
What the Early Christians Believed about Salvation. David Bercot- Scroll Publishing - Faith Alone 

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Salvation by works? Faith Alone? Salvation by Grace?
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Faith Alone?
Grace Alone?
Once Saved Always Saved?
Who Are the Early Christians?
By the terms, “primitive church” or “early Christians,”
I’m talking about the Christians who lived before the
time of the Council of Nicaea in A.D. 325. The Council
of Nicaea marks the end of the early Christian era, because
it marks the beginning of the joinder of church and
state. It also marks the turning point where theologians
and church councils begin creating new defined doctrines
that all Christians had to subscribe to or face state persecution.
From A. D. 325 on, the emphasis of the church
changed from lifestyle to theology.
When looking at what the early Christians believed,
we should in particular look to what Christians believed
and practiced in the second century. In other words, we
want to look at what Christians believed during the first
hundred years after the last apostle died. That’s because
they were only a generation or two removed from the
apostles. In fact, men like Polycarp and Ignatius received
the gospel from the apostles themselves.
Now, because these men received the gospel directly
from the apostles doesn’t mean that they were infallible.
And it doesn’t make their writings inspired-nor did any
of them claim that their writings were inspired. As one
minister put it, we go to the early Christians for information, but we go to Scripture for inspiration.
Obviously, the disciples of the apostles were in a position
to better understand the apostolic faith than we are
because they received it firsthand. They could ask questions
to the apostles if something they said was unclear.
I mean wouldn’t it be nice today if we could ask Paul,
“Paul, would you clarify for me what you meant by this
passage?” What if we could ask John exactly what he
meant by certain things he said in his letters. Well, Ignatius,
Polycarp, and Clement of Rome all had the opportunity
to do that.
Not only that, but they also spoke koiné Greek. That was their
native tongue. It wasn’t something they went to seminary
and studied and still weren’t fluent in. It’s what they grew
up talking; they thought in koiné Greek. There was no language barrier nor any cultural barrier between them and the apostles because they lived in the same culture as the apostles.
They could understand the cultural and congregational settings in which the New Testament was written. So the odds are that if they understood the New Testament differently than we do, their interpretation is more likely to be right than ours.
Obviously, the Scriptures are our final source of authority. But as we are going to see in this series of messages on What the Early Christians Believed, everything they believed has very strong Scriptural support. In fact, on any given spiritual subject, if you bring together all of the New Testament passages on the subject, and take those passages literally and seriously, you will invariably end up believing exactly what the early Christians believed. At the very least, it’s certainly worth our time to at least look at what the early Christians believed and to ask ourselves, “Is it possible that maybe I’m wrong on this issue or that maybe my church is wrong on this one point?
“Let us, therefore, be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall according to the same example of disobedience” Heb 4:11-12.
“See that you do not refuse Him who speaks. For if they did not escape who refused Him who spoke on earth,
much more shall we not escape if we turn away from Him who speaks from heaven” Heb 12:25.
The writer of Hebrews is talking to saved Christians. That’s clear throughout the entire epistle. The Israelites had been saved out of Egypt, which represents the world. Yet, they were afterward disobedient in the wilderness, and they never reached the Promised Land as a result. The writer of Hebrews tells us clearly that the same thing will happen to us as Christians if we turn back or become disobedient.
David Bercot,Scroll Publishing,The Historic Faith,finny Kuruvilla,Sattler college,Followers of the Way,The Kingdom of God,The Gospel of the Kingdom,Head coverings,Nonresistance,Christians should not vote,Martin Luther,Salvation by works,Salvation by faith,Septuagint,Faith Alone,Early Christians,refuting Calvinism,Anabaptist,Patristics,salvation,Early Christian Fathers,Early Church Fathers,faith alone debate,faith alone vs faith and works



15 сен 2024




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@jesusstudentbrett 4 года назад
at 38:25 Theophilos quote is exactly what Romans 2:6 -7 says "God will give eternal life to the person who continues in good works and who seeks glory, honor and immortality" KJV and NKJV and ESV and others translate it unnecessarily obscured, but the attentive reader can see it nonetheless.
@philipbuckley759 3 года назад
interesting, somehow never looked at this, in this ....light...
@alexmarker881 3 года назад
Faith are the roots and works are the fruit
@SoundFaithChannel 3 года назад
I love it thanks for pointing that out.
@regeneratedservantph4994 3 года назад
Those who have faith or hope ...who are already saved by Grace through faith..seek to give glory, honor to God...for they knew what is the will of God...dont be deceived by this utuber adding works to salvation..even in our goodworks ..God is working in us..he dont understand what his reading although alot of quotes from dead saints he readed..
@SoundFaithChannel 3 года назад
@@regeneratedservantph4994 We are not adding works. We are leaving it how Jesus and His apostles handed it to us. God will work through those who are willing. Please don’t put words in our mouths. Jesus will work through His saints, His body, His bride, and especially those willing to die for their King. Ps, those so-called dead saints will be very much alive.
@BloodCovenant Год назад
I didn't get through the first 3 chapters of "Will the Real Heretics Please Stand Up" without being shaken to my core. The fear of God has gripped me. I have read much of the Ante Nicene volume 1 four or five times and I came to realize that they did not have the hangups with grace and works and obedience that we in the American church seem to have. I also see the reality of this trinity, grace, works, and obedience all over the New Testament. I just haven't been able to really put what I see into words very well. That isn't the case anymore because of that book. Last night I did not sleep well because of what I am reading and really looking at myself and the state of the American church in a whole new way that scares me. I am truly afraid like I have never been before. I have confidence in my Lord and trust him to keep me from walking off the cliff. But the terror of the Lord has gripped me in a way I have not before experienced.
@SoundFaithChannel Год назад
@Blood Covenant God bless you as you wrestle through these issues. -Lynn
@someoneveryclever 2 года назад
These quotes, to me, indicate faith and works are important for salvation (both enabled by God's grace).
@JuliexSteadman Год назад
Yes - James 2:24 You see that a person is justified (made right with God) by what he does and not by faith alone . Calvanists will say that once we are born again we will do all the right stuff automatically but I dont find that to be true.... we do change in some ways but in others we have to work at it... Furthermore Galations makes it clear that the flesh wars against the Spirit... so much effort is required although we have a new power to overcome...
@5969024 3 года назад
"The kingdom that turned the world upside down" and " will the teologian please sit down" are the best book I ever read!
@mainechild 3 месяца назад
In God We don’t Trust is great too
@WORTHYLAMB 7 месяцев назад
Praise God! Thank You Lord for your gift grace towards me. May I walk in it all of my life. Thank you David for your service to the body of Christ
@aitygurung3741 3 года назад
Wow, this is what we truly need to know about the salvation . Praise the Lord.
@janegray3664 4 года назад
Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes 12:13 ...
@afotw1141 4 года назад
You should check out the FOTW message just recently posted on fearing God
@Silverheart1956 3 года назад
For those under the old Covenant
@universe8649 3 года назад
@@Silverheart1956 ? Aren’t we supposed to keep Gods commandments anyway?
@Silverheart1956 3 года назад
Dear@@universe8649 Thanks for the response ! "Aren’t we supposed to keep Gods commandments anyway?" Yes ! Of Course ! But there are some considerations that we must be aware of. 1. Why do we keep His Commandments ? (The rational for why we keep His Commandments). Do we keep the works of the law to: a. Attain Salvation. Some believe salvation is something to be earned in whole or in part by works b. Retain Salvation. Some believe salvation is something that has to be kept by our own efforts of works. If we behave wrongly (sinfully) God will take salvation from us. c. Out of legalistic obligation. Some people believe that they must behave according to the Law, as a toilsome chore. They don't delight in doing Good in gratitude of God's Love but do so because they legalistically "have to" (attitude). d. Because we love Him and have a heart desire to serve God out of the thankfulness of our heart because of His free grace. Biblical Christian Theology would reject "a" and "b" outrightly. "c" is sometimes acceptable, particularly for new Christians and those who are confronting specific sins, until they grow in their love for God and His people. "d" should be the norm motivation of Christian behavior. 2. Which Commandments ? There are commandments that are applicable to New Covenant Christians, but not all commandments mentioned in the Scriptures (particularly many mentioned in the Old Covenant Scriptures) are applicable to New Covenant Christians. New Covenant Christians are not under the Mosaic Covenant, because the Mosaic Law has been fulfilled by Jesus Christ. This is why New Covenant Christians do not offer animal sacrifices on alters for the atonement of sins, Those commandment are not applicable to New Covenant Christians. New Covenant Christians, have there own commandments prescribed in the New Covenant Scriptures (Examples, Public Baptism as an outward expression of the inwardly changed man. The Lord's Communion Supper of Remembrance). Be Well, DZ
@universe8649 3 года назад
@@Silverheart1956 when I speak of the commandments i speak only of the 10 not the mosaic law. I agree Christ fulfilled the law (I hope you know what that means) if you don’t mind me asking are all 10 commandments applicable to Gods people?
@palabravivificante2915 3 года назад
I love these messages, they have really opened up a new world of life and growth to me as a Christian... God bless you brother!
@fotwboston 4 года назад
This message needs to be heard in every church in America!
@philipbuckley759 3 года назад
it is a universal, in both time and location.....we all need this, everywhere...
@hernaniinamac1430 3 года назад
Yes it’s all about love and the circumcision of the heart. Yet many contents seem to support a personal interpretation of the history of Christianity.
@jakegoertzen3899 3 года назад
Amen brother that is the truth, and people do not want to hear it anymore.
@jakegoertzen3899 3 года назад
Not in America only, just as much in Canada, if not more then in America, and likely in every nation up on the earth.
@fotwboston 3 года назад
@@jakegoertzen3899 that is right☝️🏻
@Anna-ot4dj 2 года назад
Such an eye opener! Thank you and may God bless all of you that was involved in making this video ❤️
@dashriprock5720 4 месяца назад
I'm about half way through and loving this because this what the lord reveals to me as I read scripture. Though I wasn't able to articulate it, it was apparent to me that salvation seems to be more of a process
@jasonwillis9059 3 года назад
This is outstanding! I am going to have to watch this one a few times
@jaredrobertson6375 3 года назад
By Grace ALONE Through Faith ALONE because of Christ ALONE. If our works could do it then Jesus wouldn’t have had to die on the cross. Don’t confuse sanctification with salvation
@SoundFaithChannel 3 года назад
No one is saying we can do it without Jesus. That is absurd. No one has done what you have done and put the word Alone behind works. Works ALONE. Nobody is doing that. We believe that we need Christ and His death to free us from slavery to sin and cleanse us from sin. We need Faith in God and His Grace to what he requires us to do through Him. Stop taking out the words of Jesus. We are justified by works and not by Faith alone, says God through his servant James.
@WorldXKIZOation 3 года назад
@@SoundFaithChannel No sir, you are wrong. Jesus Christ is the son of God who has come to save us as filthy sinners to sanctify us through HIS blood. I pray you’re able to see that works are not the way to keep salvation but to show that you are being sanctified through Christ, the perfect human sent by the most Holy God!
@SoundFaithChannel 3 года назад
@@WorldXKIZOation We will follow the teachings of Jesus and His apostles. We will flee from sin. I hope you keep seeking God and looking into everything He asks of us.
@missionsbibleministry 3 года назад
Always great to hear from David Bercot. Please come to the Philippines :)
@jordanmcpherson3794 Месяц назад
EXCELLENT video. Bless my parents, they taught me in the truth. I was raised in a house church, but fell away and found myself in mainline Baptist churches the past 20 years. I repented, and then walked into a Reformed Baptist church. I thought it was great because they emphasize the need for holiness, but they preach past, present, and future sins being blotted out, along with Calvinistic theology (which is hard to follow when you put all those together). I'm not sure where to turn, but I've considered going back to my parent's fellowship. Peace to you from Houston.
@bobthrasher8226 Год назад
It should be clear that eternal life could NEVER be earned - it is too valuable - that is a given. That doesn't mean, however, that God must give it to those who treat that gracious gift carelessly. In fact it would appear that God intends to give it those who rightly appreciate it.
@kingjesus811 4 года назад
I Want to see more of David's messages made into video format for the younger generation. I enjoy them too.
@JohnSmith-kr2uh 4 года назад
Me too
@philipbuckley759 3 года назад
for the younger....generation....hmmm...how about, for all of us....
@Silverheart1956 3 года назад
I would like to see this gentleman debate Dr. James White on this issue. This would be a good way to present both perspectives in a comparative manner. DZ
@adagildonascimento1345 3 года назад
@@JohnSmith-kr2uh. 7a.nk33jase as yawlujiu Gui hlb1w4oejllknnjjpza On.19 oi qq qq o
@justchilling704 11 месяцев назад
It's very simple good works are necessary in that it's the natural result of genuine faith and love of God. Faith leads to good works, good works are evidence of true faith, but works don't literally maintain salvation or merit it, only God does that. This is all the Fathers were saying this is also what the book of James teaches. The key to our walk as Christians is ultimately corporation with God in love and obedience not bc this makes Hod love us, but precisely bc God loves us. Besides some slightly wrong things stated about a woman he beliefs of evangelicals, Lutherans, etc. and certain doctrinal points (faith alone) I genuinely enjoyed this video.
@Legends_Of_War Год назад
Thanks so much for this. I have been troubled for some time by the very selective use of scripture to fit modern evangelical doctrine.
@tenttavllitmok2344 4 года назад
Great, great stuff this. Thanks for sharing
@ELCHDA Год назад
Here are the issues that must be addressed in order to make sure the requirements of salvation can be fulfilled: 1. Sinless perfectionism is impossible, for example sins of thought and emotion are imposed on us by our biology/flesh, why wont God answer our prayes to change our nature if perfection is required? 2. If works are required for salvation then a bare minimum of good works must be clearly defined 3. Conditions for losing salvation must be defined in greater detail, such as : a ) What can sinners after baptism do ? b) What kind of sins cause loss of salvation and in what quantity ? c) Do exceptions exist such as using violence or lying to defend yourself or the lives of others ?
@SoundFaithChannel Год назад
@Bob V. God doesn't want his people to be transaction-oriented, just making sure they do the exact things required in order to be saved. That's the big mistake the Israelites made about the Old Testament Law. So these questions are misleading. Instead, God is a father who is looking for children who will be faithful and obedient to him. He is a King looking for loyal citizens. There's not an exact number of sins that it takes for us to be out of the Kingdom--but if we make a practice of sinning, we certainly should mend our ways. -Lynn
@dougmasters4561 7 месяцев назад
Based on what?
@afotw1141 4 года назад
I would watch more videos like this one!
@philipbuckley759 3 года назад
they are out there....keep looking...
@user-um5wn8ri7s 2 месяца назад
@holleyd 7 месяцев назад
I share scroll publishing messages with a lot of people. Thanks for the great work on the visual aids!! Would love to see more like this as time permits.
@user-dn7zz3jm6v 3 месяца назад
So refreshing and pure
@carlhenderson1937 2 года назад
If we remove the influence of Saint Augustine, Luther, and Calvin, this is the only way we could understand salvation. The biblical understanding of salvation, and of course the early Christians, is exactly the same as David mentions here. This is the true, balanced, Fair, representation of God's character, and salvation as described throughout the entirety of the New Testament.
@beautifulqueen748 3 года назад
From what I heard this is the teaching I’ve already learned growing up
@SoundFaithChannel 3 года назад
That is wonderful! What Church did you grow up in?
@nickynolfi833 5 месяцев назад
I am a catholic. This sounds exactly how the catholic church teaches. We teach that we are justified by faith formed by love. Initial justification has nothing to do with works or merit. However once we are in Christ then we can allow him to work through us.
@endtimesareuponus8930 4 месяца назад
Catholic catechism is CONTRARY to what this man says and what God's Holy Word says ! Catechism is Satanic.
@endtimesareuponus8930 9 дней назад
@nickynolfi833 8 дней назад
@endtimesareuponus8930 it is over simplified, misguided responses like these that cause people to convert to Catholicism
@JohnSmith-kr2uh 4 года назад
Thanks David Bercot your messages are always insightful!
@TKO8974 3 года назад
Thank you! Very interesting to learn about this
@SoundFaithChannel 3 года назад
Thank you for your encouragement.
@alexmarker881 3 года назад
works are the fruit of a genuine faith, true christians are saved by grace through faith but if you add works its no longer grace roman 11, 6
@bathsheba41 3 года назад
We are saved to do good works
@timothy6828 2 года назад
The verse you quoted, you quoted very much out of context. In Romans 11 Paul discusses the election of Israel and not individual salvation by grace or works.
@timothy6828 2 года назад
If you have genuine questions about this presentation, let me know. God bless you!
@alexmarker881 2 года назад
@@timothy6828Romans4, 4 ~5 Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. 5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
@Evenbeforethetrailer 2 года назад
true, but this is a message true christians need to hear because they can slip into compromise, sin and wordliness and lose their salvation if they don't understand the fear of God. His grace is given to us so that we can overcome sin, live righteously and do His will (Titus 2:12). But scripture warns us that there are some who say God’s marvelous grace allows them to live immoral lives (Jude 1:4). This happened to me, had a genuine conversion- never understood I was saved for good works, believed in OSAS, lived with one foot in, one foot out. Had I died in that state I would have gone to hell. The lukewarm and compromised get spewed out of His mouth, hence James calling lukewarm believers to repentance (James 4:4).Let no one decieve us in anyway, if we continue in sin (living according to the flesh), we will die (Rom 8:13). Many true believers have fallen from grace in the bible, example Demas.
@Steven-sy8mn 5 месяцев назад
Amen to what the early Church believed +
@wagnervana2000 2 года назад
Excellent! So refreshing. Thank you.
@jasonrichards7230 3 года назад
Thank you for this Sir.
@floridafm1237 Год назад
I was a Jehovah's Witnesses just like the speaker from this video. Having said this, I do have a lot of respect for him. He is definitely my brother in Christ but nevertheless I have a disagreement with him as follows: SALVATION IS INDEED BY FAITH ALONE. Salvation is CHRIST + NOTHING. Ephesians 2:8 says "For by grace you have been saved through FAITH, and THAT NOT OF YOURSELVES, IT IS A GIFT OF GOD; and not as a result OF WORKS, so that NO ONE may boast." If we could not contribute anything to our gift of salvation then how can we contribute to maintain that gift? And if we can contribute in maintaining our salvation then isn't that a cause for boasting? Salvation from start to finish is all about God. John 3:16 says "... whosoever believes [or whosoever has faith] in Him shall not perish, but have ETERNAL LIFE." You notice John 3: 16 did not say that whosoever has faith in Jesus has conditional salvation meaning if you have faith in Jesus then you have only a salvation to be finalized on your own efforts. Rather John 3:16 says if you have faith in Jesus then you have ETERNAL LIFE. If salvation by faith in Jesus alone can be lost by lack of our own efforts to maintain it then why does John 3:16 call it ETERNAL LIFE to begin with? Last time I checked the word 'ETERNAL' meant EVERLASTING and it was not something that can last temporarily. Let me finish by quoting Titus 3:5 " He save(d) us NOT ON THE BASIS OF DEEDS... but according to His mercy." P.s. I put the D in SAVED in parentheses to prove a point: God already SAVED US (past tense) not on the basis of our deeds. If someone can prove to me that you can work to maintain or finalize your salvation then I would admit that Titus 3:5 is indeed erroneous.
@SoundFaithChannel Год назад
@floridafm1237 Thanks for commenting. We agree with Titus 3:5 that salvation is a gift of God, and that our works don't earn salvation. However, that doesn't mean that God doesn't have conditions for salvation. One of his requirements is that we obey him. -Lynn
@creatorscollision8052 3 года назад
Faith is the most important, and faith will bring works. Lets analyze the following verse. Dear brothers and sisters if we deliberately continue sinning after we have received knowledge of truth, there is no longer sacrifice that will cover this sin. Hebrews 10:26 So what now? Shouldn't we work hard to stop committing that sin? isn't this a works? Very simple in the True Word of God. James2:14-26 Faith without works is Dead... Be care full Brothers and Sisters Blessings from the most High Jesus Christ Galatians 1:8
@terranovaofjesus8396 2 года назад
Looooooove this! Thank you!
@chrishumphries7489 2 года назад
Fantastic video!
@christopherkershaw261 3 года назад
Beautiful! Also, what song is that in the beginning? I have always been in love with ancient music.
@SoundFaithChannel 3 года назад
I forget the name of the song. Sorry. Thank you for your encouragement
@christopherkershaw261 3 года назад
@@SoundFaithChannel If you find it please of you could let me know, that would be amazing. Bless you
@dwbsovran 10 месяцев назад
You got this one absolutely correct. So I began to look for more. What did early Christians believe? There are at least 6 questions (subjects) to be asked. You have identified and only answered ONE! The few teachings I have listened to lead me to believe you will get the ALL others WRONG! I was hopeful with this video, but it was short lived. Get back to your original question and premise: WHAT DID EARLY CHRISTIANS BELIEVE?
@SoundFaithChannel 10 месяцев назад
@dwbsovran You're welcome to contact us and let us know any areas where you believe we aren't consistent with the early church. -Lynn
@jakegoertzen3899 3 года назад
I believe this is biblical truth being preached.
@zorse6896 Год назад
YES SIR I BELIEVE THAT TOO I'm a little bit stunned by how rare this message is
@fgwireless7859 4 года назад
When will more of these early Christian videos come out?
@SoundFaithChannel 4 года назад
They take a while to produce. We will be working on them so just keep your eye out. Maybe just one a month.
@jesusstudentbrett 4 года назад
@@SoundFaithChannel Ace job! bless y'all or in PA speak "bless yens"
@arttyree4504 Год назад
If you look at the front of your house, then the back of your house, you will see that they are different. Yet they are the same house; one side serves a need, while the other serves another function--they are different aspects of the same thing. Faith is not at odds with works, but we must connect those two parts of our salvation, as they belong together, neither of them being the whole story. The gospel is the good news of being saved by grace through faith, while living out that faith by good works demonstrates that marvelous grace which we know by faith.
@justchilling704 11 месяцев назад
Perfectly said be show our faith by our good works 🔥
@growyourowncolorado5409 4 года назад
So salvation is not by faith alone. But by every condition that was placed on men from both the apostles and Jesus? Is that Correct?
@fotwboston 4 года назад
I would suggest going back and reading all the Bible verses that were listed in the video without pushing any aside. Try to look at the facts. It's hard to let your brain be reprogrammed.
@jesusstudentbrett 4 года назад
Philippians 1:29-30 it has been graced to you, not by faith alone but by sharing ALSO in Christ's sufferings. James 2:20-24 Not be faith only is one justified, but also by works, making his faith perfect (τελειος mature, complete).
@philipbuckley759 3 года назад
salvation, by faith....evidenced by fruits....Galatians....and or works.....James....
@alexmarker881 3 года назад
By grace through faith we are saved, works are justification before men not before God, all genuine christians do works not for salvation but because they are saved already
@bobdylan1677 2 года назад
Calvinists pray BECAUSE God is sovereign.
@aishahill4379 3 года назад
53:28 Not sure if this is misspoken, as it's all typed up, but it sounds like a profession of another gospel. It's actually an oxymoron to say a gift has conditions. Its NOT a gift if you make me pay to recieve or keep. Salvation that Jesus Christ gives is FREE. Once you recieve the gift, you are equipped to obey. 1 Cor 5:17. If a person isn't equipped they are deceived and have not believed either the Gospel or the record that He gave of His son!!!!
@Gibsonlussier 3 месяца назад
50:58 YESSSS, I’ve been saying that for so long. Idk how people cannot understand this point. Like read your bibles! “as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures.” ‭‭II Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭16‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
@roseannemaye9263 Год назад
When you know what the Bible says, you're not shocked at all to hear what the early Christians believed.
@samualjandrews9383 2 года назад
I really like what you did with this teaching CD on Salvation I would like to see you do the same for the CD on What the Early Christians Believed About Eternal Security!
@SoundFaithChannel 2 года назад
David has presented on that as well. You can find it here: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-4sduMxpZwe4.html
@myhope123com 8 месяцев назад
I thought I lost my salvation from dogmatic teaching of "repenting of all your sins." I learned of how Abram was justified, faith alone. "Repent of your sins" is Mormon doctrine for justification but Paul said in Acts 19 I believe, this repentance John the Baptist taught, was for belief.
@SoundFaithChannel 8 месяцев назад
@myhope123com Doesn't Scripture teach both repentance and faith? (Acts 2:38, 3:19, Mark 16:16) -Lynn
@myhope123com 8 месяцев назад
Repentance as defined by the Greek of changing your trust (changing your mind) from trusting in the blood of Christ and not your good works, like people before coming to faith think. Not many know but repentance comes from the Catholic word penance, it's still in the Catholic Bible today. Mormons and the cults teach repentance or cleaning yourself up in coming to Christ but not the Greek.
@SoundFaithChannel 6 месяцев назад
@myhope123com Repentance is not about mere mental assent. The word does mean to change your mind, but it is about changing your mind about things that are much bigger than mere ideas. Scripture teaches that we must follow up repentance and faith with good works, or we will not stand in the last judgment. This was long before Mormonism was ever heard of. -Lynn
@myhope123com 6 месяцев назад
​@@SoundFaithChannelRight, a change of mind per whatever the context is in the scriptures, then maintaining faith in Jesus finished work or blood for power to follow and obey Him. Christians turn to works and leave the cross after faith. "Christ and him crucified" to the church Paul said. Repentance is from the Roman Catholic word penance. Let's not go with Rome for our dictionary but the original Greek per it's context.
@myhope123com 6 месяцев назад
​@@SoundFaithChannel Repent is a synonym for believe when addressing the unbelievers. Right, a change of mind per whatever the context is in the scriptures, then maintaining faith in Jesus finished work or blood for power to follow and obey Him. Christians turn to works and leave the cross after faith. "Christ and him crucified" to the church Paul said. Repentance is from the Roman Catholic word penance. Let's not go with Rome for our dictionary but the original Greek per it's context.
@paposacrocast 2 года назад
31:22 - the exposition of the quotes on the true possibiliy of losing salvation
@bh5317 Месяц назад
I would very strongly disagree that they are talking about a 2 stage redemption. I would argue In fact the primary premise of Of all the quotes that you listed Is that works are a fruit of salvation, a result of redemption, a proof if you will.
@dave1370 2 года назад
We must moreover notice this too. For when He had well enforced our position with regard to our faith, He straightway adds the memorial of the promise at the end of ages, and then ordains the remaining laws, Honour your father and your mother, thou shalt not kill, and so on: that we may not think we are justified by works, nor look for the ungrudged bounteousness of God as the fruit of our own toils, but that we must have it of faith." St. Cyril of Alexandria Commentary on John "For 'all men come short of the glory of God,' and are not justified of themselves, but by the advent of the Lord,-they who earnestly direct their eyes towards His light." St. Irenaeus Against Heresies, Book IV "Let us not, therefore, be insensible to His kindness. For were He to reward us according to our works, we should cease to be. For 'if Thou, Lord, shalt mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand?'" St. Ignatius Epistle to the Magnesians "For what other thing was capable of covering our sins than His righteousness? By what other one was it possible that we, the wicked and ungodly, could be justified, than by the only Son of God? O sweet exchange! O unsearchable operation! O benefits surpassing all expectation! That the wickedness of many should be hid in a single righteous One, and that the righteousness of One should justify many transgressors!" Mathetes Epistle to Diognetus "If he who had righteousness, ran to this other righteousness because his own was nothing, how much rather ought they, who have it not, to run to Him? And he well said, ​'​a righteousness of my own' not that which I gained by labor and toil, but that which I found from grace. If then he who was so excellent is saved by grace, much more are you. For since it was likely they would say that the righteousness which comes from toil is the greater, he shows that it is dung in comparison with the other. For otherwise I, who was so excellent in it, would not have cast it away, and run to the other. But what is that other? That which is from the faith of God, i.e. it too is given by God. This is the righteousness of God; this is altogether a gift. And the gifts of God far exceed those worthless good deeds, which are due to our own diligence." St. John Chrysostom Homily 11 on Philippians
@jg4x 8 месяцев назад
Can anyone recommend a likeminded church body in the Austin, TX area?
@SoundFaithChannel 8 месяцев назад
You could check out churchindex.org/ -Lynn
@sophiabergy 3 года назад
How does this logically make sense? You get saved by grace and faith alone first but then have to maintain it, meaning if you sin anytime after that you’ve lost your salvation? Then what? You regain it through ... how? Or you’re saying it’s just dead and gone after one mess up ? Makes no sense
@SoundFaithChannel 3 года назад
I will make a short video to answer questions here sometime.
@timyoder9856 3 года назад
As you received Christ so walk in Him. You received Him by His grace moving you to repentance (turning again from your sins) and you ask again for His forgiveness and by faith in His blood and work for you, you again press toward the mark being obedient to His commands in the Bible. Christian life is a journey of walking with Jesus, always recognizing our need of Him because of our weakness. When we stumble we get back up again. We allow our struggles that He has allowed in our life to sanctify to grow more Christ like.
@WholeheartedlyHomestead 3 года назад
You regain it through repentance. I decided to start educating myself this past year on who God is and His Living Word and I've found that you DO have to stay focused on Him and His commandments in order to truly be saved, not just saved but to live HEAVEN ON EARTH. I began to practice this daily and no joke, my PARALYZED DIAPHRAGM BEGAN MOVING!! He gave me my health back!! He filled me with peace and joy I never knew was attainable. Our God is so good! I can actually run and play with my children! He has so much for us if only we can put ourselves aside and receive Him. 💞
@ChristopherWentling 3 года назад
I disagree with the portrayal of the medieval church. It is a cartoon caricature of the faith of the medieval person that has little to do with the reality of the situation. I would dare say that the faith of the average medieval person would put ours to shame.
@mistermagic4140 2 года назад
How I've understood it is that if one has authentic faith in Jesus they will, by the help of the Holy Spirit, grow in sanctification. Over time their character will grow to reflect Christ as their heart and mind is renewed by the Spirit. They sin and fall but the state of their salvation doesn't change if they have true faith. When they sin, they will repent and return. Not to regain salvation but as an expression of God having saved them and given them a new heart. If indeed one has been given a new heart it is not possible to go on sinning mindlessly without the pangs of conviction driving you to repentance. If one claims to have faith in Jesus, but then repeatedly fails to repent for sin and walk in obedience. It becomes more clear they have yet to receive the new heart which is given by God when one receives Christ by faith. The eternal state of being saved does not change based on if one sins, however if one rejects repentance and walks in consistant disobedience to Christ that casts doubts as to whether they have a geniune faith. For if they do, they have the new heart and will return and repent. If they go on it becomes clear they were never truly of the faith. We as humans cannot see the hearts of others, but the Lord Jesus can. He knows His sheep and His sheep know him. You either have saving faith or you don't. If you do you will see the fruits of the Spirit grow and increase. If not you only grow fruits of the flesh. Many may think they are true believers only to be told by Christ on the last day that "I /never/ knew you" NOT "I knew you and you left me" No. He NEVER knew them. Their faith was counterfeit. So work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Honestly examine yourself to see if you are in the faith. If you are not sure you have authentic faith, pray and ask God for clarity. And always trust in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and you will be secure in Him. Having been given the Holy Spirit as a seal to protect you and carry you to completion. The work of your heart changing is His work alone. Walk in step with it and don't resist. Not because you fear to lose your salvation, but you fear to fail your Beloved who has given all for you and desires you to be blessed and to walk with him into eternal life. God bless you.
@gerhardschneider9910 2 года назад
Many try to interpret Matthew 5:48 straight out of context and try to make it hypothetical, that it would mean that it is impossible to strive for perfection. Yet, it is all about loving enemies... which is VERY possible
@ianbowden2524 3 года назад
Well, it's interesting to me that this was already what my Pentecostal church taught.
@SoundFaithChannel 3 года назад
Do you still go to that church? I noticed you said taught. Did they change their teaching or did you leave?
@ianbowden2524 3 года назад
@@SoundFaithChannel i just dont go as often
@beowulf.reborn 2 года назад
I've been listening to a lot of Lutheran teaching over the past year or so, and I'm not convinced your understanding of Luther is correct. From what I have gathered, Luther held to an unlimited atonement and that God alone, without any input by us, draws all men to Himself so that all can be saved, and it is only those who actively resist this drawing that are lost. If a person remains passive, doing nothing, God will bring them to a place of faith and repentance by His Grace. They also teach that a person can later depart the faith, but if they simply keep trusting (by the faith gifted to them by God), that they will by God's grace undergo sanctification, producing good works in keeping with the repentance and faith that God gifted them.
@JimiSurvivor Год назад
It seems to me that God requires faith IN Christ and confession OF Christ as a condition of salvation: …9 that if you CONFESS with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and BELIEVE in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with your heart you believe and are justified, and with your mouth you confess and are saved. 11 It is just as the Scripture says: “Anyone who believes in Him will never be put to shame.” (Romans 10:10)
@dave1370 2 года назад
Again, they said that he who adhered to Faith alone was cursed, but he (Paul) shows that he who adhered to Faith alone, is blessed. St. John Chrysostom Homily 3 on Galatians “Now as the Scripture says, the just shall live by faith, thus repudiating salvation by the Law, and moreover as Abraham was justified by Faith, it is evident that its efficacy is very great. And it is also clear, that he who abides not by the Law is cursed, and that he who keeps to Faith is just.” St. John Chrysostom Homily 3 on Galatians “And that not of ourselves. Neither is faith, he means, of ourselves. Because had He not come, had He not called us, how had we been able to believe? For how, says he, shall they believe, unless they hear? [Romans 10:14] So that the work of faith itself is not our own. It is the gift, said he, of God, it is not of works. Was faith then, you will say, enough to save us? No; but God, says he, has required this, lest He should save us, barren and without work at all. His expression is, that faith saves, but it is because God so wills, that faith saves. Since, how, tell me, does faith save, without works? This itself is the gift of God.” St. John Chrysostom Homily 4 on Ephesians
@elijahjay3782 3 года назад
@SoundFaith Im confuse of Christian Salvation I don't if we are saved by Faith Alone Or Faith +Works and I'm open to both of these Doctrines If what the Scriptures says and That's why I also Wanted to See what The First Christians Believe cause I feel they are closer to the truth about Salvation . My Question is =In Your Video Are You Saying they Believe In Faith Alone or Faith+Works ? My other Q is Do Catholics Believe the same as Early Church in salvation besides the Sacrament or whatever Just the points you re saying???? Im not Catholic and I'm not Protestant but I'm open to accept Faith +Works or Faith Alone
@timothy6828 2 года назад
They were teaching that salvation comes in two stages. The first stage is the free gift of God of forgiveness of our sins and the regeneration through baptism, the second stage however involves our effort in maintaining an obedient love faith relationship with Jesus Christ. Do you want further explanation? Let me know. We can also talk in private via Skype or anything if you want.
@zorse6896 Год назад
Hellooooooooo isn't it scary that this is so rarely preached almost nobody believes this we have to work out our own salvation in fear and trembling !
@beowulf.reborn 2 года назад
"Now this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent." And "By this we can be sure that we have come to know Him: if we keep His commandments. If anyone says, 'I know Him,' but does not keep His commandments, he is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But if anyone keeps His word, the love of God has been truly perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him: Whoever claims to abide in Him must walk as Jesus walked." ~ John 17:3; 1st John 2:3-6
@adjbutler 3 года назад
If you truly believe in the grace of God for your salvation, you will love one another and therefore fulfil the law of Christ. If you first believe in grace, but then if you become so preoccupied with works as to forget that all of Salvation is of grace at the end of the day, then you will have believed in vain. Have no doubt, you can lose your salvation.
@mikaelmalkin7076 3 года назад
Its the Faith in GOD that we have that produces our Good works , as we are GODS workmanship. I don't know one Christian who thinks to himself “Im doing these works so to earn salvation”. And you comment about being preoccupied with works so one forget about GODS grace, is seriously flawed. I know Christians who are in Africa doing missionary work , they so very busy doing the Lords work helping the poor, diseased, and the hungry etc that they basically are just working and sleeping. Of course they going to be preoccupied with their work, its hard not too when you seeing children die every day, on their death beds, to ill to eat, dying of starvation etc . Any human witnessing that daily will seriously be preoccupied ,and upset, traumatised..Whilst all this trauma reminds them of GOD, and this broken world, and it motivates them to work longer, , pray to GOD so he may help them poor sick hungry people. But basically they are working more than praying, thinking of GOD and his grace.. So then ,according to you they have have believed in vain, and thus will lose their salvation.. What is the correct percentage to doing GODS works like they do ,and reminding themselves of GODS grace then ? 50/50 ? 70/30 etc ? THis is why you theory is flawed.. We are broken, sinful human beings too, so we not always going to be thinking 24/7/365 about GODS grace are we,,oh unless you got a percentage for that too? What if your a Christian slave, worked to to phYsical exhaustion , hardly any sleep,, what the correct percentage of time spent thinking about GODS grace for them ? Gods word does not give us percentages that for sure. The simple fact is Christians have faith in GOD, faith that Jesus came as GOD incarnate, nailed our sins to the cross and died, and was Resurrected 3 days later, and will come back again. Thus they know they saved by GODS free gift of grace, not by works. The problem with people like you is your too hung up with the idea of grace over works, that anyone at all who does good works (deeds) in the name of GOD, must be doing so for salvation. Its black and white to you, one or the other. When there are grey areas, as i describe above. What would you prefer, Christian missionaries stop helping the poor ,sick of the world and come home as they may lose their salvation . GOD leads us to do good works as Christians..so deal with it.. IF you believe in Grace, but don't do any works , then your probably not saved at all. Ephesians 2: 8-10: For by grace you have been saved through faith; and [l]this not of yourselves, the gift of God; not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. 2 Cor 9:8. And God able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all may have an abundance for every good work.
@destroyingtheworksofthedev9349 2 года назад
adjbutler - you do not have salvation. You cannot lose what you don't have.
@dave1370 2 года назад
All thanksgiving for our salvation is to be given only to God. He extends his mercy to us so as to recall us to life precisely while we are straying, without looking for the right road. And thus we are not to glory in ourselves but in God, who has regenerated us by a heavenly birth through faith in Christ." Ambrosiaster "The fact that you Ephesians are saved is not something that comes from yourselves. It is the gift of God. It is not from your works, but it is God’s grace as God’s gift, not from anything you have deserved. Our works are one thing, what we deserve another. Hence he distinguishes the two phrases 'not from yourselves' and 'not from works.' Remember that there are faithful works that ought to be displayed daily in services to the poor and other good deeds…" Gaius Marius Victorinus "For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: 'The righteous will live by faith.' Romans 1:17. Paul says this because the righteousness of God is revealed in the one who believes, whether Jew or Greek. He calls it 'the righteousness of God' because God freely justifies the ungodly by faith, without the works of the law, just as he says elsewhere: 'That I may be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own, based on law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith.' He says that this same righteousness is revealed in the gospel when God grants faith to man, through which he may be justified. The truth and righteousness of God are revealed in this, when a man believes and confesses. The righteousness is of God because what he promised, he gave. Therefore, whoever believes that he has received what God promised through his prophets proves that God is just and is a witness of his righteousness. 'Through faith for faith.' What does this mean, except that the faith of God is in him because he promised, and the faith of man is in him because he believes the one who promises, so that through the faith of the God who promises the righteousness of God might be revealed in the faith of the man who believes? For to the believer God appears to be just, but to the unbeliever he appears to be unjust. Anyone who does not believe that God has given what he promised denies that God is truthful. This is said against the Jews, who deny that Christ is the one whom God promised. 'As it is written: ‘He who through faith is righteous shall live.' Paul now moves over to the example of the prophet Habakkuk in order to declare that in the past it was revealed that a just man lives by faith and not by the law, i.e., that a man is not justified before God by the law but by faith." Ambrosiaster Commentary on Paul’s Epistles "What does the Scripture say? "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness." Paul revealed that Abraham had glory before God not because he was circumcised nor because he abstained from evil, but because he believed in God. For that reason he was justified, and he would receive the reward of praise in the future." Ambrosiaster Commentary on Paul’s Epistles "No merit is imputed for reward to the man who is subject to the law- either to the law of works, i.e., of Moses, or to the law of nature." Ambrosiaster
@bathsheba41 3 года назад
Jesus said if he will be lifted up and He will draw all men unto himself
@danielbundalian6659 3 года назад
Simple answer: Early Christians were Catholics and believed in transubstantiation and the need for a church, tradition, and scripture for hundreds and hundreds of years until the Protestants came along and said “Nope, Scripture is all you need.” And there is no salvation outside of the Catholic Church.
@SoundFaithChannel 3 года назад
The early Christians were followers of Christ the King
@danielbundalian6659 3 года назад
@@SoundFaithChannel that’s right. They did believe he was Christ the king but that is not all. They also believed that Christ truly becomes present in simple bread and simple wine through the Eucharist, and this was believed by Christians for hundreds of years, and this practice is only continued by the Catholic Church today.
@danielbundalian6659 3 года назад
@Northern Wolf The sacrament of the Eucharist is only “valid” in the Catholic Church not because of the garments the priest wears or where he learned theology, but because it is the Catholic Church who truly follows what Christ taught about the Eucharist (i.e. Believing the bread and wine truly becomes Christ like how he said in John 6) and Catholic priest are the only ones who have been blessed and consecrated by bishops who have been blessed and consecrated by the pope whose lineage can be traced back to St. Peter, the first pope.
@danielbundalian6659 3 года назад
@Northern Wolf You are correct in saying that the building is not the church, it’s the people. That is true but your claim that Satan infiltrated the church from Rome hence the name “Roman Catholic Church” is absurd because the reason why Roman is added in front was to distinguish which church was which. Because what you fail to realize is that there are other Catholic Churches that are legitimately Catholic and in communion with the Vatican but they are not “Roman.” There are Chaldean Catholics (certainly not from Rome since these Catholics mostly reside in the Middle East) and the Eastern Catholic Church. For awhile actually, the main hub you could say of the Catholic Church existed in Constantinople because of the Roman emperor Constantine being the first Roman emperor to allow Christians to worship freely. The pope didn’t move into Rome until the 1300s and by then the Catholic Church had already been in existence for a thousand years so your “Satan infiltrating Rome hence the name Roman” theory doesn’t exactly hold up. But look, if we’re trying to find which church is the true church founded by Jesus himself, then we need to look back as far back into history as possible and we find the early Christians practiced everything Catholics practice today for THOUSANDS of years until the 16th century. So you tell me, who founded the church you go to? Martin Luther (hence the named Lutheran), because for me, the only person I can say that founded the church I go to, the Catholic Church, is Jesus Christ himself (Mathew 16:18, 1 Cor. 3:11, Eph. 2:20 Rev 21:14).
@mikelangiewicz5589 Год назад
Well done!
@dave1370 2 года назад
"By Whom also we have access, he says, by faith unto this grace. (7 manuscripts add, unto, etc.) If then He has brought us near to Himself, when we were far off, much more will He keep us now that we are near. And let me beg you to consider how he everywhere sets down these two points; His part, and our part. On His part, however, there be things varied and numerous and diverse. For He died for us, and farther reconciled us, and brought us to Himself, and gave us grace unspeakable. But we brought faith only as our contribution. And so he says, by faith, unto this grace. What grace is this? Tell me. It is the being counted worthy of the knowledge of God, the being forced from error, the coming to a knowledge of the Truth, the obtaining of all the blessings that come through Baptism. For the end of His bringing us near was that we might receive these gifts. For it was not only that we might have simple remission of sins, that we were reconciled; but that we might receive also countless benefits." St. John Chrysostom Homily 9 on Romans "Christ prayed for His persecutors, because they knew not what they did. He promised Paradise from the cross, because He is God the King. He rejoiced upon the cross, that all was finished when He drank the vinegar, because He had fulfilled all prophecy before He died. He was born for us, suffered for us, died for us, rose again for us. This alone is necessary for our salvation, to confess the Son of God risen from the dead." St. Hilary of Poitier On the Trinity, Book 10 "But no one, [Paul] says, is justified by works, in order that the grace and loving-kindness of God may be shown. He did not reject us as having works, but as abandoned of works He has saved us by grace; so that no man henceforth may have whereof to boast." St. John Chrysostom Homily 4 on Ephesians "Let us then give thanks, that we belong to them that are being saved, and not having been able to save ourselves by works, were saved by the gift of God. But in giving thanks, let us not do this in words only, but in works and actions. For this is the genuine thanksgiving, when we do those things whereby God is sure to be glorified, and flee from those from which we have been set free." St. John Chrysostom Homily 18 on Romans "Now, this is the perfect and consummate glory in God: not to exult in one's own justice, but, recognizing oneself as lacking true justice, to be justified by faith in Christ alone." St. Basil the Great Homily 20, On Humility
@dave1370 2 года назад
“For if you believe the Faith, why do you add other things, as if the faith were not sufficient to justify? Why do you enslave yourself by subjection to the Law? Have you no confidence in what you believe? This is a mark of an unsound and unbelieving mind. For one who is faithful does not doubt, but such an one evidently doubts.” St. John Chrysostom Homily 3 on Titus “For the law is not by faith, but the just man lives by faith. [Galatians 3:11] Therefore, faith, not the law, makes a man just, for justice is not through the law, but through the faith of Christ. But he who casts aside his faith and pleads for that the claims of the law, bears witness that he is himself unjust; for the just man lives by faith.” St. Ambrose Sermon Against Auxentius “[T]he Patriarch Abraham received the crown, not because he suffered death, but because he was faithful unto God; and the other Saints, of whom Paul speaks , Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephtha, David and Samuel, and the rest, were not made perfect by the shedding of their blood, but by faith they were justified.” St. Athanasius Ad Episcopus Aegypti et Libyae “And we, too, being called by His will in Christ Jesus, are not justified by ourselves, nor by our own wisdom, or understanding, or godliness, or works which we have wrought in holiness of heart; but by that faith through which, from the beginning, Almighty God has justified all men; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.” St. Clement of Rome First Epistle “If righteousness come by nature, then Christ died in vain. If, however, Christ did not die in vain, then human nature cannot by any means be justified and redeemed from God's most righteous wrath- in a word, from punishment- except by faith and the sacrament of the blood of Christ.” St. Augustine On Nature and Grace “For it is written that the just lives by faith. If you are just, and live by faith, if you truly believe in Christ, why, since you are about to be with Christ, and are secure of the Lord's promise, do you not embrace the assurance that you are called to Christ, and rejoice that you are freed from the devil?” St. Cyprian of Carthage Treatise 7 “For God does not ask for our blood, but for our faith. For neither Abraham, nor Isaac, nor Jacob were slain; and yet, being honoured by the deserts of faith and righteousness, they deserved to be first among the patriarchs, to whose feast is collected every one that is found faithful, and righteous, and praiseworthy.” St. Cyprian of Carthage Treatise 7
@PROJECT.LUKE.ONE.75 3 года назад
Help me understand if I'm missing something. How is theology (or a belief) considered a work? Furthermore, how is baptism not a work? Another question I have is, if baptism is necessary for salvation, how was the theif on the cross saved without baptism? Also, In reffering to salvation by faith alone it was said: "Generally, evangelicals believe this doctrine to such an extent, that they will consider someone as not even being saved-as not being a legit Christian-if that person doesn't hold to this doctrine also." *The following is where I believe an error is made* "In other words, what most evangelicals believe is that the only thing that can affect a Christian's salvation is to hold to the wrong theology about salvation. Other sins or errors may affect your relationship with God, and your reward in heaven, but they're not going to affect your salvation." If evangelicals believe that a person isn't a true Christian if they don't hold to salvation by faith alone doctrine, then how can they also believe that a person's salvation is affected if they don't hold to that doctrine? In other words, if they don't hold to that doctrine their salvation cannot be affected because they aren't saved to begin with. I'm trying to be fair to all sides, just trying to understand. Now if he would have said, In other words, what most evangelicals believe is that the only thing that can affect a Christian's salvation is to *change their theology* about salvation, that would make more sense. Right? I've been thinking deeply on this explanation of evangelical beliefs and I think its flawed.
@SoundFaithChannel 3 года назад
Is it alright if I make a video to answer some of your questions?
@PROJECT.LUKE.ONE.75 3 года назад
@@SoundFaithChannel Sure!
@stefang.9763 3 года назад
Became suspicious at the same point and started to check the comments. Thanks for your comment.
@SoundFaithChannel 3 года назад
@@stefang.9763 What point is that.
@andrewschiffer4323 2 года назад
Clement of Rome said And so we, having been called through His will in Christ Jesus, are not justified through ourselves or through our own wisdom or understanding or piety or works which we wrought in holiness of heart, but through faith, whereby the Almighty God justified all men that have been from the beginning; to whom be the glory for ever and ever. Amen.
@ReluctantPost Год назад
And just a few sentences later clarifies that he is referring to one's own works, not the righteous works of God: "Above all, with His holy and undefiled hands He formed man, the most excellent [of His creatures], and truly great through the understanding given him-the express likeness of His own image. For thus says God: 'Let us make man in Our image, and after Our likeness. So God made man; male and female He created them.' Having thus finished all these things, He approved them, and blessed them, and said, 'Increase and multiply.' We see, then, how all righteous men have been adorned with good works, and how the Lord Himself, adorning Himself with His works, rejoiced. Having therefore such an example, let us without delay accede to His will, and let us work the work of righteousness with our whole strength." That is the key behind Protestant-Evangelical error: Not understanding that the Scripture is speaking to our own works, or even the works of the Law, which cannot save us. Love and obedience to Christ, however, is an essential part of a faith in Him that is saving. My favorite illustration of this from a brother years ago was what happens when a neighbor calls me and tells me that my house is on fire. Whether I actually believe the neighbor and trust what the neighbor has said will be immediately apparent by what I do, or do not do, to respond to that message. Faith in the neighbor and the neighbor's message will save me, but not if that "faith" is merely by itself in some intellectual or spiritualized form and has no practical result in what I do. "Faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect" (James)
@andrewschiffer4323 Год назад
@@ReluctantPost so then how do you reconcile the inconsistency? If that's the case, I'll give you the answer. You can't. That is the error of the Constantine church that somehow you can continue to confess your way through your conscience at each and every level that will never be satisfied. Therein lies our savior that has saved us by grace alone through faith alone in God alone according to the scriptures alone. I am justified by grace through faith alone and I am vindicated by the fruit that is displayed. It may or may not prove the underlying salvation, the wheat and the tares is brought up together because sometimes they cannot be told apart one from another. Thus we examine ourselves. Anything more than that is apostate.
@jamesking8241 2 месяца назад
"Christians tend to make two mistakes when thinking about church history. The first mistake is to ignore it or think it unimportant. this view forgets that the Holy Spirit has been working in the church throughout the centuries to gift " shepherds and teachers"( Eph. 4:11) so that they would guide and teach the church.... The second mistake is to idolize church history,. or at least some part of it. I have met Christians who seem to think as if there was some golden age of doctrinal understanding long ago, and our task today should be simply to" get back" to that understanding of the past, such as the views of the early church Fathers, or the early creeds of the church, or Augustine, or a Luther,or Calvin, or the Puritans, or Wesley. but this view can neglect the fact that our only perfect source of doctrine is the Bible itself, and no one in history has understood it perfectly. Rather Christ has been working in the church throughout centuries to "sanctify" it. so that at the end " He might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing that she might be holy and without blemish."(Eph. 5:26-27)" - Gregg Allison, Historical Theology Forward pgs.1-2; I would like to point out, that there has been no person except God and Christ who has understood truth 100 perfectly. There is never been a golden age the people falsely believe that the church in understanding and doctrine had it all together.. not even the apostles. Acts & the Gospels confirm there lack of understanding. So I would like to kindly point out the false belief that there was a golden age of understanding truth has never existed and it's actually a form of idolizing.
@SoundFaithChannel 2 месяца назад
@jamesking8241 I agree that no one besides God himself knows everything. However, we can know all the doctrines of the faith. Jesus entrusted the apostles with his message and said that the Spirit would guide them into all the truth. So the apostles knew the doctrines of the faith at least by the end of their lifetimes. At Pentecost, they received the Spirit, who gave them a true understanding of what Jesus had been teaching. The only Christian doctrine that Acts suggests that the apostles were not aware of at that point was how and when the Gentiles would be brought into the church. But they learned that before they dispersed from the Jerusalem area and before any of them were martyred. The apostles wrote the doctrines of the faith into the New Testament, and gave them to their own followers. In the early years of the church, many false doctrines went around, but by the end of the apostles' ministry, they had a strong contingent of people who were firmly established in the true faith. Paul, for example, told the Ephesian elders that he had given them the whole counsel of God. Jesus tells the church in Thyatira, "Only hold fast what you have until I come." Later, of course, the church drifted from these teachings. So no human is perfect, and God is definitely working to sanctify the church. But that doesn't mean that we can't learn from those who were close to the apostles and to the years when the truth was firmly established in the church. -Lynn
@POrick4100 3 дня назад
As I watched this I would have thought this whole video supports the Catholic teaching. Maybe I am biased because I am a Catholic. I do think it’s interesting as you mention (as do many other Protestants) that baptism and repentance are not “works.” Why would you get baptized and repent if you believe your faith alone will save you? Is this not working out your faith?
@jg4x 9 месяцев назад
I appreciate this message very much. I am an evangelical protestant and have always belonged to churches with what I considered gospel centered teaching. Yet clearly there are many passages that are never focused on at all, and I have always been bothered by this. My one question right now: since none of us can be perfectly obedient, how much error throws us out of salvation? This question seems so absurd to me that it reinforces my belief that salvation begins and continues with faith, not behavior. Yet I can’t deny the future tense of many passages on salvation.
@SoundFaithChannel 9 месяцев назад
@jg4x Good question. The way I prefer to look at this is to consider God in the character of Father. If a father's children disobey him, he will certainly forgive them. However, if they continue in disobedience and make little or no effort to fix up their lives, at some point the father needs to say, "Sorry, you need to go find another place to live." Of course, a loving father will wait as long as possible before making such a decision, but eventually it has to be made. Faithfulness and obedience are closely tied together in family life; why wouldn't they be similarly tied together in our relationship with our Father in heaven? -Lynn
@jg4x 9 месяцев назад
@@SoundFaithChannel It's very nice of you to take the time to respond. My answer to your question "Faithfulness and obedience are closely tied together in family life; why wouldn't they be similarly tied together in our relationship with our Father in heaven?" is simply this: God enters into a covenant with us. My understanding of a covenant is that it doesn't rely on the performance of the other side. Very different from human family ties. My main difficulty though with your response is that it seems to say we can't know if we have eternal life. We have to wait and let God decide based on how well we behaved. I John 5:13 can never be true in that scenario. Having said this, I am persuaded that the protestant teaching I've received my whole life has intentionally downplayed the role of obedience in the life of the believer. I just don't know yet how to fit obedience into the doctrine of justification. My opinion has been that obedience has no role in justification, that justification is a free gift. Obedience flows from love for Jesus, not from an effort to earn salvation. But I'll remain open-minded and listen to the videos again.
@SoundFaithChannel 8 месяцев назад
@jg4x Good thoughts. However, God's covenants in the Old Testament were conditional, and the unbelieving Jews are no longer part of God's people, as Romans 9-11 teaches. Romans 11 even teaches that if we don't remain faithful, we will also be removed like the unbelieving Jews. Also, there are a lot of passages that teach that we will be judged by our works at the last judgment. If you're interested in diffing in some more, here's an article where I cite them: anabaptistfaith.org/salvation-includes-faith-and-works/ And I certainly believe 1 John 5:13. We can know that we are right with God. But how do we know? John tells us a few chapters earlier in 1 John 2:1-6. If we are keeping God's commands and loving our brother, even if we make some mistakes, we can know that we're right with God. Thanks for your openness, God bless. -Lynn
@jg4x 8 месяцев назад
@@SoundFaithChannel thanks very much for the detailed response. I’ve opened the article and will read all of it. Thanks again.
@SoundFaithChannel 8 месяцев назад
@jg4x I'd be glad to hear your thoughts on the article, if you ever care to share. -Lynn
@horseman528 4 месяца назад
Here's what the New Testament says the plan of salvation is. Hear the gospel. (Rom. 10:17) Believe the gospel. (John 3:16) Repent of your sins. (Acts 17:30) Confess your belief in Christ as the Son of God and Savior to others. (Rom. 10:9-10, Matt. 10:32) Be baptized for the remission of sins. (Acts 2:38, Acts 22:16) Be faithful until death. (Rev. 2:10) We're saved the same way they were on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2:37-38, and the same way the Ethiopian eunuch was in Acts 8:35-40. Rom. 16:16.
@dave1370 2 года назад
“They have been manifestly blessed whose sins and iniquities are forgiven and covered without any labor and effort. No works of penance are required of them except only that they believe.” Ambrose On Romans 4 "The very reason, indeed, why [Paul] so often declares that righteousness is imputed to us, not out of our works, but our faith, whereas faith rather works through love, is that no man should think that he arrives at faith itself through the merit of his works; for it is faith which is the beginning whence good works first proceed; since (as has already been stated) whatsoever comes not from faith is sin." St. Augustine Against Pelagius "God does not wait for time to elapse after repentance. You stated your sin, you are justified. You repented, you have been shown mercy." St. John Chrysostom Homilies on Repentance and Almsgiving 7.4.12 "It is clear that because grace is the gift of God there is no reward due for works, but it is granted freely because of the free mercy which intervenes." Ambrosiaster Commentary on Paul’s Epistles.
@TruthHasSpoken 3 года назад
The only time these two words are ever side by side in scripture : _"24 You see that a man is justified by works and NOT by faith alone."_ Those WORKS are not of the OT Law, they can not save. They are ... our walking in love of God and neighbor. That is precisely WHY God says of Abraham : _22 You see that faith was active along with his works, and "faith was completed by works"_ Or restated, without works of love, faith was incomplete. And can an incomplete faith save you? God is saying .. no; it's dead. _14 What does it profit, my brethren, if a man says he has faith but has not works? Can his faith save him?_
@alexmarker881 3 года назад
Works are the fruit of genuine faith, justification there in verse 24 is before men not before God. We know someone is in the faith by his works, If someone says they have faith but dont have works they are self decieved. Works dont save anyone they are just the result of someone who is already saved
@TruthHasSpoken 3 года назад
@@alexmarker881 " Works dont save anyone they are just the result of someone who is already saved" Scripture says that no where !!!!! "justification there in verse 24 is before men not before God." And scripture doesn't say this either. This is your _interpretation_ of the text. *Question:* do you agree with scripture, that faith is made COMPLETE by works .. YES or NO? God says of Abraham : _22 You see that faith was active along with his works, and faith was completed by works,_ OR restated, without works (of love) can one be saved? God is saying .. NO ! _14 What does it profit, my brethren, if a man says he has faith but has not works? Can his faith save him?_ When we come to faith, we come to an initial "I believe" .. and we are baptized, receiving the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and sanctifying grace in our souls. We are SAVED right there ! That's why James 2 says *"Baptism Now Saves You."* We are regenerated through Baptism, SAVED! : _5 _*_he saved us,_*_ not because of deeds done by us in righteousness, but in virtue of his own mercy, _*_by the washing of regeneration and renewal in the Holy Spirit,_* (Titus 3) How are we BORN AGAIN scripturally? Answer : through our baptism !! _5 Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is _*_born of water and the Spirit,_*_ he cannot enter the kingdom of God._ (John 3) And from that point of being SAVED, we grow in our justification through our works of love. That's why God says Abraham was justified by works (he WAS previously justified by FAITH).
@alexmarker881 3 года назад
@@TruthHasSpoken Do true christians have works? YES. Do decieved christians have works? No. I'm not sure if that answers your question of a complete faith but Yes all saved christians do have works.
@alexmarker881 3 года назад
@@TruthHasSpoken Being born again is something we have no control of just like our natural birth That was a chat Jesus had with a farasee who believed he was saved by works
@TruthHasSpoken 3 года назад
@@alexmarker881 " I'm not sure if that answers your question of a complete faith " Do you believe as scripture says, that faith is made complete by works (of love) ? I am quoting scripture.
@philipbuckley759 3 года назад
how does this relate to the teaching of, saved, sanctified, glorified.....
@dave1370 2 года назад
So as I've shown, the early church clearly held that faith alone in Christ justifies the sinner. I believe that it's important for people to understand what the Sola of faith alone actually teaches. it does not teach that good works are not present or unnecessary in the life of a Christian in the slightest. Luther wrote an entire treatise primarily on the importance of good works. good works are necessarily present in good faith that saves. But is Augustine said, good works are a gift from God as well, so they are not even our own anyway. even the faith given to us is a gift. everything is attributed to God. God alone is responsible for our salvation. the good works we do are prepared for us and are a necessary byproduct of faith. Faith that doesn't have good works is not even faith. It is non-existent.
@SoundFaithChannel 2 года назад
@Dave I don't think you will find that the early Christians taught the Protestant version of Faith Alone. First, the early Christians you cited were pretty late, most of the quotes post-dating the Council of Nicaea. So this is not very compelling evidence for what the early church believed. Second, you will not find even these writers (other than Augustine himself) supporting what Augustine claimed when you cite him as saying that both faith and works are from God alone and not from us--all Christian leaders until Augustine taught that determinism is false. In fact, reading between the lines shows that quite a few of these quotes are not at all about Faith Alone as Protestants tend to define it. They are saying that, when we are first brought into the Kingdom, God doesn't require good works--just repentance and baptism. However, these same writers will mostly also teach that God requires good works in order to be saved in the end. Finally, Scripture clearly teaches that works are necessary for final salvation. Just take a look at the book of James if you aren't sure of this. However, if, as you say, faith and works are one and the same, and if therefore both of them are necessary for final justification, you are right. Faith without works is dead, and our final salvation is dependent on our deeds, as Romans 2 shows. But then you can hardly call the doctrine you hold "Faith Alone." -Lynn
@jonathanbarnes4597 3 года назад
This guy is telling the truth I think
@dave1370 2 года назад
"...I have in this letter, which has reached you, shown by passages of Holy Scripture, which you can examine for yourselves, that our good works and pious prayers and right faith could not possibly have been in us unless we had received them all from Him, concerning whom the Apostle James says, 'Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights.' And so no man can say that it is by the merit of his own works, or by the merit of his own prayers, or by the merit of his own faith, that God's grace has been conferred upon him; nor suppose that the doctrine is true which those heretics hold, that the grace of God is given us in proportion to our own merit." St. Augustine On Grace and Free Will "Paul was speaking here of the way wages are given. But God gave by grace, because he gave to sinners so that by faith they might live justly, that is, do good works. Thus the good works which we do after we have received grace are not to be attributed to us but rather to him who has justified us by his grace. For if God had wanted to give us our due reward, he would have given us the punishment due to sinners." Augustine "For clearly it is not through praiseworthy actions but by faith alone that we obtain mystical blessings. It is for this reason that the divine apostle has also proclaimed: For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God⸺not the result of works, so that no one may boast." Theodoret of Cyrrhus (393-466) “Where there is reconciliation there is also remission of sins. For if, as the Scripture says, our sins separate between us and God (Is. 59:2), there is no reconciliation while sin remains. In what, then, is remission of sins? This cup, He says, is the new testament in My Blood which shall be shed for you for the remission of sins (S. Matt. 26:28). Therefore where there is reconciliation there is remission of sins. And what is that but justification? Whether, therefore, we call it reconciliation, or remission of sins, or justification, or, again, redemption, or liberation from the chains of the devil, by whom we were taken captive at his will, at all events by the death of the Only Begotten, we obtain that we have been justified freely by His blood, in whom, as S. Paul says again, we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace (Eph. 1:7)." St. Bernard of Clairvaux Letter CXC "Therefore the man who through sorrow for sin hungers and thirsts for justice, let him trust in the One who changes the sinner into a just man, and, judged righteous in terms of faith alone, he will have peace with God." St. Bernard of Clairvaux Sermon 22 "For the Lord is the good man of the house, who rules the entire house of His Father; and who delivers a law suited both for slaves and those who are as yet undisciplined; and gives fitting precepts to those that are free, and have been justified by faith, as well as throws His own inheritance open to those that are sons… Enoch, too, pleasing God, without circumcision, discharged the office of God’s legate to the angels although he was a man, and was translated, and is preserved until now as a witness of the just judgment of God, because the angels when they had transgressed fell to the earth for judgment, but the man who pleased [God] was translated for salvation.* Moreover, all the rest of the multitude of those righteous men who lived before Abraham, and of those patriarchs who preceded Moses, were justified independently of the things above mentioned, and without the law of Moses." St. Irenaeus Against Heresies, Book 4 "'For the righteous,' says he, 'He made a sinner; that He might make the sinners righteous.' Yea rather, he said not even so, but what was greater far; for the word he employed is not the habit, but the quality itself. For he said not ​"​made​"​ [Him] a sinner, but ​"​sin;​"​ not, 'Him that had not sinned' only, but ​"​that had not even known sin; that we​"​ also ​"​might become,​"​ he did not say 'righteous,' but, ​"​righteousness,​"​ and, ​"​the righteousness of God.​"​ For this is [the righteousness] ​"​of God​"​ when we are justified not by works, (in which case it were necessary that not a spot even should be found,) but by grace, in which case all sin is done away. And this at the same time that it suffers us not to be lifted up, (seeing the whole is the free gift of God,) teaches us also the greatness of that which is given. For that which was before was a righteousness of the Law and of works, but this is ​"​the righteousness of God.​"​ St. John Chrysostom Homily 11 on Second Corinthians
@RyanGrandon 3 года назад
thank you for the video. question, what denomination today best aligns with what the early church believed? also, what was the early churches view of communion in relation to salvation? did they beleive in the Roman catholic view of transubstantiation? thank you so much.
@philipbuckley759 3 года назад
get David Pawsons book, on what is the Church and see if you can get a group of people to read it, together, and see where it leads you....
@orthochristos 2 года назад
The Eastern Orthodox Church teaches, actually has taught since Pentecost, what this man is saying.
@the4gospelscommentary Год назад
The Roman Catholic Church IS the early church.
@dave_ecclectic 9 месяцев назад
All of these people were Catholics almost all Bishops and one a Pope. Pope Clement I (88-99) Imagine, the Church that Jesus built got it right after all
@lynnmmartin 9 месяцев назад
This is the early Christian church, which, yes, was termed the catholic church. That doesn't mean it's the same as a church with a similar name, the Roman Catholic Church. Also, there's no evidence from the time period that Clement functioned as a Pope.
@vinceplanetta8415 5 месяцев назад
According to these guys, if you don’t have a valid bishop you don’t have a church.
@dave_ecclectic 5 месяцев назад
@@lynnmmartin The name _ROMAN_ Catholic Church is new. It was applied to the Catholic Church by the Anglican Church as an insult. The Catholic Church begins on Pentecost ~33 AD. Today Roman Catholic only designates the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church In most cases it is being mis-applied, as you are doing. Actually, Clement I letter (First Epistle of Clement) is proof of a Pope and he was the Pope while an Apostle still lived.
@dave_ecclectic 5 месяцев назад
@@vinceplanetta8415 If you have an invalid bishop or no bishop, what do you have? Why did Paul write so many letters on the subject of bishops if they are not required?
@lynnmmartin 5 месяцев назад
@@dave_ecclectic The name "Roman Catholic Church" can indeed refer to the Latin Rite, but that is not the only possible definition. In fact, your church has accepted the name in multiple magisterial documents, such as Magnae Nobis, Humani Generis, and Divini Illius Magistri. It can be used of the churches affiliated with the Pope. I hope you can understand that those of us who don't believe your church to be the entire catholic church wouldn't refer to you by such a presumptive name, but would instead choose another valid name that better reflected our view of your church. Also, I think you should read the first epistle of Clement more closely. Clement himself is never mentioned in it; it says that it's from the presbyters at Rome. Clement is considered to be the person who wrote it for the church in Rome, but that doesn't mean he was Pope. So no, that epistle is not a proof of the Papacy.
@fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676 2 года назад
Luke 2:13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, John 3:8 The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. Acts 2:2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
@jerryjamify 3 года назад
We are saved by (gods) grace through Christ faith...its a gift from god, you were chosen, called by God . It's nothing you did it's a miracle.
@Evenbeforethetrailer 2 года назад
Absolutely we are! But we must continue in the faith, and use the grace Jesus gave us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age (Titus 2:12). For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins (hebrew 10:26).
@Evenbeforethetrailer 2 года назад
@Eric Hoskins Hello friend, Here Peter says that those who distort Paul's word are the lawless (those who still practice sin), thus causing others to stumble. 2 Peter 3:16-18 Some parts of his letters are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction. Therefore..be on your guard so that you will not be carried away by the error of the LAWLESS and fall from your secure standing. Here Jude warns that there are some who will pervert true biblical grace, by saying: "God’s marvelous grace allows them to live immoral lives" Jude 1:4 Here Jesus says: Depart from me you workers of INIQUITY. Matt 7:23 And finally, Hebews states is very clearly : For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins. Hebrews 10:26. God bless you!
@barberpianoserv 3 года назад
No need to apologise for all the quotes. I have listened to this message many times, and I never tire of hearing them. Question: Some might say these early Christians were guilty of the same heresy for which Paul rebuked the Galatians. How would you respond to such a criticism? How would you explain the difference between the Galatians' error and what the early Christians taught? Thanks.
@dave1370 2 года назад
“Do not trust in riches; for all such things are left here, faith alone will accompany you. And righteousness indeed will go with you if faith has led the way. Why do riches entice you? You were not redeemed with gold and silver, with possessions, or silk garments, from your vain conversation, but with the precious Blood of Christ. He then is rich who is an heir of God, a joint heir with Christ." St. Ambrose Letter 63 “The favors of God so far exceed human hope and expectation, that often they are not believed. For God has bestowed upon us such things as the mind of man never looked for, never thought of. It is for this reason that the Apostles spend much discourse in securing a belief of the gifts that are granted us of God. For as men, upon receiving some great good, ask themselves if it is not a dream, as not believing it; so it is with respect to the gifts of God. What then was it that was thought incredible? That those who were enemies, and sinners, neither justified by the law, nor by works, should immediately through faith alone be advanced to the highest favor.” St. John Chrysostom Homily 4 on First Timothy "'But we are bound to give thanks always to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, for that God chose you from the beginning unto salvation, in sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth.' How unto salvation? By sanctifying you through the Spirit. For these are the things that are the efficient causes of our salvation. It is nowhere of works, nowhere of righteous deeds, but through belief of the truth." St. John Chrysostom Homily 4 on Second Thessalonians "They are justified freely because they have not done anything nor given anything in return, but by faith alone they have been made holy by the gift of God." Ambrosiaster Commentary on Romans "But what is the 'law of faith'? It is, being saved by grace. Here [Paul] shows God's power, in that He has not only saved, but has even justified, and led them to boasting, and this too without needing works, but looking for faith only." St. John Chrysostom Homily 7 on Romans
@JoshLatterell Год назад
If you so grossly misrepresent/misunderstand what “most evangelicals believe” today how can I trust your interpretation of what early Christians believed 2000 years ago?
@SoundFaithChannel Год назад
@JoshLatterell Could you correct us on what most evangelicals believe? -Lynn
@Jonathan-wx8yw 2 года назад
I could be wrong but I think I basically agree but I would still defend the statement about salvation by faith alone. But I don't believe salvation through faith alone the way most others do.
@SoundFaithChannel 2 года назад
@some random person You might be interested in looking at this article, which addresses that: anabaptistfaith.org/salvation-includes-faith-and-works/ All best -Lynn
@reylambarte5615 4 месяца назад
He do not know the whole concept of salvation by faith alone
@kizpouncey27 2 года назад
So true you don’t have to be a bible scollar to be saved
@MichaelAnderson-ng6nz Год назад
Theres no two stages of salvation. Every newoborn will do some works it doesnt matter if less or many works. The conditional salvation and calvinism are false doctrines. John 15:5 -> 1.corinthians 3:13
@SoundFaithChannel Год назад
@Michael Anderson I suggest studying the following Scriptures on this. Works are not required for first becoming a Christian: www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Rom+9%3A15%E2%80%9318%2C+11%3A5%E2%80%936%2C+Eph+2%3A8%E2%80%939%2C+2+Tim+1%3A9%2C+Titus+3%3A5&version=ESV Works are required in the final judgment: www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matt+7%3A21-27%2C+Matt+12%3A36-37%2C+Matt+13%3A40-43%2C+Matt+16%3A27%2C+Matt+18%3A34-35%2C+Matt+25%3A34-46%2C+John+5%3A28-30%2C+Rom+2%3A6-11%2C+2+Cor+5%3A10%2C+Gal+6%3A7-9%2C+Rev+20%3A12-13%2C+Rev+22%3A12&version=ESV -Lynn
@philipbuckley759 3 года назад
this is really slow, and none to radical.....so it presents not so much a different picture, than what is taught, today...
@SoundFaithChannel 3 года назад
Where do you live? I had never heard this understanding until I listened to this message. Also, there is a 2x speed button that makes it twice as fast if your brain works like that-Thats what I do.
@orthochristos 2 года назад
This was very beautiful. Here is my suggestion to anyone reading this. The early Church is still here. Go into an eastern Orthodox Church if you can find one and ask the priest inside. God bless this man.
@SoundFaithChannel 2 года назад
Thank you, @OrthoChristos! We're very thankful for the witness of the Eastern Orthodox in preserving many of the doctrines that were lost for a time in the West. Just so you know, however, we differ from the Eastern Orthodox Church in the way we understand the historic Christian faith to be--war and political involvement would be two areas of concern. God bless you as well. -Lynn
@saenzperspectives 2 года назад
@@SoundFaithChannel I would recommend you look at the life of Saint Maximus the Confessor’s life to understand how your two concerns regarding Orthodoxy aren’t an actual issue. Orthodoxy is the Faith once delivered to the saints.
@saenzperspectives 2 года назад
@@SoundFaithChannel look up “ancient faith radio Thomas Hopko resisting like St. Maximus” that lecture will be very helpful.
@user-jy5qm8nc9m 2 года назад
@@saenzperspectives Orthodoxy looked interesting until the moment I realized they are mostly uninterested in evangelism, uninterested in good works. '' By their fruits you shall know them '' if my baptist friends joined an orthodox church they would have to downgrade their christian life because the orthodox church is mostly uninterested in those things and I couldn't blame them because I can't join a church that's mostly indifferent toward the lost. And then as if it was not enough, they hold that church tradition is equal to God's Word which is just unacceptable, totally unacceptable.
@ffii7773 Год назад
​@@saenzperspectives Constantine, for all the good he accomplished through the inspiration of the Gospel, cannot claim to follow Christ. He decided to establish Christianity state religion of the Roman Empire only because he believed that God had blessed him in battle against his enemies, but we know that we are not to wage war under any circumstance. how then can anyone who claims to follow Christ, in good conscience, also participate in the political-economic life of empire's past and present when it is clearly said that one cannot serve two masters? and yet, the essence of the orthodox church consists of the attempt to make compatible the political, economic, and cultural sensibilities of the world with the commandments of Christ.
@dave1370 2 года назад
"But to him that works not, but believes on him that justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. - Romans 4:5 Paul says this because to an ungodly person, that is, to a Gentile, who believes in Christ without doing the works of the law, his faith is reckoned for righteousness just as Abraham’s was. How then can the Jews think that they have been justified by the works of the law in the same way as Abraham, when they see that Abraham was not justified by the works of the law but by faith alone? Therefore there is no need of the law when the ungodly is justified before God by faith alone." Ambrosiaster Commentary on Paul's Epistles "For before the coming of the Saviour we all were in sin: there was no one who acknowledged Him Who by nature and verily is God. 'There was no one doing good, no not one; but they all had turned aside together, and become reprobate.' But because the Only-begotten submitted Himself to emptiness, and became flesh, and was made man, sinners have perished, and exist no longer. For the dwellers upon earth have been justified by faith, have washed away the pollution of sin by holy baptism, have been made partakers of the Holy Ghost, have sprung out of the hand of the enemy; and having bidden as it were the hosts of devils to depart, dwell under the yoke of Christ. Christ's gifts therefore raise men to a hope long looked for, and to a most dear joy." St. Cyril of Alexandria Sermon 40 on the Gospel of Luke "But we, wretched beings, by having set up our own lusts in opposition to the will of our Lord, had put ourselves into the position of enemies to Him. But by Christ this has been done away: for He is our peace; for He has united us by Himself to God the Father, having taken away from the middle the cause of the enmity, even sin, and so justifies us by faith, and makes us holy and without blame, and calls near to Him those who were afar off." St. Cyril of Alexandria Sermon 2 on Luke
@mirandarogers3595 2 года назад
1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
@ishiftfocus1769 9 месяцев назад
The gospel taught by Peter and the Lord in his earthly ministry was without the cross. Nobody could be saved in Matthew-John by the gospel of the cross, which is the only gospel that brings salvation to all men today. Today, preaching the gospel without the cross is vain (1 Cor 1:17-18). There are other gospels in the Bible given to Israel that are without the cross. They would not be vain according to God’s promises to Israel, but they need to be rightly divided from the gospel that saves into the church. God is not bringing in his kingdom to Israel today, but he is ministering the good news of Christ crucified and resurrected for the sins of all men. A gospel without the cross is no gospel to lost sinners. The only gospel that saves today requires the cross of Christ.
@SoundFaithChannel 9 месяцев назад
@ishiftfocus1769 Both Jesus and Paul taught the gospel of the kingdom (Matt 4:23, 9:35, 24:14, Acts 14:22, 19:8, 20:25, etc.). There is only one gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus taught that all Christians must obey his commandments, even after his death and resurrection (Matt 7:24-27, 28:20). Jesus' teachings apply to this age. The Kingdom of God has come. It is present today, and it demands our exclusive loyalties. anabaptistfaith.org/two-kingdoms-theology/ You may want to know that dispensationalism, which often includes the teaching that we must cut up the New Testament into different dispensations, some of which are not applicable today, was invented less than three hundred years ago. It's not a belief that was found in the early church. -Lynn
@solidrock3847 2 года назад
Why do you go to the purgatorium, even if you had maintain faith and good works? Why does the bible say, that some will just save their lives but all their works will burn down in fire?
@SoundFaithChannel 2 года назад
@SolidRock Because some people have been faithful to Christ, but not fully obedient, the works that they have done were detrimental. So those people will be saved, but the things that they thought they were doing for Jesus will not be saved. For example, those who honestly thought they were going to war for Christ may be saved, but their accomplishments will be condemned, because they weren't building properly on the foundation. Does that make sense? -Lynn
@dave1370 2 года назад
For the mercy of God had been given for this reason, that they should cease from the works of the law, as I have often said, because God, taking pity on our weakness, decreed that the human race would be saved by faith alone, along with the natural law."... Perhaps what had been handed on to them had come into disrepute, because it had never been confirmed by any testimony and hence had become loosened from apostolic teaching. It is the power of God which calls persons to faith and which gives salvation to all who believe, because it remits sins and justifies, so that one who has been marked with the mystery of the cross cannot be bound by the second death. For the preaching of the cross of Christ is a sign that death has been expelled, as the apostle John says: “The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.” Thus no believer is bound by death, since he has a sign that death has been conquered. Ambrosiaster "The truth and righteousness of God are revealed in this, when a man believes and confesses. The righteousness is of God because what he promised, he gave. Therefore, whoever believes that he has received what God promised through his prophets proves that God is just and is a witness of his righteousness. “Through faith for faith.” What does this mean, except that the faith of God is in him because he promised, and the faith of man is in him because he believes the one who promises, so that through the faith of the God who promises the righteousness of God might be revealed in the faith of the man who believes?" Ambrosiaster "To David himself; for understanding; by which it is understood that not by the merits of works, but by the grace of God, man is delivered, confessing his sins. "Blessed are they whose unrighteousness is forgiven, and whose sins are covered": and whose sins are buried in oblivion. "Blessed is the man to whom the Lord hath not imputed sin, nor is there guile in his mouth": nor has he in his mouth boastings of righteousness, when his conscience is full of sins." St. Augustine Exposition on Psalm 32 "Obviously they are blessed, whose iniquities are forgiven without labor or work of any kind and whose sins are covered without any work of penitence being required of them, as long as they believe. How can these words apply to a penitent, when we know that penitents obtain the forgiveness of sin with much struggle and groaning? How can they be applied to a martyr, when we know that the glory of martyrdom is obtained by sufferings and pressures? But the prophet, foreseeing a happy time when the Savior comes, calls them blessed because their sins are forgiven, covered and not reckoned to them, and this without labor or work of any kind." Ambrosiaster Commentary on Paul’s Epistles. "How then can the Jews think that they have been justified by the works of the law in the same way as Abraham, when they see that Abraham was not justified by the works of the law but by faith alone? Therefore there is no need of the law when the ungodly is justified before God by faith alone.'" Ambrosiaster Commentary on Paul's Epistles "Paul backs this up by the example of the prophet David, who says that those are blessed of whom God has decreed that, without work or any keeping of the law, they are justified before God by faith alone." Ambrosiaster Commentary on Paul's Epistles "When Paul and Barnabas were having these discussions with John and Peter and James, the gospel was accepted and established in the way that Paul describes. The only thing that they did not hear willingly in this dispute was that works were not part of salvation. Their sole injunction, however, was that they should be mindful of the poor. Thus they agree on this point also, that the hope of salvation does not reside in the activity of doing works for the poor, but they simply enjoin-what?-that we be mindful of the poor. Not that we should spend all our efforts on it but that we should share with those who have not what we are able to have. We are instructed simply that we should be mindful of the poor, not that we should place our care and thought upon our own capacity to hold on to our salvation by this means." Gaius Marius Victorianus "We are then righteous when we confess that we are sinners, and our righteousness depends not upon our own merits, but on the mercy of God, as the Holy Scripture says, 'The righteous man accuseth himself when he beginneth to speak,' and elsewhere, 'Tell thy sins that thou mayest be justified.''God hath shut up all under sin, that He may have mercy upon all.' And the highest righteousness of man is this-whatever virtue he may be able to acquire, not to think it his own, but the gift of God." Jerome (Atticus) Against the Pelagians, Book 1
What the Early Christians Believed About Salvation
Christian Apologists and Early Heresies
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