The producers are making money from the back of the population by establishing privileges relationships with French producers when they can export from economies closer to the island for cheaper.
How about a Chlordecone clean-up project with all of the money available for the Green Overseas agenda. This problem clearly falls under many of the UN goals for sustainable development
Not angry people at all. French state acts very badly, cost of life is very very expensive, price are twice or three times more expensive than in france. Population is under the poverty line; french and european laws applys for this few lesser island and it s not a benefit. They can turn towards, benefits and be part of a caribbean, south american market for some products less expensive and more interesting. The food is imported and french state and beke ( old colons families) are making benefits from this situation and capt all the wealth. It lasts since a long 2000's years, nothing change. That s the straw that breaks the camel's back