
Why did Jews not accept Muhammad and Jesus as prophets? 

Blessed is HaShem, the G-d of Israel.
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@abdulrahmana6427 5 лет назад
The Quran Mentioned that the Jews were so stubborn and hard headed people in terms of dealing with prophets. For example they asked Jesus to perform supernatural things for them, which he did like healing sick people and resurrection ability. but still they didn’t believe him. And there are a lot of stories and verses saying how Jews people were so stubborn and asking a lot from prophets.
@amaturrahmaan964 5 лет назад
exactly, same is seen here also no matter how "good" they are..!
@mm-qu3ht 4 года назад
@@amaturrahmaan964 this is true.
@mr.d6998 4 года назад
The Quran says that the Jews recognised all of the signs both when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) arrived, and during his prophecy, as being the final Prophet, better than they recognise their own sons. He is mentioned by name in the Torah in Hebrew, ‘Muhammadim’ ‘im’ being a term of respect, in the Song of Solomon, Many Jews when they are at the Wailing Wall keep saying “Muhammadim’, without realising what they are saying.
@sadaffatima2203 4 года назад
Isa alaihis salam showed miracles by the permission of Allah.
@mmuneebullahkhan5234 4 года назад
@Solomon Torbati ​ Assalam o alikum (Peace be upon you brother). if you want to know the whole answer and the truth then i kindly request you to read this carefully and with full attention if you have enough real guts to face the truth Firstly Brother Quran itself is a Miracle of Allah (God). Quran have several facts and signs In it which are truly correct and some of them are given below there are many but I can't write all of them in just 1 comment if you want I will provide you all with reference. 1st Scientific Fact : 1. The Big Bang 100 years ago, the world’s best scientific minds thought that the universe had always existed. Since it always existed, it didn’t need a Creator. Einstein changed all that. His ‘field equations’ suggested that the universe was expanding like a balloon. The mathematician and Belgian Priest, George Lemaître, realised that this expansion had to have started from somewhere. It must have come from an initial, dense point. This idea became known as the Big Bang. Today, it is the basis for understanding the origin of the universe. What few people know however is that the Holy Quran described the Big Bang perfectly, 1400 years earlier. اَوَ لَمۡ یَرَ الَّذِیۡنَ کَفَرُوۡۤا اَنَّ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَ الۡاَرۡضَ کَانَتَا رَتۡقًا فَفَتَقۡنٰہُمَا ؕ وَ جَعَلۡنَا مِنَ الۡمَآءِ کُلَّ شَیۡءٍ حَیٍّ ؕ اَفَلَا یُؤۡمِنُوۡنَ Do not the disbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were a closed-up mass (ratqan), then We opened them out? And We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? Holy Quran, 21:31 The arabic word ratqan means a closed-up mass. It also means darkness. A dark, closed-up mass is a perfect description of what we know the universe looked like in its earliest moments. The heavens and the Earth were indeed opened out from this mass to produce the universe we see today. The verse further says that water is the basis of life. This is now an accepted scientific fact. When NASA look for planets that can bear life, they look for water. The shocking power of this verse is a grand sign for our disbelieving age. 2nd Scientific Fact : 2. The Expansion Of The Universe Einstein’s equations tell us that the universe is expanding. This discovery surprised everyone. For decades thereafter, scientists thought the universe exploded out of the Big Bang, and has been slowing down ever since. But they were wrong. The universe’s expansion has recently been speeding up. This mysterious re-expansion is driven by what we call dark energy. About 5 billion years ago, this mysterious anti-gravity began pushing the universe outwards once more. The Holy Quran describes this perfectly: وَالسَّمَاءَ بَنَيْنَاهَا بِأَيْدٍ وَإِنَّا لَمُوسِعُونَ And We have built the heaven with might and We continue to expand it indeed. Holy Quran 51:48 This astonishing verse does not just tell us that the universe has expanded. The arabic ‘la-mūsiʿūna’ tells us that the universe is continuing to expand. Such a statement is a sure sign of the Prophet Muhammad’s truth, peace be upon him. 3rd Scientific Fact : 3. The End Of The Universe The Quran does not only tell us about things that have already been discovered. Rather, it tells us about scientific phenomena still debated today. These next two are not yet confirmed but their mere discussion is worthy of note. One such topic is the end of the universe. Will it continue to expand forever, or collapse back in on itself? The Holy Quran sheds light on this enigmatic matter: یَوۡمَ نَطۡوِی السَّمَآءَ کَطَیِّ السِّجِلِّ لِلۡکُتُبِ ؕ کَمَا بَدَاۡنَاۤ اَوَّلَ خَلۡقٍ نُّعِیۡدُہٗ ؕ وَعۡدًا عَلَیۡنَا ؕ اِنَّا کُنَّا فٰعِلِیۡنَ “Remember the day when We shall roll up the heavens like the rolling up of written scrolls by a scribe. As We began the first creation, so shall We repeat it - a promise binding upon Us; We shall certainly perform it.” Holy Quran 21:105 This vivid description of the Quran completely fits the picture of the universe collapsing into a black hole. Angular momentum would cause the fabric of space to enter into it like the rolls of parchment. Then, a new universe would emerge. It is only a matter of time until this shocking fate of the universe is confirmed to be the most likely by physicists
@freemolimo 7 лет назад
Here are few of the 100s proof that Muhammed is mentioned in the Torah "And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned. [Isaiah 29:12] What is remarkable is that the very first word of the Qur’an revealed to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was READ! He told Angel Gabriel that he cannot read. The angel again told him to READ! He says again to the angel that he cannot read. And a third time the angel told him: "READ! In the name of thy Lord Who createth." [Qur’an 96:1] The Torah describes the coming prophet so that he can be recognized: "I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him." [Deuteronomy 18:18] The claim of Islam is that the Qur’an is the literal, unchanged word of God. So as the Torah foretold, God had literally put His words (the Qur’an) on the tongue of Prophet Muhammad. Stop listening to these kind of people and open your minds or hearts and look for the truth. It is out there.
@qaisyosufzai1369 6 лет назад
Kenan Sabani thank you so much brother for such a great example
@bloodont 6 лет назад
this means *YESHUA* is son of *THE LIVING GOD* ACCORDING TO YOU if he is not then this is PROPHESIED about *YESHUA* your kuran is man mad prove me wrong or prove me right I won
@user-kf8rw7cn8v 6 лет назад
@RabinoBoricuaVirtual according to the quran all the prophet are equal
@user-kf8rw7cn8v 6 лет назад
@RabinoBoricuaVirtual Moses choosed a prophet who'll be after him but Mohamed is the seal of the prophet no one after him
@user-kf8rw7cn8v 6 лет назад
@RabinoBoricuaVirtual what u don't understand that the quran is not a book of genealogy even the father of Mohammad isn't mentionned and you'll will find nowhere in the quran that Mohamed is related to ishmael , as the name of the child of the sacrifice iS not mentionned. Because it's not the goal of the quran , its goal is to remember what happen before , to correct the misconception and calling the people to worship one god
@hidden__truth5475 7 лет назад
prophet Moses taught us monotheism and prophet Jesus taught us monotheism and prophet Muhammad( p3ace ans blessing of Allah upon them ) taught monotheism . if u denie any of the messenger of Allah it is same as u r denying ur lord .
@sayednegm4940 6 лет назад
Listen friend you dont know what is shada is it said i witeness thier is no god but Allah and mohammed is his massanger...
@sayednegm4940 6 лет назад
Prophet mohammed said to his companions once: no one will enter paradise except with the marcy of Allah.. they asked him: even you oh massanger of Allah.. he said: even me... and u claime he said he is savior!!! Where did u get that from?
@Badr11198 4 года назад
@RabinoBoricuaVirtual Shahada is: I believe that there is no divinity but God ( Allah) and that Mohamed is HIS servant and messenger. Muhamed is the servant and the messenger of God, why do you think it means God has Mohamed as "partner"!? If you don't mention Mohamed in the shahada, it could mean any other religion who believe in one GOD. By including the name of the prophet , you explicitly, say that you are following Islam's religion. We muslims believe that no one is co saver with God. Even prophets are saved by God.
@guyguy5842 4 года назад
RabinoBoricuaVirtual about the shahada part I can ask the same question to you, you can’t be saved in Judaism unless you believe in Moses, does that make Judaism polytheistic?
@mememan6732 4 года назад
@RabinoBoricuaVirtual look you misunderstood the sahada. We. I bear witness that there is no god other than allah. And I bear witness that Mohammed is his massenger. We don't say that Mohammed is even close to divinity. We believe that he is just a prophet ot god.
@jhalcricket2376 2 года назад
There's absolutely no doubt remain if a person reads complete biography of Prophet Muhammad pbuh and if a person reads Qur'an it's 100% sure prophet Muhammad pbuh is a Prophet of god..
@SHALOM77H 8 месяцев назад
Prophet of dog
@I.Kat. 6 месяцев назад
Mohammed is Satan's whore.
@andylopez9471 4 месяца назад
Big Facts
@pawekarkosa3033 3 месяца назад
Quite the contrary. If you make such statement, it means that you have only recited the Quran your whole life and you never actually read it. To make story short - a guy who claims that the all-knowing god told him that: - Night and Day have their own orbits - the semen is created between the ribs and the backbone - Earth if flat - the Moon shines with its own light - the Sun is way smaller than the Earth and has a resting place in a muddy pond on Earth - the stars (= another suns, but really far, far away) are nothing more than the lamps hanging in the ceiling - the child resembles this parent (mother or father) who has the orgasm first - that the bones of a fetus are formed before the flesh - that the nearest heaven (i.e. the one on which the stars are hanging like the lamps) is 500 years of walking distance from Earth (= approx. 4,5 million km, while the Sun itself is located 150 million km from the Earth, i.e. 30 times further), etc. is a false prophet. Further more - a guys, who invents the chapters of the holy book on a whim just to get in the panties of his own daughter-in-law and who or to grant (only to) himself unlimited access to women, while his followers have to be happy with 4, the man who invents the "revelations" to justify raping of the captive women, the guy who claims that if he insults someone and humiliates someone, the person actually is receiving a blessing, is no prophet of any god. To make is short: In the version for religious people, Muhammad was nothing more than a messenger or Satan and his deeds, his life, his words confirm this pretty much. For no-religious people - he was a pretty successful con-artist, who was very good at convincing gullible people that they should worship him, never criticize him, give him 20% of every look and kill everyone how opposes him. All that for the promise of some sex in the afterlife.
@amigos2841 Месяц назад
I did and wasn't convinced like how the bible didn't convince me, just the ramblings of some middle eastern tribe
@sannyahmed359 Год назад
Prophet Mohammad the last and final messenger of Allah❤💕💖🤲🇩🇿🇪🇭
@tribaljustice5702 Год назад
There is no last and no final until the end of the earth because he wants to increase his followers so he declared that he is last prophet after his death did the world end no the world is going on so you can't say he is last
@sardarfatteh4250 Год назад
​​@@tribaljustice5702The thing to be understood here is that what path is shown by Muhammad, see what is the benefit of his words and you will know. I am a Muslim and I believe in Ibrahim (a.s.) I believe in and Muhammad SAW is one of his descendants. Adam as From Ibrahim Yakub to Suleiman Moses Isa Muhammad Saav there is only one existence. And all the prophets who come will show the good path to the world and show the true path. We all should respect each other and love should come within us and those who sow the seeds of discord among us should be removed.
@metalmarc777 Год назад
He was a False Prophet...A Liar 🤥 and a muederer
@Thebibleguy96 11 месяцев назад
False prophet.
@sannyahmed359 11 месяцев назад
@@Thebibleguy96 thats why u r disbeliever made for hell💥
@khaliilcabdulkariim7921 5 лет назад
الَّذِينَ آتَيْنَاهُمُ الْكِتَابَ يَعْرِفُونَهُ كَمَا يَعْرِفُونَ أَبْنَاءَهُمْ ۖ وَإِنَّ فَرِيقًا مِّنْهُمْ لَيَكْتُمُونَ الْحَقَّ وَهُمْ يَعْلَمُونَ (2:146) Those to whom We gave the Scripture know him as they know their own sons. But indeed, a party of them conceal the truth while they know [it].
@traditionalelder3070 4 года назад
Aaladhina attayna humul kitaba yarifonaho kama yarifonaa Aba naa ahum , waa inaa fariqum laa yaktomunal haqqa waahum yaalamon Alhaqqa Min rabbik FALA TAKONA MINAL MUNTARRIN
@yassin1208 4 года назад
That’s true. And unfortunately most Jews now don’t even know the truth to conceal it
@ProfQED 3 года назад
nice to look at this video The absolute truth about Muhammad in the bible: Rabbis who acknowledging the fact and...PART 1 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-cur_6aYs_7k.html
@AndresGomez-ey6lh Год назад
@Mohammad Tayyeb Muhammad is a false prophet
@ISLAMMYCHOICE3451 Год назад
They are stubborn they will never come to truty
@suraiyameem5481 6 лет назад
Exactly brother. Jewish test their Prophets. But Jesus(a) and Muhammad(s) were not only Prophets but were Messengers. The difference between Messenger and Prophet is that, to Messengers come new revelations. To Prophets come no new revelations but they follow the teachings of previous Messenger. Likewise, Moses(a) was a Messenger. He revealed only God's words, some of which were new to the people. The Prophets then taught the same teachings. But Jesus(a) and Muhammad(s) were Messengers, to whom came new rules and regulations. To Jewish came most of the Prophets but they are never convinced unfortunately. This is an act of arrogance to your own Lord.
@ilhamh4359 6 лет назад
Suraiya Meem 100% true !
@ilhamh4359 6 лет назад
@RabinoBoricuaVirtual What most non-muslim don't understand, unfortunately, is that when the sentence 'I bear witness that there is no God worthy of worship but Allah' is followed by 'and I bear witness that Muhammad is his servant and messenger', we mustn't understand by this that Muhammad (asws) is at the same level as Allah, equally a saviour, but rather, that he is merely the way to get to Allah in order to attain salvation, the one who was chosen by Allah to reveal to us Allah's plan and decree, a bit like when Jesus (asws) said 'I am the way', and I'm sure that every single messenger and prophet told the same thing to their respective people. That is why we could easily add to the shahada ' I bear witness that Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus are the servants and messengers of Allah'.
@ahmedfazal2223 4 года назад
U people will cry on day of judgement ,for your pride and arrogance not recognise Jesus and Muhammad ( pbut).
@BosSpice1984 3 года назад
AS Dadapeer Yes.. God send these books to his messengers with different rules and regulations for each generation of prophesy. Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) said that all messengers’ common massage was God is one. However, God obligates each generation with different prayer, fasting, etc.. obligations. For example, in the beginning of Islam, drinking wine was okey unless it’s prayer time. Months or some after, drinking wine became Makrooh (Hated). In the end, God stated in the Quran that now wine(alcohol) is strongly prohibited. So in other words, God’s wisdom is the reason of different orders, yet the massage of monotheism is the constant. Therefore, when we know that Jesus came with the Engil, Torah is no longer the book that is for the new generation of Jesus’s people. And so on with every prophet Until Muhammad who was the last. Peace be upon them all.
@wedas67 3 года назад
Totally Agree I myself as a new Messenger from God approve this message 😂
@aliberisha8004 5 лет назад
The Schollar of Judaism Rabbin Abdullah bin Salam he know the tora in and out better than toddays Rabbis and he accepted prophet Muhammed as a true messenger of God.
@farzein4002 4 года назад
And how many did not accept Muhammad and preferred to give their lives? Answer: almost all.
@عبدالله-ر8ف6ق 3 года назад
@@farzein4002 yea thats why 10 000 people marched into mekka and there was no fight because they were all muslims too
@demos466 3 года назад
@@swarnendu89 you shouldn't talk like that about a person who billions of people believe that he was sent from God have some respect You won't be happy to see someone cursing your god or even someone u respect
@swarnendu89 3 года назад
@@demos466 I am not fond of cursing anyone but can you deny the fact that Muhammad incited violence against people of other faiths, encouraged heinous acts against women belonging to different faith. He was not even a gentleman and you people give him the status of a Prophet.
@mohanabdi656 3 года назад
@@swarnendu89 keep your hate inside your Ass
@KhanAquatics 3 года назад
As a Muslim it was nice to hear the Judaism perspective of this. Thanks for taking the time to make this and being respectful in doing so.
@NaseerAhmed-sc5bl 3 года назад
So for example if a prophets comes and he brings you laws which are not in the Torah they will say this is false prophet because he has not brought what we want to her now when Allaah gave gospel to Jesus in there were laws in there that were not in the Torah so according to the Jews they rejected Jesus
@sauravcyrus1935 2 года назад
Yes Allah is the ancient moon 🌛 god
@bhappy4424 2 года назад
@@NaseerAhmed-sc5bl jesus didnt bring any laws read agian and please provide source if you have about this topic
@NaseerAhmed-sc5bl 2 года назад
@@bhappy4424 Jesus followed law of Moses dummy
@bhappy4424 2 года назад
@@NaseerAhmed-sc5bl look at your above statement
@jamesfisher2282 2 года назад
Shalom brother, I loved how u were open minded and respectful towards Muslims and christians something everyone should do. This is a very complicated issue but we all have our own beliefs and should respect them. Now I have a better understanding of what the jews think about Muslims and christians very informational!! Thank you brother.
@lalaintariqkhan1173 2 года назад
@johnnyjohnny6831 6 лет назад
My friend you speak very nice not fanatic or disrespectful against Islam , Iam a muslim but I have to correct you on one issue it is in the Qur´an you said the prophecy of Mohammed was the muslims will win a war against the romans between 2 and 9 years. thats is wrong at that time the two major powers were the byzantine empire and the persian empire at that time Persia defeated the byzantine empire comnplete it was a disastrous defeat for the byzantine empire, which was like germany after WW2. The known world spoke about that and said that the byzantine empire is finished. Persia took damascus Jerusalem and so on from the Byzantine empire in the Qur´an in that time in sure 30 ayat ( verse) 2 -4 Allah swt says in that time 2.The Byzantines have been defeated 3.In the nearest land. But they, after their defeat, will overcome. 4. Within three to nine years. To Allah belongs the command before and after. And that day the believers will rejoice. And so it happened not the muslims fought but the Byzantine empire and persia And the Qur´anic prophecy was fullfilled the byzantine empire took jerusalem syria Egypt and so on back they defeated the persian empire completly and at that time nobody could think that after the catastrophical defeat of the byzantine empire that they could in less than 9 years overcome this tragedy and beat the great persia and the quotation between 3 to 9 years is one word in arabic that word means at least 3 years and at most 9 years . but you know how difficult it is to translate a sematic language with all it meanings and history in modern english . I wanted only to correct you on this issue because it is my religion and if I see someone making a mistake I want to correct it if you were a Hater and would disgrace my religion I wouldnt even bother but because you are respectful I took the time to point this out. please dont misunderstand my intend it is indeed honest without bad intention .
@ajwadhassan2004 4 года назад
It is your mistake because the Quran says that Roman Empire will get win on Persian Empire because at that time Persians worshipped idols fires etc and arabs support them but Romans faith was in monotheism and islam also believe in monotheism so they (arabs) said to them that they also believe in Allah and they lost the battle and they were very happy but allah revealed the chapter in Quran that الم۔ غلبت الروم that Roman Empire will get victory over persian Empire and it is your great mistake that islamic Empire will get victory on romans
@farzein4002 4 года назад
Instead of using a general word, as God knows everything, He could be very specific, and provided exact dates instead of vague duration of 6 years. Additionally if you study history you would know that Persian and Byzantine empire's were in perpetual wars and made both parties weak.
@johnnyjohnny6831 4 года назад
@@farzein4002 even through you an islamic name we see that you are not a muslim. My friend that is how Allah swt talks to us even if Allah swt would have spelled it like you said you would still find it not enough. May Allah swt. guide you to the straight path
@farzein4002 4 года назад
@@johnnyjohnny6831 my point is that if the message is intended for humans and message is supposed to be a prediction, then message must meet some criterions to be acceptable (in general) to both muslims and non-Muslims/atheists and sadly stated message fails spectacularly to even meet the minimum standards of any predictions. As Carl said "“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.”
@johnnyjohnny6831 4 года назад
@@farzein4002 like I said you wouldnt belieben it even if everything Was written in the qur' an alone your choices of words Show how much you detest Islam. On the day of Judgment, the truth will be revealed. The Qur' an is full of signs. But those who will not Look wont believe.
@MuhammadShakurIV 7 лет назад
Prophet Muhammad SAW split the moon for his whole city and they called him a magician. Even his own tribe didn't accept him for more than a decade
Mohammed Bari according to Jewish Law, as I mentioned in my video, we first check if the potential prophet contradicts the Torah. Only then we go to the miracle test.
@MuhammadShakurIV 7 лет назад
Blessed is HaShem, the G-d of Israel. The Jewish rabbi of Yathrib (medina) at the time when Muhammad SAW made his hijra into the city, that rabbi asked Muhammad 3 questions to test him and he was eventually convinced he was a prophet. He converted to Islam right at that moment. The 3 different Jewish tribes didn't accept Muhammad SAW even though their head Rabbi did
Mohammed Bari what were the three questions he asked?
@MuhammadShakurIV 7 лет назад
Blessed is HaShem, the G-d of Israel. Abdullah bin Salaam, came to the Prophet PBUH. He asked him 3 questions only a prophet would know. He asked him about the day of judgement, then he asked him what is the finest food of paradise. The last question was what determines a baby you be a boy or girl
Mohammed Bari hmm I'm not sure why these rabbis asked these questions. The first thing they should have asked is whether everything written in the Torah is from G-d and whether Muhammad was going to add anything to the Torah or subtract anything from it.
@Rayees32 6 лет назад
I am curious about the origin of these two criteria. Is it written somewhere in Torah. And maybe this is related to an even general topic that what are the authentic sources in Judaism? Is it just the Torah or something more? Plus what do Jews think of the authenticity of the present day Torah? Do they believe it to be the same unchanged one that was gives to Moses peace be upon him? Anyways very informative. Thanks keep up the good work.
@amaan1468 2 года назад
"And We have certainly honored the children of Adam and carried them on the land and sea and provided for them of the good things and preferred them over much of what We have created, with [definite] preference." Qur'an The Night Journey 17-70
@rosedar2005 4 года назад
It's very difficult to accept that the belief you're born is not right or complete for everyone. But Allah opens the heart for those who thrives for him. JazakAllah.
@thereisonlyonegod3807 2 года назад
@Pepeko Not only Muhammad(PBUH), all Muslims believe in Torah,Psalms,Gospel and Quran as word of God, some of which was changed for personal gains except Quran. Salam/Shalom brother :)
@mohammad52157 Год назад
@Pepeko and Torah also believe in Mohammed
@SuperDuperColossal Год назад
@Pepeko yes the Torah predicted the arrival of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
@SuperDuperColossal Год назад
@Pepeko elaborate
@w3ird9 Год назад
this touches my heart
@sayno-toevil4753 7 лет назад
You said if a prophet propheize it will rain tomorrow at 6:00 but rain comes at 5:55 then that prophecy wont count: that's just your excuses to reject the prophet that's all. The Quran itself is miracle, so why don't you read the Quran and find out if that's true or not? Jesus (peace be upon him) performed big miracles and yet you disbelieved in him. Muhammad (pbuh) prophesied what's happening right now in the world. for example, he (pbuh) prophesied one of the signs of the end times that there will be a lots of killings, "the person who's killing doesn't know why he is killing and the person who is being killed don't know why he/she is being killed". Is that what's happening these days? He also prophesied "people (The Arabs) will be competing building tall buildings near the end of times. Both Muhammad & Jesus (peace be upon them) said keep the torah and sabbath. Every time I read these verses from the Quran I cry a lot. Quran surah 2:40) O Children of Israel, remember My favor which I have bestowed upon you and fulfill My covenant [upon you] that I will fulfill your covenant [from Me], and be afraid of [only] Me. (40) And believe in what I have sent down confirming that which is [already] with you, and be not the first to disbelieve in it. And do not exchange My signs for a small price, and fear [only] Me. And do not mix the truth with falsehood or conceal the truth while you know [it]. (42) And establish prayer and give zakah and bow with those who bow [in worship and obedience]. Do you order righteousness of the people and forget yourselves while you recite the Scripture? Then will you not reason? And seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive [to Allah] Who are certain that they will meet their Lord and that they will return to Him. (.................O Children of Israel, remember My favor that I have bestowed upon you and that I preferred you over the worlds. .............And fear a Day when no soul will suffice for another soul at all, nor will intercession be accepted from it, nor will compensation be taken from it, nor will they be aided. .........And [recall] when We saved your forefathers from the people of Pharaoh, who afflicted you with the worst torment, slaughtering your [newborn] sons and keeping your females alive. And in that was a great trial from your Lord. And [recall] when We parted the sea for you and saved you and drowned the people of Pharaoh"
I'm not sure where you get this information that the only time we accept a prophet is when we are in trouble. Who told you that? We don't accept Muhammad as a prophet for the same reason we don't accept Joseph Smith or Mirza Ghulam as prophets. They were not convincing. I don't have enough time to even read our own Holy Books, so it wouldn't be right for me to start reading Qumran. I may be in violation of “Bitul Torah” (not learning Torah when I have a chance). By the way, the fact that Torah and other Jewish Holy Books mention some misdeeds of the Jews, is the beauty of our religion. Torah is honest, and when Jews did something wrong, the Torah condemns it. Because Torah was not written by Jews, it was written by G-d, and it honestly reports on the events. In some other religions (not sure if Islam is included) the followers of that religion are perpetrated as “SAINTS”, as if they never did anything wrong. Why? Because those books were composed by the followers themselves, and there are not honest and objective.
@sayno-toevil4753 7 лет назад
Ok for example, Moses you believed in him ONLY when pharaoh put you through hell. But after you were freed you turned back. And Jeremiah you disbelieved in him first until At that point, God sent Nebuchadnezzar against you who came marching with his troops. Can you count how many prophets you (Jews) killed? You said the Torah is point out that you made some mistakes and that's the beauty of your faith: NO brother, the Torah is pointing out your arrogant, stubbornness and difiantly disobedience toward God who chose you over all the other nations. You see, you comparing prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to Joseph smith without knowing the facts. Joseph smith worship Jesus (idoltery). Muhammad (peace be upon him) worshipped one true God. The Quran is scientifically proven that it can not be the word of man. Muhammad (pbuh) was unlettered, he didn't know how to write his own name how did he come with this powerful Quran? Muhammad (pbuh) performed miracle by splitting the moon. He prophoesied many things that's taking place right before our eyes. You said: you don't have time to read the Torah or the Quran so you willing to take the risk of regretting in the day judgment? Are you forgetting your purpose of you being here? You see everyone of us get to have one chance to be on this earth and then we will die an NO chance of coming back.
Firstly, Moses was NOT a prophet when Jews became slaves. LOL. He wasn't even born yet, when Jews became slaves, so how were we suppose to believe in him as a prophet? He was chosen as a prophet only by burning bush. Jews have been as slaves already for over 80 years, when Moses became a prophet. When he eventuall did become a prophet, Jews had no problem accepting him. There were many prophets that Jews accepting without any suffering. You never read teh tanach and that is why you are saying that. Please read the books of Kings, Samuel and other. As the verse says about prophet Samuel pbuh "All Israel, from Dan to Beersheva, knew that Shmuel was trustworthy as a prophet of HaShem" Tell me, what suffering was there? As soon as a prophet proved himself, Jews accepted him RITHG AWAY. Mirza Ghulam was not an idolator and yet Ahmadis believe him to be a prophet. We as Jews do not accept him as a prophet, for the same reason we do not accept Muhammad was a prophet. As far as him splitting the moon is irrelavant. As i said in my video, if the so called prophet contradicts the Torah, he does not even go to stage 2 of the test. Since Muhammad contradicted the Torah (about sabath, kosher animals, etc.) we do not follow him even if he performs "miracles." David Coperfield also performs these miracles, so what? I think the splitting of the moon is not even in Quran, it is in Hadith, which is questionable of who actually wrote it. Just because Muhamad, couldnt read or write, doesnt mean he couldnt compose? He didnt write the qurana, his students wrote it, so he didn't need to know how to write. Regarding such prophets the Torah warns us "If the prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, and the thing does not occur and does not come about, that is the thing the Lord did not speak. The prophet has spoken it wantonly; you shall not be afraid of him" (Deutoronomy 18:22)
@sayno-toevil4753 7 лет назад
Jews rejecting prophets is every where in the scriptures. You said: you didn't have any problem believing in prophet Samuel, but weren't you in desperate situation when Samuel was appointed as a prophet? The philistines were oppressing you and took the Ark of the covenant from you. You had no choice but to believe him because ...remember hmmmmm you were in BIG trouble?!! And Moses (pbuh) first you believed him when you needed help but then later you disbelieved in Moses (pbuh) by saying "O Moses we will not believe you unless we see God". V. ...So can you please tell me who do you think Deuteronomy 18:18 is prophecising? We (Muslims) believe it's prophesying prophet Muhammad (pbuh). And what is the one thing prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said that didn't occur? The miracle of prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is not only in the Hadith but also in the Quran: a whole chapter is named after his miracle, THe Moon". surah 54:1-7). The Hour has come near, and the moon has split [in two]. (1) And if they see a miracle, they turn away and say, "Passing magic." (2) And they denied and followed their inclinations. But for every matter is a [time of] settlement. (3) And there has already come to them of information that in which there is deterrence - (4) Extensive wisdom - but warning does not avail [them]. (5) So leave them, [O Muhammad]. The Day the Caller calls to something forbidding, (6) Their eyes humbled, they will emerge from the graves as if they were locusts spreading, (7) Racing ahead toward the Caller. The disbelievers will say, "This is a difficult Day." You see. They said this is magic when they saw the miracle at their request. You said his students wrote the Quran. But who taught the students what to write? Didn't the "students" wrote down their own words or they wrote done what muhamma had taught them? And if they did write their own words, and The Quran is sceintifically proven that it can not be the word of man, so the "students" of Muhammad (pbuh) knew the unseen and they knew everything about space, nature and life? The Quran itself is his miracle. So how do you know if it's not from God when you are refusing to even read it?
You are making statements without checking them first. The ark was captured after Jews accepted Samuel pbuh as a prophet. Jews accepted Samuel in verse 3:20, but the war with Philistines and ark was captured in chapter 4. Deutoronomy 18:18 is talking about the Jewish prophets that came after Moses pbuh, just like Deutoronomy 17:15 is talking about Jewish kings of the future. Also just like Deutoronomy 18:7 is talking about Jewish Levites of the future. Anyways, I never said i refuse to read the quran. It is just that if i read the books of all religions, my lifetime is not enough. Just like I don't expect you to read all of the Talmud to figure out if its word of G-d, even though there are amazing scientific knowledge and prophecies in the Talmud, that proves that the information comes from G-d. For examle, the number of stars in Pliades, even before the creation of telescopes. How about we make a deal? I'll read chapter 2 of quran, and you will read all the scientific knowlege presented in the website below? It is not too much. evidencefortorah.comxa.com/torahandscience.php
@farhadali2842 5 лет назад
Allah is one and only God and Muhammad P.B.U.H is his Messangerand Prophet ❤. I love Allah And Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H...
@swarnendu89 3 года назад
Muhammad was a crook and he made fool of the Arab people.
@adlb4485 3 года назад
@@swarnendu89 He was the one who elevated the arabs..... The arabs were in total ignorance and worshipping anything, he made a whole heathen nation worship the one true God of Abraham in just FEW YEARS! The Most influential man in history, the arabs then became one of the smartest nations on earth scientifically just because the Holy Qur'an!! What are you talking about!
@adlb4485 3 года назад
@@swarnendu89 you're the fool now
@swarnendu89 3 года назад
@@adlb4485 Arabs became prosperous because of oil. Whole world knows about it.
@adlb4485 3 года назад
@@swarnendu89 what about the golden age of islam, Did they know about oil back then?? Explain
@fahimaakter-iy4tg 4 года назад
Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) and Hazrat Isa (Jesus) (A.S) was a prophet we Muslims don't have doubt about that .
@TarunKumar-uo5gn 3 года назад
Jesus is the SON of GOD
@irfangulmahar2639 20 дней назад
Prophet Muhammad saw is the last messenger of Allah.
@Pasham38 3 месяца назад
But Prophet Mohammad didn’t claim that Torah is totally altered, He said “don’t deny Torah totally, and don’t accept it totally. Because there are still some verses not altered”
@1234abcd12344 Год назад
The jews didn't accept Mohammed due to jealousy and envy. They wanted Mohammed from their lineage of Jacob or at least from his forefather Isaac (who was not a Jew).
@yousoufgoollamkader7678 5 лет назад
Muhammad peace be upon him and jesus also is a true prophet from God Allah.
@linkjoker1245 2 года назад
More than 1000 prophets has been sent to us people and peace be upon our last prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)the prophet of our time
@sohebsk2196 Год назад
Total 1,20,000 prophets were sent to earth
@golamrabbi2778 7 месяцев назад
@baldndesi 5 месяцев назад
Allah opens the hearts of people who wish for it..
@KaramatJalal 7 месяцев назад
Muhammad preached equality among all people regardless of race or ethnicity. He emphasized that all humans are equal in the eyes of God, stating, "All mankind is from Adam and Eve. An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an Arab; a white has no superiority over a black, nor does a black have any superiority over a white; none have superiority over another except by piety and good action." This principle is central to Islamic teachings on social justice and equality.
@alixalix191 4 года назад
Good point sir, but as a muslim I dont care about extraordinary phenomena, I care more about the guidance and truthiness of path, and prophet Muhammad peace be upon him has given us a complete religion . But anyway you are still my brother in humanity salam
@alixalix191 Год назад
@@zealousideal For sure there are a lot of similarities between them not because one has stolen from the other but just because the source is the same (God), and as a Muslim I believe in all prophets peace be upon them, However we believe also that many human changes have committed to Judaism and Christianity, but the core is the same
@zealousideal Год назад
@@alixalix191 thanks for your reply and I just honestly was curious about what you thought of that. But now mentioning this sparked another question. It’s so very easy to see the corruptions in Christianity (heck even a blind man can see their thousands of different bibles and interpretations and denominations) but as for the Torah itself I never really thought of that. But now thinking about it, it doesn’t seem logical that we both confirm and deny the Torah at the same time. As Muslims, We adhere to all the prophets, principles and teachings all throughout history and their message of Tawhid. We don’t however believe in the New Testament of course or any Christian teachings nor of Trinity or any remote form of polytheism. But how can we also say we believe and don’t believe in the Old Testament at the same time? So, How do we also know which part is true and which part isn’t …if that’s the case? Why believe any of it then? And why are we here listening to Rabbi’s explain these things if we don’t believe in their scriptures and think they are corrupted.
@ibntaimiyyah8176 Год назад
When Isa (Jesus peace be upon him) comes with thousands of miracles then the Jews people rejected him. Not only rejected him but also try to crusified him.
@tariqmir181 2 месяца назад
Muhammad (pbuh) has 2 billion followers.
@muntasirrosli8556 11 месяцев назад
Peace be upon Moses, Jesus and Mohamed ❤️
@merajgazi3448 Год назад
As a muslim, it was really nice to see a jew explaining the reasons behind why do they not consider prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) in a respectful manner. Although I don't agree with the explanation but it was in a very respectful way which is highly appreciated.
@HassanBouy-hw7jf 10 месяцев назад
Islam is the right religion, the right faith. Muhammad (pbuh) is the final prophet and messager
@hijabigirl_alia 2 года назад
Anas (rA) reported that, as the Battle of Mu’tah was taking place in Jordan, the Prophet ﷺ had informed the people in Madinah of the martyrdom of Zayd b. Ḥāritha, Ja‘far b. Abi Ṭālib, and ‘Abdullāh b. Rawāḥa. While 600 miles away, the Prophet ﷺ said, “Zayd took the flag (as commander) and was killed, then Ja‘far took the flag and was killed, then Ibn Rawāḥa took the flag and was killed.” Anas describes that as the Prophet ﷺ was telling them this, “his eyes were shedding tears.” He ﷺ continued, “Then the flag was taken by one of God’s swords (Khālid b. al-Walīd), and Allah made him victorious.”6 That army eventually returned to Madinah, with eyewitness accounts that matched exactly what the Prophet ﷺ had described.
@abusakib1112 2 года назад
True Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was True Prophet..no doubt ❤️
@moinmir4240 5 лет назад
Jews are waiting for the Dajjal(the false messaih) whom Isa alaihis salam will destroy on his second coming... Its that time when the jews will accept both Jesus and Muhammad (may peace be upon both of them) as Prophets of Allah... But What about today
@barittos5585 4 года назад
Yes issa ir jesus will land in the white lighthouse east of Damascus (Syria) your brother from algeria ❤❤❤🇩🇿🇩🇿
@niehrdy4702 3 года назад
Bhai in logoon par lanath hai jo dajjal ko chamche hai allah hu Akbar Allah hu akbar
@salmurantha80 6 лет назад
the only person in history like Moses is only Muhammad, from Secular perspective. Deuteronomy 18:18 is for Muhammad, not Joshua. Let the history speak.
@mylenecruz8080 6 лет назад
Well Jesus follower Peter(or the writer/author of Acts 3:20-25) said and claim same thing and same Deut 18:18 passage. who among you is telling the truth, or both were lying, and it must have been prophet Joshua after all, the successor of Moses. Jesus can not be a true prophet, he never get any message from The MOST HIGH through dreams or visions. Jesus was a false prophet in Luke 4:16-30 narrative that is why he was almost killed by the Nazarethans, as it is written in the Torah not to fear false prophets, cut them off.
@muhammedjafar1759 5 лет назад
@RabinoBoricuaVirtual muhammed spilt the moon like moses splitted the river.muhammed was walked with a stick like moses.muhammed believed in one god like moses.meses and Muhammed both passed away from the natural causes.moses and muhammed both migrated from their dwelling cities by the command of god.many many similarities between moses and Muhammed.but I can't type all similarities b/w them
@munnutipu3137 5 лет назад
@RabinoBoricuaVirtual moses(pbuh) and muhammad(pbuh) got prophethood at age 40.joshua not at 40.moses(pbuh) and muhammad(pbuh) was an orphan.muhammad(pbuh) did a miracle splitting of moon.moses angld muhammad(pbut) participated on wars.and migrated to other place.moses given 3 times daily prayer.muhammad(pbuh) 5 times.moses and muhammad(pbut) brought new song/ laws..they two were shepards
@thequestioner999 5 лет назад
Deu 18:18 is not Muhammad. The verse says clearly the prophet will be an Israelite. So it couldn't have been mohammad
@godisable3290 5 лет назад
dream on,delusions by oneself is allowed
@ruperteverton5497 4 месяца назад
Imagine predicting it was going to rain blood, you're off by 5-minutes, and the world goes "nah fam, you're a phony"
@mrwho8623 2 года назад
During the period of moses, were there any means to measure time to such a precision such as 6 o clock or 1 second past 6 o clock or even 5 minutes past 6 o clock ?
@PascalPeters-h3w 2 месяца назад
Of course... Time was measured by a sundial, and the night was divided as well. Shalom!
@halaldunya918 4 года назад
Muhammad predicted the construction of tall buildings, in the desert by people who descend from poor Bedouins. And as we can see in Dubai, Qatar, UAE and the other states around the Arabian Peninsula, this prophesy came true. It's very specific as well, and you wouldn't be able to guess that it could happen if you were alive during his time. Something to think about.
@Badr11198 4 года назад
The prophecy you've talked about (from 2 to 9 years (actually from 3 to 9)) was proved to be correct as indeed the persians(the most powerful nation at that time) were defeated by the byzantine empire in less than 9 years from the revelation of the verse. However it was not mentioned in Quran in numbers (3 to 9). it was mentioned as "few years" which means in arabic "from 3 to 9 years".(Chapter 30, verse 1-2). By the way, the same verses include the place where the byzantines were defeated in battles before winning, which triggered the revelation to the prophet. some scholars say that it happened arround the Dead sea in "the lowest of earth" which is now proved to be the land with the lowest altitude on the planet.
@abrasha1977 11 месяцев назад
Saying the future isn't the main criteria by a prophet,there is much more to it, and unfortunately didn't fit the bill and the jews never accepted him as a prophet
@Kassalawy56789 10 месяцев назад
​ We don't have to accept Jewish criteria either....!!!
@Baron8199 7 лет назад
the Jews are always deceiving, why do you delete the verse I cote Surah Maidah verse 41 which is talking exactly about you?
John Mann because my channel is not meant as a zoo, so animals like you are not welcome to comment. For that you may try something like National Geographic. If you keep your comments civilized without any racism or anti-semitism , I won't delete your comments.
@beastvader 5 лет назад
@Blue sky He needed to respond harshly because antisemitism should not be tolerated
@moinmir4240 5 лет назад
@Blue sky Praise to Allah, the Lord of the worlds not only Israel...
@desibritish955 5 лет назад
@@blessedishashemtheg-dofisr7397 truth hurts isn't it. You are so rude.
@aolin666 4 года назад
O Messenger, let them not grieve you who hasten into disbelief of those who say, "We believe" with their mouths, but their hearts believe not, and from among the Jews. [They are] avid listeners to falsehood, listening to another people who have not come to you. They distort words beyond their [proper] usages, saying "If you are given this, take it; but if you are not given it, then beware." But he for whom Allah intends fitnah - never will you possess [power to do] for him a thing against Allah . Those are the ones for whom Allah does not intend to purify their hearts. For them in this world is disgrace, and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment.
@nicolo2984 2 года назад
Matthew 5:17 (“Do not think that I have come to abolish Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.”).
@Matt-ql1cj 2 года назад
0:59 “where your ancestors tested me; they tried me, though they had seen what I did.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭95:9‬ ‭ Repent and believe Jesus as Lord
@Brpwndood 2 года назад
One great reason to have faith in the Lord is he effectively redeems us from dealing the complexities of the previous scriptures which even biblical scholars describe as a rabbit hole and many Jews have trouble adhering to. Here is how to appropriate this redemption: confess your sins, repent and testify that Jesus is Lord that died on the cross so that you shall be saved.
@Fahad-Qahtany 4 года назад
لأن اليهود لم يطيعوا نبيهم موسى عليه السلام !! كيف تُريدهم يطيعون آخر الأنبياء محمد عليه الصلاة والسلام
@نورالهدى-ض5ج 3 года назад
إجابة مقنعة بارك الله فيك
@rahmanmahfuzur530 4 года назад
I'm interested to talk you in private. Is there any way we can do that?
@Najma-n1 5 лет назад
Alaikuma Assalam brother My takeaway is that Jews are obviously lovely people who love peace and although there’s some conflicts between us, both ways of life are homogeneous and harmonious. I understand that the prophet محمد ppbuh had brought something partly different to the Jewish teachings even though there’s acceptance amongst Muslims of the original Torah, it’s a fact that Jews are happy to continue with the Torah as that’s authentic to them and it’s why they’re referred to as اهل كتاب, people of the book. I think you’re an authentic Jew, the strict test of prophecy proves that lol and it’s one of the reasons why Muslims bind to Islam because it’s said to be easier haha. Anyway I love these kind of bites. They’re quite helpful and insightful.
Sister, thank you for your input.
@BellyBeGood Год назад
I have one question, does this mean that every prophet who was sent to the children of Israel between the time of Moses(SAW) till Prophet Jesus(SAW) or Prophet Muhammad(SAW) must have provided a detailed prophecy?
All Jewish prophets that came after Moses had to provide detailed prophecy as proof to be accepted.
@5-june Год назад
​​@@blessedishashemtheg-dofisr7397 There was a prophecy About prophet Mohammad too in the torah also jews from palestine migrated to makkah waiting for him to be born but jews do not except him because he came tto the arab nations. They did not accept jesus because he was not son of israel jews only think about their jewish blood not for whole humanity like Islam its a universal religion not only for particular country but for whole humanity. Prophet never deny torah to be false,we all know its Allah words but jewish priest corrupted it to frame against last prophet
@brolyone Год назад
@@5-june What you mentioned has a fair chance of being true.
@KaramatJalal 7 месяцев назад
Muhammad acknowledged the People of the Book, including Jews and Christians, as recipients of earlier divine revelations. He emphasized respect for their beliefs and scriptures, urging Muslims to interact with them peacefully. He said, "Do not argue with the People of the Book except in a way that is best." Additionally, he encouraged treating Jews and Christians with kindness and justice, stating, "Whoever wrongs a Jew or a Christian will have myself as his adversary on the Day of Judgment." This reflects the Islamic value of tolerance and coexistence with people of different faiths.
@moshiourrahman4895 11 месяцев назад
Jews asked prophet Muhammad saw 3 questions , and he was able to answer all of them
@SabbirHossain-nw4zz 3 года назад
Thanks for sharing your thought in a respectful way.As a Muslim, I do love the way you said by showing respect. We do respect your faith.
@AladdinPop 2 года назад
Allah (Exhalted and mighty is he) speaking to Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) “I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.” (Deuteronomy 18:18) Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is from the ishmaelites son of Abraham (pbuh). And born of physical union between man and woman just like Moses (pbuh) Could not be Prophet Jesus (Peace be upon him) Since he was not born like musa (pbuh) since he had a miraculous birth with no father. By the way in Quran when verses of Jesus speaking to the people they appear as ( O' people of Israel, not my people since he was not born of the brothers of children of Abraham) Mighty is Allah the All-Knowing and perfect in speech The very next verse... “And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him” (Deuteronomy 18:19). Every chapter in Quran but one starts with "In the name of Allah the most Gracious, the most Merciful". Hence Prophet Muhammad words are of the words of Allah. Do not neglect the words of your lord I fear for all of us on a day where the veil he has had for us, from the heavens will be lifted and we are to be judged by Allah. And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, ‘Read this, I pray thee’ and he saith, ‘I am not learned.'” (Isaiah 29:12) Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) received revelation verbally where Abraham Moses and Jesus (pbut) received it as full covenant to a completed written book. Whereas the Quran was completed throughout the life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Even in the Quran Allah (Exhalted and mighty is he) when he mentions the Torah and Bible he says انزل which is past tense of sent down, meaning once Allah sent it down to Moses and Jesus (pbut) it was complete. And Allah says انزلنا as well for the Quran, but only when addressing its first introduction to Prophet Muhammad pbuh who then introduced it to all of creation, since Angel Gabriel was sent down to speak the verses. And all the verses not regarding that initial time, Allah mentions the sending of the verses in the Quran itself as نزلنا which is present tense of sending down. All Exhalted and mighty he is, perfect speech he has. The Torah is summarized in the Quran itself most specifically chapters 8-18, please read the word of Allah the lord and king of everything and all kingdoms. The spoken revelation to the last prophet, he is of the sons of Ishmael and sent as a mercy to the worlds
@mrdermody1984 2 года назад
@mrdermody1984 2 года назад
Devastating reply to any reference to muhammad in the Bible, ouch .
@AladdinPop 2 года назад
@@mrdermody1984and what u just mustered up was a devastating.. I don't even know what that is. Put some words together and refute
@AladdinPop 2 года назад
Not learned means unlettered which prophet muhammad pbuh was in case u missed the lines of words and in between them as well
@mrdermody1984 2 года назад
Here I in depth analysis between a Muslim expert and a Christian expert on this verse , please watch .
@haseebjan4013 11 месяцев назад
1. To the Muta Battle, he sent an Army of 3000 under the leadership of Zaid Ibn Haritha. He told them, if Zaid is martyred make Jafar Ibn Abi Talib as your leader and if he is martyred, make Abdullah Rawaha as your leader and if he is also martyred choose your own leader. A Jew who overheard this told his group that all of them will be killed in the battle. The Muslim Army lost their leaders one by one exactly like this. Finally the army chose Khalid Bin Waleed as their commander. Using ingenious war tactics he skillfully extricated the Muslim Army from certain massacre from enemies numbering more than 100000. 2. He told Fathima will be the first in his family to die after him. This was what happened. 3. He told the first among his wives to follow him will be the one with a long hand. They mistook him and started measuring their hands literally. What he meant was generosity in helping the poor. The first to follow him (in death) was Zainab. She was the most generous of all his wives in Madina. Only after her death they realized the real meaning of his words. 4. He sent Muadh Idn Jabal to Yemen to teach Islam and said to Muadh that when he comes back to Madina he will see only his tomb. That is what exactly happened. 5. Before the battle of Badr, he told that Uthba, Shaiba, Waleed and Abu Jahl will all be killed in the battle. All of them were killed in the battle and the Makkans became leaderless after this single battle. 6. He predicted Suraqa who was chasing him during his emigration to Madina and became Muslim immediately after seeing his face, that he will not die till he wears the gold bracelets from the war booty from Persia. Persia was conquered only during the governance of Khalifa Umar. Long before that Suraqa fell critically ill in Madina and as per the Islamic traditions people started visiting him one by one to remind him of the after-world. Suraqa said he will not die so soon. People started thinking that he loved this world too much to face his death. He smilingly said that the prediction of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihivasallam will never go wrong. At that time, clashing with Persian Empire was even unthinkable. He miraculously got well. Persia was conquered much later. On inspecting the war booty from Persia, Khalifa Umar saw the gold bracelet in the booty and remembered Suraqa and sent it to him. Men, wearing gold is forbidden in Islam but Suraqa was exempted to wear the bracelets. There are man more apart from these. Prove any of these instances wrong.
@imsamiurrahman 11 месяцев назад
Judaism: rejects Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Christianity: accepts Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and rejects Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Islam: accepts Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
@MuhammadHanif-uo1ql 3 года назад
since from the beginning of first prophet Adam (as) till last prophet Mohammad (saw) all had a clear message which was the ones of Allah / hashem al almighty and during this span of time God revealed 4 Books to specific prophets. we muslims did'nt test our prophet mohammad (saw) the way jews did by knowing that there will be coming prophets but still repeated the same thing over and over again and all the prophets descended after Moses (as) have suffered because it was very hard and diffcult for them to understand the jews people. so when prophet mohammad (saw) declared that he will be the last messenger we just simple understood and accept him when he start teaching quran because quran is sum up of all the past 3 books which helped understand a person with common sense. its very simple to understand all these things if one research and use common sense to understand things in order. every holy book such as Torah , zabur and injil have clearly mentioned that there gona be a coming prophet but still people were so stubborn that they did'nt want to accept. thats when Allah said in Quran "O Mohammad They recognize you like they recognize their sons"...but will never accept you. one last thing to share is that if jews consider prophet abrahim(as) the father of jews than why jews reject prophet ismael (as) who was before Moses(as) and Torah is just because prophet mohammad came through his bloodline. its very simple to understand if one logically start thinking. loads of respect and islam teach us to love and care not to hate. there are and will always be good and bad people in world.
@vengyfries6934 2 года назад
Allah! bless Muhammad, his wives and his offspring as You blessed Ibrahim, and grant favours to Muhammad, and his wives and his offspring as You granted favours to the family of Ibrahim; Thou art Praiseworthy and Glorious. اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى أَزْوَاجِهِ وَذُرِّيَّتِهِ كَمَا صَلَّيْتَ عَلَى آلِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَبَارِكْ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى أَزْوَاجِهِ وَذُرِّيَّتِهِ كَمَا بَارَكْتَ عَلَى آلِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ إِنَّكَ حَمِيدٌ مَجِيدٌ ‏
@mrdermody1984 2 года назад
The jew called it , you are afraid to hear , you prefer to be a coward in a group than be a frightened individual.
@vengyfries6934 2 года назад
@@mrdermody1984 what???
@mrdermody1984 2 года назад
@@vengyfries6934 do you have a question for me ? Go ahead and ask .
@vengyfries6934 2 года назад
@@mrdermody1984 why would I need to ask you a question? You are the one who left me a meaningless comment. Allohu akbar. "Hikko Mamittakim we kullo Muhammadim Zehdoodeh wa Zehraee Bayna Jerusalem."
@mrdermody1984 2 года назад
@@vengyfries6934 the Jewish man clearly describes why muhammad is a false prophet , what's unclear about that ? , you are a coward that hides in a group , too cowardly to become a frightened individual. The solidarity of false belief.
@shafribinbakar9843 2 года назад
I am a muslim but really appreciate your sharing. Thank you for sharing.
@blessedishashemtheg-dofisr7397 2 года назад
My pleasure
@aamirKhan-fg4fc 4 года назад
What is your view regarding great Rabbi at the time of prophet Muhammad saw named Abdullah Ibn Salaam. He was a jew and knows Talmud and Torah very well in Medina
@knowledgeseeker8425 6 лет назад
*PLEASE SIR READ THIS COMMENT* *Regarding the Rome Persian prophecy* . Indeed it was the Rome will overcome in several years (3-9) years. If my English helped me, you will discover a unique aspect of the Quran. In the beginning, Alhamdulillah alone, and Assalatu wassalamu upon his servant and final messenger the Ummi prophet Muhammad bin Abdullah peace be upon him. The Quran, unlike the previous temporary revelations, was sent to all mankind in all nations. Its meaning is simple and straightforward yet deep and can have multilevel of enriched meaning. Especially ppl differ in their knowledge and smartness. Differ from time to time, in place to place. This prophecy is a perfect example. The winning of Romans was not in a single decisive battle like the Persians defeated them before. However, it was a series of small battles and engaging in fights that could differ in reporting the exact time of their ends (not never be known to God or to prophet but to ppl in that time and in all times after that since Quran is for all ppl) In the Time of the Prophet, all Arabia were informed that the Romans were fully win after 9 years (we have authentic story in this regard). However, in today history the serious of engagement took place in 7 years according to historians 621-627. More historical evidence could change this period. If the exact number was 7 years and the prophet told them it is in 7 years. However, it turned out to be 9 years according to their knowledge, they will say you were wrong. If the exact number was 9 years, the historians will say look he said 9 years according to what Arabia believed that time. but it turns out to be 7 yrs only. his prophecy is wrong. It is extremely difficult to ppl to agree when exactly the fight that is considered to be the last fight for victory in many cases. Who knows maybe in the future they will discovered that it was only 3 years that decided the winners are Romans and the following few years were very small engagements. So, predicting it by saying in several years for all ppl all ages to understand is very accurate. Besides, this was one of many other things. I really hope you understand my explanation
@BoogerNoe 7 лет назад
So what I understand is this. The Jews expect from The Prophets who came after the Torah, that they should keep all the laws in the Torah even though The Torah was changeg by the hand of men over time and doesn't keep the unfaked Word of God anymore??? This is intended to fail... as a failure for the modern Jews!
We do not believe Torah has ever changed. The Torah we have today is the same original Torah that G-d dictated to Moses. Please watch my other video where I present 3 proofs that Torah was never changed. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Ny4xipt68ug.html
@MSKtechy 7 лет назад
Blessed is HaShem, the G-d of Israel. Assalamoalaikum (peace be on you),,, Sir before MOSES (peace be upon him) several books were revealed to prophet abraham,joseph,isaac,ismail,noah... We dont know the names but they were there so God kept on changing the msg. Bcoz the humans were not much advanced and thats why the msg. Before torah was very simple that there is only one God and evry1 should obey the 1 God.... If u consider aj example at the tym of prophet Noah there would not have been so much resources at that tym and people would had a life just like animals that 1. get up from sleep , 2. Search for food ,3. Goto sleep... But as the generations came the humans became much capable of grasping the msg. And the last and the most advanced msg. That is in the Quran.. If u have read the bible 2nd testament in john 16:12 Jesus peace be upon him says " I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear" , this verse clearly reveals that the jews were not much capable of grasping the msg. That the Jesus (peace be upon him) was delivering so thats why he saud that there is one prophet that will come aftr him and will clear all doubts and that prophet is Muhammad (peace be upon him).... Thank you Sir and sorry if it hurt you... Peace :) 😊
@ghassankhatib3381 7 лет назад
Can you give examples of how other prophits you acknowledged were tested? I am interested to know because I did not come accross such articulated events. Thank you
@jojogonjalves4137 6 лет назад
sorry but we dont believe torah is changed we believe its still intact and ok till today
@Ahajamo1990 3 года назад
@@ghassankhatib3381 I too am willing to know this
@prabhakareprabae5500 4 года назад
Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem greatest messenger
@musaibbhat2706 3 года назад
Not only the greatest prophet Muhammad pbuh was greatest among all prophets. Our prophet was imaamul ambiah.... 😊😊😊
@faisalalharbi386 2 года назад
allah said in holy quran : {And We did certainly give Moses the Torah and followed up after him with messengers. And We gave Jesus (the son of Mary), clear proofs and supported him with the Pure Spirit. But (o children of israel ) that every time a messenger came to you,with what your souls did not desire, you were arrogant? And a part of you denied his prophecy , and another party of you killed the prophets } Al-Baqarah [number 87]
@vijestiizsvijeta7250 11 месяцев назад
please answer me if you have to remove the mosque in order to build a temple and why are you building it and who do you expect to come to it and when do you plan to start construction
@taseensenpai5271 3 года назад
I am a muslim and I find your answer convincing enough. I have a different answer but even so I won't go out of my way to harass you for your beliefs 🙏 Peace brother monotheists
@PascalPeters-h3w 3 месяца назад
what the most muslims dont realise... Jews believe also to believe in the truth... its not like that, that a jew is just a djahil who hasnt come to check other religions... We accept your view of things, but we follow the Law of Moses alone. Salam.
@alisafdarian4378 4 года назад
Dear Rabbi . Muslims & Christians respect Prophet Moses and every other Jewish prophets. I love all Moses, Jesus, Mohammad, Ebrahim , ... Because they are prophets of God. And all of them told people same thing. And all religions are saint because they are messages from God (Hashem, Allah...). So I read Quran, Bible and Torah. All of the bring us love from God.
@donavonmorrison931 Год назад
I read Quran, Bible and Torah too! Ari
@Interests1 4 года назад
6:10 - the prediction is for the Romans to win a war over the Persians.
@LukmanShiyths 25 дней назад
You are judging previous prophet because their prophecy about jesus was not precise
@KaramatJalal 7 месяцев назад
Islam is a rich and inclusive religion that respects and acknowledges the teachings of earlier prophets like Moses, David, and Jesus Christ (peace be upon them). However, Islam emphasizes that over time, the original scriptures have been altered or modified by humans, leading to a dilution of their purity. Islam maintains that its revelation was delivered to the respective prophets, including Muhammad, as mentioned in the Bible and Torah. Despite this recognition, some Jews reject Muhammad's prophethood.
@abdourahmanjw 7 лет назад
This brother is sure funy dont you read the holly quran carefully its in quran hadis . I did not come to change the caracter of the messangers befor me but to fulfill.... Plcs bro christians and jews befor you say any about ALLAH swt and his messangers, make it sure that its true you cannot just try to judge god or his messangers by your own idea!!! How funy 6:00 and 6:55 is still at same hour .read the quran carefully!!!!
@chickenjowahaeyproduction 4 года назад
Quran 3:3 He has sent down upon you, [O Muhammad], the Book in truth, confirming what was before it. And He revealed the Torah and the Gospel. Quran 2:91 And when it is said to them, "Believe in what Allah has revealed," they say, "We believe [only] in what was revealed to us." And they disbelieve in what came after it, while it is the truth confirming that which is with them. Say, "Then why did you kill the prophets of Allah before, if you are [indeed] believers?" These are some examples that claims The Holy Quran are not rejecting The Holy Torah. Btw, I love your way in explaining Judaism faith.
@samuelmithran5586 2 года назад
Nice joke....holy quran is the book of a devil
@topuaman2620 2 года назад
@@samuelmithran5586 Holy Quran is the last book from Almighty God
@azizamrs8547 3 года назад
Hi guy I really enjoyed watching your videos I like your simple , clear and polite way. I like the way you respect other religions.
@tariqmir181 2 месяца назад
Deuteronomy 18:18.Who is mentioned in this verse.Also Isaiah 29:12.
@SamiEltamawy 11 месяцев назад
Genuine question: How do you make sure that your scripture was not tampered with since your first condition is that the prophet must not contradict it? Thanks in advance
@nisaaliyeva8367 3 года назад
Hello. I found your channel randomly and I liked it. Thank you for respectful and informative content. I just want to ask question. Have you read Koran, just for interest. If you read it you can see that it is so similar to Torah. So If Hz. Muhammad (PBUH) is a false prophet how Islam and Judaism can be similar? As a person who can see the both side, I can say that it looks like book of the same Author, or paints of the same Painter, God. I highly recommend you to read Bible and Koran without judging.
@toobaaaaa. Год назад
Who are (Jews) to decide if Muhammad was a prophet or not? Allah doesn't need your terms and conditions to choose someone to be his messenger... Think wisely!! May Allah bless you with true guidance. 😊
@5-june Год назад
They are arrogant thats why got punished by being egyption slaves and nazis cut them like carrots. God dislike those who are too proud about himself
@XeroPaiNN 17 дней назад
The chosen people of god to bring life in this world for it to even exist first of all, secondly if someone goes up to you and says he’s a prophet, do you just say “who am I to say ur not” and listen to everything he says?? That’s basically your whole religion 🫵😂
@eriksalipadang7878 7 лет назад
Hi. nice to see your video nice explanation. i am a christian and i am indonesia. in indonesia we are often referred as unbelievers of the Muslim people. if according from the Torah, Islam is considered as same as Christians even may be worse because the Qur'an is merely a copy and paste product that changes the Torah and the Gospels and then put it in the Qur'an. but I as a Christian believe that the God of Israel is the true God and we also worship Him and we call Him the Father. But finally let the God shows Himself on the day of judgment. shalom for you.
@user-kf8rw7cn8v 6 лет назад
Yes and you worship Jesus and Mary and the saints , you don't practice the shabbat and don't eat kosher you're the worst!
@primaxin3132 4 года назад
It isn't only from muslim, some rabbis also have same claim. One of them is Rabbi Mort. Please check out his youtube channel. Remember Christian and the church always take tanakh to prove that jesus was the messiah and God. But no rabbi comfirms it. Not a single rabbi confirms . Remember Jew and Muslim never believe God is a human.
@aiyanaa.270 3 года назад
Your comment on copy paste clearly shows that you have not read either of the scriptures. Read and learn before arriving to conclusions if you really searching for Truth
@ibntaimiyyah8176 Год назад
When Isa alaihis salam (Jesus) (peace be upon him) comes with thousands of miracles then the Jews people rejected him. Not only rejected him but also try to crusified him.
@hijabigirl_alia 2 года назад
Regarding the night prior to the Battle of Badr, ‘Umar b. al-Khaṭṭāb (rA) said, “The Prophet ﷺ showed us where those [enemies] at Badr would die. He would place his hand somewhere on the ground and say, ‘This is where so-and-so will die tomorrow, by God’s will, and this is where so-and-so will die.’ I swear by the One who sent him with the Truth, none of them fell other than exactly where the Prophet’s hand had touched.”
@blueliar 2 года назад
Peace be upon u brother.... I love how u put it in a respectful manner... As a Muslim i always loved Jewish tradition ...and to see the hatred and enemity in the eyes of some ... And seeing this makes me happy that there are nice people ...😇
@namedclaiming821 11 месяцев назад
It’s haram to say peace be upon him Just say hello
@Beingformless 6 лет назад
Torah is already manipulated by your ansistors . It is not in its pure form . It is not them same torah that was revealed on moses (may peace be upon him ) by Allah(God).
@PascalPeters-h3w 3 месяца назад
and because of that statement, which is proven wrong, therefore you have a proof to follow that much more liberal sharia, instead of the stricter commandments in the Law of Moses??? Doesnt make sense.
@fozlerabby363 5 лет назад
Bro you have a misconception in your speech. We accept Torah beside Quran. Torah is old but Quran is new. Quran is the final message of God. But some old laws has been changed in the Quran. Or about sabath in Islam it is called Jumu'ah . Bro if you read Quran you will understand all things.
@ExMuslimZulfikarali 3 года назад
which law changed like give example
@peteroziegbe2398 2 года назад
Funny, how do you want a Jewish to believe him? Your prophet was never sent to the Jewish land and you just want them to believe straight up.
@shahriarkabir6924 2 года назад
@@peteroziegbe2398 funny many Jewish prophets came outside of their Ancestorial land cause jews were exiled by their lord and Mohammad (PBUH) is from Ismail who is the 1st born of Ibrahim.
@Arweto01 3 года назад
My dear Jewish brother. With all due respect we as Muslims accept both Jesus and Moses as great Prophets in Islam. We believe that Prophet Moses (pbuh) was able to part the Red Sea to save the children of Israel from the clutches of the evil pharaoh. We believe that Prophet Jesus (as) was able to bring some death back to life ONLY BY THE PERMISSION OF GOD ALONE. So why is it so hard to accept our Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as a Prophet?? He had all the signs and even the JEWS of Madina in modern day Saudi Arabia foretold of his coming and accepted him. I pray that perhaps one day this fact that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is INDEED a Prophet just like Moses (pbuh) and Jesus (pbuh) can be accepted by ALL of our Jewish brothers and sisters. May Allah (swt) bless you my brother. Our religions are very much alike. And I love you for the sake of Allah (swt). Please accept the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as a Prophet. Salaam Alaikum.
@ABDULLAH- Год назад
If anyone wants to know the reason why they rejected him, read surah baqarah, the why and how are fully explained there .
@b.m2829 6 лет назад
“Moses said, ‘The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your brothers. You must obey him in everything he tells you. Every person who does not obey that prophet will be destroyed and thus removed from the people.’ And all the prophets, from Samuel and those who followed him, have spoken about and announced these days.” (The New Testament, Acts 3:22) Selam aleykum brother. The addressing of Moses (AS) as “your brothers” to the sons of Israelites, who were coming from the race of Isaac (AS), who was the son of Abraham (AS), is sign for the descendants of Ishmael (AS) who was the brother of Ishaq (AS), that is, for the sons of Ishmael. The prophet who came from the sons of Ishmael can only be the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) because only the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) came from the race of Ishmael.
@Som-Hanoolaato 2 года назад
Where did Prophet Ibrahim (Peace Be Upon him) come from (original), was he from Iraq ?
@technicalamanullah9554 2 года назад
@@Som-Hanoolaato yes, city of Ur. Modern day Iraq near Baghdad
@marufahmad91 2 года назад
@@Som-Hanoolaato Yes, He (Ibrahim peace be upon him) wa Babelan, from iraq.
@TheGolfdaily 7 лет назад
5 mins off and it's not good enough? - Seems like you Jews were all wearing Rolex watch back in the 1500 BC?? 😐
@mohamednsiri7713 5 лет назад
@Sheenkaaf87 3 года назад
@4rielofficial 3 года назад
You didn’t need a Rolex to know how long an hour was.
@BangNong 6 лет назад
His talks is rubbish. Jesus came not to destroy Torah but still they dont believe in him. What more to say?
Nong Nong according if Jesus did not abolish the Torah law, how come Christians do not observe the 613 Commandments from the Torah? I Think Jesus tried to abolish the Torah laws.
@BangNong 6 лет назад
Blessed is HaShem, the G-d of Israel. Nope. Christians are not the followers of jesus. They are the follower of Paul. A jew who try to mislead what Jesus teach
Nong Nong oh yeah, great argument there.
@BangNong 6 лет назад
Blessed is HaShem, the G-d of Israel. Absolutely. Their bible consist a lot of paul's letter than the teaching of Jesus.
Nong Nong ok if you say so.
@habibullahsugandhi2635 5 месяцев назад
Deuteronomy 31:27 "for I know about your rebellion and stubbornness. Indeed, even while I have been living among you to this very day, you have rebelled against the Lord; you will be even more rebellious after my death!"
@Mrperfect82199 Год назад
Deuteronomy 18:18 I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.
@Depth.Endeavor Год назад
And there were around 40 Prophets after Moses PBUT. Many Jews hold that this was referring to Jeramiah, but others hold that it is referring to many following prophets. There's no specification in this verse that exclusively pertains to Muhammad.
@Mrperfect82199 Год назад
@@Depth.Endeavor Brother Prophet Muhammed Mention by name in Hebrew Song of Solomon chpt 5 verse 16 , Hikko Mamittakim we kullo 'Muhammadim" Zehdoodeh wa Zehraee Bayna Jerusalem.
@Depth.Endeavor Год назад
@@Mrperfect82199 I've read Song of Solomon 5:16, my friend, it's not referencing Muhammad. The word used there is "Machamadim." This word means "lovely," [with a majestic plural] as it stems from the root word "Chemed," meaning "loveliness. It only sounds somewhat like Muhammad, but that isn't indicative of correlation. The chapter you're mentioning is a semi-erotic love song between a woman and a man. Besides that the word Machamadim in this text isn't even a proper noun! Translit. "Hikko mamtakim veKulo machamadim" Trans. "His mouth is sweet, and all of him is lovely." Either you're regurgitating Zakir Naik, or you have read the full chapter and are being dishonest; I hope it is the former. Shalom.
@saniyahshaikh7103 5 лет назад
Alhumdulilah . Allah gave me Islam .
@SA-qz7xg 7 лет назад
brother there are 3 I can give you with evidence. 1. prophet Mohammed peace be upon him prophesied that we will loose Al Quds (Jerusalem) and it will be freed before day of judgment. 2 read about Dr. Maurice and The pharaohs body he researched. 3. How the Qur'an specifies the fetus and embryo development. I also want to thank you for not being offensive in your opinions.
S255 A996 thank you brother for the comment. As I said in the video, the test requires a very specific and miraculous type of prediction. For example saying that " tomorrow it will rain with blood at 6:00pm" will not prove one to be a prophet if it rains with blood at 5:55pm. But before we even begin that part of the test, we have to see if the potential prophet is abrogating the laws of Torah.
@jojogonjalves4137 6 лет назад
no one is offensive this is all in your mind jews are not made to kill others all came in peace jews were instructed by GOD to become light of the nation and to educated others thats the main teaching of judaism
@ilhamh4359 6 лет назад
jojo gonjalves Is that why people have been converting to Judaism by the tons for millenia ???? 😂😂😂
@jojogonjalves4137 6 лет назад
Ilham H 😂😂😂 Your question should be why people are unable to convert to Judaism You see even if you want to convert to Judaism you can't because you are not of king Davids bloodline As prophets told Jews "you rejected GOD so your number will be lessened but I will again make you great when you return to me(GOD)" So Jews disobeyed GOD so they were punished by GOD and GOD told them they will remain in less population till the end of the world but they will not be diminished from world Brother I don't know why you asked like that but let me tell you all religions are equal and all are same its not Judaism who rejected GOD it was Jews who rejected GOD But brother if you are Muslim than you should know that all will be judged at the end of the day by GOD irrespective of your religion
@ilhamh4359 6 лет назад
jojo gonjalves I'd rather die now than convert to Judaism, or to anything else for that matter ! And I don't think all religions are equal from a Jewish point of view, since no one can be a Jew if he is not from the bloodline of David !!! This sounds very RACIST indeed : only Jews by blood can be Jews by faith. But what about those who don't descend from David ??? Can't they be Jews by faith, too ??? As for Judgement Day, muslims know better than anyone else how it will happen,since one of the attributes of Allah (swt) is MAALEK YAWM EDDEEN ie THE OWNER OF THE DAY OF RETRIBUTION. Besides, both the Qur'an and the Sunnah provide us with dozens of descriptions of what everyone can expect on that day.
@FarhanAli-qo9we 7 лет назад
I actually respect jews today as true monotheistis. they are hard to come by. the weird thing is jesus pbuh even said to maintain kosher law. Both jesus and muhammad pbuh maintained gods law (mosaic law) but made it easier. also the reason 3 to 9 years was given for the prophecy was because it is hard even by historians at what point you would call somebody 'defeated'
@little_laughs_family 3 года назад
I have a different question? What is the penalty for not accepting a true prophet and accepting a false prophet? can you compare these?
@mahadahmed5511 4 года назад
adalamu alaykum, I love your videos, you gave me a good view of Judaism, he did predict tall buildings being built by farmers in the Arabian peninsula.Volume 1, Book 2, Number 47:When the shepherds of black camels start boasting and competing with others in the construction of higher buildings.
Hello , My Cousin ! 😃😃 Is it possible to talk to you in private ? I may help you out in clarifying your doubts on this topic which is mentioned in this video, and I hope you would clarify my doubts about Judaism !
@rmd4379 Год назад
I think Muhammed got one mistake , he is not jewish😉. Even before Muhammed sav become prophet, Jewish waited for new prophet but they waited for Jewish one .But when he is arabic, turn their back. I think God test everybody different way. Some people with poverty ,some with adultery and some people like jewish with about nationality things. İf Muhammed was jewish, probably they accept him very well. And also Jewish need to be more thankful to God .Because most of the prophet came from their nationality . I dont care nationality of prophet , Because we have to look at what is truth ? Sometimes truth can hurt us , but truth is truth.
@PascalPeters-h3w 3 месяца назад
Its not about that Mohammed is an Descendant of Ishmael... He contradicted the Law of Moses and talked some liberal Stuff instead. HaShem (blessed be his name) gave his Law for humanity only once and he will never changes and his statutes are the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow. Islam is just an easier, more soft version of the Law of Moses. Read the Thora for yourself and consult no fake Rabbis of Lefties. In reality, The Thora never changed... And dont believe someone, if he brings forth verses, which seems to be a proof that Thora would be corrupted or Mohammed and Jesus are in that book. Jesus also never claimed to be a prophet, he claimed to be the messiah and he proven failed in that mission and for that, he was crucified, by our forefathers. He was a philosopher, taught love instead of "keeping the commandments" and said: "you dont need to follow the commandments, I paid for your sins." but this was just a test of HaShem (blessed be his name) if we really loves him and his commandments or not. The islamic faith isnt in line with all the strict commandments of the thora too... Hope, I could help you a bit!
@rmd4379 3 месяца назад
@@PascalPeters-h3w Bro, u said God can not change his idea, he is the ruler, he can change the rule when he want. Even on Quran said, if god change something he will change with better.. I dont agree with u about rules can not be changed. Quran is last book and Muhammed last prophet so simple. when Moses was prophet, he was the ruler and his book was great and we believe in that but that books changed.
@PascalPeters-h3w 3 месяца назад
​@@rmd4379 Its written that the Thora is valid eternally. We have to obey that. Why you choose a lighter version of the Law, if you have to obey the law like it is written? Second: You claimed: "Even on Quran said, if god change something he will change with better" Is it really better to remarry a wife, after you first divorced her and another man married her after and defiled her, or is it worse, like its written in Thora, "this is an abomination in the eyes of HaShem"?
@rmd4379 3 месяца назад
@@PascalPeters-h3w i am not the law decider or ruler , if god change the rule, he can do that , also not every rule become more easily in islam. example if I know true , I am not sure about it, drink wine is normal in christianity but in Islam is not normal also we called sin and got some punishment also in islamic country .. So, last words, god is one and he can do what he wants , because he knows better than us on everything. he knows everything and he is a decider. İf he wants to lighter the ruler he can do, who the we are can said, he can not change and we are only human who are created for him ...
@RedaReda-vl9ff 9 месяцев назад
Peace be upon Jesus,peace be upon Mohamad,peace be upon Moses,peace be upon Abraham,peace be upon Noah,peace be upon all the prophets and messengers of the CREATOR
@mdtawsifyasin7209 5 лет назад
If you believe abraham was a true prophet then why Don't you jews worship towards Ka'ba (Allah's house) which was build by Abraham and his son ismail in Mekka. And abraham and ismail worshipped infront of kaba and invited peoples to worship towards kaba. Lol, bro you Don't believe even what abraham taught.
@abdullahcarriere1398 Год назад
Salam, love all your videos brother ✊🏿 The Qur'an does mention the children of Israel to keep their covenant Baqarah "Children of Israel!56 Recall My favour which I had bestowed on you, and fulfil your covenant with Me and I shall fulfil My covenant with you, and fear Me alone. (2:41) And believe in the Book which I have revealed and which confirms the Scripture you already have, and be not foremost among its deniers. Do not sell My signs for a trifling gain, 57and beware of My wrath. (2:42) Do not confound Truth by overlaying it with falsehood, nor knowingly conceal the Truth.58 (2:43) Establish Prayer and dispense Zakah (the Purifying Alms)59 and bow in worship with those who bow."
@alialfarook04 3 года назад
62:1 Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth is exalting Allah, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Exalted in Might, the Wise. 62:2 It is He who has sent among the unlettered [Arabs] a Messenger from themselves reciting to them His verses and purifying them and teaching them the Book [i.e., the Qur’ān] and wisdom [i.e., the sunnah] - although they were before in clear error 62:3 And [to] others of them who have not yet joined them. And He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise. 62:4 That is the bounty of Allah, which He gives to whom He wills, and Allah is the possessor of great bounty. 62:5 The example of those who were entrusted with the Torah and then did not take it on is like that of a donkey who carries volumes [of books]. Wretched is the example of the people who deny the signs of Allah. And Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people. 62:6 Say, "O you who are Jews, if you claim that you are allies of Allah, excluding the [other] people, then wish for death, if you should be truthful.". 62:7 But they will not wish for it, ever, because of what their hands have put forth. And Allah is Knowing of the wrongdoers. 62:8 Say, "Indeed, the death from which you flee - indeed, it will meet you. Then you will be returned to the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, and He will inform you about what you used to do." 62:9 O you who have believed, when [the adhān] is called for the prayer on the day of Jumuʿah [Friday], then proceed to the remembrance of Allah and leave trade. That is better for you, if you only knew. 62:10 And when the prayer has been concluded, disperse within the land and seek from the bounty of Allah, and remember Allah often that you may succeed. 62:11 But [on one occasion] when they saw a transaction or a diversion, [O Muḥammad], they rushed to it and left you standing. Say, "What is with Allah is better than diversion and than a transaction, and Allah is the best of providers." - Saheeh International
@eightyoutube11 2 года назад
Your ‘prophet’ was quite obsessed with the Jews, Christians, their holy books, their prophets. It’s funny how he tries to talk/ write like them. The fact you think this man will be at the right hand of God when you die is pretty sad.
@blackmoonstudios8842 3 года назад
Assalamu Alaykum Dear Jewish Brother, at minute 4:23 you mention that the Qur'an might report that " If a Jew convert to Islam does not need to keep the Toraw". Let me underline for you some of the reasons why you have are in error. - First of all, what you say in not present in any Qur'an on the Earth. I know that yo are genuinely gathering informations from other sources, but sometimes referring to the original source is the best choice ;) - The conditions we can derive from Torah, Tanakh and Talmud about the criteria of the Prophets-claiming bona fide are not specified about the timeline. Meaning, a Prophet can still be a Prophet if his predictions are spanned on a larger timeline. There is no such explicit evidence in the Jewish scriptures about number of days or month or years. Again, referring to your original sources shall be the best choice ;) - In the Islamic context, we do believe that, In chronological order, the revelations have been: Torah (to Moses), Zabur or Psalms(David), Injeel or Jesus' Gospel (Jesus) and Qur'an (Muhammad). For this last reason and for all the previous ones (Allah knows best), no Muslim is a real muslim if he rejects any of the Jewish Prophets or any of the Jewish revelations. Last note: let us not mix cultural celebrations with religion. As long as a celebration is performed in compliance with the strict montheism (avoiding idolatry, immorality and everything that does not please Allah) is fine. The rest is culture and tha is all. I hope I have clarified you this aspect, is important that you Jewish brothers have a full understanding of what Islam is. If you know it, conversion will be automatic :)
@Mohammed-ks9wf 2 месяца назад
There is only one God and he alone is worthy of worship and he alone has magical powers. Islam is the only true religion of God and the only path to eternal life in paradise without suffering. Islam means believing in one God and worshiping only Him and believing in all the messengers of God and the revelations of God about the prophets and the last prophet is Mohammed to whom the Quran was revealed. Hellfire is not eternal in islam for everyone even if God said they will last forever because he made an exception: read also from V.128 to V.130 (An-naam) in arabic: ila macha allahu which means "except what God wants" Also in surah (Hud) From v103 to 108 the prophet mohamed talked about the last person in the hellfire who after he go in paradise in hadith Muslim Bukhari v23 (an-naba) in arabic "ahqaba" means long time (limited) V.35 (Al jaathiya ) God wrote in a book my mercy precedes my anger
@austinzizzi1142 11 месяцев назад
It’s so funny to me that these people have convinced themselves they’re special
@alelde7464 3 года назад
Thank you for this discussion I think your videos are informative and show that different faiths have a lot in common. The two tests for a true prophet that you mentioned don’t seem appropriate. First, Jews are descendants of Prophet Israel and have to follow Jewish prophets and 613 laws of Torah. Righteous of other nations have to follow 7 laws of Noahide. If God wants them to follow all the laws of Torah, then everyone should just be a Jew. If God is sending messengers and scriptures to other nations to guide them to worshiping him and following Noahide’s laws then observing the Shabbat and keeping kosher may be different as they are not part of the Noahide laws. Second, prophets prove their prophethood by the appropriate way for their time and their people. Moses turned his staff into a serpent and many thought he was just a magician. On the opposite side Christopher Columbus successfully impressed Native Jamaicans on March, 1, 1504 by telling them he will make the moon disappear on a very specific time which he knew would be Lunar Eclipse.
@hidden__truth5475 7 лет назад
one day jews will be only in the t3xt books . Allah has given the name of last prophet and indicated in evry holy books by the many names according to that nation .
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