
Why Did Jesus Go Back to Nazareth for Synagogue 

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Crossroads CEO Dr. John Hull talks to Joe Amaral about some of the mysterious things Jesus did and how we can understand them through understanding the Jewish culture.



3 окт 2024




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@peteragenga3805 4 года назад
I always feel like exploding with excitement whenever these guys reveals these historical aspects about Jesus. We as Christians have an obligation of reading as much as we can so that we can teach others as well.
@jsteele650 3 года назад
Wow....beautiful! Thank you Lord for a clearer understanding of your Word! It is like kisses from above.🥰
@hannastocksick7395 6 лет назад
Thank you for all this information! You appreciate and get amazed much more than before! 🙏🏻
@TheWarKing27 6 лет назад
Why didn’t i know about this earlier 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Awesome!!!
@franciscomtirado97 6 лет назад
I know im 2 yrs late. Great to have stumbled upon this. Joe is fun to listen to. And the cultural Jesus book Iwant want to order.
@JoseVasquez-ii4pz 6 лет назад
I love this program is the very first day I see it. this men has wisdom from Above
@IgnorantFishermen 4 года назад
Got to look at it from a Jewish perspective! Awesome insight!
@aprilwaller123 6 лет назад
I love the nuggets he gives.
@kk294Darlene 6 лет назад
Glory to God Most High!
@rajendrashekatkar6250 Год назад
@Aladino-bs1us 6 лет назад
I love this conversation
@brightnessindia 2 года назад
Shalom sir 🙏
@servantofjesuschrist8790 5 лет назад
@kirkspilsbury5059 5 лет назад
@ebriggs3498 6 лет назад
This is interesting. However my friends who are Jewish Believers explain it a little bit differently. If you follow the synagogue cycle reading, which reads through the Torah in one year, this tells you that by the time they reach the book of Isaiah, which is called the teachings and is supplemental to the Torah, they had reached Isaiah 43. Jesus/Yeshua, who was back in town visiting his family, was considered a guest. The guest was always called to the bema/podium to read the Torah portion. Yeshua made sure that He was in His hometown at that time every year when it came to reading that portion because He was proclaiming Himself as the Messiah of Israel starting in His hometown first.
@deb9784 6 лет назад
Interesting fact! Thanks!
@mikandrew 6 лет назад
your friend have to be in a program like this!!!
@optimusimperat 4 года назад
that's interesting. but we have to be careful of the historical context first. your friends are valuable in that they illuminate the bible through the eyes of the jews, the way it was meant to be understood, but we also have to be very aware of the cultural context of the passage at the time of the first century AD. Jeff benner is another lecturer who gives incredible insight into the world of the ancient jews/israelites through the study of ancient hebrew in its historical-cultural context
@arnoldkokonya 6 лет назад
Why am I watching this over two years later? Where have i been really in my salvation???
@opensecret4451 6 лет назад
Hope this is encouraging - It's not WHERE you are - Its WHO you are IN - Salvation is an issue of IDENTITY - An EXCHANGED Life 2 Cor. 5:21 - Satan and the flesh has us focus on our performance - Salvation is Jesus through His shed blood giving us the EXACT SAME relationship that He had with His Father - Through His blood - By HIS PERFORMANCE - Same Exact Relationship - NOTHING LESS - FREE GIFT BY GRACE - NEVER EARNED - ALWAYS UNDESERVED - NEW COVENANT - NEW CREATURE - NEW IDENTITY - NEW RESURRECTED LIFE - IN Him!!
@richmondduafah9295 6 лет назад
I asked myself the same question. Charlie hmmm GOD MUST HELP US
@CanadianLoveKnot 6 лет назад
Maybe open your wallet. Jesus needs money.
@opensecret4451 6 лет назад
@@CanadianLoveKnot Jesus said You Err - Not knowing the Power of God nor the Scriprure - God said in the NEW COVENANT - Which is the ONLY Covenant to which those who have been CALLED to belivee are under - Give nothing under Coercion and ONLY from a hilarious heart - The name Issac who was born not according to the flesh BUT According to THE PROMISE means - HE SHALL BE MADE TO LAUGH - You may have inadvertantly pointed out why "Chriatians Don't Look Happy - Probably haven't given enough weight to Matt. 13:22
@CanadianLoveKnot 6 лет назад
@@opensecret4451 what? I don't get it. What does that have to do with my comment?
@jtzutube Год назад
𝐼 think the Theophilus to whom Luke writes is the High Priest from 37-41 AD, the son of Annas, possibly the grandfather of Joanna, not just done random Greek guy.
@hanadcabdulgaadir6390 6 лет назад
The best confersation can human can have is the lord i love god jesus is the best
@vuyiswakeyi2154 6 лет назад
Public Creation, you missed a huge part of this teaching. Jesus didn't only go to fulfil the family assignment but also to sit in that Moses chair to demonstrate that He was the prophesied Mashiyach. Please have a teachable spirit. 🙏
@deb9784 6 лет назад
BTW, he taught that too!
@amsterdamG2G 3 года назад
Even Luke was a Jew, is what Michael Rood claims
@jpaul1599 6 лет назад
The reality of 3 deceptions that sought to destroy the truth of Word of God in the Genesis 1 account of Creation. 1) Gap theory that "so called" theologians have pushed is nonsense. Genesis 1:1-2 actually contains the book-ends of history. - Beginning of 1st earth - Genesis 1:1 > In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. End of 1st earth - Genesis 1:2 > And the earth was without form, and void. (The end of 1st creation and 1st earth is exactly what God confirmed through Isaiah.) Isaiah 46:10 > "Declaring the end from the beginning", and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: (The finality of end of 1st earth ) Revelation 21:1 > And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: "for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away;" 2) The false theory of evolution over millions of years is just a discredited theory - can anyone explain how is it that in every living, breathing creature - man, beast, bird, fish - there is both a male and female that made reproduction possible for their continuity. Creation was in 6 days as revealed in Exodus 20:11 > For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. 3) The theory of "the big bang in the beginning" was Satan's narrative through "so called" physicists and an attempt to state the exact opposite of what the Word of God reveals about the "big bang" - great noise and fervent heat that actually will happen at the end of Time. 2 Peter 3 :10 > But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Do your own study and don't fall for everything that "so called" theologians or physicists authoritatively preach or teach. 4) On what day was Christ crucified and when was He resurrected ? [Jesus explains what day(time) and night(time) mean. ] John 11:9-10 > Jesus answered, Are there not twelve hours in the day? If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of this world. But if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth, because there is no light in him. [ Jesus gives a prophetic sign of His death, burial and resurrection .] Mathew 12:40 > For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. (Word of God is clear of the composition of a Day) Genesis 1: 5 > And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. Jesus died and was buried on Wednesday. He was resurrected on Saturday. The burial had to be completed before the Sabbath but it was a High Sabbath day (not the weekly Sabbath). In case you have a KJV 1611 Bible then in John 19:31 the reference is to a "high" Sabbath (Feast of Unleavened Bread). Forget not the feast days in the Old Testament books. There is a reason why it is declared that He is the Lord of the Sabbath. Even if you read Daniel 9:27 prophecy it tells you that He was cut off in the middle of the week - what is the middle of a werk starting from Sunday and ending on Saturday (Sabbath on 7th day) ? It's Wednesday. It's after 3 days and 3 nights (Refer Mathew 12:40). If Yahshua (Jesus) has not fulfilled that sign then all of our faith is in vain. But Jesus fulfilled that exactly as He prophecied and that's why we believe in Him. The Jews always consider the late evening to next day's late evening as the sequence for any day. Remember the Genesis account of Creation - for it was evening and morning the first day, ... it was evening and morning the second day etc Wednesday evening - Passover Lamb buried before beginning of High Sabbath day. Thursday - Feast of unleavened bread, a High Sabbath day ( no manual work) Friday - Normal week day. Saturday - Weekly Sabbath (no manual work); Resurrected at end of weekly Sabbath day. Consider, that women do not venture out after evening and the men who were His disciples did not even remember His promise that He would be 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the earth before His Resurrection. Is it any surprise that the women went to the sepulchre "very early" in the morning and was told by the angels that "He had risen". Why are we willing to believe that He was resurrected in the morning - after only one and half days. Believe Christ and the sequence of events and the High Sabbath and also the weekly Sabbath revealed in the Word of God. Let's not get bogged down in fancy terms like Preterism, Eschatology, Amillennialism, Ecclesiology etc., shoved at us by denominational theologians and seminaries. All of the Word of God is Truth if you rightly divide the truth - 2 Timothy 2:15. As Believers, though you are required to receive the word with all readiness of mind, you should search the scriptures daily, to ascertain whether those things were so - Acts 17:11 As Believers our faith is in Christ and we are saved by grace and not by our works. Our faith is not a "religion", though denominations and freelancers have made it a religion, by carving out HIS Sheep, with sacraments and picking a verse or a verse there, to justify their own theology, enrichment and hold power.
@jerroldnadler1688 4 года назад
The bottom line is, people will either believe we exist in a supernaturally created reality or they won't... and most (myself included) were indoctrinated by others or ourselves into a way of thinking that is completely devoid of the supernatural. Where the broken heart returns to the Gulag of the mind for freedom, because it knows no other way.
@elizabethmathew9730 3 года назад
I always wondered about this, God has given me an answer. I believe this
@stevenleffler4525 Год назад
WOW what a coincidence 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Our God is just so awesome ❤✝️❤️💪
Thoepholis isn't "a guy," it actually means "lovers of God." 😊❤️
@se9355 3 года назад
@@terrancejohnson4408 With all do respect my friend you are wrong
@se9355 3 года назад
@@terrancejohnson4408 about your statement saying that people in the Bible didn't actually exist
@alvaroovallecastrellon4187 3 года назад
América is Father house john14 2 and Chile is third heaven and Paradise ⭐
@ivanriobla 6 лет назад
can't forget about them 1k little gifts . . lmao
@alvaroovallecastrellon4187 3 года назад
First coming Israel Second coming Chile ⭐
@er5650 6 лет назад
Another pastor mention the same subject; and he said that Jesus was writing you shall not commit adultery on the sand.. Now; which one is it?? Can it be both, o it could be different subject.. Can any one explain this to me
@TheKevinmalta 6 лет назад
Hello Gurs from 100huntley. I just came across your channel tube yesterday and I have watched a couple of clip. So far they are very interesting. However I have a Question for you guys, since you seem to know a lot about Christianity and the era of Christs time. I am Catholic, was born Catholic and inbetween I have made a lot of research myself aswell as I wanted to know what Jesus really wants and of course WHICH is his Church. The problem I find with any Christian who is not Catholic is one, and this is the Eucharist. I dug deep into this matter and convinced myself that the Catholic Church has got the Truth regarding the Holy Blessed Eucharist. We believe that the Bread and wine becomes Christ himself, soul,blood,body and divinity whilst protestants believe it is only a memorial. Now this is a very Important issue FOR Salvation depends on this matter since Jesus himself said so in John 6. So why did this teaching change in the 1500's after so many years of solid teaching prior? As far as I know God's Word does not change. if the Early Church Fathers taught so, how come it has changed? the Early Church Fathers had no Bible and whatever they preached and believed was coming straight from the Apostles. What do you think? God bless all.
@richardbuchanan5497 Год назад
Well... not the only Gentile author.... The other day I just read the other part written by a Gentile.
@angelaangel3406 6 лет назад
Yeshua Ha Mashiach Is ONLY Coming Back One Time, which Is The Second Coming,,,, AFTER The Great Tribulation..
@mannynunes7453 6 лет назад
Angela Angel yeshuah is the name of the antichrist. Yeshuah is not found in the Hebrew, Aramaick, Greek scripture EVER. The Chtist's name is and forever is Jesus.
@Dante-qf9yd 6 лет назад
Manny Nunes There was no J used in the Hebrew Aramaic language. Jesus would not be His original name.
@pilatindlovu8144 6 лет назад
He will come for the wedding and take His wife home,then tribulation and then return for the mellenial
Pilati Ndlovu there is no rapture
@-racingfan2014 6 лет назад
Manny Nunes yesua, yeshua, yesha which in greek is Jesous of which comes Jesus is exactly in the old testament. Lookup any word salvation in the old testament. Try Genesis 49:18 - we have waited for your Yesua. That’s why the name Jesus/Jesous/Yeshua is the same just different languages. When we call on Jesus, God knows in our heart who we are really calling. What is beautiful about the hebrew version is that it directly means salvation. So every time you say Yesua/Yesha you proclaim God is salvation. God knows our heart when we say it. Therefore I have no problem of fellow christians saying Jesus in their own language. God looks at the heart.
@OliveWeitzel 6 лет назад
If Christians would not be so arrogant and learn from today Rabbis about Jewish Life in the Synagoges, you would have learned that a long time ago. There still is the seat of Moses in some orthodox synagoges today! Put down your proud "christian" crowns and start learnibg from living Jews!
1000 dollars? You want 1000 dollars go work
@tedmccauley9319 4 года назад
Jesus was Jewish, so why wouldnt he go to synagogue.
@RenewalCreations 6 лет назад
That would undermine Jesus/God coincidence (don't know what to call the term) if Jesus had just gone back to Nazareth for a reading assignment.
@georgerudesill4302 6 лет назад
Mr. Amaral I have a BA from San Jose Bible college and a MA from Fuller Theological Seminary in Church History. I have found a number of historical and scriptural errors in you book. I suggest you do more research and revise it.
@timothywade9982 6 лет назад
George Rudesill ; I can't help but wonder if ,perhaps, you might simply want 15 seconds of fame by stirring up some form of strife, hoping for a spotlight on yourself
@arnisdaddy7905 6 лет назад
The fact that you have BA's and MA's from man made colleges are MEANINGLESS. Matthew 11:25 states: At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Now, I am NOT defending Mr Amaral's book or his interpretations. I have not read them, and may or may not. It's just that anytime someone begins there statement by throwing out their so called "education" I immediately become suspect and skeptical of the rest of there words.
@truthtruth2515 6 лет назад
god told me to tell you to donate $1000 dollar donation every month to me in cash , thanks and God bless I'll give you my GoFundMe page.
@nopretribrapture2318 6 лет назад
Wow..you sure do make alot of this>>💰 GOD rebuke you..HE will..
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