
What Japan should NEVER LOOSE? 

Ask Japanese
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What's our most beloved and most important thing about Japan? Let's ask foreigners in Japan
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28 сен 2024




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@水野正義-p8c 11 месяцев назад
Japanese people will never lose our culture by own , but if foreign tourists don't follow good manners or etiquette, or if there are annoying RU-vidrs, Japanese people will respond accordingly. 日本人が勝手に文化を失うことはありませんが、外国人観光客がマナーやエチケットを守らなかったり、迷惑なRU-vidrがいれば、日本人もそれなりの対応をするでしょう。
@deusimarjunior2534 10 месяцев назад
One thing I would like Japan to never lose (and which I think is really cool) is respect for elders, as not all countries have that.
@OMG_LoL 11 месяцев назад
海外の方々は日本をそう見ているというのは理解した。 「皆様方から頂いた貴重なご意見やご感想は今後の参考とさせていただきます 。」(笑)
@しゃい-r7d 11 месяцев назад
同性婚に関しては、今は日本しかない戸籍制度に関わる問題だから、外国人が思うほど簡単なものではない。 LGBTが遅れてるって言われるけど、LGBT特化法があるのは世界で日本だけだし、7割の自治体は、パートナーシップ、ファミリーシップ制度を導入している。 個人的には、ただ単に入籍することにこだわる必要はないと思うけどね。十分議論が必要な問題。
@mgrzx3367 11 месяцев назад
I bought a CD from Japan. Reading the list of extra charges, one sounded like they gave the CD a consoling talk, to reassure it was going to a good home. Loved the packaging too. 🤣💘🌸
@jademm 10 месяцев назад
Re: public recycling bins I have watched many videos on this channel and have heard visitors commend the Japanese for their overall cleanliness but also complain about the inconvenience of not having enough trash/recycling bins on public streets. I share that view but then it got me thinking...why should it change? It's a reflection of Japanese culture being very conscientious about how it handles waste--not only the aspects of dealing with its unpleasant appearance and responsible disposal but being aware of how waste affects our daily lives and how to reduce it to a minimal level. Carrying empty water bottles, plastic wrappers, crumpled paper for miles around in your purse/hands IS annoying...but perhaps that mild discomfort is meant to teach us to be mindful of the rapid accumulation of waste we collectively create, the unnecessary/excessive amount of waste generated, or that garbage is best left to be sorted in specific places (e.g. at home, at convenience stores where you bought the products in the first place). The underlying ideas are that trash a) shouldn't be a visible eyesore, b) shouldn't be in your possession for very long (literally & figuratively), c) be dealt with promptly, and d) if neglected, can reflect poorly on you and your community. There are plenty of public trash and recycle bins in North America...more than Japan. They are clearly marked (by signs), categorized (usually color coded), and visible for people to use. Yet why do they often overflow or have the wrong items in them? I think it boils down to a sense of community care and order. I can see the Japanese being slightly more distressed over cigarette butts littering the ground while North Americans have the mentality of "It's someone else's job to clean it up". Personal responsibility and thoughtfulness seems sporadic here.
@soulsurfer7778 11 месяцев назад
@ilovejapanesemusic3858 11 месяцев назад
The Metal, and the Visual Kei 😎
@Cujo5 11 месяцев назад
Lose, not loose. You been making this mistake for years. I tried correcting you every now and then, but you clearly don't read the comments.
@中村嶽風 11 месяцев назад
@Ryuuuu11231 11 месяцев назад
生物学にも反するし科学にも反する。 頭の悪い人間は自分の都合の良いように物事を正当化しているだけだ。
@Rwper-jmme8gi9p 10 месяцев назад
Nice report~😻ニャ~
@passion317 11 месяцев назад
10年前にチリに行ったときは英語話せる人少なくて苦労したんですけどね。 それはメキシコもボリビアもアルゼンチンも、中南米も10ヶ国近くまわっておんなじような感じだったんで、英語は世界の共通語じゃないなぁ…と思ったんです。 旧ソ連の国の人とロシアで仲良くなっても彼らは英語は話せずロシア語、モロッコとか旧フランス語圏はフランス語が強いし。 自分も英語が通じない国で思うように意思の疎通が取れないフラストレーションを抱えた事はあるので、英語が通じたらいいなとは思っても、現地人に英語をもっと勉強するように言うのはなんか傲慢で違う気がする。 今はネットにさえ繋げればgoogle先生が適当に翻訳してくれるからね。 そして日本人にも言えるけど他言語話せない人ほど日本から出ないし他の国の人も同様。 チリの人はチリに戻ったら英語でチリ人と会話してみて欲しい。どれだけのチリ人が英語話せるのか…
@にゃん太郎丸-e6z 11 месяцев назад
@itsonlytony 11 месяцев назад
It's still early, if you can rename the video 'Loose' should be 'Lose.'
@_momosumomo 11 месяцев назад
Janglish 😅
@Mefistosteles484 11 месяцев назад
11:20. That's not true: LGBTIQ couples can't marry in Italy either, and it's also a G7 member.
@belachaney 11 месяцев назад
That purple hair goofball doesn't respect Japan, just another homosexual trying to pervert Japans culture
@soonersciencenerd383 11 месяцев назад
if you're a guest in japan, just enjoy. don't try to put LGB ideas onto others. that is imposing, and is not appreciated.
@Tensai5516 11 месяцев назад
同性愛とか異性の衣装を着るとか、昔から日本の文化に組み込まれていてそれなりに豊かだけどね。 たかだか十年やそこらの欧米の基準で判断して欲しくないよ。G7はG7、日本には長い歴史と文化がある。
@24-daina95 11 месяцев назад
@ALLKASDLLS-mg4lu 10 месяцев назад
しかも今でも欧米で男が化粧するだけでゲイ扱いされるからな 日本ではメンズメイクが一般的で誰も気にしないのに あと中性的、ノンバイナリーな服も欧米では着にくい 男はこの服を着なきゃいけないみたいな固定観念と同調圧力が強い 欧米って単に同性婚合法化して表面的にはLGBTに対する理解が進んでてみんな平等ですよーみたいにアピールしてるけどLGBTに対する差別は今でも欧米の方が遥かに根深い
@あすか-k4d 11 месяцев назад
日本の宿泊施設で男性2人のお客様をお断りすることはないですよ。もちろん女性2人でも。その2人の関係なんか訊かないし、恋人同士と勘ぐる前に友達またはビジネスでの宿泊が当たり前に行われているのでわざわざ関係性を気にしません。ただラブホテルという特別な宿泊施設の場合、男性同士をお断りする場所もあるそうです。理由は男女の宿泊の部屋より施設内を汚したまま帰られてしまうことが多く清掃に時間がかかり過ぎてしまうから、とか。 それにテレビ番組に多数のLGBTタレントが出演しています。しかも人気があります。深夜番組のみに出演している訳でもなくゴールデンタイムにも出演しています。寛容な国だと十分に言えると思いますよ。 サンドウィッチマンの東北旅行のポスターを海外のゲイの方が見ると驚かれるそうですよ。彼らはゲイではないですが仲良く2人でポスターに映る姿に何の違和感もなく受け入れているのが日本です。 同性婚を許容しないだけでLGBTを差別する国のような誤解はして欲しくないですね。
@wanderingronin4685 11 месяцев назад
The way people line up without a hassle, waiting patiently for their turn Lining up for the trains, how orderly and proficient it is again with no issues How people will go out of their way to help The way people are when you drop something or leave something behind, it will still be there when you go back. If you drop it, usually it will be moved to the side so its out of the way but it will still be really close to where you dropped it
@dreammjpr 11 месяцев назад
I wish I had been asked that while I visited in 2019. I hope that, despite the falling birth rate, Japan never loses it's majority population having been born and raised in Japan. I don't think being Yamato or half Yamato (Halfsies) is all that important, but i do think that preserving the culture of good hygiene and work etiquette, as well as this effort to preserve the wellbeing of the group...all of that is far more important than the acceptance of foreign concepts of freedom (especially anything that puts the interests of lobbyists ahead of the common man) In the west, it might be considered unfair that you give up the perceptions that you had in your homeland and assimilate to your new culture...but I think that immigrants (who survive the immigration process in the first place) should be willing to make an exception for Japan. Japan has made it quite clear in the past that it's culture can learn and grow without sacrificing it's identity, but loosening it's immigration policies might be a threat to that. I wouldn't change Japan for anything. I know I can't currently live as one of them (they have a saying over there about a "nail that hangs out must be hammered in")...I need to be very much 'me' in order to complete my life (i.e. make my dent in the universe). If I were invited (for whatever strange reason) to retire in Japan, I could certainly give up my gaijin card and live a quiet & simple life in the countryside of Japan. Having time to myself and my significant other, to make amends before I die, is really important and I think Japan is one of a few countries where you can find the peace to do that.
@natec9420 8 месяцев назад
Agreed. It’s wonderful the way it is.
@y.i4782 11 месяцев назад
街がゴミで汚れいてる国は大抵治安も悪い。汚れと治安は一致するのかも ゴミ箱が無いから個人がゴミを管理して綺麗になっているという説もある。一度外国でもゴミ箱を撤去してみては?さらに汚れるかな
@papicotarou994 10 месяцев назад
@MarioUcomics 11 месяцев назад
Never lose the fighting martial spirit since I hear hear the younger generation in Japan isn’t I’m martial arts as much as past generations
@playerx3756 11 месяцев назад
It’s culture.
@minoh101 11 месяцев назад
今、世界には軍事力、経済力を背景に傲慢かます輩がいる。かつて日本もそうだったように。 ただ敗戦、バブル崩壊を知った日本はそことは違い文化力で世界から関心を示されている。素敵なことだと思う。
@塘原豊和とト 11 месяцев назад
LGBTね、別に遅れてるとは思わんけどね。 昔から日本にはあったから☝️ 余計なお世話よ😂
@type64f48 10 месяцев назад
@ShinOh-Fuji 11 месяцев назад
@outwest1014 11 месяцев назад
My input; Their music culture, they have some the best singers and musicians in the world. There are awesome Rock/Metal bands that are touring the world. Every band has as least one member that began their music education/training as early as 3 yo. They work at their music, impressing western producers with their skill and work ethic.
@NJungka 10 месяцев назад
ドイツのシニカルな視点を交えてのインタがオッモシレエ~ てゆうか、日本は以前、超先進的なドイツをお手本にしてたらっちい。とゆううことれ、いずれ、ドイツにも行って、あいこれ学びてえなあ~と。どうなってんらろうと、今のドイツはと?
@gaomuming 11 месяцев назад
オリジナリティがあっていい質問でした。 勉強になりました。
@sashimidimsums 11 месяцев назад
Well, we all know Japan is tight (in the slang meaning way), so yeah it should never loose(n)
@24-daina95 11 месяцев назад
@JohnDoe-vs8ze 4 месяца назад
I know some foreigners are disturbing that HARMONY in japan. Wish them to leave
@Mecks089 11 месяцев назад
10:24 Hey look, the enemy of Japan, Woke Americans.
@SophieHanna-sn9hc 11 месяцев назад
Totally 😂 I think japan has the right to keep their mindset. They don't need to do everything like western countries even if they're part of g7. All those woke people think they're better than everyone and they can give lessons of life to everybody, so annoying. Kind of disappointed on Cathy who is saying such a political stuff, she should stay neutral as a "flashy flash reporter" in a foreign country 😅 japan is not a "woke colony" miss Cathy 😏
@mike123abcd 10 месяцев назад
Did she say Brooklyn Deep-Dish with lots of Cheese? ...ok
@kobat1316 10 месяцев назад
@yasutoshitanaka2576 10 месяцев назад
@UnChannelDuVulpineX 11 месяцев назад
@ziu81 11 месяцев назад
@regicon1883 11 месяцев назад
This is a very good question. Good topic for conversation.
@qwqw9367 11 месяцев назад
Take your own garbage home.  Do not drink and eat while walking.
@kimiakiooyama6149 10 месяцев назад
None of your businese
@Nothing-vl3ip 11 месяцев назад
Stay loose
@davidhall8049 11 месяцев назад
Not lose caty number 😊
@aajohnsoutube 11 месяцев назад
Japanese should never lose being Japan (been ~16 times, 5 times in pat 12 months). The “must lose” list is really really long. The country is imploding.
@aajohnsoutube 11 месяцев назад
It is not sustainable! Forget about environment, the country is not sustainable
@JI-py3xf 11 месяцев назад
As European missionaries reported back home in the 1500s, there were many homosexuals in Japan. There are many homosexuals active in the entertainment industry and they appear on TV every day. Historical figures such as Tokugawa Ieyasu, Takeda Shingen, Abe no Seimei, Yoshida Kanayoshi, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, Uesugi Kenshin, Akechi Mitsuhide, Ishida Mitsunari, Date Masamune, and Ihara Saikaku have also left many love letters to their male partners, etc. Tokaido Chu Hizakurige, published in 1814, is another story about a gay couple traveling together. Europeans have criticized this kind of thing. Even though there is no such law, it has been accepted as a culture for hundreds of years.
@tangsoykow6649 11 месяцев назад
Many foreigners don't understand the differences of history/culture/world views apart from West society. They started to criticise almost everything that are not they used to be since growing
@donnysarian 11 месяцев назад
Another great episode Cat !!!
@VampireHunterR 11 месяцев назад
I'm confused about what that one girl said it sounded like she said bombs on trains
@Mwoods2272 11 месяцев назад
In 1995, a terrorist group released sarin bombs in the trash cans in the subway, that's why there are no trash cans.
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