
When Your Bad Gut Feelings Turn Out To Be True... 

Mainly Fact
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@AlexRising_ Год назад
When I was a kid, I was a shy child, but never an antisocial child. My mom went on a date and her litmus test was always to introduce them to me to see how they reacted to me and, more importantly, how _I_ reacted to _them._ Normally, I would quietly stick by my mom and then slowly do something like ask if I can read them a book or color with them. However, one man she brought home I wanted _fuck nothing_ to do with. Mom didn’t pressure me, but it struck her as odd. By the end of the date, she cursed him clean the fuck out. She came home alone and asked me why I didn’t like him, and I just shrugged and started sniffling and said “Mr. Troy is not a nice man. Is he coming back?” Bear in mind, I’d never met this man prior to her introducing us and I was inexplicably so distressed and uncomfortable that I was in tears. Mom promised I would never be alone with him and that she would never let him in our home again. He ended up dating my godmother for years and my disposition did not change towards this man. Something about him deeply unsettled me, including his weird and constant commentary on how pretty I was as I grew up. Like…I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s not like when family sees you and remarks on how you’ve grown. There was something almost malicious about it but nothing outright inappropriate. My mom, true to the promise she made to a three year old, never left me alone with him and never let him into our house ever again. She would occasionally ask if I still had that weird feeling and as I got older I was better able to articulate that I knew that if I left alone with him, I would be in physical danger. “ When I was 16 my godmother left him and he initially refused to leave, then trashed her house and poured sugar in her gas tank to stop her from going to work and get her fired. I never saw him again after that. Mom casually looked at my godmom and said “Alex called it 13 years ago.” My family has a house rule that if I am foot stomping, fit throwing, rage crying, heel dragging adamant about someone or something being off, it’s worth a second look . So far it’s saved at least one life, predicted two tornadoes, and avoided several speeding tickets 😂
@thereisnosanctuary6184 Год назад
The sad part here is that Mom's have to date
Год назад
@@thereisnosanctuary6184 What?
@AlexRising_ Год назад
@@thereisnosanctuary6184 dude, my parents still get along swimmingly. Don’t make it weird.
@alpha_9997 Год назад
I would like to know more about the tornadoes lmao
@kamikazexj4425 Год назад
damn thats long. glad i dont wanna read it!
@MelodyRose96 Год назад
My mom was part of this friend group, and one of the guys there gave her terrible vibes, even though there wasn't anything to justify it. She never let the man into our house and made sure I was never alone with him. 15 years later and out of the group, we read in the paper that he was arrested for molesting his niece since she was 10. Thank you, mama!
@randomgirl8684 Год назад
So glad ur mama was there!!!🥰🥰🥰 Otherwise u would have tons of PTSD and anxiety for the rest of ur life😑😑😑
@thedesensitizedsympathizer5307 11 месяцев назад
You could get PTSD and anxeity from other things too, instead of rape.
@peanutbuttercookies84 6 месяцев назад
​@@thedesensitizedsympathizer5307 no sh!t, Sherlock. But we're not talking about those other things are we?
@snidlin Год назад
Oh goodness I have a good one. We adopted a brother that was a month younger than me. I was homeschooled since the third grade, but this boy we adopted happened to be my childhood bully. For 5 years I had a gut feeling that he was a parasite or something and that we needed to purge our family of him. After years of therapy for "anger management" I was proven right when we found his camera in the changing room with hours of recorded videos of my sisters unclothed. Three years later and he is no longer a part of my family, I have been vindicated in being right, and as of last week he is on the run from the law with nowhere to sit down and rest because of his choices. Follow your gut, peeps. Otherwise you are diagnosed with PTSD and Depression, anxious as heck, and barely able to hold it together most every day. So grateful my family has my back because otherwise I'm not sure I could handle the amount of stress that comes from someone hurting you like that.
@aaronjimenez5644 Год назад
Oh wow man thats a hell of a story
@EnigmaEng1ne Год назад
I'm homeschooled too, didn't have any story like this, at least not with a person, I thought the my defibulizer, for my asthma. We go to the doctor and turns out, it wasnt helping me at all.
@snidlin Год назад
@Aaron Jimenez yeah just a small one lol. But tbh I've learned so much from that experience that I'd never go back and change it. I learned to communicate my feelings clearly, I've learned to trust my gut on people that ring my bells, and I've learned to grow closer to my family not further apart. But I will tell you that these hard experiences have a steep cost, albeit with high rewards.
@smolchild1057 Год назад
@@snidlin that's a huge story. You where forced to go to anger management and you where mentally tortured by this guy and everyone thought you where just being overdramatic and he was innocent, and it turns out he was a compulsive sex offender, and he reveled in your suffering for years. I can't imagine how long you went being treated like you where crazy for not trusting him. I'm so glad you got the justice you deserved and i hope he gets what's coming to him for making life so painful for you. I'm lucky my parents and siblings don't get too involved with strangers and we have stayed closely tied to eachother all this time.
@thereisnosanctuary6184 Год назад
I still feel sorry for that kid. He had a way worse life than you.
@brittanyt9787 Год назад
I worked in the same office as a very attractive guy who many of the guys liked, but the moment I met him I had a terrible feeling. I worked with 11 other guys and am usually very comfortable around men. This guy always gave me the creeps no matter how normal he seemed. Years later I leave that job and he was arrested within a week for sexually assaulting a woman and her child. Turns out he had done the same to at least 5 other women.
@Rylosalex Год назад
Oh my god. Hope those woman and that kid are doing okay now.
@jessvachon1043 Год назад
Respect to OP in story #9. As a recovering addict,I feel the need to thank him. You gave that guy a chance no one else could give him in his most rock bottom state,and he needed that chance. You're amazing.
@zizochemlali4639 Год назад
I know this isn’t related but I hope your doing well and no longer doing drugs I pray your better now
@pinkymii072 8 месяцев назад
Honestly, that person is an angel. They really seem to care for their patients.
@Karma-zx8qe 5 месяцев назад
Though it's exceedingly rare, and more often ur putting yourself in danger when you do that...
@nikkip.Christ-is-King Год назад
My dad and I met this women and she had a young autistic women under her care. They freaked me out right away but my dad liked the mom figure because she was petite and that was my dad's type. Turns out I was right on the money. She was a black widow, multiple dead husband's that kind of withered away. They were cremated. Instead of trying to kill my dad though she got the daughter to accuse him of r*pe and tried to take his stuff while he was in jail. He was proven innocent in court and the mom figure was shocked to learn that everything was in my name. We did that so we wouldn't have to deal with wills. I heard from the neighbors that she was cursing my name, she thought they liked her. They were feeding me information the whole time. Oh and after all the trouble started everyone and their brother came to my house to tell me she was a black widower. The last guys brother came to my house, he was nearly in tears telling me what she'd done. I don't understand why the police haven't caught on to her yet. I guess they can't do anything though because she had them cremated. The lawyer asked my dad and me what happened and we were like how should we know. It was a very complicated web of lies and it took us a while to unravel it. That's a good strategy I suppose, just make it so complicated that everyone is too confused to truly comment on anything. Physical evidence proved my dad was innocent in the end. Ps I just remembered another crazy detail, the reason I think she switched up her mo was because the daughter of the last guy insisted she killed her dad. She tried to stop them from cremating her dad because she wanted an autopsy done. They ignored her. I don't understand why everyone is just pretty much letting this women get away with m•rder. It's like a conspiracy.
@afterlife697 Год назад
Back in 2014 I used to go a church in Illinois called willow creek. One day after the service, I went down to the front of the stage and got a chance to talk to the head pastor. After meeting him, I looked at my mother and said there’s something very evil about that man. It came out a few years later he was using his position to sexually harass married women. And that the church has been covering it up for quite some time. Both him, and all of the people involved in the cover-up were fired and I believe somewhere even sued, and or prosecuted.
@mattlinthicum4207 Год назад
My mother's best friend once flat out called out a man who would, a decade later, be arrested alongside his twin brother for being a pedophile. She has been working in the Ohio education system for years as a counselor and has a good read of people. At a highschool baseball game she had this sense something was wrong with the photographer that the, unspecified Cincinnati area, school district used to take take pictures of sport events. She had noticed he was always taking pictures from just behind of the male players. Eventually, she confied to her daughter that, something was not right about this. To which she got the teenage response of, "Oh, mom; thats crazy." and left it at that. Years later news broke that yes, this man was a pedophile and was working with his brother; a dentist, to trade sex with male teens for pharma drugs. There are quacks all over the place but I would trust her with my life and she is a very much underappreciated underdog.
@brainb0t_952 Год назад
me trying not to say only in ohio:
@jesseyu69420 Год назад
@@brainb0t_952 Don’t you mean “me trying not to be unfunny:”?
@brainb0t_952 Год назад
@@jesseyu69420 they're the same thing lmao
@autumngalix4616 Год назад
I was living with my dad at the time, my other siblings were taken from my mother into a fostercare home. I was allowed to visit with them, which was really exciting! The moment I walked through that door something felt horribly wrong. I couldn't pinpoint it but I didn't like these people one bit. Their demeanor felt sickly sweet and I just wanted away from them. One time they mentioned that they shower with my siblings, and I quickly felt like I was in danger. A few weeks later when I went back with my dad, they sent him a letter asking to take me. That didn't sit well with any of us and we definitely did not agree to it. I told my dad about the shower ordeal too. Grossed us all out. I really wanted my siblings out of there, but that's all I knew about them at the time. Years later my three oldest siblings were released back to my mom. The stories they told confirmed my fears. They didn't mention any sexual abuse (thankfully), but they shamed my little sister because she was formerly assaulted. They even taped her to a chair for three days. They tore out my older sister's molar as a punishment, and forced my littler brother to eat a whole chocolate cake until he threw up (that really messes up your stomach by the way). They threatened my siblings with knives among other things. I really wish I would of listened to my instinct to bite their faces off the first time I stepped foot inside that house. These people claim to be "Christians" and go to church, they really liked how enthusiastic I was about God and that's probably why they wanted me so bad. If they had taken me in, they would of quickly figured out that I don't put up with abuse. I was that kind of kid that would push back ten times harder if you pushed me. Pushing me, abusing me, it would only encourage me to fight back. They probably would of forced me into Juvie or a mental institution to keep me silent. Because if they ever threatened my siblings in front of me, only the power of God would hold me back.
@aiodensghost8645 Год назад
If those where my siblings not even God would be able to hold me back... then again, I was in the shoes of your siblings as a kid.
@seantaggart7382 Год назад
Nah *Not even god would stop you* And i dont think he would WANT to stop you
@aiodensghost8645 Год назад
@@seantaggart7382 I get that God wants us to be loving, but damn that's hard 9 times outta 10.
@seantaggart7382 Год назад
@@aiodensghost8645 yeah *draws starcutter* That's why i take things personally
@pineapplecat7908 Год назад
bro those people would be better off supporting Satan than God
@cosmicreef5858 Год назад
Gut feelings are NEVER incorrect! It is just people are sometimes mix up them with paranoia.
@krissycats1 Год назад
I sadly don't possess this gut feeling, but my fiancé and some members of my family do. It's how they were able to realize that something about my fiancé's mother's new boyfriend just felt off. Especially when he convinced my MIL to help adopt his daughter out of the foster system, a teenage girl seemingly with bipolar disorder. My fiancé didn't feel safe with her in the house and was worried she'd falsely claim rape against him. Not an unwarranted fear since she did that to one boy at school and even called the cops on my MIL and SIL saying they were threatening to hurt her. Thankfully, MIL eventually broke it off with the boyfriend and kicked him and his daughter out.
@Cricket-byte Год назад
There was a girl who was kind of in our college friend group, let’s call her A, that I never got along with, everyone else seemed fine with her. I didn’t like her because she had treated my best friend at the time like shit when they broke up and she flaunted her money around in front of a broke friend of hers in poor taste. I tried to ignore my bad feelings but never made an effort to hang out with her directly. At one point one of my friends in the group and I had a tense moment during which she said “the way you’ve been treating A is unacceptable”. I had no idea what she was talking about, so I went to talk with A and all she could say was that I was “treating her terribly” and refused to give me an example. I might not always be the most perceptive of other peoples discomfort sometimes but I’m only human, so I take hurting others very seriously and always do my best to not step on any toes or intentionally hurt people. I had a chat with the friend group (minus A) and as it turns out A had been lying about me behind my back to my friend group, only wanted to negatively gossip about people when I wasn’t there, and had been treating a specific member of the group especially poorly. This all came to light, we kicked her from our group chats and servers, I got an apology from the friend who accused me of treating A poorly, and I’m waiting outside of the apartment where my friend group lives right now so I can pick one of them up and go to work together :)
@pineapplecat7908 Год назад
"A" is going to grow up to spend her whole life asking for the manager.
@virginiavarble7818 Год назад
I had that feeling about my older sisters ex. Everyone loved him but I just had this off feeling while around him. Here is just a few things he did: He got drunk and set his moped on fire, he shot his dad and "conveniently" passed out and didn't remember doing it, his dad survived and didn't press charges, and last but not least he shot my niece in the hip then barricaded himself in his kitchen he took the gun put it in his mouth and pulled the trigger, he didn't die but it messed him up really bad. He'd also while drunk in the middle of the night flip the mattress over while my sister was sleeping on it, making her hit the wall. T.J. where ever you are right now you are a P.O.S.!
@Mario-us7ds Год назад
at least he shot himself, that's a good ending.
@katythroneberry5521 Год назад
I once told my parents I didn’t like a kid after I met him once. They were basically like “maybe he was having a bad day, give him a chance.” So I did, but turns out he has severe anger issues and was outright mean to multiple of my friends. So yeah…
@dutchvanderbilt9969 Год назад
I remember a while back I actually met this one nun. See our small town had a group of nuns that had their own medical clinic and they would host events for the needy all that good Christian stuff. Well this particular none was actually new and when I met her for the first time one thing I quickly noticed about her was her smile. When I would talk to her she would maintain that smile throughout. It never dropped or faltered in the slightest. And at the time I just found that really creepy and she wasn't just that way with me she was like that with everybody. Well sometime passes come to find out she killed one of her fellow nuns I don't know why she did it I only know that she killed another nut. And I remember thinking to myself "I knew there was something up with her" when I found all that out.
@notcrispeeweevile1388 Год назад
Why does "nun" go to "none" and then to "nut" XD
Auto correct also wow that is a freaky story as the thought of maintaining a “sinister” smile like that whilst in a position like that after killing a fellow nun.
@dutchvanderbilt9969 Год назад
@@variksinsectlikechattering743 well it wasn't that the smile itself was sinister it's the fact that it never faltered. Like at all
Well you know I guess ominous is better that one that’s not right just there yeah sinister wasn’t the best word I could’ve used
@hunkydory3521 Год назад
@AhamkaraMommy Год назад
This is basically pathological for me, my gut instinct has literally never been wrong when I meet new people. I can't always put it into words but somehow I just know when I won't get along with someone. One specific story goes as this; Me and my mother were driving to my brother's place to grab some of my furniture from a storage unit since I didn't have anywhere to store it between moving at the time. We get there and go down to the basement of the apartment building where we meet my brother's at the time girlfriend and their neighbor whom I'll call "Fred". Fred and brother's GF help with moving the boxes out of the unit. I within 10 seconds of meeting the guy get a feeling of this dude being creepy, however there were a LOT of boxes so I didn't feel the need to think any further of it since an extra hand was very welcome. It is at this point I should note the neighbor is a guy. The entire time I make 0 effort to talk to the dude as red flags are being set off everywhere in my head but alas' I let it go as I don't have a precise idea as to why. Fast forward about 20 minutes and me and my mother get into the car and pull out of the apartment complex area and unto the road, It is at this point I decide to shoot in the dark and ask my mother about it. Something to the effect of "Idk why but that guy was weird." my mother asking "Weird how?" in a very suggesting way. I just say "Idk, just weird like why was he there with my brother's GF?" My mother then spills the beans; The neighbor had apparent been coming unto my brother's GF knowing full well she was in a relationship, she'd made it known a few times that she was not interested but the dude kept persisting. To my knowledge it never escalated (Thank goodness for that.) and I never looked into it further. Looking back this might've seemed a lot weirder but I live in the kind of area where everyone just helps everyone so his presence itself wasn't actually suspicious, somehow I just knew that dude was uncomfortable to be around. TL:DR; My brother's neighbor creeps on my brother's girlfriend and it takes me less than a minute to realize the dude is a creep.
@ismailzahir2831 11 месяцев назад
Same here, my gut feeling was also never wrong
@epmcgee Год назад
A bunch of times. The main one was the boyfriend of a roommate, who seemed genuinely nice at first but I remained hesitant. Seemed decent enough, and the roommate vouched for him. As some context, there were two doors into the flat myself, my then girlfriend, and the roommate plus this new boyfriend were staying in, but only one set of keys for each door. The roommate and her boyfriend used one door with one set of keys, while myself and my girlfriend used the other set and the other door. A few months pass and he's turned anti-social and he's always pissed off at something. His girlfriend, the roommate, would spend more time hanging out with me and my girlfriend because it was more relaxing than being around her boyfriend. This escalates when they both go away for a weekend. We think nothing of it, until halfway through the weekend I tried to exit through the door that they had the keys to. It opened. They had gone away for an entire weekend, said absolutely nothing about it to us, and left the door they had the keys to completely unlocked. This pissed me off to no end, as we were staying in a block of flats that didn't have a good reputation and we had witnessed on multiple occasions random strangers walking down the hallways and trying to open every door, and if they didn't succeed they'd take the fire escape up a level instead of the elevators (probably to avoid cameras). I had words with the guy over the phone, calling him out for the danger he put my girlfriend in as she often stayed at the unit alone on the weekends while I was working. He didn't give a fuck and told me that I was just some kind of "phone warrior" and a "big man behind the keyboard" but that I'd never say it to his face. They got back later that day. I gave him five minutes to go to his room and put anything down, then I went in and asked if we can talk. He says sure. So I repeat the same things I said over the phone, that he's irresponsible and doesn't care that he put other people in danger. This triggered something in him and he walks over mouthing off and grabs my throat. I tell him to let go, I repeat it and say that if he doesn't I will defend myself. Fight ensues, he ends up leaving with a bleeding head and had to get multiple stiches at the hospital. He had wanted to drive himself but after walking outside the apartment he phoned a friend. When he got back from the hospital the girlfriend ran up 8 flights of stairs to beat the elevator back just to laugh at him and tell us about the shaved patch on the side of his head. He threatened legal action. A notion which he dropped a few days later after having a heated conversation in the hallways with his lawyer over the phone (most likely the lawyer told him he had no grounds and if he were to pursue legal action he'd be exposing himself to charges on a losing case). He chose to move himself out and so I restricted his access to the property thereafter. Within a month the roommate is also moving out in order to move in with him (although she'd spent most of this time living with him already) and he arrives thinking he can demand access to the property. I bar his access and so he calls the cops on me. They show up, I explain the circumstances, including who is named on the lease and the reason he is barred from the property. He tried to make a claim that we were refusing to allow the roommate to collect her belongings, meanwhile she was already inside the property packing up. The police pull him aside and scold him for wasting their time, and leave. Funnily enough, I ended up hanging out with him a few years later and he seemed to have changed into a more genuine person. He still had his hang ups and issues, but he was friendlier without any agenda, but his girlfriend on the other hand...
@tazergraphics Год назад
When I was 5 I went to Virginia to meet some family, and that's when I met my godsister. She was 9 years older than me and on the spectrum, so my mom thought she would be a good influence for me since I am also on the autism spectrum, but she was quite the opposite. She would tease me for how I talked and what I said, she took away my iPad saying that "kids like me shouldn't have access to technology" One time when we went to the fair she held her ice cream cone over my face and asked if I wanted a lick. I nodded and moved my face closer to the cone and she shoved my head onto the ice cream cone, and the ice cream got all over my face. She laughed and I ended up crying and running to my mom. I told my mom everything and she patted my head and told me that she's a kid with special needs and that's she's just trying to be funny and become friends with me, and whatever she did to me she probably didn't mean to offend me, but I still felt quite offended. Fast forward 10 years later my mom knocks on my door and tells me that she wants to talk to me, so we sit down in the office and my mom tells me that my godsister got arrested. Turns out she attempted to murder her boyfriend by running him over. I really wanted to say: "I told you she was up to no good!" But I just kept quiet.
@kdphotos4691 Год назад
Your godsister does NOT have "autism." She sounds like she has NPD or another personality disorder.
@tazergraphics Год назад
@@kdphotos4691 That's what I thought, but apparently her diagnosis says otherwise
@kdphotos4691 Год назад
@@tazergraphics - A LOT of people are misdiagnosed. It is very common. Even worse, nowadays, it's a convenient and lazy excuse to diagnose someone with autism when they don't actually have it. Then there are the truly autistic people who are misdiagnosed with personality disorders. Another one is the sudden over-diagnosing of "ADHD" which just so happens to be treatable with pharmaceuticals. If your godsister was autistic then she wouldn't be doing that bullying and getting satisfaction out of it. Reactive abuse, yes, but not deliberate, unprovoked bullying. I remember my school days well and I got diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome when I was 45. After years of abuse from NPDs, I can spot patterns in group dynamics where it becomes obvious who is being scapegoated and who is doing the actual bullying. I also worked with young adults with learning difficulties and the main difference I found is that what can be perceived as bullying by autistic people never comes across as them gaining any satisfaction from the behaviour. Someone with NPD operates solely on putting others down and creating problems for others. They are manipulative whereas autistic people are not. Let's say for a moment that she is autistic. Her behaviour wouldn't be repetitive and there would be a lack of awareness that she is hurting you. That does not mean the adults around her should not correct her or let her get away with the wrongful behaviour. Autistic people have to live in the world with everyone else, and if she is able to form the sentences to bully you, then she is able to learn boundaries. Autistic people welcome guidance and helpful advice.
@tazergraphics Год назад
@@kdphotos4691 I see...
@seabreeze4559 Год назад
some kids are misdiagnosed as autism when it's really sociopathy
@eliza6971 Год назад
The psychos freak me out, but the things that really scares me is all the enablers who will basically gaslight themselves and others so the psycho doesn't even have to try that hard. Being nice and hospitable are great values, but poor judgement can be downright damning.
The reason that I'm a sexual enabler is because of the horrible things people say about rapists and pedophiles and they treat that way more serious then murder. It just makes me angry.
@xenogaming9600 3 месяца назад
@@thedesensitizedsympathizer5307 Bait used to be believeable
@rosettesionne9139 Год назад
I was victim of bullying because I ignored my gut instinct. I was socially anxious due to trauma but people kept asking me to change and started calling me arrogant fir refusing to interact with them I kept saying that I tried to but my trauma always kicks in but they kept ignoring it. One day I was tired of always explaining myself so I just ignored my instincts and play along (biggest mistake of my life) I forced myself to be extroverted, talking about my feelings being assertive and explaining myself... I was called drunk, abnormal and mentally deranged... It hurt like hell but I remember that my intuition was always kicking in to avoid these people but I kept ignoring it now I am sure I suffer from social anxiety... Never ignore your intuition
@crazyasalways9272 Год назад
My mother-in-law met a woman who was also pregnant (this would be around 1998 in the beginning months) at Walmart the lady was friendly and just so happen to also be having a boy (this is when my mother-in-law was pregnant with my now husband) she talked with her for a bit but the lady kept trying to ask where she lived how far along she was and my mother in law just got a really bad vibe so she waved over my father in law and they left their stuff and left (this happened in Ravenna Ohio I believe) fast forward a few days or weeks later don't remember which but there was a news report about how a woman had assaulted a pregnant woman in her home and had killed her and removed the child mil looks up and it's the woman at the store
@Pink_roses2 Год назад
Idk if this feeling was right but it was still creepy. One day me, my grandma, my aunt, and my sister were going on a walk around the block. After a few minutes I noticed this guy following us, my grandma and aunt were too busy talking and I didn't want to freak them out. Reminder I was twelve when this happened but thanks to my experience on the internet I knew I should be cautious about this. I told my sister about the guy following us and she tried to make everyone hurry. But the man kept getting closer. I was scared of what would happen when he got to us. We walked back to my aunt's house which was at the end of the street, so he shouldn't have still been following us, but he was. My sister told my grandma and aunt what was going on and they got inside and we locked the doors. Idk what happened to this guy or if there was anything to it, but it still freaks me out till this day.
@teritt Год назад
Sometimes I wish I knew something was off for real… Because anxiety and trauma completely f’ed up my understanding of danger for myself. Now I can only notice it when it’s happening to someone else. At the very least I’ve saved a few kids from online groomers. I have been given the title father by them cause I ended up raising these kids better than the parents that let them in these spaces too soon🧍🏻 I don’t house them, I don’t clothe them, I don’t feed them. But I’ve given life advice and praised them for their work enough they find me better than their parents. Hell I even sometimes scold them for doing dangerous things or unhealthy-ness. I don’t know their names. I don’t need to, I just hope my little interaction made all the difference in keeping them safe and happy.
@shinami3758 Год назад
I had a friend who was all but married right after high school. Met the guy at work and a friendship came from it. I later met his dad through my family at a Thanksgiving dinner. The dad seemed cool and likeable but he gave me the worst feeling I've gotten from anyone. It was the sort that screamed "Don't trust him!" with the volume cranked to eleven. Well, as it turned out, the dad was living with my aunt and uncle until he could "get back on his feet after a rough patch". When I mentioned it to my friend, I got to hear all about his dad was an addict that just got out of rehab. The dad got kicked out about a month later after he was caught stealing from my aunt and uncle. What was he stealing for? Drug money.
@waitwhat6056 Год назад
Yep. Was dating a guy we'll call "Jake". Met what seemed like a really cool woman who was part of his friend group. She was dating one of his very good friends he'd known since middle school. She did a ton of humanitarian work, wrote beautiful poetry, traveled extensively, and spoke a few languages. Everyone kept saying she was "great", "fun" etc. But everytime she was next to me I got this awful sinking feeling. I mean my stomach just plummeted with dread and all these warning bells kept going off. I couldn't figure out why. Fast forward 3 months and I find out she's been sleeping with "Jake". Oh it gets better, she was _convinced_ I was stalking and threatening her and pressed charges against me. I only found out about all of it when a detective called me with "Jake " sitting right next to me. I also find out that "Jake" apparently nudged her and the detectives in my direction once she began receiving weird emails. I end up in court...she doesn't show up. I then find out one of her students was actually behind it. Still hate that b*tch and "Jake".
@Dead_channel_is_real Год назад
I had a bad feeling about someone in my first period during my first day in middle school. He turned out to be the only truly evil person I met, he even went to child jail once. He bullied anyone that wasn’t his friend, even going so far as to be a brat to the teachers too, and he was proud of himself. Before the school year started up, my school’s admins told his family to find a new school. He’s now doing absolutely terrible in life, and his new school hates him
I have a feeling hes gonna shoot that school.
@Dead_channel_is_real Год назад
Sounds about right
@arianamcvey9779 Год назад
When I was around 6 my father took me and my older sister to meet our paternal grandfather while we were visiting that side of the family. For some reason I did not like the man from the moment I set my eyes on him and had no idea why and even my sister was confused. 6 year old me did not like the vibes he was giving off and I refused to sit near him when we went out for breakfast that morning, dad chalked it up to me just being shy and afraid of someone who was technically a stranger to me. For years I had no idea why I felt like there was something off about him until a few years back me and my sister who are now adults went to go visit family in that state again and our great aunt basically spilled the beans and told us that our grandfather was an ab*sive POS to our grandmother and was just a shit father and person all together.
@kissit012 Год назад
Shitty that your dad acted oblivious and exposed you to him anyway, knowing his pat behavior
@BITCH_ImFabulous Год назад
A good friend of mine (let's call her C) was friends with her ex-Joey-and still hung out with him every now and then. Everybody in the friend group was familiar with him: he was often invited to play League with our guys, and often ate lunch on Fridays with C. I never understood the appeal in him since we never formally met and don't know him much. One day, while me and C were about to eat lunch, as we usually do, C tells me that Joey's plans for lunch that day were cancelled (it wasn't a Friday), and asked if he could eat lunch with us. I agreed, excited I could finally meet Joey. Introductions went well. We shook hands and I invited him to eat with us. But even from the moment C introduced us to each other, I couldn't shake off the feeling that I didn't like Joey. I brushed it off. I never knew the guy before, I didn't know any rumors or stories about Joey that put him in a negative light. Just the few verbal jabs from the boys, but that was it. And so, I ignored that feeling. I was polite to him. Curt, even. I would greet him whenever we saw each other, but there was no meaningful conversation between us. We were acquaintances but I wouldn't exactly call us friends. But everybody else in the friend group basically took him in. Hell, he was invited (and attended!) one of our friends' debut party! In the end, as the pandemic struck in the middle of our senior year (or Grade 12), I forgot about him. That is until C started dating her current boyfriend just before March 2020. It wasn't until a year later that C finally told us all the shit he put her through: guilt-tripping, emotional manipulation, anger issues, some stalking (scary part about that is that he knew where she lived), threatening C's current bf, etc. (I've omitted some stuff that I'm not too sure about). And it came as a shock to everyone, including me. Sure, I didn't like the guy, but I didn't want this kinda thing to happen. And as everyone starting airing out their concern and disbelief (as well as relief that C managed to solve the problem; she blocked and unfriended/unfollowed him on every social media platform that he had, as well as encouraging her bf to do the same), I mentioned to her that I never liked Joey from the start, and I explained that I felt that something was off since that time we had lunch. Since then, everybody else sort of stayed away from Joey. And it would be about another year later when I would find out about his toxic bs to another friend of mine, but that's another story to tell.
@chewy99. Год назад
4:44 I’m so glad the ending wasn’t bad. This made me happy, so glad the mom outlived that rotten disgusting evil woman.
@superxl7900 Год назад
She was evil as hell
@Villiawenn Год назад
I have two stories like these 1/ My best friend found herself a boyfriend. He was tall, charming and I for some reason couldn't stand him. He tried his hardest to limite her from contacting me, I was stubborn to let go. She later on end the relationship and he was literally squatting in her house for few more weeks. Once he finally left I've got to know my feeling was right - he was maniplative abusive j*rk, not only towards her, but towards her family too and hated me outta envy 2/ I went to new job 3 yrs back together with this twice my age lady. She was hella tall, talkative and everybody instantly loved her. I on the other hand again cannot stand her. She was antivaxx, liar (the kind which have to have their true to be praised) and loud. I was aggravated just seeing her, so working next to her made us getting into few screaming matches. She was bringing snacks and to not looking like partypopper, I've hesitantly joined few of these. I've ended up food poisoned 2 times, but that is actually quite easy due to me having food allergies. She denied putting stuff irritating my body into the food and blamed my store bought cookies (the brand I eat all the time, so total baloney). Shift leader loved her to bits, they were constantly planning to do stuff outta work and I felt pretty disliked for not being on a good terms with her. One night shift it all switched. She came to work drugged outta her mind, was agressive towards us and heavy materials, was feeling cold (we were like in sauna, bc she turned all the heaters on, but too scared to do anything) etc. We were freaked out, bc of her height. When she dissapeared suddenly in the middle of the shift, we calmed down for a bit. And if she didn't verbally attacked our boss coming to morning shift who caught her sleeping, our shift leader would fight for her staying in the job like a bear. She got fired, gladly, but tbh, the workplace was the worst thing ever happening to me - bullying, body shaming and sexual harrasment really took a toll on my mental health.
@defnothankjwimbleton3475 Год назад
Weirdly enough I got a story for this too, though there are no killers involved. I was in band during middle school (CMS for life) and finally met the band teacher in 6th grade. Everybody in my family thought he was the coolest man ever, but I couldn’t seem to like him. Flash forward fourteen weeks, he stops showing up. Turns out he stood around $60k from cookie dough fundraisers my school did just to pay for his gambling addiction. Can’t complain though, because thanks to him, during the last semester of sixth grade, we had the best teacher ever who joined for the sole fact that his son (not me) didn’t have a band teacher. He would teach kids after school, protect kids from bullies, brought cupcakes for kids’ birthdays, held an end of school party for the band kids, and even let me come with for a 7th and 8th grade band day trip to six flags because my mom (chaperoning) went with my brother, and I had a solid A in his class. I was the only 6th grader who went other then his son. So thanks and screw you, “Teach”.
@juniperbrush5171 Год назад
I also have a story about a teacher. It was our tech teacher and EVERYBODY loved him. After spring break, he didn’t show up, and it turned out he was a p3d0 and sold dr^gs to 8th graders. He was married to the classical movie teacher who knew he was doing this and she ran away, switching states. They haven’t found her yet, so, heh. Oh, I’m also in band! My band teacher sucks, as he’s so rude.
@defnothankjwimbleton3475 Год назад
@@juniperbrush5171 why did you comment it under my comment tho
@whooshylushy743 Год назад
@@defnothankjwimbleton3475 idk maybe it was a similar story
@defnothankjwimbleton3475 Год назад
@@whooshylushy743 and?
@lorireed8046 Год назад
@@defnothankjwimbleton3475 Your Mom and that band teacher were secretly hooking up.
@Lucky-Nick123 Год назад
I hate when people don't believe you when you have a bad feeling for something or someone, especially family members who suppose to trust you. Guys always trust your gut feelings no matter what
@EmyN Год назад
Ikr? Even if they are wrong about the person they still make them uncomfortable
@velvety2006 Год назад
yea the whole 'your jealous' thing is so weird unless someone has a history of being jealous of family members and their partners but if they don't, they could at least consider it and be alert.
@Lucky-Nick123 Год назад
@@velvety2006 which sometimes it happens rarely or they just brush it off
@mkuti-childress3625 Год назад
I think that sometimes your saying something can at least can plant the seed of doubt and make them pay closer attention to the person, even if they poopoo it in the moment. It’s still frustrating not to feel heard!
@velvety2006 Год назад
@@mkuti-childress3625 To be honest, I always want to be wrong but I rarely am and it annoys me.
@-Welcome2MyWorld- Год назад
When I was around 7, I had to do confession in church. The kids were all split up between two different priests and the priest that I was assigned to speak with was very well-liked and respected in our community. However, I kept telling my mom that I didn't want to talk to him. She asked why, and I just said that I didn't know why, I just didn't want to. I was fine with doing it, but I absolutely refused to speak with him. After a few times of repeating this, she asked if I could speak to the other priest, quickly and easily done. Short story, a couple of months after the event it was revealed that first priest turned out to be one of "those" priests, and he was quickly removed.
@Rylosalex Год назад
I'm hoping that he went to jail or prison, or some deep dark hole in the ground; and not just moved to another church
@-Welcome2MyWorld- Год назад
Idk if he was sent to prison, but I had heard that he was at least stripped of his priesthood.
@Rylosalex Год назад
@@-Welcome2MyWorld- at least that's something
@vinny-is-here Год назад
This story is based on my mom's instincts. Republic Bank of Philadelphia recently hired a bad employee named *Milton Vargas* whom they apparently like. He argued with my mom in their very first conversation. Momma knew Milton was up to no good. She promptly reported Milton to corporate, but they evidently kept Milton, as he closed our accounts on November 30, 2022. We managed to get the check from a UPS center on December 5 (yesterday) despite not having a valid address, but our money is still locked up. Even worse, Milton still works at Republic Bank.
@trollinsky6700 Год назад
The one with the medic guy was awesome. OP is a chad for getting that guy help and turning his life around. Hope he got some awards
@kurk7508 Год назад
My older brother works as the manager in a construction site and is pretty loaded with cash. One day, He introduce us to his new girlfriend. She looked friendly and acted extremely kind to everyone, and it didnt take long for her to make everyone love her, although everyone except me. She gave off this feeling that I didn't like and she looked really creepy to me. Anyway, one day I was with my friends walking home together and then my brother saw me walking and told me he can drive me and my friends home. After that, we went home and then my brother parked his car along the sidewalk and we headed to the door. We then heard yelling coming from inside and we went to see what was happening. We then our siblings crying next to our dad and his girlfriend attacking our mom. Apparently, his girlfriend stabbed our dad and was losing alot of blood and then attacked our mother. It was then revealed that she tried to kill our family so she can blame it on us while she runs away with my brothers money. When she saw us, she came running to us trying to attack but that would be the biggest she made. Me and my brother beated the shit out of her but had to stop when the police came to our house 5 minutes later. She was then arrested, sentenced 15 years in prison and was never allowed to come here again. My mother recovered from her injuries, my dad is alive and is doing well and my brother got a new girlfriend and they got married last month. Thank you for reading this ❤
@pineapplecat7908 Год назад
15 years is definitely not enough for someone who attempted to murder an entire family. I would dock it at 30 or 40 years behind bars if not her whole life.
@Themilkman649 Год назад
you should have killed her
@kurk7508 Год назад
@@Themilkman649 trust me, I wished I did
@Rylosalex Год назад
My goodness! I'm glad your family is alright now.
I have one, even though this isn’t the subreddit I still wanna share my story. When I was doing online school during the pandemic I was introduced to my teachers via zoom and videos the teachers posted etc. I was watching the intro videos of my teachers and when I came upon my Literature teacher who for the sake of this story I’m nicknaming him Mr. L. The second I saw him I instantly felt something was off about him, he gave creepy vibes. When we were able to go back to school Mr. L was seemingly a good guy but I always felt uncomfortable around him or in his class. The other people in my class didn’t seem to think the same except a couple others. We noticed how he was really touchy with the female students and sometimes really talkative and close with his students. We all mostly knew Mr. L was going through a divorce and most of us felt bad for him because he acted so nice but I always thought it was for a good reason that his wife wanted to leave him since he kinda seemed creepy to me. Mr. L was usually on his phone or getting calls that sounded weird and seemingly private. Many peoples feelings about him changed after one specific sentence he said during a call, “no please don’t take him away from me, I was drunk that night!” After that he Never showed up to class and we had a bunch of different substitutes and no one knew why until we see Mr. L on the news wanted for CSA (child s3xu4l a$sault) he was on the run for weeks before the cops finally caught him. Was pretty freaky how I always thought he gave cheeped vibes.
@kitsusperrfeuer8204 Год назад
Had this guy that one of my good friends introduced to a group, the guy (14) had supposedly been left at home alone while his parents were on a vacation. He said at some point that some kids had ding dong ditched him over and over again. So he left his home he wound up in my friends backyard, anyways my friend had told me and some other friends about the kid all the other people there thought he seemed awesome but I knew something was off (we were all in grade 8 at the time) I’ve always had a good gut and am usually right about that sort of thing then I met him in person after about 2 weeks of knowing about him. First meeting he offered me a vape. Again I was 13 at the time in Canada. I denied. Fast forward everybody is friends with him I act it but am still not exactly trusting him he went out lost his virginity then got arrested. PEOPLE STILL DEFENDED HIM he then started dating one of my long time friends. I have told people about me not trusting the guy. He was arrested again for possession of weed he was 15 at that point. Then it got bad he tried to bash in the head of the guy who brought him to the group after he got High. He had gotten the guy who brought him to the group addicted to weed and tobacco. People kept him around including the guy who brought him there. He then about 6 months later tried to bang this one girl got rejected by her then tried to r*pe her almost got away with it too almost choked her out with her hoodie. He has been around after that but later he finally stopped hanging around. TLDR guy shows up gets arrested for drugs while underaged tried to kill a guy and then r*pe a girl finally gets booted from the group.
@pineapplecat7908 Год назад
I'm imagining how bad your friend group is, no offense. It's not particularly normal to keep a guy around when he's offering people vapes and he possesses weed and engages in physical violence. The fact that he had to go as far as to commit sexual assault to get kicked out of the group shows just how far someone has to take it just to convince your friends that he's a bad guy. I advise you to get out of the friend group immediately, because who knows who else they might bring in in the future...
@A_Borden_History Год назад
The one about OP hanging with a foster kid who had an affair with her foster father and killed foster mother is a real case, The case was of Lisa Knoefel who was found by her 14 year old with mutiple wounds
@ManictheMod Год назад
I KNEW that story sounded familiar!
@A_Borden_History Год назад
@@ManictheMod its a heartbreaking story, A family member knew Lisa and she said she’d never heard if something so horrible
@emmanorton2880 Год назад
I'm from the next town over from where it happened that's insane
@Mario-us7ds Год назад
200 stabs holy shit
@blaqwabbit Год назад
This sort of counts....we have an kind of obscure family friend. He's my grandmothers friend to be exact. He has been trying to get with her since I was a baby and I'm 29 now. I never liked him. He always made me uncomfortable and gave me a creepy feeling. But he had never overtly done anything creepy at that point. My mom and one of my uncles didn't like him either but for a different reason (he's the type of person to act overly familiar with u by making critical jokes that are pretty rude for ppl u dnt have that kind of relationship with and tbh this was the second reason I didn't like him) Anyway, he'd always give me money for my birthday and Christmas and as a kid I was always force to hug him and be nice even when I didn't feel comfortable and want to be near him. Fast forward to my grandmother's 72nd surprise birthday party. I was maybe...23 at the time. My mom planned it at a local restaurant and invited all my grandmother's friends and he was amongst the guests. My family and him had arrived a little early so no one else was there from the group besides me, my mom, my two uncles, my grandma and him. He came up to speak to me and pulled me in for a hug. I tried to give him a quick side hug and get the shit over with but when I went to pull away, he didn't let me. Arm wrapped around my waist, he started whispering to me about how pretty I was now and how I looked like a model. I felt so disgusted and had to nearly rip myself away. But alas I told my family what happened and he's still allowed around. Maybe it wasn't a big deal but it made me feel incredibly gross and a little violated. Idk, but that's what happened.
@pineapplecat7908 Год назад
That is creepy as hell if he does that again I'm pretty sure it would warrant a punch to the face
Probably gonna get buried because I'm late to the party, but in AIT, I had a drill sergeant who was strangely nice to everyone. I was fresh out of Basic, and I didn't trust him because I was used to drills who screamed their faces off at me. He was married and had a few kids. Then one day, he just disappeared. I found out towards the end that he got kicked out for having intercourse with one of the soldiers under his command. Number one, NCOs cannot have a relationship with lower enlisted. Number two, Drill Sergeants cannot have relathions with IET soldiers of any rank. Number three, adultery is absolutely forbidden in the army. Three strikes, he was out. Dishonorable discharge.
@gracetreichel1973 Год назад
My 6th grade homeroom teacher has a story. So, her dog loves *everyone* Her daughter had been online dating, and she met some guy through it. So, the guy comes to the house, dog will not go near him. She barks a little bit and runs away. Guy acts *super creepy.* Daughter says "Get the frick out." Guy never returns.
@rAHHHH-IZZI Год назад
I vaguely remember despising one of my dad's best friends at the time when I was about 8/10?? He turned out to be a pretty horrible dude that was accused of sa by his daughter(who was my friend) and at one point they said that he had a thing for children..i was and still am a child. Gives me the creeps. Not sure how he's doing now or where he is but still hear people talking about him sometimes. Especially his daughter.
@kissit012 Год назад
Sad that your dad would be friends with such a person. People know when something’s not right with those close to them. Turning a blind eye is a frequent thing among men, especially
@le_nukeman8863 Год назад
well i have a story to yall to tell: when i was back in middle school or something i had a classmate that was bullying me and my other friend of mine, but something was off. ive been bullied several times back in elementary and middle school and i know how bullies behave and act, you see, normally bullies are in group (cuz group/horde mentality or something) and that bully that i was dealing with was going solo, he didnt show ANY form of emotions (except anger) and didnt seemed thinking logically and realisticly when in some arguments or something. but girls in my class seemed loving him and teachers were like "nah hes fine. hes ok dude". fast forward a couple months and turns out he had mental health disorder of somesort of. dont know what kind of mental health problem he had (and im NOT a psychologist) but i am strongly sure he MUST have been a sociopath for sure. and that was like back in 7th to 8th grade or so.
@FarrahKeks Год назад
I don't know why, but I can imagine that some girls from your story were probably like "I can change him!" After finding out about his mental health disorder.
@Acorn.. Год назад
SUPER late but I have one. This boy named Aiden in the third grade was the class clown, usually funny, didn’t go overboard most of the time, etc. Everyone liked him, teacher included. Turns out he almost beat a kid half to death in fourth. “Weird everyone from your third grade class trust’s you way more than they did before” - my mom
@glenngriffon8032 Год назад
The one about the medic and the drug user warms my heart. I used to be _badly_ addicted to painkillers and it destroyed me. Now I'm almost three years clean and rebuilding my life bit by bit. It hasn't been easy but I'll never touch opiates again because I look back and don't even recognize the person who i was. Junkies aren't always bad people, they have a problem that makes them do bad things for a fix. They don't need punishment, they need major corrective changes to their lives.
@silverstarmoon5802 Год назад
When one story about the dog sensed bad vibe,it's reminded on what happened to me. It's happened in early December at night time, this is before virus first appeared. I was doing this routine since long time and have no problems until one night when I was walking my dog who was mixed chihuahua. When we at front gate outside of my apartment, I got this funny gut feeling and I recognize it's the bad one and this "voice" told me "look at ur dog". I need in second when the gut feeling came. I noticed my dog have this different behavior that I never seen her acted before. She was looking at someone and her body was in fight and protecting mode. I looked up of where she was looking at. There he was, I noticed the man that was looking at me and near the gated door. And I have this very cold feeling and my gut feeling "told me" to look at his pocket area. I noticed some shiny. Outside, I was calmed but inside I was scared but I need to remind calm and think possibly way but I know the best option is go to the gated door. One, I could go back where the inside garage door of the apartment but that will too dangerous and my little sister never bother to pick up her phone and never got up in time when she was told to be ready because she was too lazy. And two, there was second gated door for wheelchair access but that door have broken locked and only people in the apartment knows about but keep it in the secret for safety. If I go there, he will follow me and put others in risk if he found out the lock is broken. So, I have no choice to go the front gated door. My dog is doing her business while she was looking at the man. The man is walking back and forth while looking at me. My dog looked at me and I know she is telling me that she is done and I have this feeling that she will protect me from him. When we reached at the door, my dog went between him and me while she showing her threatened pose at him and silence growl at him but he was bit far from me and trying to act friendly. I covered the password of the door and my dog went in. The man tried to go pass in, I turned right away and asked him if he lived in apartment. He was shocked at my action and questioned that he didn't suspect of me to do. He said yes and tried to go pass me but I asked him more" ya, which apartment number do u lived ?" He answered the wrong answer he said" uhmm, the sixth floor" I stopped him point blinked and told him "there aren't six floor" "there isn't?" He looked up and realized his mistake, and walked away. I could see the shiny glint even I couldn't see it but somehow my eyes just did. My dog still go between him and me when he tried entering the door and my survival insect kicked in and automatically put my left arm on top of the gated door and cover myself between me and him. When I reached my floor, I could see him but he left. I think he know if he entering the apartment area, then I would have called the police immediately if he does. I waited if he came back, he doesn't. The story 11, did the cops arrested the foster dad too. Also, I felt sorry for the bio daughter to found out on not only her own dad is an cheater and murder but also, an creep who chase almost underage age girl. Also, I noticed immediately that that I failed to mention, I get the feeling that he is using the girl to just kill his wife and used his trip as his escape plan from jail. But its backfired when the truth is out.
@River_Shannon Год назад
My mom and her four sisters had planned a 50th anniversary party for my grandparents and we drove the two hours+ the night before so we could spend some time with the extended family before the party the next day. My aunt, who had lost her husband just a few years before, introduced us to the man she had just started dating. The first time he smiled at me it made the hair on my arms stand up. I told my parents that I didn’t trust him, but they said it was too soon to know, just give him a chance, etc. They ended up getting married and moved up to north Texas to start a company together. It was successful and made them a lot of money… until he started gambling, (jackass thought he could be a professional gambler) using drugs (and hookers) and drove that company into the ground. He managed to keep the drug problem even without money, and harassed and threatened my aunt until she finally divorced him. He disappeared and no one heard from him for years. Just a few years ago my mom called me and told me there’s found his remains on a piece of land he managed to hold onto. He was nothing but bones. His friends had told my aunt that he was in so deep they weren’t sure if the drugs or the loan sharks had gotten him first.
@gregwunderlich4253 Год назад
Not too long ago at the restaurant I was working at, a total creeper of a dude was hired. He immediately set off all the red flags. I personally witnessed him sexually harassing a fellow coworker. I told her if he ever did it again to let myself or anyone else about it and that she should also let our boss know. I also told the boss about it. Tl;dr... He no longer works there, as a former coworker was rehired and she is an AA Lesbian and doesn't have any time for creepy and racist people that are all touchy feely. Neither do I. I knew that he was trouble the second I had seen his stupid face. Good riddance to bad rubbish I say.
@mayo_nnais3 Год назад
So there's this guy in my friend group. My best friend has a crush on him. I think he's fine, but after a few weeks of getting to know him and stuff, I just get this really bad gut feeling about him. I tell my best friend that I have a bad feeling about him and for her to be careful. She's supportive and understands that I just want to protect her but doesn't really listen. After a month or two, he starts throwing things at my head, stealing chips that I bought with my own money ($1.50 is a lot when you're a middle schooler), gaslighting everyone, being generally manipulative and narcissistic. Plus he's a Tate follower and, while I wouldn't say he's misogynistic, his views are really sexist ("man have to be strong"). Once, I was just minding my own business in math class, and he threw a broken calculator at my head. He laughed his ass off about it. It hurt. Anyway, after warning my best friend a few more times, plus telling her that he has a girlfriend, I start trying to figure out a way to distance myself from him without losing all the "benefits" of our friendship. You see, I'm bisexual, and there's this one homophobe kid in our friend group that likes plotting stuff to absolutely ruin my life because I like girls and not just boys. Once, he was actually going to record me talking about liking girls and send it to my homophobic parents. And the friend of mine would warn me about that shit. He also told me that the homophobe kid said that if he could r*pe anyone, it'd be me. Ending our friendship would mean my safety being at risk. So, around a month ago, some kid that he bullies a lot slaps him on the head. So the homophobe grabs the kid, and my "friend" walks back and then runs up to the kid and punches him in the stomach. He does MMA so that must've hurt pretty fucking much. The poor kid collapsed onto the floor and couldn't get up. And my two friends show ZERO remorse. I make sure to tell my best friend to steer clear of him, but she still doesn't listen. I guess she doesn't have much experience with this shit. She's also now doubting my judgement; I don't blame her, I'm bipolar and when I experience mania I can experience delusions and shit.
@democatto Год назад
This happened recently, and I was happy I saw it coming. It was my mom's best friend's, let's call her Nadia. She chat with my mom all the time online because we all live in different countries. My mom always gossip about her life with me, to us it's a real life drama show. Nadia recently divorced her 2nd husband to follow this new guy. They have been dating for 2 months. Nadia was really confident about the relationship and even sent my mom their conversation screenshots. My mom ofc showed them to me and 1 screenshot in. I already sensing something off. So I jokingly told her "Ya gotta warn her about human trafficking". We laughed it off and went on. A month later my mom told me they broke up since the guy turn out to be an ex-convict, pretending to be a real-estate agent , trying to leech off on wealthy middle age women.
@princessmarlena1359 Год назад
Not mine, but that of a parent with a Boy Scout Troop near my older brother’s. Troop 123 (not their real number) was hiking on the back fire access roads in the mountains. A man emerged from a side trail and fell in step with the troop. He was a jolly, Santa Claus type in looks and personality. The boys liked him, as did the parents, even the Scoutmaster. Fortunately, a more wise dad had been there, and told the stranger “Sorry friend, but it’s against the rules to have anyone that we don’t know hiking with us. Why don’t you go on ahead, we’ll stay here so we won’t be in your way?”. The stranger agreed, and left. The kids, the Scoutmaster, and the other parents were disappointed at that dad for shooing the stranger away, but a week later that stranger’s picture appeared in the local newspapers. He had used a knife on a teenager whom he had convinced to walk with him off of those same fire access roads, and onto a side trail.
@mztweety1374 Год назад
That’s the most wholesome yo mama joke I’ve ever heard 😂
@EthanNeal Год назад
I have this uncanny ability to tell if someone's trouble just by looking at them. There's only one time I've ever been wrong, and she's now my best friend. She's a lovely woman who I love dearly. She's 5' on a good day and just over 100 pounds (former athlete, so it's muscle mass), but she does tend to be a bit flighty and freezes up in stressful situations. This detail is important for multiple events, as this whole story happens to involve her. She decided to move several states away to go back to college, which is a private school run by the church she and I are both a part of. Within a few weeks, she was seeing a guy and they had gotten pretty serious within a couple of months. It was only then I saw a picture of them. I took one look at this guy and just knew something was off about him. I had absolutely nothing to go off of, but I had my apprehensions. I had also decided to attend the same school, albeit with some convincing on her end. I had also planned a trip out to visit her a week before I was supposed to move up there, where I'd move in to the same apartment as her boyfriend. During the trip, though I was trying really hard not to be cynical, I still had this bad feeling about him. I had already told her about that, too. As soon as I left, things started falling apart. Once I got settled in after moving, I could tell there was some tension between them by the way she acted and that she did almost all the household chores. There was a boundary that we had supposedly established that she rather conveniently ignored, which I figured from the beginning wasn't actually her who set it, but what I believe to be her boyfriend feeling threatened by me. Then we went to an event of his a couple towns over and they ended up arguing over IUDs and birth control, which they didn't see eye to eye on, and he was the one being very irrational. I know that issue alone didn't separate the two, but it was the one that did that relationship in. She broke things off and cut him out of her life, but of course that now meant I lived with her ex. She would still come over, but that was short lived after an incident occurred where he showed up out of nowhere when he was supposed to be gone for a week. She panicked and fled, and I don't think I had ever heard her bawling before, and I had known her for almost a year by that point. She's usually very level headed, but this was the one major exception, where she just lost it. Her roommates and I helped consol her for about 45 minutes, though I was just over the phone with her for that. It was so surreal, but in a weird way, it helped us grow closer to each other. From here on out, my friend doesn't really pertain much to the story, but oh boy, there's a lot more the ex has to offer. A few weeks after the incident, he had a couple of his buddies over, who were being loud at 1 in the morning and made me very uncomfortable in my own apartment, especially since the ex wasn't around. We had cats in the apartment, and one of them had gotten stuck in a chair and had to be rescued. I'll admit I lost my cool a little bit, but I told them that they needed to leave or I would call the cops for trespass, which included a fruitless call with the ex about them. Also, turns out the ex had lied to them about who's idea the cats were. They believed that my friend had convinced the ex to get the 4 cats, when it was in fact the other way around, that the ex wanted the cats, except not so much anymore. Most on anymore in a bit. So cool, the ex is a liar and hangs around bad company. I'm very lucky my grandparents live in the same town I do and that one of them was up at 2 am to let me stay the night. Just a few days later, the ex starts planning on taking the cats up to the mountains and releasing them into the wild. My state (and I would assume every other state but I'm no legal expert) considers even considering doing such a thing as animal cruelty. Fantastic, so the ex is a criminal and a POS towards animals. I took matters into my own hands and took some of the cats to a local no kill animal shelter. Naturally, the cats weren't spayed, vaccinated, nor microchipped, so guess who got to pay for that? More on that in a bit, too. The ex is also the one who pays rent for the apartment in one lump sum. I've made that kind of arrangement before in previous apartments I lived in, so I thought nothing of it at first. That was until he asked for rent late on the 1st of the month through Venmo, which happens to be the due date for it. I tell him I'll pay it the next day, since Venmo can be a bit slow and I'm not gonna mess around with it like that, not for several hundred dollar rent requests. This man has the gall to turn around and ask me to pay the transfer fee so that he can get the money by the 5th, which is when he'll finally pay rent. I'm sorry, what!? I had the money for a week before it was due, and you're asking for it the day it is due and complaining about transfer fees? He also tries to call me out for paying rent late the previous month, but guess who's fault it is for that? His, because of those damn cats I had to pay to take care of. To be fair, he did pay for $50 of it, but that only covered about half the costs of the cats I took care of for him. At this point, he doesn't get to touch another penny of my money if he's gonna be financially irresponsible like that. I'll take care of my own rent, tyvm. So yeah. TLDR: my best friend dates a guy who's a liar, a criminal, and horrifically negligent, and I saw this coming from a mile away, but of course, I'm at the butt end of that cosmic joke and get to deal with him and his nonsense and not her. I guess better me that deals with it, though, since I can and will stand up to him.
@hey_crazybitch Год назад
this one isn't as bad... at a friend's sleepover at a HOTEL so i couldn't go home, got a bad vibe from one of her sister's friends. about thirty minutes after i arrived (late might i add) bitch starts flirting with me and im like uhh this is really random. won't leave me alone so i snapped at her. gets super pissed and walks away. thought i was rid of her but she proceeds to treat me like a baby/little kid like i'm younger and more immature than everyone for the rest of the sleepover cause i wouldn't "cuddle with her" i don't care if it was a joke. it got serious as soon as you kept trying once i said stop.
@Courage_girl13 11 месяцев назад
I got accused of dating a boy in a grade below me, which is really bad at my school. He was two years younger than me too. Kid had a bad feeling and called up principal, told how we ride the same bus and I walk with him, we meet in hallways when we can, talked in the band room, talked about what to do when we got home. Odd how we looked so similar.... Oh wait, we both looked like OUR father. And that's how me and my BROTHER had the most awkward experience of our lives.
@goodbyeseeyalater Год назад
Like I said before. I never get tired of being wrong about people. I get tired of being right.
@thefastcommenter7774 Год назад
@AhamkaraMommy Год назад
I felt that one fam, at some point you just stop trying to make connections.
@breeinatree4811 Год назад
Everyone thought my stepfather was a great guy. I could never understand why people didn't see him like I did. At the age of 5, when I first met him, I knew I wanted nothing to do with him. He was very abusive.
@ludo2647 Год назад
Not a particulary bad thing but still a gut feeling. I met this nice guy whilst playing an online game, I enjoyed his company so we kept in touch, I learnt his name and we have each other’s discord. we talked a lot but over a few months I noticed him acting different. my sister and friend had a gut feeling he liked me but I shook it off because he had a girlfriend.. I got the gut feeling from him when I was chatting to his girlfriend (they were on a call) and she asked me if I liked him- around that time he had also started saying “I love you” as a friend. Around the 6 month mark of our friendship he confessed and said he didn’t feel the same way anymore because of my sexuality and the age gap..he was 15 or 16 and I was 11
@Rylosalex Год назад
@zenoviamisa2341 Год назад
YES! Trust your instincts-guts no matter what. They evolve to keep you alive-survive.
@G0lden_cic4d4 Год назад
I was 3 or 4 at the time, with my little brother, 2 or 3. Mom and dad start fighting. Me and my brother stop playing and watch, like when you see a cat accident. You can only stare. Then dad started yelling. Getting violent. My mom put us in the bathroom. We stayed in their for a little, but we got curious again. What do you expect from 2 toddlers? My dad had my mum on top of the couch with a knife to her neck. We screamed. And kept screaming. Non stop. Scared my dad and he freaked out. We where still screaming. My mum slowly got down and hugged us. Took us out side and made us blow bubbles to distract us. Wanna know what the fight was about? A spray. One of those that make the house smell all nice. And my mum had used it before and he liked the smell. But because he was so drunk, and had a knife, he tried to kill my mom. Needless to say we don’t speak any more.
@galdorg4996 Год назад
Not my story but a good one It happened many years ago and for the sake of the story i will impersonate the kid to whom this happened So my dad owns a garage and had it open for quite a while. And you know, when you have clients coming multiple times, you kind of end up chatting a bit with them, some even bring gifts sometimes. And there was this guy coming often to chat with my dad. He was called michel, about 60, very freindly. Regularly came in with homemade cheese (as he’s a shepherd in Cossols, France) to give my dad. And sometimes he would ask my dad to come over and have lunch at his house. Dad would always politely refuse. He was nice, Michel, but kinda weird too. Dad would say something along the lines of « I will go one day, but I’m busy right now. » Michel would not insist, but ask again some other day. One day, Michel came to my dad with a huge gift. It was a big piece of meat. He said it was knuckle. He explained how to cook it, of to season it, how it would be delicious and melt in his mouth Dad thanked him a lot. Later that day my dad comes homes and gives the meat to mom (who cooks a ton of meat) but she thinks the meat is weird. The smell is kinda off, and she can’t find the knuckle shape. She refuses to cook it. So dad says « ok » and we give it to our two dogs. The eat it right up in a instant. A while after that, dad was kinda surprised to not have seen Michel for a while. After all, he came almost every other day. This paper’s headline helps a bit: « Michel Lambin, 7 phrases hallucinantes entendues au proces du Berger de Cossols » Or in english: « Michel Lambin, 7 mind blowing sentences heard at the Cossols’s Shepherd Trial » Turns out Michel had killed dozens of people on a span of 20 years His wife testifies: « Michel is a monster the Devil himself. He promised when he would get out of jail that he would cut my head off.» « One night he asked me to help him moove a boar, it was a [human] corpse.» Apparently not only he was a killer, but he also ATE parts of his victims. So yes’ probably that the meat he gave us was human meat. Also, our dogs that had never once showed teeth are now overly agressive. Michel was also a fetichist. He would always keep something of his victims. The feet, the ears... or the dick. One thing that stroke us after reading this, is that Michel would always describe to my dad how he killed porc. He said he gave him a real nice meal, to relieve his stress (as meat tastes bad if the porc is stressed when killed he said) and be at the window with his 22 long rifle, and shoot it right in the head. Yes, he straight explained to my dad how he intended to kill him. Another thing. His wife found another man sometimes later, and he got beaten down by strangers one day. The dude has a gang. That’s the story guys. You can look it up, the papers are still on the internet. Look for « Le berger de Cossols »
@tahminasahak6562 Год назад
@jamfilledjars Год назад
It pays to be the person who sits back, listens and observes their surroundings. Or more importantly, people.
@LegendStormcrow Год назад
Dogs like that don't always know the difference. We were roughhousing, and a dog put HER knee in his mouth. Didn't bite, just sent a message. We loved that mastiff, but he was pretty dumb.
@FullyAlive33 Год назад
Its really annoying how many of these people were brushed off and told that they were just being jealous.
@kidpiper9642 Год назад
The amount of people that say 'I could care less' thinking they're saying they don't care at all, but are actually implying that they care at least a little... is astounding me. It's I couldn't care less...
@Shazzie_Rose Год назад
I remember the case about the fostered girl who was groomed and molested by the foster dad and manipulated to kill the foster mom. That was heartbreaking and the foster mom had no idea that it was happening right in her home.
@stargazerdoe Год назад
One sounds like the case of Sabrina zunich. If so, I've heard the 911 call too and you have every right to say it was the worst thing you'd ever heard. That man her foster father is a monster. A shark he was and blood he smelled indeed.
@ally6563 Год назад
I really love that OP suggested drug rehabilitation in story 9 and how the medic was able to turn his life around and help others once he was clean.
@NeoLotex Год назад
Had this happen to me when I was 16 or so. We had a regular at the grocery store I worked at at the time who always had one of the workers help her put her stuff in her car, because she was physically impaired or disable. One evening I was on my way home during winter time, it was already dark and I saw her and she asked me to help her bring her groceries up to her apartment (somewhere between 3rd and 5th floor). Nothing bad so far, but once I was inside and she offered me something to drink I was suddenly overcome with this feeling of dread that I should get out asap. Maybe she was just lonely and wanted some company, but I didn't feel like finding out.
@Rylosalex Год назад
Good thing you followed your gut
@LaDaDaDeDaDaDa.. Год назад
Nicest yo mama joke in the Internet. 👏👏👏
@Comrade_mommy Год назад
I have big holes in my childhood memories but as much as I loved my dad, I was terrified to be alone with him. He’s a p€do. My step grandfather always made me feel weird. I just chalked it up to him being very religious and me being an ADHD, ASD kid and the fact my mom was g@y & a non believer. I found out after my grandmother died that he’s m0lested my youngest aunt when she was a teenager. My grandmother kicked him out but stayed married to him and he continued to pay my grandmothers expenses and take care of her. When my aunt left home he came back. But me and my older sister grew up spending summers with them and my mind was boggled that we were allowed to live in the same house with this man. I have a daughter now and I’ve only ever allowed her to be alone with like 2 men. I know my trauma has effected me but I also don’t leave her with other women I don’t know very well. Even her own dad had supervised visitation for awhile bc of his addiction & mental health issues. I just don’t understand how ppl can leave their children with ppl they don’t absolutely trust. I’m not talking about the hyper vigilance that I have, but normal vigilance. It’s something I always wanted to ask my mom. She was a victim of s€xual violence at 14 and was a doting mom as well as a string feminist. It’s also not like she didn’t belive her younger sister. She was the one my aunt came to, and my mom’s the one who went to my grandmother and told her what happened and that her stepfather needed to leave. Maybe bc he was an old man by then but idk. When it occurred to me to ask my mom was suffering from predementia caused by brain damage and was prone to becoming emotionally unstable, so I didn’t ask bc I didn’t want to deal with it when my mom would undoubtedly become upset and filled with guilt; which I would have then had to comfort her. I had a few other negative experiences with ppl I trusted as a child and as an adult I found that almost evry time I had a weird feeling about someone, it turned out I was correct to feel weird. From managers who ended up s€xually harassing me, to my neighbor who ended up drugging me and kidnapping me. So I tend to trust my gut now. As a female from the south I was culturally conditioned to put my negative feelings aside and not make other ppl uncomfortable. To laugh off unwanted advances & apologize when I turned down men who were aggressive. I have a daughter & 3 nieces and something that me and my sister both feel passionate about is raising them to trust their gut and to never put other ppls feelings over their own comfort and safety. One niece is already a boss at this, hopefully my kid and my other nieces can be the same. Tho my middle niece was hit on by the father of kids she babysits for, and she’s struggled with feeling guilty that she somehow led him on by being to friendly. It’s heartbreaking. You can try and raise kids to not feel this way but your kids are effected by the culture they grow up in. And unfortunately our culture is misogynistic.
@captnrobvious47 Год назад
After being evicted from an apartment, I moved in with an old classmate from high school who was divorcing her husband. We all knew each other so it was convenient if not awkward but we made it work. She was of short stature, caucasion, 5 foot something, I think, short hair fashioned into a Bob of some kind and she was super friendly with me at first. "I love you like a brother. You're my best friend." I thought it was sweet but a little strange to be saying these things to me. I knew your husband more than I knew you. As far I'm concerned, we had just met and you're already proclaiming all this? I chalked it up to me coming out of my own failed relationship and it still feeling kinda raw. The first red flag I didn't miss was the wooden blocks on her dresser that spelled out "Live, Laugh, Love". Oh God, I moved in with a Karen. I lived with her for a year and her behavior grew increasingly strange and aggravating. She started dating this random guy at a subway she went to before the divorce papers were even signed, hiding her dirty dishes and not running the dish washer accusing me of the whole mess and letting her cat have free access to anything he could get his claws into including my own stuff in my room and bitching about it when I lock my door to prevent him from getting in. The worst and weirdest was when she accused me of stealing spaghetti sauce from her which was BS. I remember knocking on her door, showing her the jar and asking if I could use it. I lost my mind. I had never had anyone insult my integrity like that before, especially over something as stupid as spaghetti sauce! I should've ran for the hills when I saw those blocks.
@murakumo65 Год назад
I like how everytime the posters mentioned their feelings about these people everyone just assumed jealousy.
@overwatchisjustsexytf2363 Год назад
Story 9, the one about the medic addicted to painkillers still absolutely warms my heart. After catching him in the act, when OP is asked by the judge what kind of sentence he should receive, instead of putting the guy in jail like he had EVERY RIGHT to do, OP showed him mercy, and gave him the opportunity to change. And, sounds like he did change. Running a charity that helps those like him, and being completely clean? OP gave this poor man the mercy and help he needed to break his addiction, and therefore changed his life for the better. A shining example of what good humans can do for their fellow man.
@iluvy0u441 Год назад
I'm not entirely sure if my story counts. But I had a situation where the roles were vise versa between me and my online friend *(I'll refer to them as "Ink")*. I think it's best to keep in mind we're all teenagers (myself included) **TLDR; Online friend suspect New Friend of being Ex-Boyfriend using an alternate persona on Discord solely for the purpose of stalking me after I told him to never contact me again. Ends up being right.** I had recently blocked my ex boyfriend *(he'll be known as "Zane" for this)* for being a toxic and obssessive psychopath and a few weeks afterwards someone *(who we'll call Jack)* joined my discord server. Then after Jack got settled in he told me he had seen what had happened *(I had posted a vent video about it online and he said he was a fan and watched the video)* and asked me if I was ok. We talked more for a bit and soon my friend, Ink went online and joined our conversation. I informed them what happended and even showed them the screenshots I had taken of me and Zane's final conversation *(It was him joking about being a Yandere and how he'll find a way to make me love him, I had broken up with him and only wanted to be friends with him by that point)* before I blocked him. The 3 of us talked for a bit, ya know: joking around and laughing and generally having fun, Jack was cool and he generally seemed nice....but soon Jack brings up at one point when we're all talking about locations that he's from Egypt, which is actually where my ex was from, that's when Ink started suspecting them of being Zane undercover (since he actually had the habit of using alt accounts to rejoin my Discord server after the previous one was banned) and DM'ed me when Jack sent me a Friend Request and said something among the lines of; it's best that I should wait until I know I can properly trust Jack before doing anything else. I agreed, thinking nothing extreme of the situation at hand. A couple of days later, my other friend in the server, Lauren, saw the screenshots of the conversation and me and Ink's conversation and they too began suspecting Jack of being Zane. I stupidly tried to defend him, but then Ink, Lauren, and a couple of my other friends in that server began gathering up evidence and such and it all started becoming confusing for me. I eventually caved in and we all agreed to tag Jack and ask him about it when the time was right. Then a few weeks later, I was home alone minding my own business when all of a sudden I get a notification of Jack tagging me out of the blue. I went to see what he had to say and that when Jack revealed that all my friends predictions of him being Zane on an alt were true... Needless to say, I was enraged *(especially when you consider that I had told Zane that I no longer wanted him to contact me or ever attempt to talk to me ever again)*, Zane was banned, and I silently thanked my friends for going with their gut. Because who knows what he would've done if he wasn't discovered. I never heard from Zane ever again after that incident.
@Bob-iy7vg Год назад
I remember a very very sad one. One time after we just moved to a house in the suburbs with my mom, 2 year old baby sister, big sister and brother our blind great grandma joined us maybe a few months later after the baby sisters 2nd birthday. I was 9 I'm now 10. My mom was planning a trip to Jamaica. I had a bad feeling in my gut. I felt like someone was gonna die. I thought It was gonna be my mom so I kept begging her and telling her about the town she was going too and how "dangerous" it was. When my mom left we had to go to my dads house. We also had to bring our baby sister. My and my brother were just chilling in the basement (our room) when suddenly my dad called us and said our mom wants to talk to us. I was glad our mom was okay, we got on the phone and our mom told us what happened... She said Grandma passed away in a very calm voice. I said wait what. My throat started hurting, and my eyes started to tear up. I said okay, and gave the phone to my brother to give back to my dad. I then sat down on our bean bag and started crying and saying its not fair. The last picture I showed her was a obsidian rock. Moral of the story always trust your gut but prepare for the worst. I also have had a chest cold for the past 2 weeks. So I might be dying soon lol. Edit: I think this is the longest story in the comments and longer than the ones in the video lol.
@1_Vinity Год назад
Go to the hospital, its a very bad sign if you have a chest cold for 2 weeks, go see the doctor, its gonna help.
Honestly, I would have sent that guy to rehab too. He didn't need jail, he needed rehab.
@tiggyvolts9076 Год назад
Okay that first one got me rolling lmao. Happyish one too
@tomboyangel78 7 месяцев назад
The story with the protective doggo sounds just like an incident with a guy my sister was dating. Difference is, the doggo (who belonged to my oldest bro, he and his wife were visiting n brought their loveable pooch) was a pitbul. Super friendly to everyone, was trained to bring in packages, and would escort you to bed, a real good boi. During the visit, my sis brings her bf over... and Good Boi turns into Cujo at the sight of him. (Won't go into details, but lets just say that guy is no longer welcome in my sister's life.) Another story involved my own dog, just a ragmop of a pupper who is super cuddly. One late afternoon we were out on a walk, and this rando calls me over. She's sitting outside with some dude and her 3 or 4 yr old daughter. The gal was saying she heard rumors that I was mean to my dog (which I found weird, as anyone who met me knows I love my pets). The whole time, I notice my pupper is letting the toddler pet her, but won't go anywhere near the adults. I go on my way. The next day I tell my older sis about it, and she immediately calls our mom (she works in dispatch) and warns me that the people are junkies, and the dude had been charged with, ah, "illegal inappropriate stuffs" before. Same dude left a note on my front door, saying he thought I was cute and left his number. I handed it into the police, never heard from him again. Moral of these stories: If your super-friendly dog won't go near them (unless to attack), then they must be trouble.
@berdooli3326 Год назад
Freshman year in the dorms, my roommate started dating this guy she met in the campus Christian club. She and this guy were Evangelical Christians and at the time I was not religious (now Catholic) and we had some differing views spiritually and politically but that never caused any major issues. She really liked this guy, my suitemates were really smitten by him too always hugging him when they greeted him, but something about him threw me off and I wasn't sure of it yet. Because he spent so much time on our hall, he got to our other neighbors and became friends with the guys that lived across from us. When we were returning to campus from winter break, my male hallmates and the boyfriend invited me to join them at lunch in the dining hall and seeing how he acted around his guy friends showed me his true side. He talked about my roommate in a very degrading way and showed us embarrassing snaps he took of her saying "she'd kill me if I showed y'all these." Then he got a lot more possessive of her and they started spending more time in her bed even while I was in the room. Being the "good Christian girl," she wanted to save herself for marriage but she was also very passive about her feelings and he took advantage of that. I'd pretend to have my earbuds in and he'd talk down to her and when she'd try to get out of her bed he would pin her down and she'd sound genuinely scared. A few times I'd have to chime in and tell him to leave her alone and for some reason he always listened to me (maybe because I was always serious and assertive). One day after he left our dorm she asked if I didn't like him and I told her I would never date a man like that or let a man speak to me the way he did with her and I told her she deserved better. She broke up with him within that same week and she thanked me for helping her get out of that relationship. I found out later her tipping point was when she was in his car and he tried to force her into having s*x with him, exposing his genitals, pinning her down, and threatening to hit her, and she had enough. She's still very traumatized by this experience and hasn't dated anyone since, but is thankfully working through it in therapy. TLDR: Freshman roommate's "nice, wholesome, Christian boyfriend" was emotionally and physically abusing her. I sensed it early on and helped her break up with him.
@Avrysatos Год назад
After they got divorced my mother had her first boyfriend move in. Ed. I didn't like Ed. She thought maybe I just didn't like change, despite me being the one that urged her to get the divorce since she was miserable and her health was hurting from the stress of the dead marriage. There's no reason I'd dislike her moving on. Whether it was how he said the next town over's name like an out of towner despite living here all his life as he claimed or what....i just didn't like him. I had been staying on their couch many nights because it was summer home from school, even though I technically lived with my father. One day after he left for work while mom was home (she didn't work weekends) I went on their ancient computer and I checked through the browser history. Ed had been supposedly looking for better work than what he had. I didn't find job search history, what I did find I printed out and then i logged into my mother's bank account (I have her passwords, i still have her passwords, I don't misuse them) and printed out her recent transactions. This guy had been BUYING adult entertainment (youtube censors don't autoblock me thanks) and calling 900 numbers (Still a thing in 2001.) and we both packed his stuff and sent him off to wherever he came from while she disputed the charges, some $600 worth of charges over the past month. it took awhile to get all that sorted. I KNEW he was off. what kind of LOSER pays for that! even back then you could find it for free easy enough. Her next boyfriend I liked immediately. They're still married and have been happy together for the past 18 years.
@louisacoote2337 Год назад
Met a friend’s dad when at uni and I got really bad vibes from him. He made a “joke” about his youngest son ( my friend was the eldest, with a sister between them) being a pimp as a career. I had already met friend’s mum who was lovely ( I was her assistant at Sunday school for the little ones). A couple of years later, friend’s parents divorce. Dad had been physically ( he broke her jaw once) and verbally abusive towards friend’s mum and had been chronically unfaithful to her, with her half/step-sister and her best friend. He got out of paying child support ( all the children were over 18 but all studying/dependant on parents/living at home) and apparently had inappropriate sexual images on his computer home screen. He was generally held in high regard at the church we all attended, he helped out with the older children’s Sunday School and was godfather to a few children in the church. Another instance was when I started at a new school, aged 15. One girl there was nothing but polite to me ( though we weren’t close and I didn’t think she actively liked me), but I got really bad vibes from her. Another girl started a bit after me and became good friends with this girl. They ended up leaving school during break/lunch to smoke and new girl got all the blame while the suspicious girl got off scot free!
@jelly_elli Год назад
Ohoho, here we go. There was this new girl at my school and (as these stories usually go) she was loved by everyone. She dyed her hair all sorts of colors constantly but it was usually half pink and half black. I thought something was off about her but just put it off as me being dramatic and overthinking the situation. My suspicion grew when she asks for my google hangouts and before I can message her, she blocks me. After that, I basically forgot about her existence. Yes, i saw her in the halls here and there but there were no exchanges. A month goes by and shit hits the fan. Seemingly all in one night, she got with some guy, he “broke her heart” although the reason he broke up with her is because she released his “pics” (yes, *those*) to the *entire school*. She then declared herself racist and called my friend (who is black) a mud monkey. I was beyond furious at this point and wanted to do something but just waited for karma to collect her debt. It was very satisfying to watch her hair slowly die and turn to an ugly straw color as she walked alone in the hallways right before she got expelled.
@HinataElyonToph Год назад
Sounds to me like she was desperate for attention, no matter what kind
@wimsylogic65 Год назад
To be honest I have so many Times my gut feeling turned out to be true. That my thoughts turn into AI hope I'm wrong, And more often than not I hate to be found I'm right. Walking home from a fair at night and a Nearly empty parking lot. I was 18 my little sister was 15. As we're walking back I had this bad feeling. I felt danger. Instantly My body focused my senses to The highest settings possible, While trying to remain calm with my sister and continuously to move on. I picked on the sound of footsteps, And the distance behind us. People were leaving the fair, But would have been normal to hear footsteps behind us. The people were not speaking English sounded like they were refugees who had recently moved to our state. That in itself when we are red flag, I wasn't thinking of anything but there was a sound in the way that they talked that made me more nervous. I couldn't understand what they were Saying but there was a kind of I don't know how to explain it, I could feel something in the way they talked that seemed directed toward me and my sister. It sensed something in the energy in the way they talked that terrified me. I felt like I could see the group behind me. The way I could hear their body movements I could almost picture it. I could tell that there was around 5 or so men. And they sounded like they had long legs their strides were long they sounded deep when they landed, And their pace picking up ever so slightly and gradually more. I didn't think about any of this I just absorbed the information like osmosis and re started to react. I instantly started going through different defense mechanisms. Trying to think how to protect my sister I felt like we were going to be attacked. Start to pick up my pace and send a signal to my sister. Or close to the car, I knew I'd need more time to get to the car and put my key in. I started to run 1st and told my sister to run. I need the Head Start so that way if you get the car unlocked so she could get in. I heard the men start to run. I heard the group split the majority went to the car and the opposite end of the parking lot well a single set of footsteps followed us. My car was 1985 modeled car old. I got in the car unlocked it got inside unlocked the door's got my sister inside and locked the doors just as the man got to my car. There was a roadblock in front of my car I couldn't get over. I was so freaked out particularly with the guy right next to my door trying to open it. Then sounded like you are trying to coax me out of the car. I put my key in the Ignition and tried to figure out what to do. The man had gone behind my car and his friends drove up and blocked me in so I couldn't leave are there forward or back. My mind was racing my body was shaking I was desperately trying to figure out what to do. They got out of their car surrounded my car. I thought about trying to drive into their car. So many scenario is going in my head about what to do, Battling with the fact that I never want to cause harm to anybody. Pray had to protect my sister and myself. Thankfully a cop car pulled into the parking lot. The men hurriedly rushed to their car and took off. I had to sit in a parking lot for a few minutes until I was OK enough to drive. Technically I wasn't OK enough to drive but I needed to get out of there. A few days later I was all over the news that a couple of white girls About the same age as me and my sister, were taken by a group of refugee man looked very similar to the group and the gang Assaulted those girls. They weren't the only ones. I feel for those girls and I feel so grateful that Took my gut feeling seriously and reacted in time. I hate to think what could have happened to me and my sister that night.
@catshiozaki3040 11 месяцев назад
There is an overly loved athletic trainer at my school. All of my friends loved her so much and would always come to her for everything. I’m an autistic, disabled kid and I found that she usually overreacted to small things that didn’t really matter. When I collapsed due to my POTS she would freak and make me sit down for thirty minutes making me late for work to just drink twenty cups of water. I always wanted to stay away from her but that was next to impossible because all of my friends trusted her enough and assumed that I trusted her too, so they would get her involved in everything, blowing up the situation. Once I fainted in her club for like 10 seconds due to my POTS and she literally called an ambulance on me. Even though I never wanted that. Everybody praised her after that.
@mossisalive Год назад
2 years ago I befriended someone and only a few days after befriending her I knew something was off even my parents did. She turned out to be extremely emotionally abusive towards me. I also met her mom and felt that something was off about her but no one ever listened. Poor girl is still being abused by her mother mentally and lightly physically it’s so sad and I’m just a kid and so is she it’s honestly horrible to see how it’s effected her
@HannahYael-MayaDevi Год назад
My aunt was dating a guy, but I was not impressed. He proposed and I warned the family that this would not in well. They all ignore me because I was only 8yrs old.Twenty years later she leaves him because turns out he was a verbally and financially abuser. And the cherry on top he was cheating on her for years.
@deelicious1920 Год назад
First day of college, this guy introduces himself to me and offers to show me around the campus. I didn't like how close he was to me and he just overall seemed creepy, so I declined. He stopped by my dorm at least every other week, trying to talk to me and although I was nice - I still couldn't shake the feeling that he was a creep and I should stay away. One day I was at the library super late, around 11pm and was walking back to my dorm. I felt someone behind me, turn around and it's him but he is pretty far away - so I start walking faster so he can't catch up. It is SUPER DARK at this area, so I wanted to get to a lit area as fast as possible. He literally is running to catch up to me now, but not saying a word. Not calling out to me to stop and basically seemed like he didn't want me to notice he was behind me. I get to a well lit area and some students are outside...turn around and he is gone. Fast Forward about 2 weeks later - he gets arrested for raping a student RIGHT IN THE AREA BEHIND THE LIBRARY. The exact area where he was running after me.
And you didnt report someone creepy following and running after you?
@deelicious1920 Год назад
​@@Dr.Evilwithph.d.inwickedness My campus wasn't the best on security. I told all of my friends though and we started going to the library and everywhere else in groups.
@Haseo135 Год назад
One of my high school math teachers. Everyone else seemed to like him well enough. He always offered help if students needed it. Said he'd stay after school if they wanted tutoring. I never liked him, something about him always made me feel uncomfortable in his class. Years after graduating he got arrested for trying to get an underage student to go on a date with him. I then started to remember he mostly spoke to the girls of my class and really only offered them help after school, not the boys. He was married and had 2 kids btw.
@AdershokRift2029 Год назад
My first gf. She gave me this "this girl is going to leave me for some made-up sh*t" vibe and so she did.
@jeffh757 Год назад
Years ago, mutual friends started bringing around a guy who never really sat right with me. He was tall, handsome, and charismatic enough to fool my friends, but his eyes had a creepy shiftiness and lack of warmth that I noticed from early on. He kept his facade fairly consistent for the couple of years that I knew him, but the more I hung around him, the more I started noticing red flags. He would occasionally say things that sounded like some sort of 4chan edgelord rhetoric. For example, he called Christians "Christ [f-words]" and would give people unsolicited lectures on the subject that made r/atheism seem pretty chill and likeable. He was basically a daywalker 4chan creep who was charming enough to have a fairly thriving social life, until his stepmom found the hidden camera he had set up in their bathroom. Turns out, he had been filming his stepmother and her underaged daughters nude for months, and had been posting the recordings on sketchy image boards. SWAT raided his appartment, seized his laptops, and hauled him to jail. Mutuals who visited him in jail to hear his side of the story all said he was unrepentent, cocky even, talking about how he was framed and that the truth would come out, laughing off the whole thing, saying he was too smart to do something so stupid, basically full-on narcissistic denial. Everyone cut him off after that. I gently reminded everyone that I had told them that the guy was a creep, and maybe to listen to me next time. Eyes don't lie. If someone's sociable and charismatic but that warmth never reaches their eyes, be attentive.
@MusketeerGweneth Год назад
I don't remember this but my mom told me that when I was 6 or 7 she had this friend who was running from these people; some kind of gang sort of thing and he was staying with us for a while. One night I woke up in the middle of the night, feeling really scared like something bad was going to happen and I ran out into the living room really upset and told them my bad feeling. My mom's friend grabbed his things and left while mom took me back to bed. Men did turn up at the house that night looking for her friend and she played it off like she hadn't seen or heard from him for some time.
@theAverageJoe25 Год назад
There was a guy in high school who dated my friend/crush. He seemed nice but I always got a bad feeling about him. I never told said crush because I thought it could be jealousy. I regret that because he turned out to be a psychopath who physically, emotionally, sexually and psychologically abused her and gaslit her. I think he’s actually in prison now for doing it to another girl
@ileezamotherofrain4537 Год назад
In my early 40's, and still trying to break the bad habit of giving too much in terns of benefit of the doubt, especially if other people seem to think the person I have the gut feeling about is OK. And, many times, it is not just a feeling. It's things they actually say or do.
@noahr.7144 Год назад
Someone was desperately trying to be my friend, I was transmasc and they were transmasc, I got a massively bad gut feeling. Ended up avoiding them like the plague. I had to have some awkward conversations in order to do so as well. Ppl found them really nice. 2 years later they had dropped out, plagerized work, and was taking advantage of a mutual friend. Im like 90% sure they wanted to be friends because I was was also trans, thats not a great reason most of the time. Maybe a decent starting point if its rare where u are, but I was in art school, at least 10% of the ppl there genderqueer
@UncleMikeDrop 11 месяцев назад
OMG, YES!!! The medic recovery was refreshing. It's nice to see a GOOD outcome for a change. I was expecting an "angel of death" story and was pleased as Punch to be wrong.
@Onsvaltti Год назад
I often have a gutfeeling of people, and they turn out to be assholes. :/ Like, rude to women or bar fighting or stuff like that.
@midnightmave Год назад
My mother-in-law's husband. My husband always felt a little skeptical of him, I was a doofus who thought he just had a goofy, over-the-top friendly personality. Until he made a pass at me one day. Now we're trying to avoid him like the plague, and he is trying to spiritually abuse us into forgiving him and forgetting it ever happened.
@ce7624 Год назад
13:53 your spin into the portal was smooth af
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