
What the hell is wrong with DBD in 2023? 

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10 дек 2023




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@Le0pwn 5 месяцев назад
People aren't allowed to have fun in multiplayer games anymore. If you're not abiding by a meta or abusing a system, you're gonna lose.
@weejits 5 месяцев назад
no literally, like whenever i run at least 3 or 4 gen regressing perks i almost always result in a 3-4K, but when i run like 2 gen regress i always wound up to 1 or 0 kills, no matter what killer i played
@kikibombon22 5 месяцев назад
It is good you said multiplayer games because that is the case in every multiplayer game nowadays. I'm greatfull that I'm old enough to have lived in the times when the vast majority of people were bad at the games they played
@loonyatuni 5 месяцев назад
I wish more killer mains were like you; I think my biggest disappointment with DbD is when I/my friends get tunnelled right out - it’s just unfun for whoever is involved. I always make a conscious effort to leave the person who has just been on hook, when I play killer (& I get a lot of nice comments, even when the person died because they still have fun!) The perk changes tend to be butt; they usually nerf what is fun & then more people run the perks that affect match speed (gen rushing for survivors Vs gen regression for killers - like you said; doing gens is the boring part! Survivors don’t want to have to be sat on gens even more & likewise killers want time to get in lots of fun chases & not have all the gens pop a few mins in!)
@leandro8936 5 месяцев назад
Tunneling is the only way to play against dirty gen rushers, especially with a low tier killer
@loonyatuni 5 месяцев назад
⁠​⁠@@leandro8936I disagree - I’m a survivor main but enjoy playing killer. I play killer the way I’d want a killer to play against me; so I never camp or tunnel. Yesterday I let my chat choose what killer I played & I was able to 4K with Deathslinger, Artist, Freddy, Onryo, Plague (all killers I don’t usually ever play & definitely not top tier) - without any camps & tunnels. I feel like Blight & Nurse tend to be some of the worst offenders for tunnelling tbh. Likewise, as survivor I never go in with a gen rushing build (that’s just boring to me). I think for me; the escape or the 4K aren’t the most important thing, it’s how fun the match is but I do get that some people prefer to play it more competitive & only really care about “winning” so will play a certain way to get that.
@leandro8936 5 месяцев назад
@@loonyatuni I understand what you mean and I'd love to play like that but I do feel like I've reached an mmr on my mains where the game will be over in 2 minutes if I don't tunnel someone out, cause survivors will bring brand new parts syringes and chosen map, so even if I don't want to play sweaty I'm forced to or I just wouldn't be able to play at all. But maybe it's just that I am not good enough and I have to improve more, I don't have many hours after all
@kittylovecraft4014 5 месяцев назад
@@leandro8936 I hope you realise that if you won't sweat back your mmr will go down and matches will be better. High MMR doesn't mean you are good at the game, it means you will do anything to win. If they are "dirty genrushers" then you are "dirty tunneler/camper" I won't sandbag my teammates or let them be easily tunneled out to make sure I will survive and I won't tunnel/camp people because "I have to win!" why? is your life depending on it? it's just a game it should be fun and casual for everyone
@kittylovecraft4014 5 месяцев назад
@@loonyatuni I wish there were more players like you
@totalkhaos189 5 месяцев назад
Hey, I just got recommended your channel, you just got a sub! Just wanted to let you know that you hit the nail on the head, everyone should be having fun and very rarely you'll actually get games like that. It's usually very one sided for either side and that's not really how it should be, close games where everyone has a good time are my favourite experiences and I feel like I'm constantly chasing that high and never getting it, leading me to stop playing until the next day ad infinum.
@HakoCity 5 месяцев назад
First of all, is that a god damn Abella profile pic?! Thank you for the lovely feedback and i could not agree more, close games are the most fun and quite often i feel like both sides do their very best to keep it from just that
@petardragicevic1612 5 месяцев назад
Downfall of dbd started after devs ignore comunity request to get rid of mmr . Even all complains about mmr they decide to to even tighten it mor its horible expirience . As veteran od 3500 hrs on both accounts i find it difficult to make my self play the game for what i spent like a lot of money cause expirience is horrible i have to play all meta perk just to have chanse to win against comp players and swiffs . I dont support tunneling tho but in those situations ur kinda forced to do it even tho u want to play casual mmr is pushing u to play comp i rly dont like that . My playing hrs are no about 2 or 3 hrs a week and i used to play it every day . Mmr is the worst pleague for dbd
@HakoCity 5 месяцев назад
I’ve heard other people make this point, like matchmaking is way more accurate and it pairs you up against equally (kinda) skilled players, but the wonky unbalanced matchmaking of the past made the game more fun
@petardragicevic1612 5 месяцев назад
@@HakoCity i completly agreee with u but veteran are the players who keeps the game going if u lose a lot of veteran players the new players wont be able to learn anything and they will be boared a lot quicker mmr is just unhealthy overall
@KronosSupreme 5 месяцев назад
I log into fortnite, I have so many game modes. Lego fortnite , racing, and now they added a guitar hero to the game. I go into DBD and its the same damn gamemode. I was excited for chucky and realzied I only played him for 2 hours, and i still 4K all my games, so I didnt stop out of frustration. The game needs more... period
@slavajuri 5 месяцев назад
Hi congrats on your vid doing well! You have a really nice voice. The point about guns is really the right one - I've seen so many videos where the first chase ends, two gens pop, then the killer says they "have" to tunnel because they assume the survivors are cracked. And yeah, sometimes they're right. But sometimes they're wrong, the survivors never complete another gen, and everyone is pretty bored. There's just no way for the killer to know until the game is over. I really wonder why there isn't support for some kind of randomized perk system. There's already randomized perk tomes. They claim they can track perk usage. I've been doing Nightlight's "Unique Build Challenge" as a way to keep the game fresh while also not taking it so seriously I feel like every game needs to be a meta sweatfest. It's a lot of fun. I would love for the game to have official support for this - a randomize button, see if your build has ever been run and how many times, a lifetime leaderboard for unique builds, a monthly leaderboard that matches rank reset and has its own bloodpoint bonuses, etc. Would it change the whole meta and everything about the game? No, but it wouldn't be that hard to implement. I see the same builds all the time on both sides. Anything to change that would make the game broadly more fun, Imo :)
@vvinderr 5 месяцев назад
Wise words big bro ! also poggers to notice how many clips i am playing w uuu🥰
@HakoCity 5 месяцев назад
Easiest clips of our life honestly
@nukemachine6432 5 месяцев назад
it would be nice if the were to experiment with a new rotating game mode where the crazier ideas can come into play . Some could stay temporary as a fun thing to do when its available without burning out and some could actually bring valuable changes to the base game itself . Wins currently feels shallow and losing feels like crap , cant play more than 2-3 games before getting off nowadays
@hunt9999 5 месяцев назад
There’s not that many fun perks to run rn as most have been nerfed into the ground. Killers who aren’t braindead are easily winning most games as designed at least in solo queue. Basically the game is not fun now and after 1-2 games I find myself burnt out and quite bored. Also it feels like every game is a competitive sweat fest which in itself will just not be enjoyable. Thinking of just getting Texas chainsaw game and never playing dbd again. I’ve had enough, they don’t seem interested in actually fixing the game or making it more fun/ less sweaty.
@Br41n1Ac 5 месяцев назад
I would love to use fun perks! But whenever I do, I have to give up anti-tunnel perks and yeah.... that's just not worth it. I'd rather have a chance to play the game than get tunnelled right of the bat. Tunnelling is just too much of a problem to risk running perks you won't get any value of. Honestly, I would love if they reduced the time you need to spend on gens to get blast mine or Ellen's chemtrap
@mathlegros7977 5 месяцев назад
+1 sub! Keep up the good work!
@boarbaby842 5 месяцев назад
They're too busy making unecessary nerfs to killers who don't need it to see the game needs to evolve a bit. The main complaints I see is camping, tunnelling and slugging. I don't care what people say or argue it's boring to play against. All these fancy new killers and they just camp and tunnel to win because there's nothing punishing it. Surely implimenting a small debuff for the killer if they stay within a small radius of the hook for too long which goes away as soon as they leave it isn't too game breaking. It wouldn't eradicate camping/tunelling entirely but it would discourage it. When it comes to the game play loop and fun? Easiest thing in the world, something as dumb as 4 elf dwights vs whatever killer all have to wrap their presents (generators) and escape. Maybe they can throw a snowball to slow down the killer and the entity will cause a blizzard to slow them down for the killer. Or chucky being a toy who needs to escape 4 children (survivors) to win. There can be fun game mode specific buffs or abilities for both killer and survivor and of course rewards. Right now it's just oh collect this to get cosmetics it's not different its just a to do list. These events could be their own game mode outside of the regular, but right now there isn't even a competitive game mode lmao. They gotta wake tf up eventually, I get the urge to play and instantly camped for 3 games in a row like why even bother playing. You arent talking out of your ass, well put video ❤
@HakoCity 5 месяцев назад
So just off the top of my head, Add around 15-20 secs to the hook timer for Stage 1 on a hook, So that camping it will cost you more gens. More perks like the new Pain res and Leverage that encourages hooking different people or just hooking people in general i think is extremely healthy type of perks for the game. Thank you for the lengthy input and i agree, the events could also be alot more exciting, like ALOT.
@kittylovecraft4014 5 месяцев назад
I miss the times when I had fun playing killer in dbd. To see people DH into the wall or try to forcefully feed me with their DS. I totally agree with you the "fun" factor has been removed from the game, they overbuffed the killers, and insanely nerfed survivors, the chases now are much quicker than before, the survivors that stay in the game are super strong so the "winning" is not fun and doesn't feel rewarding anymore, and even though I am doing everything to play fair I still feel dirty just by playing killer casualy. As for playing survivor it's just painful, after maybe a week or two killers learned how to camp efficiently, and 16 meters is just laughably small distance, not to mention camping basement is still as strong as it was before. So I find the "anti camp" changes more cosmetic than practical. Games are quicker, more stressful, more frustrating. Playing feels miserable although it's quite difficult to completely quit the game you dedicated months/years to learn to play :c
@GrandeChub 5 месяцев назад
I feel like almost every game i get into as a killer the survivors try to gen rush. Pretty boring meta right now.
@esmaeriva 5 месяцев назад
I guess the fun in looping is gone for many (not all) people, because there are so many anti-loop killers out there, so the people stick to the objective even more.
@akeelyaqub2538 5 месяцев назад
A major issue with the game is that killers are always on the defensive. Protecting gens. Which is the opposite of what a slasher villain/hunter should be doing. Its one of the reasons playing killer is so stressful and playing survivor is not scary.
@miastedt 5 месяцев назад
Good words ♥️
@osamhala7madi536 5 месяцев назад
I actually like getting (tunnelled) I basically got the most fun experience in the game by getting chased not escaping, i think tunnelling is fine and fun is subjective because yes i like getting tunnelled
@baryro9192 5 месяцев назад
Maybe add a ranked mode to it and let players sweat there for generators and tunneling and stuff, let casual player and people who just want to have fun and chase the killer around not caring ab gens, or be a killer that isn't forced to tunnel a survivor out play and have fun. Thats my opinion. Also i begged for a perk like reassurance to get added into the game since the early days of dbd. And yes the anti camping change is a positive one for the game (I was a killer main btw, now mostly play surv with friends)
@loonyatuni 5 месяцев назад
DbD 4 lyf, bro!
@666sammy 5 месяцев назад
I really don't agree that dbd is a party game like Mario Party. It might have been one once, but it does have some competitive elements which is evident because people obviously play for the win, and don't mess around. Definitely the game needs something to fix the rift between the players who just want to meme and those who want to play seriously. I think that for me personally makes the game more unfun, rather than the core objectives being unfun. It feels like only few killers and perks are "truly relevant", and strong enough to compete with the best survivor perks, and on the survivor side you see no variety. This game could use a ranked mode in my opinion. I'm also very confused on your opinion on dead hard? It definitely in my opinion is not an interactive perk, it is a get out of jail for free card for the survivor which makes chases very unfun for killers. I am really curious on what makes you think that as a killer main? It literally brings situations to the chase where the chase gets extended and the killer can do nothing about it.
@HakoCity 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for the input! Regarding Dead hard i am comparing it to the other exhaustion perks, it adds a tension filled extra mind game to chases that the game lacks without it. From both sides, i don’t think the general game and chases gets more fun when Dead hard gets replaced by Sprint Burst and Lithe, that also extends the chases but with very little mindgames involved. And i hope i made it clear, i think it was too strong when it also gave you the distance, the point i’m making is that it was absolutely Fine and dandy after they took away the dash it gave you.
@SouthpawFury 5 месяцев назад
Nothing but tunnels and hook campers for the last month
@TophatlarryOG 5 месяцев назад
Play another game and stop playing DBD. I literally stopped playing for six months. I just recently came back and I'm enjoying myself. Stop playing one game all the time.
@HakoCity 5 месяцев назад
Who are you assuming plays Only DBD?
@baryro9192 5 месяцев назад
It's more toxic to go against 4 toolboxes than 4 flashlights. Playing a killer against a good survivor team that never lets u chase , always preruns the generators forcing u to overextend and the game is over in 5 mins and u didn't even get to chase a survivor. This is not the case for every game and the killer depends everytime obviously. But i miss old dbd for the looping part not the objective part of it :(.
@Voldemorts.Nipple 5 месяцев назад
The whole concept of sabotaging hooks is absurd. Destroying the killers objective
@baryro9192 5 месяцев назад
@@Voldemorts.Nipple i was talking more about doing generators faster but yea its unfun to get a godspot as a survivor and not be able to get hooked ( eg top of eerie of crows with boil over/flipflop)
@slavajuri 5 месяцев назад
When they bring out the bully squads I feel weird just constantly slugging everyone for a snowball. Then they bring out the toolboxes and the game goes on foreverr because it just becomes a hit n run 3-gen affair. I've rarely had completely unfun experiences against bullies because they do the craziest stuff nobody in their right mind should. But I rarely have fun managing 4 survivors while trying to protect the one corner of the map they forced me to play in...
@Voldemorts.Nipple 5 месяцев назад
@@baryro9192 oh yeah lol I'm so traumatized by sabo squads that I associated you saying 4 toolboxes with sabotaging hooks. sorry. I definitely prefer facing 4 flashlights because some of those mtches are actually fun because I can hit survivors who try to save etc despite sometimes being impossible to hook
@gabrielduran7132 5 месяцев назад
So IM responsible for someone elses fun and not themselves, got it
@HakoCity 5 месяцев назад
Is your only way to have fun to play in a way that makes for a dull and boring experience for someone else?
@soysauceballs6217 5 месяцев назад
It's cause the devs keep nerving survivor cause killer main have a cry cause they suck as killer and devs ..it's killer side and always will be.. giving killers cheat perks to start with
@giovannipiolariccia1071 5 месяцев назад
Sure, survivor nerf xD there's a genrush meta with resilience and deja vu and if you don't tunnel out a survivor early you will get 5 genss done in 5 minutes even with corrupt intervention, what game are you playing exactly?
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