
Where is the sea urchin family ? EcoMer - Cannes 

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This is Cannes. In Cannes, the sea is blue, the sky is blue, the chairs are blue, and the sea quality flag is blue. But the reality is very different! Where are the sea urchins?
Where are the mussels that used to be found on all the rocks in our youth?
And furthermore. Where have all the fish gone to?
Well I'm sure you can guess that alright. Despite all the positive environmental efforts made by the city in recent years, decades of unconscious overfishing and unspoken pollution have taken their toll on what sea life abundance used to be like 50 years ago. Unfortunately, this is also true for all the oceans of the world that are also suffering from the same effects of overfishing and pollution. BUT! Our magical Liberangels , the heros of our first children’s book vow to put an end to that !
• ECOMER of Cannes, the author Ali Pocene, the illustrator May Glen, and the scientist from the CSIL have teamed up to create a great children's story printed on 100% recycled paper. A tale about respecting and protecting our ocean wildlife with the “liberangels”.
We need every "liberangel" that you too could become, to help us raise funds, communicate, translate, print, and distribute this book throughout the world so that adults educate children about oceans and wildlife, as well as educate themselves at the same time. 
• As a "liberangel", for every 15€ you donate, you will get one "Where is the sea urchin family?" children's book signed by the author and the president of Eco-Mer association, dedicated to you in person. A generous discount on quantity purchase is also offered to you to thank you for being a "liberangel".
L' association Eco-Mer organise l’événement les Yachts du Cœur depuis 2010, vient en aide aux marins, et promeut une écologie maritime durable. Les résultats sont là : 21 tonnes de denrées collectées depuis 2010 au profit de la Banque Alimentaire 06, un bateau de pêche de la prud’homie de pêche de Cannes entièrement remis en condition de travail, de nouveau à flot, nettoyage de plages, soutien aux marins en difficultés, conseil dans les bons gestes écologiques à bord des Yachts, partenariat scientifique pour la dépollution des ports. Que faire, entre autre, des PCB, de l’Arsenic, du Cadmium, du Chrome, du Cuivre, du Nickel, et du Plomb contenus dans les boues portuaires? Problématique sans solution satisfaisante, encore aujourd’hui...!
Nous survivons grâce aux dons et ne recevons aucune subvention publique. Le moment est venu de faire appel à vous.
Pensez-vous comme nous qu’Eco-Mer, les Gens de Mer, les Professionnels et les Scientifiques du Domaine Maritime qu’elle représente peuvent aider à faire reconnaître que la survie de notre planète est irréductiblement liée au développement et à la survie des océans ?
Prenez une minute de votre temps afin de nous aider dans nos actions, faire un don, adhérer. www.eco-mer.org...
Our/Your Eco-Mer association organizes the Yachts du Coeur since 2010, helps sailors, and promotes a sustainable marine ecology. The results are there: 21 tons of food collected since 2010 to benefit the Food Bank 06, a fishing boat from Cannes prud'homie fully recovered and in working condition now afloat, beach cleaning, support to sailors in difficulty, advice in good ecological gestures on board Yachts, scientific partnership for the decontamination of ports. What to do, among other things, with PCB, Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Nickel, Lead from port's sludge content with no satisfactory solution, even today...!
We survive thanks to donations and receive no public subsidy. The time has come to call on you.
Do you agree with us that Eco-Mer, the People of the Sea, the Professional and Scientific Maritime Domaine it represents can help to recognize that the survival of our planet is irreducibly linked to the development and survival of the oceans ?
Take a minute of your time to help us in our actions, make a donation, join us www.eco-mer.org...



12 июн 2018




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