
What strange events have gotten swept under the rug like they didn't even happen? 

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20 сен 2024




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@UndiagnosedGarbage Год назад
You know Jimbo, during the Las Vegas shooting Stephen Paddock supposedly expent 3000+ rounds of ammunition over the course of ten minutes from 27 AR-15's with bumpstocks despite the facts that it would have required him to drop a gun after each 30 round magazine was empty, even though videos from survivors show that it was a nonstop stream of ammunition with a firing rate much higher than a bumpstock is capable of producing from multiple locations that appear to be M240 LMG's. More interesting is the fact that after the FBI took over the investigation, his house somehow burned down with all of the evidence, and photos of the hotel room he shot from only show 50 spent shells. Years later we still have no motivation, and there was strangely no follow up on the biggest mass shooting in US history. Most confusing is that the day after his brother had numerous press interviews where he claimed it made no sense, he was arrested for possessing several hundred terabytes of child porn on a 20 year old computer running Windows 95, at least according to the photos taken by the FBI. Isn't that just quacking' crazy, Jimbo?
@americandissident9062 Год назад
Don’t forget that the private airplane he owned had a tail number registered to a private military corporation specializing in intelligence collection. Looked up that number myself.
@tbeth Год назад
100% agreed. Also, I think that one commenter failed to realize that "investigations" can be corrupted too...
@gentlemanzackp6591 Год назад
Russian mob prob idk
@LittleMissDeath Год назад
I generally hate conspiracy theories about mass shootings (I'm looking at you, Alex Jones) but the Vegas shooting really makes me want to put on a tin foil hat because that shit doesn't add up.
@topsykrets2438 Год назад
Those shots were definitely from something heavier than a standard AR. It was slower and deeper. M240 sounds about right. props to you not many people caught on to most of those details.
@purelysmetalnightcore Год назад
I work for a private jet airline and unfortunately, we've had some really shady individuals as clients. Some of which have been investigated by the FBI. But somehow our records of their flights (time, where they went, who was on board, etc.) mysteriously vanished because someone within the company deleted them.
@bananade5766 Год назад
Lol imma guess theyre transporting drugs or stuff
@willsorry Год назад
Funny just like a case about a guy who used to do that Some Epstein or something like that
@LightningSe7en Год назад
Def inside job
@lumendelsol Год назад
So your protecting sex and child traffickers. Ur such a noble person.
@purelysmetalnightcore Год назад
@@lumendelsol I haven't personally done anything, not sure why you're taking it out on me. This happened before I started working there.
@rustyscrew5776 Год назад
I’m a foreign expat that lived in Wuhan China when the outbreak 😷 happened. It didn’t take very long for people to start treating foreigners as if they were highly contagious. Most foreigners complained about the locals putting on their masks when they saw a foreigner or not getting into lifts with us. It was the strangest thing.
@turbopokey Год назад
I remember hearing many alternative news sources talking fervently at the very beginning of 2020 about an escaped virus in Wuhan and there was even a bio-hazard lab there and it was so obvious to everyone that bad Chinese procedures/workmanship caused a bug to get out.(I went stocking up at that time so had no shortages during the great TP scare) then suddenly mainstream media started up on it but oddly “no one” knew where it had come from and China was angrily denying anything about their involvement even though it was shown they had locked down first before anyone else. Why do that if it hadn’t started there??? Methinks they were trying to avoid reparations and looking bad to the rest of the world even though most still are aware of their liability. I’ve heard from other content makers like Serpentza that it seems individual Chinese persons can be reasonable but in groups they tend to want to gullibly believe their government and get angry when outsiders shine a light on how bad and stupid their government is being.
@groofromtheup5719 Год назад
the government wants foreigners blamed because the alternative would be that the true culprits get blamed.
elon musk is supplying free internet to Ukraine as in the equipt which he charges 600 for and set up but then for the 100$ service hes charging up too 4500$ to the Ukrainian government instead! HES MAKING MONEY NOT DONATING! when asked about this on Twitter! by a Ukrainian who showed he account transfers HE BLOCKED HER Free speech as long as ELON MUSK WANTS TO HEAR IT!
@deanasaurs Год назад
Racist blk ppl were doing that in Chi so don’t feel special lol
@rustyscrew5776 Год назад
@@deanasaurs Those guys suck too.
@vaibanez17 Год назад
Nobody talks about how the Amazon almost lost too much of it's trees to a massive wildfire to be replaceable, which wouldve deprived the world of 1/5 of it's oxygen; the kicker being that Brazil's far right fascist leader wouldnt do anything or let countries help put it out because they had said negative things about his administration in the past. People forgot how catastrophic that almost was real quick, and it just happened in 2019.
@seansullivan7928 Год назад
The oxygen thing isnt true 90% of the oxygen comes from the northern tree lines and the oceans
@ruben4257 Год назад
Amazing. Every word of what you just said is wrong...
@hagakure222 Год назад
Where are Europe's large forests? (GONE!! so that it could develop into first world nations) Where are Indonesia's forests? (disappearing at a crazy rate) The Amazon belongs to Brazil and its people, not you or the world. How much of Mexico and The USA was deforested for industry over the centuries? - at least most of the Amazon is pristine and never touched by man. This cannot be said about ANY part of the USA even though it is of similar size. Get educated before you spout CNN/WEF propaganda.
@dominoep Год назад
@@ruben4257 Except it's true...
@ruben4257 Год назад
@@dominoep Factually wrong, at every turn. Starting with the 20% oxygen thing being a long debunked myth that never had any basis in reality
@tyler-zm6ip Год назад
Trillions of dollars that went missing on September 10, 2001
@thewonderingbuddhist6123 Год назад
@thatonefpsgamer1339 Год назад
Oh yeah and let me guess Bush did 9/11 and ET was a fucking accomplice
@niecydeleon759 Год назад
@bananade5766 Год назад
"Oh what im going to do about this if people found out" *looks at twin towers*
@Chuckf66 6 месяцев назад
Yup. Along with the calls from the planes that were reported as saying "We've been hijacked, but they're treating us kindly". Not to mention the FACT that all flights were suspended except for those that were flying the Bin Laden family out of the USA. Oh, and the FACT that, despite two planes being hijacked for the first time in history, the USAF weren't scrambled for more than an hour & a half. 🤔
@mymixedbiscuit9159 Год назад
This is literally the first time I've heard of these snipers..
@Bubbly7099 Год назад
Me too. And I live in Louisiana 😐
@anomalous1642 Год назад
1989 Tiananmen Square attack
@thewhitewolf58 Год назад
As a wise chinese man says "what attack nothing happened that day?"
@IAm-No1 Год назад
I remember that
@Chuckf66 6 месяцев назад
Despite months of claims to the contrary, the USA reopened diplomatic channels less than two weeks after the slaughter.
@broadwaynicky Год назад
Human Zoos. It’s a very sick rabbit hole to go down. Yes less than 100 years ago we put people in zoos…
@Roadent1241 Год назад
That doesn't surprise me, but hey I'm disabled. I feel like that's expected if we were back 100+ years ago.
@dchiznit209 Год назад
@@howtodrinkwaterin5simplesteps when Western Countries were still on the Colonialism bus, they’d have native/indigenous people from Asia, Latin americas or Africa in exhibits, think of those circus shows back in the 1920’s and stuff. But with regular people, actually, I think freak shows trace their roots to those exhibits.
@DogofSinope Год назад
Another small business wiped out by Walmart.
@ianh1504 Год назад
$12 billion USD disappeared off the back of a truck in iraq
@chuckshartz2722 Год назад
I'm so glad we never came across a lot of money like some units did. Those that did were to have guards on it at all times. And don't be thenome who gets caught skimming the stack. Although, I guarantee you high ranking officers and local dignitaries skimmed from the piles
@Laudanum-gq3bl Год назад
The post about T.I. having his daughter’s hymen checked had me yelling because it’s based on a wrong premise. One: the hymen doesn’t “break”. It stretches. Two: the hymen is not a goddamn freshness seal.
Yeah,that's seriously uncomfortable to think about-And kinda sexist too,to _me honestly..?_
@katiefountain2407 Год назад
Right! Surely the doctor would have explained that to him
@SUCKASOUP Год назад
I can certify that the first one in New Orleans is true and a little stressful when you work there
@AshBlossomWorshiper Год назад
Practically every WWE PPV hosted in Saudi. It's like the entire community collectively agreed they're non-canon and some matches never existed.
@pessimisticoptimist3107 Год назад
Here before watching the video: China's modern holocaust with the Uighur Muslims and Disney thanking them for keeping the Muslims in check at the end credits for that terrible Mulan remake
@Roadent1241 Год назад
Well geez, I hope any survivors are doing OK.
@boblaryson3621 Год назад
@@Roadent1241 it's ongoing. There aren't survivors yet
@Roadent1241 Год назад
@@boblaryson3621 Is there anything I can do to ensure survivors then?
@groofromtheup5719 Год назад
@@Roadent1241 elect people to high office that will stand up to China instead of being bought off by the CCP.
@Mopsey Год назад
@@Roadent1241 it's internal Chinese policy. We can't do anything, they don't answer to us. It is sinister, though. Is there direct evidence of massacre? Or is it internment?
@PartyDude_19 Год назад
How a Bosnian-Croat general named Slobodan Praljak intentionally killed himself by drinking cyanide in the middle of a court room after being found guilty of war crimes committed during the Yugoslav wars.
@ridesq Год назад
I still want to know what happened with the Christmas bombing in Tennessee. How did they know so quickly who the perp was? They said they found his body tissue but how’d they know it was him?
@matmcd4660 Год назад
Kaitlyn Jenner(Bruce at the time) killed someone with her car right before she transitioned. After her transition it seemed to just go away...stunning and brave.
@chuckshartz2722 Год назад
Let's stop calling Bruce "her". There is no "her". He's Bruce, and nothing else than Bruce
@ianmoseley9910 Год назад
Have to wonder how much of the financial crash was due to automated buy/sell systems not being supervised properly
@skylinefever Год назад
I think it is funny that you used the president of China as a thumbnail. He could say something like "In 1989 nothing special happened in Tiananmen Square."
@muppetsrule1143 Год назад
There was some BS about him being under house arrest. Total lie
@skylinefever Год назад
@@muppetsrule1143 Yes, somewhere there is a Winnie The Pooh doll with an ankle bracelet. There have probably been assassination attempts on Xi Jinping, but all that happened was a Pooh doll getting it's cotton blown out.
@Yossarian921 Год назад
@@muppetsrule1143 did a text get deleted? Are you talking about the guy standing in front of the tanks?
@muppetsrule1143 Год назад
@@Yossarian921 this was in the last few weeks
@audrablue515 Год назад
What about all the food warehouses that have gone up in flames? Where is the reporting on that?
@mrsshelbycobraa Год назад
Not just in flames, a few of them had planes crashing into them. All happening after biden said there would be food shortages.
@purelysmetalnightcore Год назад
Because it actually hasn't been an unusual amount of warehouses that had fires this year. Many of the ones that have taken place didn't completely destroy the facilities, but only parts of them. And the numbers for annual fires at food storage warehouses this year is only slightly above average, but also the damage has not been significant. It hasn't been reported on because it's actually nothing strange.
@JohnSmith-tz4on Год назад
@@purelysmetalnightcore the fuck are you talking about, 100 food processing plants have burned down in 100 days, 2 were hit by small planes in the same week igniting fires, and you want to say that's no big deal? I smell propaganda
@JohnSmith-tz4on Год назад
@@purelysmetalnightcore you stink of propaganda, I strongly suspect you're a paid shill. What's your source for the "average number of food processing plants burned down each year"? Let me guess you Googled it and found some propaganda reassuring you that oh no this is not happening everything's fine go back to sleep dear
@dominoep Год назад
Which ones specifically? List them.
@KanishQQuotes Год назад
There was a massive earthquake in China around the 2008 Olympics and it was said to be a result of collapse subsoil that was a result of massive reservoirs and digging around the city. But i guess that is never an issue for Ccp
@roxcyn 2 месяца назад
Oh, I remember those days of the anthrax attacks. How could you not? Postal employees getting sick, politicians getting it in the mail etc.
@sharkgal4 Год назад
Monkey pox. Did it just disappear
@boblaryson3621 Год назад
It became politically inconvenient due to spreading via frequent sex and politicians didn't want to piss people off by telling them not to do stupid shit
@JohnSmith-tz4on Год назад
I guess all the ridicule caused them to postpone it
@ThePatriceProject Год назад
@@JohnSmith-tz4on 🤭👏🏾😆💕
@gottagobuy6436 Год назад
cause it seemed homophobic because it's a std spread mainly amongst gay men and children. that last part should piss you off
@groofromtheup5719 Год назад
it probably never spread far beyond the large gay orgies, so talking about it makes you a "homophobe"
@kyrastar8137 Год назад
@michaelq92 Год назад
This has to have some of the greatest f ups of the metric system by natural users I’ve ever seen. 1000 ml = 1 liter by square inch, foot, meter I know it’s Australia but 1 liter seems small for the whole country. 45 c is really hot 50 Celsius’s call up Death Valley let them know they are out of the record books.
@Dalshok Год назад
I can't remember who it was because it was swept under the rug so quickly, but a while back here in the U.S., a political figure lady ran a guy over with her car... multiple times... I believe i was caught on video, too. Never even saw an investigation. Remained in politics. If I'm thinking of the correct incident. As I said, the story died almost immediately, and it was a while back. Sometime within the past 20 years. From what I remember is how people were really put off by her smile after. Well, until she started to boost her political career again, then fr some reason everyone magically loved her again.
@beelzeboss42 Год назад
That was Laura Bush
@Dalshok Год назад
@@beelzeboss42 Yes, Laura Bush. Thank you.
@AKiddGDeux Год назад
New Orleans born and raised and did not expect any coverage on what’s been going on. Man the East used to be a bit rough but nothing like this, also was where prominent Brown skinned folk copped big homes in subdivisions and behind gates etc.
@doomguy244 Год назад
If that heat dome thing happened in germany, it would be wiped out
@polarbearsaysyummy5845 Год назад
The I-10 shootings are frightening.
@katiefountain2407 Год назад
I would like to know what quack doctor would even check a girl's hymen. I mean.... They have a doctorate degree. Surely they know better lol
@groofromtheup5719 Год назад
there are plenty of Muslim Female Doctors. Plenty of degreed quacks out there.
@Brett101792 Год назад
The Vegas shooting really isn't all that farfetched..
@polarbearsaysyummy5845 Год назад
Back in the 70's my Grandmother was on the loan approval board for her small (University) credit union. We need to go back to that small model instead of relying upon credit agencies.
@Reblwitoutacause Год назад
The Star Wars Sequel trilogy
@KennyHrlms-ey2vy Год назад
Somebody has to do this man's career some real justice he says he don't remember but I do!
@alanh.7668 Год назад
Man, the Phoenix lights video was still making big news when I saw a very similar pattern right over the San Fernando Valley along with several witnesses (including my late mother). When we saw the alien at that press conference we knew they were hiding a new weapon with possibly out of this world origins.
@cot1579 Год назад
Easy Jshlatts location on September 9th, 2022
@ihlbit1 Год назад
As far as the LV shooter goes, sometimes a person doesn't leave anything that says why they did it.
@Halloween111 Год назад
The Rapper guy just revealed he has no Idea about female anatomy or what the hymen actually is.
@Chuckf66 6 месяцев назад
The Phoenix Lights - weren't they the subject of the "I Know What I Saw" documentary?
@newcreature6171 Год назад
There have been interstate snipers in Chicago on or around 290 I believe, which for some reason stayed on the local news there but it wasn't 30 incidents geez
@kamiwatts9435 Год назад
My theory on the Vegas shooter was nobody ever loved him. His only picture had his eyes closed and his only thrill in life was gambling. This is what happens when you don’t get enough love.
@freecat1278 Год назад
Biden quoting Hitler 3 times in his speech.
@goldra8377 Год назад
@thewhitewolf58 Год назад
And trump being allied with the kkk.
@wavey_b0ne Год назад
Name 1
@freecat1278 Год назад
@@wavey_b0ne “MAGA Republicans/Jews…embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies.”
@TheOneWhoListens Год назад
send proof?
@johnwallace6309 Год назад
18:00 former postal worker. It's because they have a new machine that sorts every letter coming in before sending it to their plan and it tests every letter for several different poisons.
@bunnyluver2176 Год назад
Building 7. Ask 9/10 ppl how many buildings collapsed in NYC on 9/11 and they'll say 2. And that's 9/10 ppl who were alive and aware during 9/11
@acewingate6993 Год назад
I don’t think the Gadaffi wedding was fair to hold against those celebrities. It was through a third party promoter and just told them it was a private wedding for a wealthy family. Beyoncé immediately donated all the funds when she found out and the others were remorseful
@melaniemills4505 Год назад
The story about what Paula Poundstone did to her kids got overshadowed by the events of 9/11. 🤔
@RaineCarosin Год назад
i'm trying to listen to this ... but, my nerves shot to pieces ... I'm very upset since I changed my meds time ... sleep is gonna be good - not only for me, but for Yous ... It seems my brain was taken over by a ghost typist/writer and I'm now feeling rather foolish as my meds takes me down to a normal heartbeat ... It's all these botts giving me a hard time ... too scared to sleep, too scared to listen ... I'll go and get some music ... that may just help me through realities I just cannot fathom ...
@thecatfather857 Год назад
You knew what you were doing there with that thumbnail.
@DylynKay 2 месяца назад
I stopped after the first story. No more internet
@morningstar9317 Год назад
Remember that pizza delivery guy who had a 💣 strapped to his head? I watched him die live on TV. Any follow up?
@joshuaray7706 Год назад
May, 2001 - Disclosure project goes to the D.C press room and talks about aliens. Years later, Pentagon releases footage of ufos captured by our own forces. The Space Force isn't even taken seriously, due to the man Putin put in charge.
@FluffballKitties Год назад
D.c snipers were in d.c, that's why we heard about it. New Orleans? Nbd, I guess. 😟
@groofromtheup5719 Год назад
yup. the East Coast Elites in the Media care much more about DC than they do about NO.
@ianh1504 Год назад
Program your bot not to read links this is just lazy
@mrmeseas1225 Год назад
How many fn times do you want to reference that fn hymen shit. Fn hell..
@phaesiareese4393 Год назад
0:21 I never knew
@wildfyah Год назад
What you mean interstate snipers? 😶
@cortezcoles5863 Год назад
I need Answers
@marshalt0201 Год назад
theres a movie about the phoenix lights
@davedog05 Год назад
Is your account monetized?
@bunnyluver2176 Год назад
Damn this shit is depressing.
@gottagobuy6436 Год назад
that one about the Vegas shooter is so ignorant. I bet they just "trusted the science" too
@warfare20111 Год назад
Nashville AT&T downtown tower bombing in 202w
@420glazeit3 Год назад
Lavon affair
@JcruzFit Год назад
Fresno police chief Jerry Dyer
@charlie-bucket Год назад
26:30 🤣
@angelshopeless Год назад
@cardelf6159 Год назад
Hunter Biden's laptop
@thewhitewolf58 Год назад
I feel like its thin air like hilary clintions emails: sounds like it could be a story but nothing really comes out of it unless there is something said about trump then republicans act like they got a world shattering story that they will never release.
@americandissident9062 Год назад
@plantainsame2049 Год назад
is he anything other than low level rich I legitimately don't know
@dominoep Год назад
The laptop that only had him doing drugs and having sex? Boring...
@thewhitewolf58 Год назад
@@dominoep no wonder why i hear of it that just sounds like a hollywood star. But i guess concepts like hilary clintions emails or bidens laptop sound alot more sexy if you can make up sexy stories vs boring realities.
@BeugyNBeast Год назад
Covid 19…. 🦗🦗🦗🦗
@fingerscrossed2453 Год назад
And monkeypox
@fingerscrossed2453 Год назад
@hej221 Год назад
Stop reading out the links...
@KadrianKcKylie Год назад
@DylynKay 2 месяца назад
Also I'm blocking your channel
@scottlewis9947 Год назад
The global response to a bad cold a couple years ago......
@MuffinMammoth Год назад
Bruh, you don't have to have the TTS bot read out the URLs. That shit's annoying.
@KarlsFormerRoommate Год назад
Nothing (:
@alanh.7668 Год назад
I lived in Horicon, WI for a few years. All I know is I was leader of a defense program at my last job before moving to Wi and became a welder at a manufacturing plant when I moved there. Then that company shut down. I applied at John Deere in Horicon and was turned down for employment, never knew why but I vowed to never buy there products. Management gave me two interviews, invited me to an orientation, then didn't hire me. They were cold as ice about it too.
@barrylafleur8526 Год назад
What has slowly turned to sh*t?
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