
Why cyclists ride in the road and NOT the bike lane 

Jake May
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17 дек 2022




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@brightondude9327 Год назад
I want the roads to be for cyclists and for there to be a car lane.
@JakeMay Год назад
They exist, they're called the motorways - but drivers don't like to admit that they do! 😂
@JakeMay Год назад
@@shaneoloughlin9203 Road tax doesn't exist. Everyone pays for the funding of the roads through the various taxes they pay - including pedestrians. Good try tho xx
@shaneoloughlin9203 Год назад
@@JakeMay 😂😂😂😂 keep telling yourself that cyclist 😂😂😂
@JakeMay Год назад
@@shaneoloughlin9203 good reply. Don't want to actually respond to my point though? Shame!
@thisaintmikel Год назад
@@shaneoloughlin9203you most likely don’t even pay for parking, you’re heavily subsidized by us.
@flyingteeshirts Год назад
Those aren't "bike lanes" but "painted bicycle gutters" and they suck
@Grizzly01 Год назад
AKA 'murder strips'
@piccolo917 Год назад
they are worse than no infrastructure at all
@andrejszasz2816 11 месяцев назад
Yes, the only time you actually need to paint such a stripe is when traffic regularly blocks the road, otherwise just ride on the middle of the outside lane.
@BeHappyByBike 10 месяцев назад
I was going to comment this. Those painted lanes are useless in busy, central roads with parked cars.
@benygames7399 10 месяцев назад
therefore we should just replace the whole road smh
@abaddon2148 Год назад
another huge issue with painted "bike lanes" specifically is the painted line in the road tells drivers cyclists already have all the space they need, and drivers don't have to get over in the other lane to pass even though they legally still have to, meaning cyclists are clipped and sideswiped all the time
@JannisAdmek Год назад
I ride regularly and while I love good cycling roads I think these painted on lanes do more harm than good :/
@PP-cm4re Год назад
I agree. I think there should be a hatched area which would further separate cyclists and cars. If there isn’t enough space on the road for this, there should be no cycle lane. It would be safer imo.
@historicalaccuracy15 Год назад
​@@PP-cm4re And if there's space for hatching, there's probably space to make it a protected bike lane even if it's just those thin yellow candlestick dividers, and then we're really talking. Now so long as it connects places in a short enough distance to be attractive to cyclists and the bike curious alike, that's the point you'll really see bikes coming out on the road in numbers and start seeing the myriad of benefits from it
@NutsKILLK Год назад
I know taxpayers should pay for you power rangers to play tour de France on the PUBLIC highway because OTHER ROAD USERS clearly are not as smart or safe as cyclist....lol stop crying and go ride in the park if it bothers you guys that much
@historicalaccuracy15 Год назад
@@NutsKILLK No actually tax payers money (that includes cyclists, they pay taxes just like everyone else) should fund protected, separated bike lanes and a generally more diversified network of transit options. I had a neurological scare a while back where I couldn't safely trust myself to drive and just like that my right to freely travel was gone. I have a severely epileptic nephew that'll probably never be able to drive himself either. There's no freedom in having to either be ready to risk operating heavy high velocity machinery around others equally forced to do so to live a modern life or become totally reliant on others for every aspect of your life, just because society has elevated the dominance of cars over everything else that badly. Public transit can be a good option for some areas but it too has its flaws too. The more diverse our *options* for travel the more *free* we all are, and not everyone can even safely drive anyway so if you're mad about the bicycler on the highway you should support us getting protected and separated bike lanes all the more
@Meyers1793 Год назад
In Canada, our bike lanes also fill up with snow in the winter and don't get plowed.
@jonm1418 Год назад
Or they plow the road and pile the snow on the cycle lanes...
@VideosVlogsThatsIt Год назад
@@jonm1418 gotta make space for the grandmother driving the big 7 seater
@zero_pc_6234 Год назад
Oh yea must be lovely to cycle at -20 loool cars are the way and the future.
@DominusSphinx Год назад
@@zero_pc_6234 do you also say that skiing is dumb? or snowmobiling? snowboarding? skating? snowshoes? winter camping? ect. or is cycling the only time when winter is cold?
@kubaszymkowiak Год назад
Lobby at your city council to make them pass a regulation that would require them to plow the bike lanes with priority. We did that in our city in Poland and it works. We don't get much snow, usually none, but when it does snow, the bike paths (they are usually separate, Dutch-style paths) are plowed first, only then they start doing roads.
@echoisaway Год назад
Watching this as a Dutch person made me wince. Some of our bike lanes are part of the road as well, but they’re usually painted red and much wider, and cars tend to pay more attention (this of course, also depends on where you live).
@gordoxium Год назад
I thought the same thing, I was thankful for being dutch after seeing that. Our bike lanes are a piece of art in comparison
@SleeveZipper Год назад
Another Dutchman here thinking the same. I was in the UK beginning this June and cycled a lot. When on the road it wasn’t a joy. And outright dangerous sometimes on a couple of roads where the cars passed us wide enough but very fast at 70 miles an hour. Only one not paying attention and a cyclist is dead. Make more bike lines.
@MeTube3 11 месяцев назад
Cycling deaths in Netherlands 2022: 291 Cycling deaths in UK 2022: 85
@gordoxium 11 месяцев назад
@@MeTube3 percentage of cyclists in the Netherlands 36%. Percentage of cyclists in the uk 12%.
@MeTube3 11 месяцев назад
@@gordoxium so, what’s 12% of 60 million compared to 36% of 18 million?
@AssBlasster Год назад
Sidewalks are usually part of my bike routes, not riding my bike in a painted bike gutter on a 30+ mph road
@niallkinsella2687 Год назад
Unless it's a designated shared foot/cycle path, or the cyclist is under 12 years old; what you're describing is prohibited in most of Europe. It generally carries a similar level of enforcement and penalty to running red lights. So lots of people still do it and get away with it.
@AssBlasster Год назад
@@niallkinsella2687 Well yeah I definitely don't bother biking on Manhattan or other big city sidewalks with so many people and obstacles. I was referring to the more typical US suburban cities that I have always lived in.
@NutsKILLK Год назад
Very sensible guy. Wish your fellow cycleists felt the same.
@sebastiansiswick2903 Год назад
@@NutsKILLK so you’re saying it’s safer for people be cycling 20mins around children on the pavement? Rather than do the same and risk slowing you down for maybe 20-30seconds on a road? And we’re supposedly the entitled ones…
@NutsKILLK Год назад
@@sebastiansiswick2903 where I live in South London a majority of the cycling lanes are well organised they are well separated so I don't see the argument you guys have. I'm not bothered if you wanna ride in the road or cycleist lane, but the fact you want every road to be a cycleist friendly road is simply unachievable especially in London. I think instead of moaning about everything you should learn to share the road with other road users, it's actually amusing for me to read the comments and troll you guys. The later you make me the more I get paid so crack on just look out for yourself while your doing it. I'm sure you have sense enough to not mow people down on your bike so your question is not worth an answer, but the pedestrians your so worried about don't get the respect your showing now at red lights or zebra crossings. It's funny to listen to the warped mind set of your biased arguments. Some of the cycleist I see should not be on the road, they are dangerous and absent minded, yes the roads are dangerous so all the more reason to be careful and aware, not to argue that everyone else is at fault, take some responsibility the last thing anyone wants to do is run anyone over. Ride safe and be aware things that can actually kill you instead of playing chicken with them.
@adjsmith Год назад
The maintenance line made me laugh. Bike infra costs much less to maintain than car infra (except when cars use the bike infra)
@Owen.gaiser 6 месяцев назад
Do bikes pay taxes to fund said infrastructure,i think not, that being said bike should stay off the road until they are registered and have a plate like every other vehicle on the road
@adjsmith 6 месяцев назад
@@Owen.gaiser where do you think you're being taxed that I'm not? i pay sales tax. i pay property tax. what, do you think your gas tax pays for roads? don't make me laugh, the federal gas tax in the US hasn't changed from 18.4c/gal since 1993, and it was low then.
@allergy5634 5 месяцев назад
@@Owen.gaiserThe vast majority of road infrastructure budget comes from general taxation. Not direct taxation on drivers contrary to what many believe. This represents a welfare subsidy from us to you.
@Owen.gaiser 5 месяцев назад
@@adjsmith well first off it's NOT 18 cents every gallon the AVERAGE is 32¢/gallon (up to 78¢/gallon ) witch 32¢ may not sound like alot but that is what pays for approximately 80% of ALL road and highway infrastructure, do I need to repeat myself 80% of your bike lanes are paid for bye gas& diesel vehicles . OHH and not to mention that we pay registration , insurance, inspection& regular taxes on all that so why do you (most) cyclists think you own the road ? Some of you are respectful but majority aren't I can tell your one of them next time do your research buddy I did my homework
@Owen.gaiser 5 месяцев назад
@@allergy5634 I don't know where you got your information from but that is infact wrong so next time you Google some check the information from multiple different SOURCES jack@ss
@johnathandaviddunster38 Год назад
cycle lanes need to be designed to minimize loss of momentum , A Dutch cycle traffic engineer might help with optimizing lane design 🌻🐸🍄🍅🌳🐎🌵🍋
@anubizz3 Год назад
If you still think Dutch have the best bike lane in the world then you not a cyclists. Sad when they have the ideal geographical terrain for it. Funny when they use the same excuse on why they have rubbish public transport.
@anubizz3 Год назад
@@cobusb8373 Sadly not both of them.. If you want public transport go to Tokyo , Shanghai Singapore, Hong Kong, or Seoul .... Jess if you allergic to go to Asia at least go Swiss, Milan or Berlin they will teach a thing or two on how to design public transport. Sad considering Netherlands is flat tiny country that have all the big city bunch up together but still have rubbish public transport..
@Mgameing123 Год назад
@@anubizz3 Public transport is fine in the Netherlands. What you waffling on about.
@pbilk Год назад
​@@anubizz3 what do you mean? Who has better bike lanes? What type of cyclist are you talking about? A fietser or a wielrenner (sport cyclist)?
@bindingcurve Год назад
​@@pbilkexactly, the Dutch are walkers on 2 wheels, and the infrastructure is designed for that.
@jimitheJive Год назад
for example I used to have to commute past heathrow on the a4, using the cycle lanes woulda dd 40 mins to my commute compared to using the road, by the time you account for 1. Poor road surface (roots cracking the pavement, bad concrete slabs etc, 2. Obstacles (trees, bus stops etc that the bike lane didn't provide enough space to avoid. 3. Junctions, every 200 meters the bike lane was transected by a junction, requiring me to stop at every junction and give way to 4 separate directions of traffic. 4. Pedestrians including people with prams, wheelchairs etc.
@sen3308 Год назад
Side of roads where bike lanes, or where people want you to ride are always full of glass...
@zimmejoc 7 месяцев назад
...and road kill and metal shards and furniture and whatever else falls out of cars and trucks and the underfunded county road department doesn't have the budget to clean it up.
@marksimpson3035 Год назад
I agree that parked vehicles are a hazard for cycling, making it unsafe 😮
@zelands Год назад
The problem is that if has interrupted line, it is called "suggested bike lane" or something similar nonsense. It is perfectly legal to park a car on it.
@letter1014 10 месяцев назад
It’s difficult to find alternative parking a lot of the time.
@jumpferjoy1st Год назад
I swear cycle lanes are designed by non-cycling car drivers. And roads are designed by non-driving cyclists. So often there are stupid things plain as day, like those fences.
@sroberts605 Год назад
There are two cycle lanes near me that stand out - one turns and directs you immediately into the path of a tram and then a dual carriageway, another that is alongside a fast, busy road that simply stops and expects you to cycle across to the other side. It's actually much more dangerous to follow the "cycle" lanes!
@thegamingdoggo3635 10 месяцев назад
Bike infrastructure in in the netherlands is just incredible in comparison
@jayaang4176 Год назад
Wait, y’all are getting bike lanes?
@VideosVlogsThatsIt Год назад
North America moment am I right?
@PP-cm4re Год назад
Trust me, you’re not missing out.
@Thawhid Год назад
​@@VideosVlogsThatsIt they don't have any?
@Danokh Год назад
​@@Thawhid Depends on the city, most don't have any
@calvinnefzger3440 Год назад
Painted bike gutters and actual bike lanes are very different. Painted bike gutters aren't super uncommon.
@parameshnat Год назад
Bike lanes
@Sierra-bw4gm Год назад
I often wonder who designed some of the bike lane's. It's like the remit is to make some cycle lanes as slow and dangerous as possible.
@petergibson7287 Год назад
They’re designed by people that don’t know what a bicycle is, let alone ever ridden one.
@markeschen6272 Год назад
They have a quota but neither the knowledge nor the motivation to make them safe and usable. And when they get to a slightly weird intersection they just give up.
@paulbradford6475 Год назад
Socialist planning is like that: one size fits all - whether or not the people want it or can afford it.
@timjensen6968 Год назад
The guys who don't cycle design them.
@jabberwockytdi8901 Год назад
No it's mostly a question of Money but also the fact that it's actually really hard to add a good cycle lane system that actually takes cyclists where they want to go to in a dense legacy city like London.
@inventor4279 Год назад
I don't use bike lanes, they're almost always death gutters
@peterthomas1079 Год назад
I ride a motorcycle and defend any cyclist whenever possible because I remember how daunting it is to be bullied by stupid drivers who spout the same nonsense about insurance etc...
@jonwarland272 10 месяцев назад
The insurance and road tax argument is baseless. Firstly road tax alone brings in a tiny fraction of the maintenance cost of car infrastructure. Secondly, cyclists would love to pay tax and insurance to recieve the same level of infrastructure given to cars.
@Owen.gaiser 6 месяцев назад
Um gas tax is a huge amount of the revenue from taxes so idek what your on about
@katherandefy Год назад
Do a vid on why people don’t bike at all like few secure places to park and lock a bike. That is a big problem.
@JakeMay 11 месяцев назад
I would definitely cycle more as a means of transportation (as opposed to just for fun) if there were places I could securely store my bike
@Tailspin80 4 месяца назад
Somewhere nearer than Amsterdam.
@TheKevzx6r 10 месяцев назад
Bike lanes in UK are terrible, basically unfit for purpose. Good vid by the way explaining the bike lane problem. I actually can’t figure any positives. I remember working in Rotterdam and I couldn’t believe the cycle lanes it’s incredible there!
@onionsyes 6 месяцев назад
Cyclists don't need a reason to cycle in the road, they are literally entitled to ride anywhere, whereas drivers must have licenses. Cyclists were there first.
@martinforro5696 Год назад
all the annoying things aside, it is often just unsafe - bike lanes are allways full of dirt - from winter maintenance, litter, washed up soil, and similar stuff. it's very easy to slip on such surface, almost as bad as ice. That's not counting cracked and undulated asphalt, parked cars (drivers often open the door without looking behind) and often no room to avoid danger like smartphone zombies or dogs.
@Cirithungul Год назад
The biggest issue, is how drivers see anything smaller and slower, as a speed bump in their way.
@jasminerosewater3891 8 месяцев назад
@OutspokenSeeker 8 месяцев назад
@@jasminerosewater3891typical cyclist, blames everyone but themselves for cyclists colliding into everything.
@jasminerosewater3891 8 месяцев назад
@@OutspokenSeeker there is no logical rational way to equate a cyclist powered by human power and a motorist pressing "go" and "stop" buttons in a vehicle the size and weight of a military tank. stop projecting and get real
@OutspokenSeeker 8 месяцев назад
@@jasminerosewater3891 I’ve been hit by clumsy and reckless cyclists far more than cars. And anytime I’ve seen a cycle accident, it was the cyclist breaking some rule to end up in the situation.
@jasminerosewater3891 8 месяцев назад
@@OutspokenSeeker that's exaggeration and you know it. cars cause lethal accidents every single hour of any given day. cars and distracted drivers are killing each other, pedestrians, and cyclists. get real.
@bulldog1066jpd Год назад
After visiting Berlin in March I discovered 2 things.... the roads have ZERO potholes and bike lanes are awesome, so much so that there seems to be more bikes than ars
@simonh6371 Год назад
The Berlin bike lanes are considered awful compared to those in the Netherlands....which shows just how bad they are in the UK
@jabba1488 Год назад
as a cyclist in Berlin I must say, the general condition of bike lanes are very poor (so not sure what part of the city you were actually riding), but roads are quite good and I feel safe on road bike.
@simonh6371 Год назад
@@jabba1488 The guy posting is probably from the UK so bike lanes in most of the developed world, and some 3rd world countries e.g. Brazil, Colombia, Rwanda, are far better than what he's used to.
@bulldog1066jpd Год назад
@@simonh6371 yeah you're right I am from the UK... our roads are in a shockingly bad condition at the moment ... if go as far to say Indian roads are better than ours.
@KonstantinV1970 Год назад
Bike Infrastructure is and has been mostly planned by car drivers. That also goes for the budget planning. That need's to change.
@TheTomster21 11 месяцев назад
British cycle lanes on main road are basically just putting you in the gutter.
@LucasH567 Год назад
I LOVE riding my bike, and love this video. Buuuuuut … how do we get RU-vid to start recommending this video to all the aggressive car lovers out there, that think infrastructure is only meant for their 2 ton death machines???
@Shifter_Cycling Год назад
Great video 👍🏼
@JakeMay Год назад
@iainamurray Год назад
Not Just Bikes point out that most are "Painted Cycle Gutters" and not cycle lanes.
@barryrobbins7694 10 месяцев назад
In the United States, I have seen “bike lanes” that are narrower than the bike symbol itself; the outer line overlapped the bike symbol.
@MrScrofulous 11 месяцев назад
It's only a bike lane until a car decides to park in it. YOU missed a very important 7th reason. Bike lanes often end abruptly creating "pinch points" and cyclists die at pinch points, from being struck from behind. Bike lanes also greatly increase your chance of being "left-hooked" (right hooked in the funny places where they drive on the right).
@oceanfloor258 Год назад
In Ireland there is nothing spent on bike lane maintenance so, if your bike has carbon wheels for example you have to use the road and risk annoying drivers. I prefer to cycle on roads with no bike path then the drivers cant shout to use the f'king bike path. But, lately I dont care if they shout or not, they will get over it, plus I'm not the one spewing fumes stinking the place out.
@jhferu Год назад
The key thing to bear in mind, is that no cycle lane was ever created for the benefit of motorists. The presence of a cycle lane doesn't turn the rest of the road into a motorway.
@halfeatencake7672 Год назад
laughs in dutch
@mtviewsmith Год назад
I see the same thing in California. I find the constant bike lane transitions from road to road a constant challenge. We may have several blocks of separated bike paths that terminate into a sharrow where traffic is +45mph
@fleurdelispens 10 месяцев назад
another reason is riding in a group. If you're in a group of like 5+, even if you're not going fast, it's easier to just take a car lane rather than squeeze in along a bike lane
@tiagopaim3060 Год назад
Last reason. Because i fucking can
@SB-yz7lk Год назад
Absolutely bang on... cycling in the UK is generally, sh1te and unsafe...
@zeldafitzgerald4149 10 месяцев назад
I have gotten yelled for not using a trail that is near me, the trail is always crowded. You get pets off leash, women who gather to talk about whatever and watch you come but don't move, etc. I refuse to ride on stroads so some of our bike lanes are not bad, but people will still try to drive as close to you has you can. Roads need to be safer for cyclist and pedestrians, period.
@VicvicW 10 месяцев назад
That crossing near Blackfriars you show a couple times is killer. I've seen cyclists crash into eachother a few times, and as a pedestrian, it can be quite difficult to cross.
@paulbradford6475 Год назад
And bike lanes are dangerous all over the world. Use the road instead.
@51bikerboy Год назад
Maybe you should inform yourself a bit better. But I understand you are from a backwards country who believes they are top of bill!
@paulbradford6475 Год назад
@@51bikerboy With many years of cycling experience behind me, I'm well informed, thank you, on the advantages and disadvantages that bike lanes offer. For me, riding in the street is far safer. By the way, who's going to subsidize your defense needs when that backwards country I come from won't bail you out any longer?
@DutchLabrat Год назад
*Laughs in Dutch*
@charlesfowler4308 Год назад
@@paulbradford6475 Well we could've a saved a lot of money, and more importantly lives, by not being dragged into your wars in Iraq and Afghanistan 😃
@paulbradford6475 Год назад
@@charlesfowler4308 That's true that the U.S. could have saved lots of money and lives by not fighting in 'forever' wars. But that's changing, fear not. The U.S. is pulling back. Essentially, the free world - free since the end of WW2, thanks to American intervention in keeping sea lanes open to trade by everyone, everywhere - is on its own from now on. I wish you luck. As to bike lanes; where they make sense and they're affordable, use them. If not ride in the street.
@allymack9246 Год назад
Fantastic video. All drivers need to see this
@JakeMay Год назад
Thanks! I have a few (non-shorts) videos along similar themes on my channel in case also of interest
@Raymund-Swales 10 месяцев назад
I live in Key West Florida. Drivers will pull in to the bike lane to stop you going past them. The speed limit is 20mph. I always ride in the middle of the lane. Car drivers and scooter riders will force themselves past, often in to incoming traffic. Fun.
@danielwozniak8411 10 месяцев назад
Yes I was one of those people who step out into cycle lanes to avoid the cyclist speeding down the pavement shouting abuse at me for getting in their way.
@kamilfejtek81 Год назад
Totally agree with you my brother
@jeffvaljean6030 Год назад
When you pay road tax like motorists then i will pay attention to your gripe
@NutsAndThighs Год назад
Do you mean vehicle tax? I see online is about 180 pounds a year. How much miles of road do you think that would help fund :)? You're delusional if you think it's only car owners who pay for roads lol, in most nations we all pay for roads via general taxation. US for example, income tax goes to the government who then decides how much to fund department of transportation, so we ALL pay for this like it or not. If you wanna stick to your argument tho, then you support tolling all highways right, drivers ought to pay for what they use yeah?
@KM-cb8ff Год назад
I bet I pay more in VED than you.. not that it's anything to do with road funding anyway..
@lukerhodes9916 Год назад
@@NutsAndThighs they do actually toll the bridges and tunnels in the UK until the cost of building and maintenance is recouped.
@SeanHardaker Год назад
​@@lukerhodes9916we only have a handful to toll roads and brdiges. Have you ever been to the UK?
@lukerhodes9916 Год назад
@@SeanHardaker I live in the UK I go over and under tolls all the time.
@MarijnRoorda Год назад
None of these reasons apply to the Netherlands. Cycling lanes in the Netherlands are designed to have none of these issues.
@junky360 11 месяцев назад
I regularly drive in bike lanes and on paths as the road is usually the "slow lane" with all the bikes riding in the middle of it "because its legal".
@pennywood5653 11 месяцев назад
Hate the ones that punt you up onto shared access with pedestrians then send you across pedestrian crossings that take ages to activate rather than staying on the road where you can clear the junction in seconds on a green light.
@bobzelley5100 11 месяцев назад
Filled with glass, catch basins , and caught between park cars and moving vehicles. Road bikes are designed for riding on the road.
@mattc3370 Год назад
You should come to Greece, they made it a legal obbligation to ride in the bike lanes, and there are almost NO BIKE LANES at all.
@sylvainforget2174 11 месяцев назад
A bit off topic, but here goes. I used to ride to work for the evening shift in the snowy winter (Kanuckstan) on a very busy 4 lane street . Because it was very busy, the snow wasn't deep where motorists would drive. The alternative was the residential street a block over which had deep snow and was unmanageable. Although some motorists were upset, I considered it the best option since public transit was not available for the return home at 3h00.
@r.lum.r 10 месяцев назад
they are full of gravel (a very easy way to fall if you need to turn at all), trash from cars that I have to avoid, & often actual glass from car accidents that just never gets cleaned up. And that’s IF you get a bike lane at all.
@KILLER.KNIGHT 9 месяцев назад
Number 2 is just as true, if not even more true for footpaths (on-road or off-road). Number 4 can be dealt with by utilising kerb drainage. I think it’s the best type of drainage and should become mainstream, however the cost to repair may be more expensive.
@jc-16. 10 месяцев назад
And let's not forget the cars parked in or on the edge of the lane who's very mindful driver opens the door without looking blocking the whole lane for you to die ctashing into.
@debarjandatta2170 Год назад
Bruh this looks like a dream to me, in India bicycles trucks buses motorcycles pedestrians and cows all move along the same pothole laden road.😂
@joshnicholson2934 10 месяцев назад
Bike lane is where they sweep all the broken glass and broken car parts after cars crash into each other
@unimunoz1159 10 месяцев назад
They closed by potholes by cars BTW. Because cars are the only things heavy enough to create such damage
@rians3836 Год назад
At least you have a bike lane. All my country came up with "shared path(thought off from behind the desk)" that are use by pedestrians with phone glued face. "Bright idea"
@derekjolly3680 10 месяцев назад
From the way this is put, having bike lanes can actually be worse for cyclists, even though that's counter-intuitive. What really gets me where I live, is when we have them, rarely, there's always a degree of ambiguity about these being bike lanes or just the edge of the street. Just having them marked with a bike image would be very helpful. It seems there is always this foot dragging from our local government, with making the lanes, to the extent that they are really bike lanes, to the extent that they're at a certain degree of function, fully baked.
@IzzyIkigai 11 месяцев назад
WTF why are there drains with bike-wheel-wide holes that are oriented with the lane ON THE BIKE LANE? What kind of a sick joke is that?!
@jimmyjam8795 Год назад
I would add one more imputation one for me when the cycle lane is actually separate. That is junctions, stopping on the cycle lane, but you can simply ride on if you're on the road.
@cdean2789 10 месяцев назад
Thanks for educating aggressive car drivers
@BetrThnYou 10 месяцев назад
I hate when theres a footpath right there but these idiots still walk in the bike lane and also everyone thinks someone clipped in can do crazy manouvers to get around... We cant
@JankkPL 10 месяцев назад
In Poland you have to drive in the bike lane if one is provided. You can get a ticket otherwise.
@craigkelly9149 Год назад
Bike tax will pay for the roads like car tax 😂😂😂 it’s all about equality
@JakeMay Год назад
You heard of VAT, income tax, National Insurance, corporation tax etc etc? They do a pretty good job of paying for the road infrastructure - nothing to do with your "car tax"
@lifesucks5322 10 месяцев назад
bicycle lanes are generally not for cyclists but for people commuting by bike, where i live they have a speed limit of 25km/h and even an average cyclist goes way above that
@joneinarmattiasvisser6113 Год назад
Just look at dutch bike lanes. No one would choose to use the road, because the bike lane is clearly safer and a better choice overall😊
@kregadeth5562 10 месяцев назад
“For no reason” the reason is the city wasn’t designed for them so adding them isn’t as easy as painting lines. Nobody seems to realize this. There was an obvious need for the lane to be on the other side of the road at that point and that is because of space.
@bobzelley5100 4 месяца назад
Bike lanes are for glass and parked cars. Conditions were better for prior to the do gooders and their bike lanes.
@juancampbell269 10 месяцев назад
Solution: every 4 lane road should reduce to 2 lanes, with the extra space given to bikes and pedestrians. Cars are over deployed in every western city.
@Dutchtreat-pn3cj 11 месяцев назад
We have the best bike paths in the world in The Netherlands. Those losers on race bikes still don't use them.
@cc-my3hc Год назад
#7: bikers are way less predictable than cars. They turn suddenly, stop out of nowhere, rush past you and them pull out their phone to check their messages. Cars are big scary metal machines, but they pretty much follow certain trends.
@Mgameing123 Год назад
Bikes are typically more safe though. They will try manuvour around you. Unless they are planning to jump you.
@jhferu Год назад
"they pretty much follow certain trends" - until they don't. And this is why we have collisions, because people think they are great at predicting stuff, when actually, they are pretty bad. But yes, bikers are less predictable than cars, cars do absolutely nothing - until an someone gets behind the steering wheel (unless it's self driving)
@JakeMay Год назад
This strikes me as utterly delusional. The number of drivers I see who u-turn where they shouldn't, fail to indicate before turning, run red lights, or simply are paying more attention to their phone than the road is staggering... I'd suggest you're being pretty biased here and would witness lots of unpredictable driving if you actually looked for it. Sounds like you've got a case of the confirmation bias.
@richards4986 Год назад
​@@JakeMay Pretty much what you just commented on is more or less a mirror of what cyclists do. And as for being biased , your not at all are you ?
@JakeMay Год назад
@@richards4986 the fact is drivers kill hundreds each year - that's the only stat that you need to know
@FirstNameLastName-ev3jk Год назад
Cyclists don’t need a reason to cycle in the road. It is their right.
@null090909 Год назад
Snow. To plow the car lane, snow is often dumped on bike lanes.
@ramonbustillo3249 Год назад
Damn i wish i could drive on the bike lane when the road is not well kept!
@JakeMay Год назад
Next you'll be complaining about pedestrians using the road
@denmark39 7 месяцев назад
In Denmark cars can’t park in bike lanes. Don’t get lanes if they are not protected
@andrzejsamorzewski146 Год назад
The 1. Bad design really piss me of because in UK it's beyond bad design they intentionally put obstacles on bike lanes especially one shered with pedestrian. This not only makes cycling a lot harder but also is hard for wheelchair users.
@srpskihayk Год назад
In Taiwan and even in US bike lanes are useless. They are simply extensions of sidewalks and are taken over by pedestrians. You know, families with strollers, joggers, etc who for some reason have the right of way on a clearly marked "Bikes Only" lane.
@kaiserhhaie841 10 месяцев назад
I absolutely love well-built bike paths, i.e. in Hamburg where I used to live there are some old Bridges and also the old Elbe Tunnel in St. Pauli that have turned into Bicycle Paths after being banned for motortraffic, and that kind of stuff I love to ride through. But the bike lanes on the roads are horrible, basically in every single country. In germany its also impossible to legally pass cyclists in bike lane often times because you need to keep at least 1,5m of distance, which cant always be done without crossing uninterupted lines (which is illegal here). So those are a pain for absolutely everyone
@Centillion001 11 месяцев назад
In Denmark you can’t park in bike lanes. If some work has to be done in bike lake we close one car lane to maintain a bike lane. That safe and give priority to the bikes.
@ben.taylor Год назад
The UK government is still too attached to cars. Bicycle infrastructure is just an afterthought "to make everyone shut up". When in fact it solves alot of things. Better quality of life for everyone, less and perhaps no traffic jams and cleaner air for us to breathe. What you've just read is the POV of a car driver.
@junky360 11 месяцев назад
I regularly drive on paths in areas that are badly designed. Gets me to work much faster which is all i care about.
@maudeamyot-bourgeois8434 Год назад
I will add having to frequently cross parking entrance/exit where drivers only watch out for cars before leaving and never for bikers, and worst one, the stop sign just for bikes.
@pero13258 10 месяцев назад
Thank God in my country, its illegal to drive on the road, if theres a free/non blocked bike lane available
@arnoldhau1 Год назад
Most bike laines are just horrible. Especially if they are on the pavement, where cyclist just should never be. I prefer the road in most cases, but in many countries you are obliged to use bike lanes.
@the.trollgubbe2642 9 месяцев назад
City's don't want to spend money on bike lanes/roads in USA
@rickyfox67 11 месяцев назад
this doesn't keep cars out of the bike lane
@ayeejiff9847 Год назад
they really thought everyone would be driving armored metal boxes in the future ... >.>
@matthewboyd8689 Год назад
Separated bike paths/ wide pedestrian bike share path are the best Wish America had them. All the younger having to downsize and all the old aren't understanding that it's because boss is today have a higher percentage of the profits so there are no "Get a better job" options. (Me thinking about moving to Europe)
@bosewicht2389 Год назад
If I’m a cyclist and I get hurt because of shitty road design I’m suing the hell out of the city
@Just_Flipy Год назад
Went to london, biked, taxi parked his car, door flew open, biker flew into the air…
@yeryerman 10 месяцев назад
A few roads around me have a painted line in the middle of 2 car lanes (one is eventually a turning lane) which is kind of terrifying to have cars overtake on both sides at the same time at fast speed
@CaptainNomae 9 месяцев назад
Also if you live anywhere with loads of hills, climbing them can be a pain if your bike isn't anything but a full carbon road bike, so cars regularly speed past you at 4x the speed you're going on narrow streets that sometimes don't even have bike lanes.
@lucywucyyy 7 месяцев назад
as if a carbon meme machine makes any difference from a cars pov
@pamelaminor696 9 месяцев назад
I ride on the sidewalk. I know this is illegal, but where I live riding on the road Is just too scary & frankly DANGEROUS!
@hamstsorkxxor 10 месяцев назад
If you park a car in a bike lane were I'm from, it's first going to have a bunch of dents from angry bicyclists smashing it with their bike locks. It is then going to get towed within 20 minutes and you'll get a hefty fine for obstructing traffic. Also, the fine is measured in relation to your income (for example, a fine could be "all you earn in a average 10 day period") , so if you're really rich, it could be a juice fine indeed. Needless to say, we don't have a problem of cars in the bike lanes!
@lkslvn Год назад
If u decide to ride a racing bike through the cities, u better no complain about ground quality. That is like owning a sports car and taking it to gravel road to complain that the road is "poorly maintained". Get urself a bike with wider wheels and some suspension if u want a comfortable ride everywhere
@rivka8576 8 месяцев назад
Just had a crash cos of a pothole on a cycle path 😕
@matthewchapman6395 5 месяцев назад
In Doncaster the cycle lanes are full of pedestrians while the pavements are empty, go figure..
@johnvine5731 10 месяцев назад
I just love the redways in Milton Keynes. You can ride all day and not encounter a car.
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