? Just a bunch of PIOUS RATHER than SPREADING or PREACHING the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ #7 Isn't Adventism SUPPOSED to be the ONLY ONE TRUE REMNANT religion denomination church which is SUPPOSED to SPREAD/ PREACH the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ? What are Adventists waiting for? ANSWER 1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ✝️ ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY ! ANSWER 2 Timothy 1 : 8 - 9 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ✝️ ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY ! ANSWER Jesus = GOD = YESHUA in the flesh set the PERFECT EXAMPLE of NOT being a vegetarian before and after his PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY and he ate HONEYCOMB and he ate FLESH EATING BROILED FISH MEAT in front of his Holy Apostles after his PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY ! Luke 24 : 39 - 42 ANSWER GRACE G - Gods R - Riches A - At C - Christs E - Expense Try it, Jesus = GOD = YESHUA in the flesh loves you and so do I ! AGAPE !
@cindiloowhoo1166 2 месяца назад
No. That line of thought is just so very, very, Wrong! The Death of Christ vs the obvious results of the blatant sin of date setting, selling all one's goods & giving money to "The Church" (Ellen). People went bankrupt, starved, committed suicide, murder/suicide, committed to insane asylums, it was just horrible, not to mention the reaction of all those who never subscribed to this nonsense. May God have Mercy on all the souls involved in this heinous plot,
@walterhelm8186 Год назад
This is a very fair and accurate description of Seventh-day Adventist beliefs. I would mention that so-called last generation theology (also called sinless perfectionism) is definitely a minority view among North American Seventh-day Adventists and has never been part of the SDA Fundamental Beliefs, although those who hold to LGT tend to be vocal and critical of those who do not.
@porfiriojohn5276 Год назад
4 - 26 - 23 Three days ago SUNDAY PHYSICAL RESURRECTION WORSHIP day was GREAT ! "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! "" John 11 : 25 ANSWER 1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ✝️ ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
@larrybedouin2921 10 месяцев назад
​@@porfiriojohn5276 For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator. For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth. {Hebrews 9:16-17} And they returned, and prepared spices and ointments; and *rested the sabbath day according to the commandment* {Luke 23:56} ^ The new Covenant (testament) had already been sprinkled with the blood of Christ.
@porfiriojohn5276 10 месяцев назад
​@@larrybedouin2921 11 - 25 - 23 #1 Luke 23 : 56 the THEY that RESTED were the WOMEN NOT JESUS , he was BURIED and being prepared for BURIAL #2 Here you are WORKING your technology ALL day TODAY on the SATURDAY you claim to keep Holy being BORED and LOCKED in your technology posting more on Saturday's than ANY other day of the WEEK on as many SDA channels as possible while simultaneously mentioning ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about SPREADING or PREACHING the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ANSWER 2 Timothy 1 : 8 - 9 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ✝️ ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
@borisvandruff7532 2 года назад
“The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.”
@xintimidate 2 года назад
Amen to that
@americanswan 2 года назад
Amen. Can you explain what that means in practice?
@borisvandruff7532 2 года назад
@@americanswan There’s a lot that I still need to understand about the Sabbath before I answer that. 😊
@jeremycarter Год назад
@@borisvandruff7532 God instituted the Sabbath at creation as a day of rest to set aside worldly cares and to spend time with Him. Where in the Bible does it say that He changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday? In Malachi 3:6 it says “For I am the Lord, I change not…” The Lord wrote the 10 Commandments with His finger in stone because He didn’t want things changed. Out of all of the commandments, the fourth is the ONLY one where it says Remember. The reason why Christ said “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath” is because the Pharisees had so many restrictions in place that keeping the Sabbath was a burden for many. For the Jews it was was a works based faith. Christ was trying to tell them that is not how it’s supposed to be.
@porfiriojohn5276 Год назад
@@jeremycarter 3 - 30 - 23 Three days ago SUNDAY PHYSICAL RESURRECTION WORSHIP day was GREAT ! "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! "" John 11 : 25 #1 So what you are saying is that Adventism and Ellen G White are NOT WORKED based NOR do they ADD to the Bible as the Pharisees and their Sabbath Really.......? #2 LDS : WORKS based religion SDA : WORKS based religion #3 LDS : Does lip SERVICE on GRACE SAME AS........ SDA : Does lip SERVICE on GRACE A ) Ellen G White says otherwise on GRACE B ) "" It is the GRACE of God to ALL Seventh day Adventists through OBEDIENCE to the LAW ! "" ( Ellen G White My life today page # 100 ) #4 LDS : Joseph Smith said Angels have GOLDEN PLATES SAME AS....... SDA : Ellen G White said Angels have GOLDEN CARDS ( Early writings 39 : 2 ) #5 Usimg the Bible ONLY Using the Bible FIRST As Adventists claim to do WHERE in the KJV Bible 1611 , or in the Hebrew , Aramaic or GREEK of the text do Angels have GOLDEN PLATES GOLDEN CARDS just because Ellen G White and her contemporary Joseph Smith said so ( Chapter and verse please ) If you don't mind Thank you in advance ANSWER 1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
@americanswan Год назад
With your unbias style, I really wish you'd slowly go through Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing & Christ Object Lessons by EGW writing notes and making a genuine series of videos on what she really taught. Because such an unbias series of videos would be a great basis and source to judge her other writings. People so often just go straight to this or that controversy without knowing what she really wanted the church to know. The two books are free online and the audiobooks are freely available and wouldn't take but a weekend to listen to.
@IvancaOlanu7 Месяц назад
Thank you so much for this video with all my heart! I feel convicted to convert, I am a Pentecostal Christian, and felt there was more. I don't fully understand why The Lord would say no make up or jewelry or no coffee....I need more clear direction from our Jesus regarding this. I love The Lord so much and need help giving these things up, but I am WILLING to keep the 4th commandment!
@Theflower-fs6s Месяц назад
May God reveal the truth to you🙏 You can read the Bible to know more about why we should keep the 4th commandment❤
@AGuilloryGirl Месяц назад
I honestly think it is that God wants us to have a spirit of humility and if we are so focused on the things of this world, regardless of whatever that is then we are not able to truly focus on the things that He would have us focus on. I do know of Adventists that wear jewelry and makeup, but it is done modestly. And I think that is what God really wants for us, to have that quiet humility so that we can focus on living our best life serving Him.
@MrPatdeeee Месяц назад
(Sorry for the VERY, VERY long "comment". But I believe it NEEDS to be espoused) Now.. "What is the Seventh-day Adventist Church?' Yes, what is that? And what day of the Week? Hum? Many could say this: Muslim's worship on Friday, the Jew's worship on Saturday and Christian's it's on Sunday (of more them)! Why? And is it Wrong? Hum? Will God be angered? Hum? Now consider this...God ('circa 6,000 yrs ago) created a universe in 6 days. And the rest on the seventh day! Right? And throughout most scriptures are have "7th's". And, Rev has 54 Seventh's. Wow! Now... Did God, ever name the days of the week? Hum?? But Jesus (whose name of the only True God Almighty forever) answered Sadducee this way; about the "Great Commandment"... Matthew 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. Matthew 22:38 This is the first and great commandment. Matthew 22:39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Matthew 22:40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. To summarize: The Sabbath Churches; are worked up; unto only ONE Commandment! Causing them; to forget what Jesus said above. Sad, but OH so True! May Jesus have mercy... ...In any case Brethren, Please Pray OFTEN and Praise Jesus OFTEN; for He is the ONLY true "God Almighty"; there will ever have been. And may Jesus bless you and yours always. AMEN
@sonicteal8723 2 года назад
You're awesome Bro Joshua! I really,, really enjoy Your videos! Glory be to God, God Bless You & Your Family🙏 Stay warm😁🧤🧣
@porfiriojohn5276 Год назад
4 - 28 - 23 Two days from now will be SUNDAY PHYSICAL RESURRECTION WORSHIP day ! "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! "" John 11 : 25 ANSWER 1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ✝️ ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
@JohnBoyDeere Год назад
Too bad SDA teachings are overwhelmingly contrary to Holy scripture therefore aligning themselves with what Jesus spoke against more than any sin, the traditions of men...
@americanswan Год назад
Your comment sound as if you've set up your own interpretation of Scripture as the only authority under heaven by which we can be saved. So sorry, I don't prescribe to the Gospel of JohnBoyDeere.
@JohnBoyDeere Год назад
@@americanswan Stop side stepping truth by assuming wrongly what I believe and embrace biblical truth. SDA doesn't embrace biblical truth but unfortunately what Jesus the Son of the Most High God spoke against more than anything else, the "traditions of men"......
@danlin8662 2 года назад
My parents were SDA but we stopped attending after they divorced. I was too young to ever really grasp the particulars of SDA history and theology. Hearing about it now is interesting, but I can't help looking at the denomination as just another in a long line of groups led astray by false prophets.
@narrowistheway77 2 года назад
That’s the most dangerous part of this Church is the spirit of Ellen stands over them. It’s truly sad. Nothing wrong with keeping GOD’s sabbath though. GOD Bless! ❤️
@constancetaylor2114 Год назад
I wish the best for you in this life but most of all life eternal, JESUS is your best example just read the bible
@kleineente6475 Год назад
@@narrowistheway77 what is your point sir? "The dangerous thing is spirit of Ellen stands over them"?
@rayhchc6451 Год назад
⚠️ Prophets have always made the wicked nervous. Ellen White is no exception 😇
@NewLifeSDAflministries Год назад
@Narrow Is The Way Your parents is intelligent people who made a sound decision to follow Jesus and be a member of his church. Unfortunately the wicked one steps in and touch the family. I'm so sorry for this l, but I encouraged you to study for yourself.
@KIisaacson Год назад
I’m a Roman Catholic, but I must say out of all of the Protestant denominations I admire the Seventh-Day Adventists the most. Their commitment to the Sabbath, education and healthy-living are all incredible.
@andremccalla279 Год назад
We love you in the name of Jesus!
@maxwellogolla8090 Год назад
May God bless you and empower you to abide by his bidding. For all His bidding are enabling.
@americanswan Год назад
You will hear the word papacy a few times in this video. Adventist should have HUGE problems with the Papacy and Vatican, but Adventist have no problem with Catholic church members who are likely confused. There are surely some wonderful Christians in the Catholic church.
@thetreasurer7531 Год назад
@@americanswan nope, adventists are against papacy. but that doesn’t we would go to a catholic church and burn it down lol
@essafats5728 Год назад
How ironic, SDA's healthy living but yet their hospitals conduct abortions on a for-profit basis
@americanswan 2 года назад
I think this sort of video is extremely tough to make because Adventist aren't well known and there are so many rumors flying around. It takes a lot of time to find the facts. This video tries to show mainstream Adventism basically and I think it does a good job of that. I have some different nuanced perspectives on issues in the video.
@hamiltonmasseyii4747 2 года назад
@americanswan 2 года назад
@Joel Villarreal What are you talking about? I know more than this video said. 😆
@americanswan 2 года назад
@Joel Villarreal I have explained this numerous times. I am not going to explain it again and again. Your anger and obsession is showing. Seek help. Your quotes will not change my mind because I have the mental capacity to determine truth without lazily relying on others to think for me.
@americanswan 2 года назад
@Joel Villarreal Still not changing my mind. I still know truth. You'll have to do better. Why don't you try harder?
@averytameburrito3101 2 года назад
I keep seeing this joel fellow in the comments... what was his deal? What things did this odd individual type?
@amazonwarrior5584 Год назад
It's unfortunate that Adventism is labeled as a cult to many, because the organization follows Ellen White. As she was one of the founders. And her teachings were copied from other sources, and was very Jewish. It started on error. The bible and the bible alone is all that is needed. Rightly divided. The bible speaks to 3 different audiences. The Jew The Gentile & The body of Christ If you teach that Jewish practices is for the Gentiles or church age, it is incorrect. the word of God is not to be used as a smorgasbord to pick and chose from it what you want. It needs to be carefully studied, rightly divided in it's correct dispensation / time period. And to look at who is the audience it is addressing. The bible is a history book. The word of God [which stands alone] Nothing added to it. And needs to be treated with respect. The church age is different to the nation of Israel's program / dispensation. Just as the bible reads. Ellen White mashed, added, and spiritualized things away. Adventists would do well to leave off Ellen White and read the bible as it says. And believe the word. The king James does NOT need anything added to it. As Christ said not to add to his word lest he reprove thee and be found a liar. Ellen White taught many Jewish principles and adopted it to Gentiles and the age of grace period / church age. Paul the apostle is for this church age. Romans to Philemon. Read whom the author is addressing, and for when. [time period] Study to shew yourself approved unto God, Rightly divide the word of truth - 2 timothy 2:15 KJV The Holy Spirit can teach you many things, if you just believe in him and his word alone.
@devoted2him Год назад
This gentleman did thorough research and is unbiased, both of which are rare in our day and age. Kudos! Subscribing.
@porfiriojohn5276 Год назад
5 - 24 - 23 Three days ago SUNDAY PHYSICAL RESURRECTION WORSHIP day was GREAT ! "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! "" John 11 : 25 ANSWER 1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ✝️ ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
@codezero6023 2 года назад
Good work on your research.. The Advent Health Care system is really big here in central FL. I also have SDA relatives.
@porfiriojohn5276 Год назад
4 - 24 - 23 Yesterday SUNDAY PHYSICAL RESURRECTION WORSHIP day was GREAT ! "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! "" John 11 : 25 #1 The Adventist health care research What about their SDA Abortion clinics worldwide , killing babies SEVEN days a WEEK , including on the Saturday Sabbath they claim to keep Holy at SDA Loma Linda abortion clinics #2 What about Adventists PREACHING the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is WAY more important ? #3 NOT ONE Seventh day Adventist on ANY of these Threads/ Comments hasn't even bothered ONCE to mention ANYTHING about SPREADING/ PREACHING the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( NOT ONE ) ( NOT ONCE ) #4 Are their more similarities between Adventistm and Mormonism or are there more dissimilarities between Adventistm and Mormonism ANSWER 1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ✝️ ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
@christianspathministry5541 2 года назад
Could you do a video on the Davidian Seventh Day Adventists founded by Victor Tasho Houteff? They are a group whose history and beliefs are not known by most people.
@americanswan 2 года назад
I find it interesting how similar Adventist beliefs are to other churches. Baptisms, Godhead, Christ, salvation.
@OnlytheBible Год назад
The Seventh Day Adventist Church was started by many different Christians that banded together during the Millerite Movement, they had a wide spectrum of Beliefs, Ellen White was originally methodist, others were baptists, others congregationalists, others just plain old simple Christians…
@walterhelm8186 Год назад
That's because Adventists are evangelical Protestant Christians. Granted, SDAs have some distinctive beliefs that are out of the mainstream, but they affirm all the defining doctrines of Christianity.
@porfiriojohn5276 Год назад
4 - 25 - 23 Two days ago SUNDAY PHYSICAL RESURRECTION WORSHIP day was GREAT ! "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! "" John 11 : 25 #13 The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing ADIALEIPTOS in GREEK does NOT exclude SUNDAY'S , praying and worshipping are interchangeable 1st Thessalonians 5 : 16 - 18 #14 Ask a Seventh day Adventist Are you going to suggest that ALL Seventh day Adventists should NOT WORSHIP on SUNDAY'S or SEVEN days out of the WEEK ? SIMPLE Yes......or.......no #15 LDS : WORKS based religion SDS : WORKS based religion #16 LDS : Does lip service on GRACE SAME AS.......... SDA : Does lip service on GRACE A ) Ellen G White says otherwise on GRACE B ) "" It is the GRACE of God to ALL Seventh day Adventists through OBEDIENCE to the LAW ! "" ( Ellen G White My life today page # 100 ) #17 LDS : Joseph Smith said Angels have GOLDEN PLATES SAME AS......... SDA : Ellen G White said Angels have GOLDEN CARDS ( Early writings 39 : 2 ) #18 Ask a Seventh day Adventist Using the Bible ONLY Using the Bible FIRST As Adventists claim to do WHERE in the KJV 1611 , or in the Hebrew , Aramaic or GREEK of the text do Angels have GOLDEN PLATES GOLDEN CARDS just because Ellen G White and her contemporary Joseph Smith said so ( Chapter and verse please ) If you don't mind Thank you in advance #19 LDS : The devil is the Spirit brother of Jesus Christ SAME AS........ SDA : The devil is the SDA HERO SCAPEGOAT of Adventistm #20 LDS : NEW 19th century FALSE religion ( 1830 ) SAME AS........ SDA : NEW 19th century FALSE religion ( 1863 ) #21 LDS : Has their seat in UTAH SDS : Has their seat in MARYLAND #22 You can NOT dispute the OBVIOUS IDENTICAL SIMILARITIES between Adventistm and Mormonism........and ALL of you WILL NOT ANSWER these questions in order to defend WHAT Adventism believes and WHY Adventism believes it in order to give an ANSWER to EVERYONE who asks 1 Peter 3 : 15 #23 To ANSWER those questions HONESTLY will CEMENT the FACT of the OBVIOUS IDENTICAL SIMILARITIES between Adventistm and Mormonism #24 LDS : Joseph Smith was a FALSE prophet Spirit of Prophecy SAME AS........ SDS : Ellen G White was ALSO a SELF proclaimed Spirit of Prophecy #25 LDS : Take Baptismal vows to Joseph Smith AS the SELF proclaimed Spirit of Prophecy SAME AS........ SDA : Take Baptismal vows to Ellen G White AS the SELF proclaimed Spirit of Prophecy ANSWER Romans 1 : 1 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ✝️ ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
@tobiasjr.4646 2 года назад
@natbaeza710 2 года назад
Wow, great job. SDA can get complicated but you covered it really well. Thank you
@nicetry620 2 года назад
It's complicated because it contradicts itself
@jeangreen432 Год назад
WARNING: Ellen White teaches Jesus and Satan are brothers, that is not Scriptural, but blasphemous, satan was created, Jesus was begotten by the Father by the power of the Holy Spirit as HIs Son, God in the flesh, to redeem the world from sin. Read Walter Rey's "The White Lie' , she stole word for word paragraphs from other writers claiming it as her own misleading the people to think she was greatly inspired...she was, but not by God. Satan always weaves lies within the truth. Satan fooled Eve by saying 'Did God really say...?' Never follow a man or woman, always seek the Truth from God's very Word and test everything against the Scriptures to see if it is true or not. Most SDAs hold EW as high as the Holy Scriptures, this was warned against in 1 Cor 3. She was a false prophet, her prophecies failed. She always had excuses, but God 'always' warns His people before He punishes...Ellen gave no warnings that His people were in error...the day she prophesied Jesus would come failed to produce so she blamed and shamed her followers for not being good enough rather than lose face for being a false prophet. Stay away from SDA, I made the mistake for a year until I did further study. Read about the 'investigative Judgment' , a heretical teaching. Jesus died on the cross for our sins, then went to the right hand of the Father. You will be lured in by Ellen White's teachings that follow Scripture, but unless you compare Scriptures to her full teachings, you will get caught up in heresy, unscriptural teachings, she adds to the Scriptures which is warned against. The necessity of 'other books to be included alongside the Bible' is a common theme with cults, false teachers. Please do not be fooled. Stay away from 'all' isms and just read God's Word prayerfully and enjoy the blessed journey; use a lexicon; bible study tool for word and phrase searches; read history books for historical and cultural purposes, not commentaries unless they are strictly telling you where to go in the Bible to find further teachings on a subject...which many of them fail to share all of them but only those that support their bias. This is why we have so many isms, so many denominations as we aren't keeping our eyes on our Savior's teachings. Find a teacher who sticks to the Scriptures and not a founder. The reason we have so many isms is due to men follow other men's doctrines contrary to the full teaching of the Scriptures. The Bible has all that you need, no other books by men or women are necessary. Paul taught to be good Bereans, to search the Scriptures to know if what is being taught is of God. Steer clear of teachings that contradict God's Word...such as much of Ellen White's teachings. She adds to His Scriptures, there is no Investigative Judgment that she teaches, Jesus did it all on the cross. Don't be misled away from the True God in Heaven Who created you and all of creation. Read the Bible daily, book by book, verse by verse, study to show yourself approved and share the gospel with those that are lost. Read prayerfully daily to know in whom you believe. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, died for our sins though He was perfect, rose again on the third day in fulfilment of the Scriptures and desires that all follow Him as their Savior and Lord until the very end, doing the will of the Father in Heaven...those the love Him will follow His commandments, true love will have works supporting their belief. God is gracious and just, Jesus is coming again to punish those rejecting Him and living in opposition to His teachings. Ellen White goes way off the Scriptures, she is 'not' a prophetess, she adds to Scripture and that is heresy. Steve Gregg is one of a few teachers that I know who teach strictly from the Bible. Some of the worst teachers are those that went to seminary created by a founder of an ism (Catholicism; Calvinism; Arminianism; Ellen White; the list is long...they get parts right and parts wrong by not including 'all' of the teachings on a subject, choosing just those that support their ideology. The Scriptures were meant to be a life time of learning to mold and shape the person into the image of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit and our faithfulness to Jesus Christ as we are tested in this life. God is gracious to forgive a truly repentant heart
@cincinnatipedalsteel4347 Год назад
Not breathing for hours at a time. Yeah ok. 😂😂😂😂 Funny how they say the Bible is the authority and everything should be tested against it yet many of their beliefs don’t pass this test.
@tierfreund780 Год назад
Local SDA's sent me a book in the mail recently
@ronsmith2241 Год назад
I have friends who are SDA. But I can't understand why the SDA is so strongly against women in ministry yet they follow religiously the ministry of Ellen White.
@l-kin3480 29 дней назад
We're not against women in ministry. We believe pastors, elders and deacons should be men because that is what the Bible commanded. Ministry isn't limited to pastors. There is prophecy, healing, teaching, evangelising, speaking in tongues, interpretation etc. Outside of the bishopric anyone can be in the other ministries
@lewisswedenborg5287 2 года назад
Do they identify Christ with Michael because they believe Michael is “the Angel of the Lord” mentioned in the Old Testament? I’ve always wanted to understand the reasoning behind this belief.
@Saratogan 2 года назад
They fail to see that all of God's angels are "angels of Jehovah". They also were: "... all the sons of God shouted for joy...". In the larger sense, angel simply means messenger. However, there are a couple of occasions where the message Deliverer is unique and does some very unique things. An example is the Messenger Who announces the birth of Samson. He calls Himself "Wonderful". He ascends in the smoke of the sacrifice that Minoah offers. This is what we call a Christophany -- the preincarnate appearance of the 2nd Person of the Godhead on this earth.
@RealCaptainAwesome 2 года назад
I didn't know that one, I thought that was a JW distinctive.
@thestandardbarber1708 2 года назад
I'm not SDA, but Christ is many things: Lamb, Door, Light, High Priest, Apostle and yes Angel.
@danielmaher964 2 года назад
Yes, that's right. Christ is found everywhere in Scripture.
@timeisathand4346 2 года назад
Yes! Adventist believe Christ is God. However, He is also the commander of all the angels. Similarly to how a president is also the chief of army staff. Christ being Michael does not reduce His divinity, it only reveals one of His role. And yes, Christ is often the Angel of the Lord referred to in the old testament. For emphasis sake, Adventist believe that Christ is fully divine, and He is from everlasting to everlasting.
@Exactamundo 2 года назад
Church of God GC - Unitarian Church of God (7th day) - Binitarian First Day Adventist - Trinitarian Seventh Day Adventist - Trinitarian This makes me wonder if our belief of who God is really more important than the day we worship him.
@porfiriojohn5276 Год назад
4 - 28 - 23 Two days from now will be SUNDAY PHYSICAL RESURRECTION WORSHIP day ! "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! "" John 11 : 25 #1 You are correct because the Bible tells us to pray without ceasing ADIALEIPTOS in GREEK does NOT exclude SUNDAY'S , praying and worshipping are interchangeable 1st Thessalonians 5 : 16 - 18 #2 Ask a Seventh day Adventist Are you going to suggest that ALL Seventh day Adventists should NOT WORSHIP on SUNDAY'S or SEVEN days out of the WEEK ? ANSWER 1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ✝️ ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
@jeangreen432 Год назад
WARNING: Ellen White teaches Jesus and Satan are brothers, that is not Scriptural, but blasphemous, satan was created, Jesus was begotten by the Father by the power of the Holy Spirit as HIs Son, God in the flesh, to redeem the world from sin. Read Walter Rey's "The White Lie' , she stole word for word paragraphs from other writers claiming it as her own misleading the people to think she was greatly inspired...she was, but not by God. Satan always weaves lies within the truth. Satan fooled Eve by saying 'Did God really say...?' Never follow a man or woman, always seek the Truth from God's very Word and test everything against the Scriptures to see if it is true or not. Most SDAs hold EW as high as the Holy Scriptures, this was warned against in 1 Cor 3. She was a false prophet, her prophecies failed. She always had excuses, but God 'always' warns His people before He punishes...Ellen gave no warnings that His people were in error...the day she prophesied Jesus would come failed to produce so she blamed and shamed her followers for not being good enough rather than lose face for being a false prophet. Stay away from SDA, I made the mistake for a year until I did further study. Read about the 'investigative Judgment' , a heretical teaching. Jesus died on the cross for our sins, then went to the right hand of the Father. You will be lured in by Ellen White's teachings that follow Scripture, but unless you compare Scriptures to her full teachings, you will get caught up in heresy, unscriptural teachings, she adds to the Scriptures which is warned against. The necessity of 'other books to be included alongside the Bible' is a common theme with cults, false teachers. Please do not be fooled. Stay away from 'all' isms and just read God's Word prayerfully and enjoy the blessed journey; use a lexicon; bible study tool for word and phrase searches; read history books for historical and cultural purposes, not commentaries unless they are strictly telling you where to go in the Bible to find further teachings on a subject...which many of them fail to share all of them but only those that support their bias. This is why we have so many isms, so many denominations as we aren't keeping our eyes on our Savior's teachings. Find a teacher who sticks to the Scriptures and not a founder. The reason we have so many isms is due to men follow other men's doctrines contrary to the full teaching of the Scriptures. The Bible has all that you need, no other books by men or women are necessary. Paul taught to be good Bereans, to search the Scriptures to know if what is being taught is of God. Steer clear of teachings that contradict God's Word...such as much of Ellen White's teachings. She adds to His Scriptures, there is no Investigative Judgment that she teaches, Jesus did it all on the cross. Don't be misled away from the True God in Heaven Who created you and all of creation. Read the Bible daily, book by book, verse by verse, study to show yourself approved and share the gospel with those that are lost. Read prayerfully daily to know in whom you believe. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, died for our sins though He was perfect, rose again on the third day in fulfilment of the Scriptures and desires that all follow Him as their Savior and Lord until the very end, doing the will of the Father in Heaven...those the love Him will follow His commandments, true love will have works supporting their belief. God is gracious and just, Jesus is coming again to punish those rejecting Him and living in opposition to His teachings. Ellen White goes way off the Scriptures, she is 'not' a prophetess, she adds to Scripture and that is heresy. Steve Gregg is one of a few teachers that I know who teach strictly from the Bible. Some of the worst teachers are those that went to seminary created by a founder of an ism (Catholicism; Calvinism; Arminianism; Ellen White; the list is long...they get parts right and parts wrong by not including 'all' of the teachings on a subject, choosing just those that support their ideology. The Scriptures were meant to be a life time of learning to mold and shape the person into the image of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit and our faithfulness to Jesus Christ as we are tested in this life. God is gracious to forgive a truly repentant heart
@murrayhamilton2658 2 месяца назад
Original SdA church formed in 1863 was not Trinitarian. Many are returning to that foundation (Matthew 16:15-18 and John 17:3) of the one True God (aka the Father) and the literal begotten Son of God (aka Jesus Christ, the Messiah), and by their spirit, Christ abides in us (believers). Many today are abandoning the trinitary/godhead theology and returning the original foundation outlined in the scriptures.
@jefftitterington7600 Год назад
Many years ago I was curious about SDA teachings, so talked with pastor. I asked about dietary laws - what he would do if someone served ham without knowing his beliefs. He simply said he would eat it - keeping the relationship with the person would be more important than keeping a law. (Another rolled his eyes and laughed when I asked if he got pastoral calls on Sunday, the day after the Sabbath. I took that as a yes.)
@carlosmedina1281 Год назад
SDA pastors are expected to be able to receive calls from members at any time of any day. This includes waking up in the middle of the night to help church members who need pastoral advice
@信者の男 2 года назад
I came back to Christ through the work of Adventists. But I can't accept their teachings as truth.
@molarfourteen6690 Год назад
Very fair review. He is quite knowledgeable. He touched almost all the main points.
@porfiriojohn5276 Год назад
4 - 28 - 23 Two days from now will be SUNDAY PHYSICAL RESURRECTION WORSHIP day ! "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! "" John 11 : 25 ANSWER 1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ✝️ ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
@justinhathorn1932 2 года назад
Thank you for this! I know it must’ve been a lot of work
@ReadyToHarvest 2 года назад
You are welcome Justin!
@DamonNomad82 2 года назад
I have never been associated with the SDA, but I am familiar with many of their beliefs on account of a series of children's bible story books ("The Bible Story," by Arthur Maxwell) and a richly illustrated, dictionary-sized family devotional book, which were written by SDAs. The parts that stuck with me were their teachings about the End Times. In addition to the "Dark Day" of 1780 and the meteor shower of 1833 being fulfillments of prophecies from Revelation, they also had a unique interpretation of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: They believe the rider of the first (white) horse to be Christ and the true Church He established, the second (red) horse to represent the Crusades and the Roman Catholic Church that called for them, the third (black) horse to represent the corrupt, indulgence-selling Catholic Church at the time of the Reformation, and the pale horse, ridden by Death and followed by Hades, to represent the persecutions and killings of the Counter-Reformation.
@Meop79 Год назад
These are not universally accepted, but yes, many Adventists agree with that position.
@maxwellogolla8090 Год назад
The interpretation of the Four Horsemen varies among adventists.
@porfiriojohn5276 Год назад
4 - 28 - 23 Two days from now will be SUNDAY PHYSICAL RESURRECTION WORSHIP day ! "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! "" John 11 : 25 ANSWER 1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ✝️ ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
@nicolaasburger1637 Год назад
Your "great disappointment" is called false prophecy and false prophets by the standards of the Bible, the Word of God. Also why no mentioning that "Millerites" are in actual fact also the Jehovah's Witnesses?
@americanswan Год назад
He didn't mention it because it's not strictly true. Just because an organization began about the same time means nothing. Go study the Second Great Awakening in US history.
@scalibrine3638 2 года назад
The volume and detail of information in this video is overwhelming. Drinking from a fire hose. How long did this take you to compile all the info presented and withheld?! Crazy good man.
@porfiriojohn5276 Год назад
4 - 26 - 23 Three days ago SUNDAY PHYSICAL RESURRECTION WORSHIP day was GREAT ! "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! "" John 11 : 25 ANSWER 1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ✝️ ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
@carlospasillas3105 15 дней назад
As a former SDA who is now a 7th Day Baptist, I can honestly testify that this video is the most accurate presentation of what SDAs truly believe. Adventists are herterodox in their beliefs, rhey are not a cult. However, the belief in an Investigative Judgement, the authority of EG White, and sinless perfection before the 2nd Coming are unbiblical beliefs and need to be discarded by the SDA church. The so called "Clear Word" bible is not a Bible and should be discarded. Otherwise, SDA theology is Biblical.
@johngalt5166 2 года назад
As a Southern Baptist who attended an SDA school I can say while I have numerous disagreements with the SDA Church they are good people and I found a new level of respect for them compared to how I viewed them before I participated in their education system.
@richardgray8593 2 года назад
That's my experience as well. I don't share their interpretation of the Bible, but I find them to be good, sincere people.
@bridgefin 2 года назад
Careful. I know some very fine and loving atheists. Being nice and being correct are far from the same thing. My experience on YT is that 7th day people I meet here are generally arrogant and offensive.
@richardgray8593 2 года назад
@@bridgefin Careful. Atheists are going to hell. SDAs ain't.
@bridgefin 2 года назад
@@richardgray8593 Some atheists will go to Heaven and some SDA's will go to Hell.
@richardgray8593 2 года назад
@@bridgefin You are half right. NO atheists will go to Heaven unless they repent before they die.
@brendaboykin3281 2 года назад
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Joshua. 🌹🌲🌹
@ma.victoriabelleca1528 Месяц назад
@IrisSapok-wm6pv Год назад
I m really grateful and thankful to Jesus to be a Seventh Day Adventist...you gave a very concrete explanation about our belief...
@jack-ch5lr 7 месяцев назад
And me grateful to be a Jew
@drummerjbmybands46 2 месяца назад
@@IrisSapok-wm6pv Romans 3:1-4 King James Version 3 "What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision? 2 Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God. 3 For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? 4 God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged."
@Lynn-r8h 2 месяца назад
@@jack-ch5lrlike Jesus!
@dorothyaugustus2462 Месяц назад
Excellent video. It seems to me that Sda’s put more focus on Ellen G White than God Himself. I too keep a Sabbath but it almost seems that Sda’s make an idol out of it. No where did I hear the encouragement of a relationship between one and God. Almost like it’s law over love…….
@user-kc7pf7xj5j Год назад
As a life long member of the SDA church, I have concluded that...The "Adventist Message" is different from the "Gospel Message". The "Adventist Message" is a gospel +plus approach which directed me back to the 'Gospel Message' by which I am saved. The "Gospel Message" is plain and simple and is the supreme example of God's love and salvation to a dying world.
@americanswan Год назад
As a life long member of the SDA church, whose ancestors met EGW and built up the church in the 1880s and 1890s and studied SDA history including 1888 and 1902, I have no idea what nonsense "Adventist Gospel" you speak of.
@user-kc7pf7xj5j Год назад
@@americanswan Please note that I did not use the term ‘Adventist Gospel’. If anyone adds to the gospel, you get the gospel plus something else. As an Adventist, I used to think that the Adventist Message was the Gospel. I was sure wrong about that. If I were to ask you a question, I would ask you what you think the Adventist Message is? Hopefully, you would state the simple Gospel, and then you might add something else?
@hullie7529 Год назад
​@@user-kc7pf7xj5jYou can add to the Gospel, but you can also take away from it! That's what most Evangelical churches do, where the warm fuzzy feeling and saying "I'm saved" is all that matters. I'm not saying it's your case, since you didn't specify what you mean, but when someone tells me that things like caring for the poor is "adding to the Gospel" I become suspicious.
@charlesoneal4866 Год назад
I think you'd really like the lrt or love reality tour at PVC life church cause I feel the same way
@americanswan 2 месяца назад
Add what? What is your new improved definition of the gospel?
@CactusCJ 4 месяца назад
As someone who spent most of my schooling going to an adventist academy i feel kinda embarrassd i only know what they told me and food restrictions and saturday, not sunday. Strange how i never wondered who the people shaping my education were
@PokerMonkey Год назад
Jesus created ONE Church in Matt 16:18. The pillar and foundation of truth, in 1 Tim 3:15. And the Final Authority in Matt 18:15-17. There are thousands and thousands of Protestant "churches" all teaching different doctrines yet reading the same Bible. That should tell you something. It wasn't like that the first 1500 years before Luther came along. In 107AD, St. Ignatius of Antioch, a Bishop in the Church Jesus created, wrote a letter calling his Church "Catholic", or Universal. All Protestant "churches" are man made, or in this case, woman made. And most of them all teach bad doctrines, leading millions to hell. Examples of False, man made teachings: Bible Alone, Faith Alone, Once Saved Always Saved, a "symbolic" baptism, a "symbolic" body and blood of Christ, and so on.
@santiagozaiden173 Год назад
If we receive salvation through faith in Jesus finished work on the cross! Then why is there a need for investigative Judgment by Jesus of our sins? Those not the word of God say that God knowing all things even before we where born ? Have not the Bible made clear the end time remnants are 144 thousand Jews! Not christian gentiles , the Bible is clear about all these things, the problem is doctrines of men not of God, the dark day is yet to come.
@natureswrath7665 2 года назад
My family is Seventh Day. Its quite odd but they are good people.
@porfiriojohn5276 Год назад
5 - 23 - 23 Being a good person doesn't get us into Heaven
@debbiebalnaves4842 Год назад
following laws and rules does not get you into heaven eating the right food ,not doing things on the sabbath , ect none of this gets you into heaven what does get you in is : do you believe in and have faith in God ,the Holy Spirit and Jesus do you do your best to help those in need just as Jesus did , do you show your belief by how you act I no longer attend the S.D.A. Church because most have a unusual view on S.D.A. beliefs
@stephenwodz7593 2 года назад
If only God had been clearer when he wrote the Bible, Christians wouldn't have to waste so much time arguing over what is "correct" teaching.
@americanswan 2 года назад
I understand the sentiment, but given Psychology and Logical Reasoning shouldn't we be able to come to an unemotional consensus? I don't see the logic, for example, in sinful man arbitrarily deciding another day of worship. That said, I also can understand why someone would wonder why Saturday over other days. My conclusion for many many years was the Sabbath is a mysterious blessing I didn't understand. I may still not understand it. I have heard a new theory which says God's law is design law like gravity. Satan wants God to appear arbitrary so the Sabbath represents design while Sunday to Friday is arbitrary human rule making. This would mean accepting the Sabbath is accepting God as designer and not an arbitrary rule making dictator. Who know?
@scottjohnson9225 Год назад
Jesus did preach the church, a body of believers, but he did not preach denominations. Denominations are created by man, not God.
@edwardhill7045 2 года назад
LETS FACE IT ,the Sabbath is one thing the Adventists got right . you cant argue with the correct day that the Sabbath was observed among the Hebrews .Sunday is not the correct day but i have noticed that the Spirit of God is not in the adventist churches
@jonasaras 2 года назад
There are no holy days enumerated in the New Covenant. Christians are instructed not to neglect assembling together, but frequency is not specified.
@edwardhill7045 2 года назад
@@jonasaras theSabbath is a part of the law .The Sabbath was also made for man and not man for the sabbath as Jesus said .And the only ones who want us not to forsake the assembly are those intent on killing Christians who make their job of killing us so much easier .Wake up to Paul mam for he was not one of us
@drusauza8291 2 года назад
@@jonasaras You fail to distinguish between the Decalogue and the Mosaic Laws.
@jonasaras 2 года назад
@@drusauza8291 That's because the authors of the Old and New Testaments didn't make that distinction. The Old Covenant Law includes ALL 613 commands given to the Jews (Deut 5:2-3), just as the Law of Christ includes 1050 commands given by Jesus and the Apostles. The distinction is between two completely different covenants.
@drusauza8291 2 года назад
@@jonasaras where does it say the Ten Commandments were done away with?
@Landis_Grant Год назад
Note that the Ten Commandments were given specifically to the Israelites. Also, Romans 10:4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. Me: Why do the Seventh Day Adventist insist on keeping the Ten Commandments especially keeping the Sabbath? Is it worth being annihilated?
@dok9024 8 месяцев назад
When we reconcile that with other parts of scripture. 1 John 2:4-6 (NKJV) 4 He who says, “I know Him,” and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. 5 But whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him. 6 He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked. I think Jesus kept the Ten Commandments. It says end of the law for righteousness. It means keeping the law to become righteous does not save us. I think SDAs would agree.
@316350 2 года назад
Another great video!!! How long did you study for the prep of this video? Keep up the good work. I believe these videos give us an opportunity to have better understanding of our brothers and sisters in Christ. “Blessed are the peacemakers…”
@ReadyToHarvest 2 года назад
In some sense at this point each video I make has involved years of study as I incorporate what I have learned over the years. This one though I did spend three weeks dedicated to study. I can't do that often because on average I need to produce a video once a week and study is only one part of that.
@shamgardeandeansandalo4699 2 года назад
@@ReadyToHarvest you are amazing in your dedication to bring us knowledge in the most unbiased manner i have ever read or heard,,,,bless your soul
@Healthymebychoice 2 года назад
@@ReadyToHarvest Beautifully Said!
@porfiriojohn5276 Год назад
5 - 7 - 23 Good SUNDAY PHYSICAL RESURRECTION WORSHIP day! "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! "" John 11 : 25 ANSWER 1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ✝️ ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
@freeman8128 Год назад
Every 7th Day Adventist needs to read 1 Timothy 2.12-15 and 1 Corinthians 14.34 (New Testament).
@nassonmangwende7858 Год назад
Well researched. Your lay out is so amazing.
@rodneyjarvis676 10 месяцев назад
SDA started on wrong foundation ( predicting Christ's return) and continues to deceive millions by taking the simplicity of the Gospel and turning it into a system of religious works and duties. SDA has a form of godliness but denies the power thereof.
@americanswan 6 месяцев назад
I can understand where you're coming from, except it is more complicated then that.
@americanswan 2 года назад
Really good video. 👍🏻
@dugood70 Год назад
I'm not SDA, but their 7th day Mark of the Beast doctrine isn't as ridiculous as it seems. Rather than a rapture as a miraculous work, they believe that the third angel will call out to all that proper worship matters. If God gives a general revelation to all Christians that Saturday is the proper day of worship, which is no more miraculous than the rapture would be, then true Christians who trust God would switch to Saturday. False Christians, who trust only themselves, would stick with Sunday. The Christians who trust themselves are the liberal Christians, ELCA and Episcopalians and the like, who also accept gay marriage. Personally I don't think we're that far away from governments closing down churches that teach against gay marriage. So you could end up in a situation where the only churches you can legally be a part of are liberal churches, who continue to worship on Sunday, and not conservative ones, which have switched to Saturday. It's not gonna happen. But it's no more ridiculous to me than the rapture is.
@porfiriojohn5276 Год назад
7 - 21 - 23 #1 Seventh day Adventist Sheila Jackson Lee the Liberal Democrat Congresswoman from Houston, TX goes to LIBERAL DEMOCRAT Seventh day Adventist churches on Saturday's and PREACHES from.the pulpit SUPPORTING GAY MARRIAGE and ABORTION #2 Seventh day Adventist literature Seventh day Adventist authorities Seventh day Adventist Theologians Seventh day Adventist Ellen G White Estate DOES NOT CALL HER OUT ( THATS A FACT ) #3 Sheila Jackson Lee JUST LIKE Ellen G White are BOTH FAT OBESE OVERWEIGHT ( ALL this is FACT ) Try to refute what I just said Waiting........ ANSWER 1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4 ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( The CROSS ✝️ ) His BURIAL ( NOT RESTED ) His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY ! ANSWER Jesus Christ set the PERFECT EXAMPLE of NOT being a vegetarian before and after his PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY and he ate HONEYCOMB and he ate FLESH EATING BROILED FISH MEAT in front of his Holy Apostles after his PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY ! Luke 24 : 39 - 42
@zarnoffa 2 года назад
“The Father is all the fullness of the Godhead bodily…” Hmmmm…
@narsil100 2 месяца назад
I call dibs on "Infidel Geologists" as a band name
@horacerumpole7629 2 года назад
Why I love the Orthodox Church
@KarlsKronicles 2 года назад
"They uplift the normative character of Scripture" In over 50 years with this denomination and well studied with a variety of authors in and out of the denomination, I still don't know exactly what you mean by this statement. Also, just a note: correctly Seventh-day Adventist, not Seventh Day Adventist.
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