
What Would Have Happened If Frodo Had Died in Moria? Who Knows! 

Tolkien Lore
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@rimservices 6 месяцев назад
Gandalf took 3 backups for a reason
@coreyander286 5 месяцев назад
"My peculiar fondness for hobbits? Well, they are quite trusting, easily manipulated, and breed like rabbits. Here is my current plan: Fashion a thin mithril chain, leagues long, with the One Ring looped on the end, which Hobbit One carries by hand. Send him running across the Plateau of Gorgoroth towards Mount Doom. If the chain stops moving, reel it back in, hand the Ring to Hobbit Two, and repeat. With thousands of hobbits, eventually one should make it into the Crack of Doom out of sheer luck. "I have invested centuries into this. I relish the look on Sauron's face when he realizes he shall fall to a brute force attack."
@anarionelendili8961 6 месяцев назад
IMHO, Merry would have been the next Ringbearer. He is arguable the smartest of the hobbits, and he was the natural leader, having led the 'conspirators' to keep an eye on Bilbo and Frodo and as the Heir of Brandybucks (also see him take charge when they return to the Shire). Sam had already taken orders from Merry, so he would switch easily back to the subordinate role. Also, as Frodo's cousin, he had a familial claim to the 'inheritance', both the Ring and the Quest. The minimal alteration is that Merry just slots into Frodo's role, and things play out almost the same, save that it is just Pippin who gets captured by the Uruk-Hai. Now this would mean that Merry is missing from the Pelennor Fields, but I think in this case Eowyn would have soloed the Witch-king with the power of the prophesy, and the Westernesse Blades would not have appeared in this version of the story at all.
@David.Bowman. 6 месяцев назад
That’s what I’ve thought for a long time; Merry is a great hobbit, smart and eager to be involved. I rule him out in this instance though on the premise that I don’t think he’d be able to handle Gollum the way Frodo does. If Merry had a chance to spend some more time with Gandalf perhaps, and have a conversation such as the one in Bag End (when Gandalf explains everything and throws the ring in the fireplace etc) he’d have a wider perspective. But I think as it is, if Gollum attacked Merry and Sam out in the wilderness, neither of them would have the all important pity to spare his life and thus have no way of getting in to Mordor. I do wish we had even more Merry though!
@anarionelendili8961 6 месяцев назад
@@David.Bowman. I was thinking about that, too, especially the whole mercy thing, but I decided that Merry would be smart enough to realize that he needed a guide. The difference is how he'd treat Gollum,; it would be closer to Sam's suspicion of Gollum. But I think it could still work.
@octaviusmigtonius2965 6 месяцев назад
Eowyn would have been slain. She could not have taken him solo. She did not possess a weapon capable of harming the Witch-king.
@anarionelendili8961 6 месяцев назад
@@octaviusmigtonius2965 Did she need a special weapon? As I said in my original response, without Merry there, Tolkien could have written it as her solo effort, and not even mention any special Westernesse blades. As the scene is in the books, Eowyn certainly seems to strike the killing blow: "Then tottering, struggling up, with her last strength she drove her sword between crown and mantle, as the great shoulders bowed before her. The sword broke sparkling into many shards. The crown rolled away with a clang. Éowyn fell forward upon her fallen foe." The Witch-king himself certainly seemed to think that her threat was real, even without a special sword: "The winged creature screamed at her, but the Ringwraith made no answer, and was silent, as if in sudden doubt." ... "the Black Captain, in doubt and malice intent upon the woman before him," Even if she would need a special sword (which she didn't necessarily as I have argued above), it would have been very easy to have her sword coming from Arthedain, via Angmar and Scatha's Hoard or something. However, I agree with you that in the story that we have, without Merry there to cripple the Witch-king at the last moment, the Witch-king would have slain Eowyn while she was down from the breaking of her arm. And the follow-up makes it seem that Merry's strike probably would have been enough to unmake the Witch-king: "No other blade, not though mightier hands had wielded it, would have dealt that foe a wound so bitter, cleaving the undead flesh, breaking the spell that knit his unseen sinews to his will." The breaking the spell part, in particular.
@kimberlyhornikel771 6 месяцев назад
Well-thought-out response. You brought up many things I had never thought of with what if questions
@elawesomo1000 6 месяцев назад
For some reason my mind keeps telling me it has to be sam. And its purely because sam is in service to frodo therefore if frodo cannot complete the quest it falls to his servant to complete his masters mission. Its just a thought but it makes sense to me.
@Nighthawkinlight 6 месяцев назад
This was excellent. The what ifs are fun and you do a great job thinking through the scenarios
@LeHobbitFan 6 месяцев назад
I love and hate these what if scenarios: I hate how hard it is to really understand where the story would go if any change occurred (as you've demonstrated here); and I love them because they show how air-tight Tolkien's story was. Move a pebble, and you cause an avalanche.
@anarionelendili8961 6 месяцев назад
Quite agreed. Then again, he did revise and rewrite it enough times, before the current version came out. But it is very nice, and helps to keep things... grounded, in a way? I find that it is a hallmark of a good story when it hangs together and the people in it make understandable choices, even if they are wrong choices from the omniscient narrator perspective (like Denethor's despair). It is one of the reasons I really dislike some of the changes in the LotR movies, as they break some of this narrative cohesion (particularly, Theoden).
@LeHobbitFan 6 месяцев назад
@@anarionelendili8961 I'll agree with you on the movie changes: Théoden was done poorly, and Denethor down right dirty. Shame... They're still the best adaptations we're ever going to get, but that only makes its relatively few mistakes all the more annoying.
@Kwyjibo87 6 месяцев назад
Funny enough, I just finished the film trilogy marathon. And now I'm picturing Sam carrying Gimli up Mount Doom. Seriously though, I have always pictured Gimli as a interim ringbearer, with what we know about dwarves. And although I don't doubt that Gim would cast the ring into the fires of Orodruin, I don't believe he could do this task alone, he'd definitely need Sam or Legolas to tell him to "drop it" or some sort of nudge. And yes, if Frodo dies in Moria everything changes in the story and the route to the end, wherever that is. But as far as fan theories go, or fan fiction, No Frodo at Amon Hen most likely means Boromir doesn't die there and the longer Boromir stays alive, the more trouble he'd cause down the way into Gondor. Great video as always.
@jaytucker7873 6 месяцев назад
My take: Frodo dies, Aragorn carries the body (and the ring) out of Moria. Balrog happens, Gandalf is gone. The party pauses outside of Moria, debates burying him, Aragorn decides to press on to Lothlorien. They bury him near Haldirs talan and Aragorn carries the ring to Galadriel who becomes much more of a counselor figure. Merry volunteers to carry the ring in memory of his cousin. Galadriel sends Haldir and another elf to replenish the fellowship. Aragorn, Boromir, Pippin, Legolas and +1 elf go to Gondor while Merry, Sam, Gimli and Haldir continue on to the dead marshes.
@anarionelendili8961 6 месяцев назад
While I agree about Merry being the new Ring Bearer, I think Aragorn would go with Gimli, Merry and Sam, as he had intended to do with Frodo. Maybe Haldir or Legolas as an add-on. Of course, at that point, the question becomes if Pippin would go with the other two hobbits or not? As I mentioned in my own comment, it would be easy enough to think that Merry needs a moment to think What Would Frodo Do, and Boromir tries to take the Ring from him. The orc attack happens the same way, leading him and Sam to leave the Fellowship, while Pippin gets captured by the Uruk-hai, forcing Aragorn and the rest to go after the Uruks, and the rest of the story unfolds almost the same.
@bintube5269 5 месяцев назад
If Frodo had died, then Sam would’ve just trekked all the way to Mount Doom just to throw himself into the fire.
@genius2005 6 месяцев назад
Divine Providence doesn't allow for these types of "what if" questions, that's the point of these kinds of stories, to teach the audience that even the wisest among us ultimately don't know how Good triumph's over Evil.
@Leahi84 6 месяцев назад
I love what if questions though, as frustrating as they can be.
@neildaly2635 6 месяцев назад
Excellent and thoughtful exposition of an intriguing question. Speculating on what would change in subsequent events is maddening. With the limited information we do have, I would guess Sam would be convinced to take up his late master’s burden and assuming Gandalf is still killed, Aragorn would go with the plan he mentions in the book before Frodo takes off that he, Gimli and Sam go to Mordor with Boromir, Merry and Pippin going to Minas Tirith and Legolas free to choose. This really gets the noggin joggin about subsequent events, particularly Rohan. I suppose the Eagle could have flown Gandalf to Minas Tirith. Your work is a nice highlight to my Sunday nights. Cheers!
@David.Bowman. 6 месяцев назад
After having a good think, I can only say it’s just reminded me of how special Frodo truly is. If we accept that Gollum had to be the one to get the Ring into the lava, there’s literally no other character that would have simultaneously carried the burden and placed their faith in Gollum to lead them to Mordor.
@anarionelendili8961 6 месяцев назад
As mentioned in my answer to your reply to my comment about Merry, I think Merry could have done it. I think he could have been smart enough to show mercy. But I admit that it is not a done deal. Just that it could have gone that way, if we want to story to work out roughly the same even with Frodo dead at Moria.
@David.Bowman. 6 месяцев назад
@@anarionelendili8961I definitely agree Merry is a close second, just he might need an extra lesson or two. But since we’re writing in a death for Frodo, we can insert a scenario that gives Merry some prep that sets him up for what’s to come. Maybe during the conversation with Galadriel at the mirror he could see something that is specific to him instead of Frodo.
@johannesq6500 6 месяцев назад
Another speculation - what if the Balrog had gotten its hands on the Ring?
@Enerdhil 6 месяцев назад
I think he would be able to read the writing on it🔥🔥🔥
@gm2407 6 месяцев назад
I think Aragorn would have asked Sam as he has good character asseasment. Sam is the least powerful and sly amongst the fellowship as well as humble. He has spent enough time with everyone and knows it can't be himself. Boramir would probably have words about it, but I think Legolas and Gimily would intervene on Aragorn's behalf. Also this would be a time for the Eagles. /JK
@MTB214 6 месяцев назад
As the Ancient Greek Philosopher Plato said “Only those who do not seek power are qualified to hold it.” Fits right in with Sam.
@SNWWRNNG 6 месяцев назад
Tolkien himself mentioned that kind of sentiment in connection to his philosophical anarchism and the opposition to the (British) government.
@Peak_Aussieman 6 месяцев назад
Sam would have had to take it, and the Fellowship never would have broken up in the way that it did. Merry and Pippin probably would have died as well and Rohan would have been without the Three Hunters. Either that or Gimli takes it and Sam goes back to the Shire.
@ProtomanButCallMeBlues 6 месяцев назад
The great part about it is the narrative can take it several ways. I think Sam goes back to the Shire to get Frodos errands in order and at least let Frodos family know. The two hobbits are probably staying with the fellowship. Realistically all you have as a safe bet is Gimli up until they get to Denethor. I kind of think Boromir is betraying them and taking the ring with Denethor.
@Peak_Aussieman 6 месяцев назад
If they go to Gondor, I wouldn't put it passed Denethor to imprison the lot of them to get the one ring and then the quest fails.
@jaredmarkham7300 6 месяцев назад
Couldn't they do like a hot potato population? Or without the damage to the company faster.
@istari0 6 месяцев назад
I agree there are just too many unknowns to really come up with a scenario/scenarios that are clearly more likely to happen. It's a general problem with What-If because once you change one thing, you'll be faced with a cascade of further changes and this would be particularly true in this scenario. As far as who would take the Ring goes, I think this is a decision that would likely need to be made twice. The Fellowship wasn't in a position right after the fight in the Chamber of Mazarbul to have an extended discussion of the matter; getting out was the priority. This at least raises the possibility that for the short term Gandalf takes it and then who knows what might happen when he gets separated from the rest of the group when the Balrog attacks. In general though, I think Gandalf would have known already that Sam would have been the best choice and would have firmly impressed on Sam the necessity of him becoming the Ring-bearer. After that, I think the next best choice would have been Gimli; Dwarves were resistant to being dominated. I'm not so sure about Legolas though, seeing as Sauron's original plan for the One Ring and the Rings of Power was to use them to control the Elves.
@Enerdhil 6 месяцев назад
You make some interesting points, as usual. I just don't see the Fellowship leaving Frodo's body behind. I think Aragorn would carry him with the Ring still around his neck, like in the book, but this time Frodo wouldn't revive from his injury. This way, you don't have to change what happens to Gandalf in Moria. Then Aragorn could carry Frodo's body to Lothlorien, where Galadriel could have his body washed and placed on a bed in the Elves' version of the House of Healing. There Frodo would be resurrected by Eru Iluvatar, much in the same way as Gandalf was resurrected. Any solution to this problem requires direct intervention from Eru, me thinks.🤔
@joshuabell5580 6 месяцев назад
The answer is Burt simple no fuss can't believe you didn't get it Burt the Ringbearer! Oh well it's funny in a West Midlands accent.
@johannesq6500 6 месяцев назад
I can imagine Gandalf taking it just as a temporary measure, thinking they'll sort something better out in Lorien. Then they meet the Balrog, Gandalf with the Ring of Power in his pocket. He couldn't risk a Balrog getting the Ring, so I think Gandalf would have used it there & then.
@Enerdhil 6 месяцев назад
Gandalf knows himself well enough to not take the One Ring for any reason or amount of time.
@johannesq6500 6 месяцев назад
@@Enerdhil Yeah probably, I was just thinking in the stress of Frodo being dead, hobbits all shrieking, orcs everywhere, I can imagine Gandalf just making a snap decision that it's best if he takes it until they've got enough space & security. The Ring itself might insert this idea in his mind, and indeed it would seem sensible.
@Enerdhil 6 месяцев назад
@@johannesq6500 I think the best solution to dealing with Frodo's death is what actually happened in the book: pick him up and carry him. That is also what Sam does up Mt. Doom. The Ring can't tempt or control it if you don't look at it and aren't in possession of it. So if Gandalf takes the Ring, even for a short time, does he escape with the rest of the Fellowship, or does he still fall into the abyss with the Balrog? Your choices: no Gandalf the White or a Gandalf the White with the One Ring. 😱
@johannesq6500 6 месяцев назад
@@Enerdhil Imagine strapping Frodo's corpse to Sam and making him carry it about for months. Imagine the smell.
@Enerdhil 6 месяцев назад
@@johannesq6500 Of course, it wouldn't be for the whole way.😅 Something would be decided in Lothlorien. My actual solution was to have Frodo resurrected.😁
@martinhassan1636 6 месяцев назад
He would have died.
@Enerdhil 6 месяцев назад
I have a solution for what to do about Frodo's death. Frodo gets resurrected by Eru!😁👍✝️
@sierrablue2007 6 месяцев назад
If Frodo couldn't complete the quest by dying in Moria, then the remaining Fellowship would probably still have made it to Lothlorien. In Lothlorien, Galadrial would have probably suggested that the next best person would have been Glorfindel. Since Saruman and Sauron would still have assumed that a Hobbit still had the ring, there could have been a chance to come up with a deceptive plan, proposed by Gandalf, to use Merry and Pippin and Sam to mislead Saurman and Sauron by sending them to Minas Tirith with Boromir and Aragorn. Then, Legolas, Gimli, and Glorfindel could attempt to make it to Mount Doom by stealth. But Rohan would have fallen, the Ents would not have taken over Isengard, and Denethor would have used the Palantir in Minas Tirith to try to find the ring after asking Boromir what happened to it.
@TolkienLorePodcast 6 месяцев назад
How’s Glorfindel getting the ring when he’s back in Rivendell though?
@sierrablue2007 6 месяцев назад
@@TolkienLorePodcast I knew someone would ask that @TolkienLorePodcast! I was going to mention in my original post that obviously Celeborn and Galadrial would have to send someone to Rivendell to tell Elrond about the current situation, and my suggestion is that they would would have sent Haldir!
@anarionelendili8961 6 месяцев назад
@@sierrablue2007 It would probably take too long for Haldir to get to Rivendell and Glorfindel back to Lorien. Although who knows... The Fellowship 'wastes' a full month in Lorien, and it took less than a month for them to get to Lorien from Rivendell. Haldir, being an elf, could probably jog up the Anduin and take the High Pass to Rivendell much faster than the hobbits walked, and Glorfindel could take the same path down to Lorien. It could just work, timewise.
@NANA-kf1cs 6 месяцев назад
Would orcs actually know the ring is THE ring if they got hold of it? And if not wouldn't they fight among themselves for it rather than take it to Sauron?
@TolkienLorePodcast 6 месяцев назад
I’m pretty sure Grishnakh knew exactly what Merry and Pippin were implying they had. And I don’t think they would keep it for themselves-they were too enslaved to Sauron’s will.
@NANA-kf1cs 6 месяцев назад
​@@TolkienLorePodcast Thanks! Nice to hear from you.
@Enerdhil 6 месяцев назад
​@@TolkienLorePodcast How about my crazy solution? Frodo's body gets carried out of Moria. Gandalf falls into the abyss with the Balrog. They carry Frodo's body so they can avoid directly touching the Ring. They carry him to Lothlorien, where Galadriel has his body washed and placed on a bed that is in Galadriel's version of The Houses of Healing. There, with prayer to Iluvatar and healing she learned from Melian, Frodo is resurrected, much like how Gandalf was resurrected. Then he heals and they leave and the rest can stay the same. Am I nuts?😵‍💫
@anarionelendili8961 6 месяцев назад
@@Enerdhil I don't think that resurrection would have been in the cards for Frodo. I mean, Luthien had to die herself first to convince Mandos to let Beren and her to be resurrected. I don't think Galadriel would have had similar pull. Gandalf is a special case, and already an angelic being to start with.
@Enerdhil 6 месяцев назад
@@anarionelendili8961 Look, of course, if anyone can come up with a better way to get the Ents to conquer Isengard, save Rohan and Gondor, and destroy the One Ring, I would be happy to support that. Nevertheless, there is no way to assure all those things will happen without Eru Iluvatar intervening. Tell me, what is better than my crazy solution? It absolutely works. It is possible. Everything else would stay the same. It keeps all Tolkien's storylines by making one tweek.
@theMightywooosh 6 месяцев назад
@stevemonkey6666 6 месяцев назад
Call for Eagles to drop the ring off at Mount Doom. 😅
@genghisgalahad8465 6 месяцев назад
They would be seen from far away.
@Relics_of_Arda 6 месяцев назад
First! 😁
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