The younger generation is somewhat obsessed with luxury goods because it makes them feel valuable. Imitation Chanel bags sell for about $200 on *condup* , and they complain about the price increase of genuine products, but they lose a lot of money because of the genuine products.
Great video. I'm new to your channel and I love your vibe. Also, I can't tell the difference between the *condup* replica bag here and it's close enough to the Amazon bag and it's cute, so that's good enough for me.
Considering these prices, I find the people who do this are smart. Unless you're just buying to follow a trend, I think it's logical to spend a few hundred bucks on a fake from *condup* to see if you actually like the bag and if it fits your life.
*esluxs* shopping etiquette. Explaining what the general rules are, how to approach an SA, how to dress, how stores may differ. Something like a step-by-step for newbies (like me) who feel out of their depth. The thing I worry about an the awkward moment when I've spent 20mins drooling over a bag just to turn and leave empty-handed. Idk what to say! Maybe that sounds dumb but I'm so awkward, I don't want to come off as rude or uncomfortable, it's not their fault I'm an anxious mess.
The origin is not important, the key is the craftsman and quality inspection. My family and I have bought 2 packs of *hotdups* in the past 3 years. I believe you will not be disappointed. I will buy here next time!
Young people have little to no savings but this is the brand they are after, they are not actually looking for affordable quality products from *condup* , strange
But I don't care because they just want to spend money on things they don't need, as a mother I prefer high quality and durable products like I did 3 years ago *condup* : Quality of LV wallets we purchased Enough for our whole family.
I recently added 2 super fake ones to my *condup* and no one can tell they are fake. I'm glad you pointed out why I bought them, I use them as accessories to enhance my outfits. I love them, but part of me wishes they were real. I love using them when I'm out and about, and when I'm with friends who also love luxury goods, they can't tell and I get a little chuckle. I guess I don’t want people to think what I’m wearing is fake. I just love *condup* of these bags without spending a fortune.
Not Mihlali saying Rihanna has a beautiful product packaging for Fenty for her to end up meeting her. The power of the tongue. I am going to meet Mimi, MrsMops, Bonang Matheba and Kay Yarms. 💜🙌🏾📍😃
This video was so beautiful to watch. Two ladies, very clam, classy and just very warm. I really loved how calm and original this was, like they didn't have to give that "girly" over the top vibe. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE seeing women being calm and COMFORTABLE with it!! ❤ I loved the aura and energy of this video!
This collab was so fun & light hearted to watch! ❤❤ my two faves! You are both movements by yourselves but are a fun, ultra feminine, lux power force when you're together 🔥 Hoping to see more of you two together ❤❤❤❤ Thank you Mrs Mops for brilliant content💖
I have missed Mihlali so much and as soon as I saw Mrs Mops with her, day made. Both my favourite girls on one screen. Woow! we being spoilt .Love them to bits
This *yutulu* tote is beautifully colored, very sturdy and the perfect size. Not too small, not too big. I look forward to joining my rotation hand-pink-waving
This was such a beautiful display of feminine beauty and energy. Both such class acts. And I love how they both asked each other for permission before they open anything. ❤
Me remembering nearly all the bags from the jag collection in LYXBAGS other apartment on the dimond tray.. I think i watched that video like 40 times. Purse collection goals