

John Barnett Online Teaching
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At the end of days, Satan empowers one man to win the world.
He offers to satisfy all of mankind’s desires for peace & safety. He becomes Satan’s substitute for Jesus Christ in the person of the antichrist.
Today, we are looking at how God describes the launch of this event. But why are we doing so? Because REVELATION shows us that GOD is in Charge.
Before we dive into God directing the ending of human history as we know it, you may be asking whether or not a study of eschatology has any real, personal applicability.
Revelation lessons are great, you may think, but I just lost my job, or my kids are getting bullied at school, or my parents just got so ill we have to care for them, or my daughter is dating a fellow that isn’t even saved and she seems to be turning away from us and the Lord; or any of thousands more personal struggles we collectively face.
As you listen today, you will note that God knows everything in advance. That means not just the seals of chapter 6, but also the job you lost this week, the health of your baby about to be born, and the outcome of next week’s surgery or job interview.
A study of Revelation confirms the DOCTRINE of God:
Nothing misses His sight. He knows ALL of history in advance.
God is not passive. Almighty God is at work guiding every event, every disaster, every gain or loss, and does so perfectly.
A study of Revelation also reminds us of the Doctrine of Redemption:
God redeemed us with Christ's blood. God just wants our undivided devotion. Almighty God wants us to listen to, follow, and love Him so much that we trust Him. The lesson He gives us today is that we should trust Him because He is preparing to send a: GLOBAL Deception.
Revelation 6 has already told us that God is launching a white horseman to rapidly fill the earth with a false and deceptive peace. In a very short time, almost all of the earth will follow this emissary of Satan in human flesh called the Antichrist. The saddest commentary on the fallen heart of humanity there could ever be, is that in following the Antichrist and rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ, humanity is always making the wrong choices.
The antichrist like Satan-comes to kill, steal, and destroy. As the end of the physical world approaches, earth’s darkest spiritual hour also arrives. But God has a surprise planned in this dark hour. Look down with me at the words of Rev. 7:9. Since it is already written down, and he can read, Satan knows that God has plans to save: “a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands…” (Revelation 7:9).
God Plans to Save Many People During the Tribulation. Satan has seen God's Word. Satan knows God’s plan, so, trying to thwart God’s harvest of precious souls and to prevent the world from coming to Christ, Satan has deployed legions of liars. False signposts-all pointing people away from Christ. This is not new to our generation. False teachers have been a part of the landscape from the start. Christ, on the other hand, came to offer an abundant life. If you have never trusted Christ as your Savior, I would urge you to receive him today. God says that whoever calls upon the Name of the Lord, He will save. When you call upon Christ to save you from your sins, God delivers you from the power of darkness and their eternally damnable lies, and brings you into the wonderful kingdom of His Son.
ROK-13 - Seal 1
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1 окт 2024




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@charlotteblythe1391 Месяц назад
Mr. John I wanted to thank you and Bonnie for putting out these videos every day. They make us aware of God and to worship Him every day!!! Thank you again for the ministry God has given you two!!! 🥰🥰🥰
@ericlotan8157 Месяц назад
I agree Amen friends 🙏 ❤
@TheAirplanewoman Месяц назад
100%. My church closed down last year and I have been following your videos and messages ever since. It has helped me tremendously with my personal growth with my relationship with Jesus. Glory be to God!
@JamesMauldin-z9w Месяц назад
Thank you I have always been a believer, but you help explain things to a sinner like me again thank you. You are a gift from God.
@TheDavidcora Месяц назад
Thank you Pastor. GOD is really using you. The way you teach is captivating!
@UnfilteredMedic Месяц назад
I'm SO glad you put it that way. Which communication device do we know best and in truth, many know the temporary. We MUST do BETTER and seek God first in ALL things.
@alexewing935 Месяц назад
Great teaching!. Thankyou Pastor John
@alexewing935 Месяц назад
The enemy is also at work in marriages and families, destroying them
@TheDavidcora Месяц назад
@@alexewing935 Yes, mine is one one of them, 23 years. My husband stopped walking with the Lord and satan devoured our beautiful marriage. Stay close to Jesus! It's the only way!
@stavorulaalexandridis3351 Месяц назад
I know first hand .stay the fck away from social media. Demonic occult spells occur believe you me destroying families for the devil and his cronies evil games *freemasons
@Randy-v9x Месяц назад
Hmmm, it seems that so very many not only hate truth --- they hate even more the ones that stands on and for truth.
@GarrettChristianWayneHelmic Месяц назад
@Gregwjohnson1 Месяц назад
Amen Pastor John, thank you for that message Sir 🇺🇸🇮🇱🎥🏆🙏🌹❤️👍🌎🙏
@Thelambsdoor Месяц назад
I very much enjoy your sermons but for some reason I think Ned Ryerson when I watch them and don’t know why.
@ThomasBranson-yv5ub Месяц назад
God bless you brother. My prayers are always with you.
@beaupierrebondurant5651 Месяц назад
Jesus is coming soon.
@djcflash Месяц назад
@lesliewest5225 Месяц назад
@BenLukeSmith Месяц назад
Hey, I believe that Jesus Christ is coming soon to rapture His Church so I wanted to reach out to as many as possible. Please remember that there is only one God that leads to Heaven, the Trinity (God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit) and it’s about having a personal relationship through Jesus Christ versus religion (John 14:6 ESV). Blessings.
@eppiegallegos102 Месяц назад
At the Last Trump, And lo, I Am with you Always, even unto the End of the World 🌍. Jesus didn't say till the day of the rapture nor pre trib rapture, He said until the end of the world 🌎. 1 Cor 15: 22-26. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order ( rank, turn of resurrection ) : Christ the first fruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. ( 1Thess 4:15. ) . Then cometh the end, ( doesn't say rapture neither pre trib rapture it says cometh the end. ) , when he ( Christ Jesus ) shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father ; when he ( Christ Jesus ) shall have put down all rule and authority and power. For he ( Christ Jesus ) must reign, till he hath put all enemies ( who are His enemies it's the beast the Mother Harlot and her daughters denomination's, the false prophets and satan ) his feet, the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. 1Cor 15:50-58. 1Thess 4:13-17. Rev 10:7. ( Look at that 7 ). But in the day's of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished,as he hath declared to his prophet's. The 1st resurrection and the caught up to meet the Lord in the clouds ( those are clouds of Witnesses for we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses Heb 12:1 ) to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with him. They both happen together at the Last Trump.
@ericlotan8157 Месяц назад
Good Study Amen friends 🙏❤
@RoyCantrell-tv5ou Месяц назад
Satan knows he don't have long to live ,you confused me a little bit. Why is Satan knowing this so happy?
@jeffc5474 Месяц назад
No, Satan’s time of freedom is coming to a close. He will have 1000 years chained in a pit before he is let out for one last attempt. He is so self deceived that he thinks he has a chance.
@mj2026B Месяц назад
​@@jeffc5474he has already been loosed for a thousand years.
@jeffc5474 Месяц назад
@@mj2026BHe hasn’t even been confined yet. That is a falsehood you are telling. The earth hasn’t had a period of 1000 years where the world has been at peace. There has always been overt sin and violence somewhere. No the 1000 years is still yet to come.
@gracerodriguez3516 Месяц назад
Thank you Pastor John
@harveypost7799 Месяц назад
Open the bible not the wallet...dont need another generation of health and wealth preachers.
@adamfox1669 Месяц назад
Thank you
@FindTheTruthBeforeTheEnd Месяц назад
God bless you. Thank you for your work.
@pretribtruth Месяц назад
So who is Gog? Eze 38:2 Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, Meshech and Tubal were located in modern Turkey. Turkey leads the Gog invasion. Russia is part of the coalition as the far north but Gog is chief prince of Meshech and Tubal which was in the ancient Turkey/Armenia area. Watch for Turkey to resurrect the ancient Ottoman rule of the middle east. Turkey is Gog check ancient middle east maps. Ezekiel 38-39 describes the Gog battle or battles depending on your perspective. It is very easy to determine the timing of the Gog/Magog war. If we look at the end of Eze 39 we see a set of conditions that can only be true at a particular time in history. Eze 39:21 And I will set my glory among the heathen, and all the heathen shall see my judgment that I have executed, and my hand that I have laid upon them. Eze 39:22 So the house of Israel shall know that I am the LORD their God from that day and forward. Eze 39:23 And the heathen shall know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity: because they trespassed against me, therefore hid I my face from them, and gave them into the hand of their enemies: so fell they all by the sword. Eze 39:24 According to their uncleanness and according to their transgressions have I done unto them, and hid my face from them. Eze 39:25 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Now will I bring again the captivity of Jacob, and have mercy upon the whole house of Israel, and will be jealous for my holy name; Eze 39:26 After that they have borne their shame, and all their trespasses whereby they have trespassed against me, when they dwelt safely in their land, and none made them afraid. Eze 39:27 When I have brought them again from the people, and gathered them out of their enemies' lands, and am sanctified in them in the sight of many nations; Eze 39:28 Then shall they know that I am the LORD their God, which caused them to be led into captivity among the heathen: but I have gathered them unto their own land, and have left none of them any more there. Eze 39:29 Neither will I hide my face any more from them: for I have poured out my spirit upon the house of Israel, saith the Lord GOD. The conditions described at the end of Eze 39 can only occur at the end of the age. Israel knows God from that day forward, the gentiles will see the judgment God has dished out, God will pour His spirit out upon the house of Israel and no longer hide His face from Israel. God rescues Israel at the battle of Armageddon. So that makes the end of the Gog battle (Eze 39) line up with the timing of Armageddon. That makes Gog the AntiChrist which we see hinted at in Eze 38. Eze 38:17 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Art thou he of whom I have spoken in old time by my servants the prophets of Israel, which prophesied in those days many years that I would bring thee against them? God says the prophets of Israel wrote about Gog in their writings. This defines Gog as the AC since Armageddon is where God defeats the AC and company which is also the Gog war. When we search the OT for a battle in Israel that God defeats the enemies arrayed against Israel with Israel returning to the Lord for ever after. We find such descriptions in the Day of the Lord scriptures from the OT. The DOTL scriptures end with God defeating the armies invading Israel and Israel returning to the Lord for ever after just as we see in Eze 39. Peace, PTT
@GarrettChristianWayneHelmic Месяц назад
@JackQuincy-d9i 28 дней назад
Robinson Christopher Moore Donna Young Michelle
@TriciaHarvey-s4p 29 дней назад
Brown Laura Robinson Daniel Robinson Charles
@beaupierrebondurant5651 Месяц назад
The Bible is our sure anchor.
@lovelandgirl1494 Месяц назад
This channel is growing.
@eppiegallegos102 Месяц назад
At the Last Trump, And lo, I Am with you Always, even unto the End of the World 🌍. Jesus didn't say till the day of the rapture nor pre trib rapture, He said until the end of the world 🌎. 1 Cor 15: 22-26. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order ( rank, turn of resurrection ) : Christ the first fruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. ( 1Thess 4:15. ) . Then cometh the end, ( doesn't say rapture neither pre trib rapture it says cometh the end. ) , when he ( Christ Jesus ) shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father ; when he ( Christ Jesus ) shall have put down all rule and authority and power. For he ( Christ Jesus ) must reign, till he hath put all enemies ( who are His enemies it's the beast the Mother Harlot and her daughters denomination's, the false prophets and satan ) his feet, the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. 1Cor 15:50-58. 1Thess 4:13-17. Rev 10:7. ( Look at that 7 ). But in the day's of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished,as he hath declared to his prophet's. The 1st resurrection and the caught up to meet the Lord in the clouds ( those are clouds of Witnesses for we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses Heb 12:1 ) to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with him. They both happen together at the Last Trump.
@ArbekiaMalu 25 дней назад
Martin Daniel Martinez Michael Johnson Joseph
@AliceVelazquez-l7i 25 дней назад
Wilson Larry Harris Donna Allen Margaret
@torasacramento4905 29 дней назад
Amazing sermon thanks!
@mj2026B Месяц назад
I find it frustrating that so many people misinterpret the scripture that speaks about the LONG letters that Paul wrote to the churches, because the word was mistranslated as large, so many people choose to think that maybe Christ did not fully heal Paul causing him to have to write each alphabetical letter large enough so he can see it - ridiculous. If people read that whole chapter in context they could understand that he is upset and chastising the churches stating that he wouldn't need to write such large (long) letters to them if they were behaving as Christ intended.😢
@theashman1967 Месяц назад
@BenjaminJoy-o1m 20 дней назад
Bahringer Green
@HaggaiDewey-w9w 20 дней назад
Corwin Falls
@JBarnard-vl8xt Месяц назад
Remwmbwr too AC will think to chamge time and space. Ponder. I try soo hard to keep faith BUT IM GIVING MYSELF T.R.U.T.H. and f satan. Jesus IS LORD.
@stclairjones815 Месяц назад
Thank you my brother in Christ for eternity and the truth of God's word which you magnified above his name that you have hid in your heart thank you for your platform and love for God to the people
@Markis2002 Месяц назад
I got to say that I do believe that those that do not believe in sound doctrine are the apostates. It's the exact definition of an apostate. If they believe in anything but the millennial reign of Christ, they are apostates, that's what it means. The Church is this special remnant, a very small remnant, we Believe in Gods Word. We study God's Word to understand the truth and sound doctrine. That's the difference between us and those that go into the tribulation, and what we know are known as tribulation Saints, we will be a small group.They will be a very large group
@byronumphress3805 Месяц назад
John 14:6 John 14:26 ?
@Larry1164-lb8uv Месяц назад
Can anyone lead me to the OT scriptures that Paul was referring to about the "man of lawlessness" in 2 Thessalonians (little horn wasn't referring to a man)?
@Punch240 Месяц назад
Barack means Bless. He was rejected by the" pseudo evangelical Christian right" (no doubt because of his skin color) Donald means world ruler, Trump means little horn He's a literal INSURRECTIONISTS like Barabbas yet they accept him. Is this just coincidence, happenstance or chance? No it's not. They are only showing their true colors ❤ praying for the ELECT among them ❤
@GarrettChristianWayneHelmic Месяц назад
@beaupierrebondurant5651 Месяц назад
Paul didnt go out of the Roman Empire.
@Markis2002 Месяц назад
John makes it sound like it's a lot of work to be an apostate, it's very easy to be an apostate; because satan loves to help people to be an apostate. Do you know how easy it is to be an apostate? Just don't read God's Word, that helps, it makes it real easy. There are only 2 world views. If you have the wrong worldview, you are not going to understand God's Word. One is we came from monkeys. The other world view is we came from God. If you have the wrong worldview and believe man came from a big bang, you will not understand God's Word. There's way too much intricate detail in the full council of God to be on the wrong track and still understand. Simply put, if you believe we came from monkeys through the evolutionary process, either you never knew God or you are an apostate.
@red2thebone Месяц назад
The lie is false religions! The only truth is the torah/tanakh God's words to moses! Anything outside that is a lie!
@rustneversleeps01 Месяц назад
Biggest lie on the planet? The commandments of God aren't for you Second Biggest lie ? Sunday is the third day from friday! Mat 12.38¶Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee. 39¶But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: 40For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Matthew 27:63 KJV - Saying, Sir, we remember that that deceiver said, while he was yet alive, after three days I will rise again. Mark 8:31 KJV - And he began to teach them, that the Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders, and of the chief priests, and scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again. Mark 9:31 KJV - For he taught his disciples, and said unto them, The Son of man is delivered into the hands of men, and they shall kill him; and after that he is killed, he shall rise the third day. Mark 10:34 KJV - And they shall mock him, and shall scourge him, and shall spit upon him, and shall kill him: and the third day he shall rise again. Luke 24:7 KJV - Saying, The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again. Three verses say "raised on the third day." Two verses say "after three days " One verse says "three days and three nights"
@rickylaw8187 Месяц назад
It was a high Sabbath. Don't take my word for it. It equals 3 days and 3 nights. It's an extra day on what is known as high Sabbath.
@bellaontau4585 Месяц назад
Mr. John; I love many of your sermons... This one, in particular. Not because I believe everything you speak, because I only believe everything the LORD my God speaks. What would you do, or say, if I told you, you're one of those who believes the great deception that has overcome the world? Would you change your language and start speaking the truth? Would you confess to not speaking the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help us God? After all, we are all deceived until we are not. Might i suggest you ask God to search your heart and to show you anything in you, that grieves His Spirit.
@jimberry7411 Месяц назад
Question: If Satan, who knows the Bible and that it is the Word of God , knows that he will be defeated, why is it that he doesn't change what he is going to do re re: Book of Revelation?
@jeffc5474 Месяц назад
He has deceived himself to believe he can really win.
@Adanataangeal Месяц назад
He lie is that god is man. God is neither male nor female but pure spirit it is neither and both all at once
@jeffc5474 Месяц назад
Yet God always refers to Himself as male. Jesus calls Him Father.
@mj2026B Месяц назад
This statement reeks of new age nonsense. 😢
@GarrettChristianWayneHelmic Месяц назад
the wound on the head that healed on the beast on a micro and macro level was when we found out the beast and his army were transgender demons from the Bible and their ego and pride was the wound that healed just like in genesis three they would bruise the heel but we would crush the head. And then Corey minor @smart Christian the vessel for Paul doesn’t like women preaching just like Paul but what about when Priscilla was preaching to Apollo’s about the baptism of the Holy Spirit because all they knew was johns baptism and we know that Paul was a Pharisee because of his zeal for God not women and the thorn in his flesh but we actually do not even need to go there it just hurts my feelings a little when they try to dismiss a women preaching when there is no male or female or Jew or gentile in Christ Jesus. Jesus Christ is Lord and God raised him from the dead three days later Holy Spirit and the apostles didn’t get saved until Pentecost.
@angelbelieves7496 Месяц назад
Right! Paul meant that for the church in Cornith
@mj2026B Месяц назад
Beast system that comes up with the mark is the current Jewish government who don't believe in Christ. They have declared Trump as the first Jewish president - they are setting him up as their antichrist. When he was president he signed off on their building the 3rd temple, and their request to reactivate their Noahide laws, which will allow them to kill Christians when the Jewish government starts killing their own Jewish citizens for idol worship if they believe in Christ. Trump is being touted as the savior of America, and even people in ither countries are rooting for him as if he represents them too. Trump loves being praised and worshiped as if he is our savior - antichrist because he wants all the glory for himself. He only has 3.5 years to accomplish his evil according to scripture - a presidency only lasts 4 years. I believe they will use all the immigration issues as a reason to insist everyone must get a mark of citizenship to prove they are legals by a quick scan so that illegals cannot hide. When the majority of people accept the qr code tattoo then it will be forced on everyone ... or die without food, income, no buying or selling, etc.. famine is just 2 years away...
@SchmittSophia Месяц назад
I'm favoured, Getting my own Truck has always been my Dream for my business. I just acquired 2 recently, earning $32K weekly has been really helpful. I can now give back to the locals in my community and also support Charity Organizations.
@TheodoreG.Edward Месяц назад
Hello, how do you achieve such biweekly returns? As a single parent i haven't been able to get my own house due to financial struggles, but my faith in God remains strong.
@TheodoreG.Edward Месяц назад
I'm inspired. Please spill some sugar about the biweekly stuff you mentioned
@BernardoJoao-mj3zj Месяц назад
I raised 75k and Kate Elizabeth Becherer is to be thanked. I got my self my dream car 🚗 just last weekend, My journey with her started after my best friend came back from New York and saw me suffering in dept then told me about her and how to change my life through her.Kate Elizabeth Becherer is the kind of person one needs in his or her life! I got a home, a good wife, and a beautiful daughter. Note: this is not a promotion but me trying to make a point that no matter what happens, always have faith and keep living!
@DaveBradley-k7n Месяц назад
Wow 😱I know her too Miss Kate Elizabeth Becherer is a remarkable individual who has brought immense positivity and inspiration into my life.
@FrankSchultz-r2g Месяц назад
This is a definition of God's unending provisions for his people. God remains faithful to his words. 🙏 I receive this for my household
@toddarcand6002 Месяц назад
You teach the same 3 lies Satan told Eve in the beginning. 1) you shall not surely die 2) you will be as God 3) decide for yourself what is good and evil You teach all 3 of these lies, as does the whole mainline of Christianity.
@lastplaceprodigy8261 Месяц назад
I watched the whole video. You sir, are a liar.
@kayowen8215 Месяц назад
But we do die the human body has to die.we wont be like God but we will be with God in spiritual forms.we dont decide what is right only God does
@jeffc5474 Месяц назад
Again you got caught lying and I’m not the only one who calls you out on it. Pray we never meet, for if we do by the prodding of the Holy Spirit I will call you out as a liar.
@toddarcand6002 Месяц назад
@jeffc5474 no, you don't have the Holy Spirit, because He is given to them that OBEY Him. Yes, you believe the lie of the serpent, immortality of the soul is the serpent's lie. You have established your own righteousness because you don't accept Christ's righteousness in His law. Which means you are deciding yourself what is good and evil rather than accepting what God wrote in stone. By claiming immortality of the soul, you are claiming you are God, because only God has immortality, and we don't receive immortality until the resurrection. The Bible is clear we SLEEP. You are a direct blasphemer of the Holy Spirit, and even your prayers are an ABOMINATION, because you have turned your ears from hearing His law. Proverbs. All 3 of those lies you teach.
@toddarcand6002 Месяц назад
@lastplaceprodigy8261 only according to the lie you believe not the Bible.
@jamesesnashasa9071 16 дней назад
77977 Darrion Village
@joshuaarmendariz4967 Месяц назад
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