
What the Heck Happened in 2023? 

American Vision
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Darren Doane and Gary DeMar discuss the controversy that happened in 2023.
The Hope of Israel and the Nations by Kim Burgess with Gary DeMar: store.american...
New Testament Eschatology by Gary DeMar and Francis X. Gumerlock: store.american...
Last Days Madness by Gary DeMar: store.american...
Left Behind: Separating Fact from Fiction by Gary DeMar: store.american...
The Destruction of Jerusalem, the Mysterious Language of St. Paul's Description of the Man of Sin, and the Day of the Lord by Nehemiah Nisbett: store.american...
The Beast of Revelation by J.D. King: store.american...
When Creeds and Confessions Don’t Say Enough and Commentators Don’t Agree: store.american...



10 сен 2024




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@dnpweber Месяц назад
Thank you Mr. Doane and Mr. DeMar, for this inside baseball look into this controversy. We were aware, out here in the hinterlands, of a falling out, which deeply hurt us, but had no mechanism for understanding what all was happening, only that we felt we were being told a trusted source was no longer to be trusted and we didn’t understand why. This conversation has been a clarifying blessing. Thank you so very much!
@royalpriest89 Месяц назад
Thank you Lord for Gary DeMar and 2023. It forced me to answer those questions. It forced me to put the Word of God before man-made creeds/traditions. Once again, thank you brother Gary for having the courage to have this conversation.
@micahlantz905 Месяц назад
Yes indeed
@thecanberean Месяц назад
Bless you Gary. Hang in there. Stand your ground. I’ve listened to every episode of that Covenant Hermeneutics & Biblical Eschatology Podcast you did with Kim Burgess twice now and it all makes total sense to me. I’m 60 and I’ve been a Christian for 31 years now. I’ve gone through all the various ‘mill’ versions and tried to make Revelation work with no comfort until now. Kim’s (and yours) breakdown of all things eschatological just fits. Thank you. . . Although if I was honest I would’ve loved to hear an exegesis of 1 Corinthians 15 😁 Maybe some time in the future..? And why has the church missed this for 2,000 years?
@donawyo Месяц назад
The church has missed it because of the lies of Satan.
@DavidRodriguez-yo7zw 23 дня назад
I admire a man like Gary Demar who stands his ground. I too want to know what the Bible says and not what some creed or tradition says. Thank you Gary and God bless you.
@davejcampbe11 Месяц назад
This is a vital conversation. Thanks, Darren, for jumping into the fray, and Gary for sharing where your questions are. I am sure there are many like myself (who have been taught our preterist sensibilities by Wilson, Gentry, Durbin, et. al. ) who have the same questions.
@jamessanborn3043 Месяц назад
Prayers, Gary, the Lord keeps you cancer free. 🙏
@promisesrkept Месяц назад
Gary, Please come to the Eschatology Conference in August! I signed up because you were on the schedule. I heard you canceled because of your health. You look great in this video! Please, please, please if there’s any way you can get back on the schedule please do that!
@JR-rs5qs Месяц назад
We do need a council on eschatology but Wilson, Gentry, and others are more interested in acting like the RCC and saving face because their many contradictions will come to light.
@EmDubbs Месяц назад
This is a great partial, full, and preterist discussion that shows the nitty gritty differences between Post-Mils and A-Mils even under their own silo/umbrella (and others who are-but-aren't depending on the eschatological specifics). The "game of theology" comments around 58:20:00.... so, so true. Love Darren and Gary's online conversations.
@user-vx7hg3nn4v 9 дней назад
I truly truly think that teh #1 reason Wislon, Durbin and all the rest of them do NOT sit with Gary is because he would walk circles around them They don't have any REAL answers They aren't comfortable in debating him They just want him in the end to shut up, comply or go away.
@JR-rs5qs Месяц назад
Paul is quite clear in 1 Cor 15 that what is sown is not the same as what is raised. Flesh cannot inheret the kingdom of God. Corruption must put on Incorruption.
@jilesbo9175 Месяц назад
I think I agree! It said Flesh and Blood will not inherit the Kingdom Of Heaven/God. Also "My Kingdom Is Not Of This World." Demar is right. He's just under enormous pressure! How ironic is it that it's all the Pagan Cults and Nations that think and thought it was all about this earthly material reality.... How ironic is it that Cults and Pagans anthropomorphize everything. Nah it's all nonsense. When our life expires that's it, it's over. We all have to go through this life to get to the other life! And how awesome is that. Am I to think that somehow our Lord exists in a inferior existence? That his Throne is in a reality inferior to ours? How blasphemous is that! These ppl that think it's all about planet earth have ZERO faith and hope in the Lord! They are 1,000% attached to this vain existence! Shameful is all I can say!
@tommorris7275 Месяц назад
It is really interesting that James Jordan teaches in his 204 lectures on Revelation that Revelation 20:7-10 is the only the section of Revelation that prophesies solely about the second coming. Jordan teaches other Scripture like Matthew 24:36-51 have a double-meaning of applying to AD 70 and the second coming. Maybe Gary could learn from and build on this if he agrees.
@tcjensen1 19 дней назад
Revelation 20 is a recapitulation of the previous 19 chapters. Every concept there is covered in more detail in previous chapters.
@micahlantz905 Месяц назад
I'm so glad someone finally had this conversation for the public to hear! Glad it was you Darren!
@tommasiero5234 25 дней назад
42:38 such a great point about them selling their property vs the covenant
@user-vx7hg3nn4v 8 дней назад
i cannot believe this only got 5.000 views. wow!
@myndibrian Месяц назад
I am the guy mentioned at the end around the 1:34 mark working on the reception history of 2 Thessalonians. Thanks Gary!
@JesusChristisYourLordandGod Месяц назад
This was great and much needed. Thanks to you both!
@EMTTT Месяц назад
The one thing that I thought of when the talking statue was mentioned is that the woman mentioned must have never heard of Disneyland and the rest of the kingdom of Walt. As a child I remember people talking about how they could not figure out hire certain historical figures were able to talk to them. Gary, thank you for your ministry. You have been in my prayers daily since this man-made controversy has started; as have my other fellow brothers that have been harassing you. One day we will all be seated at the table worshipping our Savior
@PostPosties Месяц назад
Love Doane's transparency at 00:34:00 and following. He's trying to be a good boy and just trust what the community around him is telling him to believe, even though it feels so contorted (my words). For those of us that came to an Amill position in seminary, it was a lot easier, since we were presented with a whole bunch of positions and were allowed to just settle in with the one that made the most sense from the text. This is why I hate when churches or denominations not only take fixed stances on eschatology, but demand that their people adopt the same stance. I attended Columbia Bible College in a day when the graduating students basically had to take a pre-mill position in order to graduate. All of these groups simply need to back off. The texts are hard and it's not cool to demand conformity when the texts are inherently opaque.
@wheatandchaff-z6s 17 дней назад
Hebrews 9:28 says that man is appointed once to die, but after this, the judgment. After a man dies, he exits from time to God's eternity. How is God limited once a man dies? What if God's judgment happens according to His timetable and all men are judged at the same time as one another? We tend to project our finite thinking upon God's eternal decrees.
@haroldwalma255 Месяц назад
Physics teach us that time is an essential part of the physical realm. Our soul/spirit is immaterial, not part of the physical realm. I think when we die our souls pass through time to the resurrection and final judgement. Sometimes we just need the humility to say I am not sure.
@jilesbo9175 Месяц назад
Yes exactly right! But remember we get a glorified heavenly body upon death. And yes we see the Lord and that's every eye, and we are judged just like you said.
@davejcampbe11 Месяц назад
1:26:25 Spot on. Nobody is helped by labeling someone with questions a heretic, and then refusing to engage.
@tcspersonal7889 26 дней назад
I saw the tiny FB video mentioning "gatekeepers". So I watched this one, and yet I still don't know what a "gatekeeper" is. Gary North allegedly said "there are no gatekeepers left". I guess I didn't read enough of him back in the day to have heard that (though I'm thoroughly theonomic and postmil). Can someone PLEASE tell me what a gatekeeper is and why it's said there aren't any left? Who WAS a gatekeeper when there were some?? It's not fair to throw out a term and not define it. A brief search did not show up anything.
@David-kd1rw Месяц назад
The big problem I have is the apparent low view of the confessions and thus a low view of Church authority. We shouldn’t casually or flippantly make public comments that undermine Church authority.
@junkerjorg6310 Месяц назад
Are you Roman Catholic?
@David-kd1rw Месяц назад
@@junkerjorg6310 I am not.
@SonofGodNOW 23 дня назад
Do people understand there are controllers put in high places of leadership, and their job is to keep people divided and fighting each other? That is why some people will never concede no matter how many facts you present to them. I pray you heal quickly, Gary. Do some research on what cancer really is - many are now saying it’s parasites.
@droptozro Месяц назад
When will we apply this same historical application of reading the Bible to the trinity? There were no trinitarians back then. Its painfully obvious in thr historical record yet the gatekeepers wont allow the discussion
@chrisphillips979 Месяц назад
Good move not going to Moscow. Remember Servetus. Obviously, I am kidding. Blessed so much by Pastor Wilson and his ministries downstream. I'm not certain why they're struggling where Gary is on this. Gary, I'm so encouraged by your honest exegesis. How can we feel like we've got these matters completely wrapped up.
@spectrumatos Месяц назад
Ex.25:40 See to it that you make everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain. Regarding the “present tense” used by Paul, “we have”, wouldn’t this be true all the way back to Moses? Or beyond?
@JR-rs5qs Месяц назад
Darren is spot on about Ken Gentry around 59:00.
@tcjensen1 27 дней назад
You guys are missing that Hades was emptied at the 7th trumpet, which is the same as the 7th bowl. (When the Ark was taken to heaven - why it isn’t seen in the arch of Titus) You’re also missing that Jesus already answered the question of resurrected “bodies” when the sadducees tried to trap him. But Jesus answered them, “You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.
@PrayerTable Месяц назад
The reality is this. The claim is of the church at large (orthodox) you must adhere to the doctrine of future resurrection. It’s been that way forever. And now this is the consequence. Make your bed, lay in it. The question at base was always do you reject fp full stop. Whatever your hermeneutic is for getting there that’s been the standard for a while and that’s where people are. Disagree or not that’s the situation
@JR-rs5qs Месяц назад
@PrayerTable there are many preterist statements made by many early NT church writers (I won't call them fathers). We're just clueless about them. Many were saying Isa 2 (swords into plowshares) was fulfilled. In Ode 15 of the Odes of Solomon (possibly written in the 70's) says they had already put on incorruption (1 Cor 15). Carnal Christians call these Odes gnostic because they're uncomfortable with seeing things in the Spirit. 1 Clement was written prior to AD 70 (mentions that sacrifices were still happening in the temple) and the letter admonished the Corinthians to keep holding on for the resurrection.
@marylcrystal1167 28 дней назад
What is your denomination? I come across your channel and I agree with you, but I don't know what the denomination is called that has such beliefs. Are we non-denomination Christians? Honestly trying to find out. Thank you
@jwill8718 Месяц назад
Even after this I still don’t know where Gary falls on the issue of bodily resurrection and the last judgment.
@jilesbo9175 Месяц назад
Bodily resurrection? Why is this difficult? You mean you don't count a glorified heavily body as a bodily resurrection? I do? Get your head out of this world! It's what all cults do, especially the Pagan Cults
@ChrisBurton-mf3gk Месяц назад
How can you see 1Th 4:13-18 as referring to the events leading up to and including the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70???
@ChrisBurton-mf3gk Месяц назад
Acts 10:34-43 would certainly explain why Paul was on trial about the resurrection of the dead and has nothing to do with Preterism.
@spectrumatos Месяц назад
A preterist could say the same thing… the reason Paul was on trial had nothing to go with futurism. And in fact, that would be correct in my opinion. He was on trial for preaching Christ resurrected from the dead. That was a past event tied to a yet future event that is also the resurrection from the dead. Christ is the first fruit of the resurrection from among the dead.. the harvest was soon to follow. The prosecutors rejected that Christ was resurrected from the dead, not that there would some day be a resurrection of the dead, in general terms. It is the fact that Paul tied that future “hope of Israel” to the already crucified and indeed resurrected Christ that he was on trial.
@tommasiero5234 25 дней назад
1:35:30 mark .. who are these sisters he speaks of?
@jacobmaier8993 Месяц назад
I asked why does Revelation 20 discuss souls in heaven that do not come alive until after the millennial reign if in fact, everybody gets a body as soon as they die, and this question was never answered
@soozin2u Месяц назад
Just to add a few more wrenches into the mix, you should check out some of the things Dr Warren Gage has uncovered. Most mind blowing of all is the relationship of the gospel of John with Revelation.
@trfatman Месяц назад
Thank you for putting this out. I would love to read Gary's full response. Is there a link somewhere?
@raydawgrules Месяц назад
His podcast, earlier this last year, he has 5 episodes covering this.
@trfatman Месяц назад
@@raydawgrules thanks!
@TheOverlandGolfer Месяц назад
@59:15 it’s the few men of division that are clearly known whom have riled up anyone, especially Uncle Gary, if they don’t subscribe to their points tooth and nail. Their elders should inquire about their actions and characters. You know who you are fellas, and so do we.
@thebereanpreterist Месяц назад
My thoughts... It's at the General Resurrection where we see the saints in Sheol be raised and then receive their very own immortal incorruptible spiritual glorified body. They are raised out from Sheol, they receive their personal spiritual glorified bodies, and they go to glory in Heaven. This is what Paul is discussing in 1 Corinthians 15. According to Paul in 1 Corinthians 15, the body that is raised in the General Resurrection (an individual immortal incorruptible spiritual glorified body) is not the body that was sown (an individual mortal corruptible physical flesh body.) So, if somebody today positions the General Resurrection (which coincides with the last trumpet and all that happens at the last trumpet) in our future, a saint on Earth today would go to Sheol when their personal time here on Earth is done to then await the General Resurrection. If somebody today positions the General Resurrection in the 1st Century, Sheol would have been emptied at that time, and saints today would receive their very own individual immortal incorruptible spiritual glorified body when their personal time here on Earth is done (to then be with Jesus and all the other saints in glory in Heaven.) Personally, I think that this is very simple to glean out from Scripture.
@spectrumatos Месяц назад
Unfortunately that’s too simplistic. This doctrine of ascending into heaven at death to be with the Lord, and then returning to the earth to inhabit resurrected bodies sometime yet unknown, and then returning to the presence of the Lord, AGAIN, just doesn’t exist anywhere between Genesis 1:1 and Revelation 22:21. This issue needs to be thoroughly re-examined exegetical.
@thebereanpreterist Месяц назад
@@spectrumatos, Thanks for your comment. I'm not suggesting that the saints in the General Resurrection go to Heaven, then come back down to Earth, and then go back to Heaven. When the saints go to Heaven at the General Resurrection, that is where they stay forever and ever. If the General Resurrection was in the 1st Century, that is when the saints in Sheol went to Heaven. If the General Resurrection is in our future, that is when the saints in Sheol will go to Heaven.
@spectrumatos Месяц назад
You said, “if somebody today positions the General Resurrection (which coincides with the last trumpet and all that happens at the last trumpet) in our future, a saint on Earth today would go to Sheol when their personal time here on Earth is done to then await the General Resurrection.” I’m not saying that this is “correct”, but it is, however, consistent with a futurist view of the general resurrection. What is not consistent is the doctrine that saints like Paul or Peter for example, and all who “die in the lord” afterwards, in fact go to heaven, into the presence of the lord, in the heavenly sanctuary, in a -bodiless-state awaiting a future time when they will return to earth and receive a resurrected body that proceeds right out of their graves. That is the doctrine of futurism regarding the resurrection, and the intermediate state of the dead in Christ until the resurrection (future). Now, you seem to present a consistent position that if the resurrection is future, then the intermediate state is in Sheol and not heaven. I am preterist, I believe the opening of heaven and the heavenly temple to old and New Testament saints is past . Which position do you take, past or future fulfillment?
@thebereanpreterist Месяц назад
@@spectrumatos , Past. Yes, if the General Resurrection is future, saints toady who physically die would necessary need to go to Sheol to await the General Resurrection. I'm an Individual Body View (IBV) Preterist. I do not subscribe to the Max King framework that William Bell, Don Preston, and others do in Covenant Eschatology Corporate Body View (CBV) Preterism.
@thebereanpreterist Месяц назад
@@spectrumatos, Past. I'm an Individual Body View (IBV) Preterist. I do not subscribe to Covenant Eschatology Corporate Body View (CBV) Preterism.
@sanityscove8917 Месяц назад
The Niceane Creed states that we "look forward to the resurrection of the dead". It's future. Paul, as a Pharisee, believed in a future, physical resurrection.
@royalpriest89 Месяц назад
That's all highly debatable.
@junkerjorg6310 Месяц назад
Yes Paul did. The Nicene council had to address heresies, they weren't worried about eschatology because the deity of Christ was under attack. They just repeated the apostles creed and what the bible said without thinking twice.
@ChrisBurton-mf3gk Месяц назад
And if anyone does not welcome you or listen to what you have to say, as you walk out of the house or town shake the dust from your feet. In truth I tell you, on the Day of Judgment it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah than for that town. Mt. 10:14-15
@ChrisBurton-mf3gk Месяц назад
You have perfectly illustrated for me why Protestantism and Sola Scriptura are a dead end road.
@samuelmfrost Месяц назад
The fact that a person is "not convinced" by an argument, does not mean the argument is not conclusive. The "exegetical work" has been done, with great clarity. What gets in Gary's way is 70 CE and the connection of "all things" to that event, including the resurrection of the dead.
@raydawgrules Месяц назад
Please point us to this “great clarity” exegetical work you are referring to. There would have to be a “stretch” somewhere. Example, Gentry holds that we are always in the last days and it been 2000 years. So who’s picking and choosing is correct? Honestly, I do not think anyone has the answer, there might be some who are close but no one has it right. I believe whatever the “fulfillment of the gentiles” means would clarify it all, but I could be wrong.
@spectrumatos Месяц назад
A conclusive argument could also be a bad argument, due to one or more factors within the argument. I agree with Gary’s position in said argument. In fact most bible believing Christian’s believe that when they die they will go to heaven.. yet the Bible does not teach a bodiless existence in the presence of God beyond the veil. Resurrection is implicit in that belief, and essential if it is in fact true. Otherwise we’re headed to Sheol like the rest of the Old Testament saints waiting for hades to be emptied at the GWT Judgment sometime in the future.
@JR-rs5qs Месяц назад
@@samuelmfrost CE? Really? AD! But you sound like a full preterist again here...are you? I know you've changed your positions A LOT.
@spectrumatos Месяц назад
I haven’t seen the exegetical work that brings old and New Testament believers out of their heavenly abode to be joined to their resurrected bodies buried in the earth. Why don't you show us.
@spectrumatos Месяц назад
If you believe that when we expire here we go to heaven, then you are a preterist. It doesn’t get any simpler than that, folks. Even learned men like Nicodemus need milk sometimes. You can spin your wheels trying to figure out how to get back into your mothers womb, or contemplate the impossibility of a camel going through the eye of a needle, or you can just take it in faith that Jesus went to prepare a place, and that he either HAS returned to bring humanity to that place, or he has not. It can’t be both.
@tommorris7275 Месяц назад
Awesome, I think the answer to “where are the second coming verses” is found in the great biblical interpretive approach of “right now and not yet”! Just like much of Isaiah was ultimately fulfilled by Christ, they also had an immediate fulfillment in his day as well. Just because many verses had an immediate AD 70 fulfillment, many of them also have “a not yet” fulfillment to come.
@JR-rs5qs Месяц назад
Are we going to get new Scripture in the future telling us that those verses have reached their 2nd (double) fulfillment? Double fulfillment is a never ending game and it comes down to the opinion of a man. Only inspired writers can definitively tell us what is fulfilled, what is type/antitype, etc. and there are no more inspired writers. The office of prophet has ceased. Some OT prophecies have foreshadowing fulfillment in their own day, but they're really about events in the 1st century. Paul said he only taught what was in the Law and Prophets, i.e. he was not sharing new prophecy. NT recapitulation of OT prophecies of 1st century events does not lend itself to future double fulfillment. There's not even a hint of that being a possibility from the text. We should let the Scriptures speak for themselves and stop creating all of these devices to argue away what the Scripture explicitly states.
@spectrumatos Месяц назад
Which NT author can you point to that explicitly taught an already/not yet principle of fulfillment in the new covenant age (age to come)? They all, with the exception of possibly Luke, wrote during the period of covenantal/age change.
@spectrumatos Месяц назад
We have modern day Pharisee types, you know the ones who have the keys but prevent others from entering. You know, people who put creedal orthodoxy above biblical orthodoxy, like the Pharisees put the law above YHWH…. the Gentry types… ;)
@JR-rs5qs Месяц назад
@spectrumatos 2 'already not yets' is a nice little device to be able to have one's cake and eat it, too. They always seem to leave out a double fulfillment of the great tribulation, the beast, great apostasy, etc. in our future because it destroys the Postmillennial framework. They create 'type, type, antitype' where it benefits them. They call any early preterism (like that found in the Odes of Solomon) as gnostic. If they didn't know 1 Cor 2 and John was Scripture, they'd call it gnostic, too.
@tommorris7275 Месяц назад
​@@JR-rs5qs Sometimes we have to think outside the box. For instance Isaiah 9:6 is not referenced in the New Testament as being fulfilled in Christ. But I have never heard a Christian deny it; "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace" Western Civilization was built on understanding how to interpret Isaiah and the Old Testament by the teachings of the Apostles and Jesus Christ. Their specific interpretations of Old Testament verses and verses like "search the Scriptures they speak of Me", "And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself", etc. both invite our curiosity and give us license to understand where exactly in Scriptures do they speak of Him. The New Testament gives us many specific examples as to where but not an exhaustive list, so we study! God sends the church teachers to teach us as we study and we find verses like Isaiah 9:6. So is the teaching that Isaiah 9:6 as being ultimately fulfilled in Christ as Handel's Messiah's does "new Scripture"? Of course not. Could we be wrong in some interpretations, of course we can, but with the right teachers we can also be right! This Holy Spirit method of how to interpret the Old Testament is our tool to understand Scripture, rightly! This method can also be applied to the New Testament with the same wrong and right results, like the "rapture theology" being wrong and "AD 70 theology" being right. It's not new Scripture, its just Scripture rightly applied. Gary DeMar admits that some verses absolutely seem like they refer to the second coming, but they also seem more to him like AD 70 as well. I'm just saying, it may be possible that it is both in some instances. Again, like the vast majority of Isaiah's prophesies applied to both Isaiah's day with King Hezekiah and also the first coming of Christ, and if I may be so bold the second coming of Christ as well.
@JimLokkesmoe Месяц назад
I wish Mr Doane would had let Gary DeMar answer questions and points he was trying to make. I found myself shouting at the screen saying “let Gary finish his point!” A good interviewer gets out of the way. We are not interested in Mr Doanes take on things. Still though an interesting interview. Thanks
@JimLokkesmoe Месяц назад
Although Mr. Doane does make some interesting points . Next time just let Gary finish . Still a great presentation. Thank you both.
@spectrumatos Месяц назад
Me too… lol. Especially when Gary was talking about Revelation 20.
@tommorris7275 Месяц назад
Me too, several times, love you Doane but hear us.
@thecanberean Месяц назад
Spot on. I agree 100%. It was very frustrating.
@MD19AD Месяц назад
1000% agree…annoying. He’s a “me too” guy.
@CorlosMazda Месяц назад
I guess my question is if it's all been concluded at ad70, then now what
@royalpriest89 Месяц назад
The Gates are open to the New Jerusalem- do your work to bring the nations into it's glory.
@DavidBradford-cw2fl Месяц назад
Dominion + Healing the nations (both via the proclamation of the Gospel and discipleship).
@droptozro Месяц назад
​@@DavidBradford-cw2flokay. But Jesus was a Torah keeping Jewish person living during a certain period of time before a judgement. Most of his words don't even apply to us and which laws still apply is a toss-up. Acts 15 still gives some food laws to Gentiles. Did that only apply to the time prior to AD70 as an example?
@brucekyer5530 Месяц назад
ok, so what do you mean that this is very scary and treading softly b/c you know the consequences of this if people embrace this? What are the consequences? What is scary about this?
@spectrumatos Месяц назад
which think Gary has seen the wizard behind the curtain, the modern-day-Pharisees like Gentry et Al. Have the keys, they just shut the door.
@spectrumatos Месяц назад
*I think…
@MD19AD Месяц назад
Love Gary….other brother, painful to watch and listen to. Minute 52…” why Gary is it important for you to have the scripture they’re referencing in question?” Gary laughs….”it’s what it’s about.” Where’d he get this bro?
@JR-rs5qs Месяц назад
My question for Darren (and all other PP's) is how did OT Saints get from Hades to Heaven? And is that not resurrection (literally, being 'raised' which the Greek means)?
@spectrumatos Месяц назад
My advice for you would be, don’t hold your breath waiting for an answer. I mean, they will undoubtedly give lip service to that issue in passing, but don’t expect to see any exegetical work behind their assertions. Old Testament saints are in heaven, in the presence of YHWY, Sheol couldn’t hold them, but somehow they bypassed the resurrection of the dead.
@JR-rs5qs Месяц назад
@spectrumatos I've been breathing since asking the question :D ironically several weeks ago my pastor said that it wasn't until Christ that OT Saints got to go to Heaven, but he of course didn't realize what he was really saying. Futurists balk at us when we say Jesus physical resurrection was a sign even though that's exactly what Jesus said it was (the sign of Jonah)! Futurists are looking at it with such carnal eyes.
@tommorris7275 Месяц назад
I love Jim Jordan's interpretation of this in his 204 lectures on Revelation. He teaches on Revelation 6:9-11 that the opening of the fifth seal is the revelation of all the old testament martyred saints in Paradise awaiting revenge. Christ had to be the first man to ascend to Heaven and now these dead martyred saints see it and want to be in Heaven on Thrones with Him. They are told to wait just “a little while”, being 40 years from AD 30-70, for the new testament martyred saints to join them and then they will all get revenge in AD 70 and ascend to their thrones in Heaven in Revelation 20:4 to rule. When Christ rose from the dead, He breathed the Spirit on the disciples and then spent 40 days on Earth, typified in Israel’s 40 year wanderings in the wilderness. When Christ rose to Heaven after 40 days He sent the Spirit. The saints and church follow that same model of 40 years from AD 30-70 40 when all these saints “under the altar” ascend from Paradise into Heaven.
@spectrumatos Месяц назад
@JR-rs5qs That particular discourse is one of my favorites. It’s bracketed with casting out demons in the land of Israel and demons returning to the land of Israel after he had swept SATANS HOUSE clean. But ya, in between those two bookends, we have the sign of Jonah. Three days in the heart of the earth (or the fish in Jonah’s case). Not only was that a “sign”, for that generation, but also he tells them that the men of Nineveh would arise and stand up (erchomi), at the judgment of that generation! The “queen of the south would also “awake” at the judgment of that generation. This is resurrection and judgement. All partial preterist agree that the judgment of His generation was carried out in the Roman Jewish war… as outlined in Matthew 24, Luke 21, mark 13, But Jesus unambiguously has the men of Nineveh and the queen of the south risen up and awakened and PRESENT at that judgment!
@spectrumatos Месяц назад
👆I meant “anestemi” (rise up) and “egeiro” (awake). I had a video playing in the background discussing enistemi in it bled through in my brain.. lol
@brucekyer5530 Месяц назад
Gary, I'm extremely sympathetic to you and admire you but you have got to drop this whole facet of your argument regarding how different all the other guys are with reference to certian passages and doctrines. It doesn't matter if you and I are looking at let's say some sort of green and I see it forest green and you see it as lime gren IT'S STILL GREEN. We're still in the green ballpark. But if we're looking at a frog and you call it a tree and I call it a toad we aren't both wrong.
@JR-rs5qs Месяц назад
@brucekyer5530 I think Gary is ready to be serious as soon as the other guys are ready to be serious and knock off all the "heresy" claims
@Freedomthirst Месяц назад
Who is Darren Doane? (Serious question)
@thecanberean Месяц назад
Search “Collision” with Douglas Wilson and Christopher Hitchens. A fascinating documentary. Absolutely compelling. Darren directed it.
@TheMastersHarvest Месяц назад
Here is what is coming up: We can know "when" we are on God's prophetic calendar. It is written in the book of 2nd Esdras. Chapter 11 contains a prophecy that describes a line of American presidents, four of whom are still alive, and two of them are being kept until "the end." All of them are old men. "The end" is fast approaching. I have condensed the prophecy into a series of short lessons - my gift to you. Please allow me to guide you through them, step by step, and into understanding. Blessings to you and your loved ones.
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