
Why Commentary Hates Commentary 

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26 сен 2024




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@huilinarts 2 года назад
Everybody coming in with actual comments on commentary and genuinely engaging with your content and i’m here just like ‘glad the frog found peace 🙏🙏’ (seriously though, you worked so hard on this! I’m very proud of you 🥰🥰)
@AxelEsan1323 2 года назад
Absolutely, the frog finding peace at the end was just perfect and it made me smile. It's a small thing to focus on but there def was tons of work, time, thought, and energy put into this entire presentation and it's really incredible.
@justsomeartist8895 2 года назад
Hot take: the animation community did literally nothing wrong. Their “crime” was ignoring the commentary bros. The commentary bros came in hot with a bunch of negative inflammatory “criticism” and KEPT GOING when they didn’t get a response. And then when they did get a response, they played the victim and acted like the Storytime animators were a bunch of lying manipulative cultish egomaniacs who DARED to think themselves above criticism. The whole thing was a massive farce and an ego trip, nothing more. I’m sick of people acting like not taking inflammatory aggressive and insulting criticism in a public setting is in any way shape or form a condemnable offense. If I have to hear one more person say “Buh, buh Jaiden needs to learn to take criticism” when discussing how Daft Pina spent an entire thirty minute video accusing her of lying about her eating disorder with 0 evidence, I’m going to scream.
@heinoussage 2 года назад
It's not a hot take if it's a consensus
@henryheavy8044 2 года назад
Bout fucking time somebody said that
@gc-painter9535 Год назад
@daysuperior7673 Год назад
@AsterWi 5 месяцев назад
what the when the hell did that happen?!?
@Mangakamen 2 года назад
I think when it comes to commentary, there's a LOT of factors that go into it, and I do have to say that I'm not a fan of boxes that people put others into - When I was a commentator, I was often labeled as certain kinds of commentary, and frankly, I didn't like that.
@henryheavy8044 2 года назад
You shouldn’t have made a name in the commentary channels if you can’t take the aftermath
@callimara 2 года назад
I will forever admire you for the amount of effort you put into this video. A lesser person would have succumbed to insanity.
@magpiesoddities 2 года назад
Commentary blood life is people NOT improving. Notice how so many commentary channels would put a cute little "I'm just making this video so they can recognize this issue and be a better person❤️" disclaimer, and yet commentary channels resort to making a profitable very public video about an issue they have with someone or something they did BEFORE going to talk with them privately about it. Because if they did, that might actually solve the problem and then...well there wouldn't be content for their channel anymore so that just won't do right? It's why I unfollowed like 90% of the commentary channels I used to watch this year. It's never "coming from a place of concern". (Comment made before video launch. Just my thoughts based on title and live chat conversation)
@magpiesoddities 2 года назад
Another thing I want to add- I think the reason commentary channels prefer to make videos on other social media folk is bc they feel that that's something they could have an effect on. For example all the videos about James Charles? He's still selling merch and making content.... If I were a full commentary channel, I would feel discouraged after awhile of just doing videos on things my video wouldn't have effect on... But when if comes to those "on your same social level" for lack of better term, it's something someome as small as a few thousand subs could do something about with their video. Personally, I believe that's why commentary channels prefer to make videos on other commentary channels.
@jadefoxette8603 5 месяцев назад
The hypocrisy is another issue… **looks at Hopeless Peaches and Lio Convoy**
@Thumin 2 года назад
I admire the amount of effort and detail u put into this video! The animations, art, mind maps are all so beautiful. Thank you for this great video Mali 💖
@bobamilk7290 2 года назад
omg hi thumin!! im a huge fan but havent subbed yet
@MaliMalware 2 года назад
Thanks for taking a peep at this ridiculous video. Just a quick correction right off the bat - I incorrectly put Pegasus in as a gameplay channel when they’re commentary bro. My bad.
@micajango4177 2 года назад
great video as always, keep up the good work. ^^
@CecilMcfly 2 года назад
I'm glad I've given you religion
@naria895 2 года назад
As an ex-avid watcher of both Commentary Bros and Tea Channels, I agree that most of the criticisms that can be applied to tea channels can also be applied to myriad of the commentary bro channels (that I've seen anyway). Both have had their fair share of fiascos and low-quality content. If it's the "sassy, vapid attitude" of tea channels you have a problem with, you can also say that commentary bros tend to have a "i'm better than you" tone to most of them and can be pretty vile towards their subjects too. They can both be really petty, mean, and biased. To say that it's only "sort of" sexist for tea channels to be the most hated branch of commentary is quite the understatement. Though, I do agree that it's usually not intentional, it's still not an excuse for people to dismiss that there's a lot of sexism going on here. Tea channels have also had some positive impact, especially to the beauty community by pushing influencers to disclose affiliate links (during early tea days), exposing shody market practices of certain brands, and calling out influencers for problematic behavior. I'd say those are pretty important, since the beauty industry is one of the biggest industries out there right now. I think that people just dismiss the importance of it because it's "girly" or "shallow."
@TipsterLIVE 2 года назад
THANK YOU for clarifying that the “Commentary Bros” aren’t just a bunch of dudes. SO MANY people act like we don’t welcome women. We do. TehMimi, MellyPea, My2t1c and many others are women in our community. And we love and welcome them just as much as the guys.
@TipsterLIVE 2 года назад
Regarding your comments on the “commentary bros” (god I hate that term lol) being willing to overlook short comings based on “if the vibes are good”. I can’t speak for everyone. But for me personally, it has more to do with a person’s ability to redeem themselves rather than the vibes. Yes…people make mistakes. We all do. And we should be held accountable for that. But for me, I’m willing to see the good in a person depending on how they handle that criticism of their actions and whether or not they improve. A good example being Truth Sleuth. Her and I did NOT get along 2 years ago. But more recently I’ve seen her come a long ways from the shit she did before and I respect it. Anyway, just felt the need to clarify.
@TipsterLIVE 2 года назад
Another clarification. I gotta disagree with the notion that tea channels are more welcoming of minorities. As a minority, my heritage and race are regularly questioned by tea channels and I’m labeled as “white” constantly. Even when I’ve already clarified that I’m Mexican/Latino. Doesn’t seem very progressive or inviting if you ask me to question someone’s heritage. But I’ll admit. I’m biased in this front.
@MaliMalware 2 года назад
I can get behind that. There is a tendency for tea channels to default to ‘white straight males’ for commentary bros when that’s very rarely the case. There’s a cluster that fit into that description, sure, but there’s just as many that don’t and dismissing anyone based off race and gender is nonsense to begin with. I do regret not pointing out that bad habit from tea channels more harshly.
@MizJazzyj14 2 года назад
@@TipsterLIVE in my opinion tea channels are more welcoming on the face because they are explicit about it and many are a part of a marginalized group and bring that into the videos and their internet presence. To a fault sometimes because it comes off as a moral superiority complex. And because people love drama and conflict on the internet the people who weaponize their beliefs against others grow big and fast. As a person who consumes tea content I will be the first to admit that people in this community need to be more discerning with the information they take in and put out there. I like some of the commentary Bros. In scripted videos people like Nicholas diorio put a lot of effort into being fair and seeing both sides and if I'm looking for information I go to a video like that. But recently as live streaming in commentary bro community has really taken a chokehold I've liked everyone a lot less. Not you specifically tipster but people on that side of RU-vid make a lot of distasteful jokes. And I'm not saying they shouldn't be able to do that but that is something that is going to push some people in marginalized communities away. It doesn't really send a welcoming vibe when sensitive topics are the butt of the joke especially when the people making those jokes have no connections to the identities they are making fun of.
@strayiggytv 2 года назад
@@MizJazzyj14 so much this! The live streaming commentary bros I find their "humor" distasteful and the fact that the most popular ones tend to be the straight white guys into that kind of thing it's leaves a bad taste.
@StreamlineWorkshop 2 года назад
I'm not really sure I can say anything that hasn't been said. There really is no easy fix for this community and even if there were a fix I would doubt many people would want to undertake that painful arduous journey and risk losing what they have for something that hasn't even been proven to be better than what they started with. The commentary genre I think really shines a light on how flawed we are as people because at the end of the day, it's the behind the door gossip we would all participate in in our daily lives either way. It's just that before we didn't have an audience at our heels expecting us to gossip a certain way or else be burned at the stake for failing to be a "good person". We don't recognize our flaws until it's pointed out to us, our brains evolved that way so we wouldn't be constantly questioning who we are as a species and focus on, you know, getting shit done but it's really come to be a detriment when communities we choose to be a part of are focused on picking apart and talking about your mistakes and flaws. It turns people into paranoid and defensive porcupines, even without the people themselves realizing it.
@biguwu5482 2 года назад
L w
@biguwu5482 2 года назад
@Doodletones 2 года назад
(tfw Mali misses the skeptic/politisphere community) X)
@2cat4life 2 года назад
itd be cool if someone made the same "tea video" with a masc and fem presenting style/voice and then a "commentary video" with the same, just to see how well they do compared to each other.
@everest5718 Год назад
I will always think it’s hilarious that there is so much drama online that a genre of online videos is dedicated to covering these situations, like a media circuit crowding around a circus. It’s the RU-vid version of celebrity gossip, and honestly I do kind of love it.
@isthataspider7410 2 года назад
I’ve lingered around since the beginning of the DA rant days, it was toxic as hell, but undoubtedly nostalgic.
@CozyCabbit 2 года назад
My biggest issue with commentary is when the full story ISN'T gathered. When people rush to make a video for the sake of drama without waiting to get the full story. And when both sides of a story come to light - not many people in the commentary side (especially art commentary) don't apologize for adding fuel to fires.
@NotRealGio 2 года назад
I’m probably guilty of that myself but I can understand that sentiment when it’s about like serious subjects
@fuzzymilk 2 года назад
The same dudes that refer to tea channels as tabloids, and sees themselves as a source of news, are best described as the Tucker Carlson segment of the 24h news cycle. They're just two sides of the same coin, but with an added superiority complex
@spacefoxpaw7485 2 года назад
When you look at the Cartoon community you basically see them the opposite of the commentary community, their more nicer to one of the other, hell they even respect each other. Anyways good video Mal
@jijipixels 2 года назад
This is the 2022 version of "Why I Left Buzzfeed"
@SugarVampieArts 2 года назад
I remember watching all of these youtubers when I was little and fantasizing about being one and collabing with all of the big wigs. But, with all of the drama and a majority of these youtubers not being as good as I remember or turning out to be shitty people, I don't think I want to join anymore. It all just seems exhausting and draining mentally and emotionally. Maybe I'll be like Izzyzz and do retrospectives or I'll do reviews like Strange Aeons.
@AKA253 2 года назад
Salem Tovar can maybe be considered a tea channel, as she covers those trendy shallow topics, but she digs into them with a mild to hot take. Racial ambiguity, body positivity, and other social issues happening on the surface. I really enjoy listening to her voice and hearing her opinions and how she collects her facts. On the other side of tea channels, Miiasaurus is a witty and fast paced icon who spits whatever she’s got on her mind and has confidence doing so. I love her commentary because it provides a blunt, yet friendly version of certain pieces of information. She treats it casually, so you don’t feel attacked with an opinion or take.
@slimecorn 2 года назад
Nah she's definitely long-ish form commentary. Tea is definitely more X did Y type gossip.
@TDisHere 2 года назад
Just to put this out there. Don't feel bad for watching any of these type of channels. I'm just like some of you guys who watch a few of the channels Mal talks about. Mal also talks about Tea channels and what we should recommend other channels and I choose uh.. AnnaOop. Yeah she's a little..eh,but she gets the tea out either way and BLESS HER SOUL because the Vegan Teacher won't leave her alone. 😂 (Or I recommend Mal's channel because...they are the best and funny)
@EvangelinaGrey 2 года назад
I want to hype up @miiasaurous for being a female commentary creator in a sea of bros with 1mil subs. Also the bros wish they had a QUARTER of her wit, delivery and charisma EDIT: LMAO this comment aged like milk jfc
@unfollowtheinstructions6360 2 года назад
I absolutely agree, she's great!
@tunasandwich6232 2 года назад
i love her content!! i would also like to mention salem tovar, the topics she choose and the opinions she have for her commentaries are pretty insightful and interesting to me
@Edelinejb 2 года назад
Miiasaurous is pretty nice seen a few amount of her videos Salem Tovar is good too
@tertiaritus Год назад
What happened why the milk
@jackwastakenx2 Год назад
@@tertiaritus id imagine ✨Drama✨ (ironic cuz that’s what the video is about)
@quinn455 2 года назад
@kommentkun6209 2 года назад
Hello Mali, my name is Komment Kun and I'm a member of the SCC. Just wanted to say that I appreciated the video. I thought you explained things pretty well. I appreciate the differentiation's amongst the different kinds of commentary to help those understand better about what's out there and how they're different. I've seen you around and think that you're pretty chill and I like your art work. Looking forward to seeing what you'll do next. Hope you have a nice day and take care.
@Bacon-lover101 2 года назад
What have we learned? Everyone hates each other. That’s it. 😉
@Bacon-lover101 2 года назад
Also, since bias is pretty much inevitable... Typically, I gravitate towards watching videos from the SCC. Ex: Videos from Doodletones and or Ponder Sprocket. I obviously remember that the first type of commentary I watched were the videos from LeafyIsHere. But that was a time before the LeafyIsHere/gameplay style of commentary became more well known and influential, I guess. As I said, bias is inevitable and so I have a bias towards watching SCC related stuff. I dunno, I guess I’m just a bit quirky that way.
@Johnson-br2lw 2 года назад
"Hell is others"
@honeybie170 2 года назад
I think with commentary, there are two primary types of content I'm looking for at different times. When I want to fully understand and analyze a situation or get a coherent summation of a situation, I will only ever look at retrospective commentary. TRO is my personal favorite since he tends to put out well researched and well presented videos. He does a great job trying to be charitable and objective while still presenting his opinion. No commentary is free from bias of course, but some creators are certainly better at minimizing bias in order to analyze the full story. However, kinda like you said, sometimes we like popcorn content. One of my biggest guilty pleasures is watching drama I'm not a part of unfold. For that sort of content, I will look at some of the other secs of commentary you mentioned such as tea channels and commentary bros, and sometimes ACC as a treat. Usually in these cases, I'm not looking to form an opinion on anything unless it's something serious or wild (like the CSA stuff). I just like to hear the crazy stuff people are doing/saying. If a retrospective channel makes a video later down the line, then I'll form more solid opinions, but I try to avoid getting vocal on social media unless I get a solid overview of the situation (which as I mentioned, I only really trust retrospective channels to give since they tend to make videos in hindsight). With that being said, I will admit that not all commentary channels in a given subgenre are equal. I do tend to avoid creators that are trying to be "edgy" (which usually constitutes making distasteful jokes) because it just takes away from what they're talking about imo. Maybe that's just my taste but like, I came here to hear about what crazy shit So-and-So did, not listen to you be a cringe edgelord to get a reaction out of people. If that was the content I was looking for, I'd find an edgy stand-up comedian. Anyway, this was an interesting take on the clusterfuck that is the commentary community.
@weebshite 2 года назад
“That is two hours of your life that you are never getting back” I immediately had to check how long I had been watching the video for lmao
@potatoturtle9194 2 года назад
Normally I would bully you But i can see you already did it yourself (awesome work my dude)
@rythmgamer2918 Год назад
I love commentary. Not cause I actually care about the drama and such. I just like listening to people talk. I like listening to people talk about literally anything to help me sleep. Keeps me from thinking and keeping myself awake because of one mistake I made in middle school.
@JackedThor-so 2 года назад
This is something I wish you would have brought up; its a personal peeve of mine in commentary. That being giving benefit of the doubt. I think that it can definitely be difficult to extend that in certain instances but it's both a show of good faith and an attempt to open up the possibility of grayness vs black and white binary morality. Spoctor extended that to Kai Weiss and (while it's aged poorly in hindsight) was torn apart by some at the time for deigning to see the opposing side as anything but evil. I think that a balance should be met and having that devil's advocate mindset can be useful and fairer to the opposing side. Even if you think it's unlikely, or if it has caveats, giving benefit of the doubt should be put into practice more. In my opinion.
@fionasmith3039 2 года назад
Cid is a really good tea channel, hes very chill and creates a generally positive enviroment, even for the people hes critiquing
@CJMGalaxy 2 года назад
I like Cid well enough. Also SL04N - though would you count them as tea when they do so much research?
@lovedella6483 2 года назад
Paint and sip is a pretty good Tea channel! Sienna invites people to draw and be creative whilst listening which is cool :D
@prettycringey 2 года назад
She back, she got takes 👏
@bluejellyfish4983 Год назад
I proudly believe exactly what you said at 1:44 I feel like it should really be called art drama community at this point
@frumtheground 2 года назад
When you described the dialogue of the Game Play commentary, the sound you made made my dog ran out of the room 😂
@LuneZafiro 2 года назад
28:59 WUAJAJAJAJJAJA OMG ok ok, you got me to stop the vid with the homestuck reference... gosh its been years... ok ok am gonna continue
@magnificloud 2 года назад
This is spectacularly meta. Love your takes, Mal :)
@ChachiTchotchke Год назад
I had tuned out for a moment and then the second I heard, 'waxing black for each other' I got sent the fuck back omfg.
@floxiewolf122 2 года назад
"Is commentary sexist?" Nah that's just AugieRFC lol Note: Please don't take this as me shitting on Augie, the dude admits that he's a bit of a misogynist so if anyone in the Commentary Bros community is sexist, it's Augie. I still like his streams even though I'm a woman.
@kincop3766 2 года назад
Nah he sucks, you can say it.
@bruhmachine6435 2 года назад
@@kincop3766 Haha true
@yukiandkanamekuran 2 года назад
Honestly you're right. I tried watching one of his streams and him and Nicholas Dorio or whatever that dude's name was shitting on HareyTBS of all people??? Like he's a boy yeah, but my god after I watched a Spoctor video talking about young commentary creators and mentioning Harley, I just felt a very sour taste and Augie honestly just a yikes dude. I don't trust him at all.
@floxiewolf122 2 года назад
@@yukiandkanamekuran Augie just had a stream with Harley and is the only one that doesn't hate him
@yukiandkanamekuran 2 года назад
@@floxiewolf122 oof i realized that now but during the dream stuff, he hated him
@losin_mymarblez 2 года назад
Tbh as an avid commentary watcher, the entire community is just Jontron screaming “THE VIBES” in his video abt Goop. I rest my case
@purpleshutin Год назад
Right now I watch a lot of essayists and retrospective commentary channels that focus on video games and such, while when I was younger (and even now sometimes given that I'm here) I watched a lot of animation story times/art commentary channels. I've just always enjoyed long form content I can both put on in the background while doing something else and actually pay attention to and engage with when I'm mentally energized enough to do so. I've given a lot of watch time to people by simply rewatching their videos over and over for whatever reason.
@cellinemartins 2 года назад
Me reading the thumbnail: why commentary commentary
@HelplessFangirl 2 года назад
Your overview of different types of commentary channels reminds me of going over DnD classes, I love it
@Itz_StellyXan 3 месяца назад
Now I'm finally diplomated in commentary knowledge
@starlette7820 Год назад
Off topic but I loved watching you put the thumb on the wrong side of the hand more than once trying to re-draw the left hand until the end when you got it right lol
@hellangelgaming7440 2 года назад
Oh how much I appreciate the HomeStuck reference XD made me laugh
@cat-cq3se 2 года назад
Honstly most commentary channels are 20 yo lifeless people that have zero editing skill and talk about stupid topics that aren't that bad for profit
@maplemoth7325 Год назад
This feels like high schoolers pretending their social hierarchy matters.
@Natalie66796 2 года назад
This sounds strange but Mali sounds like the type of person who I would want a head pat from and someone who you'd want to praise you for something you've done well at something
@JackedThor-so 2 года назад
Mal, legit, I LOVE your content and how far you've come! You dunk on yourself, but I think you have the best qualities of someone who does commentary. You're honest, self reflective, and willing to be the devil's advocate.
@kleelol3664 2 года назад
Honestly I was really waiting for somebody to bring this up
@NotRealGio 2 года назад
Oh yeah baby commentary bro for life, also I love your artwork keep it up!
@thebyte0f879 2 года назад
I genuinely don't like most commentary youtubers because all of the videos i've ever watched are A) VERY emotionally charged, and B) they don't ever wait for both sides to come out with their own evidence to make a finalized, legitimate argument. I don't like it when commentary youtubers have their videos be guided by their emotions because it can cloud their own judgement with bias. I find it to be especially the case with youtubers who lack a proper script (or at least, I think so). Yes, you can be sad and angry about a situation, but you have to make your points clear and concise and not let emotional instability get in the way of your video, otherwise you can make very backhanded comments that only serve to continue to spread hate and bitterness, not moving on and growing. Secondly, I don't like when commentary youtubers just make a video with only one argument/side in such a short time. You need more time to let information come in and soak in your brain, and hear from the other side to make an informed statement about where both sides are either right or wrong. An example of this was during the whole pyrocynical situation, so many people just jumped on that train without even listening to pyros side or properly analyzing the information. I get youtubers have to make videos in such a short time to stay relevant, it's a vicious cycle, but even then that situation was such a blurry mess. I'm very open to criticism on this, let me know what you all think.
@sharkjumpingwalrus6744 2 года назад
Integrity is supposed to represent personal strength. So getting on someone for lacking strength in times of distress seems more like Social Darwinism then holding people to standards. You do not need to brag about integrity because it is built upon knowing yourself, which why one signs of integrity is the lack of needing or wanting to validate that integrity.
@agentvenom3342 2 года назад
This kind of reminds me of the education system pointless and didn’t learn anything lol 😂
@cthulha_north Год назад
I didnt realize i majority of the time watched commentary vids until you named most of the people i recognized.
@silverhowl9331 2 года назад
I’m really happy I subbed to you 💖
@dededefran8910 2 года назад
Never thought i see the SCC getting name dropped lol. Tbh it's got its issues but it's all just a bunch of nerds talking about video games and cartoons and it's great lol
@TrickiTrickstars 2 года назад
The artwork for the art commentary community made me laugh and I don't know why.
@__PhoenixCreates__ 8 месяцев назад
18:47 Darkness Stone is no longer a commtary channel anymore. He is more focused on Media analysis now.
@Eeok 2 года назад
Is this a commentary about commentry talking about commentary?
@MaliMalware 2 года назад
Guys I might be wrong but… I think maybe… just MAYBE… there might be some commentary here. Or maybe it’s nothing. O.O (Also your comment made me laugh XD)
@ApocalypticAnarchy01 2 года назад
Subscribed for the homestuck reference about kismesis relationships, thank you!
@Merdragoon 2 года назад
I know it's not a *huge* part of your video, but the fact that my end of the Algorithm brought me to this video that talks more in depth of the viewing of Art Commentary Channels and Art Ranters and a bit the broad strokes of the history of the two while I decided to start my first Art History Video (with art of the subject matters I'm talking about *done* by me so people can see the history of it but also how it's done at the same time) being on the subject what is Art Critique and where we are today in that world makes me kinda amused the timing of it all. With that said, when I get to that point in my script outline, Can I use this video as a "First Hand view" of view of Art Commentary world? Would also would like your thoughts on if you feel like the Art Ranters and Art Commenters can be part of that same history of Art Critiques just in the form of the Internet culture? (it's okay if you don't think so, as this may also help me kinda put the rest of the videos into perspective of Art Critiques/Commentary and just want to know your thoughts since you've been in the environment for some time.) (Also sorry if this seems so out of the blue and random, but I also want to try to show that knowing the History of something may actually help understanding the subject in general, in my case, my focus is Art History and Art as those were my Double Majors in Collage for BA and BFA. And with first hand accounts, I think it would help have a better understanding of the state of the art Community as a whole and where we are at this point.)
@MaliMalware 2 года назад
If you find that my video can add something to your own discussion of art theory then I absolutely encourage you to use it! Generally the discussion of art theory (in my experience) can be a tad limited for some people. Very bogged down in the old classics which, while definitely important to culture and art development, are typically given value above that of the modern art landscape by a huge margin. If my struggle to convince my lecturers that VR art is actually art is anything to go off there's still a lot of headway to be made with accepting digital mediums and particularly the online spaces artists are growing up in now. So any discussion of new art cultures, trends and especially its changing existence online is always welcome. I hope your video goes well! :)
@Merdragoon 2 года назад
@@MaliMalware yeah, it's defenantly a hard sell in the art history world. But I do agree that VR is infact art because if we even remotely go by the academic definition from "A short guide to writing about art" by Sylvan Barnet. It fits most checkboxes. If someone calls it art, then it's art by the standards of Donald Judd or DuChamp. It can portray feelings if the artist desires it so. I can go on, but it would get a bit long for a comment and I'm saving that argument for a bit of the first video and a video on DuChamp being a troll in our standards of his time xD.
@ReezeZPieceZ 2 месяца назад
Thank you for the wonderful explanations, first off. Second: I agree with most points said except for one thing - I don’t believe people should be allowed leeway for spreading potentially harmful information without doing research, especially for sensitive subjects. I used to love the commentary community until I realized a majority of it was commenting as soon as the drama is released to the public. It used to be a very good place to find information on the art community, but I’ve recently been needing to dig to find well thought out content. People I used to admire are turning to content farming and are turning away from being reliable narrators. And a lot of it is more of the same, like a rehash of an old drama but it’s new people. It’s kinda depressing that this is what it’s become, but on occasion I still find content I enjoy sitting down and drawing to, it just, again, takes some digging.
@ReezeZPieceZ 2 месяца назад
I feel I should add: I had a decent sized channel previously, but I abandoned it as soon as I realized I was too deep in the toxicity pool. My recommended feed was chock full of drama videos and even still I get recommended them since I want to keep up with art but not… like this. I would also comment horribly like I needed to defend something or my whole family was doing to vanish in the next 10 seconds. I consider this a clean slate for me, and hopefully I’ve learned enough to not fall into that again.
@Blingy 2 года назад
Ouch I saw Feghost in your stream chat but that's how it be sure that stream is outdated great video abt this community which I lurk around in when I draw
@SimpleNicks 2 года назад
Halfway in and I greatly respect the overviews and amount of effort that clearly went into scripting this! while I do art commentary technically I def am a retrospective commentator and appreciate even knowing the general distance we keep from creators, lol I thought I was just a loner in regards to my other creators
@justsam4321 5 месяцев назад
"The fear that are those in my inner circle that would just turn on me" The cyclical nature of this doomed community has come around one more
@MaliMalware 4 месяца назад
Wish Apollo would stop hitting me with the ball of prophecy
@MrsSoapAndClay 2 года назад
Hi I’m new here! Subbed in the first two minutes. Keep up the good work!
@redstoneactive6589 6 месяцев назад
14:00 was that actually a different mic? I've never heard one that bad before lol. Usually its the mic being completely blown out or you can't hear it because of the background audio.
@pumpkibee Год назад
11:00 who are you talking about?? you said "I don't mind... this creator... i cant pronounce the name" but i see nothing on screen that you are referring to??
@jimblinovods5006 3 месяца назад
yo this was made 2 years ago wtf i thought it was made today. im so fucked up
@jimblinovods5006 3 месяца назад
The computer An extension of the human intellect Center of the most calculating intelligence on Earth I am the Computer Man I can do anything you can I am the Computer Man I can do anything you can Computer Man, he is your friend He gonna help you again and again So if you have a question or two He's got the answer just for you I am the Computer Man and I am ready for questions now, thank you Mr. Computer Man, how much is two plus two? Four Amazing! Mr. Computer Man, how do you spell cat? C-A-T Amazing! Mr. Computer Man, how do you spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious? With letters Amazing!
@pebbleekhaus2245 2 года назад
Here to vouch for Adam McIntyre, he’s a tea channel and he’s an incredible vibe. He’s v grounded and his content is v informal and it’s very nice
@ashleyvincent1860 2 года назад
Like most good things and guilty pleasures, "tea" was *AHEM* ..."hostilely acquisitioned" from the black and queer communities. I don't know if LovelyTi2002 is still in the game, but she largely flies under the radar because she sticks to "tea" that originates from and affects black celebrities and black communities. Also, chemo is preventing me from remembering this person's name, or indeed, their correct pronouns, but they're a drag queen with a channel here on youtube, they were in the Lizzo video for "Truth Hurts" around the 48 to 50 second mark (someone please help me!), their react video to Blackpink got me addicted to kpop - ANYWAY they always opened their videos with "What's tea?" or some other tea-related catchphrase even though their videos were mostly about Lady Gaga, Beyonce, reacting to new music videos, special and live performances they definitely were using the term at least 2-3 years before it hit the mainstream awareness and notion of "tea" as the hottest drama and gossip or an unpopular but true take. Edit: Zachary Campbell. It was Zachary Campbell I was thinking of.
@E3AloeLi 2 года назад
When I saw the gameplay kid sketch my mind immediately jumped to: “GET OUT OF MY ROOM IM PLAYING MINECRFT”
@scheherazade2291 2 года назад
Which tea channel did you not say out loud?
@katietrongogo 2 года назад
Can we get merch that says "everything is vibes"
@MaliMalware 2 года назад
If there’s ever merch I promise this will be among it.
@ChaiLatte666 2 года назад
The only "tea" channel I can think of that I recognize as a tea channel and I still enjoy - they stay out of controversies personally as far as I can tell but they still comment on things that don't seem too horrible and honestly just seem like kind of useless fun drama on a pretty regular basis. But I also haven't actually watched them in a while so I don't know if that holds up
@kirbygreenley2414 2 года назад
The new stills are so cute!
@BigLadStudios Год назад
Halfway through this video and I have learned more than the last commentary video I watched. It just ended up becoming white noise of all these people getting into drama.
@Bubble-Buddies3000 Год назад
Why am I crying over the frog?!!
@nicodinisi Год назад
Isn’t commentary a medium or a format? I have a degree in film and TV and was always taught that mediums like documentary and news are miscategorized as genre because people don’t know what to call them. I think the same thing is happening with RU-vid, which (I believe) is a form of new media. Maybe the reason I feel a little put off by people referring to these formats as “genres” is because new media is just, well, too NEW for me, and maybe I’m behind. But anyway, if it were up to me I would categorize commentary as either a medium of new media or a format for new media. I am curious if the word “genre” has just changed in it’s meaning or if maybe I’m just part of a different school of thought than those who call “vlogging”, “commentary”, and “video essays” genres/subgenres . See, I call them mediums, and then I refer to their subcategories as formats. I wish more RU-vidrs would at LEAST acknowledge this discrepancy-but I think they just aren’t aware of it. Or maybe it’s just a matter of context or opinion. Anyways, sorry for that long comment-I wanna make sure I give props to the creator of this video and say that I’m literally using this as part of my “market research” as I am trying to start my own commentary style channel and had no idea how to categorize it, but this video is clearing up a lot of my confusion! Thank you.
I've seen up to 6 hour retrospective commentaries... I fear for their sanities.
@CommunistCreeper 2 года назад
Because commentary hates bad things and commentary is bad
@xoderota Год назад
somehow the thing that made me pause was not the insane amount of info I don't need, it was the god damned homestuck reference
@Vivavidastudios Год назад
I was so upset about the frog for the whole video you have no idea how much the ending made me happy.
@ysaethwr 2 года назад
I haven’t finished the video yet, but I just wanted to tell you that it’s terrific so far, and I really enjoy your sense of humor. And your accent! I subscribed. :)
@ArchieRatsworth Год назад
You think TRO and his four hour movie length presentations are spooky? I've listened to Mauler's 8+ essay on DarkSouls 2 where he caramelises someone's opinion into a fine paste multiple times. I just put it on and let it play all day as I wander around my house.
@ericr.malice318 Год назад
Just found your channel and already loving your content! You've earned yourself a subscriber! ((saving current chapter (who hates who) for later, dont mind me!))
@Vixa_Jaz 2 года назад
The art work in this whole thing is amazing!
@AshValentine. 10 месяцев назад
All cats are awesome (Though Ive only had Tabbies), but the big fluffy ones are the best. And a crossover (Or whatever its called in the ACC) with Finonapollo would be cool. Cause you're funny and Apollo's awesome
@rumyum 8 месяцев назад
"What was the point of this video?" Entertainment and you had me by the neck for about 2 hours. 2 hours because i was cooking at the same time and had to rewind a few times😅
@CrescentCaribou 8 дней назад
nice video! The part where you mentioned Internet Historian as someone noble in both character and content aged like milk tho imo lol
@FillaneAmmisto 2 года назад
Tbh for me there's a type of commentary that doesn't really get acknowledged as it's own despite being....something else. I basically call it "Grinder community". People who have a daily upload schedule and don't have certain types of topics cause they need to make a quick video. Yeah most of them use gameplay cause it's perfect IG you need to pump out content, but gaming commentators basically upload whenever they feel like it and also step out of the "current news" bubble
@PitaGene 2 года назад
I'm late to the party but this is so good! I love listening to commentary, and I like your sense of humor(the homestuck joke fucking sent me). I remember the early days of ye old deviantart ranters and watching it morph, expand, then split. Its fascinating to see how different things became in a matter of what, 7 or 8 years? I wonder where the ever-evolving communities will be in another 3 or 4
@HopAndLockDropSoppityPop 2 года назад
As for the nature of tea channels vs commentary bros, imo, the difference is the commentary bros are aggressive but not unreasonable; they like solutions. Tea channels can just be downright vicious and stubborn in their standpoints. They don't want solutions, they want a wreckage to make more videos about.. in my opinion lol.
@mastertofu 2 года назад
I find it really funny that the only commentary channels I've watched are from women and nbs
@S.aj.e 2 года назад
I’m glad I stumbled upon this channel, great video. ☺️
@bittersweetpastel475 2 года назад
I didn't know there more commentary community besides art community, tea channels and who those use game footage
@felixoupopote 2 года назад
This is why I hate the Internet.
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