
Who are the Quranists? 

Let's Talk Religion
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There is talk within the Muslim community (and outside) of the so-called "Quranists" or the movement "Quranism". In this video I talk about, in very generalizing terms, what this term is referring to, and what its characteristics are.
#Quranism #Islam #Hadith



8 сен 2024




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@chioptnstdr3448 3 года назад
Most Muslims these days know more about Hadiths than Quran 🤦🏽‍♂️
@amillasyra8168 3 года назад
Sadly true 😔
@m.w.1064 3 года назад
Thats because they arent muslim. Muslims follow the Quran only as did Muhammad. Everyone else follows whatever they wish.
@professorshrimp5187 3 года назад
@@m.w.1064 umm, without the Hadith, The Qur'an justifies beating wives and killing non believers.
@m.w.1064 3 года назад
@@professorshrimp5187 the Quran doesn't justify beating wives. I order for daraba based on it being an imperative verb in that ayat to constitute beating their would have to be an object to beat with in that verse but there isn't any so means go away from or separate from. So that's a lie. Also Quran says no compulsion in islam and only respond with equal force which is in defense so to just kill anyone is a lie. You guys must be poorly educated and lack context and canr read basic ayat to get the claims u make. Liars. No wonder ppl turn away from sectarian non Muslims like sunni and Shia u guys aren't even apart of Islam. Total embarrassment.
@professorshrimp5187 3 года назад
@@m.w.1064 in 8:12 also an 'object to beat with' isn't given. So you think the verse translates to " Separate from their necks and separate from every fingertip "? Also, you claim to be a superior in Islam yet you call other Muslims kaafir. Bravo.
@David_T 3 года назад
This bears similarities to the Karaite sect within Judaism. The Karaites reject the Talmud as a legal document and believe that only the Torah (5 books of Moses) should be used for Jewish law.
@ibraheemmoosa 3 года назад
Maybe it is also similar to Protestantism's emphasis on Bible.
@David_T 3 года назад
@@ibraheemmoosa Good Point.
@jbkjbk1999 3 года назад
@@ibraheemmoosa Christianity doesn't really (as far as i know) have a body of text comparable to the hadith, though. All Christians would claim to primarily use the Bible.
@alangervasis 3 года назад
@@jbkjbk1999 There is a group of texts called traditions of the early church followed by Catholic and Eastern orthodox churches like Magesterium.
@abdillahijalalkhan2128 3 года назад
And they are right. The Original,and Authentic TORAH, in the Tongue of MOSES should be the only legal source of Judaic Jurisprudence as it is accepted as the word of God. The Talmud on the the other hand was compiled by Jewish Scholars while they were in captivity in Babylon and has no authority for being the word or God or of any of His Prophets. The Talmud cannot therefore be compared to the Hadiyths of the Prophet as those which are genuine and based on the authentic words and deeds of the PROPHET are an inseparable part of the Islamic Religion. The QUR'AAN states that any one who attempts to isolate the Prophet from ALLAAWH ,and chooses what injuction of the PROPHET to follow or discard according to his owb whim, is an unbeliever. The QUR'AAN states that the PROPHET does not speak out of his whim but from the inspiration of ALLAAH. The QUR'AAN states that the believers would find in the PROPHET the best example to imitate. The QUR'AAN has recorded that MUHAMMAD is ABOVE excellency in his Character. And the PROPHET has warned anyone who deliberately plants falsehood in his words or deeds, should prepare himself for an everlasting life in HELL. This means even those who deliberately or otherwise claim that an authentic Hadiyth is false would fall in this trap. So those who claim to reject ALL Hadiyth and Sunnah of the PROPHET are wrong as the PROPHET was the SUNNAH to follow and those among he lived were privileged to watch his actions and hear his words, follow them and pass through generation to generation that we too can participate and love his PERFECT life. AISHAH, the only wife who lived with the PROPHET since her maidenhood till his death, and of whom the PROPHET recommended his Disciples to learn the Religion of ISLAAM from, when asked about the Character of MUHAMMAD,replied " The same as the QUR'AAN." MUHAMMAD LIVED AND PERSONIFIED THE QUR'AAN IN MOTION AND SPEECH.
@OrdoMallius Год назад
Wow. Imagine if Christians had a Bible and then another book called "life of Jesus" written by some German 200 years after Christ and we use that second book as an authority over the Bible. This is ridiculous! I as a Christian fully support these Quranists
@RayB432 10 месяцев назад
Bro these sunnis love labelling those who believe in Quran alone as Quranists when in the Quran the believers are called Muslim. They are sectarians and proudly identify with their sects. Those who follow Quran: we are identify simply as Muslims.
@murfurdur4727 4 месяца назад
Christians do have that... it's called church fathers
@TainePooter 4 месяца назад
> Casually describes American Evangelists
@vandarkholme8548 4 месяца назад
That's basically Catholicism
@user-rp2kv2lz1c 4 месяца назад
Lol Christians do have perversions of the words and life of Jesus. Its in your own Bible. Actually its Mathew mark like and John acts and Corinthians (paul). Its the 6 gospels corrupted. We have our six hadith books in islam too and also the Jewish talmud has got 6 orders too. All 3 monotheistic religions perverted and corrupted by 6 6 6
@nihao3273 Год назад
In the Quran, it states the Quran is fully complete and detailed- 6:114-6:115. This means nothing is missing and is all you need.
@abdellatif9632 Год назад
Without hadith it is impossible to fully understand quran. If i may i can give you examples
@nihao3273 Год назад
@@abdellatif9632 do you mean the Quran is not fully detailed and incomplete. God needed help? What about all the people who, at the beginning, who only had Quran? The Hadith were compiled several hundred years later. How did they know what to do?
@abdellatif9632 Год назад
@@nihao3273 if you are refering to the time the companions, they have the prophet himself as hadith. If you r talking about the generation after that called tabiines, they learned hadiths and quran from the companions. And that is how quran and hadiths is transfered from a generation of schoolars to an other. Everything in islam has a chain of naration. That includes quran. Pick any quran in any reading of the 10, in any mosque in any muslim country, you will find a chain or sanad in the end of it. Please don't let any one tell you that the hadith has been writen 200 y after the prophet and therefore makes no sense. The 10 readings of quran have been writen also more than 200 y after the prophet, that doesn't make them wrong. The imam malik son of the servant of the prophet wrote the first complete book of hadith
@nihao3273 Год назад
@@abdellatif9632 so, when Muhammad received all of the verses of the Quran and when the Quran said “This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed my favor on you and chosen for you Islam as a religion.” (Qur’an, 5:3), it was wrong, because the Hadith made it more perfect? God did not forget to include those things in book he calls “fully complete”. The Hadith are one of the most Divisive texts in the world. Different sects have different Hadith, ignoring others or saying these are fraud but not these others. There were tons of Muslims in the beginning of Islam who didn’t have Hadith. The Quran is perfect. God promised to protect the Quran from corruption, not the Hadith though. I believe Satan used the Hadith to divide Muslims against one another as the only way to corrupt the religion, like he did to Christianity, Judaism, etc. like I said in a previous post, there are even Hadith saying not to trust hadith
@abdellatif9632 Год назад
@@nihao3273 dear friend None said that any verse of the quran is incorrect. But every verse can be understood in so many meanings without the hadith. The quran says that you must give zakat (kind of islamic tax). I can understand it as one dollar per year, you can understand as half of your fortune every year and none could blame you or me. But please sir, back to our topic, i would love if we focus on the last point which is the writing of the hadith. As i said you can't reject it because it wasn't writen before 200 y after the prophet. I told you two facts: one, that the 1st complete hadith book is the moataa of imam malik son of anas ibn malik who is one of the prophet's companions. Second: the 10 readings of the quran like warsh, hafs, douri,... have also been writen in the 3th century and also have at least 5 narrator in their chains. Did you check these two ideas?
@Rynewulf 2 года назад
When I was studying Religious Philosophy, one of the points about Islam that came up was the historic context. The Hadiths likely were recorded later precisely because they aren't part of the Qur'an and most likely were a way for Arab, Levantine and Persian people's of the early Caliphates to keep old cultural norms in a form adapted to Islam. Personally I think the Quranists have a major point because of this, the Hadiths say some less than savoury things to modern ears but that aren't necessarily inherent to Islam as a religion
@adnannunow58 Год назад
The hadiths were in real time. They are interactions, conversations, events and situations that the prophet Muhammad was involved in. And the people who are experiencing it first hand are the people recording them. It’s true that a true written compilation was done after the death of the prophet (saw) by his companions who were with him during his life.
@Rynewulf Год назад
@@adnannunow58 My point is, is that the Hadiths are separated from the Quran itself. Their very concept is that years after the Prophets death, religious leaders of the time long after the Prophet himself recorded the addendums they thought ought to go alongside the Quran. I say this gives the Quranists a point, because if the Quran is the word of the divine as transcribed by Muhammed with the help of a messenger angel and is meant to be THE letter of the holy law, it doesn't make much sense to make an additional separate book and pretend that it has the same authority. Unless of course the caliphs, imams, emirs and sultans and so forth get a lot out of the Hadiths and making them the focus instead of the Quran
@adnannunow58 Год назад
@@Rynewulf you got it all wrong. There was nothing like long after the prophet death. The Quran and the Hadith were being compiled both at the same time. There is an important pillar in Islam which is praying. No Muslim is a Muslim unless he prays. The Quran only talks about prayer and not how to pray. In the Hadith the prophet (saw) teaches us how to pray and the way to pray. They compliment each other . You wouldn’t understand somethings in the Quran without Hadith. The quranists are a new thing. No Muslim can separate the Quran and Hadith it has never been done beofre. It’s an innovation. So I urge you to do more research on why Hadith is important. Us Muslims can’t pick and chose want. The Quran even directs us to follow the teachings of the prophet. Do more research please.
@Rynewulf Год назад
@@adnannunow58 The Quranists had followers in the middle ages though? And Islam has many sects and varieties? Sunni vs Shia, the Sufis, competing schools of religious law courts, all the local sage veneration in north africa, the even more modern reactionaries from Saudi who are more recent than the revived Quranist movement? There are big practical differences across the Islamic world, including through time. Some of the earliest mosques dont have the same core features as later ones. Islamic art through the ages shows radically different styles of religiously acceptable dress through time and places. Im not saying any of this as a criticism of Islam btw, I find it interesting, but I think its quite fundamentalist to insist that differences that have always been there just arent and should be ignored. Its a valid point to point out I probably havent caught on to WHY Muslims have for a long long time felt the Hadiths as necessary, but its not much of a rebuke to the point that some Muslims seem to abuse the Hadiths to get around inconvenient parts of the Quran
@adnannunow58 Год назад
@@Rynewulf you are right , there have been many deviations from islam, sects , and many ideologies have branched from it. It’s encouraged for a true Muslim to do his due diligence and return to the core principles,the teachings of the prophet (saw) which is Hadith and the teachings of the Quran which is Gods words and book. A true Muslim will take the 2 together and not leave 1 or the other. Regarding these new deviations and innovations this was already prophesied by the prophet. As much as I hate to say it, finding a true Muslim will only get harder as time goes by, but one will only be safe if they pay attention to all aspect of the faith instead choosing 1 or the other. I will Mention 2 Hadiths below of such prophecy
@patwsr Год назад
I don't know your name, but admitting that you know more than a common MUslim, more tolerant than a religious leader. How can you be so awesome? I am a old Muslim. 66 years I passed as a dedicated Muslim. But there were many many times I became frustrated and inquisitive about our traditional Hadiths. Quran itself is a complete book and a complete guideline. If I follow all words of Quran and nothing from Hadith (Hadis) , Will my creator going to punish me for following Quran's words but hot the man made Hadith or will my creator award me the Paradise? In my own educated belief is Quran is sufficient enough. Period!
@spreaderofalhaqq Год назад
if you reject the hadith you reject the quran you are supposed to obey Allah AND HIS RASOOL (Saw)
@area51xi 8 месяцев назад
Really really deep dude. You have given this topic a lot of thought, clearly.@@spreaderofalhaqq
@spreaderofalhaqq 8 месяцев назад
@@area51xi you don’t have to give what’s mentioned in the Quran (explicitly) very deep thought obey Allah and his messenger! Done
@Shahi-bangalah_1352 8 месяцев назад
​@infamous7530Allah himself has said to follow the prophet. So how can you follow the prophet without his sayings aka the hadiths?
@TheBadgerr 7 месяцев назад
@@Shahi-bangalah_1352The prophet’s Sole Purpose was to deliver The Message. He was not a lawmaker, nor did he have that authority. Quran also says obey Allah, The Prophet AND those who have authority. Does that mean you’ll go looking for the hadith of the authorities back then?
@nikhilmakwana9522 3 года назад
Love your work. As a non-believer, I find joy and fulfillment of my curiosity by pursuing the knowledge of religion. Thanks to your videos, I get to learn about the nuances of many religions, including Islam.
@shadygaming6523 3 года назад
can we have a discussion?
@chompythebeast 2 года назад
@@shadygaming6523 Religious proselytizers: Academic forums are _far_ from the place
@Hannestv4607 Год назад
*The ETERNAL GOD would do anything for you!!* Even out of love for you he went to the cross as a human!! Philippians 2:5-8
@nikhilmakwana9522 Год назад
@@shadygaming6523 I'm a little late XD, but sure
@TwilightDawn193 11 месяцев назад
No, you can't. Glory be to ash-Shaytan and al-Masih ad-Dajjal! He'll come soon! @@shadygaming6523
@padraigmcgrath3876 3 года назад
A number of years ago, I came across an Islamic website with links to many quite well written, well researched and well argued articles. The website's purpose was to use rational arguments to defend Islam against all of the negative stereotypes (terrorism, suicide bombers, honour-killings, etc). The articles often cited Koranic verses to support their arguments. The arguments in many of the articles proceeded from a Quranist premise - the argument often went that, if a certain practice is not advocated or mandated in any verse of the Quran, then it's not Islam, therefore you can't blame Islam for practices which are not advocated or mandated in any Koranic verse.
@tesmith47 3 года назад
What a lot of Arab type folks don't seem to understand is that to white America they are colored, white America hates colored folks and this is a race war
@Mortablunt 2 года назад
@@tesmith47 Nobody asked you about anything.
@hbsblkk3842 2 года назад
@@tesmith47 what?
@chompythebeast 2 года назад
That just sounds like the No True Scotsman Fallacy stretched over however many pages or articles. Mere gatekeeping really doesn't hold up to scholarly rigor, not does it jive with a non-abolutist, non-sectarian understanding of religion. If a suicide bomber is a deeply religious person motivated to act by their faith, then that action becomes associated with that faith no matter what an orthodox elite might say, and no matter if that isn't convenient for destroying Islamophobia (which does of course deserve to be undone)
@Mohamed-qn7gb 2 года назад
Whats the website called?
@munib1000 2 года назад
Anytime I read the Quran I feel protected, relieved and a lot of it makes so much sense as I've gained some knowledge but when I read the hadiths it confuses me about what is being said.
@Mortablunt 2 года назад
My opinion on most Hadith is, to quote the Quran (Surah of Imran) "And [mention, O Muhammad], when Allah took a covenant from those who were given the Scripture, [saying], ‘ You must make it clear to the people and not conceal it.’ But they threw it away behind their backs and exchanged it for a small price. And wretched is that which they purchased." AND "And indeed, among the People of the Scripture are those who believe in Allah and what was revealed to you and what was revealed to them, [being] humbly submissive to Allah. They do not exchange the verses of Allah for a small price. Those will have their reward with their Lord. Indeed, Allah is swift in account." ESPECIALLY SURAH 2 "So woe to those who write the ‘ scripture’ with their own hands, then say, ‘ This is from Allah,’ in order to exchange it for a small price. Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn." God made sure to make the point clearly many times, the only true revelation is from him.
@munib1000 2 года назад
@@Mortablunt What I find mostly with Sunni Muslims or Muslims who follow the Sunnah, want a strict set of instructions when doing anything they want it spelt out to them by scholars or imams. Even though we are encouraged to use our own initiative when coming to our own moral conclusions.
@yurichtube1162 2 года назад
Islam is fake
@munib1000 2 года назад
@@yurichtube1162 We can't say, but we can say there is a God. Who wants to do righteous deeds, pay the prescribed alms and believe in the oneness of Allah.
@blossomsports1 2 года назад
@@munib1000 the Book says to pray five times a day. The Hadith and extra show how best to do so. Ergo, follow the Quran to the T, follow the Hadith with a grain of salt
@Marlboro_Cone.3883 3 года назад
My man's pronunciation is Native-Arabic!
@belalabusultan5911 3 года назад
Almost * he still has some letters he did not master yet.
@ovaloctopus8 3 года назад
@@belalabusultan5911 yeah i think it's impossible for foreigners to have perfect pronunciation. Even his English (while almost perfect obviously) is slightly off and you can hear he isn't a native speaker
@talhaahmad2142 3 года назад
Its his field of expertise
@moj1938 3 года назад
@@ovaloctopus8 I do not think. Indian can Pronounce as good as People living in Arabic speaking areas.
@moby786 3 года назад
He definitely knows Arabic
@ahanadiri5330 3 года назад
What a logical and wonderfully educational way to give insight into basic questions that we all have. Love it
@intrue5021 3 года назад
logical? educational? no, there are too errors in this little book that humans call great : ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ShaWeLvFjwk.html
@prognosis8768 3 года назад
When I was studying Islam years ago, it occurred to me that the Hadiths were problematic and the Quran should probably be the only text considered authoritative. I didn't realize that this was actually some sort of movement, however.
@byron-ih2ge 3 года назад
the hadiths are literally disturbing .
@justaguywithaturban6773 3 года назад
@@byron-ih2ge And in my understanding and the understanding of many muslims the majority of the hadiths are fabricated I mean just look at the timeline.
@byron-ih2ge 3 года назад
@@justaguywithaturban6773 bro i am not even talking about hassan or daif hadiths they are satanic all together . i am talking about sahih hadiths . just reading the two most authentic and what makes a simple muslim a sunni muslim ,the sahih bukhari and sahih muslim are enough for someone to leave islam they are that disturbing and strange.
@byron-ih2ge 3 года назад
@@justaguywithaturban6773 i think thats why 90 percent of muslims know about hadiths only through their priest because if they read it themselves then 😂😂 islam is really gonna have a bad time
@byron-ih2ge 3 года назад
@@justaguywithaturban6773 if ur a quranist only then ur comment is valid
@irwincrook567 3 года назад
The way he pronounces "Ahl-al Hadith" 4:12 RESPECT
@oreste8570 3 года назад
Yeah, he pronounced it better than Turks who say ehlül hadis
@hamzahaidar2084 3 года назад
@@oreste8570 in hindi - urdu too we pronounce “hadis" instead of 'hadith'
@mtaha4062 3 года назад
@@oreste8570 some Turks :)
@3alaiyer 3 года назад
@Pourya to some people, it is hard especially Americans that don’t have letters even NEAR 7a
@Froggeh92 3 года назад
This guy has amazing pronounciation for a foreigner. Its incredible
@Lawson855 4 года назад
Thank you for this educational piece. Keep up the excellent work! 🇨🇦
@LetsTalkReligion 4 года назад
Thank you!
@ibrahimkbrov4288 3 года назад
*Al-Ankabut 51. Is it not enough for them that We have sent down to you the Book, ˹which is˺ recited to them. Surely in this ˹Quran˺ is a mercy and reminder for people who believe.*
@realislam3838 4 года назад
Thanks for this video,,,it's really academic and has covered most of details about quransim. I'm Quranist, and Quranists can't show their beliefs without being harassed by other muslims sects, I have lost my job due to my religious convictions..
@whoswho8241 4 года назад
One who doesn't believes or follows in prophet Mohammad s.w.a pbuh is a arrogant knowledge less Muslim....​Its like a ocean without water...i don't even know​ if Allah gonna accept those...
@LetsTalkReligion 4 года назад
Sorry to hear about your job!
@ishubetterthanyou1582 4 года назад
@@whoswho8241 Making fake accounts or comment won't help you either, my child.
@pmpm1841 4 года назад
Ishu Better Than You being a innovator and infiltrating Islam won’t get muslims to change, brah
@kuroazrem5376 4 года назад
Thatsadly happens.
@sprachenwelt 2 года назад
Prayer does not come from the Hadith, but from the practical Sunnah (the practical transmission of Traditions from the Prophet to his community up to the day) which Quranists do not reject. This does not negate, that lots of Hadith collections speak about prayer, but the prayer itself is rooted in practical guidance by the prophet.
@danecadette4714 2 года назад
Do you recite tashahhud in prayer?
@sm1468 2 года назад
u cant prove the authenticity of Quran without ahadith
@mohammedmatagi7983 2 года назад
@@sm1468 actually its the opposite because in order to believe in the quran you have to believe that the prophet spoke the words of the quran and the hadith are versions of opinions and stories from the prophets followers
@sm1468 2 года назад
@@mohammedmatagi7983 no u actually cant prove the preservation of Quran without ahadith
@MyPimpedOutMuslim 11 месяцев назад
And where do you get the practical Sunnah from?
@AhlullahiWaKhasatuhu 3 года назад
Major Misconception Clarification: Uthmān the 3rd Khalīfah was not the first to compile the Qur'ān into one book. Rather he only standardised its script and nothing more. Some of the sahabah already had personal copies of the Qur'ān during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم and the time of the first Khalīfah Abū Bakr رضي الله عنه.
@ibrahimkbrov4288 3 года назад
*Al-Ankabut 51. Is it not enough for them that We have sent down to you the Book, ˹which is˺ recited to them. Surely in this ˹Quran˺ is a mercy and reminder for people who believe.*
@Meliodasthesinofwrath 3 года назад
Important Ali-ibn-ibrahim the great commentator of quran who lived in the third century A.H has narrated form imam sadiq (as) that the prophet ordered this cousin, son-in-low, and vicegerent. Hazrat ali (AS) to collect and compile the different parts of quran, which were than written upon pieces of silk, paper, skin of animals and etc. The narrator add that “HAZRAT(AS) fulfilled the commandment, sincerely collecting the scattered pieces and parts. He than wrapped all the parts in a yellow cloth and took them for compilation.” Besides that; the famous tradition of the prophet, which is related by many, and through successive witness; “I shall go and leave among you two heavy things: the book of allah, and my kins.”Is an enough proof that qurahad already been compiled in prophet time As for view that some say:” hazrat ali (AS) compiled the book, after the prophet”, it should be known that, what was collected by hazrat ali (AS), after the prophet, was not merely the text of quran: It rather was collection consisting of the text with various comments, of the prophet anout different verses and the historical evidences, and some details and reasons for the revelations, and etc.
@rintrah81 3 года назад
@@Meliodasthesinofwrath the proof is from the Quran that the Quran was written in the time of Mohammad? Dubious at best. Not a strong proof.
@Meliodasthesinofwrath 3 года назад
@@rintrah81 proof is strong but you are ignorance
@hannawurst6064 3 года назад
⚠️⚠️Has Allah forgotten his name or is he just an IDOL!⚠️⚠️ Why is it the unforgivable sin in Islam to confess " there is only one God and this is YHWH"" The Name Jesus means------------- "YHWH RESCUE" Elijah means------------- --------------" MY GOD IS YHWH" John means ----------------------------" YHWH has been gracious"" Zakariya means -----------------------""YHWH has remembered"" Jacob means----------------------------"YHWH will PROTECT!" are all prophets according to the Quran
@AbidNasim 29 дней назад
Some often-overlooked nuances deserve attention. Sunnah refers to a practice, while God's Sunnah-His unchanging way-is explicitly mentioned in the Quran in verses 48:23, 33:62, and 35:43. Hadith, on the other hand, is a report of the sayings, actions, or approvals of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It is estimated that 70-80% of Hadiths are bil ma'na-where the meaning is preserved but not the exact words of the Prophet. Hadith apologists often argue that Hadiths are necessary to fill gaps in the Quranic revelation, but this is not entirely accurate. For instance, when it comes to the prescribed units of prayer (rak'ahs), no single Hadith or even a single collection provides the complete set of instructions. To arrive at the total count of 17 rak'ahs (2 for Fajr, 4 for Dhuhr, 4 for Asr, 3 for Maghrib, and 4 for Isha), one must refer to multiple Hadiths across different books. This suggests that there isn't a "gap" in revelation as some claim. Islamic theology is transmitted through the Quran, and the practices are preserved through continuous practical transmission-Muslims around the world have followed the Prophet’s practices daily since his time. Moreover, these practices aren't solely attributed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) but are rooted in the practices of the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him), as indicated in Quran 16:123. Importantly, Islam was declared complete by God in March 632 CE, as stated in Quran 5:3.
@m.b5777 4 года назад
It is narrated by Abu Hurrairah that the Prophet said: "Do not believe everything you read on the internet." Sahih-al-Bukhari Kitab ul internet Hadith number 101
@LetsTalkReligion 4 года назад
I've heard that the isnad is weak on that one.
@gicky-gackers 4 года назад
This cracked me up 🤣
@Muhamedim 3 года назад
@@LetsTalkReligion Its Isnad is weaker on my 5G connexion , lol
@freepalestinefreekashmirno3160 3 года назад
@DWAGON1818 3 года назад
If you are a Muslim, make tawba for what you've said. If not, learn to respect other people's beliefs.
@QuranicIslam 3 года назад
🌹 thank you for the shout out for Hassan Farhan al-Maliki! And this was a very good round up and very accurate. An important element though that I think you missed is the consideration that most of the major practical issues are not really taken from Hadith, the go to example being prayer/salat. No Muslim really learns it from Hadith, nor, if you give to give someone, who has never seen a Muslim pray, all the Hadiths on prayer, could he/she ever come up with the traditional salat. They are not detailed and descriptive enough and often just argue about minor details on the assumption that you know the prayer. So perhaps that kind of a discussion ... a sort of Hadith vs Sunna vs mass transgenerationally inherited practices, and how that relates to Quranism, is needed in this video. Still a very good informative video, thank you for posting it. The admission near beginning that the majority of Islam is in actuality based on the Hadith and not the Qur'an is refreshing. 👍 This is only the 3rd video I've seen from your channel and I am very impressed so far
@moroccandeepweb5880 3 года назад
You do know that Hasan Farhan al-Maliki is not a Qur’anist, unless you're using another definition of what Qur’anism is.
@QuranicIslam 3 года назад
@@moroccandeepweb5880 Well I never said he was. I said thanks for the shout out. It is our friend here who made the video about Quranism who put him in it.
@moroccandeepweb5880 3 года назад
@@QuranicIslam فك الله أسره
@codystevens403 2 года назад
Speaking as a Qurani, who studied under Benni Yameen, who studied under Sami Ayoub. I can tell you we don’t believe in ANY physical Sallah. The Sallah Allah reveals in the Quran can be understood simply by studying the root of the words ‏ ‏صلو means a connection when Allah says Iqam AsSallah ‏‏إقام الصلاة what he means is “establish a connection”. A Connection is between two points what are those two points you may ask? The wisdom Allah provided us in the Quran is at one end of the connection and at the other end; the application of said wisdom in our everyday lives.
@QuranicIslam 2 года назад
@@codystevens403 That "we" is a problem though when you say "we Quranis", because there are others who call themselves Quranists who do in fact believe in a physical salat. And putting forward "having studied under X and Y" as something authoritative is exactly what many self-defined Quranists would call a problem and the telltale sign of sect while those Quranists would say that one of point in putting the Qur'an above all is that you won't be tied in a sectarian manner.
@mrmalver3655 3 года назад
As a non-denominational Muslim I want to thank you for the effort you're doing in making very informative videos and researching every topic related to religions. I wished that you would mention that Not all the hadiths are problematic, as it depends on two factors: 1- The authenticity of the hadith because not all hadiths are considered authentic. 2- The number of people who transmitted the hadith, some hadiths were transmitted by one or two people who are mostly companions of the prophet Muhammad when hadith was collected, while others were transmitted by more than five people and I think they can be problematic depending on the topic or the context.
But you have to understand that hadith that specifically says aisha was a kid. Is considered authentic. That lets you know that the Hadith is bullcrap and whoever made it hated Muhammad prophet Muhammad peace and blessings upon him. And also try to slander him in the most terrible way possible.
@toseef777 Год назад
@@divestedkonservativekarame4269 Exactly. Then Orthodox Muslims will defend that Hadith and make up crazy arguments to support it. In their mind if a Hadith is sahih they equate it to the Quran.
@luf832 11 месяцев назад
@@toseef777This is a tactic of the kuffar. They quote a verse like 4:34 where you can physically discipline your wife and base it off todays liberal secular society. You’re falling into the same thing.
@toseef777 11 месяцев назад
@@luf832 There is no logical way way of defending Ayesha being married at 9 Hadith. It goes against the Quran, yet literalist Muslims treat it like it’s some holy revelation.
@MyPimpedOutMuslim 11 месяцев назад
@@divestedkonservativekarame4269No, maybe you grew up in a western country that called the prophet a bad person for marrying her at a young age, but this wasn’t an actual argument against Islam until the early 1900s from an orientalist. For almsot 1300 years, no one enemies of Islam or scholars brought up the age of Aisha. Sorry if you want to try and make Islam fit your non believing frejnds better by forcing a modern view on the times they lived in, but life back then isn’t the same as today. People didnt live very long, and it was normal for people to get married younger then, if you can’t handle that fact then I don’t know what to tell you, for Christians in the Old Testament with Jacob and others they also married ppl at a young age
@Dragon_With_Matches 3 года назад
This particular group is really interesting to me. I would love to see more videos about them.
@anasm4496 3 года назад
The Prophet of Allah (Peace be upon him) warned us of them in a hadith.
@Simplyohkay 3 года назад
@@anasm4496 hadiths are fake
@ADeeSHUPA 3 года назад
@The Sufficient Qur'an uP
@screamingwind3559 3 года назад
@The Sufficient Qur'an you have a channel, post a video of yourself explaining deeply what is quranist. Where can I find a video of a quranist that recite the quran in proper Arabic not English recitation.
@user-ox1mv7bw3u 3 года назад
@@Simplyohkay You have no knowledge of hadiths you are the one who is fake and ignorant
@defenseandgeopolitics 4 года назад
If hadith tells me take care of neighbor it's true because it goes with Qur'an. But if it tells something that contradict Qur'an I don't believe it.
@eyllengul 4 года назад
Same we should take Quran as our source but there is nothing wrong to believe in hadith that do not goes against Quran. We can learn the life of our prophet by reading hadith we just have to be carefull. Since we have good intentions by reading hadith and we still consider Quran as our source we are fine.
@pmpm1841 4 года назад
lol lol yes
@ADeeSHUPA 4 года назад
@@eyllengul uP
@defenseandgeopolitics 4 года назад
@BRRP saying that all of hadith is not true would be absurd. Obviously there is right and wrong in hadith. Because there is truthful people who narrated it because their ancestors really heard it and some not. Simple as that. We can distinct good hadith by going with Qur'an. Not by scholars saying it's true. Because many hadiths are classified as true but still have no logic.
@askhan12406 3 года назад
That is literally how they prove if hadith are actually real. If the hadith contradicts the quran, even if it's from the most credible source and has been perfectly preserved, then it won't even be considered as a hadith
@Tibibt 3 месяца назад
Regarding the problem of rituals, I don't see the lack of detailed instructions on prayer in the Quran for instance as an issue. The reality is enough people watched the prophet pray that we don't need hadiths for that. And even then people still don't pray exactly the same way. The other reason is that Islam in reality was not meant to be hyper ritualistic but rather as the Quran tells us to provoke people to use Reason.
@inquranwetrust6035 3 года назад
If quranism is to be 100% trusting of the Quran over everything including hadith I am therefore a quranist :)
@jamesgordley5000 3 года назад
I think Quranism goes a step or two further than that. It not only trusts the Quran over hadith, but it also disregards hadith.
@zagazow6398 3 года назад
Doesn't disregard unless it doesnt coincide with Quran. As it should be Alhumdulilah
@sapienthought1103 3 года назад
@@zagazow6398 it coincides with their understanding not the Quran don't speard falsehood number two they deny hadiths saying the quran doesn't ask us to follow the sunnah.
@shockwave4049 3 года назад
Quranism is following the Quran only and rejecting the Hadith. This is obviously haram as Allah in the Quran says in 4:59: >O believers! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. Should you disagree on anything, then refer it to Allah and His Messenger, if you ˹truly˺ believe in Allah and the Last Day. This is the best and fairest resolution. This verse alone debunks Quranism. Here are some other resources: **Why do we need the Hadith? Isn’t the Quran Enough?** Why do we need Hadith if the Quran is enough? - Nouman Ali Khan: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-bB4cARWalY4.html The important of the Sunnah - Dr Zakir Naik: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-7UHausaQqTE.html Is the Quran incomplete without the Hadith? - Zakir Naik: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-L-4jC5iAl8E.html Hadith is necessary to understand the Quran: yaqeeninstitute.org/emadhamdeh/are-hadith-necessary/ If the Quran is complete, why Sunnah? islamqa.info/en/answers/93111/if-the-quran-is-perfect-and-completeand-contains-everything-needed-for-the-laws-and-regulations-of-shareeah-what-need-is-there-for-the-sunnah **General resources comprehensively refuting Quranists/Quraniyoon (Hadith Rejectors)** Fitna of the Quranists: thethinkingmuslim.com/2013/08/28/rejecting-hadiths/ Refuting the argument that the Quran is complete, and therefore we do not need the Hadith: www.call-to-monotheism.com/refuting_the_argument_that_the_quran_is_complete_and_therefore_we_don_t_need_hadith_ Questions that No Quranist have logical answers to: www.call-to-monotheism.com/questions_that_the_quranites_have_no_good_logical_responses_to Proofs from the Quran for the need for Sunnah, (Part II in the sidebar) (and 14 more parts in the book) www.sunnah.org/fiqh/usul/probativeness_sunna/Default.htm It is Unfeasible to Act Solely On the Basis of the Qur'an (Part XIV in sidebar) (and 14 more parts in the book) www.sunnah.org/fiqh/usul/probativeness_sunna/Default.htm (Alt: www.livingislam.org/ps16_e.html) Authority of the Hadith in light of the Quran www.letmeturnthetables.com/2010/09/authority-of-hadith-from-quran.html The Fallacies of Anti-Hadith Arguments www.ilmgate.org/the-fallacies-of-anti-hadith-arguments/ The Authority of the Sunnah in Islam by Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani (PDF) archive.org/details/TheAuthorityOfSunnahByMuftiTaqiUsmani
@nikostheater 3 года назад
There is no Islam without the Hadiths, because the Hadiths are required to explain a lot of things and context in the Quran. The Quran by itself is almost useless as a guide to Muslims. Most of the Islamic practices come from the Hadiths, like the number of daily prayers. You would not even now the name of your prophet without the Hadiths and the early biography of Muhammad.
@jannahm1788 Год назад
I have a lot of respect for Quranism and even went through a Quranist phase myself. You summed up in this video the biggest issue I had with it too: a lot of the religious rituals are indeed difficult to practice without referring to the hadith. The common arguments I've seen around this, though, are that the specifics of these practices have been passed down through the generations, thus nobody really looks towards hadith on how to perform them. While that may be true it doesn't consider the fact that these details that are being passed down may have originally come from the oral tradition that later got written down as hadith.
@thebeesnuts777 Год назад
You can derive salaah from the Quran, and what it actually is, Hadith or use of the context and attributions to the messenger as an explanation of Quran to a particular way i.e 5 times a day 3 times a day style robot shenanigans, psssst it's called going down the lizard hole like previous generations, I e they misunderstood the verses/ commands , when they were corrected i.e through prophets they still insisted on the superfluous ways, they shackled themselves Maryam was told to do RUKU with those that do RUKU, SUJOOD is not mentioned after this or before RUKU = humble, humility, incline etc In other words be amongst a community who show these traits But Hadith will transform this verse into proof of 1 way of " prayer " , should be translated as connection s-w-l root of Salaah means to connect, aqeemussalaah = establish the connection What is the connection how? What times ? The Quran is the Zhikr , understanding the parables, learning data of all kinds to help you understand the Zhikr, those that seek the akhirat ( delayed diligent approach) not the rushed way or rushed interpretation Mujrimoon is translated as criminals but should be Butchers of interpretation, that's actually the more accurate translation Yes so having a routine is establishing a connection and if it's in the mindfulness of your lord then yes that's a salaah Pray standing, sitting or lying on your side, this verse is indicating form isn't important but more importantly establish a frequency in doing so , so that you may benefit Most people work they have fajar to do the connection I e their way from what Allah has declared i.e Zhikr of Quran and all that entails and Qunoot ( deep mediation, reflection and no speaking ) then zhour ( lunch time ) then evening prayer Then some verses specific other times but all is hinting at a routine and 3 seems to be a starting point, it fits most peoples routine, and those who are retired, more free time are able to offer more time/s in connection So salaah has been misunderstanding, they are all down the rabbit hole,
@diiriyetv Год назад
Muslims were doing their salaat and other rituals well before the hadiths were written.
@thebeesnuts777 Год назад
@@diiriyetv Yes , the way they pray now is the Jewish prayer, Muhammad was also commanded to pray as such when he was a prophet for the Jews, because that's how they prayed and he had to also do the same for an appointed time so as not to get rejected outright by the people he came to rectify And the mumineen ( believers 👈 presant and future tense) in Quran says you can pray standing sitting or lying on your sides 👈 the mumineen have no connection with Bani Israel, Allah says their fathers were not warned Ya ayyuhal latheena amanu 👈 those that believed 👈 past tense, indicates those who already knew tawheed i.e Bani Israel So Muhammad was a prophet for Bani Israel and a messenger of Quran for the believers It's a shame ummayad infiltration of Islam early and corrupted the Deen, Quraish assassinated all the righteous, and started saying Quran was revealed in their dialect, but Quran have many words Arabs don't understand because they were not Arabic origin
@TawheedAqida Год назад
​​@@thebeesnuts777uran only Muslims love being heretics Al-Hajj 22:26 وَإِذْ بَوَّأْنَا لِإِبْرَٰهِيمَ مَكَانَ ٱلْبَيْتِ أَن لَّا تُشْرِكْ بِى شَيْـًٔا وَطَهِّرْ بَيْتِىَ لِلطَّآئِفِينَ وَٱلْقَآئِمِينَ وَٱلرُّكَّعِ ٱلسُّجُودِ English - Sahih International And [mention, O Muḥammad], when We designated for Abraham the site of the House, [saying], "Do not associate anything with Me and purify My House for those who perform ṭawāf[1] and those who stand [in prayer] and those who bow and prostrate. Al-Fath 48:29 مُّحَمَّدٌ رَّسُولُ ٱللَّهِۚ وَٱلَّذِينَ مَعَهُۥٓ أَشِدَّآءُ عَلَى ٱلْكُفَّارِ رُحَمَآءُ بَيْنَهُمْۖ تَرَىٰهُمْ رُكَّعًا سُجَّدًا يَبْتَغُونَ فَضْلًا مِّنَ ٱللَّهِ وَرِضْوَٰنًاۖ سِيمَاهُمْ فِى وُجُوهِهِم مِّنْ أَثَرِ ٱلسُّجُودِۚ ذَٰلِكَ مَثَلُهُمْ فِى ٱلتَّوْرَىٰةِۚ وَمَثَلُهُمْ فِى ٱلْإِنجِيلِ كَزَرْعٍ أَخْرَجَ شَطْـَٔهُۥ فَـَٔازَرَهُۥ فَٱسْتَغْلَظَ فَٱسْتَوَىٰ عَلَىٰ سُوقِهِۦ يُعْجِبُ ٱلزُّرَّاعَ لِيَغِيظَ بِهِمُ ٱلْكُفَّارَۗ وَعَدَ ٱللَّهُ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ وَعَمِلُوا۟ ٱلصَّٰلِحَٰتِ مِنْهُم مَّغْفِرَةً وَأَجْرًا عَظِيمًۢا English - Sahih International Muḥammad is the Messenger of Allāh; and those with him are forceful against the disbelievers, merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and prostrating [in prayer], seeking bounty from Allāh and [His] pleasure. Their sign is in their faces from the effect of prostration [i.e., prayer]. That is their description in the Torah. And their description in the Gospel is as a plant which produces its offshoots and strengthens them so they grow firm and stand upon their stalks, delighting the sowers - so that He [i.e., Allāh] may enrage by them[1] the disbelievers. Allāh has promised those who believe and do righteous deeds among them forgiveness and a great reward. An-Nisa' 4:102 وَإِذَا كُنتَ فِيهِمْ فَأَقَمْتَ لَهُمُ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ فَلْتَقُمْ طَآئِفَةٌ مِّنْهُم مَّعَكَ وَلْيَأْخُذُوٓا۟ أَسْلِحَتَهُمْ فَإِذَا سَجَدُوا۟ فَلْيَكُونُوا۟ مِن وَرَآئِكُمْ وَلْتَأْتِ طَآئِفَةٌ أُخْرَىٰ لَمْ يُصَلُّوا۟ فَلْيُصَلُّوا۟ مَعَكَ وَلْيَأْخُذُوا۟ حِذْرَهُمْ وَأَسْلِحَتَهُمْۗ وَدَّ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ لَوْ تَغْفُلُونَ عَنْ أَسْلِحَتِكُمْ وَأَمْتِعَتِكُمْ فَيَمِيلُونَ عَلَيْكُم مَّيْلَةً وَٰحِدَةًۚ وَلَا جُنَاحَ عَلَيْكُمْ إِن كَانَ بِكُمْ أَذًى مِّن مَّطَرٍ أَوْ كُنتُم مَّرْضَىٰٓ أَن تَضَعُوٓا۟ أَسْلِحَتَكُمْۖ وَخُذُوا۟ حِذْرَكُمْۗ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ أَعَدَّ لِلْكَٰفِرِينَ عَذَابًا مُّهِينًا English - Sahih International And when you [i.e., the commander of an army] are among them and lead them in prayer,[1] let a group of them stand [in prayer] with you and let them carry their arms. And when they have prostrated, let them be [in position] behind you and have the other group come forward which has not [yet] prayed and let them pray with you, taking precaution and carrying their arms. Those who disbelieve wish that you would neglect your weapons and your baggage so they could come down upon you in one [single] attack. But there is no blame upon you, if you are troubled by rain or are ill, for putting down your arms, but take precaution. Indeed, Allāh has prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment. Of course people who don't read Quran will never see these ayat proving Salat is a ritual.
@TawheedAqida Год назад
​@@thebeesnuts777don't act like your some Arabic master. You clearly can't recognize mutashābihāt ayat from clear ones . Your just a heretic kl
@mbenm4332 3 года назад
You did a better job than any Muslim that I know. I really appreciate your details and narrations.
@africanhistory 2 года назад
NOw that is very unfair because if you DO NOT KNOW any, of course, you would make a ridiculous statement like this. Your statement is more of your own ignorance of things that his "BETTER JOB". This channel is secular and for explaining Islam to primarily non-Muslims. It is excellent in this regard, however. Way deeper stuff exists by Muslim scholars.
@mbenm4332 2 года назад
You not able to debate with me my friend regarding Islam. You ignorant plus I speak Arabic do you speak Arabic ?
@alhashmy1310 2 года назад
@@africanhistory 👏👏👏
@hamobu 3 года назад
As a Muslim I used to wonder why do you need Hadith if Quran is perfect.
@NAvmz 3 года назад
Well Hadith is a collection of sayings and teachings of the prophet Muhammad. It is the most important source of religious laws of Islam. Hadith are written by scholars who were born later than the Prophet, and there are differences in their memories, intellects and their interpretations of what the prophet said or gave approval. Hadith are ascribed to Muhammad Saheb and play an important role in the interpretation of Islamic laws. -Quran is the sacred writings of the faith of Islam revealed by Allah to Prophet Muhammad are contained in a book called Quran. The word Quran literally means recitation, and the book is a compilation of what the almighty revealed to Muhammad. Quran is the leading light of the Muslims around the world and it has been there for more than a thousand years helping adherents of Islam to lead a good and chaste life that is according to the commandments of the almighty. Obedience to these commandments in one’s life leads to salvation. Following the principles of Quran ensures a rich and rewarding life on this planet.
@falconx4803 3 года назад
If hadith was against the quran then that hadith is false because there's many of them , hadith is just what the prophet said but we are not sure if he said it or not because after the prophet muhammed died 200 years bukhari make those hadith by going to scholers and heard by them but still we can't be sure if he said it or not so what we have to do is if hadith is against the quran which the word of allah then it's very simple that hadith is false
@justak2121 3 года назад
@@falconx4803 not like the quuran wasn't full of contradictions anyway...
@farohszn9733 3 года назад
@@justak2121 yeah, the Quran has 0 contradictions.
@boringcoffedrinker1142 3 года назад
To reject the Hadith you would need to stop doing some of Islam practices
@beefandpotatoes6525 3 года назад
a rich and unbiased presentation of islam and muslims. It is amazing.
@onlyitj 4 года назад
Your videos are very informative and academic, without much bias. Thanks for taking the time and making such contents
@LetsTalkReligion 4 года назад
Thank you very much :)
@ibrahimkbrov4288 3 года назад
*Al-Ankabut 51. Is it not enough for them that We have sent down to you the Book, ˹which is˺ recited to them. Surely in this ˹Quran˺ is a mercy and reminder for people who believe.*
@trmp9923 2 года назад
Learning to handle criticism is an important life skill
@ABel-oi5kv 2 года назад
One of the best books to read on the subject is : "The Quran , Morality and Critical Reason" by The Late Mohamed Shahrour ,Translated by : Andreas Christmann. Shahrur is at the moment the most innovative intellectual thinker in the Arab Middle East. Often described as the ‘Martin Luther of Islam,’ he offers a liberal, progressive reading of Islam that aims to counter the influences of religious fundamentalism and radical politics. Shahrur’s innovative interpretation of the Qur’an offers groundbreaking new ideas, based on his conviction that centuries of historical Islam, including scholarship in the traditional Islamic religious sciences, have obscured or even obliterated the Qur’an’s progressive and revolutionary message. That message is one that has endured through each period of human history in which Islam has existed, encouraging Muslims to apply the most contemporary perspective available to interpret the Qur’an’s meaning.
@Psychedlia98 Год назад
@korifm9051 Год назад
Thank you for the recommendation!
@BalconyGardening1915 3 года назад
I am a Quran centric Muslim. I will gladly answer questions as long as they are asked honestly and respectfully. Peace
@AAZinvicto 3 года назад
Do you also reject mutawaatir (mass transmitted) ahaadith?
@BalconyGardening1915 3 года назад
@AAZinvicto Yes. We believe that ahadith should be read and taken only as historical narratives giving us a good idea of how people used to live. They should never be taken as scriptures from which religious laws would be derived. The only source of laws for us is the protected Word of God (Quran).
@AAZinvicto 3 года назад
@@BalconyGardening1915 Good to know that you don't doubt the authenticity of Mutawaatir ahaadith. But still, this is in a direct contradiction to "Ati Ullah wa ati ur Rasool" (Obey Allah and obey the Messenger) mentioned in the Qur'an. We don't find Sahaba saying to the Messenger ﷺ "Why should we do what You are saying? We'll only obey what's in the Qur'an. Why are you showing us these extra steps in Wudu, like rinsing the mouth, cleaning the nose. etc?"
@shadygaming6523 3 года назад
@@AAZinvicto no it doesn't contradict that verse because ahadith didn't come from the prophet, why can't you get this simpàle fact through your thick skull?
@BalconyGardening1915 3 года назад
@AAZinvicto Esselamu Aleykum brother, Sorry, I never got notified of your reply. It was by accident that I noticed it. So, as they say, better late than never, here is my reply: That verse instructs early Muslims to obey the prophet Mohammed (pbuh). Of course, Muslims were expected to obey the prophet while he lived among them.. We all know, the prophet hasn’t been alive for over 1400 years now. Ahadith do not represent the prophet. Ahadith are collections of narrations which are supposedly third person accounts of prophet's words and/or actions. However, these could never be verified as such. Sure, many Muslims would quickly point out at something they call the science of Hadith. By this, they are referring to the methods which hadith compilers used in order to determine which ahadith are authentic and which ones are not. They like to call it the science even though there is absolutely nothing scientific about it. Authenticating and sorting out narrations (ahadith) was nothing more than a guess work. You can even call it educated guess work since clearly there was some method applied to the process of elimination. Was that method 100% fool-proof?. Of course, it wasn't. It's worth mentioning that the first collection of Ahadith was gathered approximately 200 years after prophet's death. How many companions of the Prophet were alive at the time first Hadith collection got written down? The answer: NONE. At least three generations of people lived and died between the time Quran was compiled and the time first Ahadith collection was compiled. Who could actually prove the chain of narration if all the witnesses, their children, and their children's children happen to be all dead? Think about it! Hadith collectors did their best when it comes to sorting them out. However, they had no certain way of knowing.The question is: Should we jepardise our faith by accepting and obeying unreliable sources based purely on guess work? Or should we derive the rules to follow from the only reliable source that God promised to protect? The choice is yours. I believe ahadith should be read and taken only as historical narratives giving us a good idea of how people used to live. They should never be taken as scriptures from which religious laws would be derived. The only source of laws for us is the protected Word of God (Quran). Here are some Verses which support this statement: “These (are the) Verses, (of) Allah We recite them to you in truth. Then in which hadith besides Allah’s Verses will they believe?” 45:6 I“Or have they not looked at the dominion of the heavens and the earth and all things which God has created? Or that perhaps their time may be drawing near? In which Hadith after this will they believe in” 7:185 “God has brought down the best Hadith; a book (Quran) that is consistent in its frequent repetitions.” 39:23 “So in which hadith, other than this (Quran), will they believe?” 77:50 [18:27] “You shall recite what is revealed to you of your Lord’s Scripture (the Quran). Nothing shall abrogate His words, and you shall not find any other source beside it.” Pay special attention to the last one: [18:27] “You shall recite what is revealed to you of your Lord’s Scripture (the Quran). Nothing shall abrogate His words, and you shall not find any other source beside it.” I look at what the bold letters say: Nothing shall abrogate His words, and you shall not find any other source beside it.” I highlighted that sentence because as you probably know there are some(maybe more than some) Sunni scholars who actually believe in arrogation of Quranic verses. Yes, they would rather abrogate the Words of God in to give credibility to rulings which are based purely on Hadith. To me only a scholar of Quran is the scholar of Islam. The scholar of ahadith can easily arrive at the wrong conclusions and the wrong ruling. All that is important for us to know is clearly described in Quran. Unless, you think your Lord is a liar(God forbid) "A Book, whereof the verses are explained in detail / distinguished (Arabic: Fussilat); a Quran in Arabic, for people who understand" 41:3 "By the Book that makes things clear, We have made it an Arabic Quran so that you may understand." 43:2,3 "(This is) a Book, with verses perfected, moreover explained in detail / distinguished (Arabic: Fussilat) from One Who is Wise and Well-acquainted (with all things)" 11:1 “And on the day when We will raise up in every people a witness against them from among themselves, and bring you as a witness against these and We have revealed the Book to you explaining clearly / clarification of everything (Arabic: tibiana lekulli shayin), and a guidance and mercy and good news for those who submit” 16:89 “Blessed is He Who has revealed to His slave the criterion of right and wrong (Arabic: Furqan), that he may be a warner to the peoples" 25:1 "By the Book that makes things clear, surely We sent it down on a blessed night-We have always sent warnings-" 44:2,3 "We have made this Quran easy to understand-in your own language-so that they may take heed."44:58 "We have made it easy to learn lessons from the Quran. Is there anyone who would receive admonition?" 54:17 “This is a blessed Book which We sent down to you [Muhammad], for people to ponder over its messages, and for those with understanding to take heed.” 38:29 Here God is asking you to read and think about what you have read. He is not asking you to obey whatever some mujtahid said and never use your brain. The verses I have quoted are clear and not taken out of context.
@xariqx_ 4 года назад
I'd like to see a video on how the Qu'ran was compiled during and after the prophet's death!
@LetsTalkReligion 4 года назад
Interesting topic, but also difficult to cover because there is so little historical information available!
@m.b5777 4 года назад
There was no video camera back then.
@ADeeSHUPA 4 года назад
@aqeel -محمود uP
@utfocrew7762 4 года назад
@aqeel -محمود Book format??..How or who compiled the Quran into a book format..Allah himself ??..Who.
@maulajatt5655 3 года назад
I don't think it really matters how it was compiled. Allah said he will preserve and protect this book so you can be assured, how ever it was compiled, the book is complete and from Allah
@bahaelfakir 4 года назад
Mate, your fantastic. Thank you for this!
@LetsTalkReligion 4 года назад
@786humaira1 3 года назад
@@LetsTalkReligion you are sooo blessed. God continue to bless you for making the meaning of Islam CLEAR as a CRYSTAL.
@786humaira1 3 года назад
Blessed is the mother who gave birth to a soul like you.
@ibrahimkbrov4288 3 года назад
*Al-Ankabut 51. Is it not enough for them that We have sent down to you the Book, ˹which is˺ recited to them. Surely in this ˹Quran˺ is a mercy and reminder for people who believe.*
@abdihassan9239 3 года назад
im muslim whole my life and never heard Quranists before.........my local Mosque dead no teaching going on at all,,,,,,fighting each other........i have learned a lot here.......thank you man
@c5quared626 3 года назад
I was Sunni for 40 years always studying and trying to learn more, never satisfied. However in my first 2 months of quranism, I was 100% satisfied. Quransmessage.com has many very good articles, start with the ones on hadith and basics. The Quran is mubeen-clear but the Scholars will tell you you cant read it by yourself, and you need tafsir to brainwash you, tafseer are just human interpretations, not history.
@c5quared626 3 года назад
@D Man speakers corner videos are all like m.hijab finding very low spoken basic quranists and just yelling at them. It's pathetic.
@c5quared626 3 года назад
@More Ferarum we today can decipher hieroglyphs and sumerian cuneiform tablets to pretty amazing legible accuracy. The Quran is similar, yet we have far more in terms of clues and hints. Including ancient Arabic poetry, lexicons, current Arabic dialects. There are no hadith that explicitly define quranic words. Like " hey guys, this verse/word means this", if there are they can be proven as questionable at best, because many hadith are illogical in their attempts to explain the Quran, and can be proven as fabrications, by other verses that totally dont reflect that idea. For example there is the story of khidr, all Sunnis "believe this" but looking back on it, he khidr could not be an immortal human, it's a myth. The personality who accompanied moses was probably an angel, based on language used with the visitors of Lot and Abraham. The channel Qurancentric has his a good system, check it out: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-9Cm-utvQXnc.html
@c5quared626 3 года назад
@More Ferarum yup, the Quran does leave out alot of trivialities, that we humanoids refer to as details. However the Quran is mubeen and fussilat, clear and detailed. This is not a conundrum. We think the location of Noah's ark or the burning Bush are details we need. Dates, places, even many names are left out, these are trivialities, not fine details that apply to eternal salvation. The Quran is not an encyclopedia, it is a spiritual guide, in the socio cultural context of 600ad Arabia. The Persian authors of hadith had their ideas mechanisms to understand the Quran in THEIR context.
@c5quared626 3 года назад
@More Ferarum you're saying not much will be left without hadith. That is right and that is good and simple. There is a list of commandments in the Quran, i have to find it again, none of them were rituals found in hadith. They were all about being good and not lying, and peaceful and sound and helpful to the weak poor, disabled, orphans, single mothers, avoiding war, like over 30 of these with verse references. The hadithists ignore all of them, they pursue rituals and oppose many ayah in the process. Mostly because they dont even understand the words they "pray" That cant be the intention the Quran. The Quran is meant to be learnt, not ritualistically recited like a magical incantation.
@juannevindez6969 4 месяца назад
Bukhari and all the scholars are not prophet or messengers. God did not give his message to Bukhari or any scholar. Mohammad is not an Idol. The Quran is complete. Reject the Hadith.
@mfvieira89 3 года назад
The Qua'ran as the only source of revelation seems similar to what the Protestant churches think regarding the Bible, in comparison with the traditional Catholic and Orthodox Canon
@justusscepticushumanus4848 3 года назад
I'd say ; it seems rather similar to " American Evangelicalism " than the protestants such as Lutherans or Anglicanism who are open to the idea that not always can the Bible be taken literary .
@mfvieira89 3 года назад
@@justusscepticushumanus4848 yes, specifically you might be right
@MrBebaslepas 3 года назад
@@mfvieira89 "The Qua'ran as the only source of revelation seems similar to what the Protestant churches think regarding the Bible" That statement is wrong and misleading.
@mfvieira89 3 года назад
@@MrBebaslepas If so, then explain why
@MrBebaslepas 3 года назад
​@@mfvieira89 The status of the Qur'an itself as a revelation, which is in a form of verbatim words of God, is incomparable to the Bible. Another revelations revealed to Prophet Muhammad which are not included in the Qur'an can be found in Hadith Qudsi.
@CCP-Lies 10 месяцев назад
The amazing science of Hadith Which eye is dajjal blind of? Ibn Umar reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him). made a mention of Dajjil in the presence of the people and said: Allah is not one-eyed and behold that Dajjal is blind of the *right eye* and his eye would be like a floating grape. Sahih Muslim 41:7005 Hudhalfa reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Dajjal is blind of *left eye* with thick hair and there would be a garden and fire with him and his fire would be a garden and his garden would be fire. Sahih Muslim 41:7010
@fahmad7194 Год назад
I had known one group in Lahore in the 1990s. They did not call themselves the Quranists, but they were sceptical of Hadith and critical of the Imams. They believed that the Quran provided all the guidance and information, including the performance of Salat, etc.
@thegrunbeld6876 Год назад
If one only gets the instruction for salat from qur'an alone, it will greatly confuse them when they found out in one passage that Allah instructed Muhammad to pray in three times of the day (instead of 5). The hadith, while ripe with so many contradictions and possible accidental modifications, helps to contextualize those "confusing" passages.
@AfrahFatima214 Год назад
are u talking about ghulam ahmed pervez?
@fahmad7194 Год назад
@@AfrahFatima214 No. Their views bore similarity to the group described here as the Quranists. They did not call themselves that.
@fahmad7194 Год назад
@@thegrunbeld6876 Actually, they did pray two or three times a day.
@RayB432 10 месяцев назад
​@@thegrunbeld6876 so you're saying Quran mentions 3 daily prayers but you ignore what the Quran says and overrule it for the hadith?
@djamalInfo 3 года назад
the Jews created the Talmud, Christians follow Pauls epistles and Muslims follow Hadiths.. All of them have done the same error.. leaving word of God and following man-made religions
@theguyver4934 3 года назад
I don't think st Paul did anything wrong I'm saying that as a muslim
@m.m4999 14 дней назад
@@theguyver4934bro I think you haven't even read the Letter of Paul have you? I'm a Muslim too, please reconsider ur comment.
@qerimqerimi2953 2 года назад
@aslm5373 Год назад
And may Allah bless you too if you accept all of the revelations of Allah, including the second commandment given to Moses which prohibits prostrating to the Kaaba like most "quranists" seem to be doing. You see quranists don't really seem to accept the previous scriptures when we should appreciate and believe in them too. Read verse 4:136 of the Quran, for example. That being said, I agree that the later hadiths that the secterians follow should be disregarded. The revelations of Allah is enough.
@johnnyjackson4159 Год назад
Allah bless you
@StudiesoftheQuran Год назад
Don't say quranist, say muslim. Allah warned us about dividing.
@adoman3 8 месяцев назад
We are not Quranist, we are just Muslims.
@servantofGodGabriel 4 месяца назад
@@aslm5373 Salam akhi. I take the Quran alone stance also, i wonder what we can accept tbh from what the sects claim are the "Taurat" and "Injeel". Because those are hadiths after all. And some clearly contradict the Quran. But i suppose you could scan them through the Quran to clean them from filth. The Quran also mentions the scrolls of Abraham... where are those? I saw a brother claim it's in the Quran and it made sense to an extent, very interesting topic. About the Kaaba, something to investigate, i must admit it is kinda odd tbh, but i fear criticising something Allah subhana wa taala might have ordained, perhaps not in the form they do it now but just to be around the house/temple and praise God and form community there. Peace
@bobofthestorm 3 года назад
The Quran is supposedly eternal or at least created by God himself, so it gets a pass. What I really don't understand is that how billions of Muslims around the world can go about their lives not questioning the Hadith at all. It's pretty much agreed upon by everybody that the Hadith is not the work of God AND was written by people from collecting people's testimonies. That's a huge, huge red flag. Have they never questioned the validity of the chain? The Gospels are presented as different versions of the same story from different sources. It is presented in that way precisely because people understood that people's memory could be faulty. The Gospels just coincidentally more or less coincided and reached consensus. The Gospels are presented as primary sources for people to judge on their own on how to make of them. The Hadith on the other hand was curated to present whoever collected them or is presenting them to reflect on what they deemed to have been legitimate events.
@TheQuranExplainsItself 3 года назад
They won’t question the Hadiiths because that’s where the entire organised religion comes from. There’s no mosque 🕌 no hijab 🧕 no rituals no fasting nothing! Nothing arbitrary to recognise “Muslims” by. The Quran is just a book of universal principles hence why we conclude it’s from God. The universal principles could be followed by anyone so to distinguish Muslims and turn them into an organised religion with clerics n all the rest of it.... they gave them these narrations. Sad. Every time God sends a reminder this is what people do. People created stuff after Moses ( the Talmud ) Jesus ( letters of Paul ) and now Muhammad ( Hadiiths ) it’s the same old story.
@monamalek2 3 года назад
@@TheQuranExplainsItself Excuse me? Fasting in Ramadan was directly mentioned in Quran. 2:185, Also mosques 2:114
@TheQuranExplainsItself 3 года назад
@@monamalek2 neither mean those translations. Think about it....what’s the coming down of the Quran got to do with fasting? What context leads you to believe Masjid is a mosque?
@bilbobaggins3464 2 года назад
Because hadiths were already incredibly questioned and tested. Most hadiths are not being questioned now because like I said, masters of hadith collection went to unimaginable, really impressive lengths to collect and question and grade these hadiths. It's not like they were accepted without questioning, on the contrary the Usul-al-Hadith, which is the method of compiling and grading hadiths is still really impressive as Western cultures at the time and until MUCH LATER times didn't have anything remotely similar to that scholarly practice.
@thienbachchuyenviengiuginh4773 2 года назад
Hadith is the source of terrorism.
@NadDew 3 года назад
I became quranist lately and because the Quran encourage you to think for yourself and always criticize the following of others without thinking so the way selfi teach is the opposite of what Quran teach in this regard.
@wahhajmustafa1907 3 года назад
But the Quran itself tells you to follow the prophet (SAW). Yes, the Quran teaches you to think, and encourages you to think. BUT it doesn't tell you to "reject the hadith". There are verses telling you to follow your prophet. Now, another thing is, even if you think only logically, you'll still find that all the hadith are morally and intellectually correct, and logically you should follow them
@NadDew 3 года назад
@@wahhajmustafa1907 the problem with hadith its not 100% accurate. i believe in hadith mutaowater only but you can't confess me that we should decide someone live and judging him based on hadith there's 3% chance of it being not true.
@wahhajmustafa1907 3 года назад
Just Me the sahih hadith and the Hasan Hadith are 100% true. We most certainly don’t judge using the weaker Hadith, we only judge based on the authentic ones. Now, if you wanna say even the Saheeh Hadith have a tiny percentage of not being true, you could apply the same logic, since the Quran too, was compiled long after the death of our prophet Muhammad (SAW)
@wahhajmustafa1907 3 года назад
And even if there is a chance of something having a 3% chance of it not being true, let’s suppose. That doesn’t mean we’re gonna reject the 97% chance of it being true. This way, you’ll have to start doubting everything. Every time someone tells you something, let’s suppose you ask your father or mother if they’re your real parents. And they reply that yes, we’re your real parents. They have legal documents, your birth certificate, even confirmation from the government etc. BUT there’s a 1% chance that it’s all a lie, and that your “parents” are just conspiring with the government, and are hiding your real identity. You could apply the same thing with ever single one of your friends. Each one could be a government agent spying on you, pretending to be a friend. See? The world starts to become more and more unsteady right? Soon you’ll be doubting if the world even is real and so on. Therefore, the logic that we shouldn’t judge someone on something that supposedly has a “3% chance of being not true”, doesn’t work
@NadDew 3 года назад
@@wahhajmustafa1907 so tell me why there's two levels sahih and hasan?? that mean they have different accuracy which means one is more accurate then the other thereof one is less accurate there is no way for both of them to be 100% true the other thing if you want to believe in any hadith you're free to do that but don't but someone fate and judges his live based on hadith ( for example stoning a man or a waman who committed Adultery to death based on not very accurate hadith) (or killing gay men based on what?? i can't remember any Quran phrase or even any hadith anywhere that tell us we should kill gays)
@celestialknight2339 3 года назад
Thank you for this video, sir. Could you please provide the reference for the early Muslim qādhis (judges/magistrates) not making extended use of the Hadith? That would be highly appreciated. Thanks again, and Salam!
@faya6974 4 года назад
I believe in hadiths aslong as it does not contradict the Quran. Many Hadiths contradict the Quran but they allow it! I also dont believe in any hadith that creates a law without a source from the Quran, like how some hadiths allow stoning of zina. Can you make a video about Naskh, its a subject I dont know much about even as a Muslim, and I hate the argument used in Naskh.
@LetsTalkReligion 4 года назад
That's an interesting subject! I'll add it to the list!
@TheQuranExplainsItself 4 года назад
That makes the Hadiiths redundant. There’s no point for you to even claim it.
@jjaznawi 4 года назад
And Hadiths about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) knowing the future
@pmpm1841 4 года назад
Agree. But if the Hadith says don’t have anal sex, don’t eat animals with fangs or claws those are fine.
@yobro6053 4 года назад
@@jjaznawi prophet Mohammed was commanded to say by Allah " I know nothing about what will become of me or you " I am paraphrasing but he did not know the future , what use is telling someone the future to get someone to believe in you from an event that will happen 1000years later ? How could that man believe that prophecy when he is dead ? Also , Allah only commanded Mohammed to deliver the Quran and recite from it ,nothing else that's also from a verse but sorry I dont know the one
@tabuya6891 3 года назад
The holy quran was compiled completed during the prophet time. "Bal huwalquranul majid fi lahwil mahfuudh".
@peterbillas9131 3 года назад
No kind quran exist
@popaye.8968 3 года назад
Lawhil mahfud is another thing
@zaka2 3 года назад
You're so shallow
@kingjames2156 3 года назад
I would most likely classify myself as a Sunni Muslim, however any hadith that clashes with the Qur'an I reject it and let me tell you, there's a whole lot. Just to give you a few examples. I don't believe in the second coming of Isa (As), the Dajjal, or the Mahdi which I believe to be a Persian folklore concept. I don't believe in the punishment of the grave, killing apostates or homosexuals etc. I don't believe the Prophet (Pbuh) married a child, or he killed a person in war etc. Or that you can't have a dog in your home. There is a lot of blasphemous hadith, it' sickening.
@train_simulaton_omar1637 3 года назад
If you classify as a Sunni Muslim then it’s obliged for you to follow the Quran and Sunnah. How would we know the sunnah (teachings) of our Prophet. How would we know how to pray? And as we know that the Prophet Muhammad pbuh is the one whom the Quran was revealed to he is the one who has the authority to explain the verses in the Quran in the hadiths. Furthermore Isa Ibn Maryam’s second coming is mentioned in the Quran too. Quran 43:61 And his ˹second˺ coming is truly a sign for the Hour. The Hadiths about the Dajjal and Mehdi have also been proven to be authenticated. Furthermore the age about Aisha R’A when she married the Prophet is still up to debate however the silly claims that she was a child has been refuted. There is no punishment for apostates. These hadiths have been taken out of context. Remember not all hadiths are authentic.
@iyadal-najjar3512 3 года назад
classifying yourself as one and being one is totally different things. You are a Sunni as long as you follow the Sunni uslos أصول.
@kingjames2156 3 года назад
@@iyadal-najjar3512 Sure, but Ahl Sunnah Wal Jama'ah has four different schools. And they differ in opinions in many aqeedah and fiqh questions. Did you know that Imam Malik said that Isa son of Maryam died. And he didn't put a single hadith of Isa (As) returning. Moreover, many of Maliki students throughout the time has expressed their feelings and thoughts about many issues, as I said before Ibn Ashur who's considered the Sheikh al-Islam, another Maliki legend said hadiths regarding Mahdi and Dajjal are all problematic, he brings this up in his tafsirs, and this guy has over 30 tafsirs of the Qur'an, that's no easy work. You just think if you're a Sunni then there's a consensus on 100% of the things that have been debated, but no that's not the case always, it's that people just don't go into details and live their lives which is also ok, but to say "classifying yourself as one and being one is two different things" I guess you failed to know and study about the School of Medina.
@iyadal-najjar3512 3 года назад
@@kingjames2156 I am sure that in the School of Madina they consider having a dog as a bet and nothing else a reason to lose Hasanat and reward from God. You should understand that I am talking about Usol أصول . It is very normal for scholars to have different opinions and I know the stuff about Al-Mahdi and Dajjal but they never consider it as blasphemous hadith. It is just under what you called consensus can't be 100% but that is correct as long as we are in Foroa فروع, not Usols. I hope that they know why did they consider these hadiths problematic or why did they reach different fatwa for the same cases which are, as I said, are studied and discussed in Usols, not tafsir or fiqh. I am sure that no true Malki (Madina school) considers these hadiths as a Persian folklore concept. That is why even if you follow an opinion said but a Malki Sunni you are not really one unless you reached the same point using the same method which is again studied in Usols . I am not going to talk in detail about every and each one of the points you mentioned but if you do not believe in the second coming of Isa then you are not a Sunni. The muwatta of Imam Malik does not contain all the hadiths that Malik believes are correct but what he needed for his fiqh school, so things that are not related to fiqh. For exampl, it is not a Sira book so many stories about the prophet are not included there because they are not needed in fiqh or thing related to the Islamic Sunni creed. The second coming of Isa is not related to fiqh but to sunni aqidah or more precise it is consider as a fara فرع in aqidah. sorry for using Arabic sometimes but I studied these things in Arabic and I am not familiar with the correct English term.
@abdar-rahman6965 2 года назад
Before year 700 CE, all Muslims Jurists followed only Quran. So if we call Muslims who lived before year 700 CE as Quranist; then that means: Prophet Mohammad and Four Caliphs and all Muslims before year 700 CE were Quranists. Should we not walk on the Steps of Prophet Mohammad then? This makes Clear, that what you have coined as Quranists were ACTUAL REAL TRUE MUSLIMS; and after 700 CE; the People who made Islamic laws from extra-Quranic books are Not Muslims but Mushriks. Because according to Quran 5:40-48 who make Divine Judgments from other Books than Book of Allah are Zaalim Faasiq and Unbelievers. And Sunni and Shia fall in this category because they are who are making Islamic laws from those fabricated book of so called Hadiths Sunnah Seera Contexts, Fiq and Tafsirs which were neither certified by Prophet nor even by four Caliphs. According to professor of Islamic law in Columbia University, J. Schacht; it was year 720 CE when Hadiths and Sunnah started to be fabricated in the name of Mohammad. Imam Al-Ghazali writes in his Book ihya-al-Aloom that up to year 738 CE, Companions of Prophet and their followers hated to right hadiths. Professor Schacht further writes that up to year 720 CE all Muslim Jurists used to make Sharia law only from Quran and they used to say that any Sharia law taken from extra-Quranic books is erroneous. Even we read in tons of Books of Sunni sect that Prophet said: Do not write down from me any thing except Quran, and who has already written down from me any thing in addition to Quran must delete it. This shows that Extra-Quranic Hadiths and Sunnah were illegal in Islam during the era of Prophet. We read in tons of Books of Sunni sect that after the death of Prophet, caliph Abu Bakar forbade Muslims to narrate hadiths of Prophet and said: decide all matters as per Quran. This shows that Extra-Quranic Hadiths and Sunnah were illegal in Islam during the era of Caliph Abu Bakar. *We read in tons of Books of Sunni sect that Caliphs Umar burned and banned all Hadiths and equated hadith to Jewish Talmud. Caliph Umar wrote letters to city governors to erase all hadiths they find. Caliph Umar placed three Companions of Prophet under house arrest for life for hadith-mongering. Caliph Umar also refused to write book of Sunnah. This shows that Extra-Quranic Hadiths and Sunnah were illegal in Islam during the era of Caliph Umar.* We read in tons of Books of Sunni sect that Caliph Ali told Muslims in a sermon to erase all hadiths they find. When Ali was asked: What did Prophet leave behind for you guys: he said only Quran. This shows that Extra-Quranic Hadiths and Sunnah were illegal in Islam during the era of Caliph Ali. Also note that Quran forbids sects 3:103 and Quran tells in 6:159 that Sects like Sunni and Shia are out from the fold of Islam. Quran tells in 3:105, Hell is waiting sect followers. God has named us in Quran 22:78 only Muslim. *You can read all Scanned References of Arabic books in our page "True history of Hadiths and Sunnah".*
@abdar-rahman6965 2 года назад
After landing of Quran, Deen Islam is simple, and that is: *any rite, ritual or Islamic law which does not have roots in Quran is absolutely not part of Deen Islam. Quran never ordains to kiss black stone during Hajj because this rite was rite of pre-Quranic Pagans. Quranic salat has no any relation with Five Zoroastrian Namaz Rituals which were blended in Islam at the end of 8th century through fake story of Buraq. Read our page "What is Quranic Salat?"*
@ILOVEALLAH-dp6zm 2 года назад
*بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم* Why did The Prophet not order to compile a book of hadith like Bukhari? Why did Abu Bakar not order to compile a book of hadith like Bukhari? Why did Umar not order to compile a book of hadith like Bukhari? Why did Uthman not order to compile a book of hadith like Bukhari? Why did Ali not order to compile a book of hadith like Bukhari? If the later hadiths are actually part of Islam then why did The Prophet and his four successive caliphs burn and bann all such hadiths during their rule, for over 200 years!? *This is why:* [The Quran 77:50] فباى حديث بعده يومنون [Translation] Then in which hadith after it (The Quran) are they believing? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- True Submission to The Most High is very different from the popular sects. Study these Quran verses for further insight: 6:112-116, 45:6-11, 12:111.
@ILOVEALLAH-dp6zm 2 года назад
Brother, I suggest we link up off of this comment section. Give me your Telegram username so I can add you.
@cecilrichardson2558 3 года назад
I find it very interesting that in almost every religion, there becomes a group that base Law, and social Tradition on the exact wording of the highest holy book.
@keeshans5768 3 года назад
As it should be, we should only listen to the almighty, not words from man.
@Exxperiment626 3 года назад
@@keeshans5768 Thank you!
@LORDJOSEPH12 3 года назад
@@keeshans5768 I'm a Sunni. But I'm just now finding out about Quranism. I'm definitely gonna be researching more
@coolcat2956 3 года назад
@@LORDJOSEPH12 Me too!
@abdo19code 2 года назад
@@LORDJOSEPH12 how did it go?
@HasanDoesMMA 4 года назад
Imam Maliks Al Muwatta is a book of Hadith's to an extent and is also authentic. He lived literally a generation after the Sahabah. In Medina where over 20,000 Sahabah had passed away.
@dlhussain81 3 года назад
You’re talking to the modem jahils. They conveniently ignore the isnad system and keep talking about when hadith books were written on paper. They forget the Quran has also been passed on mainly orally until Abu Bakr RA decided to have it written down
@aliyanib 3 года назад
@@dlhussain81 Lol honestly, how stupid can they get? It seems to reach as high as the Qadianis and Rafidah.
@abdulbasit-cn9ek 2 года назад
@@dlhussain81 Historians has it that the Prophet used to have the revelations written on different materials as they came down onto him and later Abu Bakr had Zaid ibn Thabith gather those materials. That's unlike hadiths.
@dlhussain81 2 года назад
@@abdulbasit-cn9ek correct. Hadith was never written down during the life of the Prophet ‎صلى الله عليه وسلم only Quran to avoid any confusion between the two.
@abdulbasit-cn9ek 2 года назад
@@dlhussain81 I was responding to your claim that Quran reached abu bakr mainly by oral recitation.
@alexandrahenderson4368 3 года назад
I'm a quranist. The only difference between me and other muslims is I don't find the scholars teachings to be necessary to follow and that culture and islam should not be mixed but can be used together. If the Quran doesn't say it by the Quran is not the word of God. Following the prophet muhammad after the Quran is revealed has just been muhamadism which wasnt supposed to happen. People are told to follow in Muhammad's footsteps as in when he follows Allah's commands. Not his actual life for he wasn't without sin.
@alexandrahenderson4368 3 года назад
@AkhiSalafiyyah I literally said that you shouldn't be following the prophet at all. Mohammed is a man. Anything he does outside of the Quran is what a human does. If the Quran doesn't say it it doesn't f****** matter.
@alexandrahenderson4368 3 года назад
@@ihaveadream3321 the Quran tells you to follow the prophet but it doesn't tell you to worship him. And y'all Love to worship the prophet you mention him before Allah in prayer or with Allah which in the Quran is forbidden. Then you treat anything in the sunnah as if it's a law. You will not get punished if you don't do the suggestions The Prophet gives you you can get good deeds from doing the things but you will not be punished because nothing the prophet says is a law and Allah says in the Quran that only Allah is the lawmaker.
@alexandrahenderson4368 3 года назад
@@ihaveadream3321 just because the prophet knew things that others did not know does not mean that he is equal to Allah in any way shape or form. Just because Muhammad decided you should still drink a water and then remove the fly does not mean you will be punished if you remove the fly then finish the water. Why? Because nothing any human being says is punishable in the afterlife. Whether that person be a prophet or not. Allah strictly says this in the Quran. That only Allah is the judge in the hereafter that only Allah makes the laws of Islam. Meaning he does not work through anybody. People work through him. You have the same mentality that Christians have with the prophet Isa
@truthseeker3293 4 месяца назад
Allah tells us we must follow him and his prophet and those with authority over us ( ie scholars khalifs). Therefore we must also follow sunnah
@brucesims3228 3 года назад
I pray that God who is All-Wise and All-Knowing will continue to guide your efforts. We need much more investigation and reflection regarding the Word of God. Reading the Hadith I have found far too much interpretation and waaay too much positing by individuals who profess to know God's Will and God's intentions. Dangerous stuff, that.
@DontKnow-hr5my 3 года назад
The same conclusion i came to as a german "christian" who started reading into Islam, there may be truth in them but the most dangerous lie is the one mixed with truth, we can't know for certain. May God/Allah guide us unto righteousness and forgive us our weaknesses.
@ibrahimkbrov4288 3 года назад
*Al-Ankabut 51. Is it not enough for them that We have sent down to you the Book, ˹which is˺ recited to them. Surely in this ˹Quran˺ is a mercy and reminder for people who believe.*
@Shafiqulislam786 3 года назад
That’s why you study the Hadith and the Quran under the guidance ship of a qualified Scholar . Allah mentions in His book "Then ask those who possess the Message (ahl adh-dhikr) if you do not know." (Al-Qu'ran 21:7 and 16:43) the people who read on there own come out either extremist or confused Because every syllable of the Quran has a context and to understand it you MUST refer back to the Hadith, it is IMPOSSIBLE to understand the Quran without the Hadith of the messenger ﷺ . You can’t even understand Shakespeare’s works without a teacher how do you attempt to understand the book of the the creator without a guide.
@brucesims3228 3 года назад
@@Shafiqulislam786 Agreed. What I fear are those who represent themselves as definitive authorities. IMHO fellow Human Beings can offer opinions. The Hadiths can be problematic. It is an article of my Faith that Allah (swt) is active in my life and answers can be had if only I ask. FWIW.
@Shafiqulislam786 3 года назад
@@brucesims3228 when Allah ‎عزوجل intends to guide or benefit someone, he directs them towards his righteous and guided people .
@confusion9000 Год назад
Having studied alchemy throughout times and places, I see all religions as leading to the One, just different semantics and understandings of the One through the frame of reference of the time and place of the people's trying to explain it. Some religious texts are just a little better than others in explaining it. Considering myself Muslim would be much easier without some of the Hadith, but there are parts of the Hadith that resonate with me deeply. I submit to the will of the One, and I admire Muhammad for everything he sacrificed to help humanity. Peace be upon him.
@AlfataAlfaet 4 года назад
These are the verses of Allah which We recite to you in truth. Then in what „Hadith“ حَدِيثٍ after Allah and His verses will they believe? [Quran 45:06]
@HasanDoesMMA 4 года назад
@Marcus Aurelius Ok as a shi'i where is the concept of Hazrat Ali being successor of Prophet Muhammad (Salahu alayhi wasalam) in the Quran. Now that you can't use the Hadith's of Ghadeer e khum. Also where are the 12 imams mentioned in the Quran. Now again you can't use the Hadith's of their being 12 imams to come, Jaber Ibn Samorah said I went to the Prophet (P) and I heard him saying: “Indeed this matter will not be completed until there will be 12 Caliphs amongst them.” He then added something softly that I did not hear, so I asked my father about it who said: The Prophet (P) said: “They are all from Qoraysh.” (Muslim, Hadith No. 1821, Book of leadership).
@HasanDoesMMA 4 года назад
@Paco Abdulqader It's says "statement " not Hadith's in the sense you lot are thinking of it
@HasanDoesMMA 4 года назад
How do your scholars make tafsir of the Quran , like on the verse "And kill them wherever you overtake them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, and fitnah is worse than killing. And do not fight them at al-Masjid al- Haram until they fight you there. But if they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers." [2:192] We know why this verse was revealed but how do you Quran only people know when using only Quran
@HasanDoesMMA 4 года назад
@a stranger I wish it was that simple and we could all be Muslims, but cursing those who curse the Sahabah and those who honour them are not alike,
@HasanDoesMMA 4 года назад
@a stranger Being good and being on Haqq are two different topics. Bro it's a fundamental belief of the shi'i in the 12 divinely inspired Imams who hold a greater position than Prophets but the Prophet Muhammad Salahu alayhi wasalam and their imam Mahdi is hiding in a cave right now. Then the Quran only Muslims fail to understand the importance of the Prophets Salahu alayhi wasalam Sunnah and reject the Hadith's which they have not even studies the transmission for.
@mustafahussein486 5 месяцев назад
I am a Quranist. It is a relatively simple religion that relies on personal interpretations. What a great explanation! Keep up the good work!
@ahsamv1992 2 года назад
that is the true islam
@gondala 4 года назад
I remember clearly when I become more interested in Quran instead of hadith. It was when I was a kid, listening imam preaching in Friday prayer. I was very angry to and questioning God because I heard imam cite one hadith that mention about a person going to hell just because a simple mistake, that mistake is related to urinates. At that time I was just thinking, is it really worth for God punishing a man in hell just because that simple mistake? To me it doesn't make sense and He is not my God because my God is the most merciful most beneficent... Since then, I end up just believing Quran instead of what we call as hear say (hadith). Reading Quran as a pure human in your innocence age (as a kid) it was very influential and I am so happy I spent my younger years with that bless.. I am 42 y.o. now and so basically I am skeptical when someone cite a hadith which is baseless in Quranic teaching. However, if that hadith say something in Quran, I usually recognize it and listen to it. By the way, there's a bunch of non sense in Muslim today that is basically derived from hadith and not from Quran. However, when I say something and try to correct it, people got mad and judge me as I know nothing about this religion. Silly... But the most common question that I receive is the question like "how do you understand Quran if you don't accept hadith and you have no teacher?" To me, it is a fair question, but from my experience, the way i understand Quran is just like the story of Moses and his teacher. Moses can't be patience and always questioning his teacher. So, I actually don't know what Quran means in one ayah.. what I do is just try to remember it and be patience, and usually months after months or years, I finally get it. Indeed it is strange, but that's the way it is. I think the best Quranic interpretation that live today is Hassan Farhan al Maliki, his point of view is like crystal clear to me.
@LetsTalkReligion 4 года назад
Thanks for sharing!
@ADeeSHUPA 4 года назад
@@LetsTalkReligion uP
@gondala 4 года назад
@Lube on my Tv technically speaking, those who have punished in the grave then he will receive punishment in hell. People believe in one ayah that says "they receive punishment twice...", which is considered as punishment in the grave and punishment in hereafter (hell).
@mt000mp 3 года назад
@@gondala i thought that hadith was a documentary in a book format that explain the quran and the life of sahabah and muhammad (s.a.w) in more in depth kind of version , and i also know that the ahlul-kitab (the people of the book) like to twist word in the name of islam so iam also skeptical of hadiths.
@jenni_noura9170 3 года назад
I'm also Quran alone believer. One sunni pointed out a hadith that I felt was hateful and utterly stupid. That at the end days the Arabs will fight against Jews and trees will talk to the Arabs and say there a jew hiding behind a tree. So kill it 🥴🥴🥴
@miju_ahmed 9 месяцев назад
you just nailed down💖 May Almighty grant you more knowledge. peace be upon you.
@HyderAli-mz7uw 4 года назад
Hi Filip ! Can you make a video about A sufi saint from Indian subcontinent 's city Jhang now in Pakistan, His name Was Sultan Bahu and his sufi order was Sarwari Qadri order and he was a hanafi Sunni and His Teaching was about Visualising Name of Allah and Prophet Muhammad s.a.w and About Faqr Spiritual Concept of Poverty...
@LetsTalkReligion 4 года назад
I'll add him to the list!
@rainvast8982 2 года назад
So i'm a quranist without even knowing 🤣🤣
@skp8748 Год назад
Doubt it... I'm sure you follow and accept the practises and wisdom of the prophet (saw)
@jebiden2025 Год назад
​@@skp8748Never. I don't follow humans, only God.
@Feller445 Месяц назад
We can have a convo about it if u want but being a Quranist is against the religion btw in the Quran is says o believers obey god and the prophet
@rainvast8982 Месяц назад
@Feller445 yeah i changed that was 2 years ago thank u brother, my god guide us to the truth
@sqyxlol Месяц назад
@@jebiden2025have u read the quran? It says to obey the prophet.. Which means the sunnah
@musamusashi Год назад
As someone who's always very skeptic about any "ism", i feel Qur'an only Muslims or Qur'an only Islam is a fairer and less partial definition.
@paradhoax 3 года назад
Idjtihad = doing any good task ( in this case : studying a religious problem or any theological researches) activily and with a maximum dedication of time and energy and integrity
@Samba652 5 месяцев назад
Quranists have told me their view is prophet Muhammad left the quran as a book already and they point out verses that the quran already calls itself a book and they say its the people who follow hadiths that say the quran was compiled later after Muhammad and that is what they wrote in their hadiths
@beda3ty 3 года назад
Very excellent video! Regarding the problem of the hadith and rituals, many Quranists believe that it is not a problem to follow the hadith if it does not conflict with the Quran. Therefore, most rituals do not conflict with the Quran. What do conflict with the Quran in the Quranists belief are some more important aspects than just rituals.
@Hugulubugulu Год назад
We are not suppose to follow any hadith whether they are good or not, bcus Allah strictly told us to follow his Quran, as he left nothing out of it: [Quran 6:38] All the creatures on earth, and all the birds that fly with wings, are communities like you. We did not leave anything out of this book.** To their Lord, all these creatures will be summoned.
@coffe2270 Год назад
@@Hugulubugulu kafir
@Hugulubugulu Год назад
@@coffe2270 Following Quran only makes you a true believer :P
@VanessaMendes 3 года назад
I love this channel ❤️ Greetings from Brazil 🇧🇷
@musamusashi 3 года назад
@mariolis 2 года назад
Sounds a lot to me like the Catholic-Protestand divide on the apocrypha and church tradition Of course this is different , but it has parallels
@DontKnow-hr5my 6 месяцев назад
As a german who grew up as a catholic christian, who called the Trinity into doubt, started reading up on the arian thought, how the Apostle Letters and Church traditions deranged the original thought of christianity and added their own cultural additions, i have come to the conclusion by now that i view mainstream Islam and their hadith and certain cultural things, in the same way, there is so many nonsensical things in there, even things that go against the Quran, i came across some that really irritated me and started researching more into the matter because i had some genuine moments where i called it all into doubt, i do think Hadith nearly pushed me away from Islam. I got a completely different view of the religion once i decided that they are not on the same level of revelation as many mainstream Muslims like to paint them. Peace be to you!
@22mononoke 3 года назад
The modern day Quranists are considered a deviated sect because, although they claim to be going back to the original way of doing things, they fail to realise that those first generation people who were using the Quran and their own opinion (Rai) already had the Sunnah of the Prophet PBUH embedded in their heads. They had seen, spoken to and enjoyed the company of the Prophet PBUH. But as time went on and these people (known as Sahaba) died, their knowledge of the sayings of the Prophet, his actions and the things he approved of (including by remaining silent if he saw them and didn't speak out against them) were going to die out with them. The subsequent generation knew that in order to preserve this knowledge that the first generation had inside them they needed to record and codify it for preservation. The means they used for this codification was very strict and rigorous which is why so many hadiths are considered weak and so few as 'sound' and even less as Mutawatir (strong/successive). There is also the hadith of Aisha RA when asked about the Prophet PBUH, she said the character of the Prophet of Allah PBUH was the Quran. Meaning he embodied the teachings of the Quran and so his teachings and saying are incremental in understanding the Quran. The stance of the Quranists, is therefore very weak as how can they justify using their own Rai (reasoning) for interpreting the Quran when they have no knowledge of who the Prophet PBUH was, how he acted in certain situations, how he spoke, how he judged etc. No wonder so many of their ideas turn out to be so dangerous and destructive. The Quran and Hadith are inseparable in making the teachings of Islam.
@anahata3478 2 года назад
You're right. It is the same mistake done by protestants. They fail to understand that Sola Scriptura doesn't work, because you are reading your culture into the text
@SAMUEL532150 2 года назад
You are funny calling quranist ideas dangerous! I wonder where non violent, non dangerous groups like taliban, al kaide, isis, al shabab, al nusra, hizbullah originated from? From quranist or sunnis and shiates?
@Nous98 4 года назад
Thanks for another great and informative! More and more people should know the Quranist movement, and the whole contemporary reform movements within Islam. Since the media always painted Islam in a monolithic manner, these kind video is much needed. As I also consider myself a Quranist, I wanted to add some nuance to the issue you've said about the 'problem' arise from the Quran-only approach. First of all, the 'problem' must surely arise when we take the hadith and the whole traditionalist literature and its info out of the equation. But the 'problem' is actually exist because the equation is view through the lens of traditional Islam. If we embrace the Quran-only perspective entirely, there is no problem. But, yes, in actuality there are still some problems left; but it is not the same problem. For example - Ṣalah. If we take the traditional elements away from ṣalah, but still cling onto the traditional perspective, Question becomes: hwo can we establish the details of ṣalah from Quran alone? But if we take the Quranist approach, we can follow details of the ṣalah that exist only within the Quran, and proceed as it is. Also, the Quranist may examine further that the term ṣalah in the Quran, may denotes something other than a ritualistic prayer. And then this is the point when more questions will rise. May be some Quranists will conclude that the ṣalah may means any form of communion with God, Or make connection to God, or to uphold the law and commandment, etc. But that is the problem that exist and can be solve only within a Quran-only framework. I hope this make sense to you. Anyway, thanks again for spreading the knowledge.
@LetsTalkReligion 4 года назад
Great points! Thanks for sharing! I think it's very interesting how people choose to interpret the Quranic teachings without reference to ahadith.
@aroncopeland6381 4 года назад
Not happening. Every single Sunni Muslim scholar in existence declares quranists as disbelievers, which they are. There's consensus in the matter.
@MARSHALL247365 4 года назад
If your Quranist explain Surah Al Fil ( the elephant) for me in YOUR interpretation please ??
@anasm4496 4 года назад
Simple question. How do you do Ruku and Sujood in the Quran? The Prophet (SAW) warned us of you. Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (RA) said: "A man who rejects a hadith (which is authentic) is on the verge of doom".
@chompythebeast 2 года назад
@@aroncopeland6381 Sectarians don't get to tell people what others' faith is, no matter how many people within their sect may listen to them. There's no power of consensus of others that can take from someone their faith, no matter what power-hungry authorities or their groomed-to-be-narrow-minded flock think or want. Besides, Sunnis are not the only Muslims, anyway
@EagleEye1111 3 года назад
Those divided into sects has deviated so much from the Quran. You have now sunni and shia who have invented an idol, like imam Mahdi. If they only follow the Quran, they will be safe from idols or associations. It is only the word of God in there and true guidance.
@somonsomon8244 3 года назад
How is Mahdi an idol?
@EagleEye1111 3 года назад
@@somonsomon8244 He will fill the world with justice?! What does it sound
@somonsomon8244 3 года назад
@@EagleEye1111 That’s sounds good? How is that idolatry
@EagleEye1111 3 года назад
@@somonsomon8244 It sounds good, but it's a wishful thinking and creating a fake character with superpowers is a dangerous thing. If God wanted peace on earth, He would have send His angels and it have been done long ago, but since this life is a test, then do not expect someone to come until the Day of Judgement, when the matter is decided. That's why hadiths contradict the Quran.
@somonsomon8244 3 года назад
@Ryoshikari Mahdi is in authentic hadiths in the Sunni Hadith books Abu Dawud and Sunan Ibn Majah
@sedameansstrong 11 месяцев назад
I think we need to truly ponder on Islam vs. how muslims practise it, after all, the Qu'rans main topics include what Jewish and Christians did wrong. It all boils down to their cultural beliefs and whims becoming their priority over the revelations. And I see that happening with hadiths. And also it was a mistake that scholars took to much authority. Again: we have that problem in the Ummah. We should be terrified and extremely cautious as muslims to commit the same mistakes as jewish and christians, and the solution is to always get back to the Qu'ran, always refer to the Qu'ran first. I would go as far as to say, that if something remains unclear, to seek answers in the previous revelations of what could have been meant. If the Qu'ran says the Torah and Gospel and Psalms are legit in their original forms, and Allah calls its followers "the people of the book", then we have valid reason to refer to them. We do not have much of a reason to refer to hadiths though, except we could consider them as mere informations. I wouldn't go as far as to say "throw away all hadiths", but I would strictly distance myself from rules and claims in them, that are not specified in the Qu'ran. We do not live in the time of the Prophet (saw) and we cannot confirm that he ruled what hadiths claim that he ruled, if it isn't mentioned in the Qu'ran. And if I am not mistaken, hadiths are also what the Qu'ran warns us of. They are way to culture oriented and "authentic" or not, they terribly contradict.
@RayB432 10 месяцев назад
Theyve distorted the religion beyond recognition from its intended form. The manipulation isnt even subtle, its blunt. Just look at their belief regarding the black stone of Ka'ba - a circumvention marker - this stone has taken upon idolatry worship. The Shahada - declaration of Gods Oneness - has an "AND" in it, theyve associated the Prophet with Gods Oneness. The Quran says recite the Quran during prayer, they talk to Muhammad PBUH during prayer. Quran states the 4 Sacred Months are in sequential order and end at the end of the year (9,10,11,12) .... yup they messed this up too (11,12,1,7). Quran AND hadith makes it clear the Quran waa completely compiled as a Book during the Prophets time, theyve made abu bakr and usman their messenger and the Quran today is referred to as Usman Codex. The Quran states this Book contains no doubts, they invented qirats, ahrufs, goat ate verses, devil verses, stoning verses ect. Quran says the Words of your Lord are PERFECTED in Truth and Justice, none can change Gods Words .... they abrogated the verses for justification of hadith. Quran says do not divide into sects...well to them sunnism is not a sect. What haven't they screwed up? Their Islam is not Islam, its hadithism associating with Islam. Islam is Quran. The fact is they could not alter the Quran because God promised us Divine Protection of Quran so they invented hadith and tried to mess up the sanctity of Qurans preservation-goat ate verses ect. The Truth is still there, we're just left dealing with these dirty pagans running the narrative of representation. The manipulation is rampant even within the translations, i advise reading with multiple translations and translate verses yourself as much as posible. You'll be astonished at what you discover. They could not alter the Quran - that is all the conciliation and assurance i can provide and thats all you need!
@pixadavid 3 года назад
I suppose this is a similar division to that in Christianity between Tradition & Scripture vs 'sola scriptura'
@intrue5021 3 года назад
Are the same stupidity by humans... nothing else! There are more proof of this : ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ShaWeLvFjwk.html
@tesmith47 3 года назад
Yep, just like the protestant schism. Religion is such a waste of brain power
@anahata3478 2 года назад
Yes and just like protestantism, quranism is a complete anachronistic understanding of the holy scriptures
@ILOVEALLAH-dp6zm 2 года назад
With The Name of Allah, The Possibly Temporarily Merciful: Why did The Prophet not order to compile a book of hadith like Bukhari? Why did Abu Bakar not order to compile a book of hadith like Bukhari? Why did Umar not order to compile a book of hadith like Bukhari? Why did Uthman not order to compile a book of hadith like Bukhari? Why did Ali not order to compile a book of hadith like Bukhari? If the later hadiths are actually part of Islam then why did The Prophet and his four successive caliphs burn and bann all such hadiths during their rule, for over 200 years!? This is why: [The Quran 77:50] فباى حديث بعده يومنون [Translation] Then in which hadith after it (The Quran) are they believing? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- True Submission to The Most High is very different from the popular sects. Study these Quran verses for further insight: 6:112-116, 45:6-11, 12:111.
@derozaza 2 года назад
U are using your mind, this is very dangerous, the Sunni Schoolars will not like that!
@harrypotterfrancais383 2 года назад
@@derozaza the sunni is a Sataic fake religion created by Persians to corrupt the religion of God and his word. the hadith its the same as the jewish talmud both are fake
@ILOVEALLAH-dp6zm Год назад
@@derozaza tell them to eat my shorts. And that Al Masjid Al Haraam is actually in northern Arabia (seemingly in Petra), and that prostrating and praying towards the shirkbox (like bani Israel with the golden calf) is not based on the Quran! And 2:144 is not mentioning any ritual prayer to any set of stones. Rather, the stones they adore so much is mentioned in 2:24.
@XhamimAhmed 4 года назад
Please make video about history of all hadith and their authenticity. Now day it is a hot topic.
@LetsTalkReligion 4 года назад
I do talk about it a bit in this video and in the video on Shariah, but I might dedicate a whole video to it! Thank you!
@englishexpert1989 3 года назад
@Shoaib Sheikh + Learn English
@epidemicproductions5014 9 месяцев назад
​@@LetsTalkReligioncan you make it please
@samerfanari8874 3 года назад
I am Quranic , Hadith it’s absolutely different religion than what is in Quran! There is even ayah in Quran which forbids any to follow the what’s is written by men or what so call Hadith! Hadith means speech, or as the say what Mohamed have said ! There is ayah 5 of Surat al ghathia ( تلك آيات الله نتلوها عليك بالحق فبأي حديث بعد الله وآياته يؤمنون) this are the verses of allah , in which Hadith after it you come to believe!?
@Sarmaddubs 3 года назад
بارك الله فيك may allah bless you
@samerfanari8874 3 года назад
@@ihaveadream3321 scientifically confirmed!? Where!? 😁 Do you even know. Who wrote the Hadith? And when they wrote it ? Follow only Quran my friend, all what you need is inside the book of god not in books that’s written by people.
@samerfanari8874 3 года назад
@@ihaveadream3321 . These are the Ayât ( proofs, evidence, verses, lessons, revelations, etc. ) of Allâh, which We recite to you ( O Muhammad ( saas ) ) with truth. Then in which speech after Allâh and His Ayât will they believe? So I ask you my friend in which Hadith (speech) do you believe after Quran?! (16:89) (O Muhammad), warn them of the coming of a Day when We shall bring forth a witness against them from each community and We shall bring you forth as a witness against them all; (and it is for that purpose that) We sent down the Book to you which makes everything clear,86 and serves as a guidance and mercy and glad tidings to those who have submitted to Allah.87 Clearly allah says that’s in his book make everything clear!? So do allah lies and we can not find everything in his book so we need Hadith?!? But if you insist not to believe allah and you still want to follow the book of the men ! There is Hadith where the prophet says to his followers not to write his words saying: * * عن أبي سعيد الخدري رضي الله عنه قال: “قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (لا تكتبوا عني، ومن كتب عني غير القرآن فليمحه)” …الحديث [1]. * دخل زيد بن ثابت على معاوية فسأله عن حديث وأمر إنسانا أن يكتبه، فقال له زيد: “إن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أمرنا أن لا نكتب شيئا من حديثه”، فمحاه * But only if you can read Arabic my friend;)
@samerfanari8874 3 года назад
@@ihaveadream3321 do you know why god in Quran something say the messenger and sometimes say the prophet?! I guess you don’t? Do some research and find out the big deferent so from now on you think following the messenger means to follow what the people wrote;)
@samerfanari8874 3 года назад
@@ihaveadream3321 my friend, it’s clear that you don’t even know how to read Arabic and you think prophet have the same meaning as messenger! But you just like to argue on things you know nothing about! .
@TawsifEC 3 года назад
Great channel brother. Very nuanced and careful considerations.
@telecomcornertelecomcorner4037 3 года назад
@bilbobaggins3464 2 года назад
The problem is, to even understand Quran you need hadiths. Prophet Muhammad pbuh's life comes from hadiths. The explanations to how to perform the orders Allah gives us come from hadiths. So, we would know almost nothing about Prophet's life if we rule out hadiths, which makes understanding many parts of Quran impossible. Just make this practice, take the Quran, read it, try to understand its verses, try to practice what it orders you to do and try to do it without any explanation that is based on hadiths. It says to you give zakah. How much? Make salah. How? Make Hajj. How? Cut the hands of thieves? Like any thief, no details? That's absurd. And not just the orders and practices, but like I said, if you rule out Prophet Muhammad's life, you won't understand the context of many of these verses and what they are referring to. So although it might sound attractive, in practice not accepting hadiths creates a Quran which is impossible to follow and practice. Many people learn Islam in a way that many of its parts come from hadiths, then rule hadiths out and say "Only Quran" because they don't like some parts that come with hadiths. But if you reject all the hadiths, it simply makes an Islam full of holes. So it's just going the easy way, but not actually creating anything sensible and consistent imo. And you will find that all Quranists have vastly different understanding of Islam. Some say that salah (prayer) is not even a thing and is added, yet other Quranists pray salah and consider it obligatory. Because they don't have anything to explain Quran rather than their own conclusions, every person comes up with a different practice of Islam, which is simply impossible to apply together as muslims.
@Noeman2009 2 года назад
Shalah, zakah are known practices, you don't need Bukhari, Muslim, etc to understand how to pay zakah or shalah
@bilbobaggins3464 2 года назад
​@@Noeman2009 Complete BS. So, where do you get how to do salah? What you're saying is nothing but a cope out. You cannot build anything over it. Tell me, according to the method of "it's a known practice" what is your source for doing salah? Other muslims? Because those other muslims do it according to hadiths you know?
@ZZZ-xq9pk Месяц назад
I was a kid when I thought that hadith were kind of weird and contradictory to the idea of the quran. As i grew up and had a crisis in faith, i decided to read the quran in translation and came to the conclusion theres no way hadith should have the importance they are given. Started reading up about it, especially HOW they were compiled and heard of Quranist arguments against it. Its the main thing that kept me in the religion lol.
@ivanos_95 9 дней назад
Amongst all the Muslims, I've most respect for those Quranists, as the only one's who acknowledge the absurdity of the Hadith, and at least trying to prove their Quran as a self-sufficient or complete holy book, but unfortunately, the Hadithists are correct, so far as the Quran is a defective or incomplete book, which is fully dependent on supplementation from extra-canonical sources like the Hadith, since the Quran which we've today, is a very short and disorganized book, which not only lacks any tradition of authorship, or information about its potential authors, but more importantly, it's missing the context for most of its content, and the practical guidances, which are necessary for Islam, as an organized religion.
@asmirdzino7255 3 года назад
This Quran verse is enough: "This Quran is explanation for all things.." Hadith is only secondary and historicaly source, it don't have to be true.
@Gothead420 3 года назад
Only that it explains little out of reality...made up fairy Tales are quite useless, aren't they?
@ayhemshaban1504 2 года назад
@@Gothead420 It depends what you think reality is.. We believe in an all knowing being the limitless UNcreated creator of All.. so what could be out of reality (according to your standards) other than that very fact?
@Gothead420 2 года назад
@@ayhemshaban1504 Facts are proveable. The existence of any gods cannot be proven, and is therefore not a fact, but a belief. Believe all the fairy tales for grown ups that you like, I'm all for religious freedom. The holey _Quran_ is so full of contradictions and mistakes though, how could it come from an allknowing deity? Wouldn't an allpowerful deity be able to communicate better with us humans? 🤔
@ayhemshaban1504 2 года назад
@@Gothead420 I think you're confused between the bible and quran... The quran has NO contradictions (quran 4:82) nor mistakes... secondly, go and open the quran and read it first.. don't judge by what others tell you and open and read it yourself
@Gothead420 2 года назад
@@ayhemshaban1504 A simple research here on YT proves you wrong...🤷🏻‍♂️
@youssefb3599 4 года назад
I thank you very much for rising this issue for Muslims non living in Islamic countries, be it from Sunni or Chiaa. Hadiths were fabricated during the time of Muawiya after the assassination of the Imam Ali, to help the new king establish his power and legacy as a king and as a khalif. Muawiya was a genius and a strategist of his time, unfortunately, none of the companions was aware of him, including the imam Ali. He chose to be away from them and lived in Damascus from where he planned his way year after year since the death of the prophet. All the Khalifs have been assassinated (Omar, Othmane, Ali, and his son Hassan) and ahlu al-hadith in Sunni world did not ask and don't let Muslims ask about these murders and investigate them. If a president is assassinated, people must know who did and who is behind it. Muslims know little or nothing. The unique beneficiary was Muawiya. When settled on the throne, he encouraged hadith fabrication because he understood that he cannot destroy Islam completely. Few historian analyzed his life before and after Islam. He belongs to bani-Ummaya, the fierce enemy of the prophet and his religion since the beginning of Islam, but were submitted to Islam only by the sword after 20 years of wars, and all became Muslims only after the death of the prophet. Muawiya succeeded in his anti-Islamic revolution by excellence. He had and used christian counselors in Damascus and trained christian solders in his conquest. He learned from them how religion can be used to reign over people and was able to build an empire. He used both Christians and Muslims for his ambition, and used many hadith to achieve his goal. The Islam that we have now in Sunni countries is MUAWIYA'S VERSION edited in the time of al Abbasid. This does not mean that Chiaa have a total truth Islam or a cleaner version. According to the Quran, all Muslims now in all these groups are mushriks. See chapter ROOM (Romans) verses 30-32: You can challenge any sheikh in any group to call for unity of Muslim and open a dialogue. He will use 1000 hadiths to present excuses that the other is the problem. It is what with a fine precision the verse 32 in chpater room describes. May Allah end this with more open minded people.
@zastavabruva 4 года назад
Youssef B very interesting. Can you please tell me the source to back your claims about this MUAWIYAS scheme and where you read it? I’d like to learn more about it myself. Thanks in advance😊
@youssefb3599 4 года назад
@@zastavabruva Most of my resources are in Arabic yet. Some of them are translated. Try to find works of the historian Suhail zakar, (born 1936). He died recently unfortunately. You may find some videos in youtube about the subject related to the period after the death of the prophet(pbh). Another historian of religion is actually in prison in Saudi Arabia; Hassan Ben Farhan Almaliki (He discussed the subject with Zakar also. Adnane Ibrahim used the work of Hassan Almaliki and build his series of "Muawiya fi al mizane".
@zastavabruva 4 года назад
Youssef B alright thanks brother. And i speak and read Arabic btw :) so can you tell me your other resources in Arabic as well. Barak Allahu fik akhi
@youssefb3599 4 года назад
@@zastavabruva These are the most contemporaneous and methodologically up to date, i.e., using scientific and rational reasoning methods. You will find in them the old references. I am not a specialist. Good luck.
@syedmoiz2292 3 года назад
If you don't believe in the Hadith, then tell me, according to the Quran, how should you pray?
@firataytac1748 10 месяцев назад
As a former non-muslim I must say that if I had learned Islam from the hadiths and not from the Quran I would be an enemy of Islam. Supanallah God introduced me to the first Quran and now I am a Muslim
@CCP-Lies 11 месяцев назад
To hadith zealots, can you explain this? Hadith 2:256 says no compulsion in religion but sahih bukhari 8:387 says.....Narated By Anas bin Malik : Allah’s Apostle said, “I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: ‘None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.’ And if they say so, pray like our prayers, face our Qibla and slaughter as we slaughter, then their blood and property will be sacred to us and we will not interfere with them except legally and their reckoning will be with Allah.” Narrated Maimun ibn Siyah that he asked Anas bin Malik, “O Abu Hamza! What makes the life and property of a person sacred?” He replied, “Whoever says, ‘None has the right to be worshipped but Allah’, faces our Qibla during the prayers, prays like us and eats our slaughtered animal, then he is a Muslim, and has got the same rights and obligations as other Muslims have
@vincentalmojera5412 3 года назад
The Prophets pbuh farewell sermon. Muhammad pbuh said I leave behind me two things the Quran and The Sunnah and as long as you follow this you will never go astray.
@feevro 3 года назад
This Hadith has many different versions. The most reliable version is “ I lean behind me something they if you follow, you will never be misguided, the Book of God Quran”
@cozycritics 3 года назад
In this comment section you'll find a lot of pious Scholars that know everything about Islam yet not a single soul has contributed anything to the Ummah. May Allah Subhana Wata'ala have mercy on our souls and may Allah bless us with the companionship of our beloved Rasool pbuh and sahabas may Allah be pleased with them All.
@dlhussain81 3 года назад
You mean perwezis? May those who disregard the Sunnah of the beloved Prophet ‎صلى الله عليه وسلم get their dues
@dlhussain81 3 года назад
@dlhussain81 3 года назад
@Sania Haque Walaikum 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@simplicityistheultimatesop6571 3 года назад
@@dlhussain81 Hadith is not islam,s best friend.
@dlhussain81 3 года назад
@@simplicityistheultimatesop6571 I don’t think you know what you are talking about
@AAZinvicto 3 года назад
Nice video, please also make a video on four schools of Jurisprudence in Sunni Islam (Hanafi, Shafi'i, Maliki, Hanbali)
@asifpkmohammed9451 3 года назад
😅😅It won't be that easy for someone just browsing the Internet only.
@EessaTube Год назад
So, the Quranists are closer to the earliest Muslims and their practices. The 'traditionalist' approach came much later and could be referred to as a 'bida' [innovation].
@bhka6423 Год назад
Actually not. The Muslims back then went to Mohammed and asked him questions and he answered them. Therefore it’s not true that Quranists are like the early Muslims
@androshah365 3 года назад
I am a proud Quranist. Shall I seek other than God as a lawmaker when it is He who has brought down to you the Book fully detailed? 6:114 A Book (Quran) has been brought down to you, so let there be no constraint in your chest because of it, and so that you may warn with it. It is a Reminder for the believers. Follow what has been brought down to you from your Lord and do not follow any allies besides Him. Rarely do you remember! 7:2-3
@save_sudan_and_palestine 3 года назад
If that true, then what role of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)?
@ikbolzhonovych1239 3 года назад
@@save_sudan_and_palestine if you ever read the translation of the Quran(of course if you are not a native arabic speaker) ,you knew the answer.*The only mission of the messenger is delivering the Revelation*
@save_sudan_and_palestine 3 года назад
@@ikbolzhonovych1239 I know Arabic, his mission "delivering the mission" in what? read chapter 2 verse 151. also his mission to teach us the wisdom in which we don't know, this wisdom can be by his actions and his qualities in general the life of Prophet (pbuh) which recorded in Hadith and others is The Wisdom, and The Book is The Quran! and to be clear, I forgot other verse, but Allah use To (you) teach them... not To (we) teach them, may this seem the same, but it's not! that means that the teaching of The Prophet (pbuh) will be preserved too and the best and authentic sources of Sunnah of life of the Prophet (pbuh) is the Sahih Hadith! don't say Hadith aren't authentic You need to know that companions were ready to sell their wealth just for one hair of The Prophet (pbuh) these people who can do that, is easy to them to memorize their Prophet's sayings and these people taught their children what the Prophet say and like that until Bukhari and others came to record all known authentic hadiths in just one book! that's method called Tawator also the Holy Quran used Tawator to be preserved, so as I said and I repeat again, if your problem is in Tawator then you are ready to say Quran is not preserved too! According to me, Tawator is the best method to preserve anything said by someone without losing it! and that's why Quran is preserved 100%, and Sahih Hadiths are preserved 99%
@ikbolzhonovych1239 3 года назад
@@save_sudan_and_palestine *don't say hadith aren't authentic* hahaha I will say they are not authentic ahhaha. Ok,jokes aside.I maybe did not use proper translation because english is not my mother language. The Quran 5:99 The Messenger’s duty is only to deliver ˹the message˺. And Allah fully knows what you reveal and what you conceal. (Mustafa Khattab's translation). There is an example of a false hadith in sahih al bukhary: Sahih al Bukhary 6922 Narrated `Ikrima: Some Zanadiqa (atheists) were brought to `Ali and he burnt them. The news of this event, reached Ibn `Abbas who said, "If I had been in his place, I would not have burnt them, as Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) forbade it, saying, 'Do not punish anybody with Allah's punishment (fire).' I would have killed them according to the statement of Allah's Messenger (ﷺ), 'Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.'" This hadith contradicts with the Quran.In Surah Al-Baqara verse 256 God says :"there is no compulsion of religion*
@save_sudan_and_palestine 3 года назад
@@ikbolzhonovych1239 All people who know this Ayah very wel he will know that it says no one have authority to make you Muslim without a choice or being satisfied as a Muslim but that Hadith of The Prophet (pbuh) talks about who choose to leave Islam after he decided to be a Muslim both Hukms are different like Life and Death, how you can mix between both Hukms! Let me explain them word by word *The Ayah:* *No:* a word used for negation the coming sentence. *compulsion:* force someone to accept... *In:* a word to specify in what the No compulsion will happen *The Religion* Only Islam meant in this Ayah So The Ayah means: *Do not force the disbeliever to become a Muslim!* *The Hadith:* Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.'" *Whoever:* word means everyone *Changed his Islamic religion:* He was a Muslim but he become a Disbeliever *Then kill him:* what to do if he did that! so The Hadith means: *Whoever was a Muslim and he become a Disbeliever kill him!* see the difference: Ayah: *Become Muslim* Hadith: *Become Disbeliever* Conclusion: 1- so kill who become a Kafir after he accepted Islam! 2- and let him live if he didn't accepted Islam in his entire life! If you just come to give me this poor "contradiction" then don't reply me! Everyone who memorized both Hadith and Quran will tell you I don't see any atom of Contradiction between the two! and still who don't know Hadiths and Quran tell contradictions! in your logic, The Quran will contradict itself: explain me this "contradiction of your logic" [2:253] and [2:285] read two verses and explain how they *do not contradict themselves* If you can't, don't ask me about your misunderstandings!
@EcclesiastesLiker-py5ts 3 года назад
So this is what happens when Islam goes Sola Scriptura.
@c5quared626 3 года назад
@Timothy McCaskey ditto. The Latin nomenclature given connotes ignobility or rebellion I feel, is there a historical Roman context on that? Nevertheless I have not felt better after accepting this logical ideology and started linguistically getting into the Quran and finding how different it is from the traditional interpretations, many basic words have been misconstrued through history to the point where the modern lexicon has adapted to these misinterpretations.
@RedRiverMan 3 года назад
LOL!!!! I was thinking the same thing with my Catholic mind.
@user-k229 3 года назад
@@c5quared626 Totally agree. Many words have had there true Arabic meaning distorted when translated. Examples that come to mind: Salat, Sajdah and Malaikha.
@c5quared626 3 года назад
@@user-k229 those are staple words. many other words were used very sparingly. the persian scholarship who basically co opted the religion just guessed (by that time sahabas were killed off or died) then used fallacious hadith to back up theirs or their dad/teachers claims. Looking at the hadith today, it would be naive to accept them as canon. Most were obviously made up just to settle the argument of the current time.
@Ricky-oi3wv 3 года назад
The hadith recount the ministry of Mohammed, the Koran his revelation. Both are scripture. A comparison to the koranists would require a Christianity without the ministry of Christ. Which makes even less sense. The comparison with the vestigial practices of the Roman Church might better be found in the innovations and contrivances of the Muslim small sects, where tradition and novel belief have become part of the belief system, if indeed such crude comparison can ever be useful.
@MrBHallion 3 года назад
Lol! I didn't know that I was a Quranist!
@abduladil7332 3 года назад
@The Sufficient Qur'an Which Qirat of the Quran do you follow?
@Hamad56 3 года назад
How do you pray?
@taxevasion8946 3 года назад
Same. I am usually incredibly sceptical of the hadith. I get shit for it but I stand by it. Hadith can be easily manipulated for political gain. I'd rather trust the word of Allah (SWT) than something that can be manipulated so easily. I still agree with many hadith though.
@abduladil7332 3 года назад
@@taxevasion8946 how do you read the word of Allah? Which qirat do you follow?
@abduladil7332 3 года назад
@Shafin Saad same question for you?
@smirza860 3 года назад
Living in united kingdom as a muslim I donot see any problem in practicing muslim religion and at the same time conforming to the law of land. The modern Govts like uk are capable of defending the rights of individuals from cradle to grave. The law of the land including the justice system is very complex that's why it can take care of demands of modern complex issues. So why the same justice system as in uk cannot be duplicated in a Muslim country .
@zazugee 3 года назад
About Hassan Farhan Al-Maliki, i don't think he consider himself to be a pure Quranist, but in a sense yes he consider Quran to be supreme to Ahadiths, for example, his theories about how majority of early muslims were in fact hypocrites is derived from Quran and he consider that the abondonance of stories from ahadith, but not just the ones attributed to the prophet but also from his companions (and unlike the traditionalist sunnis who consider most companions to be infallible even tho theorically they don't but they practically treat them as saints ) those stories and naration have distored the original message of the Quran, so yes in this sense he argues same as Quranists but one distinction is that he don't throw all tradition out of the window, like extreme Quranists, he accept ahadiths that follow and agree with Quran
@j_sr3608 3 года назад
"consider most companions to be infallible" Yes, because 99% Muslims are only told what happened during prophet PBUH's life. The not so glorious history of 1st and 2nd fitna is completely ignored and history starts again at the end of 3rd fitna When Imam Hussain RA was assassinated. Apart from the messangers, everyone is fallible, make mistakes so you learn the difference between good and bad, that's the whole point IMO.
@naturalFun19 10 месяцев назад
Peace be upon you all. Hope you will deeply & sincerely reflect on below points with an open mind IA. 1) Throughout the Quran, we frequently see the reference to itself as "Al-Quran". Why then is there not a single place in the entire Quran where a secondary scripture or divine revelation called "As-Sunnah" (the Sunnah) or "Al-Hadith An-Nabawi" (the Prophetic Hadith) is likewise mentioned? Doesn't the Quran constantly claim that it is clear & straightforward? (6:116, 7:52). How then could God take the time to mention something as seemingly trivial as onions and lentils (2:61), and yet fail to clearly identify the most important source of guidance & revelation that all believers for all times are forever required to follow as religious guidance? 2) Why do the words "Hadith" and "Sunnah" nevertheless appear over and over again throughout the Quran, yet never ONCE refer to what traditional Muslims use them as? (as the inspired words & teachings of the Prophet). Not only this, but the words "Sunnah" and "Hadith" are in fact often used throughout the Quran in ways that refer to the supremacy & exclusive authority of Allah and the Quran's message itself, thus in almost a taunting manner towards what traditional Muslims would later come to believe about the "prophetic Hadith" and this idea of dual revelation' (see for example Q 77:50, 46:5,39:23 ). If there was actually a second scripture or revelation ordained by God called the 'Sunnah/Hadith', wouldn't this be extremely deceptive and misleading? 3) Why does the Quran constantly make mention of itself and it's perfect guidance, lack of contradictions, and promise of its preservation and so on, yet make NO such magnificent claims about the Sunnah if it is indeed a co-authoritative revelation of God to humanity? Wouldn't we at east expect that the Quran adds something like the phrase "'and the Sunnah" in these numerous verses where the Quran alone is uniquely mentioned as the supreme guidance & sacred revelation? 4) Why does the so-called Prophetic Sunnah (as supposedly codified in the Hadith) contradict the Quran in so many significant ways? For example, Sahih Hadiths tell is that the Prophet will be an intercessor on Judgement Day for those in his Ummah who committed MAJOR sins, whereas the Quran clearly states that anyone who commits major sins and fails to repent will be condemned to Hell, and will have no protector intercessor, or savior. How can these teachings be a "commentary" on the Quran (as virtually all sunni Muslim scholars position) when they blatantly contradict it? 5) Why do you say that the Sunnah (as supposedly preserved in the Hadith) is a commentary on the Quran, when we know that the Hadith is actually just a collection of isolated sayings and doings of the Prophet and his companions, with less than 1% actually being direct commentary on the Quran? How can one claim this especially when considering the massive disagreement amongst traditional sects and scholars when it comes to Hadith-based theology, as well as numerous clear & major contradictions between the Quran and Hadith as pointed out above? 6) Why does the Quran constantly make mention of the Torah and Gospel, as well as the Psalms and other revealed scriptures of God -and call these "guidance" and "beacons of light"--while no such honorable mention is ever made of the supposed second revelation that God allegedly sent down to the Prophet as the inspired Sunnah? How could God possibly fail to prioritize the divine identification of the Sunnah/ Hadith--which is supposedly INDISPENSABLE for understanding the Quran itself-and yet constantly make mention of the amazing wonder & authority of the previous scriptures & revelations, which we aren't even required to follow anymore? Once again, wouldn't this seem to be gravely misleading? 7) lf we got rid of the Quran and just kept all of the accepted Hadith, don't you think that the current religion of traditional Islam would still be perfectly intact? In other words, isn't the Hadith alone sufficient for nearly everything you need to practice traditional Islam in its current form? What then is the need for the Quran under this framework? What other essential use or practical value does the Quran actually provide that the Hadith cannot? In fact, isn't this why the Sunni Muslim scholars of the past were forced to admit the Quran is in more need of the Sunnah than the Sunnah is in need of the Quran"? 8) Why is there such a massive difference between the structure of the Quran (the codified words of God) and the structure of the Hadith (the alleged codified words of the Prophet) if they are both indeed co-equal legally-binding divine revelations brought down by God? For example, the Quran is preserved word-for-word, whereas the Hadith is mainly preserved meaning-to-meaning; the Quran is unique in style and incredibly easy to memorize & recite, whereas the Hadith is clearly human literature and was not made for easy memorization; the Quran has a set 'canon' that is more-or-less unanimously agreed upon and was transmitted as such, whereas the Hadith consists of thousands of disjointed unrelated reports that had to be individually collected and vigorously authenticated using human-devised methods thousands of disjointed unrelated reports that had to be individually collected and authenticated using human-devised methods of verification; and the list goes on. If both the Quran and the Sunnah were equally divine revelations of God, why is this the case? Yet isn't this EXACTLY what one would expect if people falsely attributed a human work of literature as being divine revelation alongside God's true word? 9) lf you were to hand a copy of the Quran to an unbiased stranger who spoke fluent classical Arabic, and had them read the Quran for the first time, from beginning to end, and with no other source of information would they come back to you confused and puzzled, and be asking you for the secondary scripture & co-divine revelation called the "Prophetic Sunnah & Hadith" that they were allegedly supposed to read about in the Quran? 10) The Quran mentions that the Jinn (the beings of the unseen realm; the parallel creation to us human beings) can actually hear the Quran being recited and follow it as such (Quran 72:1); thus we learn that the Quran is even a source of guidance for Jinn themselves. Therefore, is it required for the Jinn to follow the Sunnah & Hadith? If not, why not? But if so, how so? What model do you propose for such a thing to work? 11) We already know and agree that the previous generations before us who were given scripture & prophethood by Allah (SWT) went far astray and added all sorts of falsehoods and fake traditions to their religion, including the Talmud of the Jews (who also interestingly claim that it contains ancient traditions of Moses passed down as commentary on the Torah) as well as the writings of Paul & the early Church fathers, whom Christians have essentially given precedence over Jesus' own words and have thereby begun to worship the Trinity and hold other serious false beliefs, that can even lead one to eternal damnation on Judgement Day. With this (frightening) reality in mind, shouldn't we be worry that WE too might also have gone astray from the pure teachings of God in the Quran? Wouldn't be utterly foolish and careless of us to ignore the warnings of Allah (SWT) about the historical corruptions & fabrications of the people of divine Scripture before us, and thus fail to consider that we too might be deviating from the right path just as they once did?...Indeed, when Prophet Moses left his people for just 40 days to meet with God, he came back to find them committing no less than the most heinous & atrocious sin of worshipping a carved idol, even after they had seen all that God did for them in Egypt. That was 10 DAYS; what then do you think of the Prophet's followers after 1,400 years? 12) Finally, what WOULD the Quran actually have to say for you to accept that it is the only revelation brought down from God to the Prophet? The Quran already says countless times that it is clear & lucid, sufficient for guidance, detailed & self-explanatory, unmatched & supreme, and perfectly preserved--so what else could the Quran possibly say for you to realize that it is indeed what it claims to be, and that no other scriptures or revelations are mandated on us to follow? Peace!
@user-zy7fs4ho7e Год назад
Hadiths were written 250 years after Muhammeds death. There are 700.000 hadiths compiled. Only 6k are considered as sahih. In this 6k hadiths, a lot of them contradict each other and the Quran. Allah says in the Quran that it's easy to understand, complete and enough.
@JollyRogerTheDodger 7 месяцев назад
🙋‍♂️ I follow the Quran alone.
@abdulHaqqqq 7 месяцев назад
Follow Quran and Hadith
@kafaaquora-es3dr 6 месяцев назад
​@@abdulHaqqqq why should us? in the holy Qur'an surah Az-Zumar (39) chapter 23, God says that the Quran is ahsanal hadith (the best hadith). and in other surahs (7:185, 45:6, 77:50) God asks us: in what hadith after the Quran will we believe?
@abdulHaqqqq 6 месяцев назад
@@kafaaquora-es3dr Yeah the Quran is the best hadith no doubt but It's the words of Allah. The sunnah are the sayings and the teachings of the prophet pbuh so we must obey both as the Quran tells us (Quran 4:59). You reason to reject the sunnah is invalid so i suggest you go get sahih bukhari and start taking benefits from it
@kafaaquora-es3dr 6 месяцев назад
​@@abdulHaqqqq In the Quran 4:59, God tells us to follow God's messenger, not Prophet Muhammad, you should know the difference between prophet and messenger. God's messenger has delivered the Qur'an, so we must follow the Qur'an. Shahih Bukhari is not from God's messenger, it's from Bukhari, the content can be true or false, treat it as a historical note, and filter it with the Qur'an as Al-Furqan. Why do you think my reason for rejecting hadith (other than the Qur'an) is invalid? I don't see benefits from accepting Shahih Bukhari, it contains many contradictions with other hadith and even with the Qur'an.
@abdulHaqqqq 6 месяцев назад
@@kafaaquora-es3dr You you don't follow prophet muhamad is that what your saying?
@revelation333 3 года назад
According to Quran, no Muslim should believe in any other Hadith after the Quran as a law and order of God. Al-Jasiyah 45:6 تِلْكَ ءَايَٰتُ ٱللَّهِ نَتْلُوهَا عَلَيْكَ بِٱلْحَقِّۖ فَبِأَىِّ حَدِيثٍۭ بَعْدَ ٱللَّهِ وَءَايَٰتِهِۦ يُؤْمِنُونَ These are the verses of Allah which We recite to you in truth. Then in what statement after Allah and His verses will they believe?
@torikahmed6708 3 года назад
I become Quranist after studying the verse 89 of Chapter 16
@munib1000 2 года назад
Beautiful verse, I like verse 90 following it too.
@munib1000 2 года назад
@@user-lf3fz4kk1u You realise that message is for those people of the time, not us. We don't have any living prophets in our time, we only have the last prophets only miracle which was the Quran and most people don't even read it in their own language - truly a sad state to be in for Muslims. The Quran is Allah's word as a strict guide for mankind yet we have Muslims that will take hearsay of human chains of narrations about the prophet over the Quran. If you ask any regular person about their belief it will be a mixture of culture and hadiths hardly any will come from the Quran. I myself have had this fault thinking its words of Allah but were culture passed down from my parents.
@munib1000 2 года назад
@@user-lf3fz4kk1u No offense taken. I watched the video it's the same scholarly narrative but can we trust the words of humans i.e the people around the prophet, how do we know the prophet said those things without him confirming today those 100,000 hadiths are true and genuine. We can safely rely on the Quran because it's been the protected words of Allah (15:9). Please try to understand the chains of narrations and how these sayings are passed down are all human transmissions we can't rely on humans to give us deen meaning taking human narrative on religion over Allah is foolish and will end you up in hell. The prophet was warned against speaking about anything apart from the Quran read Surah 69 verses 40 - 52 - this was a grave warning not to allow hearsay and narrations get into religion but here we are 1400 years later.
@lol-xs9wz 5 месяцев назад
What I find contradictory is that many Sunni Muslims say that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was just a human but at the same time he was perfect. This never made sense to me he has always been just a messanger.
@janvanwelvaart8334 6 месяцев назад
Fun thing: Imam Abu Hanifa could be considered as "Quranist" in early Islam period. Abu Hanifa is known for his Qur'an knowledge and his ra'y. If we traced back some literatures came from ahl-al-Hadith scholars, we find so many negative comments towards Abu Hanifa's ra'y (e.g. Sufyan al-Thawri, Yahya ibn Ma'in, even Ahmad ibn Hanbal). And we also find his funny critics about hadiths (I recommend you to read "Tarikh Baghdad" by al-Khatib al-Baghdadi for deep information about this). And we also find a book which was written by himself called "Al-'Alim wa al-Muta'alim", in which this book contains so many masa'ils (quests) and how he solves these masa'ils based on only Qur'an. But Imam Abu Hanifa now is considered as imam of sunna. We can sort 3 reasons: 1. Because his legal decisions are not very contradictory to sunna traditions. But just to remember, his legal decisions is not because he relied on hadiths. It comes from his ra'ys and his Quranic problem solvings. 2. Imam al-Shafi'i wrote so many praises to Imam Abu Hanifa. Even though he criticized Hanifite schools, but he considered Abu Hanifa wasn't totally wrong about his legal decisions. 3. So many Abu Hanifa's pupils/disciples/followers fabricated so many riwayas claiming that Abu Hanifa's has positive attitude towards hadith and athar. One of later Hanifite scholar, Al-Shaibani, which had close relations to traditional schools during the end of Hanifite influence in ahl al-Ra'y, quoted so many fabricated Abu Hanifa's riwayas that claim Abu Hanifa has positive attitude towards hadith and athar. One of riwaya is well-known in the circle of Sunni scholars, that Abu Hanifa said: "I will not decide anything before an athar comes to me". Based on this historical fact, I considered Abu Hanifa's idea as "Proto-Quranism".
@Spadegaming321 6 месяцев назад
Too much yapping
@janvanwelvaart8334 6 месяцев назад
@@Spadegaming321 You can check by yourself
@Spadegaming321 6 месяцев назад
Then how did Abu Hanifa tell us to pray salah? This is the same thing sufis do, Ibn Taymiyah destroyed all their ideologies but he praised 1 or 2 Sufis in his lifetime so sufis today call him a sufi And now you are calling Abi Hanifa a Quranist 💀
@janvanwelvaart8334 6 месяцев назад
@@Spadegaming321 You should not compare Abu Hanifa's Quranism thinking with modern Quranists today. Do you realize that Salah itself has variations in the hadiths. What you know today about Salah is a fiqh elaborations and fixed consensus centuries after centuries. But, in the time of Abu Hanifa, it was debatable. So many ways of Muslims praying. Abu Hanifa lived in Kufah. Do you know, that Abu Ishaq al-Sabi'i (prominent Tabi'in for Sunni) lived in Kufah, and he has mosque there namely the Mosque of Abu Ishaq. He has so many pupils/disciples, and guess what. He has Shiite pupils there. He then established one of his Shiite pupil as imam salah for Sunnis and Shiites. If you read fiqh today, it's haram to be ma'mun (leaded salah) by Shiite imam. But back then, it was normal for Shiite and Sunni pray/salah together in one mosque and be imamed by Shiite. By this reason (and many other reasons which I can't tell you one by one, you must search classical kitabs by early Muslim scholars), historians put salah as something more diverse in the early Islam period and there was no consensus about how to salah as we have today.
@Spadegaming321 6 месяцев назад
@@janvanwelvaart8334 no, the shias during the time of the salafs prayed like we do but the Farsis corrupted their book and changed their way.
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