

James Aspey
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Being vegan is an amazing, incredible, life changing thing! On the other hand, being aware of the mass genocide against billions of individuals happening every single day can be very depressing at times. Lately, I’ve been feeling it more than usual. Here's what I do when I feel down.



8 сен 2024




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Iron, when heated and pounded, becomes a fine sword. Likewise, our true strength and potential cannot be forged without hardships.
@VeganRevolution 6 лет назад
Homoerotic subtext much?
@JoshuaEntis 6 лет назад
Could not agree more!
@MartinSkadal 6 лет назад
uuh, that was good, much love v-gang!
@haleytice 6 лет назад
@zombiechris4813 6 лет назад
Poop is NOT vegan.
@HannahNaomiC 6 лет назад
So since I watched your speech two years ago, my boyfriend is now vegan, as are my parents, one of my sisters, my boyfriend's parents and one friend. So that's seven more people! I've also helped my friend who's a chef plan vegan menus for the three restaurants he manages. You have made and are making a HUGE difference 🤙🏻🌱💚🌏💚🌱🤙🏻
@sapiens2299 6 лет назад
“Nobody can do everything, everybody can do something." Exactly! 🌱⚡❤
@VeganRevolution 6 лет назад
My interpretation of this video: Embrace the nonsensical nature of evil and destroy it like a boss. Outlaws till we die in a Vegan world.
@kristin4840 6 лет назад
The longer I’m vegan, the more I just cannot believe how I ate or how others are eating. I find it unreal to realize every package in the store was a living animal and people are just down with it. I was wishing the other day that every item we buy - food, clothing etc came with a label you can click on and see a video of wear and how it was made. That hidden part would open so many eyes.
@justanothervegan6691 6 лет назад
Literally struggling to find vegan friends that I can relate to. Thank you for the advice, man you have no idea how much i needed this.
@justanothervegan6691 6 лет назад
Yes!! I am in the same position, but my family are the carnivores in my life. My ex boyfriend is also a huge meat eater, and he would always try to justify his eating through the Bible, but even then its not justifiable since God's perfect world is a vegan world.. Definitely the wrong way to go about justifying bad eating habits! Plus I have a hard time not getting passionate when I talk about veganism, but I'm practicing and it will get better.
@danielasalinas1006 6 лет назад
JustAnother Vegan I hear your voices and here I am too looking for support online because my family have suddenly become idiots and have reduced themselves to immature children every single time I bring up veganism. It is ridiculous that something so good is so massively rejected. I have no one to talk to about this, no one to share my ideas with, and no one to tell how extremely passionate I am about this subject. Let's push harder now, more than ever:)
@justanothervegan6691 6 лет назад
Daniela Salinas i agree 100%! 😊 this is something bigger than all of us!
@MrSniganoo 6 лет назад
Elaine AteOate Ditto. Tried Vegan meet ups but just because your ethics are aligned does not mean you will “click” with others and make friends. I don’t make a big deal out of my eating choices but others do. I don’t preach or ram it down their throats but when it comes up unless you stick to health reasons you are seen as what people have stereotyped Vegans as for years. Obviously until 2 years ago I was the same. Challenging people’s food choices is on a par with challenging their religious beliefs. I find myself quite isolated now. I don’t identify as Vegan I just have decided to avoid contributing to death and suffering where I can and hope my health benefits also. But hey, unless you are pigeonholed people can’t relate to you I guess.
@Dynan117 6 лет назад
I would suggest that any vegan who is looking for other vegans would really benefit from joining a local vegan activism group. For example: Anonymous for the Voiceless and The Save Movement are excellent and I am a member myself. This will also help you feel part of something that is changing the world. Here are some links facebook.com/anonymousforthevoiceless/ & facebook.com/savemovement/ Contact them and join a really supportive vegan community. Good luck!
@VeganBrainFood 6 лет назад
I go thru some very serious sh** every time I'm working on a new video that requires me to spend hours looking at footage that makes my blood boil... My initial reaction of pure rage and sadness just makes me ask myself everytime "what am I going to do for them today, how am I going to make a bigger difference tomorrow" and it's the reason I'll never stop pushing... One amazing thing I will say about vegan activism is (having done a bit of human rights stuff beforehand pushing for peace in the Middle East, end to the occupation etc.) is that we actually make a tangible life and death difference every day. Nevermind making one person go vegan, which is huge and saves 1-200 animals a year, just getting someone to eat one vegan burger instead of a cow one, some vegan chick'n nuggets instead of killing a bird, every meal that we take the death out of adds up, and it's why 400 million fewer animals were slaughtered in the US over the last few years (although some of that is doubtless because of the vegan, not just people eating fewer animals, but both matter)... Mad respect to you bro, would love to visit Australia some day and plot and scheme together, cheers!
Gaiaisi - Gaia's Eye - Gaia is I love you bro! You are such an incredible man!
@waywardwinchester 6 лет назад
You channel that into activism of course. It is hard for me to control my anger for what most humans do to non human animals but I'm working on it.
@happeningbay 6 лет назад
Wayward Winchester me too
@ashleyann7685 6 лет назад
Same thats like me everyday. But personally for me watching people like james and Earthling Ed help encourage me.
@happeningbay 6 лет назад
I agree. Every so often the pain of animals as well as being shot down by ppl who refuse to choose compassion catches up. Going to have to figure out a self motivating spell here or we can burn out all together
@graceunderfire941 6 лет назад
Elaine AteOate I understand completely. That doco did it for me too, as well as listening to James & the others on youtube. So painful when the severity & scale of it hits, & its crystal clear & others tell you to mind your own business ,( or you know they would.) And then at every meal you have to be mindful has a sentient being suffered needlessly for this? while everyone else just scoffs without thought. But what has also 'got my goat 'lately are these NDE videos on youtube! Anyone here also seen them? They talk of often verified cases of people being clinically dead for some period of time then crossing back as someone restarts their heart etc & a sm.% people can recall an out of body experience. They nearly all speak of unlimited love ..& that our good & bad deeds are recorded for reveiw But..no mention of the widescale abuse happening by humans to all other species.. ( esp.the unnecessary greed part) I wish James could hotline a message to our Divine about this ;)
@jettison27 6 лет назад
Carry on, my wayward son.
@mr37ths 6 лет назад
If you focus on the hurt you will continue to suffer, if you focus on the lesson you will continue to grow. Wherever the focus goes energy flows negative or positive.
@veganlifechange 6 лет назад
Bro, I dunno if you noticed but every day I'm like "This Vegan world isn't happening fast enough" I'm always trying to think about some whacked out crazy shit that no one has thought about yet to get the entire World Vegan sooner.
@ironman1233 6 лет назад
Vegan Life Change I think someone could act as a antivegan doing man on the street interviews making faulty arguments and accidentally making the case for veganism
@ironman1233 6 лет назад
I declare this thread to be a idea board
@veganlifechange 6 лет назад
That's not a half bad idea lol. AND IDEA BOARD APPROVE!
@roudoukui 6 лет назад
@veganlifechange 6 лет назад
You know all my secrets. YOU ARE THE MAN!
@nda7154 6 лет назад
This was a wonderful post. I share your sentiment 100%, change cannot come fast enough and my heart grows heavier every day. But I too believe justice will prevail and every effort we make is the reason. Standing together with hope, truth and love 💚✌️
@ags7152 6 лет назад
I know 100% what you mean to wake up in the middle of your life to all this chaos going on in the world. The fact that you know that proves that you are here with a special mission and gift bro. I know you helped me a lot on my journey and I know you helped many others. I think you are doing a a great thing for the planet! Please keep doing your thing man and I hope you enjoy yourself as much as possible along the way. Thanks man God bless ✌🏻
@Mazreoli 6 лет назад
James you're doing so much. Thankyou for this. Very timely as really feeling that despair right now. This helped put it into context. May you be well, happy, peaceful and at ease.
@sararazor982 6 лет назад
All we can do is, anything we can do... if that makes sense. I have 3 kids so it’s hard for me to do activism. I will do some when I can but also teach my kids about compassion while I’m raising them. You do what you can, when you can. You are awesome and you ARE making a difference.
@JeraSky 6 лет назад
I go through a roller coaster of it all. Highs and lows. Sometimes I feel like I'm making a difference and sometimes it all feels futile. I'm seeing more and more younger people fully adopt the lifestyle like it's nothing, so that's hopeful and exciting. And their chill vibes about it seem to really help influence others. It's like trust that like I'm doing the best I can and that change is happening and all the sudden we'll be like it happened so fast! Just like "overnight successes." And when it does feel futile, to stop pushing so much, because pushing it negatively doesn't get anywhere and makes things feel worse. Anything you're doing in the direction of veganism is positive and it's having a bigger impact, you just might always be able to see it.
@thetinyveganlife3552 6 лет назад
Thank you for being so real and so true. What I try to tell myself is that doing our best is the least we can do... but it's also the most we can do. Glad you're feeling better.
@melbryant1 6 лет назад
Thank you soooooooo much James, you just explained what I've been feeling for the last week and this has helped me no end. What a great message for all of us eh are struggling. I'm so grateful xxx
@jessicaweinhart8813 6 лет назад
I feel like I’ve been going crazy lately. I have never been an angry person and I’ve never been more angry than I’ve been the last 5 months. I have moments where I chill out again, but then it floods back. I can’t stop fighting with my mom who won’t take the time to watch the docs and read the articles and for the first time in my life I physically broke my bedroom door from slamming it so hard. My school has fish & bee farms and kills 4 cows a year.... I feel like I’m not doing anything. Thanks for sharing this James, hope you and Carly are doing good and hope to see you in Toronto soon :)
@jessicaweinhart8813 6 лет назад
As an update to this comment, the very next I was able to have three random interactions with strangers who took AV cards and said they would consider veganism. Then I had 2 people reach out to me on fb asking for help transitioning, I randomly saw a hawk and was mesmerized by her beauty and I was walking a dog and some nice little Greek lady said that she eats vegetarian because of God and hates factory farming, and invited me to take vegetables from her garden if I’m ever passing through. :) I think this video is a good luck charm for anyone going through a shitty time
@ashleyann7685 6 лет назад
Wow the Universe is Definitely working This is exactly the wise and encouraging words i needed to hear!!! At this very moment Thank you 💗
@Jazzhhxxj 6 лет назад
This came at a perfect time - been feeling so frustrated with the world lately, especially with the people directly around me. Thank you for your powerful words as always 👊💛😊
@TheBjohannes 6 лет назад
You ARE good enough to be representing this issue. You are one of the best advocates in this issue that I have ever seen. You have my full support 100% and I'm sure there are thousands and thousands of others.
@joanndehnert2933 6 лет назад
As a fairly new vegan, I find your videos very inspiring! I look forward to watching them! You are a crusader for animals and humans! Xo
@James_Aspey 6 лет назад
Thanks and welcome to the vegan party!
@nottodaytay5858 5 лет назад
I've gone through the same thing... it really is tough but it's where I get my passion for activism from.
@danielasalinas1006 6 лет назад
A few months ago, I started having a panic attack in my car when I realized that my brother had just ordered a pizza with pieces of a dead pig on it. And then I thought about how many people in America had picked up a pizza that day. I was telling him that I felt like I was going crazy and that was when it really sank in. I got home and locked myself in my room crying for hours. And when I finally calmed down I watched all your videos again to help me relax. And ever since then I have been absolutely fearless about speaking up. Without that moment, I don't think I'd be the strong advocate I am today. Thankyou:)
@danielasalinas1006 6 лет назад
Jeremy Smith How can you call the mass slaughter of animals a freedom? It is unnecessary for everyone on this planet to eat animals. To think that it is your freedom to do whatever you please with the lives of others, that's sick. How do you personally justify it?
@danielasalinas1006 6 лет назад
Jeremy Smith Plants do not feel pain. Yes they are alive but they do not have the capacity to feel pain. Do you feel sick, when someone bites into an apple??? How about a carrot? But what if I came up to you with a baby pig, and just bit its head off while still alive? What if it was dead and I just ate it raw, uncooked? You would call me crazy call the cops and have me get help. In the wild, lions have to eat meat to survive. They are carnivores, we are not. We are no longer in survival situations. If someone is stuck in the jungle and they have to eat the occasional deer, I have no problem with that because they are living in a survival situation. The majority of people do not live in survival situations. We have supermarkets now, and ethics and morals and stronger compassion for other living beings. Large companies pay a lot of money to keep slaughterhouse footage hidden. Why do you think they do that? Isn't that a form of oppression too? To withhold vital information from a consumer? Why should only humans have freedom , why not give freedom to all beings? It's possible. If we all go vegan. Will it happen over night? No. But it is changing, and it will change slowly. Slavery didn't stop over night, it took years. Same with veganism. Animals are not born to serve us, just like humans are not born to serve other humans. And just because something is legal, it doesn't mean it's morally right. If trump made rape legal, would you go out and start raping? No, you wouldn't. Slavery was once legal, but people saw the injustice and said, hey this is wrong, make it illegal. Same with veganism. People are saying hey this is wrong, please make it illegal. I used to eat meat too bro, so I'm not judging you, I don't even know you! All we vegans are saying is that you have to wake up and see the reality. And the reality is that we no longer have to oppress other species of living animals. Yes it may be legal today, but we will fight until that changes. We're not stopping either. So you can either choose to oppose us or, you could educate yourself with the facts and join us. Why would you not join us? What we are trying to do is a good thing. Even if you don't realize it.
@danielasalinas1006 6 лет назад
Jeremy Smith Oppressing animals is just as evil as human oppression. And vegans don't waste their time having these conversations to make themselves feel good. We are doing this on the animals behalf. I have not defined oppression, I have given examples that show the parallels between human and animal oppression. If you think humans are more important that animals that's ok go around thinking that. But humans have no right to oppress other species. Not now not ever. If I was here talking about the dog slaughter in china, you'd be on my side would you not? Why can I advocate for dogs and not farm animals? They suffer just the same. I'm sorry you can't see the logic, it's really quite simple. Eating plants causes no harm, eating animals does. Simple. Even a kid would understand that. Im sorry you still want to keep trying to justify this. I have heard every single excuse in the book, and I'm still vegan today. The truth hurts brother, so please think about it, and when youre ready, think about this with a calm, rational mind. I didn't want to go vegan either, I enjoyed eating meat, but I could not ignore the truth.
@danielasalinas1006 6 лет назад
Jeremy Smith Veganism is not all or nothing, it never was and never has been. This misconception that if you can't do it all u shouldn't do anything at all is illogical. There is no such thing as a 100% vegan. Whoever tells you that is lying. You can't be 100%, but you can get pretty close. And 80% is a lot better than 0%. I'd rather the whole world go vegetarian, than no one go vegan. I cant help that the situation I was born in was in a city. Unfortunately I am forced to use animal products. But I have no other choice like with gas, but gas does not directly kill more animals. Meat does. Everyone can control what they eat, and with a plant based diet I can 100% control if animals die for me or not. It's supply and demand. If you go and eat road kill, I also don't care because the animal was already dead. But when you buy meat, you create a demand and that tells big companies to please kill more animals for you the consumer. I never said you where a bad person, that would be hypocritical of me because I also ate meat and cheese and eggs once, and sometimes I still accidentally eat cheese or dairy. But when I do, I don't say, oh well that's it I'm not vegan anymore. No, I get over it and I make sure it never happens again to the best of my ability. If I go a whole day without murdering someone, I don't say, wow good job daniela you successfully lived a full day without murdering someone or oppressing someone. The people who are really oppressing you are the people who tell you that animal products are healthy. The people advertise fast food 24/7 to children. The people who keep the truth hidden from you. Vegans are only trying to speak the truth. Whether you accept it or not is not our problem. I never once said you must go vegan, but what I did say, was that you should look at the truth, from a neutral stance, let go of all your biases and then, you might see where we are coming from. I also never said that you were wrong. But you have told me multiple times that I am wrong for oppressing someone's rights. Could it be possible that you are wrong? How do you think people go vegan? Do you seriously think we hold people hostage and torture them until they go vegan? I have never heard of anyone forcing veganism unto anyone. That would be counter productive. We are trying to save as many lives possible by reducing the demand for animal products. All we want is a more peaceful world where no one is oppressed. I absolutely despise the oppression of humans, but right now, billions of animals are being oppressed and slaughtered unnecessarily every year, and most people don't even know about it. That is more urgent to me. If your against the oppression of humans great, educate people on that. We can work together in that sense. So please don't put up a barrier between yourself and vegans. We're all human and we all want peace for humans and animals. The guy with tattoos has a video about his tattoos. He used vegan ink.
@danielasalinas1006 6 лет назад
Jeremy Smith How is it extreme tho? Because they speak about it more openly? And btw, if I did go live in the jungle and wear leaves, that wouldn't change anything either, and I doubt you would follow me into the jungle. I really want to that sounds fun, but I can make a bigger impact here in this real world. People need to make a change for the better, and if that means living in this world using animal products, while it's changing, I'd rather do that than run way to the jungle. I'd don't believe in god bro😂 So take care of yourself.
@dawngorman4828 6 лет назад
Thank you James! I think we are all feeling this right now. I’m 20 years vegetarian and a year vegan and the more I know the more sad I get at times. I find myself getting so angry at those who won’t listen or can’t listen. But I also keep in mind how long my journey has been and I learn more everyday, so we have to let people come to it when they are ready or they will shut down completely. The best we can do is share what we can, learn more all the time, talk to those who have questions and care for ourselves so we are good examples of how veganism creates health in mind, body and spirit. I also believe that we are all here to play a different role in making change. We all have different gifts and approaches which is important for reaching all different kinds of people. You inspire me everyday, and I am so grateful for all that you do to save the animals and share their story. 🙏🏻🧘‍♀️🌱💜
@jenniferjames8876 6 лет назад
Thanks James I really needed this, I go through this a lot to. "Focus on the positive", my new affimation. You are doing amazing things for the animals.✌
@jimaleekell5433 6 лет назад
I had a moment too as I watched a gentle barn video. It just clicked these mother cows crying for there young and the horror of it and I just wept. As the universe always does a door opened. I was seeking a ride to bear witness a couple of days ago and reached out through Facebook. So in mitst of my helplessness and need to atone for my sins my phone beeps and I am going to my first activism event. Thanks to my new friend sasha!
@chelseachavez8836 6 лет назад
100% agree. There are moments that I just can’t cope with the cruelty that goes on. I’ve gone days where I felt like I couldn’t go on knowing that innocent life was being constantly taken. You’re not alone.
@nikkijones7190 6 лет назад
Thanks for sharing this James. I do get times when it all feels too huge. But every day there are gains, and there is a momentum building. Change is happening. We just need to keep leaning on the opening door. Namaste. 🙏
@simremronday-vankeulen5024 6 лет назад
Thank you for sharing James 🙏🏼 This is exactly how I feel....
@Estereliasgrabe 6 лет назад
I get so frustrated sometimes and I feel like everything is wrong when sometimes people just seem to don't care. But then I just have to remember that no matter how hard is for me, it is always going to be the hardest for the animals. Thank you for the video
@popswhat 6 лет назад
You're doing amazing work man. You've encouraged so many to change and so many to become activists themselves. We will stop this. This will end. We are way to passionate to give in to stopping this oppression. Love you man. X
@mischka54 6 лет назад
What a lovely message James, thank you. And yes, being vegan is one of the most emotionally painful experiences I have had. I am 65 and been vegan for 7 months now, veggie previously, and have only in the last 7 months been really woken up to the truth and reality of it all. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t feel emotional pain and despair for those animals - and extreme frustration at the friends and family that still don’t want to ‘see’, one of which has unfriended me on Facebook. BUT, recently on speaking to a couple of non vegan people I know, they have said that either a friend or a relative of theirs is vegan! One was a family with children. So, yes, the message IS getting out there and I agree with a previous comment that the younger generation are the ones who can make the biggest change in the world. So onwards and upwards because the most deserving causes always feel the hardest to achieve, but it will be achieved. X
@isabelcervantes8187 6 лет назад
I was just binge watching your videos when this one came up and you have no idea how much I needed it. i slipped into that dark place for probably a week and it was so physically and emotionally painful, I didn't even want to eat because watching my family continue to consume milk and meat and eggs made me have a panic attack and I could feel myself on the border of developing an eating disorder and even self harming which is shocking and I didn't know why it was happening suddenly, I had tolerated being the only vegan in my entire family for months so I'm not sure what triggered it but just the simple act of sending two of the vegans I follow a dm expressing myself really helped even if they didn't respond and like you said spreading the message on social media even if I only have 500 followers and only about 80 of them watch the stories which is where I post it, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you for the encouragement and I will definitely try to do more
@lizzietimcke5985 6 лет назад
A wonderful message James Thankyou 💓
@jenikasmith6504 6 лет назад
Youre honestly such a ledgend! Thank you so much for always pushing! WE ARE ALL WITH YOU ! #fortheanimals
@emilyroberts3620 6 лет назад
Completely understand, that's how I've felt lately, quite overwhelmed with anger and sadness and feeling helpless, I get compassion pain in my chest just thinking of their suffering. But you're right, I have to work through it, go easy on myself and know I'm doing the best I can 💗
@gl1tterp4rty 6 лет назад
You’re right, Being vegan in this world can be so hard sometimes:( feeling helplessness and like no one around me understands me and my feelings, they all think vegans are crazy tyrants.. it’s really sad actually. but we can’t listen to the negative words, we need to stay focused, turn our passion and our love into actions and save the animals! Save ourselves! ❤️❤️
@efrngt1234 6 лет назад
Thank you James. I've been feeling the same intense emotions lately being back at home with my family for the summer. It was a real wake up call coming home and seeing all the animals being served at my family's dinner table after living away for a few years. It struck me that the progress is not as prominent as I'd believed. I try to explain to them how I feel but they don't take it seriously and offer me chicken at the dinner table (with a smile). They don't understand how painful that is for me and think that I'm 'bitter' for speaking up. Over the past month I've realized that it's best to just keep my mouth shut on this issue with my family, because they simply don't want to hear. Love knowing I'm not the only one who deals with this, because sometimes it feels like I am. Thank you James, I love you!
@christopherdamien2248 6 лет назад
Thank you for your honesty and steadfastness, your example and your serenity amidst the ongoing carnage of our so very infirm world. Your words and candour have certainly galvanised me and inspired me to inspire others. Thank you for all you do. Greetings from Portugal.
@humainelyvegan5992 6 лет назад
KEEP GOING!!!! There will always be these waves of emotion and darkness. And of course, we always have to make sure we are okay mentally. But the animals need us more than ever. There is no giving up once we know the truth. Remember, that is the "negative" side of knowing the truth. On one end you are thankful for being able to see the truth and to be able to share it with others, but on the other end you now have to live with that dark truth. However, like you said, it is fuel to our fire. This pain we feel is also our passion. Now more than ever we will keep doing the most that we can for the animals. One day, they will all be free and when that day comes, they will definitely look at us with love and gratitude in their hearts.
@happeningbay 6 лет назад
Wow! Just on time. Thank you so much for this.
@kerryhardy8709 6 лет назад
Level up man 👍 Thanks for sharing this James. Knowing something and fully realising and feeling the trueness of it are different games. You are doing mighty fine work. Thanks so much for being such an inspiration 🙏✌️🌱💚x
@serenaedwins4980 6 лет назад
Oh my Lord! This vid hit me just at the right time..... it's not like me to suffer depression, not even during illness. But I was hit by anger and depression out of the blue. It was such a black cloud, it felt like The Dementors from Harry Potter had descended. It really freaked me out.... I felt completely helpless. But thanks to this vid... it was like a light had just gone off! I confess I had a little cry. And I'm getting myself back on track. Thank you for posting such a personal vid. It really has helped. 🙏
@luivse63 5 лет назад
Thank you, James. Today it rips me to the ground. Despair is on the limit and I feel like I took 10 red pills this morning. Can’t sleep, can‘t eat and can’t stop crying.
@Johny40Se7en 6 лет назад
Everyone needs time to reflect on things, you should meditate on it James. There's so much going on in the World, you need to centre yourself because it's not all on you. And you've given so much positive information to people and brought awareness about all the important things that it's up to everyone else to see it all and wake up. There's always negativity in the World because of the media trying to make people focus on materialistic bull shit that revolves around money. But I agree with you that there's so much good and nice things going on too to balance it and hopefully the positive things will grow and grow with time. Stay strong and healthy, you're awesome.
@letsgetfit6696 6 лет назад
I used to be a typical hard-core meat eating Christian, but its channels like yours that is getting me to consider my options. I have tried vegan/vegan raw before for dietary reasons and it worked well for those reasons, but then I fell off the wagon and I feel worse again and gained weight back. It takes time to change people, it takes patience and the right approach. It takes giving people a chance to change over time. It takes encouraging those who try to be vegan for 3 or 4 days a week and giving them time to think about it, work it out. Keep doing what you’re doing. I am very close to considering vegan for “ethical” reasons and abstain 100% because of the sound logic and truth you and others like you present. I’m not there yet, but I am really thinking hard, weighing my options. If it wasn’t for people like you, I wouldn’t know there was other options, or have the consideration that eating meat was possibly wrong.
@WhisperingJaneASMR 6 лет назад
You are such a beautiful and sensitive soul. I feel the same pain and weakens me... that's why it's so important to take break sometimes and never forget about the good in the world. Sending love along your way
@enasksenos 6 лет назад
I say that you do way more than you think to help spread the word. Just want to remind you that it is far greater in difficulty to lift a car when you are alone than if you were with 3 other people. Really nice having you around James.
@cherylsyoutubies 6 лет назад
Keep shining your light, James.
@marisaforte1 6 лет назад
Thank you. I needed to hear this. I’ve been vegan for 4 years now and have just started educating myself and I feel traumatized and I’m crying all the time. I needed to hear this. About to fully surrender to this feeling and feel it. Then comes my game plan to take massive action!!!
@michy1of4 6 лет назад
Without the online community, life as a vegan, particularly a new vegan would be more difficult for many. You’ve been there already James but you’re still allowed to feel overwhelmed. Thank you for acknowledging the challenges for us in this non vegan world and for reminding us that even the little things we do matter, it helps keep us lifted, inspired, motivated and brave. ✌🏼🌱💚
@2323whit 6 лет назад
Been vegan for a year and never going back. You were a huge part of my transition and you're doing so much good for the world. Keep it up for the animals, planet and health of humans! I definitely experience the anger and sadness but try to live by example and do the best I can. I appreciate you acknowledging those feelings so people know it is a normal feeling after becoming so aware of so much cruelty. I am beside myself that humans can do such horrible things, but it will get better! Keep doing your thing and changing the world! Never post on youtube videos but I want to be another person you know you've helped. Just graduated nursing school and planning on educating all my patients about nutrition and veganism! Thank you!
@sethanielogos 6 лет назад
You inspire me, and as a Chef workin for Whole Foods Market and Vegan Chef you help me stay on track. Every life on this planet is truly valuable and we have no right to disturb nature we should be in alignment with it. Thank You James
@larissatorres4869 6 лет назад
The pain is unbearable, I had to be strong to get out of depression & the worst part is that we’re on our own, no support from the carnist family, that’s what makes the pain worse too.
@vonzyper7086 6 лет назад
So real & authentic. Thank you for what you do James. You are impacting so many. The numbers don’t lie.
@chelseachavez8836 6 лет назад
I can’t watch videos or see cruel imagery because I can’t shake it. There are things that I have seen that I will never be able to forget or move on from.
@Dal.alef. 6 лет назад
I also feel the same sometimes and sometimes it lasts for months, thanks for sharing your experience. Dr. Clare Mann calls it Vystopia
@imangellau 6 лет назад
Well said!! Love your content, keep it up!! Supporting from London!
@isaican 6 лет назад
This reminds me of a scene in the movie x-men days of future past. The character professor x has the ability to see into the minds of everyone in the world and he feels their pain and it just overwhelms him. Then he speaks to his future self that tells him that he needs to feel that pain and accept it. Let it motivate you to change the world and make you stronger. See the good you are doing and have the hope. Peace and love brother take care. Perhaps you should take on a mentor or teach us more ways to be leaders in our communities!
@johnnynunez8040 6 лет назад
Couldn't have asked for better timing on this video. Thanks brotha 🙏
@boo-urns3642 6 лет назад
Would recommend listening to Rich Roll's latest podcast with Susan David on emotional agility and 'why discomfort is the price of admission to a meaningful life'. Hit on a lot of similar themes you talked about, particularly taking time to actually deal with negative emotion rather than just assuming positivity in everything! :)
@breannapurzycki2957 6 лет назад
You’re one of the main reasons I became vegan, and since then five of my friends have gone vegetarian and a few are considering Veganism. You planted all those seeds, those people will spread the message even further!! Don’t feel hopeless feel empowered that nothing can stop the chain reaction once people know the truth! 🌱❤️
@hillelr 6 лет назад
Its hard knowing all the atrocities done to animals and you want it to stop as quickly as possible. sometimes its great seeing all the progress being done and sometimes its depressing when you think its not fast enough and so many animals are suffering each day. you are doing so much and it is really inspiring keep it up
@bognanovak8408 6 лет назад
Your understanding of the growing process as well as improving and bettering yourself is paving the way for a long run as the animal activist and adds a lot to you as a real human being. You have heart in the right place. Respect and peace to you - Thank you.
@BBHubbs 6 лет назад
Your emotional intelligence is inspiring. As always, thank you for sharing!
@bronemusik 6 лет назад
hey man this was a very spontaneous and genuine video you posted and it was one of the most impactful i’ve seen. makes me think about the fact that every negative has a positive. just because you went through what you just described you were able to connect with people in a very deep and rare way. so continue doing what you’re doing and feelings your feelings and keep on going on the path that they take you. cheers.
@zanirani 6 лет назад
Thank you, James. That’s exactly what I needed. The feeling sometimes is overwhelming, where there seem to be no energy left to do anything. But it’d be selfish to dwell in it, and so I remind myself that animals won’t benefit from me being depressed. They need us, vegans, in the best shape, so we can do as much as possible for their liberation.
@good.all.protein 6 лет назад
I needed this message tonight James. Today I have felt totally defeated that the movements not changing fast enough, I’m not influencing enough people around me and that we are fighting a loosing battle. All because of stupid illogical reasons. It’s not, we are all doing amazing things for the movement just by believing what we do and living our best life possible. Vegan gladiators for life 💪 thanks brother
@martinparigini8087 6 лет назад
You are amazing James, thanks
@autumnnite1803 6 лет назад
I never feel like the lonely vegan when you are here, posting and motivating us. I 'awoke' when I was teenager and have felt like you have recently on and off for 30 years. It's hard and unfortuantly normal to feel helpless in the face of the mass abuse and murder of the innocents. However, you are doing so much through your activism! You are a very wise young man, working through your feelings instead of just shaking them off. This will only strengthen and sustain you, peace and love and light to you James x
@JairoLop3z 6 лет назад
Thanks for sharing Bro!! You do so much and you have helped create other activist that are doing so much too!! You can't burn yourself tho. Keep it up Legend
@Caoimhe306 6 лет назад
I’ve had an awful fight with my twin sister and best friend about this. They do not see this truth and I’m trying to fight for them, but they don’t want me to fight for them
@coversbymanu93 6 лет назад
We're all with you brother. I've been away from my family for a couple of years and now, coming back to them, I witness firsthand their bad habits, their cognitive dissonance and the general lack of understanding about veganism. I try to do my best to educate and be as chill as possible, but it really gets to me. Being here for the animals, it hurts to see my loved ones consume dairy and meat and it's imposible to ignore and very hard to maintain a chill vibe. It's tough, for sure. Sending good vibes your way my friend.
@thatVEGANmama 6 лет назад
Needed this. Thank you so much for your wisdom ♡♡♡
@DarkberryAlchemy 6 лет назад
you are doing great things. The message hit me. It has been 3 weeks and 3 days since I went Vegan. Never going back and still not understanding how I lived so blind for so long. Not just me but my mother and a good friend have all gone vegan in this time. What you do is important and its working!
@1221solstice2012 6 лет назад
I've been in this (although not always as a vegan) since the mid-1980s and have to say that you young people today are absolutely awesome in the way you're making this thing grow like never before. We had very few people back in the day and we're all getting old now, some have passed on. So the commitment, strength, love and selflessness shown by all these many younger people now, well, it's just so amazing and we're so grateful. I went back to strictly vegan 9 years ago because of all of you and can never thank you enough for that. (Except for those "vegans" who are for animal testing and vaccines, those do harm.)
@ElysabethAlfano1 6 лет назад
Yes, this is very hard. Often, very, very hard! But as you note, change is possible. Change is coming. Change...we make that happen. Thank you for all you do.
@Metal_Mohan 6 лет назад
I had a similar experience when I first went vegan, that overwhelming feeling of learning about so much abuse in such a short time and being so aware and just getting frustrated about how the world is. Keep up the good work bro, you really are making a difference.
@Namxta 6 лет назад
Amit Mohan I totally relate to your comment!
@michaeltacoronte 6 лет назад
Doing my best with this too. It’s depressing to know that so many animals are treated like lifeless objects.
@lukasoc1518 6 лет назад
💓 good message james and good method to be with ur feelings and not avoiding them. And def better to come from a place of love and hope and faith than suffering and guilt, our actions are more positively impactful and reaching.
@maxwelllarsen6479 6 лет назад
You’re right James, it is hard, and it is intense realizations. Right there with you man.
@deseraek6191 6 лет назад
Keep being true to yourself. Feeling that pain and recognizing it, and then letting it be and pass on it's own is a huge step towards enlightenment. Being human isn't easy and then being a human with true compassion and a love for all beings is even more not easy.You are doing wonderful work. You have changed lives both human and not. Never give up! You are a great inspiration to myself and many others. Thank you for all that you do
@stefilooks4370 6 лет назад
Hey James I have went vegan 2 months now and your Facebook and RU-vid videos reached out to me. Its hard for me but I didn't realize what I was supoorting. I live in Canada and the city I live in doesn't offer much I really have to work to make healthy meals. Doesn't help with work as well takes my time away from me. Sometimes I just want to give up but than I remind my self with all the suffering because I care about all life. Thanks for spreading the message. I just wish more people were compassionate once they understand. We have been brainwashed and it's hard to help people understand.
@Rfursten123 6 лет назад
Thank you so much for this video! I just came back from doing activism and felt really down. You gave me new perspectives ❤
@nicholasruff8354 6 лет назад
I think part of being vegan is accepting the possibility that we won't see a vegan world before we die, and to be okay with that. The important thing is that you're planting seeds that will grow and flourish when you're no longer here.
@ironman1233 6 лет назад
For me personally I could handle not seeing a vegan world as long as it happens
@MaryMary.247 6 лет назад
Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. ✌💚🙏🌱
@richardwiediger7298 6 лет назад
I can relate to what you are saying. I sometimes get depressed and angry with the non vegan world. I have found that it helps to watch cute animal videos, especially the farm animals that got a second chance in life (living in sanctuaries). Graphic slaughterhouse videos make me angry, now that I now whats going on I avoid watching them. Meditation helps, but, it is still very hard to make any kind of sense out of this senseless brutality. Keep up the good work James!
@jessevegan 4 года назад
Thank you for this. I feel this helpless and depression very frequently. I cry daily and find it so hard to live in a world where others just don’t care. I have been getting the message out for years and am now going full force but still feel this pit in my stomach that it isn’t enough and the suffering is just too immense. I need to get out of this somehow. Your message is super appreciated. Peace, love, vegan 🌱❤️🙏🏼
@PixelKonny64 6 лет назад
I have the feeling the more time I spend being happy and having fun with people, the less I see the severity of the problems. Which results in me being way less convinced of what I'm doing and therefore being much less convincing. However Emily from BiteSizeVegan, especially her "What's our number"-video, gets me back to serious everytime and if it is too much, LinkinPark and Sum41 help me cope with it. ^^
@BelleBosss 6 лет назад
Thankyou for always being so real and honest with us it really helps me be honest with myself and my own struggles and address them too
@druma9691 6 лет назад
I am glad you brought this up. There are vegans who become suicidal. These vegans should know that it is most important to just be here, being vegan and to let go of any pressure to do anything else. +James Aspey You could watch wild wild country (Netflix)
@daphnethegamer 6 лет назад
I've been through some of the same feelings.. I've been vegan for a bit more than a year. Videos show up on facebook all the time and I just burts out in tears and just think to myself "how can people not see this?", I'm very sensitive in general so I can cry a lot but this subject hits me like a brick some days.
@user-zu2yh7wv6n 6 лет назад
James, you're truly a kindred spirit. Keep it up. ❤
@pacosamo 6 лет назад
I feel you James. As you say, society is profoundly sick and it will take time to heal. But things are moving and momentum will grow. Just keep trying your best. Thanks for being there and speaking for the animals.
@genmuferox8142 6 лет назад
Words of gold, sir. I'm comforted by and will apply them. Onward we go.
@venenomagazine6759 6 лет назад
I know the feel, currently working on a vegan magazine; but the same feeling hit me. You're not alone, everyone will eventually go vegan due diseases. All we can do is keep spreading the love. Love you James
@thefree-way 6 лет назад
James, you are so amazing and we all love you so very much!!! Activism is so challenging because activists are constantly reminded that every second brings more unnecessary death. One of the reasons that you are so successful, I believe, is that you don't approach people from a place of judgment and resistance but from a place of love and compassion, and they can see that. What we resist, usually persists. From a place of resistance it can be more challenging to see, or to focus on the amazing changes that occur on our planet, but there are HUGE changes. Dairy farms are closing, celebrities are joining the cause, athletes become aware that veganism is the best diet for them, and major companies constantly add vegan products to the shelves. Slowly but surely the world IS changing, and all these amazing changes are happening thanks to brave souls like yourself, and other like you. There are millions of vegans-to-be out there - beautiful, loving and compassionate human beings, just like us, who are just waiting for someone like you to open their eyes. So keep doing what you are doing, keep spreading the love, and know in your heart that you are doing an amazing job, and that you lift us all!!!
@MartinSkadal 6 лет назад
Much love James! I've also been feeling this lately actually, and I've been taking a step back from my activism n stuff.. to see the bigger picture and critically thinking what would be the best to do now to make the best impact as possible. I don't have any answers yet, but felt good to hear u talk about it too. Much love James and the rest of v-gang!
@ValeriaHarris 6 лет назад
I feel you, I was going through the same thing but it happened in the worst possible time. I was trying to educate myself about veganism so I could teach my parents about it and hopefully turn them vegan as well. But while I was educating myself on it, I got into a very dark place. And when I finally made it to Switzerland where my parents live, eating on the same table like them was SOOO HARD!! I felt so much pain and anger and I just wanted to go home. But I knew I had to stay strong for this planet, so I really tried teaching them some facts about a vegan lifestyle, but I'm pretty sure they didn't take me serious and probably think I'm a crazy animal lover.
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