
Why FFXV Was Disappointing and Where It Could Have Improved 

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@Aotsuta 7 лет назад
they've committed the greatest sin in an RPG, especially for a game I've been hyped for 10 years - the Story. Spoilers: First they setup Nifs to be your mortal enemy, they killed your father, stole your kingdom, and when you finally reach them, yea they're basically wiped out, all these setup without a satisfying payoff example, in FFVI, the empire did a bunch of evil things, and you combat them throughout the story, and when they destroyed the world but betrayed by Kefka, it was epic and extremely dramatic, in this, they just have Ardyn pull a Kefka w/o you truly take on the empire yourself then reveal a greater evil the way Kefka did Lunafreya - they did Luna well in Kingsglaives, and you spent all these time to reach her, just to have her "Aerith-ed", they've must've have all just went back and thought that worked well in FFVII...however, we did not get enough of Luna to really have a buildup of attachment to her before she was killed off, here they tried to build up Ardyn to a Sephiroth w/o the story element for the setup as my previous opinion about Kefka Side stories of your companions - all 3 of your friends could've been developed a lot further..I'm taking FFVI as an example again, Cyan had side stories about his family, Edgar/Sabin had their own stories, and even extra side stories regarding Figaro castle, Locke had his stories, Celes had her stories, not to mention character building arcs such as the opera house...Shadow had his stories...Setzer... so much depth in EVERY character in that game... Regarding the time-skip: I'm using FFVI as an example again, there's the world of light and world of ruins, post destruction you started with Locke, and then eventually traveled the world to get the team back together, I don't see why that can't be done with Noctis post-timeskip, it would have added so much more to the game too All of the trailers (Regis holding Noctis crying, someone hitting young Lunafreya, Cor talking to Noctis, "you want the truth..?" all of that, that could build on the already "thin" storyline shouldn't be cut out.... About the direction the story took, sure FFX was a tragic end, but it felt satisfying, this ending just wasn't satisfying at all, for all of the things mentioned above, Tidus's sacrificed saved someone you cared about, Yuna, and Noct's sacrifice saved the world sure, but no one you actually cared about seemed to have any sort of redemption at all.. I do not know, maybe just rambling on now...
@devegas4910 7 лет назад
青蔦 no. Everything you said was bullseye.
@AJGress 7 лет назад
Spot on.
@virgiliogener4862 7 лет назад
Yeahp, exactly my thoughts.
@Therealgibz 7 лет назад
青蔦 I've been looking for a way to word my thoughts on the game and you hit it directly spot on
@DeadlyZoo 7 лет назад
You have literally matched my feelings about FF15.
@azurekite4694 7 лет назад
I actually found the music in this game to be highly forgettable. I'll never forget FFX hymn, or one winged angel, even FF 9 and 8 opening songs I can still play in my head. It's actually funny I sometimes catch myself humming the FFX temple hymn.
@BWOSandman 7 лет назад
XxNatexX1 100% honesty. I started playing NieR to prepare for NieR Automata after making this review. That soundtrack blew FFXV's out of the water. I've been listening to every version of Song of the Ancients nonstop ever since. I pretty much forgot I had the FFXV soundtrack except for a few of my favorite songs.
@phoenixfire6559 7 лет назад
I agree with XxNatexX1, the soundtrack was probably the most forgettable of any recent Final Fantasy. If you look back, it was Nobuo Uematsu who made Final Fantasy music iconic and since he left the company he has not done a full soundtrack to a Final Fantasy since IX. But he has helped with some tracks on FF X, XI, XII and XIV. He did nothing for the XIII franchise and again nothing for FF XV and it really shows. The only good thing about the music in XV was the ability to play other FF tracks - I got so much nostalgia playing them! Oh and NieR Automata looks amazing.
@nesoukkefka1741 6 лет назад
I honnestly think people deny post FFX soundtrack more because of nostalgia and being accustomed to Uematsu's style than anything else because the composer of FFXII, FFXIII and FFXV are all great composers and they already make their proof in other games.
@UltimateGattai 6 лет назад
I don't really remember the music either, but the game was overly forgettable for me anyway.
@gianniclaud 4 года назад
I agree the music is absolutely forgettable.
@KANESHIRO065321 7 лет назад
They created a great story, but bad at story telling, story is what made this series the greatest. I explain to my friends about the story, and they love it, some of them even told me every FF story is beautiful, and that's where the root they have to go back to I think?
@as.j9252 7 лет назад
Square Enix should watch this
@SBaby 6 лет назад
13:49 - Despite the story feeling like a book that's missing half its chapters at random, the ending is really good. It's just not earned. An ending like this one should be earned, and it doesn't feel like the story does this.
@TheMixEmperor 7 лет назад
It's nice to see someone actually come out with something other than praise for FFXV, as someone who's been playing FF games his entire life FFXV just felt like a kick in the teeth to me. I agree with all your criticisms, but I don't agree that the combat is an improvement. If anything FF games have been gradually sapping control away from the player since FFXII. First it was gambits requiring you pre-program your party's AI, then paradigms taking away all control but what job they use, now we have no control over them at all aside from one skill. Not to mention combos being automated, evasion automated, magic severely limited, learning abilities reduced to MMO style skill trees. It all in all feels like they're trying to turn FF into a dime a dozen action RPG, the problem with that is, other companies do it far better.
@BWOSandman 7 лет назад
TheMixEmperor I liked the combat better in Episode Duscae because it throws some other abilities in the mix like dragoon - style jumping and a spin attack. But I guess they replaced that with the (I already forgot what it's called) thing that lets your teammates do special moves.
@nezkeys79 7 лет назад
TheMixEmperor as a wild guess you hated 13 too? the only thing i agree on is that dedicated action rpgs combat are far better and this game does have bugs
@OrphanHart 7 лет назад
TheMixEmperor FF12 gambit system was amazing.
@alienxmz 7 лет назад
you and very few people point out these problems. I understood nothing when I beat the game. goals, motives, objectives weren't clearly explained. there were tons of glitches and bugs. This isn't the greatest ff game and the story sucks, is it a good game? yes it is but lets be real here, its not fantastic. the final boss wasn't even a challenge, bhenevelze (can't spell it right) the final boss in lightning returns was tougher than ardyn.
@BWOSandman 7 лет назад
alienxmz Bhunivelze kicked my ass in new game +
@saiwaqa2573 7 лет назад
i wouldn't even call it a FF game. It is more like "Final Reality" LOL. This game as a FF game sucked! The emotional driving game you talked about was not this game. It was in the trailers and promotions that were not EVEN in the main game!
@hdzzj6925 7 лет назад
BWOSandman Bhunivelze was hard as fuck compared to Ardyn.
@tiphotisted 7 лет назад
People are aware of these problems, but they don't let it bother them (like myself) because I for instance haven't enjoyed the bonds between characters like this in a game for a LONG LONG time. Over ten years in fact before FF versus XIII was announced. That and I can't say the real important positive things about other "complete" games (let's be real, shit got cut or left out all the time from games from the NES to PS3 generation and obviously for games now) that I can say about this incomplete game. I'll deal with a little crust to get to the amazing ever so sweet goodness within.
@tiphotisted 7 лет назад
As I believe may have been mentioned from one of Gamespot's videos, no game can live up to a 10 year hype. It would be ridiculous to even think it could happen in the general sense. Although let's be honest, few have ever had the chance too. I suppose HL3 has a shot if it ever comes out lol, but then again FF Versus XIII was known to have existed 10 years ago with plenty of trailers (including gameplay trailers) so it's not really a fair comparison.
@coolbanana165 5 лет назад
I really, really, really, wish Iris was around at the end. She was my favourite, and the game even said she was now a daemon-slayer, yet her out. She was the main side character in the first half, yet we didn't get to say goodbye in Chapter 14. Also, Aranea was probably the best character, yet got little time on screen. As well as that, side quests could have meant something.
@Zoneangel 7 лет назад
Man, you nailed all those points. I don't need too much customization, I need a better story and cutscenes to understand whats going on. Versus XIII story could have been better. How i wish they were given more time to stick with the original concept. The glitch that really annoyed me was riding the chocobo after camping, where it hangs during the battle with sabertusks because of that stupid chocobo abilities.
@spitngames6225 7 лет назад
it hurts to say it but I agree. people don't realize that this game was not in development for 10 years. the original concept was scratched and it was in development starting 2013. that's three years. still a good game but over hype once again. the execution of the story and character development is horrendous.. it all felt rushed. if they actually did developed this for 10 years it would have been much better.
@Goblin_Hands 7 лет назад
I'd rather wait 1 or 2 years and have a complete game, rather than a bunch fetch quests littered with loading screens and a slap-in-the-face 2nd half. So, they should have had the side quests as DLC over anything, but clearly they spent more time on them and fishing than a story that was just sorta tacked on and clearly neutered to fit the release date. 2 towns and about 3 dungeons in the main game is pretty sad.
@estevaocma 7 лет назад
I strongly disagree regarding the music: 1 - the theme song doesn't match the aestetic. 2 - most of the time you dont even have bakground music playing, and when you do, is the same repetitive theme, which after hours of gameplay starts to piss me off. 3- They had a good opportunity to put more tunes while you are driving the car, but wasted it adding one band music and old FF tunes. 4 - No care for the craft. There's even a part in the game where **SPOILERS** the king dies and literally the next scene is the entire group camping and laughing and a happy music playing, like GEEZ YOUR FATHER JUST DIED DUDE. I did an experiment and disabled the game music and played it with a lord of the rings soundtrack tuned in Spotify and it was a blast. Its amazing how soundtracks affects the experience.
@BWOSandman 7 лет назад
You know... After playing Nier Automata and Persona 5, I'm no longer sure why I said that the music in this was good.
@kupomogli 7 лет назад
I'm not defending the game because FF15 was garbage, but I want to correct you on something. Noctis' friends didn't die. Only Noctis died. Noctis was to be the "king of kings" based on the oracle's visions and he has to die in order to gain the power to kill the ultimate evil, which is the purpose of the scene with all the other kings. Additionally, I agree that the games story is unfinished and there's no reason you should watch a movie and an anime series to get the storyline. I also agree with the graphics being great. Everything else you stated though? No, I don't agree it has great gameplay, fun at first sure, but its repetitive and has no progression. The chapters 1-9 were good? If you count 80 fetch quest side quests, hunts, and main story missions without the story many of which were just as fetch quest like as the side quests, then no, the open world chapters were anything but good. This game also doesn't deserve close to an 8/10, more like a 5/10, but that's if you were to use a proper review system, not like IGN or the traditional journalist that makes anything less than a 7/10 considered as a mediocre game. There's more than just five numbers in 1/10-10/10 but review sites never scores never reflect this.
@BWOSandman 7 лет назад
kupomogli It sure would be nice if they made it more clear that they survived. :/ And yeah. I don't like ratings on a 10 point scale for that exact reason. I like ratings out of 5 with no in between points. Absolute Garbage - Bad - Mediocre - Good - Fantastic That's all people need really.
@Comrade_C 7 лет назад
kupomogli well it seems pretty realistic that gladio, ignis and prompto died simply because of the fact that their weapon summoning is noctis his ability since noctis died they immediately lost the ability to use that ... so actually they were unarmed in the middle of their fight
@SBaby 6 лет назад
I will give you that they could have made it more clear. But given that they were up against trash mobs and by that point in the game you cleave through them and Noctis doesn't take long to do his thing, it's safe to say that they're implied to have survived, especially since they're not with Noctis and Luna in the afterlife.
@SBaby 6 лет назад
Had they died, they would have been there with Noctis and Lunafreya at the end.
@wiseguy240Winston 7 лет назад
I actually enjoyed 13 more than 15. I can even say 15 made me appreciate 13 sooo much more playing them over lol.
@BWOSandman 7 лет назад
wiseguy240 Winston tbh, 13 at least felt like a more complete story in comparison
@flamehiro 7 лет назад
13 is better, I even replayed it once :)
@MemoriesInMonochrome 7 лет назад
*7:54** FAVORITE PART!!!! XD*
@luisarcelay1669 7 лет назад
leviathan part had me dying so accurate lol
@Brynhildrify 7 лет назад
it's dumb how a famous IP, eye candy graphics and music can carry a game nowadays. Any other games without the final fantasy name that has flaws u listed would've been destroyed.
@TheTinyTimmyTimTim 7 лет назад
Kal Kuma Forgot to list the amazing open world, the very well done combat, likable characters, numerous dungeons and fun boss fights, etc.. but let's be honest, you didn't forget.
@Brynhildrify 7 лет назад
Yeah let's forget a boring ass open world with only fetch quests that u can only accept one at a time. Forget that the car in this gave drive by itself even in manual mode, get up and down chocobos just to pick up a fucking leaf ans skipping ignis' dialogue every time I want to drive. Let's forget characters like luna, ravus or your entire boy band that I have no idea who the fuck they are because I didn't watch kingslaive and the anime ova. Let's definitely forget the shitty combat that makes u pause the game every second to heal ur suicidal AI who can't defend themselves with potion cuz there's no healer and the . U also have to go through the menu every fucking time u want to change magic or techniques (lazy ass button mapping). Let's all forget about this piece of shit Oh and casuals be like holding down 1 button to auto dodge And parry is combat well done... fuck off.
@TheTinyTimmyTimTim 7 лет назад
Kal Kuma yea you didn't play the game. The AI healing themselves is an ability you unlock lol. Keep going though, invalidate your opinion.
@RostockerBursch 4 года назад
@@Brynhildrify very strong disagree. U didnt knew how the game worked,
@TheSnorlax7 7 лет назад
FFX was the *LAST* ff that really had an impact on me.
@wiseguy240Winston 7 лет назад
Justin Carson That's a fair opinion I can understand.
@gstylez0107 7 лет назад
This guy is 100% spot on. Excellent video production quality, narrative, editing and content. This guy deserves more subscribers.
@ChasoGod 7 лет назад
I think they should have added a better prologue to the game. Here's what they should have done in my opinion: The game opens with young Noctis and Luna in a field somewhere between Insomnia and Tenebrea while their parents are talking about an arranged marriage to join the families since Ravus will take on the rulership of Tenebrea. Noctis and Luna sneak off to go catch fire flies. This is where the player learns the basic controls walking, running, picking up items such as a flower, and even a command to catch a firefly. Noctis and Luna stray off to far and encounter the Malarith demon which will injure Noctis as he tries to protect Luna before Regeis and Ravus rush in and save them. A cutscene will play showing Lunas family taking Regis and Noctis to Tenebrea to heal Noctis. This is when we'd get the Platinum demo area where Noctis is in a coma dream and encounters the summons and is guided back to reality by his Carbuncle guardian. After Noctis wakes up King Regis takes his son back to Insomnia after Niflheim invades Tenebrea, where when they arrive we get that sad scene where he's holding Noctis and crying. After this there will be a time skip to the future with now of age Noctis is going around seeing preparations are being made to welcome the diplomats from Nilflheim for a peace summit, Noctis gets some messages from his friends asking to hang out before the diplomats arrive and these hang outs act as more tutorials. Gladio is a combat tutorial, Ignis is a driving tutorial, Prompto is a warp strike tutorial where you race him, and Iris is a shopping tutorial. This would take place in a semi open city of Insomnia. After Noctis finish hanging out with his friends he goes back to the palace to greet the diplomats where he sees that the Nilfs brought Luna. Iedolas excuses Luna so that she and her future husband may have a date scene together and catch up while he speaks with Regis about the peace treaty. After the touching date scene the sh*t hits the fan as the Nilfs attack and Noctis and Luna are separated in the chaos. Noctis is found by his friends and Cor and he tells them they must flee the city. On their way out the Regalia takes a hit that at first doesn't look so bad. As they leave the city Cor tells them to head out on the road as far as they can before he leaves to go help the king leaving Noctis safety in the hands of his friends. After a while of driving the car breaks down leading to the scene where they're broke down on the side of the road.
@MAKS_WORKS 6 лет назад
This is amazing.
@thessk_2870 7 лет назад
They took Nojima out of the development team. That's what destroyed this game.
@adamazmi6340 6 лет назад
Yung Philosopher Nojima?
@serahmichelle2567 7 лет назад
I agree with EVERYTHING you said!!!
@rdu239 7 лет назад
If a game assumes you to have watched Kingsglaive and Brotherhood before you start, then that's BAD STORY TELLING. If company releases an incomplete game out of the market and later will release patches/DLC containing additional cutscenes and side story elements, then that's BAD LOUSY VIDEOGAME PRACTICE
@BWOSandman 7 лет назад
The only time I have ever forgiven the latter is for Destiny's expansions. Got it for the xbox 360 on it's initial release and I felt like I was ripped off. Fast forward 2 years later, my friends decided to get The Taken King version because a sale made it dirt cheap on PS4 and I jumped on the bandwagon. We were pleasantly surprised to see how much content was added / fixed. It was almost like it was a whole new game within itself and by then we had a big enough group to do the raids and get the full experience out of it. But I feel like that is the only exception I would ever make, because I don't see Square Enix budging at all when it comes to the price of their DLC. They seem to have a habit of making things notoriously overpriced.
@luniticfringe4837 6 лет назад
I understood it without watching the film and anime. Besides,the anime isnt even required to understand the context
@jonm4324 5 лет назад
Type 0 made me cry from the story. XV nearly made me cry from the time I wasted playing it..
@reesemarsalis4921 7 лет назад
Agreed 1000%! Here's to hoping that Square-Enix will listen and give us a much better experience when they inevitably make Final Fantasy XVI!
@chesster423 7 лет назад
exactly my thoughts man... when I finished the game, i felt empty and was like "that's it? 10 years of waiting and that's it?"... i was really expecting huge...... ffx and ffxii took me more hours to finish and much more compelling story... ffxv i think was so rushed.. i was expecting to explore the maps of altissia, tenebrae, niflheim, insomnia..... there there's only 2 major cities.. lestallum and altissia.. compared to the previous ff, there are more cities..
@UltimateGattai 6 лет назад
chesster423 I miss cities, 12 was the last time we had a healthy amount.
@16xthedetail76 7 лет назад
You're 100% accurate with your points about the game. You also forgot to mention that apparently the people from kingsglaive apparently never existed to those in FF15.
@kylepgames3541 7 лет назад
@thenickseditious 7 лет назад
Kyle Prince well there is something called the internet....you know the thing that your on right now.
@kylepgames3541 7 лет назад
You shouldn't have to look things up in order to know what the hell is going on in a game, the game should be able to provide and review if necessary. Otherwise, that's just bad and lazy storytelling. Since the game was rushed anyway.
@kylepgames3541 7 лет назад
And a journal is something this game needed considering in one little dialogue they mention the emperoror is dead and an MT, which is easy to miss if you went through the fight fast enough or just plainly couldnt hear over the games soundtrack. Which was another issue, the scene where Ardyn tells you his true origin, the soundtrack and grunts were louder than his talking and if not for subtitles I would have missed it, I actually did miss some details of it.
@flik221 7 лет назад
World of FF is the true FF15 for me.
@azurekite4694 7 лет назад
flik221 I thought about getting world of final fantasy but I personally hate chibi art style. Would you say it's worth buying? I might check it out.
@MehdiGamingHQ 7 лет назад
Want an epic FF game again, bring back Sakaguchi !
@VOAN 7 лет назад
Or just play Bravely Default.
@joeysanchez2023 7 лет назад
LAWLZ!!!! @7:55. slayed me.
@hollowman7168 6 лет назад
Guys don't get this game it's bland go play Nier it's a complete game with mostly devopled characters and the best music and story I've seen this decade please get that instead it dervers your support
@coolbanana165 5 лет назад
I've just started Neir, and I find it weird that minor characters don't have voice acting (just text). It takes me out of the game. At least FF15 had that.
@sendotiago1692 7 лет назад
despite the fact that FFXV had a development time of 10 years, the story is still incomplete, bland and fraustrating at the end. the gameplay is good but for the story. the dialogues with your companions in the open world gets really repetitive and annoying to hear. the developers could have just muted them after finishing the main story which is better in my opinion.
@TheTinyTimmyTimTim 7 лет назад
The omen trailer is for a future expansion according to leaks. Hence the phrase "omen". Ardyn wanted to end the line of Lucius as well as wreck the world because A. He was insane, B. Wrecking the world was motivation for noct to absorb the crystal and do what he had to do, considering he never wanted to be king like his father. Noctis dad knew he was chosen because of shiva, who was acting as gentiana the entire time. Also, Lunafreya is an oracle. She likely knew and told them. Noctis dad DID try to stop it. You didn't need to see kingsglaive to know that. They put him getting impailed in the game. Prompto didn't know he was a Magitech till ardyn kid napped him. That's probably where he learned, he suddenly had a barcode on his arm.
@diazdelosmuertos1503 7 лет назад
Great video. You argued your case pretty damn well. I didn't really disagree with you very much, but I came away from this game feeling much better than you did, I think. When you consider this game's long development cycle, its origin as Final Fantasy Versus XIII (even having been announced before the actual XIII was released, and alongside Agito XIII, which would later become Type-0), its change of director, and that new director's ever-changing staff, all while Square Enix had multiple projects going on at the same time (including the Final Fantasy VII remake)--I think we got a game in Final Fantasy XV that should've been a complete disaster, but was far from it. Hell, this game didn't feel nearly as incomplete as Metal Gear Solid V did. All in all, I do believe this game could have been so much more, but that it did succeed in bringing Final Fantasy back from the brink. And just think--if this game started off life as something else entirely--imagine what a brand new, main-numbered entry in the series made from scratch will be like. The franchise isn't dead, and it's because of this game.
@codymavick9068 7 лет назад
At least The Last Guardian was what it advertised for 10 years. FF15 was nothing like it advertised for 10 years. Moral of the story never trust a game that takes 10 years.
@viorelcalota8799 7 лет назад
I for one have to agree with the initial points being made. It seem to me that the final fantasy series is heading in a direction I'd like to not invest in at this point in time. I was very disappointed in final fantasy xiii for it's depart from it's common themes other final fantasy series had portrayed at the time (having extremely enjoyed ffxii) it left me feeling that they were more in it for the graphics than narrative. I'm finding this pitfall for a couple of other well liked Japanese RPGs ... I think for now I'm not going to be supporting the final fantasy series. if I'm going to pay over £45 from a game I'd like it to actually tell a story instead tell it off screen or wait till the ultimania comes out.
@ty_teynium 7 лет назад
Viorel Moldovan Calotă The main issue was that the game developers had to switch game engines, and that left out a lot of things during the switch. And if did not take ten years, and this is what we got, it shows just how much more potential the game has.
@viorelcalota8799 7 лет назад
Ty teynium I'm very aware of how game development works and what is needed to produce a game from a business and production point of view. I'm impressed at what they managed to do but how they handled it was abismal in the fact that most of the iteration of the story was handled off screen. I think that square enix aren't heading in a very pleasing direction when it comes to their franchise of final fantasy. It's similar to what tales of series have done. I think it's lost its quirks in to what attracted audiences in the first place.
@ty_teynium 7 лет назад
Viorel Moldovan Calotă I just realized something sad about what you said. With all respect I agree, but you called Final Fantasy a franchise. A Franchise. It should have been a game SERIES. if it's a franchise, it won't be - in my opinion - handled with as much care or effort, but will be looked at as nothing beyond just a product, because that's what I think of when I hear the word franchise, AND somehow, I don't see this game as deserving of that. I want to think the studio DID work hard to handle the project with care and intended to make the game as much fun, or more fun than anticipated.
@CloisteredExplorer 7 лет назад
13:28 Ignis didn't lose his sight... You lost your sight of him.
@midnightgaming9849 6 лет назад
This review made me feel better
@imjustalittleqwerty 7 лет назад
This is a fantastic review. Shame you don't have more subs.
@artistjosephtubb 7 лет назад
Spot on!! My fingers are still crossed for half life 3 hahaha
@devilhell69 7 лет назад
you cant even fucking die in that piece of shit lol only time i die was when i crash my car lol
@devilhell69 7 лет назад
nope didnt die there
@SoulCaliburDeathCrie 7 лет назад
cedric t Pitioss...
@Steviofo 7 лет назад
the only place I have died was in a dungeon that takes away items and that's pretty much the only reason why
@SjaakadeliC 7 лет назад
For me, it wasn't Ignis that went invisible ninja mode, but Ardyn! I fought Ardyn while that fucker was invisible the whole time and even stayed invisible during the cutscene.
@Ranger4live 7 лет назад
Could somebody tell me what's so great about the fighting system in FFXV? Compare it to the famous FF X or the infamous XIII: Both had elemental resistences that actually mattered and changed whole fights, XIII had a staggering system which actually worked pretty well, made much sense and (together with the different roles/jobs X and XIII had, something that doesn't exist in XV at all) made the fighting more complex as the game went on. You had to string them together tactically to beat harder enemies. In FFXV it comes down to keep square pressed at all times and stuff down Healpotions like Sweetrolls and Cheesewheels in Skyrim. There's no complexity at all in XV's fighting system.... Not even mentioning the leviathan "boss"-fight
@brianworden7022 7 лет назад
The analog stick glitch was fixable if you can fumble around and find a ladder to climb up...
@AceDreamer 6 лет назад
FF13: "release spread the budget on 3 games and make them all average" FF15: "release an anime and a movie separately from the game" *One.* *Good.* *Game.* That's all a final fantasy title should be. Trow all the budget on a single, well rounded, deep and well crafted game. Squeenix, *don't fuck FF7 remake up* > looks up that FF7 remake will be made in fragments like FF13 < *YOU DONE FUCKED IT UP >:[*
@monkeyswag57 7 лет назад
I disagree about the gameplay and combat improving from type 0 and ff13 trilogy. The clip you chose for both shows you playing as the gunner in type 0(which you dont have to do) and intro to ff13 which plays itself basically. You're not really being fair. Music wise, i disagree again. Its not bad but it's definitely not the best. Im pretty sure it has the least tracks too. And songs played at really weird times. Most of the songs in the game are from other games.
@BWOSandman 7 лет назад
I should make a little note revising some things, because looking back at this 7 month old video I made, I now find myself agreeing with the same things that you and a handful of other people have been saying. I think I was a little too focused or hasty on trying to find ANY positive things I can say for FFXV. I guess Improved wasn't really the word I was looking for. What FFXV did have over FF13 is that it decided to be more of an action game than a (in my opinion) clumsy hybrid of action and rpg. Out of the whole trilogy, I liked the play style of Lightning returns the most because the commands happen as soon as you press the button, so you have some amount of control over what the character does and when. FFXV just made more of a commitment to one genre over the other, and I happened to like the direction they went in because (at the time) it felt a bit more fresh, even though no other major FF game played like it. (I'll also be a bit more conscious of the footage I use as representation from now on. I had someone go off on me because I used footage of a goofy little glitch I found in MGSV for the 2 seconds I mention that game in this video. Thought it would be a funny little thing to throw in, but that guy completely lost it because of that. The clips I use do not, and should not, encompass the entire game it is from if they're not the main subject of the video, but I can't prevent people from making that assumption.) Type 0 is actually a lot closer to FFXV in play style, but idk, that game overall didn't really stick with me that much (My main turn off about it was 16:36). And just like with FFXV, the combat got a bit dull after a while. I only played Type 0 through once and I barely understood what the hell was happening, so maybe I'll revisit it and give it another chance. Anyways, I also now agree with the music not being very good. After playing Persona 5 and Nier Automata (hell, even the 7 year old original Nier), I now think the FFXV soundtrack is garbage in comparison. With those revisions, I'll say that everything before 1:24 and everything right after the 2:46 mark still stands.
@muhannabasalem574 7 лет назад
regis knew that noctis was the chosen because he talked to bahamut in the omen trailer but this still proves your point that the game needs to stand out for itself without a movie to explain unknown details
@muhannabasalem574 7 лет назад
I agree 200% with u
@VOAN 7 лет назад
Like Resident Evil 4, this game had change so much from the original launch trailer many years ago.
@jayce8001 7 лет назад
Final Fantasy XV% is all we got for $60. 15% of the game it was supposed to be.
@Caim6311 5 лет назад
FFXV should have massive cities and modern technology not rural
@BakiWho 5 лет назад
that scream deserves a like :)
@danielscutaru6682 6 лет назад
8:00 goat scream
@Lorcar12 6 лет назад
to the question at 4:23 "why did ardyn let noctis become so powerful that he could eventually stop him": because that's what he wanted. ardyn was cursed with "life eternal" in which he was filled with hate against the lucii. also, he's become too powerful to be stopped by someone other than the chosen one champion of light, so he had to let noct be "granted the power to banish the darkness", knowing that the light will require noctis' life in exchange. in the end, ardyn got all he wanted: his curse was broken (he died) and the king of kings (the culmination of the lucian bloodline) died also. yes, noctis won as well, because this was the only way to stop ardyn - it is a strange all-win, all-die situation. at least that's what i
@michailgunawan2414 7 лет назад
Square Enix should put limiter on evade battle system, they should put agility status for noctis and friends. The higher agility, the higher probability noctis and friends evade enemy attack, and the higher level of monster it should increase the probability monster landed attack on noctis and friends (it will be balance). These system will make player hunt and leveling up before player can kill the higher level boss so there won't be any player at level 1 defeated super boss before they ran out of potions or other support item. With these system it will increase the difficulty of the game and at least its more like RPG, player will take side quest to get bonus exp and maybe you can give bonus agility or other status for finishing the side-quest. These system will also increasing the gameplay time which already short because every player must leveling up before they can beat some bosses. The super boss will become harder and become more fun..
@Steviofo 7 лет назад
lol the only glitches I had was one time my party members would not get in the car, and the Press x button to talk to people disappeared as for Noctis and lunas wedding I think they are alive since there is wedding decorations everywhere and a big banner that has noctis's name's on it as if that lucis was celebrating their new king
@davidnoel9504 7 лет назад
I agree with most of the points the chapters 9-14 were very linear and empty
@azurekite4694 7 лет назад
Lmfao you earned a sub bro you had me laughing with your press button to win scream!
@devegas4910 7 лет назад
I'm noticing every time, each person plays through it, they find a different glitch. I'm almost one to see if we can gather them all to create a page specifically dedicated to all the glitches in this game. I mean while some are positive like the Aranea glitch and glitch that allows you to avoid daemons at night, it's still many that negatively impact the game for players. Actually I think back on all the other games and the glitches seemed to be few and far in between compared to this.
@AngelofAmbrosia 7 лет назад
OMG!!!! Thank you!!!! Thank youuuuuuu!!!! Finally!!!! Someone gets it!! I've been waiting to hear someone (other than me) open their eyes and see what was wrong with the game. I agree with you on all aspects of the story. Though it didn't glitch on me at all...I played it on PS4. Not sure if that was a reason why.
@BWOSandman 7 лет назад
Serenity P I was on PS4 as well. I'm still not sure what I did to make those glitches happen. Maybe I just got unlucky.
@TedNghiem 7 лет назад
Definitely agree with you. The gameplay, was generally great, loved the music. But did not care about the characters or the story. Why do we need to have to, rent or buy, Kingsglaive to understand the background to FF XV? Likewise with Brotherhood, why did we have to buy/rent to watch that to learn how Noctis and his friends came to be friends and on their journey? It should have been self-contained in the actual game. With possibly that movie and anime, to be lighter touchstones of the lore, not the core plots. Then there are important plots in the game that go on missing, like how did Ignis get blind from an attack? Was Prompto and Glaudio too far away to help him? Surely by that point we would have developed an emotional feel towards his character. It makes the next part of the game, them going to fight the marlboro whilst him being blind much more poignant. Other than, stop running too fast, fool! As for the love interest, I did like Lunafreya, but, though sure it was an arranged marriage. But it felt like a high school level romance, with nothing really deep. So getting Noctis to Luna was more meh than it should have been. If it weren't for the side quests, it could have been finished within 15 hours of game play.
@ty_teynium 7 лет назад
You see the footage that you end the video with? When you decide to rest at Cape Caem? That's what I expected the cut scenes for the whole game to look and feel like. Fluid long shots or tracking shots using pan movement. Seamless or without cuts. No skipping or transitions. Just catch our attention to focus on the subjects in front of us. The camera was lively following the subjects as they walked into the room. I actually liked that little cut scene. It's short, but the characters are in their moment of downtime, and the scene captures that. It almost looks like the movie Birdman by using that tracking camera technique. This is also done in Metal Gear Solid V action scenes.
@patrickbateman9410 7 лет назад
Lmfao at Seymour at the end 😂😂😂 dude bang on review, one of the most honest ones I've seen from a gamer. You understand that the game is decent, but disappointing at the massive potential the story and characters have that we didn't get. People don't understand that you can enjoy a game but still feel disappointed and not just be a "hater". For people like us WE'RE NOT HATING, if anything we WANT the game to succeed and be the best it can be. If anything reviews like this are HELPFUL to the developers and for people unsure on if they want to play or not, I have many friends who've never played an FF game and wanted this to be their first, the choice is theirs but I personally wouldn't recommend this game for first time Final Fantasy players. Once you get a feel for the classics and masterpieces, then I'd head into this game. If you're new to the franchise it's a decent RPG and fun to play, but you'll probably appreciate a game like Witcher 3 or any Dragon Age that isn't 2 😂 and for some a game like this or the 13 series might turn you off of Final Fantasy all together.
@lacountess 7 лет назад
I wanted to have a conversation and type my own points in a long comment. But as I watched the video you touched on all of them. You didn't leave out anything so all I'm left to say is "What you said." I especially agree with 16:48. I said elsewhere that I came up with my own story for the game, that of a prince who decides to go on one last bachelor trip before getting married and, as a dare, refuses to take anything but his car and his three best friends (and camping gear of course,) with him, not even money. That as far as I'm concerned serves as a more accurate story to what I've been doing in the game so far than whatever chapters 9-14 were about. Also Noctis ten years after looks so different than original Noctis that I felt like I started the game with one guy and ended it with a completely different one (made worse by how little the other guys changed.)
@keavy2163 4 года назад
We need a remake! In our dreams haha
@Strat-o-caster 6 лет назад
Ravus has lots of potential. I think he should have died earlier after helping noctis and the gang. Maybe even being a party member in a dungeon. And at the end, being killed by Ardyn in front of everyone after finally turning good
@ksooeun8 7 лет назад
I was at Formouth Garrison fighting soldiers. I pressed triangle to warp to one of the pillars, next thing you know I was suddenly on green land in a part of the open world I had never been... when I checked the map it still said I was at Formouth Garrison.. needless to say I had to reload.. Another time I was riding my chocobo and went straight into battle with imperial soldiers (entrance to the Crestholm Channels) and Noctis straight up froze.. everyone was still fighting but I was unable to move or take damage.. I tried to wait the battle out, but once it got down to the last sniper solider who was up the stairs, none of my teammates (Gladio, Prompto or Ignis) could function enough to walk up the damn stairs!! again.. had to reload...
@CMFW68W 7 лет назад
I completed the game this morning and I felt... unfulfilled. I'm glad I found this video, you literally put words to the thoughts I had on it. Thank you.
@noavsnow7134 3 года назад
I still play this game cause I enjoy but all your points are true this game could have been so much more then what we got
@TheRosticalUsers 7 лет назад
I agreed with every single thing until the end 15 seconds where you thought this was one of the better instalments in the series. Anything after FFX dropped in quality significantly. I honestly can't put my finger on it, but it's not the same.
@isaaqdearmas 7 лет назад
I agree totally with you in EVERYTHING. But about the difficulty in the last part of the game, well sadly it's been a constant since FFX. Remember how easy was Yu Yevon?
@BWOSandman 7 лет назад
Jorge De Armas Yeah. I think people like to consider Jecht as the real final boss of FFX.
@TheSp0rki 7 лет назад
I agree with most of these points but regarding the story, it makes perfect sense if you are paying attention or read /watch an explanation afterwards if you still don't understand. The dog time travelling doesn't make any sense thematically though and is clearly just there to facilitate the post game content.
@Umbrella4117 7 лет назад
Its always the same problems with Open world you got a shitload of contents but the story suffer so bad. I mean XIII was linear but i never finished it even after around 60 hours and i am talking about the main story. But XV i finished the main story in about 40 hours at level 48 . And Now i don't feel like doing all the hunt and Side quest because its the same things over and over again. It was MGS V all over again. Content over quality. While FF XV was not as big of a deception as V its still a deception for me. I hope this trend will stop and they will just release a game they want to make not trying to appeal to the casual market and making everything open world Fps or Hack'n'slash. Many people are Hype over the new Zelda Game and i am not because its an open world. And open world today's seems to be Content over Quality.
@flamehiro 7 лет назад
open world is shit
@keojin2208 6 лет назад
hey umbrella any updates on the release of your next outbreak?
@BigFackah 6 лет назад
Not true, Rockstar did pretty damn good with GTA. The Witcher 3 had an amazing story, too. Red Dead Redemption, amazing. Zelda Breath of The Wild. Square Enix is all washed up, they couldn't make a proper game to save their lives. Not anymore.
@TheSnorlax7 7 лет назад
*7/10 at best in my opinion.* My top 4 criticisms of the game. 1. After going to Altissa game felt rushed. 2. Story could have been better, too many plot holes/ not a lot of back-stories. 3. Huge maps, but only a small portion of it that you could actually explore (eg. Altissa and Niflheim). The exception being Lucis. 4. Side Quests were a chore, no real story in some of them. (Hunts I can understand.) Music, graphics, world map (mainly Lucis), gameplay, some characters, all of this was great!
@malachi2226 7 лет назад
If the only big problem is people wanting more of this game that's a pretty good problem.
@deffztriotrontron5013 7 лет назад
@deffztriotrontron5013 7 лет назад
Not world it's not world it's just part of the world that we exploring in this game!
@Therealgibz 7 лет назад
Deffz Triotrontron I personally thought he was the most annoying. and had the cheesiest lines
@isaaqdearmas 7 лет назад
Deffz Triotrontron the most likeable characters were those that you hadn't chance to travel with the whole story like Cor Aranea and damn Iris!!! Do you know how many pictures of her I've got just only to feel like she was a part of our party? LOL
@nezkeys79 7 лет назад
Deffz Triotrontron probably because they watched brotherhood first and saw his character progression. he was a fat geek who loved animals and worked hard to lose weight and become socially acceptable. he wouldnt approach noctis until that goal was reached. people felt sorry for him. the comedy relief part of his character will get on your nerves unless you watch brotherhood. there is also a touching scene with just him and noctis in the game about this. also in the game he finds out he is not like everyone else, kind of like vivi from FF9. the party still accept him in a touching scene. he also is responsible for the photos in the game which play a massive part of seeing the friendships grow everytime you sleep and are a great nostalgia flick later on. thats my two cents on why prompto was the most loved character
@wasupman777 7 лет назад
cuz he got white features he's liked by mostly white people not japanese or any other race we all love Nocto!!
@SjaakadeliC 7 лет назад
Is it a good game? Yes. Is it a good Final Fantasy game? Mehh. The thing that bugged me the most is that you never build a connection with your homeland, yet all characters care so much for it when it is attacked. Plus EVERYTHING HAPPENS OFFSCREEN. Hey man, your homeland is under attack and your father died, offscreen. Hey man, you just defeated that Earthsummon and got saved by Ardyn, but now some time has passed and we don't know what happened in the meantime. Hey man, did you know that Prompto was a test-subject? Which totally doesn't tell you much, only that he can magically open this door that you've been trying to open for an hour. That Ifrit's backstory and Ardyn's wasn't explained. That Lunafreya's brother story wasn't explained, but he hates you. That the enemy king just vanished, yet was a prominent character in Kingsglaive. That everything in Kingsglaive didn't mean shit, just that Lunafreya and the ring survived. That Kingsglaive even was made, just to sucker you out of more money. Best thing is, that at the ending, Noctis said: "I'm home..." what home? we didn't see much and haven't made that emotional connection to it.
@pyyro1114 5 лет назад
FFXIII-§ Lightning Returns has the best combat in my opinion. It has new, fresh elemens in it, but then also combined with the good old combat you know and love from the older FFs
@BWOSandman 5 лет назад
Michel Zöllner Yeah. I just wish they had that for the first FF13.
@wilsonkao17 7 лет назад
they had to "noct" it out of the park
@angelshadow3593 7 лет назад
I know I'm a little late but even on gameplay its very funny to hear how they were influenced from Witcher 3. None of what was in FFXV will compare to witcher 3. Sidequests are garbage u colllect vegetables, oh ur car broke down here's this to fix it, more invisible walls and too many areas u should explore, scary giant monsters only appear on a hunt quest and not just going deep exploring, no rare encounters even just oh animal crossing? Not even anything else interesting to do in big cities like Lestallum. Such a disappointment.
@TheTinyTimmyTimTim 7 лет назад
Did you not do the rock of ravatogh or any of the optional dungeons? Those are side quests. Please don't mention the witcher "please find my goat, I lost it, OH NO A BEAR" 3.
@angelshadow3593 7 лет назад
TheTinyTimmyTimTim been done that. I played this game fully looking for something good to back it up. Literally the best Sidequest is the Ramen Noodles joke quest for Gladio. And that one Witcher 3 quest with the goat and a bear is a joke quest for the Peddler who is a funny dude Even then what's FFXV backup. Unexplained after u beat the game dungeons. U beat them all to then get to the harder sealed door dungeons. U can't even defend this game bro. Its damn unfinished.
@schmiggidy 7 лет назад
Solid analysis. I can boil it down to 30 words: "A totally georgeous, shamelessly narratively disjointed, clearly unfinished, painful-to-play clusterfuck that is somehow still fun until you reach Ch. 9. Classic Square Enix: all show and no go." Such wasted talent!!! I've played every FF game they've released stateside, and I hate to admit it, but from now on - and it really pains me to say this with FF7 Remake teased (which, surprise!!!, looks amazing, but won't release until 2026 and they will also manage to completely screw up) - I will no longer be wasting my hard-earned payola on FF games.
@noavsnow7134 3 года назад
This game should get a reboot with nomura directing it then we would get the true final fantasy 15
@scythelord 6 лет назад
I'm an old school FF fan from the 2d era through playstation era, up til FFX. I never cared about the MMOs and I lost interest in FF12 and FF13. All I can say is that FFXV is fantastic. For me, it blows away everything in the post enix merger era. I went into this game with absolutely NO expectations whatsoever as I do not typically watch trailers or keep up with early info about games. It's always best to make the decision whether to buy or not very close to release. Early information almost ALWAYS leads to disappointment as changes will inevitably take place. If you didn't follow the game for so long, you would have never made this video.
@BWOSandman 6 лет назад
scythelord Thing is, I wasn’t even following it for that long. I was more interested in MGSV at the time FFXV was a year away from release. I just happened to do some research before the game came out. And did more research afterwards to help put this whole thing into words. Some people were definitely following it for longer than I have, to the point where it was a little hard for me to ignore. This video is probably more for them than the people who kept themselves out of the loop. Disappointing doesn’t always have to mean bad. In this case, I see it as average where it was expected to be good or even great. But wether you thought it was good or not, it didn’t live up to the hype it built up for itself and in hindsight it was my bad for trusting the trailers. But good PR, and by extension a good game, should deliver on those promises. So of course people are disappointed if they were even slightly aware it existed and got excited about it. But that doesn’t sway my opinion that the game we got on release, the vanilla game that we got without the dlc or updates, was mediocre at best. For a jrpg and a Final Fantasy. It had enough problems on its own where you wouldn’t have to see the trailers to spot them. Having no expectations at all only encourages things to stagnate from my point of view. But to each their own.
@xMysticxbutterfly 7 лет назад
well, there you have it thats tabata for you go back to the roots and see 3rd bday and fftype o you'll know why they die fast
@lucasfreire8290 7 лет назад
Why no one ever know 'bout the car hlights that repels daemons :? _I know it's side content and that most people didn't played it before chapter 15 (if they got to play that chapter anyway), but man, there's not even one youtuber addressin' it!!!
@TheTinyTimmyTimTim 7 лет назад
Lucas Freire what's the issue? There's one of those things in every FF game. FF7 and FFX had special armor you could wear that stopped encounters.By the time you get the headlights, your high enough level so that anything that does spawn at night isn't even a challenge.
@lucasfreire8290 7 лет назад
First of all, I was talkin' just about the relevance of those headlights in the storytellin' and that everyone just use Talcott's truck as a way to point a mistake in that 'cause they don't know 'bout them_ I'm not interested in how does it affect the gameplay... but, if yu're worried that yu' only get them to late in the game, I got mine around the Chapter 3/5; so it was totally usefull for me even when I wasn't strong enough to defeat all the kind of deamons, those Red Giants for example ...and second, there was no other FF in the series with a sistem similar to the Daemons encounters in this; there's no way to compare the "special armor" in FF7 and FFX to this case, since yu' can freely scape the battles in FFXV... the point here is havin' to leave your car behind, nothin' more!
@TheTinyTimmyTimTim 7 лет назад
Lucas Freire you can't freely escape the battles. That's an ability you have to learn that only tidus starts off with, and it doesn't work every time. Secondly, if you did the dungeon required to get the headlights which is around level 45-55, and still difficult past those levels, there's no way you struggled with red giants.
@lucasfreire8290 7 лет назад
I was talkin' just about FFXV _I know yu' can't escape every time yu' want in FFX
@lucasfreire8290 7 лет назад
P.s.: yu' don't need to finish the dungeon to get the headlights
@MitziTsetse 7 лет назад
Agreed on all points. I'm so dismayed that some people keep arguing that this game is perfect.
@Hurricaneria 6 лет назад
So before I get into the video proper, I just want to say this: I didn't really enjoy the game because I just wasn't skilled enough with Noctis. People praise the combat but I often question how they can zoom around on screen without constantly getting hit and falling on the ground. I'm a better Dark Souls/Bloodborne player than this game - and that to me is surprising.
@TheAbyssGeek 6 лет назад
Know I am late but I gotta get it out of my system. When first seeing this game. The trailer the gameplay of 2006 to 2013 of e3 I was hyped seeing this character which who looked like a well developed character with the leather outfit and op abilities. Creating a shield with weapons enough to stop a rocket launchers blast is insane. & teleporting even better. Even seeing noctis hang with friends then looked like they had a real connection. What's sad and odd is through tetsuya nomuras plan was to have it be a 3 series like game. Which I could guess would be on playstation 3 as versus 13 then from one trailer turn to 15 like in another. The one were it shows them saying the 15th upcoming or rising. Turning vs13 to 15. Whixh to me I enjoyed. And believe that could've built up these characters more. And what really annoys me is what tabata has changed throughout the game. Nomura already developed allot of the game and story and with the new trailer of ff15 where we see noctis fighting in his kingdom on the streets that was amazing. Seeing him fight on flying ships great and even managing to move building to building of a ruined city in a water tornado was astonishing. Yet was changed to us starting out in an a invested opening to a bland and rather boring and sad to say pathetic way to start a game by pushing a car. An epic fight to a boring road. What I dont understand is why tabata changed it all when it was already in a set of motion and change it. Why take so much information out of the game only for it to be bought again. If money wise to get more shouldn't he have gone through nomuras plan? That would've sold more than anything. He could've gotten more money that way and made what I believe a great master piece yet decided to change. I understand deadlines and can reason as to why the game was unfinished before. But what he did and planned now was something that was already planned in nomuras idea. We play as all characters NOW but back then we were already able to throughout trailer scenes. Didn't need a download update it was already implanted in the game. Even more annoying is that Luna isn't all interesting to me in my opinion. What defined her as a good character. Even in the movie I still didnt see much. Yet the one Nomura had was interesting cause we see that she is someone noctis does care for but yet in a trailer she pulls out a rapier. Same power as him. And raises questions to what happened which invested me more into it. And another thing that confused me was that tabata made a dark ff game. Final fantasy type 0. Yet this game is supposed to be dark like really dark. In opening to type 0 we see a bloodied wounded chocobo which is a cute creature next to a warrior who is crying begging and pleading not wanting to die. that's dark. Also they are companions so warrior does next to his companion so even more dark and depressing. How did tabata go from that dark route to this game that is meant to be dark yet isn't at all. How? How does that happen? I mean when learning that I thought hey this should be interesting yet somehow it seems he butchered this game. Overall it is a fun open world game but even with the new added dlc and yes I've played and watched everything and it still feels rather bland and poor. I know theres more content to come but honestly I wish tabata had kept some of what was originally planned in the game and still mix it with his idea. Sadly I'm sorry to say this game isnt as good as I expected it to be. And I know nomuras game is gone some part wants it back but this is what we have. Technically this is still nomuras game but the story and designs for something's are severely changed. If people like it I respect that. Even with tabata ideas this feels rather bland and butchered. I didnt see any if not much character development. It is and prompt little but its things we kinda already know just by how they act. I didnt feeel invested in these characters even throughout their chapters except for ignis and prompto a little. I wanted to be invested but sadly I'm not. But it is still an interesting game as well nice smooth combat with great detail. Though what's funny. Is that Arden is supposed to be intimidating and powerful yet...yet when he 'changes' into his dark form. He looks like he has melting mascara and blue berry stained lips XD so this makes it all more of joke to me sadly. I cant take it seriously. I mean at least a demonic look or something. Plus when returning to our kingdom I supposed to feel depressed but couldn't cause I never got to interact with the environment of my kingdom. Like with assassins creed ezio we live his life and meet characters. Go throughout his town yet when in brotherhood we see it destroyed and to me that was depressing cause I actually interacted with that environment. And remember those trailer songs? Well the one called stand by me that is supposed to be uplifting and give idea of the bond the characters share. we only hear that once in the entire game and it is when they push a car. That song doesnt fit with that moment at all. And when in insomnia we hear that nostalgic song but sounds like its playing on a broken half dead speaker. I'm sorry to say but this game didnt invest me as much as I wanted but would still say to others to play it for their own opinion on matter. As a ratingI'd give it at least 3.5 out of 10. Visually and gameplay wise very well done but as a story driven game that was hyped and drastically changed doesnt fit well with me. So more of a 3.9 at best. But again that's just m opinion on it. Yeah I do recognize this game as it's sort of it's own but it really isn't. only things changed are the story and some layouts, areas, and weapons design. If read at bottom it says all copyrights of characters design are to Nomura. So again this is just my opinion on this game.
@mgsRyder 7 лет назад
Pretty much agree with everything, good to see most people are taking it the same way i did, would suck to be the only one against it.. I was one of the people that waited the full 10 years and i still see things this way. I just didn't agree with 1 thing you said in this video, that is, that Kingslaive doesn't hold itself. I felt that the movie was more touching and awesome to experience over anything i felt in the game.. Its subjective, i'm aware of that, but i'd still like to just create conversation and say that Kingslaive was actually an awesome movie to watch, same can't be said about the Anime. Looking back at the trailers we've seen, THAT is the FF i want, you know, the one that they showed in 06. Much more dark much more mysterious, much more cool. FFXV felt like a... Romance? I didn't really get it, it felt like a cheesy romance that didn't need to be there at all. I don't know, i finished the game, had my good moments but overal, it just really dissapointed me, and i hate, HATE to say that because i was REALLY looking forward to it. Nowadays, i can't even play the game (do all the side-quests) because i'm still pouting at how it made me feel. Not to mention, all the side-quests seem to be mindless things like feeding a cat or grabbing a thing from a place..... Anyways, thanks if anyone read this much, hope i made some good points haha Like to add that i'll come back at a later time to the game, as the updates they are promising do sound.... promising. But then again..... You can't spell promising without mising (i know there's an s missing!!) I'm out.
@captwaddledoo 7 лет назад
As much as I love to leave big meaty comments about my thoughts on FFXV, I'm running short on time, and can only cut to the chase: there's nothing wrong with what happened to Ignis in your gameplay, he is simply some kind of space distortion master.
@dalion8006 6 лет назад
Another thin; Niflheim didn't have enough depth. It didn't seem like an actual lived in place with culture and people. The whole 'defeat the evil empire' theme is a constant in ffxv
@tonertonki 7 лет назад
I will be? or stand by me? the end scene with the sunrise, there's one still there, and that's UMBRA.
@stormcutter59 7 лет назад
This is a game that was obviously unfinished. For fucks sake, Square should have given this game another year or so in the cooker, but as the first game in a TRILOGY!!! Like Nomura originally intended it to be!!
@mic01851165 7 лет назад
Aside from the light part, which explained in the side-quest that it can ward off Daemons, your video is pretty much accurate about what's wrong and what's missing about FFXV, which is the core and fundamental part of a good RPG. I seriously think, for the character development part, FF team need to LEARN from games like Dragon Age. That game has some of the best characters and character development out there in a RPG. They're all dynamic, deep, and have charm of their own way, and you WILL grow on them, all of them. As a game, this can get maybe 7/10. As a RPG, especially Final Fantasy, I can only give this maybe a 4/10.
@BWOSandman 7 лет назад
Ventus S Definitely. Bioware always does an excellent job with the characters they make. And I guess I missed the side quest explaining the lighthouse? I wonder which one that was. It's a shame that they seemed to have run out of time with making this game, because that makes it seem like it really could have been their plan for World of Ruin.
@dbzfanjodi 7 лет назад
good video I absolutely agree though you are much more soft on the game then I am. tbh I never felt like I was on an adventure in this game despite its road trip theme. games like X, XIII, 7 and so on all felt like adventures naturally. I felt that if I wasn't getting frustrated in combat then I was driving it the car (with little to no player involvement) and stopping at gas stations and inns.bty just out of curiosity what did you think of XIII? did you think it was awful, meh, mildly enjoyable or really good?
@BWOSandman 7 лет назад
FF13: I thought it was "ok". I got the game several years after the initial release, so I didn't get to hop on the bias train that it was the worst thing to ever happen to Final Fantasy. Even though the combat was on rails, there was still some strategy and timing involved, but man was it clunky. My main complaint for it was how there were no towns / shops and that everyone was trying to kill you with barely any breathing room. Couldn't stand Vanille's voice. Her combat vocals made the game sound like some kind of weird porno and when Sazh aimed his gun at her I was yelling "PULL THE TRIGGER! DO IT PLEASE!". FF13-2: I was annoyed because you couldn't play as Lightning outside of the intro even though she's on the cover of it. I'm a total fanboy of her armor design, if 17:21 wasn't enough of a hint. Her part of the story in Valhalla looked way more exciting than anything else in the entire trilogy! I'd rather have a game built around just that part. (Hint, Guess which game in the trilogy I ended up really liking) The time travel thing was interesting. Much more open world, and slightly improved on what 13 had gameplay - wise. I enjoyed collecting monsters to have on my third character slot. However, the story was beyond confusing, I didn't like the ending, and it definitely did put a damper on what I would otherwise see as a step in the right direction. Lightning Returns: I will defend this game to my grave! It's actually one of my favorite games in general, not just in the FF franchise. I remember I wanted to make a video about it and I kind of still want to. It reminded me a bit of Majora's Mask in concept while overhauling the gameplay of the previous FF13 games. I loved the world of Nova Chrysalia and I wanted to see more of it. My only big complaint is that I ran out of stuff to do with roughly 3 days left, and the time management aspect of it should have been more difficult. The main story should have went beyond a 5th chapter so you could still have the feeling of "Oh man I still didn't do everything I needed to do, I better hurry" and not just be doing simple side quests the rest of the time. That said, New Game + kept me entertained (and the extra bosses there beat the shit out of me) for a total of 3 full playthroughs. Gameplay - wise I think it's more of how FF13 should have been in the first place. Instead of changing between outfits to change roles, just swap which character you control. Just doing that would have made the combat in the original FF13 much more enjoyable in my opinion. I loved how customizable everything was. Lots of abilities, weapons, outfits, etc. to choose from to make everyone happy. Could easily find something that both fit my play style and didn't look dumb. Thats another thing FF13 could have done to make it feel more like a jrpg. I admit I wasn't paying attention at all to the story because I didn't really care what happened anymore, (lol we made Earth), but I liked how much they focused on Lightning as a character. Like I said, they should have gone that route in 13-2 and made her the protagonist while demoting Noel and Serah to party members.
@dbzfanjodi 7 лет назад
BWOSandman for me it's the other way around. I loved XIIIs story and characters and the paradigm system kept my attention the entire time. I disliked 13-2 at first because I didn't like what they did to the ending of the fist game but eventually I warmed up to it and ended up really liking it. LR is my least favorite which is ironic being that I really like lightning. I found the story dull and gameplay never clicked with me though to be fair sidequests are never the highlight in a FF game for me (which is why I felt kinds dissapointed in XV) But yea while I can admit that the XIII trilogy are some of the weaker games in the series I too feel that they are not abominations and can't help but roll my eyes whenever I hear someone address the game as such. But thank you for replying!
@Z8pwu142 7 лет назад
Great video, I agree with you in all points
@samjamaraminyournan5139 7 лет назад
I couldn't have put things better myself, so much potential unfulfilled, such a shame! Also: Invisible walls. Its 2017.
@SBaby 6 лет назад
6:15 - Any story that requires supplementary material to comprehend is a badly written story, no matter how many idiots try to defend it.
@nightowl6627 7 лет назад
Kingsglave was really good, I thought the story was way better than ffxv game,ffxv just felt like it was rush even though we waited for 10 years. Square enix enix should made the game like 3 or 4 disc long.
@assininesyndrome4901 7 лет назад
Awesome video man keep it up!
For all its many MANY faults, I still loved FFXV as an experience...I think there was just enough time for me to get attached to the characters and their outcomes and while it should have been better, it was still good....ish
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