
What the Early Christians Believed About Eternal Security 

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Interested in learning more about what early Christians believed? Visit thehistoricfai... where you will find online courses and community that will strengthen your love-faith relationship with Jesus Christ and His kingdom.
The Historic Faith is a project from Sattler College in partnership with Scroll Publishing.
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Once a person has been saved from this world, can he or she lose their salvation? Or, to put it another way, is salvation a “once and done” operation, or is it conditioned upon an abiding obedient relationship with Christ? When a person receives Christ, does he receive pre-forgiveness for every sin he may commit in the future-or does he receive forgiveness for past sins? Bercot explains what the early Christians believed about those questions.
It’s easy to pull proof-texts from the New Testament to supply a variety of answers to those questions. But what do we discover about a believer’s security when we look at every verse of the New Testament? The early Christians did that very thing. They looked at every New Testament passage, and they had a uniform understanding of what the New Testament teaches about eternal security. All believers owe it to themselves to know what the original, historic teaching of the church was on this vital subject.



7 сен 2024




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@Elise777ful 7 лет назад
Excellent teaching! So tired of the lies in today's " church"
@keithpatrick3745 5 лет назад
I so appreciate u digging into and bringing the history of what the early church fathers believed. Thank u for standing for the Truth and full council of Gods Word!!
@sanctifiedbytruth4364 6 лет назад
Thank you for you diligence in studying the early church about this doctrine. I greatly appreciate your work in this video. Just to mention I had heard by David Pawson who wrote a book about conditional security, he said John 3:16 has a present tense continual verb which translating in English it lost its meaning; the verse should read For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever goes on believing in Him will not perish but will go on having eternal life. The condition is that we are to go on(continue to believe) like Hebrews 3:12 tells us.
@Jere616 9 лет назад
Good teaching. This truth is drowned out today.
@kevinmichaelhughes4257 6 лет назад
At the 30 minute mark David mentions how many times the word if is used....Kjv-1420, nkjv-1455....if ppl would read the Bible with an honest heart and not with your church denominations glasses the word of God is so so clear
@Hebrew42Day 6 лет назад
If is also only one of the conditional terms. Choose, hope, might, etc.
@ktulucalls 9 лет назад
Glad to hear someone else teaching the truth on this subject! Keep up the good work!
@Hebrew42Day 6 лет назад
There's no way a clear reading of the Bible would lead one to believe in eternal security.
@CalamityStriker 8 лет назад
Theological traditions and doctrines seem to have taken over the clear teachings of Scripture. I always wonder how many Christians have completely read the Bible all the way through before picking up someone else's commentary and teachings. We need to be objective with God’s Word working forwards, not using commentary as the foundation and Scripture as the fill-ins for a man-made theology.
@ToOpen6seven 8 лет назад
Very well said!!
@DanieClarke 8 лет назад
AMEN GREAT TEACH YOU HAVE HERE :) "26These things I have written to you concerning those who are trying to deceive you. 27As for you, the anointing which you received from Him abides in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you; but as His anointing teaches you about all things, and is true and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you abide in Him." 1 John 2:26,27. Whom are you listening to?
@simonskinner1450 6 лет назад
OSAS is only true when you are saved by the grace of Jesus Christ, faithful unto death, and he will be faithful after death.
@Hebrew42Day 6 лет назад
Simon Skinner grace leads us to turn aside all wickedness and filthiness of the flesh. To obey his commandments, to be holy, because the father is holy. Do you meet that standard for God's grace? If not, you've fallen short. Heb 12:14-16. You've received God's grace in vain. 2 Co 6:1. And you've fallen from grace by trusting in your proof texts to cover ongoing sin. Gal 5:4.
@GeorgeJansen 6 лет назад
If a person can lose their salvation, they can never ever say that they know they are saved. Because if you can do something that can cancel out your salvation today (or next week, or next year), then at best you can say is "I know I am saved right now." But what you can never say is, "I know I have eternal life."
@Vettel2011 5 лет назад
Amen! Matthew 5:30 already is clear on this
@HeavenGuy 7 лет назад
I almost vomited in Church hearing the "Pastor" say you can not be lost once saved ... again! I have been challenging him about this for years. I've never fealt nausiated before though. I told him if these 1,400 people live in sin because of your false teaching, and they are not included in the catching away of the spotless bride, and ultimately they take the mark of the beast because they are taught they are saved no matter what, their blood will be on your hands. Bye bye Calvary Chapel. I can't take it anymore.
@beholdhisglory1657 6 лет назад
HeavenGuy Ouch! When you read the NT, I don’t see how one can get around it.
@JahRootsRadio 6 лет назад
I’ve been working at Calvary Chapel for the past 9 years. Stopped attending the church itself the past year. Finally couldn’t take it no more. I am repenting from remarriage and told the Pastor who married me he erred in remarrying me. He didn’t like that and took me to the higher ups. I told them I will not recant and I handed in my resignation. Bye bye Calvary Chapel
@sanctifiedbytruth4364 6 лет назад
Ugh! I just started going to a Calvary Chapel and heard the pastor say that that we "impede our fellowship" with God if we are unforgiving like the unmerciful servant in that parable. But if God puts a person previously forgiven in prison to pay the debt they owed that would absolutely mean that they are eternally lost. Our sins cannot be paid to a wholly God which is why Jesus same to save us from our sins and forgiveness and life is found in Him alone! So disappointing! I pray the clear words of scripture penetrate hearts with light even in the darkened counsel man's false words. Let God be true and every man a liar!
@Hebrew42Day 6 лет назад
IAmNot Ashamed the new testament is consistent with the old. Isaiah 1:16-20
@Hebrew42Day 6 лет назад
1400 people?! James 3:1 - he's responsible for everyone of his sheep
@captain42979 7 лет назад
Since i got saved i been terified about different beliefs once saved always saved vs this. Although in my heart i dont wanna sin i have and am afraid of being lost i dont read book hebrews out of fear i love jesus and wanna do good but have been lured into sin on and off such as drinking cause i hurt my back bad trying to justify it then later leading me to bars etc but honestly was in so much pain i couldnt move but like i said later it took me down a sinful road i hated myself. I repented but i feel like god hates me that i messef up after being saved and that he might not forgive me. I have no peace only conviction over the past even though i still hate sin and try to do god will its my desire its all messef up for me please pray jesus Yahshua forgives me and that i understand him so i can have peace that i desire with all my heart.
@lore19641 6 лет назад
captain42979 as long as you are still alive and repent he forgives you. Read the book of 1 john. If you confess your sin he forgives everything. The demons are really good at making you feel guilty. Believe God. He just wants you saved before you die. The holly spirit is the one that convicted you. So you are good.
@JimiSurvivor 6 лет назад
One important fact to remember when interpreting the Bible is the use of the Greek present tense. It is employed not merely to indicate the temporal present but to indicate a KIND of action that is repetitive, continual or habitual rather than a SINGLE act. We see this especially in the writings of John. For instance, 7 But if we walk (habitually) in the light as He is in the light, we have (continual) fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us (continually) from all sin (1 John 1:7). Some teach that in the moment we first believe we are forgiven of all sins we have committed "past present and future." The scripture says as we walk in the light we are continually cleansed. This is not to say we are absolutely sinless and perfect for John next says: 8 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. Next, he says but 9 IF we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us (continually from) our sins and to cleanse us (continually) from all unrighteousness. Forgiveness and cleansing are received on an ONGOING basis and they are conditioned upon our remaining in the truth (the light). When we agree with His assessment of us (if we confess our sin) we are forgiven.
@Hebrew42Day 6 лет назад
lorena garcia while I agree with this, 1 Jo 1:8 was specifically written to get us to stop sinning. (read the full context and the entire epistle) It was written to those turning the grace of God into a cloak, saying God cannot see their sins.
@Hebrew42Day 6 лет назад
JimiSurvivor the Greek says no such thing there. That would violate the entire rest of the passage and the book. Like 1 Jo 3:4-10. What John wrote there is addressing heretics saying God can't see their sin, because of Jesus. The same thing Paul warns of here. Gal 2:17-18
@danieltellez2276 9 лет назад
what did the early church fathers wrote about speaking in tongues???
@Hebrew42Day 6 лет назад
That's actually a great question
@sevenbravo1805 5 лет назад
WOW........................I HAVE TO HAVE THE CD'S
@someoneontheinternet3090 4 года назад
No you don't. Just go to thehistoricfaith.com and sign up
@danageibel 6 лет назад
Thank you, David Bercot! Your messages have helped tie up some loose ends for me, and I look forward to studying more.
@philipbuckley759 3 года назад
would one assume that, by the admission of the pastor, from Dallas Theological Seminary is teaching false doctrine......
@mikewiththebluecar 5 лет назад
Great study brother I completely agree. I would like to point out a very powerful point you didn’t mention about John 15:1-8. Who was Jesus talking to? This takes place right after the Last Supper after Judas has left to go betray Jesus. Jesus and His 11 faithful apostles have just left the upper room and are walking to the olive groves in Gethsemane. Notice how many times Jesus says the word “you” to them. First I would like to point out that there is no doubt that Jesus knew they were all believers according to John 6:64. “But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who it was that should betray him.” ‭‭John‬ ‭6:64‬ ‭ASV‬‬ If Jesus knew who didn’t believe then He must’ve also known who did believe yet He still warns His 11 faithful apostles to abide in Him otherwise they will be cut off or removed from the vine (Jesus) carelessly thrown away to wither (dry up and waste away) then thrown into the fire to be burned (consumed by fire). Now according to most people who support eternal security only those who are not true believers can fall away. But we’ve already proven that these men undeniably did believe and that Jesus was already aware of this. So if eternal security is true then Jesus would be warning His faithful 11 apostles about doing something that is impossible for them to do since according to the doctrine of eternal security they would be incapable of not abiding. Now many who advocate eternal security will try to say those who do not abide will be “lifted up” but you must look at the context of these verses to determine the correct definition of the Greek word aírō (G142) used in verse two translated to taken away or lifted up. In the Strong’s concordance definition it says when referring to something that is attached aírō means to take off or away what is attached to anything. Another indication that this absolutely is referring to loss of salvation is the word cast or thrown used in verse six translated from the Greek word bállō (G906) which means to throw or let go of a thing without caring where it falls a) to scatter, to throw, cast into b) to give over to one's care uncertain about the result. This is an indication that this person is being forsaken by God. He is thrown away carelessly without regard. Strong’s also indicates this is often implied as violently or intensely thrown away or thrust. Then we have the word to wither translated from the Greek word xēraínō (G3583) meaning to dry up or waste away. Lastly we have the word burned translated from the greek word kaíō (G2545) meaning to burn or consume with fire. So according to the Greek definitions of these words it is very apparent that this is resulting in a loss of salvation ending in the lake of fire. Someone cannot be saved if they are cut off or removed from Christ. Just wanted to share this with you brother. You did a great job keep up the good work and keep spreading the good news 😊
@Jere616 9 лет назад
I would have liked to hear the references in the ECF writings for these quotes.
@stevenherrold5955 7 лет назад
if the maker of this teaching notice a low viewer count i t could have something to do with the fact you did not use a video camera to record i would prefer to watching a video rather then staring at a disc while listening to a voice
@Hebrew42Day 6 лет назад
Joseph Sherrill I agree. We live in the last of the last days. People don't want to hear the truth, that they have to be a son of obedience lest they be cast into hell.
@captain42979 7 лет назад
If you could possibly totaly loose your salvation and not be able to repent wouldnt it be better to not get saved at such a young age i got saved when i was 18. Speaking hypotheticaly?
@Hebrew42Day 6 лет назад
That's precisely what Peter warns. 2 Peter 2:20-22
@Hebrew42Day 6 лет назад
Watchman D I agree with this as well. There is no true repentance of sin, and godly sorrow that leads to sanctified living.
@lastdayswitness7794 6 лет назад
Holy spirit truth evidence for enduring till the end to be saved : osas is apostasy lie satan 1. Peter Speaks in Solomon's Colonnade-Acts 3:19 …18But in this way God has fulfilled what He foretold through all the prophets, saying that His Christ would suffer. 19Repent, then, and turn back, so that your sins may be wiped away, 20that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that He may send Jesus, the Christ, who has been appointed for you. 2. Matthew 24:13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.Revelation 2:263.25Nevertheless, hold fast to what you have until I come. 26And to the one who is victorious and continues in My work until the end, I will give authority over the nations.4.Colossians 2:6 Therefore, just as you have received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him.5. Colossians 1:10 so that you may walk in a manner worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God.6. 1 John 2:6 He that said he stays in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.7. 12Therefore, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not only in my presence, but now even more in my absence, continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. 13For it is God who works in you to will and to act on behalf of His good pleasure. Philippians 2:128.Philippians 1:6 For I am confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will continue to perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. 9.He who overcomes will thus be clothed in white garments; and I will not erase his name from the book of life, and I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels. 10. 8I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door, which no one can shut. For you have only a little strength, yet you have kept My word and have not denied My name. revelation 3:17
@lastdayswitness7794 6 лет назад
beware of false prophets whom come to you in sheep clothing but ravening wolves their fruits , false doctrines etc. will expose them , the true church were holy saints called out ones and they did not even preach eternal security nor such but preach on the warnings if some one fell away from the truth sound doctrine, error with the wicked , went back to sin, disobedience and backslide etc. and continue in such they would end up going to hell, lake of fire .
@gabakusa 5 лет назад
John 3:16 talks about the Jews, the christian church started after acts. Matthew mark John Luke were writing for the jews, Jesus did not come to save the gentiles.
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