
When a game captures the pain of reality.  

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V & The Afterlife == Full Ending:
V and Johnny say goodbye leaving behind distraught friends and lovers...
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/ nesbit098393



26 сен 2024




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@404gamer 8 месяцев назад
My favorite and I mean truly favorite thing about this ending is you get nothing. No rewards. No thanks for playing. But you get to break everyones heart. If this isnt the best anti-suicide message then I dont know what is.
@ChristianSabado 8 месяцев назад
Could be better if this ending deletes all the player's save files.
@404gamer 8 месяцев назад
@ChristianSabado I disagree, doing so would make players avoid this ending and would stop the people who need to see this ending from experience it fully. This ending isn't suppose to be a punishment but more of a realization that there are people around who want and will help you.
@noctuamnoctis5061 8 месяцев назад
That's why you need to let them known to your people that you love them and not only when they're on the berge on doing something like that, that's what people often do, that's why most of the cases da people who do this kind of action doesn't think about the hearts they will break because their people didn't give a shit in the first place.
@XxDeathxX509 8 месяцев назад
V had every reason to though. His relic was killing him, completely devouring his brain and he was running out of time. He was gonna put those he loved in danger for a sliver of chance at survival. This is one of my favorite endings because it’s the only way to keep everyone alive and well. Even if they hate you for it
@kalmath_ 8 месяцев назад
Yeah, and it depicts the brutality of the act. Be it a decision to cease all suffering in life, but the other side of the coin is that some (or a lot, I honestly don't know how many of them do) leave without explaining the reason. They just... leave. I knew someone who did "the same" as V in this ending. And honestly, the reaction of the characters in the credits are 100% legitimate. Guys and Gals, and others, if you need help, get some, speak to trusted people. At least, try to get help.
@ChristophelusPulps 8 месяцев назад
The voice actors didn't need to go this hard for an ending most players would never consider, but they did. That's commitment.
@ryanmast8589 8 месяцев назад
I had to do all the endings 😭 panams message got me fucked up
@kaushalsuvarna5156 8 месяцев назад
The first ending I chose, no point getting anyone killed Then Panam
@Elriuhilu 8 месяцев назад
It was my first choice and what I consider the correct one. In all of the other (non-Arasaka) endings you go through a harrowing experience in which some of your close friends die for you for a sliver of hope that turns out to be false. In my view V dies forever as soon as they plug themselves into the computer thing in the Arasaka building, so anything after that is irrelevant and the whole final mission immediately becomes a massive tragic waste. The Arasaka ending is the only one in which it's not clear if V was killed as part of the surgery, but they will definitely die in the end anyway. V dies in every ending with no exception, but the suicide option is the only one in which V has the power to choose to die with dignity and integrity instead of overcoming great odds at great cost to discover the prize was to be killed anyway. As for Johnny, his opinion is irrelevant. The real Johnny Silverhand died decades earlier and this copy is just a parasite in a body that belongs to someone else. Also, some of the messages at the end, especially Panam's, pissed me off. V was going to die and it was gonna be drawn out and harrowing, but apparently bodily autonomy doesn't extend to choosing to end your life before you turn into a gibbering, mentally deficient parody of how you were. And the whole "you're not allowed to end your suffering because I'll be sad, and me not being sad is more important than your happiness" really pisses me off because it happens in real life so much. If someone is thinking about checking out, forcing them to stay alive and suffer through guilt is monstrous and they will possibly eventually grow to resent you, which means they'll do it anyway, but with extra despair.
@randomgamer7203 8 месяцев назад
@@Elriuhilu your idea is to just let them do it? To just let someone who's depressed take their own life? Because that does not sound a lot better. The characters aren't furious at V because he or she made them feel sad, they were mad because they were all there for V and willing to take on fucking Arasaka to save him or her, and what did V do? Throw it away in fear of failure. Reconsider that at this point none of the characters even know that V dies eventually anyway, and believe it's possible to stabilize the relic. They were all there, willing to give their lives, and V takes the easy way out. And I feel you have quite a pessimistic outlook on basically all the endings. In the aldecaldos ending V storms arasaka with a new family that will give their lives for him/her, and in the end manages to get through despite facing Arasaka's home defense and Smasher. Many are killed, yes, but they sacrifice themselves for V in hope of giving them a future. Their sacrifice is not in vain. Despite V having technically died and replaced with an engram, their experiences, memories, and character developments remain and that's the best identity you could ever hope for in the world of cyberpunk. V has six months to find a cure and may just succeed based on Misty's tarots. Even if the cure can't be found, V spends the next 6 months of their life in freedom, far away from the nightmarish shithole that is night city, and with a family that will give up anything for them. That sounds dignified as hell to me. Even if you choose to give your body to Johnny, it doesn't lose all meaning just because Johnny isn't the original one who died 50 years ago, no. It matters because Johnny, a notorious asshole who had virtually no friends, finds a friend in V and learns the value of life from their sacrifice. In his ending, he leaves night city and moves on, leaving behind all his vengeance and anger in respect of the life that he has been given, that he didn't deserve in any way. Just because Johnny is actually a copy of the original Johnny doesn't mean his character development and ending are meaningless because he's still Johnny. He has all of his experiences and stories. He has all of the original's mistakes and flaws too, and learns to overcome some of them with the help of V. In the suicide ending, V's life fizzles out into nothing. All the friends they've made, all the things they have accomplished amount to nothing. All the collateral damage and lives lost for V happen for nothing. V shoots themselves on the head trying to reduce the damage and pain unaware of the trail they left behind full of it. In real life, people react this way too. They react in anger but most of the time it isn't directed to the passed, it's directed to themselves or something else. The anger is just because they just cannot understand why someone who had people who wanted to help them, who would go through hell and back for them would give up all that. There's also Judy, who relied on V after her other great friend had already killed herself. She probably also takes her own life. There's no reward for this ending. No legacy left behind, no good memories for people to hold onto, just a bunch of broken hearts that eventually are swallowed whole by the city. Personally, the aldecaldos ending is the best, and I believe CDPR intended to make it the best. and, really, someone who thinks about ending it all almost always does not want to actually do it. They just want the pain to end. There are people out there who care and want to help in any way possible. and there are very few problems that cannot be eventually solved. No matter what, even if it might end in more heartbreak and despair, you cannot just let someone give up and throw it all away. Because then it removes every chance of things ever getting better, forever. And it can have unforseen consequences, such as further pushing someone else spiraling down. Life isn't just full of pain and suffering, and seeing it that way is tunnel vision. Even if you try and it ends up not succeeding, like in cyberpunk's endings, you can gain something else from it, learn something. V's effort has meaning in all of the endings (except maybe arasaka) because they gain things from it, be it family, a legend's legacy, or the opportunity to grant a friend a second chance. Seriously, please do not just let your depressed friends take their own lives. Past all the suffering and despair, there is a small light that shines through.
@Elriuhilu 8 месяцев назад
@@randomgamer7203 I don't know where you got that idea, I said it's terrible if you use guilt to force someone not to kill themselves, not that you shouldn't try to help them choose not to do it. V made a choice between risking their friends lives for a slim chance of recovery and ending their life with dignity while they were still a whole person instead of waiting for their brain to degenerate, while also sparing all of their loved ones. This is not simply suicide, but euthanasia, and it is V's decision alone. V wasn't just depressed, they were dying of a disease that unmakes them as a person before they actually die-they weighed their options and made a choice that no-one should have the right to interfere with, as far as I'm concerned. As for the other options in the game, I only mentioned them because after trying them later to see what happens it confirmed that euthanasia was the right choice. The people who are angry at V need to grow up and stop being selfish. V was dying and struggling the entire time most of them knew them, but V still went out of their way to lift them up and help them improve their lives for no reward. This is V's legacy, selfless acts of empathy and altruism in their final days on Earth. These are the good memories-V knowing their days are numbered and still giving their all to help their friends. Judy especially needs to have a think about what her other friend went through and get some empathy, and with V consider if she'd prefer to watch them become an incontinent, drooling mess as their brain decomposes and they die suffering horribly. Everyone dies so everyone's life "fizzles out into nothing," which is why we remember them for the things they did in life. Someone exercising their right to bodily autonomy to its full extent does not change that. Johnny doesn't matter because he is a parasite. It doesn't matter that he went through character development and found a friend because V owns the body and Johnny is the brain eating parasite that killed V. V does not only technically die in the other endings, to me they completely and irreversibly die when their brain is erased in the computer thing. V never gets to hang out with the Aldecaldos while becoming an incontinent, brain fried invalid because they're dead. The person who does that is someone else who just has V's memories.
@fidget0227 8 месяцев назад
Judy’s call kills me. The 2 people she was probably closest with, V and Evy, she loses both to suicide she couldn’t stop.
@chrispekel5709 8 месяцев назад
Yeah, the person she was the closest to whom she basically says to go away at the end of the new PL ending. She's great
@TheCthulhucakes 8 месяцев назад
​@chrispekel5709 i mean V ghosted her for 2 years ofc she moved on. What do you expect her to do.
@RicochetForce 8 месяцев назад
@@TheCthulhucakes Seriously, people expected her to just stop her life for at least two years when someone falls off the face of the Earth. Ridiculous.
@antiope-d9780 8 месяцев назад
​@@RicochetForce like seriously though, these are people V knew for like a 2-3 months at most. Then you disappear for two years and everyone assumes you died or ghosted them then moves on. The real ones are still happy to hear Vs okay and want to help them out, like Vik, Misty and Kerry
@RicochetForce 8 месяцев назад
@@antiope-d9780 Hell, not only that: Night City is dangerous as hell, and V was in an occupation where you're up against amoral and sinister corps and cutthroat gangs. We stumble upon random world events, side gigs, etc... where we see what happens to people on a regular basis. V, a upcoming merc, getting dropped is the norm in NC. They really had no reason to assume V was anything but dead. But yeah, the core folks did come through for V. Man, it felt so damn good seeing Viktor and Misty again.
@ElBandito 8 месяцев назад
No other game endings impacted me as much as the suicide ending of CP2077.
@NesbitPlays 8 месяцев назад
The whole story with Jackie, and for V is very well done. A good continuity of pace and character development which doesn't brake the immersive experience, with great acting on any subject matter. Death, politics, love or friendship. This game is now a reflection of what was promised all those years ago on its release.
@orbit1894 8 месяцев назад
Judy's message absolutely ripped my soul apart
@ReapThySorrow 8 месяцев назад
Agreed. ​@@orbit1894
@atomcat_v6664 8 месяцев назад
Maybe don’t abbreviate cyberpunk.
@Vottotoiono 8 месяцев назад
Yeah..? Wel... ending in satellite clinic that comes after deal with arasaka is muuuuuuch more depressing... In this one V at least has chose and done it himself.
@damienjohnson3450 8 месяцев назад
The amount of emotional healing this game is capable of is out of this world.
@Feningor 8 месяцев назад
"Healing" 🙁😟
@damienjohnson3450 8 месяцев назад
@@Feningor Realizing that people care about you and seeing the effect making a decision like this could have on people can be very powerful. Unlike movies or books you are V. You have just spent a ton of time being them and making an emotional connection to these characters. It's not a cure or end all thing, but it can help. Having seen at least 2 friends of mine who have depression play this game and come out of it in a better place, it's not a cure, but it can help. There is no one stop shop for depression cures if it even can be. I personally came out of this game with a better understanding of what really matters to me and what I want out of life.
@ViktorK7 8 месяцев назад
@@damienjohnson3450 yup, absolutely. My first and only playthrough of the game made me realize I should be more assertive with my principles, as they make me who I am. People can lead richer lives and have more than me, but they will never get to be me, have my principles or live by them. Actually, in many cases, people get more "successful" by turning their backs on the same principles that shape who they are. Cyberpunk showed me that every single person is nothing more but his principles and actions. I am so glad the developers fixed the game, because it was unplayable for me at first, then just plainly unenjoyable. Now, it's a 10/10 experience including rebelling against the (kind of real life impending doom) corporations and their rule over the world, morality, death, what life is exactly, love, friendship, sacrifice, kindness - I could go on and on. I completely agree with what you are saying
@WhyAreYouLagging 8 месяцев назад
I've got the Clouds part saved. I always pick Skye's booth and save right at the 18+ sign to make it noticeable so I can come back later. The dialog just hits me in a way that I truly can not explain.
@catboy57392 8 месяцев назад
tbh the game, when it initially came out, and even after replaying it for Phantom Liberty, just made me more depressed than I was before to be real with you. thankfully im doing better overall
@EddieMendoza-bd1us 8 месяцев назад
Seeing Judy cry like a child for V made me almost breakdown
@CittizinKane 8 месяцев назад
Even worse after Evelyn, feel for her
@Freshina 8 месяцев назад
Seeing her breakdown like that hurts me real bad, the actress done an amazing job acting as her😭 Cyberpunk is truly a wonderful game
@xanderdoss5665 8 месяцев назад
Dude i was screaming "NO" when i saw her face pop up. Broke my fuckin heart
@Dixon_Cider407 8 месяцев назад
Losing Evelyn AND V in that way must’ve hurt her to the core
@kettlecornman2220 8 месяцев назад
I’m glad 400 other understand the pain she felt after losing Evelyn and V 💔
@Brunoxdd 8 месяцев назад
This game shows the reality of suicide, it doesnt put the pain away, it passes it to other people in greater ammount, its literally a "Double it and give it to the next person"
@johnElden8760 7 месяцев назад
Are you trying to sell it?
@smitfraudc3896 7 месяцев назад
plus an extra shot of "what did I do wrong that he/she has to commit suicide?" This Question will burn in and will never be answered and sometimes pulls another soul down...
@onii-chain 7 месяцев назад
damn never thought about it like that jesus
@Post_mortem_body_bag 7 месяцев назад
That's why having kids is evil
@Brunoxdd 7 месяцев назад
@@Post_mortem_body_bag tf does that have to do with any of this?
@JasperPerri 8 месяцев назад
Johnnys response to your choice the the most Keanu reeves thing I can imagine. It feels like its from him rather than the character.
@sayounsang 5 месяцев назад
“Not how I’da done it, but that’s all right.” 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
@EKPB День назад
I mean, Keanu Reeves loves playing character like Johnny and Neo which go against the system, I would say Johnny is literally Keanu Reeves not only in the appearance but also personality, just to the extreme side
@ayathados6629 8 месяцев назад
I think misty's in the end, is the most heartbreaking. She's still trying, still sending hope, still looking on the bright side; and yet in the end, she's talking to a dead phone line. Fuck man, it hurts.
@smirkjuice 7 месяцев назад
you can also call jackie after he dies, and v will have some lines about it, similar ones to misty
@kronoscamron7412 3 месяца назад
literal angel
@katmiller614 8 месяцев назад
Poor Judy two people she was very close to committed suicide.
@thealrighty3534 7 месяцев назад
honestly Judy might be the next one on the suicide path from all of this. I mean how tf can she possibly handle all of this
@I_Am_Mir 8 месяцев назад
I picked this ending on one of my many replays of the game when I was having a hard time in life and just felt useless and that I was better off gone. After I picked it, heard the dialogue with Johnny and V and heard all the sad voice mails I decided life, no matter how hard, is worth living for… live for a good book, a game, your pet, your friend, to see the Sun rise and set, to see the leaves fall and to watch a peaceful nightfall snow. I’ve since gotten better in life, I still have my down days but this game has seriously become one of my comfort games for sure just from the Sheer fact of how it impacts those sensitive topics just the right way. I will NEVER regret buying this game, ever… it saved me.
@erbderbs 8 месяцев назад
glad you're still around choom. I wish you all the best.
@liammelon309 8 месяцев назад
you're strong brother, take care of yourself, cheers
@AceX47 7 месяцев назад
I read your words brother and I've chills down my spine. I'm glad you chose to "never stop fighting" because like you said life is worth living and even if we are in dire straits it's always better go off with a bang than a whisper.
@ZombiesOnYourLawn66 7 месяцев назад
You and me both, brother. Find the small things to live for whenever you’re feeling like life is pointless and when you’re overwhelmed by depression. It truly takes a warrior to fight thru depression and strive to make a positive difference during our brief time in this life.
@the.nameless.one.. 7 месяцев назад
Truly . staying alive better bc it done before we know anyways
@dominikderegowski3527 8 месяцев назад
Living with depression sucks...that ending touched something that i've thought is a closed chapter of my life.
@bluz1n 8 месяцев назад
for me too mate, but remember, that's not the ending we want, not even in the game!
@JStar1337 8 месяцев назад
I have been living with it for 8 years... is no fun i get pills, but every day is empty and numb at least i can still go to work, at a job i hate. i should go to therapy, but the waiting times are long
@zacaci_deags 8 месяцев назад
@@JStar1337 one advice i could give you on that is instead of going to therapy (which could help) find real and good friends, people you respect and respect you back, worth sacrificing for and that'll miss you if you disapear, i might be a little psychopath-ish- saying this but it's great having ppls worth living for
@draconicusmathiusanytherio7630 8 месяцев назад
@@JStar1337you could also try to help other people, volunteer or something, that sometimes helps me with my depression
@JStar1337 8 месяцев назад
@@zacaci_deags I have my older brother, and a very good friend with borderline and schizophrenia. They already help a lot
@feels6046 8 месяцев назад
This ending saved my life.
@Dania_1111 8 месяцев назад
thank you for existing
@relaxingaudio1607 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for being here. Keep moving forward.
@naaaky 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for being, stay strong
@FlamenYong 7 месяцев назад
Glad you're still around, wish you all the best in the life you chose to keep
@scottypittman1 7 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for not choosing that path. The world is better with people like you in it. And I know I don't know you, but to be able to stare such an apparent and easy option in the face and refuse takes a level of fortitude I wish more people had. May God bless you and yours, and may He keep you alive and healthy for many decades to come.
@BoomNoBastic 8 месяцев назад
As someone whos lost someone to suicide. I have reacted the same way Panam and Judy did. It hit so close to home that it broke me for awhile.
@NesbitPlays 8 месяцев назад
thanks for sharing...
@TheInfantry98 8 месяцев назад
Then You are extremely weak
@eternalkick 8 месяцев назад
@@TheInfantry98Actually no, they’re not. The fact that they’re able to share that on RU-vid makes them stronger than most people. YOU however, are extremely weak, by putting someone down while they share a vulnerable moment
@sirdead918 8 месяцев назад
@@eternalkickw reply
@eternalkick 8 месяцев назад
@@sirdead918 Thanks Choom. It gets easier. Just gotta hold on a little longer sometimes
@SloadCast 3 месяца назад
Panam: anger Judy: grief Vik: regret Misty: acceptance
@Nanashi845 11 дней назад
vik is denial
@Shiggy_ 8 месяцев назад
This ending is real sad, but I still think the saddest ending is the corpo one in space. I didn’t do any of the romances, so when my V so scared and weak she needed help, and when she tried to call Panam or Judy, they didn’t have much to say, they didn’t know my V very well. So they only had vague supportive things to say. So she died desparate, afraid and alone, abandoned by the people she helped in that sterile apathetic clinical environment.
@belliebun4529 8 месяцев назад
They’re both equally sad to me, but they’re sad for different reasons.
@lemao2222 8 месяцев назад
I didn't find corpo ending as sad. I think, out of all endings, that one got me thinking the most. I was fascinated, in a morbid way, seeing V slowly but surely break down and lose it as the treatment droned on and on and on. It put the futility of life in such a dystopian future in plain sight. Like, okay, keep our human rights and don't sign the contract. What even is human rights in that world? Is anything really stopping a corporation from killing, kidnapping and/or run experiments on people when they want to? What is even the point of giving us the choice? Are we even sure Arasaka won't just scoop up V's body after all is said and done? Maybe I'm weird, but the ending I hated the most was the NUSA one. It felt like the antithesis to the suicide ending. There, V refuses to sacrifice any more lives but their own and Johnny's. In the new ending, well... the price is rather steep. Spoilers if you haven't played Phantom Liberty: Johnny, Songbird, the ties he made with everyone (I romanced Panam and the new ending made me hate her guts), among other things. Even Night City, who was a beautiful place despite the dystopian setting, felt lifeless after things happened without V. And yet that ending is the one where V lives. Like actually live, indefinitely, no 6 months deadline. But V lives as a nobody now, can't have chrome, can't have fame, can't even show their face in the Afterlife or people will see their sorry state and the legend will fade away. Why do I almost hate it as much as the suicide ending, I don't know. It should be the best one, where V gets to walk away from the self-destructive path that is becoming a Night City legend, where V won't be the next excuse for some Gonkbrain to throw their lives away too. But... eh, idk. Seeing Vik and Night City like that left a bad aftertaste.
@HuntAtWill 8 месяцев назад
​@@lemao2222 I fully agree with you, that ending hurt the most. Just seeing everything ripped from him, it kinda had a Edgerunners feel to me.
@kettlecornman2220 8 месяцев назад
@@HuntAtWill”edgerunner feel” yesssssss exactly how i felt when this happened to me on accident
@michaelperkola391 8 месяцев назад
Yeah, the Devil ending was the one I chose in the first playthrough. Yeesh! 💀
@Vyrus-1980 8 месяцев назад
At least in this ending your "friends" give a shit about you. If you play for the actual "cure" you get to live, and everyone forgets you except Viktor and Misty. There are no happy endings in CP, and that's what makes it more real than most RPG's.
@TriviaFreak 8 месяцев назад
Tried and true neo-noir.
@draconicusmathiusanytherio7630 8 месяцев назад
The nomads ending isn’t too bad, though V still might die it’s at least with Panam when it happens
@bestintheworld7090 8 месяцев назад
Yeah seeing how panam reacts to this and then seeing how she has no reaction to v being gone for 2 years makes no sense for her character in that ending.
@itzan7513 8 месяцев назад
Essentially CDPR decided that all endings must be tragic and drowning in misery with no hope for our protagonist. So even if you cure yourself, V can't have nice things like friends. Shit, Reed that you meet for what seems like a couple of weeks is the only one who truly sticks by you. Even tho he could've bailed on you at anytime. Compared to Judy, Panam, Kerry or the fucking Aldecaldos... family my ass.
@10klass5 8 месяцев назад
​@@bestintheworld7090 I think that she died, that's why she didn't answer herself. It's not in her character to not answer, she is very emotional. That's why they tried to convince V that she didn't want to answer, they didn't want to upset V
@braindeadblonde6739 8 месяцев назад
the fact you play through the lens of your character but after that bit of dialogue you're thrusted out of your V's POV, you're in the same shoes as Johnny or V's friends as you're left helpless. It's bittersweet, as the camera pans out, knowing what's to follow. No going back, if you were to be in V's shoes, you'd not have been 'fortunate' enough to have seen the aftermath, yet here you are. watching the consequences of your actions in the form of familiar faces calling out to you, never to be answered.
@niscent_ 8 месяцев назад
yeah, they play really well on the ambiguity between V being you and V being the character you play. very few games manage to get together such a freedom to express yourself through a character, and your character having his own clear personality. if you take skyrim, your character is whoever you choose him to be, he has no other personality than what you convince yourself is his personality. if you take a tomb raider, your character is lara croft, with her own identity and personality. now to find games that are in between... maybe prey has a bit of both, but morgan yu is a total blank sheet despite having a name and history, so much of a blank sheet he has amnesia. in cyberpunk, V is his own person, but you decide everything he/she decide, and he bears the consequences of you decisions. even when you decide what V think, it still feel like he's the one deciding how he'll act out your choice. sometimes you make one of those "asshole" choices, and you think "but i didn't think V would be that harsh".
@miniops12 8 месяцев назад
i swear cyberpunk is the only rpg where every single ending has left me feeling depressed, this one was no exception. just seeing all these characters i'd grown attached to, hearing them devastated after doing something i didn't necessarily _want_ to do, just... augh. knife through the fucking heart, man. only a couple other games hit me as hard as cyberpunk did. best goddamn rpg i've ever played, i don't care if i'm wrong.
@NesbitPlays 8 месяцев назад
you can't be wrong its your experience of the game...we all experience games differently or similarly by degrees...I share you experience, the driven story is very good attaching the player to the core characters of the plot. I was shocked, caught out when Jackie died...surprised by how well the game drew me in, and the re-living of emotions when he was spoken about during game play with Songbird.
@ilovetweek000 7 месяцев назад
while it's still a depressing ending bc johnny is gone, i liked the one where v takes over the afterlife after rogue dies and becomes a night city legend. that one was less sad than the other ones
@OneBiasedOpinion 3 месяца назад
I do wish there'd been a "good" ending. I suppose some of them technically qualify, but it's still rough to go through everything in this game only to come out on the other side feeling like no matter the choice, you're just ground under the wheels and left for dust one way or the other. I suppose that's a highly realistic way of looking at such a bleak and dreary world, but damn it all I play games to not be reminded of how awful our own world can be. It'd be nice if somehow, some way, your choices actually showed a net positive at the end.
@Wax_Man 8 месяцев назад
CP2077 made me more connected to my character than any other game. To the point where I had the "no turning back" mission and got on to do it and finish the game but instead I just drove around looking for stuff to do because I didn't want to end cause how can the end be anything good. I got the Sun ending on my first go around. Had me in a mood for 2 days. Wild stuff. I was able to look past the bugs for the story within and I'm glad I did
@dr.chubchin1534 8 месяцев назад
So real for that. I'm currently in the driving around looking for stuff to do stage, I don't want it to end, but I think I'm just going to send it and hope for the best.
@S1Lent_Wanderer 8 месяцев назад
I remember when I played at launch, I genuinely had hope for V, like just maybe there was a way out, when I found out everything I had done since the job with Wackie was on borrowed time and V was hopeless from the very beginning... This game sent me into a depressive episode for about a week.
@mikethompson7046 7 месяцев назад
Honestly I actually never finished it because of that. I stopped right before that mission
@Johnnythefirst 7 месяцев назад
I never finished the game when it first came out. Gave it a second chance when Phantom Liberty came out and I’m still driving around as we speak. The “Meet Hanako at Embers” quest objective has been on my screen for about two months now. Don’t want it to end.
@draugr121 4 месяца назад
I truly feel that i am somewhat playing a version of me projected into the future. I do not know what is wrong about this game but wow, what a journey.
@GodOfAI_ 8 месяцев назад
This is why I think Cyberpunk will become one of the best gaming and TV franchises in the world, it has a level of realness to it that makes you really care for its characters and makes you really immerse in the world.
@dream8870 8 месяцев назад
even more so how it translates to the real world almost to a T, the literal creator told us we should never as a species aspire to be in this universe, but the way things are now it seems we’re doubling down on it for some reason, the entirety of the cyberpunk genre is literally real life. It’s uniquely depressing in a way, because we see stuff like this yet are blind to it, and not understanding how bleak of a future this world is, but we continue on, pushing ourselves into it’s beckoning maw, the pornography, the advertising, the addictions, the social structures, all of these issues being presented to us, but we still can’t seem to grasp that this is not a reality we want to live.
@dream8870 8 месяцев назад
To add on, I guess despite all of that, one thing is for certain, people you’re closest to makes all the difference, as evident with this ending, despite the shit society they’re in.
@toxicwall6593 2 дня назад
Too bad it had a bad launch 😔 but still one of my fav games of all time
@SCSAsJorts 8 месяцев назад
This one I could never do, idk for me V just had so much resilience and Johnny aided in that, the Nomad ending with Panam felt so natural
@Tom_Cruise_Missile 8 месяцев назад
Ruthless corpo start to panam ending was so much fun
@gamerdweebentertainment1616 8 месяцев назад
Still think people managed to put themselves in Vi shoes of sorts. I don't even remember my ending, I think I took corpo and tried to get out, but I think they refused to let me out and I was like OH FFS, you can't do that. Send me back to earth!!! I wasn't expecting inhumane treatment, daily tests and such, for what?!?!? I was normally functioning, scammed!!!
@SavageEntertainmentYEAH 7 месяцев назад
@@Tom_Cruise_Missilesame lmao
@TamagoSenshi 6 месяцев назад
Killing enemies is one thing, getting your friends killed is another
@ShadySliver17 8 месяцев назад
I swear that lone gunshot echoing out is nothing but haunting
@coffinboy556 4 месяца назад
Especially the cars honking and the people chatting and the city buzzing.. it just shows how EVERYTHING still continues to go on as if nothing even happened or changed…
@originzz 3 месяца назад
@@coffinboy556gunshots are pretty common in NC. it's only in this ending that it truly affects us. goes to show how loads of things seem fine until they affect you personally...
@coffinboy556 3 месяца назад
@@originzz yeah but in that scene you hear pretty much nothing but the city and not really any gun violence or sirens or anything which is pretty rare for NC but still the hopelessness of it all when you hear the shot and nothing else but everyone still chatting and talking and the city buzzing with life. Chills…
@Rigel_Chiokis 8 месяцев назад
The ending that really connected with me was the one in Phantom Liberty when V comes back from Langley. I've reached a point in my life where I'm just another face in the crowd. Hell, I might even be less than that, not sure. There was a time when I was capable of doing some things most people can't. Lost it all. The writing in this game truly is top notch. Even The Relic is something a lot of people can relate to, including myself. The woman I spent 27 years of my life with developed cancer, the incurable type. She had treatments; hard to say which did more damage, the cancer or the cure. There are many diseases like that; once you're told you've got it, your life is on a timer. It's your relic. I think it's that relateability that makes this game as good as it is.
@NesbitPlays 8 месяцев назад
thanks for sharing, and good luck with your future...
@Fraunzi 5 месяцев назад
Damn dude that’s deep. Hang in there…
@lobstersrs 3 месяца назад
Interesting concept. Reading that made a few things click with me and gave me a little insight into why I connected with some of what I did in the game. I'll refrain from expanding on that here, but thanks for sharing something I imagine was incredibly difficult, it gave me something to think about.
@Rigel_Chiokis 3 месяца назад
@@lobstersrs you're welcome. The fact that I can talk about it means that I'm okay. I'm glad you got something from it.
@gamersanonymous4me131 8 месяцев назад
Instead of killing yourself, there is another ending where none of your friends (Saul & Rogue) die, and that is doing "dont fear the Reaper": and give Johnny the ending he wanted and you the chance of surviving another 6 months. So...destroy Arasaka, Mikoshi and get another 6 mo.s "win win Kid"- Johnny. Become the legend you were after...after all. Or... the most hopeful ending with Panam and have family and love till the end of your dayz.
@AveChristusRex789 8 месяцев назад
There’s always the possibility that V really does get cured in both the sun and the star
@raivin7172 8 месяцев назад
@@AveChristusRex789 knowing Mr. Blue Eyes' connection to Phantom Liberty there's a good possibility that V might actually get cured. But at what cost is the another question, considering Blue Eyes is actual brainwasher and possibly AI from Blackwall
@gamersanonymous4me131 8 месяцев назад
@@AveChristusRex789 The lore is not believable. V cant be cured, why? How did he get to the point of the Relic re-programming his brain to imprint Johnny and Alt who has the schematics for the Relic, can get V's engram.... but cant put Vs engram into the Relic that would then use the nanites to change Vs brain to become V again? Its video game logic and is not logically true.
@Player_Unknown664 8 месяцев назад
Imo The Sun is a bad ending in disguise. Sure, V ends up making it big in night city. Lots of money, nice house, and fame. But despite all that, he's alone. And from the voice mails from his friends you see in the credits of that ending, it doesn't seem like he keeps in touch with them anymore. He just gets so consumed by chasing glory.
@vincentouwehand828 8 месяцев назад
@@gamersanonymous4me131 Part of the answer to why he cannot be cured is given in phantom liberty. Short of it, only an AI from the black wall could do it without damage (and there is only 1 to cure 1 person). Militech has a cure, but it ruins your cortex meaning no more implants for V. So the soul killer damages the neural pathways of the new host to an extend that humans cannot fix it.
@compass2349 8 месяцев назад
The darkest part about this ending isnt that V is dead, its that the people you met are left without you, without closure, and to know that V never gets to hear these messages is for a lack of better words... haunting.
@The.Ronin.Kuzuri 6 месяцев назад
This moment saved me from ending my own life. Showing the sudden loss and how deeply it affects those you love really snapped me back to reality. Cyberpunk is my favorite game now, and I'll always cherish it for keeping me alive and kicking. I'll be playing this game for a long time to come. Never fade away, chooms.
@5brags455 8 месяцев назад
Man I never want to make Vic sad at all.
@Smoji069 8 месяцев назад
My first ending choice. It truly echoes the state of the world we live in. As V breaks down and ends it the hustle and bustle of the city continues. Ceaselessly. I’ve lived in a few cities in my life and they all feel like this. And it’s only getting worse. Really weighs me down living in a world like this. I just want peace.
@dream8870 8 месяцев назад
we all do
@someone-pz4dg 8 месяцев назад
If you can manage move out to the country. It really helps
@ricecooker7037 8 месяцев назад
This is the most realistic ending. It’s the ending we don’t like most and it feels like something I would’ve done in his shoes. V feels real in this ending.
@NesbitPlays 8 месяцев назад
I agree it is not an ending I like either, I like to feel I am stronger than any situation, but would I be? And could I sacrifice for others if required...? What is courage, and honour, right and wrong, such a subjective topic at times....
@mlgman138 8 месяцев назад
Yeah it would've felt like a right thing to do in that moment considering we'd be risking our friends lives just for us to have a chance at surviving a little longer...it just doesn't seem worth it to let them die for us when they have the chance at full lives.
@JimHawking- 7 месяцев назад
“To cling to something past it’s usefulness is unseemly. How much more so when that thing is you.” - A Skyrim orc looking for a good death.
@DestructorN7 4 месяца назад
To me, the most real ending is the new one. You start from the ground, the only one in which you are confirmed to be cured, but you are forced to live as a normal person. No more glory seeking, no more game protagonist larping, that was just an episode of your life that already passed.
@universal_wisdom3416 7 месяцев назад
Damn, voice actors that make you cry over a video game deserve to be immortalized in history. Shoutout RDR2, Cyberpunk, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, Last of Us, COD MW series, and Visage for creating emotional masterpieces.
@projectfalcon8930 8 месяцев назад
Not gonna lie this ending feels just as cannon and appropriate as any of the others, I know it's considered the "bad ending" but when you look at it from the perspective of someone who's tired of fighting an impossible fight, dragging people down with you, and leaving endless bodies on your path to failure. It actually makes the most sense
@fashdag 8 месяцев назад
Its even worse for Judy because she also just lost Evelynn about a week before this.
@yukami_debian 7 месяцев назад
This is the ending that truly broke me. I was considering it at the time... ending it all... When I first saw it I got so mad at some of the messages. Especially Panam being angry at you while having only a slight idea of what's really going on and not understanding how you came to it. But Misty fucking broke me. "I don't think you knew just how many friends you really had" and I completely broke down. Never been so heartbroken and never felt so bad. This ending is probably one of the reasons I'm still there today.
@xxdoge105xx3 6 месяцев назад
The world is a better place with you in it, stay strong we are here for you
@NesbitPlays 8 месяцев назад
You know people for me this game is a warning; this is why we must always stay aware of the good things and fight for what is right...If we do not, if we give in to apathy and indifference we will end up with a future like this...many of the themes of this game is on the way already...food made from bugs and insects, AI and implants which will in the long run will, I think, disconnect us from our finer awareness, and we will live in a world where life will be as cheap as you can image, just like Night City, with dark roads and little light for most. At least at present there is a way for people in todays world by degrees to advance if they want to fight for their lives. However, watch how fast the world is changing, in the next 50 years let alone the next hundred we will see an explosion in human and AI integration, this is going to change everything and the powers that be are already re-writing human laws for this new coming era of machine/AI and man...We used to sit around camp fires and share stories to impart lessons now we have games too, they offer a full range of experiences for us, and opportunity to learn and grow and to see why wasting our life should be the very last thing we do...In pain comes the opportunity to live...to grow, to expand and become more...Peace!
@carnivore1784 8 месяцев назад
Dude it sucks because i sometimes feel suicidal and that i am a burden on people but when i think about this games ending its oddly real just how many people truly cared about you and were willing to risk so much to save you and by your perspective youre helping them you dont want to weigh them down you dont want to cause them suffering so you end it and to see how truly devistated everyone gets puts it all in perspective for me as a person that people genuinely want to help you and if they love you are more than willing to sacrifice for you if youre willing to ask. Judy and misty got to me most how one is devistaged and misty just tells you outright that you have more friends than you ever thought that your presense has more of an impact then you could ever realize i fucking love cyberpunk for the risk of taking up a path some games consider so controversial and even able to show the outcome of ypur actions on the people who cared about you
@stepanmakarov1842 5 месяцев назад
That ending is doing such a great job of encapsulating what cyberpunk as a genre feels like to me. It is all neon and bright, but chaotic and depressing, almost soulless kinda, like most dystopias. It is our world dialed to 11. Cyberpunk as a genre and setting does a great job at bringing such difficult humane topics to that neon light.
@explodinglllama2475 8 месяцев назад
Cyberpunk is my favorite story game ever. it had a rough start but the story has always been flawless. I don't get emotional much but i think the cyberpunk franchise has made me tear up and just so many strong emotions since its release. everything about Cyberpunk 2077, Edgerunners, and Phantom Liberty was phenomenal, and i am beyond excited for Cyberpunk Orion.
@scrpld7111 8 месяцев назад
I think the main game story is not that interesting but it's good enough for me to enjoy it. I don't like the chip thing in the story it feels cheap for me. When they introduced the chip and V dying slowly phase I was hoping that it would be just small part of the game but it was like the whole game.. but all the side quest, gameplay etc. is so entertaining I don't care about it. And I think Phantom Liberty story was much better than the main game story. The last part where you need to carry Songbird to the space rocket which takes her to the moon (blackwall ending).. man that was epic felt like I was playing game and movie same time. I have also played Witcher 3 and I think it made more sense and it had this feeling of continuous flow or progression and then you get qlimax at the end. Cyberpunk felt like "let's do this story and throw a bunch of side content to it"
@darknight8128 8 месяцев назад
There isn't a movie, song, or game that has ever made me cry. As someone who struggles with these thoughts and feelings on a daily basis, this game and story hit me to my core. I will forever be grateful to have played this game from start to finish despite all the bugs and glitches from the initial release.
@JustinCage56 8 месяцев назад
Imagine how many lives this ending saved
@BONGPHOMET420 6 месяцев назад
'saca employees arent people. Certantly not Smasher.
@BONGPHOMET420 6 месяцев назад
@@BeyondContact oh gotchya, yeah in that case i agree. also i cant go outside, i live in urban america and id get muged, drugged, or ran over :/
@pinnacleevolution1634 5 месяцев назад
@@BONGPHOMET420 I mean if you play corpo your V was literally a saca employee 6 months before this, and some of the people in there were just trying to get by.
@legoshi6531 8 месяцев назад
"it's just a game" my ass. Truly one of the best games ever made and highly unappreciated, got so much undeserved hate. Such an amazing and beautiful story, even if the endings are unnecessarily grim and a little dumb they hit hard.
@samuelgeaney7556 3 месяца назад
The game had an awful start but over the years I'd say it's redeemed itself and then some
@inhminhhoang6984 5 месяцев назад
what bites me the most about this ending is how judy gets to experience the same fucking tragedy, twice
@kezplays1296 8 месяцев назад
This was the ending I got in my first play through. Completely by accident. It’s a sad scene I know but I was in hysterics after realising the monumental mistake I made.
@ConspiracistLizardMan 8 месяцев назад
The only thing I would change here is: the ability to pull the trigger should be yours, not locked in a cutscene. It would make the scene carry more weight. You could put the gun on your head but decide to put it away, after some more consideration (or not). I felt robed of that final decision by the cutscene.
@mlgman138 8 месяцев назад
I feel like the pan out scene and giving us a dialogue option of Pull the Trigger would've hit hard
@Who_Even_Cares 2 месяца назад
Well, look at it this way, tossing the pills was already pulling the trigger, the gun was just death finally arriving to take V
@Salmontres 5 месяцев назад
panam threatening you in hell is the most panam thing ever. I would have never chosen this ending, but this is amazing
@isipscognac 2 месяца назад
Panam sucks. In this ending, she gives you shit for choosing to die your own way. In the Phantom Liberty ending, she gets all pissy and abandons you.
@rangopistacho6928 7 месяцев назад
the way judy just breaks completely at the end, fucking hell ive never seen such acting like that, seriously where the hell is this kind of raw acting in video games, it tore at my fucking heart and soul
@LaurentSparksMusic 3 месяца назад
the one that gets me is the sun ending i think? where johnny calls you by your full name, a callback to the doll at clouds calling you your name and V replying "only people who know me really well can use my real name" when Johnny says like "goodnight Valerie" shit cut right to my heart
@evil-eyex9534 7 месяцев назад
The soundtrack on the roof gave me chills and the environment too
@ashryver3605 7 месяцев назад
Every ending, every scene with her.. Man Misty is such an angel. If there was a romance option, I'd pick her ten thousand times over.
@captshavers 5 месяцев назад
It's honestly amazing how well CD projekt red are able to just draw you into every conversation and how amazing all of the performances are.
@samhor33 5 месяцев назад
This is what made cdpr so special, not the game play or graphics or any other things, they managed to draw you in, made you emotional made you feel.
@Ubermense 8 месяцев назад
Did this ending on my first playthrough and I was crying for an hour after
@loboneiner1034 8 месяцев назад
The only other game I remember with a suicide ending was Spec Ops The Line
@blondlorelord33 7 месяцев назад
Something that i half like, and half hurts me, is that V can call Jackie's phone after he dies in the tower and give him updates.
@carlosarguelles8131 8 месяцев назад
this is the first ending i got, its a tear jerker...
@bonkyouded 8 месяцев назад
When CP2077 came out i was in a dark spot, used gaming as a distraction and a life rope to cling ontop just not to end it. When i saw this as a option i had to try it, because this is one thing i really wanted to see, If its worth pushing forward. My god i havent felt more regret and grief in my life, and it honest to god changed my mind. For this i owe the actors and devs my life in a way, and to change someones opinion on life just like that requires it to be real fucking good.
@eggman_- 8 месяцев назад
That distant gunshot sound was a nail in the coffin.
@NesbitPlays 8 месяцев назад
@caoticturnip662 5 месяцев назад
The most heartbreaking thing about this ending is the gunshot with a slight echo in a city that's corrupt and polluted loudly, after all that shit happened, nothing will change, corporations will still abuse the poor, people will still die, no one will learn a lesson from anything happened there, and they are desperate... continuing to live a miserable life knowing damn well how will it end...
@WillMartinWrites Месяц назад
The only real truth to any world, fictional or otherwise is that Nothing Good Ever Happens.
@gagemead27 8 месяцев назад
This was the first ending I got. I cried when Mama Welles appeared... And then Judy. Judy broke my heart. "We lost everything, and had to pay the price."
@sedygrizly 8 месяцев назад
My first ending I went for in Cyberpunk. For reasons V said, did not want to risk my friends lives just to save mine. Shame that solo ending is triggered by long pause... I did not hesitate that long.
@michael6880 8 месяцев назад
Yeah 5 minutes is a tad too long, 1-2 minutes wouldve been more natural if you cant decide
@jamesmitchell6489 8 месяцев назад
It only appears if you picked the right dialogue choices with Johnny.
@ZUV617 8 месяцев назад
I kind of like this ending, or I appreciate it a lot at least, they could've make it a LOT more miserable, but both V and Johnny are so at peace with it that I didn't feel that bad watching it happen
@bigcardboardbox88 8 месяцев назад
i think they were supposed to come off as hollow & melancholic, jaded by the prospect of so much more bloodshed for their individual life
@ZUV617 7 месяцев назад
@@bigcardboardbox88 Sure, the whole thing has that helpless feeling, but again, not so much as to feel miserable because of both characters being mostly ok with it. I did say I only appreciate it, if I had to be a critic for sure I have stuff to point out, like the ending mostly ignoring V's and Johnny's friendship level, base Johnny would've been a lot more loud about this. They do adress that in one of PL endings tho.
@fionnconnelly6004 4 месяца назад
@thecyanryan7140 8 месяцев назад
The most ironic thing about this ending is the fact that it seams like the only one where night city ends in some sort of peace. Whether or not that be a reality of the way things are or will be, listen to the city air, the ambiance of the night before V takes it all. It’s peaceful. The only “peaceful” ending for V. Makes you wonder whether or not V was ever a character meant for themselves, or if they were just made to be a part in everybody else’s story.
@linkboy7212 4 месяца назад
I’m genuinely curious how many lives this ending saved. My brother was one of them. I’m so fucking thankful that of all the games I recommended to him, this was the one.
@brandonpotts54 5 месяцев назад
This game is so emotionally charged, and it sucks you in. Even down to your choices in the game, you put yourself in their shoes. You feel the loss and the weight of it all. To the point I won't alter certain decisions in the game. Like Jackie's body always goes to his mom. I just can't bring myself to change that decision. She deserves her sons body. I kill the voodoo boys every time because I feel like they are responsible for what ended up happening to Evelyn Parker. They fact that she was brutalized so bad that she took her own life is tragic. I love this game even when it was shit. It's nice to see what the game has become.
@mindlessthought3296 8 месяцев назад
that one game that made me reconsider alot of things... especially this ending. a big thanks to the developers of cyberpunk!
@GamesCooky 4 месяца назад
I feel so sorry for Judy. The voice actor did a great job with her. The shaky voice always gets to me. The amount of shit she's been through, and then suddenly V also commits suicide. It's not often i have empathy for videogame characters, but Judy i can't help but feel her pain. The amount of shit she's been through, and now suddenly V also decides to commit suicide. She's left all alone having to cope with all this. She didn't deserve all this pain and sorrow.
@Azzreal69 8 месяцев назад
I dont know why i keep watching these videos with this ending. Everytime I do, it just breaks my heart. I just want to give them all, Especially Judy, a big fat Hug. The way she breaks down and considering Evelyn, just fkng breaks me, everytime. God these characters were so well done.
@dylanherron3963 8 месяцев назад
Man, uh. This one went deep in my playthru. I've gone down the rabbit hole of treatment and used to be suicidal about 5-6 years ago. (been doing aight since) Judy's input made me break down into tears entirely. Her words reminiscent of a former person in my life. What an amazing game. A beautiful work of art.
@meatflu237 7 месяцев назад
I admire how this game pokes into hipocrisy and the moral ambiguity of the world. if you take your own life, everyone will whine and cry about how you couldn't handle it, how you were so sweet to them and gone too soon. but mostly they will be sorry for their own loss of you. stay around, and someday you will see you lived long enough to become a mere reminder of that affection or bond someone had with you in the past. nobody really cares about you now. cause you lived out your own glory days. now you're nothing out of ordinary, just like them, no real reason to cherish that connection with you. you become a bleak shadow of your once attractive, but now winded self. and that's just how life is. cyberpunk 2077 teaches us acceptance of life and it's turmoils.
@corruptwolf3675 8 месяцев назад
I remember getting this ending on accident my first run and it was the first time I felt so emotional over a game.
@janhoable 7 месяцев назад
speaking as someone that tried to off himself a couple of times: this was my second ending, and when I started to see everyone's reaction it broke my heart, when Judy appeared crying, I couldn't stop myself from crying too. "It doesn't affect only you, it hits your friends too. Maybe you didn't know how many friends you really had" this made me think so much. Thank you cd project red, you guys kinda saved my life at a very dark time.
@Rouk524 7 месяцев назад
the way everyone calls breaks my damn heart
@bamcki991 7 месяцев назад
Misty getting Vik to record that message just felt so human. Though tech has consumed every part of life in the world of cyberpunk, humanity still seaps through the cracks to talk with the dead. Yes, it makes 0 sense and they're simply gone from the earth, talking to them like they're listening is still a practice to comfort themselves dealing with death.
@pfcjewbacca911 3 месяца назад
Panams anger. She doesn't know how to process her misery. Itll eat her up for years
@Henry-kz4gn 5 месяцев назад
"people die, its the way of things" Exactly, /dies
@christopherrobbins0 8 месяцев назад
Damn. This game is just crazy. I'm glad it showed how much your decision affected the people around you.
@JackCrtx 7 месяцев назад
No one comite suicide to be evil for the love one's. Depression makes it. Best scene in games so far about suicide.
@maplemaple1439 7 месяцев назад
"Am I worth their sacrifice? Are you?" Is honestly so real, and even after playing through this game twice I didn't really consider this. Indeed, V isn't worth killing for.
@unfortunatecircumstances8870 2 месяца назад
That's the opposite of what this ending conveys. That's V justifying giving up. Did V bother to ask his friends? What if they thought V was worth fighting for? It conveys the selfish nature of suicide. V thinks this is the easiest, most painless way to end things, but this ending hurts their friends the most.
@Spider_Variant96 6 месяцев назад
This was my first ending. And one I needed to see most. I had in the past contemplated suicide before until playing this game. When seeing Judy cry, I couldn't help but see my sister in her. It's easy to forget how bad the effect it has on others. If anyone is ready this, you're not alone. We can get through this. Its not easy. But I believe in you.
@MegaGruszek 8 месяцев назад
This was my first ending. I was just courious, whats gona happen and.... Its tear me apart. Dont expected anything like that. But in the end, i was glad I saw this... The voice actors did a phenomenal work (especialy Judy's) showing us all this emotions. They sounds so real, that give us feeling we all lost a good friend ( sorry if I wrote something inocorrelty, my English isnt good 😅)
@moosejuice2166 13 дней назад
"Am I worth their sacrifice, are you?" its not a great argument but it's the best you can make to a call like this
@azuyaraven2811 2 месяца назад
Misty: "I don't think you know how many friends you really had" Me after PL ending: Yeah...about 2. 3 if I really stretch the term a bit :)
@FrogSitter661 5 месяцев назад
This was the first ending I chose after my first playthrough. At the time, my personal philosophy was much the same. If I couldn't live how I wanted, get the ending I thought I deserved, then I didn't want anything but for it all to be over. I was alone, even amongst "friends". I was studying engineering, hoping I would never return to the poverty I grew up in, but things kept on feeling more and more pointless. When I saw this ending though, and I saw how V's death ripped everyone's hearts to pieces, it really spoke to me. It made me realize that if I gave up, that would be the moment that not only everything I did amounted to nothing, but anyone I had met, who had an ounce of care in their hearts, would have to carry the weight of my negativity for me. Then I played the ending to live on as V. Seeing the sunset with Panam after a huge sequence of gunfights in Arasaka... I gave the short time V had left some meaning. So I decided I would do the same. I improved my grades, I started painting in my free time to destress. I started saying yes to whatever I could to be around others. I and forced myself to laugh and smile when it didn't feel natural. And it worked wonders. I still have episodes of depression, sure, but I can always pull myself out of it. Thanks Cyberpunk, for being more than a game for me in that time.
@PumkRock 8 месяцев назад
this ending is really impactful. I semi-recently replayed cyberpunk 2077 when the new DLC came out, made a save and decided to do every ending one after the other, planning on actually ending with the reaper one. I was suicidal at the time. Like, In real life. The only things that were keeping me around was a certain curiosity about how.... " a project?" I'm working on would pan out- and the idea of hurting certain people around me- people who were trying so hard to get me to hold on. Otherwise, I was just unhappy. I just wanted out. Every now and then- you start to doubt. You wonder if they'd just understand if you did it. Or even if they'd actually care. You start gauging how long it would take them to forget you, to get over it. But playing this ending- seeing all of these characters just be angry, or devastated. I didn't wanna do that to real people. How could I? There was one friend in particular I kept imagining feeling like that about the real me- and I just broke down. I Couldn't do it. A few months later that friend asked me to be her girlfriend. I had no idea she felt that way about me. Who says video games aren't a serious artform?
@xxdoge105xx3 6 месяцев назад
Glad to hear you are still going. “Never stop fightin’”.
@PumkRock 6 месяцев назад
@@xxdoge105xx3 Hell yeah. I'm glad I stuck around. I still struggle with those thoughts from time to time, but honestly the progress I've made with that project I mentioned has surpassed my every expectation and it alone makes me want to die less and less with every passing day. "Everything in this world is in the process of becoming something else." Who'd have thought Cyberpunk 2077 would be filled with so many deep quotes haha!
@xxdoge105xx3 6 месяцев назад
@@PumkRock that scene at clouds went way harder than expected, love this game
@PumkRock 6 месяцев назад
@@xxdoge105xx3 I prefer angel just going off like, who I actually fancy more- but that line from skye hit me so fucking hard I actually have it painted in pink acrylic along the very bottom of the back of one of my leather jackets.
@xxdoge105xx3 6 месяцев назад
@@PumkRock oh it’s a Skye only line? I’ve never done Angel so I had no idea.
@dillongreene1030 4 дня назад
Cyberpunk 2077 “Perfectly Imperfect Masterpiece”
@JarlRagnaar 8 месяцев назад
I'll never go with this ending, but it has to be the most emotionally sobering one by far. CDPR didn't shy away from the darker sides of life, but always in a grounded and mature way. Sometimes, there is just no right way and the only thing you can do is to pick the least wrong one. And just like in life, all of our decisions have consequences and they'll never affect us alone.
@GingerHoax 7 месяцев назад
this ending made me take a break from the game for a while. It really broke me. Never had a game hit me this hard before. I stumbled across this, no quest line to get here. Simply found a cool spot to apparently end V's life.
@redsol3629 8 месяцев назад
Its because you are in pain, that is what impacts your "reality" we experience life through our body, if our body is in turmoil the world will feel broken. The world isn't broken, just you. Its always been just you. Now get up.
@jakeschwartz2514 4 месяца назад
Shut up
@aaronbyrne6555 Месяц назад
this guy's V appearance matches the voice perfectly
@BasedCannon 8 месяцев назад
never done the suicide ending... never will
@Fyre0 8 месяцев назад
As FemV in the Judy romance, seeing her message broke me hard.
@SergioMendoza760 6 дней назад
I really appreciate all the characters being heart broken by this choice you can make. It’s an obvious anti suicide message, but in canon I like that it makes sense. At that point V would’ve accomplished so many feats that other mercs would only dream of being able to accomplish. His friends truly believed he could’ve done something to save himself or change his fate, and it makes sense they would be bothered by him not even trying to save himself considering all the other great feats he accomplished up until this point.
@damokay254 8 месяцев назад
where is kerry massage ? bro when he said "you dont give a fuck about your friends" that shit hit me
@GrimK77 8 месяцев назад
you have to earn that message... he has to know you exist in the first place
@f2lc0n 8 месяцев назад
This game touches your heart in every ending, worth every cent i spent on a game
@SyvexDilecta 7 месяцев назад
just noticed how johnny is sitting between the red and the blue chair in this scene... that fact alone gives one so much to think damn
@deejons5760 22 дня назад
I thought what was cool about Silverhand was that he never cared about shit, but even though he apparently isn't the kind of guy who tells other people to move on because life is good, Johnny seemed to me to be very distressed by the idea of ​​V killing himself. I found the construction of his character very interesting.
@TomRobertGaming 3 месяца назад
This is my favorite ending in this entire game, feels satisfying, just you and Johnny having a chat, and saying goodbye. Got me in the feels.
@N7Prime 8 месяцев назад
This was the only ending I found viable for myself, I didn’t want to risk my friends and relationships I built to be in vain over something where I’d barely make a dent anyways
@Rafeku1 8 месяцев назад
As some people said, if you have some friend percentage with Johnny, and select to go with rogue and then wait for a while, you can storm arasaka solo
@JulFly Месяц назад
This is the reason why I love this game. Each ending was darker than the other and unique in its own way. Every playthrough was worth it
@perchta0 Месяц назад
As a survivor of suicide, this hit really close to home. This really makes me wanna heal so bad.
@NesbitPlays Месяц назад
do it, live, thrive and enjoy....we all die soon enough, no need to bring it forward, we all have tough times, all get wounded one way or another...keep moving forward and good luck...
@seventwoseven1901 8 месяцев назад
What would Jackie think.
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