
Who Should Be Allowed to Buy a 3D Printer? 

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29 сен 2024




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@Atownforevilones 11 месяцев назад
As someone who got a 3d printer mostly to do 3d2a "stuff", I can tell you there's a huge community around designing "stuff". And a lot of it has gotten really sophisticated. I'm always amazed how smart some of these people are, not to mention they're always ahead of the game. Also, since it's legal in a lot of the US, there's a ton of business's popping up that cater to 3d printed needs. It's definitely a case of the cat being out of the bag. They really should just focus on dealing with actual criminals doing crime vs casting a wider net and turning previously law abiding citizens into criminals.
@SudoYETI 11 месяцев назад
Also as they pointed out, if it's banned in NY, you could just drive over to New Jersey and buy a printer there instead. This also works for other stuff like guns and booze.
@quillclock 11 месяцев назад
and weed NJ has legal weed now ;D@@SudoYETI
@99EKjohn 11 месяцев назад
​@@SudoYETIthat actually is illegal to do with guns. Out of state transfers have to go through an FFL according to federal law. 3d printers won't have that federal legislation backing it. Alcohol is legal to transport across states legally, as long as you don't sell it without paying the proper taxes. So you're mostly right, but guns were a bad example.
@toddoverholt4556 11 месяцев назад
This has been happening since the Reagan era. In an attempt to stop "crime" they just make more and more things illegal.
@theinsfrijonds 11 месяцев назад
Is 3d2a like DVDA? 🎉
@randomuserame 11 месяцев назад
You can terminate someone with their own hands, Are they gonna ban hands? Typical for that side of the line... always going after the symptom and not the cause.
@scagmo_au 11 месяцев назад
Even as an Australian, I know that most New York legislation is a fucking joke.
@chloedevereaux1801 11 месяцев назад
i still have my original 1988 print out of BHU'S cookbook......... printed on my amiga 500 with 24pin dot matrix ......
@vidsurfer0725 11 месяцев назад
The kicker, is that you can buy bullets and mechanical parts of a gun in with no background check.
@shadowreaperjb 10 месяцев назад
All this would do is prevent a convict from entering a hobby that might actually help them find a career after prison
@SDWNJ 11 месяцев назад
“Zip guns” used to be made from car antennas.
@conorstewart2214 11 месяцев назад
So what about milling machines and lathes? They can be used to make proper, fully functional, metal guns, even machine guns, why aren’t they being talked about in the same way? This is what happens when politicians have no knowledge of the subject, no common sense and really shouldn’t be in charge.
@mgtworld 11 месяцев назад
in murica is easier to just buy a gun instead of a 3d printer.....
@ChrisR2020 10 месяцев назад
Did everyone just forget that lathes and milling machines exist when the 3D printer hit the market? I can do the same thing with a cheap chinese lathe for about $700... nobody has ever once tried to legislate those... The main thing people use 3D printers for is pirating Game's Workshop plastic and making their DnD campaigns more exciting.
@budsprinting 11 месяцев назад
I feel like if somebody couldn't get a printer in their own state they will just go to another state.
@GuyMahoney 11 месяцев назад
You wouldn't 3D print a car, so why would you 3D print a gun?
@campbellwalls6720 11 месяцев назад
New York definitely isn't small it's oddly shaped so you can drive to the border of pa from 1/3 of the state in a few hours but going from furthest point to point in the state it's probably a good 10 hour drive. Now Rhode Island, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Vermont, or Delaware, they're all small. New York is the 27th largest state in the us. Hey at least we use all our land. You can go to the middle of nowhere in almost any state and find a house or something.
@markv9 11 месяцев назад
But no background check for actual guns??
@majorfallacy5926 11 месяцев назад
Historically they made guns from leather
@kilroywashere9343 11 месяцев назад
Philip Luty likely would’ve had a few words to add to this conversation
@hummel6364 11 месяцев назад
If I remember correctly that list of banned firearms actually had an AirSoft rifle on it because they didn't realize it was just a "toy" because it looked like an M4. They just saw the picture, wrote down the name, and went to the next picture.
@Clone895 11 месяцев назад
Wouldn't surprise me... There's a guy in Australia who realized that his single-shot Nerf pistol met the legal requirements for a firearm and went through the trouble of registering it with a serial number just to show how stupid their gun laws are. Also the ATF in the US tried claiming that airsoft weapons could be "readily converted" into real weapons and that a shoelace can be considered a machinegun. It is truly incredible how stupid some of these laws and opinions are
@ryanhamstra49 11 месяцев назад
Every gun list of what is banned is “it scares me” look at ar-15 compared to a mini-14. Literally the same gun as far as how it works, just one is black and plastic.
@harbl99 11 месяцев назад
@@ryanhamstra49 It's like the /k/ meme of the same Remington hunting rifle done in wood vs. tacticooled black with rails and gadgets. One is "Aw, what a cute varmint gun. My grandpa had one of those", the other is "No one outside the army needs a weapon of war!" (edit: Remington, not Ruger)
@johnschwalb 11 месяцев назад
@@harbl99 I have a better example. The Sutherland Springs Church shooting doesn't get much reporting. This is because not only was it stopped by a good guy with a gun the man was an NRA firearms instructor. The media can not report that not only a good guy with a gun but an NRA instructor stopped a mass shooting. In the little reporting of the shooting the shooters fire arm was labeled as an ar15 and the good guy with a gun stopped him with a hunting rifle. The hunting rifle was also an ar15. They then began to claim he didn't stop the shooting, even though victims' who survived said the shooter was standing above them setting up the kill shot on them when their savvier began shooting at the shooter, pulling his attention off of them and saving their lives. The shooter also had notes of multiple of targets and when he fled the seen he was heading to another church. This shooting is ignored by gun control activists because it disproves all of their claims.
@Danspy501st 11 месяцев назад
@@Clone895 And yet, ATF havent made sure to ban something like a flintlock pistol or a cannon (Like on a ship from the age of sail) because reasons. I would argue that they are firearms as well. Heck after the Shinzo Abe assassination, then there had been a youtuber (Or someone on youtube rather. Not sure if we can call him youtuber) that has paper on to be able to make firearm, was able to make the same type of firearm used in the assassination. All with things that could be brought from a hardware store. Even the "gun powder" itself. I dont think the video is up, but it just shows that everyone can make a weapon out of something
@Riley8425 11 месяцев назад
I love how Linus is so engrained in the tech world that he accidentally said 2FA instead of 2A lol
@jungletek 11 месяцев назад
I thought a very similar thing, and it's funny that neither of them caught it.
@wta1518 7 месяцев назад
2nd Famendment
@berkertaskiran 2 месяца назад
I thought Americans always said it in full length. Never ever heard of 2A. Is that a video game company? Lol.
@albnoel 2 месяца назад
Nah he said it right. It’s not the second amendment. It’s “THE FUCKING SECOND AMENDMENT “
@Pearforce 11 месяцев назад
It only gets more ridiculous when you realize 3d printers can be built with off the shelf parts…
@Nexalian_Gamer 11 месяцев назад
Watch them start requiring background checks just to enter any hardware store
@bloodlove93 11 месяцев назад
careful, one day you'll need a background check for quite literally everything aside from getting into and living in this country(usa)
@johnbarrera7998 11 месяцев назад
​@@Nexalian_Gamersshhh don't give them any ideas...😂
@thomashenden71 11 месяцев назад
Well, let’s ban shelves then… 😂
@frankroquemore4946 11 месяцев назад
Thank god for open source
@Valcuda 11 месяцев назад
I wouldn't be surprised if this is meant to be anti-right to repair. 3D printers let you print replacement parts, allowing you to repair something. Obviously, banning them outright would be impossible, but limiting them, even a small bit, is still a success in their eyes.
@jadedandbitter 11 месяцев назад
Its definitely about control.
@GRBSnatch 11 месяцев назад
It’s about guns. It’s always about guns.
@jadedandbitter 11 месяцев назад
@@GRBSnatch no, this is more than that. Its distributed competition to corporations, and we can't have that.
@randomuserame 11 месяцев назад
Absolutely it is. But also 3D printing is precursor technology for the eventual production of prosthetics. And the medical industrial complex simply can't have you making prosthetics for 12.99 when they want you buying theirs for $63,474.64 before interest.
@tylersmith7534 10 месяцев назад
I think it's just new york. That state is seriously anti-gun.
@TheLexikitty 11 месяцев назад
One of the reasons I left NY was some of their wild out of touch laws. Knives were ridiculously regulated and you have to show ID for whipped cream. I’m a 2A supported and this is bonkers.
@TheMsdos25 11 месяцев назад
ID for whipped cream?
@Nexalian_Gamer 11 месяцев назад
In case someone decides to convert one into into a vial holder and smuggle dino DNA out of a secret lab on an island@@TheMsdos25
@firefly9838 11 месяцев назад
What free state did you move to if you don't mind me asking? (Not a stalker just curious on moving trends)
@joz534 11 месяцев назад
@@TheMsdos25 They banned canisters of Nitrous Oxide from being sold to people under 21, not the cream itself. It just so happens that cans of whipped cream also very technically count as canisters of n2o, even if you can't get high on it. Some places interpreted it as banning of whipped cream dispensers. When law makers realised it was going on they got pissed and made clarifications to the law to fix that. It's less a tale of goverment overreach in controlling population and more in how innefective the burocracy in NY is.
@allanwidner9276 11 месяцев назад
@@TheMsdos25 Huffing, IIRC.
@jormungand72 11 месяцев назад
Brandon Herrrera did a great video on the Abe assassination. The pipe gun that the shooter made was a double barrel blunderbuss that had an electronic (piezo electric quartz crystal) igniton. It was made with a 2x4, and some metal pipe and loaded with ball bearings if I remember right. and the gunpowder I believe was also home made from the 3 ingredients that we pretty much all know are combined into gunpowder. mythbusters made but never aired an episode where they mixed 3 of the most common household cleaners into one of the most violent chemical explosions that exist. two of these ingredients make chloroform. two of them make chloramine. two of them make tear gas. yet we arent allowed to talk about any of these mixtures despite the dangers they pose and the countless people who die every year because they dont know better and think that they are "mixing cleaners to make a better cleaner"
@killertruth186 11 месяцев назад
And the gunpowder can be completely untraceable. Which you can home make all of the "ingredients". But for the fact that RU-vid (aka Google) and government is still trying to censor of how to make gun powder is still beyond human reasoning.
@dtibor5903 11 месяцев назад
​@@killertruth186but how to make a nuclear fission bomb is reallly well documented and shared online...
@killertruth186 11 месяцев назад
@@dtibor5903 Must’ve been ease of access.
@ShadowWolf2508plays 11 месяцев назад
​@@dtibor5903if you dig deep enough, yeah probably
@ric270 11 месяцев назад
​@@killertruth186i mean you can find gunpowder guides all over RU-vid, mostly old videos but they are still up, but like Brandon Herrera found out a while ago, RU-vid is getting a bit stricter with new videos
@dahliagamer1537 11 месяцев назад
I live in NY and bought two new 3d printers just because they threatened to give me a hard time about buying one. I completely agree that this form of legislation brings nothing but bad PR.
@Clone895 11 месяцев назад
California is doing something similar with 3d printers, CNC machines, and other similar machines. Wait until they find out the Luty exists
@Sofia-qr6rg 11 месяцев назад
Fun fact: you can literally make your own 3d printer out of generally available parts
@randomuserame 11 месяцев назад
They don't care about PR, they care about putting in their rules designed to take away your freedoms, autonomy, or independence. They're only 1-2 generations away from nobody realizing there was a world where none of this was even remotely thinkable. UNLESS you fight against it AND tell your children why it's important and why they should too. Not doing that second part is them playing "the long game" and eventually winning. Oh and if you're not having children you should. They aren't because they're worried about "climate," which means your kids will replace them AND grow up to replace their policies too.... if you teach them right.
@kielhawkins9529 Месяц назад
@@Sofia-qr6rg Voron FTW
@Kirbythediver 11 месяцев назад
Suppressors are a good example of something that makes it safer for the operator but is banned or NFA
@ric270 11 месяцев назад
Same with braces
@Kirbythediver 11 месяцев назад
@@ric270 yes lol
@KingConcho 11 месяцев назад
Dont forget a lot of democrat run areas ban BODY ARMOR. Literally something that protects you and causes no harm and they want you to not be able to have it
@orppranator5230 Месяц назад
Body armor
@Kirbythediver Месяц назад
@@orppranator5230 not banned or NFA. You can have that stuff mailed to your door.
@ZeroSuitSamo 11 месяцев назад
The gun used to kill Abe actually used an electronic ignition system. Since it was a muzzle loader design, no firing pin is needed. I've also saw on FW a recovered gun that some criminal in Africa iirc (poachers i think?) made, it was a muzzle loading hand gun where a spent 50 BMG shell was the barrel, and they even use crushed up match heads as the powder. If people want to make a gun, they are going to make a gun. It is completely infeasible to try and completely stop it. The list of things you would have to ban would be immeasurable
@cheeeeezewizzz 10 месяцев назад
A guy recently pioneered making guns out of nothing but capacitors.
@cburn-YT 2 месяца назад
BIT old but you should probably specify which Abe, Shinzo Abe, Abe Lincoln to avoid any confusion
@ruth1642 11 месяцев назад
Honestly reminds me of the story of my friend who went into a shop to buy children's craft glue. The glue is sold here as being safe for very young kids to use and is used in schools. Issue was my friend did not take ID with them. Hence she could not buy it since she could not prove she was older than 16, even though she obviously looked not only over 16 but old enough to have older kids herself. So yeah a product which is aimed to be given to kids to use cannot be bought unless you have ID proving you are an adult due to laws saying glue can only be bought by people over 16. I can see the same principle applying here.
@cirelesten 6 месяцев назад
That's when you do the money on the counter "keep the change" and walk out with it.
@AshAshAshAshAshAshAshAshAshAsh 11 месяцев назад
Under no pretext should this be done. The cobra effect comes to mind too, “I have to wait to buy these because a gun could be printed?……I can print a gun?….. ima print one” like tf
@katanah3195 5 месяцев назад
Oh, this screams cobra effect.
@jackieAZ 3 месяца назад
“Under no pretext” heh I see what you did there
@RAYNE0912 11 месяцев назад
That crossing the state line part is so true. Growing up in Iowa I remember crossing the border to Missouri to buy fireworks around the fourth of July due to sale restrictions in Iowa. There are fireworks stands right at the border, it's not even a pull a tarp over them issue, the state trooper sitting at the border the catch speeders for the highway speed limit change, watches you buy them and bring them back because it's a sale restriction and not a possession restriction, and that's literal explosives, not very powerful but still.
@Bob_Smith19 11 месяцев назад
It enough of them and put the powder in a sealed container that can hold pressure and……boom.
@NikkyElso 11 месяцев назад
To be fair, Bullets are also literal explosives that you can buy with no restrictions
@GSBarlev 11 месяцев назад
I'm 💯 in favor of anyone wanting to buy a 3D printer having to first complete an Anger Management seminar. Because _goddamn_ those coping skills will come in handy when a knot in your filament spool borks your print in Hour 95 of a four-day print.
@australobuchia 11 месяцев назад
Anger management course to use any printer seems pretty reasonable, let alone a 3D printer 😂
@portlyoldman 11 месяцев назад
You definitely have a point here 😂
@bobbylittle6996 11 месяцев назад
Anything over a hammer and a skill saw has it's moments. I guess, I must be a glutton for punishment.
@australobuchia 11 месяцев назад
@@bobbylittle6996 As are we all 🤣
@superslimanoniem4712 Месяц назад
Argh I'm mad just thinking about the possibility 😂
@martinperry1843 11 месяцев назад
You can make a gun out of $3 worth of pipes and a nail. The hardest part to obtain is the shotgun cartridge. There was a guy who built dozens of them and handed them in to a police gun amnesty where they gave a $30 gift card for every gun donated.
@termgrecos3451 11 месяцев назад
You can 3d print that or literally use a dollar bill. Shotgun cartridges used to be made of paper A dollar bill with quarters turns it into a slug. Not difficult in the slightest.
@martinperry1843 11 месяцев назад
@@termgrecos3451 I meant the explosive part of the shotgun shell not the paper part.
@termgrecos3451 11 месяцев назад
@@martinperry1843 Even that is not that difficult. Just time consuming.
@CajunReaper95 11 месяцев назад
@@martinperry1843primer? Or powder??
@martinperry1843 11 месяцев назад
@@CajunReaper95 either way it's harder to obtain that a piece of pipe and a nail. Even if you live somewhere that sells gunpowder in gallon jugs, it's still the hardest part to obtain in a homemade shotgun, not the pipes, not the nail and definitely not the paper coating.
@angelemmanuelperezmuniz1474 11 месяцев назад
The first time I saw a machine that turns plastic into filament was to reuse support material of 3D printed objects. That way nothing gets wasted. Seeing junk turned into 3D printed stuff fills me with great joy.
@the_omg3242 11 месяцев назад
Let's not forget that with most newer 3D printers, it's becoming increasingly common for them not to connect to a computer and you have to use a USB stick to transfer files to the printer. The only REAL way to safeguard the children is to also require a background check to buy or posses a USB flashdrive.
@1320crusier 11 месяцев назад
And plastics, computers, and basically everything related. But these are Democrats.. its what they do.
@oliverlane9716 11 месяцев назад
Look at Luty. In the UK out of protest he designed a sub machine gun that you could build with ordinary hardware components and basic tools and ability. The weapon is pretty effective (there’s a few videos on RU-vid demonstrating them). The UK government however persecuted the heck out of him.
@ninjaskitches 11 месяцев назад
They already tried to stop certain things from 3D printing by the slicers recognizing the shape of the item and not turning on the extruder. 1 line of code changed and it was bypassed
@apersonontheinternet8006 11 месяцев назад
Ignore slicers, use CAD.
@ImNotActuallyChristian 11 месяцев назад
you still need slicers to actually print my man@@apersonontheinternet8006
@cpu_1292 11 месяцев назад
​@apersonontheinternet8006 you need a slicer to use a printer. Cad is for designing the part, slicing is for processing the parts into gcode.
@apersonontheinternet8006 10 месяцев назад
@@cpu_1292 I guess technically Fusion 360 has a slicer integrated into the software, so my statement is misguided.
@yammyamm8480 11 месяцев назад
The thing with 3D-printing guns is, that it's perceived as easy and accessible. It obviously isn't just downloading a file and printing it, but the lawmakers don't get that. By the time you've sanded, finished, built and reinforced it (including all extra parts you basically need), you've spent more time and craftsmanship to create a worse product, than with any other method. And you're probably blow off your own hand by the 4th shot. (So way before you could hurt anyone) Oh yeah, you of course still need to get your hands on bullets too...
@lawtubeclips9670 11 месяцев назад
I like to see people who've never looked into the 3d2a community talk like they know what's up. Sure there's lots of work to have a good printer setup but once it's dialed in you can easily hit print and have minimal post processing. Then assemble the firearm and you're off to the races with the ability to go 100's to 1000's of rounds
@Ebalosus 11 месяцев назад
@@lawtubeclips9670I know right? It’s wild how so many people still think that the Liberator is still the be-all and end-all of 3DP guns. The FGC-9 was released back in 2020, and even it’s considered somewhat passé today.
@GSBarlev 11 месяцев назад
​@@lawtubeclips9670Can we take a second to appreciate how Linus called them "2FA" die-hards? Like, I can't remember whether Luke has taken a stand on Yubikeys or TOTP-based authenticators, but it doesn't really seem germane to the current discussion.
@ChucksSEADnDEAD 11 месяцев назад
Ehhhh it's more repeatable and faster than any other method.
@SpecialEDy 11 месяцев назад
I own 67 guns, and I own a 3D printer. It's a lot harder than people make it out to be. You need steel parts. It'd be far easier for me to go buy some pipe from the hardware store and build a $20 slamfire shotgun, than a working 3D printed gun.
@isaaclopez3161 11 месяцев назад
FGC 9 is an example of a relatively complex, repeating 9mm carbine made from only 3D printed parts, hardware store components, and if you want to take the easy route, unregulated firearms parts for the trigger pack, but they can be replaced with handmade parts too.
@poodlescone9700 11 месяцев назад
Just watch NY require background checks for filament purchases. The whole point of these laws is about control. It was never about public safety.
@dariusz.9119 11 месяцев назад
It's a part of legally getting more people on watch lists and be able to have their data in any data center, not only some CIA data servers
@Smokinjoewhite 11 месяцев назад
You can build a 3d printer from off the shelf parts that you can find in any hardware and electronics store, even if they completely banned printers they could still be easily made by anyone with any experience building them.
@Sofia-qr6rg 11 месяцев назад
That’s exactly what I was thinking (and the printer is really good too, for eg, Voron)
@IndorilNerevar 11 месяцев назад
I remember making one with cd drives back in the day
@mbpaintballa 11 месяцев назад
Fun fact about the ban on hunting rifles they mentioned is that Laser Guider Anti Tank missiles are listed as well. Our government actually thought that ATGM's were legal.
@mattthemouse1 11 месяцев назад
_sigh_ Canada used to be so cool…
@jimmyscott5144 11 месяцев назад
I love that you can print and upgrade an existing gun but can't really make one to last. Print a scope adaptor so a scope you like works with your gun, or a grip or fast mag swap. Like you guys said it is hard to print a gun to last because they just can't take the stress.
@jango9534 11 месяцев назад
Google the fgc9
@ChucksSEADnDEAD 11 месяцев назад
You really wouldn't want a printed scope adapter because aluminum just works better, and several designs go past the 1000 round mark.
@jimmyscott5144 11 месяцев назад
@@ChucksSEADnDEAD I didn't know this.
@Bpinator 11 месяцев назад
You can totally print a gun that lasts, the 3d printed firearms technology has rapidly developed over the past couple years
@BusinessWolf1 10 месяцев назад
The ORCA disagrees. The FGC-9 too.
@xznmusic 11 месяцев назад
The problem all lawmakers never seem to understand is that bad people get real firearms easily on the black market all of the time.
@godsamongmen8003 11 месяцев назад
The title made me raise an eyebrow. If 3D printers become illegal, or restricted, I'll gladly join up with any group that wants to openly defy the law.
@iulic9833 11 месяцев назад
Wow the future is so cool! I just get so excited when I think about having to wait 30 business days, and pass multiple psychological tests in order to be able to purchase my kitchen knife set ( as it is a weapon, and can be used for violence! ). Hopefully they ban lighters, screwdrivers and sharp toothpicks next!
@brockrhoades2382 11 месяцев назад
It would be vastly easier to buy a gun illegally than to print one
@cookie-sama5652 11 месяцев назад
Next they'll be trying to control the parts you would need to build a Voron. The hoops you'll have to jump through just to print your D&D terrain and minis in the future will be wild.
@poison64yt 11 месяцев назад
This legislation is pretty much the only thing that made me think "i wonder if I can easily download a gun STL". Never crossed my mind before :)
@OneIdeaTooMany 11 месяцев назад
The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a 3D printer, is a good guy with a 3D printer.
@wwabbd1987 11 месяцев назад
This segment is one step short of Linus telling you to go to home Depot and build a pipe pistol. What a time to be alive
@jungletek 11 месяцев назад
Cyber guns in my dystopia? Awesome!
@crowe6961 11 месяцев назад
@@jungletek If we can crack solid-state battery tech, which seems to be coming pretty soon, railguns and coilguns might become more than an experimental curiosity. And good luck regulating those, they have less moving parts than a firearm.
@PotatMasterRace 11 месяцев назад
Even in NY it is probably easier *and cheaper* to get an actual illegal firearm than to bother with getting a decent 3D printer and learn the basic how to 3D print a "weapon". With a lil bit of luck you probably can drive all the way from Texas to NY with a trunkful of rifles and ammo without being stopped by the police even once... :D
@Premium-Content 11 месяцев назад
3D printers are one of the easiest things to build. They literally came from the diy community
@kokofan50 11 месяцев назад
I want to see them require a background check to buy plumbing parts. With a few basic machine tools, it’s not hard to make a full-auto, open bolt machine gun.
@DianosAbael 11 месяцев назад
Fun fact: high end prints with industrial grade materials are usually self assembled from shelves parts with optional cnc made parts.
@streamdungeon5166 11 месяцев назад
What are they going to do next? Ban people from having hands because they might use them for rude gestures towards politicians?
@AmaraTheBarbarian 11 месяцев назад
"it's got all kinds of instructions on how to do things with fuel, I used gaslighting" absolutely dead. Something you could become if you follow instructions from the "anarchist cookbook". But also in all seriousness there have been books printed on how to make guns with a trip to the hardware store long before the invention of 3D printers, Philip Luty is rolling in his grave RN. Aside from that making your own guns in the states is legal so far as the completed firearm doesn't run afoul of some other law; i.e. you can't legally make a machine gun without the proper licensing because machineguns made after 1986 aren't legal for the general population to own, but a shotgun rifle or pistol are fair game so long as they comply with all other federal state and local laws.
@baggszilla 11 месяцев назад
Us FPV drone pilots and builders we use 3D Printers for our camera mounts and antenna mounts. Also for protection of the carbon fiber frame!
@raptormonkey253 11 месяцев назад
If we're doing state measuring contests just look at Western Australia, I think we win, just ignore the fact pretty much all of it is uninhabited 😂
@jayden7945 11 месяцев назад
the purpose is lawmakers can look like theyre doing something while actually doing nothing
@Clone895 11 месяцев назад
This is true for at least 75% of all gun laws
@darkflux 11 месяцев назад
they should make background checks required for purchasing ANY computer, since ANY computer could be used for hacking...totally makes sense.
@Juice1984 11 месяцев назад
Would CNC machines be considered subtractive 3D printers?
@jlGenozzV 11 месяцев назад
More like 3D printers are additive CNC machines
@orppranator5230 Месяц назад
Would airplanes be considered flying cars?
@R3_dacted0 11 месяцев назад
Just want to point out that _murder_ is already illegal. Just in case anyone wasn't quite aware of that little tidbit of information. Killing another person = big no-no. So..... any additional laws that outlaw murdering people in specific ways or with specific tools is completely and utterly redundant.
@redo1122 11 месяцев назад
BTW most 3D printers have designs available for free online and the simplest models can be made out of scraps and some electronics
@GabrielM01 11 месяцев назад
Gun laws are not about security. its about control, thats why it doesnt makes sense
@AvaByNight 11 месяцев назад
in 2016 I trained for security work here in germany, so a bit before the 3d printing rage. "hidden weapons" were an topic too. there were people appariently who build one shot "guns" in cigarette packages decades ago and appariently it ain't even that hard. if people want to build their own guns, they will do it, 3d printing or not.
@Jake-bt3fc 11 месяцев назад
All weapons should be "hidden" If you're not hiding it then you're brandishing it.
@AvaByNight 11 месяцев назад
@@Jake-bt3fc I very much prefer it, when they don't hide them - this way there are no evil suprises and i can (from an "Im at work"-perspectvie) just call the cops on them for illegaly carryeng a weapon. again, germany. so guns are very rare and highly illegal to just carry around with you willy-nilly when you want to buy some gas or something
@Jake-bt3fc 11 месяцев назад
@@Callsign_Sturm Concealed carry is the only sensible option unless you intentionally want to be conspicuous and draw attention to yourself and make yourself the obvious first target of the bad guy who is always going to get the drop on you because you're carrying for self defense and he's attacking.
@Kougrafighter 11 месяцев назад
“It’s got all kinds of instructions for how to do things with fuel, I used gaslighting” too good.
@DarthZombie510 11 месяцев назад
My opposition to this kind of law is simple: it assumes from the start that all citizens are potential criminals, and they have to prove themselves to the authorities. Morally, it's something I can never stomach, and unfortunately this thought procesd is the basis for a lot of laws out there. As far as to who might lobby for this, I can point out at firearm manufacturers. They certainly aren't pleased at the perspective of people potentally making their own guns fast and easy. Of course it's funny considering how far away we are from making viable guns, but the potential is there.
@whoeverofhowevermany 11 месяцев назад
This is just people in power trying to limit the scope of competition. The people who can't get normal jobs because of prejudice could use 3d printers to make goods to sell, and this move is against that happening.
@Allmondboy 11 месяцев назад
It's frustrating to see how politicians can completely miss the mark when it comes to addressing real issues. Requiring background checks for 3D printer purchases is definitely not going to help at all with the gun problem, given that those with malicious intent can easily access firearms through more cost-effective means than acquiring a 3D printer and materials. It's not only a clear example of politicians failing to grasp the actual problems at hand, but it also feels like they are putting forth proposals just to give the appearance of taking action while they're in reality, playing around in office and collecting paychecks without making any substantial impact on the issues
@phoenixr6811 11 месяцев назад
That is an interesting one it does seem they are picking and choosing what they considered a weapon and what is not. If that is the case anyone with a camera with or without video capability and access to editing software can be considered a weapon too.🤔 I know it’s a reach but some think that misinformation can be a threat too using this tools.
@shadow105720 11 месяцев назад
You have a camera on that phone? What are you planning oncmaking CP? Straight to jail.
@carboncopy4183 11 месяцев назад
​@@shadow105720 and the computer owners? Straight to gulag.
@Clone895 11 месяцев назад
@@shadow105720 I mean the state does a good job of protecting Epstein's clients, so you might be good. If you put a naughty piece of plastic on your gun however....
@JustinAlexander1976 11 месяцев назад
The Next Layer (youtube & podcast) had a really good coverage of this. Basically at this stage, it's non-trivial to make, but the tools are now a CHEAP printer, basic filament, and stuff from the local hardware store.
@robster7787 11 месяцев назад
The irony is that there are at least two microcenters in New York iirc. One is in Yonkers, and the other is in Manhattan. Both are brick n mortar shop havens for 3D printing.
@josephsmith601 11 месяцев назад
I just bought a 3d printer for this very reason, I felt like a possible ban or restrictions were around the corner, so its crazy to see this video. Thank for the info 👍👍👍
@mikeyjohnson5888 11 месяцев назад
The state of 3d printed guns is really impressive these days. There are 3d printed jigs to make a metal barrel arbitrarily. Theres some really impressive fully functional prints of things that are basically a commercial firearm.
@wandererstraining 11 месяцев назад
Politicians who know nothing virtue signaling to constituents whom a sizeable part doesn't know enough either. Trudeau's long list of firearms ban is just virtue signaling, and I do think that more people see it than not. I see it as a reminder to get my license before it's too late, and to get myself an IWI Tavor in .308 (although, I don't know if I want to give any money to Israel, even indirectly, but the Tavor is probably the best large caliber semi-auto a Canadian can get). That strap-on shotgun sounds pretty interesting, too, but I'd look for a semi-auto 12 gauge first.
@BallisticTech 11 месяцев назад
I keep seeing this being reported as if its a law thats likely to be passed and supported by a lot of lawmakers. From further reading this seems to be written and backed by a single representative. It seems unlikely it would ever get passed.
@bjohns3961 11 месяцев назад
Ban kitchen knives. Ban long metal objects. Ban glass. Ban sticks, ban sports equipment, ban speaking, ban thinking
@zaca211 11 месяцев назад
This could completely kill 3D printing in New York state. Stores would just stop selling them and online retailers would stop shipping to New York. But by this logic, we need to ban milling machines, lathes, steel pipe, etc.. Also, when printed correctly, a 3D printed Glock 19 Gen 3 can last well over 1000 rounds.
@NDM100 11 месяцев назад
Better ban drill presses, lathes, any form of CNC machinery, simple household nails, any type of steel piping, compost bins, charcoal, basically any household cleaner, and almost every form of garden fertilizer as well... They're all much more practical and much more dangerous than a 3D printer. Especially the fertilizer.
@lucaslothbrook5388 11 месяцев назад
I dont need to watch. Everyone!!!!! Should be able to own any 3d printer, desktop mill, etc. Saying no violates my core beliefs on a very personal level. That is literal freedom from corporations to build anything you can. If Linus disagrees. I might jump on the GN bandwagon out of princible.
@beangames6679 11 месяцев назад
I don't disagree but I also don't agree. From my own experience in how easy it can be to make a very deadly weapon without even using firearm parts and instead using compressed air. So personal I think deadly weapons can definitely be made easily on a printer without any after market parts. But but this logic almost all tools and machines should also be banned, e.g. lathe, drill press and so on. So it seems like they are trying to ban the tool instead of the user. Like I said I agree and disagree, BC ik if a bad person had access to what I've build and could build it could be bad. FBI please don't raid my house, much love xxx.(for legal reasons I have never made anything bad in my life. I only print frogs and slugs). Anywayyssssss
@carsonhorstmann 11 месяцев назад
To answer the question of who lobbied for this: no one. This is a result of American politics. Basically because New York City is pretty much only democratic, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, the politicians need issues to use as campaign ads. In order to make themselves seem like they are making a difference they must have issues they promote and because they are democrat is had to be something like this. Because of our two party system, things in America usually only go in the direction of more radical even if it means more stupidity. Might be hard to understand when your not from our terrible political system. Hope this helps!!
@GoldenTV3 10 месяцев назад
Church: We will be able to control what is written Printing Press: Allow me to introduce myself State: We will be able to control who has guns 3D Printer & Cheaper CNC machines: Allow me to introduce myself
@harrylenon9594 11 месяцев назад
i think the funniest part about this, is its not even a GOOD way to make a gun. sure you CAN, but why bother when you can just buy some metal pipe from the local hardware store, which will have a significantly lower chance of blowing up in your face. also 3d printers are also extremely easy to make, they going to ban stepper motors and aluminum extrusion as well?
@352vagrant 11 месяцев назад
Is this about "gun safety" or is it about cornering the 3d printing market for the highest bidding company? It wouldn't be the first time they let the general public/hobbyist perfect a manufacturing process and then legislate it to where only big corporations could afford to do it be it through expensive bonds, laws/prison time, or regulations/taxes.
@ErtsenPlayGames 11 месяцев назад
Does they know you can make almost anything without 3d printers etc .... even build 3d printer from any electronic trash,hotglue etc 😂😂😂😂 i build my first one from few pieces of wood , hot glue and old ink printer ...and it 3d printed me parts for next better 3d printer😂😂😂
@604cpr 11 месяцев назад
2:18 The entire argument of gun control. People who want guns will have them. It doesn't matter if they're smuggled OEM, 3D printed, made in a machine shop, or completely homemade with hand tools. The genie can't be put back in the bottle at this point.
@damnnamethieves 11 месяцев назад
as our society becomes ever more digital and tech oriented, it is going to become increasingly imperative that we elect legislators who are tech literate or, at the very least, understand that they aren't tech literate and employ tech advisors on staff who can explain to them why things like this are utterly pointless wastes of time. Even a chip in the printer to prevent printing gun parts is a non starter. Voron builds are a thing. People will go buy the aluminum extrusions and various bits and bobs and build their own 3d printers, and they'll just use off the shelf single board computers and breakout boards for the stepper controls and open source firmware to bypass any such restrictions. This does nothing but impede complete 3d printer sales.
@wardrakephoenix6102 11 месяцев назад
6:00 This is what every 2nd amendment supporter has been saying. These "laws" don't protect anyone nor help anyone except for criminals (the ones known for not caring about what the law says).😂 welcome to the free thinkers' side.🎉
@turboprint3d 11 месяцев назад
Lol i have a cnc mill people worried about plastic stuff just wait till u see what my 4 axis cnc mill can do
@veleriphon 11 месяцев назад
As an American, I'll apologize for us letting our elected officials rewrite laws drastically in their own favor. I.e.: term limits, compensation, etc., etc. ...
@thimblemunch24 11 месяцев назад
Someone should remind them the big current home 3d printer companies are all in China. Also you can just make a 3d printer with some motors, rails, etc. It's not hard. They can't just ban motors to.
@kirill2525 11 месяцев назад
loll they actually had a kickstarter or something for a 3D printer that would suposibly recognise gun blueprints and not print them. also like making guns is in our second amendment. i knew they would try to do this and i jiked about it. i guess the next step is requiering a construction lisence to enter home depot
@simplegamerz9485 11 месяцев назад
Here’s the thing get the printers that can print the gun right are just as much as getting a gun at the black market and so criminals would do that not putting in the work to get it working right when they can get a real one instead and the reason why they want to ban printed guns is because of ghost guns but 98% of ghost guns are gun that don’t have a serial number and that’s what we should be worried about not printed guns that explode or miss fire or jam on your first 100 shots until you figure out your settings to make it able to shot a couple shots in a row
@Fuerwahrhalunke 11 месяцев назад
For anyone interested; Get the printer now. These people are crazy and will ban anything to strip you of your basic human right to protect yourself. I would go one step further; buy everything you need to protect yourself today rather than tomorrow.
@OneLiterPeter 11 месяцев назад
This law shows just how dumb legislators are. Everyone should be able to buy a 3D Printer. People that print illegal things on their printer should be held accountable.
@honkhonkler7732 11 месяцев назад
Anybody who wants a 3D printer should have one. Anyone who wants to make a ghost gun should be able. NY is a clown show. God bless PA Luty.
@getjinxed7354 11 месяцев назад
Welcome to states with strict gun laws in US. Make laws that are the most restrictive and annoying to everyday law abiding while doing least possible to stop gun crime
@bwselectronic 10 месяцев назад
Britain has drop boxes for people zo turn in their kitchen knives. They just don't get it. Prosecute the crimes, don't let them loose.
@rickkarrer8370 11 месяцев назад
3D printer AI: “Sorry cosplayer, you can’t 3D print that Han Solo blaster, it looks like a weapon to me”.
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