
Why does life suck so much.. as an INTP? 

Diana Winter
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25 окт 2024




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@dianawinter6070 3 года назад
Leave your thoughts down below :-)
@Meleeman011 3 года назад
lol ur cute, i spend my time trying to hack society, and bend it to my will, and find outs, i also like to cause mischief ;)
@alxreiuuser5717 3 года назад
Why bother? If you don't want family or career, then skip both. As an INTP you just need a lair, like a hermit. Some money for food and an internet connection might help though, above that, you have the freedom to pick, what you really want. After that you can just laugh about all the meaningless, neverending grinding and rat race other people do to get nowhere.
@stopasking9745 3 года назад
Thanks for the video
@stopasking9745 3 года назад
@@alxreiuuser5717 lol so true
@thebigredwagon 3 года назад
This is exactly how I feel. There is a real tragedy to the life of an INTP. I try to focus on one idea for a while and try to bring it to fruition which I find very difficult as my mind is pulling my in 10 different directions. You are not alone. It’s scary how similar you think to me. We are masters of pattern recognition. Once we map one pattern we are quickly on to another so we can stitch to the previous until we weave a gigantic tapestry of objective reality. And although everyone benefits from our efforts it’s completely thankless work.
@yoshi314 3 года назад
what sucks the most is we want to socialize, while at the same time we're horrible at it and we also would like to be alone.
@karynecross3695 3 года назад
Check your type. I want to be good at social interaction, but I wouldn’t necessarily say I want to socialize just for the sake of it. Some meaningful exchange is needed but it’s easy for our type to relate to a few individuals occasionally and get fulfillment.
@yoshi314 3 года назад
@@karynecross3695 that's what i mean. it's horrible, because it's hard to find connection with people. odds are very low. and yet i seek it. so far i have only one person i truly get along with.
@yurizafurizaki5574 3 года назад
You might be mistyped tbh. Sounds more an ENTP
@piececake5820 3 года назад
This is so beatiful. Thank you
@piececake5820 3 года назад
@@yurizafurizaki5574 i think the entp, doesnt want to be alone. I feel like, i would like to be alone, because everything is so easy. No one to misunderstand me. But like Yo Shi said, we also want to socialising. Yeah we are good at knowing people, but we have a certain way of beeing. So we act totally different and it seems like no one understand us on the first view
@Liathrys 3 года назад
My short answer would be: "I'm forced and expected to want to survive and participate in a society whose sets of values and/or standards I don't completely agree with and have no power over."
@condotiero860 3 года назад
Im expected to survive in ways detrimental to my survival
@robinperkins7623 2 года назад
I agree. I so agree to this 😭. As an INTP, this describes me very accurately
@nadiabatool2457 2 года назад
I am an INTP and that’s exactly i feel
@AndreKochDre 11 месяцев назад
I feel the same way and more INTJ
@Tristis-et-Terebravisse 3 месяца назад
Right? Emphasis on the ‘want’. I don’t want to operate the way I’m expected to operate. I find it absurd, and I don’t understand why others can’t see what I see. Forced participation is inevitably going to be unenthusiastic. Which in turn leads to people being displeased with the quality of our involvement. Which in turn leads to them questioning us, and THEN being displeased with the answers they receive. A boss once said to me “It looks like you don’t really want to be here.” My response was “I don’t really want to be anywhere.” This is how we alienate ourselves. To me, that response is an invitation for discussion. To her, that response is unacceptable and alarming.
@thelastgreyhawk2161 3 года назад
I think our lives suck because we analyze our surroundings, see it's not logical and that we don't fit in. We're surrounded by people who don't understand or even care to. We rarely find other people who relate. We all want something more out of our life, but we're held back by various things. In essence I think Longing is the single word that explains it perfectly.
@lelelew2735 3 года назад
Like longing to do great things but our motivation sucks.. so we have the capabilities maybe even the desire but not the drive to get it done.
@thelastgreyhawk2161 3 года назад
@@lelelew2735 since the time of that first message I walked into a guitar store strummed an electric guitar and my life changed I felt purpose rush over me. I started doing a lot of things getting my life going.
@lelelew2735 3 года назад
@@thelastgreyhawk2161 that's great keep going 👍
@thelastgreyhawk2161 3 года назад
@@lelelew2735 Will do, I'm tempted to buy the guitar that changed everything. Music theory is a rabbit hole I've happily been exploring because of this too.
@lelelew2735 3 года назад
@@thelastgreyhawk2161 yes plenty of possibilities with music I prefer making beats on a computer. But guitars are beautiful I just know that's not meant for me.
@iamlabovic 2 года назад
As an INTP who had to work for really stupid people since I was a kid.. because I was from a low class family, I Vow that when If I get rich I will fund all my INTP friends so they don't have to do shit for other people and live their lives as they like.
@mutation7777 9 месяцев назад
ok gimme some cash then
@מרווה 8 месяцев назад
@BksRadjae 8 месяцев назад
bruh XDDDDDDDDDD@@mutation7777
@CricketRodeo 4 месяца назад
Can we be friends? 😅
@janhradecky3141 3 года назад
I'm an INTP as well and the best advice I can give you that could improve your life is to stop thinking that emotions are inferior to logic. I used to think exactly this, I didn't value my emotions and I was always creating logical plans for the future. But that is one of the worst approaches you could have to life. Just because you consciously don't feel strong emotions, that doesn't mean that you don't have them. You do have them and they are mainly hidden in your subconscious and they keep influencing you from there without your knowledge. Once you fully realize this, everything in your life will start making sense. Why do you procrastinate? It's because of how your emotions affect you. Why do you make logical plans but don't follow through with them? It's because of your emotions. Why are you not achieving more even though you have so much potential? Emotions. Emotions have a much more profound impact on your life than you previously thought, so you better start paying attention to them. I would even go as far as to say that logic is nothing but a product of emotions. Why if you wake up in the morning, and tell yourself in your head that you will work on project A today, you end up not working on project A? It was the logical thing to do, it would have moved you forward in life, it would have made you feel better etc. etc. So why didn't you do it if it was so logical? It's because your emotions didn't allow you to. Once you will realize that the way to make progress in life is to figure out how to emotionally manipulate yourself into making progress, that's when you will finally start having success. Stop valuing logic so much and focus on emotions and positive emotional manipulation of yourself. Break everything down into emotional manipulation and use this worldview to navigate your way forward. Good luck.
@meltingzero3853 3 года назад
I was with you until you brought up emotional manipulation. What do you mean by that.
@janhradecky3141 3 года назад
@@meltingzero3853 Making yourself do things that you want to do by figuring out which things manipulate your emotions the right way. For example, let's say that you want to work on project A tomorrow. Today you could write down a logical plan where you outline when you are going to wake up, what you are going to be doing, for how long, when you will eat lunch, when you will finish working etc. But what if you make this very logical plan today and tomorrow you wake up and you can't make yourself do even half of the things you wrote down? Is there a flaw in your logical plan? No, everything in it makes perfect sense. But actually there is a flaw and that is the fact that you didn't take your emotional state into account. You didn't take into account "What if I will just wake up tomorrow and not feel like working on my project?". Unfortunately, humans do not have the discipline of robots. If you gave a robot the same logical plan you made for yourself, it would have no problem following it to a T. The robot wouldn't wake up and tell you "I don't feel like following your logical plan today, sorry. I'm gonna go watch some Netflix and play video games instead." The robot would behave perfectly logically. And this is what I think a lot of INTPs seem to expect from themselves. They think that reality works only on logic and not on emotions, so they expect that when they make a logical plan it must work because there are no logical flaws. That is the most ridiculous thing and INTPs need to delete it from their brain. Emotions have all the power and when they clash with logic, they always win! They have to be taken into account first and foremost when making any plan for the future. INTPs also think that their flawless logic is the best thing in the world and if only they build up a logical understanding of how everything works then they will be finally able to have success and be happy... WRONG! You don't need logic to be successful or happy. All you need is to understand how your emotions work and then emotionally manipulate yourself into getting what you want. If we come back to the example of trying to work on a project A tomorrow, instead of creating a daily schedule that is very logical and also very useless because you won't be able to stick to it, the smartest thing to do would be to figure out what is going to have the most positive emotional influence on you and manipulate you into working on your project. Maybe you work much harder when you have someone around you who you respect and who would be disappointed if you slacked off the whole day, so instead of working on your project alone, invite this person over or go to their place. Or maybe you work harder when you can eat your favorite meal, so make sure you cook it the day before. Or maybe you will only start working on this project if other people will be involved, so you must make sure that you put together a team of the right people before you start. You get the point. The key to success is to be always experimenting with your emotions and figuring out what manipulates your emotions the right way and what manipulates them the wrong way. Some things like romantic relationships for example can be extremely tricky because they can have a lot of great positive influences on you but also ultimately keep you stuck in life. Things like relationships can be huge tangled balls of emotional chaos and you should pay attention to them the most. This emotional manipulation of self is by the way what Fi users do all the time, it's their bread and butter. And when an INTP becomes good at this Fi emotional manipulation of themselves, that's when they become truly fucking happy. The INTP just needs to stop pretending like their emotions don't matter or don't exist and must be willing to experiment with them.
@tylerjones701 3 года назад
@@janhradecky3141 cheers
@alxreiuuser5717 3 года назад
@@meltingzero3853 it is not about emotional manipulation of others. It is subtle emotional manipulation of yourself to make you want to do the right thing and to have better chance to take action. As I interpret it, the post is about lifehacks.
@janhradecky3141 3 года назад
@@alxreiuuser5717 I don't really like the term "life hacks" but your interpretation is correct. Life hacks makes it sound cheap though. The emphasis should be put on emotions, because that's what drives human behavior. And I used the word manipulation because that's what we should be doing with our emotions. Manipulating them until we achieve a desired emotional state. That's the way to make progress in life. Take someone who's addicted to smoking cigarettes for example. He could do nothing about his strong emotional urge that he feels every day to light up a cigarette and just say that it's there and he's powerless to stop it. Or he could find a clever way how to manipulate his emotions the way that will make his addiction go away. For example, he could take something that triggers really strong negative emotions in him, something disgusting like rotten food for example, and associate that with smoking cigarettes. This could manipulate his emotions so that he would find cigarettes themselves disgusting and would stop smoking. And you can do this emotional manipulation of yourself when it comes to pretty much anything. If you understand how your emotions work, you can use this to stop smoking, make yourself regularly exercise, work for longer periods of time, change your personality... You can do anything with this. You just need to 1) Understand how your emotions work 2) Understand how external influences manipulate your emotions 3) Start experimenting by exposing yourself to different emotional influences until you get the result that you're looking for. The most important part I would say is to properly break everything down into emotional influences. When you imagine going on a date for example, you shouldn't just see it as going on a date, you should see it as something that's going to manipulate your emotions in an xyz manner. Hanging out with your friend shouldn't be just hanging out with your friend. It should be seen as an activity that is going to manipulate your emotions in an xyz manner. The reason why a lot of people don't see success in life is because they view everything in black and white and don't understand the emotional reality that underpins everything.
@farrahupson 3 года назад
I think we're lucky to be INTPs. My experience is that I'm free. I'm not obligated to take part in the rat race. I don't have to look at social media or worry about what other people expect me to do with my life. I get genuine satisfaction out of just learning some new, random thing, or thinking about some idea for a while. I literally spent most of my day today watching and caring for a giant caterpillar that I found in my yard. It was a wonderful life experience that I'll never forget. I don't think most people understand that they can live their lives free from most constraints; we can, and this might be an INTP superpower.
@matheusicaaro 2 года назад
The problem is, we are humans, we have feelings and sometimes the need to feel romantic love or work in something that fulfill our needs. I like being INTP, but i know that everything has good and bad points, and some points are good and bad at the same time. I'm starting to feel tired of trying to learn how to be normal, but it is worth becoming better in areas I am bad at.
@lok6314 2 года назад
Dont think being human is a good argument.. We ate just wired different. If there is 1 type that can live solo forever without actually being pessimistic about that..its INTP. we have a very specific function...a function society hates.. Thats finding and protecting the truth and understand what truth is in the ecosystem for humans.. Truth for me is a currency...its how you exchange with others... But..people hate truth..therefore INTP umderstand its better to go at it alone and collect more data then to meet up with people hiding behind a social facade in order to FEEL accepted. But intp dont operate like that..i feel we are the ones that are happy to sit with our enemy and figure out why we are enemies...in that process alone we solve lots of world problems...because most problems in very childish way of explaining is YOU vs ME. INTP is more like TRUTH vs truths.. There is always a greater universal mechanic at play in the background.. We are here to explain how the system works, not how people made it to work..
@celiacresswell6909 11 месяцев назад
@@lok6314how was this ever a good breeding strategy - or is it not heritable?!
@lok6314 11 месяцев назад
@@celiacresswell6909 friend...not everyone want to breed. Stop seeying things trough the lense of evolution or survival. Maybe you will see reality as it is instead of something they 'thaught' yiu to see.
@NWOLFF9719 3 года назад
I'm 20 and i question everything and i mean everything,every choice, possibility,like life as a whole
@tramarthomas6105 3 года назад
That's tough
@suntzu3152 3 года назад
Same I'm 17
@Meleeman011 3 года назад
hahaha i remember being where you're at, don't worry there will be a moment where reality will hit you like a truck, and suddenly things will make sense and it gets worse from there, stay vigilant, stay greedy, it took me many years to have time management but trust me, you learn that and suddenly you can do a lot of things, prioritize information that helps you. so, politics, news, those deep abstract ideas that are fun, not helpful to people. learn from teh J side, and you can accomplish more while appearing lazy as fuck. we all have to make compromises with the evil that is society, and our goal should be to set our selves free in any capacity we can.
@vicentegonzales2457 3 года назад
@@Meleeman011 I'm 21 and I'm literally at the stage where life is hitting me like a truck lmao, cheers brother for finding your path💪
@thebigredwagon 3 года назад
Better to question everything than to question nothing at all.
@lbbotpn5429 3 года назад
As a fellow INTP, I certainly identify with a lot of your thoughts. I'm older than you, so maybe it's the benefit of being further along the learning curve, but I don't think 'life sucks' as an INTP. We're definitely square pegs, but I've learned to embrace that over time. We may not be lucky at cards OR lucky at love, but the very traits that make us unlucky in these arenas are the traits that give us our superpowers. Outsider status makes us more objective, we're less easily swayed by emotional appeals... we're powered by logic and objectivity. We have no team, we play no favorites. When presented with a good argument, we're the rare individuals that will not only change our minds, we'll actually be grateful for the new information. In short, we're not like everybody else... we're... better. :)
@dianawinter6070 3 года назад
Thank you for your input. I fully agree with it and see it the same way.
@leeroy14r60 3 года назад
what she is saying is yes thats good and all but your life still sucks
@monicasanchez8438 3 года назад
the problem is when you think youre better but just like everyone else. youre human too.
@leeroy14r60 3 года назад
@@monicasanchez8438 😂 or even worse
@Vapourwear 2 года назад
@@monicasanchez8438 Oh, at least we're not like you...we don't forget apostrophes, or capitals, or.....
@kc9364 2 года назад
I relate so much to your perspective and experience. I think it's even harder to be an INTP woman bc we're so different than what society expects women to be.
@dewvvvvy 3 месяца назад
on point
@intelligentmind9068 3 года назад
Life is about improving your weaknesses. If you think your life sucks, do something about it and stop making excuses for yourself. As an INTP you're capable to turn your life around in 6 months if you put in the effort. Life wasn't made for us but that doesn't mean we can't be happy in it. You got this. Life is beautiful. From your fellow INTP.
@imaniuniverse6478 3 года назад
life wasn't? 😕
@dodecahedron7826 2 года назад
I am an INTP archetype. I found that the key to happiness was to allow myself to feel happy. If you can stop worrying and just focus on enjoying life you can be much happier. It can be that easy. My happiness is internal and not a reaction to stimulus. I live in a state of near constant bliss. It took many years of practice to get to this point. The only way to measure success that makes sense is how much of someone's life is what they want it to be. How much of what they want do they have in their life. My bank account is nearly empty but I am a billionaire in joy.
@theobservantatheist1304 2 года назад
I'm an INTP. I grew up struggling socially. I have struggled with emotions the first half of my life. I've struggled with relationships my whole life. As an INTP, for a while I blamed society for my struggling, blamed normalcies for my inability to fit in. However I gained interest in psychology, I gained interest in how people work and how emotions work. I've made leaps and bounds in my ability to read people and how to relate the them. It has propelled me forward in my status in the workplace. Emotionally, I don't trip peoples triggers as often, I'm able to properly express my thoughts and feelings. I've even gone as far as examining my own emotions that I instinctually repress in order to bring them to surface and use them to my advantage, I've even began delving into ritual and "magic" practice in order to motivate myself. I've taken many things that are considered "irrational" made sense of them and now use them to my advantage because I understand the psychology behind them. Now my focus is on figuring out love and relationships, it's by far the hardest to get down but it interests me and I'm doing my best to improve myself in that area as well.
@daviddung4979 Год назад
pls can you share what books you read that gave you such insight into human behavior as an intp at the age of 20 I really want to start building on this stuff ahead of time i might fail at this people and how to motivate my self to get what I want stuff (not the best of mindsets I know) but I will be dammed if I don't try my best
@risseeuwe 11 месяцев назад
Very well said. No MBTI personality is better equipped to master our weaknesses than an INTP.
@SP-df1nm 4 месяца назад
Please never delete this video. I watch it often when I feel that I am lost in life. It always reminds me that I'm on the right track. When you said, you would learn so much if you had an abundant amount of money, I felt seen. I want to learn for the sake of learning. Not because I want to pass a test, but because learning about the world is really fulfilling Thanks again for the video
@leonardomoncada3099 3 года назад
I completely relate to your point of view, I live in south america (where most of the people expects you to be extroverted, dance, talk a lot, and go out always, etc) and I really felt hurt most of the time, realizing I was alienated everywhere I'd go. But finding out there is people like me has helped me not feeling alone and misunderstood. Great video though!
@nathyf.1467 2 года назад
same here ✊ (brazil)
@TheSnugglery 3 года назад
Wife of an intp here and I've personally heard this exact analysis of an intp in the business world a lot 😂 I'd encourage you guys to not overlook staying in education (researcher, professor) or do something entrepreneurial and/or entertaining. Sometimes the easiest way to turn your particular type of understanding into something valuable is through entertainment (ya meme lords 😉). And dont discount your natural charm and wit. Most are not cut out for the business world, but there are other ways to make money for us introverts these days 😊 💕
@ricauburn9553 3 года назад
My INTP running theory of why our natural experience can tend to really suck: it's because most of society, business, "ethics," social norms, entertainment, etc. that impact one's lived experience are constructed by & for extroverts. I got this small epiphany when I asked an extrovert to boil down the essence of how to socialize - of course, I got the expected looks of confusion with expected answers like, "Well, put effort into your appearance bc it's 'a gift you give others' -- anyway, you just walk up to them and ask about what's going on in their life, their kids, etc., and you just relate to their experiences in life;" and I thought, "See, that's just not how many introverted people would connect at all; like, if I designed society's expectations on how to socialize.... oh, I see.... It's because none of this was designed by/for introverts at all..."
@janhradecky3141 3 года назад
People who have good social skills mostly have no idea why they have good social skills or how to help someone else have better social skills. They just "follow their programming" without consciously understanding it. Asking a person with great social skills how do they do it is like asking anyone how do they breathe. They have no idea, it just happens on its own.
@MrKillswitch88 3 года назад
A lot of those extroverts are just bots in the game of life where on their part required very little to no thought nor effort to fit the social norms never mind maintain the social noise that is demanded of people in current society. What spikes my toxicity is when these bots apply so much pressure for others to conform and perform as such without thinking nor even feeling for that matter as anyone with a functioning mind would have backed away at the very least. I've gotten incredibly tired and bitter of the cookie cutter mentalities that are so common place with in the common demographics. Not being allowed to feel nor express emotion due to gender and societal norms was the straw that broke the camel's back.
@MrKillswitch88 3 года назад
@@janhradecky3141 To them "social skills" are easier than breathing yet they cannot see just how basic and repetitive they are where any real diversity is incredibly rare.
@erossutra4064 3 года назад
I am an introvert and I have no problem socializing. The problem with INTPs from what I’ve heard is that they have a lot of self-doubt and that they feel significant only through the accumulation of knowledge, if they are smart enough, they are worthy. But since they are perfectionists, they never feel they know enough, there’s always that FOMO.
@orycroft2020 2 года назад
@@erossutra4064 so you're basically saying...? Please continue. You're onto something that can be quite helpful
@cxffaye 2 года назад
It’s even worse as an INTP child. Society thinks that there’s something wrong with you and it’s needs to be “fixed” before you’re older. As you get older, you seem to learn the importance of being authentic and honest to yourself and others and start to embrace your differences
@vitalis Год назад
Some behaviours can be attributed to an INTP personality but others may be due to (or shared with) ADHD, autism, etc, so you might want to get the proper diagnosis.
@chaimber Год назад
Thats hit so hard..
@jbrendel98 11 месяцев назад
Sounds Fi hero-ish but it's the lesson of the Fi demon function
@thecloakedschemer 3 года назад
I’m an INTP. I’ve experienced much of what you are expressing in this video. I come from a place of sympathy and understanding. There are a few things that I would suggest, coming from trial and error in my own life. They may or may not work for you, but it’s worth a shot. I’ll try not to be too long winded here, but I suck at being concise. Don’t devalue emotions. Just because we’re uncomfortable with them doesn’t mean that we don’t have them, nor that they’re unimportant. Feeling like life sucks is just that, a feeling. Can it be a fact too? Sure, depending upon your situation. However, regardless of your situation I believe that you can still control your attitude. Some of the happiest, most joy-filled people I’ve encountered have been from a low income if not outright homeless status. I also caution against an attitude of “I’m better than that/those person/people.” Maybe you are, maybe you aren’t. It’s irrelevant. One of the best pieces of advice I’ve heard has been to assume the other person knows something you don’t. Obviously if your managers suck, don’t stay at the job, but be careful with that mindset. A little humility can go a long way. Based on the MBTI function stack, Fe is one of the INTP’s weaker functions. I recommend using that knowledge to strengthen it as opposed to using it as an excuse or a scape goat. Stop forcing yourself into a career vs family dichotomy. If you don’t want a family, that’s up to you. There are ways to do both. There are careers you can go into that will afford you the time to do both, possibly travel/learn other skills, and earn a decent wage. If you are willing to put the effort into going back to school, look into Medical (Clinical) Laboratory Science. It may get boring after a bit, sure, but I don’t think there’s anything that won’t. In my specific case, I work nights on a 7 on/7 off rotation. This gives me a great work-life balance. I don’t have a family yet, but my aunt does AND she’s been a career woman her whole life while working in the same profession as I do. Plus, many people (depending upon where you work of course) are very intelligent and highly qualified. Procrastination is a devil to deal with, but to do anything we have to deal with it. There’s a channel called “INTP Survival Guide” that I suggest checking out. Much of what he says I’ve already thought about, but there’s something about another person saying things out loud, especially when they struggle in similar ways. I also recommend checking out Cognitive Personality Theory. There are some issues with the MBTI that Harry does well trying to rectify, in my opinion. He also offers great insights. I want to applaud you for being so raw and open about your struggles, especially on the Internet. Life is difficult, no matter your type, but I can especially relate to your struggles. I still share your struggles in many ways, if I’m being frank. You just have to put one foot in front of the other and keep trying things until you figure out what works. There are no perfect solutions and ultimately if you have to shake things up in your life to seek fulfillment, then do just that.
@endresee 2 года назад
Great vid and I definitely relate. I’m an INTP and am constantly baffled by our society’s values, and the way we’ve all collectively decided to spend our short time on this earth. It’s a struggle. But I do think there’s hope. As INTPs we are lucky to be able to look at so much of the world with wonder and genuine curiosity and interest. That’s something most types don’t get, and it changes your whole way of experiencing the world. I would not want to lose that even if it meant I’d be a better worker or would fit in better or whatever.
@extropianengineer 3 года назад
Fellow INTP. My shitty life/society fix that seems to be working so far (3 years in): -Live frugally, save/invest all that you can (Van life, rv life, tiny house, split rent with roommates, etc) -Freelance/Work contractually You have more time freedom and you can explore/learn a variety of specialties. -Retire early. Use the income in retirement to learn whatever you want and/or travel. -Buy a lot of cats. They hate society just as much as you.
@tramarthomas6105 3 года назад
@TrolololYAK 3 года назад
@Vic LTD I'm not sure because I'm a bit in the same situation but ... I guess ... Open a door and follow the light. You know ... One of these ideas we have, going away after 1 hour or one week. Maybe you will discover what you want to do in life just after having pushed a little bit further this burst. Send an email to the owner of this little bookshop you daydreamt to work in ... Also you maybe can give it a shot via an association. You can have a look and see if you like to do this thing or not ^^ I don't know if to do that will lead me somewhere. Obviously it will. But yeah 😐 I know that in the coming years I'll have to do so much more than just sending emails. I'll have to leap into the unknown. But ... it's that or leap into my grave 😅 And I really hope that I'll be enough brave and still daydreaming strong enough to do that in the next years ... Sorry for my English 🙄 And ... good luck Also maybe a last piece of advice ... Dream big but not like others. Stop dreaming about driving a lamborghini. That's not even good to carry a corpse 😅 We can find happiness in the smallest things. Where I'm stuck is that I admire them but can't resign myself to work like others ... and go back at home and accept that. I'm young and I'm wrong. I know. I'll have to work. I know. But I want to work for something nice and fulfilling. And not to suffer 5 days a week and smile at a stupid barbecue party whereas I don't want people and their meat. Read (again) Walden by Thoreau.
@TrolololYAK 3 года назад
@Vic LTD Ah Brazilian nice ^^ I've been learning a bit of Portuguese during few weeks. Then I gave up but anyway ^^ Beautiful language and I hope I'll go there to visit ^^ I'm French, living in mainland France. Do you share your musics somewhere on youtube or social networks ? One day it will work. Ah what's your opinion about psychotherapies ? Is it helpful ?
@TrolololYAK 3 года назад
@Vic LTD Sorry I didn't reply to the end of your previous message. My hobbies ... I like reading and writing. Poetry ^^ And also short stories but I'm more into poetry. Sadly these days I'm not so inspired. But it will come back I guess. I've an IG account if you want. I posted there few poems. @poiesis_kvi Ahah French more chic 🤷🏻‍♂️^^ Why not. I'm glad to hear it but I think that Portuguese talked by women with bewitching voices is really nice too ^^ Do you know where did they went in France ? So thanks I'll check your music ^^ Wow ok it takes a long time to feel at ease it seems 😅 One day. I will try.
@TrolololYAK 3 года назад
@Vic LTD Still alive, 3 days before ^^ About inspiration ... Not sure that's a so good thing to push ourselves. But 🤷🏻‍♂️ But you speak English also that's great ^^ And Portuguese > English ... 😅 Ah Paris of course ^^ I think that people should absolutely go on our coastlines when going to France because Paris is good for museums, buildings, but ... the landscapes are also a huge part I guess of our pride. And yeah about psycho ... day after day I'm going closer to take an appointment 😅 I didn't check your music yet. But I will for sure. Thanks. And have a nice week !
@PedroCastroMusic 3 года назад
Male INTP here, you described perfectly my attitude towards work and university. I recently finished my course and I'm thinking of doing a post grad but I have no real plan of working in the area, I'm doing it more just because it's a topic i enjoy.
@axr6327 2 года назад
Hi! ENTP here. One of my life fantasies is to have an INTP bff who I hang out with occasionally to chill and read and just listen to all the fleshed out concepts they have to talk about. I hope you upload more videos in the future. I could hear you guys talk all day!
@MrTrashcan1 3 года назад
You think you wasted time? I'm 65 and only recently discovered personality types. I always thought there was something wrong with me. I could have lived an entire second life with the time I've wasted. I'm a male. I took both routes--career and domestic--comfortable mediocrity in both. I work for myself, but I'm not ambitious and money is repelled from me--I just was never meant to be wealthy. I live with my wife and two cats, all of whom I love; my wife is as you describe--someone to enhance my life, but not a vehicle through which I gain happiness. The cats might be :-). If there was any doubt of being an INTP, once you're my age and you look back on your life, the patterns are so painfully obvious. Life for us is a a catch-22; It's like a pendulum. You already know that when it swings in a positive direction, there is bad news around the corner. Never fails. Makes it hard to be optimistic. And then you over-analyze everything, like we're doing here. At least now I know why I am the way I am. And that there are others in my "support group."
@sRta70 2 года назад
@hank3868 3 года назад
what you are saying resonates strongly - for us INTPs today's corporate world is especially hard and seems to be better suited to superficial extroverts or robotic minds. I need a lot of space and freedom to be happy and just recently became financially free and I have never been happier. I think being independent should be priority number one for most INTPs. Do your own thing (author, starting a business, invest wisely +++) and you will surely be more happy. Trying to fit into a group and having to but up with other peoples BS is not my idea of fun :-)
@lilybradley9525 3 года назад
Hello, another INTP here, personally I feel like emotions are pointless, and I feel like they get in the way of a lot of things. I've never understood how people can be so emotional. The way I see emotion is that you're wasting up precious time that you could be using to do something useful. I hate being emotional and whenever I try to explain that to counselors they've never understood. And for that, it makes it hard for me, myself to express emotion. I get bored of things fairly quickly. I like to be busy sometimes and when I feel like something is not satisfying my needs I move on to different subjects. I always feel like nothing is ever truly completed. And I feel the need to always point out the flaws that I've made and work toward making them better. I always think that I could always do better. And I push myself so hard because of it. I'm an awkward person. I love attention from certain people in my life but I could never be the type of person to enjoy big crowds of attention. I get overwhelmed when there are too many people in one room, making it hard for me to make new friends. I'm still in school and I am currently doing independent studies because I get too nervous around people. Sometimes I feel like I overanalyze things that don't even need to be analyzed in the first place. I'm aware of my surroundings at all times and sometimes it really sucks. Up until this point, I've felt like I've been this an outsider that is just weird and that no one thinks the way I do. It's comforting to know that other people actually understand me instead of pretending they do. I hope I worded everything right and all of that made sense tho.
@sRta70 2 года назад
@dannyc6656 Год назад
Embrace your personality! Learning I was an INTP a few years ago was the best thing ever. I FINALLY understood why I am so 'different' and it opened my eyes so I understand my more 'weird' aspects. I started working on 'balancing' myself better, though I am still VERY introverted but I 'think' before I speak more often and met an INFJ partner and she balances me out so good. So stay positive and turn this to your advantage. YOU ARE A RARE AND AMAZING PERSON! EMBRACE IT! 🙂
@manuel6183 3 года назад
Ok let's roll this up. First of all I'm an INTP myself and I went through all t troubles you mentioned. My solutions: 1. Accept who you are and how you work. 2. Start embracing it. Be proud about yourself. We always get the "you don't fit in, there must be something wrong with you" vibes and that makes us more insecure than others because we start thinking that they are right. But nobody trust people who don't trust themselves. You mention all the people who don't know their stuff but are above you. How do you think they got there. Not only because they are loud, but because they radiate confidence. May it be the classic Dunning-Kruger or something else it doesn't matter. Solution work on your self-esteem and on figuring out what you are really good at to increase your confidence. Others can sense that and automatically see you as more capable. 3. Learn to communicate with different types of people. Change the words you use to the kind of people you speak with. I always sucked at communicating my points or more often than not offending people. No now that I learned what specific people tend to respond to it's gotten much better. Like putting on a Fe hat for esfjs, Te for Entjs and so on. Most people feel creeped out by raw Ti but appriciate it if you translate it in their language. Body language helps to. 4. Try to create a workspace where you can drive in. Yes we like to learn stuff put it into a optimized plan and then move on. So why don't you do just that. Outsource the parts you don't like and focus on what you are good at. This in itself solves the problem with motivation and procrastination to a manageable degree. Btw. some procrastination is really useful, our brains need some time to put out this brilliant stuff we are capable of. I hope I could give you some useful input. I'm shure you are a competent and knowledgeable person and don't let other people tell you something different.
@Cyrusyami Год назад
We INTPs we wont putting our mind that organized sir :P, if you are an INTP you are not a regular one !!! You are soo organized !
@friendlyanomaly6109 Год назад
Why do most people feel creeped out by raw Ti?
@Cyrusyami Год назад
@@friendlyanomaly6109 is this raw Ti ?
@friendlyanomaly6109 Год назад
@@Cyrusyami Idk. Is it?
@Cyrusyami Год назад
@@friendlyanomaly6109 no its not , its more or a Te/Si or Si/Te statement. Teaching you what to do , and very organized. We Ti dominant people we don’t care to be honest . I don’t teach I just explain if i think i have the energy for it
@MiaCreese 3 года назад
fellow intps.. a question. do you see yourself seeing everything in probabilities in your head? like oh the probability that is going to happen is very low, so just forget about it. then u get freaked out over something that has a high probability to happen. u get nervousness for situations over the probabilities in ur head.
@meatyfart 3 года назад
@kikiz44 3 года назад
@Meleeman011 3 года назад
yup. some of them are over blown, but as i get older, my judgement is sharper than my parents. so i can almost predict economic outcomes and i've had people tell me i was stupid only for them to be wrong in the future and telling me they should have listened to me. bitcoin mainly. tiny houses as well. now people are in late doing pump and dumps and i'm sitting here waiting for it to fall so i can take Elon's bitcoins that he sold like lil bitch
@MiaCreese 3 года назад
@@Meleeman011 I think when our Ti-Ne is developed well enough it can behave quite similar to Ni-Te of intjs.. which is probably why sometimes I relate to some parts of intj, especially about the future.. idk just my opinion
@aileanaminx8362 3 года назад
Super yes
@carlos_caballero 3 года назад
We as INTP's have thinking as our most advanced character skill, and we need to use it to simplify our life, and not to overthink everything. I invite you to try it, I have been trying it, and life looks different, like it does not suck it all. Thank you for sharing.
@Ichthyodactyl 3 года назад
I mean, I think the 'most advanced character skill' that an INTP has IS to 'overthink everything'. At least that's been my experience. If there were an overthinking competition, I'd be a local champion at least.
@Coocoolifeshow 3 года назад
Finally I found someone with whom I can relate my way of thinking. Been searching for people who can understand my personality (intp). Most of the things that you said is similar to what I have in mind. Thanks for sharing your life story.. You're doing great!
@daphne2702 3 года назад
Never met anyone that shares my.. quite depressing view on life :'). The time thing was spot on, i'm 22 and i know i am practically a baby still, but i can't help the feeling that time is running out. I indeed also don't want children and will never understand people who feel as if children will give their life meaning. (to me that's quite sad). Never truly felt like i an INTP until this vid. So thank you for sharing your thoughts :)
@dianawinter6070 3 года назад
Thank you for your comment :-)
@robinhood4911 3 года назад
As an INTP (although I'm not a woman) I wasn't interested in babies either ... but when you smell a newborn baby your body changes like a caterpillar into a butterfly and you are already a different person. I can't assure everyone that it happens to everyone, but it's my personal experience.
@daphne2702 3 года назад
@@robinhood4911 Ig babies can be cute and all, but the way i want to live my life doesn´t include a child. And the risk of having a baby only to regret it in the end seems like a terrible decision. I can always adopt when i´m 40 haha.
@robinhood4911 3 года назад
@@daphne2702 "the way i want to live my life doesn´t include a child". Yes, you have that right, and there is nothing wrong with that. As a 22 year old person your personal life experience is very small. Most of your views are not your own views, but adapted views that you have adopted as "good-right." For example, as a result of an upbringing, some people were ready to lay down their lives for kings, others, as a result of a different upbringing, were ready to lay down their lives in order to cut the king's head. I'm sure these different people thought it was their own views. I can't tell you what's right and what's wrong. Only nothing is black and nothing is white, but everything is gray. "I can always adopt when i´m 40 haha." Planning for what will be in the future is very risky, there are too many unknowns and even planning what will be next year is a very long term plan.
@daphne2702 3 года назад
@@robinhood4911 "Planning for what will be in the future is very risky, there are too many unknowns and even planning what will be next year is a very long term plan." i'm not actually planning anything in my life, i was just trying to get my point across how not everything in life is set in stone and if i do change my mind (which i most likely wont) theres always other options. "As a 22 year old person your personal life experience is very small. Most of your views are not your own views." How does own create their own views in this case, in your opinion? Because we're talking about having children. And as i mentioned i don't think this is something you can just 'try out'. At this moment in my life i don't think i want children. Yes, you can tell me that i'm young and i don't know what i want etc. etc. but if i have a child... and it turns out i was right all along... yikes. Yet a 22 year old person saying they DO want children is fine and is never being questioned. I get what you are trying to say, but i also think it's belittling someone's experience of life just because they're young. Even though i'm only 22, i know what i want and what i don't want. And i don't need to experience what it's like having a child to know that i don't want a child. I have known i didn't want children since i was very young and it has never changed, it only grew stronger.
@sjwill1956 3 года назад
Veteran INTP here ...you have great insights into the INTP challenges .. and yup we don't "fit" well .. yet I think things are more nuances than perhaps u have considered.. we are smart creative and frigging brilliant at seeing patterns ...I worked in counseling services for years.. I preferred small organizations.. office politics not me...learnt early on that management wasn't for me either .. I did ok.. I certainly lived relatively cheaply and invested so now ... ah $$ is not really an issue but I lived frugally anyway not missing much of anything .. finding other like minded folks, a few.. your tribe ... find the niches the places that energize ....I learnt about my procrastination and manage it better than I did when I was younger... it's more conscious and can get myself going when I see I am draggin .. I am very gentle with myself because the world is not .. and the emotion is there it's an inferior function but u can make friends with it... actually INTP can be quite warm and loyal to the few we allow to get that close... Good luck in your journey
@plots4 3 года назад
Your thoughts hit me hard. You’re totally right. Nobody understands us. Many dislike us for things we don’t even want to/think we are. I always romanticized the relationship and craved it, probably because I grew up in a relatively “successful” but completely unloving and unempathetic family (with whom I’ve been estranged for several years). I could find those relationships, but always end up disappointing feelers. (I’m struggling in my second marriage and only 40). When I’m open, I can be extremely emotive but once it’s off, it’s nearly impossible to go back. Similar situation in my work life too. Studied business because I thought I was “supposed” to and then bounced around hating jobs. The only one I loved I left in a whim because they were beginning to mandate some non-traditional hours and it pissed me off. So you said it’s tough having to pick one of those two areas…. I feel like I’m stuck half-assing them both. Weird, I guess. But i feel like I’ve accomplished nothing but disappointing the people around me… and I don’t even know how I feel about myself because I don’t even know what I wanna do when I grow up. And I keep getting older. Ugh.
@Ichthyodactyl 3 года назад
Thanks for sharing. I mirror a lot what you've said here. I will say that I probably favor the 'family' side of things more than the 'career' side. I have a very hard time motivating myself to care at all about having a job or money or achieving conventional 'success'. I do want children at some point, 1 or 2 tops but mostly I'd just like to stop having to meet expectations of a society that seems ill-equipped to accommodate my presence. I've heard a lot of INTPs fantasize about just becoming woodlands hermits and I can definitely see the appeal. Just gotta make sure that cabin in the woods has fiber internet. :S
@jcortese3300 3 года назад
I can't remember who it was, but someone once said that she kept trying to live her life, but was always trapped "rolling these rocks away from her grave." For me as an INTP, it would just be nice to not have the feeling that all the people who were ever close to me would have been happier had I just been normal. Everyone would just have been happier had I been someone else. Talking about money, I once remember when one of the big lotteries got up to something like $600 million, and my coworkers were talking about what they'd do if they won. All I could think of was that if I had that much money, I could live completely by myself and never have to make eye contact with another human being ever again. Anyhow, I understand you about the double bind. For me, it's like my brain stuck me with all of these abilities that my personality guarantees I can never make good on. So all of the abilities I have are just there to isolate me and make me miserable. Wow, thanks.
@DanielDogeanu 2 года назад
I have an idea! Let's start a company and hire only INTPs! Imagine what we could achieve! We would discover the secrets of the Universe... and do nothing with them, because we're going to be too busy procrastinating! 😂
@shanegates678 Год назад
Love from a fellow INTP. Ti + Ne = constant innovation but also feels like procrastination in a Se world. Life's meaning is a personal thing. Embrace the absurdity. Move beyond Si expectation based on social norms. Your high Ti + Ne is a wonderful thing. Use your Fe to share this to the world and they will be captivated. Find high Se users to create in the physical because your Ne overpowers your Se. Don't let the idea of an Se world diminish you. Embrace is absurdity and feed it with your intrepid discoveries ❤❤
@rained.7830 3 года назад
Why does life have to be shit? Why does life suck? Since asking your viewers these questions, I understand as you explained that you were depressed when you filmed and have moved on. But, as a fellow female INTP, I feel I may be able to impart some words of older (age 58) wisdom. There is much I need to address, so bear with me. I relate to you feeling like an outsider and asking yourself, “Why am I different?” Newly understanding your personality is life changing. As you have found, at first it can be overwhelming and yes, even depressing. But we need reasons and isn’t it WONDERFUL that you now have them? You are lucky to have discovered this knowledge while you’re still young. I wasn’t so lucky. There is much written about us. Go and seek. Procrastination, boredom, prone to fail, bla, bla, bla are inherent, but NOT absolute. No one said being smart will make you happy - far from it! The most intelligent of us are typically the most miserable. You CAN be successful in life though, whatever that means to you. That might be the question you need to ask yourself first. I disagree that modern societal norms dictate that you have a partner, house, kids, family, dog…, OR a career. At least any more than when I was young. And, I found it rather funny that you feel you can choose, or even should try to choose, one or the other. How about you start with finding a partner first? You LIVE, which usually includes making a living, and if you are lucky enough to find someone to share that life with, then so much the better! But, before I get into relationships, let’s talk about employment with asking the question, “What flavor of shit sandwich do you want to eat?” What Mark Manson means by this is that ALL jobs, no matter how much you enjoy it, is not pleasant ALL the time. What can you do that, when you have to eat that shit sandwich, will be worth it? You feel that one needs to have an outspoken “in your face” extroverted underhanded personality to be successful? Well, that’s because that’s also the type running the company. And, to be honest, most companies. Yes, we all need money, but you don’t need to be wealthy. Believe me, it’s not only INTPs that will not compromise our integrity to get ahead. So, if you have resolved to the fact, that is who you are, then you know it is very unlikely you will not be highly compensated. I wish you had shared what your degree is in. Most degrees will allow you do analysis and research within that profession. So, my advice, if you don’t want to work in a boring, oppressive, unfulfilling environment, is to take your potential and go find a career that is NOT typical. I so agree a “partner” should be just that, your partner. There is nothing wrong with falling in love either. I met my future husband when I was the age of twenty. We are still together. He’s still my partner, lover, friend, and intellectual stimulus. Good at love?? What’s that? I was lucky? Hell, NO. Love/partner is A LOT of WORK. Well, especially now that I know his ISTJ is a “poor” choice for an INTP - Ha-ha-ha! www.onlinepersonalitytests.org/intp-compatibility/ Though he meets almost all the components of a relationship needed to satisfy an INTP. All I have to say about that is, anything that is worth it is a lot of work... be it love or a career! My advice? Learn what you need and then go out and find it. Supposedly ideally an ENTJ. To sum up, life isn’t shit and it doesn’t suck, it’s what you make of it. Everyone has to accept who they are. Learn as much as you can about yourself. But, NEVER fall into the trap that you can’t improve upon yourself. Concentrate on finding a career, something that will sustain and challenge you and if you are unable, make it your hobby. Look for a partner to share your life with, not as an alternative to working. Use what resources are available, maybe check out a dating site based on MBTI and find someone compatible with you. I wish you well.
@claes1465 3 года назад
Ohh it may sound curt but reading your comment was a lot of fun. First ... WTF Are you with an ISTJ? howwhatwhywhot Incredible. I hadn't considered it but the truth is that it sounds like an excellent match for an INTP. I hope you guys stick together, it sure was very hard to get there. And ... well, I have a stupid thing to relate to everything -as an explanation of why I found your comment funny-. But, outside of that, thanks for commenting. I am an INTP, and a very young one! I'm 17. Before I thought I was an INTJ, then I thought I was actually an INFJ, but no! I am an INTP, and there is no doubt. Yes, seriously, I have proven it irrefutably. I, N, T, P, each acronym is insured (now yes). And the truth is that I still have more or less to decide what to do with my life. I have everything figured out, except believe it. I'm still not sure which path I chose, but your comment inspires me. Today has been a day of not discovering myself (I say it optimistically 😂)! It is no longer just because of the help that I have sought on other sites and because of the years of analysis that I have devoted to the matter ... With your comment it is clear to me that not even the path I choose will work alone. This insecurity will not be based on a decision, and there is no theoretical way to "deduce" which is the best decision. "deciding" is not very different from "life is trash." I cannot encapsulate myself in a decision ... (yes, it is the nature of the INTP). What will count will be to stay ahead, take (and calculate) the risks and not regret if it went wrong, because it was just a decision. Well, that's all. Maybe not the expected stranger, but know that you helped any guy in the world ;P I know my comment is confusing, but thanks (for reading too).
@vitalis Год назад
Please join the subreddit INTP and share your wisdom
@jaycred8726 3 года назад
I recently pondered about how disappointing it is that INTPs' personal weaknesses are essentially the worst weaknesses to have in this society/world/life, but I still like to try at life if only to prove this theory correct.
@luiseszi 3 года назад
Get your self an INFP as friend 🙂
@brain0nfire Год назад
The world is making room for introverts with work from home since covid. I can see INTPs excel as programmers which are in high demand. Maybe you just haven't found your territory.
@johnprovost5657 3 года назад
I procrastinate a lot but always get my work done, which is the primary reason while I still procrastinate.
@МаркВарламов-г4б 3 года назад
As an INTP, I've also never really wanted to have kids and family, I'm comfortable living alone, I have a need to have some close friends. Never wanted to earn much just to buy random expensive fashion things. I would like to be rich but I would use it as an opportunity to not do what I don't like but have to. Thus, I would have more time to earn something like Physics or other sciences.
@acepapi995 3 года назад
I’m at a job that I’ve been working at for5 years. 160k a year. I’m 23 and I’m about to quit my job bc I rather have time and take risks in life; when I tell friends that they think I’m crazy. This really helped me feel like that it’s going to be okay
@ExtremeZ8 2 года назад
Wow 160k at 23. wtf are u doing
@thomasreedy4751 2 года назад
Hey, if you a financially independent- Go For It. If you are not, then it shouldn’t take you too long to get there on that salary. Then do what you want without financial consequence.
@peterspilltheteaparker4109 3 года назад
Hard to think that many INTP’s exist out there when I know none always feel like the odd one out. Just feels like life just keeps getting worse and worse the older I get as an INTP.
@miltron Год назад
I found that sidestepping office politics (which is insufferably stifling) is an option, depending on your field of work. I found a way to work at remote locations where few others wanted to go. Being the only person there, I could optimize the workflow, refine the processes as I wished, and nobody complained because the work was done correctly and on time. After a couple of years, I automated most of my job, and sipped coffee while keeping an eye on the computer.
@kevrokka.d.9749 3 года назад
Well, you're definitely an INTP - no mistype there! Dry speech (not a slight), plain-looking (once again - not a slight), and a thorough thinking of ones circumstances. I have nothing substantial to add because most INTPs have the same conclusions, especially by the time they are older. Most of the jobs I've had I've been asked at least once to become a manager and I've turned them all down because being an INTP is a full-time job in and of itself. Those positions don't allow for you to think for yourself nor allows proper time to pursue niche interests. I have to do something about my tendencies towards complacency. Lately, I've been wanting to embrace my intuition heavily to cast a wider net into the world to give myself options and opportunities.
@Lex-qt1cc 3 года назад
Hello, if you don't mind me asking - how did you find this video?
@kevrokka.d.9749 3 года назад
@@Lex-qt1cc I'm not sure, but I probably searched simply for INTP and this video popped up.
@snarkymcsnarkface1863 3 года назад
I took a management job once... It lasted 1 year 2 months and 15 days. I ended up with the nick name the tyrant. I got a phone call requesting I come to a meeting. I did not think anything of it, other than I am late for a meeting that is uncharacteristic and I am not prepared must be a new project. Then i stepped foot on the elevator and it dawned on me that there was no scheduled meetings that day. The words that came out of my mouth "Yes, i am fired". Along with a giant grin. I walked into the meeting room and got handed my severance package. By three very nervous looking executives. The funniest part was they thought I was gonna be furious and make a scene.
@meregaming1770 3 года назад
I don't think she's plain looking, she's pretty.
@kevrokka.d.9749 3 года назад
@@meregaming1770 I didn't mean that she is not attractive. I just meant plain-looking in comparison to the dolled-up and dressed-up people of the world. INTPs on average are plain-looking people - including myself.
@theordinary1059 3 года назад
Every human on this earth is driven by positive and negative emotions/experiences. That's our nature. Some may decide to go traveling or meet up with friends at the movies or go out for a night of clubing and some may enjoy analyzing an interesting field of psychology or philosophy and some might paint a picture of an emotion/situation they're experiencing or make a sculpture of someone they've got in mind. These things are obviously different, but we are all driven to do them for the same reasons - because they feel good and remove/decrease negative experiences. So to say that "I'm not an emotional person, I'm a logical person" seems sort of inaccurate, since in reality we're all driven to do what we're doing because we enjoy it, and vice versa. This is why I dislike calling INTPs and other thinking types "logical people". It makes us seem so un-human and detached from the rest of humanity like we're machines. But in truthfullness, my enjoyment of studying philosophy is very much visceral and I am a person that experiences many different emotions. I just find comfort and joy in things that others don't. But I'm called "a rational robot" because I like what other's find boring or overly complex. That's all I wanted to say, INTPs are humans, we're just not like most. We are emotional and care about things, just not what everyone else cares about. We struggle to do what's easy and excell at doing what's hard - from the perspective of the general population.
@MrKillswitch88 3 года назад
The machine personalities that I've come across on platforms like this typically male that are either low or devoid of emotion I just can't stand so I like to run them over so to speak because fuck em. I really do despise what they do to people who are younger never mind to others in their own demographics where people are forced into conforming in some form or another while having to repress their own personalities to keep peace with the emotionless dick heads especially in places like business ect.
@rainshadows7086 2 года назад
wow thank you for uploading this video very much. you have no idea how much this video will help explain how i feel. i dont know how to express how i feel to people cos i never knew how to put it in words that were not angry or frustrated. so for future reference im just going to link this video to anyone who wants to know why i am the way i am atm. you have no idea how great it feels to know im not alone and that other intp fell the same. im tearing up a bit cos im happy i found a way to explain the way i feel without sounding like a crazy person haha. always being told "you are the only person who feels like that blah blah blah" sucks to hear that from people who try to help but dont understand.
@sRta70 2 года назад
@minma02262 3 года назад
INTP here. 1. Don't focus too much on what you can predict. 2. Hammer on your strength. 3. In order to deal with assholes, you can avoid them all, but you have to learn to speak to them sometimes. 4. Learn rhetorics & NLP(There are a lot of resources on this). 5. Don't try to fix everything, hence you don't need to be mad at everything. 6. In some scenarios, INTP is the asshole because they think they can logically deduce everything. 7. Not all explanations have to follow your narrative. Compromise if you have to. 8. Always have a financial plan, and know your minimum monthly expenditure, so you know when to say "fuck off". 9. it is okay if you are not super outgoing. Just make sure your cash flow is guaranteed and your finances don't suck.
@jamespomperada2139 3 года назад
Winding down to sleep is very hard especially when your thoughts run thrice faster with both adhd and intp mindset, constantly draining energy while thinking about the past mistakes, struggling with the present's problems and trying to predict even more events of the future. I can't focus on school because of other interest and motivation loss, my parents become disappointed and that gives me a feeling of not being good enough. I missed a lot of activity deadlines because I couldn't focus on the more important things. Not having enough empathy and feelings has lead me to losing so many friends and even turning against my family but that doesn't mean that I have no other emotions or a numb person. Stressing and anxiety over possible diseases that might hit you in any moment and any time. Always imagining a perfect world in your head that is far from what the world today is and thinking about what if it finally went the right way. Im the unhealthy type of intp since I can't achieve the mindset of a healthy one.
@sRta70 2 года назад
@stewstudboy 2 года назад
Thanks for posting this. I know as an intp it doesn’t come naturally to even talk about this out loud but appreciate hearing the words from another peep.
@C4rdboardgun 2 года назад
Fellow INTP coming at you in 2022, hoping the year has been, well; survivable, if not possibly fruitful. Absolutely resonated with your plight and points about how we're not necessarily developed for societal integration; being too scatterbrained to accomplish things like we see single minded driven people do, but still having a deep ambition to pursue what we see as worthwhile goals; and then how we're not good at sticking up for ourselves in the professional world. I'm def in a similar boat, and sadly, I haven't found any solutions other than brute forcing myself to work until I found/decided/narrowed down my pursuits. Now I'm in the process of make something come from them, while still working my job. It's def a hard fight to be sure; but I hope you're finding your way.
@alisonstuart2784 Год назад
I always say, "No matter how tiring and frustrating you find me, it is a thousand times more tiring and frustrating to BE me". I am though learning to appreciate and soften my INTP-ness.
@behiyrahkenon8763 3 года назад
Coming from a 100% INTP married with 2 children. Growing a family has its beauty and wonders ✨💕 but it's difficult having this personality and adapting to just focusing on family leaving minimal time for exploration of interest. Puts you in a major funk sometimes. 😕
@joannegild8001 2 года назад
I’m an INTP and at 82 I feel like I’ve had a wonderful, unbelievable life. I lost my husband to COVID in 2020. I’m with a wonderful man now and incredibly happy. I have learned to reach out, think of what I can do for others instead of focusing on myself too much.
@shea5542 3 года назад
Does anyone else relate to intp boredom? Like being almost constantly bored
@TheRealAdamSampson 3 года назад
Yeah, I went through a 2 year period where I felt like that. Perpetual boredom and absolutely nothing could pique my curiosity. The things that used to excite me didn't anymore and nothing new I came across could engage me for more than a few moments. Even my own thoughts were boring to me. It felt like I was slowly wilting away and it really bugged me for a while. Nothing I did got me out of that rut so I gave up and decided to be ok with being bored. I used the extra energy to start tweaking my daily routines. I started taking long walks. I learned to cook new dishes and improve my nutrition a bit. I learned how to meditate. I slept more. I recommitted myself to the work I do. I just kept going. I can't tell you when exactly it happened, sometime in the last month. But the spark returned. My boredom subsided and my curiosity for life was reinvigorated. I started finding myself reading up on the wildlife I encounter around my house, learning how to grow plants and mushrooms and finding out more about how other INTP's experience life... I came to the conclusion that I was so bored because I was boring and that I needed to create something new so that I may experience creation anew. I seems as though when I started changing myself, the world around me started changing too. I think I'll keep on creating and see where it takes me. I don't know if any of this will help you but I hope you find something useful in my story. Good luck.
@Electrodudimanche 2 года назад
I don't know how old you are, but i figured it out around 25. This boredom comes from the fact that the knowledge you accumulate has no impact in the real world to better the experience of others. INTPs have a NEED, and it's a strong as the need for water and food, to apply their knowledge once they pass some threshold, and fabricate something that is useful. I've spent 4 years learning electronics, and when the boredom came, I tried to repair stuff and build electronic gadgets. There's a real big feeling of satisfaction ( almost sexual ) when it comes to fruition. If you can't apply your knowledge, learn something new that is in your material constraint ( money, space ) to build/repair ( repairing is almost like building, but without the initial cost of building materials ). Don't worry too much about just staying in your head, it's your way of honing your skills without any money, and from a recent study I found, it works almost the same as doing the thing for real.
@dasabitur5919 3 года назад
I am INTP. I spend most of my time hiding from the world. I went to college for one year, then dropped out with a C average. I write papers in Theoretical Physics for a hobby.
@masterpiesbiggestfan3364 3 года назад
Wow! I am an 18 year old male intp and I can actually relate to so much of the thoughts you shared. You intrigued me to watch the video which is a very rare thing for me when I watch these kinds of videos. That being said, thanks for sharing this video. 😊
@Zorriel 8 месяцев назад
I'm 22 and resonate with everything you said. I got intp and just know you're not alone
@emillenial624 3 года назад
I have enjoyed this video. I'm a fellow INTP who would have gone through University and not wanting to work in that field. I'm nearing my 30's and I'm also finding similar thoughts as to why life sucks. I would have learned new skills, tried different things like cooking, gardening, playing instruments. Though I am good for a beginner, I also face that Boredom once i've gotten a hang of what it is. I've realized that when I share thoughts like yours(ours), people don't take kindly to it and I often feel scolded by others for thinking this way. It definitely was a sigh of relief to have come across content creators such as yourself and other INTPs who aren't fluffing around. When someone told me I was an INTP last year, I denied it straight up. I didn't want to see myself that way. After doing the test countless times, I would have rolled ENTJ over and over. I think that this is perhaps what I wished my personality was like. But one day I realized that I didnt have the results to match the personality and only about 2 months ago I came to terms with me being INTP. I like doing things on my own terms. I am slowly taking the steps towards doing things that I am interested in, since we aren't super rich folks. But slowly and slowly I begin to see that there were a lot of things that aren't real and were figments of my imagination. I do yearn for love in the most foolish way possible. This is one thing I don't want to be right about. I actually wished the fantasy of Love would take me away from this monotonous life. But I understand the responsibilities attached to being in Love. Yeah, it was really heartbreaking to realize that the lady at the reception desk was not really someone I could possibly have a fantasy love with. That Gambling and Love analogy was spectacular. Deep down I yearn for that one opportunity where the world is desperate and has no choice but to beg for my help. The past few days I was looking at myself doing my daily routines of collecting groceries and other items, taking out the trash, and other things ALL BY MYSELF, and I really thought "What a shitty life I have huh?" But I tried to encourage myself by thinking that, maybe I am just made for this. Maybe my response to the life I have been given is the way I need to live out life. There is no way I'd be like everyone else. So all I can do is lift my chin up high, feel the gulp of sadness slide down my throat and pray that if there is a God out there, perhaps He would feel my sufferings and feel sympathy for me. I look forward to your progress. I really think that we as INTP can make it though this. Just hang in there. Do one thing at a time. I am too lazy to organize my sentences, so i just wrote what came to mind. I hope I added value to whoever reads this. Thanks!
@NDR078 2 года назад
As an INTP i can relate to the struggle you describe. But please, start to regocnize the power of our logical intuition (or intuitive logic). Use it to be productive! Use it to outsmart your competition! Use it to help others analyzing their problems! Use it to come up with positive conclusions about yourself! Use it to show the world that we matter! Just use is in a way thay works for you. After that, use it in a way that works for others. Being INTP brings challenges, but is no excuse for not realizing your potential. Stop seeing yourself as a victim! Start seeing yourself as raw diamond!
@lrivx Год назад
That's because people like us are meant to be intellectuals or even spiritual/philosophers, often a solitary path. We must not forget to take time to enjoy the sensory life from time to time, with activities and hobbies. I don't live for money, I live for my individual happiness and hope to one day understand this thing called life and the universe. Find something that makes you say wow and go from there. We were born to escape the matrix. Regards INTJ/INTP
@RealLifeRebel 2 года назад
I think you have a good point, we have a lot of problems doing what it takes to become successful. We don't take action on things as well and don't value some ideas as much. I had to learn to accept the fact that I don't quite fit in and may have to become more assertive and strategic to get what I really want. How bad do you want it? I've had to read more books and gain more skills. For a long time I wasn't even aware because I was being ignorant and numb to everything. I had a rude awakening and also had to accept defeat to move on to a better mindset. Bruce Lee said, like everyone else, you want to learn the way to win but never the way to lose. I have been struggling for a long time and it's been pretty hard but I started going outside my comfort zone and trying different ideas and feel like I'm just now starting to gain some momentum. I am in my 40's and really just started trying harder about 5 years ago. Things are looking up, I got into a good paying job and then found a way to get into a new high paying career field this year which could catapult me to a much better place. I had to cut everyone out of my life and move away from my old environment over a year ago and that helped out big time. I'm not where I really want to be, but I am a lot closer. I decided to go out alone and go onto deadly ground to see what I was made of. I think it's a choice a lot of people need to make but don't. I think you must test your ideas and also take big risks if you want to get anywhere worth being. Learn to be alone with your thoughts and have the courage to face your fears and the world no matter what. 😉
@ashrayhebbar5885 3 года назад
Hope you keep sharing more of your perspectives, there's always something to learn from other people who are your type :)
@wesnohathas1993 3 года назад
In short, modern society is thoroughly incompatible with how we work. There are so many expectations in place when I have little to no drive or ambition toward achieving anything beside understanding the facts of life.
@sRta70 2 года назад
@kimtopology4257 Год назад
Ti and Ne are the functions that can keep things exciting with a plethora of ideas so your life isn't stagnant Fe helps you to be sociable and have meaning in your life INTP'S don't care about degrees and credentials life is full of possibilities .
@suvodhdhungyell2268 2 года назад
I am an 20yo INTP (5w6) and you are the one who is really nourishing my curiosity sis !!! I love you a lot... please never stop to create more content...
@renemiche735 3 года назад
If working for jerks is a problem, but necessary to get money. If you like solving problems, a logical answer might be, “how to learn how to make money on my own”? It might be a dead path, but I personally love seeing succesfuls INTPs, like cathie woods. She started her hedgfund at the age of 57. If we only have one life, it is never to late to start a meaningful journey. I personally try to orient my interests to earn money with them, to be able to make all the non rentable later. Thanks a lot for your words. Personally I actually love being INTP, even if it took a long. Acceptation might take some time but I am sure you will find your strength to change this void in something meaningful for you.
@DansLikeaRockstar 2 года назад
I love being an intp but I hate being controlled and living by other people's rules,rules that I don't believe in. That's why my job makes me miserable, makes me wish I could just leave and never come back again
@tygerbright117 2 месяца назад
Just found out I'm an INTP, after meeting another rare type, every thing I found out and what you said resonates. Most of my life people have thought and sometimes said to my face, there is something wrong with me. Feels like I've wasted my life, not knowing there are others out there.
@kenrocketman897 3 года назад
im an intp in a 3rd world country, with a devouring emasculating mother. and i think life is still great. thank god we have the ability of psychological gymnastics to improve our life, TI- Ne combo.
@monotonewonder-boy6580 3 года назад
Diana, I can completely relate, 100%. Thank you for your insightful video - definitely resonates with me.
@stephanbrunker 3 года назад
INTJ here. I am not quite at the same point as you, because the (small) family business provided money and constantly new challenges to learn something new, which is different to a bigger company where owning it means all you have to (and can) do is managing. But I believe the underlying problem is the same for all INTx, and also the quintessence of the MBTI stuff: You cannot get everything. Which means you need a partner or friend who has the skills you don't have and a different viewpoint in relation to the big world outside. Most inventors were INTPs, but only these were successful who had someone to make money out of it. But unfortunately, if you are not born with someone like that (for example, the Wright Brothers), it is quite difficult to find someone who matches these criteria, because they are so rare, especially if the ENxx are out of the picture. The INTPs, INTJs and INFJs are all around the 1% mark and difficult to meet, too. So, I am kind of stuck in a different, but similar hole: I may have money, but I miss the enrichment someone else can put in my life and opens me up for new goals and challenges because alone you can do only so much.
@dianawinter6070 3 года назад
Thank you for your comment. I understand. :-) It's nice to have someone in your life that enriches it, helps you grow and let's you see the beauty of new things.
@ritaagafonova5270 3 года назад
Do you find INTP and INTJ to be complimentary in this sense (“skills that other doesn’t have”)? Or are they too similar?
@stephanbrunker 3 года назад
@@ritaagafonova5270 My gut feeling is that both types are complimentary. As in function theory, all the functions are inverted, for example INTJs have Introverted Feeling, INTPs Extroverted Feeling, but there is a familiarity that they are both NTs. But unfortunately I couldn't test that in reality because female INTPs are so rare. And some of them are more attracted to the other complimentary pairing which is INTP-INFJ with same Thinking-Feeling functions but in different order. As in "skills that the other doesn't have": INTPs are far more ingenious, spontaneous and easygoing than INTJs who are more focused on goals and "get things done".
@ritaagafonova5270 3 года назад
@@stephanbrunker thank you for the response! This makes sense. I’m a female INTP. I don’t think I’ve met (and identified) any INFJ in my life so far :(
@stephanbrunker 3 года назад
@@ritaagafonova5270 Yes, unfortunately male INFJs are as rare as female INTPs. I have met one, but he was gay ... same as a above-average amount of female INTPs are asexual. Life is not easy if you are attracted to the needle in the haystack ...
@loquilloll 3 года назад
I identify with everything you've said. You're not alone. Thank you for letting me know.
@buddhalovechild Год назад
My wife of 40 years is an INTP and I am poster child for an INTJ. Other than great conversation and sex it is a less than an ideal combination. She never finishes anything, could not care less about her appearance, is toxic to savings plus she thinks I'm an idiot or maybe a monkey on a string. Yet here we still are since the sex and conversation remain intact, I suppose.
@BeneditoLevu 2 месяца назад
From 10 to 30 seconds i pretty much saw the vastness of whatever it is through your eyes dayum
@kevinfitzgerald9301 2 года назад
Hi Diana, I have just watched your video now and can offer nothing but praise and respect for you coming to terms with your situation. As a male INTP in my 50,'s, I to was going through the things you are now, of course, no Internet as such then to put it out. Am not going to offer any advice etc to you, am sure you have heard it all before only perhaps your, "thing" if you will is yet to happen. So all the best to you and just be you. Oh and by the way, you are very attractive, have lovely eyes and just love the sound of your voice. Just keep going x.
@risseeuwe 11 месяцев назад
I had this epiphany at age 55. I wish that I learned the INTP personality at a much younger age. The career and relationship struggles sound familiar, but it doesn’t have to be. MBTI is a very powerful tool. It explains why you excel in the logical department, but far more important it provides a clear framework to improve the weaknesses of the personality. The top functions are held back by the lower functions. By removing this bottleneck your opportunities in life will dramatically increase, in both departments. Try playing Opposite Day. Do something that you normally won’t consider because of your personality. You will be pleasantly surprised every time. Good luck!
@laboucher 3 года назад
That "I wouldn't suck a dick" came out of nowhere with the deadpan delivery. I feel your pain and delight in your humor. : )
@4Nevyn Год назад
This is the first time I really connected. Thanks
@thebigredwagon 3 года назад
I keep coming back to this video because It’s nice to hear that for whatever reason our brains are wired so similarly that our realities have strange parallels that I don’t even share with family members. There’s an odd kinship between INTP’s.
@mohdgabir3344 2 года назад
I'm an INTP "I guess", when I was watching your video, the thing that got me amazed "kind of" is the way you throw your eyes left and right, the pauses while you speak, the smile while you talk, the deep breath you take in between, your view on family and partner, being critical on ageing and time passing and a whole a lot of things that I absolutely share with you though I'm from totally different background, culture, language... it just scare the shit out of me how personalities can share in common!!!
@traderjoss 5 месяцев назад
The happiest time of my life was when I was at a specialized summer camp at 17. The reason: though people my age were always around me and even slept in the same bunk as me, my activities at the camp often consumed me to the point where I could tune everyone out and just focus on the activity. So it was as if I had my own space to do my own thing BUT I was never lonely because there were always others my age around me (even if I barely ever bothered speaking to them). It was like having the best of both worlds. This has been impossible for me to recreate in adulthood.
@bearclaw5115 3 года назад
Life does not suck as an INTP (speaking as one). But it might be a bit harder to find what you want to do with it, having so many fleeting interests. No one is doomed, having knowledge of our struggles is to have the power to change them. We can learn social skills, we can adopt systems to organize our lives a little better and we can embrace our analytical, nerdy side and run with it. You have a lot of intellectual horsepower -use it. Don't be typecast to think you can only respond a certain way because that is who you are.
@MrSleepyhead32 3 года назад
I am confident in myself to not let my quiet demeanor and how others interpret it down me. I am planning to open my photography business in 5 years minimum and am keeping to the goal. I want to do it because I hate being an employee and it helps me work out my functions in a healthy way. I surround myself with good friends and family. I don't tolerate BS if people want to play games with me. No one is entitled to my money or attention. In my retirement years after building up wealth, I want to help my younger family members or people I know to help them. Of course they must gain my confidence and trust before I help them. No one is entitled to handouts.
@NirvanaFan5000 3 года назад
I think one of the most frustrating parts is know that we *CAN* contribute SO MUCH to society. We're so curious and knowledgeable and idea engines. But society isn't set up in a way to encourage our abilities. Worse yet, most people don't understand or care, so we're left feeling like Cassandra.
@HalHamza Месяц назад
I just found this video. And boy do I relate. Because as a young boy I said I wanted to be a doctor, I chased that goal for decades. Why did I want to be a doctor? The answer depended on who was asking, I'm not even sure I myself truly know. But, if I had to give a reason, it would be because of the prestige and money, and on some cerebral level it made me feel good thinking I was going to be a force for good. Well, my teenage years hit and depression came with it. High school wasn't the same as the previous level I was on when I made the decision to pursue medicine. Things weren't as easy. My school sucked and my teachers I thought were terrible. On top of that, I spent more time asleep than awake cause I hated my reality. In high school, I barely ever went to class, because school was boring as hell. But, I was in STEM class, so as you can imagine, my grades sucked. I did manage to graduate from high school with no issues, but my bad grades meant I spent years just floating about. Eventually, I got into medical school, and from my second year I knew I was never going to practice medicine. So by my third year I dropped out. My parents think it was due to financial constraints, and I let them believe that so I wouldn't have to be blamed for wasting their resources. After dropping out of med school, I learned to produce music. Started writing a novel, got bored and dumped it. Now, I'm 30 and going back to school to study psychology. Don't even get me started about relationships. First off, I'm not very interested. I understand the human need for them, and also understand why it would benefit me, but it's so much work. I have friends I'm very comfortable not speaking to for months. If I don't need anything from my family, I also can go months with no contact. As for romantic relationships? Forget it. I have a very strained relationship with personal hygiene, so no one would be attracted enough to me to make a move. And those that have tried I have rebuffed pretty strongly because there was always something else I was focused on achieving and just "didn't have the time".😮
@DinoDillinger 3 года назад
Funny thing about INTPs. We love systems and understanding them and breaking them down and putting them together again. BUT we often fail to perceive one of the most basic and fundamental systems, human relationships. It is surely a system with rules and mechanisms like anything else, but we have a disconnect between our analytical side and our relational side.
@Acceptablehandleaheada2.-_ Год назад
Developing Ne is a get outta jail free card for INTPs hoping to level up in whichever way possible.
@paulop1248 3 года назад
I'm INTP-a, and I really liked your video, because it was sincere and your life is the description in my life too hahaha. But we have to be more proud of ourselves, because the truth is the most important, and remember that the "truth will set you free". I recently started studying the financial market, to have more independence and have time to do what I want. I hope you continue your quest for self-awareness, thanks for the video.
@_illhooniie3995 Год назад
It is really hard living as an INTP 😔 I get so tired so easily lately... I feel so stressed about everything... I can't relax for a long time.
@ravitridapalli5115 3 года назад
actually my life used to suck, but them i find a logic goal in life, and now i am happier than most of the people i know,
@pshuntress9852 2 года назад
Fellow female ISTP here. I agree with a lot of your video. I am a little older than you and I would like to share what worked for me. I was able to locate a work situation that meets a lot of my needs. It allows me freedom of scheduling during the day and the ability to support myself and my family. I work from home -have done so long before covid and my job is fairly autonomous. I do have a manager, but he is reasonable and not a micro manager. My job is interesting in that I have to research different areas of industry on any given day, so I get to learn constantly. There are deadlines, but that is one of the only downside. There are places that value what ISTPs bring to the table, it just may take you a little longer to find one. Good luck in your search.
@CricketRodeo 4 месяца назад
I so loved and related to this. I subscribed. I also can't figure out what I want to do, & got a degree but don't want to pursue that anymore. I'm in my forties & feel like I'm running out of time for different career paths with all my procrastinating & interest changing so much. All I want to do is learn & absorb more info. Putting all that info to practical use though is a challenge. If only I could just delegate all the actual 'doing'. I did end up with a family (4 kids!) & work part time from home while dealing with all the kids, house, etc. It has been the most challenging but also the most rewarding experience. The house is always a mess but the kids are growing up to be awesome humans. I need way more alone time so I just stay up half the night & sacrifice sleep. I definitely don't regret having a family. They're my favourite people & they put up with my weird characteristics. If you end up going that route I'd love to hear you analyze parenting & marriage issues as an INTP. Anyway, MBTI theory has given me a map to help analyze these daily human interactions I'm obligated to have & I'm sure will miss when they move out some day. It really has been so helpful (although they look at me like I'm an alien every time I try to explain any of it to them). I very often feel like an alien so it's nice to hear a fellow alien like you describe those same thoughts I've had many times. :)
@scruffystudios8112 3 года назад
I have a tip for progression as an INTP :D become a remote worker and only communicate by message and then it doesn't matter about how loud one is. I got a job just as a customer service agent and quite quickly got promoted to data analyst this way. 100% would recommend for all us introverts XD
@JMandy Год назад
To make life suck less, try find friends, lover(s) and work that value how you think and the input you bring to the table. And nudge you in a healthy way to develop aspects that (despite not being your greatest strengths), correlate with living a more fulfilled life. For example: mind-hacking procrastination, sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition, lack of empathy, and excessive apathy. IMO, we can easily become arrogant about how much we know, but until we learn to tame our own demons, all that insight and intelligence will not be useful in the world/ to humanity. And by being “un-teachable”, we risk being hypocritical in the way we judge others. Much love, I feel you ❤
@chairacabrera Год назад
Omg you described myself in this video concerning the relationships, career, procrastinating, not worried about retirement of been ahead of people in other, we are not ambitious and just care about how we feel and think, over planning always, is terrible.
@00763jake 3 года назад
It seems my tendency is to take life too seriously, as a result I avoid light-hearted banter , group gatherings and surface conversation. I am trying to lighten up in lifes interactions.
@Vapourwear 2 года назад
Yeah, I get a lot of "you're just envious you can't afford a Bently" and "No, I'm pissed off that I live in a society where the kind of prick that drives that Bentley can not only make that kind of money, bu then waste the kind of scratch on a car that I think I could probably change the world with and the only socially acceptable response on my part is 'wow, I wish I was that prick so I could waste a lifetime's worth of resources on stupid shit.'"
@jessgreenwood5021 2 года назад
I’m stuck in what ifs and why not. I am only 1 week in. 🤯 I couldn’t agree more that everything every single thing was so similar! Us INTP women are very rare I have learned.
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