
When Will We Discover the Extraterrestrials? 

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@InternetReviewerGuy 10 лет назад
This guy is fucking hilarious.
@SunFellow941 10 лет назад
the lecture isn't clear. He says they watch for signals instead of listening (as in Contact). But could you listen to a specific star/pulsar/etc if you wanted to?
@randy95023 11 лет назад
Remember what he said a few minutes into the lecture? He was going to be a guest on "Coast to Coast" radio. About 1/4 of their audience are wearing foil hats and are over represented on the Conspiracy Scale... No insult intended for the sane listeners of Coast to Coast!
@beginner_electric_guitar 9 лет назад
The guy doing the talk come across as more of Hollywood personality rather than a astronomer. Also why do we presume that the ETs are broadcasting radio waves.
@MonSwon 13 лет назад
I never knew SETI was privately or publicly funded, they should do more to advertise this fact and try to raise more money, this way the science stays in the public realm and wont suffer any government interference (just for those conspiracy nuts). In my opinion they should make a bigger deal about this 'Allen' guy who has put up his own money to encourage other rich individuals to stump up some cash to get their name on something and go down in history as a contributor to the science.
@dahur 14 лет назад
"Condemnation without investigation is the highest form of ignorance" -Albert Einstein
@szatmar666 16 лет назад
while it might be intimidating to face a civ that can traverse such vast distances, I think my point is that there is no such civ, and that includes us. In other words it's impossible to pierce time space like in scifi movies and it's also impossible to travel 10k years to a nearby star just to say hello to the neighbors. If there is intelligence capable of rising up to this latter challenge it must be machine intelligence w unlimited time. there is no reason why such intell should be hostile
@dahur 14 лет назад
"Anyway, keeping on posting those quotes." Ask and ye shall receive. "We must insist upon full access to discs recovered. In the LA case the Army grabbed it and would not let us have it for cursory examination." J Edgar Hoover Former Director of the FBI
@PkKingX11 12 лет назад
The universe is just too big, even if there is life else where it is soooo rare. The time for them to reach us would be so great that even if they started the journey before the earth was made, they'd still be billions of years away even if they where going at the speed of light...
@DyingToLive12 8 лет назад
am i the only one who on YT who uses that box on the top right to send yt videos to your TV? its cool cuz then obviously you can watch long videos on 50 inch rather than 5 inch phone. but the quality is like 240p that's the only bad part. or maybe these videos are shot in SD. any else do or deal with this. random i know. but space opens my mind like that
@szatmar666 16 лет назад
but from this line of thought follows if it's possible to overcome these distances at all, and intelligence is not just a 1 time fluke of evolution, we should have these probes in the neighborhood. Even if we allow only for 1 civilization to have reached this point in the past 5-6 bn years, they would have sent out some kind of self replicating artificial intelligence possibly billions of years ago which could inhabit much of our galaxy by now. it's not and that's the depressing reality
@orbhunterx 12 лет назад
Yeah, we have never been alone. Some people need to do their research before speaking.
@dahur 14 лет назад
"We have contact with alien cultures." --Astronaut Dr. Brian O'leary
@CreationTribe 10 лет назад
... or ... maybe, we're just looking at the completely wrong set of signals. Perhaps, any species who've discovered practical methods of communicating with planets that are billions and billions of parsecs away realized that electromagnetic radiation isn't exactly the best form of intergalactic communication. Perhaps - and I know this is reaching for something we only have theoretical ideas about - but perhaps they're using something akin to subspace communication and they don't even bother with radio coms. Maybe SETI is waiting for a letter in the mail when they should be checking facebook.
@danielreece3996 4 года назад
@Zfast4you it only seems like it's not useful until they discover something profoundly important to the entire human race
@robertsick14 10 лет назад
He was right about it being 20 years to find other life, but he forgot the option of discovering life, which is that we get visited by an advanced race.
6 лет назад
9 years to go!
@jcruzmatarobles5177 3 года назад
Transmitido hace 14 años, en un futuro conectarán una red de computadoras por todo el planeta, para buscar vida inteligente fuera de nuestros mundo y congratulations, se presentó una nave sobre el cielo del valle del silicio, yo estuve mirando el cielo año 2017,con una cámara galaxy s5 ,pregunte sí me entendían, inglés, español, y recibí 3 pasadas de estática en mí cámara, logré grabar algunas imágenes de vídeo de algo fuera de éste planeta,duraban 1o2 segundos, sí parpadeabas no los mirabas, felicitaciones seti, él mensaje lo recibieron y sí sé presentaron año 2017.cruz mata, cambió y fuera.
@KbcBerlin 10 лет назад
Any truly advanced alien civilization will know it is vital that we not yet know about them, it would demoralise us. We know this from our own contact with less developed cultures on earth. And I am sure our welfare will matter to them, because they would not have survived to such an advanced stage without this raised consciousness of the special value of life especially more sentient beings which can be easily demoralized. They must be benevolent and socially advanced. Thats why they would be hidden if they exist.
@yaosio 15 лет назад
"Hmm, what should I wear for my speech today? I know, a white turtleneck sweater, those never go out of style."
@dahur 14 лет назад
@pillsareyummy "I know other astronauts share my feelings.... And we know the government is sitting on hard evidence of UFOs." Colonel Gordon Cooper Mercury Nine, Gemini Five Astronaut
@bugsymelone3 14 лет назад
love the jokes he tries to make he's nervous so I don't blame him
@rubycoullie5067 8 лет назад
his jokes are really painful
@wildwonz2649 4 года назад
It's a lot 😂
@kdogg071 4 года назад
@primemagi 10 лет назад
Have you used gravity detector. not apple off the tree but gravity carrier and modulation and demodulation?
@scottspencer9124 8 лет назад
Extraterrestrials wouldn't have to be friendly you know. Stephen Hawking talks about this. All our searching and sending out signals to try and find other civilizations might be a mistake. We would be sending directions to Earth which could possibly be detected by hostile civilizations. Just because other inhabited worlds exist doesn't necessarily make them friendly.
@masterpalladin 8 лет назад
+Scott Spencer If they have the tech........If their so much more advanced/technologically advanced then us......Pretty sure they would of found us already and done us in. Think about it, they might be waiting to see if we're ever ready to meet them, just look at us, over 300 million of humans mass murdered by our own species in a mere 310 years!!!! With butholes like stalin, hitler, polepot, Mao,vladamir lenin,king george 1 and 2...tyhe british empire, the roman empire etc. If anything I'd say we seem far to violent to make contact with, hopefully if we can stop blowing ourselves up......The venus project man, we need a global RBE!!!!
@masterpalladin 8 лет назад
+Scott Spencer Many good, some bad, some really bad etc.
@masterpalladin 8 лет назад
+Scott Spencer Hostile cizilizations????....... I think you just described the USA, Russia, Iran, Saqudi araiba and China!!!!
@dahur 14 лет назад
"In concealing the evidence of UFO operations, the Air Force is making a serious mistake." -Lt. Colonel James McAshan, USAF
@dahur 14 лет назад
"It followed us half of our orbit. We observed it on the light side, and when we entered the shadow side, it disappeared completely. It was an engineered structure, made from some type of metal, approximately 40 meters long with inner hulls. The object was narrow here and wider here, and inside there were openings. Some places had projections like small wings. The object stayed very close to us. We photographed it, photos showed it to be 23 to 28 meters away." Cosmonaut Victor Afanasyev
@xephyr1000 15 лет назад
"From what I've read in the Bible" Which means you've already put a large barrier/limitation for expanding your knowledge since you've intentionally closed off any ability to explore ideas beyond a fundamentalist Christian context. Of course that is entirely your right to do so, but that makes it solely your opinion, as limited as it might be.
@dahur 14 лет назад
"...I've been asked about UFOs and I've said publicly I thought they were somebody else, some other civilization." COMMANDER EUGENE CERNAN Commander, Apollo 17 Mission 1973 article in the Los Angeles Times
@CorkSkeptics 13 лет назад
Nice to see Seti up and running again, note to presentor 46:50 Tesla invented the radio. (In 1943, the radio patent by a vote by the United States Congress was reversed and given to Nikola Tesla)
@EisirvanaIusaasetamenYi 14 лет назад
@Yellowhottub The government keeps quiet about most things actually. Do you really think they tell citizens anything? Also, I just wonder, could you explain to me the math and probability that you're decision is based on?
@shon9514 14 лет назад
50 light years is nothing compared to our galaxy, or the universe. There is life for sure. I give him credit for his commitment, Seth Shostack.
@Mr007eds 12 лет назад
well it dosent hurt to expand your wildest imagination like this guy anyway i have to conquere the universe so later :D
@Nautilus1972 10 лет назад
NASA is just a front these days. The Navy's tenth fleet is being developed in Pine Gap Australia and Area 51 at Groom lake. Most of those saucer sightings have U.S. Navy pilots inside, and there are bases of some kind on the dark side of the moon which is why the Chinese went up there and haven't been heard from since. Ask yourself why nations spent billions and billions to go to a desolate rock a quarter of a million miles away. We are not alone - and never have been. Aliens altered the DNA of Cro-Magnon man, or somesuch, to create us. We have nothing to fear from our creators. Much to fear from the Bankers and power elite down here. A friend of mine investigated the 'tall nordic' landings in Russia in 1989 at the behest of the KGB. This is not science-fiction, this is real. They are real. We are not alone, and they're already here.
@retoblubber 9 лет назад
I presume you mean the _far side_ and not the _dark side_ of the moon...
@MrOptimiztik 9 лет назад
pine gap is a signals intel facility in the middle of the desert
@lastannahme 11 лет назад
It's good to know that Seth Shostak is not an "Apple"- Head. He uses Windows - of course...
@dahur 14 лет назад
"I was amazed at what I saw. The amount of debris that was scattered over such an area... The more I saw of the fragments, the more I realized it wasn't anything I was aquainted with. In fact, as it turned out, nobody else was aquainted with it.....There was a coverup some place about this whole matter." Major Jesse Marcel, U.S. Army Intelligence Officer in a videotaped interview. Among the first to arrive at the crash site in Roswell, New Mexico.
@dahur 2 года назад
@Dan S Nah...The Project Mogul explanation is for idiots. A group tried to recreate Project Mogul with a bunch of balloons tethered together. Couldn't even come close to duplicating what the governments story was. And if Mogul happened, and ALL the balloons exploded, they would have found a cable with the remnants of balloons or pieces of balloons attached to it. Nobody there ever reported seeing anything like that. THEN the government tried to say the bodies were crash test dummies. Whoops (again). That program didn't start until a year or two after Roswell. After getting caught in their lies repeatedly, who's gonna believe what the government says about Roswell, (except the idiots that is).
@szatmar666 16 лет назад
Does anyone know if there is work on estimating technological advances like Kurzweil does in the area of space travel? If yes, how long do people think would take us to send an unmanned probe to the nearest Earth like planet, set it up in orbit and listen? If this number is less than a few billion years, which I think it ought to be, how is it possible that even though some Earth like planets must have had 5-6 billion years head start around Pop1 stars, no one ever sent such a satellite our way?
@Oracle13 15 лет назад
I love Seth! Brilliant and entertaining bloke. :)
@ColinMcAdoo 8 лет назад
When you roll over to my place ya dig!! Holler
@1p4142136 5 лет назад
He mentioned they give tours. Tours of SETI? How can I schedule a visit? How do I get to attend one of this presentations live?
@daffidavit 8 лет назад
I like Dr. Seth Shostak. He is not only intelligent, but personable. But I like Stan the Man Friedman as well. And I think Stanton Friedman is equally intelligent and wins out when it comes to whether Flying Saucers are real or not. There are just too many creditable people who have seen things that can not be explained. I don't believe a flying saucer crashed at Roswell. That and the Betty and Barney Hill case are two of the things I disagree with which are supported by Stan Freidman. But Dr. Shostak has refused to take into account the many many observations of the unexplained sightings by very credible people over the years, including police, military officers, heads of State etc. I saw something many years ago that I still can't explain to this day, so hence my personal belief. JMHO.
@snowman374th 10 лет назад
SO... the guys job sucks so much, He's taking a stab at "Standup" when he can.. lol.. failing at that too.. :-)
@gohannitchi 9 лет назад
when the people in charge decided to release the classified documents
@MultiBikerboy1 5 лет назад
Gohan N see ‘to the stars academy’....it’s now rolling out.
@Godscountry2732 9 лет назад
They should expand their optical search,laser communication seems a more likely way of communicating for advanced species.We haven't even scratched the surface with SETI.We need to expand the search,its well worth it,we have much to learn from the search.We could find a pot of gold,a communication filled with important information,that could forever chance our planet for the better.
@wildwonz2649 4 года назад
Actually.... In reference to people being interested in ants warring with each other not making sense isn't exactly valid. We do A LOT to try and control invasive species and sometimes introduce them ALL the time for various reasons. Correct? That's all I wanted to point out. 😏
@thomasdahl3083 8 лет назад
We have already discovered extraterrestrials but it's still taboo to talk about it. Politicians are afraid to lose power over us. Many persons have seen them. But if you talk about it, you might lose your job, being declared insane, etc...
@ColinMcAdoo 8 лет назад
You need proof? How about a 90 ft healthy tree separated 36 ft from it's stump, via huge green flash enveloping the night sky! Tons of proof. Ha ha ha hahahaha!!!
@SkyDarmos 8 лет назад
The compute power of you .. sad that so many people think we are computers ... the brain is not based on computation AT ALL.
@daffidavit 8 лет назад
I've gained a lot more respect from listening to Dr. Shostak on this channel. When he debates Stan Freidman, he gets a little angry. Stan Friedman was on the debating team in high school and learned how to remain cool while under the gun. But when Seth gives a lecture on his own, he is much more interesting to listen to, IMHO.
@ColinMcAdoo 8 лет назад
Or to write, produce a movie about the reality thus far and sell it as fictional adventure because "fuck it" that's millions yo, maybe. Maybe.
@willhart6110 9 лет назад
It happened long ago it is just that modern academics have reinterpreted the evidence to suit their assumptions, worldview and preconceptions. We are not unique, we are not alone and it is dumb beyond all reasoning to assume so given all that astronomers know about the vastness of the universe and the fact that our sun is a typicla class-C star...
@shaungovender1433 6 лет назад
Greatest explanation ever. Wish Elon Musk and Bill Gates send SETI some money. Big thumbs up for trying
@ColinMcAdoo 8 лет назад
Do not limit your mind or imagination! They'll say wazzzzup if you're dope, so "be dope and shit." Thus it was said!
@1985NEVETS 7 лет назад
Seth tells those bad jokes way too many times.every now and then his jokes would be tolerable but all the time like this is unbearable.he actually makes me want to hate astronomy and science.stick to astronomy your good at it drop the corny jokes.
@danielreece3996 4 года назад
This is one of the strangest and worst HBO comedy standup routines I have ever seen. Dad's and their jokes everywhere approve
@DD-bn2mx 10 лет назад
Why on Earth are these people hellbent on meeting extraterrestrials? We can't understand or get along with each other, much less an extraterrestrial. If nothing else, stop trying to tell them where we are!
@gypsyking1761 8 лет назад
a hundred billion-trillion galaxies and stars in this ever expanding universe some other life form must be out there when in reality it's right here on earth sometimes front of our eyes goes unnoticed
@Mrbfgray 10 лет назад
This was a nice surprise, (despite some lame humor in the beginning) I actually learned a few new things.
@qqqqqqqqqq7488 8 лет назад
Never. Where do you get these wacky ideas from? We can't even get to mars. Don't forget, there is no air in space.
@ryang790 8 лет назад
Glad seth unlike frank drake knows how to use a microphone....
@boxa888 15 лет назад
yea, also nikola tesla discovered intelligent transmissions 100 yrs ago when he first made the radio, one specialized radio picked up very far into the universe and the intelligent beings sent tesla 1.. 2.. 3.. and tesla send ..4 pulses back and communication was established.!! i put up info on the special radio device tesla used! its very important, contact can be made with the right equipment!
@boxa888 15 лет назад
THATS WHAT TESLA DID, HE SENT out special waves, ether waves into space which reach speeds greater than light that went out into the universe, the signals he later got were probably a reply message, the tesla ether waves are not radio em waves, its a longitudinal energy wave like sound! i put up info if you need some understanding on how this device works, the waves were ether/electrostatic which gave them faster tahn light transmission, the same waves alien beings would communicate with!
@boxa888 15 лет назад
look up nikola tesla. he created the radio and also the special radio devices that picked up real alien signals! this was 100 yrs ago. he listened to the universe backgroubnd noise for years and discovered intelligent pulses hitting his specialized radios probably in response to his colorado springs experiments. please reseach this i put up information on this, his devices are important for alien contact and energy transfer through the whole earth! its very important!
@YesIamJames 12 лет назад
The problem I see with the Drake equation is that it doesn't seem to factor in aliens expanding and colonizing other star systems. This could equate to an alien species controlling potentially an entire galaxy, maybe over a billion planets within maybe 1 - 2 million years. This is a HUGE margin of error.
@YesIamJames 12 лет назад
I can certainly see computers becoming better at "thinking" than us and more efficient eventually, after all neurons contain a lot of material unnecessary for computation such as 3.1 billion nucleotides most of which don't help control the brain. That being said Moore's law cannot continue forever we are still going to be limited by the size of atoms etc.
@thomasdahl3083 8 лет назад
We will find extraterrestrials the day the politicians agree that Humans can handle that knowledge.
@SpiritoftheBride 12 лет назад
Who planted this guy? They most certainly are real, but you won't find them on another planet, unless they want you too, because they are on this planet. It's funny until you see them face to face.
@someynamero3346 6 лет назад
there is an old saying "you can wake up a person who is sleeping but you cannot wake up the one who is pretending to be asleep"
@MrDoUGrok 11 лет назад
Just wondering. If Biology is the study of life, why are astronomers and physics types the ones who are the voice of SETI? Anyone can watch Star Trek, become aware of all of the planets out there, and have some knowledge of the building blocks of life and get all excited but what does that have to do with having a radio telescope conversation with a alien civilization? If high intelligence is such a great thing then why out of the billions of species that have evolved on Earth has it only happened once. Sorry Seth, it will take more than humor, debunking UFOs, and a bit of science thrown in to convince me that you are not wasting your time and other people's money.
@nehorlavazapalka 11 лет назад
Auditory Entertainment alien technology proly already fills every cubic centimeter of the universe SETI is a pointless adventure, we haven't got the processing power nor the tech to intercept any of the signals. We cant go beyond quarks, there are 20 orders of magnitude below that level.
@susanshepard4688 5 лет назад
After we stop killing each other and putting dead animal heads on our walls for trophies
@YesIamJames 12 лет назад
I think 24 years is extremely conservative. 3 - 5 years tops. My video: Aliens, exoplanets and space travel. watch?v=JjN4cIJHx1Q
@Licmycat 14 лет назад
I read his book after being so shocked having a connection with the sky people. Interesting but hey! My head is becoming full of questions I want to ask them, but realized today I must be polite and mannerly and let them guide our conversation if we have some or at least one I have asked them for. I'm just beginning to realize how many questions we homo sapiens will be asking them!
@1simonmatthews 14 лет назад
@derrick713 The footage is on my RU-vid account now. Take a look. You'll need patients though, lots of empty sky shots and shaky bits. You may think they are birds of prey soaring but they weren't, they were climbing too high and rapidly for soaring birds. And I often see birds of prey here so I can tell the difference. I'm still opting for stunt planes, though they didn't seem to have much formation,and they normally leave smoke trails at some point. I'll leave it to you!
@1simonmatthews 14 лет назад
@derrick713 It's going to take too long to upload tonight. I'm going out soon so I'll upload it tomorrow. Another thing, the white object had gone before I got my camera out, gutted. Only have the black ones on film. The odd thing is, if there was a stunt aeroplane show on around my place today surely it would have been advertised, and where the objects were there is no airport. Perhaps they were remote controled planes? The footage is long and raw so you'll see what I saw, boring bits too.
@1simonmatthews 14 лет назад
@derrick713 OK. Hey, you won't believe this! I have a view of the hills from my sofa. As I was watching RU-vid a white object appeared above the hill, swooping. Then several black objects appeared. My mate phoned me as this was happening so I described them to him for a while, then I told him I'm going to get my camera. I managed to film the objects. They appear to be stunt airoplanes, although they make some odd manoevers. There are birds in the shot, so be aware of them. I'll upload it.
@1simonmatthews 14 лет назад
@derrick713 OK, but switching to digital won't scramble signals which have been transmitted in the past. These signals will still be present and detectable, such as our own first TV transmissions, which are, according to those in the know, still present in space. The trouble with my original comment is that there must be someone out there who is scrambling every signal in the cosmos appart from our own. Unless our own have been scrambled too? Or they are detecting signals and not telling us?
@1simonmatthews 14 лет назад
If extraterrestrial intelligences exist and at least one civilization is more advanced than humans I would assume that they would have already developed technology capable of scrambling radio signals, which would make signal detection an impossible task. This sounds logical to me, although I'm just a random thinking nobody. Any thoughts on this idea (the signal scrambling, not me being a random thinking nobody!)?
@dahur 14 лет назад
"The evidence is overwhelming that Planet Earth is being visited by intelligently controlled extraterrestrial spacecraft. In other words, SOME UFOs are alien spacecraft. Most are not. It's clear from the Opinion Polls and my own experience, that indeed most people accept the notion that SOME UFOs are alien spacecraft. The greater the education, the MORE likely to accept this proposition" -- Stanton Friedman Defense Contractor Nuclear Physicist
@dahur 14 лет назад
"Well, I've been involved in a lot of cover-ups with the FAA. When we gave the presentation to the Reagan staff, they had all those people swear that this never happened. But they never had me swear it never happened. I can tell you what I've seen with my own eyes. I've got a videotape. I've got the voice tape. I've got the reports that were filed that will confirm what I've been telling you." John Callaghan FAA Chief of Accidents and Investigations during a videotaped interview
@dahur 14 лет назад
@pillsareyummy "Why would an Alien hover over a missile base and play 'games with the natives'? It sounds absurd. " I'll spell it out for you. If THEY have unraveled the mysteries of interstellar travel, then they know someday WE might also. At THAT point, this warring planet will become a threat to them. It's only logical and common sense, they would monitor our technological progress. If it was the other way around, we would do the same thing. You haven't given this much thought.
@dahur 14 лет назад
@pillsareyummy "if all you've got are jokes (based on a typo), that's pretty lame" Typo?! The letter "A" and "O" are on different ends of the keyboard. No typo. What you're doing is trying to bullshit your way through. You really weren't sure what you're talking about, and you're winging it. Winging it? Yup. You're trying hard to make people think you're smarter than you really are. Just go back and read your posts from an impartial point of view and it's there.
@dahur 14 лет назад
@pillsareyummy "Again, as I've stated here, science requires 'hard evidence' for study. " I've repeated this so many times over the years. Whatever evidence will satisfy YOU, will be called a fake by someone else. It's almost impossible to come up with something that will satisfy everyone. The ones whose core beliefs are threatened won't even accept any kind of evidence at all.
@dahur 14 лет назад
Regarding government cover-up of UFOs) "That's putting it mildly. We've been lied to and covered up. It was a military rationale 50 years ago. Now it's a bureaucratic morass. I doubt if higher-ups even know what the right answers are." (Regarding why a cover up at the beginning) "It would rattle our foundations." DR. EDGAR MITCHELL Apollo 14 Astronaut As reported in the Palm Beach Post February 10, 2004
@dahur 14 лет назад
@pillsareyummy "well, where are all these good shots? That statement right there shows me you haven't done much investigating on this subject. Allen Hynek started out skeptical, and debunking everything. After years of so many credible witnesses, whose events couldn't be explained with "swamp gas, planet venus, rc toys, confusion, hallucinations,", that he died a believer himself in the ETFO phenomena. What did it take to turn him? Investigations. And he was a scientist.
@dahur 14 лет назад
"The official line from the Ministry of Defense is, 'Yes, this happened. No, we don't know what it is, but we say that it is of no defense significance." ' How can it possibly be of no defense significance when your best jet is left for standing by a UFO? And, again, how can it be of no defense significance when your air defense region is routinely penetrated by structured craft?" Nick Pope
@dahur 14 лет назад
.However, the information of that test (travelling at the speed of light), wouldn't have had time to reach the nearest star system< There are theories of bending space, time , thus not traveling near the speed of light velocity wise, but arriving at the destination much faster. Also a planet in the Goldilocks zone could very well produce Humanoid in appearance, or very different. Theories are there are both.
@1simonmatthews 14 лет назад
@derrick713 The distance to the hill is about 1 mile, maybe 1.5. My zoom isn't too bad, my hand is very steady. They weren't closer than that because they were swooping behind the hill. The objects were stunt planes, I'm pretty sure. I wish I caught the white one though, that one was bigger. I'm going to upload it now.
@dahur 14 лет назад
"The possibility of reduced-time interstellar travel either by advanced extraterrestrial civilizations at present or ourselves in the future, is not fundamentally constrained by physical principles." -- Dr. Harold Puthoff (Director, Institute for advanced studies at Austin, Author of fundamentals of Quantum Electronics)
@dahur 14 лет назад
@pillsareyummy You're kidding right? Who said they HAVE to travel at "extreme velocities'? I'd like to think any race that is "technological sophisticated", has developed another way other than "velocity". "Use this advanced science to shield themselves from our nuclear weapons". I doubt it. And I think the Visitors are concerned enough to keep checking us out.
@dahur 14 лет назад
@pillsareyummy "Also, how could we even reverse engineer a technology that was perhaps thousands of years more advanced than us?" You ALSO said: "Also, I'm sorry to tell you, however, we can trace ALL technology backwards. That's a fact. You're professing your ignorance" LOL! Who's ignorant with conflicting statements like that?
@JGaRRoWay08 15 лет назад
Do you what I think is crazy? People actually believe that there is a supreme being that created everything, and they don't believe the theory of evolution. Wtf? The theory of evolution makes more sense than a guy that created Earth in 7days. This subject shoudn't be opinionated, it's merely common sense.
@blicksflicks 15 лет назад
MegaieManny: "but why would god only make us?" Who knows? Who can comprehend the mind of God? We're just mere mortals. Of course, when Jesus comes back, all things will be revealed. Everything hidden will be revealed. One day, we'll all know the answer, but not while we're alive here on earth. Our mind can't comprehend it.
@blicksflicks 15 лет назад
From what I've read in the Bible, it never says why God made man. We just don't know. Not that I recall anyway. We just know from Genesis he did make the first man and woman and everything that exists. When we start asking why, we get into trouble with doubt and contemplation, mainly because we can't comprehend that much power.
@dahur 14 лет назад
"Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe that unknown flying objects are nonsense." Roscoe Hillenkoetter Former CIA Director in a public statement, 1960.
@bigdey987 16 лет назад
Daca extraterexi estista de unde stit ica sunt chiar inteligenti aduca ar putea fi ca noi oameni in sensul ca nici un om "nu a ajuns mai departe de luna" poate si pe o planeta indepartata sunt niste fiinte care se uita la calea lactee si se intreaba oare exista acolo viata?
@Licmycat 14 лет назад
@juddsky8 Why did u bother to see this vid? Are u one of them or just a bored sap. Homo sapien? Guess ur jealous if u haven't experienced them. They are really exciting. Surely meeting them will lift our intelligence many levels!
@dahur 14 лет назад
"If all the airline pilots and Air Force pilots who have seen UFOs - and sometimes chased them - have been the victims of hallucinations, then an awful lot of pilots should be taken off and forbidden to fly." Captain Kervendal French Gendarmerie
@dahur 14 лет назад
@pillsareyummy Please don't think "I" was in charge, LOL. The RU-vid dropped the quotation marks from Phillip Corso. I can't believe you thought "I" was in charge. Wait.....no, after re-reading some of your posts, I can believe it.
@dahur 14 лет назад
"The least improbable explanation is that these things are artificial and controlled ... My opinion for some time has been that they have an extraterrestrial origin." --Dr. Maurice Biot (leading aerodynamicists and mathematical physicist)
@dahur 14 лет назад
@pillsareyummy "How do you know it isn't a psychological experiment, conducted by the military" Are you truly serious? Messing with the minds of people in control of nuclear weapons, or any weapons for the matter? You have to be joking.
@dahur 14 лет назад
"I feel that the Air Force has not been giving out all the available information on the Unidentified Flying Objects. You cannot disregard so many unimpeachable sources." -John W. McCormack, Former Speaker of the House, January 1965
@dahur 14 лет назад
@pillsareyummy And this folks, is what we like to call, debunker damage control. People who, "don't think that the UFO topic is all that serious", yet spend a lot of time posting on that very subject, and spending considerable time on these sites.
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