
Why all your classes should be sealed by default in C# 

Nick Chapsas
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Hello everybody I'm Nick and in this video I will explain why you should be sealing all your C# classes by default. We will take a look at the functional aspect of the sealing feature and then take a look at the performance as well.
Link to analyzer issue: github.com/dotnet/runtime/iss...
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@MHjort9 Год назад
These kinds of easy optimization tips is my favorite type of content from you Nick. Making the world a more informed place, 0.2239ns at a time
@davidparker5530 Год назад
This doesn't make any sense 0.2239ns is essentially the time it takes to execute a single clock cycle on a 4Ghz processor. That's hardly enough time to even execute the return instruction. Aside from the suspicious benchmark numbers, all this optimization boils down to is removing the indirect call of looking up a virtual function address in the classes vtable and replacing it with a direct call instruction. At that point just make the method static / create a free function and you get the same effect.
@anderskehlet4196 Год назад
@@davidparker5530 - we have instance members for a reason. Getting the performance of static without changing the code seems like a good deal.
@davidparker5530 Год назад
@@anderskehlet4196 "performance" will be relative and YMMV. If you have a function that does some heavy computation, the overhead of a call vs indirect call won't matter at all (we're talking about a ns or two savings...). It makes no sense to just blindly seal all your classes for "performance". Take any real class that does something useful and seal it and measure how you get no real world performance benefit from it, this whole video is just a contrived example with a poor benchmarking setup.
@RiversJ Год назад
@davidparker5530 That's a bit short sighted in my opinion, obviously in the grand scheme of things one shouldn't chase tiny improvements, but the relative difference is key here, if you implement this in all hotpaths in the application the change is rather dramatic and you won't even need a benchmarker to see itz you can see it with your own wet eyes. There are lots of places where C# is applied and Is performance sensitive. Try what happens when you're iterating stays in the teens of thousands with sealed vs open, it's huge for very tiny effort. Just write one more word!
@weekendrobot Год назад
I hate this advice because I have managed to fix so many broken framework and library classes over the years by using inheritance. And entire avenue of bug fixing possibilities are quickly disappearing. These classes are not intended to be inherited and extended and these fixes are brittle but at least they're possible. I'd rather be able to work around an issue today and fix my workaround tomorrow than just be stuck.
@TehGM 2 месяца назад
I tend to say: a good quality of a library developer is to be aware that you might not think of what is needed NOW, but end users might come up with different ideas. I like this advice for non-library projects. It's like free gains, and you can always change it in your project. But a good library author will allow users to extend it however they see fit.
@pakvg85 2 месяца назад
totally agree. this approach will make libraries unrepairable in the future.
@stephaniewallace311 Год назад
Praise from a random viewer: I’m very much a reader, and if I expect an article and land on a video, I’ve already hit the back button. Your videos are not only excellent enough to transcend my prejudices, but to provide some income with perks as well. Many thanks from an internet stranger for your fantastic work.
@mattshu Год назад
I’m so the opposite and wish that could change lol (regarding the first part. love these videos)
@cyex4311 Год назад
New coder here. What I took away was “sealing classes not meant for inheritance = better performance”.
@JosifovGjorgi Год назад
Like every advice from every "guru", sealed classes in every language are usable in small number of use-cases. If you can't inherit a class then every framework that is depending on proxy design pattern (for creating "sugar" classes) will fail and the list of frameworks is very large RestControllers, ORMs, DI etc. And why those framework will fail ? Because all of them depend on proxy design pattern, which can be implemented in three ways 1. as a pair (interface and class) or 2. as inheritance of the class annotated with metainformation. 3. provide factory methods for every sealed class, that will be use by the frameworks (mostly use in DI) If you are using sealed then you must 1 or 3 This means every seal class needs to have "dummy" interface in order for the framework A to create "the sugar" sealed class or factory method Congratulations, instead of one "sugar" class A, know you have sealed one "sugar" class A + dummy interface IA / factory method and your code base is now twice as big. Don't get me started on ORMs, there is a high change that the amount of SQL generation will be double or you will wonder why ORM always generates insert statements. But this is just the software developer perspective From library POV - in order to fight sealed word, the libraries have to provide compiler hooks and now instead of Microsoft or your fav language company you have to wait 3-rd party company to fix your compiler bugs Classes shouldn't be sealed by default, because they are almost always useless
@nickchapsas Год назад
Everything you said can be done with interfaces and composition in C# :)
@JosifovGjorgi Год назад
@@nickchapsas yes However, if project with unsealed classes has 1000 classes then project with sealed classes will be at least 2000 classes And that is the price to pay for using sealed keyword by default
@hichaeretaqua Год назад
I solved this issue a long time ago by changing the class template in ReSharper/Rider to internal sealed. My goal was not to improve performance, but to not accidently exposing a API I don't indent to expose. It's nice to see that the performance is also benefiting from it.
@rezataba6204 Год назад
@Cameo221 Год назад
This is an awesome idea. I shall also do this too.
@micmacha Год назад
As a frequent C programmer, one of the things I appreciate about C# is the ability to throw an OOP concept or trope like garbage collection overboard. There's definitely a place for them, but if I'm doing something like DSP it can be a performance factor of over a thousand just to clean up after myself instead (unchecked, unsafe), and work with buffers directly. So, I appreciate the occasional "do we always need this" introspection from the C# team.
@Krilllind Год назад
In a comment I made on one of your previous videos, I mentioned the preferred "composition over inheritance" pattern and got so much pushback. Glad to see you mentioning this as well!
@jimread2354 Год назад
Wow! I had no idea the performance difference that existed between. I'm really glad I watched this!
@Chainerlt Год назад
I've been using c# as my main horse for over a decade, even wrote transpilers to IL and still learned something new today, thanks!
@SilasPeters Год назад
I love the little Hello World eastereggs! Such a personal touch
@vdrasutis Год назад
Nice and short as always, great video
@briansandberg8229 Год назад
You'd think the runtime could handle this. The jitter knows if any classes inherit from this one, and if additional assemblies are loaded at runtime then the affected code could be re-jitted.
@ZintomV1 11 месяцев назад
It probably wouldn't be a good idea to run this at JIT due to the performance impact of that analysis. Much better to evaluate at compile-time and seal all classes without members that inherit them.
@smathlax 3 месяца назад
​@@ZintomV1 You can't evaluate that at compile time because you don't know if an external assembly is inheriting from that class.
@fixgn 6 месяцев назад
Thank you for this video. I enjoy videos about the performance and features of C#. By the way, I wanted to mention that in .NET 8 (I tested it on .NET 8.0.101), there are no significant changes in performance when running methods and changing arrays to spans. However, other cases still show the same performance differences. This means that it’s still important to seal your classes in .NET 8.
@robertotumini395 Год назад
Probably your best advice until now. Thanks!
@madcroc111 Год назад
Sealed can be very annoying too. Like when you want to modify third parties code. Extend it and modify one function you want. With composition you cannot input it into functions that take the original class, only that take an interface, so you have to copy all the functions too that take or depend on original class.
@ashlar64 Год назад
Exactly....it's happened to me a few times.
@MoireFly Год назад
That's a feature, not a bug. You're going to be doing that so so much more rarely than actually working on a normal class. Allowing instance means that normal code now needs to maintain invariants even in the face of fairly hard to predict code replacement. Your subclass needs to be tightly coupled with the base class, and needs to understand what the actual class internal api is, because if the base class ever changes anything, you're likely to encounter all those hidden assumption on a bug report. The effort of rarely copying a few method declarations is so much smaller than the effort of dealing with unnecessarily flexible code, especially if anyone was ever so unwise as to abuse that flexibility. Inheritance as a form of method interception is a recipe for unmaintainable spaghetti code.
@davemasters Год назад
Well you learn something new everyday! Thanks Nick
@silentdebugger Год назад
I jumped in hoping for a great performance boost after sealing ~1800 classes in my project. Perf increased by 0.3% overall. So kind of a mixed bag... Ah well, thanks for covering the fundamentals
@PhilippLenssen Год назад
Wouldn't the compiler optimization already know which classes aren't ever inherited in the project, thus quasi-seal them for the build?
@Gioandgoose 7 месяцев назад
I like the numeric values you use as examples.
@thomasschroter3802 Год назад
Yeah! Since I played along with Kotlin some years ago, I got used to sealing all my classes in c#. It is not only a question of performance but, first of all, good an robust design of my code.
@eduardpopescu9109 Год назад
I totally agree with this, and I was thinking maybe change the New Class template that Visual Studio uses to create sealed classes?
@peymannaji Год назад
Absolutely love this video. Thanks a lot for this video.
@saddamhossaindotnet Год назад
Loved it. Thank for sharing!!!
@AbhinavKulshreshtha Год назад
As a kotlin dev, I really like the sealed nature of language, But coming from Java/C# background, I used to have a mindset that classes should allow for inheritance. I used to think that just encapsulation means a lot of objects running around in memory. It took me a while, a good mentor, and a lot of performance benchmarks to realize the runtime benefits far exceeds the memory overhead, and also that a badly designed inheritance will actually consume more memory than encapsulating multiple objects. Great video as always. I really love all the benchmarks numbers that you show to validate your tips.
@fr3ddyfr3sh Год назад
Badly designed inheritance has a ton of disadvantages, strong coupling, hard to understand, hard to maintain. Sometimes impossible to refactor, because 20 different inherited classes are strongly coupled, and minor changes, can lead to subtle (but devastating) behaviour changes. In 90% of the cases: Prefer composition over inheritance
@ExpensivePizza Год назад
@@fr3ddyfr3sh Absolutely agree that you should prefer composition over inheritance in 90% of cases. The only problem with this mantra is that most people don't understand the other 10% of cases.
@MrMatthewLayton Год назад
Totally agree. Having been a Kotlin developer for the past few years, I've learned to appreciate sealed (or final) by default, and now I apply it as a matter of habit to C# projects. Whilst .NET doesn't implement sealed by default for classes, it does for structs, which is why you can't extend them. If you look at the IL for a struct, you'll notice they're marked sealed, and as .NET has no mechanism to 'unseal' a type, you simply can't extend them. The other thing that would be nice is if C# had a language-level equivalent of Kotlin's 'sealed' (which is not the same as C#'s sealed), where you can create an abstraction that is only intended to be implemented within the same assembly. You can achieve this however by using internal constructors, so that it's not possible for extension beyond the current assembly.
@anm3037 Год назад
Thank you Nick. You just made me christmas
@Havie Год назад
Always wondered about this , thanks!
@adiazwise Год назад
Excellent article Nick thanks , I wonder if this apply for records too.
@Andrei-gt7pw Год назад
There should be a setting which instructs the compiler to make all classes in a project sealed if they are not inherited. Could be usefull when you don't plan to roll out your code as a reusable library, which is most often the case.
@thebigstach919 Год назад
Wish someone from development team could say something about this idea.
@julkiewicz Год назад
Probably easier to write a simple post-processing tool in something like Mono.Cecil to do that. You have to consider that in C# it is possible to load DLLs dynamically. Something might get extended in a different compilation unit, the existing tools haven't been designed for this case. But it's maybe a 100 lines in Mono.Cecil to make such a change.
@TheJochance Год назад
@@julkiewicz Yup. Late binding very likely goes right to the heart of why there is a performance benefit to doing this. Apparently someone else has tested this and says virtual is the kicker, sealed/unsealed otherwise won't matter.
@rodionsabbath9722 Год назад
thanks Nick, great information.
@joevm3 Год назад
Thank you for your videos. This is very useful for me.
@Andruuid Год назад
The Microsoft Documentation from April 2022 says: DO NOT seal classes without having a good reason to do so. "Sealing a class because you cannot think of an extensibility scenario is not a good reason. Framework users like to inherit from classes for various non-obvious reasons, like adding convenience members. See Unsealed Classes for examples of non-obvious reasons users want to inherit from a type. ..." Also Mocking is a Problem.... thoughts?
@nickchapsas Год назад
I clearly disagree with that as well as many developers in the C# and .NET team. You can clearly see that MS themselves don't follow that rule. Docs advice is designed to be beginner friendly. There are tons of advice in there I disagree with.
@Andruuid Год назад
@@nickchapsas Ok Thanks!, I actually think the same
@paulkoopmans4620 Год назад
You do have an option to 'extend' sealed classes. You can do it with extension methods! The same article you are referring to though also ends with: "Portions (C) 2005, 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved." and comes out of a book "Framework Design Guidelines: Conventions, Idioms, and Patterns for Reusable .NET Libraries, 2nd Edition", Published Oct 22, 2008. We are back to that since 2000 to 2010.... the developer landscape has changed significantly and this is just one of many 'viewpoints' that have changed/shifted. There is definitely a big issues too with not sealing your types. Because it implicitly means that you as a developer, especially if you write a library, would have to put a lot of defensive code in to ensure that outside users implement the types different or wrong. Personally I also favour using extension methods even on types that are inheritable if possible of course. If I just need to add a helper, like addind an AddRange() or some display or factory method or something. Rather then to deal with the inheritance and having to implement then everything the thing needs to have. I always have to think back to one time I had to do it, having to add a helper to a certain type. I had to do it by inheritance but due to other bad design practices by the api designer, I was forced to implement 30 other methods.
@bass-tones Год назад
@@paulkoopmans4620 Extension methods currently have a ton of limitations though. For example, you cannot do something as basic as adding a property to a class using extension methods. Yes perhaps this is eventually coming but it’s probably at least 2 years out from being included in the language.
@paulkoopmans4620 Год назад
@@bass-tones Yes I understand that extension methods are only able to do anything with the object by using its public interface. The name 'extension method' is a bit deceiving and I realize I am actually not 'extending'. The class does not change by creating extension methods. A sealed class though, which this topic is all about, will never be able to get any extension whatsoever, but at least you can add some helpers like maybe an AddRange() method that calls the single Add() method provided by the library. Or maybe a Search() or ToEnumerable(). This is also still where encapsulation might also help you out, IF and ONLY IF the designer of a library actually has done it properly and depends on interfaces. If you ever wrote an external facing api (not webapi, but as a library I mean) then you know why you would try to make pretty much everything internal and the stuff that is public you very likely want to seal. The actual classes, from a library perspective, that NEED TO BE extendible by inheritance as the only option in order to be useful to the user, is probably near zero. Sealing your classes and guarantee yourself that your classes do 'exactly' what you expect them to do far outweighs the pain, risk and cumbersomeness that you would have to add if you leave your classes open for inheritance and your code consuming then would have to have all kinds of defensive code and checks in them.
@debtpeon Год назад
This is not a "design flaw". This is a historical artifact of object oriented languages where classes are designed to be inherited by default. This also permit classes in libraries to be extended. Clearly over the years there's been a move away from object orientation with better methodologies of extending features. C# was based on Java and other OO languages at the time.
@rauberhotzenplotz7722 Год назад
Hmm, inheritable by default, but methods not virtual by default.
@matthewwood4756 Год назад
@@rauberhotzenplotz7722 - “encapsulation” is still one the 3 benefits of OO though….that’s one of the points of inheriting non-virtual methods.
@timseguine2 Год назад
@@matthewwood4756 You can accomplish pretty much anything that is achievable with inheritance with composition instead, and it is usually more flexible, cleaner, and separates concerns better without sacrificing encapsulation.
@matthewwood4756 Год назад
@@timseguine2 - I’m not necessarily disagreeing with you, but using true OO principles of multiple inheritance, the same can easily be achieved that more readily/accurately “models” real-world problems/designs/solutions. “Composition” is the answer/pattern that has naturally evolved due the mainstream implementation/acceptance of single-inheritance languages/compilers.
@timseguine2 Год назад
​@@matthewwood4756 No. Classical OO often confuses the object hierarchies' isA relationship with the isA relationship of the thing they are modelling. These aren't in general the same relationship from a mathematical standpoint, so it doesn't make sense to model them like they are the same thing. The argument against inheritance comes historically from the Liskov Subsitution Principle and has absolutely nothing to do with single versus mutiple inheritance languages. Or put more charitably, you are reversing cause and effect Yes in languages with single inheritance there is additional motivation to favor composition over inheritance, but that was partially the motivation for them deciding to force single inheritance in the first place.
@timseguine2 Год назад
I usually always avoid implementation inheritance. So I have been doing this for a while. And even the general rule is: either design for implementation inheritance or forbid it. I usually design for interface inheritance, so yes, of course I seal my classes since I am not designing them for implementation inheritance.
@obiwanjacobi Год назад
Change your class template in your IDE to include sealed by default (and make them internal while you're at it).
@wesplybon9510 Год назад
Just keep an eye out when you do updates. I've made template changes in VS before and updates will wipe them out.
@alxmajor166 11 месяцев назад
I agree. The largest accurately measured specimen of the elephant seal was a bull which weighed at least 4 tonnes.
@sanyanders Год назад
I think right now it's needed to be included into linters warnings by default like "The class %ClassName% is not inherited anywhere and can be made sealed". Is there any suggestion for this on JetBrains YouTrack?
@joseluiseiguren7827 Год назад
Awesome man!!!
@klightspeed Год назад
The performance improvement on the methods suggests that they are being inlined, and the performance improvements on the is / as would be because it can directly check the type instead of checking if the type being tested is assignable from the type of the value.
@levmatta Год назад
Before watching: I Absolutely hate SEALED, cannot estimate how many hours waisted copying disassembled classes and still failing to customize what I needed.
@volodyasenchak1907 Год назад
You noticed in this video that inheritance now is considered an antipattern. I tried to find some nice examples of how we can replace inheritance with composition, but I couldn't find some nice examples. Could you please make a video on how we can refactor code with inheritance to the composition?)
@nickchapsas Год назад
I will make a video on the topic. It's not as simple are replacing class extension with interface implementation. It goes deeper than that
@jamesterwilliger3176 Год назад
I couldn't agree more with this video. I check for this in code reviews and insist that things be sealed unless explicitly needed otherwise.
@shayvt Год назад
Can you do a video about the inheritance anti-pattern?
@manmohanmundhraa3087 Год назад
Eye opening video. Is same is true for sealed method ?
@luca-dallavalle Год назад
Great video.
@kuljok Год назад
Hey Nick I'd like to say thanks for your video and I have a question. The performance sag in your example could be a consequence of the virtual method table (not just because of "sealed" class). If you try to remove the "virtual" word you will see the other results. It does not negate the fact that type casting and some other operations are faster with sealed classes, but I think the "sealed" is not something that always makes performance better.
@zer0K3lvin Год назад
Actually was wondering about that and tested it ... if it's not virtual its just the same speed ... so sealed/unsealed has no impact on none virtual methods.
@0shii Год назад
@@zer0K3lvin Thanks for testing that, I was wondering as well!
@MagnusBertilsson Год назад
This may be great in theory, but in practice when trying to test either legacy systems or library without a good testing strategy. Sealed classes have stopped me from writing unit test many times. Especially when you want to implement tests without changing legacy code. For new systems it might be more applicable, but they will be legacy system one day. So how do you want to leave the code for future developers.
@gnack420 Год назад
This is a design flaw in your code. Third party services/libraries should be abstracted using an adaptor that conforms to an interface that you've written. You can then trivially mock the adaptors in your unit tests. There's no need for those third party libraries to be unsealed if you are properly abstracting your dependencies. You should also avoid injecting concrete types as dependencies whenever you can.
@MagnusBertilsson Год назад
@@gnack420 Well that is also a question about theory and practice. Yes I know all about abstracting dependencies. I have 10 years experience with looking at old code that either only is the layers of abstractions or looking at code that has no abstractions. And the one thing that made me utter profanities more then others is sealed classes. When trying to test. And it’s a lot easier to end to end test code without infrastructure when third party libraries do not use sealed on their classes. Yes I can write a lot of unit tests with my abstractions but if I send the wrong property in the wrong argument in my implementation. The only thing the fast code will produce is more problems for me to clean up in production if QA don’t catch it.
@Marfig Год назад
This is correct Magnus. Unit testing is one of the shortcomings of sealed classes. And being told I have to extend my object model to support unit testing because I sealed all my classes, flies in the face of everything we learned about object data models, and the quest for simplicity and extensibility. I admit there may be outlier use cases in which sealing all my leaf classes is a necessity or a sound design choice. But for the vast majority of object models in the world, even considering C# little semantics flaws and idiosyncracies, sealing a class should be a structural decision about the object model. Not the result of an arbitrary generalization to gain infinitesimal performance gains on an application that has no performance issues in the first place, or where those performance issues are understood to live somewhere else in the code. This wasn't one of Nick's best days.
@Marfig Год назад
Three examples in which I would want to seal my class: (1) I'm writing a class with value-type semantics. (2) I'm writing a code generator for an engine or interpreter which relies on specific types being consumed. (3) I'm writing a utility math class composed entirely of truisms. (On this special case, extending behavior is best achieved through composition). All in all, Microsoft advice in the sealed keyword documentation page still stands. In short, do it only if it makes sense. Avoid it otherwise.
@FudgeYeahLinusLAN Год назад
@@MagnusBertilsson I don't understand. When unit testing a class, you're supposed to test the methods of that class, no? Ergo, instantiate an object of the class, call its various methods with various parameter values, analyze the results. Sealed or no sealed class makes no difference, legacy or brand new class makes no difference.
@ashlar64 Год назад
Interesting....One case you need to be careful is if you have created a nuget package / dll and you seal a class that would be very useful for your user to inherit from. This has happened to me and it caused me alot of pain.
@ArrovsSpele Год назад
Absolutely agree. I cant imagine how i could survive till now, if i hadnt possibility to extend/inherit all kinds of 3rd party libraries.
@LuigiTrabacchin Год назад
I Think that with the new feature of C# "Extension everything" this could be adopted in very fast way
@katjejoek Год назад
Hi Nick, thanks! I didn’t expect sealed to make such a difference. Any chance of the analyzer being released to older versions than .net core 7?
@MoireFly Год назад
Analyzers depend on sdk version. You can use the new sdk to target older versions just fine. Worst case you could multitarget, e.g. for nullability, but that won't be necessary here.
@one.pouria786 Год назад
I think if ide(s) like Rider and Visual Studio add this feature (Adding sealed keyword in snippet code of Creates a class declaration) It will be reasonable and more practical.
@EmptyGlass99 Год назад
Do you know if there is a setting in VS? When I create a new class, it defaults to internal.
@nickchapsas Год назад
With the new analyzer you can make rider remind you and I'm pretty sure they will be adding a refactoring too
@MikeFrench Год назад
Question I always asked is why the tooling, examples, compiler, whatever don’t do this by default?
@m5s10 Год назад
Hey Nick, thanks for the great video. I have two questions. 1. Is the performance difference only in .net 7, or is it in older veresions as well (.net 6, 5, .net core, .net framework)? 2. Usually there's no such thing as free lunch. In the video you displayed making class sealed (if possible) as an absolute positive, with no negatives. Are there some known drawbacks to doing it? Thanks :)
@nickchapsas Год назад
1, Yes i applied to previous versions as well. 2. The "negative" is that you can't inherit from it anymore but if you were never planning to do so then it's just positive.
@m5s10 Год назад
​@@nickchapsas Thanks for the quick reply. Most of the classes are not inherited anyway, so this might give us some performance gains. I'll give it a shot.
@alexander4468 Год назад
@@nickchapsas Could you please share your opinion about how to test such sealed classes? could it be measured as "negative" point of this approach? Because I can see a problem with some legacy or some projects with non-structured test strategy where such "sealed by default" might lead to issues when we try to mock them or create a stub for such classes (if there was no adaptors which would allow to mock them instead of the classes directly). Thanks!
@yunsha9986 Год назад
@@nickchapsas I second this Nick, could you show a fiddle of how you unit test those sealed classes?
@ristopaasivirta9770 Год назад
I'm curious if this has any effect after the code is converted using IL2CPP as is often the case when making final builds on Unity. Really interesting and awesome never the less!
@SunSailor Год назад
I even wonder, if this is the case for Mono in the first place.
@piotrzdanowski5873 Год назад
tactical dot in case someone will be less lazy than me and tests it: .
@Xankill3r Год назад
Basically no difference in 2021 LTS as the .Net versions supported are Standard 2.1 and .Net 4.0. Neither of those have the specific optimization being talked here in the IL (using direct call instead of callvirt).
@SunSailor Год назад
@@Xankill3r Thank you for pointing out! Makes sense.
@ristopaasivirta9770 Год назад
@@Xankill3r Thanks!
@TheDjblane Год назад
@Nick Chapsas what about public class XXXController : ControllerBase in web api?
@TheNorthRemember Год назад
good point
@nathanieljennings3311 Год назад
Rider has an inspection severity setting for this outside of .NET 7 under Settings / Inspecting Settings / Inspection Severity / C# / Class can be made sealed (non-inheritable)
@sigma_z Год назад
I've been sealing all my classes since forever. I'm happy this performance gain and lock down of inheritance is becoming more mainstream now. Thank you Nick
@wknight8111 Год назад
I've been making my classes sealed by default for years now. I don't do it for performance reasons (though every little bit helps!), I do it because I don't like to use inheritance when I don't have to. "Prefer delegation over inheritance", etc. I only wish VS made it easier to change the default class template, so I could make those changes more quickly and easily.
@EduardoAG Год назад
Is there a a video about inheritance vs composition in classes in C#?
@tobyjacobs1310 Год назад
Does this also work for interface access of sealed classes at all, or do you have to know the underlying type?
@pbolduc Год назад
I was going to ask the same question. If we are using interfaces and the implementation is sealed, do we get the same perf improvement? I think I recall changes around perf for interface dispatch. Guess we could do test it ourselves :D
@yossisternlicht21 Год назад
Great video, as usual. One point I noticed in your tutorial (and Stevens issue) is that both the sealed class and the open class are themselves inheriting from a base class. Would the same hold true if both of these classes were not explicitly inheriting another class?
@nickchapsas Год назад
It would yes
@AlFasGD Год назад
6:10 it's easy to fall into a pit of misconception, so I'll drop my thoughts there Notice those ZeroMeasurement warnings down there, those say that method duration is too small to be taken into account, often times because the method is inlined and its execution takes virtually the same time as calling an empty method, meaning it's "the fastest you can get" when comparing vs calling a method. So it's not actually "38x" faster or "1000x" faster, it's "the fastest you can achieve".
@nickchapsas Год назад
I had run to run variance between the executions so in some cases it was ZeroMeasurement and in some it wasn't so I left that comment out
@AlFasGD Год назад
This is probably an effect of the methods not being correctly aligned for an ideal implicit inlining scenario, but either way if you do notice a zero measurement warning, you should assume that it's happening sometimes. Remember that given how inlining isn't perfect, were that same zero measurement warning to appear every single time, the performance could easily not be as high in as many as half the cases in a real world scenario. This is microbenchmarking and sets up and ideal scenario to juice out the maximum performance, isolating as many external variables as possible. TL;DR always worth noting that *even once* you get a zero measurement warning.
@gnack420 Год назад
@@AlFasGD obviously you're not wrong, and the information you've posted is super interesting to me so thank you! But I think the benchmarks here are just to show clearly that there IS a performance gain for zero cost, the video is explaining why sealed should be default and demonstrating that there is ANY performance improvement is a good enough argument to support that.
@AlFasGD Год назад
@@gnack420 I agree but I also believe that it's generally good to perform a general fact check
@jctrevis Год назад
AWESOME content! Do this rule of sealed classes also work for the old .NET Framework? Is there a gain in performance there as well?
@nickchapsas Год назад
Yes the performance benefits have been there since forever
@arnaldofernandez Год назад
I'm wondering if there is performance difference when two private methods call each other in a sealed class vs a not sealed one.
@neociber24 Год назад
I tried that, but notice you can't seal some entities when using dotnet EF because they use a Proxy for the DB
@fr3ddyfr3sh Год назад
Definitely, that’s how EF and also NSubstitute work. But the latter will most likely be used on interfaces
@bartdeboer Год назад
True but those are not the type of calls that you expect in a inner loop as they are io bound , so nanosecond improvements won't matter anyway.
@FudgeYeahLinusLAN Год назад
Yet another reason to not use EF in my book. I'm an EF survivor and have been EF free since 2010. :)
@Skurdt Год назад
The performance benefits also seem to apply (not fully though) for an "open" class that uses sealed override methods. (public sealed override ExampleVoidMethod() { })
@nickchapsas Год назад
Only on the method invocation itself. Having the class sealed applies them to everything for instantiation, to type checks to method calls etc
@mindstyler Год назад
We really need a way to specify different c# 'versions' so features can be changed retroactively without having to worry about backwards compatibility. Any new project will use the most up to date recommended version and if an older project is upgraded, they can change individual settings to reenable compatibility modes. I think that would be awesome.
@mindstyler Год назад
@@MiningForPies no this is not what i mean here at all. i mean: instead of classes being implicitly open by default, and you have to seal them with the sealed keyword, in the recommended version classes would be sealed by default and there would not be a sealed keyword, but rather an 'open' keyword. the same applies to other features, for example _ in lambda is a discard, even in single argument lambdas (which is not currently the case because of backwards compatibility concerns by the .net team) and there's a whole list more of similar features.
@mindstyler Год назад
there are already programming languages that have a 'version' model like this. nick has even mentioned it in a video about it a few months back. (though i cannot quite remember which one)
@gnack420 Год назад
You can specify the language version in your .csproj files.
@mindstyler Год назад
@@gnack420 are you people even reading what i am asking for? cause apparently you dont.
@a11d Год назад
Wtf are these replies people don't read 😅 I commented exactly this and saw this comment. Do you know what the stance of the c# team on this is? It should have been discussed at least right?
@andriisnihyr6497 Год назад
Great video, thank you! I expect there would be a lot of comments from people who oppose sealing everything :D
@RoaringOrange Год назад
Hmmm.. Why won't they make it configurable, like with nullables. So you can have sealed by default in your assembly?
@TheAproeX Год назад
Is the difference only measurable in newer versions of .NET? Or will it be worth sealing all classes in .NET Core 3.1 as well?
@nickchapsas Год назад
They apply to .NET Core 3.1 too
@protox4 Год назад
Even older than that, full framework can take advantage of converting virtual calls on a sealed class to direct calls.
@yuriihonchar9336 Год назад
​@@protox4 not really. The results on Full framework(.NET 4.8) show almost no difference between sealed and open classes
@root317 Год назад
Ok this will be interesting. I have never used sealed before.
@root317 Год назад
Ok this was totally worth it. Learned one more thing today. Thanks for the vid Nick, great job as always :)
@TheNorthRemember Год назад
is it okay to sealed MVC controllers?
@darkogele Год назад
How about static classes vs internal, sealed, private ?
@slowjocrow6451 10 месяцев назад
Any good talks/examples on "composition over inheritance"?
@Barsikr Год назад
Those example int method numbers: Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well :D
@SergeiFedorov77 Год назад
A beginner question: I have a Visual Studio project in .net core 3.1. Will these benefits apply for me in my .net core project?
@nickchapsas Год назад
@ksdmg9282 Год назад
Is this the performance impact the same for all .net versions?
@rajon69 Год назад
Can we seal endpoint classes like Controllers?
@mihcom123 Год назад
Can't we have an option for the compiler to automatically add sealed keyword to all internal classes with no inheritors?
@nickchapsas Год назад
You can make an analyzer that includes a refactoring. They might add the refactoring in .NET 7
@huynguyenphan4120 Год назад
Is there a way to get this analyzer work with Unity?
@nickchapsas Год назад
It’s a pretty simple analyser so I am assuming you can yoink it from the repo and use it as a nuget package
@matthewdee6023 Год назад
So I had a look as to WHY, and it's mainly because a call to a VLT can be being turned into a direct call by the compiler, which makes sense (still not idea why the 'is' and 'as' operators run faster though) [edit]Same idea, the runtime doesn't need to walk the inheritance hierarchy.[/edit] I suspect that this will have less of an impact if you have a deep inheritance tree with all of the leaf classes marked as sealed, because any method that at runtime can accept the base class will still have to do a lookup. That said, if people stick to composition > inheritance that shouldn't be an issue ;-)
@TheKevinKaimon Год назад
Interesting! Where could I find more info on the why?
@matthewdee6023 Год назад
@@TheKevinKaimon It''s in the linked github issue :)
@ArrovsSpele Год назад
Does compiler really can turn overriden and hidden functions with direct calls with ease? Or more advanced inheritance based trees are still at tables? I know that sealed in real life barely makes performace impact.
@yanpitangui Год назад
Hi, Nick! Is it also useful to add to records?
@nickchapsas Год назад
Ofc. Records are just classes with some fancy hidden methods
@petewarner1077 Год назад
Great video Nick. I enjoyed seeing the performance gain metrics which were a far greater magnitude than I'd thought they would be. I've been sealing classes as a default behaviour for years and it never causes me a problem. I see some comments here about how it affects testing such classes in legacy scenarios - if you are designing the sealed classes you write today correctly, they won't cause you a problem "tomorrow" when they are considered legacy. Sure, you can't control and may swear about legacy classes that are marked as sealed, cause side effects, and have no obvious extension points, but that's not a reason to not use the sealed keyword on our own classes that we can design to be "open to extension, closed to modification" (and if we're claiming we observe the SOLID principles, then the sealed keyword is non-negotiable for the O principle.) As well as ensure that dependencies are still swappable on sealed classes (settable properties, or via the ctor), delegate methods are your friend here, allowing you to swap out expensive behaviours in a test context.
@jamesmussett Год назад
Ive been making everything sealed for a while now but it is a chore to remember, especially for juniors. I think they should add an unsealed keyword anyway, that way they could have warnings on public types that don’t specify it explicitly.
@peryvindhavelsrud590 Год назад
Why not just reuse the existing virtual keyword and a project setting to default to sealed classes?
@1eyewonder27 Год назад
You could always create a class template or edit the default visual studio class template as an alternative if that is something you think wouldn't harm your team's code
@bluesillybeard Год назад
I agree, similar to how the public and private keywords work - you don't actually NEED both to write valid code, it's just good practice to specify weather something is public/private rather than leaving it up to a default value.
@queenstownswords Год назад
I suspect if we make sealed a default, a lot of legacy code would break, yes? A code analyzer is the best way forward.
@peryvindhavelsrud590 Год назад
@@bluesillybeard It could be done in the same manner as nullable support was added to the project files. Legacy code could omit the setting and would work as previously to avoid breaking changes.
@erosnemesis Год назад
Would you recommend I sprinkle sealed on all my classes then? Seems to be worth it when you have loads of classes. Edit: I can see this as a huge performance booster on Maui
@mihaimyh Год назад
Where do you got .NET7-RC2, on the download page I see the latest preview7 as the latest available for download?
@phizc Год назад
Same here. I was going to make the same comment, but I'll stick it here and hope YT notifies me too if you get an answer 😉.
@g11a Год назад
+1: Where do people get RC1/2 from?
@kabal911 Год назад
Came to ask the same thing
@Zutraxi Год назад
Will the performance gains also be there if your sealed class inherit from an interface. Or does the type check not matter in that case. In terms of the performance he mentioned
@nickchapsas Год назад
Interfaces are fine
@davidparker5530 Год назад
Interfaces are not inheritance, but just forcing you to add set of methods with specific signatures to your type.
@volodymyrdombrovskyi8530 Год назад
Apart from performance and clarity reasons, sealing the class which implements IDisposable saves you from not implementing dispose pattern
@DavidRosensteel Год назад
I was a little skeptical. Inheritance is a big feature to make a general statement about throwing it away. But interfaces exist, so having most classes sealed and interfaces available could give the performance boost of sealed while allowing for people to make their own API compatible classes. The main concern is that if something is missed and there isn't an interface or some other way to customize that part of the API and the relevant class is sealed then some dev somewhere is gonna break out reflection and do some sketchy hacks to get around it.
@jongeduard Год назад
It all reminds me of a thing that the C# designers did right: methods are non-virtual by default. Java is in fact worse, you need to explicitly make your methods final. I have learned earlier that virtual methods are slow, because they require the runtime to perform checks along the inheritance tree all the time. But to be honest, I was not aware of such a thing to be te same on the level of entire classes. But it is a logical thing, all for the same reasons. I think of course we can all criticize this, but the idea behind those languages started with inheritance in mind as a general feature. Mindsets where very different in the past. The idea of gaining the far best performance like native code was already given up anyway I guess. Flexibility is what counted.
@acidrazor Год назад
Does this apply to only .net 7 rc2?
@nickchapsas Год назад
No it’s been a thing since forever
@stevehoff Год назад
I guess I'm being lazy, but are these performance improvements on sealed types in dotnet 6 as well?
@nickchapsas Год назад
Yeah they've been there for a long long time
@Starbuck1892 Год назад
Hi Nick, what do you say about the argument that this behaviour violates the open closed principle?
@nickchapsas Год назад
That it doesn’t. I’ve answered this already in the comments
@felipeklafke Год назад
obrigado. agora que você postou as pessoas devem me ouvir mais 🤣🤣🤣
@chrismitchell9936 Год назад
Hey Nick, I love this video and agree in 'general', but I see one glaring side affect: Mocking...when a class is sealed, I can't mock it. I can extract an interface, inherit, and then so long as I'm careful to ALWAYS use interfaces, all is well again (and in general, I use a lot of dependency injection and use interfaces, etc.) I worry though that the framework may not allow that...and being able to mock things is quite important...thoughts?
@nickchapsas Год назад
You’re not mocking classes you are mocking interfaces and abstract classes which can’t be sealed
@mohammadios Год назад
Can't they add open keyword and then have a optional property in project file to say classes are open or not by default? something like nullable or implicit usings. this way it's backwards compatible, and if you make new project template classes to be sealed by default it gets adopted more easily and just by that option being there it makes c# users search and know what the benefits are.
@bluesillybeard Год назад
Exactly what I was thinking
@paulkoopmans4620 Год назад
how? Maybe I am not seeing what you mean? the point would be that some old code from the 2000's like: public class X {} , stays a public and open class as you cannot infer whether or not it was intended to be sealed. This is the whole reason why you would have to 'close' it by adding it in the first place. They need to keep the compiler, runtime and JIT separate from IDE. I have said this in other videos too why adding a new keyword is not as simple as it sounds. Writing a lexer and parser is one thing. And to change it' to support a new keyword is ok, updating documentation also. But what if anybody out there has a class called open? or a variable? This is the reason the team has been favouring re-using existing keywords (like this in an extension method). They are guaranteed that nobody is using a keyword for something. And even if somebody did... they are doing with an @this. With the warning and the ability for you to treat it as a warning or error is the best they can do.
@gnack420 Год назад
@@paulkoopmans4620 third party libraries imported from NuGet are already compiled it doesn't matter what their source code says.
@paulkoopmans4620 Год назад
​@@gnack420 Of course it doesn't matter for already compiled libraries from nuget, or any source for that matter. I did not mention library in this response at all. The obvious problem is if you want/need to recompile old code. Btw; library obviously means two things; there is libraries (which we should call packages) that you can use from sources like nuget or proprietary downloads from a provider, but also every one of your 'project' in your 'solution' compiles to a class library as well. And I get the sense that a lot of people seem to be fortunate and only work on relatively new stuff, and that's great for them, but from experience I know that other people do have this battle in their day to day jobs; having some lingering code in the project that never gets touched and is over a decade old. And for this particular issue it could actually affect code created a couple of moths ago to be fair. it is these cases where the .NET team is making conscience choice to keep on compiling 'public class MyClass { ... }' to an 'open' or 'unsealed' class because they simply cannot guarantee it would not be inherited somewhere. So they are left with basically keeping it the way it is.... open by default and close it when you want it... because of backwards compatibility. And re-using the paradigm that they have been for a while... having the compiler spit out warnings that proper IDE's like Visual Studio, Rider, etc. can catch and help the developer take actions. Just imagine if you would work in a company with tons of legacy code and all of a sudden your build pipelines would fail building your code and you were now tasked with 'fixing' or 'patching' that, just because the compiler is now requiring you to add 'open'? Or you wrote a package last year that you are selling and you have 5000 customers using it. Your package is designed around a concept where your customers are allowed to inherit from a handful of classes. You run it through an updated compiler, which then closes all these classes that you actually intended to be open? Of course you would fix it... but the point is that the behaviour change of the compiler forced you into changing your code. Amplify this issue and that change might affect thousand's or tens of thousand's.
@dyeyem26 Год назад
Do the performance benefits apply for .NET framework classes as well?
@nickchapsas Год назад
@yossiyaari3760 Год назад
I wonder if there is a similar performance hit in JAVA. I have been dealing with Azure clients in JAVA that are sealed (final), and they are a pain to mock. I guess this discussion has motivated the MSFT team to mark these classes as final. I'm pretty sure that C# has easy ways to mock sealed classes, but JAVA doesn't seem to have them. I assume that the wrappers I wrote to overcome this will probably consume any overhead advantage that making the classes final achieved.
@jongeduard Год назад
See my own reply about virtual methods. I don't know that much about Java APIs in practice and how they have their code written, but there is an extra issue in Java that methods are virtual by default, which just like inheritable classes, require runtime checks along the inheritance tree. Methods should have been final by default, and virtual just as an option.
@erikaknop6089 Год назад
Thank you. It really works 
@alphaanar2651 Год назад
8:26 I can see why you did that ;).
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