
What's The World Coming To? - Part 10: "The Rapture" 

Calvary Spokane
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1 окт 2024




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@goranmacura1720 4 года назад
For the past few months I am listening to your sermons. It has been such a blessing to me and my family. We are from Slovenia but the Word of God has no bounderies. Jesus is Lord.
@georgedodd4107 4 года назад
God bless you and your family from Daphne Alabama USA
@goranmacura1720 4 года назад
@@georgedodd4107 thank you brother. God bless you too in Christ Jesus.
@wizzardofpaws2420 4 года назад
Such a smart pastor
@georgedodd4107 4 года назад
The reason i believe in the rapture is because I don't think God is going to take His wrath out on His Son's bride or body
@kepnjem 3 года назад
I really hope that the Rapture occurs pre tribulation but I'm preparing for a post tribulation just in case! However, one thing I do know, we're staring the tribulation in the face! Be ready. God bless. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. Matthew 24.
@SuperTruthSeeker4U 4 года назад
Starts at 13:00
@midwest_trucker8638 4 года назад
Paster Ken. You're an amazing warrior for God. I don't know you personally but I want to thank you for putting these videos up for us all to see. I was raised as a Christian but as I got older I have strayed away from the lord. Your videos have helped me get closer to God than I have been in a long time.
@kwbyard 4 года назад
Pastor Ken relays very important messages for just a time as this. Wish his church was in my area, but I guess that wouldn't make much of a difference right now lol If you want to keep this series going I won't be disappointed in the least! "Look up, for your redemption draws near!" Maranatha
@lifesajourney9575 4 года назад
We are so blessed to have wonderful Godly men like Pastor Ken who are devoted to keep teaching us the word of God through these difficult times.
@vicparedes23 3 года назад
please increase the volume of your videos...😃
@wesolint 4 года назад
eternity (not to scale) 😂 Good one Pastor Ken!
@madyrose951 2 года назад
Many reasons I am post tribulation either way prepare yourself spiritually for anything. Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 2 Thessalonians 2:3 It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation. Revelations 13:7 (Who are the saints?) And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. Revelations 12:17 ……………….
@JimT225 4 года назад
Ahhh, I see what your doing Pastor Ken; saving the best for last (of the 'What's the World Coming To' series. Thanks again for an awesome message!
@Robandje1 4 года назад
Hi, as a follower of this teacher I have to emphasize I am not "bashing" in this sermon critique, but. To say there is no bodily resurrection of the "unsaved" is so wrong I just have to say something. In Rev 20 v 4 John says "I saw the SOULS of them that were beheaded" ......is this prior to the resurrection of the bodies? Or is it that Body and soul are synonymous on that God breathed into Adam and he became a living Soul? Instead of received a Soul?. In verse 5 it goes onto say that "The rest of the dead did not live again until the end of the millenium"...and in the Greek it clearly says "brought back to mortal life" !! and that the "second death" ( which means all must be resurrected from the first death to go to second death and since that death is not for the believer it must mean ALL unbelievers are raised to the judgement seat before verse 15 can be implemented. Ultimately, the second death is total destruction for the "Mortal who has not put on immortality" . The whole concept of Man being created "immortal or eternal beings" is one of the greatest errors on Church History and the cause of much confusion in the Body of Christ. 1st Corinthians 15:54 clearly shows this to be false doctrine. I believe that God pulled off the greatest "Cosmic Sting" in history when in the hearing of Satan warned Adam n Eve "Not to eat of only one tree in the Garden"....Knowing fine we'll Satan would then try to usurp God and tempt them successfully, to eat of that one tree!!! Why? It's simple by genius...If Satan new of another tree.....the tree of life.....he would have undoubtedly have gotten them to eat of that tree first!!! Then the tree of knowledge, rendering them Immortal Sinners!!! God outwitted Satan right there !!! Because the tree of life was immediately cut off from mankind so that Sin could not reign eternally and the genius was that Satan thought that "inevitable death" had been wrought upon mankind because of his powers of persuasion......but he was totally Stung!!! The opposite was won!!! The being created mortal like All other life forms....Animals and plants etc....humans ....could now receive ETERNAL LIFE through the eternal plan of God!!! Through the Blood of his Son!! By grace through faith!!! This is why the enemy is so enraged and angry and came to steal, kill and destroy!!! He got totally, well and truly led up the Garden path by God's great Cosmic sting !! Glory to God on high and his beloved Son in the power of the Holy Ghost.
@natalyashishova4239 4 года назад
God bless you
@ronregnier2179 4 года назад
In my opinion, you have done very good work, carefully considering context all thru the bible to arrive at your views, for me- very glad to have heard this. There were appeals to certain texts or vantage points I have not seen applied to examine the rapture. Thank you!!
@robfraley4210 4 года назад
Ken starts the last section at 4:22 🕰 #10 that is, although I Wish it went on much farther Since these things are constantly changing as the World 🌎 Turns, Until the actual moment Comes and the Trumpet 🎺 sounds... though to some it will just be a “What’s That” sound or noise: This is such good stuff, been studying this for 20+ years. I also love this verse, Luke 21, 36..✅ So watch & pray Always that You May be found Worthy to Miss All these things that will come upon this Earth 🌎 and Stand before the SON of Man in Heaven... 👍
I Took An iPhone 16 From A POSTER! 😱📱 #shorts